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This study aims to examine the studies on teacher identity in Türkiye as a systematic review. The research was carried out using descriptive model. In this review, firstly, inclusion and exclusion criteria were determined, then search terms and databases to be searched were decided. Studies obtained from HEC Thesis, HEC Academic, TANIC and ERIC databases were evaluated in terms of research method quality. PRISMA flowchart was used to clearly show the search strategy. The studies included in the study were recorded in Research Information Form developed by the researchers. Descriptive content analysis was used in the analysis of the data. As a result of the research, it is concluded that 104 studies on teacher identity are published between 2005 and 2022, 30 of which are master’s thesis, 18 are doctoral dissertations, and 56 are articles. It is concluded that most of the studies aimed to examine the formation, nature and development of teacher identity, qualitative research method, case study design and interview forms as data collection tools were used the most frequently. Also, the sample/research group of the studies mostly consist of teacher candidates. When the findings of the studies are examined, it is determined that the professional identity sub-theme of teacher candidates included identity development and perception of professional identity, and the professional identity sub-theme included the findings related to identity development and characteristics, identity perception and correlated factors.
This study was a descriptive study that investigated prospective music teachers' early teacher identity. The study made use of a general screening model. Participants of the research is consists of 162 fourth-year music teacher candidates. The study was conducted in the spring semester of the 2015-2016 academic year at the music teaching department of the fine arts education division of different Universities in Turkey. The " Early Teacher Identity Measure" developed by Friesen and Besley (2013) was used in the research as data collection tool. As a result; according the results of the analysis, prospective music teachers' perceptions of early teacher identity was found to be at "high" level in general, and in all sub-dimensions of the measure. In the light of research results, it is considered that when teacher candidates confident in their profession, will exhibit more positive behaviors towards the students, motivate the students more easily, enjoy doing and enjoying their profession and will be able to better assume the duty, responsibility and roles of the teacher. According to the conclusions of this study, it is thought that gaining information about the teacher identity of teacher candidates will help to develop teacher education programs.
A wide range of factors impact the choice of teaching as a career and result in entry to the teaching profession. The notion that these career motivations may also be possible antecedents of teacher identity was the rationale behind this study. The present study aimed to determine pre-service English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers’ motivation for choosing teaching as a career and teacher identities, and to gauge to what extent career motivations predict their teacher identities. The study, therefore, adopted a correlational design, and more specifically, the multiple regression technique. Participants included 271 undergraduate students majoring in an EFL teacher education program of a state university in Turkey. The data collected through a set of scales were analysed statistically. Results obtained using the Factors Influencing Teaching Choice (FIT-Choice) model showed that the three major self-reported career motives were altruistic-type social utility values called shaping future of children/adolescents and making social contribution as well as job transferability, a component of personal utility values. Teacher identity levels appeared to display a steady increase in each of the four grade levels from freshman to senior year. Multiple regression results indicated that career motivations accounted for a substantial proportion of the variance in teacher identity. Among career motivations, ability, intrinsic career value and working with children/adolescents appeared to be the three strongest positive predictors of teacher identity, respectively. Following these, time for family and fallback career negatively predicted teacher identity. Based on the findings, educational implications were drawn and directions for future research were discussed.
This study aimed to investigate the identities of pre-service teachers and the effects of teaching practice and video reflections on the identities of pre-service teachers enrolled in the Turkish Language Teaching Department. The researcher used a qualitative research design, primarily a case study, in this study. Six senior pre-service teachers enrolled in the Teaching Practicum course during the spring semester of 2019 volunteered to participate in this study. The author collected data through video reflections, pre-practice and post-practice teaching focus group interviews and analyzed data through a cyclical-reiterative analysis process. The results showed that the identities of pre-service teachers could be grouped under three sub-identities: the subject-matter expert, didactical expert, and pedagogical expert identities. Also, pre-service Turkish Language teachers saw their identity at the beginning as being more cue-based and exemplar-based. However, at the end of the practicum, they heavily displayed rule-based identities due to the requirements of the Turkish educational system or schema-based identities that mainly emerged with the impact of contextual factors and conditions of the practicum schools. Lastly, the author discussed the findings in detail and provided implications for practice and future research.
Keywords: Pre-service teacher training, teacher identity, teaching practicum, video reflections.
Amaç: Bu araştırma ile Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmen adaylarının mesleki coşkularının ve öğretmenlik mesleğine ilişkin tutumlarının ne düzeyde olduğunun belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Betimsel, nedensel karşılaştırmalı ve ilişkisel araştırma desenlerinin kullanıldığı bu araştırmanın evrenini 2018-2019 eğitim-öğretim yılında İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmenliği programında öğrenim görmekte olan öğretmen adayları (n=279) oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada ayrıca örneklem alınmamış, evrendeki bütün öğrencilere ulaşılması hedeflenmiştir. Yapılan uygulamalar sonucunda 197 öğretmen adayından toplanan veriler analize dahil edilmiştir. Araştırmada “Mesleki Coşku Ölçeği” ve “Öğretmenlik Mesleğine İlişkin Tutum Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler üzerinden öncelikle betimsel istatistik hesaplamaları, t testi ve tekyönlü varyans analizi ve korelasyon analizi yapılmıştır. Bulgular: Araştırma sonucunda öğretmen adaylarının mesleki coşkuları ile mesleğe iliştin tutumlarının cinsiyet, sınıf düzeyi ve bölümü isteyerek tercih etme değişkenlerine göre anlamlı farklılık gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Araştırmada ayrıca mesleki coşku ve mesleğe ilişkin tutum arasında pozitif yönde düşük ve orta düzeyde anlamlı ilişkiler olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlar ve Öneriler: Bu araştırmada öğretmen adaylarının öğretime ilişkin coşkuları ile karşılaştırıldığında branşlarına ilişkin coşkularının daha düşük olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu nedenle öğretmen adaylarının branşlarını daha fazla benimsemelerini sağlamak üzere alanda çalışan başarılı öğretmenler ile öğretmen adaylarının bir araya geldiği etkinlikler düzenlenebilir.
21. yüzyılda öğretmenlerin kazanması gereken ve öğrencilere kazandırılmak istenen beceriler ve etkili bir öğretim hizmeti sunabilmek için öğretmenlerin mesleki kimlik algılarının önemi bir arada düşünüldüğünde, 21. yüzyıl öğrenen becerileri ile meslek öncesi öğretmen kimliği arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılması bir gereklilik halini almaktadır. Bu araştırmada öğretmen adaylarının 21. yüzyıl öğrenen becerileri ile meslek öncesi öğretmen kimlikleri arasında anlamlı bir ilişki olup olmadığını ve 21. yüzyıl öğrenen becerilerinin meslek öncesi öğretmen kimliğini ne düzeyde yordadığını belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. İlişkisel tarama modelinin benimsendiği bu çalışmada Meslek Öncesi Öğretmen Kimliği Ölçeği ve 21. yy. Öğrenen Becerileri Kullanım Ölçeği yardımıyla 505 öğretmen adayından veri toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde betimsel istatistikler, korelasyon analizi, bağımsız örneklem t testi, Anova ve çoklu doğrusal regresyon analizi yapılmıştır. Çalışmada öğretmen adaylarının 21. yüzyıl öğrenen becerileri ve meslek öncesi öğretmen kimliği düzeylerinin ortanın üzerinde olduğu, iki değişken arasında orta düzeyde pozitif bir ilişkin var olduğu ve öğretmen adaylarının 21. yüzyıl öğrenen becerilerinin meslek öncesi öğretmen kimliklerindeki değişiminin %40’ını açıkladığı belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlar ilgili çalışmalar bağlamında tartışılmıştır. Çalışma ile öğretmen adaylarının 21. yüzyıl öğrenen becerileri ile meslek öncesi öğretmen kimliği arasındaki ilişkiye dair alanyazındaki eksikliği doldurmak amaçlanmıştır.
Abstract: In a time when the use of digital technologies is an essential part of teaching, there is an increasing need for pre-service teachers to develop an identity that meets the requirements of the modern world. In accordance with this need, this study aims to explore pre-service English teachers’ early teacher identities in relation to Emerging ICT Technologies Training. Guided by the explanatory sequential design, this mixed-method study employed Early Teacher Identity Measure (Friesen & Besley, 2013) to explore participants’ development of teacher identity by relying on Erikson’s (1993) theory of identity development and self-categorization theory of Turner et al. (1994) and reflection papers (Schön, 1983). Findings revealed participants’ high self-efficacy in becoming teachers and self-categorization as teachers with high natural inclination. Moreover, participants reported developing a variety of identities, namely, productive teacher identity, technologically-competent teacher identity, social teacher identity, and modern-teacher identity upon receiving the Emerging ICT Technologies course.
The present study aimed to determine the effect of belief about the consistency of teacher education program in the formation of teacher identity of pre-service primary school teachers. In the study, a correlational survey method was benefitted. The participants of the research study consisted of 203 senior pre-service primary school teachers of three different state universities in 2018-2019 academic year. Early Teacher Identity Scale and TEDS-M Beliefs about the Effectiveness of Teacher Education Program were used as data collection tools. As a result, it was determined that the pre-service primary school teachers’ beliefs about the effectiveness of the teacher education program are high and the early teacher identity was at a
medium level. In addition, it was revealed that the beliefs about the consistency of the teacher education program differed significantly in favor of the female pre-service teachers when compared to the beliefs of the males. However, the early teacher identity level of the two
groups did not differ. It was concluded that there was a low positive relationship between belief about the effectiveness of teacher education program and the early teacher identity and belief about the effectiveness of teacher education program was a significant predictor of early teacher identity.
This paper presents a systematic review of 37 empirical studies that explored English teacher identity, and its formation through classroom practices from 1997 to 2020. After excluding 26 non-relevant studies from 63 articles, the remaining research has been analyzed through a systematic process to get salient themes that can be best cognized in terms of identity (re)construction issues among English language teachers, how they implement critical and post-method pedagogy, and reflect it in their classroom practices. More specifically, the following themes emerged: classroom practice as a reflection of teacher identity, native/non-native English speakers’ (NES/NNES) dichotomy, emotional tensions in identity formation, teachers’ knowledge of post-method pedagogy, and post-method barriers. This review also provided practical teaching tips for novice English teachers and teacher educators to better manage their identity tensions as teachers, improve their classroom practices and teacher education programs, and propose areas of investigation for future research. It calls for more in-depth qualitative and quantitative longitudinal studies that employ a positivist psychometric approach to measure and examine different facets of teacher identity development.
Pre-service teacher (PST) education at higher education institutions is pivotal to early teacher identity development. Possible selves theory presents a framework for understanding teacher professional identity, which is theoretically supported but not empirically tested sufficiently. This study set out to examine PSTs' early teacher identity in the Turkish context and the expected and feared possible selves of PSTs as predictors of early teacher identity through structural equation modeling based on empirical data from 350 freshmen and senior PSTs. The results suggest that PSTs' expected teacher possible selves have a medium level significant and positive effect on early teacher identity, while feared teacher possible selves have a low level significant and negative effect on early teacher identity. PSTs' early teacher identity and possible selves were found as very high, which is also examined in terms of gender, grade, and department variables. The results are discussed, and suggestions are offered for pre-service teacher education.
Standart sınavlar ve standart öğretim programları, eğitimin bütün
paydaşlarını etkileyen unsurlardır. Standart sınavlardan en çok etkilenen unsurlardan biri öğrenci ise diğeri de öğretmen olmuştur. İlgili alan yazın incelendiğinde eğitimde standartlaşmanın öğretmenlik mesleğinin anlamını, mesleğin günlük pratiklerini etkilediği, öğretmenin iş yükünü artırdığı ve öğretmen üzerinde bir denetim mekanizması işlevi gördüğüne dair eleştirilerin mevcut olduğu görülmektedir. Bu tartışmalardan hareketle gerçekleştirilmiş olan bu çalışmanın amacı ise standart sınavların ve standart programın öğretmenin mesleki kimliği ve pratikleri üzerindeki etkisinin öğretmenlerin kendi deneyimlerine dayanarak çözümlenmesi olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda araştırma, nitel araştırma desenlerinden biri olan olgubilim deseni ile yürütülmüştür. Olgubilim deseni, bireylerin deneyimledikleri olgulara ilişkin öznel kavrayışlarını derinlemesine çözümlemek üzere yürütülen araştırmalar için uygun bir desendir. Araştırmanın katılımcıları amaçlı örnekleme tekniklerinden biri
olan ölçüt örnekleme yöntemi ile belirlenmiştir. Dolayısıyla araştırmanın çalışma grubu, öğrencilerini standart sınavlara hazırlama deneyimi olan ve branşı standart sınavların kapsamına giren 12 ortaokul öğretmeninden meydana gelmiştir. Araştırma verileri, derinlemesine görüşme ve odak grup görüşmesi teknikleriyle elde edilmiş olup içerik analizi yöntemi ile çözümlenmiştir. Analiz sonucunda ise “Öğretmenin Teknisyenleşmesi” ve“Sınav Öncelikli Öğretim” başlığı altında iki tema oluşturulmuş olup bu temalar, katılımcı görüşlerinden yapılan alıntılar ile sunularak tartışılmıştır.
In this study, we direct our focus to identity construction in an English language teaching (ELT) teacher education program. We explore the teacher roles in which student teachers are struggling to position themselves comfortably and the teacher expertise domains (subject matter, didactics, and pedagogy) that they are dedicating themselves to improving. To address our research focus, we have collected reflections and survey responses from 18 student teachers in an ELT education department. Our findings indicate that ELT student teachers find it difficult to position themselves as experts in and about the English language and that they feel a need to be equipped with expertise first and foremost in the subject matter, and then in didactics, followed by pedagogy. These results imply that in ELT teacher education, certain language ideologies are still prevalent and need to be dealt with by teacher educators for transformative outcomes in education.
Bu araştırmanın amacı, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi ve pedagojik formasyon sertifika programına kayıtlı öğretmen adaylarının meslek öncesi öğretmen kimliği algılarını belirlemek ve çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelemektir. Araştırmanın verileri, 2018-2019 Güz yarıyılında Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi’nde öğrenim gören 577 öğretmen adayı ve pedagojik formasyon sertifika programına kayıtlı 502 öğretmen adayı olmak üzere, toplam 1.079 katılımcıdan uygun örnekleme yöntemiyle elde edilmiştir. Veri toplama aracı olarak Arpacı ve Bardakçı (2015) tarafından Türkçe’ye uyarlanan Meslek Öncesi Öğretmen Kimliği Ölçeği (MÖÖKÖ) kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın bulguları tüm öğretmen adaylarının yüksek düzeyde meslek öncesi öğretmen kimliği algısına sahip olduklarını ortaya koymuştur. Bunun yanı sıra, öğretmen adaylarının meslek öncesi öğretmen kimliği algıları cinsiyet, fakülte, bölüm ve eğitim fakültesi sınıf düzeylerine göre anlamlı farklılıklar göstermiştir. Araştırma sonuçları öğretmen eğitimi program tasarımlarında, öğretmen meslek kimliğinin dikkate alınması gerektiğine vurgu yapmaktadır.
This study aims to determine the relationship between the educational beliefs and teacher identity of pre-service teachers from all grade levels of four different departments at Afyon Kocatepe University. Besides, to what extent the educational beliefs predict their teacher identity is also examined. The research is conducted using the correlational survey model. The sample of the study consists of 324 pre-service teachers who are studying in all grades at Afyon Kocatepe University. In the data collection process, “Education Belief Scale” developed by Yılmaz, Altınkurt and Çokluk (2011) and “Early Teacher Identity Measure” developed by Friesen and Besley (2013) and adapted into Turkish by Arpacı and Bardakçı (2015) is used. In line with the findings, the pre-service teachers' dominant educational philosophies are identified as existentialism, progressivism, re-constructionism, perennialism, and essentialism, respectively. There is a significant and positive relationship between educational beliefs and teacher identities, except for essentialist belief. The results suggest that the pre-service teachers' educational beliefs and teacher identities differ significantly in terms of gender, grade and department variables. Additionally, while the prediction model is significant, progressivist educational belief is found out to be the most important dimension in the model that explains the teacher identity. These four educational beliefs, together, account for 23% of the change in teacher identity level of pre-service teachers.
The topic of teacher identity has lately begun to be associated with general notions of teacher training and development. Becoming an expert through gradual learning and teaching also calls for awareness of self-identity as a teacher when considering the standards of the teaching profession. Language teachers start to develop their identity as a teacher during their higher education at language teaching departments, and the development in concern constitutes the basis of their roles in the teaching process. With that in mind, the current study was motivated to investigate perceptions of Turkish EFL teacher candidates on their early teacher identity. The participants of the study were senior students enrolled in two English Language Teaching Departments at a state university and a private university in Turkey. Data were collected from the students in concern through a Likert-type questionnaire during their teaching practicum. The research findings indicated that they held a high level of early teacher identity scores, and that they somehow significantly differed in their perceptions about early teacher identity with regard to gender and the attended university type.
Learners moving and learning languages across contexts have always been natural subjects of applied linguistics research. In recent years, however, teachers' mobility across contexts and their temporary work and stay due to internationalization in education has been an equally important development. While research on language teacher identity is now an established field of study (De Costa & Norton, 2017), there seems to be more need for research in mobile language teacher identity and the processes these teachers go through in their short-term stay-abroad experiences in terms of their identity construction. In order to partially respond to this need, in this paper, we focus on the identity construction of mobile English language teachers from 3 dissimilar countries, Turkey (N = 4), Poland (N = 4) and Portugal (N = 2), based on individual , semi-structured, in-depth interviews. Through narrative analyses of these interviews, we demonstrate that mobile language teachers undergo complex interpersonal, linguistic, and sociocultural negotiations of identity.
Teacher identity has been one of the recent topics that has created a perspective to investigate teachers' development by reflecting on who they are and how they do what they do in a certain context, namely an Asian context in this paper. This qualitative research exploring a language teacher's identity development of a novice English language teacher was carried out as a case study. A triangulation model using semi-structured interviews, observations, narratives, and/or reflective writing brought together data from a longitudinal perspective involving 6-month monitoring of Dervi' knowledge, beliefs, and practices. Derviş' practices and reported beliefs were documented and analysed over six months. The research concluded that a novice language teacher constructed and developed his identity from behaviourist perspective into socio constructivist one within a supportive context where professional development is key part of the language programme.
A vast body of research has shown that teacher identity matters, be it in mathematics or in any other subject. The means of investigating teacher identity greatly determine the knowledge we have; however, no review of the methodological approaches into this topic has yet been conducted. This paper provides an overview of the methodological approaches in the research on teacher identity in mathematics education, in order to initiate a discussion on developmental possibilities in terms of how future research on this topic could be carried out. We examine 52 studies, published between 2000 and 2017 in peer-reviewed scholarly journals, investigating the identities of student teachers and/or practitioners who were generalists and/or specialised mathematics teachers. We identified the following to be prevalent data sources in qualitative approaches: interviews, written reflections or narratives, and classroom observations. In terms of analytical approaches, the scene is rather monotonous. Finally, we provide suggestions for future methodological considerations, highlighting the need for researchers to label their methodological decisions in order to better situate and connect their work to other research on mathematics-related teacher identity.
Identity Concept is one of the most discussed concepts in the field of social scienses today and one of the most popular concepts to understand today's societies. Identity concept has been used various important fields such as social isolation, alienation, environment, ethnicity research, gender, religion, minority rights and immigration from the end of 1970s to present. Societies have experienced major alteration in terms of ideological and tecnological way from past to present. Therefore, it can be observed a significant transformation about identity concept in these day. Identity concept, which is influenced by the socio- cultural and economic changes when take place in the transitional phase of traditional, modern and postmodern periods, is experiencing a new diversity and variety within the framework of the "new media" which we can finally call the technological and cognitive extension of the postmodern period. In the postmodern era, identity concept became a "fluid" by taking the form of the period and its technological extensions. This study aims to reveal, how multi-centered, multi-part "identity concept" has undergone a structural transformation from traditional societies to "new media" an extension of contemporary postmodern societies, through social networking site Facebook.
In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effects of the pedagogical formation education certificate program on teacher candidates’ perception of teacher identity. A total of 301 teacher candidates who attend a Pedagogical Formation Education Certificate Program in a state university in the western region of Turkey were randomly
selected and invited to participate in the study. The data were collected by the Pre-Service Teacher Identity Scale at the beginning and end of the program. Confirmatory factor analysis is run and Cronbach alpha values are computed to test the validity and reliability of the scale. Data obtained from the sample are analyzed using
repeated one-way ANOVA technique in the SPSS 21 program. Mean values of the scales show that teacher candidates have higher levels of teacher identity perceptions at the beginning of the pedagogical formation education certificate program. Repeated one-way ANOVA reveal that there is statistically significant difference between teacher candidates’ perceptions of teacher identity at the beginning and end of the program in favor of the beginning of the program. Further analysis reveals that that there is a statistically significant difference in the
sub-dimension of participation as a teacher whereas no statistically significant difference is found in the selfconfidence and self-categorization sub-dimensions. This study discusses that the program does not make a positive contribution to teacher identity perceptions of teacher candidates.
Considering the research methods of the studies in the field of educational sciences, it can be stated that studies follow similar research steps or phases though using different terminology to refer to these steps. While such differentiated use of terminology is significantly fewer in research designs such as experimental or descriptive, there has been an increase in such misuse in the studies utilizing content analysis design and the literature in the field reveals interchangeable use of terms like technique, design, and method. Reviewing the literature reveals mistakes in the use of content analysis since it is not only a method of research but a method of data analysis as well. In this respect, the present study aims to define and group the approaches on content analysis as one of the frequently discussed and confused concept. Following an extensive literature review, the study attempts to define content analysis and to categorize various approaches related. The categories include meta-analysis, meta-synthesis, and descriptive content analysis. Lastly, the issues that researchers need to pay special attention are highlighted.
The study aimed to understand the factors affecting pre-service teachers' teacher identity. The sample of the study was comprised of 286 fourth-year preservice teachers. The draft item pool of the scale was based on the teacher education literature related to the factors affecting teacher identity administered to the preservice teachers studying at a public university in Turkey's Mugla province. The finding of the study revealed that the scale, which was consisted of 28 items, had six factors. The scale's six factors explained 63.50% of all the variance as well as the factor loading of the scale ranged from .50 to .88. The internal consistency scores of the scale dimensions ranged from .77 to .90. The item analysis of 27% upper and lower means calculation yielded statistically significant t values. Additionally, confirmatory factor analysis resulted good and pretty high fit indices. This showed that the scale with six factors was acceptable.
TANER, G., & KARAMAN, C. (2013). A Metasynthesis of Research on Foreign Language Teacher Identity in Turkey: Implications for Teacher Education. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies, 3(6).
Due to the insufficiency of current in-service training courses which are far from the collaboration and the reflection of teachers, the current study scrutinizes the incongruities between teacher identities and in-service training programs offered by the Ministry of National Education in Turkey based upon the use of the activity theory. In this narrative study, two English as a foreign language teachers reflected on their environment, behaviors, beliefs, competencies, and missions under the heading of teacher identity concept. The results suggest that teachers need a supportive community of practice and a well-tailored mentoring system to be able to reflect on themselves and the context in which they are teaching. Debido a la poca oferta de programas de desarrollo profesional donde los profesores puedan reflexionar o colaborar, el presente estudio analiza, con base en la teoría de la actividad, las incongruencias entre las identidades de los docentes y los programas de formación permanente ofrecidos por el Ministerio de Educación de Turquía. En este estudio narrativo, dos profesores de inglés reflexionaron sobre su entorno, comportamiento, creencias, habilidades y misión bajo la noción de identidad docente. Los resultados apuntan a que los profesores necesitan el apoyo de una comunidad de práctica y un sistema de mentoría bien diseñado que les permita reflexionar sobre sí mismos y sobre el contexto en el que enseñan. Palabras clave: el modelo cebolla, identidad docente, programas de desarrollo profesional, teoría de la actividad, Turquía. *
The purpose of this study is to examine the thoughts, feelings, and dilemmas and to describe how a Turkish teacher aide created or reshaped her professional identity in the light of her experience in an American preschool educational setting. A descriptive case study method was employed in the study to gain in-depth understanding of the issue. Using purposive sampling a Turkish teacher aide was selected to participate in the study. The data was collected through a semi-structured interview. The results revealed that her teaching practice has been heavily influenced by a collectivistic society's points of view but her current identity has been shaped with the new perspectives she gained in the U.S.
Mesleki kimlik kavramı bireyin mesleğini profesyonel bakış açısıyla yorumlaması olarak açıklanabilir. Bu çalışmada, öğretmenlerin mesleki kimliğine yönelik yayınlanmış tüm lisansüstü tezlerin içerik analizi ile eğilimlerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda Yüksek Öğretim Kurumu Ulusal Tez Tarama merkezinden yararlanılmıştır. Tarama sonucu 60 lisansüstü tez, araştırmacılar tarafından belirlenen araştırma problemlerine cevap olacak şekilde incelenmiştir. Tezlerden; yayın dili, tez düzeyi, tezin yayın yılı, araştırma yöntemi-deseni, örneklem belirleme türü, örneklem genişliği, örnekleme dâhil olan öğretmenlerin branşı, veri analiz türü, konu alanı, anahtar kelimeler ve tezde kullanılan veri toplama araçları başlıklarını içeren form yardımı ile veriler toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucuna göre tezlerde çoğunlukla nitel yöntemin ve durum deseninin kullanıldığı, çoğunlukla İngilizce öğretmenleri ile çalışıldığı ve verilerin çoğunlukla mülakat tekniği ile elde edildiği belirlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte tezlerin daha çok yüksek lisans düzeyinde ve konu olarak da öğretmenlerin kimlik algılarına ve kimlik gelişimlerine odaklanıldığı belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda öğretmenlerin mesleki kimliklerine yönelik çalışmaların farklı yöntemlerle incelenmesine yönelik öneriler getirilmiştir.
This study examines the impact of a translanguaging-driven in-service training on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ professional identity re-construction. Grounded in complexity theory, the study is based on pre-, while- and post-training interviews with twelve teachers, their reflective journals, online discussions on LMS CANVAS, video-enhanced observations and the trainer first author's reflective journals. The data sets were analysed adopting grounded theory to induce emerging identities. It was found that each participating teacher developed one of three new identities: a) Translanguaging-Romanticised User, b) Translanguaging-Aware User, and c) Translanguaging-Inspired User. Implications for in-service teacher training are discussed.
This study aimed to investigate the identities of pre-service teachers and the effects of teaching practice and video reflections on the identities of pre-service teachers enrolled in the Turkish Language Teaching Department. The researcher used a qualitative research design, primarily a case study, in this study. Six senior pre-service teachers enrolled in the Teaching Practicum course during the spring semester of 2019 volunteered to participate in this study. The author collected data through video reflections, pre-practice and post-practice teaching focus group interviews and analyzed data through a cyclical-reiterative analysis process. The results showed that the identities of pre-service teachers could be grouped under three sub-identities: the subject-matter expert, didactical expert, and pedagogical expert identities. Also, pre-service Turkish Language teachers saw their identity at the beginning as being more cue-based and exemplar-based. However, at the end of the practicum, they heavily displayed rule-based identities due to the requirements of the Turkish educational system or schema-based identities that mainly emerged with the impact of contextual factors and conditions of the practicum schools. Lastly, the author discussed the findings in detail and provided implications for practice and future research.
Sistematik derlemeler, bir alanda benzer yöntemler ile yapılmış olan çalışmaların kapsamlı ve detaylı bir biçimde taranması; derlemeye girecek çalışmaların çeşitli seçme ölçütleri kullanılarak belirlenmesi, belirlenen çalışmaların yapılandırılmış ve kapsamlı bir kalite değerlendirmesinin ve sentezinin yapılması esasına dayanan araştırma yaklaşımıdır. Bu anlamda özellikle son yıllarda sosyal bilimlerin ve eğitim bilimlerinin çeşitli disiplinlerinde sistematik derlemeler sıklıkla yapılmaktadır. Bu kapsamda çeşitli içerik analizleri, meta değerlendirmeler, meta sentezler, bibliyometrik analizler, bilim haritalama çalışmaları, atıf analizleri, bibliyografik eşleştirmeler, sosyal ağ analizleri, ortak kelime analizleri vb. farklı çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada sistematik derleme, meta değerlendirme ve bibliyometrik çalışmaların tanıtılması ve sosyal bilimlerde ve eğitim bilimlerinde kullanımı hakkında bilgi verilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda “İçerik Analizi, Geleneksel Derleme, Sistematik Derleme, Meta Sentez, Meta Değerlendirme, Meta Çalışma, Bibliyometrik Analiz, Bilim Haritalama, Atıf Analizi, Ortak Atıf Analizi, Bibliyometrik Eşleştirme, Ortak Yazar Analizi, Sosyal Ağ Analizi, Ortak Kelime Analizi” kavramları tanıtılmaya çalışılmıştır.
This paper reports, through a longitudinal case inquiry, on the trajectory of one novice teacher’s professional identity development after completing his pre-service education to become an English teacher in Turkey. He was assigned to a school in the south-east of the country, which has been experiencing worsening civil conflict between regional militants and the national government, characterised by long-lasting curfews and the destruction of buildings and homes. This study provides insights into the formation of a new teacher’s professional identity when working within a conflict region. Written narratives, informal interviews, observation notes, university supervisor observations and a teaching diary were used to examine the developing professional identity. The findings suggest that, in extreme circumstances, individuals may adapt and find ways to mitigate the effects of a challenging community and other disadvantages. Imagined identity can play a powerful role in mediating external difficulties encountered in identity development.
Bu araştırmada devlet okulunda çalışan farklı branşlardaki ortaokul öğretmenlerinin mesleki kimlik algıları, örgütsel bağlılık düzeyleri ve sınıf yönetimi yeterlikleri arasındaki ilişkiler örüntüsünü cinsiyet, branş, çocuk sahibi olup olmama, kariyer evresi, eğitim düzeyi, öğretmen lisesi mezunu olup olmama ve anne veya babanın öğretmen olup olmaması değişkenleri açısından incelenmiştir. Araştırmada nicel verileri elde etmek için küme örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Örneklem İstanbul avrupa yakasında devlet okullarındaki farklı branşlardaki 384 ortaokul öğretmenden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmanın analizi nicel ilişkisel analiz yöntemi çerçevesinde yapısal eşitlik modeli ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucunda; öğretmenlerin mesleki kimlik algısı onların örgütsel bağlılık düzeyini anlamlı bir şekilde yordadığı; öğretmenlerin mesleki kimlik algısının onların sınıf yönetimi yeterlik düzeyini anlamlı bir şekilde yordadığı ve öğretmenlerin örgütsel bağlılık düzeyi puanları onların sınıf yönetimi yeterlik düzeyi puanlarını anlamlı düzeyde yordadığı bulunmuştur. Ancak öğretmenlerin sınıf yönetimi yeterlik düzeyini yordamada mesleki kimlik algılarının veya örgütsel bağlılık düzeylerinin aracılık etkisinin olmadığı görülmüştür.
This paper reports a longitudinal case study exploring the identity construction of a novice English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher in Turkey. The study applies sociocultural and post-structural approaches to teacher education and identity formation. It traces the teacher’s experiences of becoming and being a teacher drawing upon her reflective teaching narratives, her teaching diary, semi-structured interviews, and the researchers’ observation notes. The findings suggest that some features of the induction programmes may negatively affect the novice teachers’ construction of a language teacher identity (LTI). Specifically, the negative effect is due to not allowing trainees to experiment or apply their pedagogical perspective in the classroom, or to participate in the classroom on equal levels with their mentor-teachers. The study presents a model that explicates how the LTIs of novice teachers shift from being an imagined to an imposed identity shaped by various constructs: beliefs about teaching and learning, pre-service education, dynamic relations in communities of practice, and contextual factors. The implications for further research are discussed to address LTI construction in EFL contexts.
The purpose of this study is to investigate pre-service middle-level mathematics teachers’ noticing of student mathematical thinking and teacher identity in the context of virtual professional experimentation performed through the StoryCircles model. This study examined how pre-service middle-level mathematics teachers’ education experiences in the context of StoryCircles affect their noticing of student mathematical thinking and how their experiences and noticing differentiate based on teacher identity. The results showed that StoryCircles supported the participants’ noticing of student mathematical thinking as they engaged in scripting, visualizing and arguing about the lessons. In this study, it was found that the collaborative, communicative and reflective structure of StoryCircles increased the participants’ levels of noticing student mathematical thinking. Moreover, it was observed that the way of increase in the level of noticing differed based on teacher identity.
Teachers’ sense of identity is influenced by a set of factors, remaining unclear how they relate to each other and how much weight is assigned to them by teachers. Based on the existing literature and empirical data concerning teacher identity and ethical frameworks, this study tested a model aiming to understand how indicators of teacher identity (e.g. ethical orientation, perceived competence, satisfaction of psychological needs, commitment, and global self-esteem) relate to each other. The model was tested through structural equation modelling (SEM) using data from 643 Portuguese teachers, aged between 23 and 66 years (Myears of service = 15.4). Results showed that ethical orientation can play an important role in teacher identity, having direct and indirect effects on the other components of the model. The findings highlight the importance of ethical orientation as a variable to take into consideration in the study of teacher identity and teacher training.
Teacher identity studies are now an important part of second language teacher education research, following the sociocultural turn in the 1990s. Second language teaching continues its development as a research area on its own and exploration of teacher identity comprises a substantial research field, from many aspects. How international postgraduate students adapt to educational settings is considered to be important for their academic development. Accordingly, this current study explores the second language teacher identity constructions of six international MSc TESOL students at a United Kingdom University, by means of semi-structured interviews with a qualitative interpretative approach. The findings indicate that, although they first go through a learning shock and difficulties in adapting to the academic environment, the student teachers accommodate well into the collegiate setting. They make valuable comparisons between their lives and studies in the UK and their own contexts. It can also be seen that they consider themselves more theoretically equipped for their future teaching careers.
This study provides an overview of components of teacher identity that are found in quantitative measurement instruments; and reports on the psychometric quality of these measurement instruments. Our search included studies that assessed components of teacher identity published in English-written, peer-reviewed articles between 2000 and 2018. We analyzed a total of 59 components in 20 studies. After we categorized the components on the basis of a substantive analysis, six main domains of teacher identity became apparent: Self-image, Motivation, Commitment, Self-efficacy, Task perception, and Job satisfaction. Whereas the overall psychometric properties of the measurement instruments used in the different studies were acceptable to good, our systematic overview revealed several conceptual and methodological issues that need to be resolved. The results may contribute to the further operationalization of the complex construct of teacher identity.
Problem Statement: Teacher identity refers to the construct of the professional personality that is formed during career advancement. The teaching identity has cognitive, social and professional elements. By using metaphors enable analysis in an organizational sense and open up a new perspective that can clarify a complex event. When teachers’ and prospective teacher candidates’ professional identities is analyzed, it is noteable that how often metaphors are employed. With this perspective, to investigate teachers’ or prospective teachers’ views about their teaching identities metaphore is very suitable tool. For these reasons, a metaphor study can be an appropriate tool to investigate teachers’ or prospective teachers’ views about their teaching identities. Moreover, raising awareness about teacher identity may help improve teacher training programs. Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this study was to analyze the views of prospective teacher candidates, all students in the Department of Turkish Language, regarding their professional identities via metaphor analysis. Method: This paper discusses a phenomenological study used to determine how prospective Turkish language teachers construct the meaning of being a Turkish language teacher through their use of metaphors. The participants in this study comprised 123 prospective teachers who had studied in the Faculty of Education at a state university on Turkey’s southern coast. Among the participating prospective teachers, 55% were female (n=68) and 45% were male (n=55); 26% (n=32) were first-year students, 24% (n=30) were second-year students, 28% (n=34) were third-year students, and 22% (n=27) were fourth-year students. A total of 123 participants were asked to complete the expression a Turkish language teacher is like …… because ……… by using metaphors. The metaphors produced by the participants were analyzed using the five stages Which are "coding and elimination stage", "sample metaphor compilation stage", "sorting and categorization stage", "establishing the inter-rater reliability rate" and "analyzing data quantitatively". The data were analyzed by a chi-square test to detect dominant groups. Findings and Results: As a result of the research, prospective teachers were found to develop 41 valid metaphors, which were then thematically coded into six main categories. It is concluded that the participating prospective Turkish language teachers generally regard the profession as a source of information and their metaphors did not differ across academic class levels. Conclusion and Recommendations: In sum, based on the results that more than half of the prospective teachers defined a teacher according to traditional roles. The most important traditional role was presenting information to the student. The results illustrate that pre-license experiences, teacher training and professional experiences affect the formation of a teacher’s identity. In this paper, candidates’ values, beliefs, and so on are not included. Another study could be conducted to evaluate metaphors based on those points.
Describes how the Critical Friends Group (CFG) concept brings together teachers at all levels of experience to promote and support one another’s professional growth. Conducts a case study of a student teacher participating in a CFG. Suggests that formal collaborative practice can enhance the preservice teacher’s conception of the profession, as well as function as a psychological safety net.
Over the past 10 years an increasing number of articles have been published in leading science education journals that report on research about teacher identity and describe interventions that support teacher identity development. My purpose in this review paper is to examine how the construct of science teacher identity has been conceptualised and studied in science education. In doing so, I synthesise the findings of 29 empirical studies on teacher identity within the field of science education in an attempt to respond to the following questions: (a) In what ways have researchers used the construct of teacher identity to examine science teacher learning and development? (b) What approaches to supporting science teacher identity development have been documented in the literature? Following that, I identify gaps and limitations in the existing literature and I offer recommendations for future research in the area of science teacher identity and identity development: (a) studying teacher identity as a process; (b) connecting science teacher identity research and reform recommendations; (c) conducting large-scale, longitudinal and life-history studies; and (d) examining teacher identity enactment in school classrooms.
This article examines the writing of new teachers in two different pathways into teaching—a university-based teacher education program and an alternative certification program. The teachers were members of a Narrative Writing Group formed by the authors to study how teachers construct a professional identity, to further understand the role of narrative and inquiry in teacher learning, and to add to conversations about the design of teacher preparation programs. An analysis of the teachers’ narratives reveals that their professional identities were shaped by their membership in a range of knowledge communities, including the Narrative Writing Group and also their schools, network of friends, and the preparation programs. The narratives of professional identity development were shaped in relationship to other people, including mentor teachers and students. Knowledge and perspectives from this writing provide critical understandings about the importance of addressing teaching as professional practice that have the potential to shape the current conversation about teacher preparation.
This article presents a review of 29 empirical studies to identify the main foci of research on student teachers’ identity, the methodologies used and their major findings. The reviewed studies were found to investigate four broad factors: the contribution of: (1) reflective activities, (2) learning communities, (3) context and (4) (prior) experiences. Reflective practices and interviews were found to be mainly used by researchers as data collection tools and the findings were mainly reported to be changes in components of student teachers’ identity, including their cognitive knowledge, sense of agency and voice. Questions raised in this review and suggestions for further research are discussed.