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Monitoring SDG 4.7: Assessing Education for Sustainable
Development in policies, curricula, training of educators and
student assessment (input-indicator)
Jorrit Holst | Mandy Singer-Brodowski | Antje Brock | Gerhard de Haan
Institut Futur, Department of Education and
Psychology, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin,
Jorrit Holst, Institut Futur, Department of
Education and Psychology, Freie Universität
Berlin, Fabeckstr. 37, Berlin, 14195, German.
Funding information
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung,
Grant/Award Numbers: 01JO2004, 01JO2305
Education is viewed as a critical keystone in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs). Specifically, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is meant to enable
everyone to contribute to sustainable development (SDG 4.7). This target is monitored
using the global indicator 4.7.1 –mainstreaming of ESD in policies, curricula, training of
educators and student assessment. Here, we offer a conceptual and methodological
framework for assessments of SDG 4.7.1 (input-level) that addresses both quality and
depth of implementation and speed of change. The approach combines document analysis
with external expert evaluation and is applied to 10-year data (>11,000 documents) from
all formal areas of education in Germany (early childhood education, school education,
vocational education and training, higher education). Currently, ESD is mostly implemented
in Germany as an “add-on”to the educational system, with all sub-indicators ranging from
“isolated mentioning”of ESD and related concepts to “partial integration”. Across most
areas of education, the sub-indicator training of educators was evaluated as most deficient.
With regard to the speed of change, it was found that the implementation of ESD is
dynamic, with all sub-indicators having been evaluated as increasing. The proposed frame-
work can increase the validity, reliability, and comparability of both country reporting and
scientific assessments of SDG 4.7.1. We argue for independent and integrative monitoring
across input, process, output and outcome to complement self-reporting and to support
evidence-informed policymaking on sustainability in education.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), SDG 4.7, Education for Sustainable Development
(ESD), monitoring & evaluation, document analysis, input-indicator, early childhood education &
school education, vocational education & higher education
Sustainable Development (SD) encompasses an ambitious global
agenda for the development of resilient, socially just human life within
the limits of planet Earth. With 17 globally agreed upon goals, 169 tar-
gets and well over 200 indicators, the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) are currently the core normative framework for global sustain-
ability efforts (e.g., Biermann et al., 2017; Biermann et al., 2022).
Although the SDGs are not without controversy due to their
Received: 9 June 2023 Revised: 27 November 2023 Accepted: 11 December 2023
DOI: 10.1002/sd.2865
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2024 The Authors. Sustainable Development published by ERP Environment and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Sustainable Development. 2024;1–16. 1
inherently conflicting goals (Hickel, 2019; Holden et al., 2017;
Spangenberg, 2017), the general necessity and urgency to move
toward global sustainability is virtually undisputed in academia and
international politics (e.g., Richardson et al., 2023; Rockström
et al., 2023; United Nations General Assembly, 2023). As important as
the SDGs are, the findings of the mid-term report on their implemen-
tation are very sobering (Sachs et al., 2023): Currently, none of the
17 goals are on track, and in some cases progress is reported to be
going backwards. Nonetheless, the authors remind us that all of the
goals are still achievable (ibid.). For this transition, the mid-term report
highlights universal quality education as a critical SD pathway, among
others. This is supported by studies on assessments of the SDGs and
their interactions, in which quality education (SDG 4) and particularly
SDG 4.7 are described as having a strong positive relationship with
various other SDGs (Dalampira & Nastis, 2020; Fonseca et al., 2020;
Pham-Truffert et al., 2020; Vladimirova & Le Blanc, 2016; Xiao
et al., 2023). In this vein, linking education with sustainability has been
discussed as fundamental for change toward sustainability both in the
fields of education (Agbedahin, 2019; Sterling, 2003,2016; Wals &
Benavot, 2017) and sustainability research (Abson et al., 2017; Otto
et al., 2020; Sachs et al., 2019; Van Poeck et al., 2020).
Correspondingly, target 4.7 of the SDGs calls for education sys-
tems worldwide to “ensure [by 2030] that all learners acquire the
knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development”
(United Nations General Assembly, 2015, p. 21). Against this back-
drop, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is approached by
UNESCO and its member states as “an enabler for all 17 SDGs”and a
“foundation for the required transformation”(UNESCO, 2021). Con-
sequently, the final declaration at the UNESCO World Conference on
ESD in 2021 set a commitment for member states to “[e]nsure that
ESD is a foundational element of our education systems at all levels”
(UNESCO, 2021, p. 2).
To be able to meet this commitment as well as the objective set
in SDG 4.7, it is of critical importance to systematically monitor and
evaluate the degree to which ESD and sustainability are being inte-
grated within education systems (Brent Edwards et al., 2020; Kioupi &
Voulvoulis, 2019; Stepanek Lockhart, 2018). Such data provide the
basis for observing trends, identifying progress and gaps as well as
deriving necessary policy measures to strengthen the implementation
of ESD. As with all SDGs, the development of concrete and facilitative
indicators for the integration of sustainability in education is crucial
for its governance and practical implementation (Biermann
et al., 2017; Hák et al., 2016; Kim, 2023). Currently, the global indica-
tor for target 4.7 of the SDGs is described as the “extent to which
(i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable devel-
opment are mainstreamed in (a) national education policies;
(b) curricula; (c) teacher education; and (d) student assessment”
(UNESCO, 2017,2019a,2019b). However, this indicator has not yet
been sufficiently operationalized for independent and scientific
assessments (Brent Edwards et al., 2020; Giangrande et al., 2019).
Monitoring is currently based on countries' self-reporting using a
dichotomous (yes/no) assessment scheme as well as qualitative
highlighting of best-practice cases (UNESCO, 2019a,2019b). This
reliance on countries' self-reporting results in a bias toward positive
reporting (e.g., Nazir et al., 2011), which most likely does not reflect
the real status of target 4.7. Taking the example of Germany, the cur-
rent score on the global indicator for SDG 4.7.1 is reported at 1.0 for
national education policies (range: 0–1), 0.904 for curricula, 0.95
for teacher education and 0.917 for student assessment
(Destatis, 2023). However, the results derived from independent data
from the national monitoring of ESD in Germany (e.g., Grund & Brock,
2020; Holst et al., 2020) are significantly different. While there is con-
siderable support for the integration of ESD into the German educa-
tion system, including through a large participatory multi-stakeholder
process (Nationale Plattform BNE c/o BMBF, 2017; Singer-Brodowski
et al., 2020), the discrepancies between self-reporting scores and
evaluations by independent monitoring provide good reasons for
complementing countries' self-reporting on SDG 4.7 with indepen-
dent evaluations to allow for evidence-informed policy-making
(Lingard, 2013).
Also, with regard to operationalization, the conceptual openness
of the current global indicator 4.7.1. is viewed by some authors as
problematic because, among other reasons, “it is not clear how com-
parisons of this indicator across countries should be interpreted”
(Brent Edwards et al., 2020, p. 35) and because the term “mainstream-
ing”is not sufficiently concrete with regard to depth of integration
(Gallwey, 2016). However, a more nuanced approach to measuring
SDG 4.7.1 at the input-level of documents has not yet been proposed.
Aware of the necessity of monitoring ESD across the different indica-
tor levels (inputs, e.g., in documents; processes, e.g., assessments of
Whole Institution Approaches; outputs and outcomes,
e.g., assessments of competencies) and the need to develop both
international and more context-specific indicators, we focus here on
measurement strategies for the assessment of ESD at the input-level
of documents. While we are proposing a way to further operationalize
SDG 4.7.1 and apply in one illustrative context (Germany), the
approach can also be used as a general input-indicator for ESD in
other contexts.
Various authors have already conducted document analyses on
ESD (e.g., Beveridge et al., 2019; Fredriksson et al., 2020; De Haan,
2021; Holst et al., 2020; Krah et al., 2021). However, evaluating the
results of these studies has often proved difficult and, because of
the lack of clear criteria for “sufficient”or “satisfactory”ESD imple-
mentation, it has not been possible to compare evaluations across dif-
ferent contexts and over time. This also accounts for past document
analyses as part of the monitoring of ESD in Germany, where the
focus has primarily been on whether the goals set by stakeholders
themselves were met and how the observed status compared to other
contexts described in the international literature (Holst et al., 2020).
We thus see a considerable need for a conceptual and methodological
framework for evaluating the current status quo and progress toward
implementing SDG 4.7. Such a framework must allow for more stan-
dardized assessments that provide greater reliability and validity, and
thus better comparability across contexts and over time.
In this article, we (1) propose an input-level framework for indica-
torising and systematically assessing ESD, and specifically SDG 4.7,
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based on lexical document analysis and external expert evaluation.
We (2) report on the results of an assessment of the operationalized
indicator 4.7.1 based on a longitudinal analysis of >11,000 documents
from early-childhood education, school education, vocational educa-
tion and training, and higher education in Germany. By combining sys-
tematic document analysis with an external expert evaluation, we
propose an operationalization that can be used both for independent
scientific assessments and as part of countries reporting on SDG 4.7.
At the international level, the UNECE expert group on indicators for
ESD contributed to the design of ESD indicators during the United
Nations Decade on ESD (UNECE, 2005). This provided a basis for
countries to report on their progress (UNECE, 2009,2022) and was
intended to cover a broad range of educational areas and levels
(e.g., input, output/outcome). While international reporting to date
has mostly been based on countries' self-assessments, independent
national monitoring of ESD has been carried out at Freie Universität
Berlin in Germany since 2015. This monitoring includes conducting
repeated document analyses to track the status and progress of ESD
implementation at the input level of educational governance. System-
atic assessments of documents are considered a fundamental part of
educational monitoring (Ioannidou, 2010) as documents (e.g., policies,
curricula) provide important leverage for integrating emerging con-
cepts and objectives within the structures of education systems. In
Germany, data have now been collected and analyzed over a 10-year
period (from 2012 to 2021) in all areas of formal education (early
childhood education, school education, vocational education and
training, higher education). This longitudinal document analysis serves
as an exemplary data base for the operationalization of indicator 4.7.1
in this article.
In the following sections, we first present a conceptual framework
for assessing different degrees of implementation of sustainability and
ESD in education system documents, in line with SDG 4.7. We then
outline our methodological approach to document analysis and, build-
ing on the proposed conceptual framework for indicatorising SDG
4.7.1 at the input-level, and describe the process of expert evaluation.
In the results, we first synthesize the core findings from the document
analysis on the status of ESD and sustainability in Germany and then
present the results of the external expert evaluation on SDG 4.7.1. In
the discussion, we reflect upon the core implications of the findings,
strengths and limitations of the approach, and ways to further opera-
tionalize and assess SDG 4.7.
Redesign? Integrate? Add-On? What does it mean to “main-
stream ESD”?
As the fundamental basis for the development of indicators for
SDG 4.7, it is necessary to consider the different degrees to which
ESD and sustainability may or may not be “implemented”or “main-
streamed”within education systems. From an implementation theory
perspective, the mainstreaming of the social innovation of ESD
(Bormann & Nikel, 2017) can be described as the scaling of an educa-
tional reform. Coburn (2003) identifies four dimensions of the scaling
of such innovations in education: depth, sustainability (in the sense of
durability), spread and shift in ownership. A document analysis, by its
very nature, can hardly capture a shift in ownership (the fourth dimen-
sion of Coburn's approach). However, the proposed framework traces
the scaling of ESD in documents in terms of (1) depth, quality and
spread (Coburn's first and third dimensions) and (2) stability and speed
of scaling (Coburn's second dimension) by analyzing data at different
times. With regard to depth and quality, Sterling (2003, 282ff.)
describes four different modes of implementation: “denial”(rejection,
leading to no change), “bolt-on”(“accommodation”, resulting in sur-
face level reforms where sustainability is added to an existing system
without changing the underlying paradigms), “build-in”(“serious
greening”, resulting in significant system changes) and “redesign”
(whole system change, a “deep reordering of assumptions equivalent
to epistemic change”). Since the early 2000s, various authors have
referred to this heuristic for evaluating the depth and quality of sus-
tainability implementation (e.g., Kolmos et al., 2016 on engineering
education; Wals & Benavot, 2017 generally on education; Weiss &
Barth, 2021 on curriculum change in higher education). For the con-
ceptual framework proposed here, we adapt, refine, and further oper-
ationalize the heuristic for evaluating SDG 4.7.1. Regarding the
second aspect of mainstreaming ESD, speed of change, it is important
to consider the usual cycles in which different types of documents are
revised. As both aspects are important for the evaluation of the status
and progress of ESD implementation, the proposed framework for
assessments of SDG 4.7.1 contains two modules for the two separate
yet interrelated domains: (1) quality and depth and (2) speed of
change. The first (depth) is considered as the foundational module,
which can be utilized in one-off or continuous (longitudinal) assess-
ments. The latter (speed of change) requires time series,
either –where possible –through the inclusion of past data (e.g., old
and new versions of curricula, laws, exams) or, through comparative
surveys (ideally, as part of long-term monitoring). Both parts of the
framework are introduced in the following.
2.1 |Quality and depth of implementation
With regard to depth of implementation, we adapt and operationalize
Sterling (2003) heuristic for the evaluation of document analysis
within six demarcated assessment categories: (1) No Mentioning,
(2) Isolated Mentioning, (3) Add-On, (4) Partial Integration, (5) Substan-
tial Integration and (6) Redesign (for an overview, see Figure 1). In line
with Sterling's approach, we suggest focusing primarily on the quality
of observed implementation patterns (e.g., Redesign, Integration, Add-
On, Isolated Mentioning) rather than the sheer quantity of textual ref-
erences to concepts such as ESD or sustainability. At the same time,
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quantification is to some extent inherent in the categories presented
below, considering that “Redesign”and “Substantial Integration”,by
definition, require more textual references, while the categories of
“No Mentioning”and “Isolated Mentioning”always imply low or non-
existent quantities.
Redesign is described by Sterling (2003, p. 284) as transformation
in the sense of “a deep, conscious reordering of assumptions equiva-
lent to epistemic change, leading to change of paradigm”. Education is
thereby re-thought “through a continuous learning process –to
embody and reflect a whole system approach”to sustainability
(ibid.:285). This paradigm shift (sustainability as a central objective of
quality education) is manifested at all levels of education systems
(e.g., policy, organizations and learning networks, specific learning
environments and situations). In line with theories on leverage points
for system changes, redesign addresses the “mindset or paradigm out
of which the goals, rules, feedback structure arise”as well as the
“goals of the system”itself (Abson et al., 2017; Meadows, 1997).
As the deepest form of implementation, which does not by defini-
tion require a fundamental shift in the underlying educational para-
digms, Substantial Integration of ESD and sustainability in education
system documents is operationalized to include the goal of ensuring
“that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote
sustainable development”(UNESCO, 2020; United Nations General
Assembly, 2015, p. 21) as a priority and guiding objective of all learn-
ing processes in a given sector of education (UNESCO, 2021). With
reference to the sub-areas of the indicator for SDG 4.7, we propose
operationalizing this as the following type of integration in the differ-
ent areas of education:
1. Policy: Ambitious and binding education policy decisions and rec-
ommendations of the relevant actors in the respective education
sector for the implementation of ESD and sustainability at all levels
of the education sector. Key references for this are the roadmap of
the UNESCO “ESD for 2030”program and the Berlin Declaration
on the implementation of ESD (UNESCO, 2020,2021).
2. Curricula: Cross-cutting integration of discipline-, subject- or
occupation-specific goals (e.g., relevant competences), content
(e.g., aspects of the SDGs, the socio-ecological transformation),
didactic principles (e.g., action- and life world orientation, participa-
tion), and, if appropriate for the respective type of document,
forms of organizational implementation (e.g., inclusion of the
socio-physical learning environment as well as regional partners in
the sense of a whole institution approach; see Buckler &
Creech, 2014; Holst, 2023).
3. Training of educators: Cross-cutting integration of ESD- and
sustainability-specific competence goals in the relevant documents
for the training and further education of educators (e.g., teachers,
trainers, early childhood educators), that is, across all subjects, dis-
ciplines and age groups.
4. Student performance assessments: Design of examination ques-
tions in all subjects, disciplines, and professions in a form that takes
into account other objectives of performance assessment and pro-
vides an incentive to promote and measure sustainability-related
competences, including the critical and systemic examination of
current non-sustainable development and the development
of future-oriented possibilities for action.
By definition, such Substantial Integration implies both high qual-
ity and high quantity textual references. In contrast, Partial Integration
requires a similarly high level of quality, but a lower level of quantity.
This means that several, but not most, documents, groups or contexts
apply an ambitious and binding conceptual understanding of ESD.
Taking an example from Germany, partial integration might mean that
there are high quality passages in texts on sustainability and ESD in
the laws or curricula of several, but not most federal states.
The quality of implementation of Add-On differs from that of
partial and substantial integration in that it refers to a pattern where
the integration of textual references to SD, ESD and related con-
cepts is predominantly of low quality and where such references are
often simply added to objectives and explanations that are otherwise
hardly changed at all. Sterling (2003, p. 282) describes this as “a
‘bolt-on’of sustainability ideas to [an] existing system, which itself
remains largely unchanged”. In the case of curricula, for example, this
could mean adding the label “ESD”to courses without making sub-
stantial changes to their content, adding new electives on topics
related to SD without making changes to the main body of compul-
sory courses, or modifying parts of courses or subjects so that they
briefly touch on sustainability.
We suggest that isolated textual references to ESD/sustainability
learning-related concepts (low quantity) that are not further contextu-
alized and/or picked up in the rest of the document (low quality)
should be considered as Isolated Mentioning.
The lowest proposed category (No Mentioning) implies that no
anchoring can be identified at all.
FIGURE 1 Conceptual framework for the depth of implementation of sustainability and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in
education system documents; refined operationalization based on the underlying heuristic by Sterling (2003).
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2.2 |Speed of change
When assessing documents, speed of change always relates to the
usual publication dates and revision cycles (e.g., school curricula are
revised less frequently than, for example, examination questions).
Moreover, speed of change can only refer to documents in which ref-
erences to ESD/sustainability can be expected (e.g., no reference to
sustainability or ESD could be expected in resolutions by ministries in
response to the Covid-19 pandemic). Based on these considerations,
we suggest operationalizing speed of change in five categories (Strong
Increase, Medium Increase, Small Increase, No Change, Decrease;
detailed operationalization: see methods). These can be evaluated
either by external experts who have comprehensive knowledge of the
fields of education (as in this study), or as part of countries' self-
reporting (see discussion). Lastly, an assessment of speed of change
requires data for comparisons across time, which may not always be
In the following section, we provide an introduction to the docu-
ment analysis that serves as the data basis for external expert evalua-
tion, and operationalize the conceptual framework within a code
system for evaluations.
3.1 |Systematic document analysis (quantitative,
Since 2017, the national monitoring on ESD in Germany has con-
ducted repeated large-scale document analyses, which serve as the
data basis for reviewing the status and progress on SDG 4.7.1 at
the input level. This current analysis includes a total of 11,061 docu-
ments (2017: 2795 (Brock et al., 2018; Singer-Brodowski, et al.,
2019), 2019: 45078 (1713 new) (Holst et al., 2020), 2021/22: 11,061
(6553 new)) from all subdomains of the global indicator for 4.7: educa-
tion policy, curricula, training of educators and student assessment.
Table 1provides an overview of the different types of documents
included from each of the four areas of formal education (Early Child-
hood Education, School Education, Vocational Education and Training,
Higher Education) for the four sub-indicators (Education Policy, Cur-
ricula, Training of Educators, Student Assessment).
The choice of document groups is based on (i) international indi-
cators that were operationalized into groups of documents for assess-
ment (Brock et al., 2018; Singer-Brodowski et al., 2019;
UNECE, 2005), (ii) groups of documents specifically addressed in the
National Action Plan on ESD (National Platform ESD c/o BMBF,
2017) and (iii) a systematic alignment of the document base with the
subdomains of SDG 4.7.1 (education policy, curricula, training of edu-
cators, student assessment). A transdisciplinary knowledge exchange
with members of the German ESD expert fora took place throughout
all process steps. This iterative approach, which began in 2016,
gradually led to the inclusion of further groups of documents
(e.g., exams in school education and didactic training of educators in
higher education were assessed for the first time for this study).
Applying the same data collection procedure used for the 2017,
2018, and 2019 benchmark data, the new and updated data for all
document groups included in this study were collected between
November 2021 and January 2022. A total of 6553 additional docu-
ments were downloaded, inventoried and loaded into the data analy-
sis software MAXQDA for this study, bringing the total dataset to
11,061 documents. All data were automatically searched for concep-
tual keywords relating to (i) ESD, (ii) Sustainability/Sustainable Devel-
opment, (iii) Perspectives on and from ESD and (iv) Related
educational concepts. An overview of all keywords used in the lexical
analysis is provided in Figure 2.
Keywords on a conceptual level were chosen to address the the-
matic as well as the didactic level of ESD. All codings of identified text
segments were checked manually, for example, to avoid miscoding,
such as the use of “nachhaltig”(German for sustainable) only in the
sense of “langfristig”(durable/long-term) instead of in the sense of
the normative concept of sustainability/SD. As a coding rule, all seg-
ments where the coding did not seem entirely clear were strictly
coded as “uncertain”and discussed in a peer debriefing (Spall, 1998)
with three researchers to reach consensus or, where this was not pos-
sible, to vote on the coding. The coded text segments within each
group of documents were analyzed both quantitatively and
3.2 |External Expert Evaluation
After reports had been finalized in German for each area of education,
six external experts on ESD and educational measurement in the Ger-
man education system were asked to evaluate the descriptive results
according to the predefined system of categories. The experts were
chosen based on their context of expertise, representing all areas of
education, and their professional experience with indicator develop-
ment as professors in the fields of general education and ESD. Table 2
provides an overview of the experts involved in the external evaluation
with their institutional affiliation and context of expertise. The number
and selection of experts took into account both the need for reliability
and validity of evaluations, and the feasibility of applying the methodo-
logical framework in different contexts. Given the extensive and long-
standing field knowledge and experience of the experts, in one specific
area of education and more generally across all areas of education, it
can be assumed that they were able to make robust assessments of the
quality and speed categories based on the predefined template (below).
A template was developed (supplementary material) to standard-
ize the external expert evaluation, including background information
on the document analysis and the scales for evaluation (quality/depth,
speed of change). As the descriptive basis for their judgments, the
experts received a descriptive raw version of four reports on the most
recent document analysis (in German: Brock & Holst, 2022; Holst,
2022; Holst & Singer-Brodowski, 2022; Singer-Brodowski &
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TABLE 1 Document groups included in the systematic lexical document analysis sorted by areas of education and sub-indicators of SDG
4.7.1 (education policy, curricula, training of educators, student assessment).
Education policy Curricula Training of educators Student assessment
Early Childhood
•Laws of all states and
federal laws
•Educational plans from all
•School curricula of
courses in ECE from all
federal states
•Education reports •Course handbooks and
regulations for all study
programs at higher
education institutions
(HEI) for educators in ECE
•Documents from the
conferences of Ministers
for Youth and Family
Affairs (JFMK) /
Education (KMK) and the
Child and Youth Welfare
Association (AGJ)
School Education
•Laws of all states •School curricula of all 16
states for 9 selected
•Course handbooks and
regulations for teacher
training at the 20 higher
education institutions
with most graduates in
•Exams for degrees in
secondary education
(Abitur, Realschule,
Hauptschule) from 2005
until 2021
•Documents from the
Standing Conference of
the Ministers of
Education and Cultural
Affairs (KMK) with focus
on SE
Education and
Training (VET)
•Federal and state laws •All new or modified
training regulations
since 2015
•Course handbooks and
study/ examination
regulations for teacher
training in five selected
•Regulations on exams in
training regulations
since 2015
•Federal Institute for VET
(BIBB), KMK-Committee
on VET
•All new or modified
frame-curricula for VET-
schools since 2015
•Ordinance on Trainer
Aptitude (AEVO) and
regulations for further
training of educators
•Education reports and
data reports (BIBB)
•Guides for Educational
Practice (BIBB)
since 2015
Higher Education
•Federal and state laws •Course handbooks and
course regulations of 3
subjects (biology,
mechanical engineering,
business administration)
from 20 HEIs
•Didactic training of
educators at 20 HEIs and
respective networks for
didactic training in HE
•Federal, regional rectors'
conferences (HRK/LRK)
•Target agreements of all
states with HEI
•Education reports
•Student associations
•HEI self-governance (e.g.,
mission statements,
reports, strategies,
statutes) from 20 HEIs
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Holst, 2022). Abstracts, evaluations and recommendations were
removed to better ensure an unbiased and independent evaluation by
the experts. The descriptive reports were divided into five PDFs
(introduction and methods, one PDF for each sub-indicator of SDG
4.7.1) and provided to the experts with the template. The following
Tables 3and 4are part of the template and were provided to the
experts as the predefined category system for assessment. First,
Table 3introduces the category system used to evaluate the quality
and depth of ESD implementation. Table 4subsequently introduces
the category system used to evaluate speed of change.
Importantly, the rating of both categories (depth/quality, speed)
refers to the predominant pattern of anchoring, which means that indi-
vidual references are less important in the evaluation than the larger
patterns. During the evaluation, all document groups were evaluated
individually and an aggregated assessment was made for each sub-
indicator. After the six expert evaluations had been collected, the mean
and modus were calculated for each document group and sub-indicator.
Section 4.1 provides a descriptive overview of the main results of the
document analysis for each area of education. These serve as the data
for the evaluation of SDG 4.7.1. The results of the expert evaluation
are reported in section 4.2.
4.1 |Implementation of ESD and related concepts
in Germany: Descriptive overview
Before presenting the results for each area of education, it is impor-
tant to note that, under the German constitution, education in
Germany is the responsibility of the 16 federal states. This means that
the federal government only has direct influence on some parts of the
education system (e.g., parts of vocational education) and that most
data are reported for the 16 states.
4.1.1 | Early childhood education (ECE)
Early childhood education in Germany is primarily organized by inde-
pendent institutions. Municipalities and states support daycare places,
and in recent years the federal government has provided funding for
overall quality development. At the level of education policy (state
laws), there is a slight trend toward the inclusion of ESD compared to
the previous study, with 4 state laws (2019: 1) referring to sustainabil-
ity or ESD. The supporting associations, which are united in the Child
and Youth Welfare Association (AGJ), have also taken a position on
Position papers of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of
Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK) on the training of early child-
hood education specialists and support staff have provided a basis for
FIGURE 2 Conceptual keywords
used for lexical search (translated from
German, different forms for singular/
plural as well as different suffixes were
included); based on Holst et al. (2020).
Keywords which were included in this
study for the first time are marked with.
TABLE 2 Experts involved in the external expert evaluation with
institutional affiliation and context of expertise.
affiliation Context of expertise
Prof. Dr. Inka
Freie Universität
Professor of General
Prof. Dr.
Leibniz Institute for
Research and
Information in
Professor of Educational
Prof. Dr.
University of
Professor of Vocational
Prof. Dr.
Armin Lude
University of
Professor of Biology and
Biology Education
Prof. Dr.
University for
Professor of
Education and
Education for
Prof. Dr.
University of Vechta Professor of Higher
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strengthening ESD in training (see below). ESD has not been included
in education reporting. Regarding the curricula, there are no binding
documents for young children up to the age of 6. However, by the
end of 2021, 9 of the 16 educational plans of the federal states explic-
itly referred to ESD (2017: 6; 2019: 8). A clear trend can therefore be
observed, which applies in particular to the recently revised educa-
tional plans. Early childhood educators follow one of two training
paths: traditional dual educator training (see section on Vocational
Education and Training (VET) below) or an early education/childhood
study program at higher education institutions. An increase of refer-
ences to ESD or related concepts was found in documents related to
study programs (3% of documents with references in 2017 to 5% in
2021). Specifically, this means that references to ESD could be found
on about one in 31 analyzed pages (2017: 1/139 pages), and refer-
ences to sustainability on about one in 45 pages (2017: 1/256 pages).
There is also an increase in the proportion of ESD in relation to other
sustainability-related educational concepts. An even clearer trend is
evident in VET for early childhood educators: starting from compara-
tively few references in the baseline analysis (2017: 1 reference every
280 pages, n=292), ESD is more frequently integrated in more
recent documents (2019: 1 reference every 43 pages, n=44; 2021:
1 reference every 24 pages, n=72). No ECE documents exist that
could be analyzed in the area of student assessments.
4.1.2 | School education (SE)
In Germany, SE laws, curricula and examination questions differ from
state to state. The Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education
and Cultural Affairs (KMK) therefore wields considerable influence as
the joint consulting body of the federal states. A review of the
TABLE 3 Category system for quality and depth of ESD implementation with descriptions and further elaborations for the categories
“Redesign”,“Substantial Integration”,“Partial Integration”,“Add-On”,“Isolated Mentioning”and “No Mentioning”.
Category Description Further elaboration
Redesign Comprehensive redesign or reorganization of the fundamental
orientation of documents/document groups toward
sustainability/ESD (paradigm/lived culture of sustainability).
Understanding of ESD as a central, continuous and binding part
of the educational mission in the sense of a whole institution
and ultimately a whole-system approach, which in turn
corresponds to a fundamentally changed educational
paradigm/a lived culture of sustainability (cf. also
Sterling, 2003). The orientation toward sustainability
restructures the goals and paths of the educational sector /
institution in question.
Deep and cross-sectional integration of sustainability/ESD in
the various documents/document groups; high quantity and
quality (substantial integration) of references on ESD and
An ambitious and binding conceptual understanding of ESD is
consistently applied to the content of the respective
documents (e.g., curriculum or resolution).
Predominantly high content quality of the references to
ESD/sustainability in the sense of substantial integration in
several documents/document groups (e.g., in several, but not
all federal states) with differences between or within the
documents/document groups.
An ambitious and binding conceptual understanding of ESD is
applied in several documents of a document group or in
several federal states, subjects, or at several locations with
high content quality in the sense of substantial integration
(see above).
Add-on References to ESD/sustainability are predominantly of medium
to low content quality, often as a supplement to otherwise
frequently unchanged requirements/objectives/explanations.
For example, naming the concept of ESD in curricula, but
without describing goals, content, methods/media, and
organizational implementation as substantially oriented
toward ESD/sustainability.
Isolated references in individual documents (groups of
documents) that are not further contextualized and/or taken
up in the rest of the document.
Isolated references to for example, sustainability, ESD or related
No mentioning No mentioning of sustainability, ESD or related concepts.
TABLE 4 Category system for speed of change of ESD-
implementation with descriptions for the categories “Strong
Increase”,“Medium Increase”,“Small Increase”,“No Increase”and
Category Description
Avery strong/rapid increase in references to
ESD/sustainability in the respective documents
(groups) compared to usual publication/revision
Asignificant increase in references to
ESD/sustainability in the respective documents
(groups) compared to usual publication/revision
Aslow increase in references to ESD/sustainability in
the respective documents (groups) compared to
usual publication/revision times, recognizable by
sporadically increasing references.
No change No change is discernible over time.
Decrease A reduction of references to sustainability/ESD can be
observed in the periods under consideration.
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different education policies adopted in each state shows that no
change has occurred in the education laws of the 16 federal states
since 2019. Four laws explicitly refer to ESD and another four men-
tion sustainability. The recommendations and resolutions issued by
the KMK since 2019 only refer to ESD in one thematically relevant
document on consumer education. ESD is not referred to in docu-
ments that focus on the overarching design of the school system. The
analysis of curricula continues to show that references to ESD and SD
differ greatly across federal states and subjects. Looking first at all
curricula valid at the time of data collection (n=422), four federal
states included at least some explicit references to ESD in more than
50% of all curricula assessed. However, the curricula documents from
eight states included ESD in less than 20% of the documents ana-
lyzed. There is a strong tendency to include references in subjects that
are thematically close to SD, which limits the cross-cutting implemen-
tation of ESD. In a few federal states, ESD has been implemented
across different subjects (e.g., Baden-Württemberg, North Rhine-
Westphalia, Saxony). ESD is rarely –6% of all documents –integrated
in training course handbooks and course/examination regulations for
the training of educators, whereas ESD-relevant terms, including
related concepts, appear in 14% of the documents. Documents that
contain references to (E)SD focus primarily on specific universities
and, again, on specific subjects (e.g., biology, geography). In 5 out of
20 of the largest teacher training institutions in Germany, ESD did not
appear in any document. Within the category of student assessment,
thematic references to the ecological dimension of SD were analyzed
based on dimensions of the planetary boundary concept (Steffen
et al., 2015). The number of text segments has increased over the past
years, especially those related to climate change and, less frequently,
biodiversity. Strong differences were also found between subjects.
For instance, 78% of geography exams referred to SD, and 46% to cli-
mate change. In business administration, 41% referred to SD and
around one third (28%) to climate. There were far fewer references to
SD in other subjects, such as most natural sciences, German, history,
or arts, with a maximum of 3% of all exams in each subject referring
to SD-related issues.
4.1.3 | Vocational education and training (VET)
In Germany, VET is organized in a dual system, in which vocational
schools cooperate with companies to combine both theoretical and
practical perspectives. While a programmatic discourse on sustainabil-
ity in VET was observed in the last assessment in 2019, the concrete
integration of ESD was described as slower and less dynamic (Holst
et al., 2020). In contrast, the present analysis shows significant trends
toward embedding sustainability in the German VET system between
2019 and 2021. Regarding VET-related education policies, the con-
cept of sustainability (not ESD) has been included in the standard
training elements (“Standardberufsbildpositionen”) by the Federal
Institute for VET (BIBB), and the contribution to SD has been included
by the KMK in the corresponding agreement as a task of vocational
schools. No major changes were observed with regard to laws and
educational reporting. In particular, the inclusion of sustainability in
the standard training elements and the KMK's curriculum develop-
ment guidebook has led to a sharp increase in the number of text seg-
ments in curricula (training regulations, school curricula) that refer to
sustainability. As of 2021, all new or updated documents include ref-
erences to sustainability (not to ESD, which could only be expected in
school curricula). So far, this only affects a comparatively small num-
ber of vocations (e.g., 5 training regulations in 2021), in which the
number of references to sustainability has increased (e.g., in training
regulations, from an average of 4.5 to 10.8 mentions per document).
In terms of depth, references are frequently overarching VET require-
ments or closely follow the wording of the standard training element.
The concrete meaning of sustainability for a specific vocational con-
text is only defined in individual cases. Regarding the training of edu-
cators (teacher training in universities), the longitudinal data show an
increase in the relevant text segments based on an overall low anchor-
age in 2017 and 2019 (Holst et al., 2020). However, these references
focus primarily on single HEIs and individual courses (1% of all text
segments at four out of 16 HEIs). Further, the respective sections on
student assessment in all training regulations published between
2015 and 2021 were analyzed: Out of a total of 66 vocations, 6 train-
ing regulations (9%) referred to sustainability. Although the standard
training elements should legally be part of all assessments, this is not
yet reflected in the data since 2020.
4.1.4 | Higher education (HE)
In HE, the category of education policy includes state-policies (includ-
ing agreements between federal states and HEIs) and the documents
produced by self-governing HEIs. Continuing a trend described in
Holst et al. (2020), the data shows that sustainability –and to some
extent ESD –is increasingly included in target agreements between
state ministries and HEIs. In 2021, 12 of the 16 federal states men-
tioned sustainability at least once in >50% of their agreements with
HEIs (7/16 for ESD). At the same time, frequency and qualitative
depth vary strongly between states and among HEIs. In contrast to
earlier observations, significant dynamic can be observed in state
laws, with 10 of the 16 states mentioning sustainability as a core mis-
sion of HEIs (2017: 5, 2019: 6). In addition, from 2022 onwards, two
states explicitly designate ESD as a compulsory objective (Hesse,
Bavaria). In contrast to state policies, there are far fewer references to
ESD and sustainability in documents in the self-governance docu-
ments of HEIs (e.g., mission statements, strategies, statutes) and in the
positions formulated by the federal and regional rectors' conferences.
A slowly increasing number of individual references to sustainability
were found in curricula (module guides; e.g., in biology, business
administration, mechanical engineering) at almost all of the 20 HEIs
surveyed, albeit with a low frequency (2021: approx. one reference
every 14.8 pages, 2017: 19.3, 2019: 25.7). The majority of references
are concentrated in individual HEIs and within individual study pro-
grams and modules (82% of all references at 5 out of 20 HEIs). Over-
all, the data do not show a comprehensive horizontal integration of
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sustainability or ESD in the analyzed curricula. Bearing in mind their
importance in enhancing the quality of training in the training of edu-
cators, assessments were carried out on programs for further training
in higher education didactics. Of the 126 documents from the
20 assessed HEIs and related networks (2020, 2021), 6 documents
(5 modules) referred to ESD and sustainability in individual modules at
7 of the 20 HEIs. The data did not show structural that is, systematic,
cross-sectional and comprehensive embedding of ESD, sustainability
and related concepts. As exams in HE are mostly created individually
by each lecturer and are therefore highly heterogeneous, no data on
student assessment in HE could be assessed.
4.2 |External expert evaluation on SDG 4.7.1
As part of the external evaluation, six experts in ESD and educational
monitoring evaluated the descriptive results in terms of both depth
and quality of implementation as well as speed of change. Figure 3
and Table 5show their evaluation of the status and progress of ESD
implementation in Germany across all formal areas of education and
sub-indicators for SDG 4.7. Figure 3provides a graphical overview of
both quality and depth (background colors) and speed of change
(arrows). The same result is presented in descriptive form (means and
distributions for the ratings of each sub-indicator) in Table 4below.
Across all sub-indicators and areas of education, the mean
expert-evaluations are concentrated on and spread around the “Add-
on”-pattern of implementation (indicated in yellow in Figure 3). This
pattern describes a medium to low overall quality of integration,
where implementation usually involves adding ESD to a mostly
unchanged main body of content. The evaluations by the experts
range from isolated mentions of sustainability, ESD and related con-
cepts (curricula in HE, training of educators in VET and HE, student
assessment in VET, orange in Figure 3) to partial integration, which
describes a high quality of implementation in several but not the
majority of documents or document groups (curricula in ECE, student
assessment in SE; light green in Figure 3). Of the sub-indicators, the
training of educators is currently the lowest ranked sub-indicator in
Germany with two areas of education rated as “Isolated Mentioning”
(VET, HE), and two as “Add-On”(ECE, SE). No sub-indicator scored
within the lowest and highest categories of “No Mentioning”and
“Substantial Integration”or “Redesign”respectively. Even one aggre-
gation level below sub-indicators, within the specific document
groups, none of the 34 document groups were rated by the experts as
fitting into the categories of “Substantial Integration”or “Redesign”.
Two were rated as not mentioning sustainability, ESD or related con-
cepts at all (National Education Reports, Ordinance on Trainer Apti-
tude in VET (AEVO)).
In terms of the speed of change, the experts evaluated the
increases in implementation since the last assessment to be small for
most of the sub-indicators (30upward pointing arrows in Figure 3).
For the sub-indicators on ECE and VET curricula and on ECE educator
training, all three of which started from a comparatively low level of
implementation in the previous evaluation (Holst et al., 2020), the
increases were rated as medium/significant (60upward pointing
arrows in Figure 3). None of the sub-indicators were considered by
the experts to have increased significantly, and none was judged to
have decreased or not changed at all. Looking at the individual docu-
ment groups, considerable increases were seen in nine of the 34 docu-
ment groups. These include laws and target agreements in HE,
different types of curricula (ECE, VET), documents of the Standing
Committee of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and
Training (BIBB-Hauptausschuss) in VET and positions formulated by
the Child and Youth Welfare Association (AGJ) in ECE.
With regard to the variance of the responses (Table 5) it is worth
noting that, with the exception of one sub-indicator (curricula in VET),
the responses scatter around a maximum of three assessment
FIGURE 3 The status of and progress with the implementation of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in the German education
system. Colors and arrows refer to the rounded mean external expert evaluations (see Table 5) of quality and depth of implementation as well as
speed of change. No data exists for student assessment in Early Childhood Education (ECE) and no data was assessed for student assessment in
Higher Education (HE). Speed of change could not be evaluated for training of educators and student assessment in HE due to a lack of
appropriate data (indicated with a question mark).
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categories and in most cases the mode matches the mean. Focusing
on the differences in the evaluations of all 34 individual document
groups (one aggregation level below the sub-indicators), the highest
mean score of the expert evaluation on depth of implementation is
3.3 (“Partial Integration”) for the most recent documents from the
BIBB-Hauptausschuss (part of education policies in VET), which
issued an update to the standard training elements (“Standardberufs-
bildpositionen”) in 2020 to include sustainability as a focus for all
training programs in VET. This score is considerably higher than the
scores for the document groups in the sub-indicator for education
policies in VET (e.g., laws, documents by the KMK which focus primar-
ily on the school side of the dual VET system in Germany). A further
finding specific to the area of HE is that policy documents are evalu-
ated differently depending on whether they are the responsibility of
state actors (laws, target agreements) or students (publications by
state student councils) on the one hand, or the direct responsibility of
autonomous HE institutions on the other. While state and student-
driven documents were generally evaluated as “Partial Integration”
and as increasing considerably (e.g., target agreements (M
or documents by State Student Councils (M
=3.0)), most docu-
ments produced by HE institutions and their representative bodies
were categorized as “Isolated Mentioning”and sometimes “Add-On”
with little or no increase. In ECE, the documents of the Child and
Youth Welfare Association (AGJ) were evaluated as of higher quality
(M=2.3) with a considerably faster speed of change (M=1.8) than
policy documents from the federal states or the minister conferences.
The development of concrete, measurable and facilitative indicators is
crucial to support evidence-based governance of the integration of
sustainability into all levels of education (on SDG indicators generally,
Hák et al., 2016, Biermann et al., 2017, Kim, 2023). However, most
international SDG assessments do not focus on the implementation of
ESD and sustainability in education (SDG 4.7). Instead, SDG assess-
ments to date have tended to refer to general developments in educa-
tion. As an example, the SDG-mid-term report includes data on
participation rates in pre-primary learning, primary-, secondary school
enrollment and literacy rates (Sachs et al., 2023). Other assessments
measure SDG 4 according to school enrollment rates, literacy rates, or
gender parity index of school enrolment among others
(e.g., Campagnolo et al., 2018; Huan et al., 2021). The input-indicator
framework presented in this article differs from these analyses in that
it focuses explicitly on the depth and speed of ESD integration, which
is critical to the quality with which sustainable development is imple-
mented and practiced in education. While the importance of ESD for
high quality education has often been proclaimed and indicators
for ESD have been discussed for over 15 years (e.g., Tilbury, 2007),
monitoring of SDG 4.7 specifically has to date mostly relied upon
country self-reporting using a binary (yes/no) scheme
(UNESCO, 2019a,2019b). With the proposed framework we respond
to this by offering a procedure to increase the validity, reliability and
reproducibility of input-assessments of SDG 4.7.1.
The framework can be used to evaluate the status and develop-
ment of ESD implementation in documents at the level of countries
and federal states, as well as in the context of international frame-
works and education partnerships (e.g., UN, UNESCO, OECD, and
others). The operationalization is two-dimensional. It includes the
quality and depth of ESD implementation as well as speed of change
and combines lexical document analysis with structured external
expert evaluation. The reliability of assessments is increased by pro-
posing clearly structured categories for the evaluation of quality (6 cat-
egories) and speed of change (5 categories) of implementation of ESD
and related concepts in documents. This allows for a more concise
and comparable understanding of the different levels of monitoring
and mainstreaming of ESD (see Brent Edwards et al., 2020;
Gallwey, 2016). As the literature-based conceptual framework
beneath the category system provides a condensed understanding of
TABLE 5 Expert evaluations of quality/depth and speed of ESD implementation in documents of the German education system (mean,
distribution in brackets) for all four subdomains of target 4.7.1 of the Sustainable Development Goals (mainstreaming of ESD in education policy,
curricula, training of educators and student assessment). Results are shown for early childhood education (ECE), school education (SE), vocational
education and training (VET) and higher education (HE). Scale for quality: 0 =No Mentioning, 1 =Isolated Mentioning, 2 =Add-On, 3 =Partial
Integration, 4 =Substantial Integration, 5 =Redesign. Scale for speed: 1=Decrease, 0 =No Change, 1 =Small Increase, 2 =Considerable
Increase, 3 =Strong Increase. nR =No Response.
Education policy Curricula Training of educators Student assessment
Early childhood education Quality 1,7 (1
)2,8 (2
)1,8 (1
Speed 1,0 (1
)1,5 (1
)1,8 (1
School education Quality 1,7 (1
)2,3 (1
)1,7 (1
)2,5 (2
Speed 0,5 (0
)1,0 (1
)0,8 (0
)1,2 (1
Vocational education and training Quality 1,8 (1
)2,3 (1
)1,0 (1
)1,2 (1
Speed 1,2 (1
)1,8 (1
)1,0 (1
)0,8 (0
Higher education Quality 2,2 (1
)1,2 (1
)1,0 (1
Speed 1,0 (1
)1,0 (0
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the different degrees of quality of integration and depth, the frame-
work itself also contributes to increased assessment validity. By pro-
viding clear methodological steps, the framework allows for
reproducibility and comparability across diverse research contexts and
time periods. By broadening the knowledge base for future evalua-
tions, the framework might also bridge approaches between interna-
tional large-scale assessments and less quantitative evaluations of
cross-cutting educational topics such as ESD (e.g., Sinnes &
Eriksen, 2016). In addition, by minimizing the risk of author or self-
reporting bias, external expert evaluation increases the objectivity of
The framework could be used in future assessments in two ways:
1. First, the use of independent scientific analyses with external
expert evaluation is proposed as a complement to country self-
reporting. Depending on the resources and data available, assess-
ments can either focus solely on current quality and depth, or –if
longitudinal data are available –also include speed of change. The
commissioning of independent assessments would allow for coun-
tries to assess the current situation as well as shortcomings and
trends and would provide an empirical basis for informed policy
2. Second, the conceptual framework can be used as part of self-
assessments: The quality of self-assessments could be enhanced
by complementing reporting on thematic indicators (e.g., on the
integration of human rights, gender equality, peace and non-vio-
lence) with a structured and critical self-evaluation of the patterns
of quality and depth of ESD implementation (0: No Mentioning, 1:
Isolated Mentioning, 2: Add-On, 3: Partial Integration, 4: Substan-
tial Integration, 5: Redesign) as well as speed of change in the
domains of SDG 4.7.1 (1: Decrease, 0: No Change, 1: Small
Increase, 2: Medium Increase, 3: Strong Increase).
The quality of the data evaluated is critical to the validity of the
results for both pathways (scientific assessments, self-assessments).
The documents assessed must be representative of the total set of
documents (e.g., no showcasing of best practices; focus not only on
latest, but on all currently valid documents). It is moreover important
for external evaluation purposes to involve external experts from the
specific region who have considerable contextualized field knowledge
of the different educational areas and, ideally, of educational monitor-
ing in general.
5.1 |Assessment in Germany: From add-on to
substantial integration?
The conceptual and methodological framework for assessing SDG
4.7.1 was applied in this study to the German context. The experts on
ESD and educational measurement evaluated most 4.7.1 sub-
indicators in the “Add-On”category. This describes the implementa-
tion of ESD and sustainability content as predominantly of medium to
low quality, often as an addition to otherwise unchanged educational
objectives or explanations (also Sterling, 2003). Evaluations ranged
around the “Add-On”category from isolated mentioning of ESD-
related concepts in the training of educators (VET, HE), curricula
(HE) and student assessment (VET) to partial integration in curricula of
ECE and student assessment in SE. Across the four sub-domains, edu-
cator training is still the lowest ranked sub-indicator, which is in line
with previous studies (Grund & Brock, 2020; Holst et al., 2020) and
international studies on ESD (De Haan 2021; Fischer et al., 2022;
Gough, 2016). In the area of education policy, we found that in many
cases there are policies on ESD, but they are often non-binding and
often address ESD as an “add-on”instead of a central point of refer-
ence. Particularly within curricula, but also across all other domains,
we found strong foci of textual references within specific states, sub-
jects, organizations (e.g., HEIs) and modules. Overall, based on the
conceptual framework presented in this study, it is not yet apparent
that ESD has been comprehensively integrated (in a cross-cutting
way) into documents of the German education system. While the “No
Mentioning”category was not used at all, which means that ESD has
its place in all areas of education and all sub-domains of SDG 4.7.1 in
Germany, the same is currently true for the “Substantial Integration”
and “Redesign”categories. In terms of speed of change, the German
data clearly show a dynamic of implementation (all sub-indicators
were evaluated as increasing). However, the experts rated the
increases as mostly small or, in some sub-indicators and areas of edu-
cation, as considerable. It is important to note here that the evaluation
of the speed of change is related both to the revision cycles of docu-
ments (e.g., curricula are only revised every 10 to 20 years) and the
speed of change required to achieve the objective set in SDG 4.7 –
enabling all to contribute to sustainability by 2030. While the current
implementation might be considered dynamic compared to (a) past
timescales of substantial changes in education systems and (b) the low
implementation status reported in in the first analysis in 2017 (Brock
et al., 2018; Singer-Brodowski et al., 2019), this dynamic is still too
slow given the ambition of SDG 4.7.
5.1.1 | Methodological strengths and limitations
In addition to the contributions of the presented framework to
enhancing the reliability, validity and objectivity of ESD assessments
at the input level, further methodological strengths and limitations
require discussion. First, the data set containing over 11,000 docu-
ments from over 30 document groups is very heterogeneous. This
implies that both the initial analysis and the external evaluation
required considerable system-specific knowledge on the part of the
researchers and external experts involved. The analysis presented
here therefore needed time and resources, which may not be available
in every context. However, one strength of the approach lies in its
scalability, that is, the same procedure can be applied to a much smal-
ler dataset, as long as the selection of documents accurately repre-
sents the total set of documents (e.g., a document analysis for one
federal state in one area of education, see Krah et al., 2021) or other
educational concepts (e.g., Global Citizenship Education). For regional
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adaptation, we suggest involving key stakeholders from civil society,
educational practice, administration and academia in the selection of
document groups to be assessed. Regarding the keywords used for
lexical analysis, we deliberately focused on conceptual keywords
(e.g., ESD, sustainability/SD, related educational concepts and per-
spectives). Naturally, thematic references to sustainability and ESD
(e.g., to sustainability-related topics) can be found more frequently
across the set of documents than conceptual keywords. However,
assessing a wide range of conceptual keywords gives a broader
impression not only of the topics but also of the objectives, methods
and approaches associated with the educational concept of ESD
(e.g., Brundiers et al., 2021; De Haan, 2010; Rieckmann et al., 2017).
Also, SDG 4.7.1 specifically focuses on the “mainstreaming”of ESD.
Here we argue again that this is best operationalized by focusing on
the relevant key concepts. Lastly, while a wide range of data was
included in the present study, not all sub-indicators could be covered
equally: No data are available for student assessment in ECE (there
are no assessments in ECE) and no data were collected in HE, where
data might theoretically exist, but in practice are very difficult to
acquire as exams in HE are very diverse and mostly created by the
individual lecturers themselves.
In light of the ambition articulated in SDG 4.7 –to enable all to con-
tribute to SD until 2030 –the Declaration from the recent UNESCO
World Conference on ESD calls on all countries to “[e]nsure that ESD
is a foundational element of our education systems at all levels”
(UNESCO, 2021, p. 2). If the practice of sustainability in education is
to live up to the call for ESD to become a “key enabler of all the other
SDGs”(United Nations General Assembly, 2017), it is necessary that
its structural integration into education systems matches this ambi-
tion. Clearly, individuals cannot be expected to act consistently in a
sustainable manner if the norms around them –as formalized in
documents –treat sustainability as an isolated issue or “add-on”.
Although integration in structures involves more than anchoring in
documents (e.g., mental structures), these formalizations set a frame
for human action, provide orientation and are therefore an important
lever for changing practice. For this reason, it is crucial that reliable
assessments are made of the status and progress on SDG 4.7. The
proposed framework adds validity, reliability, and comparability to
country reporting and scientific assessments (Brent Edwards
et al., 2020; Giangrande et al., 2019). Furthermore, the categories
introduced can also be a means for policymakers, administrators, and
practitioners to reflect on their actions in relation to sustainability in
With regard to further developments, future research may focus
particularly on understanding the processes of policy development
and policy mobility (McKenzie et al., 2015) which lead to ESD imple-
mentation in line with a pattern of integration or even redesign. In this
vein of public policy-making, it would be critical to explore how
administrative stakeholders in particular can overcome status-quo
biases (e.g., thinking ESD in an “add-on”-mode). We further argue that
while stocktaking through input assessments is critical to understand-
ing the status and progress of structural implementation, integrative
monitoring approaches may go further and include indicators also
across the levels of educational processes, outputs and outcomes
(e.g., Holst et al., in review; Marron & Naughton, 2019;
Unterhalter, 2019). Regarding monitoring, internationally agreed-upon
indicators (e.g., on 4.7) may be complemented with context-specific
indicators to foster participation and generation of policy-relevant
knowledge, e.g., at sub-national levels (also Brockwell et al., 2022;
Gallwey, 2016). Finally, while there is a tendency to focus on what is
easy to measure using existing data, we join various other scholars in
arguing that it is critical to aim for assessments that actually measure
what is important for achieving the targets set (e.g., Brockwell
et al., 2022; McCool & Stankey, 2004). Ultimately, consistently linking
education with sustainability in times of mounting unsustainability cri-
ses is closely connected to what education is fundamentally about: to
empower learners to understand and address the key epochal prob-
lems of any given time (Klafki, 1996; Kvamme, 2021).
We would like to thank the six external experts, Prof. Dr. Inka Bor-
mann, Prof. Dr. Johannes Hartig, Prof. Dr. Werner Kuhlmeier, Prof.
Dr. Armin Lude, Prof. Dr. Heike Molitor and Prof. Dr. Marco Rieck-
mann for their participation in the expert evaluation as well as for
helpful feedback on the analysis. We also thank our colleagues Julius
Grund, Marie Heitfeld, Niclas Kollhoff, Christoph Schönherr and
Sophie Schulke for their feedback on the evaluation template and the
manuscript. This research received funding from the German Federal
Ministry of Education and Research under Grants No. 01JO2004 and
01JO2305. Open Access funding enabled and organized by Pro-
jekt DEAL.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Additional supporting information can be found online in the Support-
ing Information section at the end of this article.
How to cite this article: Holst, J., Singer-Brodowski, M., Brock,
A., & de Haan, G. (2024). Monitoring SDG 4.7: Assessing
Education for Sustainable Development in policies, curricula,
training of educators and student assessment (input-indicator).
Sustainable Development,1–16.
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