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Benefits of Non-Commercial Urban Agricultural Practices—A Systematic Literature Review


Abstract and Figures

Urban agriculture refers to any type of activity located within or around a city designed to provide ecosystem services. Given the rapid population growth and urbanization, urban agriculture is seen as a potential alternative route to a more sustainable urban food system. This review answers the main question: What are the benefits of non-commercial of Urban Agriculture (NCUA) forms and its contribution towards food production? using a systematic literature review approach. The methodology involved capturing 1355 recent articles from qualified search engines, using key terms according to the defined question, then screened for relevance and the defined scope of this review, resulting in a final selection of 40 articles for analysis. The results show that implementing NCUA practices has multifaced social, economic, and environmental benefits, such as improving people’s health, reducing expenditure on food and creating sustainable cities, highlighting the need to recognize the multifaceted role of NCUA in promoting a more sustainable lifestyle and strengthening local communities and engagement. Moreover, awareness of urban agriculture differs between developed and developing countries, as does the recognition and valorization of its benefits. Further research is needed to examine the enabling factors and barriers to NCUA adoption in different urban context, the resource implications, and the long-term sustainability of these practices.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Citation: Boukharta, O.F.; Huang, I.Y.;
Vickers, L.; Navas-Gracia, L.M.;
Chico-Santamarta, L. Benefits of
Non-Commercial Urban Agricultural
Practices—A Systematic Literature
Review. Agronomy 2024,14, 234.
Academic Editor: Rosa Maria Fanelli
Received: 29 December 2023
Revised: 20 January 2024
Accepted: 21 January 2024
Published: 23 January 2024
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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Benefits of Non-Commercial Urban Agricultural Practices—A
Systematic Literature Review
Ouiam Fatiha Boukharta 1, * , Iona Yuelu Huang 2, Laura Vickers 3, Luis Manuel Navas-Gracia 1and
Leticia Chico-Santamarta 1, 4, *
1TADRUS Research Group, Department of Agricultural and Forestry Engineering, University of Valladolid,
47011 Valladolid, Spain;
Food, Land and Agribusiness Management, Harper Adams University, Edgmond, Shropshire TF10 8NB, UK;
Agriculture and Environment Department, Harper Adams University, Edgmond, Shropshire TF10 8NB, UK;
4International Department, Harper Adams University, Edgmond, Shropshire TF10 8NB, UK
*Correspondence: (O.F.B.); (L.C.-S.)
Abstract: Urban agriculture refers to any type of activity located within or around a city designed to
provide ecosystem services. Given the rapid population growth and urbanization, urban agriculture
is seen as a potential alternative route to a more sustainable urban food system. This review answers
the main question: What are the benefits of non-commercial of Urban Agriculture (NCUA) forms
and its contribution towards food production? using a systematic literature review approach. The
methodology involved capturing 1355 recent articles from qualified search engines, using key terms
according to the defined question, then screened for relevance and the defined scope of this review,
resulting in a final selection of 40 articles for analysis. The results show that implementing NCUA
practices has multifaced social, economic, and environmental benefits, such as improving people’s
health, reducing expenditure on food and creating sustainable cities, highlighting the need to recog-
nize the multifaceted role of NCUA in promoting a more sustainable lifestyle and strengthening local
communities and engagement. Moreover, awareness of urban agriculture differs between developed
and developing countries, as does the recognition and valorization of its benefits. Further research is
needed to examine the enabling factors and barriers to NCUA adoption in different urban context,
the resource implications, and the long-term sustainability of these practices.
Keywords: non-commercial urban agriculture; benefits; community gardens; school gardens;
allotments; urban farms
1. Introduction
Ensuring sustainable urban food systems is of extreme importance, given that urban
areas are currently characterized by rapid population growth, aggressive food marketing,
and unhealthy diets [
]. Indeed, these areas and their inhabitants face numerous challenges
linked to the expansion of urbanization, including socio-economic, ecological, and environ-
mental issues, which have a negative impact on the environment and unsustainable urban
development and a huge impact on health [
]. According to the World Health Organization
(2020), we are now in an era of concern for mental health and well-being, in which the
presence of green spaces has been shown to reduce the mental health burden associated
with depression [
], affecting more than 264 million people. In addition, cities increasingly
need food supplies, but growth of cities is reducing urban and peri-urban green spaces and
removing food production. Sustainable food production should therefore be located close
to the centers of consumption [4].
To address these challenges, urban agriculture (UA) is seen as a potential solution that
can provide green space and bring food production [
]. Indeed, UA is defined as any type
Agronomy 2024,14, 234.
Agronomy 2024,14, 234 2 of 19
of activity located within or at the periphery of a city and aimed at providing products and
ecosystem services to the residents, such as physical and mental health benefits, mitigation
of social and economic problems, and community resilience [6].
Many forms of UA are currently being practiced [
]. In this systematic review, the focus
is on NCUA, focusing particularly on urban farms, community gardens, school gardens,
and allotments. Community gardens (CG) have been defined as ‘open spaces which are
managed and operated by members of the local community in which food or flowers are
grown, and whose total area is maintained collectively, ranging from small neighborhood
gardens to larger ones of up to 1000 m2 [6,7]. This is a popular strategy for strengthening
social cohesion and improving health [
]. As far as allotments (A) are concerned, they
have been defined as ‘plots of land designated by local authorities for the purpose of
growing vegetables for home consumption’ [
]. A occurs when land is acquired through a
personal-use lease [
]. Nevertheless, when A meet the criteria of growing food or flowers
in a communal manner, they can also be considered as CG [
]. Another form of NCUA
are school gardens (SG), which feature vacant land on school sites designed for a range of
food education-related agricultural activities involving student participation [
], which
are useful for improving children’s nutritional outcomes and knowledge [
], making
them more willing to try unfamiliar varieties of fruits and vegetables [
]. In addition, SG
provide an opportunity to meet and interact with other students in a natural environment,
developing social skills, communication, and cooperation [
]. The final form of UA that
is evaluated in this study is urban farms (UF), which are considered the main source of
income for many urban households [
]. According to the FAO, by 2022, urban and peri-
urban farmers will increasingly strive to produce high-demand crops efficiently, making
the best use of available resources and inputs, whether by planting in the ground or in
containers [
]. Moreover, they can provide shelter for birds and beneficial insects, helping
to preserve urban biodiversity [15].
The benefits of implementing NCUA practices within the cities have long been demon-
strated in the literature, which can be categorized into economic, environmental, and social
benefits. The literature considers NCUA to have a number of potential social benefits,
including strengthening social capital, increasing social cohesion and community resilience,
and improving public health [
]. Moreover, the positive social effects of being in nature
have been shown to increase feelings of generosity, friendship, and empathy [
]. Indeed,
it reduces personal feelings of anxiety and improves mental health and well-being [
In terms of economic benefits, a number of studies have shown that the implementation
of urban agricultural practices (UAP) helps to reduce the global food supply and demand
situation, as it can be seen as a source of income while providing direct access to a wider
range of nutritionally rich products [
]. In other words, UA can generate an additional
source of income, improving the economic situation of many households [
]. The final
aspect is that of the environmental, where the outcomes of UA are generally highly val-
ued and recognized by scientists for their great potential to improve the quality of urban
life and the environment [
]. In fact, the creation of UA spaces in cities helps to retain
stormwater, purify the air, and conserve biodiversity [
], thus helping to mitigate the
pollutants responsible for global warming [
]. Moreover, as food is grown and produced
locally, it reduces transport costs and ensures environmental protection [26].
In view of continuing population growth, shrinking urban spaces, and increasing food
insufficiency, it is worth discussing and examining the NCUA and its current relevance.
Although the categories of benefits of NCUA have been presented in existing literature,
there is a lack of understanding of the variations in the types of benefits derived from
different forms of NCUA and how these benefits may vary in different contexts. To this
end, the following main research question (RQ) was defined:
What are the benefits of non-commercial forms of Urban Agriculture and its contri-
bution towards food production?
To facilitate the understanding and structure of this review, this main question is
complemented by the following sub-research questions:
Agronomy 2024,14, 234 3 of 19
RQ1: Which countries have conducted this type of research? And what are the
similarities and differences across countries/continents?
- RQ2: What forms of NCUA food production have been practiced?
RQ3: What are the similarities and differences reported across different forms of UA?
RQ4: What are the challenges and limitations of implementing UAP faced by the
authors of the selected articles in this review?
The main objective of this systematic review is therefore to synthesize the evidence
on the benefits of NCUA practices, since much of the existing research is case-specific
and lacks a comprehensive systematic analysis of the benefits in different contexts and
at different scales, such as the lack of awareness of these projects, the benefits they bring
to the population and the city, and the feasibility of integrating UAP [
]. To this end,
and through this review, we aim to summarize the findings and relevance of the available
literature, using a systematic mapping, in order to provide an overview of NCUA practices
to ensure a healthy and accessible food supply while improving urban environmental
performance for current and future generations.
Section 2describes the methodology used for this review and presents the main
inclusion and exclusion criteria that enabled the final selection of the articles analyzed
and coded to answer and address our RQs. Section 3presents the results and conclusions
of this analysis, highlighting the different categories of NCUA benefits, the differences
between and across countries, along with the difficulties and limitations reported in the
selected articles with regard to NCUA implementation. Section 4places these results in a
clearer perspective, exploring some of the main implications of the NCUA, taking up the
results at a global level and filling in the gaps found in the literature. The final section is the
conclusion, in which an overview of the current situation is presented, together with some
recommendations that should be followed for better implementation of the future NCUA.
2. Materials and Methods
The methodology used in this review follows the systematic literature review process
recommended by James et al. (2016). This involved searching for and capturing relevant
articles on the topic under review, using key terms derived from the main RQ, and then
screening them according to their relevance to the specific topic of this study, and other
criteria that will be described further in the following sub-sections. The methodology
aimed at ensuring a rigorous, comprehensive, and objective literature collection and filter-
ing processes, in order to reduce reviewer selection and publication bias and guarantee
transparency of evidence inclusion decisions [29].
2.1. Search Strategy
The databases consulted included the Web of Science and Scopus search engines. The
search terms used were developed on the basis of the key elements of a systematic literature
review: population, intervention, and outcomes, where population refers to the object of
our study, in this case urban agriculture, intervention refers to the description of the action
addressed and the studies, namely food production in this review, and outcomes represent
the results we wish to find, which are benefits. In addition, Boolean operators such as
“AND” and “OR” were used for the combinations of our keywords for this search, enabling
the following string to be formed:
((((urban AND (agricul* OR farm*)) OR “community garden*” OR “school garden*”
OR allotment*) AND benef*) AND (food OR fruit* OR veg*)).
Details of the components and relevant key terms are presented in Table 1.
In terms of components, it shows the different ways in which a keyword can be
searched for. For example, in the case of urban agriculture, agriculture can be written in
different ways, such as agriculture, agricultural, etc., which is then searched for under
agricul*; similarly, benefits, which can be written in different ways, such as benefit, benefits,
beneficial, etc., to avoid missing information, is searched for under benef*. This is the best
way to be sure of obtaining all the relevant information needed to address our problem.
Agronomy 2024,14, 234 4 of 19
Table 1. Search terms used in Scopus and Web of Science.
Components Key Terms
urban agricul*—urban farm* urban AND (agricul* OR farm*)
school garden—school gardens “school garden*”
community garden—community
“community garden*”
Intervention food production food OR fruit* OR Veg*
Outcomes benefit—benefits—beneficial—
benefic—etc. benef*
2.2. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
The inclusion criteria for this review were articles and early accepted articles published
in English between 2016 and 17 January 2023 to ensure that the review included the
most recent literature on the subject, given that the growing interest in UAP and their
implementation in cities has improved since 2016, and increased significantly from 2020.
No country limitation was used, as the aim was to carry out a global review. The specific
inclusion and exclusion criteria presented in Table 2were applied manually for screening
at title and abstract and at full text. If the criteria could not be applied at title and abstract
screening due to incomplete information, they were included for full text screening.
Table 2. Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Criterion Eligibility Exclusion
Document type
Articles and early accepted articles
Conference papers, book chapters,
reviews, editorials,
conference reviews,
Open and non-open access full text articles not accessible
Language English Others
Timeline From January 2016 until 17
January 2023 Before 2016
Non-commercial urban agriculture
Commercial urban agriculture
Type of articles
Empirical paper with primary
findings about the benefits
Review papers, commentaries, or
primary studies with no
benefits reported
2.3. Data Extraction and Analysis
The search and selection process identified 1754 articles from the Web of Science and
Scopus search engines. After deleting 399 duplicates, the total number of articles selected
was 1355. After applying the inclusion criteria by selecting articles and early accepted
articles in open and non-open access, all in English between 2016 and 17 January 2023, as
well as the exclusion criteria, excluding conference papers, book chapters, etc., directly
from Web of Science and Scopus via the selection filters provided on their web pages, and
then checking the resulting data and eliminating articles that do not meet our selection
criteria, 45 articles were deemed eligible for results mapping. When coding and analyzing
each article, 5 articles were excluded: 2 for including commercial UAP, 2 for not including
any NCUA content, and 1 for not including any NCUA benefits, which resulted in a
final selection of 40 articles for analysis. The diagram illustrated in the PRISMA Figure 1
demonstrates in detail the process and results of screening stage by stage.
Agronomy 2024,14, 234 5 of 19
Agronomy 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 20
selection of 40 articles for analysis. The diagram illustrated in the PRISMA Figure 1
demonstrates in detail the process and results of screening stage by stage.
Figure 1. The PRISMA 2020 flow diagram of the systematic literature review process (adapted from
Page et al., 2020 [30]).
A qualitative synthesis approach was adopted to map the results of the included ar-
ticles. For this purpose, the software used in the present review is NVivo, one of the most
used qualitative data management programs. NVivo has features such as character-based
coding, rich text capabilities, and multimedia functions that are crucial for qualitative data
management [31]. In addition, it enables researchers to process large amounts of data with
greater transparency and provides opportunity for double-checking the reliability of cod-
ing by members of the research team [32].
Figure 1. The PRISMA 2020 flow diagram of the systematic literature review process (adapted from
Page et al., 2020 [30]).
A qualitative synthesis approach was adopted to map the results of the included
articles. For this purpose, the software used in the present review is NVivo, one of the most
used qualitative data management programs. NVivo has features such as character-based
coding, rich text capabilities, and multimedia functions that are crucial for qualitative data
management [
]. In addition, it enables researchers to process large amounts of data with
greater transparency and provides opportunity for double-checking the reliability of coding
by members of the research team [32].
3. Results
The following sections present the results obtained from this review, which clearly
answer our main RQ and the sub-questions. It should be noted that across the articles
obtained, there is a steady increase in the number of articles published per year, with
Agronomy 2024,14, 234 6 of 19
accelerated progression from 2020 to 2023, showing that the concept of UA has become
more popular in recent years, and that interest in its application is growing.
3.1. Study Sites Location
From the included papers, Figure 2shows the number of articles from different
countries using a map to facilitate data analysis and processing the country distribution
of the selected studies using a bar chart indicating the number of articles published by
each country:
Agronomy 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 20
3. Results
The following sections present the results obtained from this review, which clearly
answer our main RQ and the sub-questions. It should be noted that across the articles
obtained, there is a steady increase in the number of articles published per year, with ac-
celerated progression from 2020 to 2023, showing that the concept of UA has become more
popular in recent years, and that interest in its application is growing.
3.1. Study Sites Location
From the included papers, Figure 2 shows the number of articles from different coun-
tries using a map to facilitate data analysis and processing the country distribution of the
selected studies using a bar chart indicating the number of articles published by each
Figure 2. Location of the study sites identified from the 40 articles analyzed in this systematic liter-
ature review, represented on a world map featuring a heatmap showing the number of articles pub-
lished per country (where the darker the color, the more articles exist).
Figure 2 shows that there was a very wide distribution of NCUA related studies
throughout this research, in which it can be seen that around 30 countries were analyzed.
Figure 2 also presents a heatmap showing the frequency of articles published by country,
where the darker the color, the more articles were published. It can be seen that USA and
Canada have the highest number of published articles in this overview. Figure 2 is com-
plemented by Figure 3, which illustrates in greater detail the countries where the most
UAP have been analyzed:
Figure 2. Location of the study sites identified from the 40 articles analyzed in this systematic
literature review, represented on a world map featuring a heatmap showing the number of articles
published per country (where the darker the color, the more articles exist).
Figure 2shows that there was a very wide distribution of NCUA related studies
throughout this research, in which it can be seen that around 30 countries were analyzed.
Figure 2also presents a heatmap showing the frequency of articles published by country,
where the darker the color, the more articles were published. It can be seen that USA
and Canada have the highest number of published articles in this overview. Figure 2is
complemented by Figure 3, which illustrates in greater detail the countries where the most
UAP have been analyzed:
Agronomy 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 20
3. Results
The following sections present the results obtained from this review, which clearly
answer our main RQ and the sub-questions. It should be noted that across the articles
obtained, there is a steady increase in the number of articles published per year, with ac-
celerated progression from 2020 to 2023, showing that the concept of UA has become more
popular in recent years, and that interest in its application is growing.
3.1. Study Sites Location
From the included papers, Figure 2 shows the number of articles from different coun-
tries using a map to facilitate data analysis and processing the country distribution of the
selected studies using a bar chart indicating the number of articles published by each
Figure 2. Location of the study sites identified from the 40 articles analyzed in this systematic liter-
ature review, represented on a world map featuring a heatmap showing the number of articles pub-
lished per country (where the darker the color, the more articles exist).
Figure 2 shows that there was a very wide distribution of NCUA related studies
throughout this research, in which it can be seen that around 30 countries were analyzed.
Figure 2 also presents a heatmap showing the frequency of articles published by country,
where the darker the color, the more articles were published. It can be seen that USA and
Canada have the highest number of published articles in this overview. Figure 2 is com-
plemented by Figure 3, which illustrates in greater detail the countries where the most
UAP have been analyzed:
Figure 3. Cross-country distribution of articles analyzed in this review.
According to Figure 3, the largest number of articles are found in USA, Australia,
Canada, UK, and EU countries. In addition, other African and Asian countries are also
Agronomy 2024,14, 234 7 of 19
implementing UA, such as Morocco and Malaysia, demonstrating that NCUA is now a
global concept that is increasingly widespread around the world (particularly in more
developed countries), given the benefits it provides.
3.2. NCUA across Continents
In North America, food insecurity affected around 14.3 million people in 2018 [
Consequently, NCUA has become very popular in New York City, which has at least
500 urban spaces [
]. The aim is to improve access to fresh produce for city dwellers,
especially the food-insecure, and has been attributed to tackling poverty and food shortages
in times of war and economic depression [35].
In Australia, rapid population growth and ageing in capital cities are increasing
pressure on social, environmental, and public health systems, where one in four Australians
experience chronic episodes of loneliness [
]. Australian local authorities are therefore
coordinating their efforts to improve the urban canopy within the cities, which would offer
significant opportunities to improve well-being [36].
The NCUA situation in Europe differs from country to country: Germany is a typical
European country where NCUA is about much more than just food production, and
where there is an appreciation of the benefits NCUA brings to citizens, through active
participation in European Union projects [
]. In the UK, therapeutic and prescriptive
gardening is gaining increasing support to help people overcome or live with mental health
problems [
]. In Spain, CG have only emerged recently and are developing rapidly. In
Croatia, urbanization, environmental issues, the future development of tourism, and social
issues (mental health, unhealthy diet, and poverty) are behind the development of UA [
In North Africa, Morocco has an agricultural strategy adopted in 2008, known as the
Plan Maroc Vert (Green Morocco Plan, in English), and whose second pillar supports small-
and medium-sized farmers so as to encourage the implementation of NCUA within the
cities [
]. Finally, in South Africa, several studies have been conducted to assess the role
of NCUA in contributing towards poverty alleviation and food security [41].
3.3. Forms of NCUA Identified
Many forms of NCUA can be implemented in a city, including community gardens
(CG), allotments (A), school gardens (SG), and urban farms (UF) [
]. In this section, the
aim is to map the different forms of NCUA studied in different countries on the basis of
the articles selected, processed and analyzed in this review. To this end, Figure 4presents
the result of the cross-tabulation analysis of the forms of NCUA identified in the studies
carried out in the selected countries.
Figure 4shows that the most widespread form of NCUA found from the selected
articles is CG, with 29 articles out of 40, followed by UF and then A and SG (this analysis
considered that the same study can deal with several forms of NCUA at the same time).
Other forms of NCUA reportedly used are rooftop gardens, backyard gardens, etc., but
these were not part of the selection criteria of this review. These results show that there is
a diversity in the implementation of different forms of NCUA within countries, differing
from a country to another, as explained in Section 3.4.
3.4. Forms of NCUA by Countries
CG is an abundant form of UA. Figure 4shows that of the 11 articles analyzed in
the USA, 10 address CG cases, while in Australia and Spain, CG cases are found in all
the articles analyzed from these two countries. For the other countries, only 3 of the
18 categories selected do not contain that form of NCUA in their analysis.
Regarding UF, it is the second frequently used NCUA form in this review, which
is most widely used in multi-countries (studies that evaluated more than one country),
followed by Italy and USA. Finally, UF, A, and SG forms were the least used in the selected
articles for this review.
Agronomy 2024,14, 234 8 of 19
Agronomy 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 20
Figure 4. Cross-tabulation of NCUA forms implemented across the countries evaluated in the se-
lected articles of this review. A: allotments; CG: community gardens; SG: school gardens; UF: urban
farms. Colors: red: no articles mentioning the form of NCUA practices; yellow: low; dark yellow:
medium; light green: high; dark green: very high (Source: the authors).
Figure 4 shows that the most widespread form of NCUA found from the selected
articles is CG, with 29 articles out of 40, followed by UF and then A and SG (this analysis
considered that the same study can deal with several forms of NCUA at the same time).
Other forms of NCUA reportedly used are rooftop gardens, backyard gardens, etc., but
these were not part of the selection criteria of this review. These results show that there is
a diversity in the implementation of different forms of NCUA within countries, differing
from a country to another, as explained in Section 3.4.
3.4. Forms of NCUA by Countries
CG is an abundant form of UA. Figure 4 shows that of the 11 articles analyzed in the
USA, 10 address CG cases, while in Australia and Spain, CG cases are found in all the
articles analyzed from these two countries. For the other countries, only 3 of the 18 cate-
gories selected do not contain that form of NCUA in their analysis.
Regarding UF, it is the second frequently used NCUA form in this review, which is
most widely used in multi-countries (studies that evaluated more than one country), fol-
lowed by Italy and USA. Finally, UF, A, and SG forms were the least used in the selected
articles for this review.
3.5. Methodology Employed and Its Link to NCUA Forms
Understanding the methodology employed to analyze the different NCUA forms is
one of the main objectives of this review. The following subsections will present different
results extracted from the analysis carried out via coding in NVivo 14 Software:
Figure 4. Cross-tabulation of NCUA forms implemented across the countries evaluated in the selected
articles of this review. A: allotments; CG: community gardens; SG: school gardens; UF: urban farms.
Colors: red: no articles mentioning the form of NCUA practices; yellow: low; dark yellow: medium;
light green: high; dark green: very high (Source: the authors).
3.5. Methodology Employed and Its Link to NCUA Forms
Understanding the methodology employed to analyze the different NCUA forms is
one of the main objectives of this review. The following subsections will present different
results extracted from the analysis carried out via coding in NVivo 14 Software:
3.5.1. Methodologies Used for the Realization of the Article
Identifying the different research methods used in each of our 40 articles provides a
better understanding of the type of research methods employed to analyze the benefits of
NCUA, as shown in Figure 5:
Figure 5shows that the most commonly used research methods approach adopted
is the survey to collect data for analysis. Surveys were used in 15 articles out of 40 (37%),
followed by interviews and observation with 7.5% each, and finally the experimental
method with 5%.
The use of the mixed method is the most interesting. Indeed, it indicates that the most
frequent approach in the articles was to use a mixture of research methods. The percentage
breakdown of the mixed method is presented in more detail in Figure 6.
In these 17 articles out of 40, surveys have the highest percentage of use, followed by
interviews, and finally observation and experimentation (Figure 6). The results show that
the joint use of surveys and interviews to analyze NCUA forms is favored for analysis, and
can be supplemented by observation and/or experimentation, making understanding and
evaluation more precise.
Agronomy 2024,14, 234 9 of 19
Agronomy 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 20
3.5.1. Methodologies Used for the Realization of the Article
Identifying the different research methods used in each of our 40 articles provides a
better understanding of the type of research methods employed to analyze the benefits of
NCUA, as shown in Figure 5:
Figure 5. Number of articles that employed exclusively each research methodology in the selected
articles, except for the mixed category which is where articles employed more than one research
Figure 5 shows that the most commonly used research methods approach adopted is
the survey to collect data for analysis. Surveys were used in 15 articles out of 40 (37%),
followed by interviews and observation with 7.5% each, and finally the experimental
method with 5%.
The use of the mixed method is the most interesting. Indeed, it indicates that the most
frequent approach in the articles was to use a mixture of research methods. The percentage
breakdown of the mixed method is presented in more detail in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Frequency of use of each search method in articles using the mixed search method.
In these 17 articles out of 40, surveys have the highest percentage of use, followed by
interviews, and finally observation and experimentation (Figure 6). The results show that
the joint use of surveys and interviews to analyze NCUA forms is favored for analysis,
and can be supplemented by observation and/or experimentation, making understanding
and evaluation more precise.
Figure 5. Number of articles that employed exclusively each research methodology in the selected arti-
cles, except for the mixed category which is where articles employed more than one
research method
Agronomy 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 20
3.5.1. Methodologies Used for the Realization of the Article
Identifying the different research methods used in each of our 40 articles provides a
better understanding of the type of research methods employed to analyze the benefits of
NCUA, as shown in Figure 5:
Figure 5. Number of articles that employed exclusively each research methodology in the selected
articles, except for the mixed category which is where articles employed more than one research
Figure 5 shows that the most commonly used research methods approach adopted is
the survey to collect data for analysis. Surveys were used in 15 articles out of 40 (37%),
followed by interviews and observation with 7.5% each, and finally the experimental
method with 5%.
The use of the mixed method is the most interesting. Indeed, it indicates that the most
frequent approach in the articles was to use a mixture of research methods. The percentage
breakdown of the mixed method is presented in more detail in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Frequency of use of each search method in articles using the mixed search method.
In these 17 articles out of 40, surveys have the highest percentage of use, followed by
interviews, and finally observation and experimentation (Figure 6). The results show that
the joint use of surveys and interviews to analyze NCUA forms is favored for analysis,
and can be supplemented by observation and/or experimentation, making understanding
and evaluation more precise.
Figure 6. Frequency of use of each search method in articles using the mixed search method.
3.5.2. The Methodology Used for Each NCUA Form
One of the main purposes of this systematic review is to analyze the relationship
between the different forms of NCUA and the research methodology used. To this end,
Figure 7details the methodology used for each UA form.
Agronomy 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 20
3.5.2. The Methodology Used for Each NCUA Form
One of the main purposes of this systematic review is to analyze the relationship be-
tween the different forms of NCUA and the research methodology used. To this end, Fig-
ure 7 details the methodology used for each UA form.
Figure 7. Number of articles that used each research methodology, related to the form of non-com-
mercial Urban Agriculture Practice evaluated.
Figure 7 shows that several research methods are used to analyze the implementation
of NCUA in cities and the resulting benefits, i.e., through interviews, surveys, experi-
ments, observations, or even a mix of these methods employing at least two of them, mak-
ing the analysis more precise and comprehensive. Experimental methodology is the least
used in the articles selected, and was used in only 2 articles out of 40. For interviews and
observation, four and three articles, respectively, used only these methods to obtain re-
sults. Once again, the methodology most used in our 40 articles is the mixed method,
which is employed for the majority of UA forms, where CG is the most analyzed with this
approach, followed by UF, SG, and A.
These results show us the diversity of existing research methodologies employed for
analyzing the use of UA and the benefits they bring, and shows preference for some re-
search strategies over others.
3.6. Benefits of the Implementation of NCUA Practices
Identifying the benefits that NCUA practices bring is the main objective of this review
article. Indeed, in-depth coding of the selected articles has resulted in the cross-tabulated
table shown in Figure 8, which was obtained from NVivo 14 Software, and where the
green color refers to the highest number of studies and the red color to the lowest number.
Figure 7. Number of articles that used each research methodology, related to the form of non-
commercial Urban Agriculture Practice evaluated.
Figure 7shows that several research methods are used to analyze the implementation
of NCUA in cities and the resulting benefits, i.e., through interviews, surveys, experiments,
Agronomy 2024,14, 234 10 of 19
observations, or even a mix of these methods employing at least two of them, making
the analysis more precise and comprehensive. Experimental methodology is the least
used in the articles selected, and was used in only 2 articles out of 40. For interviews and
observation, four and three articles, respectively, used only these methods to obtain results.
Once again, the methodology most used in our 40 articles is the mixed method, which is
employed for the majority of UA forms, where CG is the most analyzed with this approach,
followed by UF, SG, and A.
These results show us the diversity of existing research methodologies employed
for analyzing the use of UA and the benefits they bring, and shows preference for some
research strategies over others.
3.6. Benefits of the Implementation of NCUA Practices
Identifying the benefits that NCUA practices bring is the main objective of this review
article. Indeed, in-depth coding of the selected articles has resulted in the cross-tabulated
table shown in Figure 8, which was obtained from NVivo 14 Software, and where the green
color refers to the highest number of studies and the red color to the lowest number.
Figure 8. Cross tabulation showing the frequency of benefit against the types of UA: CG: community
gardens; UF: urban farms; SG: school garden. Colors: red: lowest number of articles that mentioned
the type of NCUA related to the category of benefits; yellow: low; dark yellow: medium; light yellow:
high; green: low; light green: high; dark green: very high (Source: the authors).
Categories of Benefits Identified in This SR
The findings from the analysis of this systematic review shows that the benefits of
NCUA can be divided into three categories: economic, environmental, and social:
Economic benefits: the implementation of NCUA practices helps to promote commu-
nity resilience and stimulate economic development [
]. The analysis of this aspect
identified two sub-categories, namely cost reduction and income generation: cost
reduction is related to people saving money on their groceries [
], by reducing the
prices and making them accessible to low-income households [
]; income generation
relates specifically to the fact that these gardens offer the opportunity to develop an
agricultural system that matches their values and is adapted to their needs, and which
can be translated into revenue [45,46].
Environmental benefits: implementing NCUA practices has been shown to promote
greening and environmental enhancement [
], support city adaptation to climate
change, and reduce human damage and health problems [
]. NCUA helps to improve
carbon sequestration and limit extreme weather events, thereby improving the quality
of urban life and the environment [23].
Social benefits: the main benefit of implementing UAP would be to improve well-being
in terms of mental and physical health [
]. The most obvious would be to increase
access to fresh and healthy products. In addition, NCUA can play an important role in
Agronomy 2024,14, 234 11 of 19
the social integration of less privileged people at risk of social exclusion, contributing
to a more sustainable society [13,21].
Figure 8presents a cross-tabulation of the results obtained, demonstrating the out-
comes of implementing these practices linked to its various forms of NCUA:
As shown in Figure 8, there were four sub-categories under social benefits in the
40 articles
selected and analyzed in this systematic review. All the articles that analyzed the
CG form of NCUA reported social benefits of UA, focusing on the human aspects, including
health benefits, nutrition, and trusting relationships with others. Furthermore, all three
studies of allotments (A) reported the social benefits, especially for the socio-economic and
human subcategories. Economic benefits were reported in 20 of the 40 articles, with results
showing that setting up UA areas could save money and generate income for individuals,
and where, once again, the CG form of NCUA had the highest frequency of reported
economic benefits (Figure 8). Finally, environmental benefits were the least reported, found
in 16 articles out of 40, although all 6 studies using a mixed form of NCUA reported
environmental benefits.
3.7. Benefits vs. Countries
The main objective of this literature review is to identify the different benefits of
involving NCUA spaces within cities, which has been reported in the previous section.
In addition, this section shows whether there is any variability in the reported benefits
of NCUA across the countries identified in the selected articles. Figure 9presents a cross
tabulation of the benefits of NCUA in relation to the countries studied, in order to better
identify the potential/targeted benefits of NCUA use in each country:
Agronomy 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 20
Figure 9. Cross tabulation showing the frequency of evocation of the benefits of involvement and
integration of urban practices across the countries covered through the analysis of the articles se-
lected for this review. Colors: red: no articles mentioning the benefits of NCUA per country; yellow:
low; dark yellow: medium; green: low; light green: high; dark green: very high (Source: the authors).
From Figure 9, the USA is by far the country that cited the most benefits compared
with other countries, especially for health and nutrition. Second place goes to Australia,
which also has the greatest number of reports on the social aspect, followed by community
networking. In third place come Canada, Spain, Italy, and the multi-countries (studies that
evaluated more than a country), all of which mention the benefits of NCUA in their arti-
cles, focusing almost equally on all three aspects.
Figure 9 also shows that the social aspect is most often mentioned in the 40 selected
articles, with health and benefits being the most cited in the 19 countries analyzed (31 out
of 40 articles), followed by community and networking, and mental health. Economic ben-
efits were the second most common focus (20 of the 40 articles), and were most frequently
mentioned in studies carried out in the USA, Canada, and multi-countries. Economic ben-
efits were not the focus of studies in countries such as Australia, Morocco, and Iran. Lastly,
the environmental aspect was the least mentioned, being mentioned in less than half the
articles, particularly in the USA, Australia, Canada, and multi-countries.
The final analysis involved mapping each article according to the benefits reported,
as shown in Figure 10, providing an overview of the results founded by each article with
regard to economic, social, and environment aspects, and which have been explained
Figure 9. Cross tabulation showing the frequency of evocation of the benefits of involvement and
integration of urban practices across the countries covered through the analysis of the articles selected
for this review. Colors: red: no articles mentioning the benefits of NCUA per country; yellow: low;
dark yellow: medium; green: low; light green: high; dark green: very high (Source: the authors).
Agronomy 2024,14, 234 12 of 19
From Figure 9, the USA is by far the country that cited the most benefits compared
with other countries, especially for health and nutrition. Second place goes to Australia,
which also has the greatest number of reports on the social aspect, followed by community
networking. In third place come Canada, Spain, Italy, and the multi-countries (studies that
evaluated more than a country), all of which mention the benefits of NCUA in their articles,
focusing almost equally on all three aspects.
Figure 9also shows that the social aspect is most often mentioned in the 40 selected
articles, with health and benefits being the most cited in the 19 countries analyzed (31 out of
40 articles), followed by community and networking, and mental health. Economic benefits
were the second most common focus (20 of the 40 articles), and were most frequently
mentioned in studies carried out in the USA, Canada, and multi-countries. Economic
benefits were not the focus of studies in countries such as Australia, Morocco, and Iran.
Lastly, the environmental aspect was the least mentioned, being mentioned in less than
half the articles, particularly in the USA, Australia, Canada, and multi-countries.
The final analysis involved mapping each article according to the benefits reported, as
shown in Figure 10, providing an overview of the results founded by each article with re-
gard to economic, social, and environment aspects, and which have been
explained above
Agronomy 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 20
Figure 10. Matrix coding query that summarizes all information obtained in this systematic review
and which showed individual authors against the different benefits. Binary system where 1 shows
the presence of the benefit and 0 reflects its absence (Source: the authors) [1–4,6,8–
Figures 9 and 10 show that only one article mentions that there are no significant
social benefits. This study was carried out in France, where the authors describe that “that
the practice of gardening for one year in a CG may not be sufficient to change health and
sustainability behaviors”, giving a culturally dependent aspect to consider in the analysis.
3.8. Reported Challenges and Limitations from the Studies against NCUA Implementation
The analysis of the articles selected for this review has enabled the identification of a
number of challenges and limitations in the implementation of UAP, which may differ
from one situation to another, and which have been commented on by the authors:
3.8.1. Challenges
Despite the many positive effects of UA, its implementation faces a number of chal-
lenges. The field is still under-researched and requires collaboration between agricultural
specialists, developers, and local authorities [39]. Pollution could be one of the major prob-
lems for the safe production of urban food systems. For example, urban soils may be con-
taminated or of poor quality, so local production and consumption need to be monitored;
access to water may also reduce their implementation [4,48]. Another challenge is to en-
sure that UAP values are reflected in urban planning and decision-making, including civic
engagement and willingness [49,50]. NCUA is now gaining ground around the world, but
Figure 10. Matrix coding query that summarizes all information obtained in this systematic review
and which showed individual authors against the different benefits. Binary system where 1 shows
the presence of the benefit and 0 reflects its absence (Source: the authors) [
Figures 9and 10 show that only one article mentions that there are no significant
social benefits. This study was carried out in France, where the authors describe that “that
Agronomy 2024,14, 234 13 of 19
the practice of gardening for one year in a CG may not be sufficient to change health and
sustainability behaviors”, giving a culturally dependent aspect to consider in the analysis.
3.8. Reported Challenges and Limitations from the Studies against NCUA Implementation
The analysis of the articles selected for this review has enabled the identification of
a number of challenges and limitations in the implementation of UAP, which may differ
from one situation to another, and which have been commented on by the authors:
3.8.1. Challenges
Despite the many positive effects of UA, its implementation faces a number of chal-
lenges. The field is still under-researched and requires collaboration between agricultural
specialists, developers, and local authorities [
]. Pollution could be one of the major
problems for the safe production of urban food systems. For example, urban soils may be
contaminated or of poor quality, so local production and consumption need to be monitored;
access to water may also reduce their implementation [
]. Another challenge is to ensure
that UAP values are reflected in urban planning and decision-making, including civic
engagement and willingness [
]. NCUA is now gaining ground around the world, but
its true value is not understood beyond its ability to help reduce food insecurity [
]. More-
over, NCUA offers an opportunity for creating jobs, which should be of major importance,
reducing poverty and enabling households to have access to food [41].
3.8.2. Limitations
Regarding the limitations identified from the selected articles in this systematic litera-
ture review, most articles reveal that gardens face political obstacles due to zoning laws,
unreliable access to water, and lack of funding and access to land, where discrepancies be-
tween theory and reality of operations are striking with regard to NCUA economics [
In addition, many authors have also mentioned a lack of awareness of how to carry out a
project (technical knowledge, engaging the community, etc.), ref. [
], as well as a lack of
empirical evidence to support claims of environmental benefits on how general gardening
and horticultural activities can potentially shape the environment of urban areas [28].
4. Discussion
With more than half of the world’s population currently living in cities and an urban
population estimated to reach 60% by 2030 [
], achieving more sustainable, livable, and
resilient cities is one of the greatest challenges for urban policy and planning in the 21st
century [
]. This systematic literature review analyzed the benefits that different forms of
NCUA bring to the population, and to the city itself, in different countries. The results show
that NCUAs have multiple functions, which contribute to a variety of outcomes associated
with urban food systems, in the different cases and countries analyzed [
], and which can
be categorized into social, environmental, and economic aspects, explained more in depth
in the following sections.
4.1. Social Benefits
The implementation of NCUA yielded in four categories of social benefits from garden-
ing: mental health and wellbeing, society economic growth and employment opportunities,
nutrition, and social cohesion: First, mental health and wellbeing, where it was found
that living in green environments was associated with reduced instances of depression
and helped reduce personal feelings of anxiety [
], with an 8–12% reduction in mortal-
ity risk [
]. Secondly, the society economic growth and employment opportunities,
where a number of professionals, technicians, and farmers are hired to manage the UAP
by offering help and advice to users [
], making these NCUA areas a “refuge sector” for
unemployed workers, retired people, or failed entrepreneurs [
]. In the third place
comes the nutrition aspect, where gardens expand access to healthy nutritional fruits and
vegetables in economically significant quantities, and where fruit and vegetable consump-
Agronomy 2024,14, 234 14 of 19
tion has improved [
], increasing food security and providing livelihoods for urban
dwellers [
]. Finally, the social inclusion is the aspect most cited by the authors of the
articles selected for this systematic review. Indeed, the implementation of NCUA offers
spaces for socialization and, consequently, multiple opportunities to increased ‘social cohe-
sion and integration’ [
], which can be defined as links between individuals that cultivate
norms of reciprocity and civic engagement [
], helping people to break out of isolation
and anxiety [54].
4.2. Environmental Benefits
The analysis of the 40 selected articles shows that the implementation of NCUA makes
an essential contribution to the sustainable development goal of creating sustainable cities
and communities [
], where environmental sustainability remains a potential priority [
They could help improve the green infrastructure that contributes to creating and main-
taining habitats for a wide range of plants and animals by providing shelter and nesting
sites, offering water and food resources, and integrating into surrounding ecosystems. [
A number of potential biodiversity enhancements in CG have been identified, such as
plants that attract and feed pollinators [
]. In addition, one of the main environmental
benefits cited for different forms of NCUA in different countries is improved air quality,
increased air humidity, and lower air temperatures during the summer months, which
can significantly mitigate the urban heat [
]. Furthermore, the implementation of NCUA
forms enables community development as a means of rebuilding declining cities and
neighborhoods and reducing food miles and the resulting carbon emissions [66].
4.3. Economical Benefits
In terms of economic benefits, this review finds that the implementation of urban areas
has improved the economic situation of many households, as gardens inherently amplify
the aesthetic appeal of neighborhoods, and as a result, are likely to increase property values
in the immediate vicinity, particularly in deprived neighborhoods [
]. Indeed, results
suggest that gardeners harvest nutritionally and economically significant quantities of
food [
], and also enable the integration of aspects of Circular Economy [
]. Moreover, at
an individual level, growing one’s own produce also has a tangible economic benefit, as it
reduces the amount spent on groceries, although the exact savings have not been studied
extensively [68].
From the analysis presented above, it is clear that using this systematic literature
review processing approach has helped to address our main problematic, namely the
identification of the outcomes and benefits that the implementation of NCUA brings to
the city and the population, which may vary from case to case and person to person, but
nevertheless offer many of the services we are looking for today.
The findings of this review are aligned with the results found by Nikoli´c et al. (2022),
who highlight the potential of UA in providing alternative food sources for growing urban
populations, focusing on UA’s multifunctionality and its perceived benefits in improving
cities and combating food insecurity, taking into account the various economic and social
impacts of UA, along with its environmental potential for mitigating the effects of climate
change and creating sustainable cities [
]. Furthermore, in 2023, Boukharta et al. also stated
the importance for policy makers and urban planners to consider the potential benefits of
UA and to prioritize stakeholder engagement in the development and implementation of
NCUA [70].
The explanation of the significance of the results and actions taken can be reinforced
by a qualitative assessment with benchmarks focusing on aspects such as resource use,
community involvement, the impact and benefits of NCUA, and their measurement against
established standards to assess the performance and impact of the UA initiative.
Agronomy 2024,14, 234 15 of 19
5. Conclusions
UA has multiple functions, contributing to a variety of outcomes associated with
localized urban food systems, including food access, food and agriculture education,
community building, and civic engagement [
]. The analysis of the articles selected
for this review has enabled us to identify a number of benefits that the NCUA forms
provide, such as improving the health and well-being of the population, increasing the
social inclusion and society economic growth, helping customers to obtain a variety of
fruit and vegetables at lower prices, purifying the air, etc., and which can be categorized
into three aspects, namely social, economic, and environmental. Furthermore, the results
obtained clearly show that there is a difference in the implementation of UAP and the
assessment of its benefits between countries, with UA being more common and encouraged
in developed countries and less known and used in developing countries, suggesting the
need to explain and share the concept further within communities, which has also been
mentioned by Boukharta et al. (2023), by organizing workshops for residents along with
other activities that can help strengthen ties between residents and provide them with the
opportunity to learn more about UA and its services [70].
The authors of the selected articles for this review highlighted numerous challenges
and limitations, such as pollution, water scarcity, and lack of interest on the part of the
authorities. However, it must be emphasized that the fundamental limitation to the real-
ization of such UAP is a poor or incomplete understanding of the concept of UA, as it is
thought to be linked only to food security issues, but its other functions are ignored and
insufficiently known, hence the need to insert a specified and explained outline of the UA
concept. In addition, there is a lack of skills to engage the community in UA initiatives,
which should be mentioned as a limitation, but also as an area where interventions from
public authorities are required. Future research should seek to quantify the extent of the
ecological benefits of UA, and to identify where and how local authorities should provide
reliable and affordable access to land and water, so that all residents can participate and
enjoy the benefits that the NCUA provide. Moreover, they should also highlight strategies
of how best to include NCUA into the municipality’s long-term land-use planning, as
mentioned in 2022 by Nikoli´c et al., emphasizing UA multifunctionality and perceived
benefits for city improvement [69].
The development of NCUA could be supported by local policymakers or land-use
managers, when planning and making decisions about the use of public spaces in cities, by
making municipal land available free of charge, providing water at a lower price, helping
to provide seeds, etc. This is in line with the work carried out by Bednarska-Olejniczak
et al. in 2019, which points to the role that policymakers could perform in adjusting
existing laws, plans, and strategies to integrate the principles of sustainable development
through the revision of regulations on urban development and environmental protection,
in partnership with NGOs and SDGs that can facilitate community engagement in the
development of sustainable smart cities, driving the transition to sustainable and smart
urban and rural landscapes [
]. Finally, it is also necessary to consider other aspects and
criteria for NCUA success, such as sustainability strategy and return on investment, as
NCUA can play an important role in promoting a circular economy in contributing to
various aspects of sustainability, minimizing waste, optimizing resource use, promoting
local and sustainable practices, and supporting resilience and community engagement.
This systematic literature review demonstrates the gaps in knowledge about NCUA at
a worldwide level, along with its benefits. The methodology used showed that the main
assumption of the approach employed in this review is that we were able to obtain relevant
studies and that there is a body of literature that enabled us to address our problems.
Furthermore, this approach provided us with studies of sufficient quality, validity, and
representativeness. However, the process of searching for multiple eligibility and exclusion
criteria can present a limitation, due to the time required for the search and the availability
of numerous databases. In addition, this study was confined to studies conducted in
English; future studies could evaluate more published languages to have a wider range of
Agronomy 2024,14, 234 16 of 19
results and openness around the world. The present study is one of the first to illustrate the
perceived benefits of NCUA to both the population and the city itself, improving cities and
making them more sustainable and resilient. However, we suggest that further research
should be carried out in the future to further explore and understand this discipline which
is currently of great importance to current and upcoming generations, using more critical
appraisal of study design and contextual information which may produce more nuances
into the variances of findings.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, O.F.B., L.M.N.-G. and L.C.-S.; methodology, O.F.B. and
I.Y.H.; software, O.F.B. and I.Y.H.; validation, L.C.-S., L.M.N.-G. and L.V.; formal analysis, O.F.B.,
I.Y.H., L.C.-S., L.V. and L.M.N.-G.; investigation, O.F.B., I.Y.H., L.M.N.-G. and L.C.-S.; resources,
L.M.N.-G. and L.C.-S.; writing—original draft preparation, O.F.B.; writing—review and editing, O.F.B.,
L.C.-S., L.M.N.-G., I.Y.H. and L.V.; visualization, O.F.B., L.C.-S., L.M.N.-G. and L.V.; supervision,
I.Y.H., L.C.-S., L.M.N.-G. and L.V.; project administration, L.M.N.-G.; funding acquisition, L.M.N.-G.
and L.C.-S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the European Union supporting this work through the
FUSILLI Project (H2020-FNR-2020-1/CE-FNR-07-2020), grant number No. 101000717; website: (accessed on 1 January 2024).
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: Ouiam Fatiha Boukharta has been financed under the call for University of
Valladolid 2021 predoctoral contracts, co-financed by Banco Santander.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest. The funders had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or
in the decision to publish the results.
List of Abbreviations
A allotments
CG community gardens
NCUA non-commercial urban agriculture
RQ research question
SG school gardens
UA urban agriculture
UAP urban agricultural practices
UF urban farms
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... As a result, today's world is a combination of tradition, modernity, and agriculture [5], and where urban agriculture (UA) is currently able to occur wherever humans can cultivate grains, even in the smallest part of the soil [6,7], thereby providing interactions and adaptation to an urban ecosystem [8]. As a matter of fact, besides producing food from these urban spaces, green and sustainable cities enable cleaner air, water, and streets, empowering their environmental, social, and economic outcomes [9,10]. ...
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Population growth and urbanization are threatening food security. Urban agriculture is therefore a solution for urban food production and distribution. This paper investigates a multi-level governance framework to evaluate how local authorities implement their prescriptions at different levels of decision-making and objectives for urban agricultural projects and their role in building urban resilience. A qualitative assessment based on interviews and fieldwork over two periods in 2023 and 2024 was conducted with stakeholders from different entities in the Normandy Region of France, including the metropolis, the city, and two projects’ presidents. The findings revealed a positive alignment on polycentric governance between different entities in terms of socio-economic integration, climate improvement, and nutritional diversity, all of which were achieved by the cases evaluated. Additionally, local authorities are seeking to achieve urban food self-sufficiency in order to reduce the scale of food imports, thus highlighting a limitation and challenging aspect of this study, given that urban areas are compromised by population density, limited space capacity, and the impermanence of projects. This investigation clearly shows that using this combined systematic approach of interviews and fieldwork provides an in-depth understanding of authorities’ needs and assesses the existence of polycentric governance compliance across multiple units.
... These green spaces facilitate ongoing engagement between natural environments and social performances, reshaping the urban landscape. As dynamic components of a living ecosystem, they transcend the role of simple backdrops, becoming essential links between social practices and environmental qualities [50,51]. This fosters interdependent relationships [52] and creates spots of reconnection between humans and nature [53], as well as between society and the environment. ...
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This case study in the municipality of Acharnes, Greece, examines a local initiative that transforms schoolyards into community gardens, involving teachers, pupils, parents, grandparents, and neighbors. The research explores participants’ perceptions of these transformations, with a focus on interactions with non-human beings such as pollinators. Data were collected using a questionnaire completed by 85 participants, including parents and guardians of pupils and school staff. Data analysis was conducted using statistical software to evaluate the research sample. Initially, descriptive statistics, including frequency distributions, were used to summarize the demographic and baseline variables of the sample. Next, Kendall’s tau correlation was applied to assess statistically significant relationships, such as those between age and proximity to green spaces, as well as gender, education, and green space preferences. The results of the survey reveal the “embrace” of these new urban green areas by both the school and the local community. This study, as part of an effort to address broader challenges in urban contexts, highlights the need for further in-depth exploration and examination of these dynamics to provide valuable insights into the design and management of school gardens. The aim is to enhance community engagement and urban biodiversity, with a central focus on social and environmental resilience.
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Nowadays, there is great pressure in cities on the demand and supply of food as well as environmental needs, and where Urban Agriculture emerges in various forms to confront this situation. Indeed, Urban Agriculture is a form of agriculture, highlighting its multiple functions in ensuring food security, maintaining urban ecosystem services, and improve the quality of life. Moreover, the use and transformation of abandoned areas is proving to be an appropriate way of creating new green spaces. This research article focuses on analysing the alignment between governance mechanisms, the distribution of the value created, together with the benefits derived. The comparison is based on four case studies in France, two in Paris ("La Caverne" and "Veni-Verdi") and two in Rouen ("Le Champ des Possibles" and "Le Jardin de l'Astéroïde") with different vocations (social vs economic), and which will serve as a basis for investigations into the theme of Food Governance Structures. This research work consisted of carrying out interviews with the stakeholders involved in Urban Agricultural Projects, as well as on-site visits for analysis and evaluation. An empirical analysis through the NVivo Software is used, which allowed the qualitative analysis of the data. The results show that there are similarities between the different initiatives, such as having a well-structured administrative office headed by a president, treasurer and employees. At the same time, there are a few differences in terms of the type of structure, key priorities and management structure. Indeed, three of the four initiatives evaluated aim to reach out to local residents and to understand the benefits of having agricultural spaces in our cities and to recreate this link with nature, unlike the economic initiative, which focuses more on business and commerce and less on social and educational inclusion.
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African cities are growing rapidly into inefficient, unsustainable, resource-starved ecosystems that negatively affect the local economy and food production. Food as a critical resource needs to be produced and managed more efficiently by local communities in the urban area. Urban smart farming (USF) has emerged as an important mechanism to address these challenges to achieve sustainable, resilient, and inclusive cities. USF has the potential to be the industry 4.0 green revolution in agriculture, which embodies innovative digital technologies. However, it is unclear how local African communities and key stakeholders perceive this novel solution and if they are willing to engage in its uptake. This study examines the relationship between the perceived benefits and challenges of USF and the willingness of local African communities to actively participate in USF projects as a potential mechanism to improve local economy and food production. To assess this relationship, a causal model was developed. In this causal model, the local economy and food production were defined as dependent variables. The conceptualized model and the inherent causality between the constructs were validated through a survey administered among African cities’ residents. The results of structural equation modelling indicate a significant positive impact of perceived benefits of USF as well as the willingness of African communities to engage in this technology on local economy and food production. Only minimal adverse effects of the perceived challenges of USF on the local economy and food production have been found. The study concludes that the benefits and willingness of local communities are the key drivers for implementing urban smart farms in African metropolitans. Therefore, it is recommended to focus on the benefits and the motivation of local communities in African cities where USF shall be further developed, rather than on the barriers. The validated causal model can be used as a framework to facilitate the adoption of USF in Africa and consequently enhance the local economy and food production in African cities.
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Cities and rural areas, as two human settlements, have long interacted with each other, and these interactions have many benefits for producing better products and food security. However, despite the importance of benefits in rural-urban interaction, identifying, improving, and investing them in rural areas of Iran has always been neglected. Therefore, in addition to identifying the benefits of interactions, this study investigates the causal relationship between them and sustainable food security in villages in the southeast Tehran province in Iran. Four hundred questionnaires were completed among farmers by simple random sampling. The findings, conducted in a descriptive-analytical and questionnaire-based manner, show the positive effect of rural-urban interactions on sustainable food security. The product transport variable has the most significant impact, and agricultural services and production support have a negligible effect on sustainable food security. Villagers' access to roads (proximity to farms), suitable ways to deliver agricultural and non-agricultural products to the city, warehousing, refrigeration, and packaging services, widening roads between farms, and market access are the key factors influencing food security.
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The aim of this article is to describe the supply chains in which urban agriculture operates in four selected cities – Havana, Kigali, Bissau and Singapore. The analysis based on the results of the fieldwork conducted in 2018–2020 comprises both the spatial dimension of the supply chain as well as the number of actors along the products’ route. It is argued here that despite the fact that operating in a shortened supply chain is considered a typical feature of urban agriculture, its benefits depend on local economic, social and spatial conditions, the organization and structure of the supply chain itself, as well as the distance between particular actors and the role they perform. The results of the analysis of diverse cases located in different regions of the world show that the positive effects of bringing food production closer to the place of consumption are indeed not arbitrary and further research regarding the structure of the supply and also value chain is needed.
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This article describes the changes taking place in the functions of allotment gardens, their perceived value, reasons for purchasing allotments and subjective (self-reported) assessments of their importance during the pandemic. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 203 owners of allotment gardens located in three highly urbanised cities in the Silesian Voivodeship (Southern Poland). Semi-structured questionnaires and non-standardised questionnaires were used to collect the data. The results demonstrate that the respondents aged above 61 years (38.5%) have observed a generational change in the function of allotments, from cultivating fruits and vegetables to recreational purposes. Regardless of age, the owners of allotment gardens did not notice any technological progress or new crops. The young respondents (21–30 years) treated allotment gardens as an investment (36.7%), while the respondents aged below 20 years and over 61 years declared that the greatest benefits of allotment gardening are improved health and growing one’s own fruits and vegetables. The respondents aged over 41 years (25.9%) also pointed out the importance of growing their own produce. Allotments were especially important during the pandemic as a private space free from COVID-related restrictions. Extended interviews with the respondents revealed that allotment gardening was perceived as a coping strategy for the stress generated during the lockdown. This study showed that allotment gardens are important sites not only for food production but also for maintaining mental health, social capital and environmental engagement.
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Challenges of population growth, urban overpopulation, climate change and declining natural resources are pushing food supply systems to their limits. Therefore, urban areas are adopting different/alternative food production and distribution systems, like urban agriculture (UA). UA uses modern/innovative technologies that shorten food supply systems, and this results in mitigating not only the financial burden of modern farming but also climate change effects. With all its implicit and explicit effects, UA offers different food sources for growing urban populations, and it could provide a way of life that is capable of responding to global challenges. Explicit effects of UA often cause misunderstanding of this concept, so UA is often seen as small-scale production, inefficient and limited, which in turn diminish the mitigating effects of UA. Misunderstanding of UA is particularly high in transitional countries, and therefore, this study in Bosnia and Herzegovina aimed to determine the level of understanding of the UA concept and people’s expectations of UA, as well as to identify factors that constrain people’s awareness of the concept and its mitigating impacts on climate change. The study mapped the existing Bosnia and Herzegovina UA value chain, and lays out perspectives for UA development and the impact of the 2020 COVID-19 crisis on people’s perceptions of UA. Finally, we offer our recommendation for all stakeholders to support the UA movement to combat global food supply challenges and help mitigate environmental issues connected with food consumption by urban populations.
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Creating sustainable urban landscapes in light of growing population pressures requires interdisciplinary multi-functional solutions. Alternative agro-ecosystems described as food forests, permaculture gardens, and/or edible landscapes among others could offer potential ways to address the social, economic, and ecological goals of various stakeholders simultaneously. Current research is lacking a comprehensive tool that can assess the performance of a