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Abstract and Figures

Regional climate models (RCMs) are widely used to assess future impacts associated with climate change at regional and local scales. RCMs must represent relevant climate variables in the present‐day climate to be considered fit‐for‐purpose for impact assessment. This condition is particularly difficult to meet over complex regions such as the Andes‐Amazon transition region, where the Andean topography and abundance of tropical rainfall regimes remain a challenge for numerical climate models. In this study, we evaluate the ability of 30 regional climate simulations (6 RCMs driven by 10 global climate models) to reproduce historical (1981–2005) rainfall climatology and temporal variability over the Andes‐Amazon transition region. We assess spatio‐temporal features such as spatial distribution of rainfall, focusing on the orographic effects over the Andes‐Amazon “rainfall hotspots” region, and seasonal and interannual precipitation variability. The Eta RCM exhibits the highest spatial correlation (up to 0.6) and accurately reproduces mean annual precipitation and orographic precipitation patterns across the region, while some other RCMs have good performances at specific locations. Most RCMs simulate a wet bias over the highlands, particularly at the eastern Andean summits, as evidenced by the 100%–2,500% overestimations of precipitation in these regions. Annual cycles are well represented by most RCMs, but peak seasons are exaggerated, especially at equatorial locations. No RCM is particularly skillful in reproducing the interannual variability patterns. Results highlight skills and weaknesses of the different regional climate simulations, and can assist in the selection of regional climate simulations for impact studies in the Andes‐Amazon transition zone.
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1. Introduction
Current and future hydroclimatic trajectories pose significant challenges to global socioeconomic and environ-
mental systems, including fragile ecosystems (Pörtner etal.,2022). Hydroclimatic changes in the western Amazon
Abstract Regional climate models (RCMs) are widely used to assess future impacts associated with climate
change at regional and local scales. RCMs must represent relevant climate variables in the present-day climate
to be considered fit-for-purpose for impact assessment. This condition is particularly difficult to meet over
complex regions such as the Andes-Amazon transition region, where the Andean topography and abundance
of tropical rainfall regimes remain a challenge for numerical climate models. In this study, we evaluate the
ability of 30 regional climate simulations (6 RCMs driven by 10 global climate models) to reproduce historical
(1981–2005) rainfall climatology and temporal variability over the Andes-Amazon transition region. We assess
spatio-temporal features such as spatial distribution of rainfall, focusing on the orographic effects over the
Andes-Amazon “rainfall hotspots” region, and seasonal and interannual precipitation variability. The Eta RCM
exhibits the highest spatial correlation (up to 0.6) and accurately reproduces mean annual precipitation and
orographic precipitation patterns across the region, while some other RCMs have good performances at specific
locations. Most RCMs simulate a wet bias over the highlands, particularly at the eastern Andean summits,
as evidenced by the 100%–2,500% overestimations of precipitation in these regions. Annual cycles are well
represented by most RCMs, but peak seasons are exaggerated, especially at equatorial locations. No RCM is
particularly skillful in reproducing the interannual variability patterns. Results highlight skills and weaknesses
of the different regional climate simulations, and can assist in the selection of regional climate simulations for
impact studies in the Andes-Amazon transition zone.
Plain Language Summary Regional climate models (RCMs) are useful numerical tools to
investigate future climate change impacts (e.g., future water availability, frequency of floods and droughts,
regional warming). Regarding regional scale, RCMs are expected to perform better than global climate models
due to finer spatial resolution. However, in the Andes-Amazon transition region, assessing the performance
of RCMs is challenging due to complex terrain and scarcity of observations. This region is of critical
importance for the water cycle of local and regional ecological systems, but has been often overlooked in RCM
assessments. Here, we evaluate how 30 regional climate simulations perform in representing precipitation
regional contrasts, wet-dry seasons, and year-to-year changes over the Andes-Amazon transition region. We
find that models perform differently over specific regions, with prominent overestimations at high altitudes by
most RCMs. However, Eta RCM has the best performance regarding regional patterns of precipitation and its
wet-dry fluctuations. Besides overestimations during austral summer and spring, wet-dry seasonal fluctuations
are well simulated by most RCMs, but none excels in representing wet-dry yearly fluctuations. Strengths and
weaknesses of different regional climate simulations are shown, and can help choose the most appropriate
simulations for distinct impact studies in this region.
© 2024. The Authors.
This is an open access article under
the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits use,
distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Performance of Regional Climate Model Precipitation
Simulations Over the Terrain-Complex Andes-Amazon
Transition Region
Ricardo A. Gutierrez1,2 , Clémentine Junquas3,4 , Elisa Armijos1,2 , Anna A. Sörensson5,6,7 ,
and Jhan-Carlo Espinoza3,8
1Escuela de Posgrado, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Perú, 2Subdirección de Ciencias de la Atmósfera
e Hidrósfera, Instituto Geofísico del Perú, Lima, Perú, 3Univ. Grenoble Alpes, IRD, CNRS, INRAE, Grenoble INP, IGE,
Grenoble, France, 4Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI), Lima, Peru, 5Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 6Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmósfera
(CIMA), CONICET ‒ Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 7Instituto Franco-Argentino de Estudios sobre
el Clima y sus Impactos (IFAECI - IRL 3351), CNRS-CONICET-IRDUBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 8Departamento de
Ciencias, Sección Matemáticas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Perú
Key Points:
Precipitation output from 30 regional
climate simulations is assessed
over the Andes-Amazon in terms of
climatology and temporal variability
The spatio-temporal behavior of
seasonality is well reproduced by most
simulations, with overestimations
during austral summer and spring
While orographic precipitation is a
major challenge for most regional
climate models, Eta satisfactorily
reproduces climate patterns in the
Andes-Amazon region
Supporting Information:
Supporting Information may be found in
the online version of this article.
Correspondence to:
R. A. Gutierrez,
Gutierrez, R. A., Junquas, C., Armijos,
E., Sörensson, A. A., & Espinoza, J.-C.
(2024). Performance of regional climate
model precipitation simulations over the
terrain-complex Andes-Amazon transition
region. Journal of Geophysical Research:
Atmospheres, 129, e2023JD038618.
Received 2 FEB 2023
Accepted 28 NOV 2023
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(0°–16°S and 80°W–69°W), including the Andes-Amazon transition region, are linked to the intensification
of seasonal floods and droughts resulting from shifts in precipitation intensities (Arias et al.,2021; Espinoza
etal.,2019,2016; Haghtalab etal.,2020; Pabón-Caicedo etal.,2020). Anthropogenic climate and land-surface
alterations also contribute to these changes (Marengo etal.,2018; Nobre et al.,2016). Global warming and
deforestation have already disrupted the hydroclimatic functioning of ecosystems such as glaciers, paramos, rain-
forests, and montane cloud forests, which provide essential ecological services. Continued human-induced altera-
tions are expected to exacerbate these impacts (Adler etal.,2022; Boulton etal.,2022; Ometto etal.,2022; Vuille
etal.,2018; Young etal.,2011). This is of particular concern for the Andes-Amazon transition region, known
as the rainiest and most biodiverse area within the Amazon basin (Espinoza etal., 2015; Hoorn etal.,2010).
This region is a major source of sediment for the Amazon rivers and plays a crucial role in precipitation recy-
cling within South America (Armijos etal.,2020; Staal et al.,2018). Therefore, there is a pressing need for
future precipitation projections much needed to inform the development of adaptation policies and strategies for
addressing climate change in this region.
Global climate models (GCMs) are widely recognized as essential tools for studying future climate change, with
their simulations being coordinated through the Coupled Model Intercomparison Projects (CMIP3, CMIP5, and
CMIP6; Eyring etal.,2016; Meehl etal.,2007; Taylor etal.,2012, respectively). However, GCMs have limi-
tations due to their relatively coarse spatial resolution, which results in an inability to capture many local and
sub-regional processes. This limitation is particularly pronounced in the Andes-Amazon transition region, given
its complex orography and the associated mesoscale circulation processes that cannot be adequately represented
by these coarse grids. Consequently, these models often struggle to accurately depict the precipitation clima-
tology in this region, frequently leading to substantial overestimations across the tropical Andes (Almazroui
etal., 2021; Ortega etal.,2021). In this context, this bias in precipitation is notable, with values consistently
exceeding 200% throughout the year (Ortega etal.,2021).
Regional climate models (RCMs) are frequently employed as dynamic downscaling tools for GCMs, aiming to
provide more detailed climate information by better capturing topographical and land-surface heterogeneities
(Ambrizzi etal.,2019; Giorgi & Gutowski,2015). Notably, the Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment
(CORDEX; Giorgi & Gutowski,2015) has established a unified framework for conducting regional climate simu-
lations worldwide, including South America (CORDEX-SAM).
However, it is important to note that many CORDEX simulations exhibit biases similar to those of GCMs, such as
the substantial overestimation of mean summer precipitation along the tropical Andes, often exceeding observed
amounts by a factor of two or more (Chou etal.,2014; Menéndez etal.,2016; Solman & Blázquez,2019). Never-
theless, RCMs of the CORDEX-type hold the potential to enhance the representation of precipitation climato-
logical fields in regions characterized by complex topography (Bozkurt etal.,2019; Prein etal.,2016; Torma
Projections of future precipitation changes generated by CORDEX-SAM RCMs generally align with some
aspects of GCM projections in the Amazon and the Andes, including increased summer precipitation in the tropi-
cal Andes and drier conditions in southwestern Amazonia. However, it is important to emphasize that the magni-
tude and directions of these changes vary depending on the specific RCM used (e.g., Blázquez & Solman,2020;
Llopart etal.,2019; Reboita etal.,2022).
The Andes-Amazon transition region features intricate precipitation patterns influenced by the interplay
of large-scale and local circulation patterns and the region's physio-geographical characteristics (Espinoza
etal.,2020 and references therein). Precipitation patterns across the western Amazon basin typically exhibit a
seasonal distribution, although some Peruvian and Ecuadorian Amazon basins display unimodal and bimodal
regimes (Espinoza etal.,2009; Laraque etal.,2007; Segura etal.,2019; J. C. Sulca and Rocha,2021).
Within the equatorial Amazon basin, a notable rainfall peak occurs during March to May (MAM), corresponding
to the southward movement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Another peak is observed in October
and November, associated with the westward transport of moisture linked to the initiation of the South American
Monsoon System (SAMS) (Vera etal.,2006).
In the central and southern Peruvian Amazon, a marked rainy season occurs during the austral summer, span-
ning from December to March, and is closely linked to the mature phase of the SAMS. Conversely, the dry
season prevails from May to September. Furthermore, maximum precipitation regions, often referred to as
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rainfall hotspots, are concentrated along the eastern slopes of the Andes (Chavez & Takahashi,2017; Espinoza
etal.,2015). These rainfall hotspots result from forced convection caused by to the orographic effect of the Andes
(e.g., Eghdami & Barros,2020; Garreaud,2009; Junquas etal.,2018).
Therefore, the substantial diversity of rainfall regimes, stemming from the complex orographic features, renders
regional climate modeling in the Andes-Amazon transition region a particularly challenging endeavor. However,
it is worth noting that these challenges are compounded with uncertainties associated with observational
data, including both satellite and gauge-based products, as well as the limited availability of observations in
the Andes-Amazon transition (Cazorla etal.,2022; Condom etal.,2020; Falco etal.,2019; Fassoni-Andrade
etal.,2021; Gibson etal.,2019).
Our study aims to validate RCMs in their ability to accurately simulate the spatial distribution, seasonal patterns,
and interannual variability of precipitation within the Andes-Amazon transition region. To this end, we employ
30 GCM-RCM simulations, encompassing models within the CORDEX framework and the Eta RCM. In our
analysis, we aim to elucidate the primary biases and strengths exhibited these models. Additionally, we delve
into a less explored aspect of RCM evaluation, namely the orographic precipitation patterns found within the
rainfall hotspots. Lastly, we assist in the selection of suitable GCM-RCM combinations for the Andes-Amazon
transition region by ranking the performance of each simulation in the reproduction of various precipitation
2. Study Area and Data Sets
2.1. Study Area
Our study centers on the Andean-Amazon transition region, delineated by the coordinates 0°–16°S and 80°–69°W
(Figure1). This region encompasses the Peruvian-Ecuadorian Andean highlands within the Amazon basin, the
eastern slopes of the Andes, and the western Amazon lowlands (altitudes below 500m.a.s.l.).
In this region, two major Andean-Amazonian river basins are present: the Marañón and the Ucayali river basins.
The Marañón and the Ucayali rivers are the main northwestern and southern tributaries, respectively, of the Peru-
vian Amazon River (blue contoured lines in Figure1). These areas are further explored separately due to their
distinct spatio-temporal precipitation patterns, primarily within the Andes-Amazon transition region (Espinoza
etal.,2009; Figueroa etal.,2020; W. Lavado-Casimiro & Espinoza,2014; W. S. Lavado-Casimiro etal.,2013;
Valenzuela etal.,2023).
2.2. Reference Precipitation Data Sets
We chose two precipitation gridded data sets as reference data sets to address observational uncertainties. First,
we utilized “Rain for Peru and Ecuador” (RAIN4PE version 1), which is a reverse hydrological model derived
from multi-source precipitation data sets (Fernández-Palomino etal.,2022). Second, we employed the “Climate
Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data” (CHIRPS 2.0), a product that blends satellite and
rain-gauge data (Funk etal.,2015). Monthly timestep data from 1981 to 2005 was used to match “historical”
RCM simulations.
It is worth noting that RAIN4PE demonstrated superior performance compared to several other precipitation
gridded products, including CHIRPS, when compared against rain-gauge data within the Andes-Amazon tran-
sition region (Fernández-Palomino etal.,2022). Furthermore, when employed as a hydrological model input,
RAIN4PE was the only precipitation data set to achieve water budget balance, significantly enhancing the accu-
racy of daily streamflow simulations within our study area (Fernández-Palomino etal.,2022).
Given that the diagnosis of water budget coherence appears as an effective method to assess the quality of precip-
itation gridded data sets (Fassoni-Andrade etal.,2021), we are confident enough to select RAIN4PE as the main
reference data set and CHIRPS as a secondary reference data set.
To evaluate the spatial variability of orographic rainfall across the Andes-Amazon transition region, we employed
the GTOPO30 elevation data set (Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center,2018). This data set
offers a horizontal grid resolution of 30 arc seconds, which is approximately equivalent to 1km. To match the
precipitation gridded data sets' horizontal grid resolution, a conservative remapping was performed.
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2.3. RCM Simulations
We obtained monthly mean daily (mm/day) precipitation data from 30 “historical” RCM simulations for the
South American domain. This data was sourced from the ESGF site ( at
varying horizontal spatial resolutions: 0.5°, 0.44°, 0.22°, and 0.20°, hereinafter referred to as S50, S44, S22, and
S20, respectively. The analysis period spans from 1981 to 2005.
These simulations were conducted by five RCMs within the CORDEX-SAM framework. These models are:
RegCM v4.7, REMO2015, RegCM v4.3, WRF, and RCA4, denoted as RC47, REMO, RC43, WRF, and RCA,
respectively. In addition, we incorporated three complementary simulations that were performed using the Eta
model, as described by Chou etal.(2014). Terrain elevation data from each RCM was also collected. Table1
further summarizes the details of GCM-RCM simulations (single realizations) used in this study. Detailed infor-
mation about the model physical setup for each RCM can be found in Table A1 in "Description and user guide of
the worldwide CORDEX C3S data set assessing potential conflicts due to overlaps” (available at https://conflu-
3. Methods
The evaluation of RCMs was focused on the precipitation climatology, seasonal cycles, and interannual varia-
bility across several regions and subregions (Figure2). We performed a bilinear interpolation of precipitation to
a 0.25°×0.25° common grid size to compute the performance of the models within the reference products. In
addition, analyses considered the construction of RCM ensembles, which lets us cluster the simulations into their
Figure 1. The Andes-Amazon basin with topography (GTOPO30) depicted in shades. Boxes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 represent
Chazuta, upper Napo-Pastaza, Tamshiyacu, Tingo María, and Quincemil regions. Purple hatching represents the transects
followed to explore the precipitation-topography variability over two precipitation hotspots (i.e., Tingo María and Quincemil,
see Section3.3).
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Driving GCM
RCM and available resolution
GCM referenceRCA4RegCM4.3 RegCM4.7 WRF341Iv2 REMO2015 Eta v1
CanESM2 Both S44 and S50 S44 S20 von Salzen etal.(2013)
IPSL-CM5A-MR Only S44 Dufresne etal.(2013)
CNRM-CM5 Both S44 and S50 Voldoire etal.(2013)
CSIRO Mk3.6 Both S44 and S50 Rotstayn etal.(2009)
EC-EARTH Both S44 and S50 Hazeleger etal.(2010)
HadGEM2-ES Only S50 S44 S22 S22 S20 Collins etal.(2011)
MIROC5 Both S44 and S50 S20 Watanabe etal.(2010)
MPI-ESM-LR Both S44 and S50 S22 S22 Zanchettin etal.(2013)
NorESM1-M Both S44 and S50 S22 S22 Bentsen etal.(2013)
GFDL-ESM2M Both S44 and S50 S44 Dunne etal.(2012)
RCM reference Samuelsson etal.(2011,2015) Giorgi etal.(2012) Giorgi etal.(2012) Skamarock etal.(2008) Jacob etal.(2012) Mesinger etal.(2012)
Note. The dashed lines mean that no GCM-RCM combination is available. Spatial resolutions of the RCM simulations used in this study, namely 0.2°×0.2°, 0.22°×0.22°, 0.44°×0.44°, and 0.5°×0.5°,
are represented by S20, S22, S44, and S50, respectively. The red characters within the GCM and RCM names are used as acronyms throughout the text (e.g., HadG for HadGEM2-ES and RC47 for
Table 1
Summary of the Regional Climate Model (RCM) Simulations Used in This Study, Showing the Available Global Climate Model (GCM)-RCM Combinations Used Throughout This Study, Spatial
Resolutions of RCM Output, and the References of RCMs and Driving GCMs
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downscaling RCM and correspondent spatial resolution. No post-processing, such as bias correction or statistical
downscaling, has been applied to the RCM simulations as the purpose of this study is model evaluation.
3.1. Spatial Pattern Assessment
The Taylor diagram (Taylor,2001) was utilized to assess the skill of the spatial pattern of mean annual precipita-
tion (MAP) simulated by the RCMs in comparison to a specific gridded precipitation data set. The visualization
of the Taylor diagram involves three key metrics: Pearson's correlation coefficient (Corr), normalized standard
deviation, and normalized root mean square error (RMSE). Normalization is achieved by dividing the standard
deviation by the reference standard deviation. Normalized RMSE is obtained by applying a law of cosines-like
relationship to the correlation and the normalized standard deviation, as described by Taylor(2001). The reader
is referred to Taylor(2001) for more in-depth information on the formulation of these metrics and the underlying
Additionally, the assessment derived from the Taylor diagram was further complemented by employing empirical
cumulative density functions (CDFs), which were applied to the mean annual values of each grid cell within the
study area.
3.2. Orographic Precipitation Relations Over the Andes-Amazon Transition Region
We performed two precipitation-topography profile analyses (purple hatching in Figure1) within two distinct
rainfall hotspot regions. For each hotspot, a minimum of eight transects were designed to follow a trajectory
commencing from the windward side of the mountains and concluding at the eastern Andean summits. To ensure
clarity and prevent visual clutter in the figures, we selected the most effective combinations of S20 and S22
RCMs based of their performance as depicted in the Taylor diagrams across both rainfall hotspot regions.
Within these hotspot regions, a linear relationship between elevation and precipitation is not readily discernible;
instead, precipitation tends to peak at altitudes ranging from 1,000 to 1,500m.a.s.l., as observed in prior studies
(Chavez & Takahashi,2017; Espinoza etal., 2015,2009), Consequently, we calculated orographic gradients,
which are defined as the quotient between differences in precipitation rates at two distinct locations and their
Figure 2. Flowchart of the evaluation process performed in this study. Overall precipitation and equivalent elevation input for the assessment process are marked
by blue shapes. Ranked metrics and their visualizations are represented by orange quadrangles. Distillation and summarization of results are represented by green
quadrangles. Red lines (blue) represent processes and visualizations that are performed at original grid-size (interpolated grid-size to 0.25°×0.25°).
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corresponding differences in altitude. These calculations were carried out along two altitudinal sections for each
transect, distributed across the two rainfall hotspots under investigation (see Figure1). These sections were split
by the altitude at which the precipitation maximum is located. Thus, the lower section is bounded by the mini-
mum precipitation in lowlands and the precipitation maximum, and the upper section extends from the precipi-
tation maximum to the summits.
3.3. Seasonal and Interannual Timescales Assessment
The analysis of annual cycle regimes was concentrated on five distinct regions within the Andes-Amazon transi-
tion region area. These regions include Chazuta, upper Napo-Pastaza, Tamshiyacu, Tingo María, and Quincemil,
with their boundaries demarcated by the outlined boxes in Figure1.
Following Espinoza etal.(2009), seasonal and interannual rainfall variability over the Andes-Amazon basin were
evaluated using the seasonal coefficient of variation (sVC) and the interannual coefficient of variation (iVC),
respectively. The sVC was computed by determining the coefficient of variation for the monthly mean precipi-
tation values within each grid cell. To calculate the iVC, we initially applied a 12-month moving average with
a sliding temporal window to emphasize the annual variability. Subsequently, we calculated the coefficient of
variation for the smoothed time-series data, resulting in the iVC (1981–2005) values for each grid cell.
Additionally, we computed the monthly mean RMSE for each grid cell's monthly mean precipitation climatology,
employing RAIN4PE as the reference data set.
3.4. Metrics to Rank the RCM Performances
Inspired by Mascaro etal. (2018), we computed an error metric for each of the seven metrics defined above
(Table2). Error metrics were developed for MAP and spatial correlation to evaluate the spatial distribution.
Mean precipitation profile differences (MPD) between RCMs and the reference data set were used to assess the
orographic rainfall within the precipitation hotspots. In addition, error metrics for sVC and RMSE (iVC) were
constructed to evaluate seasonal (interannual) variability.
Subsequently, we assigned a ranking to each model based on the performance according to each error metric, with
lower rankings indicating superior RCM performance. Additional details regarding the formulation of these error
metrics can be found in Supporting InformationS1.
4. Results
4.1. Spatial Pattern and Annual Cycles of Rainfall Simulated by RCMs
We validate RCM simulations based on the patterns represented by RAIN4PE and CHIRPS precipitation data
sets. Both reference data sets exhibit a north-to-south gradient over the Amazonian lowlands, with a maximum
over the Equator above 6mm/d and at the Ecuadorian eastern Andean slopes, with maximums of 10–14mm/d
Property Variable Calculated as Error
Spatial pattern MAP The annual mean of each grid cell |MAPref–MAPrcm|
Corr Spatial correlation coefficient between MAPrcm and MAPref 1–Corrrcm
Orographic rainfall MPD across Quincemil and Tingo María
The average profile of the precipitation and topography transects
in references and simulations
|Pref–Prcm| across
mean profile
Seasonal variability sVC The coefficient of variation between monthly means (m=1, 2,
…, 12) of each grid cell
RMSE The average of monthly mean root mean square error (RMSE)
between references and simulations
12 )
Interannual variability iVC The coefficient of variation between 12-month-windowed moving
averages of monthly precipitation of each grid cell
Table 2
Summary of the Statistics Used to Rank Regional Climate Model (RCM) Performances
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(first row of Figure3). Additionally, both products depict a continuous rainfall hotspot along the eastern flank of
the Peruvian Andes, featuring two rainfall hotspot maximums above 10mm/d over Quincemil (12.5°S, 70.5°W)
and Tingo María (9°S, 75.5°W). Furthermore, at the Andean highlands (>4,000, see Figure1), the data
sets consistently indicate low precipitation rates, typically below 4mm/d.
The three S20 Eta simulations successfully capture the north-to-south precipitation gradient, and represent a
relatively narrow, continuous rainfall hotspot region, albeit without clear maximum centers (Figure3, second
row). However, Eta simulations exhibit significant spatial variability in the Andean highlands, with certain grid
Figure 3. Daily mean precipitation between 1981 and 2005 for the western Amazon basin for the (first row) precipitation gridded data sets, (second and third row)
S20 and S22 horizontal resolution regional climate model (RCM) output, (fourth and fifth row) S44 horizontal resolution RCM output, (sixth and seventh row) S50
horizontal resolution RCM output, and (eighth row) RCM ensemble means. Same colors on the names represent simulations belonging to the same RCM, and this color
code will be used throughout the paper.
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cells displaying dry conditions (below 1mm/d) and other receiving higher annual precipitation (ranging from
6 to 10mm/d). Notably, the overestimations are more pronounced in the southern part of the Andean highlands
(13–15°S), with the most significant biases occurring during the summer months (not shown).
Furthermore, the Taylor diagram in Figure4 reveals that Eta performs most effectively in replicating spatial patterns
across basins and precipitation hotspots, as seen by correlations ranging from 0.3 to 0.6 when compared to RAIN4PE.
S22 REMO simulations tend to exhibit excessive precipitation over the eastern Andean summits. These simu-
lations shift the orographic rainfall maximum westward, moving it upward along the slopes and resulting in
excessive precipitation over the Andean highlands (>4,000m.a.s.l.) south of 10°S. Some grids represent precipi-
tation rates of approximately 4–8mm/d in stark contrast to the observed 1–3.5mm/d, leading to overestimations
ranging from 100% to 800%.
Similarly, the S22 RC47 simulations also manifest an overproduction of precipitation over the summits, particu-
larly in the vicinity of the Quincemil hotspot, where precipitation levels reach 50mm/d. This corresponds to a
Figure 4. Taylor diagram showing the 30 global climate model-regional climate model (GCM-RCM) combinations and 6 RCM ensembles over (a) the entire domain
(see Figure1), (b) Marañón basin, (c) Ucayali basin, (d) Tingo María box, and (e) Quincemil box (see Figure1). Same colors represent simulations belonging to
the same RCM. RAIN4PE was selected as the reference data set. RAIN4PE and GCM-RCM combinations have been interpolated to a common 0.25° spatial grid
resolution. The black star represents the reference values where the spatial correlation and the normalized standard deviation is equal to 1. Dashed black semicircle is
located where normalized standard deviation is equal to 1. The radial distance from the black star quantifies the RMSE normalized by the reference standard deviation.
The radial distance and the azimuthal position from the origin quantify the normalized standard deviation and the spatial correlation, respectively.
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25-fold overestimation in certain locations. Additionally, these simulations
depict a drier Amazon region south of 5°S, with precipitation rates ranging
from 1.5 to 2mm/d, in comparison to the observed 2–6mm/d, as well as
a drier eastern slope (1.5–4mm/d compared to the observed 8–13mm/d).
Furthermore, these simulations rank the lowest in performance according
to the Taylor diagram, characterized by the strongest spatial variances (2.2–
4.3) and negative to near-zero anticorrelations (ranging from −0.6 to 0.1),
particularly at the hotspots.
Regarding the S44 and S50 resolutions, RCA simulations severely under-
estimate rainfall over the eastern Andean slopes between 0 and 6°S, with
the Ecuadorian region experiencing particularly significant underestimations
(approximately 0.5–1.5mm/d compared to the observed 6–11 mm/d). In
contrast, the RC43 simulations offer a more accurate representation of this
The RCA simulations, when driven by ECEA, MIRO, Nor, and HadG,
successfully capture the latitudinal gradient of rainfall from the Equator to
16°S, producing a spatial maximum over the equatorial Amazon lowlands.
Moreover, these GCM-RCM combinations partially replicate the orographic
rainfall pattern south of 10°S in the precipitation hotspot region, although
they exhibit some wet biases over the mountain summits.
When dividing the entire domain into the Marañón and Ucayali basins
(Figures4b and4c), it becomes apparent that the S44–S50 RCA simulations
generally perform better in the latter basin, as quantified by the higher correlations (−0.4 to 0 compared to 0 to
0.25). This discrepancy may be attributed to the substantial underestimation of precipitation over the Ecuadorian
eastern slopes by these models (approximately 0.5–1.5mm/d compared to 6–11mm/d).
Overall, across all simulations ranging from S20 to S50, wet biases over the Andes are stronger during the
summer season (not shown), being a recurrent bias in both GCM and RCM simulations at the Andean cordillera
(e.g., Falco etal.,2019; Ortega etal.,2021).
The spatial mean of the RCM ensembles (last row of Figure3) shows that while the highest resolution model (S20
Eta) tends to yield the best results, increasing the spatial resolution of available RCMs from S50 to S20 does not
consistently improve precipitation patterns in the Andes-Amazon transition region. Notably, lower performance
exhibited by the S22 RC47 model across different basins and precipitation hotspots is the strongest argument in
support of this observation. S22 RC47 performance degrades in comparison to S44 RC43 as the former simulates
drier Amazonian lowlands south of 5°S and greatly overestimates precipitation at the summits, with certain grid
points reaching precipitation rates as high as 50mm/d. However, besides spatial resolution, RC47 and RC43
models also differ in their physical setup, particularly regarding their convection and land surface parameter-
ization schemes (see Section2.3). While the S20 Eta model excels in reproducing precipitation pattern in the
hotspots, the S22 REMO model still maintains overestimations over the eastern Andean flank slopes and summits
(around 8–20mm/d; Figure6). The REMO model is the second-best model at the Marañón basin and Quincemil
with the best correlations being around 0.3, but does poorly regarding spatial pattern correlation over the Ucayali
basin and the Tingo María hotspot.
The resulting empirical CDF summarizes the wide ranges of the simulated spatial variabilities by the RCM
ensembles, as seen in Figure5. The overestimation of precipitation by the REMO model is evident along all
percentiles, and its 90th percentile is about 1.4mm/d higher than RAIN4PE and CHIRPS. Similarly, the RC47
model demonstrates overestimation at percentiles higher than 96, reaching its maximum at around 55 mm/d
(not shown in the figure x-axis). This model also underestimates precipitation as shown until percentile 50,
as a result of underestimation on Amazonian lowlands south of 5°S. The RCA model tends to underestimate
precipitation due to strong dry biases over most of the study area along all percentiles. The Eta CDF resembles
more the CHIRPS CDF, although it seems to slightly underestimate 35% of its pixels, and its percentile 90 is
underestimated by 1.6mm/d. RC43 CDF overestimates precipitation up to its eighteenth percentile, which can be
attributed to the absence of annual precipitation rates below 2mm/d in the study area.
Figure 5. Empirical cumulative distribution function of daily mean
precipitation (mm/d) over the entire domain for RAIN4PE, CHIRPS, and RCM
ensembles. A black line is drawn at the non-exceedance probability of 90%.
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4.2. Orographic Rainfall
Both RAIN4PE and CHIRPS show heterogeneous representations of rainfall across both hotspots, as shown in
Figure6. Specifically, over Tingo María, RAIN4PE (CHIRPS) locates a precipitation maximum at 1,150 (600) m.a.s.l.
Similarly, in Quincemil, RAIN4PE (CHIRPS) places the maximum at 1,300 (1,000) m.a.s.l. It is noteworthy that
RAIN4PE and CHIRPS also exhibit varying precipitation quantities within the regions spanning 1,500–3,000m.a.s.l.,
with RAIN4PE producing approximately twice the precipitation rates compared to CHIRPS within this altitude range.
Regarding selected S20 and S22 RCM simulations, the Eta RCM closely aligns with the quantities and altitudes
of the precipitation maximum observed in both profiles when compared to gridded data sets. However, it is
important to note that precipitation rates to the west of this maximum decrease rapidly upslope across the Tingo
María and Quincemil profiles.
In Quincemil, RC47 tends to significantly underestimate precipitation rates along the slopes (500–1,500m.a.s.l)
with values around 3.5 mm/d, while the observed maximum (10–12 mm/d) is located between 1,000 and
1,500 m.a.s.l. This model also produces an overestimated maximum (mean of 35 mm/d) at an altitude of
4,100m.a.s.l, whereas the gridded products indicate precipitation rates below 5mm/d at this altitude.
It is worth noting that both the best and the worst performances are found with the highest resolution models
(S20 Eta, S22 REMO, and S22 RC47). Excessive precipitation orographic gradients further illustrate that
S22 spatial resolution RCMs may have stronger biases than the S44 and S50 RCMs across both precipita-
tion hotspots (Figure7). High orographic gradients between minimum in lowlands and precipitation maxi-
mum in the Tingo María hotspot in CHIRPS and RAIN4PE may be a consequence of the relatively low
altitude of the precipitation maximum, thereby diminishing their altitudinal differences. Some simulations'
Figure 6. Mean profiles of topographical height (dashed lines) and daily mean precipitation (solid lines) of CHIRPS,
RAIN4PE, and selected S20 and S22 global climate model-regional climate model (GCM-RCM) combinations through the
transects constructed across (a) Tingo María and (b) Quincemil (over region 4 and 5, respectively, see Figure1). Gray shading
represents maximum and minimum altitude across transects by GTOPO30. Single S20 and S22 GCM-RCM combinations
over Tingo María and Quincemil are selected on the basis of the “best” spatial pattern member within the RCM ensemble, as
seen in Figure3. Transects follow a windward-summit orientation (from right to left on this figure).
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Figure 7. Boxplots of orographic gradients (calculated as the quotient between differences in precipitation rates at two locations and their corresponding altitudes)
across transects over both precipitation hotspots (see Figure1). Orographic gradients in (a–c) were calculated in the “lower” section of each transect (i.e., between
minimum at lowlands and the precipitation maximum). Orographic gradients in (b–d) were calculated in the “upper” section of each transect (i.e., between precipitation
maximum and the summits). Numbers in parenthesis in (a–c) represent the median altitude of maximum precipitation (in km) across transects for each simulation/
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orographic gradients may appear closer to the observed values due to compensations caused by increases of
altitudinal differences, as a consequence of the overestimation of the altitudes of precipitation maximums
Focusing in the highest resolution RCMs, the Eta model simulations are closer in representing the altitude of the
spatial maximum in both hotspots (between 590 and 1,210m.a.s.l.). In contrast, REMO and RC47 tend to simu-
late the spatial maximum at higher altitudes in comparison to the observed data. These model differences have
an important effect masking the results of the orographic gradient, which would otherwise be higher if maximum
precipitation altitudes were closer to the observations. However, in the case of the Quincemil hotspot, RC47
notably stands out with the most substantial orographic gradient until the precipitation maximum as a result of
its prominent wet bias (around 50mm/d) around 3,900m.a.s.l (see Figure6). Furthermore, REMO and RC47
simulations exhibit the most prominent negative orographic gradients between the precipitation maximum and
the summits in Tingo María and Quincemil, respectively. In the Eta RCM simulations, the orographic gradients
between the precipitation maximum and the summits are roughly twice the magnitude of the observed values,
possibly due to strong underestimations occurring after the maximum is reached over both hotspots. However, it
is more consistent with RAIN4PE and CHIRPS over Quincemil.
4.3. Seasonal Variability
RCM simulations across the Andes-Amazon transition region successfully capture the overall seasonal fluctua-
tions. However, some RCMs tend to overestimate precipitation mostly during the rainy seasons, especially in the
equatorial-most boxes (Figures8a–8c). Among the analyzed boxes, certain RCMs can effectively represent the
bimodal cycle observed in these regions (Laraque etal.,2007; Segura etal.,2019).
Figure 8. Annual regimes of precipitation mean between 1981 and 2005 for the five boxes defined in Figure1. The thick
black line and shading around it represents the average annual cycle and spread among RAIN4PE and CHIRPS, respectively.
Spread characterizes the maximum and minimum monthly climatologies between RAIN4PE and CHIRPS.
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For the Upper Napo-Pastaza and Tamshiyacu boxes, the Eta ensemble displays a relatively uniform pattern
throughout the year. However, it is worth noting that individual simulations within this ensemble exhibit signif-
icant variability in their seasonal cycles (not shown). In contrast, RC43 and REMO consistently produce over-
estimations of approximately 100% during the peak rainy seasons in February–April and October–November.
In the case of the Upper Napo-Pastaza box (Figure8c), both the RCA ensembles and the WRF simulation exhibit
a dry bias (not lower than 70%) throughout the year. Notably, these models simulate almost no precipitation
during June–August, whereas RAIN4PE and CHIRPS data indicate an average rainfall rate of around 10mm/d
during that period.
In the southernmost boxes of Tingo María and Quincemil (Figures8d and8e), RCMs generally exhibit a higher
level of agreement in terms of the shape and quantities of the seasonal cycle, albeit with some biases present in
specific ensembles. For instance, in Tingo María, the S44 RC43 ensemble and both S44 and S50 RCA ensembles
erroneously simulate a bimodal cycle. Specifically, RC43 overestimates rainfall during April and September–
November compared to gridded data sets. Furthermore, the S22 REMO ensemble overestimates precipitation
during August–November in comparison to RAIN4PE data.
In Quincemil, all simulated and observed seasonal cycles show an unimodal regime. Nevertheless, the S44 RC43
and S22 REMO ensembles overestimate precipitation during October–April and September–April, respectively.
S22 RC47 also overestimates precipitation during August–March, primarily due to excessive quantities simulated
at altitudes above 2,000m.a.s.l. Moreover, the S44 and S50 RCA ensembles tend to underestimate precipitation
throughout the year.
The spatial pattern of seasonal variability is illustrated by sVC maps in Figure9. Notably, certain features, such
as the low seasonality observed over the equatorial western Amazon and its subsequent increase south of 6°S are
most accurately captured by the Eta RCM. Furthermore, the Eta RCM adequately reproduces the sVC pattern
over the Andean highlands.
In contrast, REMO and RC47 models exhibit higher seasonal variability over the equatorial Amazon (0.2–0.4)
while simulating lower seasonal variability in the Andean highlands, resulting in sVC values below 0.5. In
addition, RC43, RCA, and WRF models simulate an excessive degree of seasonal variability over the Amazon
lowlands south of 5°S, with sVC values exceeding 0.7.
4.4. Interannual Variability
Figure10 shows the iVC of precipitation gridded data sets and GCM-RCM combinations for the period between
1981 and 2005. Both gridded products consistently identify the Andean highlands as the region with the high-
est interannual variability. However, there are scattered regions in the Amazonian lowlands north of 7.5°S that
exhibit relatively high interannual variability (iVC>0.15). In addition, RAIN4PE represents lower interannual
variability at the Marañón basin than CHIRPS.
None of the GCM-RCM combinations adequately represent the iVC spatial pattern, with a general tendency to
underestimate it, particularly over the Amazonian lowlands, where most GCM-RCM combinations show iVC values
below 0.1 (Figure10). Regarding S20 and S22 RCMs, the Eta and RC47 RCMs, and notably MIRO and HadG
Eta and Nor RC47, demonstrate a relatively high interannual variability (iVC between 0.2 and 0.5, second row in
Figure10) over the Andean highlands. In contrast, REMO RCM simulates low interannual variability (iVC below
0.1) over the Andean highlands. Almost none of these GCM-RCM combinations simulate significant interannual
variability conditions over the Amazonian lowlands north of 7.5°S, which suggests they are unable to reproduce it.
4.5. Final Rankings and Summary of Results
Figure11 presents the rankings of GCM-RCM combinations based on the assessment of seven spatio-temporal
features outlined in Table2, focusing on precipitation during the 1981–2005 period in the Andes-Amazon transi-
tion region, with RAIN4PE serving as the reference. Within these metrics, the Eta RCM excels in the spatial and
seasonal aspects, as evident in the first six rows of Figure11.
The assessment of interannual variability assessment carries out uncertainties due to large spread of iVC, espe-
cially in the Amazonian lowlands. However, as seen in Figure9, no GCM-RCM combinations exhibit significant
skill in representing the spatial features of interannual variability, besides some S20 and S22 GCM-RCM combi-
nations at the Andean highlands. The actual iVC error values exhibit minimal differences between models, with
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the best and least ranked models yielding 0.026 and 0.082, respectively, differing by only 0.056 (Figure S4 in
Supporting InformationS1).
Furthermore, it might be expected that high-resolution simulations (S20 and S22) would outperform low-resolution
simulations (S44 and S50). However, S22 RC47 simulations are surpassed by several lower resolution simula-
tions across multiple metrics. Additional analyses are presented using CHIRPS as a reference (Figure S4 in
Supporting InformationS1). The results prove to be more sensitive over both of the analyzed rainfall hotspots
(i.e., Quincemil and Tingo María profiles). Nevertheless, Eta consistently remains as the top-performing model
under both reference data sets.
Figure12 summarizes the main findings in the Andes-Amazon transition region. The spatio-temporal distribu-
tion of seasonality is well-represented across the study area, with the Eta RCM performing best in simulating
the spatial distribution of seasonality. In the northern Marañón basin, it is crucial to consider the representation
Figure 9. Seasonal coefficient of variation (sVC) calculated from monthly precipitation between 1981 and 2005 for the (first
row) precipitation gridded data sets, (second and third row) S20 and S22 horizontal resolution regional climate model (RCM)
output, (fourth and fifth row) S44 horizontal resolution RCM output, (sixth and seventh row) S50 horizontal resolution RCM
output, and (eighth row) RCM ensembles means.
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of rainfall in the equatorial Andes and lowlands. Only the Eta and RC43 models capture the spatial maximum at
the eastern flank of the Ecuadorian Andes, with precipitation rates ranging from 10 to 14mm/d. Some Eta and
REMO simulations, particularly those forced by Can and HadG, and by HadG and Nor, respectively, successfully
reproduce a continuous equatorial maximum in the lowlands. These simulations exhibit similar precipitation
intensity as RAIN4PE and CHIRPS. Moving to the southern Ucayali basin and the rainfall hotspots region, Eta
and some S50 RCA simulations effectively depict the spatial extent of rainfall hotspots. Among these models, Eta
is the most accurate in representing the altitude of the maximum (1,000–1,500
Regarding biases, in the lowlands and the Andes-Amazon transition region, models tend to exaggerate the annual
cycle of precipitation, leading to overestimations during peak months, with RC43 and REMO reaching biases of
Figure 10. Interannual coefficient of variation (iVC) calculated from mean annual precipitation timeseries between 1981
and 2005 for the (first row) precipitation gridded data sets, (second and third row) S20 and S22 horizontal resolution regional
climate model (RCM) output, (fourth and fifth row) S44 horizontal resolution RCM output, (sixth and seventh row) S50
horizontal resolution RCM output, and (eighth row) RCM-averaged iVC.
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approximately 100% during the rainiest months. On the Andean eastern slopes of Ecuador, S44 WRF and S44
and S50 RCA models underestimate precipitation by approximately 70%–90%. In the southern region, wet biases
related to orographic rainfall in the Andean highlands during summer are common among REMO, RCA43,
RC47, and, to a lesser extent, Eta. Another noteworthy bias observed is the upslope shift of rainfall hotspots in
most models, leading to overestimations over the summits of the eastern Andean flanks. RC47 stands out with
Figure 11. Ranks of the relative error defined in Table2 for the seven spatio-temporal properties over the western Amazon basin with RAIN4PE used as the reference.
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the most significant wet biases in this region, with certain grids displaying daily precipitation rates in the order
of 50mm/d, which represents an overestimation of approximately 2,500%.
The two latter biases may arise due to the inherent physics of the models and the insufficient spatial resolutions
of the simulations to, which hinder their ability to accurately represent rainfall in complex terrain (e.g., Chou
etal.,2014; Torma et al.,2015). In addition, another major difference related to the simulation of dynamic
processes in mountainous terrain are the vertical coordinates used in the model structure. The Eta model
employs eta vertical coordinates, which remain approximately horizontal with respect to mountains (Mesinger
etal.,2012). Conversely, the other models utilize either sigma terrain-following vertical coordinates or hybrid
vertical coordinates.
5. Discussion
Uncertainties in observational data can significantly influence what is regarded as “skill,” particularly in our
study area, which is a data-scarce region. We selected RAIN4PE and CHIRPS as reference products based on
their performance in grid-to-point comparisons with rain gauges (Fernández-Palomino etal.,2022). Good perfor-
mances of RAIN4PE as a driver for hydrological modeling in the region further supports its selection as the
primary reference product. However, since RAIN4PE is a hydrological model output, caution should be taken as
it is still subject to uncertainties related to water cycle components and model input, such as the streamflow, evap-
otranspiration, precipitation gridded data sets, and the chosen hydrological model structure (Fernández-Palomino
We found similar results with both RAIN4PE and CHIRPS as reference products (Figures S5–S7 in Support-
ing InformationS1), except for the MPD at the two evaluated precipitation hotspots. Such differences should
be expected as the product of observational uncertainties in this region due to scarce monitoring, which limits
further calibration of gridded data sets (Condom etal.,2020). Nevertheless, when assessing based on this metric,
Eta simulations still holds best performances regardless of precipitation gridded data set used, reinforcing our
confidence in its ability in resolving precipitation in this region. Nonetheless, there remains a pressing need
Figure 12. A summary of main findings over the Andes-Amazon transition region. Specific regions are depicted by colors
(i.e., the Ecuadorian Amazon slopes are represented by black, the equatorial region by blue, the hotspots region by orange,
and the Andean highlands by green).
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for long-term and comprehensive precipitation monitoring on the eastern slopes of the Andean cordillera. The
complex interactions between terrain and regional atmospheric circulation in this area give rise to a wide range
of hydroclimatic regimes (Cazorla etal.,2022; Condom etal.,2020). For example, Newell etal.(2022) demon-
strated the importance of a network of rain gauges to capture the fine-scale spatiotemporal variability of rainfall in
montane cloud forests in the northeastern Andes of Peru. These observations can serve to validate satellite-based
and merged precipitation products which can then be utilized as references to properly assess RCM's ability in the
reproduction of precipitation patterns over the Amazon's rainiest zone (e.g., Chavez & Takahashi,2017; Espinoza
While the highest resolution model (S20 Eta) yields the best results, the impact of increasing RCM resolution
from S44–S50 to S20–S22 does not seem to significantly improve the diagnostics of MAP over the rainfall
hotspots for all RCMs. In fact, S22 models exhibit worse performance than S44 models for certain criteria. There-
fore, aside from horizontal resolution, other model setup characteristics may also affect the model performances
(e.g., parameterization, forcing data, vertical levels treatment). Caution should be taken in high-resolution mode-
ling to adequately set-up the model relatively to the climate characteristics of the region of study.
The impact of increasing RCM resolution from S44–S50 to S20–S22 does not appear to markedly affect the diag-
nostics of MAP over the rainfall hotspots. Previous evaluation studies regarding CORDEX RCMs have suggested
spatial resolutions around approximately 12.5×12.5km (not available in CORDEX-SAM) for improved resolu-
tion of precipitation due to enhanced topography representation (Lucas-Picher etal.,2017; Mascaro etal.,2018;
Prein etal.,2016; Torma etal.,2015). Currently, state-of-art RCMs involve simulations at convection-permitting
scales, characterized by spatial resolutions finer than 4 km, enabling the explicit resolution of convection
processes without the need for a convective parameterization scheme (Kendon etal.,2021).
At higher spatial resolutions, RCMs in the tropical Andean region significatively improve precipitation features
such as the spatial pattern, mesoscale processes linked to the diurnal cycle of convection (Gómez-Ríos etal.,2023;
Junquas etal.,2022, 2018; Rosales etal.,2022; Sierra etal., 2022), and the internal structure of mesoscale
convective systems and hailstorms (Flores-Rojas etal.,2021; Moya-Alvarez etal., 2019). However, as these
spatial resolutions range within the so-called “gray zone” of convection, some local convection processes can
be explicitly resolved, while others still require the use of a convection parameterization (Kendon etal.,2021).
The interplay between tropical atmospheric circulation regimes and local physio-geographical features further
amplifies these uncertainties at very high spatial resolutions (1km), posing a persistent challenge for the numer-
ical modeling community (e.g., Junquas etal.,2022).
Our results indicate uncertainties in RCM configurations, specifically related to the choice of downscaling model
and the physical parameterization schemes. Within set of GCM-RCM combinations considered, these choices
appear to exert a more significant influence on the simulation of precipitation, particularly in rainfall hotspots
For example, a common bias highlighted in this study is the dry bias over the eastern Ecuadorian Andes slopes
by the RCA model and, specifically, the S44 WRF model. Several WRF-based studies have shown that, under
certain parameterizations and higher spatial resolution, precipitation over this region can be either overestimated
or improved (e.g., Chimborazo & Vuille,2021; Junquas etal.,2022; Ochoa etal.,2016). Consequently, the choice
of an appropriate convection parameterization scheme becomes crucial in enhancing the reliability of RCM simu-
lations due to better representation of rainfall characteristics.
Many GCM-RCM combinations successfully replicate both unimodal and bimodal annual precipitation patterns
in the Andes-Amazon transition region (Espinoza etal.,2009; Segura etal.,2019). However, some combinations
tend to overestimate precipitation during peak months at the equatorial-most locations. Additionally, some of
them do at the Andean highlands, and the overestimation is stronger during summer. These findings align with the
analyses of CMIP5 and CMIP6 GCMs simulations performed by Ortega etal.(2021) and Almazroui etal.(2021),
where they also found precipitation overestimations in the tropical Andes, particularly during the rainy seasons.
The source of excessive convection at the equatorial-most Andes-Amazon transition region during wet months
might be produced mainly by the physics choices of RCMs regarding cumulus convection and land-surface
parameterizations, which requires further investigation (Chou etal.,2014).
None of the models is particularly skillful in capturing the interannual variability of rainfall during the period
from 1981 to 2005. This challenge may be linked to the complexities associated with simulating related to the
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simulation of teleconnection patterns by both GCMs and GCM-driven RCMs (e.g., see Sections 10.4.2. and 10.6
in Doblas-Reyes etal.,2021). Further advancements in this area are imperative, given that precipitation patterns
over the Andes-Amazon transition region are significantly influenced by tropical oceans and their interaction with
local physio-geographical features (e.g., Arias etal.,2021; Espinoza etal.,2019; Marengo & Espinoza,2016;
Segura etal.,2019; J. Sulca etal.,2018).
6. Conclusions
We compared and evaluated the performance of 30 GCM-RCM simulations within the framework of CORDEX-
SAM and Eta RCM in representing the precipitation spatio-temporal climatological features and interannual
variability during the “historical” period (1981–2005). These simulations result from combination of 6 RCMs
and 10 GCMs at spatial resolutions ranging from 0.2° to 0.5°. The results reveal a mixed performance, with some
aspects well-reproduced such as the spatial behavior of seasonality. However, most RCM simulations struggled
to accurately replicate the spatial patterns of orographic rainfall, and no model excelled in capturing the spatial
features of interannual rainfall variability observed in the period between 1981 and 2005.
In this set of simulations, the best performance is observed in simulations with the finest spatial resolution
when it comes to reproducing orographic precipitation over the Andes-Amazon transition region (specifically,
the Eta RCM at 0.2°×0.2° resolution). However, it is noteworthy that simulations with a grid size of 0.22° may
underperform in comparison to coarser grid-size (ranging from 0.44° to 0.5°) simulations in simulating vari-
ous orographic precipitation features. For example, excessive overestimations reaching as much as 2,500% are
reached by the S22 RC47 simulations in some Andes-Amazon transition region locations. These wet biases are
more pronounced during the rainiest months; and, in the lowlands, precipitation can be overestimated by as much
as 100%, especially at equatorial-most regions.
Addressing these biases in future GCM dynamical downscaling efforts for this region will require consideration
of convection-permitting scales and the selection of an appropriate, high-resolution adapted physical parameter-
ization setup.Further development in these areas is essential to improve the simulation of intricate interactions
between local terrain and tropical rainfall regimes in this complex region.
Finally, the results of this study offer valuable insights that can enhance the application of this set of regional
climate simulations for both climate and non-climate scientists engaged in vulnerability and impact studies at the
local scale under future climate scenarios (Figures11 and12). Future research should focus on a process-oriented
approach to identify sub-monthly (e.g., synoptic) mechanisms leading to model biases. This, in turn, can lead
to the improvement of bias correction techniques (e.g., Maraun etal.,2021). Such approaches would serve in
order to project future scenarios related to local hydrometeorological risks (e.g., Figueroa etal.,2020; Valenzuela
Data Availability Statement
The precipitation gridded datasets used in this paper were acquired from the Climate Hazards Group (CHIRPS, and German Research Center for Geosciences (RAIN4PE, https://datapub. The CORDEX-SAM and Eta RCM's data are publicly
available and can be downloaded from the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) portals (https://esgf-data.dkrz.
de/search/esgf-dkrz/). The GTOPO30 dataset is available at the U.S. Geological Survey site (https://www.usgs.
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We thank three anonymous reviewers for
their helpful comments, which helped us
enrich the discussions of our study and
improve the quality and clarity of the
manuscript. This research was funded
by the No. 77-2021-FONDECYT/BM
Project and J.-C.E. received the support
of the French AMANECER-MOPGA
project funded by ANR and IRD
(ref. ANR-18-MPGA-0008). We also
acknowledge the contribution of project
ACE-Amazon funded by the regional
program CLIMAT-AmSud (21-CLIMAT-
01). Thanks to Livia Dutra (Universidade
de São Paulo) and Daniela Carneiro
(Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espa-
ciais) for providing the orography fields
of the RegCM4.3 and the Eta models,
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... These models have spatial resolutions ranging from 0.7° to 2.8°, indicating a scale gap with the station data. However, the use of General Circulation Model (GCM) over regional simulations, such as CORDEX, is based on the fact that regional models still struggle to accurately replicate the orographic rainfall patterns and fail to capture the spatial characteristics of interannual variability (Gutierrez et al. 2024). Two Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) were considered: an intermediate emissions scenario (SSP2-4.5) ...
... Similarly, Hariadi et al. (2022) found that HighResMIP simulations provided more consistent results than CORDEX for the onset date and total precipitation of the Southeast Asia monsoon. Although regional numerical models have shown promising results, simulations in complex regions remain challenging due to the Andean topography and diverse rainfall patterns (Gutierrez et al. 2024). Moreover, statistical downscaling may offer better performance in capturing the annual rainfall cycle compared with dynamical downscaling (e.g., Attique, Rientjes, and Booij 2023) and effectively reproduce local-scale precipitation (e.g., Hou et al. 2019). ...
... Characterising, analysing variability and projecting seasonal rainfall indices is important for sectors like agriculture, energy and water resources management in Peru and the Andean countries, where changes in rainfall have significant impacts. Likewise, these studies can be complemented by examining future changes in precipitation extremes and atmospheric circulation patterns that modulate seasonality, using regional and high-resolution models (e.g., Junquas et al. 2018;Gutierrez et al. 2024). Moreover, examining the rainy season can utilise diverse databases, including remote sensing, which is increasingly relevant for studying the rainy season, droughts and their impacts on water resources (Cullen 2023;Espinoza et al. 2024). ...
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Changes in patterns of accumulated rainfall, as well as the rainy season onset, cessation and duration, can impact the availability of water resources and sectors such as agriculture, affecting the livelihoods of the population. The knowledge of these changes is crucial for regions driven by strong precipitation variability such as the Andean countries. Therefore, the aim of this work is to determine the present and future spatio‐temporal patterns of the onset, cessation and duration of the rainy season in Peru. For this purpose, we analysed in a first step the present variability and trends in 11 homogeneous regions using data from 377 ground stations for the period 1981–2019. The results showed significant trends (1981–2019) of earlier onset and increased duration only in the Southern Peruvian Amazon (Madre de Dios River basin). Furthermore, the accumulated rainfall has significant trends of increases in North East Andes, Northern and Southern Amazon. In a second step, we assessed future changes of the rainy season from an ensemble of statistically downscaled CMIP6 climate scenarios. A two‐tailed Student t‐test was used to evaluate the significance of changes. Two future time slices (2031–2060 and 2071–2100) relative to the reference period (1981–2010) were analysed. Future changes of the rainy season showed significant delays in the onset for the Central East Andes, South West Andes and Amazon regions in the period 2071–2100. Likewise, the rainy season duration presents future significant reductions in regions of the central and southern Andes under the SSP2‐4.5 scenario. Moreover, the accumulated precipitation is projected to increase significantly in the Pacific slope and Andes regions, mainly under the SSP5‐8.5 scenario. These findings are particularly important for sectors like agriculture, energy and water resources management.
... Recently, limited area models (LAM) with kilometer-scale horizontal resolution have been increasingly used to improve localscale atmospheric processes in climate simulations in Andean regions. Compared to previous generations of simulations with grid spacing in the range 25-200 km (both from GCMs and RCMs), kilometer-scale LAM simulations with grid spacings in the 1-25 km range show overall improvements in spatial and temporal variability of main climatic features over the Andes (e.g., Bozkurt et al., 2019;Falco et al., 2020;Gutierrez et al., 2024), and betterresolved local valley-wind and slope processes (e.g., Junquas et al., 2018;Bozkurt et al., 2019;Schumacher et al., 2020;Rosales et al., 2022). Weather and climate modeling of fundamental processes such as deep convection, convective organization, land-atmosphere interactions, the effects of landscape (e.g., mountains and valleys) and land-cover heterogeneity require a high level of detail in their spatiotemporal representation (e.g., Gutowski et al., 2016;Gutowski et al., 2020;Giorgi, 2019;Palmer and Stevens, 2019;Prein et al., 2015;Lucas-Picher et al., 2021). ...
... As seen in other parts of the world, an increased spatial resolution of RCMs does not always improve all statistics in simulated precipitation (Mass et al., 2002;Schwartz et al., 2009;Rauscher et al., 2010). The added value of the resolution increase in the Andes depends on various factors, including the driving fields, the surface characteristics of the region, the season, the variable considered and the temporal variability mode considered (e.g., Falco et al., 2020;Gutierrez et al., 2024). For example, a 20-km RCM simulation is able to better resolve the climatological mean of orographic precipitation "hotspots" over the southern tropical Andes-Amazon transition zone than 50-km RCM CORDEX simulations (Gutierrez et al., 2024), and 9-km simulations better reproduce its localization along the eastern Andean slope than 27-km simulations . ...
... The added value of the resolution increase in the Andes depends on various factors, including the driving fields, the surface characteristics of the region, the season, the variable considered and the temporal variability mode considered (e.g., Falco et al., 2020;Gutierrez et al., 2024). For example, a 20-km RCM simulation is able to better resolve the climatological mean of orographic precipitation "hotspots" over the southern tropical Andes-Amazon transition zone than 50-km RCM CORDEX simulations (Gutierrez et al., 2024), and 9-km simulations better reproduce its localization along the eastern Andean slope than 27-km simulations . Otherwise, over central Chile an improvement is found after two consecutive downscaling at 50 km and 10 km from a forcing GCM (MPI-ESM-MR; Figure 4). ...
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In the Andes, the complex topography and unique latitudinal extension of the cordillera are responsible for a wide diversity of climate gradients and contrasts. Part I of this series reviews the current modeling efforts in simulating key atmospheric-orographic processes for the weather and climate of the Andean region. Building on this foundation, Part II focuses on global and regional climate models challenging task of correctly simulating changes in surface-atmosphere interactions and hydroclimate processes to provide reliable future projections of hydroclimatic trajectories in the Andes Cordillera. We provide a review of recent advances in atmospheric modeling to identify and produce reliable hydroclimate information in the Andes. In particular, we summarize the most recent modeling research on projected changes by the end of the 21st century in terms of temperature and precipitation over the Andes, the mountain elevation-dependent warming signal, and land cover changes. Recent improvements made in atmospheric kilometer-scale model configurations (e.g., resolution, parameterizations and surface forcing data) are briefly reviewed, highlighting their impact on modeling results in the Andes for precipitation, atmospheric and surface-atmosphere interaction processes, as mentioned in recent studies. Finally, we discuss the challenges and perspectives of climate modeling, with a focus on the hydroclimate of the Andes.
... For example, in simulations with coarser grid spacing some sections of the Andes would be substantially lower than in reality, simulating stronger winds at some altitudes compared to the real system, in which higher peaks act as a barrier to the flow, and misrepresenting the stronger winds and circulations within the real inter-Andean valleys (see e.g., Posada-Marín et al., 2019). As a consequence of the poorly resolved terrain, the spatial distribution of precipitation is directly affected, with higher resolution models representing with more detail and accuracy the slope gradients of precipitation, including for example, more localized "hotspots" of precipitation in the Andes-Amazon transition region (e.g., Ortega et al., 2021;Junquas et al., 2022, Gutierrez et al., 2024Martinez et al., 2024a;Figures 1E, F). ...
... Another common error found in the simulations, particularly at lower resolutions (grid spacing larger than 15 km), consists of depicting the hotspot region as a continuous band of maximum precipitation along the Andes-Amazon region from Bolivia to northern Peru, instead of independently localized centers of precipitation maxima (Gutierrez et al., 2024). The same error was identified in the Andes-Amazon transition region of Ecuador and southern Colombia with the WRF model . ...
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The Andes is the longest mountain range in the world, stretching from tropical South America to austral Patagonia (12°N-55°S). Along with the climate differences associated with latitude, the Andean region also features contrasting slopes and elevations, reaching altitudes of more than 4,000 m. a.s.l., in a relatively narrow crosswise section, and hosts diverse ecosystems and human settlements. This complex landscape poses a great challenge to weather and climate simulations. The interaction of the topography with the large-scale atmospheric motions controls meteorological phenomena at scales of a few kilometers, often inadequately represented in global (grid spacing ∼200–50 km) and regional (∼50–25 km) climate simulations previously studied for the Andes. These simulations typically exhibit large biases in precipitation, wind and near-surface temperature over the Andes, and they are not suited to represent strong gradients associated with the regional processes. In recent years (∼2010–2024), a number of modeling studies, including convection permitting simulations, have contributed to our understanding of the characteristics and distribution of a variety of systems and processes along the Andes, including orographic precipitation, precipitation hotspots, mountain circulations, gravity waves, among others. This is Part I of a two-part review about atmospheric modeling over the Andes. In Part I we review the current strengths and limitations of numerical modeling in simulating key atmospheric-orographic processes for the weather and climate of the Andean region, including low-level jets, downslope winds, gravity waves, and orographic precipitation, among others. In Part II, we review how climate models simulate surface-atmosphere interactions and hydroclimate processes in the Andes Cordillera to offer information on projections for land-cover/land-use change or climate change. With a focus on the hydroclimate, we also address some of the main challenges in numerical modeling for the region.
... Most hydrological studies of the Altiplano estimate reduced water availability in the TDPS for future scenarios due to local anthropogenic and global warming impacts (i.e., Escurra et al. 2014). However, the uncertainty of the global climate models (GCM) on which they are based is still large for regions of complex topography, particularly concerning precipitation (Almazroui et al. 2021;Zubieta et al. 2021;Gutierrez-Villarreal et al. 2024b). Hence, it is necessary to explore new approaches that could improve future projections of the wet season onset and duration, thus supporting the development of strategies to adapt to and mitigate future impacts on ecosystems and human populations. ...
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Drought-related impacts in the southern Tropical Andes are crucial for economic activities. Here, precipitation decreases (p < 0.1) during the dry-to-wet transition season (SON) based on CHIRPS (1981–2023) and meteorological stations (1973–2016). In addition, a decline in specific humidity and moisture flux is detected (1979–2022). The precipitation trend is stronger (p < 0.05) in the southern Titicaca, Desaguadero, Poopó and Coipasa Salt Pan hydrological system (TDPS) and extends southwards (20°S-30°S). A delayed onset and a reduced duration of the wet season are observed in the TDPS (p < 0.05), although precipitation intensifies during DJF in the southwestern TDPS (p < 0.05).To analyze the atmospheric features related to these changes, we derive atmospherics circulation patterns (CPs) from standardized anomalies of daily 200-hPa winds (1979–2022) using a weather classification technique. We identify 9 CPs, characterized by four ‘‘dry’’ (D1, D2, D3, and D4), three ‘‘wet’’ (W1, W2 and W3), and two ‘‘transitional’’ patterns (T1 and T2). During SON, the frequency of the W1 (D3) is negatively (positively) correlated with the onset date of the wet season (p < 0.05). Through the period 1979–2022, the frequencies of the D3 and the predominantly dry T1 increase (p < 0.1 and p < 0.05, respectively). Conversely, W1 frequency diminishes substantially since 2010. The physical mechanisms associated are discussed. In conclusion, increased D3 and T1 frequencies, and decreased W1 are related to the diminution of precipitation during SON and to the shortening of the wet season length. We also show that the extreme drought of 2022 was characterized by an unprecedented frequency of dry CPs, particularly during November.
... These models are categorized spatially as the Global Climate Model (GCM) and the Regional Climate Model (RCM). GCMs have a coarser (lower) spatial resoutlion (typically 150-300 km) and project the climate patterns on the global-scale, while RCMs (spatial resoultion as 20-60 km) project the climate patterns on a regional scale by using the Initial Conditions (ICs) and the Lateral Boundary Condtions (LBCs) of a GCM, and better captures the region-specific climate patterns (Barnes et al., 2024;Gutierrez et al., 2024). As per the literature, RCM projections are basically the transformed outcomes of GCMs on a finer resolution via downscaling. ...
... The arid class is poised to entirely replace the sub-humid class in the Central Andean Wet Puna. This could also be related to topography (Tovar et al 2022, Gutierrez et al 2024 as warming is generally projected to be stronger at higher (pixels with AI-snow) than at lower elevations (pixels with only AI). In future studies, incorporating higher-resolution data such as the NASA/GDDP CMIP6 (Thrasher et al 2022), would enhance our understanding of localized climate impacts. ...
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Climate change impacts on humans and ecosystems depend on the intensity, timing, and spatial variability of these changes. While considerable attention has been paid to current and future changes in temperature patterns, comparatively less attention has been devoted to water availability for humans and ecosystems. The aridity index (AI), the ratio of precipitation to potential evapotranspiration, is a common metric used to assess water availability within ecosystems. However, the role of snow in AI calculations within snowy eco-regions is often neglected, resulting in an incomplete understanding of water balance dynamics in these environments. In this study, we estimate aridification under ongoing climate change in Andean eco-regions (AEs), focusing on two horizons: 2050–2060 and 2090–2100. Using monthly TerraClimate data from 2013–2018, we calculated a mean AI for each AE, taking into account the absence of snow (pixels with a snow water equivalent (SWE) < 10 mm/month) and its presence (AI-snow; pixels with a SWE > 10 mm/month). We show that AI allows to differentiate the eco-regions, but that the incorporation of snow in the AI calculation highlights the heterogeneity of aridity conditions within some eco-regions with energy-limited regimes (AI > 1) in the snowy zones and water-limited regimes (AI < 1) elsewhere. Analysis of the CORDEX-SAM regional projections for the periods 2050–2060 and 2090–2100 indicates a general shift towards drier conditions prevailing over wetter conditions in most eco-regions, notably: the Southern Andean Steppe, the Central Andean Wet Puna, the Santa Marta Páramo, and the Peruvian Yungas. The projected reduction in snowfall in CORDEX-SAM, coupled with glacier volume loss, appears to be contributing to the prevalence of aridification across many AEs. These findings highlight potential transitions towards aridification in diverse eco-regions, with repercussions on water availability for humans and ecosystems.
... Regional climate modeling (i.e., dynamical downscaling) offers a temporary solution to this issue, especially when using convection-permitting models (CPMs), typically at a grid spacing of 4 km or less (Giorgi, 2019;Gutierrez et al., 2024;Kendon et al., 2021;Lucas-Picher et al., 2021;Prein et al., 2015). Because CPMs have capabilities to capture local-scale forcings in greater detail, represent local and mesoscale dynamics, thermodynamics, and hydrodynamics more realistically, and resolve deep convection explicitly, their added value in simulating precipitation and mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) has been highlighted in numerous studies across various regions, including Africa (Kouadio et al., 2020;Stratton et al., 2018), East Asia (Guo et al., 2020;Karki et al., 2017;Li et al., 2021;Zhu et al., 2018), Europe (Berthou et al., 2020;Fumière et al., 2020;Lind et al., 2020), North America (Liu et al., 2017;Prein et al., 2020;Sun et al., 2016), and South America (Halladay et al., 2023;Huang et al., 2023a;Paccini & Stevens, 2023;Rosales et al., 2022;. ...
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To explore the potential impacts of climate change on precipitation and mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) in the Peruvian Central Andes, a region with complex terrain, two future convection‐permitting regional climate simulations and one historical one are conducted using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. All simulations adopt consistent model configurations and two nested domains with grid spacings of 15 and 3 km covering the entire South America and the Peruvian Central Andes, respectively. The historical run, spanning 2014–2019, is driven by ERA5 reanalysis, and the future simulations, covering the period 2070–2080, are driven by a bias‐corrected global dataset derived from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) ensemble under the SSP2‐4.5 and SSP5‐8.5 emission scenarios. Results show geographically dependent changes in annual precipitation, with a consistent rise in the frequency of intense hourly precipitation across all regions examined. The western Amazon Basin shows a decrease in annual precipitation, while increases exist in parts of the Peruvian west coast and the east slope of the Andes under both future scenarios. In the warming scenarios, there is an overall increase in the frequency, precipitation intensity, and size of MCSs east of the Andes, with MCS precipitation volume increasing by up to ∼22.2%. Despite consistently enhanced synoptic‐scale low‐level jets in future scenarios, changes in low‐level dynamic convergence are inhomogeneous and predominantly influence annual precipitation changes. The increased convective available potential energy (CAPE), convective inhibition (CIN), and precipitable water (PW) in a warming climate suppress weak convection, while fostering a more unstable and moisture‐rich atmosphere, facilitating more intense convection and the formation and intensification of heavy precipitation‐producing MCSs. The study highlights the value of convection‐permitting climate simulations in projecting future severe weather hazards and informing climate adaptation strategies, especially in regions characterized by complex terrain.
... Other mechanisms must be analyzed, for instance the modulation of shorter frequency variability modes, such as the Madden Julian Oscillation (Fernandes and Grimm, 2023;Jones et al., 2023), the potential impact of global warming and Amazonian deforestation. Regarding global warming, It is still worth to explore future projections over complex terrain such as the Andes-Amazon transition region (e.g., Gutierrez et al., 2024). Future climate projections studies suggested significant reductions in precipitation and increases in the intensity, frequency and duration of droughts Fig. 10. ...
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The 2022-23 hydrological year in the Lake Titicaca, Desaguadero River, and Lake Poopó hydrological system (TDPS) over the South American Altiplano constituted a historically dry period. This drought was particularly severe during the pre-wet season (October–December), when the TDPS and the adjacent Andean-Amazon region experienced as much as 60% reductions in rainfall. Consequently, Titicaca Lake water levels decreased by 0.05 m from December to January, which is part of the rising lake level period of normal conditions. Such conditions have not been seen since the El Niño-related drought of 1982-83. Using a set of hydroclimatic, Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and atmospheric reanalysis datasets, we find that this new historical drought was associated with enhanced southerly moisture flux anomalies, reducing the inflow of moisture-laden winds from the Amazon basin to the TDPS. Such anomalies in moisture transport were not seen since at least the 1950s. The atmospheric dynamics associated with this drought are related to La Niña SST anomalies via subtropical teleconnections associated with Rossby wave trains towards South America, further extended by subtropical Atlantic Ocean SST anomalies. This feature reduced the atmospheric moisture inflow from the Amazon and weakened the development of the Bolivian High in the upper troposphere. These results document a new atmospheric mechanism related to extreme droughts in the TDPS associated with La Niña SST anomalies during the pre-wet season. This goes beyond the traditional understanding of El Niño events, especially the strongest ones, being associated with dry conditions in the TDPS during the wet season (December–March).
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Study region The western Amazon basin at Tamshiyacu gauging station (near the Iquitos City) hosts floodplain agriculture that can be affected by the sudden reversal in direction of water levels known as “repiquetes” that produce intermittent flooding. Study focus This study assesses repiquete flooding risk in riparian crop areas based on statistical analyses of repiquete events registered from 1996 to 2018, hydraulic modeling to estimate flooded extension, and assessment of climatological characteristics during the formation of repiquetes. New hydrological insights Floods (≥ 20 cm) produced by repiquetes in riparian crop areas between 83.00 and 88.00 m above sea level (masl) occur 1.8 times per year. However, not all elevation ranges have the same flooding risk to crops. Terrain elevations between 85.31 and 87.00 masl have a reduced flooding risk of 0.35 per year. Likewise, areas with elevations between 87.00 and 88.00 masl (43% of the total area) were not affected by repiquetes. Extreme repiquetes (study cases of 2002 and 2008) have been influenced by the increase of atmospheric moisture flux convergence and precipitation over both the northern Ucayali and Marañón basins through the six previous days. Flood impacts from the extreme event of 2002 (2008) could have reached 40% (25%) of the available area for agriculture at the initiation of the repiquete.
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The steep slopes, highlands, and valleys of the Andes mountain chain are inhabited throughout its formidable length. This unique characteristic does not repeat in any other mountain region. The Andes shape weather and climate in South America. However, proper understanding of atmospheric phenomena influenced by a daunting altitudinal gradient is still behind what is needed to produce detailed and consistent climate projections. Despite significant advances, global models misrepresent key precipitation and circulation processes that are influenced by complex topography. Along with a lack of coordinated observations, the result is limited information to design preparedness measures, particularly to face extreme climate events. Of equal concern is the issue of air quality in densely urbanized countries that face decarbonization challenges and share a legacy of social inequity and political unrest. The complexity of the Andes region magnifies risks within all nations that share their influence. Thus, urgent action is needed to improve climate and air quality assessments with the direct purpose of strengthening policy-making processes.
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Convective processes are critical in the northernmost section of the Andes, where highly complex orography combines with tropical dynamics to produce intense precipitating systems. Data from satellite and ground radar have shown that Colombia’s central Magdalena valley has a marked precipitation diurnal cycle, with high rainfall rates produced by deep convective events that intensify on the foothills of the surrounding valley. This study aims to contribute to the understanding of the orographic controls imposed on the convective activity observed in this important tropical valley. The atmospheric environments associated with convective events are assessed using WRF high-resolution simulations for a two-week period that includes intense rainfall events and marked dry spells. In addition, a simulation with modified orography is evaluated to analyze further the effect of topography in controlling the observed convective systems. The results suggest that northward and southward wind regimes channeled by the valley’s topography and cross-valley flow result in a robust nocturnal convergence zone, which is associated with the strong diurnal cycle and the valley configuration. Furthermore, northerly low-level flow is an important source of moisture for convection in the valley. Additionally, results show mid-level tropospheric heating enhancement during days with more rainfall produced by convective systems in the western slope of the valley. The modified topography simulation suggests that circulation and precipitation in the valley are strongly dependent on the actual terrain features.
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Over 420 million ha of forest were lost to deforestation from 1990 to 2020; more than 90% of that loss took place in tropical areas (high confidence), threatening biodiversity, environmental services, livelihoods of forest communities and resilience to climate shocks (high confidence1 ). Forty-five percent of the world’s forested areas are in the tropics, and they are among the most important regulators of regional and global climate, natural carbon sinks and the most significant repositories of terrestrial biomass. They are of immeasurable value to biodiversity, ecosystem services, social and cultural identities, livelihoods, and climate change adaptation and mitigation. {CCP7.2.1; CCP7.2.2; Box CCP7.2; Table CCP7.2} Climate change affects tropical forests through warming and increased occurrence of extreme events such as droughts and heatwaves, as well as more frequent fires, which increase tree mortality and reduce tree growth, limiting the ability of forests to regenerate (high confidence). Climate change is altering the structure and species composition of tropical tree communities (high confidence), including transitions from moist to drier forest in regions such as the Amazon (high confidence), and movement of species from lower to higher elevations (high confidence). Despite CO2 fertilisation, ongoing climate change has weakened the carbon sink potential of tropical forests in Amazonia and, to a lesser extent, in Africa and Asia (medium confidence). {CCP7.2.3; CCP7.3} Large-scale tropical deforestation affects regional to continental scale climates with significant impacts on forest resilience (high confidence). Deforestation generally reduces rainfall and enhances temperatures, with effects depending on scales (high confidence), while often increasing surface runoff (medium confidence). Continued deforestation-driven landscape drying and fragmentation will aggravate fire risk and reduce forest resilience, leading to degradation or savannisation of the tropical forest biomes, in particular in combination with climate change (high confidence). {CCP7.3.6} Implementing sustainable management strategies can improve the ability of tropical forest ecosystems to adapt to climate change (high confidence), and the benefits of adaptation interventions often outweigh the costs (medium confidence). Adaptation of tropical forests to climate change provides an opportunity for tropical countries to develop forest policies that create incentives for environmental services such as carbon storage and biodiversity refugia. Forest restoration using a diverse mix of native species can help rebuild the climate resilience of tropical forests, but is best implemented alongside other sustainable forest management strategies and adaptation interventions (high confidence). {CCP7.5; Box CCP7.1} 1 In this Report, the following summary terms are used to describe the available evidence: limited, medium, or robust; and for the degree of agreement: low, medium, or high. A level of confidence is expressed using five qualifiers: very low, low, medium, high, and very high, and typeset in italics, e.g., medium confidence. For a given evidence and agreement statement, different confidence levels can be assigned, but increasing levels of evidence and degrees of agreement are correlated with increasing confidence. Community-based adaptation, built on Indigenous knowledge and local knowledge (IK and LK) over centuries or millennia, is often identified as an effective adaptation strategy to climate change (high confidence). For successful adaptation of tropical forest communities, it is vital to consider IK and LK in addition to modern scientific approaches, together with consideration of non-climatic vulnerabilities (e.g., poverty, gender inequality and power asymmetries) (high confidence). Climate change vulnerability and adaptive capacity have a historical and geopolitical context, conditioned by value systems and development models. Transformative and sustainable practices are required for effective management of tropical forests (high confidence). {CCP7.4; Box CCP7.1} Building resilience of tropical forests to climate change relies on adaptation in combination with reduction of direct and underlying drivers of deforestation and forest degradation (high confidence). Tropical deforestation is largely driven by agriculture, both from subsistence farming and industrial agriculture (e.g., oil palm, timber plantations, soybeans, livestock) (high confidence). While poverty and population growth combined with poor governance often fuel subsistence agriculture (high confidence), industrial agriculture is often driven by international market forces for commodities and largescale land acquisitions (high confidence). {CCP7.2.3} Governance responses to addressing the direct and underlying drivers of deforestation have been inadequate to reduce pressures, yet the urgency of tackling drivers of forest loss and degradation is increasing as climate impacts on forests and ecosystems increase (high confidence). Transformative levers towards improving environmental governance and resilience of tropical forests include: incentivising and building capacity for environmental responsibility and discontinuing harmful subsidies and disincentives; reforming segmented decision-making to promote integration across sectors and jurisdictions; pursuing pre-emptive and precautionary actions; managing for resilient social and ecological systems in the face of uncertainty and complexity; strengthening environmental laws and policies and their implementation; acknowledging land tenure and rights; and inclusive stakeholder participation (medium confidence). {CCP7.6}
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Climate change is undeniable, and its effects, like droughts and intense precipitation, evidence this reality. However, many questions remain unanswered, such as climate extremes’ future frequency and intensity. International collaboration projects such as the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX)-Coordinated Output for Regional Evaluations (CORE) have emerged to address these questions, creating protocols to facilitate the intercomparison among simulations obtained by different regional climate models (RCMs). Given this context, this study aims to describe the projected changes in the extreme precipitation events over the South America domain by using a set of projections of three RCMs (Eta, RegCM, and REMO) under the CORDEX-CORE framework (except Eta). These models were nested in different global climate models (GCMs) from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5) under the RCP8.5 scenario and integrated with a grid space of 25 km. In addition, six climate indices (PRCPTOT, SDII, R95p, P95, CDD, and CWD) were computed by season for the historical period (1995–2014) and four future time-slices (2020–2039, 2040–2059, 2060–2079, and 2080–2099). For brevity, this study focuses on the austral summer. RCMs are generally capable of representing the spatial pattern of climate indices but with differences in intensity. The ensemble with all RCMs shows a slightly better spatial correlation with the reference data than the ensemble of each RCM. The signal of the projections is similar between RegCM and REMO and, in general, opposite to Eta (mainly in the South Atlantic Convergence Zone region). Of the six climate indices analyzed, the ensemble performed with the three RCMs projects statistically significant negative (positive) trends for four indices in the Amazon (La Plata Basin), indicating a signal of dry (wet) conditions increasing towards the end of the century. Furthermore, both regions have significant positive (negative) trends of consecutive dry (wet) days. The region with higher uncertainties lies over southeastern Brazil, where Eta projects a dry climate and RegCM and REMO, a wet one.
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The resilience of the Amazon rainforest to climate and land-use change is crucial for biodiversity, regional climate and the global carbon cycle. Deforestation and climate change, via increasing dry-season length and drought frequency, may already have pushed the Amazon close to a critical threshold of rainforest dieback. Here, we quantify changes of Amazon resilience by applying established indicators (for example, measuring lag-1 autocorrelation) to remotely sensed vegetation data with a focus on vegetation optical depth (1991–2016). We find that more than three-quarters of the Amazon rainforest has been losing resilience since the early 2000s, consistent with the approach to a critical transition. Resilience is being lost faster in regions with less rainfall and in parts of the rainforest that are closer to human activity. We provide direct empirical evidence that the Amazon rainforest is losing resilience, risking dieback with profound implications for biodiversity, carbon storage and climate change at a global scale.
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Mountains are highly significant regions in the context of climate change and sustainable development, at the intersection of accelerated warming and a large population depending directly or indirectly on them. They are regions of high biological and cultural diversity and provide vital goods and services to people living in and around mountain regions and in downstream areas. Building on the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), Chapter 2 “High Mountain Areas” of the Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC), and the IPCC Working Group I contribution to AR6, this Cross-Chapter Paper (CCP) assesses new evidence on observed and projected climate change impacts in mountain regions, their associated key risks and adaptation measures. Additional contributing authors: Irasema Alcántara-Ayala (Mexico), Simon K. Allen (Switzerland/New Zealand), Maaike Bader (Germany), Sophie Bigler (Switzerland), James Camac (Australia), Ritodhi Chakraborty (New Zealand/India), Aida Cuni Sanchez (Norway/Spain), Nicolás Cuvi (Ecuador), Fabian Drenkhan (Peru/Germany), Abid Hussain (Nepal/Pakistan), Amina Maharjan (Nepal), Robert Marchant (United Kingdom), Graham McDowell (Canada/USA), Samuel Morin (France), Laura Niggli (Switzerland), Ana Ochoa (Ecuador), Avash Pandey (Nepal), Julio Postigo (USA/Peru), Estelle Razanatsoa (South Africa/Madagascar), Valeria M. Rudloff (Chile), Christopher Scott (USA), Madison Stevens (Canada), Daithi Stone (New Zealand), Jessica Thorn (United Kingdom/Namibia), James Thornton (Switzerland/United Kingdom), Daniel Viviroli (Switzerland), Saskia Werners (The Netherlands)
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The Cordillera Blanca (central Andes of Peru) represents the largest concentration of tropical glaciers in the world. The atmospheric processes related to precipitations are still scarcely studied in this region. The main objective of this study is to understand the atmospheric processes of interaction between local and regional scales controlling the diurnal cycle of precipitation over the Santa River basin located between the Cordillera Blanca and the Cordillera Negra. The rainy season (December–March) of 2012–2013 is chosen to perform simulations with the WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) model, with two domains at 6 km (WRF-6 km) and 2 km (WRF-2 km) horizontal resolutions, forced by ERA5. WRF-2 km precipitation shows a clear improvement over WRF-6 km in terms of the daily mean and diurnal cycle, compared to in situ observations. WRF-2 km shows that the moisture from the Pacific Ocean is a key process modulating the diurnal cycle of precipitation over the Santa River basin in interaction with moisture fluxes from the Amazon basin. In particular, a channeling thermally orographic flow is described as controlling the afternoon precipitation along the Santa valley. In addition, in the highest parts of the Santa River basin (in both cordilleras) and the southern part, maximum precipitation occurs earlier than the lowest parts and the bottom of the valley in the central part of the basin, associated with the intensification of the channeling flow by upslope cross-valley winds during mid-afternoon and its decrease during late afternoon/early night.
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Tropical montane cloud forest may be especially sensitive to climate change. However, our ability to understand effects of climate on montane biodiversity remains limited by the resolution of climate data. We compared 5 years of in situ weather data from cloud forests in northern Peru, regional weather stations, and gridded datasets to examine how climatologies reflect (a) forest microclimate buffering and (b) local rainfall in a sparse data region; we also examined spatiotemporal variability and regional trends. Across a 1,700–3,100 m gradient in which temperature did not covary with relative humidity (RH), in situ data showed interactions between climate and land‐use. Forest humidity buffered warming‐induced evaporative drying across elevations, and inside forest maximum vapour pressure deficit (VPDmax) did not change with elevation, whereas with a 22% reduction in RHmin at stations, VPDmax increased >10‐fold from high to low elevations. Cloud forest dried out on sunny days after 3 days without rain, especially during ENSO‐related drought concurrent with peak solar insolation. Climatologies were twice as precise for temperature as rainfall. Chelsa captured a 3.9°C reduction in maximum temperatures inside forest (MAE 1.6°C, R² = 0.95) whereas WorldClim reflected drier lapse rates and higher Tmax outside forest. CHIRPS provided the best fit for monthly rainfall (MAE 23 mm, R² = 48), capturing regional drought but underestimating rainfall >150 mm·month⁻¹. Consistent with stations, CHIRPS showed strong support for regional increases in wet‐season rainfall. Reduced variability and more regular dry seasons were only detected by montane stations, especially south of 6°S, where rainfall seasonality shifted to earlier wet‐season peaks and reduced dry‐season rainfall as part of a transition from the Northern to Central Andes. Our results show that cloud forests may be partly buffered from warming but are likely to become extremely vulnerable under reduced humidity either through forest loss or drought.
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A multi-experiment ensemble is performed using the WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) model at high spatial resolution (1 km) over the Antisana glacier region (Ecuador), during the year 2005. Our goal is to identify the best model configurations to simulate atmospheric processes at diurnal and seasonal scales. The model is able to reproduce the complex zonal gradient of precipitation between the wet Amazon and the drier inter-Andean region. The main precipitation biases are (i) an overestimation in the afternoon (up to 6 mm/day) in the Antisana region related to local surface circulation patterns and (ii) a nighttime overestimation (up to 20 mm/day) in the Andes-Amazon transition zone associated with the regional circulation. Changing the microphysics scheme and/or the cumulus scheme primarily affect nighttime processes, while changing the topography forcing and activating slope radiation and shading options mostly affects afternoon processes. An adequate choice of the model configuration allows a correct representation of the diurnal cycle of precipitation, and in particular: (i) the mid-level easterly regional flow, (ii) the local moisture transport along and across the valleys, and (iii) the orographic mountain waves on the Antisana summit. For this specific area and year, the best configuration retained defined as “dSRTM_LRad” shows nighttime (daytime) precipitation biases smaller than 2 mm/day (3 mm/day); it is based on non-smoothed SRTM digital elevation model (dSRTM), Lin Purdue microphysics (L), and slope and shading radiation options (Rad). This 1-km resolution configuration requires the activation of the cumulus scheme, that improves the regional nighttime convection induced by the easterly regional flow on the Amazon-Andes transition region. It allows also a realistic strengthening of the daytime upward moisture transport. This study demonstrates that in the Antisana region, 1 km is a resolution still too coarse to deactivate cumulus schemes for a correct representation of cloud convection.