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Lexicon-based sentiment analysis in finance leverages specialized, manually annotated lexicons created by human experts to effectively extract sentiment from financial texts. Although lexicon-based methods are simple to implement and fast to operate on textual data, they require considerable manual annotation efforts to create, maintain, and update the lexicons. These methods are also considered inferior to the deep learning-based approaches, such as transformer models, which have become dominant in various natural language processing (NLP) tasks due to their remarkable performance. However, their efficacy comes at a cost: these models require extensive data and computational resources for both training and testing. Additionally, they involve significant prediction times, making them unsuitable for real-time production environments or systems with limited processing capabilities. In this paper, we introduce a novel methodology named eXplainable Lexicons (XLex) that combines the advantages of both lexicon-based methods and transformer models. We propose an approach that utilizes transformers and SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) for explainability to automatically learn financial lexicons. Our study presents four main contributions. Firstly, we demonstrate that transformer-aided explainable lexicons can enhance the vocabulary coverage of the benchmark Loughran-McDonald (LM) lexicon. This enhancement leads to a significant reduction in the need for human involvement in the process of annotating, maintaining, and updating the lexicons. Secondly, we show that the resulting lexicon outperforms the standard LM lexicon in sentiment analysis of financial datasets. Our experiments show that XLex outperforms LM when applied to general financial texts, resulting in enhanced word coverage and an overall increase in classification accuracy by 0.431. Furthermore, by employing XLex to extend LM, we create a combined dictionary, XLex+LM, which achieves an even higher accuracy improvement of 0.450. Thirdly, we illustrate that the lexicon-based approach is significantly more efficient in terms of model speed and size compared to transformers. Lastly, the proposed XLex approach is inherently more interpretable than transformer models. This interpretability is advantageous as lexicon models rely on predefined rules, unlike transformers, which have complex inner workings. The interpretability of the models allows for better understanding and insights into the results of sentiment analysis, making the XLex approach a valuable tool for financial decision-making.
Received 1 December 2023, accepted 29 December 2023, date of publication 4 January 2024,
date of current version 18 January 2024.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3349970
Sentiment Analysis in Finance: From
Transformers Back to eXplainable
Lexicons (XLex)
1Department of Computer Science, Metropolitan College, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215, USA
2Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, 1000 Skopje, North Macedonia
Corresponding author: Maryan Rizinski (
This work was supported in part by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) through the COST Action
CA18209-NexusLinguarum ‘‘European Network for Web-Centred Linguistic Data Science.’’
ABSTRACT Lexicon-based sentiment analysis in finance leverages specialized, manually annotated
lexicons created by human experts to extract sentiment from financial texts effectively. Although
lexicon-based methods are simple to implement and fast to operate on textual data, they require considerable
manual annotation efforts to create, maintain, and update the lexicons. These methods are also considered
inferior to the deep learning-based approaches, such as transformer models, which have become dominant
in various natural language processing (NLP) tasks due to their remarkable performance. However, their
efficacy comes at a cost: these models require extensive data and computational resources for both training
and testing. Additionally, they involve significant prediction times, making them unsuitable for real-time
production environments or systems with limited processing capabilities. In this paper, we introduce a novel
methodology named eXplainable Lexicons (XLex) that combines the advantages of both lexicon-based
methods and transformer models. We propose an approach that utilizes transformers and SHapley Additive
exPlanations (SHAP) for explainability to automatically learn financial lexicons. Our study presents four
main contributions. Firstly, we demonstrate that transformer-aided explainable lexicons can enhance the
vocabulary coverage of the benchmark Loughran-McDonald (LM) lexicon. This enhancement leads to a
significant reduction in the need for human involvement in the process of annotating, maintaining, and
updating the lexicons. Secondly, we show that the resulting lexicon outperforms the standard LM lexicon in
sentiment analysis of financial datasets. Our experiments show that XLex outperforms LM when applied to
general financial texts, resulting in enhanced word coverage and an overall increase in classification accuracy
by 0.431. Furthermore, by employing XLex to extend LM, we create a combined dictionary, XLex+LM,
which achieves an even higher accuracy improvement of 0.450. Thirdly, we illustrate that the lexicon-based
approach is significantly more efficient in terms of model speed and size compared to transformers. Lastly,
the proposed XLex approach is inherently more interpretable than transformer models. This interpretability
is advantageous as lexicon models rely on predefined rules, unlike transformers, which have complex inner
workings. The interpretability of the models allows for better understanding and insights into the results of
sentiment analysis, making the XLex approach a valuable tool for financial decision-making.
INDEX TERMS Machine learning, natural language processing, text classification, sentiment analysis,
finance, lexicons, lexicon learning, transformers, SHAP, explainability.
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and
approving it for publication was Li He .
The financial industry generates massive amounts of data,
from transactional data to news articles and social media
2024 The Authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License.
For more information, see VOLUME 12, 2024
M. Rizinski et al.: Sentiment Analysis in Finance: From Transformers Back to XLex
posts [1],[2]. This big data poses significant challenges
and opportunities for financial institutions as they struggle
to extract insights and make sense of the vast amounts
of information generated every day. Extracting meaningful
trends and actionable knowledge from such an immense
quantity of data is so complex and time-consuming that
it makes it impossible to perform by any individual actor
or stakeholder in the financial market. Thus, automatic
approaches for big data analytics are becoming essential in
addressing the underlying challenges in finance [3],[4],[5].
Sentiment analysis can play a crucial role in analyzing,
interpreting, and extracting insights from big financial data.
Sentiment analysis has become increasingly important in the
field of finance and fintech, where it has gained popularity
in a wide range of applications. One of the main use cases
of sentiment analysis in finance is to predict stock market
trends [6],[7],[8],[9]. By analyzing news articles, social
media posts, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and other
sources of financial information, sentiment analysis can be
used to capture market sentiment, which can help investors in
making more informed decisions. For example, if sentiment
analysis indicates that the overall market sentiment is
negative, investors may choose to sell their stocks to avoid
potential losses. Additionally, sentiment analysis can help
financial institutions and regulators monitor financial markets
and investors’ behavior to detect potential manipulations,
speculations, or fraudulent activities.
Another application of sentiment analysis in finance is
to assess the creditworthiness of individuals and compa-
nies [10],[11],[12],[13],[14]. By analyzing social media
activity, customer reviews, and other sources of data, senti-
ment analysis can provide insights into the financial behavior
and reputation of borrowers. This can help lenders make more
informed decisions about lending and pricing, ultimately
reducing the risk of default and improving profitability.
In fintech, sentiment analysis can be used to improve
customer experience and engagement [15],[16],[17],[18],
[19]. By analyzing customer feedback, fintech companies can
better identify and address customer needs, preferences, and
problems. This information can be used to develop person-
alized products and services that are tailored to customer
expectations, thereby resulting in increased customer satis-
faction and loyalty. Additionally, sentiment analysis can help
fintech companies monitor their brand reputation and detect
potential issues before they become widespread, improving
overall brand image and customer trust [20],[21],[22].
Lexicon-based sentiment analysis is a commonly used
approach that relies on pre-defined sets of words known
as lexicons [23],[24],[25]. Lexicons are manually anno-
tated by experts in the field, and sentiment scores are
assigned to individual words (positive, negative, or neu-
tral). While knowledge extraction using lexicons exhibits
a simplistic implementation and fast operation on textual
data, considerable manual annotation efforts are required
to create, maintain, and update such lexicons. However,
even after such laborious annotation, some relevant words
may still not be included in the lexicon, potentially leading
to reduced sentiment classification accuracy. Furthermore,
lexicons tailored for one domain, such as finance, cannot
be easily reused in other domains. As indicated in the
seminal study by Loughran and McDonald [26], dictionaries
developed for other disciplines may misclassify common
words in financial texts, highlighting the importance of
domain-specific lexicons. Generic lexicons are also used
for general-purpose sentiment analysis. However, they are
known to be imprecise in various domains, introducing
inaccuracies and biases [26].
Another approach to sentiment analysis is by using
machine learning (ML) [27],[28],[29],[30] and deep learn-
ing (DL) techniques [25],[31],[32],[33],[34]. ML/DL tech-
niques are based on sophisticated algorithms that can capture
complex linguistic patterns. For example, DL approaches,
such as the state-of-the-art (SOTA) transformer models [35],
[36], can learn contextual and semantic information as
well as capture long-term dependencies in text, making
them effective in capturing the nuances of sentiment in
text [37]. However, transformer models typically require
massive amounts of text data, which can be computationally
expensive to train and implement [38].
Sentiment extraction from financial texts requires the use
of domain-specific language. The traditional approach for
sentiment analysis in finance is to use manually annotated
lexicons, such as the Loughran-McDonald (LM) lexicon.
To create the LM lexicon, its authors employed Release
4.0 of the 2of12inf dictionary as a basis and extended it
using 10-X fillings.1The LM authors do not extract all
words from the fillings; they rather use only those words
that appear frequently (with a frequency count of 50 or
more).2This means that LM will not have a recall even for
a large number of the sentences present in the 10-X fillings.
The approach of using lexicons annotated by experts has its
limitations as manual editing efforts are required to maintain
and update such lexicons. While transformers have shown
superior performance in sentiment classification tasks, little
work has been done to investigate how these approaches can
be combined to create improved lexicons automatically.
In this paper, we explore the potential of transformers
and ML explainability tools such as SHapley Additive
exPlanations (SHAP) [39] for automating the creation of
lexicons, reducing their maintenance efforts, and expanding
their vocabulary coverage. We propose a new methodology
for building eXplainable Lexicons (XLex) using pre-trained
transformer models and explainable ML tools. The results
demonstrate that the proposed methodology leads to the
creation of new lexicons that outperform the current
state-of-the-art sentiment lexicons in finance.
Our research focuses on sentiment analysis in the field of
finance, driven by the recognition of the Loughran-McDonald
1Detailed documentation on the LM development can be found in
2It is worth mentioning that the XLex methodology that we develop in this
paper is not bound to the frequency count.
VOLUME 12, 2024 7171
M. Rizinski et al.: Sentiment Analysis in Finance: From Transformers Back to XLex
lexicon as a standard baseline for sentiment analysis in this
domain. As indicated in a 2016 paper by the LM authors [40],
the LM dictionary has been used in various studies to measure
the sentiment in newspaper articles and columns such as [41],
[42], and [43], among others. This well-established lexicon
provides a solid foundation for our study, allowing us to
pose a well-defined research question. Furthermore, this
work is part of a broader research project conducted by
our team, which explores the application of advanced NLP
techniques in finance-related contexts. Consequently, our
primary emphasis lies on sentiment analysis within the field
of finance.
We compare the newly created explainable lexicon with the
LM lexicon (known to outperform general-purpose lexicons
in financial contexts) on financial datasets to assess the
overall potential and performance of the methodology. Our
study demonstrates that generated lexicons can improve the
accuracy and coverage of lexicons annotated by domain
experts, potentially leading to faster and more automated data
processing pipelines tailored to productive NLP applications
while reducing the manual work needed by domain experts.
Additionally, we show that our methodology has a generic
architecture and can be applied in other areas beyond
financial applications.
Dictionary-based sentiment models have their own advan-
tages and disadvantages. To use a dictionary-based sentiment
model, the text to be analyzed is first preprocessed to
remove stop words, punctuation, and other non-alphanumeric
characters. Then, each word in the preprocessed text is
matched against the words in the sentiment dictionary and
assigned a sentiment score based on its associated sentiment
value. The sentiment scores for each word in the text are
then aggregated to obtain an overall sentiment score for the
text. This approach is relatively simple and straightforward,
as it does not require any training or complex modeling. The
sentiment dictionary is fixed and does not change during
analysis, making it easy to use and implement. Another
advantage of dictionary-based sentiment models is their
interpretability. Since the sentiment scores assigned to each
word in the dictionary are pre-defined, it is easy to understand
why a particular text was classified as positive, negative,
or neutral. This can be useful for analyzing the sentiment
of text in various applications, such as customer feedback
analysis, social media monitoring, and market research. With
its inherent interpretability, utilizing lexicons for sentiment
analysis can also aid in examining the relationship between
the polarity of news articles and the movements of stock
prices [44]. In addition, dictionary-based sentiment models
have low computational requirements, making them suitable
for the real-time analysis of high-volume text sources like
social media streams. They can be implemented on low-
powered devices, such as mobile phones, which is useful
for applications that require quick sentiment analysis results.
Despite their benefits, dictionary-based models also exhibit
limitations. They may fail to capture the nuances and
complexities of natural languages, such as sarcasm and irony,
and may exhibit biases towards certain words or sentiment
values. Additionally, these models might be ineffective
for analyzing text in multiple languages or domains with
specialized terminology.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we make
a review of the relevant literature. Section III describes the
methodology and data processing pipeline for extracting
words and generating explainable lexicons using transform-
ers and SHAP explainability. In Section IV, we explain
in detail the constituent phases of the pipeline to create
an explainable lexicon based on SHAP that is used to
expand the standard LM lexicon. We use this explainable
lexicon in Section Vto create a new model for sentiment
classification. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our
approach in Section VI, where we show it outperforms the
LM lexicon. Specifically, we provide a discussion assessing
the performance of the model in sentiment classification tasks
on financial datasets. We use the last Section VII to give con-
cluding remarks and suggest directions for future research.
The process of lexicon-based sentiment analysis has tradi-
tionally focused on creating lexicons by manually labeling the
sentiment of the words included in the lexicons. While such
lexicons are of high quality, they require laborious curation
and domain expertise [23]. Thus, lexicons created for one
domain use specialized vocabulary and may not be suitable or
directly applicable to other domains. As the polarity of words
may vary across disciplines, domain dependence in sentiment
analysis has been emphasized by researchers in the field [40],
[45],[46]. Reference [26] showed that word lists curated for
other domains misclassify common words in financial texts.
For example, the word ‘liability’’ is considered neutral in
finance, but it usually conveys a negative polarity in general-
purpose applications, making the reuse difficult in specialized
lexicons. In their seminal study [26], the authors created an
expertly annotated lexicon, called the Loughran-McDonald
(LM) lexicon, to more accurately capture sentiments in finan-
cial texts. Other dictionaries used in finance include General
Inquirer (GI) [47], Harvard IV-4 (HIV4), and Diction, but
their performance is known to be inferior compared to the
LM lexicon in sentiment classification tasks in finance.
Given these drawbacks, statistical methods have been
proposed for automatic lexicon learning. For example, [48]
showed that emoticons or hashtags in tweet messages can be
used to avoid manual lexicon annotation and to significantly
improve lexicon coverage while effectively leveraging the
abundance of training data. While [48] relied on calculating
pointwise mutual information (PMI) between words and
emoticons, [49] uses a simple neural network to train lexicons
that improve the accuracy of predicting emoticons in tweets.
The study in [50] takes a different approach that proves to
be beneficial; it recognizes that supervised solutions can be
expensive due to the need to perform burdensome labeling
of data. The data labeling process is not only challenging
and costly but also suffers from the drawback of producing
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M. Rizinski et al.: Sentiment Analysis in Finance: From Transformers Back to XLex
limited lexicon coverage. Therefore, as its main contribution,
[50] proved that semantic relationships between words can be
effectively used for lexicon expansion, contrary to what has
been widely assumed in the semantic analysis literature. Their
method uses word embeddings to expand lexicons in the
following way: it adds new words whose sentiment values are
inferred from ‘‘close’ word vectors that are already present
in the lexicon. Surprisingly, the experimental analysis in [50]
showed that the unsupervised method proposed by the authors
is as competitive as state-of-the-art supervised solutions such
as transformers (BERT) without having to rely on any training
(labeled) data.
Automatic lexicon building has been studied in several
papers in the literature. For instance, certain approaches
have shown that taking negation into account improves
the performance of financial sentiment lexicons on various
sentiment classification tasks [51]. Adapting lexicons that
depend on word context is studied in [52]; this work captures
the context of words appearing in tweet messages and uses it
to update their prior sentiment accordingly. The methodology
in [52] showed improvement in lexicon performance due
to the sentiment adaptation to the underlying context.
Earlier works explored various directions such as lexicon
generation from a massive collection of web resources [53],
automatic lexicon expansion for domain-oriented sentiment
analysis [54], construction of polarity-tagged corpus from
HTML documents [55], etc.
Inducing domain-specific sentiment lexicons from small
seed words and domain-specific corpora is studied in [56],
where it is shown that this approach outperforms methods
that rely on hand-curated resources. The approach is validated
by showing that it accurately captures the sentiment mood of
important economic topics of interest, such as data from the
Beige Book of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board (FED) and
data from the Economic Bulletin of the European Central
Bank (ECB). Combining word embeddings with semantic
similarity metrics between words and lexicon vocabulary is
shown to better extract subjective sentiment information from
lexicons [57]. This paper emphasizes that the capability to
infer embedding models automatically leads to higher vocab-
ulary coverage. The experiments in [57] also demonstrate
that lexicon words largely determine the performance of the
resulting sentiment analysis, meaning that similar lexicons
(i.e., with similar vocabulary) result in similar performance.
The comparable performance among lexicons containing
similar vocabulary is one of our main reasons to explore the
potential of transformers to automatically learn and expand
known lexicons in an explainable way. The power of NLP
transformers to accurately extract sentiment from financial
texts is presented in [37], where the authors perform a com-
prehensive analysis with more than one hundred experiments
to prove the capabilities of transformers, and, in particu-
lar, how their word embeddings outperform lexicon-based
knowledge extraction approaches or statistical methods.
Due to the complexity of machine learning (ML) tech-
niques, especially deep learning models, the outputs of the
models are hard to visualize, explain, and interpret. In recent
years, this has given rise to a vast amount of research on
the explainability of ML models. A state-of-the-art technique
for explainability is considered SHAP (SHapley Additive
exPlanations), which uses Shapley values from game theory
to explain the output of ML models [39].
The potential of SHAP is explored in different use cases.
SHAP has been recently proven beneficial for diagnosing the
explainability of text classification models based on Con-
volutional Neural Networks (CNNs) [58]. When combined
with CNNs, SHAP effectively explains the importance of
local features while also taking advantage of CNN’s potential
to reduce the high feature dimensionality of NLP tasks.
CNNs are known to outperform other ML algorithms for text
classification, which implies that the SHAP-based analysis
of CNNs in [58] can be potentially carried out to explain
any text classification tasks. The increased interest in SHAP
has also been extended to the financial domain, where SHAP
values are used for topics such as interpreting financial time
series [59] and financial data of bankrupt companies [60].
A comprehensive study has been performed in [61] to
evaluate SHAP in the context of ethically responsible ML in
finance. The SHAP method has been adapted for explaining
SOTA transformer language models such as BERT to
improve the visualizations of the generated explanations [62].
Extracting sentiment from news text, social media, and
blogs has gained increasing interest in economics and
finance. The study in [63] proposes a fine-grained aspect-
based sentiment analysis to identify sentiment associated
with specific topics of interest in each sentence of a
document. Business news texts are used to compile a
comprehensive domain-specific lexicon in [64]. A hybrid
lexicon that combines corpus-based and dictionary-based
methods with statistical and semantic measures is proposed
in [65], showing that sentiments extracted from a large dataset
of financial tweets exhibit a correlation with market trends.
Sentiment analysis of news articles using lexicons has
been performed on the BBC news dataset in [24]. The work
outlines the two main lexicon approaches to sentiment anal-
ysis, namely dictionary-based and corpus-based methods,
but it does not involve machine learning techniques. The
study in [66] recognized that focusing entirely on machine
learning by ignoring the knowledge encoded in sentiment
lexicons may not be optimal. Thus, the authors presented a
method that incorporates domain-specific lexicons as prior
knowledge into algorithms such as Support Vector Machine
(SVM) and showed that it could improve the accuracy of
sentiment analysis tasks.
While acknowledging the advantages of deep learning
methods, the results in [67] showed that lexicon-based
methods are preferred for use cases with low-resource
languages or limited computational resources at the expense
of slightly lower performance. The authors performed a
comparative study between the BERT Base Italian XXL
language model and the NooJ-based lexical system with
Sentix and SentIta lexicons, thereby validating the idea of
VOLUME 12, 2024 7173
M. Rizinski et al.: Sentiment Analysis in Finance: From Transformers Back to XLex
FIGURE 1. Architecture of the data processing pipeline for generating the explainable lexicon (XLex). The upper section of the figure, labeled as ‘‘Extract
positive and negative words using SHAP’’, illustrates the word extraction process using SHAP, followed by post-processing steps to generate separate
positive and negative word datasets from the chosen source datasets. The lower section of the figure, referred to as ‘‘Create explainable lexicon’’,
encompasses adding explainability features, handling duplicates, and merging the positive and negative datasets to form the comprehensive explainable
lexicon XLex. The pipeline concludes by merging XLex with the Loughran-McDonald (LM) lexicon, resulting in the combined XLex+LM lexicon.
using lexicons in use cases with scarce datasets. The paper
used SHAP to perform qualitative analysis between the two
approaches, but SHAP was not used to improve the coverage
of existing lexicons. To the best of our knowledge, SHAP has
still not been explored for the purpose of automatic lexicon
The construction of a lexicon for sentiment analysis com-
prises several consecutive stages, each involving suitable text
processing.3To facilitate sentiment analysis, the lexicon must
incorporate words from both positive and negative polarities.
In this section, we explain the steps involved in generating the
positive and negative sentiment sets, which will be merged to
form an explainable lexicon.
3The source code and datasets related to the XLex methodology, including
all conducted experiments, are accessible on GitHub at the following link:
The architecture of the data processing pipeline is depicted
in Figure 1. The individual components of the pipeline are
elaborated in detail in the following subsections of the paper.
To develop an explainable lexicon, we begin by using a
transformer-based model tailored for sentiment analysis.
Specifically, FinBERT is a notable model in this domain,
designed explicitly for analyzing financial texts [68]. How-
ever, FinBERT is fine-tuned on a closed dataset comprising
10,000 sentences from analyst reports sourced from Thomp-
son Reuters’s proprietary Investext database. To ensure
a controlled environment over the fine-tuning process,
we take charge of it by using a publicly available financial
sentiment dataset and one of the available base transformer
models, specifically RoBERTa. According to a survey [37],
the RoBERTa model demonstrates exceptional performance
7174 VOLUME 12, 2024
M. Rizinski et al.: Sentiment Analysis in Finance: From Transformers Back to XLex
TABLE 1. Polarity distribution of sentences in the Financial PhraseBank
and SemEval-2017-Task5 datasets.
in various finance-related sentiment classification tasks,
achieving an accuracy of 94%. Therefore, we decided to use
RoBERTa as our starting model.
To provide a comprehensive analysis, we also included
results obtained using the FinBERT model. While both
models produce comparable results (as shown in Table 14),
the key advantage of using the fine-tuned RoBERTa model
lies in the customized approach and rigorous control we have
over the data and fine-tuning process, thereby boosting our
flexibility to perform experiments.
The datasets utilized for learning the explainable dictio-
naries are presented in Table 12, where they are labeled as
‘‘Source’ datasets. The results of the XLex model are then
evaluated using the datasets labeled as ‘Evaluation’’.
To construct the sentiment dictionaries, we use SHAP to
interpret the output of the pre-trained transformer model.
This approach aids us in identifying individual words and
classifying them as either positive or negative in sentiment.
This approach is discussed in detail in Subsection III-B.
The RoBERTa-Large model is originally trained in a
self-supervised manner on an extensive corpus of English
text.4The RoBERTa-Large model comprises 24 layers,
1024 hidden units, 16 attention heads and is based on a total
of 355 million parameters. Subsequently, we fine-tune the
foundational RoBERTa model using the approach outlined
in [37]. The fine-tuning is conducted on a merged dataset
comprising the Financial PhraseBank [69] and SemEval-
2017-Task5 datasets [70]. This fine-tuning procedure ensures
that the resulting model is specialized for the domain of
financial sentiment analysis. This fine-tuned model will also
be referred to as the RoBERTa-based model for convenience
in the following sections.
These two constituent datasets are composed of financial
headlines extracted from two different sources. The sentences
in the Financial PhraseBank corpus are selected using random
sampling from English news on all listed companies in the
OMX Helsinki stock index. The sampling is performed to
ensure that the selected sentences represent both small and
large companies, different industries as well as different news
sources. The dataset contains 4846 sentences annotated with
three polarities: positive, negative, and neutral. On the other
hand, SemEval-2017-Task5 is the dataset used for the ‘‘Fine-
Grained Sentiment Analysis’’ problem posed by Task 5 of
the SemEval 2017 competition. It consists of approximately
1200 news headlines related to large companies operating
4For a comprehensive explanation of the pretraining methodology
employed for RoBERTa-Large, the reader is directed to the official Hugging
Face documentation:
TABLE 2. Statistics of the train and test sets used for fine-tuning the
initial RoBERTa-Large model.
worldwide. The headlines are extracted from various internet
sources, including Yahoo Finance. The sentiment score of
each sentence in the dataset is labeled with a real number
ranging from 1 to 1. A summary of the statistics of the two
datasets is given in Table 1.
As illustrated in Table 1, there is an imbalance between the
number of positive and negative sentences in both datasets.
The number of neutral sentences also differs drastically when
compared to the number of positive or negative sentences.
To address the problem, balancing is performed by extracting
1093 positive and 1093 negative sentences, which are then
merged into one dataset. This dataset is used for training and
evaluation of the model that we take from [37]. The sentences
in the dataset are shuffled and divided into 80% training set
and 20% testing set. The training and testing sets contain
1748 and 438 sentences, respectively. Both the training and
test sets are balanced, i.e., they contain the same number of
positive and negative sentences. The statistics of the resulting
dataset are shown in Table 2.
The first step in creating the lexicon involves extracting words
from financial sentences and labeling them as positive or
negative. For this purpose, we use the previously introduced
model together with a tokenizer. The model classifies the
sentiment of the input sentences, while the tokenizer deals
with tokenization, i.e., dividing the sentences into component
words. The model and tokenizer are then passed to the
SHAP explainer, which generates explanations for the model
SHAP is considered a state-of-the-art technique for ML
model explainability [71]. Its approach uses Shapley values
from game theory to explain the output of ML models [72].
Game theory is characterized by two elements: a game and
players. In SHAP, the game consists of reproducing the
results of the model being explained (in our case, that is,
the NLP model for sentiment analysis), while the players
are the features (the financial statement, i.e., its constituent
words) that are passed as input to the model. SHAP evaluates
the contribution of each feature to the model predictions and
assigns each feature an importance value, called a SHAP
value. SHAP values are calculated for each feature across all
samples of the dataset to assess the contribution of individual
features to the model’s output [39]. It is important to note that
SHAP explains the predictions locally, meaning that the con-
tributions of the features (words) on the model prediction are
related to a specific sample in the dataset. A different sample
can yield other values for the features’ contributions. How-
ever, due to the additive nature of SHAP values, it is also pos-
VOLUME 12, 2024 7175
M. Rizinski et al.: Sentiment Analysis in Finance: From Transformers Back to XLex
FIGURE 2. The explainable lexicon (XLex) and the LM lexicon are merged to form the combined XLex+LM
lexicon. Before the merging process, the ‘‘Source’’ feature is introduced to both XLex and LM, and all features
(excluding the ‘‘word’’ feature) are appropriately prefixed to enable identification of XLex features as well as
LM features within the combined lexicon. Handling of missing values takes place subsequent to the merging.
FIGURE 3. The LM lexicon undergoes a preparatory adjustment process to enable its seamless integration with the
explainable XLex lexicon, resulting in the formation of the combined XLex+LM lexicon. This adjustment process includes
the extraction of positive and negative words, subsequent word processing, handling of duplicates, and the final step of
merging the positive and negative word sets.
sible to aggregate them, allowing us to calculate global values
for the overall contribution of the features across all samples.
To evaluate the features’ contributions to the model predic-
tion for a given sample, SHAP creates a copy of the model for
each combination of the input features. Each of these models
is the same, the only difference is the combination of features
passed to the model. In one of these combinations, none of the
features is passed to the model. In that case, the model results
in a mean value for the prediction; the value is obtained by
averaging the labels of the dataset on which the model was
trained. This value is called a base value. The base value is
the value that would be predicted if no features are known
for the model’s current output [39]. In this way, by adding a
certain feature to the input, the SHAP explainer can record
the changes to the predicted value and can measure the
contribution of that feature. Each of the features can increase
or decrease the predicted value. Finally, to obtain the value
predicted by the model (when all features are present), SHAP
aggregates the contribution values (which can be positive or
negative) for each feature and superposes the result to the base
value (the prediction with no input features provided). Using
this process, SHAP explains the contribution (importance)
of each feature in a given sample. In other words, SHAP
measures the difference in the predicted value caused by the
presence or absence of a feature. The additive nature of the
aggregation is where the name SHAP comes from, namely
Shapley Additive exPlanations.
The input parameter passed to the SHAP explainer is a sen-
tence. The NLP model evaluates the sentiment of the sentence
by making a sentiment classification decision, while SHAP
provides an explanation for the decision. The explanation of
the SHAP explainer returns three arrays: base values array,
data array, and values array. The base values array contains
two numeric values: a base value for the positive class and a
base value for the negative class. These base values represent
the values that would be predicted for a particular sentence
if no input features are known. In this case, it is the mean
value of the labels for each of the classes obtained across all
instances (samples) on which the model was trained. The data
array contains the tokens (the constituent words), which are
obtained by applying the tokenizer to the input sentence. The
elements of the values array represent the weights, that is, the
contribution of each of the words (tokens) in the calculation
of the sentiment of the sentence. The weights in the values
array are real numbers ranging from 1 to 1. The weights
represent the importance of a particular word (token) and
7176 VOLUME 12, 2024
M. Rizinski et al.: Sentiment Analysis in Finance: From Transformers Back to XLex
FIGURE 4. A list of explainability features based on SHAP added in the
explainable and LM lexicons. For the LM lexicon, all features except
‘‘Category’’ are assigned the value of 1 as their default value.
its contribution to the final value predicted by the sentiment
classification model. The data array and the values array have
the same number of elements.
As mentioned earlier, the weights are additive, which
allows them to be superposed. By adding the weights to the
base value, the explainer arrives at the value predicted by the
sentiment model. Visually, this superposition is represented
using diagrams where the calculated weights ‘‘push’ the base
value to the ‘right’’ or to the ‘left’’, causing the model to
increase or decrease its predicted value. By doing so, it is
possible to explain how the model arrived at a given decision
and how different parts of a sentence contributed to the
model’s output. Specifically, in terms of sentiment analysis
with SHAP, this helps understand why a given NLP model
classified a sentence as positive or negative and how each
of the constituent words of the sentence contributed to that
classification decision.
A visual example is given in Figure 6. The figure shows
that positive importance values, marked red, ‘‘push’ the base
value to the ‘right’’ (increasing the model’s predicted value),
while negative weights, marked blue, ‘push’’ the base value
to the ‘‘left’ (reducing the model’s predicted value). The
example is visualized from the perspective of the positive
class, meaning that each ‘‘push’ to the ‘‘right’ increases the
probability of predicting a positive sentiment for the given
sentence. Each ‘‘push’ to the ‘‘left’ decreases this probabil-
ity, that is, it increases the probability of predicting a negative
sentiment for the sentence. Using these preliminaries about
the SHAP explainer, we will next create two sets containing
positive and negative words as explained in Subsection III-C.
The sentiment classification in the previous subsection is
performed on datasets containing financial sentences. These
datasets are denoted as source datasets in Table 12. Using
SHAP, each of the words in a sentence is marked as positive
or negative in the given context. The decision to label a
particular word as positive or negative depends on whether
it contributes with a positive or negative weight to the final
decision of the model. As a result, two new datasets are
generated. One dataset contains all words across all sentences
that contribute to the positive sentiment of each sentence
(we refer to the words and dataset as ‘positive’ words
and ‘‘positive’’ dataset, respectively), while the other dataset
contains all words across all sentences that contribute to
the negative sentiment (‘‘negative’ words, ‘‘negative’’ set).
In addition to the words themselves, these datasets store a few
additional parameters for each word, such as the mean value
of the weights (importance values) obtained by the SHAP
explainer for all of the word appearances, the sum of these
values as well as their maximum and minimum values. The
datasets also store the total number (count) of appearances of
each of the words. All numerical entries in the datasets are
represented by their absolute value.
After creating the positive and negative datasets, we per-
form post-processing to filter the extracted words. The goal
is to keep only the words that are valid and have meaning.
The word post-processing process is explained as follows.
The post-processing begins by transforming all words into
lowercase letters. Then, all entries consisting of one or two
letters are removed since they are of little sentiment utility to
the datasets. These entries are typically fragments of words
that are obtained due to the limitations of the tokenizer. The
RoBERTa tokenizer is limited by the size and coverage of the
vocabulary that is used to train the tokenizer. This leads to
incorrect or imprecise tokenization of certain words that are
either not sufficiently represented in the training vocabulary
or are not represented at all. As a result, these words are not
accurately represented since they are divided into parts based
on more common entries found in the tokenizer’s vocabulary.
Thus, entries with one or two letters are deemed unnecessary
and are removed due to their insufficient contribution to the
sentiment analysis.
To obtain valid and useful words, we apply another filter to
the datasets. Using a dictionary of English words, we remove
all words that are not contained in the English dictionary. This
is done to address the limitation of the tokenizer and also to
provide a dataset containing only valid words. The last step
in the post-processing removes auxiliary words that do not
carry meaning in the sentence, such as adverbs, prepositions,
pronouns, and conjunctions (stop words).
These preliminary steps and the data stored for each word
are necessary to develop an explainable lexicon, which will
be shown in Section IV.
In the previous section, we demonstrated the use of a
transformer model for sentiment analysis in combination with
SHAP to process finance-related sentences, which resulted in
the creation of two datasets. One dataset contains all words
with positive sentiment in a given context (positive dataset),
VOLUME 12, 2024 7177
M. Rizinski et al.: Sentiment Analysis in Finance: From Transformers Back to XLex
FIGURE 5. The process of dealing with duplicate entries between the positive and negative words for each of the
explainable (XLex) and LM lexicons. In the case of the LM lexicon, features designated as ‘‘Opposite’’ are assigned a default
value of 0. The ‘‘Total Count’’ feature can be obtained by deriving it from the values of ‘‘Count (Selected)’’ and ‘‘Count
FIGURE 6. An example of using SHAP for evaluating the word contributions to the sentiment of a sentence.
while the other contains all words with negative sentiment in a
given context (negative dataset). These two datasets are used
to create an explainable lexicon, as will be shown later on.
We will evaluate the performance of the explainable lexicon
employing the model proposed in the subsequent Section V.
The evaluation results are presented in Section VI.
This section explains in detail the methodology for
generating the explainable lexicon as well as the process
of merging it with the LM lexicon. The methodology
encompasses four phases, as shown in Figure 1.
In this phase, we lemmatize the words in the positive and
negative datasets obtained in Section III. As a result of the
lemmatization, each of the words is replaced by its lemma,
that is, by its basic form. The goal is to bring different forms of
a certain word to their common lemma, thereby avoiding dif-
ferent interpretations of the same word. However, this causes
duplicate words to appear in the datasets. After their lemmati-
zation, different forms of a word (which until that moment are
uniquely represented) can have the same lemma. The purpose
of Phase 1 is to make the datasets consistent by removing
duplicate words. Avoiding duplicates will also result in a
single source of information related to a particular word.
Each of the duplicates may result in different values for
the number of appearances, the average SHAP value, the
sum SHAP value, as well as for the maximum and minimum
SHAP values. Thus, the goal is to merge the duplicates so
that each word is characterized by a single (unique) value
for each of these features. The removal of duplicates is
performed separately in each of the two datasets (the positive
and the negative set). As will be shown, there are words that
are labeled both as positive and negative, i.e., words that
are present in both datasets. Dealing with these duplicates
between the two datasets is done in Phase 2.
To calculate the unique values for the features of a
particular word, it is necessary to aggregate the values of the
features across all duplicates. The method for aggregating
the duplicates for each feature (column) is shown in Table 3.
The aggregation function represents how the values of all
duplicates are combined (aggregated) for a certain feature.
From the table, it can be seen that the feature indicating
the number of appearances of the word is obtained as a
summation of the number of appearances for each of the
duplicates. The reason for this is that each of the duplicates
represents the same word after lemmatization, so the number
of occurrences of that word will be represented as the sum
of all the occurrences of the duplicates. The same approach
is applied to calculate the total (sum) SHAP value. After
lemmatization, all duplicates of a word have the same form,
7178 VOLUME 12, 2024
M. Rizinski et al.: Sentiment Analysis in Finance: From Transformers Back to XLex
TABLE 3. Aggregation functions to handle duplicates across the numerical features of the sentiment dataset. No aggregation is performed for the average
SHAP value as it is obtained by dividing the sum SHAP value by the total number of word appearances. Another feature that is not aggregated is Category
since it is a categorical variable.
TABLE 4. An example for aggregating duplicates in the positive dataset. Duplicates are handled similarly in the negative dataset.
so the sum SHAP value of all occurrences is the sum of the
values of this feature across all duplicates. The maximum
value is represented by an aggregation function that takes the
maximum along this column for all duplicates. The maximum
SHAP value of all duplicates is a suitable representative of the
maximum SHAP value of that word. The minimum SHAP
value is handled similarly. To obtain the minimum SHAP
value for the word, it is necessary to aggregate it with a
function that calculates the minimum SHAP value from all
duplicates. As can be seen from Table 3, no aggregation is
performed for the feature ‘‘Average SHAP value’ because it
is obtained by dividing the sum SHAP value by the number
of occurrences of the word.
Table 4illustrates an example of merging duplicate words
in the positive dataset and getting unique values for the
features. The example presents three different words that
result in the same lemma after performing lemmatization,
demonstrating how duplicate words are handled. In order to
have only one instance of the word ‘acquire’’ in the dataset,
it is necessary to merge these three instances into one. This
is done as per the definition of the aggregation functions
given in Table 3. In the example, the sum is calculated based
on the number of occurrences of all duplicates (9 +4+
5=18), which results in a total of 18 occurrences of the
word ‘acquire’’. The sum of the sum SHAP values across all
duplicates (3.05 +1.4 +0.88 =5.33) represents a sum SHAP
value of 5.33 for the word. To get the average SHAP value,
it is necessary to divide the sum SHAP value by the number
of occurrences (5.33 ÷18 =0.3), which gives an average
SHAP value of 0.3 for the word ‘acquire’’. The maximum
SHAP value for the word is 0.6, while the minimum SHAP
value is 0.02.
The method demonstrated in this phase is applied to each
of the two datasets separately. The example above shows how
this process is performed for one word in the positive dataset,
but the same procedure is used for all other duplicate words in
that dataset, as well as for all duplicate words in the negative
dataset. This is indicated with the elements ‘Lemmatization’’
and ‘‘Removal of duplicates’ in Figure 1.
A particular word can be present in both the positive and neg-
ative datasets, leading to word overlaps between the datasets.
Given our goal to generate a lexicon as a combination of the
two datasets, each word should be represented by a single
instance in the resulting lexicon. To overcome the overlaps,
we use the following approach. If an overlapping word has
a higher sum SHAP value in the positive dataset (SHAPpos
when compared to the negative one (SHAPneg
sum), then the word
is labeled as positive. Similarly, if SHAPneg
sum is higher than or
equal to SHAPpos
sum, then the word is labeled as negative. The
decision criteria are shown in Equation 1:
selected dataset =(positive,SHAPpos
sum >SHAPneg
negative,otherwise (1)
If a certain word is labeled as positive or negative (in the
selected dataset), it is removed from the opposite dataset.
To keep the information about the word removed from the
opposite dataset, new columns are introduced in the datasets.
The new columns are given in Table 5under ‘‘Features added
in Phase 2’’. A complete representation of the words in the
two datasets, including their features from both polarities,
is achieved by adding these columns. Using Equation 1as
a decision criterion and keeping information about the word
removed from the opposite dataset is shown in Figure 5.
Table 5shows the features added in Phase 2 in addition to
the existing features of the datasets. The table also consoli-
dates brief explanations for each of the features. It should be
noted that the label ‘‘opposite’ represents the set that was not
selected during the decision, in accordance with Equation 1.
Thus, if Equation 1decides that an overlapping word belongs
to the positive dataset, in that case, the ‘opposite’’ dataset is
the negative dataset. This word is removed from the negative
dataset, and all its values from the negative dataset are placed
in the positive dataset, in the corresponding columns marked
as ‘‘opposite’’. Similarly, if the decision criteria decide that
the word belongs to the negative dataset, in that case, the
VOLUME 12, 2024 7179
M. Rizinski et al.: Sentiment Analysis in Finance: From Transformers Back to XLex
TABLE 5. Features of the words in the lexicons.
‘‘opposite’ represents the positive dataset. This word is
removed from the positive dataset, and all its values from
the positive dataset are placed in the negative set in the
corresponding columns marked ‘opposite’’.
If a word is decided to belong to the positive set, then the
SHAP ratio (SHAPratio) is calculated as the ratio between the
average SHAP value of the word from the positive dataset
and the sum of the average SHAP values of the word from the
positive and negative datasets. This is shown in Equation 2:
SHAPratio =SHAPpos
avg +SHAPneg
The opposite value of the SHAP ratio is expressed as the
ratio between the average SHAP value of the word from the
opposite dataset (in this case, it is the negative dataset) and
the sum of the average SHAP values of the word from the
positive and negative sets. This is shown in Equation 3.
ratio =SHAPneg
avg +SHAPneg
=1SHAPratio (3)
Similar steps are taken if the word is decided to belong to
the negative dataset. The only difference is that SHAPratio is
calculated based on the average SHAP value of the negative
dataset (SHAPneg
avg), while SHAPopp
ratio is calculated based on the
average SHAP value of the positive set (SHAPpos
Table 6shows an illustrative example with the word
‘‘option’ that appears in both datasets (positive and negative).
As can be seen, this word has a sum SHAP value in the
positive and negative dataset of SHAPpos
sum =0.39 and
sum =0.023, respectively. Given that SHAPpos
sum >
sum, it is decided that the word belongs to the positive
dataset and is removed from the negative dataset. Before
removing the word from the negative dataset, the values
of its features from the negative dataset are added to the
positive dataset in the corresponding columns labeled as
‘‘opposite’’. The values added in the ‘opposite’ columns
are given as follows: countopp =7, SHAPopp
sum =0.023,
avg =0.0033, SHAPopp
max =0.009, SHAPopp
min =0.0001.
The SHAP ratio of the word in the two datasets is calculated
as SHAPratio =0.026
0.026+0.0033 =0.887; SHAPopp
ratio =
0.026+0.0033 =0.113. All other features of the word in the
selected (positive) dataset remain unchanged.
If a word appears only in one of the datasets, a zero value
is assigned to each of the features labeled as ‘opposite’’
because that word does not appear in the opposite sentiment.
Also, according to Equation 2,SHAPratio evaluates to 1 since
avg for the corresponding word is 0.
In this phase, the two datasets, positive and negative, are
merged into a single dataset. The feature ‘Category’’ is
important for the merging. Possible values for this feature
are ‘‘positive’’ and ‘negative’’, depending on whether the
word is in the positive or negative dataset. All words from
the positive dataset have ‘positive’ as the value for this
feature, while all words from the negative dataset have the
value ‘negative’’. The purpose of the ‘Category’’ feature
7180 VOLUME 12, 2024
M. Rizinski et al.: Sentiment Analysis in Finance: From Transformers Back to XLex
TABLE 6. An example with the word ‘‘option’’ and its features in the dataset.
TABLE 7. An excerpt of selected features of the explainable lexicon.
is to delineate positive words from negative words in the
resulting explainable lexicon. Using this feature, the two
datasets are merged by simply adding all the data points (i.e.,
all words together with all their features) from the negative
set to the positive one. An excerpt of the explainable lexicon
after the merge is shown in Table 7.5This finalizes the
creation of the explainable lexicon containing words that are
automatically extracted with the help of transformers and
SHAP. A distinctive property of this lexicon is the usage of
SHAP values, especially SHAPavg, which will be later used to
perform sentiment analysis. As will be shown by the results
in Section VI,SHAPavg is a good indicator of the sentiment
of a particular word. In addition to this feature, SHAPratio
and count are also introduced as parameters that will be
used in sentiment analysis when determining the polarity of
a particular sentence. This is explained in detail in Section V.
Our aim is to use the explainable lexicon to improve and
extend the LM lexicon. To compare their performance, these
two lexicons are combined into a final lexicon, which for the
remainder of the paper will be interchangeably referred to as
the combined lexicon or XLex+LM lexicon. We will use the
combined lexicon to perform sentiment analysis on financial
sentences, thereby evaluating the possible improvement of
the combined lexicon over the plain vanilla LM lexicon. The
5To ensure the diagrams fit within the page limits, only a subset of the
dataset features are depicted in this and subsequent lexicon-related diagrams.
results obtained by analyzing the combined lexicon will be
shown and discussed in Section VI. In the next and last phase,
Phase 4, we explain the process of combining the explainable
and LM lexicons into the combined lexicon.
In this last phase, we combine the explainable lexicon with
the LM lexicon. However, before this can be done, it is
necessary that the words in the LM lexicon undergo similar
processing as in the case of the explainable lexicon so that the
LM words obtain the same set of features. The processing of
words of the LM lexicon is given in Figure 3and is explained
as follows.
While the Loughran-McDonald lexicon consists of seven
sentiment datasets, only its positive and negative components
(datasets) are of interest to the combined (XLex+LM)
lexicon. Similarly to the datasets used to create the explain-
able lexicon, the words from the LM datasets are first
transformed into lowercase letters and then lemmatized.
Duplicate words are obtained due to lemmatization. These
datasets consist only of words without any other additional
features (columns), so there is no need to aggregate the
duplicates for a particular word. Instead, all duplicates
VOLUME 12, 2024 7181
M. Rizinski et al.: Sentiment Analysis in Finance: From Transformers Back to XLex
TABLE 8. An excerpt of selected features of the LM lexicon.
are removed, leaving only one instance of the word in
the datasets. To be able to combine this lexicon with the
explainable lexicon, it is necessary to ensure they have the
same features. Thus, all features from the explainable lexicon
(shown in Table 5) are added to the LM datasets.
As a first step, the initial features and the features
introduced in Phase 2 are added to each of the LM datasets.
These newly added features (except for those labeled as
‘opposite’’) are assigned a value of 1 as their main (default)
value. Since these words do not contain values for the
corresponding features, it is necessary to assign them a
specific value. The value 1 is chosen as the main value to
indicate if the word is present in the given dataset. While 1 is
a high value to be assigned to SHAPavg, this default value
assignment is compensated with the model coefficients that
are introduced in Section V. On the other hand, those features
labeled as opposite are assigned a value of 0 since there are
no words from one dataset that overlap with the other dataset.
This assignment of values is a consequence of the fact that
the words originating from the LM datasets are not obtained
in an explainable way using SHAP; thus, they do not have the
characteristics shown in Table 5.
In addition, the feature ‘‘Category’ is added to all the
words from the LM datasets. For the words from the positive
and negative LM dataset, this column is filled with the value
‘‘positive’’ or ‘negative’’ respectively. As was the case with
the datasets from the explainable lexicon, the purpose of the
‘‘Category’ feature in the LM datasets is to be able to identify
the origin of a given word in the merged LM lexicon, i.e.,
whether the word originates from the positive or negative LM
dataset. After this, the two LM datasets are merged into a sin-
gle consolidated dataset by simply adding the data points (i.e.,
the words together with all their features) from the negative
to the positive LM dataset. This concludes the processing of
the LM lexicon. In the next subsection, the LM lexicon will be
merged with the explainable lexicon to arrive at the combined
(XLex+LM) lexicon. A visual overview of the LM lexicon
after merging the positive and negative LM datasets, along
with some of the added features, is shown in Table 8.
As a final step, we merge the explainable lexicon (XLex)
created in Phase 3 with the LM lexicon. We make two changes
in the lexicons before merging them. We introduce a new
feature (column) called src (‘‘source’’) as shown in Table 5.
Since two different lexicons will be merged into one, the
purpose of this feature is to indicate the origin of a certain
word in the merged lexicon, i.e., whether the word originates
from the explainable or LM lexicon. The feature is filled in
with the value ‘XLex’’ and ‘LM’’ if the word originates from
the explainable and LM lexicon, respectively. The src feature
allows flexibility in selecting the lexicon that is used by the
sentiment analysis model in the evaluation process. Thus, it is
possible to select the explainable lexicon (XLex), the LM
lexicon, or the combined (XLex+LM) lexicon.
We also add a prefix to all features in the lexicons (i.e.,
all features indicated in Table 5). The only exception is the
column that contains the word itself (‘‘word’ column) since
that column is used to merge the two lexicons. Adding the
prefix is done with the same purpose, namely to have the
flexibility to select a lexicon for the sentiment analysis model.
Selecting a certain lexicon means taking into account only
its words and features in the sentiment analysis and not the
words and features of the other lexicon. Before merging
the lexicons, they have the same names for the features,
7182 VOLUME 12, 2024
M. Rizinski et al.: Sentiment Analysis in Finance: From Transformers Back to XLex
TABLE 9. The combined lexicon after handling invalid values.
so to distinguish these features in the combined lexicon, it is
necessary to name them differently. We add prefixes ‘XLex’’
and ‘‘LM’ to denote the columns from the explainable and
LM lexicon, respectively. This is shown in Tables 19-20 in
the Appendix A. The prefix ‘‘XLex’ stands for ‘eXplainable
Lexicon’ and indicates that the lexicon is created using
explainability tools. The prefix ‘LM’ is an abbreviation
for the Loughran-McDonald lexicon, indicating that these
features are related to the LM lexicon. With these two
changes, it is possible to completely extract the explainable
or LM lexicon from the combined lexicon.
After merging the lexicons, all words will appear with one
instance in the combined dataset, including words that appear
in both lexicons. The features of a given word in the combined
lexicon will contain the feature values of both the explainable
and LM lexicons for that word. This is shown in Table 21. If a
particular word does not appear in both lexicons, it will also
be represented by a single instance in the combined lexicon,
but its instance will be populated only with the features of
that word from the lexicon in which it exists, not the features
from the other lexicon. This is shown in Table 22. Words of
this type do not appear in both lexicons and therefore, for
the lexicon in which they do not appear, there is no value
that can be assigned to them. This is the reason why after
merging the lexicons, there are words with missing feature
values for certain columns, as indicated with ‘NaN’’ (missing
value) in Table 22. For different columns, the missing values
are handled differently. The feature ‘XLex Category’ is
filled with the value ‘none’’ because that word does not
appear in the explainable lexicon. Similarly, the feature ‘‘LM
Category’ is filled in with the value ‘none’’ because the
word is not present in the LM lexicon. If the column ‘XLex
Source’’ has the value ‘‘NaN’’, then it means that the word
is from the LM lexicon, so the column ‘LM Source’ has the
value ‘LM’’. To indicate that the word does not appear in the
explainable lexicon, the ‘NaN’’ value of the ‘XLex Source’’
column is replaced by the ‘‘LM’ value. Similarly, if the‘‘LM
Source’’ column has the value ‘‘NaN’’, then it means that the
word is from the explainable lexicon, so the ‘XLex Source’’
column has the value ‘XLex’’. To indicate that the word is not
contained in the LM lexicon, the value ‘NaN’’ of the column
‘‘LM Source’ is replaced by the value ‘XLex’’. All other
columns that contain ‘‘NaN’ values (for the corresponding
lexicon in which the given word does not appear) are assigned
the value of 0. If a word does not appear in a given lexicon,
the value for all its features is 0. Figure 2summarizes the
handling of missing (‘‘NaN’’) values that arise due to the
merging of the two lexicons.
After handling the invalid feature values, an excerpt of the
lexicon’s content is shown in Table 9. Comparing Table 22
and Table 9can reveal the effect of replacing invalid values
for certain columns. A normalized version of the combined
lexicon is then created. To obtain the normalized lexicon,
the values of each of the numerical features are modified
according to Equation 4:
vnorm =v(f)
where v(f) represents the value of a feature for a given word,
while max(f) is the maximum value of that feature across
all words. This step concludes the creation of the combined
XLex+LM lexicon, which can now be used as a basis for
performing sentiment analysis.
In the next section, we define a model for sentiment
analysis based on the combined lexicon.
In this section, we develop a model for sentiment analysis.
The model is designed to make lexicon-based decisions,
namely using the combined XLex+LM lexicon. To perform
sentiment classification, the model can also use the explain-
able or LM lexicon as input since both can be extracted from
the combined lexicon. To determine the sentiment of sen-
tences, it is necessary to pass the following input parameters
to the model: the combined lexicon, the lexicon’s features
that will be used to make decisions about the sentiment of the
sentences, as well as the source of the words, that is, which of
the lexicons will be used in the analysis (explainable, LM or
combined lexicon). There are three features used for decision-
making purposes: SHAPavg,SHAPratio , and count. Each of
these characteristics can make the decision individually, but
they can also be used together in any combination. The details
of how these decision features are used together are explained
later in this section.
After defining the model and its input parameters, we use
the model to perform sentiment classification of financial
sentences. The datasets used in the process of sentiment
classification, and the corresponding results are outlined in
Section VI. We use the evaluation method of our model. The
VOLUME 12, 2024 7183
M. Rizinski et al.: Sentiment Analysis in Finance: From Transformers Back to XLex
TABLE 10. Explanations of the variables used in the equations for calculating the sentiment value of a given word (equations 8-10).
input parameters passed to the method are the sentences to
be evaluated, the actual labels (sentiment) of those sentences,
as well as 4 or 2 coefficients, depending on whether the
combined lexicon or any of the constituent lexicons is used
individually. The purpose of these coefficients is to control
how much each of the lexicons will contribute to the decision,
as well as how much importance will be given to the selected
category relative to the opposite category.
We now explain how to calculate the sentiment of a certain
sentence using the sentiment analysis model, relying on the
combined lexicon. The explanation applies to one sentence,
but the same process is applied to every sentence in the
dataset. To determine the sentiment of a particular sentence,
it is first split into its component words using a tokenizer.
We employ two types of tokenizers in our methodology.
For XLex, we use the corresponding RoBERTa/FinBERT
tokenizers, and for LM, we use NLTK, which is a standard
rule-based tokenizer. After applying the tokenizers, every
word is transformed into lowercase letters and lemmatized.
All words in the combined lexicon are lemmatized, so in
order to follow an identical approach, we also lemmatize the
words from the evaluation sentences. Each of the sentences is
represented as a set of words wi, 1 in:
sentence = {w1,w2,...,wn}(5)
We calculate the sentiment value of every word wiin
a given sentence. Before calculating this sentiment value,
it is necessary to calculate a cumulative value for each of
the lexicons selected in the sentiment analysis (explainable
and LM) and for each of the word categories (positive and
negative). The term ‘cumulative value’ refers to the sum of
the values of the word’s features. For a specific word and
for a specific lexicon, the cumulative value for the positive
category is calculated as per Equation 6:
vpos(xi) (6)
where xi, 1 in, are the features selected to make
the decision in the sentiment analysis. These features are the
same for each of the selected lexicons and for each of the word
categories. vpos(xi) is the value of the feature xiof the positive
word category. The sum of all these features represents the
cumulative value of a given word in the selected lexicon as
per the positive category. As previously mentioned, these
decision-making features can be at most three (SHAPavg,
SHAPratio, and count ) and at least one. At the same time, it is
possible to use any other combination of them. Similarly to
the positive word category, the cumulative value of a given
word in the selected lexicon with respect to the negative
category is calculated as per Equation 7:
vneg(xi) (7)
where xi, 1 in, are the selected features used to make
sentiment decisions while vneg(xi) is the value of the feature xi
in the negative word category. The sum across all the selected
features represents the cumulative value of a given word in the
negative category for the selected lexicon. As can be seen in
Equation 7, the sum is multiplied by 1, ensuring that the
cumulative value for the negative word category is always
negative. Initially, all feature values are positive in each of
the two lexicons as well as in the combined lexicon, i.e., given
by their absolute values. Thus, it is necessary to multiply the
cumulative value by 1 for the negative category. As will
be pointed out later in this subsection, this facilitates the
calculation of the sentiment value of the analyzed word.
It should be noted that if a certain word does not exist in one of
the categories or in one of the lexicons, the cumulative value
evaluates to 0 according to Equations 6-7.
The sentiment value of a given word can be calculated after
determining the cumulative value for each lexicon and each
category. If the combined XLex+LM lexicon is chosen for
performing the sentiment analysis, the sentiment value of the
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M. Rizinski et al.: Sentiment Analysis in Finance: From Transformers Back to XLex
word is obtained using Equation 8:
vsent (wi)=cxlp vcxl (wi)+cxlo vcxl,opp (wi)+
+clmp vclm(wi)+clmo vclm,opp (wi) (8)
The variables used in Equation 8are summarized and
explained in Table 10. The coefficients (parameters) in
Equation 8are introduced to control the contribution of each
lexicon and each category on the sentiment classification
decision. As will be explained in Section VI, the parameters
can be fine-tuned to investigate which values lead to
improved sentiment classification performance.
If only the explainable lexicon is passed to the sentiment
analysis model when determining the sentiment of the
sentences, the sentiment value of a given word is calculated
using Equation 9:
vsent (wi)=cxlp vcxl (wi)+cxlo vcxl,opp (wi) (9)
As can be seen, only two coefficients are used in this equation
instead of four since only one of the lexicons is selected.
On the other hand, if only the LM lexicon is selected as an
input to the sentiment analysis model, the sentiment value of
a given word is calculated by Equation 10:
vsent (wi)=clmp vclm(wi)+clmo vclm,opp (wi) (10)
Equation 10 also has only two parameters instead of four
since only one of the lexicons is selected.
After calculating the sentiment value of every word in a
sentence using the above equations, the sentiment value of
the sentence is evaluated as the sum of the sentiment value of
each of the constituent words. This is given in Equation 11:
vsent (sentence)=
vsent (wi) (11)
where sentence is represented as a set of words (Equation 5).
In this way, the sentiment value of a certain sentence is
calculated. Next, we determine the polarity of a sentence, i.e.,
whether it is positive, negative, or neutral. To calculate the
sentiment polarity spol of a sentence from its sentiment value,
we check whether the sentiment value is positive, negative,
or equal to 0 as follows:
spol (sentence)=
positive :vsent (sentence)>0
negative :vsent(sentence)<0
neutral :otherwise
The sentiment model uses Equation 12 to calculate the
sentiment of each sentence that is subject to sentiment
analysis. After calculating the sentiment of each sentence,
we evaluate the sentiment classification performance of the
model. The evaluation is performed using the predicted and
actual sentiments of each of the sentences. For this purpose,
we use standard classification metrics such as accuracy, F1
score, and MCC. We also generate a classification report and
confusion matrix. The results regarding the accuracy metric
are presented in Table 14, while the F1 and MCC scores are
given in Appendix B. The confusion matrix and classification
report are presented in Figure 7and Table 18, respectively.
The confusion matrix and classification report are generated
for the XLex+LM model achieving the highest accuracy
across the experiments performed. As shown later in the
paper, the XLex+LM model achieves its highest accuracy of
84.3% when constructed with the nasdaq dataset as its source
dataset and evaluated on the financial_phrase_bank dataset.
Equations 11-12 show why it is necessary to involve
multiplication by 1 in Equation 7. The sentiment value
of a certain sentence is the sum of the sentiment values
of the constituent words of that sentence. The sentiment
of the sentence depends on whether its sentiment value is
positive or negative. Thus, it is important to ensure that
a positive word leads to a positive sentiment value while
a negative word leads to a negative sentiment value. This
is achieved by the equations for calculating the cumulative
value (Equations 6-7).
The methodology explained in this section completes
the entire process - from automatic word extraction, word
classification, and postprocessing to creating an explainable
lexicon with SHAP, combining it with the manually annotated
LM lexicon, and finally creating a model that will classify the
sentiment of finance-related sentences. The results obtained
by applying this model to different datasets of financial
sentences are shown in the next section.
We present results obtained by the model introduced in the
previous section using the combined XLex+LM lexicon.
Tables 11-12 present the datasets used to build the explainable
lexicons as well as the datasets on which these lexicons
are evaluated. Table 11 summarizes these datasets by giving
their descriptions, while Table 12 contains summary statistics
about the datasets. Each of the datasets consists of financial
sentences, where each sentence is labeled with its sentiment
polarity. It should be noted that these datasets do not contain
the sentences that were used to train the initial model given in
Section III with the goal of avoiding bias in the experiments.
In addition, the evaluation datasets do not include any
sentences that are present in the source datasets.
The label ‘‘Source’ in the ‘‘Purpose’ column in Table 12
denotes that the corresponding dataset is used to extract
words with SHAP and to generate an explainable lexicon.
The label ‘‘Evaluation’’ in the ‘Purpose’ column in Table 12
denotes that the corresponding dataset is used to evaluate
the generated explainable lexicons. Details about generating
the explainable lexicons from these datasets are shown as
The datasets utilized in this study were primarily obtained
from Kaggle, with the exception of the SemEval-2017-Task5
dataset, which was accessed from the official page of the
SemEval competition. For extracting words with SHAP,
we conducted a thorough search on Kaggle to find suitable
VOLUME 12, 2024 7185
M. Rizinski et al.: Sentiment Analysis in Finance: From Transformers Back to XLex
TABLE 11. Descriptions of the datasets that are used in the evaluation of XLex methodology.
TABLE 12. Statistics of the datasets used in the evaluation of XLex methodology. The number of positive, negative, and neutral sentences, as well as the
purpose of the datasets (used as a source or for evaluation), are shown.
financial-related datasets comprising textual statements,
sentences, or news headlines for sentiment analysis. Our
selection criteria included datasets studied in the literature or
containing relevant data about companies listed on the stock
market, ensuring diverse sources for extracting positive and
negative words for building the explainable lexicon. As for
the evaluation datasets, we not only considered financial
textual data but also ensured that they were appropriately
annotated by financial experts. This selection process was
implemented to ensure the validity and robustness of these
datasets for evaluation purposes.
We generate three different explainable lexicons. The words
in the lexicons are generated from three different sources. The
datasets serving as the sources of the lexicons are marked
as ‘‘Source’ in the ‘‘Purpose’ column of Table 12. Each
of the lexicons is created using the method described in
Sections III-IV. The purpose of using different sources is
to verify the ability of the method presented in this paper
to successfully generate explainable lexicons under different
conditions (given that different sources exhibit varied data).
In Table 12, the Sentfin dataset is denoted as a ‘‘Source’
dataset because it is used only for the purposes of word
extraction. The Sentfin dataset comprises headlines and
corresponding sentiment labels for the financial entities
mentioned in the headlines. Each financial entity in a headline
is assigned a sentiment label. However, the dataset lacks sen-
timent labels specifically for the headlines themselves, which
renders it unsuitable for evaluation purposes. Nonetheless,
we utilize this dataset as a ‘‘Source’ since the sentiment
labels for the headlines are not required for our word
extraction and classification process.
We also want to evaluate the effectiveness of the method-
ology to label the words with the appropriate sentiments
automatically. Summary data of the explainable lexicons is
shown in Table 13, which also gives information about the
TABLE 13. Statistics of the lexicons on which sentiment analysis is
performed. The lexicons are obtained using the RoBERTa transformer
LM lexicon. Each of the explainable lexicons from Table 13
is combined with the LM lexicon, and the resulting lexicons
are used in the process of evaluating the model performance.
The results of the analysis are shown in the next subsection.
The model takes two parameters that can be fine-tuned:
decision coefficients and features that will be used to make
sentiment decisions. We perform a grid search to find the
optimal values of the model parameters that maximize the
accuracy, F1 and MCC.
Although it is possible to use all three decision features
(SHAPavg,SHAPratio , and count), we conducted a grid
search to identify the most effective combination. Our results
revealed that SHAPavg has the dominant impact on accuracy,
F1, and MCC, and we, therefore, selected it as the primary
decision feature. Then we performed a second grid search
by using both the standard (without normalization) and
normalized versions of the explainable lexicons in order
to find the optimal values of the coefficients cxlp,cxlo,
clmp and clmo. We chose 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9 as
possible values for these coefficients to distinguish between
different levels of impact (0.1 denotes weak impact, while
0.9 denotes strong impact). By applying permutations with
repetition, all permutations of the values for the coefficients
are obtained. There are five possible values that can be
assigned to three coefficients (we exclude the clmo coefficient
as obsolete because there is no word shared between
7186 VOLUME 12, 2024
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positive and negative words in the LM dictionary; thus,
there are no ‘‘opposite’ words in the LM dictionary). Thus,
the total number of permutations is 53=125. These
permutations are combined with each of the three explainable
lexicons (using both standard and normalized versions of
the lexicons), and each of the four evaluation datasets. The
only exceptions are the financial phrase bank explainable
lexicon and the financial phrase bank evaluation dataset.
We do not evaluate this combination to avoid biased results.
As a result, we arrive at a total of 2750 models that are
created for the purpose of grid search (125 permutations ×
2 explainable lexicons ×2 lexicon versions ×4 evaluation
datasets +125 permutations ×1 explainable lexicon ×
2 lexicon versions ×3 evaluation datasets). For each of the
models in the grid search set of models, we are using the
SHAPavg feature as the decision maker.
After obtaining the results, our primary goal is to identify
the combination of coefficients that yields the highest
aggregated average across the accuracy, F1, and MCC
metrics. To calculate this aggregated average, we first
determine the average values for accuracy, F1, and MCC
scores across all experiments. We compute these average
values for each combination of coefficients, considering both
the explainable lexicons XLex and XLex+LM obtained from
the three distinct source datasets (nasdaq,fpb, and sentfin).
This results in a total of 3 ×2×3=18 average values for
each coefficient combination. The aggregated average for a
specific combination of coefficients is obtained by summing
these 18 average values, allowing us to represent each coef-
ficient combination using a single consolidated parameter.
Through the grid search procedure, we discovered that the
coefficients (cxlp,cxlo,clmp ,clmo )=(0.3,0.1,0.1,0.5) form
the combination that achieves the highest aggregated average,
thus defining the optimal model parameters. It is worth noting
that the choice of the value for the clmo coefficient does not
impact the grid search procedure, as there are no ‘opposite’’
words in the LM dictionary. Hence, we can safely assume that
clmo =0.5 without affecting the outcome of the grid search.
Once the optimal model parameters are selected, we pro-
ceed by generating the results. For this purpose, we use the
combined lexicons from Table 13 that are also available in
their normalized form. Each of these lexicons serves as a basis
for performing sentiment analysis using the model proposed
in Section V. Each of the created models is evaluated on
all evaluation datasets in Table 12 (these are the datasets
containing the label ‘‘Evaluation’’ in the ‘Purpose’ column).
Only the model that uses the Financial PhraseBank dataset as
a source for the combined lexicon is not evaluated on that
same dataset in order to avoid model bias. The results about
accuracy are shown in Table 14a. Additional classification
metrics, such as the F1 and MCC scores, are given in
Tables 23-24 in Appendix B.
Table 14a reveals that the model achieves overall best accu-
racy results in sentiment analysis when the combined lexicon
XLex+LM is used as a basis for the analysis. The same
applies when the explainable lexicon XLex is used as a basis.
The highest accuracy of the model based on the combined
XLex+LM lexicon is 0.843 (column 6 in Table 14a); if sen-
timent classification is performed using only the explainable
lexicon under the same conditions (i.e., the same source of
the lexicon and the same evaluation dataset), the obtained
accuracy evaluates to 0.837 (column 5 in Table 14a). For the
same experiment, the accuracy evaluates to 0.303 (column
4 in Table 14a) if only the LM lexicon is taken as a basis
for sentiment classification. The reason for this result is the
insufficient word coverage of the LM lexicon since it does not
contain the words that make up a large part of the sentences
of the evaluation dataset. Therefore, those expressions remain
unanswered. As can be seen from Table 15, the sentiment
analysis performed with the LM lexicon leads to a large
number of unanswered sentences for each of the datasets.
The percentage of unanswered sentences is about 60% for
each dataset. These unanswered expressions are considered
wrongly answered, leading to very low accuracy of the LM
lexicon. On the other hand, Table 15 shows that there are
almost no unanswered sentences when using explainable
lexicons combined with the LM lexicon. Hence, the results
show that explainable lexicons are advantageous over man-
ually annotated lexicons as they achieve larger vocabulary
coverage and higher accuracy in sentiment analysis. Explain-
able lexicons are able to achieve larger vocabulary coverage
because they can automatically extract words and classify
them using explainable ML models. Consequently, the
combined lexicon also leads to a larger vocabulary coverage.
As evidenced by the data presented in Table 14, it can
be observed that XLex consistently surpasses LM in all
experiments, resulting in an overall increase of 0.431 in
terms of classification accuracy. This improvement remains
evident when we extend LM with XLex. The combined
XLex+LM dictionary leads to an overall 0.450 increase in
accuracy over LM. Moreover, as observed by Tables 23-24
in Appendix B, it is noteworthy to highlight that the
XLex+LM model consistently outperforms the LM model
in terms of both F1 and MCC scores across all conducted
experiments. Notably, the explainable lexicon XLex alone
exhibits improvements over LM, leading to a 0.155 increase
in F1 and a 0.090 enhancement in MCC. Even higher are the
results achieved by the combined lexicon, XLex+LM, which
demonstrates an increase of 0.226 in F1 and a 0.190 rise in
MCC compared to LM. The enhancements in performance
are determined by computing the difference between the
average of the respective metric (accuracy, F1, or MCC)
for XLex (XLex+LM) and the same metric averaged for
LM. The metric’s average is derived by averaging its values
across all experiments. Table 16 consolidates the performance
enhancements of XLex and XLex+LM over LM in terms of
accuracy, F1, and MCC.
To test XLex methodology’s effectiveness in the worst-
case scenario, we conducted an evaluation only on portions
of the datasets where we have a recall from LM (i.e., filtering
VOLUME 12, 2024 7187
M. Rizinski et al.: Sentiment Analysis in Finance: From Transformers Back to XLex
TABLE 14. Accuracy obtained using the XLex methodology based on the RoBERTa and FinBERT transformer models. The columns ‘‘LM’’, ‘‘XLex’’, and
‘‘XLex+LM’’ show the accuracy of the models on the corresponding dataset. The columns ‘‘LM on LM’’, ‘‘XLex on LM’’, ‘‘(XLex+LM) on LM’’ show the
accuracy on portions of the datasets that have a recall from LM (i.e., all instances where the LM either provided no answer or were unable to make a
decision are removed from the datasets). The approach with the highest accuracy among the three approaches is represented in bold.
out all instances where the LM either provided no answer or
were unable to make a decision). This creates a dataset with
a strong bias in favor of LM, ultimately resulting in higher
classification accuracy than the case when using LM on the
whole dataset. For example, LM did not provide answers
for 522 out of 885 sentences in the financial_phrase_bank
dataset. This means that the evaluation, in this case, was
conducted on only 363 sentences, effectively reducing the
7188 VOLUME 12, 2024
M. Rizinski et al.: Sentiment Analysis in Finance: From Transformers Back to XLex
TABLE 15. Number of sentences on which the models based on a given lexicon did not give answers. The results are obtained based on the lexicons
generated using the RoBERTa-based transformer model.
original dataset by 59% (Table 15 illustrates the reduction in
the size of the evaluation datasets).
On this heavily constrained dataset towards LM, first,
we tested the accuracy of the LM dictionary, and the results
are shown in the ‘LM on LM’’ column in Table 14a. Then,
we applied the XLex on this LM-contained dataset, and we
obtained slightly worse results (column ‘XLex on LM’’).
The accuracy decreased by only 1% in the case of the
FinBERT-based model and by 2.2% for the RoBERTa-based
model. This experiment indicates that despite the fact that
XLex is trained on a general dataset and is automatically
created, it produces comparable results to the state-of-the-art
expert-annotated dictionary in this worst-case scenario.
Furthermore, we wanted to explore if XLex could be used
to extend LM in this worst-case scenario, so we evaluated the
performance of the combined dictionary XLex+LM on the
LM-constrained datasets. Our findings reveal that the com-
bined dictionary always leads to improvement of the results
(column ‘‘(XLex+LM) on LM’ in Table 14a). The average
accuracy increased by 3% for the FinBERT-based model and
2.65% for the RoBERTa-based model. These results show
that the proposed methodology can also be effectively used
as an automated dictionary enhancement methodology that
can help in extending the expert annotated dictionaries.
To gain a deeper understanding of the decision-making
processes of XLex and LM, we present a detailed analysis
of several text instances. We will use the test setup involving
the standard XLex-based model (without normalization)
in combination with nasdaq and financial_phrase_bank
used as the source and evaluation dataset. As expected,
our observations revealed that LM’s errors stem from its
insufficient word coverage. For instance, in the sentences
‘Finnish engineering and technology company Metso Oyj
said on May 27, 2008, it completed the acquisition of
paper machinery technology from Japanese engineering
company Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) for an undis-
closed sum’ and ‘‘Nokia also noted the average selling
price of handsets declined during the period, though its
mobile phone profit margin rose to more than 22 percent
from 13 percent in the year-ago quarter’, LM incorrectly
places emphasis solely on the words ‘undisclosed’ and
‘‘decline’’, respectively. LM classifies both words with a
negative sentiment, disregarding the rest of the words in the
respective sentences, which leads to inaccurate predictions.
In contrast, XLex exhibits a larger vocabulary coverage and
can assign sentiment scores to other relevant words in these
sentences, resulting in accurate predictions. We also analyzed
TABLE 16. Average improvements of XLex and XLex+LM over LM in terms
of accuracy, F1, and MCC. The values represent the differences in average
metric scores (accuracy, F1, or MCC) between XLex (XLex+LM) and LM,
both calculated by averaging the values of the corresponding metrics
across all experiments.
cases where XLex made errors while LM produced correct
predictions, such as the sentences ‘Finnish airline Finnair
is starting the temporary layoffs of cabin crews in February
2010’ and ‘‘The financial impact is estimated to be an annual
improvement of EUR 2.0 m in the division’s results, as of
fiscal year 2008’. In these cases, LM correctly classified
the words ‘layoffs’ and ‘‘improvement’’, respectively, which
had a dominant impact on the sentiment classification for the
two sentences. While XLex formed its decision score on more
words, its classification ultimately resulted in an inaccurate
prediction. However, for these cases, the combined lexicon
XLex+LM resulted in accurate predictions.
It is worth mentioning that we explored two distinct
approaches in our initial experimental setup, one utilizing
FinBERT and the other employing RoBERTa. FinBERT is
a pre-trained large language model specifically designed
for financial text analysis [68]. It is based on the BERT
architecture and trained on a large corpus of financial text
data to better understand and analyze financial language
and documents. It has been reported that FinBERT performs
well in financial applications compared to general-purpose
language models. In our analysis, the FinBERT model
demonstrated similar performance to RoBERTa with a slight
accuracy improvement when utilizing XLex and XLex+LM.
We want to note that we have made a deliberate choice
to base our main analysis on RoBERTa, as FinBERT is
fine-tuned on a closed proprietary dataset. In contrast, our
model (using RoBERTa) is fine-tuned on publicly available
datasets, enabling us to exercise precise control over the
fine-tuning process while still achieving satisfactory results.
All the details regarding the RoBERTa and FinBERT-based
models are shown in Table 14, Table 16, Table 17 and
Appendix B.6The results for FinBERT were obtained
6The source code and results about the comparison between RoBERTa
and FinBERT can be found at:
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