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Posttraumatic growth-oriented peer-based training among U.S. veterans: evaluation of post-intervention and long-term follow-up outcomes

Frontiers in Psychology


Introduction Exposure to trauma among U.S. military veterans occurs at a high rate, often resulting in continued difficulty with emotional adjustment and a diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The present study provides data from 184 U.S. military veterans who completed a manualized posttraumatic-growth oriented training program during an integrative seven-day retreat. Methods Data was collected at baseline, after program completion, and at 18-month follow-up. Results Results on primary outcomes indicated significant increases, with medium to large effect sizes, in growth related outcomes. Specifically, there was a significant increase in scores by 54% on the posttraumatic growth outcome measure (PTGI-X) from baseline (M = 50.2, SD = 31.1) to endpoint (M = 77.4, SD = 29.6), t(183) = −8.78, p < 0.001. Also, results indicate that immediately following training (Day 7), participants reported a significant decrease of 49% on the PCL-5 from baseline (M = 39.7, SD = 17.6) to endpoint (M = 20.1, SD = 13.2), t(183) = 11.75, p < 0.001. Depression subscale scores decreased by 60% from baseline (M = 8.0, SD = 5.2) to endpoint (M = 3.2, SD = 3.0), t(183) = 10.68, p < 0.001; Anxiety scores decreased by 28% from baseline (M = 5.8, SD = 4.3) to endpoint (M = 4.2, SD = 3.5), t(183) = 4.08, p < 0.001; and Stress scores decreased by 50% from baseline (M = 10.0, SD = 4.4) to endpoint (M = 5.0, SD = 3.3), t(183) = 12.21, p < 0.001. Eighteen-month follow-up data was available for 74 participants and indicated that all significant changes in growth-related outcomes were maintained. Further, all significant changes in symptomatology-related outcomes were also maintained at follow-up. Discussion These findings demonstrate both the immediate and the long-lasting impact of an integrative posttraumatic growth-oriented training program on psychological growth and PTSD symptom reduction among U.S. military veterans.
Frontiers in Psychology 01
Posttraumatic growth-oriented
peer-based training among U.S.
veterans: evaluation of
post-intervention and
long-term follow-up outcomes
1, RichardG.Tedeschi
2, BretA.Moore
3 and GaryR.Elkins
1 Department of Psychology, Abilene Christian University, Abilene, TX, United States, 2 Boulder
Crest Institute for Posttraumatic Growth, Bluemont, VA, United States, 3 Department of
Psychology and Neuroscience, Baylor University, Waco, TX, United States
Introduction: Exposure to trauma among U.S. military veterans occurs at a
high rate, often resulting in continued diculty with emotional adjustment
and a diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The present study
provides data from 184 U.S. military veterans who completed a manualized
posttraumatic-growth oriented training program during an integrative
seven-day retreat.
Methods: Data was collected at baseline, after program completion, and at
18-month follow-up.
Results: Results on primary outcomes indicated significant increases, with
medium to large eect sizes, in growth related outcomes. Specifically, there
was a significant increase in scores by 54% on the posttraumatic growth
outcome measure (PTGI-X) from baseline (M = 50.2, SD = 31.1) to endpoint
(M = 77.4, SD = 29.6), t(183) = 8.78, p < 0.001. Also, results indicate that
immediately following training (Day 7), participants reported a significant
decrease of 49% on the PCL-5 from baseline (M = 39.7, SD = 17.6) to endpoint
(M = 20.1, SD = 13.2), t(183) = 11.75, p < 0.001. Depression subscale scores
decreased by 60% from baseline (M = 8.0, SD = 5.2) to endpoint (M = 3.2,
SD = 3.0), t(183) = 10.68, p < 0.001; Anxiety scores decreased by 28% from
baseline (M = 5.8, SD = 4.3) to endpoint (M = 4.2, SD = 3.5), t(183) = 4.08,
p < 0.001; and Stress scores decreased by 50% from baseline (M = 10.0, SD
= 4.4) to endpoint (M = 5.0, SD = 3.3), t(183) = 12.21, p < 0.001. Eighteen-
month follow-up data was available for 74 participants and indicated that all
significant changes in growth-related outcomes were maintained. Further,
all significant changes in symptomatology-related outcomes were also
maintained at follow-up.
Discussion: These findings demonstrate both the immediate and the long-
lasting impact of an integrative posttraumatic growth-oriented training
program on psychological growth and PTSD symptom reduction among
U.S. military veterans.
veterans, posttraumatic growth, trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder, Boulder
Crest Foundation
Vittorio Lenzo,
University of Catania, Italy
Jenny Ann Rydberg,
Université de Lorraine, France
Chiara Fioretti,
University of Salerno, Italy
Gary R. Elkins
RECEIVED 16 October 2023
ACCEPTED 11 December 2023
PUBLISHED 05 January 2024
Rhodes JR, Tedeschi RG, Moore BA,
Alldredge CT and Elkins GR (2024)
Posttraumatic growth-oriented peer-based
training among U.S. veterans: evaluation of
post-intervention and long-term follow-up
Front. Psychol. 14:1322837.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1322837
© 2024 Rhodes, Tedeschi, Moore, Alldredge
and Elkins. This is an open-access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The
use, distribution or reproduction in other
forums is permitted, provided the original
author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are
credited and that the original publication in
this journal is cited, in accordance with
accepted academic practice. No use,
distribution or reproduction is permitted
which does not comply with these terms.
TYPE Original Research
PUBLISHED 05 January 2024
DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1322837
Rhodes et al. 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1322837
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Exposure to trauma among military veterans is very prevalent,
with approximately 87% of U.S. veterans reporting exposure to at least
one potentially traumatic event (Wisco etal., 2014). Whether or not
these reported traumatic events are directly or indirectly related to
one’s military service, evidence shows the eects of trauma are causing
veterans to experience serious diculties with emotional adjustment
(McKinney etal., 2017), resulting in 17.2 Veteran suicides per day in
2019, a number that has remained practically unchanged since 2001
(U.S. Department of Veterans Aairs, 2021). Of this population,
individuals ages 55–74 were at the highest risk, accounting for
approximately 39% of veteran deaths by suicide in 2019. A notable
diagnosis aiming to capture much of this struggle with emotional
adjustment following trauma is posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Presentation of PTSD related symptoms may vary across
individuals from distinct wars, cultures, and genders as they have been
exposed to varying specic traumas (Dutra etal., 2019). Exposure to
specic traumas results in diering duration of symptoms, perception
of treatment, and treatment response. For example, Chard etal. (2010)
found that veterans from the Vietnam war exhibited signicantly less
symptom reduction following cognitive processing therapy (CPT)
when compared to veterans from Operation Enduring Freedom
(OEF) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). e experience of trauma
related symptoms is also moderated by gender as men are more likely
to report trauma resulting from exposure to combat when compared
to women (Macera etal., 2014; Polusny etal., 2014) and women are
more likely to experience military sexual trauma (Haskell etal., 2010;
Kimerling etal., 2010). e high rate of comorbidity between PTSD
and other psychiatric disorders can lead to diculty in both its
diagnoses and the identication of an optimal treatment plan. For
example, while much of the current research focuses on PTSD
diagnoses, many veterans also struggle with depression and anxiety.
Studies estimate that 9.6% of veterans struggle with and receive a
diagnosis of depression (Liu et al., 2019) and the prevalence of
diagnosed anxiety disorder incidence rates varies widely from 0.01 to
23.7 per 1,000 service members (Russell et al., 2022). Dierential
diagnoses will highlight dierent aspects of PTSD symptom
presentation and require dierent treatment modalities to avoid being
ineective or exacerbating the comorbid symptoms.
e U.S. Veterans Aairs/Department of Defense (2017) clinical
practice guidelines recommend a tiered approach to PTSD treatment.
e rst recommendation cited to have the strongest evidence is
individual, manualized, trauma-focused psychotherapy. ese rst-
line therapies include Prolonged Exposure therapy (PE; Foa etal.,
2005, 2018), Cognitive Processing erapy (CPT; Resick etal., 2002),
and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy
(EMDR; Shapiro, 1989; Rothbaum etal., 2005; Valiente-Gómez etal.,
2017). Second tier treatment, per the VA/DOD guidelines (2017) are
non-trauma, manualized therapies or pharmacotherapy. Non-trauma
focused, manualized therapies include stress inoculation training and
present-centered therapy. e recommended pharmacotherapies
include three selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs;
paroxetine, sertraline, and uoxetine) and one selective
norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI; venlafaxine).
e current psychotherapeutic treatment modalities have seemed
to exhibit particularly high ecacy in their reduction of PTSD
symptomatology specically. Prolonged Exposure therapy has been
shown to reduce PTSD symptomatology with a pre-post eect size of
d = 0.87 (Eekhari et al., 2013). A meta-analysis of Cognitive
Processing therapy for PTSD symptom reduction found an eect size
of g = 1.24 when compared to control conditions (Asmundson etal.,
2019). Further evidence with a more broad view is found in a meta-
analysis of exposure therapies (not treatment specic), reporting a
signicant reduction in PTSD symptoms when compared to control
conditions with an eect size of g = 0.86 (McLean etal., 2022). A meta-
analysis examining the use of EMDR for PTSD symptom reduction
found an overall eect size of g = 0.64 (Chen etal., 2014). e eect
sizes found for the reduction of PTSD symptoms through
pharmacotherapy are generally much lower, with a meta-analysis
nding SSRIs to bestatistically superior to placebo administration but
with a small eect size (d = 0.23; Hoskins etal., 2015). While the
evidence indicates that individuals can benet from trauma-focused,
manualized therapies, the consensus on whether they signicantly
outperform non-trauma-focused therapies has been called into
question. Recent studies have exhibited mixed-results as to whether
patients are receiving clinically meaningful benet from rst-line
therapies such as PE and CPT (Steenkamp etal., 2020). Furthermore,
these rst-line therapies have been found to beonly marginally
superior to non-trauma focused therapies and active control groups
(Steenkamp etal., 2015). While these rst-line therapies provide great
benet for some, they are not without their limitations, namely high
nonresponse, underresponse, and dropout rates among participants
(Steenkamp etal., 2020). Together these ndings indicate that the
highly complex nature of PTSD and the management of these
symptoms within a military population may not bea good match for
a one-size-ts-all treatment approach (Steenkamp etal., 2020).
e framework of clinical work with military veterans has largely
been focused on the identication of PTSD symptoms and symptom
reduction following trauma exposure. e identication of the
individual’s struggle and the goal of reducing their suering are not
only admirable, but are essential for providing help to countless
veterans. e current model of PTSD and its treatment has proven to
beecacious in the reduction of PTSD specic symptoms but seems
to fall short in addressing the existential needs and issues veterans
face. e diculty engaging veterans in long-term treatment across
months has led to decreased satisfaction across treatment modalities,
even though their completion seems to promise signicant symptom
reduction (Kehle-Forbes etal., 2016; Smith etal., 2019). Alternatively,
intensive treatment programs (one or two weeks) have been examined
as a potential way to improve on the high dropout rate and limited
engagement among individuals (Hendriks etal., 2018; Watkins etal.,
2018). While the evidence indicates that massed, trauma-focused
therapies are benecial (Hendriks etal., 2018), they do not directly
address the potential for posttraumatic growth and there is limited
research on intensive treatment programs inuenced by posttraumatic
growth theory.
Posttraumatic growth (PTG) is dened as positive psychological
changes that can beexperienced as a result of the struggle in the
aermath of traumatic or highly challenging circumstances (Tedeschi
etal., 2018). Posttraumatic growth theory, largely inuenced by Jano-
Bulman (1989), assumes that trauma involves emotional distress as a
result of core beliefs being shattered following traumatic events. e
disruption of the core belief system leads to struggle and the potential
for transformative outcomes and growth. e concept of struggle
refers to the diculties encountered in the process of reconstructing
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one’s core beliefs. e struggle and distress can oen prompt
deliberative rumination within the individual. When paired with
disclosure to a trusted individual, this deliberative rumination can aid
in the process of reconceptualizing one’s core belief system (Tedeschi
and Moore, 2021).
Posttraumatic growth has been shown to exhibit itself in ve
domains across individuals (Tedeschi and Calhoun, 1996; Tedeschi
et al., 2017). is ve-factor model has been established through
factor analysis of the posttraumatic growth inventory (PTGI; Tedeschi
and Calhoun, 1996; Tedeschi etal., 2017) and several other studies
(Linley etal., 2007; Taku etal., 2008; Brunet etal., 2010; Lee etal.,
2010). e ve domains identied in prior research include: Relating
to Others, Personal Strength, Appreciation of Life, New Possibilities,
and Spiritual-Existential Change.
e domain of Relating to Others in PTG reects a deeper
emotional quality to relationships, oen paired with an increased
sense of mutual respect, disclosure, openness, and compassion (Moore
et al., 2021). As trauma survivors disclose their experiences, an
empathic listener can bevery important in the process (Tedeschi and
Calhoun, 2006).
e domain of Personal Strength is oen exhibited aer the
individual has simply managed to survive the trauma and its
aermath. Reection on the experience can instill a greater sense of
personal strength as they recognize the self-reliance and courage it
took to reach where they are (Tedeschi and Calhoun, 1996; Moore
etal., 2021).
Appreciation of Life includes a new perspective that allows the
individual to experience a new sense of gratitude for things previously
overlooked. is increased sense of appreciation is oen the result of
actual loss or having narrowly escaped the loss (Tedeschi and Calhoun,
1996; Moore etal., 2021).
Traumatic experiences involve loss of things such as capabilities,
roles, relationships and alter an anticipated future. In the struggle to
deal with such signicant loss, it is possible that new ways to live are
discovered. e recognition of new possibilities for a positive future
may beessential to developing PTG (Roepke and Seligman, 2015). e
search for fulllment in areas previously unconsidered, is referred to
as the domain of New Possibilities (Tedeschi and Calhoun, 1996;
Moore etal., 2021).
e domain of Spiritual-Existential Change may occur when
individuals reconsider existential issues and potentially recongure
their beliefs and belief systems as a result of their experience with
trauma (Tedeschi and Calhoun, 1996; Moore etal., 2021). e impact
of traumatic events can cause survivors to consider existential
questions such as life meaning and purpose (Tedeschi and Rie,
2016). Also, for many survivors of trauma, considerations of
forgiveness, spirituality, and religious beliefs may bean important
component of PTG (Schultz etal., 2010).
Rather than being a new form of therapy, PTG-based intervention
is an integrative approach that utilizes elements and research
knowledge drawn from several existing approaches, specically:
cognitive-behavioral, narrative, existential, and interpersonal.
PTG-based intervention acknowledges the evolving evidence base for
trauma interventions within a philosophy that proposes that trauma
survivors can both achieve symptom reduction and experience
transformative posttraumatic growth (Tedeschi and Moore, 2021) in
the ve domains of PTG. It is not simply focused on symptom
reduction (although PTG-based intervention may result in reduced
trauma related symptoms), but promotes and emphasizes the
importance of managing emotional distress and moving toward
growth that would not have been likely if not for the struggle with the
traumatic events. e PTG model of intervention is unique in the
emphasis on PTG, but also integrates four primary elements of
existing approaches listed below.
Cognitive-behavioral interventions identify change in core
beliefs and cognitions as underlying mechanisms of change. Core
beliefs may be formulated in early life and people oen make
assumptions about themselves and the world that may go
unexamined until encountering trauma that disrupts one’s
“assumptive world” (Jano-Bulman, 1989). erefore, the PTG
intervention model is directed toward schema change (Jano-
Bulman, 2006) using a variety of methods. e process of
reconstructing one’s core belief system is an evidence-based
approach that is a foundation for cognitive processing therapy
(Resick etal., 2008) as well as PTG-based intervention. Further,
many trauma survivors must achieve a sucient degree of emotional
regulation before being able to tolerate the emotional stress
associated with schema change. erefore, psychoeducation about
trauma reactions and teaching emotional regulation methods (i.e.,
relaxation, mindfulness, present-moment awareness, etc.) are an
integral component of the PTG integrative intervention approach.
PTG-based intervention also integrates the concept of developing
a new life narrative into its approach. With the revision of core beliefs,
trauma survivors are oen tasked with making personal decisions
about what kind of life they wish to have in the future and
incorporating the past trauma into their personal narrative of their
past, present, and future. Narrative therapies, such as those delivered
through expressive writing and reection have been shown to have
positive eects on PTG (Hijazi et al., 2014). Interventions that
integrate narrative development have been shown to beof benet with
a range of trauma survivors (Neimeyer, 2006; Smyth etal., 2008).
Along with core belief and narrative examination, the struggle
with the aermath of trauma oen leads to an awareness of existential
questions such as meaning and purpose of trauma and their lives.
Survivors may struggle with questions about fairness, justice, and
nding new meaning and purpose following signicant loss (Frankl,
1962). e existential element is drawn from the concepts within
logotherapy and existential therapy generally (Tedeschi and Rie,
2016). Examination of existential issues is deliberately addressed
within the PTG-based approach.
Interpersonal and “common factors” have been shown to
besignicant components of most psychotherapeutic interventions
(Norcross and Wampold, 2011). In the PTG-based intervention,
individuals called “expert guides” are individuals trained in providing
a supportive environment, non-judgmental listening, unconditional
positive regard, and activities toward promoting growth beyond
symptom reduction (Calhoun and Tedeschi, 2013). is interpersonal
element provides the foundation for trauma survivors to expand their
support system, construct new core beliefs, and personal narrative that
promotes posttraumatic growth.
PTG-based intervention is provided by individuals trained in
providing “expert companionship” oen referred to as “expert guides.
PTG-based intervention is conceptualized as a training program that
follows the natural process following the aermath of trauma. e
goals are not limited to symptom reduction, but include managing
distress, and achieving growth in multiple domains. ere are ve
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general components in the structure of PTG-based intervention
(Calhoun and Tedeschi, 2013).
Psychoeducation is provided regarding how trauma symptoms
develop (Barlow, 2014) and understanding distressing symptoms
(Meichenbaum, 2012). Further, psychoeducation is provided
regarding the potential of PTG, the domains of PTG, and sharing
personal examples. is includes a discussion of how core beliefs have
been disrupted and how a reconceptualization and development of
new core beliefs can betransformative toward living well and thriving
in the aermath of trauma (Calhoun and Tedeschi, 2013; Tedeschi and
Moore, 2021). In addition, assurance about facing and addressing
existential questions is provided within a caring and non-judgmental
interpersonal relationship.
Teaching and practicing methods of emotional regulation is
integrated throughout the structure of PTG-based intervention. is
includes relaxation, focus on breathing, grounding techniques,
mindfulness exercises, meditation, relaxed music listening, and
exercise. Experiential practice is demonstrated and emphasized over
intellectual understanding of these emotional regulation techniques.
It is benecial to allow survivors to experience a variety of ways to
regulate emotions and select personal preferences to apply to their
own lives (Cooper etal., 2019).
Disclosure is essential within the PTG-based intervention
structure. Disclosure is modeled by the “expert guides” and a safe and
supportive environment is fostered. However, in contrast to exposure-
based therapies (Peterson etal., 2019), the disclosure is not focused on
the specics of the traumatic events, but on the impact of these events
on the individual’s core belief system about self, others, the world, and
the future (Williams etal., 2019). Disclosure about one’s personal life
story broadly dened is encouraged within a non-judgmental context.
Openness to sharing key personal life events, inuences, successes,
perceived failures, and decreasing defensiveness are important aspects
of self-reection and a sense of being accepted.
Development of a personal “life story” brings together an
understanding of key past experiences, perhaps extending into
childhood. It is not simply disclosure about the traumatic event.
Rather, the development of the survivor’s personal story includes the
trauma in the context of entire past and future. It includes looking
forward and consideration of new possibilities for the future and new
ways of understanding the past. e narrative may bring up past
events, regrets, guilt, or unresolved anger. Some aspects may require
acceptance and other change in moving toward the future with
growth. Development of a new “life story” narrative is achieved with
the support of the “expert guide” and in the process of disclosure.
As posttraumatic growth occurs, survivors may have new insights,
goals, sense of meaning and purpose. An awareness of ways they can
support the growth of others who may have experienced their own
traumas, leads to a stronger connection with family and community.
is can bemanifested in new goals in life and awareness of service to
help others and sharing their experience of PTG.
e Warrior PATHH (Progressive and Alternative Training for
Helping Heroes) program is the agship program of the Boulder
Crest Foundation (BCF), a non-prot organization focused on the
psychological health of U.S. veterans. e Warrior PATHH program
is a 7 days intensive residency program developed to provide
PTG-based training and experiences to veterans. e program
consists of 48 psychoeducational modules, which are described in a
200-page guide developed for program instructors. Although the
program does not oer traditional, evidenced-based psychotherapies,
the program does utilize a variety of complementary and alternative
interventions (e.g., mindfulness/meditation, yoga, equine therapy)
and traditional psychotherapeutic techniques (e.g., psychoeducation,
distress management, relationship building, narrative development,
goal setting). A unique aspect of Warrior PATHH is that it is peer-
delivered and is not run or managed by mental health professionals.
is is an important component of the program as those working
within Warrior PATHH are veterans who understand the unique
needs and professional culture of those who attend the program. e
peers who deliver the bulk of the program are combat veterans who
have undergone several months of training from peer leaders with
years of experience delivering the program as well as licensed mental
health professionals. Peers delivering the program receive ongoing
training and consultation from these same peer leaders and
professionals. Consequently, Warrior PATHH is considered a training
program as opposed to a treatment program. Following the
residential portion of the program, a structured 18 months of
follow-up is oered through a web-based series of meetings and
assignments. A more complete description of the Warrior PATHH
program can befound in Moore etal. (2021).
While the PTG-based intervention approach of Warrior PATHH
has been well developed and manualized, to date there has been
limited outcome research. A small pilot study of the Warrior PATHH
posttraumatic growth-based intervention program found signicant,
large reductions in symptomatology including PTSD, insomnia, and
negative aect (Moore etal., 2021). Additionally, results indicated
signicant increases in areas of PTG and psychological exibility.
While these results are encouraging, they do not report immediate
outcomes of study participants, resulting in the inability to gather a
full picture of immediate and long-term eects. Without the report of
immediate outcomes, one does not know about the trajectory of
benet to participants and cannot determine any lasting changes. e
purpose of the present study was to address this gap in research by
conducting a retrospective evaluation of a much larger sample of
veterans with PTSD symptoms who completed the Warrior PATHH
program. Outcome data were collected at baseline, aer the 7 day
program was completed, and at 18 months follow-up.
Participants were UnitedStates combat Veterans completing the
Warrior PATHH program. Participants were self-referred and most
commonly learned about the program from other veterans and family
members familiar with the training program. Participation in the
training program was free of cost to all participants and they received
no compensation for completing the training. Inclusion criteria for the
Warrior PATHH program were individuals who were (1) U.S. military
Veterans and (2) had a previous history of trauma. Individuals were
excluded from participation if they (1) were diagnosed with any
disorder that might require hospitalization, such as psychosis,
substance abuse, or active suicidality.
Data collection for all participants occurred prior to the initiation of
the program (Day 0), which will bereferred to as baseline; at the end of
the training (Day 7), which will bereferred to as endpoint; and 18 months
following the completion of training, which will be referred to as
follow-up. e formal evaluation at baseline, endpoint, and follow-up was
completed through the administration of an electronic questionnaire. A
selection of measurements relating to growth and symptomatology
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domains are reported in this manuscript. All measurement tools listed
were collected at baseline, endpoint, and 18-month follow-up.
Posttraumatic Growth Inventory – Expanded (PTGI-X). e
PTGI-X (Tedeschi etal., 2017) is a 25-item self-report measure used
to assess the extent to which individuals report positive psychological
change following the experience of a traumatic event. Five subscales
of this measure assess changes in one’s perception of new possibilities,
relating to others, personal strength, appreciation of life, and spiritual-
existential change. Individual items are on a 6-point Likert scale
ranging from “I did not experience this change” to “I experienced this
change to a very great degree.” Good internal consistency (α = 0.90;
Tedeschi etal., 2017) and content validity has been shown in research
(Shakespeare-Finch etal., 2013).
Positive and Negative Aect Schedule (PANAS). e PANAS
(Watson etal., 1988) is a 20-item self-report measure for both positive
and negative aect. Individual item responses are on a 5-point
frequency scale ranging from “not at all” to “extremely.” Strong
reliability for both the positive (α = 0.89) and negative subscale
(α = 0.85) and construct validity has been reported in addition to
substantial available normative data (Crawford and Henry, 2004).
Integration of Stressful Life Experiences Scale (ISLES). e
ISLES (Holland etal., 2010) is a 16-item self-report measure used to
assess the extent of meaning made following a stressful life experience.
Individual items are on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from “strongly
agree” to “strongly disagree.” e ISLES has exhibited strong internal
consistency, strong convergent validity, and moderate test–retest
reliability (Holland etal., 2010).
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist DSM 5 (PCL-5). e
PCL-5 (Weathers etal., 2013) is a 20-item self-report measure assessing
DSM-5 symptoms of PTSD. Individual item responses are on a 5-point
frequency scale ranging from “not at all” to “extremely.” Strong construct
validity (α = 0.92) and test–retest reliability (r = 0.57) has been found in
veteran samples (Bovin etal., 2015; Dutra etal., 2019).
Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS). e DASS (Antony
etal., 1998) is a 21-item self-report measures of the presence and degree
of depression, anxiety, and stress-related symptoms. Individual item
responses are on a 4-point frequency scale ranging from “never” to
“almost always.” Adequate test–retest reliability (α = 0.86–0.90; Gloster
etal., 2008) in addition to discriminate and convergent validity has been
shown in clinical samples (Brown etal., 1997).
Insomnia Severity Index (ISI). e ISI (Bastien etal., 2001) is a
7-item self-report measure, based on DSM-IV and the International
Classication of Sleep Disorders criteria, used to assess insomnia over
the past 2 weeks. Individual items are assessed on a 5-point Likert
scale ranging from “none” to “very severe.” High reliability and validity
have been shown for the ISI in both clinical (α = 0.91) and community
(α = 0.90) samples (Morin etal., 2011).
Framed as an intensive training program for veterans, the evaluated
program is the Warrior PATHH (Progressive and Alternative Training
for Helping Heroes). e manualized, 7 days training program is based
on posttraumatic growth theory and its intervention model (Tedeschi
and McNally, 2011; Calhoun and Tedeschi, 2013; Tedeschi and Moore,
2016, 2018). During this 7 days period, participants are immersed in an
all-day intensive regimen combining education and experiential
activities. Participants who attend the Warrior PATHH program
experienced the following ve elements in accordance with the PTG
model: psychoeducation about physiological and psychological trauma
response and psychological growth; emotion regulation training,
including mindfulness and meditative techniques; constructive self-
disclosure about trauma and its aermath that occurs naturally through
casual discourse; non-trauma focused narrative development
integrating perspectives of past, present, and future; and service goals
that are developed to carry out the lessons learned about the value of
life, living courageously, and understanding those who have not had the
same experiences (Moore et al., 2021). Representing a relational
approach to the intervention called Expert Companionship, those
providing the intervention are referred to as “expert guides.” All expert
guides that were responsible for delivering the intervention were
U.S. combat veterans who underwent several months of training with
established expert guides and mental health professionals trained in the
PTG-based intervention. Delivered as a peer-to-peer training program,
the Warrior PATHH program took place during a 7 days period at the
BCF facility in Bluemont, Virgina, between February 2019 and
December 2021.
Descriptive statistics at baseline, endpoint, and follow-up were
calculated for each of the outcome measures. To determine immediate
post-intervention eects, paired samples t-tests were conducted for
each outcome. Paired samples t-tests are used to determine the
statistical signicance of the dierence in scores on outcome measures
from baseline to endpoint. e independent variable in these analyses
was study time point which had two levels, baseline (Day 1) and
endpoint (Day 7). Dependent variables in these analyses were growth
domains, including posttraumatic growth, positive aect, and
integration of stressful life experiences; and symptomatology domains,
including PTSD symptoms, depression, anxiety, stress, negative aect,
and insomnia.
To determine the lasting eects of the Warrior PATHH program
on growth and symptomatology domains a series of repeated measures
analysis of variance (repeated measures ANOVA) were conducted,
which are extensions of the paired-samples t-tests. e independent
variable for these repeated measures ANOVAs was “time” (baseline,
endpoint, and follow-up). e dependent variables for these repeated
measures ANOVAs were the specic outcome measures. In the event
of a signicant main eect of time, pairwise comparisons using a
Bonferroni correction were examined to determine dierences
between specic study time points.
To determine the moderating eect of gender on immediate and
lasting post-intervention eects on growth and symptomatology
domains, multiple analyses of covariance (ANCOVA) were conducted.
e independent variable for these ANCOVAs examining immediate
eects was “gender,” the dependent variables were the scores on the
specic outcome measures at endpoint, and the covariates were the
baseline score of the specic outcome. e independent variable for
the ANCOVAs examining lasting eects was “gender,” the dependent
variables were the scores of the specic outcome measure at follow-up,
and the covariates were the endpoint score of the specic outcome.
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Participants were 184 United States combat veterans
(male = 155, female = 29) who completed the Warrior PATHH
training program between February 2019 and December 2021. e
most common U.S. military branch of service represented was
Army (n = 110), with the second most frequent being Marine
Corps. (n = 32). Frequencies of all participant demographic
variables can befound in Table1.
All participants (n = 184) provided complete data at baseline
and endpoint and were included in all analyses examining post-
intervention changes. At the optional 18 months follow-up time
point, 74 individuals completed outcome measures. Due to the
nature of the statistical analyses examining long-term changes,
only the 74 individuals who provided data at all three time points
were included in the analyses of long-term changes at 18 months.
Post-intervention changes in growth
A paired samples t-test was used to compare scores on each
growth-related outcome variable between baseline and endpoint.
Results indicate that immediately following training (Day 7),
participants reported a signicant increase in scores by 54% on the
posttraumatic growth outcome measure (PTGI-X) from baseline
(M = 50.2, SD = 31.1) to endpoint (M = 77.4, SD = 29.6), t(183) = 8.78,
p < 0.001. Additionally, there was a signicant increase in scores by
45% on the positive aect subscale of the PANAS from baseline
(M = 25.8, SD = 8.4) to endpoint (M = 37.5, SD = 6.9), t(183) = 14.84,
p < 0.001. Finally, there was a signicant increase in scores by 29% on
the ISLES from baseline (M = 39.2, SD = 12.9) to endpoint (M = 50.4,
SD = 10.9), t(183) = 9.13, p < 0.001. Table2 contains calculated eect
sizes for each paired sample comparison.
Results from paired samples t-tests for scores on each
subscale of the PTGI-X indicate a significant difference between
baseline and endpoint for New Possibilities (M = 10.6, SD = 7.3,
M = 15.7, SD = 6.3, respectively), t(183) = 7.13, p < 0.001;
Personal Strength (M = 8.9, SD = 5.9, M = 13.8, SD = 4.8,
respectively), t(183) = 9.01, p < 0.001; Appreciation of Life
(M = 8.22, SD = 4.2, M = 9.7, SD = 3.9, respectively),
t(183) = 3.71, p < 0.001; Relating to Others (M = 12.6, SD = 9.6,
M = 21.5, SD = 9.5, respectively), t(183) = 9.47, p < 0.001; and
Spiritual-Existential Change (M = 10.0, SD = 8.4, M = 16.6,
SD = 8.5, respectively), t(183) = 7.54, p < 0.001. Medium effect
sizes were found for scores on the subscales of Relating to Others
(Cohen’s d = 0.70), Personal Strength (Cohen’s d = 0.66),
Spiritual-Existential Change (Cohen’s d = 0.56), and New
Possibilities (Cohen’s d = 0.53), and there was a small effect size
for scores on Appreciation of Life subscale (Cohens d = 0.27).
Post-intervention changes in
symptomatology domains
Next, a paired samples t-test was used to compare scores on
each symptomatology-related outcome variable between baseline
and endpoint. Results indicate that immediately following training
(Day 7), participants reported a signicant decrease in scores by
49% on the PCL-5 from baseline (M = 39.7, SD = 17.6) to endpoint
(M = 20.1, SD = 13.2), t(183) = 11.75, p < 0.001. A signicant
decrease in scores was reported for all subscales of the
DASS. Depression subscale scores decreased by 60% from baseline
(M = 8.0, SD = 5.2) to endpoint (M = 3.2, SD = 3.0), t(183) = 10.68,
p < 0.001; anxiety subscale scores decreased by 28% from baseline
(M = 5.8, SD = 4.3) to endpoint (M = 4.2, SD = 3.5), t(183) = 4.08,
p < 0.001; and stress subscale scores decreased by 50% from
baseline (M = 10.0, SD = 4.4) to endpoint (M = 5.0, SD = 3.3),
t(183) = 12.21, p < 0.001. Participant scores on the ISI signicantly
decreased by 36% from baseline (M = 14.3, SD = 6.9) to endpoint
(M = 9.1, SD = 5.3), t(183) = 8.03, p < 0.001. Finally, scores on the
negative aect subscale of the PANAS signicantly decreased by
16% from baseline (M = 25.4, SD = 8.2) to endpoint (M = 21.4,
SD = 7.4), t(183) = 4.89, p < 0.001. Table3 contains calculated eect
sizes for each paired sample comparison.
TABLE1 Participant demographics.
Demographic variable Frequency
Male 155
Female 29
Age range
23–27 3
28–32 15
33–37 46
38–42 43
43–47 24
48 or older 53
Branch of service
Air Force 18
Army 110
First Responder 12
Marine Corps 32
Navy 12
Military Rank
E1–E4 32
E5–E6 69
E7 or above 41
Ocer/Warrant Ocer 31
Not specied 11
TABLE2 Growth domains eect sizes.
Outcome Eect Size (d)
PTG 0.65
Positive aect 1.09
ISLES 0.67
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Long term changes in growth domains
A series of independent samples t-tests were rst conducted to
determine if the 74 participants who completed follow-up
measures were representative of the entire sample. e test variable
for each of these analyses was the baseline score of each outcome
measure. e grouping variable used was (A = Participants who
completed baseline and endpoint data; n = 110) and
(B = participants who completed follow-up measures; n = 74).
Results of these t-tests indicate that there were no signicant
dierences between groups on any outcome measure at baseline,
with the exception of baseline depression (Mean Dierence = 1.59,
p = 0.041) and baseline ISLES (Mean Dierence = 4.32, p = 0.023)
scores. Overall, these ndings suggest a follow-up sample
representative of the entire sample.
A series of repeated measures ANOVAs were then conducted to
examine changes in growth-related outcome measures over three
time points (baseline, endpoint, and follow-up). e analysis on
PTGI-X scores revealed a signicant main eect of time,
F(2,146) = 21.26, p < 0.001. Pairwise comparisons indicate that
PTGI-X scores signicantly increased by 27.1 points (52%) from
baseline to endpoint (p < 0.001) and remained stable until follow-up,
exhibited by a further increase of 0.85 points (p = 1.00) and a total
increase of 54% between baseline and follow-up. e analysis on
positive aect subscale scores also revealed a signicant main eect
of time, F(2,146) = 56.09, p = <0.001. Pairwise comparisons indicate
that scores on the positive aect subscale signicantly increased by
11.1 points (41%) from baseline to endpoint (p < 0.001). Results
indicate that between endpoint and follow-up, positive aect subscale
scores signicantly decreased by 8.2 points (p < 0.001); however, there
remained a signicant dierence between baseline and follow-up
scores (p = 0.010) exhibited by a total increase of 11% between
baseline and follow-up. Regarding the analysis on ISLES scores,
Mauchly’s test indicated that the assumption of sphericity had been
violated, χ
(2) = 6.70, p = 0.035, therefore the degrees of freedom were
corrected using Greenhouse-Geisser estimates of sphericity
(ε = 0.918). e results indicate a signicant main eect of time,
F(1.84, 134.09) = 23.99, p < 0.001. Pairwise comparisons indicate that
ISLES scores signicantly increased by 9.69 points (23%) from
baseline to endpoint (p < 0.001) and remained stable until follow-up,
exhibited by a non-signicant increase of 1.42 points (p = 1.00) and a
total increase of 27% from baseline to follow-up. Table4 includes
means and standard deviations for each growth-related outcome
measure at each time point.
e analyses on PTGI-X subscale scores revealed a signicant
main eect of time for Appreciation of Life, F(2,146) = 3.25, p = 0.041;
Personal Strength, F(2,146) = 24.66, p < 0.001; New Possibilities,
F(2,146) = 13.91, p < 0.001; Relating to Others F(1.81, 131.96) = 24.21,
p < 0.001; and Spiritual-Existential Change, F(1.75, 127.84) = 17.96,
p < 0.001. Mauchly’s test indicated that the assumption of sphericity
had been violated for the scores on subscales Relating to Others, χ2
(2) = 8.10, p = 0.017, and Spiritual-Existential Change, χ
(2) = 11.03,
p = 0.004, therefore the degrees of freedom were corrected using
Greenhouse-Geisser estimates of sphericity (ε = 0.904, ε = 0.876;
respectively). Pairwise comparisons indicate that all subscales with a
signicant main eect of time, with the exception of the Appreciation
of Life subscale, exhibited a signicant increase in scores from
baseline to endpoint, followed by stability through follow-up. is
stability through follow-up was exhibited by a non-signicant
decrease in scores for Personal Strength and New Possibilities
subscales and by a non-signicant increase in scores for the Relating
to Others and Spiritual-Existential Change subscales. Table5 includes
TABLE3 Symptomatology domains eect sizes.
Outcome Eect Size (d)
PTSD 0.87
Depression 0.79
Anxiety 0.30
Stress 0.90
Insomnia 0.59
Negative aect 0.36
TABLE4 Long-term changes in growth domains.
Outcome Baseline Endpoint Follow-up
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
PTG 52.03 29.20 79.12 30.47 79.97 31.40
Positive Aect 27.20 7.94 38.26 5.74 30.09 7.98
ISLES 41.66 11.60 51.35 10.49 52.77 9.86
TABLE5 Long-term changes in PTGI-X subscales.
Outcome Baseline Endpoint Follow-up
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Appreciation of Life 8.35 4.20 9.89 3.87 9.69 4.04
Personal Strength 8.76 5.49 13.95 5.00 13.65 5.30
New Possibilities 10.73 7.60 16.00 6.46 15.93 6.87
Relating to Others 13.62 8.78 22.34 9.37 22.68 9.28
Spiritual-Existential Change 10.57 8.42 16.95 8.89 18.03 8.43
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means and standard deviations for each PTGI-X subscale at each
time point.
Long term changes in symptomatology
A series of repeated measures ANOVAs were conducted to
examine changes in symptomatology-related outcome measures
over three time points (baseline, endpoint, and follow-up). Mauchly’s
Test of Sphericity indicated that the assumption of sphericity had
been violated for PCL-5 scores, χ
(2) = 15.82, p < 0.001, depression
scores, χ
(2) = 23.17, p < 0.001, anxiety scores, χ
(2) = 12.80,
p = 0.002, ISI scores, χ
(2) = 12.91, p = 0.002, and negative aect
scores, χ2 (2) = 11.52, p = 0.003, and therefore a Greenhouse-Geisser
correction was used for each of these analyses. e analysis of PCL-5
scores revealed a signicant main eect of time, F(1.67, 146) = 33.87,
p < 0.001. Pairwise comparisons indicate that PCL-5 scores
signicantly decreased by 15.66 points (43%) from baseline to
endpoint (p < 0.001) and remained stable until follow-up, exhibited
by a further decrease of 2.43 points (p = 1.00) and a total decrease of
49% from baseline to follow-up. e analysis of depression subscale
scores revealed a signicant main eect of time, F(1.57,
114.49) = 21.05, p < 0.001. Pairwise comparisons indicate that
depression subscale scores signicantly decreased by 3.37 points
(48%) from baseline to endpoint (p < 0.001) and remained stable
until follow-up, exhibited by a further decrease of 0.31 points
(p = 1.00) and a total decrease of 53% from baseline to follow-up. e
analysis of anxiety subscale scores revealed a signicant main eect
of time, F(1.72, 125.55) = 9.09, p < 0.001. Pairwise comparisons
indicate that anxiety subscale scores did not signicantly decrease
from baseline to endpoint (p = 0.534), but did signicantly decrease
by 1.55 points from endpoint to follow-up (p = 0.029) resulting in a
total decrease of 45% from baseline to follow-up. e analysis of
stress subscale scores revealed a signicant main eect of time, F(2,
146) = 29.30, p < 0.001. Pairwise comparisons indicate that stress
subscales scores signicantly decreased by 4.22 points (44%) from
baseline to endpoint (p < 0.001) and remained stable until follow-up
exhibited by a non-signicant further decrease in scores by 0.04
points (p = 1.00) and a total decrease of 44% from baseline to
follow-up. e analysis of ISI scores revealed a signicant main eect
of time F(1.72, 125.42) = 15.60, p < 0.001. Pairwise comparisons
indicate ISI scores signicantly decreased by 4.38 points (32%) from
baseline to endpoint (p < 0.001) and remained stable until follow-up,
exhibited by a non-signicant further decrease in scores by 0.32
points (p = 1.00) and a total decrease of 34% from baseline to
follow-up. e analysis of negative aect subscale scores revealed a
signicant main eect of time F(1.74, 127.19) = 20.33, p < 0.001.
Pairwise comparisons indicate that negative aect subscale scores
did not signicantly decrease from baseline to endpoint (p = 0.674),
but did signicantly decrease by 5.00 points from endpoint to
follow-up (p < 0.001), resulting in a total decrease of 27% from
baseline to follow-up. Table 6 includes means and standard
deviations for each symptomatology measure at each time point.
Gender dierences in post-intervention
Multiple one-way ANCOVAs were conducted to determine a
statically signicant dierence between male and female participants
on each growth and symptomatology-related outcome measure at
endpoint, controlling for participant baseline scores. Aer adjustment
for pre-intervention scores, there was only one outcome measure,
DASS anxiety subscale scores, that resulted in a statistically signicant
dierence in post-intervention scores between male and female
participants, F(1, 181) = 4.17, p = 0.043, partial η2 = 0.023. Analysis of
covariance results, in addition to adjusted means and standard errors,
for all outcome measures can befound in Table7.
Gender dierences in long-term outcomes
Finally, multiple one-way ANCOVAs were conducted to
determine a statistically signicant dierence between male and
female participants on each growth- and symptomatology-related
outcome measure at follow-up, controlling for participant endpoint
scores. Aer adjustment for endpoint scores, no outcome measure at
follow-up indicated a statistically signicant dierence between male
and female participants. Analysis of covariance results, in addition to
adjusted means and standard errors, for all outcome measures at
follow-up can befound in Table8.
e present study examined the impact of a manualized,
posttraumatic growth-oriented training program on various growth
and symptomatology-related outcome variables among U.S. military
veterans. e utilized training program, the Warrior PATHH program,
TABLE6 Long-term changes in symptomatology domains.
Outcome Baseline Endpoint Follow-Up
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
PTSD 36.80 18.20 21.14 13.05 18.70 14.20
Depression 6.99 5.27 3.62 3.25 3.31 3.74
Anxiety 5.55 4.47 4.62 3.89 3.07 3.35
Stress 9.68 4.59 5.46 3.33 5.42 4.09
Insomnia 13.77 7.29 9.39 5.51 9.07 5.74
Negative Aect 24.00 7.59 22.51 6.48 17.51 6.87
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is not conceptualized as a psychotherapeutic intervention. Rather, this
manualized training program is peer based and developed to help
veterans develop the tools necessary to increase their capacity to
regulate thoughts, emotions, and actions in a civilian environment.
e primary focus of the Warrior PATHH training is the facilitation
of PTG and its ve domains. However, the integrated nature of the
training means that many elements of empirically based PTSD
treatments have been incorporated into the design. e incorporation
of these elements implies that completion of the training program
should also have an impact on the presentation of PTSD
related symptomatology.
Post-intervention outcomes
In accordance with our hypotheses regarding immediate post-
intervention changes, ndings revealed signicant improvements on all
growth-related outcome measures immediately following the training.
Specically, participants reported a 54% increase in scores on the
posttraumatic growth inventory (PTGI-X) from baseline to endpoint,
indicating that participants experienced a noteworthy enhancement in
their perception of posttraumatic growth-related domains in the
aermath of the training. Further evidence of this growth is exhibited
by signicant improvements on all ve subscales of the
PTGI-X. Similarly, a signicant increase in scores was observed for the
positive aect subscale of the PANAS, exhibited by a 45% increase in
scores from baseline to endpoint. is suggests that participants
experienced notable improvement in their overall positive emotional
states following the training. Finally, ndings revealed a signicant
increase in scores on the ISLES from baseline to endpoint by 29%,
indicating that participants are able to report an increased sense of
meaning following their previous trauma exposure. e observed eect
sizes for each paired sample comparison, as presented in Table2, further
support the robustness of this study’s ndings. e magnitude of change
found in each growth-related outcome variable provides additional
evidence for the meaningful impact of training program on participants
self-reported experiences. Overall, the results provide strong empirical
support for the eectiveness of the Warrior PATHH training program
in promoting posttraumatic growth, positive aect, and the integration
of stressful experiences immediately following training.
While the program was not focused on treatment, it is very
noteworthy that participants reported signicant reduction of
PTSD symptomatology scores by 49% from baseline to endpoint.
is suggests a notable alleviation of PTSD related symptoms
among participants. Additional signicant reductions were found
for depression (60%), anxiety (28%), and stress (50%) scores from
TABLE7 Eect of gender on post-intervention outcomes.
Outcome Male (n =  155) Female (n =  29) F p partial η2
MeanaSE MeanaSE
PTG 77.26 2.40 77.89 5.58 0.011 0.918 0.000
Positive Aect 37.47 0.56 37.51 1.29 0.001 0.976 0.000
ISLES 50.36 0.88 50.82 2.05 0.042 0.838 0.000
PTSD 20.58 1.06 17.41 2.47 1.38 0.242 0.008
Depression 3.34 0.24 2.39 0.56 2.38 0.125 0.013
Anxiety 4.45 0.28 3.00 0.65 4.17 0.043 0.023
Stress 5.19 0.26 4.00 0.61 3.22 0.074 0.017
Insomnia 9.21 0.43 8.17 1.00 0.923 0.338 0.005
Negative Aect 21.66 0.60 19.69 1.39 1.70 0.194 0.009
aAdjusted means aer controlling for baseline scores are presented.
TABLE8 Eect of gender on long-term outcomes.
Outcome Male (n =  63) Female (n =  11) F p partial η2
MeanaSE MeanaSE
PTG 79.77 3.98 81.13 9.52 0.017 0.896 0.000
Positive Aect 29.93 1.02 31.01 2.44 0.167 0.684 0.002
ISLES 52.05 1.23 56.90 2.94 2.33 0.132 0.032
PTSD 19.56 1.79 13.80 4.28 1.54 0.219 0.021
Depression 3.51 0.47 2.17 1.14 1.19 0.279 0.017
Anxiety 3.28 0.42 1.83 1.02 1.71 0.196 0.023
Stress 5.73 0.51 3.66 1.22 2.44 0.123 0.033
Insomnia 9.21 0.73 8.23 1.75 0.267 0.607 0.004
Negative Aect 17.67 0.88 16.62 2.11 0.211 0.647 0.003
aAdjusted means aer controlling for endpoint scores are presented.
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baseline to endpoint. Finally, insomnia symptom scores decreased
by 36% and negative aect by 16% from baseline to endpoint. e
degree to which each of these domains changed from baseline to
endpoint is demonstrated by paired sample comparisons in Table3.
Long term 18 months follow-up outcomes
e observed increase in growth domains and decrease in
symptomatology domains across participants immediately
following the Warrior PATHH program sheds light on just how
powerful an intensive training of this type can be. However, it is
important to examine whether the improvements are maintained
long-term aer the individuals return to their normal environment.
For example, each individual who attends the training has removed
themselves from many of the daily stressors they experience, is
given a strict schedule to adhere to, and is surrounded by
individuals with similar experiences who are more likely to
understand their struggles. Once the individual returns home, they
are again exposed to any routine daily stressors, are responsible for
their own schedule, and may not have the same level of empathetic
community found during training. Signicant results at the
18 months follow-up would indicate a high level of impact from the
training, resulting in changes that are maintained for one and a half
years post-training.
Data from repeated measures ANOVAs indicates that, for those
who provided data at all three time points (n = 74), the signicant
increase in all growth-related outcome measure scores from
baseline was maintained at the 18 months follow-up. Both PTGI-X
and ISLES scores did not dier signicantly from endpoint to
follow-up, indicating stability and lasting benets from the training
program. Although there was a signicant decrease in positive
aect scores between endpoint and follow-up assessments, the
scores remained signicantly higher than baseline, indicating a
lasting positive impact of the training.
Scores on all symptomatology-related outcome measures that
exhibited a signicant decrease from baseline to endpoint
remained stable at the 18 months follow-up, maintaining their
signicant decrease from the baseline assessment. While both
anxiety and negative aect scores experienced a non-signicant
decrease from baseline to endpoint, scores for both domains
experienced a signicant decrease from baseline to
follow-up assessment.
Examination of gender of participants
e present study also aimed to investigate the potential
dierences between male and female participants on various growth
and symptomatology-related outcome measures at both endpoint and
follow-up. e results of multiple one-way ANCOVA’s indicate that
aer adjusting for pre-intervention scores, there was only a single
outcome measure, DASS anxiety subscale scores, that showed a small
but statistically signicant dierence in post-intervention scores
between male and female participants. e eect size, as indicated by
the partial η
value, was very small, only explaining approximately
2.3% of the variance in scores on the anxiety subscale.
Interestingly, no signicant gender dierences were found for any
other growth or symptomatology related outcome measure at
endpoint or follow-up, aer controlling for the appropriate covariates.
ese ndings indicate that on almost all outcome variables assessed,
male and female participants showed similar levels of improvement at
endpoint and maintenance of such improvement at follow-up.
e discrepancy in samples size for the analyses examining gender
dierences at follow-up should benoted, as male participants (n = 63)
far outnumbered female participants (n = 11). is overall small
sample of participants may have inuenced the statistical power to
detect dierences between genders. Furthermore, the smaller sample
size of female participants may have limited the ability to detect any
eects that could have been present.
e ndings of these analyses are encouraging in that both female
and male veterans seem to experience the same level of benet from
the posttraumatic growth-oriented training employed in this study.
More specically, the large increases in PTG and decreases in PTSD
symptomatology were exhibited by participants, regardless of gender.
ese results indicate that the current training protocol seems to
adequately address the needs of both male and female veterans,
however future studies with larger and more balanced gender samples
are needed to further explore the potential inuence of gender on the
assessed variables.
PCL-5 threshold scores
e PCL-5 was used to assess prevalence and severity of PTSD
symptomatology among participants completing the training
program. e high impact of the training on post-intervention and
long-term follow up PCL-5 scores warrants further investigation.
While the use of the PCL-5 was strictly to assess prevalence and
severity of PTSD symptoms, and not a tool used to make a diagnosis,
an investigation of the participants who fall above and below the
diagnosis threshold score can be informative. For example, a
provisional PTSD diagnosis can bemade with a score of 33 or greater
on the PCL-5. At the baseline assessment (n = 184), there were 120
individuals with scores greater than 33 and who theoretically would
qualify for this provisional diagnosis. Immediately following the
training, only 31 individuals had scores greater than 33, indicating
that 89 individuals (74%) have theoretically reduced symptomatology
to a point that would no longer meets the diagnostic threshold. For
those who provided data at all three study time points (n = 74), there
were 40 individuals with PCL-5 scores greater than 33, meeting
criteria for a provisional PTSD diagnosis at the baseline assessment.
At the endpoint assessment, only 12 individuals had scores greater
than 33, indicating 28 fewer individuals (70%) met the diagnostic
criteria regarding PCL-5 scores. One and a half years later at the
18 months follow-up assessment, 15 individuals had PCL5 scores
greater than 33 indicating a rise in PTSD symptoms over the course
of 18 months for 3 of the individuals. is rise in the number of
individuals who exceed the diagnostic threshold is expected over
time but highlights the need for continued support beyond the
immediate post-intervention period.
Together, these results underscore the positive impact of the
Warrior PATHH training program in reducing PTSD symptomatology
among veterans, despite its primary focus of increasing PTG. e
substantial impact on reported PTSD symptomatology, exhibited by
a 49% decrease in reported symptoms from baseline to endpoint,
warrants further investigation to identify factors associated with
increased PTG and symptom improvement.
Rhodes et al. 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1322837
Frontiers in Psychology 11
e present study is not without its limitations, primarily the lack
of a control group. While a single-group design is appropriate for the
current study, future studies should consider employing randomized
controlled trail designs to further investigate the eects of the training
and help establish causal relationships. e ethics and complexity of
adding a control group to a study of this nature should becarefully
examined to account for many of the factors present in the current
training protocol.
While demographic variables were collected, certain variables that
may beof interest to the eld were not collected in this study (i.e.,
nature of trauma, time since trauma, and age of service). Analysis of
the relationship between these and outcome variables may identify
certain patterns in training benet.
Finally, the findings of this study were based on a specific
manualized intervention within a specific population, U.S. military
veterans. While the sample size and analyses allow for the results
to begeneralizable to U.S. military veteran populations, they may
not begeneralizable to other study populations. Future studies
should consider adapting and employing the utilized training
among other populations that are at an increased risk of
trauma exposure.
In conclusion, the results of this study demonstrated signicant
improvements in growth-related outcomes, including posttraumatic
growth, positive aect, and the integration of stressful life experiences,
immediately following the training. ese improvements were
generally maintained until the follow-up assessment, 18 months later,
indicating the potential for enduring positive eects. Additionally,
participants showed signicant reduction in symptoms related to
PTSD, depression, anxiety, stress, insomnia, and negative aect. ese
reductions in symptom-related measures were also maintained until
the follow-up assessment. Together, the evidence indicates that the
employed posttraumatic growth-oriented training program provides
benets to veterans extending beyond increases in posttraumatic
growth, addressing many of the issues that veterans face following
exposure to trauma.
An important implication of the impact of this training program
involves the use of peer-based delivery. e substantial impact of this
peer-based approach suggests that a properly designed program
delivered by peers who have a high degree of cultural competence may
provide a unique pathway to addressing mental health needs. ere is
also the implication that peers may beespecially eective at delivering
such programs as they optimize the important relational component
that is central to success.
Data availability statement
e datasets presented in this article are not readily available because
of concerns for condentiality. Requests to access the datasets should be
directed to the corresponding author, GE,
Ethics statement
e studies involving humans were approved by Baylor
University’s Institutional Review Board. e studies were conducted
in accordance with the local legislation and institutional requirements.
e participants provided their written informed consent to
participate in this study.
Author contributions
JR: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation,
Methodology, Writing – original dra, Writing – review & editing. RT:
Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Methodology, Project
administration, Supervision, Writing – review & editing. BM:
Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Methodology, Project
administration, Supervision, Writing – review & editing. CA:
Conceptualization, Writing – review & editing. GE: Conceptualization,
Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Supervision,
Writing – original dra, Writing – review & editing.
e author(s) declare that no nancial support was received for
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
Conflict of interest
RT, BM, and GE receive payment for consulting services through
the Boulder Crest Institute for Posttraumatic Growth.
e remaining authors declare that the research was conducted in
the absence of any commercial or nancial relationships that could
beconstrued as a potential conict of interest.
Publisher’s note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors
and do not necessarily represent those of their aliated organizations,
or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product
that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its
manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.
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Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with high morbidity and functional impairment in the absence of effective treatment. Exposure therapy for PTSD is a trauma-focused treatment that typically includes in vivo and/or imaginal exposure. The goal of this meta-analysis was to examine the overall efficacy of exposure therapy for PTSD compared to various control conditions. We also assessed the efficacy of individual exposure-based treatments and the potentially moderating impact of various demographic, clinical, and treatment-related factors. PsycINFO and Medline were searched for randomized controlled trials of exposure-based therapies for adult PTSD. A total of 934 abstracts were screened for initial eligibility; of these, 65 articles met inclusion criteria and were included in the meta-analysis (total N = 4929 patients). Exposure therapy showed large effects relative to waitlist and treatment-as-usual, a small effect relative to non-trauma-focused comparators and a negligible effect relative to other trauma-focused treatments or medication. At follow-up most effects sizes were stable, except for a medium effect favoring exposure over medication. The individual exposure-based therapies examined were similarly effective. Moderator analyses revealed larger effect sizes in studies with fewer sessions, younger samples, fewer participants diagnosed with substance use disorder, and fewer participants on psychiatric medication. Effect sizes were also larger in studies of refugees and civilians compared to military samples, studies of PTSD related to natural disasters and transportation accidents vs. other traumatic events, and studies of individual vs. group therapy. Findings support the overall efficacy of exposure therapy and highlight that there are a number of efficacious exposure-based therapies available.
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El crecimiento postraumático como filosofía terapéutica integradora Este artículo proporciona un resumen del concepto de crecimiento postraumático (PTG) y cómo se aplica a la intervención psicoterapéutica. Discutimos brevemente el concepto de PTG e investigación empírica que ha identificado 5 resultados de PTG y los procesos que conducen a estos resultados después del trauma. Consideramos un modelo basado en PTG de intervención que integra elementos cognitivo-conductuales, narrativos, interpersonales, y terapias existenciales al tiempo que enfatiza la importancia de la relación de terapia en un enfoque llamado “compañía experta”. Finalmente, describimos las intervenciones basadas en PTG en psicoterapia individual y en otras formas de intervención con sobrevivientes de trauma y ofrecemos un ejemplo de caso.
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Prevalence studies of combat veterans from the recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan reveal that up to 20% experience some type of psychiatric disorder as a result of their combat experiences. One of the more notable psychiatric conditions for combat veterans is posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Currently, trauma-focused, manualized psychotherapies are the prominent interventions for PTSD. These interventions, however, have significant limitations related to effectiveness, tolerance, and adherence. Consequently, alternative interventions should be considered. The present study provides longitudinal data over 18 months on an integrative approach that is based on the principles of posttraumatic growth. Outcomes related to psychiatric symptoms, quality of life, stress and emotion management, psychological flexibility, and psychological growth are reported. The application of these principles by practitioners is reviewed.
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What do patients prefer in their psychotherapy? Do laypersons and mental health professionals (as patients) want the same, or different, things? The authors systematically examined patients’ psychotherapy preferences and quantitatively compared two samples of laypersons (N = 228, 1305) with one sample of mental health professionals (N = 615) on the four dimensions of the Cooper–Norcross Inventory of Preferences (C-NIP): Therapist Directiveness vs. Client Directiveness, Emotional Intensity vs. Emotional Reserve, Past Orientation vs. Present Orientation, and Warm Support vs. Focused Challenge. On average, laypersons wanted therapist directiveness and emotional intensity. Robust differences were found between laypersons’ and professionals’ preferences on these two dimensions: mental health professionals wanted less therapist directiveness than laypersons (gs = 0.92 and 1.43 between groups) and more emotional intensity (gs = 0.49 and 1.33). Females also wanted more warm support than males (gs = 0.40 and 0.57). These findings suggest that psychotherapists should be mindful of their own treatment preferences and ensure that these are not inappropriately generalized to patients.
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Background: Successful psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) necessitates initial and sustained engagement. However, treatment dropout is common, with rates of 50–70% depending on the setting, type of treatment and how dropout is calculated. Dropout from residential treatment is less understood and could be impacted by participation of more symptomatic patient populations and reduced day-to-day barriers to engagement. Gaining insight into predictors of treatment dropout is critical given that individuals with greater symptoms are the most in need of successful treatments but also at higher risk of unsuccessful psychotherapy episodes. Aim: The aim of the current study was to examine predictors of treatment dropout among veterans receiving residential treatment for PTSD. Methods: The study included 3,965 veterans who initiated residential PTSD treatment within a Department of Veterans Affairs program during Fiscal Year 2015 and completed self-report measures of demographics and psychiatric symptoms at admission. Results: In our sample (N = 3,965, 86.5% male, mean age = 45.5), 27.5% did not complete the residential program (n = 1,091). Controlling for age, marital status, combat/non-combat trauma, and facility, generalized estimating equation modeling analysis indicated greater PTSD symptoms and physical functioning at admission were associated with reduced likelihood of completing the residential program. There were significant differences in trauma-focused psychotherapy received by individuals who dropped out of residential treatment and those who did not. Among veterans who dropped out, 43.6% did not get any trauma-focused psychotherapy; 22.3% got some, but less than 8 sessions; and 34.1% got at least 8 sessions; compared to 37.3%, 4.8%, and 57.9%, respectively, among program completers. Conclusion: Dropout rates from residential PTSD programs indicate that at least one in four veterans do not complete residential treatment, with more symptomatic individuals and those who do not receive trauma-focused therapy being less likely to complete.
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Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a chronic, often debilitating mental health disorder that may develop after a traumatic life event. Fortunately, effective psychological treatments for PTSD exist. In 2017, the Veterans Health Administration and Department of Defense (VA/DoD) and the American Psychological Association (APA) each published treatment guidelines for PTSD, which are a set of recommendations for providers who treat individuals with PTSD. The purpose of the current review article is to briefly review the methodology used in each set of 2017 guidelines and then discuss the psychological treatments of PTSD for adults that were strongly recommended by both sets of guidelines. Both guidelines strongly recommended use of Prolonged Exposure (PE), Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) and trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Each of these treatments has a large evidence base and is trauma-focused, which means they directly address memories of the traumatic event or thoughts and feelings related to the traumatic event. Finally, we will discuss implications and future directions.
Purpose Anxiety disorders can impact the health, performance, and retention of military service members. To inform prevention initiatives and long-term treatment planning, incidence rates across anxiety disorders were evaluated among U.S. active-duty service members over a 20-year period. Method Data were extracted from the Defense Medical Epidemiological Database to examine incidence rates of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder (PD), agoraphobia (AG), social anxiety disorder (SAD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), agoraphobia with panic disorder (AWPD), agoraphobia without history of panic disorder (AWOPD), and unspecified anxiety disorder (UAD) among 151,844 service members between 1999-2018 in relation to sex, age, race, marital status, military pay grade, service branch. Results Incidence rates of anxiety disorders increased significantly over the 20-year period. Anxiety disorder incidence rates ranged widely from 0.01 to 23.70 (per 1,000 service members). There were significant differences in observed versus expected diagnostic rates across all demographic variables examined (p <.001). Conclusion Incidence rates varied considerably across the anxiety disorders, with UAD being the highest. These data highlight the importance of health care professionals attending to anxiety disorders, in order to plan for service member needs, develop preventative interventions, address early detection, and deliver treatments to improve combat readiness.
Two well-established first-line cognitive-behavioral psychotherapies for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), prolonged exposure therapy (PE) and cognitive processing therapy (CPT), are used in the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and US Department of Defense (DoD) based chiefly on good outcomes in randomized clinical trials (RCTs) with civilians. PE and CPT are manualized (ie, protocolized in a session-by-session manner) trauma-focused therapies that are based on processing the emotional and cognitive aspects of the traumatic event. Consequently, these treatments are emotionally demanding for patients because PTSD is characterized by a strong motivation to avoid talking about the trauma and rekindling negative emotions associated with it. The prominence of PE and CPT in treating individuals with military-related PTSD has been increasingly challenged in recent years because RCTs of veterans and military personnel have yielded mixed results, with patients often not obtaining clinically meaningful symptom improvement. These findings have led to questions about the extent to which these therapies should be prioritized and how military-related PTSD is best conceptualized, namely as a disorder that can be reliably managed by brief (approximately 12 session) monotherapies or as a highly complex and multiform condition requiring more individualized and comprehensive intervention.
Background Depression is a common psychiatric illness that is associated with high rates of mortality and morbidity. However, studies reporting the trends of depression among U.S. veterans are limited. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and trend of depression among U.S. veterans and evaluate potential exploratory variables that may contribute. Methods Data were from six cycles, 2005–2016, of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Veteran status of depression was self-reported using the Patient Health Questionnaire. Rao–Scott χ² test measured bivariate association of depression and exploratory variables (age, gender, race/ethnicity, poverty, and education). Cochran–Armitage trend test assessed depression prevalence time-trends from 2005 to 2016. Results Over a two-week period, 16.3% of veterans spent at least half of the days feeling tired or having little energy. Also, over 15.0% of veterans reported having trouble sleeping or sleeping too much on more than half of the days (6.5%) or nearly every day (9.1%). The overall prevalence of depression among veterans peaked in 2011–2012 at 12.3%. Among female veterans, there is a general increasing prevalence of depression, escalating from 9.0% in the 2007–2008 cycle to 14.8% in the 2015–2016 cycle. White veterans consistently had a higher prevalence of depression compared to Black and Hispanic veterans. Limitations NHANES data were only able to assess noninstitutionalized individuals. Conclusions Results indicate that disparities in prevalence of depression existed among U.S. veterans. Cost-effective strategies are needed to help prevent and treat depression among U.S. veterans.
Numerous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of cognitive processing therapy (CPT) for treating posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Two prior meta-analyses of studies are available but used approaches that limit conclusions that can be drawn regarding the impact of CPT on PTSD outcomes. The current meta-analysis reviewed outcomes of trials that tested the efficacy of CPT for PTSD in adults and evaluated potential moderators of outcomes. All published trials comparing CPT against an inactive control condition (i.e. psychological placebo or wait-list) or other active treatment for PTSD in adults were included, resulting in 11 studies with a total of 1130 participants. CPT outperformed inactive control conditions on PTSD outcome measures at posttreatment (mean Hedges’ g = 1.24) and follow-up (mean Hedges’ g = 0.90). The average CPT-treated participant fared better than 89% of those in inactive control conditions at posttreatment and 82% at follow-up. Results also showed that CPT outperformed inactive control conditions on non-PTSD outcome measures at posttreatment and follow-up and that CPT outperformed other active treatments at posttreatment but not at follow-up. Effect sizes of CPT on PTSD symptoms were not significantly moderated by participant age, number of treatment sessions, total sample size, length of follow-up, or group versus individual treatment; but, older studies had larger effect sizes and percent female sex moderated the effect of CPT on non-PTSD outcomes. These meta-analytic findings indicate that CPT is an effective PTSD treatment with lasting benefits across a range of outcomes.