The aim of this study is the technical evaluation of de-identification methods based on decentralization, in particular methods of distributed and federated learning for personal data in concrete use cases in the mobility domain. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has significantly increased the incentive and effort for companies to process personal data in compliance with the law. This includes the creation, distribution, storage and deletion of personal data. Non- compliance with the GDPR and other legislation now poses a significant financial risk to companies that work with personal data. With a substancial increase in computing power at the users’ side, distributed and federated learning techniques provide a promising path for de-identification of personal data. Such methods and techniques enable organizations to store and process sensitive user data locally. To do so, a sub-model of the main model that processes data is stored in the local environment of the users. Since only necessary updates are transmitted between the submodel and the main model, two advantages can be achieved from this approach. First, there is no central database, which makes it immensely difficult for potential attackers to obtain large amounts of data. Second, only fragments of the locally stored data are transferred to the main model. In the first work package of this report, suitable use cases for this study are identified through a scientific literature review. The following use cases are identified and analyzed with regard to data, benefits, model and sensible data: Traffic flow prediction, Energy demand prediction, Eco-routing, Autonomous driving, Vehicular object detection, Parking space estimation.