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Abstract and Figures

Successful companies consistently provide higher levels of satisfaction to their customers. This study is to determine the impact of self-service experiences on customer satisfaction. For the purpose of the study, 120 McDonald's customers were selected for a survey. The results showed that being technologically ready positively and substantially affects customer satisfaction through the medium of Customer Trust. Self-service can be more efficient and successful, and customers can be more satisfied if the necessary technology is in place. Self-service experience quality and client satisfaction are impacted by trust and perceived value. This research contributes to understanding what it takes to keep repeat customers happy and returning for more business.
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ISSN: 2289-9286
e-ISSN: 2590-3594
VOLUME 17, NO. 4, 2023, 186 194
© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Universiti Malaysia Pahang Publishing. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license 186
Norashikin Jalani, Azizan Azit*, Wan Khairul Anuar Wan Abd Manan, Mazita Mokhtar
Faculty of Industrial Management, Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al Sultan Abdullah, Lebuhraya Persiaran Tun Khalil Yaakob,
Gambang 26300 Pahang, Malaysia
ABSTRACT - Successful companies consistently provide higher levels of satisfaction to their
customers. This study is to determine the impact of self-service experiences on customer
satisfaction. For the purpose of the study, 120 McDonald's customers were selected for a
survey. The results showed that being technologically ready positively and substantially
affects customer satisfaction through the medium of Customer Trust. Self-service can be more
efficient and successful, and customers can be more satisfied if the necessary technology is
in place. Self-service experience quality and client satisfaction are impacted by trust and
perceived value. This research contributes to understanding what it takes to keep repeat
customers happy and returning for more business.
Successful companies consistently deliver increased levels of satisfaction to their client. Customers who are entirely
content with the company will talk positively about their interactions with the business to others, which will serve as a
form of word-of-mouth promotion for the firm. One of the most essential things in developing a competitive edge and
achieving success for Mcdonald’s is using innovative new ways to provide their services. It allowed the company to
completely revamp the design of its eateries and the way it utilised its staff. According to Liu and Hung (2022), the use
of automated self-services has become widespread in-service industries and is considered a crucial trend.
By directing clients to self-service kiosks, the company was able to substantially cut the amount of cash handled on-
site as card and contactless payments became the norm. Due to this situation, the restaurant redeployed some employees
who had been working the register. Park et al. (2021) suggested that incorporating kiosks can result in reduced operating
costs, particularly in terms of labor costs, and can help to address labor shortages. This is considered to be a significant
advantage for both companies and operators.
Important facets of service evaluation, such as the ideas of perceived risk, perceived value, and perceived satisfaction,
are modelled by this framework, which can be thought of as a model. According to the frequency, despite the fact that
self-service is deliberately designed to improve quality and contain the necessary information to fulfil customer needs,
the self-service experience has not yet achieved up to standards of Performance. This is the case despite the self-service
deliberately being designed to improve quality. This is in spite of the fact that the self-service was purposefully developed
to enhance the quality of the product. Last but not least, if more individuals were not aware of the potential problems it
could cause, it might make the customer experience more difficult.
2.1 Customer satisfaction
Satisfied customers have received adequate compensation for purchases at a predetermined price (Jeong et al., 2016).
According to Oliver (1999), customer satisfaction is an enjoyable extra activity a consumer performs while utilising a
service or product. The purchase only partially satisfies the customer's needs, wants, and expectations. She or he also
appreciates participating in this extracurricular pursuit.
According to Jamal et al. (2020), customer happiness is the connecting thread between the various phases of the
consumer purchase process. Customer satisfaction is measured before and after the transaction and in terms of the price
paid. A number of factors ensure satisfied customers when it comes to their personal data (CIS). There are many facets
to a successful business, including sales, information systems (websites), digital products and services, customer support,
post-sale service, and company culture. In contrast to other online or traditional retail organisations, e-satisfaction refers
to a customer's happiness with their online shopping experience. E-satisfaction is utilised as a proxy for the level of
contentment with an online purchase in this investigation.
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2.2 Perceived quality of self-service
The phrase "quality of service" refers to the overall evaluation that a consumer gives regarding the performance of a
service. Since ancient times, people have considered happy customers a dependable indicator of product quality
(Boonlertvanich, 2019). According to Aker (1997), two aspects of quality should be considered when addressing
perceived quality: product quality and service quality. During the process of providing services, quality assurance
inspections are performed in industries that provide services. Every interaction you have with a customer is a chance to
create trust with them or demonstrate that you do not care about their needs (Pakurár et al., 2019). As a consequence, the
service quality improves to match, if not even exceed, the consumer's expectations. In the context of the quick-service
restaurant industry, "service quality" refers to a patron's perspective or stance with regard to the enhancement of the
quality of services provided within a dining establishment (Al-Hawari et al., 2019). This research considers aspects like
usability, convenience, enjoyment, quality control, and safety. With this system, clients may get what they want without
having to interact with employees directly, leading to improved service quality. While imperfect, this service model can
potentially improve the quality of care provided to customers. Offering self-service choices can be done for many different
reasons, such as saving money, making customers happier, and attracting new customers (Bitner et al., 2020).
2.3 Perceived value
Perceived value is a vital part of the process that must be followed to provide the right product or service to the right
client at the right time. Companies can also use the concept of perceived worth to determine comparable costs (Hussain
et al., 2015). Previous research has shown that service quality is directly related to the customer's perception of value.
Customers will regard services more highly if they require less of the money and effort.
2.4 Technology readiness
The term "technological readiness" refers to an individual's adaptability to a given piece of technology in service of
their desired end results. Numerous studies have used TRI2.0 to evaluate the rate of adoption of cutting-edge technologies
namely mobile payment, mobile social networks, internet access, and self-service technologies (SSTs) among others.
Researcher predicted they would need to adapt to technology in order to keep up with the rise of mobile commerce, social
networking, and cloud computing.
Customers' attitudes and actions towards technology can be either favourable or unfavourable, showing that
technology can yield positive and negative effects. Customers' perspectives and behaviours towards technology can be
either favourable or unfavourable. Researcher proposed four variables in assessing people's technological advancement
readiness. Each of these variables considers both positive and negative attitudes people have on technological growth. As
you will see in the next phrases, you can evaluate these traits based on how optimistic you are, how innovative you are,
how uncomfortable you are, and how insecure you are. Customers have the misconception that technology, despite being
adaptable and adjustable, can support them in delivering services more efficiently. The second component, innovation, is
beneficial since it satisfies consumers’ wishes to use contemporary technologies. In regards to this situation, the invention
is a quality that should be admired. The core cause of consumers' adverse opinions of being controlled is a lack of trust
in the technology and its capabilities practice. The root cause of customers' uneasiness is a lack of trust in the technology
and its capabilities in general. This component additionally exemplifies the unfavourable emotions that the clients hold.
There have been many studies on service quality and customer happiness. Rangriz et al. (2013) also looked into the
current state of providing services online. Electronic and self-service operations in service organisations rely heavily on
customers' readiness, perceived utility, and ease of use. Saleem et al. (2017) and Setiawan and Sayuti (2017), among
others, have discussed the correlation between trust and happiness.
H1. Customer trust influences customer satisfaction.
It was proven that one of the most important factors in determining customer happiness is the perceived value of the
product or service. Numerous research, such as those carried out by Konuk (2018) and Garca-Fernández et al. (2018),
have found a correlation between the ratings that customers give of a product or service and the level of contentment that
they report experiencing with that product or service. There is a substantial correlation between customers’ faith in
McDonald's and the quality of service they will receive. This idea is supported by Marakanon and Panjakajornsak (2017)
and Konuk (2017), who investigated the connection between perceived value and the happiness of consumers (2018).
Alongside the values of reliability and the perceived value of consumers, research will be conducted on service quality in
customer pleasure and self-service experience for customers.
H2. Perceived value influences customer satisfaction.
According to Lin and Hsieh (2007), the level of technical expertise possessed by a customer is the single most critical
element in determining the level of success that may be achieved through self-service initiatives. To restate this idea,
improved customer service is the direct effect of beginning with tech-savvy clients. Boon-itt (2015) argued that consumer
technical readiness significantly affects judgements of the quality of the self-service experience; consequently, it stands
to reason that customers' impressions of the experience would improve with greater technological readiness. On the other
Jalani et al. International Journal of Industrial Management │ Vol. 17, No. 4 (2023) 188
hand, Strutt et al. (2022) demonstrated that the degree of technological preparation significantly contributed to the level
of customer happiness. Several researchers, have recently written about the relationship between trust and happiness.
H3. Technology readiness influences customer trust.
A research framework, depicted in Figure 1, was developed in accordance with the research topic and the literature
Figure 1. Conceptual framework
McDonald's customers were the main source of data for this study. Eliminating unnecessary factors led to the selection
of McDonald's with the most locations and consumers. The data collection spanned from July through October 2022. In
order to make reliable conclusions about the effects of the operational parameters under research, this research required
at least 120 replies from Malaysian McDonald's. In addition to that, the researchers collected the data through an online
Regarding gender, male respondents made up 50.9% (representing 59 total respondents), while female respondents
made up 49.1% (representing 57 total respondents). This could be due, at least in part, to the fact that men typically have
more free time than women do and, as a result, choose to spend it at McDonald's. The following inquiry concerns the age
of those who filled out the survey. According to Table 1, the largest proportion of respondents is between the ages of 21
and 30 years old (60%) followed by those who are younger than 20 years old (25%). 15.00% of the respondents are
between the ages of 31 and 40, the youngest group. This is due to the fact that people in the age range 31 and below are
more difficult to communicate with than younger people. Next, for levels of education, those with at least an STPM, A-
Level, or foundational degree have the highest response rate.
The total number of respondents with a STPM/A' Level/foundation background is 45, which represents 37.5%,
followed by 26 respondents with a Bachelor Degree, which have 21.70%. The lowest percentage of respondents came
from those with master's degrees or an MBA (6.70%), followed by those with doctoral degrees (0.80%). There are just
25 individuals who have a background with a Diploma, making up 20.80% of the total. The total number of respondents
from SPM/0'Level is 15, which represents 12.5%, and there is no respondent for PMR, which represents 0. As for the
racial aspect, there are a total of 75 Malay respondents who filled out the questionnaire. Next, 31 Chinese respondents
filled out the questionnaire, followed by 12 Indian respondents. This is because there are a significantly higher number
of Malay people living in Malaysia compared to either the Chinese or the Indian population. Last but not least, when
compared, students had the greatest response rate for employment status compared to other types of respondents, 78, all
of whom are students, constitutes 65% of the sample, while the number of employed respondents, 24, accounts for 20%.
Following that comes self-employment, which accounts for 12.5% of the workforce with 15 people. There are only three
people who said that they were unable to work, with 2.5 percent.
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Table 1. Demographic profile
Age (years)
Below 20
21 to 30
31 to 40
Highest Education Level
SPM / 0’Level
STPM/ A’ Level/foundation
Bachelor Degree
Employment status
Employed for wages
A student
Unable to work
6.1 Descriptive Analysis
The mean value of technological readiness was observed to understand which elements are the most responsible for
their impact on customer satisfaction. It is generally accepted that the factor that has the most influence on the dependent
variable is the independent variable whose mean value is the highest. The mean score for customer trust is 4.42, and the
standard deviation is 0.43. This is the category with the highest score. As a result, customer trust has the biggest impact
on the perceived quality of the self-service experience, which has the greatest influence on customer happiness in
Malaysia. The fact that the mean score for all of the impacts of perceived quality of self-service experience on customer
satisfaction is more than three or neutral indicates that the respondents have a positive attitude about the questions posed.
Table 2. Descriptive analysis
Customer’s satisfaction (CS)
Perceived value (VA)
Customer trust (CT)
Technology readiness (TR)
6.2 Measurement model
In order to ensure convergent validity, the outer loading value must be greater than 0.70, and in order to calculate the
Average Variance Extracted or AVE, the values must be greater than 0.50. In the event that the value of outside loadings
is lower than 0.70, the entry will be removed. Due to the fact that the values are lower than 0.70, the item depicted in
Jalani et al. International Journal of Industrial Management │ Vol. 17, No. 4 (2023) 190
Figure 2 and Table 3 is thought to be removed. After removing the component below, all of the values have increased to
more than 0.70 at this point. These results accurately demonstrate convergent validity.
Figure 2. Initial path model
Table 3 presents the outers loading for four constructs including Customer’s satisfaction (CS), Customer trust (CT),
Perceived value (PV), and Technology readiness (TR)
Table 3. Outers loading
Customer’s satisfaction (CS)
Customer trust (CT)
Perceived value (PV)
Technology readiness (TR)
Table 4 below summarises outer loadings, composite reliability, and Average Variance Extracted. From the table, all
composite values are higher than 0.60, which means that they are reliable. The values of AVE are more than 0.50, which
reflects good convergent validity.
Table 4. Internal consistency reliability and convergent validity results
satisfaction (CS)
Customer trust (CT)
Perceived value (PV)
readiness (TR)
*Note: Item CS2, CS4, PV2, CT2, CT4, TR2 were removed to fulfil convergent validity threshold.
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According to Table 5, the value of customer trust over customer satisfaction is 0.289, the perceived value over
customer trust is 0.384, and technology readiness over perceived value is 0.315.
Table 5. Discriminant validity result (HTMT ratio)
6.3 Structural model
Table 6 shows the results of the hypotheses. Three hypotheses was tested. Two of the hypotheses in the research are
supported. This is because all the p-values are less than 0.05. As a result, it may be concluded that one of the hypotheses
put up in the research is not substantiated. For the p-value to be considered significant, it must be lower than the significant
value (0.05). As a result, customer trust does not have a positive association with customer satisfaction for hypothesis 1,
which examines the influence of the perceived quality of the self-service experience on customer satisfaction at
McDonald's Malaysia. The second hypothesis shows a favourable correlation between perceived value and overall
customer satisfaction. In hypothesis 3, being technologically prepared has a favourable relationship with the customer’s
Table 6. Hypothesized relationships (direct)
t -
p -
Power (R2)
*Note. SD = Standard Deviation, LL = Lower Limit, UL = Upper Limit, VIF = Variance Inflation Factor
Hypothesis 1 shows an insignificant effect of customer trust on customer satisfaction. This might be due to the context
of the study which might shows a lack of trust on self-service in McDonald’s. The technical readiness of the self-service
also has an effect how customers build trust on self-service. In Hypothesis 2, customers are more likely to have faith in
the business that provides a service when that service's quality is improved. After concluding that trust does not play a
role in the level of e-satisfaction customers experience, the logical next step is to investigate the hypothesis that technology
readiness plays a role in the level of e-satisfaction customers experience via the quality of self-service options. Customers
who have faith that a company will be able to fulfil their requirements are more inclined to approach that company to
form a collaborative collaboration. It is crucial for customers that the service provider they choose consider their
requirements and adjust to the shifting conditions both within and outside the organisation (Liu et al., 2008). Earning the
trust of your consumers is vital if you want to leave a lasting impact on them and raise the happiness they feel with your
business. There is widespread consensus among industry professionals that the degree to which a customer is at ease
utilising self-service options is one of the most important determinants of the overall quality of their experience (Boon-
itt, 2015).
It is better to improve the characteristics that generate consumer confidence since trust can have a good and large
effect on customer satisfaction. This is because trust can be earned in a variety of ways. In order to guarantee the highest
possible level of satisfaction for McDonald's customers, the company's self-service machines and other gadgets, including
their safety aspects, demand special attention. Multiple studies have pointed to a variety of elements that have a role in
determining the level of satisfaction experienced by McDonald's customers. Potential factors include the users'
perceptions of the service's usefulness and accessibility, as well as the users' own capabilities, the functionality of their
devices, the value and informative content of the service, and the service's efficiency in terms of both the users' own time
and the user's time. Many studies corroborated this idea, yet it was still rejectedFurthermore, additional questions might
have produced different outcomes as there were just three questions utilised to assess trust in this study.
In Hypothesis 3, the idea that one gets more for their money despite making fewer payments gives the impression of
value. The difference between the amount paid for an item or service and the degree to which the purchaser is pleased
with that item or service is what economists refer to as value. The combination of a low price and a high-quality result in
a favourable opinion of value. On the other hand, the functional value is an all-encompassing picture of the value
developed using empirical methods. According to the research findings, providing outstanding customer service has a
significant and favourable impact on customers' opinions of the product or service's value (Ho & Ko, 2008; Boon-itt,
Jalani et al. International Journal of Industrial Management │ Vol. 17, No. 4 (2023) 192
2015). The excellent experiences that customers have with financial services are a significant contributor to their overall
value. Customers who are pleased with the technology they are utilising can better get past the first learning curve and
recognise the advantages of using self-service processes. Customers value the absence of human involvement, the
convenience of self-service alternatives, the ability to save time and money, and the speed which technical solutions can
be implemented. If consumers are aware and appreciate these benefits, they will have a more favourable attitude on SSTs,
which will result in them judging the value of SSTs to be higher. The findings of Boon-itt (2015) and Hsu et al. (2013)
research lend credence to this argument.
Previous studies have shown that boosting a customer's perception of the value they receive for the money they spend
is one of the most effective ways to boost overall customer satisfaction with a product or service. As a result of the fact
that perceived value is a second-order factor, it follows that perceived quality must already exist before it can be taken
into consideration. In addition to this, the support of related theories and the approval of the work from academics such
as Boon-itt (2015), Lin (2007), and Hsu et al. (2013) provides additional evidence in favour of the second hypothesis
(H2). Thus, customers' perceptions of product quality significantly impact the value they place on the products they buy
and services they experience online.
The study's constraints require further explanation and could lead to potential areas for future investigation. The study
was designed to assess a theory that could appear impartial. However, construct validity was ensured in this study. This
study contributed to the practitioners, where managers can use this information to better understand the relationship
between consumers' technological sophistication and their perceptions of service quality and satisfaction. This prompts
management to deliberate thoroughly before acting. Identifying customers’ needs through observation is becoming
increasingly important as consumers become more enlightened and thus have higher expectations of the services they
use. More care should be taken to meet their client’s requirements. First, determining the clients' technological
competence helps service providers better meet their needs. Customers' feelings of gratitude will increase, leading to
stronger brand loyalty.
Both self-service quality and consumer perception of its worth, as well as self-service quality and technology
readiness, have the strongest correlation coefficients in the route analysis. This means that McDonald's and banks must
design self-service environments inclusive of customers of varying socioeconomic statuses and cultural backgrounds.
Authorities in developing countries should offer free training programmes to better prepare clients for the technological
advances that are taking place. McDonald's is recommended to lower the price of such services and build better
infrastructures to get an edge in the market, attract new customers, and retain existing ones. Many factors must be
considered in the design of such systems, including constant availability, straightforward installation and use, fool proof
functionality, and precise data capture and presentation. In this way, businesses can guarantee superior service to their
The last recommendations come from a study of the correlation coefficients between customer trust and self-service
quality. This demonstrates that McDonald's may increase consumer trust by enhancing self-service quality. Due to this
situation, it is crucial to take into account variables like continual access, efficient launch and implementation, faultless
performance throughout the operation, no internet outage, and precise order-taking while designing such a system. It is
advised that consumers have constant, simple access to this platform because of the variables that contribute to the overall
perception of the self-service experience. It is important that McDonald's have a system in place that can dependably take
orders, get those orders to the kitchen, deal with any problems that may develop, speed things up with associated
procedures, and improve itself over time. Websites give users reliable information that is useful for making decisions.
The system must be monitored so that it does not take any action, and ways of misusing information on the internet must
be eliminated. McDonald's also has to improve the safety of its online infrastructure. Information pertaining to a
transaction should be kept secure.
Future research can investigate from the perspective of elaborating the theory by analysing more in-depth and with
rigorous data. Other national settings and industries can be further explored by future research.
The authors thank Universiti Malaysia Pahang for funding this work under an RDU grant, RDU210301.
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... Namun, faktor teknologi adalah suatu bagian yang tak terpidahkan dari SST. Teknologi ini telah merambah di berbagai bisnis dan telah menjadi suatu komponen yang krusial [5]. Tergantung dari jenis bisnisnya, beberapa metode SST yang dapat digunakan antara lain penggunaan Barcode, QR Code, dan RFID [6], yang biasa diikuti dengan metode pembayaran yang bertujuan untuk memudahkan pembeli, seperti pembayaran menggunakan Debit/Credit Card, NFC, dan QRIS. ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem self-checkout yang efisien dan hemat biaya untuk toko kelontong dengan memanfaatkan teknologi computer vision. Sistem yang diusulkan menggunakan Faster R-CNN, sebuah algoritma deep learning yang kuat, untuk mendeteksi dan mengenali produk secara real-time dari gambar yang diambil oleh kamera. Metode ini menghilangkan kebutuhan akan pemindaian barcode/QR code atau penggunaan tag RFID, sehingga mengurangi biaya operasional secara signifikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan 2.526 foto produk yang terdiri dari 10 kelas produk yang berbeda. Data ini dibagi menjadi data latih (2.026 foto) dan data uji (500 foto). Model Faster R-CNN dilatih menggunakan data latih dan kemudian dievaluasi kinerjanya menggunakan data uji. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa model mampu mencapai akurasi hingga 84% ketika mendeteksi satu objek dalam satu frame. Namun, akurasi menurun menjadi 44% untuk tiga objek dan 12% untuk lima objek dalam satu frame. Meskipun terdapat penurunan akurasi pada skenario dengan banyak objek, penelitian ini menunjukkan potensi besar dari teknologi computer vision dalam meningkatkan efisiensi dan pengalaman berbelanja di toko kelontong. Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk meningkatkan akurasi model dalam mendeteksi banyak objek secara bersamaan.
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Customers' levels of technology knowledge vary significantly, affecting their performance in Self-Service Technologies (SSTs) and their ability to respond to errors in SSTs caused by service or process failures. Despite the fact that this is a highly practical scenario, scholarly research on the subject is rare. Thus, the purpose of this research is to look into customer technology know-how in SSTs, their corrective actions in the event of SST service/process failures, and differences among customers in terms of service performance, technology know-how, and error corrective capabilities in SSTs. A qualitative approach was used to achieve the research objectives, with semi-structured interviews conducted with 25 SST users from various demographic backgrounds. A non-probabilistic purposeful sampling strategy was used to recruit individuals for the study, with the goal of hiring information-rich cases. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. The study identified four types of knowledge that SST users need to effectively complete service transactions: computer knowledge, SST device knowledge, Internet knowledge, and language ability. Furthermore, the study identified numerous mechanisms used by customers to correct errors in SSTs and classified them as 'error preventing' or 'error recovering' mechanisms. Additionally, the study discovered customer performance disparities among SSTs based on their level of technological expertise and error-correcting capabilities. The study divided SST users into three performance categories: 'Full performer,' 'Fair performer,' and 'Poor performer.' The study contributes new knowledge by elucidating the interaction between SST users' technological expertise and error correction capabilities, a phenomenon that is rare in the previous literature, and contributing to the marketing theory by developing a typology to group customers based on customers’ level of technological expertise and error-correcting capabilities. In the practical ground, it informs SST service providers on how to maximize users' level of expertise while improving the service quality. Keywords: Self-service technologies, Technology know-how, Errors in SSTs, SST acceptance
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Modern-day customers engage with a multitude of service transactions in technological interfaces performing with Self-Service Technologies (STTs). Nevertheless, many are not conversant with the use of technologies and are willing to use traditional physical service encounters, particularly those that live in developing countries. Since business organizations spend a vast amount of money to transform their traditional physical interfaces into technological-based self-service outlets, it is vital and necessary to make sure that customers willingly move along with this new trend. To accept SSTs, customer should feel comfortable with it, which require knowledge, skills and experiences on how to use such technologies. Since customer learning in SSTs is largely self-directed and experience-based, organizations should understand how customers naturally engage with SSTs and the role important organizations have to play in motivating customer self-learning process in SSTs. Thus, this study aims at investigating the customer learning in self-service technologies based on Self Directed Learning Theory. Accordingly, application of motivation, self-management, and self-monitoring on customer self-learning at SSTs were investigated. Using a quantitative approach, self-administered questionnaires were distributed among 600 individuals selected, based on non-probabilistic convenience method. The Study found that customer learning at SSTs mainly influenced by their motivation and self-management skills. This study contributes to theory by explaining the customer self-learning at SSTs, which is very limited in the literature. Further, it helps practitioners to understand how customer learning takes place at SSTs and therefore to decide on what should be the focus of the organization in designing customer communications aiming at providing a supportive learning experience to the customer.
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Banks offer technology-based self-service banking such as mobile banking applications to keep up with technological advancement. The usage of this application requires quality service delivery. However, there is a dearth of literature on post-adoption and service quality assessment of mobile banking applications. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to assess if the Self-Service Technology service quality (SSTQUAL) dimensio ns influence the perceived value and customer satisfaction in mobile banking applications. The data was gathered from 200 users of mobile banking. Data analysis was carried out with Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) using AMOS. Service quality is a second-order factor composed of seven first-order factors of quality dimensions. The findings of this study reveal that service quality significantly influences the perceived value and customer satisfaction. These findings provide insights for banks and mobile application providers to develop strategies that will enhance customer experience, perceived value, and customer satisfaction.
Self-service technologies (SSTs) are not new to modern consumers, yet the COVID-19 pandemic brings new motivations into SST usage. This study aims to revisit consumers' SST usage under the pandemic context, focusing on consumers' changing perceptions on social interactions (i.e. the ‘self’ element) and technologies. The impacts of social distancing, individualistic culture, self-identity as technology users and innovativeness on consumers' SST usage are explored in the field of smart locker self-collection service. A survey instrument is designed for data collection, and the data are analysed through a hierarchical regression followed by latent class analysis. The findings confirm the contributing effects of the four proposed factors on consumers' SST usage. Further, four distinct SST user segments emerge which are labelled as: technology lovers, social excluders, SST embracers, and indifferent pandemic responders. This study contributes to the SST literature by emphasising the pandemic-induced effects on the physical consumption environments externally and individuals' self-perceptions internally, both leading to behavioural implications of SST usage.
Self-service technologies (SSTs) are becoming a trend and can potentially supplement or replace human services. However, the experiential aspects on which SSTs outperform human services remain unclear. This research adopted a sequential mixed method (60 in-depth interviews followed by two survey rounds) to evaluate the relative advantages of technology over humans. First, a commensurate measurement scale (5 dimensions covering 22 items) for customer experience with SSTs and human services was developed. Quantitative findings revealed that customers reported better actional and fresh experiences with SSTs, while hoteliers cited SSTs as only outperforming human staff in providing fresh experiences. Moreover, customers rated their experiences significantly lower than hoteliers’ perceptions. These findings enrich knowledge of the experiential changes elicited by SSTs and the differences between customer expressed experience and hoteliers’ perceptions of customer experience. Practical implications were also discussed.
This study investigates experiential indicators within the retail banking sector. Specifically, the paper examines the drivers and outcome of self-service technologies experience and customers’ satisfaction. A survey research design was used to generate data from a densely populated Nigerian university and was analysed using the structural equation modelling partial least square technique (SEM-PLS). Findings show that perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of banks’ self-service technologies are strong indicators of customers’ cognitive experience, and in turn influences customers’ satisfaction. Perceived ease of use was also found to directly predict perceived usefulness and customer satisfaction. An interesting, but surprising result was that perceived usefulness did not directly predict customer satisfaction, meaning that customers expect the performance of banks’ self-service technologies to be a basic requirement. This perceived usefulness is therefore not necessarily a factor influencing customers’ satisfaction. These findings and important implications for bank managers were discussed herein.
Artificial intelligence (AI) contactless services thrived during the COVID-19 pandemic, while their consequences remained unclear. Based on media equation theory and means-end chain theory, this study proposed a model explaining the effect of AI contactless services on customers’ psychological safety, perceived control, hedonic value, and service quality. Data were collected from hotel customers with an online panel survey and a site survey in Wuhan, China. Chi-square statistics indicated that there were no significant differences between the two datasets. A structural equation modeling analysis of the combined data (n=316) suggested that two dimensions of AI contactless services led to the examined customers’ psychological safety, which in turn positively influenced their hedonic value and service quality but negatively affected their perceived control. Additionally, customer psychological safety was found to mediate certain relationships between contactless service attributes and perceived value. The research findings contribute to AI service applications and influence theoretically and practically.
Objectives: This study examined the impacts of COVID-19 lockdown on health and lifestyle factors for older adults in Sydney, Australia. The study examined demographic differences, social engagement, loneliness, physical activity, emotion regulation, technology use, and grandparenting experiences and their contribution to emotional health and quality of life during lockdown. Methods: Participants were 201 community-dwelling older adults (60–87 years, M = 70.55, SD = 6.50; 67.8% female) who completed self-report scales measuring physical and emotional health outcomes, quality of life, health service utilization, changes in diet and physical activity, impacts on grandparenting roles, and uptake of new technology. Results: One-third of older adults experienced depression, and 1 in 5 experienced elevated anxiety and/or psychological distress during lockdown. Specific emotion regulation strategies, better social and family engagement, and new technology use were associated with better emotional health and quality of life; 63% of older adults used new technologies to connect with others. Conclusions: Older adults were adaptable and resilient during lockdown, demonstrating high uptake of new technologies to remain connected to others, while negative emotional health outcomes were linked to loneliness and unhelpful emotion regulation. Clinical Implications: Further diversifying use of video technologies may facilitate improved physical and emotional health outcomes.
This paper uses two studies to explore how experiencing a state of flow in social interactions influences assessments of dining out among customers engaged in socialization with friends, family members or colleagues. The paper further tests the moderating effect of self-service technologies, which reduce employee interruptions, on the association between customers’ flow state and assessments of experiential quality, service quality and satisfaction. The results suggest that experiencing a state of flow in social interactions is a critical determinant of experiential quality, service quality and satisfaction. Interruptions to this flow state by service employees can have significant negative consequences on experiential quality, service quality and satisfaction. These negative influences can be mitigated by the use of self-service technologies, which facilitate a social flow state and increase perceptions of experiential quality, service quality and satisfaction.
Self-service technology (SST) has been increasingly integrated into today’s service industry. The ability to understand how customers perceive SST and improve its quality is therefore important for both researchers and practitioners. Applying the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) methodology, this research established an SST House of Quality (HoQ) structure for restaurants by synthesizing the inputs of consumers and restaurant industry experts, the managers. This HoQ presents a relationship matrix that allows restaurants to assess SST attributes in relation to SST technical design specificities in a measurable way. Such a relationship matrix can assist in designing restaurant SST to deliver better service and customer experiences. This research thus provides an illustration of how the QFD method can be a useful tool in SST service design in restaurants.