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Types and spatial characteristics of traffic offences committed by road hauliers and carriers in the North Great Plain region, Hungary


Abstract and Figures

This study examines the spatial distribution and structure of traffic offences in the Northern Great Plain region. The research is unique in that it examines a specific area through the lens of geography. The research shows and demonstrates that the research area of crime and transport geography is much broader than previous researches has shown. At the beginning of the study, the authors clarified the conceptual framework, as the terms “violation” and “offence” are often confused even in technical materials. The research shows which routes are the most frequently used by road hauliers in the regions under study and what type of checks have been carried out on these routes by the Transport Authorities of the Government Offices. The type of administrative penalty detected and the nationality breakdown of the infringements are described. The study typifies the infringements involving administrative fines by nationality category.
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Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2024, 8(3), 2580.
Types and spatial characteristics of traffic offences committed by road
hauliers and carriers in the North Great Plain region, Hungary
Szabolcs Mátyás1, Zsolt Radics2, Andrej Balogh3, Krisztina Keller4, Dénes Lónt Dávid5,*, Enikő Harman2
1 Department of Criminal Tactics, Ludovika University of Public Service, HU-1083 Budapest, Hungary
2 Department of Social Geography and Regional Development Planning, University of Debrecen, HU-4032 Debrecen, Hungary
3 Doctoral School of Economic and Regional Sciences,Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, HU-2100 Gödöllő, Hungary
4 Department of Tourism, Institut of Sustainable Development, Corvinus University of Budapest, HU-1093, Hungary
5 Department of Tourism and Hospitality, John von Neumann University, HU-6000 Kecskemét, Hungary, Institute of Rural Development and
Sustainable Economy, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE), HU-2100 Gödöllő, Hungary
* Corresponding author:nes Lónt Dávid,
Abstract: This study examines the spatial distribution and structure of traffic offences in the
Northern Great Plain region. The research is unique in that it examines a specific area through
the lens of geography. The research shows and demonstrates that the research area of crime
and transport geography is much broader than previous researches has shown. At the beginning
of the study, the authors clarified the conceptual framework, as the terms violation and
offence are often confused even in technical materials. The research shows which routes are
the most frequently used by road hauliers in the regions under study and what type of checks
have been carried out on these routes by the Transport Authorities of the Government Offices.
The type of administrative penalty detected and the nationality breakdown of the infringements
are described. The study typifies the infringements involving administrative fines by
nationality category.
Keywords: infringement; crime geography; freight transport; North Great Plain region;
1. Introduction
Road safety is a segment of sustainability alongside public safety. The prevention
and detection of traffic offences and violations are also the basis of safe transport. They
are also a prerequisite for economic and sustainable transport. These general priorities
are made even more important by Hungary’s geographical location and economic
policy position.
Road freight transport is an important segment of the economy and society, so it
is important that the area operates smoothly and complies with the legal conditions
and requirements. In this respect, Hungary’s favourable geographical location also
requires a more in-depth analysis of this segment, as it is located at the intersection of
the routes connecting East-West and North-South Europe, and thus plays a key role in
the international transport of goods (Kovács et al., 2015).
The timeliness of the research topic is shown by the fact that the European
Commission forecasts a dynamic growth of freight transport performance in the EU-
27 until 2050. This growth will also affect freight transport performance by heavy and
light commercial vehicles. This segment is forecast to grow by 40%–50% in 2050
compared to the 2005 base year, despite the EU’s 2011 Transport White Paper setting
the target that “by 2050, 50% of road freight transport over 300 km should be
tyás S, Radics Z, Balogh A, et al.
(2024). Types and spatial
characteristics of traffic offences
committed by road hauliers and
carriers in the North Great Plain
region, Hungary. Journal of
Infrastructure, Policy and
Development. 8(3): 2580.
Received: 10 August 2023
Accepted: 8 October 2023
Available online: 15 January 2024
Copyright © 2024 by author(s).
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and
Development is published by EnPress
Publisher, LLC. This work is licensed
under the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license.
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2024, 8(3), 2580.
undertaken by other modes” (EUROPEAN COMMISSION, 2011).
Due to its interdisciplinary nature, research on infringements sanctioned by fines
involves several disciplines, including public administration, transport, law and
geography. Within geography, the field is closely related to the geography of crime
and transport (Mátyás, 2020). The authors believe that the practical value of the
research is demonstrated by the fact that the study of traffic, traffic offences and
infringements related to freight transport and transport operations, and their
geographical aspects, can contribute to improving transport safety and economic
This study explores the relationship between geography, nationality clusters and
types of noncompliance. Our aim is to show which countries of origin are more likely
to use the roads of the Northern Great Plain region and whether the frequency and
types of administrative offences committed in the region show (spatial) specificities
with respect to the country of origin of the offenders. Data used in this study addresses
the question of how authorities can reduce traffic infringements considering users are
often not locals. The study can contribute to the practical and theoretical debate
regarding geography and traffic related problems.
2. Literature review
The investigation of crime goes back nearly two hundred years. As early as 1833,
Guerry drew a map of crime in France (Guerry, 1833). The representation and study
of crime on maps has been very popular ever since, with many studies and books
appearing every year. However, few researchers have been involved in the study of
traffic crimes and offences. If we look at the major scientific databases, we can see
that articles on this subject have been published since the late 1960s.
Gargett (1965) looked at traffic offences from a police perspective. He examined
offenders by gender over a five-year period. Robinson (1975) examined Australian
traffic accidents and sought the most effective sanction. He wondered which sanction
might be the most effective in deterring people from committing traffic offences.
Australian author duo, Brown and Copeman (1975), investigated how British people
rank traffic offences and crimes. They found that it was women and the elderly who
judged offences more seriously.
From the 1980s onwards, the number of articles written on the subject increased,
just like the number of areas covered by the authors. The nationality of the authors
shows that there are articles from almost every country in the world. This also shows
that since the eighties and nineties motorisation has spread worldwide, so that traffic
offences and crimes have become a serious problem everywhere.
In Switzerland, a group of drivers were observed for three months and, on the
basis of the offences committed during this period, an attempt was made to predict
who was likely to commit traffic offences in the future and what type of offence they
would commit (Michiels and Schneider, 1984). The research of Ratshibvumo (1996),
who wrote a doctoral thesis on the traffic situation in South Africa, evaluates data from
a different perspective than previous research. He examined traffic accidents by
severity, spatial location, sex and age of the perpetrators, etc. Perera examined fatal
traffic accidents in Sri Lanka. In 2010, there were nearly 3000 fatal road traffic
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2024, 8(3), 2580.
accidents in the country, which also caused significant financial damage to the
economy. The author focused on the type of transport and the role of alcohol in the
occurrence of these accidents (Perera, 2016).
Based on the themes of the past articles, it can be concluded that no researcher
has investigated traffic offences related to freight transport.
Although road transport is clearly a key driver of economic growth and prosperity,
there are often concerns about the sustainability of road freight transport, both in terms
of safety, efficiency and health aspects. The issues raised in the road freight transport
literature are mainly clustered around economic and ecological factors (Demir et al.,
2011; Palsson and Kovacs, 2014; Perego and Perotti, 2011; Richardson, 2005;
Winebrake et al., 2012).
However, alongside society’s expectations, the need for safety is becoming
increasingly important for hauliers, and can therefore be seen as one of the externalities
arising from freight transport operations.
Increasing the effectiveness of controls, which must go hand in hand with
identifying the characteristics of infringements and violations, among other means,
will help to improve safety levels.
The study of infringements has recently come to the fore in the literature. Due to
the pandemic caused by COVID-19, several publications and studies have been
published on the topic of the investigation of epidemiological non-compliance
(Ambrus and Hollán, 2020; Balázs and Hoffman, 2020; Juma et al., 2020; Hollán,
The other so-called classical area is the group of traffic offences, which examines
offences from the law enforcement side, mainly from the perspective of traffic
accidents (Ambrus and Hollán, 2020; Balázs and Hoffman, 2020; Juma et al., 2020;
Hollán, 2020).
Robert Javoršek uses data from the Slovenian police to give a picture of the
comparison of traffic accidents and tachograph-related offences. However, his analysis
focuses on accidents caused by drivers of buses and lorries and violations of
tachograph-related legislation (Javoršek, 2011). It does not analyse nationality, but
only the types of infringement and the penalties applied. Rychter (2012) examines the
detected infringements from a traffic control perspective. In it, he reveals that in 2010,
the proportion of administrative penalty decisions among vehicles checked in Poland
was 15.4%, a decreasing trend since 2003. In terms of nationality, the proportion is
14.4% for Polish nationals and 17.6% for foreign nationals. The author also describes
the types of offences, with a high proportion of offences being driving time, break and
rest period offences (70%), followed by improper use of tachographs (15%). The
author presents his research in a multidisciplinary way, concluding with technical and
training recommendations to improve the quality of enforcement activities in order to
detect as much as possible digital tachograph manipulation.
In addition to these, ADR (Accord Dangereux Routier), the control of the
transport of dangerous goods, has a broader literature related to roadside inspection.
The transport of dangerous goods is extremely risky and can present a wide range of
disasters in the event of an accident, from mild to very serious hazards, e.g.,
radioactive or biological contamination (Chovancovaet et al., 2018; Skrucanyet et al.,
2018). Some scientific publications on the transport of hazardous materials analyse
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2024, 8(3), 2580.
the violations from the perspective of the disaster management authority (Almási,
2022; Balogh et al., 2018; Bárdos, 2010; Kátai-Urbán et al., 2015; Körmendy and
Földi, 2004; Török and Földi, 2007). Since 2001, the Disaster Management Authority
has been involved in roadside inspections of the transport of dangerous goods in
Hungary, together with the police and the transport authority. From 1 May 2007, an
amendment to the Act on the Protection of Dangerous Goods allowed it to act as an
independent authority with powers in the field of ADR roadside inspections. The
transport of dangerous goods from the perspective of the Transport Authority was
examined by a research group including P. Gorzelanczyk-M. Krawiec T. Kalina-M.
Jurkovič, who examined the inspections of the Provincial Road Transport Inspectorate
in Poznań. They found that in the Greater Vojvodina region of Poland, between 2015
and 2017, infringements related to the transport of dangerous goods were less frequent,
with 3123 vehicles and/or vehicle combinations carrying dangerous goods inspected,
of which 63.62% were of Polish nationality, 14.13% of other EU nationality (non-
Polish) and 22.25% of non-EU nationality. This composition also reflects Polands
stronger economic ties with its eastern neighbours. Since the Ukrainian-Russian war,
these relations have weakened. The inspection resulted in 236 deficiencies, only a few
of which were penalised (Gorzelanczyk et al., 2020).
A hot research topic today is the possibility of predicting traffic crime (see:
predictive policing). Hundreds of researchers per year have addressed this topic
(Gräler et al., 2020; Jwan, 2017; Sieveneck and Sutter, 2021). The authors investigate
the possibility of using predictive software for prevention and analyse the accuracy of
the software. The authors also argue that predictive algorithms could play a major role
in traffic safety in the future.
However, the frequency and types of violations also depend on the geography
and characteristics of the area and the socio-cultural characteristics of the actors
involved in transport (Imbeah et al., 2020; Khademi-Vidra, 2014).
For this reason, we consider it important to present the field of investigation and
to describe the conceptual framework and the Hungarian system of non-compliance.
3. Methods
The present research focuses on road freight transport and haulage, including the
analysis of the inspections carried out by the Transport Authorities of the Government
Offices and the infringements sanctioned by administrative fines.
The main objectives of the research underlying the study were:
To identify the countries from which hauliers most frequently use the road
network in the Northern Great Plain region. To look for a correlation between the
geographical location of the region and the distribution of the destinations. The
results of roadside checks on foreign residents will be used as a guide to achieve
this objective.
To analyse the frequency of administrative irregularities for Hungarian resident,
EU26 (foreign) or non-EU hauliers.
To show the distribution of infringements subject to administrative fines by
nationality category.
To help improve the effectiveness of roadside checks.
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2024, 8(3), 2580.
3.1. Conceptual framework
Offences and breaches are not the same because of the confusing terminology.
Infringement and misdemeanour are violations of the law. Generally speaking, neither
is a criminal offence (although there are rare cases where they are), as a result of which
are not subject to criminal prosecution, and, therefore, have non-criminal sanctions
(Kovács, 2023). For misdemeanours, a special procedure known as the misdemeanour
procedure applies and the sanction of the administrative procedure is administrative in
nature. In the case of a breach of the rules, an administrative procedure is initiated, the
sanction of which is administrative in nature. Types of administrative sanctions in
Hungary according to Act CXXV of 2017 on the Sanctions of Administrative
administrative fine
prohibition from engaging in an activity
Other sanctions provided for by law.
In administrative proceedings, the application of administrative sanctions is
determined by the legal provisions (Kovács, 2023).
The present research focuses on those sanctioned with administrative fines in
Hungary, and the term not sanctioned with administrative fines is used for cases where
there were no deficiencies or where the competent authorities imposed a warning as
an administrative sanction.
3.2. Types of infringements examined
The range of road traffic offences is wide, but the present research focuses on
offences within the scope of the competence and jurisdiction of the competent County
Government Offices in the Northern Great Plain region. On this basis, the study covers
the following:
(a) for national or international road transport services subject to the possession
of a specific authorisation and a specific document (hereinafter referred to as
transport documents),
(b) own-account transport of goods subject to the possession of a specific
document (hereinafter referred to as own-account transport documents),
(c) the social rules for road transport, driving time, breaks and breaks and rest
periods (hereinafter referred to as driving and rest periods),
d) the use of recording equipment and tachograph discs used in road transport
and the use of cards for digital tachographs (hereinafter referred to as recording
equipment and tachograph),
(e) the transport of dangerous goods, the carrier, the road vehicle and its crew,
the consignor, the temporary storage, the packer, the loader, the loader, the consignee
and the safety adviser for the transport of dangerous goods (hereinafter referred to as
the transport of dangerous goods),
(f) for the transport by road of perishable foodstuffs and live animals,
(g) the carriage of goods by road by means of hired vehicles,
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2024, 8(3), 2580.
(h) the technical, safety and environmental characteristics of road vehicles
intended for use in road transport, the circulation on the road of vehicles exceeding the
maximum authorised mass, axle load and dimensions, the securing of loads and the
transport of bulk goods (hereinafter referred to as vehicle and load safety),
i) restricting the circulation of heavy goods vehicles, breach of the relevant
In order to compare the types of foreign and Hungarian infringements, the type
of infringement of the own-account goods transport document was merged with the
infringement of the goods transport document, since the own-account goods transport
document applies to Hungarian nationals in Hungary and the two types of
infringement have a similar profile. The merged category is hereinafter referred to as
documents and authorisations.
3.3. Competent authorities
The control and sanctioning of infringements in Hungary is the responsibility of
several authorities. These may include the Traffic Authorities and the Employment
Inspectorates of the County Government Offices, the Police, the Customs, the Disaster
Prevention Authority and the Public Roads Inspectorate. In the case of the
infringements we are examining, the scope of the aforementioned authorities is
narrower because the Hungarian legislator has designated the following authorities in
Act I of 1988 on Road Traffic (hereinafter referred to as the Act): the police, the
customs authorities and the Traffic Authority of the County Government Offices. The
permits and documents required for the carriage of goods and passengers may also be
checked by the road operator, the tachograph disc cards for digital tachographs, driving
and rest periods by the employment-supervisory authority, and the transporters of
dangerous goods (ADR) by the disaster prevention authority. Vehicles exceeding the
maximum permissible gross laden weight, axle load and dimensions may also be
checked by the road manager.
The research will analyse the data until 2017 and 2021, because from 21 February
2022, a change in legislation will allow the transport of goods by road by lorries with
a maximum permissible laden weight of over 2.5 tonnes. Previously, this milestone
applied to lorries with a maximum permissible laden weight of over 3.5 tonnes. As a
consequence, a comparison of the statistics for 2022 and beyond would not be exact
from the perspective of the subject, as the list of those checked is wider.
3.4. Methods used
During the research, the authors obtained statistical data from the Public
Transport Authority. These data were used for quantitative analysis. In the course of
the research, after obtaining the data, the authors performed data cleaning, then
organized the data into data tables, created a database and performed data analysis.
Statistical methods were used to analyse the data (distribution and arithmetic
mean calculation). Excel software was used to construct graphs from the data. A
limitation of the research was that only data for the Northern Great Plain Region was
available, not the national data. If statistical data with a larger time interval can be
obtained, it will be possible to predict traffic offences in the future.
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2024, 8(3), 2580.
3.5. Target groups
In defining the target groups for the research, we also took into account the
potential for future use, so the target groups were:
the operators and drivers of vehicles with foreign and Hungarian registration
plates, who have been checked during roadside inspections by the competent
Traffic Authorities of the region in the North Great Plain region and have been
sanctioned with administrative fines in case of violation of the rules;
operators and drivers of vehicles with Hungarian registration plates who have
been checked during an on-site inspection and have been sanctioned with an
administrative fine for non-compliance.
The target group was divided into three main categories:
of Hungarian nationality;
EU-26 (EU citizenship without Hungary);
Non-EU Residents.
The reason for the above breakdown of the target group is to answer our research
questions, and the reason for the separation of Hungarian nationals is that Hungarian
nationals were checked more than 3.5 times more often than foreign nationals. The
reasons for this are understandable, as the transport infrastructure in the region is
predominantly used by Hungarians and more frequent checks would distort the
3.6. Test methods
The control task is defined in several legal acts for the authority under scrutiny.
In order to ensure the safe transport and transit of goods by road, the present research
study carries out a so-called random check of the vehicle in road traffic. A special form
of inspection is the on-site inspection, where vehicles and documentation relating to
the performance of the activity, which have been certified as roadworthy by the
operator, are inspected by the authority at the premises of the undertaking. Inspections
at the premises are not carried out by the inspectors of the Transport Authority for the
EU-26 and non-EU clusters, as appropriate, but not for the Hungary cluster, because
the first research question does not analyse this cluster in detail, and in the case of the
premises inspections, the inspectors check vehicles classified as “in running order”,
which are involved in the transport of goods and freight by road, so that the
infringements detected here are also carried out on the roads. And for the comparative
studies, administrative fine indicators mapped to 100 checks are used between the
different clusters so that the final conclusion is not distorted. In terms of road safety,
on-site inspections are also a priority in order to enforce lawful behaviour, prevent
accidents (prevention), protect the environment and animals and avoid exploitation of
3.7. Description of the area under study
Hungary is strategically located in Central Europe, with important transit routes
connecting Europe from North-South to South-East and South-South (Kovács et al.,
2015). One of the country’s special regions is the Northern Great Plain region, which
is adjacent to EU-member Slovakia, EU-member but non-Schengen area Romania and
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2024, 8(3), 2580.
non-EU Ukraine. The region’s role in transport is reinforced by the fact that the region
is crossed by the Trieste Kiev Pan-European Corridor V, which partly overlaps the
Mediterranean Corridor, part of the TEN-T core network. The Mediterranean corridor
starts from the Ukrainian border of the study region and connects Hungary to Spain
via Croatia, Slovenia, northern Italy and southern France (Figure 1).
Figure 1. TEN-T core network.
Image source:
The dual situation of the region is also reflected in the fact that the eastern part of
the catchment area of the highly centralised metropolitan agglomeration partly spills
over into the western parts of the Northern Great Plain region. At the same time, the
eastern one of the two transport axes, which counterbalance the over-centralised
network, is the international innovation axis Kassa (Slovakia)-Miskolc-Tiszaújváros-
Nyíregyháza-Debrecen-Nagyvárad (Romania), which runs through the region, further
extending into the Romanian counties of Timis and Arad, counterbalancing the socio-
economic and transport role of the capital (National Transport Infrastructure
Development Strategy, 2014) (Figure 2).
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2024, 8(3), 2580.
Figure 2. Regional cooperation that solves centralization.
Symbol description: 1: significant urban area, 2: cooperating areas—functional analysis, 3: cooperating
regions—other source, 4: Balaton and the capital’s catchment area, 5: agricultural contact zone. Source:
National Transport Infrastructure Development Strategy, August 2014.
4. Results
4.1. Inspection and examination of administrative fines imposed by
The analysis of foreign nationals checked in the region is useful as an indicator
of the geography and economic links of the area, and also to assist road inspectors.
4.1.1. Checks carried out by the regions transport authorities by nationality
The Transport Authorities of the region carried out 38,915 inspections between
2017 and 2021, of which 79% were carried out in Hungary, 18% in non-Hungarian
EU countries and only 3% in non-EU countries.
In terms of EU-26 nationals, there is a dominance of Romanian nationals,
followed by Polish and Slovakian nationals in orders of magnitude smaller numbers
and proportions (Figures 3 and 4).
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2024, 8(3), 2580.
Figure 3. Composition of controlled foreign residents (2017–2021).
Source: official data.
Figure 4. Nationals of EU-26 audited (2017–2021).
Source: official data.
The following statement can be made about the figure. Romania is Hungary’s
Eastern neighbour, so the link to Western Europe is Hungary for Romania. The figure
of almost two-thirds is, therefore, not surprising. Poland has the second highest value.
Poland has one of the largest economies in the region and one of the largest truck fleets
in Europe. Polish trucks play a major role in North-South freight transport. Slovakia
is Hungary’s Northern neighbour, with an economy almost half the size of Hungary’s.
There are close economic ties between the two countries, so a figure of 14% is realistic.
Surprisingly, the remainder is only 7%. If we look at the size of the Ukrainian economy,
we would have expected a much higher turnover. This 7% represents not only
Ukrainian trucks but also trucks from other countries (although the largest number is
Ukrainian trucks).
The chart above shows that the highest percentage of non-EU nationals checked
(66%) were those of Ukrainian nationality (66%), who border the region under review.
Freight carriers and transporters from Serbia, which borders Hungary but is not a direct
neighbour of the region under investigation, were the second most frequently checked,
followed by those of Russian nationality. The analysis of foreign nationals also shows
that 76.5% of the foreign nationals 260 checked in the Northern Great Plain region
come from countries neighbouring the region 261 (Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine)
(Figure 5).
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2024, 8(3), 2580.
Figure 5. Composition of foreign residents outside the EU controlled (2017–2021).
Source: official data.
As mentioned in Figure 4, Ukrainian lorries are the most numerous non-EU
lorries entering Hungary. Serbia also shares a border with Hungary, but the Western
link is also Croatia, not just Hungary. Therefore, Serbian traffic to Hungary either
enters Hungary directly or heads North. Russian traffic to Hungary is small. The
reason for this is that trucks from Russia are mainly heading Westwards towards
Belarus and Poland.
Among the other non-EU nationalities, it is worth highlighting the Turkish and
Moldovan nationalities, who mostly transit Hungary, i.e., the country plays a transit
role for them.
4.1.2. Administrative fines imposed by the regions traffic authorities by
During the five years under review, 2470 administrative fines were imposed in
the region, 65% of which were imposed on Hungarian nationals, 30% on EU-26
nationals and 5% on non-EU nationals (Figure 6). It should be mentioned, however,
that the fact that Hungarian citizens are more familiar with domestic legislation and
traffic conditions (and foreigners less so) certainly plays a role in this. This certainly
reduces the number of offences committed by Hungarian citizens.
In this respect, it is worth comparing the number of persons checked and the
number of persons fined, because this also allows us to show the proportion of persons
not sanctioned with administrative fines (Figure 7).
Figure 6. Administrative fines imposed by nationality (2017–2021).
Source: administrative data.
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2024, 8(3), 2580.
Figure 7. Percentage of persons not sanctioned with administrative fines and % of
administrative fines imposed (2017–2021).
Source: data provided by the Office.
Compliance is very high in the region without regard to nationality (93.65%),
which also means that there are 6.35 administrative fines imposed per 100 checks
(Figure 7). When analysing nationalities, it can be seen that Hungarian nationals are
the most likely to comply with the law, which is remarkable because more than 3.5
times more Hungarian nationals were checked than foreign nationals. However, this
correlation no longer holds in the EU-26 category, as the proportion of foreign
nationals checked is higher by an order of magnitude, as is the proportion of non-
compliant nationals. It follows that in this respect there is no direct proportionality
between the number of checks and the number of infringements sanctioned by
administrative fines. For non-EU countries, compliance is higher than in the EU-26,
which can be explained by the fact that border controls are carried out when crossing
the EU’s Schengen borders, where more deficiencies are detected by the tax and
customs officials.
In the EU-26 category, the composition by nationality of those sanctioned with
administrative fines is parallel with the nationalities most checked within this category:
Romanian, Polish and Slovak (Table 1).
Table 1. Administrative fines imposed in EU26 cluster (2017–2021).
Sanctioned with an administrative fine (%)
Data source: administrative data.
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2024, 8(3), 2580.
For those sanctioned with an administrative fine outside the EU, the former is no
longer the case. Most of the administrative fines were imposed on Ukrainian nationals
(55.93%), followed by a smaller number and proportion of Moldovans (12.71%) and
Serbs (9.32%) (Table 2). In terms of the number of persons checked in this category,
Ukrainian nationality is also the most numerous, but the second most checked
nationality is Serbian, followed by Russian.
Table 2. Distribution of non-EU nationals sanctioned with administrative fines
Sanctioned with administrative fine (%)
North Macedonia
Source: official data.
It can also be noted that, when analysing foreign nationals, there are large
differences between the nationalities with the highest administrative fines and those
that follow.
4.2. Infringements sanctioned by administrative fines by type of
4.2.1. Assessment on the basis of authenticity
Figure 8 shows that the most frequent infringements of the provisions on driving
and rest periods (35.55%) and on recording equipment and tachograph (33.6%) were
committed irrespective of nationality and sanctioned by administrative fines. These
two infringements account for almost 70% of the cases sanctioned with administrative
fines. The number of infringements of the provisions on documents and licences
(13.32%) and vehicle and load safety (10.32%) and the provisions on the carriage of
goods by road by means of hired vehicles (5.71%) is much lower. The other types of
infringement examined are negligible.
For Hungarian nationals subject to administrative fines, the types of offences
concerning driving and rest times, recording equipment and tachograph are equally
represented (31.35%), followed by offences concerning documents and licences
(18.96%) and vehicle and cargo safety. It can be seen that the order and the proportions
of infringements sanctioned by administrative fines imposed on Hungarian nationals
are the same as for the data regardless of nationality, as 65% of the administrative fines
imposed were imposed on Hungarian nationals.
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2024, 8(3), 2580.
Figure 8. Types of infringements committed by administrative fines by nationality
Source: administrative data.
Looking at the EU-26 category, almost half of the administrative fines are for
infringements of the regulations on driving and rest times (46.82%), recording
equipment and tachograph (35.68%), which account for more than two thirds of the
administrative fine.
For non-EU countries, recording equipment and tachograph are the most common
type of infringement (50.85%), followed by vehicle and cargo safety (22.28%) and
driving and resting time (20.34%).
4.2.2. Infringements by type
By type of offence (Figure 9), the most common types of offences are infringing
the driving and rest time and tachograph rules. These are most frequently committed
by Hungarian nationals, with the fewest offences committed by non-EU nationals.
Vehicle and cargo safety and security are breached by Hungarian nationals by an
order of magnitude more often than by other nationalities, and by non-EU nationals
by the least. It is noteworthy that non-EU nationals have the highest rate of this type
of infringement (10.59%). In the documents and permits type of offence, Hungarian
nationals are the “sole” offenders (92.10%). In the data on road transport of goods by
hired vehicles, Hungarian nationals (63.83%) are also followed by a much smaller
proportion of EU-26 representatives.
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2024, 8(3), 2580.
Figure 9. Persons subject to administrative fines by type of infringement (2017–
Source of data: administrative data.
There are no administrative fines imposed outside the EU for restrictions on the
movement of heavy goods vehicles, perishable foodstuffs and livestock, dangerous
goods, and the number of cases of these types of infringements is very low in the other
two clusters examined (37 in total in both clusters over the five years examined). The
above graphs show that in terms of frequency, Hungarian nationals and EU-26 commit
similar types of offences, with the exception that Hungarian nationals are more evenly
matched in terms of driving and rest time offences and offences concerning the use of
recording equipment and tachographs. Non-EU nationals have frequently committed
infringements in the areas of driving and rest periods and vehicle and load safety,
which are sanctioned by administrative fines. It can be said that in the very rare types
of infringements (restrictions on the circulation of heavy goods vehicles, transport of
perishable foodstuffs and live animals by road, transport of dangerous goods), there
are no infringements sanctioned by administrative penalties committed by non-EU
Checking driving and rest times, the use of recording equipment and tachographs,
as well as vehicle and load safety, are of paramount importance, as the transport of
goods and freight is mainly carried out by heavy vehicles, which pose a greater risk to
road safety due to their greater weight and kinetic energy and the dangerous nature of
the goods they carry, and it is therefore important that these vehicles are driven by a
well-rested person. The relevant legislation is also stricter for these types of offences.
In addition to the reasons mentioned above, the legislator also intends to prevent the
exploitation of drivers and to promote fair competition in the freight transport sector.
4.3. Nationality and types of infringement
This chapter compares Hungarian and two foreign nationalities. The two foreign
categories examined are the most checked and most fined nationalities: the non-EU
Ukrainian and the EU26 Romanian nationalities. For the comparison, a percentage
indicator was used, which shows the fines imposed on each nationality per 100
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2024, 8(3), 2580.
inspections per 100 representatives of that nationality. For the infringements
committed, only the first three most frequent types of infringement committed by a
given nationality are examined in detail, due to the large size of the data.
For every 100 Hungarian nationals checked, 5.22 administrative fines were
imposed on Hungarian nationals. An evenly balanced proportion of Hungarians
infringed the types of offences relating to driving and rest periods, recording
equipment and tachograph (31.35%). The third most frequent offence was failure to
comply with the requirements relating to documents and licences (18.96%) (Figure
Figure 10. Investigation of infringements committed by Hungarian, Romanian and
Ukrainian nationals and sanctioned with administrative fines (2017–2021).
Source: official data.
For every 100 vehicles of Romanian nationality checked, 9.54 administrative
fines were imposed on Romanian nationals. Romanian offenders were most likely to
have infringed the provisions on driving time and rest periods (47.39%) and on
recording equipment and tachograph (37.58%), followed by vehicle and load safety
(5.01%) (Figure 10).
There are 7.68 administrative fines per 100 vehicles of Ukrainian origin checked.
Most Ukrainian nationals were found to have infringed the provisions on recording
equipment and tachograph (53.03%), vehicle and load safety (34.85%), driving time
and rest periods (6.06%) and road haulage with hired vehicles (6.06%) (Figure 10).
It can be seen that there is a similarity between Hungarian and Romanian
nationals in that driving and resting time and tachograph offences are the most
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2024, 8(3), 2580.
common, although Romanian nationals have a higher proportion of driving and resting
time offences.
A comparison of offences committed by Ukrainian and Romanian nationals
shows that vehicle and cargo safety is present for both nationalities, but the rate is
significantly higher for Ukrainian nationals.
There is also a relatively low proportion of administrative fines for offences
concerning documents and permits for Hungarian nationals and for offences
concerning the carriage of goods by road in hired vehicles for Ukrainian nationals.
The stark difference is that Ukrainian nationals have only committed four types
of infringements that are punishable by administrative fines. In the category of
documents and permits, there were no infringements for Ukrainians and a negligible
number (3.13%) for Romanians, mainly due to border control.
5. Conclusion
On the basis of this analysis, we conclude that the controls of the County
Transport Authorities reflect the geographical location of a region. The EU 26 cluster
is dominated by Romanian nationals, due to the fact that Hungary is an important
transit country for Romania in reaching the western and southern parts of Europe,
which is also reflected in the economic relations based on geographical proximity and
historical traditions, as illustrated by the economic cooperation between Kassa-
Miskolc-Debrecen-Nagyvárad (Figure 2).
The higher share of Poles in this cluster is not surprising either, because the Polish
freight fleet is the leading fleet in the EU, so Polish freight transport uses Hungary as
a transit point for its pan-European activities, in addition to Poland’s Hungarian
economic links. According to EUROSTAT data, Poland has been included in the list
of the TOP 20 country flows in intraEU road freight transport as a major third country
carrier in 2021 for 15 relations (Table 3).
Table 3. Top 20 country-to-country flows in intra-EU road freight transport, 2021.
Pair of countries
Hauliers of
first country
Hauliers of
country (%)
Main other
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2024, 8(3), 2580.
Table 3. (Continued).
Pair of countries
Hauliers of
first country
Hauliers of
country (%)
Main other
(-) Not applicable
Source: Eurostat (road_go_ta_tott), (road_go_ia_ugtt), (road_go_ia_lgtt), (road_go_cta_gtt).
In the non-EU cluster, the number of those of Ukrainian nationality is rising,
reflecting the region’s main road links, the most significant of which is the V. Pan-
European Corridor No. V (Venice-Trieste-Ljubljana-Maribor-Budapest-Uzhhorod-
Lviv-Kiev), which is part of the TEN-T Mediterranean Corridor, one of its intermodal
hubs is the Záhony-Csap-Agczernye logistics area at the Ukrainian-Hungarian-
Slovakian border of the region, where goods are transhipped from the broad-gauge
railways from Russia and Ukraine to the narrow-gauge railways used in most of
Europe, and some of the goods are transported not only by rail but also by road (Figure
For Russia, the Pan-European Road Corridor V via Kiev is an important link to
the western half of Europe, yet Russian nationals are only the third most frequently
checked nationality in the non-EU cluster. This may be due to the fact that most of the
goods coming from Russia travel by rail, as well as to the preferential route Berlin-
Poznan-Warsaw-Brest-Minsk-Smolensk-Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod (No. II) and the
Kiev terminus Berlin/Dresden-Nizhny Novgorod (No. III). Wrocław-Katowice-
Krakow-Lviv-Kiev corridor.
An analysis of the fines imposed as a result of the checks shows that compliance
is predominant. Based on the data, if we look at the number of administrative fines
imposed, Hungarian nationals are in the vast majority (65%), but due to the different
magnitude of the checks, we thought it appropriate to use a percentage indicator, which
shows that the group of EU-26 inspectors is the group with the most non-compliant
behaviour (10.72 administrative fines imposed for this category for every 100 EU-26
inspections). It is possible to link the nationalities and the types of offences and
infringements and the practical usefulness of the data obtained will become
increasingly important in the near future, as one of the objectives of road safety
enforcement is to promote road safety and, to this end, to detect as many offences as
possible. The detection of infringements is even more important in the ever growing
freight transport and haulage sector, which is mainly carried out by vehicles with a
higher gross vehicle weight, which, due to their weight and kinetic energy, the type of
goods they carry and often their dangerous nature, e.g., ADR, also present a higher
risk of traffic accidents, both in terms of personal injuries and environmental and
infrastructure damage and impacts. This study can help road inspectors in their daily
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2024, 8(3), 2580.
work, as the results of the study can be linked to predictive analytics, which can be
applied to identify which localities are more likely to be at risk of road traffic offences
when selecting the vehicle to be inspected. The other important data for the application
of predictive analytics is which types of offences are more likely to be committed by
the localities to be checked, thus allowing a more focused control. Predictive analytics
is used in many areas of life. It is used in commerce, service companies (e.g., banks,
insurance companies), utility companies (e.g., water and electricity suppliers), law
enforcement and criminal justice. The operating principle of prediction is the same in
all areas. Prediction software uses mathematical statistical methods (e.g., regression,
correlation) and AI to predict certain future events with a certain margin of error. The
field of law enforcement is more specialised in that AI teaches criminological theories
to the software (e.g., the theory of nearrepetition). In law enforcement, it is used to
predict the location, time and offender of crimes (some software can also predict
victims). Law enforcement software is mainly used to predict street crime (e.g., The
authors base this opinion on the contribution of the first Hungarian preventive policing
software, Ferenc Traub, who argues that any act can be predicted if it occurs in a
sufficiently large number of cases, including most types of traffic accidents. This
software indicates on a hot spot map when, where and what type of crime is likely to
occur in the next time interval (up to two weeks). For offences, the authors hypothesise
that, as with crime, a map could be used to show offences that are likely to occur in
the future. Demonstrative presence of the authorities (e.g., wearing uniforms) could
prevent some offences (i.e., not being committed due to the presence of the authorities),
while others would increase the detection efficiency of the authorities. On this basis,
research work could be continued in the future to profile the types of offences
committed by foreign nationals, and in the case of Hungarian nationals, could also
help the work of road traffic control officers. Predictive analytics can be 460 used by
road traffic controllers in the course of their daily work, on the one hand, because 461
nationality can predict the likelihood of a violation when selecting the vehicle to be
checked, 462 and on the other hand, because by typing the nationality of the persons
fined and the types of 463 violations committed by them, they can pay more attention
to the detection of violations that 464 can be linked to a given nationality.
In the case of infringements, it can also be said that prevention, rather than
retaliation, is the long-term way to improve road safety, and therefore the primary
objective of the authorities road inspectors is not to impose administrative fines, but
to prevent traffic accidents, among other things, because road freight transport and
haulage typically involves vehicles carrying 469 heavier goods, with greater kinetic
energy, often with a higher risk of accidents, and the 470 personal injuries and
environmental - infrastructure damage caused by accidents are also greater.
Author contributions: Conceptualization, ZR, SM and EH; methodology, AB and
DLD; validation, DLD and EH; formal analysis, EH; writingoriginal draft
preparation, EH, SM, ZR and KK; writingreview and editing, SM, KK and EH;
visualization, EH and KK; supervision, ZR. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Brooks és Boeger kanadai tudósok elmélete szerint (Stockholm-paradigma) a klímaváltozás nyitotta meg az utat az ismeretlen kórokozók számára, mert a környezeti tényezők változása lehetőséget teremtett új fajok megtelepedésére és kifejlődésére (Brooks-Boeger 2019). Ez lehetett az oka a minden földrészt érintő pandémia kialakulásának is (Mátyás et al. 2024;. ...
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Az ökoturizmus egyensúlyának fenntartása lényeges, többek között azon kérdések megválaszolásában, hogy vajon síelhetnek-e még az unokáink, és meddig láthatunk ép korallzátonyokat, vagy élvezhetjük egy közeli erdő békés nyugalmát. A fogyasztók mértékletességgel vagy időszakos lezárásokkal adhatnak időt a természetnek a megújulásra. Jelen cikk másodlagos adatelemzéssel arra keresi a választ, hogyan reagál a környezet a nemzetközi és a hazai turizmusra, milyen lépéseket tehet az ember, hogy a biodiverzitás helyreálljon, valamint a természeti folyamatok milyen hatással vannak a természetet fogyasztó turizmusra. A turista döntése általában összetett információelemzési és értékelési folyamat eredménye. A szabadidős turizmus bizonyos szegmenseiben az utazás bekövetkeztét és célját meghatározhatják olyan „last minute” tényezők, mint a pillanatnyi időjárás vagy az elkövetkező néhány napra vonatkozó meteorológiai előrejelzés. A klíma mint külső tényező globális változása alapvetően átalakíthatja a nemzetközi turisztikai piac keresleti és kínálati jellemzőit. A turizmus egyszerre okozója és elszenvedője a természetben bekövetkező változásoknak. Az ember által előidézett negatív externáliákra a természet is reagál, helyenként visszavág – éghajlati és domborzati változásokkal, járványokkal, természeti katasztrófákkal, illetve az állat- és növényvilág átrendeződésével, amelyek átrajzolják a turisztikai térképeket is.
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A közúti veszélyesáru-szállítás biztonságának adminisztratív alapját az ENSZ-EGB által kidolgozott és 1968. január 29. óta hatályos, Veszélyes Áruk Nemzetközi Közúti Szállításáról szóló megállapodás jelenti. A fenti megállapodás által meghatározott előírásokat Magyarországon 1979 óta kell alkalmazni. A veszélyes árukkal kapcsolatos anyagi kár, a sérülések, halálesetek okainak felderítése és dokumentálása lényeges eleme a közrend fenntartásának. Az ilyen jellegű események kivizsgálása, hatásainak elemzése és a felelősség tisztázása az üzemeltetők és a hatóság jogszabályi kötelessége, továbbá lényeges visszacsatolás a jövőbeni események megelőzése és hatékonyabb kezelése érdekében. Meg kell fogalmaznunk ugyanakkor azt a célkitűzést, hogy a szállítás, a közlekedés és a lakosság biztonságának további növelése érdekében valósuljon meg az útvonalak dinamikus megközelítésű, veszélyesáru- szállítási szempontú kockázatelemzése.
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Nature interpretation has been advocated as a soft and non-obtrusive on-site visitor management strategy to enhance visitor knowledge and understanding of the resource, mitigate visitor impacts, encourage the conservation and improvement of attraction areas, and assist visitors in enjoying their visit. However, the way in which nature interpretation programs are implemented, and the subsequent attitudes created amongst visitors can pose a challenge to the effectiveness of nature interpretation as a visitor management strategy. The situation becomes more complicated with limited resources to implement, monitor, and evaluate nature interpretation in expansive wilderness areas like Masai Mara National Reserve (MMNR). The question therefore is, does nature interpretation in MMNR create favourable attitudes amongst wildlife tourists, consequently leading to enhanced visitor experiences and satisfaction of the support for conservations, or not? This research, therefore, sought to establish the extent to which the attitudes created by nature interpretation affect visitor satisfaction or the enhanced visitor experience and support for conservation, broadly termed as visitor management objectives in MMNR Kenya. Thus, Ho1 postulated that attitudes created by nature interpretation do not influence visitors’ support for conservation in MMNR, and Ho2, that attitudes created by nature interpretation do not enhance visitor experience and satisfaction in MMNR. This study used a structured questionnaire for the survey to collect data from a sample of 351 respondents as a proportion of visitors into MMNR. Research findings revealed that a moderate relationship between attitudes created by nature interpretation and support to conservation with rs = 0.426 and p = 0.000, thus null hypothesis H01 was rejected. Secondly, results showed that attitudes created by nature interpretation moderately affected visitor satisfaction rs = 0.478 and p = 0.000, while similarly, null hypothesis H02 was rejected. The research concluded that various forms of NI result in the formation of attitudes that moderately affect support for conservation and visitor satisfaction. The study concluded that enhanced nature interpretation training and awareness creation, along with continual improvement initiatives, could unlock its full potential as a visitor management strategy. This consistent, well-coordinated, and diligent implementation of nature interpretation initiatives by all stakeholders in MMNR would sustain a cumulative, long-term impact.
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The study aimed at identifying the precautionary measures taken by tourists before traveling and measures adopted while at the destination. Purposive sampling technique and questionnaires were employed to survey 515 tourists. It became evident that as the level of the tourists’ safety satisfaction increased, their safety expectations also increased. Tourists’ purpose of visiting did not influence the perception of safety. Majority of the tourists had at least a high school education. Therefore, their impressions could be critical for stakeholders to consider them in tourism safety planning. It recommended that GTA should add installation and repairs of safety equipment in unannounced routine checks. It is expected that this study will lead to further research on tourist safety and security within Ghana and her neighbouring countries in West Africa to reflect the regional position on tourism safety.
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The main purpose of the paper is to assess the risk associated with the transport of hazardous materials. This goal was achieved by discussing theoretical information on this issue and the results of control of the transport of dangerous goods carried out by the Provincial Road Transport Inspectorate in Poznań in 2015-2017. The analysis showed that the scale of irregularities in the protection of dangerous goods transported, documentation and transport operations was very small. However, other violations were found relatively frequently. Nevertheless, both the total number of infringements found as well as their frequency were low. In relation to the above, it can be stated that the level of risk associated with the transport of hazardous materials in the Wielkopolskie Voivodship in the years 2015-2017 was very small, although the analysis allowed identification of certain areas requiring further improvement.
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The paper describes the energy consumption and GHG production comparison of three transport modes – road, rail and waterborne. The calculations are done according to the legislation in force – standard EN 16 258:2012 Methodology for calculation and declaration of energy consumption and GHG emissions of transport services (freight and passengers). The results have high informative value because they take into account energy consumption and emissions from primary and secondary consideration. The calculation is done by real fuel consumption values (road and waterborne) and by simulation of energy consumption (railway). The energy and emission coefficients from the standard EN were used for estimating the results according to the well-to-wheels and tank-to-wheels principles.
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Motor traffic trauma has become a significant denominator of morbidity and mortality statistics in modern Sri Lanka. In 2010, 26,847 were seriously injured, and 2721 people died as a result of road traffic trauma. In 2014, nearly 38,500 road traffic accidents were reported of which 36% were categorized as “critical” with nearly 7% fatalities. Road traffic crashes have increased by 249% between 1977 and 2004. On average, road traffic trauma kills one person in Sri Lanka every 4.5 h. In the 30 year period of 1977–2007 over 40,000 people have died of road traffic trauma with the cost of accidents being estimated at over Rs100 billion. Increased number of vehicles, poor maintenance of road network and improper expansion of roads, less scrutiny in issuing driving licences, inefficiency of authorities in penalizing for road traffic offences and inefficiency of the public transport system are some of the factors identified for increased incidence of motor traffic trauma in the country. Management of motor traffic trauma victims has become a significant burden for health care institutions. Legislation plays a critical role in regulating motor traffic in a country. The Motor Traffic Act of Sri Lanka has undergone many revisions in the recent past to accommodate new provisions to regularize road traffic effectively. However implementation of such provisions is heavily dependent on the rapid and effective action of the police on road traffic offences and awareness and attitudes of courts towards penalizing offenders in view of streamlining the legislation on road traffic.
Road traffic collisions are responsible for 1.35 million deaths per year in the World. Moreover, they are the main cause of death for young people. To reduce the hazardous impact of road traffic crashes, it is necessary to constantly improve road traffic safety policing. Predictive Policing is a new concept that seems to be effective in fighting crime. For this background, the objective of this review was to identify studies that used methods of predictive policing in the context of road traffic safety. The systematic search of four databases identified a total of six original research articles. The analysis of the included articles revealed that the predictive policing techniques of hot spot analysis and Risk Terrain Modeling (RTM) are used in research to identify possible high risk areas for future road traffic crashes. The best results were achieved by methods combining both hot spot analysis and RTM. However, there are no studies examining the effectiveness of preventive measures taken based on these models, thus the practical utility of the use of predictive policing is still an open question. Furthermore, no papers were found implementing other models or methods of predictive policing in the context of road traffic safety. In the interdisciplinary context of crime and crash prediction, the methodological and theoretical potential of predictive policing should be further explored. The integrated approach will be an effective way in fighting crime and crashes in the light of limited resources and increasing workload in law enforcement agencies.