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What can Discriminator do? Towards Box-free Ownership Verification of Generative Adversarial Networks

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... In response to these concerns, significant research efforts have been directed towards AIGC copyright watermarking for images [37,27,54]. Several methodologies, including those employing box-free watermarking techniques [50,43,51,19,35,44,28,38], have been developed to trace back the fine-tuning of generative models like Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) [12,20,13,4] and Diffusion models [17,33,31,7,34], thereby serving a post-hoc protective function. Cool photo! ...
... Conversely, if the owner does not understand the model structure, a black-box watermark [2] can be added to the model's output, such as by constructing a trigger set, to indicate ownership. Furthermore, in some special scenarios where there is no predefined model structure or the scenario is not related to specific model structure, this is referred to as box-free watermarking [50,43,51,19,35,44]. The method proposed by Zhang et al. [51]. ...
... For the box-free watermarking method Huang et al. [19], their work is focused on copyright verification of GAN-based methods, and a specific discriminator for GAN architecture is needed, while our work is focused on diffusion-based generation methods. For attribution methods [50,49], their attribution approach is based on GAN finger-printing, while our scenario is diffusion-based personalized generation methods; the watermark added in these works are bit messages, while our watermark is an image. ...
With the advent of personalized generation models, users can more readily create images resembling existing content, heightening the risk of violating portrait rights and intellectual property (IP). Traditional post-hoc detection and source-tracing methods for AI-generated content (AIGC) employ proactive watermark approaches; however, these are less effective against personalized generation models. Moreover, attribution techniques for AIGC rely on passive detection but often struggle to differentiate AIGC from authentic images, presenting a substantial challenge. Integrating these two processes into a cohesive framework not only meets the practical demands for protection and forensics but also improves the effectiveness of attribution tasks. Inspired by this insight, we propose a unified approach for image copyright source-tracing and attribution, introducing an innovative watermarking-attribution method that blends proactive and passive strategies. We embed copyright watermarks into protected images and train a watermark decoder to retrieve copyright information from the outputs of personalized models, using this watermark as an initial step for confirming if an image is AIGC-generated. To pinpoint specific generation techniques, we utilize powerful visual backbone networks for classification. Additionally, we implement an incremental learning strategy to adeptly attribute new personalized models without losing prior knowledge, thereby enhancing the model's adaptability to novel generation methods. We have conducted experiments using various celebrity portrait series sourced online, and the results affirm the efficacy of our method in source-tracing and attribution tasks, as well as its robustness against knowledge forgetting.
... Existing DNN watermarking methods can be classified into white-box, black-box, and box-free methods [5]. In white-box methods, the watermark is embedded directly into the model's parameters, which requires access to the robustness against normal image processing, and extension to different generative tasks [9], [10], [11]. Despite the current research progress, in this paper, we make the first attempt to reveal an overlooked vulnerability of box-free methods against black-box watermark removal attacks. ...
... The triggers can be both in-and outof-distribution samples [18], [23], [24], [25], [26], while the trigger labels can be drawn from either the original categories or a novel category [27], [28]. However, Huang et al. [11] have pointed out the limitations of existing black-box methods in protecting generative models, noting that these methods are not applicable to noise-to-image models. In addition, blackbox methods are unable to protect the generated images, which are also considered intellectual properties. ...
... Additionally, we note that the work in [11] is a special case of box-free watermarking. It is a dedicated method for GANs leveraging the generator information left in the corresponding discriminator due to adversarial learning. ...
Box-free model watermarking is an emerging technique to safeguard the intellectual property of deep learning models, particularly those for low-level image processing tasks. Existing works have verified and improved its effectiveness in several aspects. However, in this paper, we reveal that box-free model watermarking is prone to removal attacks, even under the real-world threat model such that the protected model and the watermark extractor are in black boxes. Under this setting, we carry out three studies. 1) We develop an extractor-gradient-guided (EGG) remover and show its effectiveness when the extractor uses ReLU activation only. 2) More generally, for an unknown extractor, we leverage adversarial attacks and design the EGG remover based on the estimated gradients. 3) Under the most stringent condition that the extractor is inaccessible, we design a transferable remover based on a set of private proxy models. In all cases, the proposed removers can successfully remove embedded watermarks while preserving the quality of the processed images, and we also demonstrate that the EGG remover can even replace the watermarks. Extensive experimental results verify the effectiveness and generalizability of the proposed attacks, revealing the vulnerabilities of the existing box-free methods and calling for further research.
... It has drawn much attention [6,7,18,20,21,35,37,47,58,64] because of its direct threats to privacy and its ease of deployment. Membership inference is also widely used to measure the effectiveness of machine unlearning [3] and serve as a baseline for data tracing [54,55] and ownership verification [23,44]. ...
The vulnerability of machine learning models to Membership Inference Attacks (MIAs) has garnered considerable attention in recent years. These attacks determine whether a data sample belongs to the model's training set or not. Recent research has focused on reference-based attacks, which leverage difficulty calibration with independently trained reference models. While empirical studies have demonstrated its effectiveness, there is a notable gap in our understanding of the circumstances under which it succeeds or fails. In this paper, we take a further step towards a deeper understanding of the role of difficulty calibration. Our observations reveal inherent limitations in calibration methods, leading to the misclassification of non-members and suboptimal performance, particularly on high-loss samples. We further identify that these errors stem from an imperfect sampling of the potential distribution and a strong dependence of membership scores on the model parameters. By shedding light on these issues, we propose RAPID: a query-efficient and computation-efficient MIA that directly \textbf{R}e-lever\textbf{A}ges the original membershi\textbf{P} scores to m\textbf{I}tigate the errors in \textbf{D}ifficulty calibration. Our experimental results, spanning 9 datasets and 5 model architectures, demonstrate that PETAL outperforms previous state-of-the-art attacks (e.g., LiRA and Canary offline) across different metrics while remaining computationally efficient. Our observations and analysis challenge the current de facto paradigm of difficulty calibration in high-precision inference, encouraging greater attention to the persistent risks posed by MIAs in more practical scenarios.
... A robust model recognition solution would enable the attribution of an image to a specific model owner, which is crucial for intellectual property rights [49]. To establish the ownership or authenticity of an image generated by a particular model within a specific architecture, new strategies and appropriate metrics are required [43]. In the context of forensic investigations involving Deepfake images, videos, or audio, state-of-the-art Deepfake detectors and architecture classifiers can be likened to the task of identifying camera models in traditional forensic analysis. ...
AI-generated synthetic media, also called Deepfakes, have significantly influenced so many domains, from entertainment to cybersecurity. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Diffusion Models (DMs) are the main frameworks used to create Deepfakes, producing highly realistic yet fabricated content. While these technologies open up new creative possibilities, they also bring substantial ethical and security risks due to their potential misuse. The rise of such advanced media has led to the development of a cognitive bias known as Impostor Bias, where individuals doubt the authenticity of multimedia due to the awareness of AI's capabilities. As a result, Deepfake detection has become a vital area of research, focusing on identifying subtle inconsistencies and artifacts with machine learning techniques, especially Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Research in forensic Deepfake technology encompasses five main areas: detection, attribution and recognition, passive authentication, detection in realistic scenarios, and active authentication. Each area tackles specific challenges, from tracing the origins of synthetic media and examining its inherent characteristics for authenticity. This paper reviews the primary algorithms that address these challenges, examining their advantages, limitations, and future prospects.
... In this paper, we design a method for tracing the generated images of a specific inspected latent generative model. We are confident that our method will protect the intellectual property and improve the security of latent generative models and will be advantageous for the development of responsible AI (Gu, 2024;Li et al., 2023a;Guo et al., 2024;Huang et al., 2023;Wang et al., 2023a;Shao et al., 2024;Li et al., 2023b;Wang et al., 2022a). ...
Latent generative models (e.g., Stable Diffusion) have become more and more popular, but concerns have arisen regarding potential misuse related to images generated by these models. It is, therefore, necessary to analyze the origin of images by inferring if a particular image was generated by a specific latent generative model. Most existing methods (e.g., image watermark and model fingerprinting) require extra steps during training or generation. These requirements restrict their usage on the generated images without such extra operations, and the extra required operations might compromise the quality of the generated images. In this work, we ask whether it is possible to effectively and efficiently trace the images generated by a specific latent generative model without the aforementioned requirements. To study this problem, we design a latent inversion based method called LatentTracer to trace the generated images of the inspected model by checking if the examined images can be well-reconstructed with an inverted latent input. We leverage gradient based latent inversion and identify a encoder-based initialization critical to the success of our approach. Our experiments on the state-of-the-art latent generative models, such as Stable Diffusion, show that our method can distinguish the images generated by the inspected model and other images with a high accuracy and efficiency. Our findings suggest the intriguing possibility that today's latent generative generated images are naturally watermarked by the decoder used in the source models. Code:
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Deep neural networks are valuable assets considering their commercial benefits and huge demands for costly annotation and computation resources. To protect the copyright of DNNs, backdoor-based ownership verification becomes popular recently, in which the model owner can watermark the model by embedding a specific backdoor behavior before releasing it. The defenders (usually the model owners) can identify whether a suspicious third-party model is "stolen" from them based on the presence of the behavior. Unfortunately, these watermarks are proven to be vulnerable to removal attacks even like fine-tuning. To further explore this vulnerability, we investigate the parameter space and find there exist many watermark-removed models in the vicinity of the watermarked one, which may be easily used by removal attacks. Inspired by this finding, we propose a mini-max formulation to find these watermark-removed models and recover their watermark behavior. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method improves the robustness of the model watermark-ing against parametric changes and numerous watermark-removal attacks. The codes for reproducing our main experiments are available at GuanhaoGan/robust-model-watermarking.
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Deep neural networks are valuable assets considering their commercial benefits and huge demands for costly annotation and computation resources. To protect the copyright of DNNs, backdoor-based ownership verification becomes popular recently, in which the model owner can watermark the model by embedding a specific backdoor behavior before releasing it. The defenders (usually the model owners) can identify whether a suspicious third-party model is "stolen" from them based on the presence of the behavior. Unfortunately, these watermarks are proven to be vulnerable to removal attacks even like fine-tuning. To further explore this vulnerability, we investigate the parameter space and find there exist many watermark-removed models in the vicinity of the watermarked one, which may be easily used by removal attacks. Inspired by this finding, we propose a mini-max formulation to find these watermark-removed models and recover their watermark behavior. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method improves the robustness of the model watermark-ing against parametric changes and numerous watermark-removal attacks. The codes for reproducing our main experiments are available at GuanhaoGan/robust-model-watermarking.
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Deep learning, especially deep neural networks (DNNs), has been widely and successfully adopted in many critical applications for its high effectiveness and efficiency. The rapid development of DNNs has benefited from the existence of some high-quality datasets ( e.g ., ImageNet), which allow researchers and developers to easily verify the performance of their methods. Currently, almost all existing released datasets require that they can only be adopted for academic or educational purposes rather than commercial purposes without permission. However, there is still no good way to ensure that. In this paper, we formulate the protection of released datasets as verifying whether they are adopted for training a (suspicious) third-party model, where defenders can only query the model while having no information about its parameters and training details. Based on this formulation, we propose to embed external patterns via backdoor watermarking for the ownership verification to protect them. Our method contains two main parts, including dataset watermarking and dataset verification. Specifically, we exploit poison-only backdoor attacks ( e.g ., BadNets) for dataset watermarking and design a hypothesis-test-guided method for dataset verification. We also provide some theoretical analyses of our methods. Experiments on multiple benchmark datasets of different tasks are conducted, which verify the effectiveness of our method. The code for reproducing main experiments is available at
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Deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to backdoor attacks, where adversaries embed a hidden backdoor trigger during the training process for malicious prediction manipulation. These attacks pose great threats to the applications of DNNs under the real-world machine learning as a service (MLaaS) setting, where the deployed model is fully black-box while the users can only query and obtain its predictions. Currently, there are many existing defenses to reduce backdoor threats. However, almost all of them cannot be adopted in MLaaS scenarios since they require getting access to or even modifying the suspicious models. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective black-box input-level backdoor detection , called SCALE-UP, which requires only the predicted labels to alleviate this problem. Specifically, we identify and filter malicious testing samples by analyzing their prediction consistency during the pixel-wise amplification process. Our defense is motivated by an intriguing observation (dubbed scaled prediction consistency) that the predictions of poisoned samples are significantly more consistent compared to those of benign ones when amplifying all pixel values. Besides, we also provide theoretical foundations to explain this phenomenon. Extensive experiments are conducted on benchmark datasets, verifying the effectiveness and efficiency of our defense and its resistance to potential adaptive attacks. Our codes are available at
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Deep neural networks (DNNs) have demonstrated their superiority in practice. Arguably, the rapid development of DNNs is largely benefited from high-quality (open-sourced) datasets, based on which researchers and developers can easily evaluate and improve their learning methods. Since the data collection is usually time-consuming or even expensive, how to protect their copyrights is of great significance and worth further exploration. In this paper, we revisit dataset ownership verification. We find that existing verification methods introduced new security risks in DNNs trained on the protected dataset, due to the targeted nature of poison-only backdoor watermarks. To alleviate this problem, in this work, we explore the untargeted backdoor watermarking scheme, where the abnormal model behaviors are not deterministic. Specifically, we introduce two dispersibilities and prove their correlation, based on which we design the untargeted backdoor watermark under both poisoned-label and clean-label settings. We also discuss how to use the proposed untargeted backdoor watermark for dataset ownership verification. Experiments on benchmark datasets verify the effectiveness of our methods and their resistance to existing backdoor defenses. Our codes are available at \url{}.
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The creation or manipulation of facial appearance through deep generative approaches, known as DeepFake, have achieved significant progress and promoted a wide range of benign and malicious applications, e.g., visual effect assistance in movie and misinformation generation by faking famous persons. The evil side of this new technique poses another popular study, i.e., DeepFake detection aiming to identify the fake faces from the real ones. With the rapid development of the DeepFake-related studies in the community, both sides (i.e., DeepFake generation and detection) have formed the relationship of battleground, pushing the improvements of each other and inspiring new directions, e.g., the evasion of DeepFake detection. Nevertheless, the overview of such battleground and the new direction is unclear and neglected by recent surveys due to the rapid increase of related publications, limiting the in-depth understanding of the tendency and future works. To fill this gap, in this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview and detailed analysis of the research work on the topic of DeepFake generation, DeepFake detection as well as evasion of DeepFake detection, with more than 318 research papers carefully surveyed. We present the taxonomy of various DeepFake generation methods and the categorization of various DeepFake detection methods, and more importantly, we showcase the battleground between the two parties with detailed interactions between the adversaries (DeepFake generation) and the defenders (DeepFake detection). The battleground allows fresh perspective into the latest landscape of the DeepFake research and can provide valuable analysis towards the research challenges and opportunities as well as research trends and future directions. We also elaborately design interactive diagrams ( to allow researchers to explore their own interests on popular DeepFake generators or detectors.
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With substantial amount of time, resources and human (team) efforts invested to explore and develop successful deep neural networks (DNN), there emerges an urgent need to protect these inventions from being illegally copied, redistributed, or abused without respecting the intellectual properties of legitimate owners. Following recent progresses along this line, we investigate a number of watermark-based DNN ownership verification methods in the face of ambiguity attacks, which aim to cast doubts on the ownership verification by forging counterfeit watermarks. It is shown that ambiguity attacks pose serious threats to existing DNN watermarking methods. As remedies to the above-mentioned loophole, this paper proposes novel passport-based DNN ownership verification schemes which are both robust to network modifications and resilient to ambiguity attacks. The gist of embedding digital passports is to design and train DNN models in a way such that, the DNN inference performance of an original task will be significantly deteriorated due to forged passports. In other words, genuine passports are not only verified by looking for the predefined signatures, but also reasserted by the unyielding DNN model inference performances. Extensive experimental results justify the effectiveness of the proposed passport-based DNN ownership verification schemes. Code is available at
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Deep learning has achieved tremendous success in numerous industrial applications. As training a good model often needs massive high-quality data and computation resources, the learned models often have significant business values. However, these valuable deep models are exposed to a huge risk of infringements. For example, if the attacker has the full information of one target model including the network structure and weights, the model can be easily finetuned on new datasets. Even if the attacker can only access the output of the target model, he/she can still train another similar surrogate model by generating a large scale of input-output training pairs. How to protect the intellectual property of deep models is a very important but seriously under-researched problem. There are a few recent attempts at classification network protection only.In this paper, we propose the first model watermarking framework for protecting image processing models. To achieve this goal, we leverage the spatial invisible watermarking mechanism. Specifically, given a black-box target model, a unified and invisible watermark is hidden into its outputs, which can be regarded as a special task-agnostic barrier. In this way, when the attacker trains one surrogate model by using the input-output pairs of the target model, the hidden watermark will be learned and extracted afterward. To enable watermarks from binary bits to high-resolution images, both traditional and deep spatial invisible watermarking mechanism are considered. Experiments demonstrate the robustness of the proposed watermarking mechanism, which can resist surrogate models learned with different network structures and objective functions. Besides deep models, the proposed method is also easy to be extended to protect data and traditional image processing algorithms.
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Despite the great advances made by deep learning in many machine learning problems, there is a relative dearth of deep learning approaches for anomaly detection. Those approaches which do exist involve networks trained to perform a task other than anomaly detection, namely generative models or compression, which are in turn adapted for use in anomaly detection; they are not trained on an anomaly detection based objective. In this paper we introduce a new anomaly detection method—Deep Support Vector Data Description—, which is trained on an anomaly detection based objective. The adaptation to the deep regime necessitates that our neural network and training procedure satisfy certain properties, which we demonstrate theoretically. We show the effectiveness of our method on MNIST and CIFAR-10 image benchmark datasets as well as on the detection of adversarial examples of GTSRB stop signs.
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Generative adversarial network (GAN) is a powerful generative model. However, it suffers from several problems, such as convergence instability and mode collapse. To overcome these drawbacks, this paper presents a novel architecture of GAN, which consists of one generator and two different discriminators. With the fact that GAN is the analogy of a minimax game, the proposed architecture is as follows. The generator (G) aims to produce realistic-looking samples to fool both of two discriminators. The first discriminator (D1) rewards high scores for samples from the data distribution, while the second one (D2) favors samples from the generator conversely. Specifically, the ResBlock and minibatch discrimination (MD) architectures are adopted in D1 to improve the diversity of the samples. The leaky rectified linear unit (Leaky ReLU) and batch normalization (BN) are replaced by the scaled exponential linear unit (SELU) in D2 to alleviate the convergence problem. A new loss function that minimizes the KL divergence is designed to better optimize the model. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-10/100 datasets demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively solve the problems of convergence and mode collapse.
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Deep learning technologies, which are the key components of state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence (AI) services, have shown great success in providing human-level capabilities for a variety of tasks, such as visual analysis, speech recognition, and natural language processing and etc. Building a production-level deep learning model is a non-trivial task, which requires a large amount of training data, powerful computing resources, and human expertises. Therefore, illegitimate reproducing, distribution, and the derivation of proprietary deep learning models can lead to copyright infringement and economic harm to model creators. Therefore, it is essential to devise a technique to protect the intellectual property of deep learning models and enable external verification of the model ownership. In this paper, we generalize the "digital watermarking'' concept from multimedia ownership verification to deep neural network (DNNs) models. We investigate three DNN-applicable watermark generation algorithms, propose a watermark implanting approach to infuse watermark into deep learning models, and design a remote verification mechanism to determine the model ownership. By extending the intrinsic generalization and memorization capabilities of deep neural networks, we enable the models to learn specially crafted watermarks at training and activate with pre-specified predictions when observing the watermark patterns at inference. We evaluate our approach with two image recognition benchmark datasets. Our framework accurately (100%) and quickly verifies the ownership of all the remotely deployed deep learning models without affecting the model accuracy for normal input data. In addition, the embedded watermarks in DNN models are robust and resilient to different counter-watermark mechanisms, such as fine-tuning, parameter pruning, and model inversion attacks.
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Deep Neural Networks have recently gained lots of success after enabling several breakthroughs in notoriously challenging problems. Training these networks is computationally expensive and requires vast amounts of training data. Selling such pre-trained models can, therefore, be a lucrative business model. Unfortunately, once the models are sold they can be easily copied and redistributed. To avoid this, a tracking mechanism to identify models as the intellectual property of a particular vendor is necessary. In this work, we present an approach for watermarking Deep Neural Networks in a black-box way. Our scheme works for general classification tasks and can easily be combined with current learning algorithms. We show experimentally that such a watermark has no noticeable impact on the primary task that the model is designed for. Moreover, we evaluate the robustness of our proposal against a multitude of practical attacks.
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We propose a deep learning-based solution for the problem of feature learning in one-class classification. The proposed method operates on top of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) of choice and produces descriptive features while maintaining a low intra-class variance in the feature space for the given class. For this purpose two loss functions, compactness loss and descriptiveness loss are proposed along with a parallel CNN architecture. A template matching-based framework is introduced to facilitate the testing process. Extensive experiments on publicly available anomaly detection, novelty detection and mobile active authentication datasets show that the proposed Deep One-Class (DOC) classification method achieves significant improvements over the state-of-the-art.
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The state of the art performance of deep learning models comes at a high cost for companies and institutions, due to the tedious data collection and the heavy processing requirements. Recently, Uchida et al. (2017) proposed to watermark convolutional neural networks by embedding information into their weights. While this is a clear progress towards model protection, this technique solely allows for extracting the watermark from a network that one accesses locally and entirely. This is a clear impediment, as leaked models can be re-used privately, and thus not released publicly for ownership inspection. Instead, we aim at allowing the extraction of the watermark from a neural network (or any other machine learning model) that is operated remotely, and available through a service API. To this end, we propose to operate on the model's action itself, tweaking slightly its decision frontiers so that a set of specific queries convey the desired information. In present paper, we formally introduce the problem and propose a novel zero-bit watermarking algorithm that makes use of adversarial model examples. While limiting the loss of performance of the protected model, this algorithm allows subsequent extraction of the watermark using only few remote queries. We experiment this approach on the MNIST dataset with three types of neural networks, demonstrating that e.g., watermarking with 100 images incurs a slight accuracy degradation, while being resilient to most removal attacks.
State-of-the-art (SOTA) Generative Models (GMs) can synthesize photo-realistic images that are hard for humans to distinguish from genuine photos. Identifying and understanding manipulated media are crucial to mitigate the social concerns on the potential misuse of GMs. We propose to perform reverse engineering of GMs to infer model hyperparameters from the images generated by these models. We define a novel problem, "model parsing", as estimating GM network architectures and training loss functions by examining their generated images - a task seemingly impossible for human beings. To tackle this problem, we propose a framework with two components: a Fingerprint Estimation Network (FEN), which estimates a GM fingerprint from a generated image by training with four constraints to encourage the fingerprint to have desired properties, and a Parsing Network (PN), which predicts network architecture and loss functions from the estimated fingerprints. To evaluate our approach, we collect a fake image dataset with 100K images generated by 116 different GMs. Extensive experiments show encouraging results in parsing the hyperparameters of the unseen models. Finally, our fingerprint estimation can be leveraged for deepfake detection and image attribution, as we show by reporting SOTA results on both the deepfake detection (Celeb-DF) and image attribution benchmarks.
Rapid advances in Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) raise new challenges for image attribution; detecting whether an image is synthetic and, if so, determining which GAN architecture created it. Uniquely, we present a solution to this task capable of 1) matching images invariant to their semantic content; 2) robust to benign transformations (changes in quality, resolution, shape, etc.) commonly encountered as images are re-shared online. In order to formalize our research, a challenging benchmark, Attribution88, is collected for robust and practical image attribution. We then propose RepMix, our GAN fingerprinting technique based on representation mixing and a novel loss. We validate its capability of tracing the provenance of GAN-generated images invariant to the semantic content of the image and also robust to perturbations. We show our approach improves significantly from existing GAN fingerprinting works on both semantic generalization and robustness. Data and code are available at FingerprintingImage attributionFake image detectionDataset benchmarking
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As deep neural networks (DNNs) play a critical role in various fields, the models themselves hence are becoming an important asset that needs to be protected. To achieve this, various neural network fingerprint methods have been proposed. However, existing fingerprint methods fingerprint the decision boundary by adversarial examples, which is not robust to model modification and adversarial defenses. To fill this gap, we propose a robust fingerprint method MetaFinger, which fingerprints the inner decision area of the model by meta-training, rather than the decision boundary. Specifically, we first generate many shadow models with DNN augmentation as meta-data. Then we optimize some images by meta-training to ensure that only models derived from the protected model can recognize them. To demonstrate the robustness of our fingerprint approach, we evaluate our method against two types of attacks including input modification and model modification. Experiments show that our method achieves 99.34% and 97.69% query accuracy on average, surpassing existing methods over 30%, 25% on CIFAR-10 and Tiny-ImageNet, respectively. Our code is available at
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In this work, we present MotionMixer, an efficient 3D human body pose forecasting model based solely on multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs). MotionMixer learns the spatial-temporal 3D body pose dependencies by sequentially mixing both modalities. Given a stacked sequence of 3D body poses, a spatial-MLP extracts fine-grained spatial dependencies of the body joints. The interaction of the body joints over time is then modelled by a temporal MLP. The spatial-temporal mixed features are finally aggregated and decoded to obtain the future motion. To calibrate the influence of each time step in the pose sequence, we make use of squeeze-and-excitation (SE) blocks. We evaluate our approach on Human3.6M, AMASS, and 3DPW datasets using the standard evaluation protocols. For all evaluations, we demonstrate state-of-the-art performance, while having a model with a smaller number of parameters. Our code is available at:
In this paper, we study the zero-shot sketch-based image retrieval (ZS-SBIR) task, which retrieves natural images related to sketch queries from unseen categories. In the literature, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have become the de-facto standard and they are either trained end-to-end or used to extract pre-trained features for images and sketches. However, CNNs are limited in modeling the global structural information of objects due to the intrinsic locality of convolution operations. To this end, we propose a Transformer-based approach called Three-Way Vision Transformer (TVT) to leverage the ability of Vision Transformer (ViT) to model global contexts due to the global self-attention mechanism. Going beyond simply applying ViT to this task, we propose a token-based strategy of adding fusion and distillation tokens and making them complementary to each other. Specifically, we integrate three ViTs, which are pre-trained on data of each modality, into a three-way pipeline through the processes of distillation and multi-modal hypersphere learning. The distillation process is proposed to supervise fusion ViT (ViT with an extra fusion token) with soft targets from modality-specific ViTs, which prevents fusion ViT from catastrophic forgetting. Furthermore, our method learns a multi-modal hypersphere by performing inter- and intra-modal alignment without loss of uniformity, which aims to bridge the modal gap between modalities of sketch and image and avoid the collapse in dimensions. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets, i.e., Sketchy, TU-Berlin, and QuickDraw, demonstrate the superiority of our TVT method over the state-of-the-art ZS-SBIR methods.
With the rapid progress of generation technology, it has become necessary to attribute the origin of fake images. Existing works on fake image attribution perform multi-class classification on several Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) models and obtain high accuracies. While encouraging, these works are restricted to model-level attribution, only capable of handling images generated by seen models with a specific seed, loss and dataset, which is limited in real-world scenarios when fake images may be generated by privately trained models. This motivates us to ask whether it is possible to attribute fake images to the source models' architectures even if they are finetuned or retrained under different configurations. In this work, we present the first study on Deepfake Network Architecture Attribution to attribute fake images on architecture-level. Based on an observation that GAN architecture is likely to leave globally consistent fingerprints while traces left by model weights vary in different regions, we provide a simple yet effective solution named by DNA-Det for this problem. Extensive experiments on multiple cross-test setups and a large-scale dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of DNA-Det.
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Watermarking has become the tendency in protecting the intellectual property of DNN models. Recent works, from the adversary's perspective, attempted to subvert watermarking mechanisms by designing watermark removal attacks. However, these attacks mainly adopted sophisticated fine-tuning techniques, which have certain fatal drawbacks or unrealistic assumptions. In this paper, we propose a novel watermark removal attack from a different perspective. Instead of just fine-tuning the watermarked models, we design a simple yet powerful transformation algorithm by combining imperceptible pattern embedding and spatial-level transformations, which can effectively and blindly destroy the memorization of watermarked models to the watermark samples. We also introduce a lightweight fine-tuning strategy to preserve the model performance. Our solution requires much less resource or knowledge about the watermarking scheme than prior works. Extensive experimental results indicate that our attack can bypass state-of-the-art watermarking solutions with very high success rates. Based on our attack, we propose watermark augmentation techniques to enhance the robustness of existing watermarks.
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have promoted a variety of applications in computer vision and natural language processing, among others, due to its generative model’s compelling ability to generate realistic examples plausibly drawn from an existing distribution of samples. GAN not only provides impressive performance on data generation-based tasks but also stimulates fertilization for privacy and security oriented research because of its game theoretic optimization strategy. Unfortunately, there are no comprehensive surveys on GAN in privacy and security, which motivates this survey to summarize systematically. The existing works are classified into proper categories based on privacy and security functions, and this survey conducts a comprehensive analysis of their advantages and drawbacks. Considering that GAN in privacy and security is still at a very initial stage and has imposed unique challenges that are yet to be well addressed, this article also sheds light on some potential privacy and security applications with GAN and elaborates on some future research directions.
Despite the tremendous success, deep neural networks are exposed to serious IP infringement risks. Given a target deep model, if the attacker knows its full information, it can be easily stolen by fine-tuning. Even if only its output is accessible, a surrogate model can be trained through student-teacher learning by generating many input-output training pairs. Therefore, deep model IP protection is important and necessary. However, it is still seriously under-researched. In this work, we propose a new model watermarking framework for protecting deep networks trained for low-level computer vision or image processing tasks. Specifically, a special task-agnostic barrier is added after the target model, which embeds a unified and invisible watermark into its outputs. When the attacker trains one surrogate model by using the input-output pairs of the barrier target model, the hidden watermark will be learned and extracted afterwards. To enable watermarks from binary bits to high-resolution images, a deep invisible watermarking mechanism is designed. By jointly training the target model and watermark embedding, the extra barrier can even be absorbed into the target model. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the robustness of the proposed framework, which can resist attacks with different network structures and objective functions.
Watermarking neural networks is a quite important means to protect the intellectual property (IP) of neural networks. In this paper, we introduce a novel digital watermarking framework suitable for deep neural networks that output images as the results, in which any image outputted from a watermarked neural network must contain a certain watermark. Here, the host neural network to be protected and a watermark-extraction network are trained together, so that, by optimizing a combined loss function, the trained neural network can accomplish the original task while embedding a watermark into the outputted images. This work is totally different from previous schemes carrying a watermark by network weights or classification labels of the trigger set. By detecting watermarks in the outputted images, this technique can be adopted to identify the ownership of the host network and find whether an image is generated from a certain neural network or not. We demonstrate that this technique is effective and robust on a variety of image processing tasks, including image colorization, super-resolution, image editing, semantic segmentation and so on.
With the vigorous development of deep learning, sharing trained deep neural network (DNN) models has become a common trend in various fields. An urgent problem is to protect the intellectual property (IP) rights of the model owners and detect IP infringement. DNN watermarking technology, which embeds signature information into the protected model and tries to extract it from the plagiarism model, has been the main approach of IP verification. However, the existing DNN watermarking methods have to be robust to various removal attacks since their watermarks are single in form or limited in quantity. Meanwhile, the process of adding watermarks to the DNN models will affect their original prediction abilities. Moreover, if the model has been distributed before embedding the watermarks, its IP cannot be correctly recognized and protected. To this end, we propose AFA, a new DNN fingerprinting technology aiming at extracting the inherent features of the model itself instead of embedding fixed watermarks. The features we selected as model fingerprints are a set of specially-crafted adversarial examples called Adversarial-Marks, which can transfer much better to the models that are derived from the original model than to other irrelative models. We also design a new IP verification scheme to identify a remote model’s ownership. Experimental results show that our mechanism works well for common image classification models, and it can be easily adapted to other deep neural networks.
We propose an alternative generator architecture for generative adversarial networks, borrowing from style transfer literature. The new architecture leads to an automatically learned, unsupervised separation of high-level attributes (e.g., pose and identity when trained on human faces) and stochastic variation in the generated images (e.g., freckles, hair), and it enables intuitive, scale-specific control of the synthesis. The new generator improves the state-of-the-art in terms of traditional distribution quality metrics, leads to demonstrably better interpolation properties, and also better disentangles the latent factors of variation. To quantify interpolation quality and disentanglement, we propose two new, automated methods that are applicable to any generator architecture. Finally, we introduce a new, highly varied and high-quality dataset of human faces.
Facial attribute editing aims to manipulate single or multiple attributes on a given face image, i.e., to generate a new face image with desired attributes while preserving other details. Recently, generative adversarial net (GAN) and encoder-decoder architecture are usually incorporated to handle this task with promising results. Based on the encoder-decoder architecture, facial attribute editing is achieved by decoding the latent representation of a given face conditioned on the desired attributes. Some existing methods attempt to establish an attribute-independent latent representation for further attribute editing. However, such attribute-independent constraint on the latent representation is excessive because it restricts the capacity of the latent representation and may result in information loss, leading to over-smooth or distorted generation. Instead of imposing constraints on the latent representation, in this work we propose to apply an attribute classification constraint to the generated image to just guarantee the correct change of desired attributes, i.e., to “change what you want”. Meanwhile, the reconstruction learning is introduced to preserve attribute-excluding details, in other words, to “only change what you want”. Besides, the adversarial learning is employed for visually realistic editing. These three components cooperate with each other forming an effective framework for high quality facial attribute editing, referred as AttGAN. Furthermore, the proposed method is extended for attribute style manipulation in an unsupervised manner. Experiments on two wild datasets, CelebA and LFW, show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-arts on realistic attribute editing with other facial details well preserved.
Conference Paper
Deep Learning (DL) models have created a paradigm shift in our ability to comprehend raw data in various important fields, ranging from intelligence warfare and healthcare to autonomous transportation and automated manufacturing. A practical concern, in the rush to adopt DL models as a service, is protecting the models against Intellectual Property (IP) infringement. DL models are commonly built by allocating substantial computational resources that process vast amounts of proprietary training data. The resulting models are therefore considered to be an IP of the model builder and need to be protected to preserve the owner's competitive advantage. We propose DeepSigns, the first end-to-end IP protection framework that enables developers to systematically insert digital watermarks in the target DL model before distributing the model. DeepSigns is encapsulated as a high-level wrapper that can be leveraged within common deep learning frameworks including TensorFlow and PyTorch. The libraries in DeepSigns work by dynamically learning the Probability Density Function (pdf) of activation maps obtained in different layers of a DL model. DeepSigns uses the low probabilistic regions within the model to gradually embed the owner's signature (watermark) during DL training while minimally affecting the overall accuracy and training overhead. DeepSigns can demonstrably withstand various removal and transformation attacks, including model pruning, model fine-tuning, and watermark overwriting. We evaluate DeepSigns performance on a wide variety of DL architectures including wide residual convolution neural networks, multi-layer perceptrons, and long short-term memory models. Our extensive evaluations corroborate DeepSigns' effectiveness and applicability. We further provide a highly-optimized accompanying API to facilitate training watermarked neural networks with a training overhead as low as 2.2%.
Generative models, in particular generative adverserial networks (GANs), have received a lot of attention recently. A number of GAN variants have been proposed and have been utilized in many applications. Despite large strides in terms of theoretical progress, evaluating and comparing GANs remains a daunting task. While several measures have been introduced, as of yet, there is no consensus as to which measure best captures strengths and limitations of models and should be used for fair model comparison. As in other areas of computer vision and machine learning, it is critical to settle on one or few good measures to steer the progress in this field. In this paper, I review and critically discuss more than 19 quantitative and 4 qualitative measures for evaluating generative models with a particular emphasis on GAN-derived models.
Recent studies have shown remarkable success in image-to-image translation for two domains. However, existing approaches have limited scalability and robustness in handling more than two domains, since different models should be built independently for every pair of image domains. To address this limitation, we propose StarGAN, a novel and scalable approach that can perform image-to-image translations for multiple domains using only a single model. Such a unified model architecture of StarGAN allows simultaneous training of multiple datasets with different domains within a single network. This leads to StarGAN's superior quality of translated images compared to existing models as well as the novel capability of flexibly translating an input image to any desired target domain. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on a facial attribute transfer and a facial expression synthesis tasks.