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Local and Interval Dependence for Bivariate Gamma distribution Created by Archimedean Copula



The Interval Dependence Structure (IDS) and Local Dependence Function (LDF) are tools used to measure possible changes that occur in the correlation of bivariate random variables at each point acrossthe whole domain. Bivariate distribution functionswith Gamma marginals are used to construct correlated models that joint a widespread variety of data having positive values. In this paper, to deriveformulas to measure the LDF and IDS, bivariate Gamma distribution are constructedfor two different copula models (Frank, Clyton). Additionally, the key assumptions and properties for each model are explained and then the two approaches are compared based on the observed differences between the two measures, IDS and, LDF using an example from each model.
ISSN 0315-3681 Volume 120, 2023
Local and Interval Dependence for Bivariate Gamma distribution Created by
Archimedean Copula
Swar O. Ahmed1,2, Khwazbeen S. Fatah1 and Namam J. Mahmoud1
1 Mathematics Departement, Collage of Science, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region,
2Corresponding Author:
E-mail: Mobile: +964(0)7504972213
The Interval Dependence Structure (IDS) and Local Dependence Function (LDF) are tools used to
measure possible changes that occur in the correlation of bivariate random variables at each point
acrossthe whole domain. Bivariate distribution functionswith Gamma marginals are used to
construct correlated models that joint a widespread variety of data having positive values. In this
paper, to deriveformulas to measure the LDF and IDS, bivariate Gamma distribution are
constructedfor two different copula models (Frank, Clyton). Additionally, the key assumptions and
properties for each model are explained and then the two approaches are compared based on the
observed differences between the two measures, IDS and, LDF using an example from each model.
Key words: LDF, IDS, Gamma distribution, Bivariate distribution, Copula.
1- Introduction
The univariate gamma distribution, which has been studied extensively in scientific literature, is a
widely used statistical model to analyse skewed data in various fields of research; the exponential,
chi-square and Erlang probability distributions are special cases of the gamma distribution in
whichnumeroussimplifications and different forms of gamma density have been developed and
applied in different areas (Kotz, et al., 2004). The univariate gamma has been extended to the
bivariate case in many ways and several forms of bivariate gamma function have been obtained
(Izawa, 1965). In scientific literature, to construct bivariate distributions, several methods have been
proposed, see (Balakrishnan and Lai, 2009;Mathaland Moschopoulos, 1992;Joe et al., 2010), the
Bivariate gamma has found to be applicable in different areas. In this paper, to compute the local
dependence for bivariate gamma distribution, which is derived from copula function with marginals
obtained from gamma distributions, two measuresIDS and LDF with their formulas are studied.
Moreover, the copula functions presented in this paper are selected based on their common usage in
the multivariate research study, in addition to the ease of construction of their IDS and LDF as well
as their ability to capture a wide range of dependency structures. The main focus is on two models
from the Archimedean family (Nelsen,2007; Ahmed, et al., 2021).
2- Methodology
Copulas are tools used to join univariate functions(df) to construct multivariatedistribution
functions (Nelsen, 2007)Let 󰇛󰇜 and 󰇛󰇜represent the marginals of Gamma distribution for
RV's and , respectively. Sklar's states: if F is a bivariate distribution function with marginals
and , then thereis a copula function
C:󰇟󰇠󰇟󰇠󰇟󰇠, where for all RV's and in 󰇟󰇠, there is:
The parameter , in the copula model,defines the degree ofcorrelation between the random
variables;it is defined by Kendall's correlation coefficient (Lee, et al., 2013; Hua, and Joe, 2011;
Koutoumanou, et al., 2017), and as follows:
ISSN 0315-3681 Volume 120, 2023
Another measure of correlationdefined as Pearson's correlation, which is denoted by, often
is not appropriate to sufficientlydefine the dependence structure of bivariate rv's (, ) with joint
distribution function. A remarkable review paper on bivariate and dependence is (Jones, 1996).
The Local Dependence measure, whichthoroughly explains the nature of joint variations,
investigates the main changes in the strength of the association along the range of (, ). To
demonstrate the notion of local dependence, there are several models and graphical representations;
for example local dependence maps (Jonesand Koch,2003);local Gaussian correlation
(TjøstheimandHufthammer,2013);Kendall plots (Genest and Boies, 2003) and chi-plots (Fisher and
Switzer, 1985). In this paper, the focus is on the definition of LDF as given by (Holland and Wang,
1987) and IDS given by (Esa andDimitrov, 2016); they are explained below.
The measure LD is defined as follows:
where󰇛󰇜computes the amount of variation of the logarithm of the bivariate density at every
point of and . Thismeasure can be seen as Pearson correlation coefficientat each point (,
) (Jonesand Koch, 2003);it estimatesthe grade of the association between random variables and in
a neighbourhood of any point󰇛󰇜 in the domain of f. For independent randomvariables,the LDF
always tends to zero, while it is constant for some distributions shown by (Jones, 1996), for instance
the LDF of the bivariate normal distribution󰇛󰇜
Besides, (Esa and Dimitrov, 2016) definedanother measure of local dependence called
Interval Dependence Structure (IDS); itdetermines the local dependence on the whole surface of
bivariate distribution function. IDS is definedby the following formula:
Similarly, for
3- The local dependence for bivariate Gamma distribution
In this sectiontwo measure, IDS and LDF, for the bivariate distribution, which is constructed by
copula with Gamma marginals, are derived. Furthermore, copula probability distribution, the IDS
and LDF for each bivariate with varying parameters are illustrated; the software MATLAB 20b is
used for computations.
The general formula for the probability density function of the gamma distribution is
Where Γ󰇛󰇜
Assume thatare random variables each with a Gamma distribution for their shape and scale
parameters ,  respectively, i.e.:
ISSN 0315-3681 Volume 120, 2023
Where γ󰇛󰇜
The following, for each copula model, formulas and graphs (surface and contours) of the copula
function (cdf), copula density function (pdf), LDF and IDS for different marginal and dependence
parameters are shown. This illustrates how the same parameters can clearly lead to different
bivariate associations for differing copula functions. The surface and contours graph are shown a
bivariate model of (df, pdf, LDF and IDS) in a different perspective. For all graphs, the X and Y
axes represent the two RV's,  respectively. The construction of the two copula models is
described below.
3.1- Frank Copula
Frank copula model is built through the subsequent mixture of marginal distributions
(Nelsen,2007), 󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜
where 󰇛󰇜 if  then are independent.
The probability distribution function of the copula with Gamma marginals can be written as
follows:󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇟󰇛 󰇠󰇛󰇜
The following figures show the bivariate function and probability function for Frank Copula for
different values of the parameter.
Figure 1.df and pdf of Frank copula for shape, Scale and dependence parameters:
And the measure LDF is defined as: 󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜
ISSN 0315-3681 Volume 120, 2023
To measure the interval dependence between the pair of random variables X1 and X2 on the
rectangle D= []×[] for , the IDSis determined as
follow: 󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜
Figure 2 shows the IDS, LDF as surface and contour maps of a bivariate Gammd distribution
formed through Frank model with given parameters.
Figure 2.IDS and LDF of bivariate Gammd distribution with parameters:
Figure 2, shows that LDF and the IDS display different patterns of dependence;the LDF shows that
the dependence is higher in the core of the random variables, while the pattern of the dependence
obtained by IDS divides the domain of random variables into four sectors in which the first quarter
gives higher value of dependence. Moreover, the shape of the measure LDF is like the shape of the
pdf mostly for bivariate Gamma distribution created by frank copula model.
3.2- Clayton Copula
The Clayton model is defined as follows(Nelsen,2007), where 
It is considered that 0<<, hence the model can be simplified to
Then, the probability density function of the copula model when the marginals are Gamma
distributions is defined as follow:
󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
The following figure, Figure 3, presents the bivariate df and pdf of Clayton model with given
ISSN 0315-3681 Volume 120, 2023
Figure 3.df and pdf of Clayton model with shape, scale and dependence parameters:
Figure 3illustrates that the pdf and cdf, of bivariate Gamma distribution via Clayton copula model,
have the same shape.
Furthermore, the LDF of Bivariate Gamma distribution created via Clayton Model are define as
󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜 
To measure the interval dependence between a pair of random variables X1 and X2 on the rectangle
D= []×[], for, the IDSisdefined as follow:
In the following figure, Figure 4, the IDS, LDF surface and contour maps of a Clayton model with
specified parameters are presented.
ISSN 0315-3681 Volume 120, 2023
Figure 4.IDS and LDF of Clayton model with parameters:
From figure 4, it is noted that the LDF, of bivariate Gamma distribution formed by Clayton model,
has a strong dependence at the end tail of the distribution and the maximum value in the centre of
fourth quarter, while the IDS has shown a very distinct pattern of dependence.
4- Conclusions
In this paper, two measures of dependences known as LDF and IDS are defined, and their formulas
are derived for two Bivariate Gamma distribution, which is constructed by copula models (Frank,
Clayton); each can easily be programmed to produce IDS and LDF maps to explore and compare
dependence for bivariate Gamma distribution. The result shown that each measure displays a
different pattern of dependence for the same bivariate distribution, for Frank Models the LDF
shows that the dependence is higher only in the central of the random variables while the IDS
divides the domain of random variables into four sectors in which the first quarter gives higher
value of dependence. Furthermore, for Clayton copula, the LDF shows strong dependence at the
end tail of the distribution with the maximum value in the centre of fourth quarter, but the IDS
showsa distinct pattern of dependence.
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Full-text available
In multivariate survival analysis, estimating the multivariate distribution functions and then measuring the association between survival times are of great interest. Copula functions, such as Archimedean Copulas, are commonly used to estimate the unknown bivariate distributions based on known marginal functions. In this paper the feasibility of using the idea of local dependence to identify the most efficient copula model, which is used to construct a bivariate Weibull distribution for bivariate Survival times, among some Archimedean copulas is explored. Furthermore, to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed procedure, a simulation study is implemented. It is shown that this approach is useful for practical situations and applicable for real datasets. Moreover, when the proposed procedure implemented on Diabetic Retinopathy Study (DRS) data, it is found that treated eyes have greater chance for non-blindness compared to untreated eyes.
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Copulas are functions that join multivariate distribution functions to their one-dimensional margins. The study of copulas and their role in statistics is a new but vigorously growing field. In this book the student or practitioner of statistics and probability will find discussions of the fundamental properties of copulas and some of their primary applications. The applications include the study of dependence and measures of association, and the construction of families of bivariate distributions. With 116 examples, 54 figures, and 167 exercises, this book is suitable as a text or for self-study. The only prerequisite is an upper level undergraduate course in probability and mathematical statistics, although some familiarity with nonparametric statistics would be useful. Knowledge of measure-theoretic probability is not required. The revised second edition includes new sections on extreme value copulas, tail dependence, and quasi-copulas. Roger B. Nelsen is Professor of Mathematics at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon. He is also the author of Proofs Without Words: Exercises in Visual Thinking and Proofs Without Words II: More Exercises in Visual Thinking, published by the Mathematical Association of America.
Several important properties of two or multi-dimensional Gamma-type distribution are investigated for application to the actual rainfall data.First, from a two-dimensional Gamma-type distribution introd u ced with the use of the modified Bessel function, the regression function, the distributions of the statistics such as the sum, the product and the ratio of two correlated veriables will be obtained. A χ2-distribution and an F-distribution in the two-dimensional random variables will be also discussed.Second, multi-dimensional Gamma-type distribution will be defined by the reverse transformation of the characteristic function which is obtained from the application of the sampling theory or as the special case of multi-dimensional WISFIART'S distribution. From the result thus obtained, the Gamma-type process will be also introduced, which differs from the so-called normal process.Finally, from the theore t ical consideration and the actual analysis of the change of correlation coefficient by the so-called normalizing transformations, it will be shown that the actual rainfall data are not normalized by these transformations and the frequency curve of the rainfall amounts thus transformed can be expressed by a Gamma-type distribution.
It is a common view among finance analysts and econometricians that the correlation between financial objects becomes stronger as the market is going down, and that it approaches one when the market crashes, having the effect of destroying the benefit of diversification. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a local dependence measure that gives a precise mathematical description and interpretation of such phenomena. We propose a new local dependence measure, a local correlation function, based on approximating a bivariate density locally by a family of bivariate Gaussian densities using local likelihood. At each point the correlation coefficient of the approximating Gaussian distribution is taken as the local correlation. Existence, uniqueness and limit results are established. A number of properties of the local Gaussian correlation and its estimate are given, along with examples from both simulated and real data. This new method of modelling carries with it the prospect of being able to do locally for a general density what can be done globally for the Gaussian density. In a sense it extends Gaussian analysis from a linear to a non-linear environment.
**fulltext available at:*** In recent decades, copula functions have been applied in bivariate drought duration and severity frequency analysis. Among several potential copulas, Clayton has been mostly used in drought analysis. In this research, we studied the influence of the tail shape of various copula functions (i.e. Gumbel, Frank, Clayton and Gaussian) on drought bivariate frequency analysis. The appropriateness of Clayton copula for the characterization of drought characteristics is also investigated. Drought data are extracted from standardized precipitation index time series for four stations in Canada (La Tuque and Grande Prairie) and Iran (Anzali and Zahedan). Both duration and severity data sets are positively skewed. Different marginal distributions were first fitted to drought duration and severity data. The gamma and exponential distributions were selected for drought duration and severity, respectively, according to the positive skewness and KolmogorovSmirnov test. The results of copula modelling show that the Clayton copula function is not an appropriate choice for the used data sets in the current study and does not give more drought risk information than an independent model for which the duration and severity dependence is not significant. The reason is that the dependence of two variables in the upper tail of Clayton copula is very weak and similar to the independent case, whereas the observed data in the transformed domain of cumulative density function show high association in the upper tail. Instead, the Frank and Gumbel copula functions show better performance than Clayton function for drought bivariate frequency analysis.
In the context of recent interest in extending scalar association measures to local association functions, attention is drawn to the local dependence function, the mixed partial derivative of the log density, proposed by P. W. Holland and Y. J. Wang [Commun. Stat., Theory Methods 16, 863-876 (1987; Zbl 0609.62092)]. We provide an alternative motivation to that provided by Holland and Wang. We also describe a few basic properties of the local dependence function, and indicate how it may be estimated from data.
The notion of cross-product ratio for discrete two-way contingency table is extended to the case of continuous bivariate densities. This results in the “local dependence function” that measues the margin-free dependence between bivariate random variables. Properties and examples of the dependence function are discussed. The bivariate normal density plays a special role since it has constant dependence. Continuous bivariate densities can be constructed by specifying the dependence function along with two marginals in analogy to the construction of two-way contingency tables given marginals and patterns of interaction. The dependence function provides a partial ordering on bivariate dependence.