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Effect of Extreme Drought on Reticulated Giraffe Population in Northeastern, Kenya

  • Mzumbe University

Abstract and Figures

Occurrence of severe drought in northeastern Kenya has emerged as a critical threat to the giraffe population in the region, exacerbating a multitude of pre-existing challenges. The primary concern stems from the drying up of acacia trees, a crucial feed source for giraffes. As these trees wither due to the prolonged drought, the giraffes are confronted with a diminishing feed supply, leading to malnutrition and an alarming decline in their overall population. One immediate consequence of the drought is the migration of giraffes to neighboring countries such as Ethiopia and Somalia in search of sustenance. Unfortunately, the situation in these regions, particularly Somalia, has been aggravated by persistent civil unrest since 1991. The ongoing conflict not only exacerbates the challenges faced by giraffes but also poses additional threats to their survival. The violence and instability in these areas hinder conservation efforts, making it more difficult to implement protective measures and conservation programs. Beyond the drought and migration, giraffes in northeastern Kenya are grappling with a host of other issues. Habitat loss, primarily driven by human activities such as deforestation and land development, further diminishes the available living space for giraffes. The encroachment of agriculture, expanding settlements, and infrastructure development contribute to the shrinking of their natural habitats.
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International Journal of Bioresource Science
Citation: IJBS: 10(02): 173-183, December 2023
DOI: 10.30954/2347-9655.02.2023.4
How to cite this article: Ali, M.H., Ali, A., Nungula, E.Z. and Gitari, H.
(2023). Effect of Extreme Drought on Reticulated Giraffe Population in
Northeastern, Kenya. Int. J. Bioresource Sci., 10(02): 173-183.
Source of Support: IUCEA; Conflict of Interest : None
Research Paper
Effect of Extreme Drought on Reticulated Giraffe Population in
Northeastern, Kenya
Mohamed Hussein Ali1, 2*, Abdullahi Ali2, Emmanuely Z. Nungula3 and Harun Gitari1
1Department of Agricultural Science and Technology, School of Agriculture and Enterprise Development, Kenyatta University,
Nairobi, Kenya
2Bura East Community Conservancy, Hirola Conservation Program. Garissa, Kenya
3Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development, Mzumbe University, Morogoro, Tanzania
*Corresponding author: (ORCID ID: 0009-0003-6171-6053)
Received: 23-08-2023 Revised: 28-11-2023 Accepted: 06-12-2023
Occurrence of severe drought in northeastern Kenya has emerged as a critical threat to the girae
population in the region, exacerbating a multitude of pre-existing challenges. The primary concern stems
from the drying up of acacia trees, a crucial feed source for giraes. As these trees wither due to the
prolonged drought, the giraes are confronted with a diminishing feed supply, leading to malnutrition
and an alarming decline in their overall population. One immediate consequence of the drought is the
migration of giraes to neighboring countries such as Ethiopia and Somalia in search of sustenance.
Unfortunately, the situation in these regions, particularly Somalia, has been aggravated by persistent
civil unrest since 1991. The ongoing conict not only exacerbates the challenges faced by giraes but also
poses additional threats to their survival. The violence and instability in these areas hinder conservation
eorts, making it more dicult to implement protective measures and conservation programs. Beyond
the drought and migration, giraes in northeastern Kenya are grappling with a host of other issues.
Habitat loss, primarily driven by human activities such as deforestation and land development, further
diminishes the available living space for giraes. The encroachment of agriculture, expanding selements,
and infrastructure development contribute to the shrinking of their natural habitats.
mReticulated giraes (Giraa Camelopardalis. reticulata) are a subspecies of giraes found in East Africa,
primarily in the arid and semi-arid regions of Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia.
mReticulated giraes are easily recognized by their distinctive coat paern, which features a network
of sharp-edged, polygonal shapes outlined by a network of thin white lines.
mThey inhabit savannas, open woodlands, and grasslands, where they can nd an abundance of acacia
trees and other vegetation.
mThese animals are herbivores and primarily feed on the leaves, owers, and fruits of acacia trees.
Their long necks and prehensile tongues enable them to reach high branches.
Keywords: Reticulated girae, land fragmentation, overgrazing, degradation, bush-meat trade, poaching
The Horn of Africa region, characterized by its
arid landscapes, harbors a remarkable array of
unique wildlife, including the reticulated girae
(Giraa Camelopardalis. reticulata), hirola antelope
(Beatragus hunteri), and African elephant (Loxodonta
africana) (Davies and Asner, 2019). However,
this biodiversity hotspot faces a dire threat due
to factors such as drought, overgrazing, civil
Ali et al.
Print ISSN : 2347-9655 Online ISSN : 2454-9541
unrest, and the effects of climate change. The
consequence of this coexistence between humans
and wildlife is a growing competition for dwindling
resources, leading to the perilous decline of several
species primarily due to habitat loss. Research
indicates that land degradation, drought, habitat
destruction, diseases, illegal hunting, and armed
conicts have all taken a substantial toll on girae
populations across Africa (Muller, 2018). In Kenya,
the native reticulated girae, often referred to as
the Somali giraffe, has suffered severely due to
human population growth and land use changes.
These giraffes are easily recognized by their
distinctive coat paern, which features a network
of sharp-edged, polygonal shapes outlined by a
network of thin white lines (Fig. 1). Unfortunately,
conservation efforts for giraffes in Africa have
been notably limited, resulting in the extinction of
girae populations in several countries over recent
decades, including Burkina Faso, Guinea, Malawi,
Eritrea, Mauritania, Senegal, and Nigeria (Lee et
al. 2020).
Specically, in the Horn of Africa, girae populations
have undergone dramatic declines in northern
areas, southwestern Somalia, and parts of southern
Ethiopia. Various studies have delved into the
biology of giraes, examining their ecology, genetic
structure, reproductive dynamics, and population
behavior, all aimed at aiding conservation eorts
on the continent (Davies and Asner, 2019; Lee
et al. 2020). While there have been efforts to
restore small herds in Kenyan national parks and
conservancies, the overall status of the giraffe
population remains uncertain, highlighting gaps in
the existing knowledge. Amidst these challenges,
success stories are emerging from Africa, such as
the remarkable increase in girae populations in
South Africa by over 50%, thanks to reintroduction
and conservation initiatives in their historical range.
Additionally, West African giraes, which is the
tiniest subspecies, have rebounded from about 50
individuals in the 1990s to 400 today.
Although the majority of reticulated giraffes
inhabit eastern Kenyan counties like Garissa,
Lamu, Mandera, and Wajir, current conservation
eorts have largely concentrated on populations
in northern Kenyan counties, including Laikipia,
Samburu, and Marsabit, mainly due to accessibility
(Berkes, 2004). However, construction of the Lamu
Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia Transport (LAPSSET),
Eastern Africa’s extensive infrastructure project,
through the girae’s native range in Garissa, Lamu,
and Wajir Counties poses a significant threat to
their habitat quality and population. Hence, the
giraffe’s status in such part of Africa remains
uncertain, with anecdotal reports of its presence
and habitat use in the Juba region. To address the
gaps in data and knowledge, organizations like
the Northern Rangelands Trust in Kenya and the
Hirola Conservation Program have been collecting
data on reticulated girae numbers, particularly
in Laikipia, Isiolo, and Garissa Counties. Still, this
data is insucient for developing a comprehensive
conservation plan given the extensive range of the
reticulated girae. Therefore, a well-coordinated
effort involving local communities, scientists,
non-prot conservation agencies, and government
entities is needed to conduct area-wide research
and conservation eorts for the long-term survival
of giraes.
Fig. 1: Reticulated giraffes with a distinctive network of white
sharp-edged, polygonal shapes.
Credit: Hirola Conservation Program
Nevertheless, despite the proven success
of community-based giraffe conservation, in
various regions, it has received limited aention.
Investigating the extent of giraffe population
decline in areas managed by local communities is
a promising avenue. Given the numerous threats
these giraes face, initiating a robust conservation
program is essential, focusing on raising awareness,
implementing strategies to mitigate human-girae
conicts, and building capacity for in-country girae
conservation actions. Such coordinated eorts can
Effect of Extreme Drought on Reticulated Giraffe Population in Northeastern, Kenya
Print ISSN : 2347-9655 Online ISSN : 2454-9541
pave the way for the recognition, protection, and
support of all girae populations along the Kenya-
Somalia border, ensuring their continued existence.
Poaching poses a significant threat to giraffe
populations as well. The demand for girae parts,
including their skin, bones, and tails, fuels illegal
hunting activities. Giraes are also targeted in the
bush meat trade, adding another layer of danger
to their existence. The combination of these factors
puts immense pressure on the girae population,
hence pushing them closer to the brink of extinction.
The term “human-wildlife conict” (HWC) refers
to the frequently harmful interactions that occur
when wild animals come into contact with humans.
These interactions have an impact on people’s
resources, wildlife, and ecosystems (Soulsbury
et al. 2015). Such conicts, driven by competition
for natural resources, have escalated in many
countries due to factors like population growth,
infrastructure development, and changes in
land use. HWC poses a signicant global threat
to sustainable development, food security, and
wildlife conservation, affecting both urban and
rural environments. Its eects encompass crop loss,
reduced agricultural productivity, competition for
grazing land and water sources, livestock predation,
human injuries and fatalities, infrastructure damage,
and heightened risks of disease transmission
between wildlife and livestock.
The conflict between humans and wildlife has
far-reaching implications for human safety,
well-being, ecosystem health, and biodiversity.
These impacts can be direct or indirect, ranging
from animals directly harming humans through
attacks to accidents involving animals, zoonotic
disease transmission, and economic losses such as
damage to crops, livestock, and property. Indirect
consequences include opportunity costs for farmers
and rangers, mental health impacts, disruptions
to livelihoods, and food insecurity (Karanth et
al. 2017). The severity and frequency of human-
wildlife interactions can vary widely, from minor
incidents involving common garden pests to severe
encounters with apex predators like tigers, lions,
and sharks. Conict frequency also varies within
and between regions, with some areas experiencing
minimal harm while others face occasional surges
in predator aacks or uneven protection measures.
Farmers-Girae Conict
The establishment of farms along the river in
Garissa has had detrimental eects on the natural
water corridors for wildlife, particularly impacting
negatively on giraes. The farmers in the region have
fenced their farms and employed guards, eectively
blocking the traditional routes that giraes used to
access water sources. This obstruction has created a
conict between the farmers and giraes, leading to
various consequences for both parties (Stoldt et al.
2020). Such fencing of farms and the denial of access
to water have forced giraffes to find alternative
routes, often traversing through farmlands. In their
quest for water, giraes have resorted to feeding
on crops such as mangoes along the way, causing
economic losses for the farmers. This has created a
cycle of conict between the two groups.
In response to the intrusion of giraffes and the
damage caused to their crops, farmers have
retaliated by attacking the giraffes with spears.
Such confrontations have resulted in injuries and
even death for the giraes, exacerbating the already
strained relationship between humans and wildlife
in the region. The conict, particularly aecting
reticulated giraes, has persisted for many decades
with limited attention and resolution. Lack of
intervention and sustainable solutions has allowed
the situation to escalate, posing a threat not only
to the girae population but also to the delicate
balance of the local ecosystem.
Consequences of human-wildlife conict
The conict between farmers and giraes can have
various consequences, aecting both the agricultural
communities and the giraffe populations. Some
of the consequences of this conflict include the
Feeding on crops by giraffes: This leads
to significant economic losses to farmers.
Consequently, this can aect the livelihoods
of agricultural communities, especially in areas
where subsistence farming is prevalent (Gulati
et al. 2021).
Retaliatory killing: Farmers may resort to
retaliatory killing of giraffes as a response
Ali et al.
Print ISSN : 2347-9655 Online ISSN : 2454-9541
to crop damage or perceived threats to their
livelihoods. This can have severe consequences
for girae populations, contributing to their
Habitat fragmentation: As agricultural
activities expand, they often lead to habitat
fragmentation, isolating giraffe populations
and limiting their ability to access essential
resources. This can contribute to a decline
in genetic diversity and overall population
health. Human activities, particularly habitat
fragmentation and extensive land use changes,
have played a significant role in the dire
situation faced by giraffes in northeastern
Kenya. One major contributor to the challenges
is the fragmentation of giraffe habitats. As
human populations expand, settlements,
agriculture, and infrastructure projects have
increasingly encroached upon the once-vast
territories where giraes roamed freely. Such
fragmentation disrupts the natural connectivity
of habitats, restricting the movement of girae
populations and hence limiting their access to
essential resources.
Loss of biodiversity: Giraffes play a role in
maintaining ecosystem balance and their
exclusion or decline due to conict can disrupt
the natural biodiversity of an area. This can
have cascading effects on other species and
ecosystem dynamics. The clearance of acacia
trees, a vital component of the girae’s diet, for
various purposes has added to the predicament.
Acacia trees not only serve as a primary food
source for giraffes but also provide shade
and act as crucial elements in the ecosystem.
Unfortunately, these trees are often cleared to
make way for human selements or to create
space for fencing livestock. The depletion of
acacia trees deprives giraes of their nutritional
needs, exacerbating the impact of the severe
drought already aecting the region.
Community discontent: Persistent conflicts
between farmers and giraffes can create
tensions within communities. This may lead
to discontent and negatively impact social
cohesion as residents grapple with economic
losses and safety concerns.
Impact on tourism: In regions where giraes
are a tourist araction, conicts with farmers
can aect local tourism. Negative encounters
with wildlife may deter visitors, impacting
the tourism industry and associated economic
benets for the community.
Competition for resources
In times of drought, scarcity of water and food
resources triggers intense competition for the
limited available sustenance among various
animal species, including giraes. Such heightened
competition can have significant repercussions
for giraes, potentially leading to increased stress
levels and conicts, especially with other herbivores
sharing similar dietary preferences (Maja, & Ayano;
2021). One notable source of competition often
observed during drought involves the browsing
habits of giraffes and camels. Both species are
adapted to feed on vegetation at similar heights,
particularly the leaves of trees and shrubs. This
similarity in browsing preferences can result
in direct competition for the same limited food
sources. Female giraes, with their characteristic
long necks, and camels, known for their ability to
reach high branches, may nd themselves vying for
access to the remaining greenery.
Livestock grazing, while essential for the livelihoods
of local communities, can also intensify the
competition for resources between domestic
animals and giraes. Overgrazing by livestock can
lead to the degradation of vegetation, making it
even more challenging for giraes to nd sucient
food (Teixeira et al. 2020). Resource depletion
and the shared reliance on specic vegetation by
giraes and camels can lead to the depletion of
these resources in the local ecosystem. As both
species consume leaves from similar heights, the
pressure on acacia trees and other preferred plants
intensies, potentially aecting the regeneration and
sustainability of these key plant species.
Aggression and competition for limited resources
induce stress among giraes, as well as between
giraes and other competing species like camels.
Elevated stress levels can compromise the overall
health and well-being of giraes, making them more
susceptible to diseases and other environmental
stressors. Additionally, heightened competition
may escalate into aggressive encounters, further
threatening the stability of the ecosystem.
Effect of Extreme Drought on Reticulated Giraffe Population in Northeastern, Kenya
Print ISSN : 2347-9655 Online ISSN : 2454-9541
Perceptions by pastoralists, in areas where
pastoralists coexist with wildlife, there may be a
perception that giraes contribute to the depletion
of scarce resources such as water and acacia trees.
This can lead to conicts between local communities
and giraffe populations. Pastoralists, dependent
on these resources for their livestock, might view
giraffes as competitors for essential elements,
potentially fueling negative aitudes toward girae
Drought exerts a profound influence on the
reproductive success of giraffes. Shortage of
essential resources, namely food and water, can
result in diminished fertility and lower survival
rates for girae calves. Moreover, the heightened
stress induced by environmental changes can
adversely aect the females’ capacity to conceive
and rear their ospring successfully. Consequently,
the cumulative impact of these factors poses a
signicant threat to girae populations, potentially
leading to a decline in their overall numbers. Eorts
to mitigate the eects of drought on giraes are
crucial for sustaining their populations and ensuring
long-term ecological balance.
Girae migration
Giraes, by nature, are highly mobile creatures,
and their survival is intricately tied to their ability
to nd suitable food and water sources. In times
of drought, when these resources become scarce in
their usual habitats, giraes display a remarkable
capacity to cover extensive distances in search of
more favorable conditions. This behavior often
manifests as long migrations, where herds traverse
various landscapes to locate areas with better
access to essential resources (Ledee et al. 2020).
Nonetheless, such increased movement during
droughts comes with its own set of challenges. The
physical toll of covering large distances, often in
harsh environmental conditions, can be taxing on
giraes. The extended journeys require signicant
energy expenditure and can lead to exhaustion,
particularly among the young, elderly, or already
weakened individuals.
Moreover, the nomadic behavior of giraffes
during drought exposes them to heightened risks,
particularly from predators. The extended time
spent in unfamiliar territories makes them more
vulnerable to predation, as they may not be as adept
at navigating potential threats in new environments
(Altizer et al. 2021). In some instances, giraes may
embark on migrations that take them across national
borders, for example, from Kenya to Ethiopia
and Somalia. While this movement is driven by
the imperative to find sustenance, it introduces
additional challenges. Unfortunately, civil unrest
is a common occurrence in some of these areas,
making the situation even more precarious for
the giraes. The presence of human conict poses
threats not only from a direct safety standpoint
but also in terms of potential disruptions to their
movement paerns and access to essential resources.
While the migratory behavior of giraes during
drought underscores their adaptability, it also
underscores the complex challenges they face.
Balancing the need for survival with the inherent
risks associated with increased mobility, especially
in regions prone to conflict, adds a layer of
complexity to the conservation efforts aimed at
protecting these iconic animals during periods of
environmental stress (Brown & Bolger, 2020).
Road Kill
According to Schell et al. 2020, the phenomenon of
urbanization and the implementation of the Lamu
Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia Transport (LAPSSET)
corridor have led to a substantial expansion of
road networks in the northeastern region. While
this development has undoubtedly enhanced
connectivity and facilitated transportation, it has
also introduced signicant challenges for the local
girae population.
Rangelands in the northeastern region serve as
crucial territories for giraffes, offering diverse
nutrients and serving as migration routes for
various purposes, including mating and foraging.
However, the increased road network has resulted
in a rise in accidents involving giraes (Fig. 2). The
primary cause of these incidents is the collision
between over-speeding vehicles and migrating
giraes. Such escalating issues further exacerbate
the existing challenges faced by giraes, particularly
in terms of nutritional stress. Giraffes, which
already contend with the complexities of nding
adequate nutrients in their natural habitat, now
Ali et al.
Print ISSN : 2347-9655 Online ISSN : 2454-9541
face the additional threat of navigating through an
expanded and potentially hazardous road network.
The multifaceted impact of these collisions extends
beyond the immediate physical harm to individual
giraes. It disrupts their natural migration paerns,
hindering their ability to access essential nutrients
and complicating their already challenging quest for
suitable mating grounds. In essence, the burgeoning
road network not only poses a direct threat to the
physical well-being of giraes but also disrupts their
ecological behaviors and contributes to the broader
challenge of nutritional stress.
Habitat loss and degradation
In northeastern Kenya, giraffes are facing a
signicant threat to their habitat due to extensive
land encroachment by farmers. Expansion of
agricultural activities has led to the clearance of
once-thriving bushy woodlands, which served as
vital ecosystems for giraffes and other wildlife.
Such habitat loss not only diminishes the available
space for giraffes but also disrupts the intricate
balance of the ecosystem they inhabit (Tang et al.
2020; Nungula et al. 2023)
Encroachment of farmlands is an ongoing issue,
with farmers continuing to expand their cultivation
areas (Maitra et al. 2023; Sahoo et al. 2023). As
agricultural activities intensify, the pressure on the
remaining natural habitats increases, exacerbating
the challenges faced by giraffe populations.
Conversion of these woodlands into farmlands
not only affects the giraffes directly but also
contributes to the fragmentation of their habitats,
making it more dicult for them to nd suitable
feeding grounds, water sources, and safe areas for
Another contributing factor to the diminishing
girae habitat in northeastern Kenya is the rise in
human population and selements. The towns in
the region are experiencing overpopulation, leading
to increased demand for resources and land. As a
result, people are migrating to rural areas, including
those that were once inhabited by giraffes. The
expansion of human selements further intensies
the competition for space between giraffes and
humans, often resulting in the displacement of
these majestic creatures (Gonçalves-Souza et al.
2020). Selement expansion contributes to habitat
loss, reducing the available space for giraes to
roam and nd food. Additionally, the fencing of
land for livestock further fragments the landscape,
creating barriers that impede the natural movement
paerns of giraes. This habitat disruption upsets
the delicate balance of the ecosystem and increases
the vulnerability of giraes to external threats.
Impact of Land Fragmentation on Wildlife and
Mounting evidence underscores a pressing concern,
the global decline of wildlife populations and their
(a) (b)
Fig. 2: Giraffe waiting for trafc to clear before crossing (a), on the other hand, black-backed jackal knocked down by over-
speeding vehicle (b)
Effect of Extreme Drought on Reticulated Giraffe Population in Northeastern, Kenya
Print ISSN : 2347-9655 Online ISSN : 2454-9541
habitats, with Africa bearing a significant brunt
of this crisis. These losses manifest in various
forms, spanning scale, geography, and root causes.
Recent years have witnessed sharp reductions in
wildlife numbers across African regions such as
South, West, Central, and East Africa (Sutton et
al. 2016). The drivers behind these declines are
multifaceted and complex, encompassing rapid
human population growth, alterations in land use,
habitat fragmentation, infrastructure expansion,
trophy hunting, bushmeat trade, climate change,
disease outbreaks, the proliferation of firearms,
lax law enforcement, governance challenges,
resource competition with livestock, and glaring
socioeconomic disparities.
Notably, rapid human population growth stands out
as a prominent catalyst for the dwindling wildlife
populations in Africa. This surge contributes to the
expansion of agriculture, human selements, and
the development of infrastructure. Climate change
further compounds the degradation of wildlife
and livestock habitats due to the unpredictable
alterations in these environments stemming from
extensive land use changes. This places substantial
pressure on pastoralism, ranching, and wildlife
conservation in African rangelands and protected
areas (Allan et al. 2017). These rangelands are
essential for livestock, primarily raised for meat and
milk production, and the preservation of wildlife.
Surprisingly, over 70% of protected wildlife reserves
and parks are situated within these rangelands.
Furthermore, a considerable portion, approximately
65-70%, of national terrestrial animal populations
inhabit human-modified rangelands outside of
protected areas. For instance, in Kenya, only 10-
12% of land is ocially allocated for biodiversity
protection, and wildlife areas constitute a mere
8% of this land. The rest is divided into forests,
water catchment areas, and private sanctuaries.
Kenya’s tourism sector, with its focus on wildlife
observation and photography, plays a pivotal role in
the country’s economy, contributing approximately
14% to its GDP and employing more than 10% of
the workforce.
Climate change has become synonymous with
environmental destabilization, which in turn
amplifies the proliferation of invasive species.
These invasive species, often foreign to a particular
ecosystem, wreak havoc on native ora and fauna
(Chepkoech et al. 2018). This destructive relationship
between climate change and invasive species has
been noted as a signicant driver of ecological shifts
(Makokha, 2018).
The repercussions of this association are substantial.
As climate conditions become more volatile, invasive
species nd it easier to extend their reach beyond
their native habitats (Fagundes et al. 2019). Notably,
the United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA) has identied climate change and invasive
species as two of the primary culprits behind global
biodiversity loss. Fortunately, communities can
employ various strategies like prevention, early
detection, climate forecasting, and genetic control
to mitigate their impact.
The domino eect of climate change is keenly felt by
the plants and animals in aected areas. Increased
CO2 levels, altered water pH, and species extinctions
are just a few of the consequences (Şen et al. 2011).
These changes lead to physiological stress for native
species. Moreover, temperature variations, either
warmer or colder than usual, open pathways for
non-native organisms to enter new territories and
compete with native species. Non-native plants, in
particular, demonstrate remarkable adaptability,
often displacing native flora within introduced
The International Union for Conservation of Nature
(IUCN) defines invasive species as organisms
introduced outside their natural range, negatively
affecting biodiversity, ecosystems, and human
well-being (Demeris and Iliadis, 2017). Climate
change, interestingly, can redene the concept of
invasiveness. Species once considered invasive may
become less influential in evolving ecosystems,
while previously non-invasive species may acquire
invasive traits. Native species may also undergo
range shifts and relocation to new areas (Pyke et
al. 2008).
For centuries, alien species invasion has been a
leading driver of biodiversity loss and species
extinctions (Demeris and Iliadis, 2017). Invasive
alien species further erode the resilience of natural
ecosystems, agricultural regions, and urban areas to
climate change. Conversely, climate change weakens
Ali et al.
Print ISSN : 2347-9655 Online ISSN : 2454-9541
habitat resistance to invasive species. Both biological
invasions and climatic changes profoundly impact
global diversity, but their complex interactions are
often examined in isolation.
Importance of water in ASAL areas of Kenya
In Kenya’s arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs),
scarcity of water is a critical issue that perpetuates
a persistent crisis (Alhammad et al. 2022; Otieno et
al. 2023). This scarcity is exacerbated by inadequate
government support and erce competition among
water users, which can escalate into armed conicts.
The ASAL regions are predominantly inhabited
by nomadic pastoralist communities who rely on
seasonal migrations in search of grazing pastures for
their livestock. Unfortunately, this nomadic lifestyle
often leads to clashes within these communities
as they compete for limited grazing and water
resources. Regreably, these conicts frequently
escalate into violence, posing a serious threat to
Kenya’s peace and security (Muratoglu et al. 2022).
The signicance of water in the region cannot be
overstated, especially considering that most of the
livestock kept by these communities, except for
camels, rely heavily on water. Moreover, water is
crucial for their daily subsistence needs, including
cooking, drinking, and the construction of their
temporary and semi-permanent dwellings. Despite
the evident and urgent need for water among
these communities, efforts to address the water
shortage have been insufficient over the years.
Many interventions have been short-term in nature,
narrowly focused on individual issues rather than
the broader, interconnected challenges faced by
these communities (Williams, 1999). Consequently,
the benets of these interventions tend to be short-
lived and overshadowed by the persisting problems.
Interestingly, Kenya receives an annual rainfall
that, in theory, should be sufficient to support
the livelihoods of its inhabitants (Ochieng et al.
2023). However, the discrepancy arises because a
signicant portion of this water goes unused where
it gets lost through surface runo, ooding, and
evaporation (Şen et al. 2011; Nyawade et al. 2021). To
address this complex challenge, a fresh approach is
urgently needed to unlock the untapped potential of
water sources and to manage them strategically and
sustainably. This approach should aim to maximize
the utilization of available water resources, ensuring
they benet the communities over the long term.
Encroachment of water corridors
Ecosystem loss and destruction, a process by which
a natural ecosystem can no longer support its native
species, results in the displacement or demise of the
organisms residing in a habitat (Kavwele, 2017).
This process is a primary driver of biodiversity
decline, making it a critical focal point in ecological
research, especially concerning the preservation of
endangered species.
Human activities signicantly contribute to habitat
degradation, including deforestation, urbanization,
and industrial expansion (Alkharabsheh et al. 2021).
Agriculture, the cornerstone of many developing
economies, often expands near water sources,
severely impacting wildlife corridors and causing
widespread habitat loss. Such actions are currently
recognized as the leading global cause of species
extinction (Bulte and Horan, 2003). Moreover,
indirect environmental factors, like the introduction
of invasive species, ecosystem nutrient depletion
due to overgrazing, climate change, and noise
pollution, also play a detrimental role.
Habitat loss frequently begins with habitat
fragmentation, which diminishes the carrying
capacity (CC) of native ora and fauna. Among
the numerous threats to biodiversity and species
survival, habitat loss stands out as the most
severe. Critically endangered species are especially
vulnerable to habitat loss, given their unique
existence in specic regions, making their chances
of survival precarious. Many endemic species
possess highly specialized habitat requirements,
which, when unmet, restrict their population range
and heighten the risk of extinction. Consequently,
habitat destruction not only jeopardizes specic
organisms but also contracts the geographic range
of numerous populations.
Mitigation measures of human-wildlife
Human-wildlife conict emerges when the needs
and activities of humans intersect with those of
wildlife, frequently resulting in adverse outcomes
for both parties. Mitigating such conflicts is
imperative for the conservation of biodiversity and
Effect of Extreme Drought on Reticulated Giraffe Population in Northeastern, Kenya
Print ISSN : 2347-9655 Online ISSN : 2454-9541
the well-being of communities. The following are
common measures employed to address human-
wildlife conicts. Implementing proper land-use
planning to minimize overlap between human
activities and wildlife habitats. Some of the actions
recommended include the following:
Restoring degraded habitats to provide ample
resources for wildlife, thereby reducing their
necessity to venture into human-occupied areas.
Erecting physical barriers, such as fences or
walls, to deter wildlife from human selements
and agricultural areas. Implementing wildlife-
friendly fencing designs that minimize the risk
of injury to animals.
Creating corridors that connect fragmented
habitats, allowing wildlife to move freely
without encroaching on human settlements
(Branco et al. 2019).
Developing and implementing systems that
oer early warnings to communities regarding
the presence of wildlife, to enable them to take
preventive measures.
Encouraging proper livestock management
practices to minimize conflicts between
predators and domestic animals.
Providing secure enclosures or nighttime
housing for livestock to protect them from
wildlife predation.
Introducing deterrents such as scarecrows,
noise devices, or lights to discourage wildlife
from agricultural elds.
Promoting the use of crop protection measures
like fencing or neing to safeguard crops from
wildlife damage.
Involving local communities in conservation
eorts and providing incentives for wildlife
Educating communities about the importance
of coexisting with wildlife and the ecological
benets they provide.
Implementing compensation programs to
reimburse communities for losses incurred due
to wildlife damage.
Introducing wildlife insurance schemes to
alleviate economic burdens on individuals
aected by wildlife conicts.
Researching to understand the behavior and
movement paerns of wildlife, informing more
eective mitigation strategies.
Implementing monitoring programs to track
wildlife populations and assess the impact of
mitigation measures.
Establishing and enforcing laws and regulations
that safeguard both wildlife and human
Implementing penalties for illegal activities
contributing to human-wildlife conicts, such
as poaching or habitat destruction.
A combination of these measures, adapted to the
specic context of each situation, is often necessary
for successful human-wildlife conict mitigation.
Collaborative eorts involving local communities,
conservation organizations, and government
authorities are essential for long-term success.
Giraffes, the world’s tallest land animals, are
facing numerous challenges that threaten their
survival. One significant threat is habitat loss,
driven by human activities such as agriculture,
logging, and infrastructure development. As their
natural habitats shrink, giraffes face increased
competition for resources and fragmentation of
their populations. Drought also poses a serious
threat to giraes, especially in regions where climate
change is leading to more frequent and intense
droughts. This results in a scarcity of water and
food, impacting the health and reproductive success
of girae populations.
Poaching is another critical issue, driven by the
demand for giraffe body parts, including their
skin, bones, and tails. Girae populations are also
aected by the bush meat trade, where they are
hunted for their meat. Land degradation further
compounds these challenges, as overgrazing and
soil erosion reduce the availability of nutritious
vegetation. Human-wildlife conict is on the rise
as giraes encroach on agricultural lands, leading
to retaliatory killings and further habitat loss.
Given their economic importance, the study fully
recommends that it is imperative to focus protection
of these key animals.
Ali et al.
Print ISSN : 2347-9655 Online ISSN : 2454-9541
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... Ecological processes and ecosystem structures are subsets of ecosystem functions. Every function in the entire ecological subsystem of which it is a part is the outcome of its natural processes [16,18]. The universal driving forces of energy and matter, on the other hand, produce complex associations between abiotic and biotic components of ecosystems, which, in turn, produce natural processes (Figure 8.1). ...
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An increase in pressure on the natural resources triggered by human activities and population growth has changed and narrowed the aptitude of ecosystems to function and offer services, hence resulting in environmental instability. The decline in the ecosystem’s ability to offer services is highly attributed to the deforestation process mainly through agricultural activities that led to climate change resulting in the depletion of forest cover, soil erosion, flooding, soil fertility depletion, frequent and severe storms, extreme drought, and other natural disasters. Such negative effects on the ecosystems call for crucial attention. This review focuses on the interactive effect of the biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystems and the potential of Agroforestry and explores the different agroforestry practices that enhance social, economic, and environmental benefits. However, the review will deeply discuss the use of agroforestry system in offering various ecological services and restoring the ability of the ecosystem to tackle various global environmental challenges like greenhouse emissions, soil erosion air and water pollution, soil fertility decline, floods, and extreme temperatures as well as food insecurity. Agroforestry systems offer various ecosystem services including sequestration of carbon, pest control, product diversification, soil enrichment, pollination/seed dispersal, biodiversity conservation, and air and water quality. The agroforestry system can be a feasible land-use system in attenuating poverty, ensuring human security, food security, and environmental benefits, hence achieving social, economic, and environmental sustainability through the agroforestry system. …
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The intercropping system is known for its multifaceted benefits; however, it has been mostly evaluated to quantify yield, land resource use efficiency and monetary gains. There are several underlying advantages relevant in the present context of global warming and climate change. Intercropping systems have the potential to ensure the regulation of climatic factors, efficient soil moisture utilization, maximum use of solar radiation, reduced greenhouse gas emission, more carbon sequestration and greater ecosystem services. These beneficial aspects of intercropping system have been revisited in the article. In recent times, as per the recommendation of the United Nations (UN), a major emphasis has been placed on the agricultural production systems to attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), while the intercropping system is the environmentally friendly and cost-effective cropping system that can address three SDGs such as zero hunger (SDG-2), climate action (SDG-13) and life on land (SDG-15). The present article focuses on the prospects of intercropping systems to meet the food security of the increasing population in the modern era of the changing climate.
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Biochar is an effective soil amendment with capabilities of boosting carbon sequestration and enhancing soil fertility, thus enhancing plant growth and productivity. While numerous studies have documented the positive effects of biochar on improving soil properties, a number of studies have reported conflicting results. Therefore, the current study was conducted to evaluate the impact of Prosopis juliflora biochar (0, 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 t ha-1) on soil biochemical properties in Coastal Kenya to ascertain biochar’s potential for soil fertility improvement. A randomized complete block design was used for setting up the experiment with three replicates, while Casuarina equisetifolia L. was planted as the test crop. Soil sampling for nutrient analysis was conducted quarterly for 12 months to assess nutrient dynamics under different biochar rates in the current study. Compared to soil untreated with Prosopis juliflora biochar, the results showed that there was a significant increase in soil pH by 21% following biochar utilization at the rate of 7.5 t ha-1. Total nitrogen was increased by 32% after the biochar application, whereas the total organic carbon was increased by four folds in comparison to biochar-untreated soil. Available phosphorus was increased by 264% following biochar application in comparison to the control treatment. In addition, the application of biochar resulted in an increment in the soil exchangeable cations (Ca2+, K+, Mg2+) across the assessment periods. Soil cation exchange capacity (CEC), bacteria and fungi were enhanced by 95, 33 and 48%, respectively, following biochar application at 7.5 t ha-1 in comparison to untreated soil. In conclusion, these results strongly suggest improvement of soil biochemical properties following Prosopis juliflora biochar application, thus providing potential for soil fertility improvement in regions such as the one in the study.
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In Tanzania, land degradation has been ranked as the top environmental problem for more than 62 years after independence. Land degradation is a catalyst for poverty increment in rural people’s livelihoods by contributing up to a 48% increase in poverty of this population. This paper highlights land degradation as a key constraint to sunflower production while looking at the potential role of Geographic Information System (GIS) in revitalizing the sector. The review focuses on Tanzania, where sunflower production is done mainly by smallholder farmers as a cash crop and a source of vegetable oil. Sunflower production is threatened by land degradation in the form of nutrient mining that decreases the fertility of the soil, hence lowering its potential. Such degradation is mainly contributed to by continuous crop cultivation without replenishment of the soil fertility, crop removal after harvesting, and low fertilizer input. This calls for the adoption of modern systems of utilizing GIS, in assessing the suitability potential of the land giving the best decision in managing and adopting the right soil management practices for increasing and sustaining the productivity of the farmland concerning sunflower production in Tanzania.
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The soil's capability to adjust and mitigate the effects of water shortage due to climate change is limited in some regions such those that suffer from the low rainfall rates. This experimental field study aimed to assess the effects of two inorganic nitrogen forms on maize performance (i.e., growth, yield, grain protein content, and gross returns) and rainwater use efficiency (RUE). Treatments comprised three replicates of synthetic nitrogen forms (i.e., urea and nitrate) that were located in the main plots with four levels that were assigned to the subplots (i.e., 0, 25, 50, and 100 kg N ha-1). Nitrate application resulted in a higher plant height (62 cm) at the vegetative phase with superior values (11.6%) recorded in grain protein than those obtained from other treatments. In addition, the highest grain yield was obtained in nitrate-treated plots in comparison to other N application forms. The leaf area index registered optimal values when 50 kg N ha-1 was applied. On the application of two nitrogen forms, nitrate resulted in a higher RUE (2.1-3.4 kg ha-1 mm-1) than that obtained from maize treated with urea (1.3-1.9 kg ha-1 mm-1). This translated to a 123-234% increase in RUE over the control (N0), which is the key smallholder farmers’ practice. It is recommended that producing maize using nitrate nitrogen at 50 kg N ha-1 as opposed to urea can increase yield stability, and rain use efficiency with higher gross returns in water-scarce agro-ecologies in SSA.
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Most arid and semiarid areas are bare and greatly infested with intrusive wild species. Buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) and Sudan grass (Sorghum sudanense Piper.) are the supreme droughttolerant grasses that are commonly grown in dry regions. Besides water, nitrogen (N) is a vital element limiting the growth, yield, and herbage quality of such grasses since it has key roles in physiological and biochemical functions in plants. Hence, this study aimed at assessing the performance of Buffel and Sudan grasses under nitrogen fertilization in Mandera County. This study comprised a field trial laid as a split plot in a randomized complete block design with grasses being assigned to the main plots, whereas N rates (0, 35, 70, 105, and 140 kg N ha-1) occupied the subplots. Data were collected on growth parameters (plant height, leaf length, number of leaves per plant, leaf width, stem girth, and tiller number), yield parameters (shoot weight, root weight, and aboveground biomass yield—DBY), and quality attributes (acid detergent fiber—ADF, crude protein—CP, and neutral detergent fiber—NDF). Across the seasons, plant height progressively increased with increasing N rates up to a maximum of 141 and 246 cm for Buffel grass and Sudan grass, respectively, which were associated with a 105 kg N ha-1 rate. Nonetheless, there was no noteworthy enhancement in plant height (142 and 246 cm) with an additional upsurge in N fertilizer rate to 140 kg N ha-1 relative to the one of 105 kg N ha-1. Regarding the leaf length, Sudan grass had longer and wider leaves at all treatment levels than the Buffel grass. Plant height, leaf length, width, and the number of leaves per plant increased with increasing N level up to the rate of 140 kg N ha-1, though this was not statistically different from the rate of 105 kg N ha-1 for both kinds of grass. The results revealed that Sudan grass contained higher crude protein than Buffel grass at all levels of treatments (10.33 and 8.80% at the rate of 105 kg N ha-1, respectively). More so, crude protein content was found to be higher in plots where N application was performed than in the control plots. There were great associations between the dependent variables (DBY, ADF, NDF, and CP) and independent variables (plant height, leaf length, No. of leaves, leaf width, stem girth, and No. of tillers), with the coefficient of regression ranging from 0.56 to 0.96 for Buffel grass and 0.59 to 0.96 for Sudan grass. Findings from this study indicate that for optimal growth, yield, and nutrient content benefits, Buffel and Sudan grasses ought to be grown using nitrogen fertilizer at a 105 kg N ha-1 rate.
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This study was carried out to determine areas best suited for capsicum production in the peri-urban counties of Nairobi, Kenya for growing capsicum (Capsicum annuum L.). The study used a multi-criteria evaluation approach by applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). These methods involved a selection of various criteria used for analysis and categorized according to their usefulness concerning capsicum growth conditions/requirements. Soil (pH, drainage, texture, and electrical conductivity), climate (temperature and rainfall), and topography (slope and elevation) were the main criteria selected from the literature for the study. The AHP was used to determine the relevance of a criterion based on its cumulative weights as per Saaty’s table. The cumulative weights were used to construct output maps using Quantum Geographic Information Software (QGIS). A crop suitability map was produced through overlaying of the different thematic maps and suitability levels were based on Food and Agriculture (FAO) land suitability classification. The results showed that about 50% of land in Kiambu County, 8% in Kajiado County, and 12% in Machakos County is suitable for capsicum production. The remaining areas were reported unsuitable for the production of the crop due to the presence of some limitations such as texture, soil pH, drainage, and climate.
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Intercropping offers a promising approach to enhance productivity in a given land area by simultaneously cultivating two or more crops together. Maize, a versatile cereal crop that can be seeded in widespread rows, presents an excellent prospect for growing another crop in between two rows. The coexistence of maize and legumes in an intercropping system brings about numerous benefits across various facets. The accomplishment of the maize-legumes intercropping system relies heavily on proper selection of crop species in mixed stands, considering factors such as their duration, plant stand per unit area, planting geometry and planting time. The advantages of adopting a maize-legume intercropping system are manifold. Firstly, it leads to higher yields and optimal utilization of available resources. Additionally, this system aids in weed, pest and disease management. Legumes play a crucial role by fixing biological nitrogen and transferring it to the associated maize plants, thereby contributing to nitrogen availability. Moreover, intercropping with legumes acts as an insurance against crop failure for smallholders and helps in restriction of soil erosion by covering a larger field area. The article focuses on the multifaceted benefits of the maize-legumes intercropping system, highlighting its potential to enhance agricultural productivity, resource utilization and sustainable farming practices.
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An accurate estimation of crop evapotranspiration and soil water balance under potato-legume intercropping is important for improving the crop water productivity of rainfed potato. This study quantified the evapotranspiration, yield, and soil water balance of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) intercropped with lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) or dolichos (Lablab purpureus L.) in comparison to the same crops under monocropping. The experiment was set up in three agroecological zones of Kenya: upper midland (with an altitude range of 1500–1653 m above sea level (masl)), lower highland (1892–1923 masl) and upper highland (2502–2594 masl). The dual crop coefficient approach was adopted with the SIMDualKc model to estimate crop evapotranspiration and compute the soil water balance. The dual crop coefficient partitions crop evapotranspiration into crop transpiration and soil evaporation by applying both soil evaporation and basal crop coefficient. The model was calibrated and validated using field data observed along four crop growth seasons. The basal crop coefficients, the ratios of soil evaporation to evapotranspiration, and that of transpiration to evapotranspiration were determined. The yields of different intercrops were converted into equivalent yield of potato based on price of the produce. Good agreement between the observed and simulated data for available soil water and crop evapotranspiration was found with modeling efficiency > 0.8. The residual mean square error was low and ranged from 0.01−0.08 m3 m-3 for available soil water and 0.03−0.09 mm d-1 for crop evapotranspiration. The transpiration to actual evapotranspiration ratio of potato-legume intercropping was 6−28% greater than that of the sole potato because legume intercrops fully covered the ground by mid-season, thus limiting the energy available for soil evaporation. Crop yields were significantly greater under intercropping as transpiration occurred near its potential rate. These results support the dual crop coefficient method as an appropriate tool to estimate and accurately partition crop evapotranspiration under potato-legume intercropping.
The existing water accounts for large-scale, semi-arid and transboundary river basins are usually lack of sufficient spatial-temporal elements of water use, a prerequisite for identifying potential water savings and for sustainable management of scarce water resources. This study aims to demonstrate value of water footprint (WF) accounting framework for such river basins with the case study of the Upper Euphrates River basin which is not only used as major food and energy production resource in Turkey but also a focal point for international conflict, diplomacy and dialogue in Middle East. The methodology is based on Water Footprint Assessment Manual which is published by Water Footprint Network. The study maps spatial-temporal variations of sectoral water use in the study area for the agriculture, domestic water supply and industry for the period of 2008–2019. The water footprint of the Upper Euphrates River basin is calculated as 27.4 Gm³, most of which is related to the agricultural activities. The downstream and lower plains of the study area exhibited a considerably high blue and grey agricultural WF, reaching 2397 and 349 mm, respectively. Several crops have substantially large WFs in the region such as cotton, wheat, pistachio, and barley. The analysis given in this study revealed importance of spatial-temporal disaggregated information in water accounting for sustainable management of water resources. These accounts can provide insights that were not available to the decision makers before, such as water saving opportunities, potential water efficiency and productivity benchmarks, strategic planning for various climatic conditions etc. These are the major values that water footprint accounting can introduce in water management in a large scale, semi-arid transboundary river basins.
Population growth and natural resources are intricately linked and play role in climate disruption and farmers’ ability to adapt to climate change especially in developing countries with rapid demographic changes and economies mostly dependent on natural resources. Although literature exists on population issues, emphasis was given to positive roles of population growth providing only incomplete picture for stakeholders and policy makers. This constrained climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies, improving food security and attaining sustainable development goals. We reviewed publications on low-income countries with emphasis on sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. This review will bring forth often sidelined issue of population growth for decision-makers and future research in the context of achieving sustainable development goals of the United Nations for 2015–2030. Therefore, this review was initiated to reveal the impacts of population growth on natural resources and to uncover farmers’ capacity to adapt to climate change in low-income countries. Rapid population growth continues to be a major underlying force of environmental degradation and a threat to sustainable use of natural resources. It reduces the quality and quantity of natural resources through overexploitation, intensive farming and land fragmentation. Regions with high population pressure face scarcity of arable land, which leads to shortened/removed fallow period, declining soil fertility and farm income due to farm subdivision. Furthermore, landless individuals or those who operate small farms resettle or cultivate marginal lands, encroach on natural forests in search of more vacant land, which alters carbon source sink dynamics of the environment. Low farm income from small farms not only exacerbates food insecurity of farmers but also constrains their ability to adopt certain climate change adaptation technologies. All stakeholders should take swift actions to address challenges of rapid population growth and alter the dynamics between population, natural resources and climate change and its adaptation.