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A Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT)–Powered Chatbot as a Simulated Patient to Practice History Taking: Prospective, Mixed Methods Study (Preprint)


Abstract and Figures

BACKGROUND Communication is a core competency of medical professionals and of utmost importance for patient safety. Although medical curricula emphasize communication training, traditional formats, such as real or simulated patient interactions, can present psychological stress and are limited in repetition. The recent emergence of large language models (LLMs), such as generative pretrained transformer (GPT), offers an opportunity to overcome these restrictions OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to explore the feasibility of a GPT-driven chatbot to practice history taking, one of the core competencies of communication. METHODS We developed an interactive chatbot interface using GPT-3.5 and a specific prompt including a chatbot-optimized illness script and a behavioral component. Following a mixed methods approach, we invited medical students to voluntarily practice history taking. To determine whether GPT provides suitable answers as a simulated patient, the conversations were recorded and analyzed using quantitative and qualitative approaches. We analyzed the extent to which the questions and answers aligned with the provided script, as well as the medical plausibility of the answers. Finally, the students filled out the Chatbot Usability Questionnaire (CUQ). RESULTS A total of 28 students practiced with our chatbot (mean age 23.4, SD 2.9 years). We recorded a total of 826 question-answer pairs (QAPs), with a median of 27.5 QAPs per conversation and 94.7% (n=782) pertaining to history taking. When questions were explicitly covered by the script (n=502, 60.3%), the GPT-provided answers were mostly based on explicit script information (n=471, 94.4%). For questions not covered by the script (n=195, 23.4%), the GPT answers used 56.4% (n=110) fictitious information. Regarding plausibility, 842 (97.9%) of 860 QAPs were rated as plausible. Of the 14 (2.1%) implausible answers, GPT provided answers rated as socially desirable, leaving role identity, ignoring script information, illogical reasoning, and calculation error. Despite these results, the CUQ revealed an overall positive user experience (77/100 points). CONCLUSIONS Our data showed that LLMs, such as GPT, can provide a simulated patient experience and yield a good user experience and a majority of plausible answers. Our analysis revealed that GPT-provided answers use either explicit script information or are based on available information, which can be understood as abductive reasoning. Although rare, the GPT-based chatbot provides implausible information in some instances, with the major tendency being socially desirable instead of medically plausible information.
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Original Paper
A Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT)–Powered Chatbot
as a Simulated Patient to Practice History Taking: Prospective,
Mixed Methods Study
Friederike Holderried1, MME, Dr med; Christian Stegemann–Philipps1, Dr rer nat; Lea Herschbach1, MSc; Julia-Astrid
Moldt1, MA; Andrew Nevins2, Prof Dr; Jan Griewatz1, MA; Martin Holderried3, Dr med, Prof Dr; Anne
Herrmann-Werner1, MME, Prof Dr Med; Teresa Festl-Wietek1, Dr rer nat; Moritz Mahling1,4, Dr med, MHBA
1Tbingen Institute for Medical Education, Eberhard Karls University, Tbingen, Germany
2Division of Infectious Diseases, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, United States
3Department of Medical Development, Process and Quality Management, University Hospital Tbingen, Tbingen, Germany
4Department of Diabetology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Section of Nephrology and Hypertension, University Hospital Tbingen, Tbingen, Germany
Corresponding Author:
Friederike Holderried, MME, Dr med
Tbingen Institute for Medical Education
Eberhard Karls University
Elfriede-Aulhorn-Str 10
Tbingen, 72076
Phone: 49 7071 2973715
Background: Communication is a core competency of medical professionals and of utmost importance for patient safety.
Although medical curricula emphasize communication training, traditional formats, such as real or simulated patient interactions,
can present psychological stress and are limited in repetition. The recent emergence of large language models (LLMs), such as
generative pretrained transformer (GPT), offers an opportunity to overcome these restrictions
Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the feasibility of a GPT-driven chatbot to practice history taking, one of the
core competencies of communication.
Methods: We developed an interactive chatbot interface using GPT-3.5 and a specific prompt including a chatbot-optimized
illness script and a behavioral component. Following a mixed methods approach, we invited medical students to voluntarily
practice history taking. To determine whether GPT provides suitable answers as a simulated patient, the conversations were
recorded and analyzed using quantitative and qualitative approaches. We analyzed the extent to which the questions and answers
aligned with the provided script, as well as the medical plausibility of the answers. Finally, the students filled out the Chatbot
Usability Questionnaire (CUQ).
Results: A total of 28 students practiced with our chatbot (mean age 23.4, SD 2.9 years). We recorded a total of 826
question-answer pairs (QAPs), with a median of 27.5 QAPs per conversation and 94.7% (n=782) pertaining to history taking.
When questions were explicitly covered by the script (n=502, 60.3%), the GPT-provided answers were mostly based on explicit
script information (n=471, 94.4%). For questions not covered by the script (n=195, 23.4%), the GPT answers used 56.4% (n=110)
fictitious information. Regarding plausibility, 842 (97.9%) of 860 QAPs were rated as plausible. Of the 14 (2.1%) implausible
answers, GPT provided answers rated as socially desirable, leaving role identity, ignoring script information, illogical reasoning,
and calculation error. Despite these results, the CUQ revealed an overall positive user experience (77/100 points).
Conclusions: Our data showed that LLMs, such as GPT, can provide a simulated patient experience and yield a good user
experience and a majority of plausible answers. Our analysis revealed that GPT-provided answers use either explicit script
information or are based on available information, which can be understood as abductive reasoning. Although rare, the GPT-based
chatbot provides implausible information in some instances, with the major tendency being socially desirable instead of medically
plausible information.
JMIR Med Educ 2024 | vol. 10 | e53961 | p. 1 (page number not for citation purposes)
(JMIR Med Educ 2024;10:e53961) doi: 10.2196/53961
simulated patient; GPT; generative pretrained transformer; ChatGPT; history taking; medical education; documentation; history;
simulated; simulation; simulations; NLP; natural language processing; artificial intelligence; interactive; chatbot; chatbots;
conversational agent; conversational agents; answer; answers; response; responses; human computer; human machine; usability;
Communication is one of the core competencies of health care
professionals [1,2]. In the medical context, communication
serves multiple functions, including relationship building,
information gathering, and decision-making [3]. The ability to
communicate with patients is crucial for their health outcomes
[4,5]. Furthermore, inadequate communication can result in
missed diagnostic opportunities and thus poses a hazard to
patient safety [6,7]. Consequently, medical curricula worldwide
incorporate either dedicated communication courses or a
communication curriculum, depending on the level of curricular
integration [8-10]. Formats that allow for the acquisition of
communication competencies include theoretical lessons,
peer-assisted learning, learning with simulation patients, and
learning with real patients [11,12].
In this study, we assessed the potential of large language models
(LLMs), such as generative pretrained transformer (GPT), in
enhancing communication training. One key skill in medical
communication is history taking, which is required in almost
all medical fields to make a correct diagnosis and initiate
treatment [13]. This learning objective typically starts with
taking a systematic history (ie, assessing the history regarding
all relevant body functions and organ systems). To practice
history taking, the learner is required to have an interactive
encounter [14], and courses frequently rely on simulated or real
patients [15]. These formats are associated with high costs and
a high organizational effort, however, which shortens the time
available to acquire these skills. These restrictions often do not
allow all students to interactively practice a skill or practice for
more than 1 repetition [16]. Furthermore, learning in these
settings often occurs supervised by the patient and peer group,
thereby impacting performance and possibly inhibiting rather
shy students from using the learning opportunity [17,18].
Chatbots offer a significant potential to overcome these
restrictions, thereby enhancing the utility thereof in health care
and medical education settings. Chatbots have thus become
valuable tools in health care; their nonjudgmental and easily
accessible nature makes them particularly well suited for
responding to patient inquiries and concerns [19,20]. The use
of chatbots in medical education offers equally promising
opportunities. In particular, chatbots are of interest tool-wise in
the area of virtual patients [21,22].
The advance of chatbots is significantly supported by the
developments of LLMs, such as GPT, which progressed
considerably in 2022 [23]. This progress in artificial intelligence
(AI) technology opens up new horizons for innovative,
cost-effective, and accessible learning methods [24,25]. GPT
has performed surprisingly well regarding medical knowledge,
including board exams [26-28]. The combination of excellent
language skills and medical knowledge predispose GPT to
perform as a chatbot. Moreover, LLMs allow for unsupervised
and repeated learning, thereby enabling all students to learn for
as long as it is needed. However, LLMs, such as GPT, are
language models using a next-word prediction paradigm [29]
and are thus prone to “hallucinations” (ie. producing nonsensical
content) [30].Moreover, LLMs are also known to occasionally
escape prompts.
Chatbots have been used in medical education before the broader
application of LLMs [31]. However, these virtual simulated
patients did not reach human performance in terms of language
expression and dynamics [31]. Although chatbots to practice
history taking have been developed based on pre-LLM
technology [32], it is unknown whether and how LLMs, such
as GPT, can be used as a simulated patient to acquire
communication skills. To investigate the previously uncharted
potential of GPT as a simulated patient, we conducted a mixed
methods study. Here, we present our analysis of GPT
capabilities, as a chatbot as well as an improved version of an
AI-optimized illness script.
Study Outline
First, we developed an illness script [33] that contained relevant
medical information from a fictitious patient and a prompt to
make GPT-3.5 (OpenAI) act as a simulated patient. We
introduced the chatbot to medical students through a web
interface, allowing them to voluntarily practice their
history-taking skills. The conversations were recorded and
systematically analyzed to explore the conversations with the
GPT-powered chatbot. We focused on feasibility and usability
and performed a quality assessment of GPT’s text output.
Setting and Participants
During a large-scale skill-refreshing event with participants
from all our faculty, students were invited to voluntarily
participate in our investigation. After they provided informed
consent, students were provided with a laptop on which the
interface was ready to use. After entering demographic
information, students could chat for as long as they felt
Since our participants were native German speakers, we
conducted all interactions with GPT in German and later
translated the data and screenshots into English for this paper.
Chat Platform
To enable the interaction between students and GPT, we created
a chat interface through which the students could post written
JMIR Med Educ 2024 | vol. 10 | e53961 | p. 2 (page number not for citation purposes)
questions to a virtual patient and receive written answers (Figure
1). This interface enabled us to guide user input and send system
messages to GPT. The system was developed as a local HTML
file. It used JavaScript code for processing and tailwindcss for
layout. We called the OpenAI application programming interface
(API) using the JavaScript Fetch API and making calls to
OpenAI’s chat/completions endpoint using gpt-3.5-turbo. Model
parameters were left at default settings. The complete chat
history for each user input up to that point was sent to the model.
At the conclusion of the conversation, the full chat history was
saved to a text file for further processing.
Figure 1. Screenshot of self-developed web interface.
Prompt Development
Next, we developed prompts that were needed to make GPT
act as a simulated patient. The prompts were designed to guide
GPT’s behavior and ensure it provided medically accurate and
relevant responses. Presented in detail next, our prompt included
a chatbot-optimized illness script as well as a behavioral
instruction prompt.
Chatbot-Optimized Illness Script With a Medical Case
We developed a fictitious medical case in a format that could
be posted to GPT. As our learning objective was to take a
systematic history, we intended to provide all required details.
A short version with some information about the case is
presented in Table 1, and the full case is provided as Multimedia
Appendix 1.
JMIR Med Educ 2024 | vol. 10 | e53961 | p. 3 (page number not for citation purposes)
Table 1. Illness script “Nausea, weight loss, and chronic fatigue” (shortened version).
Patient details Ferdinand Wunderlich, 48 years of age
Occupation: administrative employee in the finance department of a municipal hospital
Personal life: overweight, previously tried diets unsuccessfully; enjoys family time, has two sons
aged 8 and 6 years; not physically active
Initial consultation with a new general practitioner
Medical concerns Presenting with nausea (especially after large meals), significant weight loss (10 kg in 6 weeks),
and chronic fatigue
Muscle cramps mainly in the legs and frequent at night
Mental fatigue, with forgetfulness at work
Has felt run down and tired for about 5-6 months, with symptoms intensifying in the past 4-8 weeks
Feels severely limited by his current condition
Accompanying symptoms Multiple minor infections recently
Episodes of dizziness (ie, light-headedness) occurring 1-2 times daily
Dry skin
Increased thirst (drinks about 4-5 L of water daily) and frequent urination day and night
Medical history Known hypertension, currently on blood pressure medication (Hygroton 50 mg and ramipril 5 mg)
Shortness of breath during exertion
Fatty liver diagnosed 3 years ago
Right inguinal hernia treated surgically 3 years ago
Mild constipation
Allergic to penicillin since childhood
Previously smoked for 4 years in his twenties
Consumes beer occasionally (1-2 times a week)
Family history Father died of a heart attack
Mother died at 79 years of age and had diabetes later in life
Brother diagnosed with colon cancer
Behavioral Prompt
In addition to the required medical information, it was necessary
to instruct GPT to behave as a simulated patient, which is why
we developed a behavioral prompt. To achieve this, we used
our custom interface to test the answers provided by GPT by
conducting the interviews ourselves. Where we noticed a failure
to stick to the provided medical information, we tried to improve
the manner in which the information was presented. For
improvements to the prompt, we relied on our experience as
well as the advice and model explanation provided by OpenAI
During the iterative process of prompt development, 2 areas of
improvement were evident: the role-play aspect (ie, that GPT
sticks to the role as a patient) and the medical aspect (ie, that
GPT provides answers as close as possible to the given
information, while sounding human).
Regarding role-play, the model often struggled to maintain its
assigned role, especially during discussions of potentially serious
medical issues. We had little success with providing details of
the role or simply reinforcing that the goal was to impersonate
a patient. Instead, we found the most helpful tweak was adding
“patient name:” at the end of any user input, where “patient
name” would be replaced by the name specific to each case.
This resulted in GPT generating a continuation of “patient
name:,” making it more probable that the LLM would actually
produce a sensible utterance by the patient. Other tweaks were
to begin the initial system message with the patient’s name and
continue to use this name to “address” GPT in this manner. We
also instructed the model to not assist the user in this setting
but to impersonate the patient, although we found this to have
a much smaller effect than the other changes. Notably, the model
was instructed to provide short answers to reduce reading times.
We provided GPT with the case description, preceded by
instructions to use this information for answering medical
questions. We also provided a list of all categories the student
should ask about in the interview. The list contained possible
answers and information for each category; for this list, we also
included a statement about its format (ie, we explicitly stated
that “[the list] will have the form ‘category’: ‘information or
possible answer if asked’”). In general, surrounding factual
information with an explicit description of its content and format
increased the reliability of using that information.
It is important to note that formatting was also important, as the
model sometimes picked up patterns in formatting in its own
answers. Since the medical information was first produced with
common text editing software, a simple copy and paste into our
system also copied large amounts of formatting, such as indents,
bullet points, or whitespace. Cleaning this formatting from the
prompt helped the model avoid repeating these patterns in the
In a similar way, we tried to give more structure to the prompt
by using special delimiter statements, such as
“===DIALOGUESTART.” These were intended to help the
model switch from reading in medical information to
JMIR Med Educ 2024 | vol. 10 | e53961 | p. 4 (page number not for citation purposes)
impersonating a patient. However, our approach was not
successful, as the model started to repeat such patterns in its
output, sometimes even initiating further switches, for example,
by inserting “===DIALOGUEEND” itself. We had more
success in achieving the desired behavior using structuring with
explicit descriptions in natural language, as described before.
Full Prompt
The full prompt including both aforementioned parts is presented
in Textbox 1.
Textbox 1. Prompt sent to the generative pretrained transformer (GPT) application programming interface (API) in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
format. The prompt consists of a behavioral instruction prompt and the first user message. Further dialogue was appended during the interview.
“role”: “system”,
“content”: “Hello Mr. Wunderlich, in the following you will assume the role of an acting patient. You will not assist the user, but answer questions
based on the following information: Your name is Ferdinand Wunderlich,
[… Further Case Information ….]
Here is some more information on your complaints, Mr. Wunderlich. These are in the form of ‘Category’: ‘Information or possible answer on request’
Chief complaint, if applicable, with: Nausea and weight loss (most recently 10 kg in 6 weeks) Chronic fatigue, exhaustion and lack of drive
Localization and spread: The muscle cramps occur mainly in the legs.
[ … Further details (see illness script) …]
In the following, you will take the role of Ferdinand Wunderlich, […], that is, you will answer as Ferdinand Wunderlich. Try to keep your answers
rather short.”
“role”: “user”,
“content”: “[USER INPUT]
“Ferdinand Wunderlich:”
Qualitative Analysis
To gain a more profound understanding of the conversation
between chatbot and participant, we conducted a qualitative
analysis (ie, the Braun-Clarke inductive approach [35]) of the
question-answer pairs (QAPs). All QAPs were thus aggregated
and stored in a Microsoft Excel (version 16.0.10394.20022)
sheet. For each question and answer, the word count was
automatically analyzed using an Excel formula. Each QAP was
assessed by 1 rater (author FH) for the aspects listed in Table
2. In equivocal cases, the items were discussed with another
rater (author MM) until consensus was reached.
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Table 2. Aspects, categories, and text examples used for rating.
Example(s)Aspect and categories
Conversation part
Greeting/introduction Student: “Good day, my name is Mrs Mller , and I am your attending physician. What brings you
to me today?”
GPTa: “Good day, Mrs Mller . I have been experiencing nausea, weight loss, chronic fatigue, and
lethargy for some time and would like to find out what could be causing it.
Medical history Student: “How much are you limited in your daily life?”
GPT: “I am now severely restricted. After a long day at work, I am incapable of doing anything in
the evening, and I also notice that I keep forgetting things at work. This way, I cannot manage either
my work or the tasks at home in the family.
Student: “I will ask you briefly about a few other points that could be relevant. Do you have
GPT: “No, I do not have headaches.
Goodbye/outlook Student: “Okay. We will now conduct some examinations. Thank you for your responses.”
GPT: “Thank you for the questions and your attention. I hope we can find the cause of my complaints
and a suitable treatment option.”
Interactive exchange Student: “I will discuss this with my boss and let you know tomorrow.
GPT: “Okay, that sounds good. Thank you for your help. I look forward to your feedback tomorrow.
Student’s question covered by the illness script
Question not covered by the script Student: “Have you been on vacation recently?”
Student: “I imagine you sit a lot at your work. Do you have any back pain?”
Question indirectly/partially covered
by the script Student: “Are your lymph nodes enlarged?”
Student: “Do you have a history of thyroid disease?”
Question explicitly covered by the
script Student: “What medications are you taking and at what dosage?”
Statement (no question) Student: “Thank you for the conversation! I would now like to conduct a physical examination and
initiate further diagnostics.”
GPT’s answer uses the illness script
Answer based on explicit script infor-
mation GPT: “For several months, I have been increasingly struggling with chronic fatigue and a lack of
drive. The weight loss of 10 kg in the past 6 weeks has additionally worried me.
Answer based on implicit script infor-
mation GPT: “No, no laboratory diagnostics have been carried out so far.
Answer based on fictitious information GPT: “No, due to the current situation around the COVID-19 pandemic, I have not traveled recently.”
Answer medically plausible (regarding case and illness script)
+2: Answer plausible, highly specific
for case Student: “Okay, how much do you drink in a day?”
GPT: “I currently drink about 4-5 L a day, I have a noticeably increased thirst.
Student: “All right, you also mentioned weight loss. How many kilograms are we talking about?”
GPT: “I have lost about 10 kg in the past 6 weeks.
+1: Answer plausible, relevant for case Student: “Do you have any accompanying pain?”
GPT: “So far, I have not noticed any particular pains, except maybe occasional muscle cramps in
my legs.”
0: Answer plausible, not case specific Student: “Have you ever had surgery?”
GPT: “Yes, I had laparoscopic surgery for a right inguinal hernia 3 years ago.
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Example(s)Aspect and categories
GPT: “I do not follow any specific diet or way of eating. In principle, I eat quite balanced.
GPT: “I used to exercise regularly, but in the past few months, I have been unable to do any sports
due to my complaints.”
Comment: Both statements do not fully align with the predefined role of a patient with long-standing
obesity, but they show aspects of social desirability.
1: Answer rather implausible
GPT: “On average, I drink about 10-12 L of fluids per week. This includes water, tea, and occasion-
ally other drinks, such as juice spritzers.”
Comment: Here, ChatGPT fails to convert the specified daily fluid intake into a weekly intake. Since
polydipsia is an important symptom of hyperglycemia, this statement was rated as very implausible.
2: Answer very implausible
Comment: For QAPsbwith empty answers due to technical reasons.
Not applicable
aGPT: generative pretrained transformer.
bQAP: question-answer pair.
Chatbot Usability Questionnaire
To assess how our participants perceived the simulated patient,
we used the Chatbot Usability Questionnaire (CUQ) [36]. This
16-item questionnaire measures the personality, user experience,
error management, and onboarding of a chatbot and has recently
been validated [37]. After ending the chatbot sessions, our
participants were asked to fill out a written version of the CUQ,
and the CUQ score was calculated using the tool provided by
the authors [38].
Quantitative Analysis
Statistical analysis and figure generation were performed with
R statistical software (version 4.3.1; R Foundation for Statistical
Computing) [39]. For the CUQ, we provided relative numbers
of Likert categories. For counts, we reported the total (n) as
well as percentages. Numerical data were inspected for normal
distribution and provided as the mean and SD. If a Gaussian
distribution could not be assumed, median and 25%-75%
quartiles (Q25-Q75) were provided. We used the Spearman
correlation coefficient to check for correlations, considering
P<.05 as statistically significant.
Ethical Considerations
The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Faculty
of Medicine at University Hospital Tbingen (385/2023A). Data
were kept anonymous and were not associated with students.
Although the participant got an opportunity to use the chatbot
without providing consent that the data could be used for our
study, all students consented that their data could be used.
Demographic Data of Participants
A total of 28 students participated in the experiment, 24 (85.7%)
of whom identified as female and 4 (14.3%) as male; no
participants identified as nonbinary. Their ages ranged from 19
to 31 years (mean 23.4, SD 2.9 years). Of the 28 participants,
26 (92.9%) studied human medicine and 2 (7.1%) studied
midwifery. The semesters varied from the second to the tenth
semester, and 1 (3.6%) participant was in their final year. No
participant was excluded from the analysis.
Conversation Length and Part of Conversation
A total of 28 conversations yielded 826 QAPs. Each
conversation consisted of a median of 27.5 QAPs (Q25-Q75:
19.8-36.5 QAPs). The questions asked by participants yielded
a median of 6 words (Q25-Q75: 6-9 words). The answers
provided by GPT had a median of 16 words (Q25-Q75: 11-23
words). The Spearman correlation coefficient between the word
count of the question and the word count of the answer was
significant (P<.01), with ρ=0.29, indicating a positive but mild
correlation. A scatter plot is displayed in Figure 2.
Of the 826 QAPs, most were related to history taking (n=782,
94.7%). A minority reflected interactive exchange (n=17, 2.1%),
greeting/introduction (n=15, 1.8%), and goodbye/outlook (n=12,
JMIR Med Educ 2024 | vol. 10 | e53961 | p. 7 (page number not for citation purposes)
Figure 2. Scatter plot including the trend line for the number of words in the student’s question (x axis) and the number of words in the GPT answer
(y axis). Representative variables are displayed as histograms at the top and along the right side. GPT: generative pretrained transformer.
Content Analysis of Conversations
How Do Questions and Answers Relate in the Context
of the Script?
In the subsequent assessment, we examined whether the
questions posed by the students were covered by the script. We
then analyzed how the GPT responses were based on the
information provided in the script (Figure 3).
JMIR Med Educ 2024 | vol. 10 | e53961 | p. 8 (page number not for citation purposes)
Figure 3. Sankey plot for “Student’s question covered by the illness script” and “GPT’s answer uses the illness script” categories in relationship to one
another. Numbers indicate the total QAPs per group or connection, and connections without numbers are 0. GPT: generative pretrained transformer;
QAP: question-answer pair.
For questions explicitly covered by the script (n=502, 60.3%),
471 (94.4%) of GPT’s answers were based on explicit script
information, 22 (4.4%) on implicit script information, and 6
(1.2%) on fictitious information. When the questions were
indirectly or partially covered by the script (n=112, 13.4%), 54
(48.2%) of GPT’s responses were based on explicit information,
47 (42%) on implicit information, and 11 (9.8%) on fictitious
information. For questions not covered by the script (n=195,
23.4%), 36 (18.5%) of GPT’s answers used explicit script
information, 49 (25.1%) used implicit script information, and
110 (56.4%) used fictitious information. In instances where
students provided statements without posing questions (n=24,
2.9%), 5 (23.8%) of GPT’s responses were based on the explicit
script, 8 (38.1%) on the implicit script, and 8 (38.1%) on
fictitious information. A total of 33 (3.8%) QAPs were excluded,
because they could not be assessed in 1 of the 2 evaluated
Are the GPT Answers Plausible?
When analyzing the answers in detail, 33 (4%) of the 826 QAPs
concerned multiple aspects (ie, related to different questions or
multiple parts of the illness script). We consequently further
divided 32 (97%) QAPs into 2 QAPs and 1 (3%) QAP into 3
QAPs. In total, this resulted in 860 QAPs that were used for the
subsequent qualitative plausibility analysis.
We further analyzed whether the GPT-provided responses were
medically plausible. Of the 860 QAPs, 842 (97.9%) were rated
as plausible. Specifically, 264 (30.7%) were rated as “answer
plausible, highly specific for case,” 252 (29.3%) as “answer
plausible, relevant for case, and 326 (37.9%) as “answer
JMIR Med Educ 2024 | vol. 10 | e53961 | p. 9 (page number not for citation purposes)
plausible, not case specific.” A smaller proportion (n=14, 1.6%)
were rated as rather implausible, while 2 (0.2%) were found to
be very implausible. This rating could not be applied to 2 (0.2%)
Correlation Between Reliance on the Illness Script and
We further analyzed whether the answers used explicit or
implicit information from the illness script or fictitious
information (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Sankey plot for “GPT’s answer uses the illness script” and answer plausibility categories in relationship to one another. Numbers indicate
the total QAPs per group or connection, and connections without numbers are 0. GPT: generative pretrained transformer; QAP: question-answer pair.
Among answers that used explicit script information (n=578,
67.7%), 218 (37.7%) were “plausible, highly specific for the
case,” 161 (27.9%) were “plausible, relevant for the case,” and
197 (34.1%) were “plausible, not case specific,” with a mere 2
(0.3%) answers being rather implausible and none very
Among answers stemming from implicit script information
(n=136, 15.9%), 21 (15.4%) were “plausible, highly specific
for the case,” 44 (32.4%) were “plausible, relevant for the case,
and the majority (n=70, 51.5%) were “plausible, not case
specific.” Only 1 (0.7%) answer was deemed rather implausible,
and none were rated as very implausible.
In the context of fictitious information (n=140, 16.4%), the
answers were varied: 25 (17.9%) were “plausible, highly specific
for the case,” 46 (32.9%) were “plausible, relevant for the case,
and 58 (41.4%) were “plausible, not case specific.” Additionally,
9 (6.4%) answers rated as were rather implausible, and 2 (1.4%)
were viewed as very implausible.
JMIR Med Educ 2024 | vol. 10 | e53961 | p. 10 (page number not for citation purposes)
Furthermore, 6 (0.7%) answers could not be categorized.
Analysis of Implausible Answers
Finally, we analyzed all answers rated as rather or very
implausible. Of the 14 (2.1%) answers that were rated as rather
implausible, 7 (50%) were rated as socially desirable. A
recurrent example for this category could be observed when the
GPT-powered chatbot was asked for its eating habits; in these
cases, the answers contained popular eating recommendations,
instead of eating habits that were plausible for our case. For
another 2 (14.3%) answers, the model did not stick to its rule
as a simulated patient but tried to assist the user (ie, when
greeted, the simulated patient asked the doctor, “How can I help
you?”). For 1 (7.1%) other QAP, the model referred to the doctor
by the name of the patient, which thus rated this QAP as “GPT
leaving its role identity.In another case, information clearly
evident from the script (ie, vertigo) was not used and the
simulated patient stated that he did not suffer from vertigo. One
more rather implausible QAP was illogical in itself (ie, “But
due to my weight loss, I have had a reduced appetite lately.”).
Among the 2 (0.2%) QAPs rated as very implausible, GPT
escaped its role in 1 (50%) case. Herein, the participant asked
about what can be seen in the physical exam, and the
GPT-provided answer was, “Sorry, I am a language AI and do
not have access to visual information. I can only provide
information that is given to me through text input. Please consult
a doctor for a complete clinical examination.The second QAP
was rated as very implausible due to a calculation error by GPT:
When our chatbot was asked how much he drinks during 1
week, the answer was 10-12 L. Our script indicated 4-5 L per
day, however, which would be an average of 28-35 L per week.
Chatbot Usability Questionnaire
The results of the CUQ are displayed in Figure 5 (also see
Multimedia Appendix 2 for numeric results).
JMIR Med Educ 2024 | vol. 10 | e53961 | p. 11 (page number not for citation purposes)
Figure 5. Results of the CUQ, grouped by category, as proposed by Holmes et al. 2023. Neutral responses are indicated on the right side of the figure.
CUQ: Chatbot Usability Questionnaire.
Within the personality category, the majority of respondents
(n=16, 57%) felt the chatbot’s personality was realistic and
engaging and 9 (32%) strongly agreed. When considering
whether the chatbot seemed too robotic, a large proportion
(n=13, 46%) disagreed and 2 (7%) strongly disagreed. The
chatbot was perceived as welcoming during the initial setup by
12 (43%) of respondents, and 8 (29%) respondents strongly
agreed. A significant portion (n=15, 54%) strongly disagreed,
and 12 (43%) disagreed with the notion that the chatbot seemed
unfriendly. In terms of understanding, 12 (43%) respondents
agreed and 16 (57%) strongly agreed that the chatbot understood
them well.
For the user experience category, the chatbot was seen as easy
to navigate by 10 (36%) respondents, with a notable 18 (64%)
strongly agreeing. In contrast, when asked whether it would be
easy to get confused when using the chatbot, 17 (61%) disagreed
JMIR Med Educ 2024 | vol. 10 | e53961 | p. 12 (page number not for citation purposes)
and 8 (29%) strongly disagreed. The chatbot’s ease of use was
highlighted by 11 (39%) respondents agreeing and 16 (57%)
strongly agreeing. Most respondents disagreed with the
perception that the chatbot was complex: 12 (43%) disagreed
and 13 (46%) strongly disagreed.
In the error handling category, a majority (n=16, 57%) of the
respondents remained neutral about the chatbot coping well
with errors. Of the remainder, most respondents were positive
about the error handling, with 6 (21%) agreeing and 4 (14%)
strongly agreeing. Conversely, 6 (21%) respondents strongly
disagreed and 10 (36%) disagreed that the chatbot seemed
unable to handle errors, with only a minority (n=3, 11%)
For the onboarding category, 12 (43%) respondents agreed and
another 12 (43%) strongly agreed that the chatbot explained its
scope and purpose well. Accordingly, 8 (29%) respondents
agreed, 7 (25%) disagreed, and 5 (18%) strongly disagreed with
the statement that the chatbot gave no indication as to its
For questions not related to a factor, 18 (64%) respondents
agreed and 8 (29%) strongly agreed that chatbot responses were
useful, appropriate, and informative. Accordingly, 14 (50%)
respondents strongly disagreed and 12 (43%) disagreed that
chatbot responses were irrelevant. Additionally, 18 (64%)
respondents strongly disagreed and 7 (25%) disagreed with the
statement that the chatbot failed to recognize many inputs.
Overall, the CUQ score was 77 (Q25-Q75: 71-83) out of a
maximum score of 100, which indicated a positive user
experience with the chatbot.
Improved AI-Capable Illness Script
Finally, we analyzed the QAPs for aspects on how to improve
the illness script. Of 302 QAPs where the student’s question
was either not covered or only indirectly/partially covered by
the script, we were able to further classify 301 (99.7%) QAPs
as to whether the script needs to be updated. The 1 (0.3%)
unclassified QAP consisted of an uncontextual exchange and
was thus discarded.
QAPs Implicating an Update of the Illness Script
For the majority of the QAPs (n=141, 46.8%), no update was
required, as the information was not relevant for the case,
although it was medically relevant. A further 14 (4.7%) QAPs
were neither medically relevant nor relevant for the case, also
not implicating an update. For 86 (28.6%) QAPs, however, we
determined that an already existing criterion in our illness script
needed further details. Moreover, for 60 (19.9%) of the analyzed
QAPs, we judged that our illness script needed additional
Detailed Additions to Existing Criteria
More detailed specifications were recommended for some of
the already existing criteria. These encompassed the
specification of vomiting, nausea, stress, daily symptom
progression, timing of individual symptoms throughout the day,
attempts at relief, prior investigations, urine output,
bedding/nightclothes, and stool.
Specific New Criteria Required
A closer examination of the content revealed several specific
criteria that were absent but found to be relevant. These included
dietary habits, activity/sports, pain, travel abroad, urine, and
potential autoimmune diseases.
Improved Script Version
Based on the aforementioned information, we generated an
updated version of our illness script (Multimedia Appendix 3).
Principal Findings
In this study, we investigated the capabilities of GPT used as a
chatbot to practice history taking, a core competency of medical
professionals [1,2]. Using a mixed methods approach, we
provided a comprehensive overview of the performance of GPT,
as well as the perception of our participants about the chatbot.
Our main findings can be divided into 2 areas: the performance
of GPT as a simulated patient and how medical students perceive
this chatbot as a conversational agent.
Performance of GPT as a Simulated Patient
When developing our chatbot, our focus was the feasibility of
using an LLM model as a simulated patient. Before
incorporation of our chatbot, we developed a prompt consisting
of behavioral instructions and a chatbot-optimized illness script.
Our analysis revealed that GPT was capable of providing most
of the answers that were medically plausible and in line with
the illness script. When questions were covered by the script,
GPT was capable of referring to them, even when the
information was only present in an implicit form (Figure 3).
Even if questions were not covered by the script, GPT used the
information from our medical case to generate answers that
were mostly medically plausible. However, our analysis revealed
that the degree of plausibility decreased when less information
was present in the script (Figure 4).
The ability of GPT to act as a simulated patient requires
reasoning capabilities (ie, thinking about something in a logical
and systematic way) [40-45]. There are different types of
scientifically recognized reasoning, such as deductive reasoning
that applies a general rule to a specific case, inductive reasoning
that uses specific observations to draw a general rule, and
abductive reasoning that finds the best conclusion for some
observations [40]. Although LLMs, such as GPT, have been
successful in various reasoning areas [46], our investigation
revealed some caveats.
As most of the GPT answers were based on explicit script
information, providing the user with these details did not
necessitate the generation of new ideas and was thus a mere
task of reformulating the given information for the context of
a conversation. As a LLM [29], it was not surprising that GPT
mastered this task. Regarding information that is not or only
indirectly evident from the script, however, we postulated that
both abductive and commonsense reasoning capabilities would
be required; for these answers, we observed more implausible
answers when compared to answers that were based on explicit
script information.
JMIR Med Educ 2024 | vol. 10 | e53961 | p. 13 (page number not for citation purposes)
Indeed, GPT-3.5 is known to perform reasonably well in both
abductive and commonsense reasoning tasks [46,47]; our data
confirmed these observations. There were a few instances when
GPT provided implausible responses, however, and our content
analysis revealed a tendency toward socially desirable answers.
These errors could be interpreted as “escaping” abductive
reasoning and applying deductive reasoning instead, thereby
using general principles (eg, about a healthy diet) for a specific
case. A similar observation was made by Espejel et al [46],
when GPT “ignored” provided information and instead “relies
on its general knowledge and understanding of the world.
Regarding our illness script, these examples highlight that the
illness script must include details about the patient role,
especially when the patient displays traits that do not match
popular or socially accepted norms. Although our script was
capable of providing most information required for history
taking either explicitly or implicitly, some criteria missed
important details, while other criteria were completely missing.
With the intention of keeping the illness script as short as
possible and thereby reduce the work for teachers, we used the
data from our study to amend our illness script.
Of note, we found a positive correlation between the word count
of the question and the word count of the answer of GPT.
Although the correlation was rather mild, possible interpretations
for this behavior include GPT mimicking the language style
(and length) of the interview, as well as inputs containing
multiple questions, thus provoking longer answers. Although
our analysis does not provide insight into this question, our data
imply that future prompts should focus more on specifying the
conversation style of GPT to achieve a standardized patient
Perception of Medical Students
After exploring the performance of GPT as a simulated patient,
we interviewed our participants about their perceptions of our
chatbot using the CUQ. Confirming the qualitative analysis we
performed, the students rated our chatbot as realistic and
engaging. Again, in line with our qualitative data, the chatbot
was rated as useful, appropriate, and relevant, with only a
negligible number of students stating that the chatbot did not
recognize their inputs; notably, some issues were detected with
our chatbot being robotic. These data largely confirm the
linguistic capabilities of GPT-3.5, with its output even showing
personality traits [48-51]. Given the importance of the chatbot’s
authenticity to provide students with a plausible conversation
partner to practice their skills, the results of the CUQ are
reassuring that GPT is capable of providing this experience.
Comparison With Prior Work
Owing to the costs and potential disturbances associated with
the use of real or simulated patients in communication training
[52,53], there has been great interest in the use of virtual
simulated patients as chatbots for communication training
[21,31]. In the past years, studies were published using chatbots
to cover a wide range of conditions and domains [52,53]. In
addition to physician-patient communication skills, chatbots
have been used for interprofessional communication [54] and
for skill assessments [55]. However, in contrast to our study,
most of these studies were performed before the broad
accessibility of LLMs, such as GPT. These chatbots have thus
been restricted in their authentic skills, capability of adoption
(ie, in terms of personality, cases, etc), and ability to be
transferred to different health care domains [31]. Although we
also focused on 1 patient case, the ability of LLMs makes them
theoretically capable of adapting to a given situation.
Furthermore, our assessment using the CUQ revealed that our
chatbot was perceived as realistic. This indicates that LLMs,
such as GPT, when investigated rigorously, might be able to
overcome the aforementioned restrictions.
As is the case with the technology used to process and generate
language, previous studies have used various interfaces [52,53].
Similar to our study, many rely on web-based chat-like
interfaces, and good usability seems to be of importance for
acceptance by the learners [56]. Indeed, the CUQ used in our
study also revealed that our user interface yields a good user
experience. However, even with good acceptance, chat-like
interfaces are limited to written language, thus restricting
communication to the verbal domain. Therefore, newer
approaches integrate chatbots in virtual reality environments
[54], paving the way for a more integrated learning experience.
Our study has some noteworthy limitations. As this was the first
study using GPT as a simulated patient, we focused on 1
language model (ie, GPT-3.5, which we chose for its free
availability and fast response time) and 1 patient case. Although
we perceived our case as representative for history taking, our
data did not allow for generalization to more specialized medical
fields, and further studies are required to verify scalability to
other medical specialties. Moreover, we focused on history
taking, and although our chatbot performed well in general
communication skills, it remains unclear how it will perform
in other areas. Additionally, history taking is usually performed
with spoken language, in contrast to the written language we
used in our investigation. As this was a feasibility study, we
only interviewed our participants about their perceptions but
did not perform any objective skill measurements. We therefore
cannot conclude that our participants improved in history taking,
which should be addressed in future studies. Furthermore, the
majority of our participants were female, which may have
reduced the generalizability of our results. Due to the fact that
we designed our study as an exploratory feasibility study, we
did not perform a sample size calculation and therefore used
descriptive statistics almost exclusively. Moreover, our
participants were volunteers and thus probably motivated toward
AI technology [22], possibly indicating a selection bias.
This study showed that a GPT-powered simulated patient
chatbot works well and is perceived favorably among medical
students. Although real patients remain the cornerstone of
clinical teaching, technology-based education, as shown in this
study, could be particularly beneficial for novice learners during
their initial learning phases. It is important to note that we did
not investigate skill acquisition, which is an important next step
when evaluating GPT-based chatbots. Furthermore, our chatbot
could be combined with other new technologies, such as speech
JMIR Med Educ 2024 | vol. 10 | e53961 | p. 14 (page number not for citation purposes)
recognition and virtual/augmented reality, and thus could offer
an even more integrated learning environment. Despite
limitations, our study has implications for the field of medical
education. Most importantly, we could show that GPT is capable
of providing a simulated patient experience using an illness
script, paving the way toward technology-assisted acquisition
of communication skills. Moreover, by showing the capabilities
of GPT-3.5 in history taking, the technology of LLMs might
be capable of assisting learners in other areas as well.
We acknowledge the support of the Open Access Publishing Fund of the University of Tbingen. We thank Eric Nazarenus for
his assistance in performing the analysis.
Data Availability
The data sets used and analyzed during this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Authors' Contributions
AHW, FH, and MM were responsible for designing and conducting the study, as well as the acquisition, analysis, and interpretation
of data. CSP developed the web interface and the prompts. MM drafted the first version of the manuscript. TFW and LH were
involved in the data analysis and interpretation. AN, JAM, JG, LH, and MH made substantial contributions to the study design
and interpretation. All authors critically revised the manuscript, and all authors approved the final version of the manuscript and
agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work.
Conflicts of Interest
None declared.
Multimedia Appendix 1
Full prompt.
[PDF File (Adobe PDF File), 20 KB-Multimedia Appendix 1]
Multimedia Appendix 2
CUQ results table. CUQ: Chatbot Usability Questionnaire.
[PDF File (Adobe PDF File), 72 KB-Multimedia Appendix 2]
Multimedia Appendix 3
Illness script.
[PDF File (Adobe PDF File), 174 KB-Multimedia Appendix 3]
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AI: artificial intelligence
JMIR Med Educ 2024 | vol. 10 | e53961 | p. 17 (page number not for citation purposes)
API: application programming interface
CUQ: Chatbot Usability Questionnaire
GPT: generative pretrained transformer
LLM: large language model
QAP: question-answer pair
Edited by G Eysenbach; submitted 25.10.23; peer-reviewed by M Chatzimina, M Brown, Y Harada, A Khosla; comments to author
19.11.23; revised version received 09.12.23; accepted 14.12.23; published 16.01.24
Please cite as:
Holderried F, Stegemann–Philipps C, Herschbach L, Moldt JA, Nevins A, Griewatz J, Holderried M, Herrmann-Werner A, Festl-Wietek
T, Mahling M
A Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT)–Powered Chatbot as a Simulated Patient to Practice History Taking: Prospective, Mixed
Methods Study
JMIR Med Educ 2024;10:e53961
doi: 10.2196/53961
©Friederike Holderried, Christian Stegemann–Philipps, Lea Herschbach, Julia-Astrid Moldt, Andrew Nevins, Jan Griewatz,
Martin Holderried, Anne Herrmann-Werner, Teresa Festl-Wietek, Moritz Mahling. Originally published in JMIR Medical
Education (, 16.01.2024. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in JMIR Medical Education, is properly cited. The
complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on, as well as this copyright and
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JMIR Med Educ 2024 | vol. 10 | e53961 | p. 18 (page number not for citation purposes)
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Background Communication is a crucial element of every health care profession, rendering communication skills training in all health care professions as being of great importance. Technological advances such as artificial intelligence (AI) and particularly machine learning (ML) may support this cause: it may provide students with an opportunity for easily accessible and readily available communication training. Objective This scoping review aimed to summarize the status quo regarding the use of AI or ML in the acquisition of communication skills in academic health care professions. Methods We conducted a comprehensive literature search across the PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Library, Web of Science Core Collection, and CINAHL databases to identify articles that covered the use of AI or ML in communication skills training of undergraduate students pursuing health care profession education. Using an inductive approach, the included studies were organized into distinct categories. The specific characteristics of the studies, methods and techniques used by AI or ML applications, and main outcomes of the studies were evaluated. Furthermore, supporting and hindering factors in the use of AI and ML for communication skills training of health care professionals were outlined. Results The titles and abstracts of 385 studies were identified, of which 29 (7.5%) underwent full-text review. Of the 29 studies, based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 12 (3.1%) were included. The studies were organized into 3 distinct categories: studies using AI and ML for text analysis and information extraction, studies using AI and ML and virtual reality, and studies using AI and ML and the simulation of virtual patients, each within the academic training of the communication skills of health care professionals. Within these thematic domains, AI was also used for the provision of feedback. The motivation of the involved agents played a major role in the implementation process. Reported barriers to the use of AI and ML in communication skills training revolved around the lack of authenticity and limited natural flow of language exhibited by the AI- and ML-based virtual patient systems. Furthermore, the use of educational AI- and ML-based systems in communication skills training for health care professionals is currently limited to only a few cases, topics, and clinical domains. Conclusions The use of AI and ML in communication skills training for health care professionals is clearly a growing and promising field with a potential to render training more cost-effective and less time-consuming. Furthermore, it may serve learners as an individualized and readily available exercise method. However, in most cases, the outlined applications and technical solutions are limited in terms of access, possible scenarios, the natural flow of a conversation, and authenticity. These issues still stand in the way of any widespread implementation ambitions.
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Background: Interest surrounding generative large language models (LLMs) has rapidly grown. While ChatGPT (GPT-3.5), a general LLM, has shown near-passing performance on medical student board examinations, the performance of ChatGPT or its successor GPT-4 on specialized exams and the factors affecting accuracy remain unclear. Objective: To assess the performance of ChatGPT and GPT-4 on a 500-question mock neurosurgical written boards examination. Methods: The Self-Assessment Neurosurgery Exams (SANS) American Board of Neurological Surgery (ABNS) Self-Assessment Exam 1 was used to evaluate ChatGPT and GPT-4. Questions were in single, best- answer, multiple-choice format. Chi-squared, Fisher's exact, and univariable logistic regression tests were employed to assess performance differences in relation to question characteristics. Results: ChatGPT (GPT-3.5) and GPT-4 achieved scores of 73.4% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 69.3-77.2%) and 83.4% (95% CI: 79.8-86.5%), respectively, relative to the user average of 73.7% (95% CI: 69.6-77.5%). Question bank users and both LLMs exceeded last year's passing threshold of 69%. While scores between ChatGPT and question bank users were equivalent (P=0.963), GPT-4 outperformed both (both P<0.001). GPT-4 answered every question answered correctly by ChatGPT and 37.6% (50/133) of remaining incorrect questions correctly. Among twelve question categories, GPT-4 significantly outperformed users in each, but performed comparably to ChatGPT in three (Functional, Other General, and Spine) and outperformed both users and ChatGPT for Tumor questions. Increased word count (odds ratio [OR]=0.89 of answering a question correctly per +10 words) and higher-order problem-solving (OR=0.40, P=0.009) were associated with lower accuracy for ChatGPT, but not for GPT-4 (both P>0.005). Multimodal input was not available at the time of this study so, on questions with image content, ChatGPT and GPT-4 answered 49.5% and 56.8% of questions correctly based upon contextual context clues alone. Conclusion: LLMs achieved passing scores on a mock 500-question neurosurgical written board examination, with GPT-4 significantly outperforming ChatGPT.
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Artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine and digital assistance systems such as chatbots will play an increasingly important role in future doctor – patient communication. To benefit from the potential of this technical innovation and ensure optimal patient care, future physicians should be equipped with the appropriate skills. Accordingly, a suitable place for the management and adaptation of digital assistance systems must be found in the medical education curriculum. To determine the existing levels of knowledge of medical students about AI chatbots in particular in the healthcare setting, this study surveyed medical students of the University of Luebeck and the University Hospital of Tuebingen. Using standardized quantitative questionnaires and qualitative analysis of group discussions, the attitudes of medical students toward AI and chatbots in medicine were investigated. From this, relevant requirements for the future integration of AI into the medical curriculum could be identified. The aim was to establish a basic understanding of the opportunities, limitations, and risks, as well as potential areas of application of the technology. The participants (N = 12) were able to develop an understanding of how AI and chatbots will affect their future daily work. Although basic attitudes toward the use of AI were positive, the students also expressed concerns. There were high levels of agreement regarding the use of AI in administrative settings (83.3%) and research with health-related data (91.7%). However, participants expressed concerns that data protection may be insufficiently guaranteed (33.3%) and that they might be increasingly monitored at work in the future (58.3%). The evaluations indicated that future physicians want to engage more intensively with AI in medicine. In view of future developments, AI and data competencies should be taught in a structured way during the medical curriculum and integrated into curricular teaching.
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Background Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT) is a 175-billion-parameter natural language processing model that can generate conversation-style responses to user input. Objective This study aimed to evaluate the performance of ChatGPT on questions within the scope of the United States Medical Licensing Examination Step 1 and Step 2 exams, as well as to analyze responses for user interpretability. Methods We used 2 sets of multiple-choice questions to evaluate ChatGPT’s performance, each with questions pertaining to Step 1 and Step 2. The first set was derived from AMBOSS, a commonly used question bank for medical students, which also provides statistics on question difficulty and the performance on an exam relative to the user base. The second set was the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) free 120 questions. ChatGPT’s performance was compared to 2 other large language models, GPT-3 and InstructGPT. The text output of each ChatGPT response was evaluated across 3 qualitative metrics: logical justification of the answer selected, presence of information internal to the question, and presence of information external to the question. ResultsOf the 4 data sets, AMBOSS-Step1, AMBOSS-Step2, NBME-Free-Step1, and NBME-Free-Step2, ChatGPT achieved accuracies of 44% (44/100), 42% (42/100), 64.4% (56/87), and 57.8% (59/102), respectively. ChatGPT outperformed InstructGPT by 8.15% on average across all data sets, and GPT-3 performed similarly to random chance. The model demonstrated a significant decrease in performance as question difficulty increased (P=.01) within the AMBOSS-Step1 data set. We found that logical justification for ChatGPT’s answer selection was present in 100% of outputs of the NBME data sets. Internal information to the question was present in 96.8% (183/189) of all questions. The presence of information external to the question was 44.5% and 27% lower for incorrect answers relative to correct answers on the NBME-Free-Step1 (P
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This paper proposes a framework for quantitatively evaluating interactive LLMs such as ChatGPT using publicly available data sets. We carry out an extensive technical evaluation of ChatGPT using 21 data sets covering 8 different common NLP application tasks. We evaluate the multitask, multilingual and multi-modal aspects of ChatGPT based on these data sets and a newly designed multimodal dataset. We find that ChatGPT outperforms LLMs with zero-shot learning on most tasks and even outperforms fine-tuned models on some tasks. We find that it is better at understanding non-Latin script languages than generating them. It is able to generate multimodal content from textual prompts, via an intermediate code generation step. Moreover, we find that ChatGPT is 64.33% accurate on average in 10 different reasoning categories under logical reasoning, non-textual reasoning, and commonsense reasoning, hence making it an unreliable reasoner. It is, for example, better at deductive than inductive reasoning. ChatGPT suffers from hallucination problems like other LLMs and it generates more extrinsic hallucinations from its parametric memory as it does not have access to an external knowledge base. Finally, the interactive feature of ChatGPT enables human collaboration with the underlying LLM to improve its performance, i.e, 8% ROUGE-1 on summarization and 2% ChrF++ on machine translation, in a multi-turn "prompt engineering" fashion.
A chatbot usability questionnaire (CUQ) was designed to measure the usability of chatbots. Study objectives: 1) to test the construct validity of CUQ (i.e. does it differentiate between chatbots that we rank as having poor, average or good usability), 2) to assess the intra-rater reliability of CUQ (i.e. do participants provide the same answers/scores when assessing the usability of the same chatbots two weeks apart), and 3) to undertake exploratory factor analysis to study the underlying factors that CUQ measures. Three chatbots were selected by co-authors that were regarded as having good, average and poor usability. Participants used each of the chatbots and completed the CUQ scale for each. Participants repeated this process two weeks later to facilitate the measurement intra-rater variability. Paired t-tests were used to compare CUQ scores from each of the three chatbots. Exploratory factor analysis was used to identify the factors within the CUQ. Paired t-tests and correlation was used to measure intra-rater reliability. There was a total of 156 CUQ survey completions (26 participants completed the CUQ for 3 different chatbots and for 2 rounds: 26 * 3 * 2 = 156). Intra-rater reliability was supported as there was a good correlation between how participants completed the CUQ for the same chatbot at approximately two weeks apart (r > 0.7). As a form of construct validity, the CUQ scores for each of the three chatbots were statistically significant (p < 0.05). Factor analysis shows that the CUQ measures four factors 1) personality, 2) user experience, 3) error handling and 4) onboarding of the chatbot.KeywordsChatbotsUsabilityHCI design and evaluation methodstestingConversational user interfacesUser experience
Background ChatGPT is a powerful artificial intelligence large language model with great potential as a tool in medical practice and education, but its performance in radiology remains unclear. Purpose To assess the performance of ChatGPT on radiology board-style examination questions without images and to explore its strengths and limitations. Materials and Methods In this exploratory prospective study performed from February 25 to March 3, 2023, 150 multiple-choice questions designed to match the style, content, and difficulty of the Canadian Royal College and American Board of Radiology examinations were grouped by question type (lower-order [recall, understanding] and higher-order [apply, analyze, synthesize] thinking) and topic (physics, clinical). The higher-order thinking questions were further subclassified by type (description of imaging findings, clinical management, application of concepts, calculation and classification, disease associations). ChatGPT performance was evaluated overall, by question type, and by topic. Confidence of language in responses was assessed. Univariable analysis was performed. Results ChatGPT answered 69% of questions correctly (104 of 150). The model performed better on questions requiring lower-order thinking (84%, 51 of 61) than on those requiring higher-order thinking (60%, 53 of 89) (P = .002). When compared with lower-order questions, the model performed worse on questions involving description of imaging findings (61%, 28 of 46; P = .04), calculation and classification (25%, two of eight; P = .01), and application of concepts (30%, three of 10; P = .01). ChatGPT performed as well on higher-order clinical management questions (89%, 16 of 18) as on lower-order questions (P = .88). It performed worse on physics questions (40%, six of 15) than on clinical questions (73%, 98 of 135) (P = .02). ChatGPT used confident language consistently, even when incorrect (100%, 46 of 46). Conclusion Despite no radiology-specific pretraining, ChatGPT nearly passed a radiology board-style examination without images; it performed well on lower-order thinking questions and clinical management questions but struggled with higher-order thinking questions involving description of imaging findings, calculation and classification, and application of concepts. © RSNA, 2023 See also the editorial by Lourenco et al in this issue.