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Harnessing the power of attention: Exploring 'focus of attention' theories, practice, and myths



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Myths of Sport Performance: Book Chapter Preprint
Harnessing the power of attention:
exploring ‘focus of attention’
theories, practice, and myths.
Davies, M., Owen, R., Gottwald, V.M., Singh, H.
Where are we directing an athlete’s attention when giving verbal instructions? This extract
from a conversation with Olympic Canoe Slalom Coach, Craig Morris gives a valuable and
interesting insight into the influence of instructions on focus of attention.
In the end I came to thinking that if the athlete's intentionality is to win, then how a
performance looks is largely irrelevant. What’s important is that it’s functional and it’s stable.
A few heavy jolts led me to that, mostly from athlete feedback. I remember at a big event I was
doing a video review of a run with one of the athletes. When I paused the video, the athlete
said to me "When I went around that gate, I thought, Craig's gonna hate that stroke, the shape
of it, the position under the chin etc”.
I recall initially being pleased and thinking, "Oh, I'm getting through to my athletes, nice!
They are listening to my coaching. The subsequent athlete response however, had a
profoundly lasting effect on my coaching, "Effective though, wasn't it?”
The thing is, it was undeniably “effective”. So if it’s effective, then how important is it for
them to focus on their body position and hands when negotiating gates on an Olympic slalom
course amidst very dynamic and turbulent water? I’ve come to realise that we must be very
careful about having too narrow a, or even any, significant technical model. Because if you
have it as a coach, it'll inevitably become an information constraint for the athlete. A
boundary on their attention, their interaction. So for example, when paddling, the athletes
were often evaluating their action against information I had predetermined for how something
should look rather than paying attention to, and actually seeing and feeling, the task relevant
information in the environment. The information of what a wave is or is not inviting them to
do, or what the wind’s effect on a pole means for action, thus restricting their ability to
interact with these things more freely as they emerge. So effectively, I was overly constraining
what information they picked up by guiding their attention to something that wasn't conducive
with what I have come to view as skilled performance.
The myth: Every instruction is a good instruction.
If you immerse yourself in any environment where physical movements are being practised
under the supervision of an instructor or coach, you will no doubt hear endless verbal
instructions that are referencing body movements. Whether in a Physical Education setting
with a teacher directing an adolescent to bend their knees to support a softer landing when
jumping, a sports coach instructing an elite athlete to snap the wrist when shooting a basketball,
or a medical doctor teaching a trainee how to grip a needle with the fingers when learning to
Some scientists believe that these verbal instructions are fundamental to skill learning, and it
is our job as coaches and educators to use them effectively to help guide individuals towards a
predetermined technique or technical model. This concept of using instructions to hone in on
an optimal technique is supported by what is termed the ‘cognitive’ or information
processing’ account of skill learning, where learning is a result of ‘computer-like’ processing,
and movements are pre-planned, stored in memory, and drawn upon when needed (Broadbent,
1958; Schmidt, 2003). However, others believe that contrary to skilled movements being pre-
programmed via the brain, movement is instead more spontaneous and continuously
(re)organised based on the ever-changing relationship between the individual, the task, and
what is happening in the environment (Davids et al., 2008; Kelso, 1995). Within this
‘ecological dynamics’ model of skill learning, there is not one correct way to move, but
instead, skilful movement is conceptualised as the ability to be adaptive and repeat successful
outcomes (repetition without repetition), rather than repeat exactly the same movement
techniques. The focus is on biomechanical flexibility, rather than biomechanical correctness.
The role of the coach is to facilitate what scientists term ‘self-organisation’ of the motor system
by cultivating environments that support movement exploration. Instructions are used to
influence what an individual pays attention to and will subsequently either help or hinder
dynamic self-organised performance.
But whichever side of the fence you sit on, verbal instructions are commonplace in teaching
and coaching, and unlikely to lose their value any time soon. Regardless of the mechanisms at
play underpinning the role of instructions to support learning, what many do not realise is that
sometimes the instructions we provide can actually do more harm than good if we do not
consider the language being used and where the learner’s attention is likely to be focused. Not
all instruction is good instruction, and the literature would suggest that even in a relatively
simple task such as balancing, instructing a rehabilitation patient to “keep their feet level” while
balancing on a balance board has been shown to constrain actions and inhibit performance (for
a review, see Park et al, 2015). Fascinatingly, just slight alterations to the language, which
instead directs the patient to “keep the board level” can improve performance (e.g., smaller,
and more frequent movements, both indicative of enhanced balance performance).
Focus of attention definitions
External focus Directing attention towards the effects of our movements
on the environment (e.g., typically this would be towards a bat,
racket, club, or ball). This might also include perceptual
information relevant to the task (e.g., the movement of an
opposition player in a hockey game).
External focus of attention can be proximal (i.e., aspects in the
environment nearer to the body), or distal (i.e., aspects in the
environment further away from the body).
Internal focus Directing attention towards our body movements (e.g., the
pendulum motion of the arms during a golf putt or the raised
position of the leg during an arabesque).
Somaesthetic A somaesthetic focus of attention is a subset of internal focus of
attention. It is what is being experienced or ‘felt’ in the body.
There are four main types: nociception (pain), equilibrioception
(balance), mechanoreception (vibration, touch, and pressure),
and proprioception (positioning and movement).
Holistic focus of attention Focus on a holistic quality of a movement (e.g., being
‘explosive’ during an athletics triple jump or rebound in
The origins of this topic of interest
It was Dr Gabriella Wulf who first noticed the consequences of changing focus of attention
whilst she was learning to windsurf. When she focused externally on moving the board to turn,
she found that her movements were more effective compared to when she focused her attention
internally towards moving her feet to make the turn (Wulf, 2007). In the first scientific study
of this nature, Wulf et al. (1998) tested this phenomenon in two different tasks: (1) a ski-
simulator task where participants were instructed to focus on the slalom motion of either their
feet (internal focus) or the ski-simulator wheels (external focus), and (2) a balance board task
where participants had to focus on keeping either their feet level (internal focus) or the board
level (external focus). In both instances, the external focus of attention (i.e., on the simulator
wheels or balance board) led to better performance outcomes (in this case, movement
amplitude and balance, respectively).
Since these early studies, we now understand far more about the mechanisms that underlie the
impact of focus of attention on performance and learning. The most prominent theory is an
information processing theory, the constrained action hypothesis (Wulf et al., 2001), which
proposes that directing attention internally to the bodily mechanics of a movement, can disrupt
what is usually automatic movement planning/execution. Just like if you were to walk down
the stairs (a skill you probably do every day without thinking about it), whilst consciously
thinking about what you were doing with your feet, you might find that your movements
become quite ‘constrained’ and awkward. More recently, scientists have begun to consider
these attentional mechanisms together with psychological factors such as motivation. This is
based on the idea that the processing that goes on to organise our movements is also likely
affected by an individual’s psychological state. Specifically, Wulf and Lewthwaite’s (2016;
2021) OPTIMAL theory (optimising performance through intrinsic motivation and attention
for learning) suggests that practice environments that provide individuals with greater
autonomy (i.e., choice), and stronger beliefs that practise will benefit performance (i.e.,
enhanced expectancies), will lead to better performance outcomes when combined with an
external focus of attention. Wulf and Lewthwaite explain this with the idea that enhanced
performance when adopting an external focus of attention will increase our self-confidence to
continue to perform a skill and subsequently provide us with greater expectancies for future
performance. For example, in a standing long jump task, placing physical markers such as
cones on the floor to ‘target’ (i.e., an external focus of attention), combined with enhanced
autonomy (e.g., providing the participants or athletes the choice over where to place the cones),
can enhance jump distance and subsequently self-efficacy; with this relationship continuing in
a cyclic fashion.
The benefits of an external attentional focus are now well established within academic research
circles (see Chua et al., 2021; Gottwald et al., 2023; and Wulf, 2007; 2013), with positive
outcomes including movement accuracy, movement efficiency, strength, power, and
movement form (for a review, see Wulf, 2013). Similarly, the attentional focus phenomenon
has been tested in many domains, including sport (for reviews, see Wulf, 2007; 2013), strength
and conditioning (see Grgic et al., 2021), clinical rehabilitation settings (see Park et al., 2015),
and the military (e.g., Amini & Vaezmousavi, 2020).
Current scientific directions
Whilst early evidence demonstrated overwhelming support for an external focus of attention,
more recent literature has begun to question the rigidity of the constrained action hypothesis
(Wulf et al., 2001) and OPTIMAL theory (Wulf & Lewthwaite, 2016; 2021). For example,
scientific papers (Toner & Moran, 2015; 2016; Wulf, 2015), have sparked interest in what we
should focus on if we have to relearn a skill or correct a technical error (e.g., an athlete not
following through sufficiently on a golf swing or forehand tennis drive). One example of this
is scientists’ debate surrounding reasons for Tiger Woods’ performance slump in 2015, around
the time he was adjusting his swing pattern. Whilst Toner and Moran argued that this process
was a necessary phase in technique refinement, Wulf was doubtful that Tiger Woods would
ever return to form once his attention was directed to his body movements in this reflective
manner. Toner and Moran propose that there may indeed be a time and a place to pay attention
to the body via what they term a ‘somaesthetic awareness’ based on Shusterman’s (2011) view
that reflective body consciousness has pragmatic value when re-learning movements or
correcting errors. This would also be consistent with Carson and Collins’ (2011; 2014; 2016)
non-linear Five-A model of technical refinement, which presents a practical approach to skill
refinement, involving stages of analysis, awareness, adjustment, (re)automation, and
In line with debate surrounding the benefits of somaesthetic awareness, Gottwald et al. (2023)
present a useful critique of the attentional focus literature, highlighting instances where an
internal focus, which promotes somaesthetic awareness, has been identified as having potential
value in complex practical environments. This includes: in more real-world non-laboratory
sporting environments (e.g., Anderson et al., 2022); when focusing on body movements is more
aligned with criteria for successful skill execution (e.g., Gottwald et al., 2020); or for use in
retraining movement form (e.g., Moore et al., 2019).
An alternative explanation for the attentional focus effect
With existing theoretical approaches lacking in the flexibility required to fit complex practical
environments, and ecological dynamics approaches gaining prominence in the literature, a
more recent Ecological Dynamics Account of Attentional Focus (Gottwald et al., 2023) is
timely. The authors propose a more flexible approach to explain the varying functions of
attentional focus (see Figure 1). In this manner, directing attentional resources towards task
relevant information in the environment can support a participant or athlete to identify more
opportunities for action, improving decision making, and allowing the self-organisation of
more accurate/efficient movement. For example, in a far aiming task such as golf, this might
be the target hole and changing surface conditions leading up to it. In a team sport it might be
scanning to become aware of, and influence, the movements of team and opposition players.
In a proprioceptive task, this might be the arm motion relative to the torso in an artistic
gymnastics floor routine. These nuances cannot be explained by either the constrained action
hypothesis (Wulf et al., 2001) nor OPTIMAL theory (Wulf & Lewthwaite, 2016; 2021) alone.
Figure 1. An ecological account of focus of attention (Gottwald et al., 2023).
So what: Practical recommendations for coaching
The myth that any instruction is a good instruction is likely false. This means that coaches
should carefully consider what attentional focus is promoted by the instructions they give. The
aim of any instruction may need to be twofold to ensure it is ‘good’ instruction. Firstly, and in
line with established convention, coaches may need to provide corrective information to help
address technical/performance issues. Secondly, but perhaps equally importantly, coaches need
to provide instructions which are worded in a way where they direct athletes’ attentional focus
to task relevant information. This latter aim is supported by an increasingly large body of
research which advocates for task-specific focus of attention prescription (Gottwald et al.,
2023). The matching of attentional focus and task relevant factors should benefit self-
organisation for movement by prioritising perceptual information, which is easier to detect as
well as contextually relevant (i.e., key body and/or environment constraints).
Performance in aiming tasks
If a ‘task’ constitutes an athlete performing successful shots at a target, the most relevant
information would be the target (e.g., hoop for a basketball shot). In such instances, and in line
with seminal work by Wulf and colleagues (for review see Wulf, 2013), coach instructions
should advise athletes to adopt an external focus towards the centre of the hoop. Based on the
proposals of the Ecological Account of Attentional Focus (Gottwald et al., 2023), such an
attentional focus should enable athletes to identify the most relevant environmental information
for movement self-organisation (e.g., appropriate ball force, angle, and release parameters) as
well as efficiency, by directing valuable cognitive resources further away from less relevant
internal bodily information. Plentiful evidence has been observed to support the adoption of an
external focus for optimal performance in aiming-type motor tasks (Chua et al., 2021).
Performance in form tasks
If a ‘task’ constitutes an athlete performing aesthetic/form aspects with high precision, the most
relevant information would be the body (e.g., having the back leg higher than the head during
a spiral in figure skating). In these instances, coaches may need to advise athletes to adopt an
internal focus of attention towards their leg position relative to their head. Based on the
proposals of the Ecological Account of Attentional Focus (Gottwald et al., 2023), such an
internal attentional focus should enable athletes to identify the most relevant bodily information
for movement self-organisation (e.g., leg in relation to head location) as well as efficiency, by
directing cognitive resources away from less relevant external environmental information. The
evidence-base in support of internal foci for form-based tasks has received less exhaustive
investigation compared to pairings of external foci with aiming tasks, but is rapidly growing
(see, Gottwald et al., 2020; 2023; Lawrence et al., 2011; McKay et al., 2023).
Performance in endurance, strength, and power tasks
If a ‘task’ primarily comprises endurance (e.g., distance running), strength (e.g., weightlifting
1 rep max), or power (e.g., high jump) components, the adoption of either external (e.g.,
“shortest path through the environment” or “upward motion of the dumbbell”) or holistic foci
of attention (i.e., “feeling of the movement as a whole”) may be desirable for optimal
performance (Schücker & Parrington, 2019; Freudenheim et al., 2010). Specifically, external
foci may facilitate movement self-organisation and efficiency relative to the environment. This
can ultimately benefit time/speed/force. Holistic foci may offer a practical alternative with
similar benefits when a skill does not feature a clear ‘external’ component to focus on
(Zhuravleva et al., 2023). However, if a strength or power task wishes to ultimately achieve
muscle growth as its measure of performance (e.g., bodybuilding), then an internal focus of
attention (e.g., “focus on the squeezing of your biceps while doing your biceps curls”) may be
desirable to increase mind-muscle connections (Grgic & Mikulic, 2021); this internal focus-
instigated neural drive directed to desired muscles would produce overall less efficient
movement with lower peak strength/power outputs, but result in overall greater muscle
activation which should benefit muscle growth in the long-term.
Modification of technique and long-term development
Contrary to common ‘either-or’ approaches to focus of attention, modification of technique
should be seen as a process in terms of the attentional foci adopted. The focus of attention
which produces the change in technique may be different to the usual focus adopted for optimal
performance. Firstly, in instances where a task usually performs optimally with an external
focus (i.e., aiming, endurance, strength, and power tasks) but communicating the required
technical changes to an athlete without referring internally to the body is impractical or
impossible, somaesthetic awareness of kinaesthetic/kinetic body processes elicited via internal
focus instructions should help athletes quickly identify task-relevant changes to their technique.
Importantly, once the desired technical changes are beginning to take place, coaches should
endeavour to move away from the temporary internal focus used to achieve change, and
gradually guide athletes towards an external focus which would produce optimal performance
(Moore et al., 2019; Singh & Wulf, 2020). Secondly, if it is possible to achieve the initial
technique change within external-favouring tasks (aiming/endurance/strength/power) via
externally focussed instructions or task/environmental constraints manipulation in practice
design, then this may be optimal given the plentiful evidence suggesting that the skill learning
of individuals at lower skill levels benefit from external foci similarly to experts (Chua et al.,
2021). Lastly, tasks which usually perform optimally with internal or holistic foci (i.e., form
tasks) benefit from an internal attentional focus during technique modification and subsequent
performance when competing.
Subtleties in the language that coaches use to give instructions can have a significant effect on
a participant’s performance and learning. Using language that supports a focus of attention
toward the effects of a movement or toward task relevant information is more effective for
learning. Like most principles, although the use of an external focus of attention is most often
more effective, it is not as absolute as suggested by early motor learning research. There are
times when an internal focus is needed.
Have a go:
1. What is the intention of the practice session?
When planning your coaching sessions, think about what the intention is for the participants or
athletes. Is it to score a goal or is it to achieve desired form? Then think about where they might
find the information that supports them to solve that movement skill. Where and on what might
you need to direct their focus of attention?
2. Do you need to give detailed verbal instructions? Less is often more.
Could you use practice design principles such as constraints-led approach (CLA) or Space,
Time/Task, Environment, People (STEP)? For example, in aiming tasks you could make the
target bigger or brightly coloured, and encourage your participants to choose the distance and
challenge level. Practice design can work well for disrupting poor technique if you can design
the practice so that the poor technique will not be effective.
Would cues and analogies be more effective? For developing a holistic focus of attention these
work well, especially if the participant can choose the cues and analogies that work for them.
For example, ‘exploding past the line.’
Could you use questioning to help the athlete discover solutions themselves? Ask the athlete
what they think they might need to pay attention to. For example, an ice climber might need to
listen to the sound the ice makes when they hit it with an axe to become aware of how stable
and strong the ice is before pulling on it.
3. Gathering information about where you and your participants are focusing attention.
As a coach you could ask your participants to ‘think aloud’ and tell you what they are noticing
during a practice activity. You can ask your participants to use a smartphone and headphones
to record as they are active, then listen back with them (ideally with a video of the same
You can use your smartphone and headphones to record your coaching and verbal instruction
during the session and listen back to the instructions you give. When you give instructions,
where are you trying to focus your participants’ attention? Are you using internal technique-
based instructions or promoting an external focus of attention? Could you be clearer and more
intentional with which focus of attention you are encouraging with your instructions?
It is also useful to become more aware of where your focus of attention is as a coach when
observing. If you find that you are giving predominantly internal focus, form/ technique-based
instructions it may be because of where you are focussing your attention in your observations.
Using your smartphone and earphones, you can record what you are paying attention to by
thinking aloud’ either while observing or before you give instructions. When you listen back,
pay attention to where your focus of attention was. Was it on the participant’s body/ technique,
their interaction with the task, other participants, the environment, or toward task relevant
information that they may be paying attention to? Challenge yourself to become more
intentional about where you place your attention as well as the language that you use to support
your participant’s focus of attention.
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... 11 Typically, this is supported by guiding a performer's attention towards task-specific factors, thereby prioritising perceptual information which is also contextually relevant. 12,13 In this way, performance and learning in, for example, aiming tasks (e.g., golf or darts) can benefit from external focus cues (i.e., a focus towards the target or movement effects). 14,15 Where external foci are challenging to identify (e.g., in non-implement tasks), holistic focus cues, which conceptualise the feeling of the movement overall (e.g., 'a smooth rotation', 'explosive on the breakout') have been shown to confer similar learning benefits. ...
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In response to calls for examples from sports settings that highlight successful collaborations between skill acquisition specialists and coaches, this study evaluated the effectiveness of a skill acquisition coach education intervention. After an analysis of practice by a skill acquisition specialist, which provided context to impact learning design, two senior coaches from British Para Swimming with no prior knowledge of skill acquisition principles were observed and interviewed. The intervention harnessed coach experiential knowledge by emphasising development in understanding of theory underpinning three key principles of skill acquisition (i) implicit learning, (ii), focus of attention, and (iii) contextual interference, and encouraging informal and experiential learning between sessions. Following the intervention, coaches had adapted their approach to practice design to incorporate theory-informed techniques. Coach observations and interviews highlighted a range of novel findings in skill acquisition. First, outcomes indicated the use of implicit learning techniques in the form of analogy or metaphor cues can facilitate learning for athletes with intellectual disabilities. Second, coaches reported the learning benefits of utilising external and holistic focus cues in the elite athlete setting. Finally, through an increased understanding of the learning-performance distinction, coaches described the benefits of incorporating contextual interference, which emphasised temporal spacing between learning events. The coaches’ interpretation and implementation of skill acquisition theory are discussed with reference to potential avenues of exploration in future research.
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Directing our focus of attention appropriately during task execution can benefit outcome performance, cognitive efficiency, and physiological efficiency. For instance, individuals may benefit from adopting an external focus of attention (i.e., by focusing attention on the effects of one's movements on the environment) over an internal focus of attention (e.g., focusing on one's body movements). However, accounts concerning the theoretical functioning of such effects have primarily relied on hierarchical information processing perspectives; far less consideration has been given to potentially alternative explanations based on ecological dynamics, instances where an internal focus may be desirable over an external focus, and the associated applied implications. Within the present review, we: (a) outline the most recent developments in attentional focus research; (b) evaluate similarities and differences between information processing and ecological dynamics explanations of the focus of attention effect; (c) provide practical recommendations; and (d) discuss future research avenues. In doing so, a case is made for an "Ecological Dynamics Account of Attentional Focus" to act as an alternative to information processing-based hypotheses.
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Recent expertise development studies have used retrospective recall methods to explore developmental biographies and/or practice histories of current or past athletes. This methodological approach limits the generalizability and trustworthiness of findings. As such, a gap exists for research exploring key multidisciplinary features in athlete development using prospective longitudinal research designs. The present research aimed to holistically model the development of talent in Olympic Weightlifting using such a design. We observed the holistic profiles of 29 junior weightlifting athletes longitudinally over a 10-month period, and subsequently classified six of the 23 athletes as high performing based on their performances in competitions up to 12 months following the study. This holistic profile was based on a framework of expertise development themes: (1) demographics and family sport participation, (2) anthropometrics and physiological factors, (3) psychosocial profiling, (4) sport participation history, and (5) weightlifting specific practice activities. A summary model was produced which selected a critical set of nine features that classified group membership with 91% average accuracy. Odds ratio calculations uncovered discriminating features in the holistic profiles of performance groups, from which empirically derived logical statements could inform the description of high-performance attainment.
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Several studies explored the effects of attentional focus on resistance exercise, but their analysed outcomes most commonly involved surface electromyography variables. Therefore, the effects of attentional focus on resistance exercise performance remain unclear. The aim of this review was to perform a meta-analysis examining the acute effects of external focus vs. internal focus vs. control on muscular endurance. Five databases were searched to find relevant studies. The data were pooled in a random-effects meta-analysis. In the analysis for external vs. internal focus of attention , there were seven comparisons with 14 study groups. In the analyses for external focus vs. control and internal focus vs. control, there were six comparisons with 12 study groups. An external focus of attention enhanced muscular endurance when compared with an internal focus (Cohen's d: 0.58; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.34 and 0.82) and control (Cohen's d: 0.42; 95% CI: 0.08 and 0.76). In the analysis for internal focus vs. control, there was no significant difference between the conditions (Cohen's d:-0.19; 95% CI:-0.45 and 0.07). Generally, these results remained consistent in the subgroup analyses for upper-body vs. lower-body exercises. From a practical perspective, the results presented in this review suggest that individuals should use an external focus of attention for acute enhancement of muscular endurance.
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Considerable literature on the role of attentional focus in motor performance and learning has accumulated for over two decades. We report the results of comprehensive meta-analyses that address the impact of an external focus (EF, on intended movement effects) versus internal focus (IF, on movements of body parts) of attention on the performance and learning of motor skills. Values of effect sizes (ES) from 73 studies with 1,824 participants and 40 studies with 1,274 participants were used for examining the effects of EF versus IF on behavioral outcomes of motor performance and learning (separately for retention and transfer phases) respectively. The EF condition was more effective than the IF condition for performance, Hedges’ g value = 0.264 (95% CI [0.217, 0.310]), retention learning, Hedges’ g value = 0.583 (95% CI [0.425, 0.741]), and transfer learning, Hedges’ g value = 0.584 (95% CI [0.325, 0.842]). Multivariable metaregression analyses on behavioral measures further indicated that neither age group, health status, or skill level, nor their two-way interactions, moderated the ES differences between EF and IF in performance, retention, and transfer models (all p > .100). A secondary analysis on 12 studies with 216 participants that examined the effects of EF versus IF on electromyographic outcomes of motor performance also indicated that EF was associated with more efficient neuromuscular processing, Hedges’ g value = 0.833 (95% CI [0.453, 1.213]). From nine studies with 272 participants, performance measured by behavioral outcomes was found to be more effective when a more distal, rather than proximal, EF was used, Hedges’ g value = 0.224 (95% CI [0.019, 0.429]). Overall, the meta-analytic results are consistent with prior narrative reviews and indicate that an external focus is superior to an internal focus whether considering tests of motor performance or learning, and regardless of age, health condition, and level of skill expertise.
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This review aimed to perform a meta-analysis examining the following: (a) acute effects of adopting an internal focus vs. external focus of attention on muscular strength; and (b) long-term effects of adopting an internal focus vs. external focus of attention during resistance training on gains in muscular strength. We searched through five databases to find eligible studies. Random-effects meta-analyses of standardized mean differences were conducted to analyze the data. Ten studies were included. In the meta-analysis for the acute effects, there was a significant positive effect of external focus on muscular strength (standardized mean difference: 0.34; 95% confidence interval: 0.22, 0.46). In the meta-analysis for the long-term effects, there was no significant difference between training with an internal focus and external focus on muscular strength gains (standardized mean difference: 0.32; 95% confidence interval: –0.08, 0.73). In the subgroup analysis for lower-body exercises, we found a significant positive effect of training with an external focus on muscular strength gains (standardized mean difference: 0.47; 95% confidence interval: 0.07, 0.87). In summary, our findings indicate an acute increase in muscular strength when utilizing an external focus of attention. When applied over the long-term, using an external focus of attention may also enhance resistance training-induced gains in lower-body muscular strength.
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Methods: This study is semiexperimental with an intragroup design. A number of 10 military marksmen (30-42 years old) with at least 10 years of experience in shooting performed under four attentional focus strategies in a counterbalanced design. In each strategy, two blocks (each consisting of 20 trials) were conducted. Shooters' performance was recorded using SCATT device and analyzed using the factorial variance analysis with repeated measure. Results: Results showed that the interactional effects of internal-external/relevant-irrelevant focuses of attention were significant on shooting record, shooting accumulation, and stability on the target center. Results suggest that the external-relevant attentional focus strategies were more effective than other focus strategies. Conclusion: The results of the study support the hypothesis that external-relevant attentional focus produced better scores, better accumulation, more stability at the target center, and less average fluctuation. Therefore, this attentional focus strategy improves performance precision of military elite shooters.
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Focusing attention on a movement effect that is farther away from the body (distal external focus) has been shown to result in more effective motor performance or learning than focusing on an effect that is in greater proximity to the body (proximal focus). The present study examined whether the distance of the external focus impacts the performance of relatively inexperienced and experienced performers differently. Low-skilled and high-skilled volleyball players passed a volleyball continuously to a target. In the proximal focus condition they were asked to concentrate on the “platform,” whereas in the distal focus condition they were instructed to concentrate on the target. The high-skilled group's accuracy scores were higher in the distal relative to proximal focus condition. However, low-skilled players' accuracy scores was greater in the proximal relative to distal focus condition. We argue that the optimal distance of the external focus depends on the level of expertise when the skill requires a specific movement technique. An external focus on that technique seems to be more advantageous for low-skilled performers. In contrast, when the movement pattern has become more automatic (high-skilled performers), a focus on the overall movement effect is more beneficial.
Research on attentional focus has consistently shown that an external focus (EF) is superior to an internal focus (IF) for performance with novice performers or learners. When examining experienced performers, the findings have been ambiguous with various attentional focus types proving to be beneficial. Recent research suggests that coaches utilize a combination of attentional focus strategies when instructing highly skilled throwers in track and field. In addition to the traditional EF and IF, a holistic focus (HF) has been found to enhance performance similar to that of an EF. The purpose of the current study was to investigate attentional focus manipulations (i.e. IF, EF and HF) among NCAA Division I track and field athletes. Sixteen females performed a standing long jump under three attentional focus conditions in an outdoor long jump sand pit with an orange cone placed 5-m from the starting line. Participants performed three jumps under each focus condition in a counterbalanced order, nine jumps in total. Focus adherence was measured after each condition. Athletes also reported their preferred attentional focus at the conclusion of the study. A repeated-measures ANOVA was used to analyze jump distance and adherence. It was observed that a HF led to significantly longer jump distances than an IF ( p < .01). No other significant differences for condition were observed for distance ( p > .05). These results suggest that a HF enhanced standing long jump performance among highly skilled individuals and can be used to enhance performance.
Enhanced expectancies and autonomy-support through self-controlled practice conditions form the motivation pillar of OPTIMAL theory [Wulf, G., & Lewthwaite, R. (2016). Optimizing performance through intrinsic motivation and attention for learning: The OPTIMAL theory of motor learning. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23(5), 1382–1414.]. The influence of these practice variables on motor learning was recently evaluated in two separate meta-analyses. Both meta-analyses found that the published literature suggested a moderate and significant benefit on motor learning; however, evidence for reporting bias was found in both literatures. Although multiple bias-corrected estimates were reported in the self-controlled meta-analysis, there was no principled way to prefer one over the other. In the enhanced expectancies meta-analysis, the trim-and-fill-technique failed to correct the estimated effects. Here, we addressed these limitations by reanalyzing the data from both meta-analyses using robust Bayesian meta-analysis methods. Our reanalysis revealed that reporting bias substantially exaggerated the benefits of these practice variables in the original meta-analyses. The true effects appear small, uncertain, and potentially null. We found the estimated average statistical power among all studies from the original meta-analyses was 6% (95% confidence interval [5%, 13%]). These results provide compelling and converging evidence that strongly suggests the available literature is insufficient to support the motivation pillar of OPTIMAL theory. Our results highlight the need for adequately powered experimental designs if motor learning scientists want to make evidence-based recommendations.
Skilled motor performance is essential in sports, the performing arts, various occupations, and many daily activities. Scientists and practitioners alike are therefore interested in understanding the conditions that influence the performance and learning of movement skills, and how they can be utilized to optimize training. In OPTIMAL theory, three motivational and attentional factors are key: enhanced expectancies for future performance, the performer’s autonomy, and an external focus of attention. We review recent evidence suggesting that each factor contributes independently to strengthen the coupling of goals to actions. This work has implications ranging from fostering more effective skill development in novice learners, to increasing the efficiency of athletes’ and musicians’ performance, and to facilitating the success of patients in regaining functional capabilities.