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All content in this area was uploaded by Johannes Baptista Halik on Jan 26, 2024
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Journal of Entrepreneur, Business, and Management, 1(3), 2023 | 29
Volume 1 Issue 3 (2023) Pages 29-44
ISSN : 2987-5331 (Online)
Reni Anastasia
, Noviantry Ruruk2, Amir Jaya3, Johannes Baptista Halik4,
Jerliyen Pramita Londong5
1,2,3,4,5 Department of Management, Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus
This research aims to see the influence between relationship marketing and customer loyalty
on Mixue consumer purchasing decisions in the city of Makassar. This research took a sample
of 50 people using the convenience sampling method from Mixue consumers in the city of
Makassar. The data was then analyzed using statistical data analysis techniques using the
SmartPLS version 4 application. From the research results it was found that Relationship
marketing did not affect the purchasing decisions of Mixue consumers in the city of Makassar.
Service quality has a positive and significant effect on Mixue consumer purchasing decisions
in the city of Makassar. Based on these results, the author suggests that Mixue be able to handle
consumer complaints better and create customer loyalty so that they do not lose out in today's
increasingly fierce competition.
Keywords: Relationship marketing, customer loyalty, consumer purchasing decisions, Mixue,
Copyright (c) 2023 Reni Amastasia
*Corresponding author : Reni Anastasia
Email Address :
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The increasingly advanced level of technology that exists today requires that all
aspects of human life depend on the use of technology (HALIK, PARAWANSA, et al., 2023).
Humans are expected to be technologically literate and utilize the technological facilities
currently available. The world of business and business is no exception. The emergence of new
competitors with various products being marketed has led to more consumer choices to choose
and purchase products to meet their needs. The culinary business is currently experiencing
significant growth with a focus on achieving maximum profits (HALIK, NURLIA, et al., 2023).
In the business realm, ice cream is a business concept that has fierce competition, with many
companies throughout the world. Mixue is a brand that is known for offering ice cream and
tea as their main products. Communication is something that is very important to support
human life. Communication activities will arise when there is interaction between humans
and humans. So it can be interpreted that communication cannot be separated from human
life. Nowadays direct communication activities rarely occur because social awareness is
starting to decrease and be eroded by technology. In the current era of globalization, all aspects
of life have changed from in-person to online (Semaranata & Telagawathi, 2022). This is what
Mixue can take advantage of in building relationships with their consumers. By establishing
positive relationships with customers, their desire to remain loyal in the long term becomes
stronger. Relationship marketing based on relationships like this is often considered the key
to retaining loyal customers, as happened with Mixue Ice Cream & Tea customers in Makassar
City. A company is required to create a marketing relationship between the company and its
customers. Because customers are an important asset that must be looked after, where these
customers, if served well, can provide long-term growth and income for a company.
Relationship marketing is a company strategy to obtain, maintain and improve
customer relationships. Relationship marketing aims to build long-term, mutually satisfying
relationships with key elements for getting and maintaining a business, as well as having a
positive and significant influence on consumer purchasing decisions(Setiawan et al., 2019).
(Tjiptono & Fandy, 2004) defines relationship marketing as an effort to build sustainable
relationships with consumers regarding various related products and services. Relationship-
based marketing is building long-term relationships and bonds between producers,
consumers and other actors based on mutual interests and shared values. Several research
results explain that a good relationship between producers and consumers will increase
consumer loyalty, so that they do not switch to other products. Loyalty is a feeling of holding
a commitment to repurchase desired goods or services repeatedly even though there are many
potential influences on individuals switching brands. Customers who are satisfied with the
goods/services will be able to make repeat purchases in the future and will be able to tell other
people what they feel (Yosevina Purba et al., 2021).
(Kotler & Keller, 2009) explain the importance of building relationships with
customers in order to increase intimacy between sellers and buyers. By building mutually
beneficial marketing relationships between producers and consumers, long-term profits based
on sustainable profits will be obtained.
Journal of Entrepreneur And Business Management, 1(3), 2023 | 31
Based on the description above, the author is interested in researching the
relationship between Relationship Marketing and customer loyalty on consumer purchasing
decisions for Mixue Ice Cream & Tea in the city of Makassar.
The conceptual framework in this research is in the form of a description of the
relationship between the constructs of the observed variables. This research shows a direct
relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. In this study there
were three variables observed consisting of two independent variables and one dependent
variable. The independent variables in this research are the Relationship Marketing (X1) and
Customer Loyalty (X2) variables. Meanwhile, the dependent variable is the Consumer
Purchase Decision of Mixue Ice Cream & Tea in the city of Makassar (Y).
(Tjiptono & Fandy, 2004)defines Relationship marketing (X1) as an effort to build
sustainable relationships with consumers regarding various related products and services.
Meanwhile, (Kotler & Keller, 2009) explain the importance of building relationships with
customers in order to increase intimacy between sellers and buyers. By building mutually
beneficial marketing relationships between producers and consumers, long-term profits based
on sustainable profits will be obtained.
Indicators in measuring Relationship Marketing, citing research (Elvi & Nainggolan,
2023; Ndubisi, 2007), there are 4 indicators in measuring relationship marketing, namely:
The relationship between consumers and companies requires trust to become a long-
term relationship. Based on trust, customers are likely to recommend the company to other
customers, trust is based on past experience and is used as a prediction for future behavior,
trust and commitment have an influence in creating value for customers (Ndubisi, 2007).
Commitment is a belief between related parties who want a continuous relationship, and
is considered important in order to maintain that relationship. In this case, forming consumer
satisfaction which is able to grow consumer loyalty requires commitment within the company
(Ndubisi, 2007).
Communication in relationship marketing is related to the value obtained by customers,
providing accurate and reliable information as well as information regarding changes in
services offered, and proactive communication when problems occur between the company
and customers (HALIK, NURLIA, et al., 2023; Patandean, 2023).
Complaint Handling
Complaint handling is the company's ability to avoid potential complaints, resolve real
conflicts before problems arise, and discuss solutions openly when problems arise. Complaint
handling capability refers to the company's ability to prevent or minimize the impact of things
that could potentially give rise to complaints, and the ability to resolve real complaints that
have occurred(Halik et al., 2021; Latiep et al., 2023; Mongan et al., 2023).
The second independent variable is customer loyalty (X2). Customer loyalty is a
manifestation of customer loyalty to a brand, product or service continuously because it
succeeds in providing high satisfaction and a positive image in the minds of customers.
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(Susanto & Semuel, 2013) say that customer loyalty is people who buy regularly and
repeatedly, they continuously and repeatedly come to the same place to satisfy their desires
by having a product or getting a service and paying for that product. In measuring customer
loyalty, the author uses 5 indicators as proposed by (Tjiptono & Fandy, 2004), namely:
Consumers voluntarily purchase products from Mixue Ice Cream & Tea repeatedly.
Habits of consuming the brand
A brand will become a necessity if it is consumed continuously, and will create a good
image for the brand.
Great liking for the brand
The more often the Mixue brand is consumed, the more consumers will like the brand.
Determination of brands
Loyalty to the Mixue brand so that users don't think about switching to another brand.
Belief that the Mixue brand is the best brand
Consumers see Mixue as the best brand and are reluctant to switch brands.
The dependent variable in this research is the consumer purchasing decision variable for
Mixue Ice & Tea in the city of Makassar (Y). A purchasing decision is a final decision that a
consumer has to purchase a good or service with various specific considerations. Purchasing
decisions made by consumers describe how far marketers have gone in their efforts to market
a product to consumers (Kotler, 2018; Sangadji et al., 2014). Consumer purchasing decisions
are closely related to increasing sales which will directly affect the performance of a business
(Halik et al., 2021). For this reason, it is an important task for a company to influence the
purchasing decisions of its consumers. To measure purchasing decision variables, the author
uses 4 indicators from Kotler & Armstrong (Kotler & Armstrong, 2003), namely:
Confidence in purchasing after knowing product information
Refers to the confidence or trust that grows in potential buyers after they obtain complete
information about the product.
Buy because it is the most preferred brand
Is a decision based on personal preference for a particular brand. This may be based on
previous positive experiences with the brand, perceptions of high quality, or emotional ties to
the brand. This kind of decision may ignore other factors such as price or product features, but
fulfill personal satisfaction with the desired brand.
Buy because it suits your wants and needs
Is the act of purchasing goods or services that fulfill what customers want and need. This
involves weighing personal preferences and practical needs to make wise purchasing
Purchased because of recommendations from other people
Journal of Entrepreneur And Business Management, 1(3), 2023 | 33
A customer decides to buy a product or service because someone the customer trusts
recommends it to the customer. This recommendation is based on the person's positive
experience with the product or service, which makes the customer more confident in
purchasing it.
The author describes this research in a research conceptual framework as follows:
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of the Research
Source: Data processed by the author, 2023
Based on the conceptual framework above, the author formulates the hypothesis of this
research as follows:
H1: It is suspected that Relationship Marketing (X1) has a positive and significant effect on
Consumer Purchase Decisions (Y) Mixue Ice & Tea in the city of Makassar
This is in line with research from (Setiawan et al., 2019), which found that Relationship
Marketing has a positive and significant effect on consumer purchasing decisions for products
at PT Asaba Pekanbaru
H2: It is suspected that customer loyalty (X2) has a positive and significant effect on
consumer purchasing decisions (Y) Mixue Ice & Tea in the city of Makassar.
This agrees with research proposed by (Yosevina Purba et al., 2021), which found that
loyalty influences consumer purchasing decisions for petroleum products.
The research location was carried out in the city of Makassar, specifically among
Mixue Ice Cream & Tea consumers spread across the city of Makassar. The research time was
approximately four months, namely from July – October 2023.
The population in this research is Mixue Ice & Tea consumers in the city of Makassar.
According to (Sugiono, 1999), population determination is divided into two, namely general
population and population with a specific purpose (purposive population). This research took
the population purposively by determining Mixue consumers in the city of Makassar.
According to (Sugiyono, 2007), the meaning of sample is part of the number and characteristics
possessed by the population. If the population is large, and it is impossible for researchers to
study everything in the population, for example due to limited funds, personnel, time, then
researchers can use samples taken from the population. The sampling technique used in this
research was convenience sampling technique. According to (Sekaran, 1992), the meaning of
convenience sampling is the collection of information from members of the population who
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agree to provide that information. That way, anyone who agrees to provide the required
information with the researcher, either directly or indirectly, can be used as a sample in this
research if the respondent is suitable as a data source. The number of samples taken by
researchers was 50 respondents who came from consumers who shopped at Mixue outlets
spread across several points in the city of Makassar. Researchers took a sample of 50
respondents because according (Susilana, 2015), the number of samples taken was around 30,
statistical analysis could be carried out. Researchers added 20 samples to 50 so that the research
data obtained was more accurate.
The data collection methods (instruments) used were observation, questionnaires,
interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used to explain the phenomenon
in this research is descriptive statistical analysis technique using the SmartPLS 4 application.
1) Description of Respondent Data
Respondents by Gender
The following image represents respondent data by gender based on research
conducted on Mixue Ice & Tea consumers in the city of Makassar. Of the 50 Mixue respondents
that the author studied, 28 of them were female (56%), and the remaining 22 were male (44%).
Figure 2: Respondents by Gender
Source: Data processed by the author, 2023
Respondents by age
Based on the results of research from 50 respondents, 13 people were between the
ages of 15 - 19 years (26%), those aged between 20 - 24 years were 25 people (50%), and the
remaining 12 people were over 25 years old (24%). The following image can illustrate the
categories of respondents based on their age.
Figure 3: Respondents by age
Gender of Respondent
Male Female
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Source: Data processed by the author, 2023
2.) Statistical Analysis Using SmartPLS
Partial Least Square (PLS) is a component or variant-based Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM) model. According to (Ghozali & Latan, 2015), PLS is an alternative approach
that shifts from a covariance-based to a variance-based SEM approach. Covariance-based
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) generally tests causality/theory while PLS is more of a
predictive model. PLS is a powerful analysis method, because it is not based on many
assumptions, for example the data must be normally distributed, the sample does not have to
be large (Ghozali & Latan, 2015)
SmartPLS software was created as a project at the Institute of Operation Management
and Organization (School of Business) University of Hamburg, Germany. SmartPLS uses Java
Webstart Technology (Ghozali & Latan, 2015).
SEM Model Development
In this process, the theoretical model that has been built on the research conceptual
framework (figure 1) will be depicted in an SEM model diagram which will make it easier to
see the causal relationships that you want to test. In this diagram, the relationship between
constructs will be expressed through arrows. Straight arrows show a direct causal relationship
between one construct and another.
Figure 4: Model of Causal Relationships between Variables
Source: Data processed with SmartPLS 4, 2023
Age of Respondent
15 - 19 y.o 20 - 24 y.o Above 25 years
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After that, the author carried out several types of tests as follows:
a.) Outer Model Test
The outer model test is carried out to ensure that the measurement (measurement model) used
is suitable for measurement (valid and reliable). This Outer Model analysis is to determine the
relationship between latent variables and their indicators, or it could be said that the outer
model defines how each indicator is related to the latent variable. Three measurement criteria
are used in the data analysis technique using SmartPLS to assess the model. The three
measurements are Convergent validity, Reliability, and Discriminant Validity.
i) Convergent Validity Test
The convergent validity value is the factor loading value on the latent variable with its
indicators. The convergent validity value is used to determine the validity of a construct.
According to the general rule (rule of thumb), an indicator factor loading value ≥ 0.7 is said to
be valid. However, in developing new models or indicators, factor loading values between 0.5
- 0.6 are still acceptable (Haryono, 2017). The validity test results are presented in the following
Table 1: Convergent Validity Value Test Results (Outer Loading)
Source: Data processed with SmartPLS 4, 2023
Figure 5: Output Outer Loading (Convergent Validity)
Source: Data processed with SmartPLS 4, 2023
From table 1 and figure 5 above, it can be seen that all question items have factor
loading values (outer loading) that are all above 0.7. So these items can be declared valid.
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ii.) Reliability Test (Composite Reliability and Cronbach Alpha) and Average Variance
Extracted (AVE) Test
Reliability testing is a tool for measuring a questionnaire which is an indicator of a
variable or construct. A measuring instrument or instrument in the form of a questionnaire is
said to be able to provide stable or constant measuring results, if the measuring instrument is
reliable or reliable (Ghozali & Latan, 2015). Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a reliability
test. A questionnaire is said to be reliable or reliable if a person's answers to questions are
consistent or stable over time. Reliability testing was carried out using the Internal consistency
method. The reliability of the research instrument in this study was tested using composite
reliability and Cronbach's Alpha coefficient.
According to (Haryono, 2017), the requirements used to assess reliability, namely the
Chronbach's Alpha and Composite Reliability values, must be greater than 0.70 for
confirmatory research and a value of 0.60 - 0.70 is still acceptable for exploratory research.
Based on the results of research using SmartPLS 4, the following results were obtained:
Table 2: Reliability Test Results
Source: Data processed with SmartPLS 4, 2023
The test results based on the table above show that the composite reliability and
Cronbach's alpha results show satisfactory values, namely the value of each variable is above
0.70. This shows that the consistency and stability of the instruments used is high. In other
words, all the constructs or variables in this research have become suitable measuring tools,
and all the questions used to measure each construct have good reliability.
Average Variance Extracted (AVE) Test
The AVE value can describe the amount of variance or diversity of the manifest
variables that can be contained by a latent construct. For the ideal AVE, namely 0.5, this means
good convergent validity, meaning that the latent variable can explain on average more than
half of the variance of the indicators. The AVE criterion for a variable to be valid is that it must
be above 0.50 (Haryono, 2017). The output results of the AVE value can be seen in table 2
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above. It can be seen that all variables have an AVE value of more than 0.5, so that these
variables have good construct validity.
iii.) Discriminant Validity Test
Discriminant validity is a factor cross loading value that is useful for knowing whether a
construct has adequate discriminants or not. Several ways to see discriminant validity are as
1.) By comparing all indicators, whether they have a greater correlation coefficient with each
variable itself compared to the correlation coefficient value of the indicator with other
Table 3: Results of Cross Loading Values
Source: Data processed with SmartPLS 4, 2023
From the output in table 3, namely Discriminant validity Cross Loading, it can be seen
that all indicators have a greater correlation coefficient with each variable itself compared to
the correlation coefficient value of the indicator with other variables, so it can be concluded
that each indicator in the block is a constituent variable or construct in that column.
2.) Discriminant validity is then measured by comparing the root AVE value of each variable
with the correlation between the variable and other variables. The AVE root value can be
seen from the output in table 4 below, namely the Discriminant Validity of the results of
the AVE root value (Fornel Larcker Criterion).
Table 4: Discriminant Validity (Fornell Larcker Criterion)
Keputusan Pembel ian (Y) Loyal itas Pe langgan ( X2) Rel ationship Marketing ( X1)
X1.1 0.507 0.501 0.887
X1.2 0.469 0.436 0.877
X1.3 0.510 0.503 0.932
X1.4 0.452 0.419 0.848
X2.1 0.517 0.894 0. 446
X2.2 0.564 0.886 0. 408
X2.3 0.501 0.859 0. 399
X2.4 0.608 0.766 0. 437
X2.5 0.584 0.760 0. 488
Y1 0.878 0.634 0.519
Y2 0.801 0.497 0.375
Y3 0.813 0.601 0.414
Y4 0.730 0.402 0.454
Journal of Entrepreneur And Business Management, 1(3), 2023 | 39
Source: Data processed with SmartPLS 4, 2023
The AVE root value and construct correlation with other constructs can be seen as follows:
- Relationship Marketing (X1): AVE root value is 0.887.
Relationship Marketing correlation value with other variables: 0.672 and 0.807.
- Customer Loyalty (X2): AVE root value is 0.835.
Correlation value of customer loyalty with other variables: 0.526 and 0.807.
- Purchase decision (Y): AVE root value is 0.807.
Correlation value of purchasing decisions with other variables: 0.547 and 0.672.
Based on the results above, it can be seen that the root AVE value of each variable is
higher than the correlation value between that variable and the other variables in the model.
With this, it can be said that according to the test with AVE roots, this model has good
discriminant validity.
b.) Inner Model Test
i.) R Square Analysis
This analysis is to determine the percentage of endogenous construct variability that
can be explained by exogenous construct variability (Haryono, 2017). This analysis is also to
determine the goodness of the structural equation model. The larger the R-square number
shows that the greater the exogenous variable can explain the endogenous variable, so the
better the structural equation. The output results of the R Square value are as follows:
Table 5: R2 Value Results
Source: Data processed with SmartPLS 4, 2023
The R-square value of the consumer purchasing decision variable is 0.504. This R-square value
means that the variability of the consumer purchasing decision construct which can be
explained by the variability of the Relationship Marketing construct and customer loyalty is
50.4% while the rest is explained by other variables outside those studied. According to
(Ghozali & Latan, 2015), R2 values of 0.67, 0.33, and 0.19 can be concluded that the model is
strong, medium, and weak. With this it can be said that the effect is moderate/medium.
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ii.) Effect size (F2)
This equation formula is used to find out whether the endogenous latent variable is
strongly influenced by the exogenous latent variable. Can be calculated as follows: (Ghozali &
Latan, 2015)
If the resulting value of F2 produces a value of 0.02 then the influence of the exogenous latent
variable is small, a value of 0.15 means the influence of the exogenous latent variable is
declared moderate, and a value of 0.35 means the influence of the exogenous latent variable is
declared large. The output results are found as follows:
Table 6: F Square (F2) Value Results
Source: Data processed with SmartPLS 4, 2023
The following results were obtained:
1. The relationship marketing variable (X1) on consumer purchasing decisions (Y) obtained an
f square value of 0.105, so the influence is relatively low.
2. The variable Customer Loyalty (X2) on consumer purchasing decisions (Y) obtained an f
square value of 0.411, so the influence is classified as strong / large.
3.) Hypothesis Testing (Influence between Variables)
Testing of the proposed hypothesis is carried out by looking at the path coefficients
which show parameter coefficients and t-statistical significance values. The significance of the
estimated parameters can provide information about the relationship between research
variables. The limit for rejecting and accepting the proposed hypothesis is using a probability
of 0.05. Hypothesis test results can be seen in the following table:
Table 7: Direct Effect Hypothesis Test Results
Original sample (O) Sample mean (M) Standard deviation (STDEV) T statistics (|O/STDEV|) P values
Relationship Marketing (X1) -> Keputusan Pembelian (Y) 0.268 0.277 0.144 1.856 0.064
Loyalitas Pelanggan (X2) -> Keputusan Pembelian (Y) 0.531 0.533 0.115 4.621 0.000
Journal of Entrepreneur And Business Management, 1(3), 2023 | 41
Source: Data processed with SmartPLS 4, 2023
From the results of the hypothesis testing above, the following conclusions can be
1.) Relationship marketing (X1) has no influence on consumer purchasing decisions for Mixue
Ice & Tea in the city of Makassar (Y). This is because the t-count value < t-table (1.1856 <
1.96) and the P value > 0.05 (0.064 > 0.05), so the hypothesis states that relationship
marketing has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions Mixue consumers
in the city of Makassar (Hypothesis 1) can be declared rejected/unacceptable.
2.) Customer Loyalty (X2) has a positive and significant effect on Mixue consumer purchasing
decisions in the city of Makassar (Y). This is because the calculated t value > t table (4.621 >
1.96) and the P value < 0.05 (0.000 > 0.05), so the hypothesis states that customer loyalty has
a positive and significant effect on buying interest in McDonald's consumers in the city
Makassar (Hypothesis 2) can be declared accepted. A positive coefficient value means the
influence is positive, namely if customer loyalty increases then consumer purchasing
decisions for Mixue products in the city of Makassar will also increase.
Table 8: Descriptive Statistical Analysis of Respondents' Answers
Source: Data processed with SmartPLS 4, 2023
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The influence of relationship marketing (X1) on consumer purchasing decisions (Y)
Mixue in the city of Makassar (Hypothesis 1)
Based on the research results, it was found that relationship marketing (X1) had
no effect on the purchasing decisions of Mixue consumers in the city of Makassar (Y).
This is because the t-count value < t-table (1.1856 < 1.96) and the P value > 0.05 (0.064 >
0.05), so the hypothesis states that relationship marketing has a positive and significant
effect on purchasing decisions Mixue consumers in the city of Makassar (Hypothesis 1)
can be declared rejected/unacceptable.
This is contrary to research from (Setiawan et al., 2019), which found that
Relationship Marketing has a positive and significant effect on consumer product
purchasing decisions at PT Asaba Pekanbaru. This may occur due to differences in the
types of products being bought and sold. Based on the results of interviews with
consumers that the author found, they are of the opinion that Mixue Ice Cream & Tea
has not implemented relationship marketing well with their consumers. We can see in
table 8 above, indicator X1 (Complaint Handling) has the lowest mean value among the
other 3 indicators. This could mean that consumers think that Mixue has not responded
well to their complaints. This could be a problem in maintaining relationships with their
consumers if it is not corrected by Mixue in the future. Mixue needs to carry out new
innovations to build better relationships with their consumers.
The influence of customer loyalty (X2) on consumer purchasing decisions (Y) Mixue
in the city of Makassar (Hypothesis 2)
Based on the research results, it was found that customer loyalty (X2) has a
positive and significant effect on the purchasing decisions of Mixue consumers in the
city of Makassar (Y). 1.). This is because the calculated t value > t table (4.621 > 1.96) and
the P value < 0.05 (0.000 > 0.05), so the hypothesis states that customer loyalty has a
positive and significant effect on buying interest in Mixue consumers in the city
Makassar (Hypothesis 2) can be declared accepted. A positive coefficient value means
the influence is positive, namely if customer loyalty increases then consumer purchasing
decisions for Mixue products in the city of Makassar will also increase.
This is in line with research put forward by Yosevina Purba, et al (Yosevina
Purba et al., 2021) which found that loyalty influences consumer purchasing decisions.
The opinions of experts such as (Alrubaiee & Al-Nazer, 2010; Kotler & Keller, 2009;
Ndubisi, 2007; Tjiptono & Fandy, 2004) who suggest that companies create consumer
loyalty in order to fulfill their long-term goals are also proven through research. This.
The X2.4 indicator, which shows brand determination as shown in table 8 above, has the
lowest mean value, namely 3.50. This indicates that their consumers can switch at any
time if there is another brand that offers something that they feel is better than Mixue.
Whether it's in terms of marketing mix (product, price, distribution or promotion), or
from other marketing strategies.
Journal of Entrepreneur And Business Management, 1(3), 2023 | 43
Based on the research results, it was found that relationships do not influence the
purchasing decisions of Mixue consumers in the city of Makassar. Consumers from Mixue in
the city of Makassar think that Mixue has not implemented relationship marketing well with
its consumers. Moreover, the complaint handling system is still considered bad by consumers.
If action is not taken quickly, in the midst of tight competition in the culinary industry at this
time, Mixue could lose its consumers who switch to other brands.
Mixue should start looking for ways to get closer to their consumers, be more
responsive to what their consumers want in order to maintain the market share they currently
have. For further research, research can be carried out to find out what innovations companies
need to make in order to strengthen their consumers' purchasing decisions and expand their
market share.
From the research results it was found that customer loyalty has a positive and
significant effect on consumer purchasing decisions. The customer loyalty that is currently
formed is probably because Mixue outlets are easy to find everywhere in the city of Makassar,
so consumers often consume the Mixue brand.
Mixue should look for strategies that are more effective in maintaining the loyalty of
their customers. For further research, researchers suggest looking for a relationship between
the use of digital marketing media in order to create customer loyalty for a company.
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