

  • Priazovskyi State Technical University
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Представлено схемное решение и описание работы двунаправленного DC-AC преоб-разователя с трансформаторной изоляцией. В основе схемы лежат принципы, применяе-мые в резонансных LLC преобразователях и двойных активных мостах (DAB, Dual ActiveBridge), но в предлагаемой конструкции используется биполярное построение инвертора состороны переменного напряжения, а также совмещенное частотное и широтно-импульсное управление. Это дает возможность реализовать ряд функций в одном преоб-разователе, используя небольшое число коммутаций в силовой цепи. Так, возможна работав режиме источника бесперебойного питания (преобразование постоянного напряженияАКБ в переменное 220 В 50 Гц); инвертора связи с сетью альтернативных источников(солнечных панелей); зарядного устройства (работающего как от сети, так и от солнеч-ных панелей); сварочного инвертора для полуавтоматической сварки (причем сварку мож-но осуществлять как от сети, так и от АКБ); стабилизатора переменного напряжения;преобразователя постоянного напряжения (для «прикуривания» АКБ с разными напряже-ниями или степенью заряженности). Устройство с перечисленным набором функций мо-жет найти применение, например, в полевых условиях – для организации электропитанияразличных нагрузок, зарядки аккумуляторов, а также проведения мелких сварочных работ. Схемное решение преобразователя позволяет при применении соответствующих алгорит-мов управления работать с близким к единице коэффициентом мощности на стороне пе-ременного напряжения. Это дает возможность обеспечить работу в «слабой» сети – отавтономного генератора, при большой длине сетевого шнура и т.д.

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In remote locations such as villages, islands and hilly areas, there is a possibility of frequent power failures, voltage drops or power fluctuations due to grid side faults. Grid connected renewable energy systems or micro-grid systems are more preferable for such remote locations to meet the local critical load requirements during grid side faults. In renewable energy systems, solar photo voltaic (PV) power systems are popular and hybrid PV- Battery systems or energy storage systems (ESS) are more feasible to provide uninterruptible power to the local critical loads during grid side faults. This energy storage system also improves the system dynamics during power fluctuations. In present work, a PV-battery hybrid system with DC side coupling is considered and a power balancing control (PBC) is proposed to transfer the power to grid/load and to battery. In this system, a solar power conditioning system (PCS) acts as an interface across PV source, battery and the load/central grid. With the proposed PBC technique, the system is able to operate in following operational modes (a) PCS can be able to operate in grid-connected mode during normal operation (b) PCS can be able to charge the batteries (c) PCS can be able to operate in standalone mode during grid side faults and deliver power to the local loads. The proposed controls are explained and the system response during transient and steady state conditions are observed. With the help of controller-in-loop simulation results, the proposed power balancing controls are also validated for both off-grid and on-grid conditions.
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The electricity in Gaza, Palestine, is limited and scheduled for 4-10 hours per day due to political reasons. This status represents a real problem for different sectors. This paper presents an effective solution especially for the energy supply problem in the residential sector by using an unconventional PV system which operates in stand-alone and grid-connected modes. The system includes a storage battery block with a proper capacity to secure for continuous power supply of a residential house with a daily energy load of 10 kWh. It was found that an unconventional PV system of 3.2 kWp and a storage battery block of 19.2 kWh will be able to cover the total daily energy demands of the house including the outlined electricity cutoff hours. The design of this system and specifics of its components are presented in this paper. The system was simulated by Matlab software, where the daily load curve, grid cutoff hours, and the monthly solar radiation are considered. The obtained simulation results show that the produced PV energy exceeds the load demands during nine months of the year, and thereby, a high battery state of charge (SOC) in the range of 73-84% is achieved. During the three months of the lowest solar radiation (Dec.-Feb.), the produced PV energy is equal to the load demand while the battery state of charge varies in the range of 40-49% which verifies the appropriateness of the proposed PV system. The daily energy yield of the PV system varies between 2.6 and 5.4 kWh/kWp in January and July, respectively, which corresponds to a performance ratio of 90% and 66.25%, respectively.
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Solar energy plays an important role in renewable energy generation systems since it is clean, pollution-free sustainable energy as well as the increasing cost-of-electricity which causes high-growth demands amongst utility customers. This paper presents various circuit topologies of DC-DC converters in solar photovoltaic (PV) applications. There are three types of DC-DC converter presented in this paper that can be integrated with solar PV system which are buck, boost and buck-boost converter in various applications. This paper also presents the application on DC-DC converter in solar PV system for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) feature. The advantages and disadvantages of each topology will be discussed further in term of cost, components, efficiency and limitations. © 2017 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved.
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This paper presents a single-phase bidirectional current-source AC/DC converter for vehicle to grid (V2G) applications. The presented converter consists of a line frequency commutated unfolding bridge and an interleaved buck-boost stage. The low semiconductor losses of the line frequency commutated unfolding bridge contribute to the comparatively good efficiency of this converter. The buck and boost operating modes of the interleaved buck-boost stage provide operation over a wide battery voltage range. The interleaved structure of the interleaved buck-boost stage results in lower battery current ripple. In addition, sinusoidal input current, bidirectional power flow and reactive power compensation capability are also guaranteed. This paper presents the topology and operating principles of the presented converter. The feasibility of the converter is validated using MATLAB simulations, as well as experimental results.
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This paper presents an on-board vehicular battery charger that integrates bidirectional AC/DC converter and DC/DC converter to achieve high power density for application in electric vehicles (EVs). The integrated charger is able to transfer electrical energy between the battery pack and the electric traction system and to function as an AC/DC battery charger. The integrated charger topology is presented and the design of passive components is discussed. The control schemes are developed for motor drive system and battery-charging system with a power pulsation reduction circuit. Simulation results in MATLAB/Simulink and experiments on a 30-kW motor drive and 3.3-kW AC/DC charging prototype validate the performance of the proposed technology. In addition, power losses, efficiency comparison and thermal stress for the integrated charger are illustrated. The results of the analyses show the validity of the advanced integrated charger for electric vehicles.
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This paper presents a simplified sinusoidal uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system. The proposed scheme includes features such as high power factor, low total harmonic distortion and good dynamic response at the AC output voltage. In addition, the scheme has the desirable characteristics, of high efficiency, simple circuit and low cost compared with a traditional standalone multiple stages UPS with power factor correction. The paper also presents the circuit operation, the analysis and, experimental results of the proposed UPS scheme. The proposed UPS approach is a good solution in low. power applications (⩽500 W)
Conference Paper
This paper presents a Photovoltaic (PV) inverter along with a battery energy storage system connected in shunt with the grid. The objective of the proposed control system is to control both active and reactive power exchange between the grid and the load throughout the day, through a Voltage Source Inverter (VSI). Along with the reactive power compensation, it also provides current harmonic compensation to the connected load. A combined PV-battery arrangement is provided through a bi-directional DC-DC converter for uninterrupted power supply.
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Weilun Warren Chen. Bidirectional Three-Phase AC-DC Power Conversion Using DC-DC Converters And A Three-Phase Unfolder: A PhD. In Electrical Engineering diss. Logan, Utah State University, 2017. DOI:
Bidirectional AC/DC Converter with Improved Power Factor and Reduced DC Ripple for Battery and Photovoltaic Applications: Doctoral Thesis
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Balaji Veerasamy. Bidirectional AC/DC Converter with Improved Power Factor and Reduced DC Ripple for Battery and Photovoltaic Applications: Doctoral Thesis, Nagoya Institute of Technology. -2015.
Harmonic reduction using L-Z source inverter and voltage source inverter for distributed generation system
  • Gowtham Raj
  • T Saranya
Gowtham Raj T. and Saranya S.K. Harmonic reduction using L-Z source inverter and voltage source inverter for distributed generation system, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2018, No. 1, pp. 280-283.
Power Factor Correction (PFC)
  • J Turchi
  • D Dalal
  • P Wang
  • L Jenck
Turchi J., Dalal D., Wang P., Jenck L. Power Factor Correction (PFC). Handbook. Rev. 5. Semiconductor, Apr. 2014. Doc. HBD853/D.
phone: +79497048603; the department of automation of electrical and thermal power complexes; head of the department; dr
  • Russia Mariupol
Mariupol, Russia; phone: +79497048603; the department of automation of electrical and thermal power complexes; head of the department; dr. of eng. sc.; associate professor.