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Abstract and Figures

We present the effect of adapting to human preferences on trust in a human-robot teaming task. The team performs a task in which the robot acts as an action recommender to the human. It is assumed that the behavior of the human and the robot is based on some reward function they try to optimize. We use a new human trust-behavior model that enables the robot to learn and adapt to the human's preferences in real-time during their interaction using Bayesian Inverse Reinforcement Learning. We present three strategies for the robot to interact with a human: a non-learner strategy, in which the robot assumes that the human's reward function is the same as the robot's, a non-adaptive learner strategy that learns the human's reward function for performance estimation, but still optimizes its own reward function, and an adaptive-learner strategy that learns the human's reward function for performance estimation and also optimizes this learned reward function. Results show that adapting to the human's reward function results in the highest trust in the robot.
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Effect of Adapting to Human Preferences on Trust in Human-Robot Teaming
Shreyas Bhat1, Joseph B. Lyons2, Cong Shi3, X. Jessie Yang1
1University of Michigan
2Air Force Research Laboratory
3Miami Herbert Business School,,,
We present the effect of adapting to human preferences on
trust in a human-robot teaming task. The team performs a
task in which the robot acts as an action recommender to
the human. It is assumed that the behavior of the human
and the robot is based on some reward function they try to
optimize. We use a new human trust-behavior model that
enables the robot to learn and adapt to the human’s pref-
erences in real-time during their interaction using Bayesian
Inverse Reinforcement Learning. We present three strategies
for the robot to interact with a human: a non-learner strategy,
in which the robot assumes that the human’s reward func-
tion is the same as the robot’s, a non-adaptive learner strat-
egy that learns the human’s reward function for performance
estimation, but still optimizes its own reward function, and
an adaptive-learner strategy that learns the human’s reward
function for performance estimation and also optimizes this
learned reward function. Results show that adapting to the hu-
man’s reward function results in the highest trust in the robot.
1 Introduction
As autonomous technologies become more ubiquitous, the
need to ensure that these technologies behave in a trustwor-
thy manner increases. When working with humans in collab-
oration, these technologies (e.g., autonomous robots, intelli-
gent decision aids, etc.) are being perceived more as team-
mates rather than tools to be used by a human operator. In
such hybrid teams, trust has been identified as a key fac-
tor to facilitate effective and efficient collaboration (Sheri-
dan 2016; Yang, Schemanske, and Searle 2023). To enable
such trust-driven partnerships, it is essential for a robot to
be able to estimate its human partner’s level of trust in real
time. Further, it also needs a way to estimate the human’s
behavior based on her level of trust. Finally, many robotic
decision-making systems use reward maximization to plan
their behaviors. In such cases, it is necessary to ensure that
the “values” of the robot match that of the human. This is
usually accomplished via Inverse Reinforcement Learning
(Ng and Russell 2000), which aims at learning reward func-
tions through observed behaviors.
Although it has been theorized that matching the robot’s
reward function with that of the human in a collaborative
Copyright © 2023, Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Intelligence ( All rights reserved.
task is good for the team, its effect on trust has not been
studied in detail. Yet there are two reasons to suggest that
such adaptation could be beneficial for trust. First, research
has shown that agent adaptation to humans can enhance per-
formance in a HAT context (Chiou and Lee 2023; Azevedo-
Sa et al. 2020). Second, agent adaptation could be viewed
as the agent being responsive to the human and may, in
turn, increase human trust of the agent (Li et al. 2021). This
study investigates the effect on trust when humans interact
with robots with different interaction strategies. We compare
three types of interaction strategy: (1) the robot does not
align its reward with the human, (2) the robot does not align
its reward with the human, but uses the estimated human re-
ward function for performance assessment, trust estimation,
and behavior prediction, and (3) the robot aligns its reward to
that of the human. We conduct a human-subjects study with
12 participants. Our results indicate that adapting to human
preferences leads to the highest level of trust of the human
on the robot, and leads to a significantly higher number of
agreements with the robot’s recommendations. We use the
term “robot” and “intelligent agent” interchangeably in this
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2
gives an overview of related work that our study builds upon.
Section 3 details the human-robot team task and formu-
lates our problem as a trust-aware Markov Decision Process
(trust-aware MDP). Section 4 details the human-subjects ex-
periment. Section 5 discusses major results and their impli-
cations. Finally, section 6 concludes our study and discusses
limitations and future work.
2 Related Work
This work is motivated by two bodies of research, quantita-
tive trust models and value alignment in HRI.
2.1 Trust Models in HRI
Xu and Dudek (2012) proposed a reputation based trust
model to adapt the behavior of robots when trust crossed
a certain threshold. Later, the authors proposed an On-
line Probabilistic Trust Inference Model (OPTIMo) (Xu
and Dudek 2015) which modeled trust through a Dynamic
Bayesian Network. Subsequently, they used this model to
adapt a robot’s behavior depending on the trust level of the
human (Xu and Dudek 2016). Our work differs from this
in the way that we do not use a threshold-based adapta-
tion strategy. Rather, we use an embedded human-behavior
model to predict human behavior with trust and use it di-
rectly in the decision-making process of the robot.
Guo and Yang modeled human trust as a beta distribution
with personalized parameters that are updated during inter-
action depending on the performance of the robot (Guo and
Yang 2021; Yang, Guo, and Schemanske 2023; Guo, Yang,
and Shi 2023a). They presented simulation results using a
reverse-psychology human behavior model and found that
the robot can “manipulate” human’s trust if an explicit trust-
gaining reward is not added to its reward function (Guo, Shi,
and Yang 2021). Bhat et al. (2022) used this model with a
trust-gaining reward term and demonstrated its usage in a
human-subjects study. Our work is similar to this work in
the sense that we use the same trust estimation model, but
we use a different human behavior model, which we call the
“bounded-rationality-disuse” model, which gets rid of this
trust manipulation issue as long as the values of the human
and the robot are aligned. Thus, reward -shaping with an ad-
dition of a trust-gaining reward term (Guo, Yang, and Shi
2023b) is not needed. This makes the reward function much
2.2 Value Alignment in Human-Robot Teams
The problem of aligning the “values” of the robot to that of
its human teammate has been studied in human-robot team-
ing literature (Hadfield-Menell et al. 2016; Milli et al. 2017;
Fisac et al. 2020; Brown, Schneider, and Niekum 2020;
Yuan et al. 2022). In a majority of these works, techniques
from Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) (Ng and Rus-
sell 2000) are used to estimate a reward function that aligns
with human demonstrations, preferences, or actions.
A bidirectional value alignment problem is studied in
(Yuan et al. 2022). The human knows the true reward func-
tion and behaves accordingly while interacting as a super-
visor to a group of worker robots. The robots try to learn
this true reward function through correctional inputs to their
behavior from the human. The human, on the other hand,
tries to update her belief on the robot’s belief of the true
reward function and inputs corrections to their behavior ac-
cordingly. In our case, there is no true reward function: the
human and the robot have their own reward functions, and
we want to see the effect of aligning/not aligning the robot’s
reward function with that of the human.
A “driver’s test” to verify value alignment between the
human and the robot is provided in Brown, Schneider, and
Niekum (2020). This is especially relevant when the human
and the robot are performing separate tasks in collaboration,
since in this case, it is not enough to match the reward func-
tions of the human and the robot. In our case, since the action
sets for the robot and the human are the same, it is enough to
match their reward functions to guarantee value alignment.
We use a Bayesian framework for IRL (Ramachandran
and Amir 2007) which learns human preferences by main-
taining and updating a distribution over the possible prefer-
ences of the human. The update happens in a Bayesian way
after observing the human’s selected action.
3 Problem Formulation
3.1 Human-Robot Team Task
We designed a scenario in which the human-robot team per-
forms a search for potential threats in a town. The team se-
quentially goes through search sites to look for threats. At
each site, the team is given a probability of threat presence
inside the site via a scan of the site by a drone. The robot
additionally, has some prior information about the probabil-
ity of threat presence at all of the search sites. This prior
information is unknown to the human. After getting the up-
dated probability of threat presence, the robot generates a
recommendation for the human. It can either recommend
that human use or not use an armored robot for protection
from threats. Encountering a threat without protection from
the armored robot will result in injury to the human. On the
other hand, using the armored robot takes extra time since
it takes some time to deploy and move the armored robot to
the search site. The goal of the team is to finish the search
mission as quickly as possible while also maintaining the
soldier’s health level. Thus, a two-fold objective arises with
conflicting sub-goals: To save time you must take risks, and
if you want to avoid risks, you must sacrifice precious mis-
sion time.
3.2 Trust-Aware Markov Decision Process
We model the interaction between the human and the
robot as a trust-aware Markov Decision Process (trust-
aware MDP). A trust-aware MDP is a tuple of the form
(S, A, T, R, H), where Sis a set of states one of which is
the trust of the human in the robot, Ais a finite set of ac-
tions, Tis the transition function giving the transition prob-
abilities from one state to another given an action, Ris a re-
ward function and His an embedded human trust-behavior
model, which gives the probabilities of the human choosing
a certain action given the action chosen by the robot, their
level of trust, etc.
States The level of trust t[0,1].
Actions The recommender robot has two choices of ac-
tion: recommend to use or not use the armored robot. These
are represented by ar= 1 and ar= 0 respectively.
Reward Function The rewards for both agents (the hu-
man and the robot) are a weighted sum of the negative cost
of losing health and losing time. The weights for these costs
can be different for the robot and the human. For agent
o {h, r}, the reward function can be written as,
Ro(D, a) = wo
hh(D, a)wo
Here, Dis a random variable representing the presence of
threat inside a search site, ais the action chosen by the hu-
man to implement, o {h, r}represents the agent, either
the human hor the robot r.h(D, a)gives the health loss
cost and c(a)gives the time loss cost.
Transition Function The transition function gives the
dynamics of trust as the human interacts with the robot.
We use the model from (Guo and Yang 2021; Bhat et al.
2022) which models trust as a random variable follow-
ing the Beta distribution based on personalized parameters
(α0, β0, ws, wf).
tiBeta(αi, βi),
(1 pj)wf.
Where iis the number of interactions completed between the
human and the robot, tiis the current level of trust, and pjis
the realization of the random variable performance (Pj)of
the recommender robot at the jth interaction,
Pj=1,if Rh
j(1 ar
0,otherwise. (3)
Here, Rh
j)is the reward for the human for choosing the
recommended action (ar
j)at the jth interaction and Rh(1
j)is the same for the other action.
Human Trust-Behavior Model A human trust-behavior
model gives the probabilities of a human choosing an ac-
tion, given the robot’s action, their trust level, and other fac-
tors such as the human’s preferences. In our study, we use
the Bounded Rationality Disuse Model as the human trust-
behavior model. This model states that the human chooses
the recommended action with a probability equal to the hu-
man’s current level of trust. If the human chooses to ignore
the recommendation, she will choose an action according to
the bounded rationality model of human behavior. That is,
she will choose an action with a probability that is propor-
tional to the exponential of the expected reward associated
with that action. Mathematically,
i=a) = ti+ (1 ti)qa,(4)
i= 1 a|ar
i=a) = (1 ti)(1 qa).(5)
where qais the probability of choosing action aunder the
bounded rationality model,
i(a)]) (6)
3.3 Bayesian Inverse Reinforcement Learning
We use Bayesian IRL to estimate the reward weights of the
human as they interact with the recommender robot. This
is accomplished by maintaining a distribution of the possi-
ble reward weights and updating it using Bayes’ rule after
observing the human’s behavior. More precisely, if bi(w)is
the belief distribution on the reward weights before the ith
interaction, the distribution after the ith interaction is given
Figure 1: The recommendation interface
i)bi(w),if ah
i= 1 ar
In our formulation, we only learn a distribution over the
health reward weight of the human, wh
h, and assume that the
time reward weight is defined by wh
c:= 1 wh
h. Further, we
use the mean of the maintained distribution as an estimate
for the human’s health reward weight.
4 Experiment
This section provides details about the testbed used for data
collection and the human-subject experiment. The experi-
ment complied with the American Psychological Associa-
tion code of ethics and was approved by the Institutional
Review Board at the University of Michigan.
4.1 Testbed
We updated some elements of the testbed from (Bhat et al.
2022) for this study, following feedback from participants
in that study. The testbed was developed in the Unreal En-
gine game development platform. We updated the recom-
mendation interface to be more informative and to help the
participants make their own decisions if they choose to do
so. In the updated interface (shown in fig. 1), the partici-
pants are shown the probability of threat presence reported
by the drone, the recommendation given by the intelligent
agent, and an estimate of search time with and without the
armored robot. In order to better separate the threat detection
task from the recommendation task, the participants were
told that a separate entity called an intelligent agent will
given them action recommendations. On the other hand, the
drone’s task is to just scan a site and report the threat level
inside it. The participants were specifically asked to report
their trust level on the intelligent agent.
Further, we updated the trust feedback slider to provide
information about the last interaction that the participant
had, in order to help them make an informed decision about
their trust. The updated interface can be seen in fig. 2.
We designed a within-subjects study. Our goal is to com-
pare trust between different interaction strategies. Given the
high variation between trust dynamics between participants
Figure 2: The trust feedback slider used to get feedback from
the participants after every search site. The mission timer is
paused when the slider is shown to let the participants take
their time in adjusting their trust.
(Bhat et al. 2022), we think that it is better to compare
trust within-subjects than between-subjects. The participants
completed 3 missions in total. In each mission, they inter-
acted with an intelligent agent following one of the 3 inter-
action strategies (detailed in sec. 4.3). In each mission, they
sequentially searched through 40 search sites. The condition
order was counterbalanced using a Latin square.
4.2 Participants
We collected data from 12 participants (Age: Mean = 21.92
years, SD =2.36). All participants were students from the
College of Engineering at the University of Michigan.
4.3 Interaction Strategies
We designed three interaction strategies for the intelligent
Non-learner: The intelligent agent does not learn the re-
ward weights of the human. It assumes that the human
and the intelligent agent share the same reward weights.
Non-adaptive learner: The intelligent agent learns per-
sonalized reward weights for each human. It only uses
these learned weights for performance assessment and
human behavior modeling. It still optimizes the MDP
based on its own fixed reward weights.
Adaptive learner: The intelligent agent learns person-
alized reward weights for each human. It uses them for
performance assessment, human behavior modeling, and
also optimizes the MDP based on these reward weights.
In other words, it updates its own reward function match
the learned reward function.
Although it may look like the non-learner and the non-
adaptive learner both optimize the same reward function,
they actually optimize expected reward under the assumed
human trust-behavior model. Thus, since the non-adaptive-
learner has a better estimate of the human’s preferences, we
postulate that it will have a better estimate of the human’s
trust and behavior, and hence, will show some difference in
its recommendations compared to the non-learner.
4.4 Measures
Pre-experiment Measures Before the beginning of each
mission, we ask the participants to rate their preference be-
tween saving the soldier’s health and saving time by moving
a slider between these two objectives, showing their relative
In Experiment Measures After each site’s search was
completed, the participants were asked to provide feedback
on their level of trust on the intelligent agent’s recommen-
dations. The interface can be seen in fig. 2. The slider values
were between 0 and 100 with a step of 2 points. The end-
of-mission trust (used in sec 5) is the feedback given by the
participant using this slider after completing the search of
the last search site.
Post-mission Measures We used the following measures
as a post-mission survey that the participants filled out after
every mission.
Post-mission Trust: This was measured using Muir’s
trust questionnaire (Muir and Moray 1996). It has 9 ques-
tions each with a slider answer range between 0 and 100.
Note that this is separate from the end-of-mission trust,
which is a subjective rating on a single slider by the par-
ticipant after the last search site is completed.
Post-mission Reliance Intentions: Measured using the
scale developed in (Lyons and Guznov 2019). It has 10
items but 6 items were used herein, each on a 7-point
Likert scale.
5 Results and Discussion
This section provides an overview of our major results and
discusses some reasons behind them and their implications.
Note: All error bars on bar charts are standard errors.
5.1 Trust
We expect that adapting to human preferences will result in
higher levels of trust of the human on the robot.
Fig. 3 shows the post-mission trust rating given using
Muir’s trust scale. Repeated measures ANOVA shows sig-
nificant difference between the trust ratings given to the
Figure 3: Mean and standard error (SD) of trust ratings given
by the participants post-mission using Muir’s trust scale
(Muir and Moray 1996)
Figure 4: Average trust reported by the participants across
the interaction period, mean and standard error.
three strategies (F(2,22) = 11.962, p < 0.001), with
the highest trust given to the adaptive. Post-hoc analysis
with Bonferroni adjustment shows significant differences
between the non-learner strategy and the adaptive-learner
strategy (p= 0.001) and between the non-adaptive-learner
strategy and the adaptive-learner strategy (p= 0.014).
Fig. 4 shows the average trust rating given by the par-
ticipants to the recommendations of the intelligent agent
across their interaction period. Repeated measures ANOVA
shows significant difference between the three strategies
(F(2,22) = 4.968, p = 0.017). Post-hoc analysis with
Bonferroni adjustment reveals significant difference in av-
erage trust rating between the non-learner and the adaptive
learner strategy (p= 0.044) and no significant difference
between the other two pairs.
Fig. 5 shows the trust rating given by the participants to
the recommendations of the intelligent agent at the end of
their mission. Repeated measures ANOVA shows signifi-
cant difference between the three strategies (F(2,22) =
7.455, p = 0.003). Post-hoc analysis with Bonferroni ad-
justment reveals significant difference in average trust rat-
ing between the non-learner and the adaptive learner strat-
egy (p= 0.044) and a marginally significant difference be-
tween the non-adaptive-learner and adaptive-learner strate-
gies (p= 0.057). This trend could reach significance with
more data which we are currently working on. The end-of-
Figure 5: Trust reported by the participants at the end of the
mission, mean and standard error.
Figure 6: Number of agreements between the recommenda-
tion from the robot and the human’s action choice, mean and
standard error.
mission trust rating should be a stable trust rating since the
participants have had enough interactions with the intelli-
gent agent to have a good sense of their trust on it.
Fig. 6 shows the number of agreements between the rec-
ommendation from the intelligent agent and the participant’s
action selection. We expect there to be a positive correla-
tion between the number of agreements and trust reported
by the participants. Repeated measures ANOVA shows sig-
nificant difference between the three strategies (F(2,22) =
13.732, p < 0.001). Post-hoc analysis with Bonferroni ad-
justment reveals significant difference in average trust rat-
ing between the non-learner and the adaptive learner strat-
egy (p= 0.003) and between the non-adaptive-learner and
the adaptive-learner strategy (p= 0.009). The participants
agreed the most with the adaptive-learner’s recommenda-
6 Conclusions
In this study, we provided a demonstration of the use of
Bayesian IRL coupled with the bounded-rationality-disuse
model of human behavior to learn a human’s preferences in
performing a human-robot team task. We implemented an
adaptive interaction strategy for the robot that learns and op-
timizes a reward function based on these preferences. We
showed the trust and performance improvement when using
such an adaptive interaction strategy compared to two base-
The results of our study should be seen in light of the
following limitations. First, we provide a demonstration in
the case when there are only two components in the team’s
reward function. Therefore, we only need to learn the hu-
man’s preference for one of the two components and can as-
certain their relative preference between the two objectives.
Our formulation, however, can readily be extended to the
case where there are more than two objectives in the team’s
reward function, with additional computations required to
learn and maintain a distribution over each reward weight.
Second, we used an uninformed uniform prior for the reward
weights of the human. This uniform distribution was, thus,
also used to set the reward weights for the non-adaptive in-
teraction strategies. This simulates a scenario where we do
not have any other way of setting the reward weights for
the robot. Another approach could be to use a data-driven
prior on the reward weight distribution to set these weights.
A similar comparison between the three strategies with such
an informed prior could be a direction for a future study.
This work was supported by the Air Force Office of Scien-
tific Research under grant #FA9550-20-1-0406.
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Robotics, 7(68): eabm4183.
... Where in previous studies there has been an approach wherein, Bayesian methods are used to represent the flow of information on a schedule and how information on that schedule can vary according to place and perception of humans and robots. Based on this model, a computational model can be determined to understand where and how the human process informs the schedule to a robot [10]. Another algorithm that can be used is an evolutionary algorithm that is proven to be able to maintain several solutions for each iteration and it can work well resolving problems with noise [11]. ...
Abstrak. Karena semakin populernya kelas daring, diperlukan solusi penjadwalan fleksibel yang mengakomodasi berbagai jadwal dan preferensi pengguna. Ketika fleksibilitas jadwal menjadi salah satu alasan seseorang memilih kelas daring, maka menjadi jelas bahwa algoritma penjadwalan yang baik merupakan kebutuhan dasar agar pengguna mendapatkan fleksibilitas yang mereka cari. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat dan mengembangkan algoritma penjadwalan berdasarkan jaringan temporal multi-agen untuk mengatasi batasan penjadwalan guru dan siswa baik dalam situasi kelas maupun jarak jauh. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode jaringan temporal multi-agen untuk membuat algoritma yang menawarkan solusi penjadwalan independen untuk guru dan siswa. Algoritme ini mempertimbangkan berbagai batasan, sehingga menghasilkan penjadwalan yang berhasil di dalam dan di luar situasi kelas pada umumnya. Ide yang dikemukakan menunjukkan hasil penjadwalan yang efektif, memberikan kebebasan bagi siswa dan guru. Strategi multi-agen secara efektif mengontrol berbagai batasan, memberikan solusi penjadwalan yang dapat disesuaikan untuk berbagai kebutuhan pengguna. Guru dan siswa dapat secara mandiri membentuk solusi penjadwalan dengan algoritma yang akan menyelesaikan semua kendala internal dan eksternal guru dan siswa. Abstract. Because of the growing popularity of online classes, flexible scheduling solutions that accommodate a wide range of user schedules and preferences are required. When schedule flexibility is one reason a person chooses online classes, it becomes clear that good scheduling algorithms are a basic requirement so that users get the flexibility they seek. The goal of this research is to create and develop a scheduling algorithm based on a multi-agent temporal network to solve the scheduling restrictions of teachers and students in both classroom and distant situations. This study uses a multi-agent temporal network method to create algorithms that offer independent scheduling solutions for teachers and students. These algorithms consider a variety of restrictions, providing successful scheduling within and outside of typical classroom situations. The idea that was put forward demonstrates effective scheduling outcomes, allowing students as well as teachers freedom. The multi-agent strategy effectively controls numerous restrictions, providing customizable scheduling solutions for a wide range of user requirements. Teachers and students can independently form scheduling solutions with algorithms that will solve all internal and external constraints of teachers and students.
With the advent of AI technologies, humans and robots are increasingly teaming up to perform collaborative tasks. To enable smooth and effective collaboration, the topic of value alignment (operationalized herein as the degree of dynamic goal alignment within a task) between the robot and the human is gaining increasing research attention. Prior literature on value alignment makes an inherent assumption that aligning the values of the robot with that of the human benefits the team. This assumption, however, has not been empirically verified. Moreover, prior literature does not account for human’s trust in the robot when analyzing human-robot value alignment. Thus, a research gap needs to be bridged by answering two questions: How does alignment of values affect trust? Is it always beneficial to align the robot’s values with that of the human? We present a simulation study and a human-subject study to answer these questions. Results from the simulation study show that alignment of values is important for trust when the overall risk level of the task is high. We also present an adaptive strategy for the robot that uses Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) to match the values of the robot with those of the human during interaction. Our simulations suggest that such an adaptive strategy is able to maintain trust across the full spectrum of human values. We also present results from an empirical study that validate these findings from simulation. Results indicate that real-time personalized value alignment is beneficial to trust and perceived performance by the human when the robot does not have a good prior on the human’s values.
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Objective We examine how human operators adjust their trust in automation as a result of their moment-to-moment interaction with automation. Background Most existing studies measured trust by administering questionnaires at the end of an experiment. Only a limited number of studies viewed trust as a dynamic variable that can strengthen or decay over time. Method Seventy-five participants took part in an aided memory recognition task. In the task, participants viewed a series of images and later on performed 40 trials of the recognition task to identify a target image when it was presented with a distractor. In each trial, participants performed the initial recognition by themselves, received a recommendation from an automated decision aid, and performed the final recognition. After each trial, participants reported their trust on a visual analog scale. Results Outcome bias and contrast effect significantly influence human operators’ trust adjustments. An automation failure leads to a larger trust decrement if the final outcome is undesirable, and a marginally larger trust decrement if the human operator succeeds the task by him/herself. An automation success engenders a greater trust increment if the human operator fails the task. Additionally, automation failures have a larger effect on trust adjustment than automation successes. Conclusion Human operators adjust their trust in automation as a result of their moment-to-moment interaction with automation. Their trust adjustments are significantly influenced by decision-making heuristics/biases. Application Understanding the trust adjustment process enables accurate prediction of the operators’ moment-to-moment trust in automation and informs the design of trust-aware adaptive automation.
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The ability to collaborate with previously unseen human teammates is crucial for artificial agents to be effective in human-agent teams (HATs). Due to individual differences and complex team dynamics, it is hard to develop a single agent policy to match all potential teammates. In this paper, we study both human-human and humanagent teams in a dyadic cooperative task, Team Space Fortress (TSF). Results show that the team performance is influenced by both players’ individual skill level and their ability to collaborate with different teammates by adopting complementary policies. Based on human-human team results, we propose an adaptive agent that identifies different human policies and assigns a complementary partner policy to optimize team performance. The adaptation method relies on a novel similarity metric to infer human policy and then selects the most complementary policy from a pre-trained library of exemplar policies. We conducted human-agent experiments to evaluate the adaptive agent and examine mutual adaptation in humanagent teams. Results show that both human adaptation and agent adaptation contribute to team performance
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Objective This paper reviews recent articles related to human trust in automation to guide research and design for increasingly capable automation in complex work environments. Background Two recent trends—the development of increasingly capable automation and the flattening of organizational hierarchies—suggest a reframing of trust in automation is needed. Method Many publications related to human trust and human–automation interaction were integrated in this narrative literature review. Results Much research has focused on calibrating human trust to promote appropriate reliance on automation. This approach neglects relational aspects of increasingly capable automation and system-level outcomes, such as cooperation and resilience. To address these limitations, we adopt a relational framing of trust based on the decision situation, semiotics, interaction sequence, and strategy. This relational framework stresses that the goal is not to maximize trust, or to even calibrate trust, but to support a process of trusting through automation responsivity. Conclusion This framing clarifies why future work on trust in automation should consider not just individual characteristics and how automation influences people, but also how people can influence automation and how interdependent interactions affect trusting automation. In these new technological and organizational contexts that shift human operators to co-operators of automation, automation responsivity and the ability to resolve conflicting goals may be more relevant than reliability and reliance for advancing system design. Application A conceptual model comprising four concepts—situation, semiotics, strategy, and sequence—can guide future trust research and design for automation responsivity and more resilient human–automation systems.
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To facilitate effective human-robot interaction (HRI), trust-aware HRI has been proposed, wherein the robotic agent explicitly considers the human's trust during its planning and decision making. The success of trust-aware HRI depends on the specification of a trust dynamics model and a trust-behavior model. In this study, we proposed one novel trust-behavior model, namely the reverse psychology model, and compared it against the commonly used disuse model. We examined how the two models affect the robot's optimal policy and the human-robot team performance. Results indicate that the robot will deliberately ‘manipulate’ the human's trust under the reverse psychology model. To correct this \textcolor{blue}{‘manipulative’} behavior, we proposed a trust-seeking reward function that facilitates trust establishment without significantly sacrificing the team performance.
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Trust in automation, or more recently trust in autonomy, has received extensive research attention in the past three decades. The majority of prior literature adopted a "snapshot" view of trust and typically evaluated trust through questionnaires administered at the end of an experiment. This "snapshot" view, however, does not acknowledge that trust is a dynamic variable that can strengthen or decay over time. To fill the research gap, the present study aims to model trust dynamics when a human interacts with a robotic agent over time. The underlying premise of the study is that by interacting with a robotic agent and observing its performance over time, a rational human agent will update his/her trust in the robotic agent accordingly. Based on this premise, we develop a personalized trust prediction model and learn its parameters using Bayesian inference. Our proposed model adheres to three properties of trust dynamics characterizing human agents' trust development process de facto and thus guarantees high model explicability and generalizability. We tested the proposed method using an existing dataset involving 39 human participants interacting with four drones in a simulated surveillance mission. The proposed method obtained a root mean square error of 0.072, significantly outperforming existing prediction methods. Moreover, we identified three distinct types of trust dynamics, the Bayesian decision maker, the oscillator, and the disbeliever, respectively. This prediction model can be used for the design of individualized and adaptive technologies.
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Automated vehicles (AVs) that intelligently interact with drivers must build a trustworthy relationship with them. A calibrated level of trust is fundamental for the AV and the driver to collaborate as a team. Techniques that allow AVs to perceive drivers' trust from drivers' behaviors and react accordingly are, therefore, needed for context-aware systems designed to avoid trust miscalibrations. This letter proposes a framework for the management of drivers' trust in AVs. The framework is based on the identification of trust miscalibrations (when drivers' undertrust or overtrust the AV) and on the activation of different communication styles to encourage or warn the driver when deemed necessary. Our results show that the management framework is effective, increasing (decreasing) trust of undertrusting (overtrusting) drivers, and reducing the average trust miscalibration time periods by approximately 40%. The framework is applicable for the design of SAE Level 3 automated driving systems and has the potential to improve the performance and safety of driver-AV teams.
Trust in automation has been identified as one central factor in effectiveHumans human-autonomy interaction. Despite active research in the past 30 years, most studies have used a “snapshot” view of trust and evaluated trust using questionnairesQuestionnaire administered at the end of an experiment. This “snapshot” view does not fully acknowledge that trust is a dynamicDynamics variable that can strengthen and decay over time. With few exceptions, we have little understanding of the temporal dynamicsDynamics of trust formation and evolution, nor of how trust changes over time as a result of moment-to-moment interactions with autonomy. In this chapter, we present and synthesize the results of two studies examining trust dynamicsDynamics inHumans human-autonomy interaction. In study 1, we identify and define three properties of trust dynamicsDynamics, namely continuity, negativity bias, and stabilization. The three properties characterize a humanHumans agent’s trust formation and evolution process de facto. In study 2, we propose a computational model of trust dynamicsDynamics that adheres to the three properties and evaluate the computational model against existing trust inference models. Results show that our model provides superior predictionPredictions performance, and moreover, guarantees good model explainability and generalizabilityGeneralizability.
In this paper, we present a framework for trust-aware sequential decision-making in a human-robot team wherein the human agent’s trust in the robotic agent is dependent on the reward obtained by the team. We model the problem as a finite-horizon Markov Decision Process with the trust of the human on the robot as a state variable. We develop a reward-based performance metric to drive the trust update model, allowing the robotic agent to make trust-aware recommendations. We conduct a human-subject experiment with a total of 45 participants and analyze how the human agent’s trust evolves over time. Results show that the proposed trust update model is able to accurately capture the human agent’s trust dynamics. Moreover, we cluster the participants’ trust dynamics into three categories, namely, Bayesian decision makers, oscillators, and disbelievers, and identify personal characteristics that could be used to predict which type of trust dynamics a person will belong to. We find that the disbelievers are less extroverted, less agreeable, and have lower expectations toward the robotic agent, compared to the Bayesian decision makers and oscillators. The oscillators tend to get significantly more frustrated than the Bayesian decision makers.
As intelligent systems gain autonomy and capability, it becomes vital to ensure that their objectives match those of their human users; this is known as the value-alignment problem. In robotics, value alignment is key to the design of collaborative robots that can integrate into human workflows, successfully inferring and adapting to their users’ objectives as they go. We argue that a meaningful solution to value alignment must combine multi-agent decision theory with rich mathematical models of human cognition, enabling robots to tap into people’s natural collaborative capabilities. We present a solution to the cooperative inverse reinforcement learning (CIRL) dynamic game based on well-established cognitive models of decision making and theory of mind. The solution captures a key reciprocity relation: the human will not plan her actions in isolation, but rather reason pedagogically about how the robot might learn from them; the robot, in turn, can anticipate this and interpret the human’s actions pragmatically. To our knowledge, this work constitutes the first formal analysis of value alignment grounded in empirically validated cognitive models.