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Natural Procreative Hygiene as Universal Praxis

  • The Virtual Free University
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Human rights to knowledge of natural procreative hygiene ...ViFrU* unedited open dialogue segment
Okay I think one of the major problems I'm having is actually communicating the
essence of the media ethics involved with my work and specifically they realization
that most people simply do not understand the meaning of the term procreative
hygiene and when we're talking about these things I am specifically referring to
the restoration of the ancient wisdom of harmony with the natural order of the
world that was practiced for centuries prior to Big opium Imperial agendas.
Now it is virtually impossible for most people to understand this work because I
have been unable to present lectures as I would have been had I been in a
university format. Unfortunately at The peacemaker virtual free University
conceptualization the necessity for interactive dialogue has simply not happened.
And therefore the clarification and articulation of the basic concepts has not been
Now I will try again to briefly describe what I mean by natural procreative hygiene
as it was understood by our humanity centuries ago and it is very difficult for me
to really articulate or rather inform readers who are actually not involved in a
study type environment so this is a big handicap for me. Now in terms of this idea
of harmony with nature as I have come to understand it from thousands and thousands
of hours of research is simply that in ancient times I'm talking about pre Vedic
times a universal science of yogic Praxis was understood in all cultures around the
Okay I will try in a few words to explain what I am all about here. People
understood everywhere that it was absolutely unacceptable for children to make
children. They realized that the human brain and the human body is not completely
formed until the age of 23, people assume that back then humanity was ignorant it
is entirely an incorrect understanding people were extremely wise and even now the
medical standard for healthy childbearing has been established between the ages of
24 to 35.
I have been confirming this with different indigenous cultures and just recently
the Ojibwe elder women have started to organize a reconstruction of the ancient
practice of not allowing children to have children. In the words of one of the
elders the woman would have to be at least 30 years old, and perfect health
completely sane and able to take care of her child and herself before they would
even allow her to have a child. Also she would not be allowed to have another child
for another 7 years so that she could nurture and breastfeed the first child for 3
to 4 years and then recover in full health to have the second child. Now in her
lifetime she would only have possibly two maximum three children and not 10 or 15
prematurely formed humans. Of course humans are going to have sex and these
cultures new and studied the effects of every single herb and use them for
nutrition, healing and contraception. Every single culture all over the planet had
knowledge of the use of a emenagogues and other herbs that were strong enough to
abort the fetus. So if the 13-year-old or 22-year-old missed her period they would
immediately make a tea and 48 hours later she would have her period without any
need for an abortion. Now we know that it is entirely not in the interest of drug
cartels and pharmaceutical companies to inform the public of the actual uses of
these herbs. Now I have confirmed this also with African elders who affirmed that
the woman was to be 30 years old and not 13. My dialogue with Dr Pakes who is a
senior educator at the University of Toronto school of medicine informed me that
the fact of the matter is that contemporary medical establishments have no idea as
to the exact properties and use of these herbs and significantly of course it is
certainly not in the interest of pharmaceutical companies to invest in research to
establish the correct and appropriate use of the herbs for the simple reason that
it would be a loss of trillions of dollars of revenues based on artificial
ignorance generated by their control of the public media. Thus it is a media ethics
issue and a human rights issue because these are violations of the United Nations
Charter of Human Rights to access of knowledge and information critical to
humanity. We have been advocating via the world parliament of religions and
submitted an abstract to the object of compulsory education worldwide for children
on these questions of the appropriate age for childbearing and the means whereby
children who inevitably will get pregnant have to avoid conception. The abstract
was submitted first at the 21st round table on childhood education at Oxford
University. And then resubmitted again at the 2015 presentation at the world
parliament of religions where the first sentence was censored and deleted. The
sentence was quote the greatest violence against women on a par with rape and
sexual abuse is a suppression of information on a use of herbal birth control for
natural procreative hygiene in most parts of the world today end of quote
So simply put it is entirely unethical for children now due to the reversal of the
roe versus Wade in the United States a young girl who has an abortion is looking at
99 years in prison and because of the fact that she is not aware of her ancestral
history of what her great great grandparents used to avoid premature irresponsible
procreation the use of herbal amenagogues she would not have to spend the rest of
her days doing slave labor in a prison. This is obviously a major human rights
issue and therefore it requires proactively disseminating the information for a
change in the global educational system that is actually indoctrinating the
humanity and lies and propaganda for mercenary interests of media monopolies
controlled by drug cartels and pharmaceutical interests.
So it is not just a matter of marketing or distributing herbs we're talking about
human rights issues and this is my work in media ethics and for that I need support
and I have invited you to participate in the dialogue. I have invited thousands of
others over 46 years to participate and you seem to be the first person who is
actually engaging in a full virtual reality University Think Tank dialogue on these
actual principles. So I hope that we can continue this very prosperous and very
useful dialogue and although I am recovering now from being poisoned mysteriously
in 2022 and almost dying from it no with post viral fatigue that has turned into
fibromyalgia and peripheral neuropathy I'm very close to having an aneurysm or a
stroke. The gang stalking and psychological warfare that I am engaged in defending
myself from is a very real indication that has several medical practitioners have
explained to me we are a threat to the big Pharma interest in generating artificial
ignorance in order to profit from Human misery and by so doing have artificially
overpopulated the planet and added 8 billion prematurely formed humans and added
slaves to the planet in the last 50 years and consequently destroyed the ecological
planets irreparable continuum. I hope that this explanation will assist in
clarifying the gravity of the situation that we are in, on LinkedIn I have over 600
professional sustainability mercenaries who haven't got a clue about the root
causes of the problem that is artificial overpopulation generated by artificial
ignorance of medium monopolies both religious and medical in the interest of
profiteering from the necessary human misery of famine disease and war which is the
effect of overpopulation. The equation is very simple the greater the population
the greater the misery famine disease and war pandemics etc are all cash cows for
these poisoners that have been in operation on planet Earth for 8,000 years.
I hope that we can work out an efficient way of channeling this information into
documentaries for global distribution in a digestible format so that the public can
be enlightened as to the reality of the indoctrination and the horror of the
reality that we now live in. Literally we have only two options and years ago my
study of the work of pioneer of human ecology s p r Charter who very clearly
articulated the problem of overpopulation that is not considered a threat being the
major threat because as the populations increase and the global ecology heats up to
burning the planet then the only inevitable solution will be military Mutual
assured destruction through chemical and bacteriological warfare as well as of
course our nuclear poisoning which is already destroyed any possibility of
successful human regeneration. So I hope that we can continue this debate and work
out something that will be workable for you and for all the other people that will
follow you global Enterprise for human peace and perseverance and health and
prosperity for all. I wish you unconditional love and whatever your directions
creatively guided by the most high truth will lead you will be acceptable for the
higher good. For all.
Thank you for sharing and welcome again to The peacemaker virtual free University
Think Tank now still alive after half a century of suppression and censorship.
-------- Original Message --------
On Jan 15, 2024, 3:22 PM, ViFrU <> wrote:
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