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Conflict Tiger Management Guidelines for the Sundarbans



The Bangladesh Sundarbans is one of the most conflicted tiger habitats in the world. Human tiger conflict (HTC) is a common phenomenon where tigers persist resulting in deaths and injuries of both people and tigers, as well as livestock losses. Such incidents have led to negative attitudes towards tigers among local communities, making the implementation of tiger conservation actions challenging. With respect to the objectives and strategic actions of Bangladesh Tiger Action Plans (2009-2017 and 2018-2027), it is necessary to determine the response steps and improve coordination among actors for better quality and speedier responses in real-time HTC situations. This manual provides a set of guiding principles and clear direction by clarifying roles and responsibilities across all actors for conflict management situations. The guiding principles are: In a conflict situation, (i) a human’s life takes priority over a tiger’s life, complying with existing legislation; and (ii) a tiger’s life takes priority over a livestock animal’s life; (iii) the level of conflict will remain at a minimum level; (iv) conflict management aims to reduce further human suffering; and (v) tiger suffering; and (vi) successful conflict management requires the positive participation of all actors. To provide clear direction and processes for managing conflict situation, the guidelines define conflict tigers based on certain criteria such as whether: (i) the tiger has killed two or more people inside the forest; (ii) the tiger has injured or killed one or more people inside the village as a result of an unprovoked attack; (iii) the tiger has injured or killed two or more livestock inside a village; and (iv) the tiger has entered into a village on two or more occasions. In addition, the manual provides systematic diagrams that clarify roles and responsibilities of all actors in each step of managing conflict situations, following the guiding principles and possible scenarios based on field experience. While the set processes can be adjusted to suit unique situations, the guiding principles must be followed, with clear justification for adjusting process communicated and agreed by the involved parties. The manual also highlights potential challenges and provides recommendations for improving the knowledge base to better manage HTC and other emerging situations like climate change and disasters. Overall, the manual aims to improve the quality and speed of responses to real-time HTC situations by clarifying response steps for all actors, promote tiger conservation, and reduce negative attitudes towards it.
Conflict Tiger Management Guidelines for
the Sundarbans
Bangladesh Forest Department
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Dhaka, Bangladesh
December 2023
Published by
Bangladesh Forest Department
and WildTeam
Funded by
KfW through IUCN’s Integrated
Tiger Habitat Conservaon Programme
Photo credit
Front cover
All photos are copyrighted for reproducon
which can be done only with the prior
permission of WildTeam.
Suggested citaon
Conict Tiger Management Guidelines for
the Sundarbans. 2023. Bangladesh Forest
Department and WildTeam. 32 pages.
ISBN : 978-984-35-9025-1
Conflict Tiger Management Guidelines for
the Sundarbans
This document has been enriched by reviews and inputs from the colleagues from the Bangladesh
Forest Department, Sundarbans Reserve Forest community stakeholders, and experts from the
naonal and internaonal community.
Thanks are due to Md. Amir Hosain Chowdhury, Chief Conservator of Forests, Bangladesh Forest
Department, for his guidance in the preparaon of the final dra of this document. Md. Jahidul Kabir
(FD), Mihir Kumar Doe (FD), Abu Naser Mohsin Hossain (FD), Md. Belayet Hossain (FD), Nirmal
Kumar Paul (FD), M.A. Hassan (FD), Rana Deb (FD), Md. Abu Zafar and Chrisne Tansey from
WildTeam made valuable comments to enrich the document.
The nal version was prepared by Chrisna J Greenwood, Md. Mahbubul Alam, Adam CD Barlow,
Md. Anwarul Islam, Md. Abdul Aziz, and Md. Anwar Hossain.
Bangladesh Forest Department deserve special thanks for their support. KfW funded this publicaon
through IUCN’s Integrated Tiger Habitat Conservaon Programme (ITHCP). We gratefully
acknowledge their support.
ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE TEXT ........................................................................................................ v
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ 1
1. INTRODUCTION ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 2
2. GUIDING PRINCIPLES ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 6
3. CONFLICT TIGER DEFINITION ................................ ................................ ............................ 8
4. PROCESS FOR MANAGING TIGERS IN CONFLICT SITUATIONS............................................. 9
5. KEY CHALLENGES AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................ ................................ .. 19
6. APPENDICES ................................ ................................ ................................ .................. 20
Appendix 1. Guidelines to support managers in determining if incidents belong to the same ger or
more than one ger ................................................................................................................. 20
Appendix 2. Guidelines for definion of a conict zone....................................................................... 21
Appendix 3. Hazing techniques ............................................................................................................. 22
Appendix 4. Guidelines for ger isolaon and rehabilitaon ............................................................... 22
Appendix 5. Consideraons regarding fing gers with radio or satellite collars .............................. 24
Appendix 6. Consideraons regarding permanent removal of gers .................................................. 25
Appendix 7. Human ger conict data ................................................................................................. 25
7. LITERATURE CITED ................................ ................................ ................................ ......... 26
Bangladesh Forest Department
Co-Management Commiee
Community Patrol Group
Emergency Tiger Response Team
Forest Tiger Response Team
Human Tiger Conict
Non-governmental Organisaon
Sundarbans Reserve Forest
Village Tiger Response Team
The Bangladesh Sundarbans is one of the most conicted ger habitats in the world. Human ger
conict (HTC) is a common phenomenon where gers persist resulng in deaths and injuries of both
people and gers, as well as livestock losses. Such incidents have led to negave atudes towards
gers among local communies, making the implementaon of ger conservaon acons
challenging. With respect to the objecves and strategic acons of Bangladesh Tiger Acon Plans
(2009-2017 and 2018-2027), it is necessary to determine the response steps and improve
coordinaon among actors for beer quality and speedier responses in real-me HTC situaons.
This manual provides a set of guiding principles and clear direcon by clarifying roles and
responsibilies across all actors for conict management situaons. The guiding principles are: In a
conict situaon, (i) a human’s life takes priority over a ger’s life, complying with exisng
legislaon; and (ii) a ger’s life takes priority over a livestock animal’s life; (iii) the level of conict
will remain at a minimum level; (iv) conict management aims to reduce further human suffering;
and (v) ger suffering; and (vi) successful conict management requires the posive parcipaon of
all actors.
To provide clear direcon and processes for managing conict situaon, the guidelines define
conict gers based on certain criteria such as whether: (i) the ger has killed two or more people
inside the forest; (ii) the ger has injured or killed one or more people inside the village as a result of
an unprovoked aack; (iii) the ger has injured or killed two or more livestock inside a village; and
(iv) the ger has entered into a village on two or more occasions. In addion, the manual provides
systemac diagrams that clarify roles and responsibilies of all actors in each step of managing
conict situaons, following the guiding principles and possible scenarios based on field experience.
While the set processes can be adjusted to suit unique situaons, the guiding principles must be
followed, with clear jusficaon for adjusng process communicated and agreed by the involved
The manual also highlights potenal challenges and provides recommendaons for improving the
knowledge base to beer manage HTC and other emerging situaons like climate change and
disasters. Overall, the manual aims to improve the quality and speed of responses to real-me HTC
situaons by clarifying response steps for all actors, promote ger conservaon, and reduce
negave atudes towards it.
Box 1. Actors for managing HTC
Bangladesh Forest Department
Community Patrol Group (CPG)
Co-Management Committee (CMC)
Village Tiger Response Team (VTRT)
Forest Tiger Response Team (FTRT)
Emergency Tiger Response Team
Local community members
NGO staff
Local government
The coexistence of gers and humans has a long-standing history (Bhaarai 2009), with human ger
conict (HTC) being a common phenomenon in areas where gers persist (Schwerdtner and Bernd
2007, Bhaarai 2009). The Sundarbans (Fig. 1), a naturally occurring connuous mangrove forest in
the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta, is a prime example of this, with a parcularly high level of HTC in the
region (Barlow 2009). Spanning over 10,263 km2, the Sundarbans is the largest connuous mangrove
forest in the world distributed across Bangladesh and India. The Sundarbans Reserve Forest (SRF) of
Bangladesh covers approximately 6,017 km2, constuting nearly half of Bangladesh’s remaining
natural forest. While there is no permanent human habitaon inside the SRF, about 2 million people
live alongside the SRF in 8 sub-districts (upazilas), with most villagers from the 76 border villages
directly relying on the SRF's natural resources, such as fish, crabs, and honey, for their livelihood
(Dhar 2011, Inskip et al. 2013).
Due to the dependency of local communies on SRF resources, and the close proximity of villages to
the SRF, HTC is the major issue for ger conservaon in this landscape (Fig. 1). Every year in the
region approximately 50 people, 60-80 livestock, and 1-3 gers are either injured or killed as a
consequence of HTC (Rahman et al. 2009, Barlow et al. 2013). These incidences have reduced to a
very low level in recent mes (Fig. 2). However, any loss of human life and livestock can have a
devastang impact, both emoonally and economically, on the affected family. The impact of HTC
leads to negave atudes towards gers within local communies and thus makes the
implementaon of ger conservaon acons challenging (Löe and Röskaft 2004, Goodrich 2010,
Goodrich et al. 2011).
The Bangladesh Forest Department (BFD) formulated the Bangladesh Tiger Acon Plan (BTAP), to
outline conservaon goals, objecves, and acvies for 2009-2017 (Ahmad et al. 2009), this has
since been updated for the subsequent 10 years
(Khan et al. 2018). One of the BTAP objecves is to
minimize human ger conict, with an associated
strategic acon to develop HTC migaon acvies
and supporng protocols to reduce ger, human, and
livestock killings (Ahmad et al. 2009). With respect to
the BTAP's objecves and strategic acons, it is
necessary to dramacally improve the quality and
speed of response to deal with real-me ger
incidents. Increasing the efficiency and speed of
responses in real-me HTC situaons can be achieved
by determining the response steps (Figs. 3 and 4) and
improving coordinaon amongst actors (Box 1) by
clarifying, agreeing, and communicang roles and
The objecve of this document is, therefore, to provide:
A set of guiding principles to give overall direcon across all actors in all conict
management situaons.
A set of processes for managing each type of conict incident.
Clear direcon regarding roles and responsibilies for conict ger situaons.
This document does not include technical details on rst aid for human injuries caused by gers,
ger capture, immobilizaon, collaring, or euthanasia. Neither does this document cover the other
aspects of HTC management such as compensaon support, medical assistance, livelihood support,
or preventave measures such as awareness acvies, work safety knowledge, and livestock
The guidelines outlined in this document are based on exisng knowledge and can be updated
periodically to reect changes in the knowledge base and management approaches.
Figure 1. Levels of HTC around the Sundarbans (data recorded 2008-2022 by WildTeam).
These principles underpin all conict management acvies. They also provide guidance in new
scenarios that might arise, and which are not included in the decision trees in this document. The
guiding principles are outlined in Box 2.
Box 2. Guiding principles for conflict management acvies.
A human’s life takes priority over a gers life in a conflict situaon: However, acons
must comply with exisng legislaon such as the Wildlife Act.
A gers life takes priority over a livestock animals life in a conflict situaon.
Conflict management aims to reduce further human suffering: For example, acve
management of the ger must be started at the rst opportunity to prevent further
aacks on humans and to prevent the death of the ger where possible. Delay in
response costs human lives and ger lives.
Conflict management aims to reduce ger suffering: Through the applicaon of animal
welfare pracces and by starng acve management of the ger at the rst opportunity
to prevent the ger from being killed or from being killed inhumanely.
Successful conflict management requires the posive parcipaon of all actors: This is
necessary to ensure effecve, collaborave conict management between actors.
The rst ever rescue of a female ger from a village called Kadamtala of Satkhira range of
Sundarbans on February 19, 2011. The gress strayed into the village which was then successfully
rescued and released back to the forest by the Forest Department and Village Tiger Response Team
A ger is defined as a conict ger if it meets any of the below criteria:
The tiger has killed two or more people inside the forest: Results of a study in the SRF
suggest that approximately 50% of the gers that kill people, kill only one person (Barlow
2009). It is possible that the gers that only aack once are doing so as a result of a ger
protecng itself, its cubs, or its food. Alternavely, a ger may kill a person opportuniscally,
rather than hunng humans (McDougal 1987). Whatever the reason, these gers are not
classed as “conict gers” as they may not reoffend, so there is no benefit from taking
further acon to manage them. If the ger kills more than two humans inside the forest,
however, then this may be an indicaon that the ger is acvely hunng humans and is
likely to aack humans again, and therefore should be classified as a conict ger (Barlow et
al. 2013).
The ger has injured or killed one or more people inside the village as a result of an
unprovoked aack: Tigers that have injured or killed people inside the village in response to
a crowd of people taunng the ger or trying to harm it are not counted as a conict ger,
because in this case the ger is acng in self-defense. However, a ger is classied as a
conict ger if it has entered a village and injured or killed a person as a result of an
unprovoked aack, because (considering the circumstances) it is likely that this ger will
aack again.
The ger has injured or killed two or more livestock animals inside a village: The threshold
of killing two or more livestock animals is set to allow for the chance that the ger that
injures or kills one livestock animal may not connue to kill another. Once a ger has killed
two or more livestock animals, however, then that is an indicaon that the ger is likely to
aack again and can therefore be classed as a conict ger. The definion includes only
livestock that are killed inside the village. If a ger kills livestock that is inside the forest, then
(a) the livestock is in the ger’s territory so the ger cannot be blamed for killing the
livestock and (b) the livestock should not be in the forest in the rst place because livestock
grazing is illegal.
The ger has entered into a village on two or more occasions: If the ger has entered a
village on two or more occasions it is classed as a conict ger because it is likely to connue
to enter the village and possibly aack a human or livestock.
The following process diagrams outline the steps to follow for each type of ger conict incident that occurs either inside a village (Fig. 1) or inside the forest (Fig. 2). Indicave "me elapsed" has
been included for some of the process steps.
Figure 3. Process diagram for managing conict ger situaons that occur inside a village.
Inside Forest Incidents
6. An i njured tiger is in a village.
7. A tiger is in a villag e and too fa r from the
forest t o be scared ba ck.
8. A tig er in a village and is surrounded by
un manageabl e crowd.
9. A tig er killing livesto ck on a reg ular basis
from a p articular villa ge.
10. A tiger has killed/i njured one or more
people in a unpro voked situati on.
11. An i njured tiger has st rayed in a village .
12. A tig er already h as identified as a
conflict t iger.
A. Sca re the tiger
back to the forest
B. Monitor the
area to identify
further in cidents
START >>> 1. A tig er is in a village and is n ear enoug h
to the forest to be s cared back.
2. A tiger has been sighted inside a village
but is n ot there now.
3. A tiger has killed o ne or more livestock in
a singl e attack and no concurre nt incident
has happene d.
4. A tiger has killed/i njured a pers on in a
provoked situation.
5. A tig er already h as identified as a non
conflict t iger.
C2. Cap ture and
immobili se tiger
C9. Permanently
remove the tiger
from fore st
C8. Reh abilitate
in isolation facility
and release are
C4. Collar and
release th e tiger
C5. Und ertake
24h moni toring of
the tiger i ncluding
C6. E stablish
Conflic t Zone
Level 2
Time elap sed: As per an aesthesia recovery time
Time elap sed:
As long as it
takes to
the tiger an d
Time elap sed:
These steps
happe n
simultaneous ly
C1. Establish
Conflict Zone
Level 1
C. Activ e tiger manage ment to reduce fu rther human and tige r suffering
Inside village incidents
Does the tiger
pass health
Does the tiger
pass health
C9. Perman ently
remove the tiger
from fore st
It is important to note, however, that there are many factors inuencing each conict ger situaon,
so the process to be followed may somemes need to be tailored to a specic situaon as long as
the guiding principles are sll followed and there is clear jusficaon for adjusng a process. So, a
discussion would help to make people aware of this.
Addional informaon to explain each process step is as follows:
A. Scare the ger back to the forest
This opon is carried out if the ger in the village is close enough to the forest to be scared back to
the forest without causing danger to people and the ger. Best pracce is to keep the crowd well
away from the ger and to rst clear the area between the ger and the forest before trying to scare
it back to the forest using hazing techniques. The roles and responsibilies for this opon are listed
in Table 1. If a ger is too far from the forest or there are people in between the ger and the forest,
then scaring the ger back to the forest becomes dangerous for humans and the ger alike.
Table 1. Roles and responsibilies for scaring the ger back to the forest
Responsible actor
Crowd managers
Physically (but peacefully) keep the crowd at a
safe distance from the ger.
VTRT, CMC, local law
enforcement agencies,
Instruct the villagers to support the management
acon by dispersing from the crowd or keeping a
safe distance away.
Inform villagers about the situaon and
management response as they develop.
Local government
(chairman and members)
Tiger scarers
Communicate with crowd managers.
Scare the ger back to the forest.
B. Monitor the area to idenfy further incidents
If the ger is not a conict ger, then there is no benefit in managing the ger directly. Data from all
incidents will be recorded in a central database and monitored to watch for paerns which could
lead to the idenficaon of a conict ger. The roles and responsibilies for this management
opon are listed in Table 2. See Appendix 1 for guidance about how to determine if two incidents
belong to the same ger or separate gers.
Table 2. Roles and responsibilies for monitoring the area to idenfy further incidents
Responsible actor
HTC data collectors
Record all HTC incidents
BFD, VTRT, CPG, Experts,
Experienced NGO
HTC data managers
Collate, analyse, and report on HTC data
BFD, Experienced NGO,
A conict zone is defined as an area in
which people are at risk of ger aack
both in forests and villages. The smallest
administrave unit of the Sundarbans
(compartment) can be declared as a
conict zone for in forest cases. For village
cases the adjacent area of the village can
be declared a conict zone. Conict zones
are delineated in terms of compartments,
with the number and locaon of
compartments being determined by the
distribuon of conict incidents.
Compartments are chosen to delineate
conict zones because compartments are
large enough to contain one or more ger
territories and are an already established
administrave unit.
C1. Establish conict zone level 1
This acvity happens when intensive management of an area is required to prevent further loss of
humans, livestock, and the ger’s life. This acvity includes:
Defining a “conict zone” and seng rules to
stop people from entering this zone at any
me, day, or night (Box 3).
Placing prominent markers to mark the
boundaries of the zone, e.g., red ags on
trees and on posts driven into the mud.
Patrolling the “conict zone” to
communicate and enforce the rules
prevenng access.
Dispatching a team to spread awareness
among local people so that they know (a)
that a conict zone level 1 has been set up,
(b) the whereabouts of the conict zone, and
(c) the rules restricng entry to that zone.
It is recommended that the conict zone level 1 is
maintained as such unl the ger has been captured
or zero conict incidents have occurred in the area
for at least a month. The roles and responsibilies for
this management opon are listed in Table 3. See
Appendix 2 for guidance about how to define a conict zone.
Table 3. Roles and responsibilies for establishing conict zone level 1
Responsible actor
Conict zone
Define conict zone area on map with input from
HTC monitoring team
Concerned Range Ocer
(ACF) of BFD
Conict zone
Place physical markers along boundary of conict
Patrol conict zone and enforce conict zone
Communicate zone area and rules to community
and local Forest Department staff.
BFD staff, FTRT, CPG
C 1.1 Monitor the ger's movements
This acon will involve camera trapping to track the ger's movements and collect ancillary
informaon on the ger's body condion. Informaon obtained from this step will help support
future actions involving capture and immobilizaon of the ger.
The roles and responsibilies for this management opon are listed in Table 4.
Table 4. Roles and responsibilies for monitoring the ger’s movement
Responsible actor
Tiger monitoring
Track the ger's movements and behaviour
BFD ocers and staff,
Experienced NGO (if any),
VTRT, CPG, experts (if any)
C2. Capture and immobilize ger
For technical guidance on how to capture and immobilize a ger see the associated Wild ger
capture and immobilizaon manual (Lewis et al. 2012). The roles and responsibilies for this
management opon are listed in Table 5.
Table 5. Roles and responsibilies for ger immobilisaon and relocaon
Responsible actor
Tiger capture team
Immobilise and capture the ger
Emergency Tiger Response
Team (ETRT)
C3. Does the ger pass health check?
This step involves a thorough examinaon of the ger in order to ascertain the best course of acon
e.g., if the ger is fit enough for immediate release, requires rehabilitaon or permanent removal
from the wild. The examinaon should be carried out by experienced wildlife veterinarians and/or
trained wildlife biologists (Goodrich 2010).
If the ger meets any of the following criteria, then it should be considered unfit for release:
Has impaired physical condion: The ger is badly injured, lost its eyes, emaciated,
dehydrated, diseased, or otherwise too
old to survive (catch prey) on its own.
Is showing dangerous behaviour: The
ger is connuously coming back to
villages or aacking people inside the
forest despite all aempts to prevent it
from doing so.
If the ger is found to be unfit for release, then it
cannot be immediately released back into the
forest because the ger:
Will suffer (be in considerable pain) due to
its bad physical condion
Will suffer (through starvaon) due to an
inability to hunt
May re-enter a village and be killed by a crowd of villagers, or aack villagers and livestock
May be killed covertly by villagers e.g., by poisoning
May spread any disease to other gers in the populaon (CITES 1997, IUCN 2000)
Box 4. Implicaons of a lactang gress
A lactang gress implies that she has
dependent cubs living in the forest
somewhere. Cubs are reliant on their
mother's milk from birth unl the cubs are
about 6 months of age (Sunquist and Sunquis
2002). During the lactaon period, cubs are
unable to source their own food and will die
without their mother's milk. Therefore, any
decision regarding what to do with the gress
must take into account the presence of her
cubs and their inability to survive in the forest
on their own without her.
If a ger is lactang (and therefore has dependent cubs living somewhere in the forest) (Box 4) and
fails a health-check, then it will sll not be released because the ger will in any case not be t
enough to provide food for itself or its cubs. However, in this situaon (or if a lactang gress has
otherwise been killed) then an aempt should be made to capture the cubs (Box 5), but only if there
are rehabilitaon or safari/zoo facilies available that meet internaonal standards for animal
The roles and responsibilies for this management opon are listed in Table 6.
Table 6. Roles and responsibilies for checking the health of ger
Responsible actor
Tiger health
Conduct health check to determine if the ger is
fit or not for release
Wildlife vet or
experienced wildlife
biologist from the BFD or
Experienced NGO and
experts (if any)
Tiger release
Provide authorisaon to release or not release a
ger based on the assessment of the ger health
C4. Radio or satellite collar and release the ger
Collar the ger if it is not already collared. If the ger is already collared, then take the opportunity
to check the condion of the collar and make any adjustments/replace the baery if needed. See
Appendix 5 to understand the consideraons regarding fing gers with radio or satellite collars.
There are two opons for release:
For gers which are believed to be territory holders: Release the ger within or as near as
possible to the area believed to be its territory. This is because gers are territorial and
there are gers all over the SRF. This means that there is likely to be lile or no
available/empty territories in the forest. Therefore, if a ger is released at locaon far away
from where it was captured, then it will likely meet with the territory holder of that other
area and be injured or killed through ghng or leave that area to return to its own territory.
Box 5. Locang cubs
Locang cubs is a difficult and potenally dangerous exercise. However, locang cubs can be
aempted by either:
Tracking the female ger's secondary signs (pugmarks) back into the forest to see if that
leads to the cubs.
Searching for cub tracks by boat or on foot within the area close to where the gress was
Any eorts to locate cubs should be stopped aer 5 days, because aer that me the cubs are
likely to have died. It is also very important to ensure that cubs not associated with the captured
gress are captured by mistake.
If at some point in the future, a ger populaon survey indicates areas that are empty of
gers or have a skewed sex rao, this will likely be due to a threat such as ger poaching,
prey poaching, or habitat destrucon. Therefore, a ger should not be released in an empty
area because it will likely meet with the same threats and therefore the same fate as the
previous occupant (IUCN 1987). This has happened with gers in other countries e.g., Russia
(Goodrich and Miquelle 2005).
For gers which are believed to be transient animals: Release in another area of the forest
far away from human habitaon.
For gers which are believed to be cubs or juveniles: Release these gers very close to the
capture site as they are dependent on their mother providing them with food to survive.
The roles and responsibilies for this management opon are listed in Table 7.
Table 7. Roles and responsibilies for collaring and releasing the ger
Responsible actor
Tiger collar fier
Fit collar
Wildlife vet or
experienced wildlife
biologist from BFD or
experienced NGO and
Tiger collaring
Provide authorisaon to collar the ger
C5. Connuous monitoring of the collared ger including aversive condioning
A team should track the ger’s movements for 24-hours per day. If the team observes that the ger
is approaching people/a village area, then the team will then use hazing techniques to scare the ger
back to the forest to ensure human and ger safety. Also, this monitoring will help enable the forest
resource users to avoid the ger’s locaon. See Appendix 3 for more on hazing techniques.
It is important to note that 24-hour monitoring of the collared ger does not remove the risk of
further aacks. There are factors out of the control of managers including: the high human
populaon adjacent to the forest, the ease of access to the forest, the high number of forest users,
and that individual ger might be unresponsive to aversive condioning. The roles and
responsibilies for this management opon are listed in Table 8.
Table 8. Roles and responsibilies for 24-hour monitoring of the collared ger
Responsible actor
Tiger monitoring
Monitor ger's movements.
Warn forest users of ger's locaon.
Haze ger if it threatens to enter a village or
aack a forest user.
Experienced wildlife
biologist and field staff
from the BFD or
experienced NGO and
C6. Establish Conict Zone Level 2
This acvity happens when the conict ger has been collared and released back into the area. The
ger is now being monitored 24-hours per day, so the risk of aack is reduced, but the ger is sll
present in the area, so people must remain alert. Within a conict zone level 2 the following rules
People can only enter in their boats and are not allowed to set foot on land
People must not enter the conict zone unless absolutely necessary
Entry is only allowed during daylight
People can only enter as part of a group
Managing the conict zone level 2 includes the following:
Defining and delineang the conict zone
Patrolling the conict zone to enforce the rules
Communicang with the local villagers and authories to ensure there is awareness of the
conict zone level 2 rules and acvies
It is recommended that the conict zone level 2 is maintained for the duraon of the life of the
collared ger. The roles and responsibilies for this management opon are listed in Table 9.
Table 9. Roles and responsibilies for establishing conict zone 2
Responsible actor
Conict zone
Define conict zone area on map with input from
HTC monitoring team
Range Officer (ACF) of
Conict zone
Place physical markers along boundary of conict
Patrol conict zone and enforce conict zone
Communicate zone area and rules to community
and local Forest Department staff
Local BFD staff, CPG/
C7. Rehabilitaon and release are possible?
In order for rehabilitaon to be possible, the following three factors must be met:
A ger isolaon and rehabilitaon facility of internaonal standards is available in the
SRF: The ger isolaon and rehabilitaon facility must meet the criteria outlined in Appendix
The gers condion is treatable: Some animals which are in bad physical condion may be
unlikely to survive in their present state if le untreated, but they might have a good chance
of recovery to hunng fitness if they are treated at a ger isolaon and rehabilitaon facility
(Goodrich et al. 2001).
It is possible to collar and monitor the ger aer release: The ger can only be released if
post-release monitoring is guaranteed (IUCN 1995). For gers, this is done by fing them
with a collar and monitoring for 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. If there is insufficient
manpower and equipment to collar and monitor the ger, then the ger cannot be released
as it will be a risk to people and to the ger itself. In this case go to step C9, permanently
remove the ger from the forest. An injured ger that is not idenfied as a conict ger can
be released aer successful rehabilitaon without collaring.
The roles and responsibilies for this management opon are listed in Table 10.
Table 10. Roles and responsibilies for rehabilitang and releasing ger
Responsible actor
Tiger rehabilitaon
Provide authorisaon to rehabilitate the ger
BFD (including
experienced wildlife vet)
C8. Rehabilitate in isolaon facility
In this step, the ger is rehabilitated in the ger isolaon and rehabilitaon facility which meets the
criteria outlined in Appendix 4. The ger is deemed ready for release once it has been restored to
hunng fitness. Hunng fitness can be defined as the capacity and behaviour to collect or hunt food
or prey from nature. The roles and responsibilies for this management opon are listed in Table 11.
Table 11. Roles and responsibilies for rehabilitang ger in isolaon facility
Responsible actor
Tiger isolaon and
facility managers
Isolate, treat, and rehabilitate the ger unl it is
fit for release
BFD (including
experienced wildlife vet)
Tiger release
Provide authorisaon to release the ger
BFD (including
experienced wildlife vet)
C9. Permanently remove ger from forest
This step is reached if earlier steps have conrmed that the ger cannot be released because there is
a high risk that the ger may:
Aack humans
Suffer due to its bad physical condion and inability to hunt
Be killed by villagers
Not be able to be rehabilitated
Therefore, there is no choice but to remove the ger from the forest permanently. The opons
available for permanent removal are:
Keep the ger in a safari park or zoo that meets internaonal animal welfare standards.
Mercy killing: Also known as euthanasia, the opons for euthanasia have been described in
the Wild ger capture and immobilisaon manual (Lewis et al. 2012) and as per arcle 8(1)
of Wildlife (Conservaon and Security) Act, 2012. For details see Appendix 6.
The roles and responsibilies for this management opon are listed in Table 12.
Table 12. Roles and responsibilies for permanently removing ger from forest
Responsible actor
Tiger removal to
safari park or zoo
Provide authorisaon for removing the ger to a
safari park or zoo
Tiger removal team
Removing the ger to a safari park or zoo
BFD (including
experienced wildlife vet),
Experienced NGO, wildlife
vet, VTRT
Tiger euthanasia
Provide authorisaon for euthanizing the ger
Tiger euthanasia
Euthanize the ger
BFD (including
experienced wildlife vet)
A female ger was successfully rescued from the village Anghara of Khulna range of Sundarbans on
January 14, 2012, by Bangladesh Forest Department, Village Tiger Response Team (VTRT) and Forest
Tiger Response Team (FTRT).
Efficient management of human ger conict (HTC) situaons requires effecve and mely
coordinaon among pares (Box 1) with varying roles in managing the situaon. Bangladesh Forest
Department (BFD), as the legal guardian managing the forest and its resources, should be leading the
process in a HTC situaon, together with other relevant pares. However, BFD is suffering from
inadequate nance and lack of skilled manpower, or access to modern technologies and equipment
for tackling current and future novel problems.
Novel problems due to climate change may have widespread impacts on wildlife, ecosystem
funconality, and human livelihoods through changes in temperature and precipitaon regimes,
changes in seasonality, increased salinity, sedimentaon, and sea-level rise (Ghimire & Vikas 2012).
Disasters like cyclones and unusual dal surges may cause injuries or death of gers and their prey
species. It is imperave to prepare our exisng and next generaon manpower with the advanced
analycal skills for beer management of our resources and to tackle novel problems.
To overcome the above key challenges, the following steps should be taken:
Establish a specialised team under the Wildlife Management and Nature Conservaon
Division, Khulna. The team should consist of trained vets and compounders who can provide
vital support during HTC situaons.
Develop a workow within each field-based range team of the BFD and assign a key person
to collaborate with other stakeholders to manage and respond to HTC situaons.
Training on how to migate the human-wildlife conict be arranged for the four range-based
Acquire analycal capabilies to remove dependency on commercial soware by using free
open-source programming languages such as R and Python. Enhance skills for government
staff, NGOs, community supporters, and future generaons through quantave training
sessions from people who have received higher degrees from overseas and are experts in
the field. The same approach can be taken to up-skill for climate change analyses.
A wildlife rehabilitaon centre be built for wildlife in the Sundarbans.
Establish a framework of systemac documentaon of HTC management for future use in
computaonal analyses.
Strengthen SMART Patrolling for law enforcement as well as monitoring wildlife species
including gers and their prey species.
Promote co-management acvies and conduct awareness programs.
Involve and coordinate acons with community members, development partners, local
NGOs, and relevant stakeholders.
The heavy dependence of local communies on forest resources has created a situaon where
human-ger-conict (HTC) connues to persist in the Sundarbans. As long as people rely on the
forest for their livelihoods and essenal needs, the risk of encountering gers and conicts between
humans and wildlife remains. To address this issue, it is crucial to priorise the creaon of
alternave livelihood opportunies for the communies living around the Sundarbans. By offering
alternave sources of income and livelihood opons, such as sustainable agriculture, eco-tourism, or
skill development programs, pressure on the forest’s resources can be reduced.
Appendix 1. Guidelines to support managers in determining if
incidents belong to the same ger or more than one ger
It is difficult to be 100% certain that mulple incidents (human or livestock aacks) belong to the
same ger without clear evidence, for example, photographic evidence conrming matching stripe
paerns. However, for management purposes, in order to prevent loss of human, livestock, and
ger life, it is necessary to deduce if mulple incidents are aributable to one or mulple gers. This
deducon needs to consider the following:
For a territory holder, if the second incident happens within an area that matches the size of a
territory, then a reasonable assumpon would be that it is the same ger carrying out the aacks.
However, when a ger aacks it is usually unclear as to whether the ger is female or male, so to be
conservave, the larger territory size of the male ger instead of the female ger can be used i.e.,
32km2 (Table 13). Likewise, territory holders can live for several years, and, because of the high
numbers of forest resource users and livestock, these gers will have mulple opportunies to
aack humans or livestock. Therefore, if a second ger aack incident occurs within a 32 km 2 area
within a 6-month period it seems reasonable to assume that both incidents are aributable to the
same ger. If the incidents occur within the 32 km2 area but more than 6 months apart, then it is
reasonable to assume that the incidents are aributable to more than one ger.
However, transient gers may move over larger distances because they are not restricted to a
territory that they are defending. If incidents are being carried out by a transient, therefore, it is
more difficult to deduce that the incidents are aributable to the same ger. An inspecon of the
paern (locaon and me) of incidents is required to determine if there is a reasonable chance that
the incidents are aributable to the same ger. For example, mulple incidents may start to form a
paern which shows a possible transient ger moving along the forest village boundary in a cert ain
Finally, considering that gers in the SRF probably move a maximum of about 11.3 km in 24 hrs (and
probably a lot less) (Barlow 2009), then it may be possible to use the me and distance between
incidents to deduce if it is possible or not that those incidents could have been carried out by the
same ger.
Table 13. Available ger territory size and daily movement data for Sundarbans gers
Type of ger
Sundarbans data
Territorial female
The mean distance moved is 3.6 km/day within its territory, with a
maximum of 11.3 km/day for one ger and 10 km/day for a second
ger. A mean female territory size is 14.2 km2 (Barlow 2009, Barlow
et al. 2011).
Territorial male
There is no data available for male territory sizes in the SRF. So, for
the me being, male: female rao data available from Nepal (Smith
and McDougal 1991) can be used to calculate a male territory size.
In Nepal the rao is 1 male: 2.25 females (Smith and McDougal
1991). Using the mean female territory size of 14.2 km2 from the SRF
(Barlow 2009, Barlow et al . 2011) and the Nepal rao gives a male
territory size of 32 km
Young female transient
No data
Young male transient
No data
Old female transient
No data
Old male transient
No data
Appendix 2. Guidelines for definion of a conflict zone
The smallest administrave unit of the Sundarbans (compartment) can be declared as a conict zone
in forest cases and for village cases the adjacent compartment of the village can be declared a
conict zone.
A “conict zone” is defined as an area in which people are at risk of ger aack. We cannot be sure
if a conict ger is a territory holder or a transient animal which makes it dicult to work out the
area in which the ger is operang i.e., the conict zone. Nonetheless, managers sll need to
determine a conict zone so that they know where to patrol.
For a ger which is suspected to be a transient animal - transient animals can move as
many as 11km/day (Barlow 2009, Barlow et al. 2011) and in any direcon.
For a ger which is suspected to be a territory holder - The territory size of a female
Sundarbans ger is between 12 and 40 km2 (Barlow 2009). Therefore, it is esmated that the
territory size of a male ger is between 36 and 160 km2 (Barlow et al . 2011) based on the
knowledge that a male ger includes three to four female gers in his territory. We usually
cannot usually be certain about the sex of the ger, so we must be conservave and assume
it is a male ger in order to take the larger area.
Appendix 3. Hazing techniques
Hazing is a method of negave associaon that safely compels a ger to move away from humans.
These techniques can restore a ger’s natural avoidance of humans and minimise the interacons.
The basic hazing techniques are:
Stand tall, make yourself big, shout, move your hands
Use air whistle, fire crackers
Use water guns, color guns.
Do not run from the ger as it may smulate its hunt/chase mechanism.
Appendix 4. Guidelines for ger isolaon and rehabilitaon
Creang isolaon and rehabilitaon facilies that meet best pracce standards is necessary to
increase the chance of achieving successful ger re-introducons into the wild. Overall, the facilies
need to provide for both the basic and higher needs of the ger, including social, mental, physical,
and emoonal needs. The objecve is, therefore, to create an interacve habitat that allows the
ger to live its life most closely aligned with a ger’s life in the wild (Forman et al. 2001) and that
meets the 5 freedoms of animal welfare (Box 6). To achieve this objecve the following minimum
basic criteria should be met.
The facility must meet internaonal animal welfare standards.
The facility should be located within the SRF and as far away as possible from human
habitaon or tourist spots to minimise the ger’s exposure to disturbances that may
otherwise interfere with its rehabilitaon and recovery.
The rehabilitaon enclosures will be as large as possible and contain natural wild habitat.
The rao of ger to enclosure will be 1:1 to simulate the solitary existence of gers in the
There will be solid concrete walls that are at least 4 m high so that the gers are not
disturbed by people or other gers.
There will be a one-metre internal wire mesh overhang extending at a 45-degrees angle
from the boundary of the enclosure, along with at least one strand of electric wire.
The facility will have large rehabilitaon enclosures.
Wildlife veterinarian(s) who are specially trained in wildlife veterinary medicine will be
available at this facility to provide treatment as required for the duraon of the ger’s stay.
There will be a holding/treatment block placed separately from the rehabilitaon
enclosures. This will contain a room big enough for full anaesthesia and examinaon, and a
small outside paddock.
In addion to the design of the facilies, best pracce for care and handling of the gers should be
followed based on the below minimum criteria:
Box 6. The 5 freedoms of animal welfare:
1. Freedom from hunger or thirst by ready access to fresh
water and a diet to maintain full health and vigour
2. Freedom from discomfort by providing an appropriate
environment including shelter and a comfortable resng area
3. Freedom from pain, injury or disease by prevenon or
rapid diagnosis and treatment
4. Freedom to express (most) normal behaviour by providing
sufficient space, proper facilies, and company of the animal's
own kind
5. Freedom from fear and distress by ensuring condions and
treatment which avoid mental suffering
The ger should receive
its inial check-up and
treatment at the
Once treated, the ger
should be shied to the
complete isolaon of
the rehabilitaon
enclosure for however
long it takes for any
wounds to heal and
unl the ger is
restored to hunng
fitness and therefore ready for release.
The ger should not be kept for a long me in the facility. The ger should be restored to
hunng fitness by specialist veterinary treatment as quickly as possible and then released
back into the wild.
The only human contact should be from the wildlife veterinarian who will check on the
ger’s condion and provide treatment as required.
Food and water should be put in the enclosure discreetly, i.e., without direct human-ger
No other contact between humans and the ger should be permied, because the more
human contact the ger experiences, the more likely it is to lose its fear of humans and
reduce the chances of a successful release.
Not meeng all the above criteria is likely to result in:
Mental and physical suering to any ger kept at the facility
An increased chance of a ger surviving aer being released into the wild from the facility
An increased chance of a ger being involved in human ger conict incidents aer its
Informaon sources for the above guidelines include Forman et al. (2001), Goodrich et al. (2001),
Goodrich and Miquelle (2005), and Sarah Chrise, coordinator of managed conservaon breeding
programmes for gers in European zoos & Manager of Tiger Zoo Programme in Russia (pers.
Appendix 5. Consideraons regarding fing gers with radio or
satellite collars
Fing animals with radio or satellite collars to track the animal's movements is a common approach
used by wildlife managers and sciensts. Being able to follow a ger’s movements in real-me
enables a monitoring team to ancipate and react to situaons that may otherwise harm the ger,
humans, or livestock. Deciding to collar or not collar a ger, however, requires consideraon of the
effects to both humans and the gers.
Releasing a ger without a satellite collar means that the ger's locaon, movements, and behaviour
cannot be monitored, which in turn may lead to:
An increased chance of the ger being poached
An increased chance of the ger straying into a village and being injured or killed by villagers
An increased chance of the ger aacking livestock or humans
Releasing a ger with a satellite collar means that the ger's locaon, movements, and behaviour
can be monitored, which may lead to:
A decreased chance of the tiger being poached
If the ger is poached, then there may be an increased chance of catching the poachers,
which may result in saving gers lives that would otherwise be lost should the poachers
connue to be acve
A decreased chance of the ger straying into a village and being injured or killed by villagers
A decreased chance of the ger aacking livestock or humans
Releasing a ger with a satellite collar may also provide the following benefits:
An improved understanding of conict ger behaviour/paerns, which may help to design
more effecve human ger conict management approaches
Improved understanding of ger resource needs
Improved understanding of threats to gers
To ensure the ger's welfare needs are met and that it is able to fully express its natural behaviour in
the wild, strict guidelines should be followed relang to the size and fing of collars, and the related
process for ger immobilisaon (Lewis et al. 2012). Likewise, the collaring should ensure adherence
to the 5 freedoms of animal welfare (Box 6).
Appendix 6. Consideraons regarding permanent removal of gers
The two opons for permanent removal of a ger from the SRF are removal to a safari park/zoo and
euthanasia. Selecon of either opon should ensure adherence to the 5 freedoms of animal welfare
(Box 6), and the following consideraons:
Permanent removal to a safari park/zoo:
This should only be done if the facility in queson meets internaonal standards for animal
care. Otherwise, the ger is likely to be exposed to physical harm or mental stress.
Permanent removal by euthanasia:
This opon is always a last resort but may be necessary to ensure the ger does not suffer
undue physical or mental stress that it would otherwise be exposed to by being housed in
facilies that do not meet internaonal standards for animal care. Euthanasia can be done
quickly and painlessly if best pracce guidelines are followed (Lewis et al. 2012).
Appendix 7. Human ger conflict data
Human Tiger Conflict Summary
Year Number of human incidents Number of ger incidents Number of livestock
incidents Total
2008 28 9 37 1 0 0 1 31 0 31 69
2009 42 10 52 2 0 4 6 15 0 15 73
2010 36 18 54 2 0 14 16 16 0 16 86
2011 34 19 53 1 0 2 3 20 1 21 77
2012 36 11 47 2 0 73 75 136 8 144 266
Total incidents
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Sundarbans is the world's largest contiguous mangrove forest and is a designated world heritage site. Shared by India and Bangladesh, it is home to several species including tigers. The habitat supports approximately 4.37 million people. As per the research conducted it is believed that the Sundarbans have soaked in 4.15 crore tonnes of carbon dioxide. Due to climate change the Sundarbans faces several challenges. With rising sea levels, islands are disappearing and the increasing salinity in the water and soil has severely threatened the health of mangrove forests and the quality of soil and crops. Additionally, there have been serious disturbances to hydrological parameters and change in fishing patterns, resulting in disastrous consequences for fishermen. Frequent cyclones and erratic monsoon raining pattern are damaging ecology and humanity. In addition to general environment protection laws, India has also set up institutes at both the Central and State levels to specifically tackle the effects of climate change on Sundarbans. However, split responsibilities between Centre and States and multitude of institutions has resulted in overlap of responsibilities, loss of time and resources, which makes the institutions ineffective. With risk of the Sundarbans submerging, there is an urgent need for global reduction of emissions and replacement of fossil fuels with renewable energy. Governments also need to promote plantation of local saline resistant seeds. Even as the State and Central Government of India finalise action plans to tackle the problems of climate change and take steps for poverty alleviation in one of the world's poorest regions, there is a pressing requirement to set up flood relief centres and rapid action response teams to cyclones and storms.
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Human-killing by tigers (Panthera tigris) in the Bangladesh Sundarbans may lead to negative attitudes and retribution killings by local communities, which in turn may have a substantial impact on the long-term viability of the tiger population. The objectives of this paper were therefore to (1) assess the scale and historical trend of tiger attacks on humans in the Bangladesh SRF, and (2) build a profile of the tigers carrying out the attacks. We collated available literature cataloging official government records of tiger attacks on humans, and built tiger profiles using the location and time of each attack. A total of 1 396 human deaths were recorded over 63 years, or an average of 22 human deaths/year. An estimated total of 110 tigers killed humans in the SRF over 23 years with a mean five victims/tiger, and most tigers that killed humans were concentrated in the west. An estimated 50% of tigers only killed one person, and tigers that killed more than one person accounted for 81% of total human fatalities. These results support recommendations for the collaring human-killing tigers and the formation of tiger response teams to reduce the number of humans killed by tigers over time.
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The Sundarbans, an UNESCO Heritage site has a large rural population which depends on natural resources for sustenance. The present paper deals with the management of the salt water intrusion of the Piyali River a tributary of the Matla River which empties into the Bay of Bengal. The study also delves into the population affected by the effects of the perennially saline river and their dependence on it for their livelihood. A look into the soil texture, seasonal variation in chloride content of soil along with pH and Electrical Conductivity (EC) levels of water sampled at different time and locations is analyzed in order to improve management options. With (EC) values of 17,000 mS and pH 8.94, sustaining the inhabitants in this area is quite chal-lenging. Under the threat of climate change, increased levels of salinity arising from sea level rise and coastal flooding will pose a serious problem to the rural inhabitants of the Sundarbans. The predicted negative im-pacts of climate change are likely to bring new challenges in addition to magnifying existing problems, par-ticularly in the Sundarbans community that already has limited capacity to adapt to these changes.
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In 1992, we began a research program on the ecology of endangered Amur (or Siberian) tigers (Panthera tigris altaica) to develop a database from which conservation plans could be developed. Radiotelemetry was a necessary part of our program because tigers are cryptic, secretive, and difficult to observe; hence, we developed techniques to capture them, equip them with radiocollars, and collect tissue and blood samples. We captured 19 tigers 23 times in 12,287 trap nights during 1992-1998, using Aldrich foot snares. Most (65%, n=23) tigers were caught at mark trees, but snares set at kills were most effective (1 capture/47 trap nights, n=6 captures). The snared foot was swollen in all cases (n=18; data on swelling were not recorded for all captures). We observed no other detectable injuries (e.g., lacerations) in 68% of 22 captures, but in the remaining captures, we observed minor lacerations in 23% of the cases, moderate injuries in 4.5%, and severe injuries in 4.5% (2 fractured metatarsals). To change radiocollars, we recaptured 8 tigers 12 times in 19 attempts from a helicopter (Russian MI-8). Tigers sustained no notable injuries because of capture from helicopter. We anesthetized tigers with a mixture of ketamine hydrochloride (x̄=10.8±3.4 mg/kg, n=33) and xylazine hydrochloride (x̄=0.81±0.24 mg/kg, n=23).
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We translocated four Amur tigers Panthera tigris altaica captured after killing domestic animals or attacking people; two were released immediately and two following 162 and 388 days rehabilitation. All were radio-collared and released 150-350 km from their cap- ture site. Two translocations were successful: the tigers caused no conflicts with people, killed wild prey, and survived their first winter, although one was poached after 1.1 year and one slipped its collar after surviving 10 months. In the two translocations that were unsuc- cessful, both tigers moved to areas of high human activ- ity and were killed by people. At least in some cases, translocation appears to be a viable alternative to killing or removing problem tigers from the wild.
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Damage compensation schemes are widely used to mitigate human–wildlife conflicts. Despite the growing relevance of such conflicts, a theoretical framework to analyze the cost-effectiveness of damage compensation schemes is still missing. The article aims to fill this gap by proposing a conceptual framework by categorizing cost categories, which can be used to compare different types of compensation schemes. To demonstrate the value of the framework, we present an example that compares ex-post compensation and compensation in advance in the European otter (Lutra lutra) in the Upper Lusatia, Germany. We find that the two types of schemes differ widely in their transaction costs. Transaction costs themselves are closely related to the temporal and spatial distribution of damages. Therefore, the choice between the two types of compensation schemes depends on the distribution of damages, which itself depends on the species under concern. Based on this, we recommend a compensation-in-advance type of damage compensation scheme for the otter in the Upper Lusatia, Germany.
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Abstract People’s perceptions of the risk posed by wild animals to human lives and/or livelihoods can influence the rate at which people intentionally kill these species. Consequently,human–wildlife conflict (HWC) management strategies may benefit from the inclusion of actions which reduce risk perceptions. This study uses Participatory Risk Mapping (PRM) and semi-structured interviews to explore local perceptions and the wider socio-economic context of human–tiger conflict (HTC) in the Bangladesh Sundarbans area. Of the 24 locally-relevant problems identified by the PRM process, tigers were the only problem to be cited by >50 % of respondents. The ‘tiger problem’ was also perceived by villagers to be of relatively high severity. Negative perceptions of tigers in the Sundarbans communities are exacerbated by other locally-experienced poverty-related problems, as well cyclones, floods and soil erosion. Interactions between the problems experienced by villagers, including HTC, result in a complex ‘risk web’ which detrimentally affects lives and livelihoods and ultimately perpetuates poverty levels in the Sundarbans communities. This research demonstrates that PRM and in-depth, qualitative research can enhance understanding of the perceived magnitude andwider socio-economic context of risks fromwildlife and aid the identification of risk perception management actions which may help to reduce the number of animals killed by people
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Basic information required to conserve wild tigers Panthera tigris is lacking for the Bangladesh Sundarbans. The objectives of this study were therefore to estimate tiger home range size and obtain information on movement. Two adult female tigers were captured in the south-east of the Sundarbans and fitted with global positioning system collars. Mean home range sizes for the two tigers estimated with 95% minimum convex polygon and fixed kernel methods were 12.3 and 14.2 km2, respectively. A mean female home range size of 14.2 km2 would indicate a density for the south-east Sundarbans of seven adult females per 100 km2. The maximum distance moved by a tiger in 1 day was 11.3 km. Although preliminary these home range estimates indicate that the Sundarbans of Bangladesh has good quality tiger habitat relative to other tiger landscapes, highlighting the value of this mangrove ecosystem for the survival of this Endangered species.