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Platelet rich Plasma in facial aesthetics

  • Independent Researcher


This article provides a thorough examination of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy in the context of facial aesthetics. We delve into the scientific principles behind PRP, exploring its rich growth factor content and regenerative potential. The review encompasses a comprehensive analysis of recent studies and clinical trials, highlighting the efficacy of PRP in enhancing skin texture, reducing wrinkles, and promoting collagen synthesis. Furthermore, we discuss the procedural aspects of PRP application in facial aesthetics, including patient selection, preparation, and administration techniques. A critical evaluation of the safety profile and potential side effects is also presented, offering practitioners and patients valuable insights into the risk-benefit profile of PRP in facial rejuvenation and review of literature. The article concludes with a forward-looking perspective on emerging trends and future directions in PRP research for facial aesthetics. By synthesizing current knowledge and addressing key considerations, this review serves as a valuable resource for clinicians, researchers, and individuals interested in the evolving landscape of non-invasive facial enhancement modalities.
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International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology
Available online at :
Print ISSN: 2395-6011 | Online ISSN: 2395-602X
doi :
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Changing Facial Aesthetics
Jincy Nazar1, Rony Mukkoottil Philip2, Fathima Nehas3
1Assistant Professor, Noorul Islam College of Dental Sciences, Pathamkallu, Kerala, India
2Assistant Professor, Pushpagiri college of Dental Sciences, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India
3Post Graduate Student, Azeezia College of Dental Sciences and Research Centre, Adichanalloor, Kerala, India
Article History:
Accepted: 15 Jan 2024
Published: 30 Jan 2024
This article provides a thorough examination of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)
therapy in the context of facial aesthetics. We delve into the scientific
principles behind PRP, exploring its rich growth factor content and
regenerative potential. The review encompasses a comprehensive analysis of
recent studies and clinical trials, highlighting the efficacy of PRP in
enhancing skin texture, reducing wrinkles, and promoting collagen
Furthermore, we discuss the procedural aspects of PRP application in facial
aesthetics, including patient selection, preparation, and administration
techniques. A critical evaluation of the safety profile and potential side
effects is also presented, offering practitioners and patients valuable insights
into the risk-benefit profile of PRP in facial rejuvenation and review of
The article concludes with a forward-looking perspective on emerging trends
and future directions in PRP research for facial aesthetics. By synthesizing
current knowledge and addressing key considerations, this review serves as a
valuable resource for clinicians, researchers, and individuals interested in the
evolving landscape of non-invasive facial enhancement modalities.
Keywords: Facial Aesthetics, Platelet-Rich Plasma
Publication Issue :
Volume 11, Issue 1
Page Number :
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is revolutionizing facial
aesthetics, offering a non-invasive approach to
rejuvenation. This procedure involves isolating
platelets from the patient's blood, concentrating them,
and reintroducing the plasma to stimulate tissue
repair and regeneration[1]. Research suggests that
PRP may enhance collagen production, improve skin
elasticity, and reduce fine lines[2]. As we explore the
transformative effects of PRP on facial aesthetics, the
evidence from studies underscores its potential as a
cutting-edge cosmetic intervention.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 11 | Issue 1
Jincy Nazar et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. January-February-2024, 11 (1) : 327-332
The scope of (PRP) in facial aesthetics is expansive,
offering a non-invasive and versatile approach to
address various cosmetic concerns.
1. Collagen Stimulation:PRP contains growth factors
that stimulate collagen production, promoting
improved skin elasticity and firmness[1].
2. Fine Line and Wrinkle Reduction: Injecting PRP
into targeted areas can help reduce the appearance of
fine lines and wrinkles, contributing to a smoother
3. Texture Improvement:PRP has shown potential in
enhancing overall skin texture, making it beneficial
for individuals seeking a more youthful and
revitalized appearance[2].
4. Volume Restoration:In addition to addressing fine
lines, PRP may contribute to volume restoration,
particularly in areas where tissue loss or sagging has
5. Scar Reduction:PRP has been explored for its
ability to improve the appearance of scars, including
acne scars, by promoting tissue regeneration[4].
6. Natural Results:One of the significant advantages of
PRP is its natural approach, as it utilizes the patient's
own blood components, minimizing the risk of
allergic reactions or rejection[1].
7. Hair Restoration: PRP has gained attention for its
potential in promoting hair growth and addressing
certain types of hair loss. Research suggests that PRP
injections into the scalp may stimulate hair follicles
and improve hair thickness[5].
8. Dark Circles and Under-Eye Hollows: PRP has
been explored as a treatment option for addressing
under-eye concerns, including dark circles and
hollows, by promoting collagen production and
improving skin quality[6].
9. Acne and Rosacea: Some studies indicate that PRP
may have a positive impact on inflammatory skin
conditions like acne and rosacea, contributing to skin
healing and regeneration[7].
10. Combination Therapies:PRP is often used in
conjunction with other aesthetic treatments, such as
microneedling or laser therapy, to enhance overall
results. Combining PRP with these modalities may
amplify collagen stimulation and improve skin
11. Long-Term Effects:While the immediate effects of
PRP are noticeable, research on its long-term benefits
continues. Some studies suggest that the
improvements in skin quality and texture can be
sustained over time with periodic maintenance
PRP is generally considered safe with minimal side
effects. However, there are absolute contraindications
to be mindful of, including critical thrombocytopenia,
platelet dysfunction, hemodynamic instability, sepsis,
local infection (at the PRP site), and patient
unwillingness to accept risks. Additionally, relative
contraindications involve NSAID use within 48 hours,
glucocorticoid injection at the treatment site within
one month, systemic glucocorticoid use within two
weeks, recent illness or fever, cancer (especially bone
or hematolymphoid), anemia (hemoglobin less than
10 g/dL), thrombocytopenia (platelets less than
150,000/microliter), and tobacco use. [12]
II. Technique
The platelet-rich plasma (PRP) procedure for facial
aesthetics involves several steps:
1. Blood Collection:A small volume of the patient's
blood, typically around 10-30 milliliters, is drawn
using a standard blood collection kit, similar to
routine blood tests[9].
2. Centrifugation:The collected blood is then placed in
a centrifuge, a machine that spins rapidly to separate
its components based on density. This process isolates
the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from other blood
components[10].The specifics of platelet-rich plasma
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 11 | Issue 1
Jincy Nazar et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. January-February-2024, 11 (1) : 327-332
preparation, including centrifugal machine rate and
time, can vary based on the equipment and protocols
-Centrifugal Machine Rate:The rate of the centrifuge
is typically set to separate blood components based on
their density. The machine rate can vary, but it is
generally set between 1500 to 3000 rotations per
minute (rpm) during the initial spins to separate red
blood cells, followed by a slower spin for platelet
-Centrifugal Time:The time for centrifugation cycles
can vary as well. The initial spins to separate blood
components might last around 10 minutes, and the
subsequent spins to concentrate platelets can take
approximately 10-20 minutes[10].
3. PRP Extraction: The separated PRP is carefully
extracted from the centrifuge, ensuring a
concentrated solution of platelets, growth factors, and
4. Preparation for Injection:Prior to injection, the
target areas on the patient's face are cleansed. In some
cases, a local anesthetic may be applied to minimize
discomfort during the procedure[13].
5. Precision Injection:The prepared PRP is then
injected into specific areas of the face using fine
needles. The injection sites may include regions with
fine lines, wrinkles, or areas requiring tissue
6. Post-Procedure Care:Patients are often advised to
avoid excessive sun exposure and certain skincare
products post-procedure. Additionally, a follow-up
schedule may be recommended to monitor progress
and address any concerns[11].
III. Discussion
In today's society, the demand for firm and youthful
skin is escalating, driven by a desire to combat clinical
signs of facial aging such as wrinkles, open pores,
pigmentation, and sagging. These manifestations
result from complex changes across skin layers,
including the loss of subcutaneous fat, fat pad
migration, increased sebum and melanin production,
and alterations in bony structure. Both intrinsic and
extrinsic factors contribute to skin aging.
Strikingly, parallels exist between the processes of
wound healing and addressing the effects of aging,
suggesting that aging may resemble a prolonged
wound overwhelming skin repair mechanisms, which
wane with age.[14]
PRP regulates cell functions, promoting collagen
regeneration, angiogenesis, and reducing pigment
secretion for facial rejuvenation. [15]
PRP monotherapy seems to provide modest
improvement in restoring skin to a more youthful
state, but the strongest evidence for improving skin
texture using PRP is in conjunction with facial
resurfacing techniques, thereby augmenting results
and hastening recov- ery time. [16]
Activated PRP stimulates the proliferation of dermal
fibroblasts, while activated PPP enhances the
production of type I collagen. PRP is noted for
enhancing dermal elasticity, hyaluronic acid synthesis,
and collagen production, resulting in smoother and
tighter skin. Through enhanced skin moisturization,
hyaluronic acid improves volume and skin turgor.[17]
Research indicates that with advancing age, there is a
gradual decline in the tissue regeneration capacity, a
decrease in the expression of growth factor receptors,
and a diminished ability of fibroblasts to produce
collagen.[18] Vavken et al.[19] substantiated that PRP
treatment is more effective in stimulating young
fibroblasts. Moreover, as age progresses, the tissue
regeneration ability diminishes, and reduced
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 11 | Issue 1
Jincy Nazar et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. January-February-2024, 11 (1) : 327-332
expression of cell growth factor receptors hinders the
efficacy of PRP.[20]
Elnehrawy et al. found that a single PRP injection
yielded the most favorable response for nasolabial
folds, followed by crow's feet and transverse forehead
lines. Significant improvements in fine wrinkles, skin
homogeneity, and texture were observed, with the
greatest improvement noted in the eighth week post-
injection. Subjects under 40 years experienced more
pronounced improvements in wrinkle appearance
compared to older subjects.[21]
Lee et al. administered a single PRP injection on the
cheeks, resulting in significant patient satisfaction
with the overall facial and cheek appearance.[22]
PRP can enhance the effectiveness of traditional
treatment methods such as subcision, dermaroller, or
laser resurfacing when used alone or in
combination.[23] The combination of PRP with
fractional CO2 laser has been shown to improve and
expedite post-treatment recovery.[24]
Porwal et al. conducted a comparative study using
derma roller alone on one side and intradermal
injections of PRP with derma roller on the other side
of the face for acne scars. The findings revealed
significantly superior results on the PRP-treated side
(58% vs. 43%).[25]
PRP has been examined as an adjunctive therapy to
different laser approaches for revitalizing the skin,
including the 10,600 nm carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and
2,940 nm erbium- doped yttrium aluminum garnet
(Er:YAG) lasers.[26]
Future of PRP in facial Aesthetics
The future of PRP in facial aesthetics holds promising
advancements and refined applications. Ongoing
research suggests a continued exploration of PRP's
potential in combination therapies, synergizing its
regenerative properties with other innovative
modalities for enhanced outcomes. Tailoring PRP
formulations to specific skin types and conditions may
become more commonplace, optimizing its
effectiveness and broadening its applicability.
Advancements in PRP delivery methods, such as
microneedling and advanced injection techniques, are
likely to evolve, offering precision and improved
patient experiences. The customization of PRP
protocols based on individual patient characteristics
and goals is anticipated to become more sophisticated,
leading to personalized treatment plans for optimal
Furthermore, the integration of cutting-edge
technologies, such as bioengineering and
nanomedicine, may open new avenues for enhancing
the bioavailability and longevity of PRP effects. This
could result in longer-lasting improvements in facial
aesthetics and a more tailored approach to addressing
specific aging concerns.
As the field continues to evolve, ongoing research and
clinical trials will play a pivotal role in establishing
evidence-based guidelines, ensuring the efficacy and
safety of PRP in facial aesthetics. Overall, the future
of PRP in this domain is marked by a trajectory
toward increasingly refined and personalized
approaches, offering patients innovative solutions for
natural and sustained facial rejuvenation.
It's essential to note that while PRP shows promise in
various aesthetic applications, individual responses
may vary. Ongoing research and clinical studies
contribute to a deeper understanding of PRP's
mechanisms and its evolving role in facial aesthetics.
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Cite this article as :
Jincy Nazar, Rony Mukkoottil Philip, Fathima Nehas,
"Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Changing Facial
Aesthetics", International Journal of Scientific
Research in Science and Technology (IJSRST), Online
ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 11
Issue 1, pp. 327-332, January-February 2024.
Available at doi :
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Full-text available
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is being used as a treatment modality for skin rejuvenation since the last decade. There has been a lot of ambiguity regarding the ideal protocol to be followed and the specific indications where its use should be promoted. The use of PRP as monotherapy for skin rejuvenation, acne scars, periorbital rejuvenation, lipofilling and in combination with fractional CO2 and other resurfacing modalities is increasing rapidly. In this article, we have reviewed the current scientific evidence available and the IADVL national task force for PRP has come up with standard recommendations for use of PRP in esthetics along with the grade of evidence and strength of recommendation for each indication. The aim of this review is to provide a standard protocol for use of PRP in esthetics, for clinicians and academicians, leading to excellent results with this promising treatment modality.
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Introduction Despite increasing popularity of platelet‐rich plasma (PRP) in treating aging facial skin, the quality of evidence supporting its use is poor due to the lack of consistent methods of its preparation and application. Objective This study was conducted to assess treatment efficacy and patient satisfaction with a single PRP treatment prepared with a simplified preparation and application technique. Methods Four millilitre of PRP were injected into 6 standardized points on each side of the face. Outcomes were assessed by independent physician evaluation of pretreatment and posttreatment photographs using the Wrinkle Severity Rating Scale (WSRS) and Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale (GAIS). In addition, patient‐reported outcomes were evaluated using the FACE‐Q. Results Thirty‐one participants ranging from 27 to 71 years of age (median, 38; IQR 32‐58) were recruited for this study. Posttreatment WSRS scores improved in only 1 patient; the GAIS scores of 14 patients indicated aesthetic improvement. Analysis of FACE‐Q scores revealed statistically significant increases in participant satisfaction with overall facial appearance and cheeks. The most frequently reported adverse effects were tenderness (23.4%; 7 of 31), facial tightness (20.0%; 6 of 31), and swelling (20.0%; 6 of 31). Conclusions A simple method of PRP preparation offers modest benefit in treating the effects of skin aging and photodamage. Future research studies should alter our methods using a stepwise approach to optimize the treatment of aging facial skin with PRP.
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Background: Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment has gained popularity among different surgical specialities for improving various conditions. Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is a common disorder, with possible psychosocial implications. Plastic surgeons have increased the practice of PRP injections for hair restoration. A meta-analysis on this topic was performed comparing local injection of PRP versus control to investigate the efficacy of local PRP injections in AGA. Methods: We performed a systematic literature search. The increase in number of hairs was the primary outcome. Secondary outcomes were the increase of hair thickness and the percentage increase in hair number and thickness. Results: Seven studies involving 194 patients were retrieved and included in the present analysis. A significantly locally increased hair number per cm2was observed after PRP injections versus control (mean difference [MD] 14.38, 95% confidence interval [CI] 6.38-22.38,P< 0.001). Similarly, a significantly increased hair thickness cross-section per 10-4mm2(MD 0.22, 95% CI 0.07-0.38,P= 0.005) favoring PRP group. The pooled results did not show a significant percentage increase in hair number (MD 18.79%, 95% CI - 8.50-46.08,P= 0.18), neither hair thickness (MD 32.63%, 95% CI - 16.23-81.48,P= 0.19) among patients treated with PRP. Conclusion: Local injection of PRP for androgenic alopecia might be associated with an increased number of hairs in the treated areas with minimal morbidity, but there is clearly a lack of scientific evidence on this treatment modality. Further studies are needed to evaluate the efficacy of PRP for AGA.
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Background It is a challenge to treat acne scars and a multimodal combination approach is necessary. While fractional CO2 lasers (FCLs) are an established treatment option, the role of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in the treatment of acne scars is not established though it is being used extensively in other fields of medicine owing to its healing properties. We combined the two methods to assess the proposed synergistic action on acne scars. Aims and Objectives To evaluate the effect of FCL alone vs FCL combined with PRP on the quality of acne scars. Materials and Methods This is a left–right split-face comparison study with 30 patients with moderate-to-severe acne scars. The patients underwent three sessions of FCL and FCL + topical PRP on right and left sides of the face, respectively, at monthly intervals. Results There was significant improvement on both sides of the face (right side, P = 0.001; left side, P = 0.0001), but the difference between the right and the left sides of the face was not statistically significant (P = 0.2891). The symptoms of redness, edema, and pain on the treated areas with laser were significantly lesser on the FCL + PRP (left) side as compared to the FCL-only (right) side. Conclusion Both methods were effective in management of acne scars. Addition of PRP does not improve the scar quality; however, the downtime and inflammation associated with laser treatment gets significantly reduced on the PRP-treated side.
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Introduction: Acne scarring is a permanent disfiguring sequel, which can take varied morphological forms. Many therapeutic measures have been performed to improve acne scarring such as microneedling. Our objective is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of microneedling alone versus microneedling in combined with platelet rich plasma in the treatment of post acne Methods: The study included 35 patients with mild to severe post acne atrophic scar. All the patients received four sequential treatments of skin microneedling alone on the right side of the face and skin microneedling followed by topical application of PRP on the left side of the face with an interval of 3 weeks. Two blinded dermatologists evaluated the clinical response according to qualitative global acne scarring system grading of Goodman & Baron. Patients are queried about their satisfaction with the treatment outcomes. Results: The study included 35 patients with a mean age of 24.7±6.8 years. There was a significant improvement in the degree of scar severity before and after treatment on both sides. Regarding patient's satisfaction grades there was a significant improvement after both treatment modalities with insignificant differences between both treatment modalities. Conclusion: Both microneedling and microneedling in combined with PRP showed satisfactory results.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has expanded its therapeutic applications into the field of aesthetic medicine. PRP is an autologous blood-derived product with an increased concentration of platelets to plasma relative to that of whole blood, which supports its therapeutic effects. Frequently promoted and marketed directly to consumers and patients, clinicians are often questioned on the efficacy and safety of PRP as a therapeutic modality. Given the rise in popularity of PRP, multiple clinical trials have been conducted to assess its application within the field of aesthetic medicine, particularly for hair loss conditions, skin rejuvenation, scarring, and conditions of dyspigmentation. We have reviewed the relevant research about the utility of PRP and associated evidence-based practices and discuss the direction for future research.
Background: The use of platelet-rich plasma is becoming more prevalent in the field of dermatology. Variable preparation techniques and treatment methods have been described with reported success in alopecia. Objective: To consolidate the available evidence of platelet-rich plasma and its utility in the treatment of alopecia for the practicing dermatologist. Methods: Evaluating the available evidence up to May 31, 2018, a search was conducted in the PubMed database for "platelet rich plasma" or "platelet releasate" or "platelet gel" or "PRP" and "dermatology" or "skin" or "hair" or "cutaneous." Results: Nineteen articles met the inclusion criteria for analysis including 3 alopecia areata studies with a total of 71 patients and 16 androgenetic alopecia studies with a total of 389 patients. Although the heterogeneity of the studies prevented direct comparisons and subsequent statistical analysis, the majority demonstrated that platelet-rich plasma produced successful hair growth in androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata. Conclusion: This review advocates for the use of platelet-rich plasma in 3 to 4 monthly sessions for the treatment of alopecia. Future studies should include a detailed description of the platelet-rich plasma isolation process to allow for comparison among studies, provide reproducibility, and generate a standardized treatment protocol.
Background In recent years, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been widely applied in orthopedics, maxillofacial surgery, burns, and plastic surgery, especially in facial rejuvenation. Research is ongoing into new indications and mechanisms of PRP to promote its wider, safer, and more effective use in the clinic. This article reviews the possible mechanisms of PRP in facial rejuvenation and related research. It is expected that the application of PRP in this field will increase. Methods The use of PRP in facial rejuvenation was screened using inclusion and exclusion criteria. The relevant articles were searched through Pubmed digest database, SCI full-text database, ScienceDirect full-text database, and the CNKI full-text database. The different effects and limitations of PRP were extracted. Results A total of 108 articles were obtained, including 18 articles researching PRP in cells, 10 articles on animal research using PRP, 16 articles on the clinical study of PRP, 24 articles involving signs of skin aging, and four articles on the limitations of PRP. The remaining articles were related to the preparation of PRP, the introduction of PRP, and other aspects. Conclusion Based on in vitro and in vivo research, PRP may play a role in promoting tissue regeneration, oxidative stress and revascularization, which form the theoretical basis for the use of PRP in the clinical treatment of facial rejuvenation. Level of Evidence III This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors
Background Scarring due to acne is a frequently encountered problem in dermatological outpatient department. Microneedling has been a well-accepted modality for the treatment of atrophic acne scars. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a newer option to investigate. Aims The aims of this study were (1) to compare the efficacy of combined dermaroller and PRP therapy with dermaroller alone in facial acne scars and (2) to assess the psychosocial impact due to acne scars and its treatment. Methods A total of 55 patients were included in the study and randomly divided into two groups, Group A: 28 and Group B: 27. Proper counseling was done, and detailed clinical findings were recorded. Patients in Group A were treated with dermaroller alone while Group B patients underwent treatment with a combination of dermaroller and intradermal PRP injections. A total of three sitting were done at monthly interval. Final response was assessed at 1 month after the last sitting. Criteria of evaluation included Goodman and Baron's quantitative scale, visual analog score, and dermatology life quality index scores. Side effects were noted. Results were analyzed using Chi-square test and t-test. Results Significant percentage improvement was noted in both the groups. However, Group B treated with both modalities had better results when compared with that in the Group A. Conclusion A combination approach using dermaroller and PRP was a safe and better option than using dermaroller alone in atrophic acne scars for clinical improvement as well as for improvement in dermatology life quality index score.