In Ghana reforms and transformations mostly depend on high levels of motivation and commitment on the part of leaders to deal with difficult issues associated with implementation and restructuring initiatives. While transformational leaders have been advocated as productive during reforms and transformations. Evidence suggests that transformational leadership practices do contribute to organizational performance. This study analyzed the contribution of transformational style to performance of State Corporation in Ghana. The study adopted the descriptive cross-sectional research design. The source of data was largely primary with the questionnaires being the main instrument. Stratified sampling technique helped in getting the respondents of the study.
The statistical tools used were the correlation, regression, chi-square among others. From the study, transformational leadership style was analyzed with four key variables – idealized influence of supervisors, intellectual motivation, inspirational stimulation or motivation and individual consideration. The results however revealed that various leaders in the State Corporation exhibit various forms of this leadership style. Additionally, results showed that transformational leadership is significantly related to organisational performances. However, three out of the four of transformational leadership dimensions in this study; inspirational motivation (though weak), intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration were found to significantly and positively enhance organizational performance in the State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). Inspirational motivation of leader was however found not to be highly related to organizational performance. The study thus recommended that managers should develop policies and practices for workers around the three dimensions of transformational leadership dimensions if they are to influence, their subordinates’ engagements and subsequently the organizational performance.