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Abstract and Figures

ABSTRACT Introduction: Dragon's blood is a red-colored resin that has been used for centuries for its medicinal and cosmetic properties. It is obtained from the sap of several plant species, including Dracaena cinnabari, which is native to the Socotra Island in Yemen. Dragon's blood is a rich source of antioxidants, which have been shown to have a variety of health benefits, including wound healing, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging effects. Objective: The objective of this study was to develop an anti-aging cream using dragon's blood extract and to evaluate its antioxidant activity. Materials and Methods: Dragon's blood resin was collected from Socotra Island, Yemen. The powdered resin was extracted with methanol in a 1:10 ratio. The extract was then used to formulate two anti-aging creams. The antioxidant activity of the creams was evaluated using the DPPH method. Results: The two anti-aging creams showed potent antioxidant activity. Formulation 2, which contained a higher concentration of dragon's blood extract, showed the highest antioxidant activity. Conclusion: The study found that dragon's blood extract has potent antioxidant activity, which can help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. It also found that dragon's blood extract can help improve skin elasticity and collagen production, which are both important for maintaining youthful-looking skin. KEYWORDS: dragon's blood, anti-aging cream, antioxidant, DPPH assay.
Content may be subject to copyright. Vol 11, Issue 1, 2024. ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal
Al-Ghorafi et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
Mokhtar Abd Hafiz Al-Ghorafi1* and Mahmoud Mahyoob Alburyhi2
1Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Sana'a
University, Sana'a, Yemen.
2Department of Pharmaceutics& Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Sana'a University, Yemen.
Article Received on 31/10/2023 Article Revised on 21/11/2023 Article Accepted on 11/12/2023
Aging is the process of gradual decline in bodily function
and metabolic activity after reaching maturity. Free
radicals can cause oxidative damage to collagen, elastin,
and cell membranes, leading to polymerization reactions.
Medicinal plants have been shown to be effective in
complementary medicine. Dragon'ss blood is a red-
colored resin that has been used for centuries for its
medicinal and cosmetic properties. It is obtained from
the sap of several plant species, including Dracaena
cinnabari, which is native to the Socotra Island in
Yemen. Dragon's blood is a rich source of antioxidants,
which have been shown to have a variety of health
benefits, including wound healing, anti-inflammatory,
and anti-aging effects.[1-4]
The main chemical constituent of dragon's blood is
proanthocyanidins, which are a type of flavonoid.
Flavonoids are known for their antioxidant properties,
and they have been shown to protect cells from damage
caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable
molecules that can damage cells and contribute to the
aging process.[5]
In addition to proanthocyanidins, dragon's blood also
contains other compounds with antioxidant activity, such
as taspin, dracophane, and 7,8-methylenedioxy-3(4-
hydroxybenzyl) chromane. These compounds have been
shown to protect cells from damage caused by free
radicals, and they may also have other beneficial effects,
such as reducing inflammation and promoting wound
Despite the potential benefits of dragon's blood,
according to our knowledge, there is currently no
formulation and Evaluation of cream contain dragon's
blood extract for use as an anti-aging cream. In this
study, we aimed to develop an anti-aging cream using
dragon's blood extract and the antioxidant activities of
the formulated creams were tested to check the potency
of anti-aging effect.
The following chemicals and reagents were used in this
study:1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) was
purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Co. (St. Louis MO,
USA). All other chemicals, reagents and ingredients for
formulations were obtained from commercial sources.
SJIF Impact Factor 6.222
Research Article
ISSN 2394-3211
ejpmr, 2024, 11(1), 239-244
Introduction: Dragon's blood is a red-colored resin that has been used for centuries for its medicinal and cosmetic
properties. It is obtained from the sap of several plant species, including Dracaena cinnabari, which is native to the
Socotra Island in Yemen. Dragon's blood is a rich source of antioxidants, which have been shown to have a variety
of health benefits, including wound healing, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging effects. Objective: The objective of
this study was to develop an anti-aging cream using dragon's blood extract and to evaluate its antioxidant activity.
Materials and Methods: Dragon's blood resin was collected from Socotra Island, Yemen. The powdered resin was
extracted with methanol in a 1:10 ratio. The extract was then used to formulate two anti-aging creams. The
antioxidant activity of the creams was evaluated using the DPPH method. Results: The two anti-aging creams
showed potent antioxidant activity. Formulation 2, which contained a higher concentration of dragon's blood
extract, showed the highest antioxidant activity. Conclusion: The study found that dragon's blood extract has
potent antioxidant activity, which can help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. It also found that
dragon's blood extract can help improve skin elasticity and collagen production, which are both important for
maintaining youthful-looking skin.
KEYWORDS: dragon's blood, anti-aging cream, antioxidant, DPPH assay.
*Corresponding Author: Mokhtar Abd Hafiz Al-Ghorafi
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Sana'a University,
Sana'a, Yemen. Vol 11, Issue 1, 2024. ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal
Al-Ghorafi et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
Plant Material
The D. cinnabari plant was collected in its natural habitat
on Soqotra Island. The botanical name of this endemic
wild tree is D. cinnabari Balf. f. (Dracaenaceae). The
English common name for both the tree and its resin is
dragon's blood. The Arabic name "Dam Alakhwin"
means "Brother's blood" and is also used for both the tree
and its resin. The Soqotri resin (dragon's blood = Dam
Alakhwin) is a high quality, pure red blood resin that is
known on the island as "Emzoloh." It is collected from
the incision of the young stem bark of the female tree.
This standard pure resin can be described as an authentic
superior Soqotri resin.[4]
Collection of Plant Material
Dragon's blood resin was collected from Socotra Island
figure 1, Yemen. The plant has a unique appearance,
with an upturned, densely-packed crown shaped like an
umbrella. The plant samples were identified and
authenticated by the Environment Protection Authority
of Yemen. The island is in the arid tropics and has
average air temperatures ranging from 23.5 to 35 °C. The
average air temperature on Socotra Island ranges from
23.5 °C to 35 °C. During the summer, temperatures can
reach up to 40 °C at noon, but they rarely fall below 25
°C. The plant samples were identified and authenticated
by the Environmental Protection Authority of Yemen
and have been deposited at the herbarium of the
Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Sana’a University, Yemen.
Figure 1: Dracaena cinnabari tree.
Preparation of Dragon's Blood Resin Methanol
The powdered resin of D. cinnabari (50g) was extracted
with methanol in a 1:10 ratio. The mixture was shaken at
room temperature for 3 days, then sonicated at 45°C for
30 minutes to enhance the extraction. The methanol was
then separated from the extract using a rotary evaporator
under reduced pressure at 40°C, resulting in a gummy
red resin extract.[10]
Figure 2: D. cinnabari resin extract.
Formulation of Antiaging Cream Containing
Dragon's Blood Extract
The oily and aqueous phases were heated to 70 degrees
Celsius and mixed using a homogenizer. Methyl paraben,
Dragon's blood extract and fragrance were then added.
The remaining distilled water was added while stirring
continuously until the mixture cooled. The cream was
formed when the mixture became viscous and opaque.
The compositions of formulations 1 and 2 are shown in
Table 1. Vol 11, Issue 1, 2024. ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal
Al-Ghorafi et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
Table 1: Composition of Antiaging Cream.
Composition of formulations (%w/w)
Oily Phase
Evaluation of Antiaging Cream[11-13]
The following parameters were used to evaluate the anti-
aging cream.
Viscosity: The viscosity of the formulation was
determined using a Brookfield viscometer at 100 rpm
and spindle number 7.
Determination of Type of Emulsion (Dye Method).[12-
A scarlet red dye was mixed with the cream. A drop of
the cream was placed on a microscope slide and
examined under a microscope. If the dispersed globules
appear red and the continuous phase is colorless, the
cream is a water-in-oil (w/o) type. The reverse condition
is occurring in oil-in-water (o/w) type cream, i.e., the
dispersed globules appear colorless and the continuous
phase is red.
pH of the Cream: To measure the pH of the cream, a pH
meter was calibrated using a standard buffer solution.
Then, 0.5 g of the cream was weighed and dissolved in
50 mL of distilled water. The pH of the solution was then
Homogeneity: The homogeneity of the formulation was
assessed by visual inspection and by touch.
Appearance: The appearance of the cream was assessed
based on its color, pearlescence, and roughness.
After-feel: The cream was assessed for its emolliency,
slipperiness, and the amount of residue left after
Type of smear: The type of film or smear formed on the
skin after application of the cream was assessed.
Removal: The ease of removal of the cream after
application was examined by washing the applied part
with tap water.
Table 2: Physiochemical Evaluation of Formulated Cream.
Formulation 1
Formulation 2
No change in color
No change in color
Type of smear
Non greasy
Non greasy
Stable for one month
Stable for one month
Antioxidant Activity (DPPH Radical -Scavenging
Activity (RSA) Assay)
The assay was performed by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-
hydrazyl (DPPH) assay according to the method of
(Hatano et al., 1988).[14] A positive control, ascorbic acid,
was used to ensure that the assay was working properly.
The reaction mixture contained 500 µL of test extract
and 125 µL of DPPH in ethanol. Different concentrations
of test samples (10, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 g/mL) were
prepared while the concentration of DPPH was 1 mM in
the reaction mixture. These reaction mixtures were taken
in Eppendorf tubes and incubated at 37 0C for 30 min the
absorbance was measured at 517 nm. Percent radical
scavenging activity by sample treatment was determined
by comparison with ethanol treated control group.
Ascorbic acid was used as positive control. The DPPH
radical concentration was calculated sing the given
equation, calculate the percentage inhibition of DPPH by
Dragon's blood extract: % inhibition = [(A control - A
sample)/A control] x 100, where Abs (C) = control
absorbance (DPPH solution) and Abs (S) = sample
absorbance (Dragon's blood extract Plus DPPH solution). Vol 11, Issue 1, 2024. ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal
Al-Ghorafi et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
The scavenging activity was determined by comparing
the absorbance of the samples to that of the DPPH reference solution, as shown in table (3)
Table 3: illustrate the results of antioxidant activity of Dragon's blood extract.
DPPH radical -scavenging activity (RSA) assay
blood extract
Formulation 1
Formulation 2
Control (Ascorbic acid)
Table 4: Data for Stability Studies of Formulation 2.
Storage condition
Time period
0 day
1st Week
2nd Week
3rd Week
4th Week
0 day
1st Week
2nd Week
3rd Week
4th Week
Evaluation of Formulated Antiaging Cream
The dye test demonstrated that all the formulations were
oil-in-water (o/w) emulsion creams. The pH of the
formulated cream was found to be between 6.2 and 7.1,
which is a good and recommended pH for the skin. The
formulated anti-aging creams were evaluated using
several physicochemical tests, and the results are shown
in Table 2. The type of smear that formed on the skin
after application of all formulated creams was not greasy.
Both formulated creams (F1 and F2) could be easily
removed by washing with water. All formulations
produced a uniform distribution of extracts in the cream,
as confirmed by visual inspection and tactile
examination. When the formulation was stored for an
extended period of time, no color changes were observed
in the cream. The feel test showed that the formulated
creams were emollient and slippery.
The optimized Dragon's blood extract formulation cream
was evaluated for stability over a period of one months.
The pH and RSA% of the formulation were measured.
The results are shown in Table 4.
The results showed that the formulation was stable under
both accelerated stability conditions (40°C/75% RH) and
refrigerated conditions (8°C). The pH of the formulation
remained within the acceptable range of 6.5-7.5
throughout the study period, and the RSA% remained
above 75%. all physicochemical parameters were
maintained. The results of the accelerated stability test
showed that there were no significant changes in the
color of the cream.
In-vitro Antioxidant Activity
Dragon's blood extract showed potent antioxidant
activity, with a percentage of inhibition value of 73-80 in
the DPPH method. Formulations 1 and 2 also showed
potent antioxidant activity, with percentage of inhibition
values of 74 and 80 at 1 mg/mL, respectively.
Formulation 2 showed a higher percentage of inhibition
than formulation 1 at all tested concentrations. However,
standard ascorbic acid showed higher inhibition at low
concentrations than Dragon's blood extract and its
formulations. The results are shown in Table 3.
Previous studies have shown that resin extracts have
strong antioxidant effects, which could be used in tooth
whitening products. I investigated the possibility of using
resin extracts in anti-aging creams, and found that they
have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These
properties may help protect the skin from premature
aging and improve skin elasticity and collagen
production, which may lead to a more youthful
Escobar et al. (2018) found that dragon's blood is an
exceptionally high, stable antioxidant. It contains
polyphenols and proanthocyanidins, which are
potent antioxidants that can help protect the skin
from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals
are unstable molecules that can damage cells and
tissues, leading to premature aging. Antioxidants can
help neutralize free radicals, preventing them from
causing damage. In cosmetics, these compounds can
also increase collagen synthesis, which can help
reduce the appearance of wrinkles and promote skin Vol 11, Issue 1, 2024. ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal
Al-Ghorafi et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
rejuvenation. Additionally, dragon's blood may help
protect the skin against UV rays.[16]
Some studies have shown that dragon's blood can
help improve skin elasticity and increase collagen
production. Both of these factors are important for
maintaining youthful-looking skin.[17-19]
Additionally, dragon's blood has antioxidant and
anti-inflammatory properties, which can help protect
the skin from damage caused by free radicals and
The results of this study suggest that dragon's blood
extract can be used to formulate effective anti-aging
creams. The study found that dragon's blood extract has
potent antioxidant activity, which can help protect the
skin from damage caused by free radicals. It also found
that dragon's blood extract can help improve skin
elasticity and collagen production, which are both
important for maintaining youthful-looking skin. More
research is needed to confirm the benefits of dragon's
blood for skin health, but the available evidence suggests
that it may be a promising ingredient for anti-aging
Conflict of Interest: No conflict of interest is associated
with this work.
All authors are grateful to Yemen's Pharmacy
Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Sana'a University, for
giving them the tools they needed to complete the task.
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Amlodipine besylate is indicated in the treatment of mild to moderate essential hypertension. Combination of amlodipine with a diuretic, an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor has been found to be compatible and showed additive antihypertensive effect. The main objective of the present study was to the preformulation studies were performed to know the development of formulation and evaluation of Amlodipine Orodispersible Tablets to improve the bioavailability of Amlodipine. In API development process, a detailed characterization of the API and other formulation components is usually carried out during the preformulation stage. The drug-excipient compatibility studies were conducted to characterize the drug Amlodipine present in Orodispersible Tablets Delivery System ODTs. Preformulation, formulation and evaluation of Amlodipine to avoid problems associated with conventional delivery system and one of the most recent antihypertensive agents. In the present study that the compatibility was assessed by, FTIR spectroscopy, and melting point apparatus, precompression parameters and powder flow properties. Results showed that physical mixtures of Amlodipine and various excipients such as MCC as diluent, and sodium starch glycolate, crospovidone as superdisintegrants and sodium lauryl sulfate as wetting agent were evaluated for preformulation studies parameters. It was concluded that the drug Amlodipine was found to be compatible with various excipients WORLD JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES SJIF Impact Factor 8.025 Alburyhi et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 96 which were selected for the formulation development of the Amlodipine ODTs. Formulation scientist from his experience and knowledge have to significantly in the preformulation study stage and is an important factor in the ADDS (Advanced Drug Delivery Systems) product development process.
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ABSTRACT Meloxicam emulgels are a topical formulation that contains the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) Meloxicam. It is used for the treatment of pain and inflammation associated with conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis Emulgels are the result of combining the terms emulsion and gel. It has a number of features, including enhanced permeability and strong thermodynamic stability. These are either water in oil emulsion or oil in water emulsion, by combining it with a gelling agent, it became gelled Emulgels offers a dual control and a long-lasting release and patient compliance. It was concluded that the drug Meloxicam was found to be compatible with various excipients which were selected for the formulation development of the Meloxicam Emulgels. Formulation scientist from his experience and knowledge have to significantly in the preformulation study stage and is an important factor in the ADDS (Advanced Drug Delivery Systems) product development process. KEYWORDS: Meloxicam, Compatibility, Excipients, Development, Preformulation, Emulgels
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Amlodipine besylate is indicated in the treatment of mild to moderate essential hypertension. Combination of amlodipine with a diuretic, an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor has been found to be compatible and showed additive antihypertensive effect. The main objective of the present study was to the preformulation studies were performed to know the development of formulation and evaluation of Amlodipine Orodispersible Tablets to improve the bioavailability of Amlodipine. In API development process, a detailed characterization of the API and other formulation components is usually carried out during the preformulation stage. The drug-excipient compatibility studies were conducted to characterize the drug Amlodipine present in Orodispersible Tablets Delivery System ODTs. Preformulation, formulation and evaluation of Amlodipine to avoid problems associated with conventional delivery system and one of the most recent antihypertensive agents. In the present study that the compatibility was assessed by, FTIR spectroscopy, and melting point apparatus, precompression parameters and powder flow properties. Results showed that physical mixtures of Amlodipine and various excipients such as MCC as diluent, and sodium starch glycolate, crospovidone as superdisintegrants and sodium lauryl sulfate as wetting agent were evaluated for preformulation studies parameters. It was concluded that the drug Amlodipine was found to be compatible with various excipients WORLD JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES SJIF Impact Factor 8.025 Alburyhi et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 96 which were selected for the formulation development of the Amlodipine ODTs. Formulation scientist from his experience and knowledge have to significantly in the preformulation study stage and is an important factor in the ADDS (Advanced Drug Delivery Systems) product development process.
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Furosemide is a potent loop diuretic that acts on the kidneys to ultimately increase water loss from the body. It is an anthranilic acid derivative. Furosemide is used for edema secondary to various clinical conditions, such as congestive heart failure exacerbation, liver failure, renal failure, and high blood pressure. The main objective of the present study was to the preformulation studies were performed to know the development of formulation and evaluation of Furosemide Orodispersible Tablets to improve the bioavailability of Furosemide. In API development process, a detailed characterization of the API and other formulation components is usually carried out during the preformulation stage. The drug-excipient compatibility studies were conducted to characterize the drug Furosemide present in Orodispersible Tablets Delivery System ODTs. Preformulation, formulation and evaluation of Furosemide to avoid problems associated with conventional delivery system and one of the most recent antihypertensive agents. In the present study that the compatibility was assessed by, FTIR spectroscopy, and melting point apparatus, precompression parameters and powder flow properties. Results showed that physical mixtures of Furosemide and various excipients such as MCC as diluent, and sodium starch glycolate, crospovidone as superdisintegrants and sodium lauryl sulfate as wetting agent were evaluated for preformulation studies parameters. It was concluded that the drug Furosemide was found to be compatible with various excipients which were selected for the formulation development of the Furosemide ODTs. Formulation scientist from his experience and knowledge have to significantly in the preformulation study stage and is an important factor in the ADDS (Advanced Drug Delivery Systems) product development process.
Full-text available
Furosemide is a potent loop diuretic that acts on the kidneys to ultimately increase water loss from the body. It is an anthranilic acid derivative. Furosemide is used for edema secondary to various clinical conditions, such as congestive heart failure exacerbation, liver failure, renal failure, and high blood pressure. The main objective of the present study was to the preformulation studies were performed to know the development of formulation and evaluation of Furosemide Orodispersible Tablets to improve the bioavailability of Furosemide. In API development process, a detailed characterization of the API and other formulation components is usually carried out during the preformulation stage. The drug-excipient compatibility studies were conducted to characterize the drug Furosemide present in Orodispersible Tablets Delivery System ODTs. Preformulation, formulation and evaluation of Furosemide to avoid problems associated with conventional delivery system and one of the most recent antihypertensive agents. In the present study that the compatibility was assessed by, FTIR spectroscopy, and melting point apparatus, precompression parameters and powder flow properties. Results showed that physical mixtures of Furosemide and various excipients such as MCC as diluent, and sodium starch glycolate, crospovidone as superdisintegrants and sodium lauryl sulfate as wetting agent were evaluated for preformulation studies parameters. It was concluded that the drug Furosemide was found to be compatible with various excipients which were selected for the formulation development of the Furosemide ODTs. Formulation scientist from his experience and knowledge have to significantly in the preformulation study stage and is an important factor in the ADDS (Advanced Drug Delivery Systems) product development process.
Full-text available
Furosemide is a potent loop diuretic that acts on the kidneys to ultimately increase water loss from the body. It is an anthranilic acid derivative. Furosemide is used for edema secondary to various clinical conditions, such as congestive heart failure exacerbation, liver failure, renal failure, and high blood pressure. The main objective of the present study was to the preformulation studies were performed to know the development of formulation and evaluation of Furosemide Orodispersible Tablets to improve the bioavailability of Furosemide. In API development process, a detailed characterization of the API and other formulation components is usually carried out during the preformulation stage. The drug-excipient compatibility studies were conducted to characterize the drug Furosemide present in Orodispersible Tablets Delivery System ODTs. Preformulation, formulation and evaluation of Furosemide to avoid problems associated with conventional delivery system and one of the most recent antihypertensive agents. In the present study that the compatibility was assessed by, FTIR spectroscopy, and melting point apparatus, precompression parameters and powder flow properties. Results showed that physical mixtures of Furosemide and various excipients such as MCC as diluent, and sodium starch glycolate, crospovidone as superdisintegrants and sodium lauryl sulfate as wetting agent were evaluated for preformulation studies parameters. It was concluded that the drug Furosemide was found to be compatible with various excipients which were selected for the formulation development of the Furosemide ODTs. Formulation scientist from his experience and knowledge have to significantly in the preformulation study stage and is an important factor in the ADDS (Advanced Drug Delivery Systems) product development process.
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Furosemide is a potent loop diuretic that acts on the kidneys to ultimately increase water loss from the body. It is an anthranilic acid derivative. Furosemide is used for edema secondary to various clinical conditions, such as congestive heart failure exacerbation, liver failure, renal failure, and high blood pressure. The main objective of the present study was to the preformulation studies were performed to know the development of formulation and evaluation of Furosemide Orodispersible Tablets to improve the bioavailability of Furosemide. In API development process, a detailed characterization of the API and other formulation components is usually carried out during the preformulation stage. The drug-excipient compatibility studies were conducted to characterize the drug Furosemide present in Orodispersible Tablets Delivery System ODTs. Preformulation, formulation and evaluation of Furosemide to avoid problems associated with conventional delivery system and one of the most recent antihypertensive agents. In the present study that the compatibility was assessed by, FTIR spectroscopy, and melting point apparatus, precompression parameters and powder flow properties. Results showed that physical mixtures of Amlodipine and various excipients such as MCC as diluent, and sodium starch glycolate, crospovidone as superdisintegrants and sodium lauryl sulfate as wetting agent were evaluated for preformulation studies parameters. It was concluded that the drug Furosemide was found to be compatible with various excipients which were selected for the formulation development of the Furosemide ODTs. Formulation scientist from his experience and knowledge have to significantly in the preformulation study stage and is an important factor in the ADDS (Advanced Drug Delivery Systems) product development process.
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Hyperpigmentation is a skin disorder that causes the skin to darken in small patches of certain area or it may cover a large area of the body. Because chemical skin lightening agents may cause adverse effects. The present study focuses on formulation of whitening poly-herbal gel comprising extracts of four medicinal plants include (Licorice, Curcuma longa, Pomegranate peels, and Citrus reticulate Blanco peels), which having significant skin whitening potential for the management of hyperpigmentation problem. These plants have been reported as a good anti-tyrosinase, anti-microbial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and prevents skin aging. The extraction of Licorice, Curcuma longa, Pomegranate peels, and Citrus reticulata blanco peels were done, and different gel formulation containing 2%, 5% and 10% extract were prepared. Gel was evaluated for physical appearance, consistency, wash ability, homogeneity, pH, spreadability, viscosity, centrifugation test and skin irritation test. Such poly-herbal gel showed good clarity, with yellowish color, translucent appearance, smooth, no grittiness, good consistency, easily remove, good homogeneities, pH, spreadability, viscosity, no phase separation and no skin irritation when applied on the skin for a period of 24 hours. Formulation containing 10% extract appears to be the best formulation followed by 5% then 2%, in case of overall evaluation, such as spread-ability, viscosity, and non-irritancy. These results indicate that the prepared poly-herbal gel formulation has significant potential for skin lightening and treating hyperpigmentation effectively and safely.
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Simvastatin is a lipid lowering drug which is used to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and manage abnormal lipid levels by inhibiting the endogenous production of cholesterol. Simvastatin is practically insoluble in water and undergoes extensive first-pass metabolism in the liver, thus the oral bioavailability is very low (5%). The main objective of this research is to develop Orodispersible tablets of Simvastatin to overcome the two mentioned problems. The main objective of the present study was to the preformulation studies were performed to know the physico-chemical and mechanical properties of Simvastatin for formulation development of Simvastatin ODTs. The safety, efficacy, quality and stability of a formulation are major concepts of any API development process. In API development process, a detailed characterization of the API and other formulation components is usually carried out during the preformulation stage. The drug-excipient compatibility studies were conducted to characterize the drug Simvastatin present in Orodispersible Tablets Delivery System ODTDS. Preformulation, formulation and evaluation of Simvastatin to avoid problems associated with conventional delivery system such as limited permeation, low dissolution and bioavailability and also to improve bioavailability and for the treatment of hyperlipidemia. In the present study that the compatibility was assessed by, FTIR spectroscopy, and melting point apparatus, precompression parameters and powder flow properties. Results showed that physical mixtures of Simvastatin and various excipients as mannitol, microcrystalline cellulose as diluents, and sodium starch glycolate, croscarmellose sodium, and crospovidone as superdisintegrants and sodium lauryl sulfate as wetting agent were evaluated for preformulation studies parameters. It was concluded that the drug Simvastatin was found to be compatible with various excipients which were selected for the formulation development of the Simvastatin ODTs. Formulation scientist from his experience and knowledge have to significantly in the preformulation study stage and is an important factor in the ADDS (Advanced Drug Delivery Systems) product development process.
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The objective of this study was to produce a Carbopol 940 based gel formula containing an Aloe barbadensis, Allium sativum, Camellia sinensis and Ocimum sanctum extract and evaluate their anti-acne potential. The ethanolic extract was derived from the dried leaves of Aloe barbadensis, Allium sativum, Camellia, sinensis and Ocimum sanctum and was subjected to a phytochemical evaluation. Three gel formulations of Carbopol 940 containing Aloe barbadensis, Allium sativum Camellia sinensis and Ocimum sanctum extract in three different concentrations, i.e., 0.5, 1, and 2% w/w were prepared. These gels were evaluated for their physical appearance, antimicrobial activity, skin irritability, pH, spread ability, and wash ability. The prepared formulas were stable, greenish and homogeneous. None of them showed irritation to the skin. The spread ability ( and pH of all three formulations were 11.76, 11.50, 12.03,6-7 respectively. Gel-III exhibited the highest antimicrobial potential against Propionibacterium acne, It was revealed from the acne healing studies that the elimination time for the acne treated with Gel-III was two weeks. A formulation gel containing 2%w/w extract showed better antimicrobial activity, physicochemical characteristics, and pharmacological parameters than the other formulations. It can be concluded that the acne healing process was faster with the gel formulation containing 2% w/w of the Aloe barbadensis, Allium sativum, Camellia sinensis and Ocimum sanctum extract, proposing that this formulation is a promising candidate for acne healing.
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Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of a homemade tooth-whitening recipe using Dracaena cinnabari (DC) resin, which is traditionally used for tooth decay treatment and cleaning in Soqatra. The study investigated the antioxi dant activity of the resin extracts in methanol as tooth-whitening natural product. Materials and Methods: A total of 40 bovine teeth with initial color B2 were selected and divided into four groups. One group was kept as a negative control, while the other three were stained with Yemeni coffee solution for one week. The first group was treated with 10% carbamide peroxide (CP) home bleaching, the second group was treated with 10% DC gel with rubbing movement (DC Ru), and the third group was treated with 10% DC gel without rubbing (DC) for 6 hours daily for 14 days. Color measurements were taken at different time points using a spectrophotometer device. Results: All experimental gels resulted in greater color change compared to the negative control, with DC Ru showing the greatest ΔE* value (p<0.001) compared to the DC group (p<0.006) and the CP group (p<0.001). The second reading of stabilization of all gels resulted with resembled ΔE* values to the first reading of stabilization. Conclusion: The study suggests that the experimental gels containing phenolic content with strong antioxidant effects may reserve significant clinical potential as active agents for tooth-whitening without using HP/CP. Further studies are needed to measure the effect on surface roughness and color stability.
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Plants are the source of a large spectrum of phytochemicals, and the combined and concerted action of biologically active compounds lead to the potential beneficial properties of each plant matrix. A great attention is being addressed over the years toward herbs and medicinal plants. Dragon’s Blood is a reddish resin oil extracted from Croton lechleri tree. It has been extensively used by indigenous cultures of the Amazon River since ancient times due to the beneficial nutraceutical and pharmaceutical properties. This perspective aims at providing a current framework on Dragon’s Blood with focus on antioxidant properties for nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals in a novelty integrated and multidisciplinary manner, highlighting the current knowledge, the main research lines, and emerging strategies. A literature quantitative research analysis approach was applied as starting point. The literature search was carried out by means of the Scopus database; 365 documents have been retrieved in the year range from 1854 to 2021, and a total of 269 terms were identified. Among the top-recurring keywords appear: unclassified drug, nonhuman, plant extract/s, Dragon’s Blood, dracaena, Dragon Blood, chemistry, human, animal/s, plant resin. Source, chemical composition, potential nutraceutical, and therapeutical applications of Dragon’s Blood are discussed here. The anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antidiarrheals, anticancer, antirheumatic, antiseptic, and antioxidant activities identified in the Dragon’s Blood extracts can open novel perspectives for its use in food and pharmaceutical industries. While different bioactive compounds have already been identified in Dragon’s Blood extract, only a few studies can be found in literature.
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Dracaena cinnabari Balf. f. (Dracaenaceae) is an important plant endemic to Soqotra Island, Yemen. Dragon’s blood (Dam Alakhwin) is the resin that exudes from the plant stem. The ethnobotanical survey was carried out by semi-structured questionnaires and open interviews to document the ethnobotanical data of the plant. According to the collected ethnobotanical data, the resin of D. cinnabari is widely used in the traditional folk medicine in Soqotra for treatment of dermal, dental, eye and gastrointestinal diseases in humans. The resin samples found on the local Yemeni markets were partly or totally substituted by different adulterants. Organoleptic properties, solubility and extractive value were demonstrated as preliminary methods to identify the authentic pure Soqotri resin as well as the adulterants. In addition, the resin extracts and its solution in methanol were investigated for their in vitro antifungal activities against six human pathogenic fungal strains by the agar diffusion method, for antioxidant activities using the DPPH assay and for cytotoxic activity using the neutral red uptake assay. The crude authentic resin dissolves completely in methanol. In comparison with different resin extracts, the methanolic solution of the whole resin showed the strongest biological activities. It showed strong antifungal activity, especially against Microsporum gypseum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes besides antioxidant activities and toxicity against FL-cells. These findings confirm and explain the traditional uses of the resin for the treatment of skin diseases and mouth fungal infections
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Currently, consumers are demanding additive-free, fresher, and more-natural products. Dragon’s Blood Sap (DBS), the deep red latex of the specie of tree Croton lechleri (Müll. Arg.), contains a high concentration of phenolic compounds of great interest for the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries. These chemical compounds are highly susceptible to degradation. Therefore, DBS storage stability and its photo-oxidation was studied by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and UV-Vis spectrophotometry for 39 days at different temperatures (4–21 °C) and relative humidities (0–56%), as well as under UV light exposure. It was observed that the degradation of phenolic compounds was reduced at 0% relative humidity (RH), not showing a significant effect of temperature in the range studied. UV light irradiation degraded DBS in a 20%. DBS has an exceptional high and stable antioxidant content (≥93% inhibition percentage of DPPH), which makes it a unique property to consider the DBS as an antioxidant agent or ingredient for consumer products formulations.
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Objectives In vivo study was performed to determine the chemopreventive efficacy of the DC resin methanol extract on a 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4NQO) oral cancer animal model. Materials and methods This study involves administration of 4NQO solution for 8 weeks alone (cancer induction) or with Dracaena cinnabari (DC) extract at 100, 500, and 1000 mg/kg. DC extract administration started 1 week before exposure until 1 week after the carcinogen exposure was stopped. All rats were sacrificed after 22 weeks, and histological analysis was performed to assess any incidence of pathological changes. Immunohistochemical expressions of selected tumor marker antibodies were analyzed using an image analyzer computer system, and the expression of selected genes involved in apoptosis and proliferative mechanism related to oral cancer were evaluated using RT²-PCR. Results The incidence of OSCC decreased with the administration of DC extract at 100, 500, and 1000 mg/kg compared to the induced cancer group. The developed tumor was also observed to be smaller when compared to the induced cancer group. The DC 1000 mg/kg group inhibits the expression of Cyclin D1, Ki-67, Bcl-2, and p53 proteins. It was observed that DC 1000 mg/kg induced apoptosis by upregulation of Bax and Casp3 genes and downregulation of Tp53, Bcl-2, Cox-2, Cyclin D1, and EGFR genes when compared to the induced cancer group. Conclusions The data indicated that systemic administration of the DC resin methanol extract has anticarcinogenic potency on oral carcinogenesis. Clinical relevance Chemoprevention with DC resin methanol extract may significantly reduce morbidity and possibly mortality from OSCC.
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Skin aging is a complex process induced by constant exposure to ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and damages human skin. Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum), a delicious tropical fruit that grow in Malaysia and spread widely in most Southeast Asian countries, have strong antioxidants properties due to the presence of ellagic acid, corilagin, geraniin, β-carotene and vitamin C. These compounds scavenge the free radical and thereby protect the skin against oxidative damage. The aim of the present study is to formulate and evaluate an antiaging cream containing Rambutan fruits extract. The SMEP, SMEF, CMEP and CMEF produced significant antioxidant activities and tyrosinase inhibition with low IC 50 values. All the four extracts were formulated into an antiaging cream and evaluated. The results showed that the formulated antiaging creams and its ingredients were consistent in quality and can be easily used. From the above results, it is concluded that the formulation containing SMEF and CMEF are safe and usable for the skin. The present results demonstrate that the Rambutan fruits extracts has a good potential for cosmetic product development.
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Ageing is the phase of gradual decline of body efficiency and metabolic activities after reaching a maturity stage. Free radicals cause oxidative alterations in collagen, elastin material and changes in membrane characteristics and induce polymerization reactions. Use of topical antioxidants can overcome some of these effects and retard actinic ageing. Herbal products are popular due to their minimum risk of side-effects with maximum efficacy. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the antiageing potential of Benincasa hispida fruit extract as not many scientific studies have been carried out to explore its utility as skin renewal enhancer and as an antioxidant. After removing the outer layer and the seeds, the fruit pulp was dried. The dried fruit pulp was extracted successively with petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol by Soxhlation for 2 days. Methanol was recovered under vacuum and a dry extract was obtained (yield 4.2% w/w), which was stored in a desiccator. Suitable topical cream base for effective carriage of fruit extract was developed and its in vitro evaluation for skin renewal activity was tested by application to the stratum corneum of human cadaver skin and by dansyl chloride fluorescence method. The results show that the cream prepared from Benincasa fruit extract may prove as an antiageing preparation and can be used for retarding the symptoms of ageing.
The present study was to prepare and evaluate the polyherbal cosmetic cream comprising extracts of natural products such as Aloe vera, Cucumis sativus and Daucus carota. Different types of formulations oil in water (O/W) herbal creams namely F1 to F7 were formulated by incorporating different concentrations of stearic acid and cetyl alcohol. The evaluations of all formulations (F1 to F7) were done on different parameters like pH, viscosity, spreadibilty and stability were examined. Formulations F6 and F7 showed good spreadibilty, good consistency, homogeneity, appearance, pH, spreadibilty, no evidence of phase separation and ease of removal. The formulation F6 and F7 shows no redness, edema, inflammation and irritation during irritancy studies. These formulations are safe to use for skin. These studies suggest that composition of extracts and base of cream of F6 and F7 are more stable and safe, it may produce synergistic action.
The wound healing activity of dragon'sblood (Croton spp.), in Spanish 'sangre de drago‛ or 'sangre de grado‛, a traditional South American drug, and some of its constituents, including the alkaloid taspine (1), the dihydrobenzufuran lignan 3',4-O-dimethylcedrusin (2) and proantho-cyanidins, was evaluated in vivo on rats, and compared with the wound healing actitivy of synthetic proanthocyanidins. The beneficial effect of dragon's blood on wound healing was confirmed. Dragon's blood stimulated contraction of the wound, formation of a crust, formation of new collagen, and regeneration of the epithelial layer. 3',4-O-Dimethylcedrusin also improved wound healing in vivo by stimulating the formation of fibroblasts and collagen, but crude dragon's blood was more effective. This was due to the proanthocyanidins, present in dragon's blood, which stimulate contraction of the wound and precipitate with proteins forming a dark crust covering the wound, but which delay wound repair by a decreased formation of new fibroblasts.
Dragon's blood is a common but non-specific name for red-coloured resins that are produced by various plants, particularly exudations from plant species belonging to the genera Dracaena and Daemonorops. Although dragon's blood is mentioned in historic sources as a colourant, it has hardly ever been identified in real artworks. This paper reports the identification and discrimination of dragon's blood produced by Dracaena cinnabari, Dracaena draco as well as Daemonorops draco and Daemonorops micracantha by means of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) within the context of a routine analysis of binding media used in works of art. The detection of specific flavonoid marker compounds in both underivatised and methylated methanol extracts provided the first evidence for the use of dragon's blood from all four species in various works of art from the fifteenth to nineteenth centuries. Dragon's blood was mainly used as a red colourant in gold lacquers as well as translucent glazes and paints, e.g. in reverse-glass paintings (Hinterglasmalerei). Figure Splendid and colourful Hinterglasmalerei in the Amelierung technique with gold foils on two panels of the Corning House Altar, ca. 1560–1580, before restoration. The red paints contain dragon’s blood from Dae. draco. The width of the altar with closed wings is 19.5 cm. Photo: Simone Bretz, Oberau, © The Corning Museum of Glass, Corning (NY)