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Do task variables of self-generated problems influence interest? Authenticity, openness, complexity, and students' interest in solving self-generated modelling problems


Abstract and Figures

Problem posing-generating one's own problems-is considered a powerful teaching approach for fostering students' motivation such as their interest. However, research investigating the effects of task variables of self-generated problems on students' interest is largely missing. In this contribution, we present a study with 105 ninth-and tenth-graders to address the question of whether the task variables modelling potential, assessed by openness and authenticity, or complexity of self-generated problems have an impact on students' interest in solving them. Further, we investigated whether the effect of task variables of self-generated problems on stu-dents' interest differed among students with different levels of mathematical competence. High modelling potential had a positive effect on interest in solving the problem for students with low mathematical competence, whereas it had a negative effect for those with high mathematical competence. However, complexity of self-generated problems did not affect students' interest in solving problems.
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Journal of Mathematical Behavior 73 (2024) 101129
Available online 23 January 2024
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Do task variables of self-generated problems inuence interest?
Authenticity, openness, complexity, and studentsinterest in
solving self-generated modelling problems
Janina Krawitz
, Luisa Hartmann
, Stanislaw Schukajlow
Institute of Mathematics, University of Paderborn, Warburger Str. 100, 33098 Paderborn, Germany
Institute of Mathematics Education and Computer Science Education, University of Münster, Henriette-Son-Str. 19, 48149 Münster, Germany
Problem posing
Mathematical modelling
Task variables
Problem solving
Problem posinggenerating ones own problemsis considered a powerful teaching approach
for fostering students motivation such as their interest. However, research investigating the ef-
fects of task variables of self-generated problems on students interest is largely missing. In this
contribution, we present a study with 105 ninth- and tenth-graders to address the question of
whether the task variables modelling potential, assessed by openness and authenticity, or
complexity of self-generated problems have an impact on students interest in solving them.
Further, we investigated whether the effect of task variables of self-generated problems on stu-
dentsinterest differed among students with different levels of mathematical competence. High
modelling potential had a positive effect on interest in solving the problem for students with low
mathematical competence, whereas it had a negative effect for those with high mathematical
competence. However, complexity of self-generated problems did not affect students interest in
solving problems.
1. Introduction
Problem posing enables students to experience a feeling of competence by posing problems according to their individual learning
abilities and to develop learning autonomy by authoring their own problems (e.g., Silver, 1994). According to the self-determination
theory of motivation (Deci & Ryan, 2008), the experiences of competence and autonomy are essential for studentsintrinsic moti-
vation. As intrinsic motivation is closely related to interest (Reeve et al., 2003), problem posing could increase interest in solving
problems (e.g., Walkington, 2017). Enhancing learners interest via problem posing seems to be a fruitful goal, as studies have
demonstrated that studentsinterest in a task or activity is associated with increased engagement, greater effort, more productive
learning behaviors, and better learning outcomes (Harackiewicz et al., 2008; Mitchell, 1993; Renninger & Hidi, 2017). In the present
contribution, we focus on problem posing that is based on descriptions of real-world situations and examine the role of task variables of
self-generated problems on students interest in solving the problems. An example of a real-world situation that we used as a
problem-posing stimulus is shown in Fig. 1.
To generate a problem based on a real-world situation, students can use their interpretation of the situation to construct a
mathematical problem according to their prior knowledge, problem-posing experience, and personal preferences. Thus, self-generated
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Krawitz).
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Received 24 March 2023; Received in revised form 12 December 2023; Accepted 14 January 2024
Journal of Mathematical Behavior 73 (2024) 101129
problems differ regarding task variables. Prior studies demonstrated that students can pose demanding and meaningful problems (Cai
& Hwang, 2002; Silver & Cai, 1996; Stoyanova & Ellerton, 1996), and engage in important modelling processes while posing own
problems (Hartmann et al., 2022, 2023). However, research also revealed that problem posing is demanding and self-generated
problems often have decits (English, 1998; Hansen & Hana, 2015; Hartmann et al., 2021). Learners experience with problem
posing might be an important factor in determining the task variables and thereby also the quality of self-generated problems (e.g.,
Chen et al., 2015). The task variables of self-generated problems in turn can affect learnersmotivation in solving these problems. If
students perceive a problem as new and complex and are condent that they can master it, they likely will nd it interesting (Silvia,
2005, 2008). In addition, individual factors, such as learnersmathematical competence, can impact their perception of self-generated
problems and thus, determine whether or not they nd a particular problem interesting. For example, students with high levels of
mathematical competence are more likely to nd complex problems interesting because they are more condent in their ability to
solve such problems compared to students with lower levels of competence.
Although problem posing is presumed to have a positive effect on studentsinterest, there is currently limited evidence regarding its
impact, especially regarding the task variables of the self-generated problems. Therefore, the overarching goal of the study was to
contribute to the theory of problem posing and motivation (Cai & Leikin, 2020) by investigating the conditions under which students
perceive self-generated problems interesting. To reach this goal we focused on task-specic factors, namely the modelling potential of
self-generated problems assessed by openness and authenticity, and the complexity of self-generated problems. We consider these
factors as important for students interest in solving self-generated problems that were developed based on real-world situations. In
addition, we focused on two individual factors, namely students mathematical competence and their problem-posing experience.
Mathematical competence is considered a signicant individual factor inuencing interest (Harackiewicz et al., 2008). It can
potentially shape how individuals perceive certain characteristics of a task and, consequently, impact their interest in solving it.
Furthermore, problem-posing experience is regarded as an important factor affecting the characteristics of self-generated problems
(Cai & Hwang, 2021). Problem-posing experience inuences how students formulate and structure problems based on their prior
experiences and knowledge.
The present study aims to investigate the impact of task variables, such as modelling potential and complexity, on studentsinterest
in solving self-generated problems. Additionally, we examine whether the effect of these task variables on interest varies among
students with different levels of mathematical competence. Further, we investigate whether prior experience with problem-posing
predicts interest in solving self-generated problems via the task variables of self-generated problems.
Fig. 1. A real-world situation about the salt mountaintogether with a problem posing prompt adapted from Hartmann et al. (2021).
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Journal of Mathematical Behavior 73 (2024) 101129
2. Theoretical background
2.1. Problem posing based on real-world situations
Problem posing is considered to have great potential for the learning of mathematics (e.g., Cai et al., 2015; e.g., Liljedahl & Cai,
2021). In school curricula, problem posing has been described as an important learning goal and it has been suggested to be an
important tool for problem solving (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2000). However, problem posing is still not used
much in mathematics classes, and research is just beginning to develop an understanding of the benets and challenges of this teaching
approach (Cai & Hwang, 2021). Problem posing is typically dened as the generation of new problems or the reformulation of given
problems (Silver, 1994). In the literature, the term problem posing is used for a wide range of activities, and several scholars (e.g., Cai
et al., 2015; Silver, 2013) suggested that there is a need to clarify different forms of problem posing. Problem-posing tasks can be
classied in various manners (Baumanns & Rott, 2021; Stoyanova & Ellerton, 1996). One such classication considers a task to consist
of two components: a problem situation and a problem-posing prompt (Cai & Hwang, 2023; Leikin et al., 2023). The problem situation
provides context and data that serve as sources for generating problems. For example, it can comprise intra-mathematical elements like
geometric gures, graphs or equations or elements that are connected to the real world such as textual descriptions or pictures of a
real-world situation. The problem-posing prompt instructs the learners on how to approach the problem situation. For example, it can
encourage learners to pose multiple problems, reformulate a given problem or pose a mathematical problem. In the present approach,
we look at problem posing from the perspective of modelling and applications in mathematics education. Consequently, we focus on
problem situations that are connected to the real world (here, textual descriptions of real-world situations) and problem-posing
prompts that stimulate the generation of real-world problems.
2.2. Task variables of self-generated problems based on real-world situations
The task variables of problems have an impact on what students learn, as different types of problems place varying cognitive
demands on learners. Consequently, the potential for problem posing to enhance problem-solving depends on the task variables of self-
generated problems.
In the eld of problem-solving research, multiple task variables have been identied to classify problem types. For instance, Goldin
& McClintock (1984) distinguished between syntax variables, content variables, structure variables, and heuristic behavior variables.
In the present study, we focus on structure variables of self-generated problems. Structure variables refer to factors that determine the
problem structure and strongly inuence the solution process, such as specic algorithms or strategies needed to solve it (Goldin &
McClintock, 1984). Task variables related to self-generated problems serve as indicators of learners problem posing abilities in
problem-posing research. Studies on modelling-related problem posing focused on several task variables including correctness,
authenticity, openness, mathematical reference, mathematical meaningfulness, and students involvement (Hansen & Hana, 2015;
Hartmann et al., 2021; Marco & Palatnik, 2022). The results highlight that students and pre-service teachers have problems to pose
open (Hartmann et al., 2021) and mathematical meaningful (Hansen & Hana, 2015) problems. However, when working over a longer
time period on their self-generated problems in a problem posing course pre-service teachers were found to improve their problems
regarding several task variables such as their correctness, authenticity, and studentsinvolvement (Marco & Palatnik, 2022). In our
study, we addressed modelling potential, assessed by openness and authenticity, as one structure variable from modelling research and
complexity as one structure variable from problem solving research.
2.2.1. Modelling potential
Modelling problems are problems, that require a demanding translation process between the real-world and mathematics (Niss &
Blum, 2020). To solve a modelling problem, students have to understand a given real-world situation, structure and simplify the
information to set up a mathematical model, work mathematically, interpret their results at the end of the solution process, and
validate their results with regard to the real-world situation. Modelling problems require specic solution procedures and strategies
(Niss & Blum, 2020). Thus, the modelling potential of a problem the extent to which a problem conforms to modelling characteristics
can be considered as a structure variable. Two key characteristics of modelling problems are their authentic connection to reality and
their openness (Maaß, 2010). Problems are considered authentic if they comprise questions that might be posed in a real-world sit-
uation (Palm, 2008). Openness can refer to the initial state of the problem, the goal state or the intermediate state (e.g., Silver, 1995;
Yeo, 2017). Here we focus on openness regarding the initial state of the problem, i.e. that the problem does not include all of the
information and that assumptions or data collection are necessary to solve it.
2.2.2. Complexity
A second important structure variable is complexity (Goldin & McClintock, 1984). The complexity of a problem depends on the
individual, but for the same student, one task can be judged as more or less complex than another (Yeo, 2017). In the literature, several
different frameworks are used to dene complexity (e.g., Stillman & Galbraith, 2003; Williams & Clarke, 1997). Prior research used the
number of solution steps in combination with other criteria such as the magnitude of the numbers or the level of required general-
ization as an indicator of the complexity of self-generated problems (Silber & Cai, 2017). Another factor that contributes to the
complexity of a problem is itsmathematical structure (Williams & Clarke, 1997). In modelling problems, the required mathematical
model determines the mathematical structure. Non-complex problems can be characterized as problems that can be solved using
simple mathematical models, while complex problems require more advanced models. Similar to prior research in problem posing
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(Silber & Cai, 2017), we use a combination of indicators to assess complexity. In the present study, we rely on the number of required
solution steps and the complexity of the mathematical model as indicators of the complexity of self-generated problems.
2.3. Problem posing and interest in solving self-generated problems
Interest is a person-object relationship that refers to (a) how much attention a person pays to and their effect regarding a particular
topic (situational interest) or (b) an enduring predisposition to reengage with a topic over time (individual interest) (Hidi & Renninger,
2006). Interest is specic to particular domains or content areas and is characterized by both cognitive and affective components
(Harackiewicz et al., 2016; Schiefele et al., 1992). Theoretical models of interest development suggest that students pass through
several stages as their interest in a topic evolves, starting from an unstable situational interest that is easily triggered to a more
enduring and personal interest that is well-developed (Hidi & Renninger, 2006). Repeated experiences of situational interest towards a
particular topic can lead to the development of individual interest over time. Therefore, the environment can play a role in fostering
the development of individual interest by creating opportunities to trigger situational interest and building on prior individual interest.
But what makes an object interesting? Research focusing on text-based interest identied several text characteristics as factors that can
enhance situational interest, including personal relevance, novelty, vividness, and comprehensibility (Schraw et al., 1995; Wade et al.,
1999). However, appraisal theories propose that not mere characteristics of an object of interest or event that humans are interested in,
but individualssubjective evaluations of objects or events are believed to arouse interest (Lazarus, 1991). Two specic appraisals, the
novelty-complexity appraisal and the coping-potential appraisal, are considered as contributors to interest (Silvia, 2005, 2008). The
appraisal of novelty-complexity refers to evaluating an event as new, unexpected, complex, hard to process, uncertain, or surprising.
The coping-potential appraisal refers to an individuals assessment of their abilities and resources. If a person has the condence of
mastering a complex task, he or she will likely nd it interesting. Here we focus on situational, task-specic interest in solving
self-generated problems. Task variables of the self-generated problems and how they are perceived by the students might play an
important role for their situational interest in mathematical problems. The task variables of modelling potential and complexity may
contribute to interest through the novelty-complexity appraisal, while the fact that the problems are self-generated may contribute to
the coping-potential appraisal, as problem posing allows students to generate problems that match their abilities and prior knowledge.
To the best of our knowledge, no scientic studies have been conducted to examine the effect of task variables of self-generated
problems on studentsinterest in solving them. The ndings of research that focused on given problems are mixed. Enhancing the
modelling potential by adding meaningful real-world contexts to intra-mathematical problems was found to increase interest in
elementary school children (Cordova & Lepper, 1996). However, the studies conducted by Rellensmann and Schukajlow (2017) and
Schukajlow et al. (2012) revealed that students do not consider problems related to reality more interesting than intra-mathematical
problems, per se. In addition, students reported more positive feelings towards word problems (i.e., problems that do not require
making assumptions and have one solution) than modelling problems (Krawitz & Schukajlow, 2018; Parhizgar & Liljedahl, 2019). One
potential explanation for this unexpected nding is that the modelling problems were perceived as too difcult, leading to frustration.
However, its also possible that problems perceived as too easy may be less interesting to students. Krug and Schukajlow (2013) found
that interest tends to decrease after a task has been completed, suggesting that tasks for which students already know the answer may
be less interesting to them.
It is an open question whether these ndings also hold for self-generated problems. For given modelling problems learners do have
less possibilities to adapt the problems to their own needs and abilities. Thus, their appraisal for solving given modelling problems
might be high regarding the novelty-complexity facet but low regarding the coping potential facet. We expect that posing high-quality
problems, in terms of modelling potential and complexity, will enhance students interest in solving the self-generated problems,
because we expect these task variables to enhance novelty-complexity appraisal and the activity of problem posing to facilitate coping-
potential appraisal.
2.4. Mathematical competence as a moderator of the effect
Research has predominantly focused on achievement as the dependent variable of interest, but there is evidence indicating that
achievement is reciprocally related to interest (Harackiewicz et al., 2008). Therefore, students mathematical competence can be
expected to inuence their interest in solving the problem. Niss and Højgaard (2019) dened mathematical competence as the
readiness to act appropriately in response to all kinds of mathematical challenges pertaining to given situations. The task variables of
self-generated problems may interact with the individuals mathematical competence to affect their interest. Depending on their level
of mathematical competence, students may experience varying levels of interest in tasks with certain characteristics. Mathematically
complex problems might be perceived as interesting by students with a high level of mathematical competence but might be perceived
as uninteresting by students with a low level of mathematical competence because of the difculty of such problems, which can lead to
lower self-efcacy in solving the problem (Carmichael et al., 2009). Furthermore, the modelling potential of a problem could be a
critical factor, as an authentic context may offer more opportunities for students to connect the problem to their own real-world in-
terests. This might be particularly benecial for students with a low level of mathematical competence because they might focus more
on non-mathematical aspects and might appreciate the chance to deal with these aspects more in mathematics class. The ndings from
the study conducted by Schukajlow et al. (2022) support these considerations. The study revealed that low-achieving students reported
greater interest in solving open modelling problems when compared to closed problems, whereas high-achieving students reported
similar interest in both open and closed modelling problems with a slight preference for closed problems.
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2.5. Problem-posing experience and task variables of self-generated problems
Numerous studies have indicated that students are capable of posing interesting and important mathematical problems (e.g., Cai &
Hwang, 2002; Silver & Cai, 1996; Stoyanova & Ellerton, 1996). However, also decits in posing adequate problems have been reported
(Cai & Hwang, 2002; Silver & Cai, 1996). In particular, for modelling-related problem posing it was found that students tend to pose
over-simplistic and closed problems (English, 1998; Hartmann et al., 2021). One possible explanation for this nding is, that students
may lack experience in problem posing, as problem posing is rarely taught in math classes (Cai & Hwang, 2021). Problem posing can be
considered a competence that can be learned by engaging in problem posing activities (Chen et al., 2015). Therefore, it is reasonable to
expect a positive effect of problem-posing experience on the quality of self-generated problems in terms of various task variables. The
characteristics of self-generated problems, in turn, might affect studentsinterest. When students pose problems with high modelling
potential and complexity, it is more likely that they will nd them interesting (as discussed in Section 2.3). Hence, we expect a positive
effect of problem-posing experience on interest via the task variables of self-generated problems. Intervention studies on problem
posing support this claim, as they have demonstrated that the quality of self-developed problems can be enhanced through
problem-posing activities (Abu-Elwan, 2002; Chen et al., 2015; English, 1998). However, in a long-term intervention with fth graders
Chen et al. (2015) showed that studentsdifculties in posing high-quality problems are persistent and hard to change. In this study,
the problem posing intervention helped to improve the quality of self-generated problems for some task variables (e.g. originality) but
not for others (e.g. complexity). Hence, additional research is needed to determine whether experience with problem posing predicts
the quality of self-generated problems regarding different task variables.
3. Path model and hypotheses
The present studys research questions were:
(1) Does posing problems with high modelling potential or high complexity positively affect interest in solving them?
(2) Does mathematical competence moderate the effect of posing problems with high modelling potential or high complexity on
interest in solving these problems?
(3) Does studentsexperience with problem posing predict interest in solving self-generated problems via the task variables of
modelling potential and complexity?
Fig. 2. Hypothesized path models for testing direct, indirect, and moderating effects of problem-posing experience on interest in solving self-
generated problems. Model A illustrates Hypotheses 1a, 2a, and 3 and Model B illustrates Hypotheses 1b, 2b, and 3.
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To answer these research questions, we set up and tested two path models (Fig. 2).
Based on theoretical considerations and research ndings, we posed the following hypotheses:
Hypothesis 1. (task variables on interest).
a) Posing problems with high modelling potential is benecial for students interest in solving the problems.
b) Posing complex problems is benecial for studentsinterest in solving the problems.
Hypothesis 2. (moderation by mathematical competence).
The effect of posing problems with high modelling potential or complexity on interest in solving the problems depends on students
mathematical competence.
a) Posing problems with high modelling potential is more benecial for increasing the interest of students with low levels of math-
ematical competence.
b) Posing mathematical complex problems is more benecial for increasing the interest of students with high levels of mathematical
Hypothesis 3. (Problem-posing experience on task variables and interest).
a) Studentsexperience with problem posing will positively affect their interest in solving the problems. (total effects).
b) Students experience with problem posing will positively affect interest in solving the problems via posing problems with high
modelling potential or high complexity. (indirect effects).
4. Method
4.1. Participants and procedure
The sample involved 105 ninth- and tenth-graders from 12 classes (52.88% female; mean age M =15.30 years, SD =0.66).
Students were given a paper-pencil test with six problem situations and were asked to create problems that were based on the
situations. After posing each of the self-generated problems, students were asked to answer a questionnaire (as part of the test) about
their situational interest in solving the self-generated problem. Then they were asked to solve the self-generated problem. At the end of
the test-booklet students answered a questionnaire about their gender, their experience with problem-posing and their mathematics
grades on their last school report.
The problem situations were descriptions of real-world situations. An example for one of the situations is provided in Fig. 1. The
other situations were taken from Hartmann et al. (2021). The problem-posing prompt in the test booklet was:
In this booklet, you will nd a number of different situations from the real world. Unlike most of the tasks you are familiar with,
there is no mathematical problem for you to solve for these situations because today you will develop the problem yourself.
First, read the description of the situation. Then think about a mathematical problem you can pose based on the given situation
that can be solved by using information from these situations and write this problem down. Then you should solve your self-
generated problem.
We included the phrase that could be solved using information from the situation to prompt students to pose mathematical
problems and to minimize the number of non-mathematical questions. The prompt was given to the students at the beginning of the
test. After each real-world situation they were asked to write down a self-generated problem (see Fig. 1).
Table 1 provides examples of problems posed by the students. The descriptions of real-world situations were adapted from
modelling problems that were used in prior studies (e.g., Krawitz & Schukajlow, 2018). The descriptions were enriched with additional
information to provide students with the opportunity to pose different problems that are related to various situational and
Table 1
Sample problems with codes for modelling potential.
Problem Modelling potential
Calculate the surface of the salt mountain. Non-authentic and closed (scored 0)
How long is side b? Non-authentic and closed (scored 0)
How many trucks are needed to transport the salt mountain? Authentic and closed (scored 0.5)
How many times does the truck have to go back and forth until it has transported all the salt? Authentic and closed (scored 0.5)
How long does it take to transport the salt mountain? Authentic and open (scored 1)
How much does one grain of salt weigh? Authentic and open (scored 1)
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mathematical aspects. The test was administrated by instructed master students who followed a standardized instruction manual. A
pilot study (Hartmann et al., 2021) was conducted and ensured that the time given (two school lessons, 90 min) was sufcient to nish
the test.
4.2. Measures
4.2.1. Scales for problem-posing experience, mathematical competence and interest
Studentsexperience with problem posing was measured with a questionnaire. Students were asked to indicate the extent to which
they agreed with three given statements on a scale ranging from 1 =not at all true to 5 =completely true (three items, e.g. In math
lessons, we pose our own word problems that we can solve by using math.) The reliability (Cronbachs
) of the scale was.714.
As an indicator of studentsmathematical competence, studentsmathematics grades on their last school report card were used
(inversely scored; ranging from 1 =low mathematical competenceto 5 =high mathematical competence). Studentsmathematics
grades are considered a good measure of mathematics achievement as they take into account a substantial timeframe and draw on
different sources (Roth et al., 2015). They were found to reect studentsachievement when different external criteria, such as a
general mathematics achievement scale and an understanding proofs scale were used (Rakoczy et al., 2008).
Students interest in solving the self-generated problems was measured by using a questionnaire. For each of the six problem
situations students were asked after generating a problem and before solving the self-generated problem, whether they were interested
in solving their self-generated problem (5-point Likert scale: 1 =not at all true, 5 =completely true). Studentsresponses indicated the
extent to which they agreed with the following statement: It would be interesting to solve my problem. Interest in solving the
problems was aggregated for the six problem situations. Leading to a scale consisting of 6 items with an internal consistency (Cron-
) of.859.
4.2.2. Scales for the task variables modelling potential and complexity of self-generated problems
Students self-generated problems to given six real-world situations were analyzed with regard to their modelling potential.
Thereby we focused on openness and authenticity as typical characteristics of modelling problems (Table 1). Each problem was
assigned to one of the following categories: non-authentic and closed (scored 0), either authentic or open (scored 0.5), or authentic and
open (scored 1). Problems were coded as authentic if the question might actually be posed in a real-world situation (Palm, 2008). A
sample problem that was coded as authentic is: How many trucks are needed to transport the salt mountain?Problems were coded as
non-authentic if they were mainly dressed-up mathematical questions that were not meant to contribute to an understanding or
exploration of the real-world situation (e.g., Calculate the surface of the salt mountain). Regarding the openness of the problems, we
focused on the initial problem state and dened a problem as open if it required the problem solver to make assumptions. As an
example, the problem How much does one grain of salt weigh? was scored as an open problem because additional information or
assumptions were necessary to solve the problem. Also, the problem How long does it take to transport the salt mountain?was scored
as open, because it requires assumptions about the time needed to load the truck, the number of trucks, driving time, and so on. We
used studentssolutions as an additional source for coding the task variables. For instance, if a solution to a problem that could be
interpreted either as open or closed included realistic considerations or assumptions, we coded it as an open problem. Conversely, the
problem How many trucks are needed to transport the salt mountain?was scored as closed because the information that was given
was sufcient to solve the problem. Table 1 presents sample problems to illustrate how the scoring works. The scale reliability
) was.676. Two trained raters scored the self-generated problems following a coding manual that was developed in a
prior study (Hartmann et al., 2021). To assess interrater agreement, 20% of the self-generated problems were independently coded by
both raters. The interrater agreement (Cohens κ) for modelling potential ranged between 0.611 and 1.00 for the six problem posing
tasks (M =0.860). The double coding was analyzed to identify systematic disagreements, which were subsequently discussed and
In addition, the self-generated problems were also scored concerning their mathematical complexity. We distinguished between
non-complex problems (problems that can be solved with simple mathematical models such as one basic mathematical operations) and
complex problems (advanced mathematical models, e.g., models that are based on the Pythagorean theorem or require multiple non-
routine steps). For example, the problem How many trucks are needed to transport the salt mountain?was scored non-complex,
because it can be solved with a simple mathematical model (the weight of the salt mountain divided by the maximum load capac-
ity of the trucks). Problems that could be solved directly by taking information from the text were also scored non-complex. For
example, the problem How much does the salt mountain weigh?was scored non-complex, because the answer 3740 tons is given in
the text. Conversely, the problem What is the height of the salt-mountain was scored as complex, because Pythagorean theorem needs
to be applied to solve the problem. The reliability (Cronbachs
) of the scale was .563. The intercoder reliability (Cohens κ) ranged
between 0.444 and 0.673 (M =0.573), indicating at least a moderate agreement.
4.3. Data analysis
We used the MPlus software to test the hypotheses with two path models, one model for modelling potential and one model for
complexity. The reported p-values for the effects that referred to our hypotheses were one-tailed because our expectations were
directional. Each model included 9 free parameters and 105 participants. The ratio (participants/free parameters) was above the
critical value of 5, which indicates that the sample size was sufcient for obtaining solid results (Kline, 2005).
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Journal of Mathematical Behavior 73 (2024) 101129
5. Results
5.1. Analysis of model t for the path models and descriptive statistics
The goodness-of-t statistics indicated that the path models t well. For the model examining the construction of problems with
high modelling potential, the comparative t index (CFI) was.923, the standardized root mean squared residual (SRMR) was.031,
which is below the critical value of.05, and the Chi-square test was nonsignicant, Х
=3.349, p=.187. For the model examining the
construction of complex problems, the t indices indicated a good model t (CFI =1.0; SRMR =.013; Х
=0.155, p =.926).
The estimates of the path models were based on the correlation matrix presented in Table 2. The results for the path model are
summarized in Fig. 3.
5.2. Effects of posing problems with high modelling potential or complexity on interest
Posing problems with high modelling potential was expected to positively affect students interest in self-generated problems
(Hypothesis 1). Contrary to our expectations neither posing problems with high modelling potential nor posing complex problems did
affect interest in solving self-generated problems (modelling potential (Model A): β= 0.043, p=0.643; complexity (Model B):
β=0.040, p=0.643).
5.3. Mathematical competence as a moderator
We further expected that the effect of posing problems with high modelling potential on interest in solving the problems would
depend on studentsmathematical competence. In particular, we expected that posing problems with high modelling potential would
enhance interest more in students with a low level of mathematical competence (Hypothesis 2a), whereas posing complex problems
would enhance interest more in students with a high level of mathematical competence (Hypothesis 2b). In line with our expectations,
we found that studentsmathematical competence moderated the effect of posing problems with high modelling potential on their
interest in solving the problems (β= 1.136, p=.009), indicating that posing problems with high modelling potential is more
benecial for interest in solving the problems for students with a low level of mathematical competence than for students with a high
level of mathematical competence. We took a closer look at the potential differences and analyzed the effect at different levels of
mathematical competence. One standard deviation of mathematical competence corresponds to about one grade (SD =0.95). If the
grade was one standard deviation below the arithmetic mean (low mathematical competence), posing problems with high modelling
potential was positively related to studentsinterest (β=0.885, p=.037), whereas, if the grade was one standard deviation above the
arithmetic mean (high mathematical competence), posing problems with high modelling potential was negatively related to students
interest (β= 1.240, p=.039).
Regarding the effect of posing complex problems on studentsinterest in solving the problems, contrary to our expectations, we
found no signicant moderating effect of mathematical competence (β=0.165, p=.263). Hence, our hypothesis that students with a
higher level of mathematical competence would be more interested in solving mathematically complex self-generated problems than
students with a lower level of mathematical competence was not supported by the data.
5.4. Effects of problem-posing experience on interest
We further analyzed the total effects in the two path models. The total effects included all direct and indirect effects of problem-
posing experience on interest. We expected that experience with problem posing would positively affect interest (Hypothesis 3a). This
expectation was conrmed by the results of both models (Model A: β=0.239, p=.002; Model B: β=0.205, p=.011). Further, we
expected an indirect effect of problem-posing experience on interest via posing problems with high modelling potential or via posing
complex problems as intervening variables (Hypothesis 3b). Contrary to our expectations, no indirect effects were found in the models
(indirect effects, Model A: β= 0.012, p=.331, Model B: β=0.001, p=.454). Thus, the effect of problem-posing experience on
interest in solving the self-generated problems was not mediated by posing problems with these task variables. Problem-posing
experience had a positive effect on the posing of problems with high modelling potential (direct effect, β=0.285, p<.001), but
posing problems with high modelling potential did not affect interest in the self-generated problems (direct effect, β= 0.043,
p=.327). For Model B, problem-posing experience did not enhance the posing of complex problems (direct effect, β=0.010,
p=.453), and in turn, posing complex problems did not increase interest in the problems (direct effect, β=0.040, p=0.322).
Table 2
Means, standard deviations, and correlations of all variables (**p<.01, *p<.05 two-tailed).
Variable (score range) M SD 1 2 3 4 5
1. Problem-posing experience (1-5) 1.65 0.77 -
2. Mathematical competence (1-5) 3.20 0.95 .05 -
3. Modelling potential (0-1) 0.51 0.13 .28** .11 -
4. Complexity (0-1) 0.43 0.23 .01 .05 .30** -
5. Interest (1-5) 3.14 0.89 .23* .22* .04 .06 -
J. Krawitz et al.
Journal of Mathematical Behavior 73 (2024) 101129
6. Discussion
The goal of the present study was to investigate the interplay between different factors that help to explain how problem posing can
contribute to situational interest in mathematics. Thereby, we included task-specic factors (the task variables of self-generated
problems) and two individual factors (prior experience with problem posing and mathematical competence) in our analyses.
Our study makes a novel empirical contribution by assessing, for the rst time, the effect of task variables of self-generated
problems on studentsinterest in solving these problems. A path analysis based on theories of problem posing, modelling, and in-
terest revealed that contrary to our expectations posing problems with high modelling potential or complexity did not affect students
interest in self-generated problems across the whole sample. However, an important nding of our study was that posing problems
with high modelling potential had a positive effect on students with low mathematical competence, but a negative effect on those with
high mathematical competence. For students with low mathematical competence, characteristics of modelling problems such as
authenticity and openness may be more important as they allow them to connect their real-world interests to the problems. Students
with high mathematical competence may be more interested in solving problems that are more obviously mathematical. A theoretical
implication of this nding is that mathematical competence is an important factor that has to be considered in the context of modelling
problems and interest in solving the problems. This result sheds light on the ndings of prior studies in which modelling problems were
perceived as similar or even less interesting than dressed-up word problems and intra-mathematical problems (Parhizgar & Liljedahl,
2019; Rellensmann & Schukajlow, 2017; Schukajlow et al., 2012). Future studies should investigate whether the positive effect of
generating problems with high modelling potential on situational interest among low-achieving students can be extended to their
interest in solving given modelling problems.
Further, our results showed that problem-posing experience positively affected students interest in the problems. However,
contrary to our expectations, problem-posing experience did not affect studentsinterest indirectly via the task variables of the self-
generated problems. In line with our expectations, problem-posing experience did enhance the posing of problems with high modelling
potential, and posing problems with high modelling potential in turn had benecial effects on the interest of students with a low level
Fig. 3. Path models for testing the hypotheses. Note. Signicant paths (p<.05) are presented as solid lines. The estimates are standardized
(STDYX). Thus, they can be interpreted as predicted changes in the criterion measures in standard deviation units when the covariate changes by
one standard deviation.
J. Krawitz et al.
Journal of Mathematical Behavior 73 (2024) 101129
of mathematical competence. Consistent with theories that explain how the appraisal of events contributes to interest (Silvia, 2005,
2008), it is important to consider not only the characteristics of self-generated problems but also how they interact with personal
factors that inuence how a person evaluates a task. Regarding the complexity of self-generated problems and contrary to our ex-
pectations, we found no effect of problem-posing experience on the posing of complex problems. Similar to previous research, students
showed a tendency to pose simple problems (English, 1998; Hartmann et al., 2021). In addition, there was no effect of posing complex
problems on studentsinterest in the problems, and studentsmathematical competence did not moderate the effect of posing complex
problems on their interest. One possible explanation for the absence of signicant effects related to the focused task variables
modelling potential and mathematical complexity on studentsinterest in solving the problems could be that other task variables are
more important for students. For instance, they may prioritize the mathematical correctness of problems, which was identied as
important task variable in prior research on modelling-related problem posing (Hansen & Hana, 2015; Marco & Palatnik, 2022).
Therefore, future studies should explore in addition to modelling potential and mathematical complexity other task variables to un-
cover factors that might play an important role in stimulating students interest in solving self-generated problems.
Our expectation that problem-posing experience would have an indirect effect on interest in solving self-generated problems via the
task variables of the problem was not supported. However, problem-posing experience had a signicant direct effect on students
interest in solving self-generated problems. Thus, teaching problem posing in class nevertheless seems to be important for students
interest in solving the problems. Future studies should clarify what task-related or personal factors mediate the effects of experience on
students interest in solving problems. Perceived competence, autonomy, and enjoyment have been revealed to be important for
studentsinterest in mathematical problem solving in the past (Schukajlow & Krug, 2014; Schukajlow & Rakoczy, 2016), and they
might also be important in the context of problem posing (Cai & Leikin, 2020; Liu et al., 2020).
In addition, our ndings indicate that modelling problems have the potential to boost interest in solving self-generated problems for
students with low levels of mathematical competence. This needs to be conrmed in future studies. A practical implication would be
that modelling problems are an important tool for supporting studentsinterest via problem posing, and important characteristics of
modelling problems (e.g., openness) might support the development of interest in particular in students with low levels of mathe-
matical competence. This aspect should be discussed further in modelling research, and future studies should focus on how interest,
modelling, and mathematical competence are interrelated.
7. Strength and limitations
Among some obvious limitations, such as the limited number of tasks and participants as well as limitations that hail from the
choice of concrete real-world situations, the following points should also be considered. In our study, rich real-world situations were
carefully selected and offered to students. Thus, studentschoices for constructing problems were limited to specic situations. The
limited choices may have negatively impacted the effects of problem posing on studentsinterest in solving the problems and may have
contributed to the absence of indirect effects on interest via the task variables of the self-generated problems.
Our framework for analyzing self-generated problems primarily focused on modelling problems. However, we acknowledge that
different results might arise if other frameworks such as those centered on word problems (Verschaffel et al., 2020), had been utilized.
Furthermore, students are generally more familiar with closed problems (Verschaffel et al., 2000). Hence, they may have assumed that
they should generate closed problems. This tendency might have been reinforced by our prompt, which asked students to pose
problems that can be solved using information from the situations. The reason for the prompt was that we did not want to force
students to pose open problems. To address this issue, we performed a statistical analysis that excluded openness from the score of
modelling potential to check how these changes would affect the results of the statistical analysis. The analysis with the authenticity
(and without openness) as a score for modelling potential, revealed that most regressions did not change and remained signicant. The
only important change was in the signicance of the path from ‘problem posing experienceto ‘posing problems with high modelling
potential, which became not signicant after excluding openness (p=.25). To learn more about the effects of problem-posing
prompts on self-generated problems, future studies need to systematically examine different types of prompts (Cai & Hwang, 2023).
Further, the internal consistency of the mathematical complexity scale was rather low and the interrater reliability for mathe-
matical complexity had borderline values for some of the tasks. Thus, results related to this task variable should be interpreted with
caution. The low reliability indicates that the extent to which problems with different levels of complexity can be posed depends on the
real-world situation that a student was offered. Future investigations should uncover the factors that inuence studentsattempts to
pose problems, and different real-world situations should be explored.
In addition, the problem situations in the test were presented for all students in the same order. Hence, it is possible that differences
between interest in solving the tasks at the beginning or at the end occurred because of for example tiredness of the students.
This research did not receive any specic grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-prot sectors.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Krawitz Janina: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Writing original draft, Writing
review & editing. Hartmann Luisa: Data curation, Writing review & editing. Schukajlow Stanislaw: Conceptualization, Writing
review & editing.
J. Krawitz et al.
Journal of Mathematical Behavior 73 (2024) 101129
Declaration of Generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process
During the preparation of this work the authors used ChatGPT-3.5 to conduct a language. After using this tool, the authors reviewed
and edited the content as needed and take full responsibility for the content of the publication.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
inuence the work reported in this paper.
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J. Krawitz et al.
... Interest in learning was one of the main factors that can encourage the achievement of learning objectives. Interest in learning was associated with increased student engagement, greater effort, productive learning behaviors, and better learning outcomes (Krawitz et al., 2024). Interest in learning has an impact on student learning outcomes or achievements. ...
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This study examined the implementation of an interactive PPT-based TGT learning model to increase student interest. This research was a Classroom Action Research conducted in class IX B SMP Islam As Sakinah Sidoarjo which consists of 22 students. This class was chosen as the research subject because it showed a lower learning interest in Islamic Educationsubjects compared to class IX A with the application of the same learning method. However, according to the Islamic Educationteacher, this class has greater potential if the students’ interest in learning can be improved. Primary data were collected through observation and questionnaires, then analyzed qualitatively and statistically descriptively. Supported by secondary data obtained through interviews and literature studies to find problems and ensure the availability of facilities, and find out student responses to the learning model applied. The results showed an increase in student interest from pre-action by 62% to 94% after implementing the interactive PPT-based TGT learning model. There was also an increase in the number of active students from 16 students to all students in the class (22 students). It can be concluded that the application of interactive PPT-based TGT learning methods can increase students’ interest in Islamic Education learning. Synergizing the TGT learning model with interactive PPT media is one of the right actions to increase student interest in learning. Teachers who find the problem of lack of student interest in learning can apply the TGT learning model by utilizing interactive PPT media as done in this study. In addition, this study can be a reference for further researchers who want to examine the implementation of TGT learning or interactive PPT media in learning.
... The research by Krawitz et al., (2024) explains that students with a high level of mathematical competence are more likely to find complex problems interesting because they are more confident in their ability to solve them compared to students with lower levels of competence. Research results conducted by (Susanty, 2022;and (Priliyanti et al., 2021) explain that students' difficulties in learning chemistry are caused by internal factors, including low interest in learning chemistry, low motivation to learn chemistry, poor understanding of chemistry concepts, and weak student abilities in calculation aspects, as well as external factors, including poor adjustment of student abilities in the application of teaching methods by teachers in class, how teachers manage chemistry learning, peer influence, and ineffective chemistry learning time. ...
Chemistry is often considered a difficult subject for learners due to its abstract concepts and complex terminology. This can lead to difficulties in understanding the material and a decrease in students' interest in studying chemistry. The aim of this research is to describe and explain the factors of difficulty understanding in solving chemistry material experienced by students. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The results show that 62.3% of students experience slight difficulty and 37.7% experience moderate difficulty in understanding chemistry material. The interest in learning chemistry of class XII MIA students is categorized as sufficient with a percentage of 46.68%. Factors causing difficulties in understanding chemistry material include a lack of understanding of mathematical concepts, the predominance of lecture methods, limited learning media, and the suboptimal use of chemistry laboratories. The conclusion of this research provides an overview that the factors causing difficulties in understanding chemistry material affect students' interest in learning. Therefore, these findings can be used as evaluation material to improve the quality of chemistry education in schools.
Teachers should correctly assess which tasks are interesting for their students. A study by Rellensmann and Schukajlow (2017) found that intra-mathematical tasks were more interesting to students than tasks with real-world connections, yet preservice teachers deemed tasks with real-world context to be more interesting to students. We assumed that this result would not hold for contexts that closely connect to students’ lives. We surveyed 34 eighth graders and 53 preservice teachers about how interesting students find tasks in current contexts (climate change and COVID -19) and about how preservice teachers estimate students’ interest. The students’ interest in tasks with superficial wrapper relationships to the context was greater than in tasks without real-world context. Surprisingly, however, tasks with deeper tapestry relationships to the context were not found more interesting. We further confirmed that preservice teachers overestimated students’ interest in tapestry tasks and underestimated how interesting wrapper tasks and intra-mathematical tasks can be. The impact sheet to this article can be accessed at 10.6084/m9.figshare.27151230
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In mathematics education, pre-formulated modelling problems are used to teach mathematical modelling. However, in out-of-school scenarios problems have to be identified and posed often first before they can be solved. Despite the ongoing emphasis on the activities involved in solving given modelling problems, little is known about the activities involved in developing and solving own modelling problems and the connection between these activities. To help fill this gap, we explored the modelling process from a problem posing perspective by asking the questions: (1) What activities are involved in developing modelling problems? and (2) What activities are involved in solving self-generated modelling problems? To answer these research questions, we conducted a qualitative study with seven pre-service teachers. The pre-service teachers were asked to pose problems that were based on given real-world situations and to solve their self-generated problems while thinking aloud. We analyzed pre-service teachers’ developing and subsequent solving phases with respect to the problem posing and modelling activities they were engaged in. Based on theories of problem posing and modelling, we developed an integrated process-model of posing and solving own modelling problems and validated it in the present study. The results indicate that posing own modelling problems might foster important modelling activities. The integrated process-model of developing and solving own modelling problems provides the basis for future research on modelling problems from a problem posing perspective.
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Problem posing, the process of formulating and expressing problems based on a given situation, is an essential practice in mathematics and other disciplines. Although this is acknowledged in policy documents, problem-posing tasks are neither substantively nor consistently included in school mathematics. In this chapter, we consider problem posing from the perspective of challenging and worthwhile instructional tasks. We examine the current state of problem-posing tasks in school mathematics, and we put forward arguments for how and why teachers should make use of problem posing to engage their students in achieving challenging learning goals. We present a variety of examples of problem-posing tasks to illustrate a framework of problem-posing task characteristics focusing on problem situations and problem-posing prompts. Finally, we put forward recommendations for how to support teachers as they learn to teach mathematics through problem posing.KeywordsProblem posingTeaching mathematics through problem posingInstructional tasksTeacher learning
Conference Paper
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In real life, problems emerge from situations and often need to be posed before they can be solved. Despite the ongoing emphasis on the processes involved in solving modelling problems, little is known about the process of problem posing. To help fill this gap, the current study examined (1) what activities are involved in modelling-related problem posing and (2) the sequence in which they occur. For this purpose, we invited seven preservice teachers to pose a problem based on given real-world situations and analyzed their problem-posing activities. We identified the five most frequent activities that occurred in the sequence: understanding-exploring-generating-problem solving-evaluating. These results contribute to the uncovering of important activities and contribute to theories of modelling and problem posing.
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This article aims to develop a framework for the characterisation of problem-posing activities. The framework links three theoretical constructs from research on problem posing, problem solving, and psychology: (1) problem posing as an activity of generating new or reformulating given problems, (2) emerging tasks on the spectrum between routine and non-routine problems, and (3) metacognitive behaviour in problem-posing processes. These dimensions are first conceptualised theoretically. Afterward, the application of these conceptualised dimensions is demonstrated qualitatively using empirical studies on problem posing. Finally, the framework is applied to characterise problem-posing activities within systematically gathered articles from high-ranked journals on mathematics education to identify focal points and under-represented activities in research on problem posing.
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As problem posing has been shown to foster students’ problem-solving abilities, problem posing might serve as an innovative teaching approach for improving students’ modelling performance. However, there is little research on problem posing regarding real-world situations. The present paper addresses this research gap by using a modelling perspective to examine (1) what types of problems students pose (e.g., modelling vs. word problems) and (2) how students solve different types of self-generated problems. To answer these questions, we recruited 82 ninth- and tenth-graders from German high schools and middle schools to participate in this study. We presented students with different real-world situations. Then we asked them to pose problems that referred to these situations and to solve the problems they posed. We analyzed students’ self-generated problems and their solutions using criteria from research on modelling. Our analysis revealed that students posed problems that were related to reality and required the application of mathematical methods. Therefore, problem posing with respect to given real-world situations can be a beneficial approach for fostering modelling abilities. However, students showed a strong tendency to generate word problems for which important modelling activities (e.g., making assumptions) are not needed. Of the students who generated modelling problems, a few either neglected to make assumptions or made assumptions but were not able to integrate them adequately into their mathematical models, and therefore failed to solve those problems. We conclude that students should be taught to pose problems, in order to benefit more from this powerful teaching approach in the area of modelling.
Modelling is an important part of mathematical learning. One characteristic feature of modelling problems is their openness. In this study, we investigated the relationship between interest and performance in solving open modelling problems and closed real- world problems. We used questionnaires and tests to assess the interest and performance of 143 ninth- and 10th-grade students at different achievement levels. We found that low-achieving students were more interested in solving open modelling problems than closed real-world problems. Also, prior individual interest in mathematics and performance were positively related to situational (task-specific) interest. These results contribute to interest theories by underlining the importance of types of real-world problems and achievement levels for situational interest.
Conference Paper
This study suggests eight different dimensions through which products of teachers' applied mathematics problem posing (AMPP) can be modified to achieve different pedagogical goals: authenticity, correctness, compactness, mathematical diversity, multiple data representations, answer format, generalization, and students' agency and decision making. The dimensions were identified from a qualitative multiple-case study using variation theory as a theoretical framework. We compared items and versions of secondary teachers' AMPP products during professional development (PD). The resulting model informs teacher educators and researchers in planning and implementing AMPP in teacher PD, can serve as a basis for an assessment model of AMPP product, and enhance teachers' learning in task design environments.
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Problem solving and problem posing have long been of interest to the mathematics education community. In this survey paper we first look at some of the seminal moments in the history of research on the important topics. We then use this history to position the state-of-the-art research being done in both problem solving and problem posing, before introducing the presented state-of-the-art developments in problem solving and problem posing. We then use this work as a backdrop against which to introduce the 16 empirical papers that make up this special issue. Together these 16 papers add nuance to what is already known about problem solving and problem posing; this nuance is the result of attending to very specific contexts and purposes in which these activities are embedded. We end the paper by discussing the future directions these fields can take.
Problem posing, the process of formulating problems based on a given situation, is an essential practice in mathematics and other disciplines. Although this is acknowledged in policy documents, problem posing is neither substantively nor consistently included in the school mathematics curriculum. In this paper, we first comment on the state of problem posing in school mathematics and discuss three recommendations to improve its integration into curriculum materials and classroom practice. These recommendations present a low barrier to entry for teachers and students and require only minor changes to common mathematics classroom activities and curriculum materials. Based on the three recommendations, as well as the features of effective teacher professional development, a program was created to investigate longitudinally the impact of problem-posing professional development on teachers’ conceptions of problem posing and their design of lessons to teach mathematics using problem posing, as well as on students’ learning. Initial findings are presented, including the significant changes in teachers’ conceptions of problem posing and teachers’ design of lessons to teach mathematics using problem posing, as well as the impact on students’ learning.