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Abstract and Figures

Digital games have surpassed the movie box office and are making their way to revolutionize the contemporary teaching methods of today's classrooms. Educators, parents, and policymakers are debating its effect on the students, and more researchers are offshooting to prove its effectiveness and suitability for the recent digital natives. This study, therefore, found empirical evidence underpinning the efficacy of Educational Digital Game Learning on the learners' academic performance, specifically in English concepts, using a quasi-experimental control group and descriptive design. Two classes of grade VI students were involved and labeled as the control and experimental group. During the study, the researcher used a validated test instrument. The researcher also filmed how EDGBL was conducted in the classroom and recorded interviews with experienced students. Frequency counts, percentages, weighted mean, and t-tests for independent samples were used to investigate the aims and establish the results. The findings revealed that students who underwent Educational Digital Game-Based Learning had improved their academic performance in learning English concepts. It was also found that those students who were exposed to EDGBL developed more positive habits in learning English. In contrast, those exposed to the traditional method tended to misbehave and have a monotonous learning environment. Moreover, conducting EDGBL as a method requires teachers to have practical facilitating skills to maintain solid work coordination throughout the implementation of EDGBL.
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American Journal of Interdisciplinary
Research and Innovation (AJIRI)
Assessment of Educational Digital Game-Based Learning and Academic Performance
of Grade Six Pupils
Dianne Mariz N. Obenza-Tanudtanud1, Brandon N. Obenza2*
Volume 3 Issue 1, Year 2024
ISSN: 2833-2237 (Online)
Article Information ABSTRACT
Received: December 06, 2023
Accepted: January 05, 2024
Published: January 09, 2024
Digital games have surpassed the movie box ofce and are making their way to revolutionize
the contemporary teaching methods of today’s classrooms. Educators, parents, and
policymakers are debating its effect on the students, and more researchers are offshooting
to prove its effectiveness and suitability for the recent digital natives. This study, therefore,
found empirical evidence underpinning the efcacy of Educational Digital Game Learning
on the learners’ academic performance, specically in English concepts, using a quasi-
experimental control group and descriptive design. Two classes of grade VI students were
involved and labeled as the control and experimental group. During the study, the researcher
used a validated test instrument. The researcher also lmed how EDGBL was conducted
in the classroom and recorded interviews with experienced students. Frequency counts,
percentages, weighted mean, and t-tests for independent samples were used to investigate
the aims and establish the results. The ndings revealed that students who underwent
Educational Digital Game-Based Learning had improved their academic performance in
learning English concepts. It was also found that those students who were exposed to
EDGBL developed more positive habits in learning English. In contrast, those exposed to
the traditional method tended to misbehave and have a monotonous learning environment.
Moreover, conducting EDGBL as a method requires teachers to have practical facilitating
skills to maintain solid work coordination throughout the implementation of EDGBL.
Digital Game-Based Learning,
Academic Performance,
Education, Philippines
1 Department of Education, Cotabato Division, Province of Cotabato, Philippines
2 University of Mindanao, Davao City, Philippines
* Corresponding author’s e-mail:
Today’s student generations differ signicantly from those
of previous decades. Therefore, developing the skill sets
required to create holistic learners is impossible using
some out-of-date teaching approaches. Contextually, the
learners of Absalon L. Padronia Memorial Elementary
School are considered “digital natives,” a term coined by
Prensky (2001) which describes students who have grown
up in a technologically advanced environment, have been
exposed to smartphones, the Internet, gaming and any
other Apps. Due to these shifts, pupils found it more
challenging to succeed academically when employing
outdated teaching strategies. Further, a
article supported that lectures are helpful for tactile/
kinesthetic and visual/nonverbal learners, but they are less
effective for auditory/verbal and visual/verbal learners.
Moreover, they added that since the teacher is the only
source of the information, the student also gets it, ending
the discussion and stiing his ideas and opinions. This
undermines critical thinking and promotes memorization.
Thus, focusing on more valuable learning skills such as
creativity, critical thinking, analysis, and problem-solving
is necessary.
The two people credited with developing the theory, Gee
(2007) and Prensky (2007), are the proponents of digital
game-based learning in K–12 education (p.78). According
to Klaila (2007), “Gaming illustrates lengthy, typically
dull, and challenging jobs that may be entertaining and
enjoyable while also contributing to an engaging learning
experience.” Furthermore, according to Green and
McNeese (2007, p. 5), players’ physical, psychological,
and cognitive development may be impacted by digital
A system in which players participate in simulated
conict by predetermined rules, with quantiable
outcomes” is how Salen and Zimmerman (2004) dene
games. According to Connolly and Stanseld (2007,
p. 188), which Sampson (2012, p. 15) cites, “game-
based learning is an area within the broader domain
of serious games that focuses on utilizing applications
with predetermined learning objectives” (Game-Based
Learning, 2016, p. 4). “Implementing a computer game-
based methodology to facilitate, reinforce, and augment
the processes of instruction, learning, evaluation, and
assessment.” Generally speaking, their design seeks to
improve player retention and application of the material
in real-world scenarios while also nding a balance
between the gameplay and the subject matter.
Prensky (2001) claims that teachers must now adapt their
methods of instruction and language preferences to those
of digital natives. He also recommends that teachers use
computer- or digital-based educational games as teaching
tools to better meet their students’ needs. These games
can be applied in many different contexts and ways to a
wide range of disciplines.
There has been a consistent rise over the last several
decades in the utilization of digital game-based learning
in educational settings, and a large number of studies
have proved the benets that this method provides for
the students who participate in it. Despite the fact that
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educational digital game-based learning (EDGBL) has
become more and more popular over time and is being
used to support learning in a variety of subjects, including
English, some parents are still hesitant and constantly
oppose its use. This is despite the fact that EDGBL is
being used to support learning in a variety of subjects,
including English. In addition, only a few of the studies
focused on the utilization of Compare, Spell Off, PreSuf,
Dependent or Independent Clause Billionaire Game, and
Sentence Power as digital games in their research works.
Thus, engaging this population of students would give
both researchers and parents a rst-hand experience and
evidence of the effectiveness of EDGBL in the school
context. This study assessed the effectiveness of EDGBL
in developing elementary learners’ academic performance
in English classes. Further, this investigation may
contribute to the improvement of pedagogical practices
in teaching English at the elementary level.
Research Objectives
The goal of the study was to assess the signicant change
in the achievement of students when Educational Digital
Game Based Learning (EDGBL) versus the conventional
method of instruction used.
Specically, it aimed to:
1. Determine the difference of pre-test scores of the
control and experimental groups;
2. Determine the difference of post-test scores of
students exposed in Educational Digital Game Based
Learning and conventional method of teaching;
3. Determine the difference of gain scores of the
control and experimental groups; and
4. Discuss the class dynamics when EDGBL is
integrated in the classroom.
To better prepare students for a world that is becoming
more technologically driven, connected, and competitive,
educators and the government alike are calling for
educational reform (Reimers, 2008; Burke, 2010, para.
1). The rapid pace of technological advancement raises
signicant societal issues. As a result, teachers must create
learning activities that foster the procient skill sets that
are vital in this rapidly changing world. As a result of
the proliferation of taxonomies and frameworks about
“21st-century talents,” according to Levy and Murnane
(2013), the workforce of the future will be characterized
by an increased dependence on technology, extensive
problem-solving skills, sound judgment, and complex
communication. Therefore, educators need to use a
practical and efcient method to make sure that students
are ready to meet global standards.
Students have improved their reading, math, reasoning,
and collaborative skills, as well as their understanding
of world history, by using Civilization and The Sims
(Weigel, 2013, para. 3). Furthermore, computer games
may improve motivation and learning, according to
experimental research (Whitton, 2012, p. 249) (Kambouri
et al., 2006, p. 405; Hamalainen et al., 2006, p. 48).
Educational Digital Game-Based Learning
Digital learning games promote mental and
comprehension habits that are applicable in an academic
setting, according to Klopfer (2009). Another study by
Prensky (2007) highlights that this approach-which entails
embedding instructional content into video games-
delivers better results than traditional teaching techniques.
Furthermore, Chen and Wang (2009) emphasize how
important digital games are for motivating players and
how they can facilitate active knowledge development (p.
According to Saulter (2007), digital games are the primary
source of people’s motivation and engagement in the
learning process, as mentioned by Panoutsopoulos and
Sampson (2012, p. 15). Additionally, games can put
player actions in meaningful and authentic contexts by
simulating real-world scenarios and implementing ill-
dened problems (Winn, 2007; Klopfer, 2008; Whitton,
2010). (Prensky, 2007; Gee, 2007, p.77; Whitton, 2010,
p.46). By using trial-and-error techniques, they also offer
learning opportunities (Oblinger, 2004, p. 18; Prensky,
2007 Chen & Shen, 2010, p. 747).
The methods in which games can be included into the
educational process are the subject of additional research
that is now being carried out. Mobile Assisted Language
Learning in Mongolia, for example, mixes gamication,
social media, and mobile devices to eliminate temporal
and spatial barriers to language learning (Miangah T. &
Nezarat A., 2012, p. 315). According to the Norwegian
Agency for Development Cooperation, EduApp4Syria,
an international innovation competition, is creating open-
source smartphone applications that aim to enhance
Syrian refugee children’s psychosocial well-being by
fostering foundational reading skills in Arabic (para. 2-3).
ELLN Digital-Technology-Supported Early Language,
Literacy, and Numeracy Teacher Professional
Development for K–3 Teachers: According to a summary
in An Evaluation (Philippines) (2016, para. 1), the Early
Language, Literacy and Numeracy Digital project being
executed in the Philippines aims to construct and assess a
technology-supported teacher professional development
framework for early literacy and numeracy across the
K–12 curriculum that is sustainable, exible, scalable, and
Standardized testing revealed that the mathematical
ability of 193 students who utilized Dimenxian/Evolver
increased by 40% in high school algebra and college-
level numerical approaches, according to research by
Mayo (2009). Smith and Okolo (2010) reported that they
observed good impacts in forty-one special needs children
with high accomplishment motivation through the use of
the simple game Math Masters (p. 258). Gillispie (2008)
demonstrated that students who utilized Dimension-M,
an immersive gaming platform with a highly immersive
nature, achieved much higher levels of math achievement
than their nongaming classmates (p. 28).
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Games and Learning
Play is crucial for both healthy child development and
the advancement of learning (Ginsburg, 2007, p. 5).
Virtual environments that support gameplay are one of
the potential benets of digital games, so they are not
necessarily bad for learning. Conversely, they might even
act as a spur for the development and advancement of
intellect (Ke, 2009, pp. 28). Games can be used as a cover
for progressive pedagogy, even though they shouldn’t be
used as a learning diversion (Steinkuehler, 2013). There
was excitement that games could offer an engaging and
proper new learning technique because players could gain
valuable skills and the attractive qualities of digital games
to inspire motivation (Subrahmanyam & Greeneld,
2007; De Freitas, 2006).
Digital games provide an easy way to combine readings
and learning activities within an engaging environment
(Featherstone, Perrotta, Aston, Houghton, 2013, p.
21). This combination is more valuable and worthwhile
than “outdated” forms of knowledge received through
traditional education because it combines a variety of
perspectives and perspectives. In addition, O’Neill et al.
contend that the length and level of student engagement
with the game and the learning and skill development that
results from the game’s use as a teaching tool can all be
considered when evaluating the effectiveness of DGBL.
EDGBL as a Learner-Centered Approach
As Einstein said, “I make no effort to instruct my pupils
on any subject. My rst goal is to create an environment
that will support their learning”. The students nd the
digital game-based approach to be more engaging than
a traditional teaching strategy. Competition, rules, goals,
and measurable targets are all components of games that
work together to create an exciting experience that gives
players a sense of success (Peters, 2016, para. 6).
In an interview, Wisconsin University professor
Constance Steinkuehler, who spent ten years studying the
educational uses of games, said, “Games are interactive
spaces for children to construct meaning; the objectives
are explicit; and the learner’s interest is not disregarded
or overlooked.” She also mentioned that when kids
are actively involved in a subject, they become more
engaged with it. Active or hands-on learning options that
encourage students to continue playing and learn further
foster motivation. Thus, learning, strategic planning, and
ongoing decision-making are practiced continuously
inside a game setting, which is readily applicable to real-
world scenarios.
Skill Development through EDGBL
It has been discovered that using instructional
innovations supported by games can be benecial to
the growth of mathematical skills and competences. It
has been discovered that the utilization of instructional
innovations that are supported by games can be benecial
to the growth of mathematical skills and competences.
Specically, it was discovered that playing puzzle games
can enhance students’ mental computation skills, including
their ability to perform arithmetic calculations quickly
and accurately at the primary level (Robertson & Miller,
2009). “Playing historical games such as Civilization with
raw world maps not only improves understanding of the
events themselves, but also the underlying circumstances
that led to such events” (Steinkuehler, 2013, p. 1).
“Schools have already begun using video games similar to
Minecraft to teach disciplines such as chemistry, physics,
and ecology” (Steinkuehler, 2013, p. 1). According to
Bottino (2007), effective instructional designs reinforced
by the inclusion of educational games can help students
develop their critical thinking skills by creating and testing
hypotheses, engaging in reection exercises, and drawing
conclusions (pp. 1285).
Theoretical Framework
The constructivist viewpoint, upon which this study is
theoretically based, holds that learning is best achieved
when students actively investigate real-world situations and
gain personal meaning from rst-hand encounters. This
viewpoint has that people create their own perspectives
by solving problems and going on unique adventures,
which helps them to form their own understanding of the
world. Constructivist principles, which emphasize active
engagement and experiential learning, have signicantly
impacted the design of online learning environments that
are student-centered, including interactive learning objects
and digital games (Land and Hannan, 1998, p.239).
Jerome Bruner, who is recognized as a pioneer in this
eld, argues that within the constructivist paradigm,
learning is an active process in which students actively
engage with the material, drawing from prior knowledge
and experiences (McLeod, 2023, para. 22). Furthermore,
according to Becker (2005, para. 7), Robert Gagné’s
theoretical framework suggests that nine mechanisms
through which games induce cognitive change
reception, expectancy, retrieval, selective perception,
semantic encoding, responding, reinforcement, retrieval,
and generalization.
Building on this foundation, Lev Vygotsky asserts that
effective learning occurs when it is social, active, and
situated (Qian & Clark, 2016, p. 51). Becker (2005)
supplements this perspective by emphasizing that well-
designed games offer diverse approaches to learning,
providing players with opportunities to explore immersive
virtual environments and authentic contexts for skill
practice that can be applied in the real-world scenarios.
Furthermore, the “law of exercise” states that repetition
increases the likelihood of a correct response. Edward
Thorndike’s connectionism, as Weibell (2011) explained,
posits a relationship between stimulus and response (S-R)
that is positive. According to Weibell (2011), para. 2, 6).
In gaming, the more players interact with the game, the
higher the likelihood of obtaining an accurate response.
This is consistent with the constructivist framework’s
active learning and reinforcement principles.
This theoretical synthesis provides a robust foundation
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for understanding the pedagogical underpinnings of
EDGBL, afrming its alignment with constructivist
principles and highlighting its potential to facilitate active,
experiential, and socially situated learning.
Ho: μ1=μ2, There is no signicant difference between
the students’ average test scores before and after the
application of Educational Digital Game-Based Learning.
This investigation examined the impact that EDGBL
had on the academic performance of kids in sixth grade
by employing a quasi-experimental methodology, more
precisely, a control group design that consisted of a
series of pre-and post-tests. In total, 54 children from
two different classes at Absalon L. Padronia Memorial
Elementary School in the Alamada East District of the
Cotabato Division participated in the study. The school
is located in the Alamada East District of the Cotabato
Division. The participants were split into two groups
with an equal number in each. One of the groups was
designated as the experimental group and was taught
using EDGBL. The other group served as the control
group and was trained using more conventional methods.
Aligned with the K–12 modules, the assessment
instrument utilized in this research was a fourth-grade
examination encompassing material from the fourth
grading period. English professors performed thorough
analysis, validation, and verication of the questionnaire
in order to ascertain its validity. After the initial test, the
instrument’s internal consistency was evaluated using
Cronbach’s Alpha after it was revised based on the results
of the pilot test. According to the ndings, the reliability
of the questionnaire was determined to have a coefcient
of 0.82, which can be interpreted as a sign of its accuracy.
In order to ensure adherence to ethical principles,
prior authorization was obtained from the district
supervisor, the division superintendent, and the school
head prior to initiating the research. Following this,
the software games were successfully installed on the
P.C.s under the supervision of a computer specialist.
The process of choosing student respondents was
conducted inconspicuously in order to mitigate the risk
of performance bias.
The experimental procedure was initiated by administering
a pretest to both groups in order to provide a foundation
for comparison in their subject knowledge. After that,
standard lessons from the K–12 curriculum were carried
out, during which the experimental group was taught using
EDGBL, while the control group received traditional
instruction. English classes were held for a duration
of sixty minutes on ve days of the week. During this
designated period, preparation exercises, presentations,
discussions, and lesson evaluations were allotted forty
minutes. The remaining twenty minutes were devoted to
EDGBL games. The program incorporated the chosen
EDGBL titles, including Compare, Spell off, PreSuf,
Dependent or Independent Clause Billionaire Game,
and Sentence Power, which provided students with skill-
building exercises, drills, and practice.
During the course of the experiment, the instructor
oversaw the gaming sessions while responding to student
inquiries and reviewing previously discussed information.
It is worth mentioning that the game developer,
Professor Owen Dwyer, granted specic consent to the
researcher about the utilization of these games in the
research. The control group was exposed to traditional
pedagogical approaches, which consisted of classroom
discussions and lectures supported by readily available
textbooks. Posttests were provided to both groups for
a complete evaluation after the eight-week experimental
period. These posttests consisted of identical items to the
pretests but were presented in an alternative order.
Pre-test Scores of the Control and Experimental
Before the beginning of the experimental intervention, a
pretest was routinely given to both the control group and
the experimental group to achieve the goal of maintaining
initial comparability between the two sets of participants.
The ensuing distribution of scores within each group
is graphically depicted in Figure 1 through a box and
whisker plot. It can be seen from the table that the scores
that were recorded for both the experimental group
and the control group were anywhere from 5 to 39. It is
important to note that the median values for the control
group and the experimental group were both found to
be 13, while the experimental group’s median value was
14.This visual depiction provides a nuanced insight into
the central tendency and spread of the pretest scores,
forming a foundational understanding of the groups’
equivalence at the outset of the study.
Figure 1: Distribution of the pretest scores in the control and experimental group
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The results of a detailed comparison of the pre-test
scores of the experimental group and the control group
are presented in Table 1. The mean scores reveal that the
experimental group performed somewhat better on the
pre-test than the control group. In particular, the group that
was subjected to the experiment had a mean score of 14.89
(29.78 percent), whereas the group that served as a control
recorded a mean score of 14 (28 percent). This produced a
marginal mean difference of 0.89. (1.78 percent ).
The independent samples t-test was used to determine
whether or not there was a statistically signicant
difference between the control group and the
experimental group in terms of the observed variance in
mean pretest scores. The t-value that was calculated to
be 0.49 resulted in a probability that was correspondingly
0.62, which was higher than the traditional signicance
threshold of 0.05. This conclusion is not statistically
signicant, which means that the null hypothesis, which
states that there is no signicant difference in the mean
pretest scores of the control and experimental groups, is
correct. Consequently, the data convincingly substantiates
the two groups’ equivalence and comparability at the
study’s onset.
This shows that the levels of knowledge relevant to
English concepts covered in the fourth grading period
were practically identical for students in both the control
group and the experimental group.The absence of a
signicant distinction in pretest scores establishes a robust
baseline, reinforcing the experimental design’s success in
achieving comparable groups, thereby facilitating a valid
assessment of the subsequent impact of EDGBL on the
academic outcomes of the experimental group.
Table 1: Test of difference between the mean pretest scores of the control and experimental group
Group n Mean Standard Deviation Mean Difference t-value df p-value
Experimental 27 14.89 6.59 0.89 0.49ns 52 0.62
Control 27 14.00 6.61
ns - not signicant at 0.05 level
Post-test Scores of the Control and Experimental
In Figure 2, the posttest scores for both the control
group and the experimental group are visually shown
using a box-and-whisker plot to clarify the distribution
characteristics. The control group received the same
treatment as the experimental group. The observed range
of posttest scores for the control group spanned from
12 to 45, while the experimental group exhibited a range
from 18 to 47. Notably, the control group displayed
a broader score range, recording 33, in contrast to the
experimental group’s range of 29. Nevertheless, despite
the control group’s wider range, the experimental group
outperformed in terms of both average and median
Specically, the average posttest score for the experimental
group, standing at 28, surpassed the corresponding
average score of 21.81 for the control group. The
signicant gap between the two groups’ average scores
draws attention to the exceptional performance of the
experimental group. Akin to the average scores, the
median score for the experimental group, denoting a value
of 28, signicantly exceeded the median score of 21 for
the control group. This observation collectively implies
that, on the whole, students in the experimental group
demonstrated superior performance in comparison to
their counterparts in the control group.
The fact that the two groups’ post-test results were
signicantly different demonstrates that the EDGBL
intervention may have the ability to improve students’
academic outcomes. The discernible higher average
and median scores in the experimental group point
towards the positive impact of EDGBL on reinforcing
and augmenting the acquisition of English concepts
covered in the fourth grading period. These ndings
contribute valuable insights into the efcacy of EDGBL
as a pedagogical tool, meriting further consideration and
exploration in the realm of educational practices.
Figure 2: Distribution of the post-test scores in the control and experimental group
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Table 2 comprehensively depicts the comparative analysis
between posttest scores attained by students subjected to
the Traditional Method and those exposed to Educational
Digital Game-Based Learning (EDGBL).
The mean scores outlined in Table 2 underscore a
noteworthy divergence, with the experimental group
registering a higher mean score of 28 (approximately 56%)
in contrast to the control group’s mean score of 21.81
(43.6%). This substantial mean difference, calculated at
6.2 (12.4%), accentuates the superior performance of
the experimental group. In addition, considering the
values of the standard deviation, which were 6.34 for
the experimental group and 8.04 for the control group,
we can see that the scores in the experimental group
displayed a greater degree of dispersion in comparison to
those in the control group.
The signicance of the observed discrepancy in post-
test mean scores between the control group and the
experimental group was evaluated using statistical
analysis in the form of an independent samples t-test.
This was done in order to determine whether or not the
disparity was signicant. The t-value that was calculated
as a consequence of the experiment was 3.14, and when
combined with the probability that was calculated, it
indicated that there was a statistically signicant difference
at the 1% level of signicance. Therefore, the rejection
of the second null hypothesis, which posited that there
would be no signicant difference in posttest mean scores
between the control and experimental groups, provides
support for the nding that students who are exposed to
EDGBL perform better than their counterparts who are
subjected to the conventional method.
This outcome aligns with Klopfer et al.’s (2008) asserting
that digital learning games are strategically designed to
target knowledge acquisition while fostering habits of
mind and understanding applicable within academic
contexts (p. 21). Julie et al. (2022) also found the
effectiveness of Kumospace, an immersive online virtual
ofce/events software, in improving students’ Physics
academic performance. Similarly, Cristobal et al. (2022),
revealed that the utilization of interactive games was
found to increase students’ engagement in online English
classes. The congruence of our ndings with existing
literature underscores the potential of EDGBL as an
effective pedagogical tool for optimizing student learning
Table 2: Test of difference between the mean post-test scores of the control and experimental group
Group n Mean Standard Deviation Mean Difference t-value df p-value
Experimental 27 28 6.34 6.19 3.14** 52 0.00
Control 27 21.81 8.04
**-signicant at 0.01 level
Gain Scores Analysis
Examining students’ development from the beginning of
the experiment to its conclusion while they were under
the inuence of EDGBL enables us to have a better
grasp of the efcacy of this instructional method. Gain
scores are an indicator of how far students have come
throughout this time period.
A graphical representation of the distribution of gain
scores for both the control group and the experimental
group is provided in Figure 5. Notably, the trend that
was discovered highlights a distinct advantage in the
experimental group, whose gain scores varied from 8 to
19. The gain scores of the control group, on the other
hand, ranged from -2 to 14, indicating a less uniform
improvement in comparison to the scores of their
counterparts who were exposed to EDGBL.
The medians, serving as a robust measure of central
tendency, further illuminate the positive impact of
EDGBL. Specically, the median gain score for
the experimental group stands at 13, outpacing the
corresponding median score of 8 for the control group.
This ndings suggests that, on average, students who
were a part of the experimental group experienced a
more signicant improvement in their performance than
those who were a part of the control group.
The pronounced positive effect of EDGBL on gain
scores aligns with the overarching aim of fostering
enhanced learning outcomes. This result underscores the
potential of EDGBL in not only facilitating knowledge
acquisition but also in cultivating a more substantial
and consistent improvement in student’s performance
throughout the duration of the experiment. The graphical
Figure 3: Distribution of gain scores of the experimental and control groups
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representation and statistical summaries contribute a
nuanced understanding of the differential impact of
EDGBL on students’ progress, reinforcing the rationale
for integrating this innovative pedagogical tool.
Table 3 gives a complete review of the mean gain scores
produced from both the control and experimental groups,
illustrating the nuanced impact that Educational Digital
Game-Based Learning (EDGBL) had on the progression
of students throughout the course of the study.
A clear disparity can be seen in the mean gain scores
between the groups who were subjected to the experiment
and those that served as controls, as shown in the table.
Experimental group, exposed to EDGBL, exhibited a
mean gain score of 13.11 (26.22%), while the control
group, subjected to the Traditional Method, recorded
a mean gain score of 7.81 (15.62%). This substantial
mean difference, quantied at 5.3 (10.6%), accentuates
the superior progress demonstrated by students in the
experimental group.
A signicant difference can be seen between the
experimental group and the control group when
looking at the mean gain scores, as shown in the table.
This dispersion metric suggests a more consistent
and homogenous improvement among students
who underwent EDGBL, contributing to the overall
understanding of the intervention’s impact.
A t-test on independent samples was carried out in order
to conduct a comprehensive statistical analysis of the
observed variations in mean gain scores and determine
whether or not they are signicant. The statistical
signicance of the difference in gain scores between the
two groups is demonstrated by the fact that the calculated
t-value is 5.01, and the p-value is 0.00. This indicates
that the difference is signicant at the 0.01 level of
signicance. Consequently, rejecting the third hypothesis
is warranted, afrming that students exposed to EDGBL
outperform their counterparts undergoing traditional
instructional methods.
These ndings align with Prensky’s (2007) assertion that
integrating educational content into digital games yields
superior results compared to traditional instructional
approaches (p. 158). Likewise, Sumandal (2023) revealed
that educational games using Lumi education in Biology
class were perceived positively by the students and have
helped them signicantly in understanding lessons. The
convergence of our results with established literature
underscores the robust impact of EDGBL on enhancing
students’ academic progress, advocating for its integration
as a potent instructional tool.
Table 3: Test of difference between the gain scores of the control and experimental group
Group n Mean Standard Deviation Mean Difference t-value df p-value
Experimental 27 13.11 3.14 5.30 5.01** 52 0.00
Control 27 7.81 4.51
**-signicant at 0.01 level
The application of EDGBL has exhibited a signicant
inuence on the scholastic performance of students
with respect to subjects related to the English language.
The correctness of the theory proposed about academic
accomplishment is conrmed by empirical evidence. As an
essential instructional method, EDGBL should absolutely
be incorporated into the English curriculum taught at
the elementary level. This is strongly recommended.
To promote this integration, educational administrators
may take the initiative to encourage and arrange
opportunities for instructors to participate in specialized
training designed to enhance their prociency in utilizing
EDGBL as an instructional approach. In light of the
wider paradigm shift towards utilizing digital technology
tools in educational environments (Dagett et al., 2013),
it is crucial that educational leaders actively support and
advocate for the integration of EDGBL, recognizing its
transformative capacity. In addition, it would be helpful
for future research to investigate the efcacy of EDGBL
across a wide range of academic elds. This is something
that might be done in the future. Although the enduring
signicance of conventional pedagogical approaches is
acknowledged, it is highlighted that EDGBL need not
merely be regarded as a substitute but rather be given a
prominent position within the realm of education. The
considerable results obtained from EDGBL research
emphasize its potential to improve students’ academic
achievement greatly, therefore offering promising
prospects for progress in education.
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... The influence of numerous technologies on the younger digital generation and their inclination toward interactive learning greatly contribute to this shift [1]. Game-based learning is when educational material is taught through games, aiming to achieve specific learning goals [2]. Games are created to help players remember information better and apply it, while also making sure they have fun and learn something at the same time [2]. ...
... Game-based learning is when educational material is taught through games, aiming to achieve specific learning goals [2]. Games are created to help players remember information better and apply it, while also making sure they have fun and learn something at the same time [2]. Studies have shown significant enhancements in students' ability to pronounce words correctly and expand their vocabulary when using game-based learning approaches instead of traditional repetitive methods [3]. ...
... Games create an interactive and engaging learning atmosphere, which encourages active participation and complete involvement in the learning process [4]. [2] recommend incorporating digital games into educational settings to meet the needs of digital-era students and enhance learning outcomes. ...
... Determining the relationship is crucial for educators and students alike, as it can pave the way in improving effective study habits and classroom environments. Integrating digital game-based learning and communicative language learning activities have also shown promise in enhancing student engagement and performance, suggesting the potential for combining these strategies with musical interventions (Obenza-Tanudtanud & Obenza, 2024;Obenza & Mendoza, 2021). ...
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The central aim of this quasi-experimental study was to investigate the efficacy of lyrical and instrumental music in developing the reading comprehension of grade 10 students of Davao City, Philippines using the descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, specifically t-Test significant differences were assessed among groups and scores. The findings revealed that all groups had similar level of reading comprehension at the outset of the experiment. The post experiment revealed that a significant increase of score was evident in the control and experimental group, which utilized instrumental music. On the other hand, the experimental group using lyrical music, had no significant improvement in the reading comprehension scores. Implications for the educational practices and limitations of the study were provided.
... Determining the relationship is crucial for educators and students alike, as it can pave the way in improving effective study habits and classroom environments. Integrating digital game-based learning and communicative language learning activities have also shown promise in enhancing student engagement and performance, suggesting the potential for combining these strategies with musical interventions (Obenza-Tanudtanud & Obenza, 2024;Obenza & Mendoza, 2021). ...
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The central aim of this quasi-experimental study was to investigate the efficacy of lyrical and instrumental music in developing the reading comprehension of grade 10 students of Davao City, Philippines, using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Specifically, t-test significant differences were assessed among groups and scores. The findings revealed that all groups had similar levels of reading comprehension at the outset of the experiment. The post-experiment revealed that a significant increase in scores was evident in the control and experimental groups, which utilized instrumental music. On the other hand, the experimental group using lyrical music, had no significant improvement in the reading comprehension scores. Implications for the educational practices and limitations of the study were provided.
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هدف هذا البحث إلى تصميم بيئة تعلم قائمة على الألعاب الرقمية وأثرها في تعزيز مهارات القراءة لدى طلاب المرحلة الابتدائية، ولتحقيق هذا الهدف استخدم الباحثان المنهج التجريبي ذو التصميم شبه التجريبي القائم على مجموعتين تجريبية وضابطة، حيث تكونت عينة البحث من (154) طالبًا من طلاب الصف الرابع الابتدائي بمدرسة ابن حوقل الابتدائية بجدة، وتم اختيار العينة عشوائيًا، حيث كان عدد المجموعتين (60) طالبًا، تم تقسيمهم إلى مجموعتين: المجموعة التجريبية وكان عددها (30) متعلمًا، وتم معهم تفعيل التعلم عبر الألعاب الرقمية وأثرها في تعزيز مهارات القراءة، أما المجموعة الثانية فكانت المجموعة الضابطة وكان عددهم (30) طالبًا، وتم معهم التعلم بالطريقة التقليدية، وقد تم التأكد من تكافؤ المجموعتين إحصائيًا، وكانت طريقة دراسة المجموعة التجريبية عبر اللعبة الرقمية روبلوكس (ROBLOX)، ونفذت تجربة البحث في الفصل الدراسي الأول من العام الدراسي (2023- 2024). وتكون البحث من أداة واحدة وهي بطاقة الملاحظة لمهارات القراءة، وبعد أن تم التأكد من صدقها وثباتها تم تطبيقها على المجموعتين قبليًا وبعديًا، وبعد الانتهاء من تجربة البحث تم جمع البيانات وتنظيمها وتحليلها إحصائيًا، حيث توصلت نتائج البحث إلى وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى (α ≥ 0.05) بين متوسط درجات المجموعتين على مهارات القراءة، وذلك لصالح المجموعة التجريبية، فقد بلغت قيمة (ت) لدلالة الفرق بين متوسطات القياسين (43.279)، وهي ذات دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى الدلالة (0.01). وهذا يؤكد فاعلية تصميم بيئة تعلم قائمة على الألعاب الرقمية وأثرها في تعزيز مهارات القراءة لدى طلاب المرحلة الابتدائية، وتفوقه على الطريقة التقليدية التي كانت تطبق على المجموعة الضابطة. وفي ضوء النتائج التي تم التوصل إليها أوصى البحث بتوظيف اللعبة الرقمية ROBLOX في العملية التعليمية، لما لها دورًا بارزًا في تعزيز مهارات القراءة لطلاب المرحلة الابتدائية، وتدريب المعلمين عليها.
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This study aimed to assess the perceived effectiveness of the educational games and the overall performance of the students after it was introduced to them. A descriptive-comparative method of research was utilized. Respondents of this study were twenty-six (26) Grade-12 STEM students. Researcher-made validated questionnaire based on a 5-point Likert scale was used for data collection. The findings of this study revealed that the contents used for educational games were about the cell cycle and cell membrane. Most Essential Learning Competencies were focused on describing, identifying, relating, and explaining biology contents. All of the educational games were rated strongly agree by the respondents. Students enjoyed the games and increased their motivation, interest, cooperation, and participation which transcribed better performance in class. Individual mean scores per lesson indicate that students fully understood the cell cycle concept: mitosis and meiosis. However, further interventions are needed to fully comprehend the function of the cell membrane components and transport mechanisms in the cell. Data analysis also shows a significant difference in the respondent’s responses on the perceived effectiveness of educational games and their mean scores when grouped according to gender. On the other hand, there was no significant relationship between the perceived effectiveness of educational games and the performance of students. A proposed action plan was designed to further improve the effectiveness of educational games in enhancing students learning in General Biology 1. Also, the researcher recommends that teachers may try to develop their games using Lumi Education software.
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Kumospace is platform that provides an immersive and fun experience online, designed to recreate physical experience and atmosphere of being in a room, you can move around and connect with others virtually with the simplicity of a video chat and the creativity of video games. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Kumospace on the academic performance of Grade 9 students in online Physics class. This research is limited only to two sections in Grade 9, Academic Year 2021-2022. It used the quantitative research design with 30 participants for the control group and 30 participants for experimental group. Pretest and posttest were taken thru google form attached to the learning management system, which were prepared with a TOS ahead and validated by the experts before it was conducted to test. Results showed a high mean score of 3.333, 3.442, and 3.383 respectively, in terms of content quality, learners need and website quality which means that the students strongly agree and are satisfied with the features of Kumospace, while mean scores of the posttest for both sections gave an excellent result. The finding of the study showed that t-test analysis on the effectiveness of Kumospace on the academic performance of Grade 9 online Physics class resulted a p-value of 0.401 which means that they are not significant. Therefore, with consideration of the results, disregarding the H1, it can be concluded that Kumospace is an effective intervention to improve the academic performance of learners in the conduct of online physics classes but cannot be significantly compared to other online applications, specifically Zoom.
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This classroom-based action research aimed to improve the Grade 9 students’ level of engagement in online synchronous classes in English through games. The participants of the study were the 39 Grade 9 students who were officially enrolled at the Mariano Marcos State University – Laboratory High School, Batac Campus, for the School Year 2021-2022. The data on students’ level of engagement were gathered using the survey questionnaire patterned after the Student Engagement Survey by Singh and Srivastava (2014). Frequency, percentage distribution, means and mean difference were used to treat the data. Findings reveal that the Grade 9 have varied levels of engagement before and after the application of the intervention. Likewise, there is a significant change on the students’ pre-survey and post-survey scores. Moreover, this study found that the use of games such as Four Pics One Word and Deal or No Deal was effective in improving the students’ level of engagement in their online synchronous classes in English.
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The main characteristics of mobile learning (m-learning) are recognized as the potential for learning process to be personalized, spontaneous, informal and ubiquitous. Although learning through mobile phones may take longer time compared to computers, the learners feel a greater sense of freedom of time and place, so that they can take the advantage of spare time to learn a second language when and where they are. Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) deals with the use of mobile technology in language learning. In contrast to classroom learning, in MALL there is no need for the learners to sit in a classroom or at a computer to get learning materials. In fact, MALL can be considered an ideal solution to language learning barriers in terms of time and place. In this paper by looking at some applications of m-learning as well as some examples across various aspects of it, we observe the advantages and disadvantages derived from using mobile technologies for students as well as professionals. Here, it has been tried to demonstrate the benefits of using mobile phones in learning English as a second language. Areas of mobile-based language learning discussed in this paper are vocabulary, listening, grammar, phonetics, and reading comprehension.
Digital games and gamelike contexts have become an integral part of young people's lives, and scholars have speculated about their potential to engage and enhance children's learning. Given that digital games are complex systems, we propose that different aspects of game features and game play might influence learning in different ways. Drawing on developmental and educational psychology theory and research, the article identifies 4 potential pathways of digital game influence: time, formal features, content, and context of use. Research findings from games and other technologies are presented to provide support for each pathway. The conceptual framework presented in the article will help to ensure learning from, with, and within games.
Digital games have the potential to create active and engaging environments for learning, supporting problem-solving, communication and group activities, as well as providing a forum for practice and learning through failure. The use of game techniques such as gradually increasing levels of difficulty and contextual feedback support learning, and they can motivate users, using challenges and rewards, competition and mystery. Above all, computer games provide safe spaces in which learners can play, explore, experiment, and have fun. However, finding appropriate games for specific educational contexts is often problematic. Commercial entertainment games are designed for enjoyment, and may not map closely to desired learning outcomes, and the majority of educators do not have the time or specialist expertise to create their own games. Computer games are expensive to purchase or produce, and learners, particularly busy adult learners, need to be convinced of their effectiveness. So while there are many theoretical benefits to the use of computer games for learning, it given the increasing economic constraints in education, their use may simply not be practical. This paper presents three alternative ways in which the theory and practice of computer games can be applied to education, without the expense. First, the option of developing simple and cost-effective games with low technical specifications, such as alternate reality games, or using virtual worlds or one of the growing number of accessible game-builder toolkits to create educational games, will be explored. Second, learning from games rather than with them is discussed, examining game techniques that naturally enhance learning, and embedding those elements in traditional teaching practices. Third, the paper presents the option of giving learners agency as game creators rather than simply players, so that it becomes the process, not the product, which facilitates learning. The advantages and drawbacks of each approach are discussed, looking at both practical and pedagogic issues. In this way, the paper aims to offer alternative ways of thinking about the potential of digital games for learning, and present possible solutions to the increasing financial constraints that face the field.
The growing interest in the use of games and simulations to support learning is evidenced in the literature, as well as in recent research projects and initiatives. While a focus upon the users of games and simulations is not well evidenced in the literature, this study aimed to highlight key issues and perceptions that inform and underpin how games and simulations were regarded by learners, tutors and experts using these tools. The paper highlights several key issues at stake in the wider debate about the validity of using games and simulations, including strengths of games to motivate learners, as well as scepticism about its efficacy as a learning tool. However, games and simulations are regarded as tools that may support differentiated learner groups including underserved learners, learners with skills needs (e.g. numeracy and literacy) and informal learners seeking to learn from experiences, as well as supporting collaborative learning practices. Furthermore, the majority of learners and tutors using games and simulations involved in the study did find value in using these tools as part of their wider learning and teaching practices.
EISSN: 1544-3574