ToP-ToM: Trust-aware Robot Policy with Theory of Mind
Chuang Yu1, Baris Serhan2, Angelo Cangelosi2
Abstract— Theory of Mind (ToM) is a fundamental cognitive
architecture that endows humans with the ability to attribute
mental states to others. Humans infer the desires, beliefs,
and intentions of others by observing their behavior and,
in turn, adjust their actions to facilitate better interpersonal
communication and team collaboration. In this paper, we
investigated trust-aware robot policy with the theory of mind
in a multiagent setting where a human collaborates with a
robot against another human opponent. We show that by only
focusing on team performance, the robot may resort to the
reverse psychology trick, which poses a significant threat to
trust maintenance. The human’s trust in the robot will collapse
when they discover deceptive behavior by the robot. To mitigate
this problem, we adopt the robot theory of mind model to
infer the human’s trust beliefs, including true belief and false
belief (an essential element of ToM). We designed a dynamic
trust-aware reward function based on different trust beliefs to
guide the robot policy learning, which aims to balance between
avoiding human trust collapse due to robot reverse psychology
and leveraging its potential to boost team performance. The
experimental results demonstrate the importance of the ToM-
based robot policy for human-robot trust and the effectiveness
of our robot ToM-based robot policy in multiagent interaction
The capacity to infer the mental states of others, encom-
passing their desires, beliefs, and intentions, is referred to
as the theory of mind (ToM) in humans [1]. ToM allows
a human to understand, predict and influence the behavior
of other agents by inferring their mental states and emo-
tions. Hence, human ToM plays a crucial role in cognitive
development and natural social interaction [2] [3]. Theory of
mind (ToM) of robot is a research topic that has garnered
considerable interest in recent years. By reasoning about
human mental states and behaviors, robot ToM can improve
the communicability and trust of robots in human-robot
collaborative settings [4] [5] [6]. Humans have enormous
uncertainty [7], so the robots with ToM can infer human
beliefs to make them more adaptable to complex human-
robot interaction scenarios [8]. The false belief is a crucial
concept of the theory of mind, involving the ability to under-
stand that others have different beliefs from themselves [1].
Current research on ToM modeling focuses on mind reading
*This work was funded and supported by the UKRI TAS Node on Trust
(EP/V026682/1) and the project THRIVE/THRIVE++ (FA9550-19-1-7002).
1Dr. Chuang Yu is from UCL Interaction Centre, Computer Science
Department, University College London, London WC1E 6BT, United King-
2Dr. Baris Serhan and Prof. Angelo Cangelosi are with
Cognitive Robotics Lab, Manchester Centre for Robotics and
AI, The University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL,
United Kingdom.;
Fig. 1: Pipeline of trust-aware robot policy with ToM (ToP-
ToM). Player P
1and the robot work together as a team while player
2plays alone. The optimal robot policy (based on reinforcement
learning) without consideration of trust will use reverse psychology
to give opposite advice to encourage P
1to do what the robot desires
for a better team performance. The ToP-ToM model will avoid this
phenomenon and balance between the human trust and the team
to infer human interactors’ intention or policy [9] [10], that
is, the true belief. Compared to true belief reasoning, false
belief reasoning has been less explored in ToM modeling
research. Moreover, those studies that do study false belief
reasoning only investigate whether robots or agents can pass
false belief tests [11] [12] rather than how ToM with false
belief reasoning can be integrated into more sophisticated
robot decision models.
Trust plays a important role in human-robot interaction
(HRI) [13] [14] [15], particularly when humans and robots
need to team up or coordinate with each other [16]. Suc-
cessful trust-aware human-robot interaction requires consid-
eration of trust dynamics modeling [17] [18] and trust-based
human behavioral policy [19] [20]. This paper discusses
human-robot trust, where the human is the trustor, and the
robot is the trustee. Namely, trust refers only to human trust
in the robot. Given the history of human-robot interaction,
a trust dynamics model can help robots infer human trust
beliefs [21]. A trust-aware human policy makes the decision
based on the current state and the trust belief [19]. The
reasoning process of these two models involves the robot’s
theory of mind [22].
This article first explores the impact of a robot policy
based on reinforcement learning that does not consider a
human trust. We built a card game simulation with the
human trust dynamics model and trust-dependent policy. The
optimal robot policy was found to use reverse psychology
Fig. 2: First-order and second-order Theory of Mind. The first-
order ToM refers to the robot inference on the policy of its teammate
1. The second-order indicts the robot infers how the human trusts
the robot based on the robot performance.
strategies to seek team performance maximization. The robot
deception is a big threat for maintaining the human-robot
trust and may lead to a collapse of trust and undertrust
phenomena [23]. To solve this problem, we proposed a
reinforcement learning-based trust-aware robot strategy with
ToM (ToP-ToM) to avoid the occurrence of robot reverse
psychology phenomena. Specifically, ToP-ToM introduces
the human trust beliefs into the reward function to cope with
it. At the same time, to avoid undertrust or trust collapse
and ensure human-robot team performance, our robot ToM
model dynamically adjusts the reward function of robot
policy according to different trust beliefs. The pipeline of
trust-aware robot policy with ToM is as shown in Fig. 1.
Player P
1and the robot work as a team to compete with
player P
2in the Cheat game, a card game of deception where
the players aim to get rid of all their cards. We assume that
the robot knows the actions of P
2. However, player P
unaware that the robot has this extra knowledge. Here, human
trust reasoning belongs to the second-order theory of mind
because the modeling of trust beliefs is based on how the
robot considers how humans think of its performance, as
shown in Fig. 2. Additionally, overtrust [24] and undertrust
[25] may occur during human-robot interaction. For example,
when humans find that robots are using deceptive behaviors
(such as reverse psychology) [23] [20], their trust may
collapse, leading to under-trust phenomena. A reasonable
trust-based human decision model must consider reducing
occurrences of undertrust and overtrust phenomena. When
player P
1possesses a false belief in the robot’s performance,
corresponding to a low trust level, the optimal robot policy
uses reverse psychology to give opposite advice to encourage
1to do what the robot desires for better team performance.
By adjusting the reward function of robot policy dynamically,
the ToP-ToM model leverages robot ToM with false belief
(a low human trust) and true belief (a high human trust) to
balance trust maintenance and team performance.
In summary, our contributions in this paper are as follows:
•We developed a simulation environment for a cheat
game that incorporates human trust dynamics model-
ing and human trust-dependent behavioral policy. This
environment is for data collection to train the optimal
robot policy and for testing the robot policy.
•We built robot decision models with and without trust in
the loop based on offline reinforcement learning, namely
the Conservative Q-Learning (CQL) [26].
•This paper discovered that the optimal robot policy
without trust in the loop would employ reverse psychol-
ogy strategies to pursue maximum team performance,
which is dangerous for trust maintenance.
•We proposed a ToP-ToM model that utilizes the robot
ToM to optimize the reward function of the robot’s
strategy, thus balancing team benefit and human trust
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section II
shows the related works. Section III describes the method-
ology. Section IV presents our results. The conclusions and
discussion are resumed in Section V.
A. Machine Theory of Mind
Machine theory of mind endows the machine, especially
the artificial intelligence agents, with the ToM ability, like
humans. The machine ToM model can infer other enti-
ties’ mental states, facilitating more natural and trustwor-
thy human-agent interaction [6]. It has attracted many re-
searchers’ attention who work on social robotics, cognitive
robotics, and cooperative multi-agent systems. Rabinowitz
et al. [12] built up a new neural network architecture called
ToMnet that can learn to model other agents’ mental states
from observations of their behavior. ToMnet model based on
the meta learning and reinforcement learning can generalize
across different tasks and environments and can handle
partially observable and stochastic situations. And the paper
also explored whether ToMnet would also learn that agents
may hold false beliefs about the world. The ToMnet can
learn a general theory of mind that includes an implicit
understanding of false belief holding of other agents, which
belief is the key element of the theory of mind. Chen et
al. [11] explored the visual behavior modelling for robotic
ToM. They built a robotic system comprising a robot actor
and a vision system as an observer. The task was for the
robot to find food in settings with obstacles. The observer
predicted the future path of the robot actor based on visual
input and compared it with the actual path of the robot actor.
The observer and the robot actor had different views in the
false-belief test. The observer outperformed in the different
view (false belief) than in the shared view scene, suggesting
that the observer prediction model possessed some ToM
capability. Romeo et al. [4] explored how a robot mimicking
ToM affects users’ trust and behavior in a maze game setting.
The results show that ToM made people more careful and
aware of how reliable the robot’s suggestions were, thus
holding a more suitable level of trust.
B. Trust-aware Robot Decision Model
Chen et al. [19] completed a Partially Observable Markov
Decision Process (POMDP) model that incorporates trust
into its decision-making framework, namely trust-POMDP.
Nested within the trust-POMDP model is a model of hu-
man trust dynamics and trust-aware behavioral policy. The
paper used a Gaussian distribution to represent the human
trust dynamics based on their interaction history. The mean
and variance of this distribution are updated dynamically
according to the robot’s task performance. The Monte Carlo
sampling method was used to estimate the parameters of
this trust distribution. The human behavioral policy based
on a sigmoid function and a Bernoulli distribution outputs
the probability of the human’s decisions. Ultimately, the
trust-aware POMDP robot can consider both the level of
trust and long-term rewards to optimize its collaboration
with humans. The experiments confirmed that trust-aware
POMDP could enhance efficiency and user satisfaction. Guo
et al. [20] proposed two human trust-behavior models: the
reverse psychology model and the disuse model. Both models
follow the robot’s advice when the trust level is high. How-
ever, when the trust level is low, the former takes opposite
actions to the robot’s advice, while the latter ignores the
robot’s advice. The paper explored how two human policies
affect trust-aware robot decision making. The robot will use
some manipulative behavior that harms the long-term human-
robot interaction. The paper used a trust-aware robot policy
based on reinforcement learning to overcome the problem,
which was certified as a good method to improve the team
performance and willingness to cooperate.
This section mainly introduces human modeling and robot
decision models. Human modeling in simulation is used to
collect interaction data in the robot decision learning stage
and test the optimal robot decision model. The robot decision
model part will introduce the robot policy without trust and
the ToP-ToM model.
A. Human Modelling in Simulation
The Cheat game in this paper is a modified version that
only focuses on a half-round of the game. Namely, player P
only discards cards, and the human-robot team only guesses
and decides whether to call ”I doubt” or not. The decision
of human opponent P
2has random mode and natural person
mode. Hence, human modeling in this part is about player P
including human trust dynamics modeling and human policy
modeling. There are so many methods
1) Human Trust Dynamics Model: Human trust in robots
is a dynamic process that changes over time [19]. Such
dynamics come not only from the robot’s collaborative
performance but also from the difficulty or risk level of the
task. For instance, in the Cheat game, where the robot’s
advice is always wrong, teammate P
1trust in the robot
tends to decrease. If the human opponent P
2discards more
cards, the human player P
1will face greater risk in making
decisions, and his or her trust level in the robot will change
dynamically. Hence, the trust dynamics should be modeled.
There are many methods to model trust, including the gaus-
sian distribution-based method [19], the Beta distribution-
based method [20], the rational Bayes method [27] and the
data-driven neural network method [27]. This paper uses a
Beta distribution to model human player P
1trust [28]. The
human trust model with Beta distribution is as shown in
Equation 1, where αand βare shape parameters of the Beta
distribution and tis the time step of human-robot interaction.
The mean of the Beta distribution at time step tis ETP
as shown in Equation 2. Hence, the robot’s success times and
failure times are related to the shape parameter αtand βt,
respectively [28].
Our trust dynamics modeling relates to the shape parameter
update as shown in Equation 3, where gαand gβare the
experience gains.
(αk,βk) = αk−1+gα,βk−1+gβ(3)
The details of the experience gains in different situations
are shown in the table below. gs1/gs2and g f1/gf2are the
experience gains due to the robot’s success and failure at each
task respectively. gs1, gs2,gf1, and gf2are positive numbers.
For P
2action, 0 means not cheating, and 1 means cheating.
For robot action, 0 means advice P
1not to call ”cheating”
and 1 means advice P
1to call ”cheating”. For P
1action, 0
means not call ”cheating” and 1 means call ”cheating”.
Tabel 1: Trust Gains gα,gβ
Robot action
0 0 0 (0,0)
0 0 1 (gs1,0)
1 1 0 (0,0)
1 1 1 (gs2,0)
0 1 0 (0,0)
0 1 1 0,gf1
1 0 0 (0,0)
1 0 1 0,gf2
2) Human Policy Modeling: As a team, the behavioral
policy πP
1of the human player P
1depends on the trust TP
in the robot and knowledge of the current game scenario,
including the robot advice aR
tand card situations Scard
t. The
human P
1policy is as shown in Equation 4.
This paper uses a risk coefficient Prisk
tto quantify the
likelihood of P
1calling cheating and to represent the card
situation St. Based on a simplified model of human behavior,
we consider both m(m∈[1,2,3,4]), the number of cards that
P2 claims to discard on the desk, and n(n∈[0,1,2,3,4]), the
Fig. 3: The curve of the risk coefficient Prisk
number of the claimed card that P
1holds. It is as shown in
Equation 5, where w,a,b, and δare parameters to control
tas a rational probability value with a range from 0 to
t=w·tanh(a(m+n) + b) + δ(5)
The hyperbolic tangent function is selected as a basis of
the risk coefficient Prisk
tbecause the function as a monotonic
function has a characteristic S-shaped curve. The function
changes significantly in the middle interval and remains
basically unchanged at other intervals. Hence, it is suitable
to model the probability of the risk when m+nbelongs to a
range from 1 to 8, as shown in Fig. 3. When the m+nare
more than 5, the Prisk
tas the probability of calling cheating
for player P
1is near zero because each rank has 4 cards of
each deck in total, which is known by human players well.
Human trust TP
tat each time step can be sampled from the
trust model based on the Beta distribution with changeable
shape parameters as told in part III-A. This paper adopts the
human behavioral policy inspired by [19], which assumes
that humans follow a softmax rule when making decisions
in uncertain environments. The human policy is as shown in
Equation 6 7.
When the aR
t=1, namely advising to call ”cheating”,
the human player P
1calls ”cheating” with the probabil-
ity Pap1
t=1and does not call with the probability
t=0, as shown in Equation 6. Where, softmax func-
tion is used to ensure that the human action probabilities are
between 0 and 1, and the sum equals 1.
Softmax TP
When the aR
t=0, the probabilities are as shown in
Equation 7.
Softmax 1−TP
B. Robot Decision System
In this paper, we model the robot’s decision-making for
human-robot collaboration as a Partially Observable Markov
Decision Process, where the robot’s trust in the collaborator
remains unobservable. Prioritizing only team benefits can
induce reverse psychology in human-robot interactions [29].
We introduce the ToP-ToM model, which incorporates trust
and adjusts rewards of RL-based robot policy based on
varying ToM beliefs (e.g. true belief and false belief) to
address this.
1) POMDP model: In the Markov Decision Process
(MDP) for robot decision-making, the robot’s policy π:S→
Adictates an action a∈Abased on the observed environment
state s∈S. Following this, the environment state transitions
from sto s′, where s′∈S, and the robot receives a reward
R(s,a,s′). The optimal MDP-based robot policy π∗:S→A
is obtained by maximizing the expected cumulative reward
Vπ(s)over time. Here, γ∈[0,1]serves as a discount factor,
modeling the agent’s consideration for future rewards.
π∗(s) = argmax
Es′∼P(·|s,a)Rs,a,s′+γ·V∗s′ (8)
Differently, the POMDP-based robot policy must act based
on a belief about the state since the actual state is not
directly observable. The robot’s policy π:B→Adictates
an action a∈Abased on its current belief state b∈B, where
a belief state is a probability distribution over all possible
environment states S. After taking action a, the robot does
not directly observe the next state s′but instead receives an
observation o∈O, which helps update its belief. The robot
receives a reward of R(s,a). The belief is updated based
on human-robot interaction history with the observations
received and the actions taken. The optimal POMDP-based
robot policy π∗(b)is obtained by maximizing the expected
cumulative reward given an initial belief b0.
π∗(b) = argmax
2) Trust-aware Robot policy with ToM: This study em-
ploys reinforcement learning to address the POMDP-based
robot decision problem. During decision-making, player P
claims a card rank and its respective quantity m. The states
of the POMDP encompass card situations and the trust level
of players. From the robot’s perspective, this state is partially
observable. When the robot makes a decision, it relies solely
on beliefs derived from historical interaction information,
which includes the observable m, the quantity nof the same
rank cards in P
1’s hand, and the unobservable trust level
of the ally. The robot calculates the counts of successes
and failures based on historical interaction, forming beliefs
b0and b1. To validate the effectiveness of ToP-TOM, we
constructed four robot decision-making models:
•A random strategy model, termed Random Policy.
•A model that solely considers team performance in
reward function, termed Team Performance (TP) Policy.
•A model that statically uses the trust belief in the reward
function globally, termed Global Trust (GT) Policy.
•A trust-aware robot strategy incorporating Theory of
Mind, which dynamically adjusts the reward function
in different trust belief states, named ToP-TOM Policy.
The Random Policy makes decisions randomly, serving for
data collection and as an experimental control. The TP Policy
focuses on team performance, and the related reward function
is defined as Equation 10.
Rt p =−α·∆CP
Where, α,β>0, ∆CP1and ∆CP2are the changes in the
number of cards for players P1and P2before and after each
decision, respectively.
GT Policy directly used the trust belief globally to guild
robot policy, and its reward function is Equation 11.
Rgt =−α·∆CP
Where θ>0, Tis also a trust belief based on both trust
beliefs b0and b1.
The ToP-ToM Policy was introduced to address the chal-
lenge posed by the robot’s singular emphasis on team bene-
fits, specifically the potential risk of resorting to reverse psy-
chology strategies, leading to a breakdown in trust. However,
the integration of trust can inadvertently affect team benefits.
This underscores the need for a judiciously crafted reward
function that balances the imperatives of team performance
with trust preservation. The pertinent reward function is
depicted in Equation 13.
Where, µ>0, δis a ceiling function where if Tis greater
than 0.5,δis 0 and if not, δis 1. This implies that trust is
incorporated into the decision loop when the trust belief Tis
greater than 0.5 (P
1holds true belief on robot performance),
trust is excluded from the decision process. When Tis less
than 0.5 (false belief), trust is added into reward function.
Our adapted version of Cheat game has a robot and two
human players, P
1and P
2. Each starts with 10 cards. P
the robot form a team. During the game, the robot advises
1on whether to challenge P
2or not. To simplify the ex-
periment, we assume the robot possesses stronger reasoning
abilities than its teammate. The robot is privy to the P
move, but P
1remains unaware of this advantage. In this
paper, we constructed a multi-agent interaction simulation
environment for data collection and experimental validation.
During data recording for reinforcement learning, both P
and P
2are represented as simulated human players in this
simulation. The behavior of P
1is shaped by a trust dynamics
model combined with a trust-based policy model. The related
experience gains gs1, gs2,gf1, and gf2in trust dynamics
model are 1.2, 0.8, 1.2, and 0.8 respectively. The robot
player consistently executed random actions throughout the
Fig. 4: The trust-game simulation interface
simulation designated for data collection, providing arbitrary
recommendations. Each game concluded after ten rounds or
sooner if a player emerged victorious in fewer rounds. The
interface used during the data collection phase is shown in
the Figure. 4. A total of 8000 games were recorded. The data
was divided at a 3:1:1 ratio into the training set, test set, and
validation set.
Policies with offline RL can be effectively derived from
existing static datasets, eliminating the need for further
interactions. This feature is particularly advantageous for
RL models in scenarios like human-robot interaction. As an
offline reinforcement learning method, the Conservative Q-
Learning (CQL) [26] algorithm aims to reduce the action-
values associated with the current policy and boost values
rooted in the data distribution, addressing the underestima-
tion issue. In this study, the CQL algorithm was employed
to train and evaluate three robot decision model except for
the random policy. The loss function used in the training
process is illustrated in Equation 15. Our offline RL models
are built with the d3rl py library [30]. The Discrete version
of CQL is used, which is a DoubleDQN-based data-driven
deep RL and achieves state-of-the-art performance in offline
RL problems.
L(θ) = αEst∼Dlog∑
+LDoubleDQN (θ)
Because T is from 0 to 1 and ∆CP1and ∆CP2are around
10, parameters of reward functions α,β,θ, and µare
0.1, 0.1, 1, and 1 respectively. We trained the DiscreteCQL
algorithm with a learning rate of 6.25 ×10−5and batch size
32, using the Adam optimizer with betas set at (0.9,0.999)
and a negligible εof 1 ×10−8without weight decay. The
all three policies converged after 600 epochs, and the saved
models from this point were used for testing.
Table I and Fig. 5 show the accuracies and P
1action statis-
tics, respectively. The accuracy refers to scenarios where,
under the robot’s recommendation, P
1successfully identifies
2action and consequently achieves maximum benefit. From
the table, the TP Policy primarily values team benefits, ob-
taining the highest team success rate across all experiments,
regardless of low or high trust levels. The integration of
Fig. 5: The distribution of P
2actions with different policies. The “value” represents the number of times this decision scenario occurred.
The red box indicates situations where P
1trust is low (trust <0.5). In these cases, the robot employs reverse psychology and successfully
controls P
1behavior with a deceptive policy, which make a bad influnce on P
1trust on the robot.
trust into the reward functions of the GP Policy and ToP-
ToM Policy causes an overall decrease in team performance,
particularly in low-trust scenarios. Compared to the 0.73 ac-
curacy of TP Policy, GP Policy and ToP-ToM Policy register
at 0.54 and 0.42, respectively, which indicates that the robot
policy with trust in the loop prioritizes trust maintenance
over team benefits. As the ToP-ToM Policy’s reward function
adopts a dynamic trust incorporation approach, introducing
trust only when the trust belief Tis low, it emphasizes
team benefit over trust maintenance in high trust situations,
yielding an accuracy of 0.72. This approach, however, results
in a reduced accuracy of 0.42 in low-trust situations, which
is below the 0.54 of the GT Policy. In situations of low
trust, emphasizing team benefits might compel the robot to
employ a reverse psychology strategy, consequently risking
trust collapse. This very risk underscores the advantage of
the ToP-ToM Policy: By dynamically adjusting the reward
function, it adeptly identifies the balance between trust
maintenance and team performance.
TABLE I: Accuracies of Different Policies
Accuracy Trust <0.5 Trust >0.5 All
Random Policy 0.53 0.62 0.61
TP Policy 0.73 0.74 0.74
GT Policy 0.54 0.70 0.68
ToP-ToM Policy 0.42 0.72 0.63
The red boxed area in the figure depicts statistical data
when the robot successfully employs reverse psychology,
particularly when P
1trust is low—a prerequisite for de-
ploying such a strategy. The data differentiates between P
actions(cheat or not). In instances where P
2chooses not to
cheat, the robot might persuade P
1, under the influence of
reverse psychology, to believe that P
2is cheating. Due to P
low trust in the robot’s suggestions, P
2is mind-manipulated
to take the non-checking action preferred by the robot. Under
these circumstances, the robot’s reverse psychology strategy
goes undetected if the cards remain face-down. Conversely,
if P
2is cheating and the robot’s reverse psychology succeeds,
the cards on the table would be revealed, potentially exposing
the robot’s strategy and deteriorating P
1trust. The optimal
robot policy is to utilize reverse psychology when P
is low and P
2decide not to cheat, thus maintaining team
benefits without compromising trust. When P
2cheats, it is
best to refrain from using reverse psychology to avoid trust
collapse. The results indicate that the TP strategy frequently
uses reverse psychology during P
2’s cheating instances, 3484
times, compared to 454 times when P2 does not cheat. This
is attributed to TP prioritizing team benefits; the benefits
from using reverse psychology during cheating outweigh
those when not cheating. The GT strategy increased reverse
psychology during non-cheating scenarios to 1547 instances
while decreasing its use during cheating to 1338, promoting
trust maintenance. In comparison, the ToP-ToM strategy
more intelligently employs reverse psychology, limiting its
use to 192 times during P
2cheating while maintaining its
use 1468 times during P
2non-cheating. This suggests that
ToP-ToM adeptly balances trust and team performance.
Our paper constructed a multi-agent simulation platform,
modeling the uncertainties in human trust dynamics and
trust-based human policy. We explored the phenomenon
of robots reverse psychology strategies during collaborative
tasks. Multiple reinforcement learning models were then de-
veloped to explore the methods to balance team performance
and trust maintenance. Our proposed ToP-ToM decision
model, grounded in the multi-round theory of mind, estimates
a collaborator’s trust belief and dynamically adjusts the
reward function of the robot RL-based decision model. Com-
pared to models that only consider team benefits or statically
introduce trust into the reward function, ToP-ToM balances
trust maintenance and team performance more effectively.
However, this study has its limitations. Future research will
incorporate actual human participants and model opponent-
player behaviors to validate the experimental findings.
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