... For instance, Uchihara et al.'s (2019) meta-analysis of 45 effect sizes from 26 studies found a medium effect (r = .34) of repetition on incidental vocabulary learning. Such attention-drawing techniques are presumed to lead to the promotion of both 'depth of processing' and higher engagement with the target items on the grounds that learners' attention is explicitly (or directly) drawn to the enhanced items, and hence making them more perceptually salient and noticeable (Altamimi & Conklin, 2023;Puimège et al., 2024;Toomer et al., 2024). In fact, a handful of studies in recent years have focused on the effect of awareness-raising on the processing and/or learning of collocations from the written (and spoken) input through both offline, online (i.e., eye-movement), and text-audio synchronization procedures (e.g., Altamimi & Conklin, 2023;Boers, Demecheleer, et al., 2017;Boers, Eyckmans, et al., 2006;Choi, 2017;Jung & Lee, 2023;Jung et al., 2024;Majuddin et al., 2021;Puimège et al., 2024;Sonbul & Schmitt, 2013;Szudarski & Carter, 2016;Toomer & Elgort, 2019;Toomer et al., 2024;Tuzcu, 2023;Vu & Peters, 2022. ...