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The Effect of Metacognition Awareness on the Critical Thinking Skills of Elementary School Teacher Elementary School Prospective Teachers


Abstract and Figures

The ability to engage in critical thinking is crucial for students to effectively navigate the challenges of contemporary society. Metacognition awareness is a key indicator of an individual's critical thinking abilities. Metacognitive awareness can enhance one's cognitive control by incorporating critical thinking to regulate the thinking process. This study aimed to examine the impact of metacognitive awareness on the critical thinking abilities of PGSD (Primary School Teacher Education) students at Universitas Sebelas Maret during the 2022/2023 academic year. This study employed a quantitative methodology known as associative research. The study's population consisted of second-semester students who were selected using cluster random selection as the sampling technique. The study employed data analysis approaches that encompassed descriptive statistical analysis as well as inferential statistics, which involved doing preliminary analysis tests and hypothesis testing. The study's findings were determined by a significance test of the regression coefficient (T-test). The results indicated that the calculated t-value (2.049) was greater than the critical t-value (1.982), and the significance level (Sig.) of 0.042 was less than the threshold of 0.05. The multiple linear regression coefficient exhibited a positive value of 0.384, signifying a unidirectional link. The heightened awareness of metacognition led to a subsequent improvement in critical thinking abilities, with a determination coefficient of 20%. The findings demonstrated that the metacognitive awareness had an impact on the critical thinking abilities of PGSD students at Universitas Sebelas Maret during the 2022/2023 academic year.
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Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan
Vol.15, 4 (December, 2023), pp. 5893-5903
ISSN: 2087-9490 EISSN: 2597-940X, DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v15i4.4527
The Effect of Metacognition Awareness on the Critical Thinking
Skills of Elementary School Prospective Teachers
Chumdari1, Idam Ragil Widianto Atmojo2, Roy Ardiansyah3, Aisyah Shintawati4
1 Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia;
2 Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia;
3 Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia;
4 Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia;
metacognitive awareness;
critical thinking;
PGSD students
The ability to engage in critical thinking is crucial for students to
effectively navigate the challenges of contemporary society.
Metacognition awareness is a key indicator of an individual's critical
thinking abilities. Metacognitive awareness can enhance one's
cognitive control by incorporating critical thinking to regulate the
thinking process. This study aimed to examine the impact of
metacognitive awareness on the critical thinking abilities of PGSD
(Primary School Teacher Education) students at Universitas Sebelas
Maret during the 2022/2023 academic year. This study employed a
quantitative methodology known as associative research. The study's
population consisted of second-semester students who were selected
using cluster random selection as the sampling technique. The study
employed data analysis approaches that encompassed descriptive
statistical analysis as well as inferential statistics, which involved
doing preliminary analysis tests and hypothesis testing. The study's
findings were determined by a significance test of the regression
coefficient (T-test). The results indicated that the calculated t-value
(2.049) was greater than the critical t-value (1.982), and the significance
level (Sig.) of 0.042 was less than the threshold of 0.05. The multiple
linear regression coefficient exhibited a positive value of 0.384,
signifying a unidirectional link. The heightened awareness of
metacognition led to a subsequent improvement in critical thinking
abilities, with a determination coefficient of 20%. The findings
demonstrated that the metacognitive awareness had an impact on the
critical thinking abilities of PGSD students at Universitas Sebelas
Maret during the 2022/2023 academic year.
Article history:
Received 2023-08-08
Revised 2023-10-23
Accepted 2023-12-20
This is an open-access article under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
Corresponding Author:
Idam Ragil Widianto Atmojo
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia;
In the 21st century, a workforce that is of high quality and able to compete globally is needed
(Nuraini, 2017). Rapid technological developments and global competition in the 21st-century demand
that everyone must have life skills, both in the fields of science and technology as well as knowledge to
form quality human resources (M. Haviz.,2018). According to the results of a review of the Human
Development Index (HDI) over five consecutive years, the quality of human resources in Indonesia is
Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan,Vol. 15, 4 (December 2023): 5893-5903 5894 of 5903
Chumdari et al. / The Effect of Metacognition Awareness on the Critical Thinking Skills of Elementary School Prospective Teachers
ranked 110th out of 183 countries with an index of 0.689. Unluckily, the ranking is still below some small
countries in the African continent that have become independent. It indicates that the quality level of
human resources in Indonesia is still relatively low based on the data (M. Munawwarah, N. Laili, 2020).
The quality of human resources in Indonesia is poor. The measurement results of the Program For
International Student Assessment (PISA) from 2000 to 2018 show that the score obtained by Indonesia has
decreased and shows unsatisfactory achievements. The 2018 PISA results placed Indonesia in 69th place
out of 79 countries with an average score of 396 in science (OECD, 2018). Whereas, proficiency in science
has an important role in equipping Indonesian students with the ability to think logically, practically,
critically, analytically, systematically, and creatively. These six abilities are considered highly relevant
elements of 21st-century skills (Z. Abidin and M. Tohir, 2019)
One of the important skills needed in higher education institutions is critical thinking skills, which
can help students deal with complex problems in this revolutionary era (D. Wahidin and LAM Romli,
2020). These skills are at the root of the 21st-century skills needed in various aspects of everyday life (NF
Wahdah, AW Jufri, 2019). Critical thinking skills are very important because they allow individuals to be
more rational or logical in acting, can thoroughly analyze the information obtained, and can consistently
evaluate it (W. Saputri and AD Corebima, 2020).
Research conducted by Anugraheni, (2020) shows that the critical thinking ability of Indonesian
students reaches 67.19% which is classified as moderate. One of the causes of students' difficulties in
developing critical thinking skills is the lack of experience in solving problems that require critical
thinking skills. In addition, the lack of creativity in determining and implementing appropriate learning
strategies to overcome the problems encountered can also be a contributing factor (Anugraheni, 2020).
In contrast, the research by Kamaliyah et al., (2022) revealed that for students' critical thinking skills
to improve well, it is hoped that students will be able to have metacognition abilities. The existence of
metacognition has the potential to develop one's critical thinking skills in the process of finding solutions
and evaluating (Kamaliyah et al., 2022). Based on the data that has been presented, it can be synthesized
that students' critical thinking skills are classified as low with an average percentage of 22.5%. One of the
causes of low critical thinking is the low awareness of students' metacognition, metacognition as part of
higher-order thinking skills, plays an important role in planning problem-solving strategies, providing
levels of cognitive ability, and using the information that has been obtained to achieve the specified goals
(Wahdah et al., 2016).
In addition, low critical thinking skills among Indonesian students were also found in previous
studies such as (S. Kassiavera, A. Suparmi, C. Cari, 2019). The findings revealed that the level of critical
thinking of students is low. The condition is strengthened by the component analysis of students who get
the lowest score, namely 22.5%.
Metacognition influences the increase of one's critical thinking skills (L. Naimnule and A. Duran
Corebima, 2018) because metacognition abilities involve a person's efforts to monitor and reflect on their
thoughts, both factual knowledge about knowledge, tasks, goals, or oneself, as well as their strategic
thinking which involves understanding how and when to use special procedures to solve problems
(Ildayanti, 2017) Brown 1980 and Matlin 2009 (M. Maulana, 2017; R. Rasmawan, 2017) stated that
metacognition is a control of one's own awareness of one's intentional cognitive activity. Metacognition
has the most important role in solving students' cognitive problems so that students can control their
awareness in thinking (taufik, 2019)
Metacognition awareness helps students to organize their thinking steps so that they can increase
their self-confidence and become independent without depending on others (D. Aji Pangestuti, RT Rita
Marpaung, 2019). Students who have metacognitive awareness can recognize themselves well,
understand what is known and what is not known, and can choose appropriate strategies for themselves,
and know when these strategies should be applied (D. Agustin, H. Widowati, 2017). People who have
high metacognition can control their thinking. Therefore, they can also develop their critical thinking by
developing metacognition (M. Ikhsan, S. Munzir, and L. Fitria, 2017). This is consistent with research
findings showing that there is a relationship between critical thinking skills and metacognition abilities
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Chumdari et al. / The Effect of Metacognition Awareness on the Critical Thinking Skills of Elementary School Prospective Teachers
in different fields of study (Sadeghi, MT Hassani, 2014; DEA Diella, 2014). The findings were also
confirmed by several other studies (S. Arslan, 2015; Sodikin, 2014a; U. Albab, Budiyono, and D. Indriati,
2020) that suggest that metacognition influences individual success in solving problems.
Based on the aforementioned findings, it is assumed that the existence of metacognition awareness
can influence students' critical thinking skills. The choice of students as research subjects was based on
Piaget's cognitive theory which suggests that a person who is at the age of 12 years and over is capable of
thinking abstractly and understanding various forms of argument and recognizing himself or herself (A.
Kamaliyah.,2022) Accordingly, students have been able to manage themselves and their way of learning
since they were in high school and even have more experiences after being university students (J. a
Livingston, 1997; RS Schraw, 1994). In addition, students become more skilled in managing themselves
by facing more complex problems (J. Pimvichai, S. Sanium, 2019).
This research aims to find the effect of metacognition awareness on students' critical thinking skills
because metacognition awareness is believed to have the potential to assist students in making
appropriate, logical, systematic decisions, and carefully considering things from various points of
view(AM Amin.,2020)It is related to someone's ability to think critically, make decisions logically, and
solve problems properly (I. Budi M and A. Ghofar CW, 2017).
Based on the background above, this research needs to be carried out because of metacognition
awareness because a person can control and monitor his cognition to become an independent learner and
can make a person hone his critical thinking process to know what to do in the future. The importance of
this research is to find the effect of metacognition awareness on students' critical thinking skills. This is
because metacognition awareness is believed to have the potential to assist students in making
appropriate, logical, systematic decisions and considering things from various existing perspectives
carefully. Metacognition awareness has an important role and is a factor in cultivating critical thinking
The research design used was associative research included in the quantitative approach.
Associative research focused on roles, influences, and causal relationships between independent and
dependent variables. The purpose of associative research is to investigate the relationship or influence
between two or more variables (Sugiyono, 2017). The sample of this research was second-semester
students. The sample was taken using the cluster random sampling technique. The research sample
consisted of 108 students from classes 2A, 2C, and 2D majoring in PGSD at UNS Surakarta in the
2022/2023 academic year. Data collection was conducted using tests for critical thinking skills and
psychological scales for metacognition awareness. The critical thinking ability test was in the form of
two-tier essay questions and the metacognitive awareness scale was prepared using a Likert scale
which had four answer choices which were separated into positive and negative statements. The
metacognitive awareness scale instrument was adopted from the MAI questionnaire developed by (RS
Schraw, 1994)
This research instrument was validated by several experts (raters) to assess content and
construction aspects and then was calculated using the Aiken V formula. Initially, there were 30 critical
thinking instruments, but after being validated, 4 questions failed, so 26 valid questions that would be
used in this study remained. Furthermore, there were initially 54 items of metacognitive awareness,
but 9 items failed, so there were only 45 valid items used in this study.
Before calculating the reliability, the instrument was tested, and then the quality of the items for
the test instrument and the internal consistency test for the scale was analyzed. The analysis of the
quality of the items included an assessment of the level of difficulty and the level of discriminating
power of the questions (Budiyono, 2015). The value of the index difficulty level was good ≥0.30 or ≤0.70,
and the discriminating power of good questions was more than 0.30 or equal to 0.30 (Budiyono, 2015).
The results of the difficulty level testing of the critical thinking test items were 26 valid questions, but
1 item failed because it had a bad level of difficulty or ≤0.30 or ≥0.70. Then, the results of the
Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan,Vol. 15, 4 (December 2023): 5893-5903 5896 of 5903
Chumdari et al. / The Effect of Metacognition Awareness on the Critical Thinking Skills of Elementary School Prospective Teachers
discriminating power test were 25 valid questions. The other 2 questions failed because they had bad
quality or less than 0.30. From the selection stages, 23 questions were tested for reliability with the
Alpha Cronbach formula. The result of the reliability of the critical thinking ability test instrument was
0.742, indicating that the instrument was reliable.
Initially, the internal test results for the consistency of the metacognitive awareness scale
instrument had 45 items, but 4 items were not good enough, so 41 items were used in this study. The
reliability of the metacognitive awareness scale was 0.914, meaning that the instrument was reliable.
The analysis of the research data involved three main stages, namely the description of the research
data, the prerequisite analysis test, and the hypothesis test. The prerequisite analysis tests included tests
for normality, linearity, heteroscedasticity, and multicollinearity, while hypothesis testing included
linear regression analysis, T-test, and coefficient of determination (R2) using the SPSS 25 program.
3.1. Findings
The results of the description of the research data variable awareness of metacognition and
critical thinking skills are presented in the histograms of Figure 1 and Figure 2. as follows:
Figure 1. Metacognitive Awareness Data Description
Figure 1 interpreted that the highest frequency of metacognitive awareness scores was in the
interval 108-104, while the lowest frequency was in the intervals of 80-86 and 136-142. Furthermore, a
description of the data on critical thinking skills can be seen below:
Figure 2. Data Description of Critical Thinking Ability
Figure 2. interpreted that the highest frequency of critical thinking ability scores was in the interval
of 23-30, while the lowest frequency was in the interval of 71.78.
80-86 87-93 94-100 101-
15-22 23-30 31-38 39-46 47-54 55-62 63-70 71-78
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Following descriptive analysis, the data underwent tests to ensure analytical prerequisites such as
normality, linearity, heteroscedasticity, and multicollinearity were met before proceeding to test the
hypothesis. The normality test using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov method yielded a p-value of 0.65, which
is greater than the significance level of 0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that the study data follows
a normal distribution. Moreover, the linearity test conducted on the variables of Metacognition
Awareness (X) and critical thinking (Y) yielded a significant divergence from linearity with a value of
0.632. The variable demonstrated a linear association as the significance value, 0.632, was greater than
the threshold of 0.05. The heteroscedasticity test yielded a result of 0.149, which exceeded the
significance level of 0.05. This indicates the absence of heteroscedasticity, so satisfying one prerequisite
for conducting a hypothesis test. The results of the multicollinearity test indicated that the tolerance
value was larger than 0.10 and the VIF value was less than 10. Therefore, there was no occurrence of
multicollinearity between the two variables in this equation. All necessary analysis requirements were
fulfilled and successfully completed. Consequently, it advanced to the stage of hypothesis testing.
The results of hypothesis testing with linear regression analysis between metacognition awareness
and critical thinking skills can be explained in the following table:
Table 1. The Results of Linear Regression Analysis
Metacognitive awareness
Table 1. shows the results of the linear regression analysis, which obtained the regression equation,
namely Y = 7.738 + 0.292X. This means that a constant value of 7.738 stated that the metacognition
awareness variable had a value of 0, so the critical thinking variable was worth 7.738. The regression
coefficient value of 0.292 was positive so it formed an unidirectional relationship, the higher the
metacognition awareness, the higher the ability to think critically. It is in line with the opinion of
(Agustin, et al., 2017) who stated that a student who has already had a high awareness of his
metacognitive thinking patterns, implicitly can have an impact on the way students think critically and
abstractly. Therefore, if the awareness of metacognition increases, the ability to think critically also
The results of hypothesis testing with a significance test of the regression coefficient or T-test on
the metacognition awareness variable with critical thinking skills can be explained in the following
Table. 2 The results of the Significance Test of the Regression Coefficient or T-test
Metacognitive awareness
Table 2 showed the results of the T-test that the variable coefficient of metacognitive awareness
(X) was t count = 2.049 and value (Sig.) = 0.042. The t-table value was obtained from df = n k = 108 3
= 105 and using a significance limit of 5% in table T so that the t-table value was 1.982. This showed that
the t-count value of 2.049 was greater than the t-table of 1.982, and the Sig. of variable X value of 0.028
was smaller than the significance level of 0.05. The results of the analysis above can be concluded that
H0 was rejected, which indicates that the metacognitive awareness variable had a significant effect on
the critical thinking variable.
The influence of metacognition awareness with critical thinking is also proven by the results of
calculating the coefficient of determination presented in the table below:
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Chumdari et al. / The Effect of Metacognition Awareness on the Critical Thinking Skills of Elementary School Prospective Teachers
Table 3. The Results of the Coefficient of Determination
Table 3 showed the results of the coefficient of determination by observing the R square value of
0.20. This means that the contribution of metacognitive awareness to critical thinking skills was 20%,
while 80% of critical thinking variables were influenced by other variables which were not examined.
Hypothesis testing (Ha) showed that the regression coefficient value between the variables
metacognition awareness (X1) and critical thinking ability (Y) was 0.384, which was positive, meaning
that there was a unidirectional relationship. Based on the results of the data analysis, it can be seen that
the t-count was greater than the t-table (1.928 <2.235) and the significance value of the regression
coefficient (T-test) was smaller than the significance value (0.028 <0.05) meaning that there was a
significant influence between metacognition awareness on critical thinking skills.
3.2. Discussion
The influence of metacognitive awareness on critical thinking skills was also supported by
(Pimvichai et al. 2018), who stated that when people develop their metacognitive awareness, they also
develop their critical thinking skills. Critical thinking enables individuals to create, change, and
improve ways of thinking so they can make decisions more quickly (Maulana, 2017). Thinking is related
to metacognition awareness because metacognition has two aspects. They are aspects of cognitive
knowledge (declarative, procedural, and conditional knowledge) and aspects of metacognition
regulation (planning, strategic information management, monitoring, and evaluation) that support
students to be successful in their learning process. From these aspects, individuals are involved in
critical thinking in the process of controlling their thoughts (Schraw & Dennison, 1994).
The outcomes of this study were consistent with previous research conducted by Amin et al.
(2020), Naimnule and Corebima (2018), and Albab et al. (2020), which established a correlation between
metacognition awareness and critical thinking. Moreover, a study conducted by Arslan (2015) found
that critical thinking skill was a significant predictor of metacognition awareness. Metacognition refers
to the cognitive process in which individuals actively watch and reflect upon their own thinking. This
includes an awareness of factual information such as tasks, goals, and self-knowledge, as well as a
strategic grasp of when and how to employ specific processes to address difficulties (Sodikin, 2014b).
Through this method, students can cultivate their capacity for critical thinking, so enhancing their
future learning endeavours.
The influence of metacognitive awareness on critical thinking skills was positive, meaning that if
metacognitive awareness increases, critical thinking skills also increase. Agustin et al. (2017) said that
a student who already has a high awareness of his metacognitive thinking patterns can implicitly
influence students' thinking patterns to think critically and abstractly. Critical thinking is a high-level
thinking pattern to encourage students to optimize their thinking processes. It can be optimized if
someone has metacognitive awareness to change their thinking patterns into thinking patterns for their
own thinking. This is in line with Pimvichai et al. (2019) who argued that when a person develops their
metacognitive awareness, their critical thinking skills also develop. In this research, the higher the
metacognitive awareness of students, the higher the ability to think critically. This was shown by the
pattern of thinking processes.
Metacognitive awareness influences critical thinking skills because metacognition has two aspects:
aspects of cognitive knowledge (declarative, procedural, and conditional knowledge) and aspects of
metacognitive regulation (planning, strategic information management, monitoring, and evaluation)
that support students to be successful in their learning process (Schraw, G. & Dennison, 1994). The
existence of these aspects helps students to plan, sequence, and monitor the learning process to achieve
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate
Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan,Vol. 15, 4 (December 2023): 5893-5903 5899 of 5903
Chumdari et al. / The Effect of Metacognition Awareness on the Critical Thinking Skills of Elementary School Prospective Teachers
better learning results, thus helping students adapt quickly to technological developments and the
demands of 21st-century competencies (Adhitama, Kusnadi, & Supriatno, 2018; Sholihah & Sofiyana,
One of the 21st-century competencies that is influenced by metacognitive awareness is critical
thinking (Sholihah & Sofiyana, 2022). The opinion is supported by Keliat et al. (2021) who said that
metacognition is one of the skills used in facing challenges in the 21st century. Metacognition is needed
as a setting for thinking processes in learning so that one can control planning, processes, and learning
to complete a task and problems encountered (Kisac & Budak, 2014). This statement is also supported
by research conducted by Cakici (2018) & Hajrezayi et al. (2015) which stated that there is a relationship
between metacognition and critical thinking. Metacognition awareness helps a person's critical
thinking increase more easily (Cakici, 2018). In this research, student awareness in managing their
thoughts which includes aspects of metacognition can shape students to have critical thinking. After
students can manage cognitive knowledge and cognitive regulation, they can engage their critical
thinking to carry out strategies and control their thinking.
In their research, Asy’ari et al. (2016) linked metacognition with critical and creative thinking. In
addition, Asy’ari et al., (2016) argued that the characteristics of critical thinking have a close relationship
with metacognition because metacognition involves self-assessment (self-regulation). Self-regulation
which is always closely related to critical thinking skills and creative thinking in metacognition,
includes planning, managing information, monitoring, debugging, and evaluating. If it is associated
with research from Preissseisen (as quoted from Pantiwati, 2015) which reveals that metacognition is
divided into four skills namely problem-solving, decision-making, critical thinking, and creative
thinking. From this statement, critical thinking is one of the metacognition skills, so metacognition
explicitly has a relationship with critical thinking. In this research, metacognition awareness and critical
thinking have intersecting criteria. The criterion in question is that there is a similar process between
the indicators of critical thinking skills and metacognition awareness, including cognition knowledge
and cognition regulation.
The influence of metacognitive awareness on critical thinking skills is also related to the
neuroscience learning theory by Francisco Varela. This theory emphasizes the interaction between
neurological aspects and cognitive processes in learning and understanding (Schunk, 1995). The
process of metacognition goes through various stages, namely emotional regulation, awareness, and
monitoring of cognition processes (Fitri, 2017). Concerning neuroscientific theory, the process of
higher-order thinking is a function of the prefrontal lobes (the front part of the brain), because that part
is the control centre for higher-order thinking (Fitri, 2017). This section is also a place for problem-
solving, regulation of emotional dimensions, character, and personality of a person. Regarding the
ability to think, metacognition controls a person's thinking process, producing critical thinking skills.
The development of one's metacognition in the learning process has something to do with neuroscience
theory. This statement can underlie that metacognitive awareness influences critical thinking skills.
The results of this study are in line with some of the findings of previous studies, namely research
conducted by Amin et al. (2020), which stated that the basis of critical thinking skills is a person's
metacognition. This is in line with research from Arslan (2015), who said that one of the important
predictors of metacognition awareness is critical thinking ability. Furthermore, the results of research
from Naimnule & Duran Corebima (2018) also revealed that there is a positive relationship between
metacognitive awareness and critical thinking skills. Then, the results of research from Albab et al.
(2020) said that metacognition awareness has a positive relationship with critical thinking skills which
has a contribution of 45.8%. This positive relationship indicates that metacognitive awareness has a role
in developing critical thinking skills. It is also confirmed by the results of research from Gurcay & Ferah
(2018) who revealed that there is a positive relationship between metacognitive awareness and critical
thinking skills due to the metacognitive awareness that a person can direct and regulate his or her
critical thinking abilities. The findings above strengthened the results of this study, which revealed that
metacognitive awareness affects a person's ability to think critically.
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Chumdari et al. / The Effect of Metacognition Awareness on the Critical Thinking Skills of Elementary School Prospective Teachers
Based on the results of the research above, this research provides benefits in improving students'
critical thinking skills through the level of metacognitive awareness in their thinking processes that can
be managed properly. Metacognition involves individual efforts to monitor and reflect on their
thoughts, including an understanding of factual information such as tasks, goals, and self-knowledge,
as well as a strategic understanding of how and when to use specific procedures to solve problems
(Ildayanti, 2017b). It can be synthesized that metacognitive awareness affects students' critical thinking
The relationship between metacognitive awareness and critical thinking skills of PGSD Surakarta
UNS students is both good and significant. The outcome is a significance value of 0.028, which is less
than the threshold of 0.05. Additionally, the tcount value exceeds the ttable value, with a tcount of 1.928
compared to a ttable of 2.235. The coefficient for multiple linear regression is 0.384, indicating a positive
link. This suggests that an increase in metacognition awareness will lead to an increase in critical
thinking skills. The findings of this study suggest a positive correlation between enhancing students'
metacognitive awareness and improving their critical thinking abilities. Metacognitive awareness and
critical thinking skills are significant aspects for lecturers and instructors to enhance their
comprehension and knowledge regarding the significance of possessing metacognitive awareness and
critical thinking abilities in adapting to evolving circumstances. Furthermore, this research is valuable
for offering fresh insights into associated theories and expanding knowledge in line with theoretical
Acknowledgments: We would like to thank LPPM (The Institution of Research and Community Services) of
Sebelas Maret University for providing opportunities for the research team and funding our research. We also
thank those who assisted in this research, especially in data collection, namely undergraduate study program
students of PGSD of FKIP (Faculty of Education and Teacher Training) at UNS and supporting lecturers.
Conflicts of Interest: “The authors declare no conflict of interest.”
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Abstrak. Keberhasilan calon guru dalam pembelajaran ditentukan oleh banyak hal, salah satunya adalah kesadaran metakogntif. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur kesadaran metakognitif calon guru di Universitas Islam Balitar (UNISBA) Blitar. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik survei yang menggunakan angket Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI). Angket terdiri dari dua aspek yaitu pengetahuan metakognitif dan regulasi metakognitif. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan kesadaran metakognitif calon guru di UNISBA Blitar tergolong tinggi (rentang skor 35-49). Pengetahuan prosedural memiliki nilai presentase tertinggi dalam aspek pengetahuan metakognitif. Pada aspek regulasi metakognitif, skor tertinggi ada di indikator mengoreksi (93.75 persen). Skor terendah berada pada indikator mengevaluasi (76,25 persen). Abstract. The success of prospective teachers in learning is determined by many things, one of which is metacognitive awareness. This study aims to measure the metacognitive awareness of prospective teachers at the Balitar Islamic University (UNISBA) Blitar. This research was conducted using a survey technique using a Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of two aspects, namely metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive regulation. The results of the study show that the metacognitive awareness of prospective teachers at UNISBA Blitar is high (score range 35-49). Procedural knowledge has the highest percentage value in the aspect of metacognitive knowledge. In the aspect of metacognitive regulation, the highest score was in the correcting indicator (93.75 percent). The lowest score is on the evaluating indicator (76.25 percent).
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p style="text-align: justify;">The empowerment of metacognitive skills has an important role in increasing the capacity of critical thinking and active control of students' cognitive processes in learning. Metacognitive skills can be enhanced through the implementation of learning strategies involving higher-order thinking. The RQA, ADI, RQA integrated with ADI are constructivistic learning strategies that can accommodate these skills. The researches specifically examining the correlation between metacognitive skills and critical thinking skills at the implementation of RQA, ADI, and RQA integrated with ADI learning strategies are still rarely found. This research is a correlational research, aiming at revealing the correlation between metacognitive skills and critical thinking skills. The data of metacognitive skills and critical thinking skills are collected by using a valid and reliable essay test. The samples of this research are the fourth semester (IV) biology education students programming Animal Physiology course in the 2016/2017 academic year consisting of 109 students. The results of this research show that (1) there was a significant correlation between metacognitive skills and critical thinking skills at the implementation of the four learning strategies, (2) the regression equations analyzed using Anova obtain regression lines (not coincide), and non parallel regression lines (intersected); meaning that there is a difference in the increase rate and magnitude of the critical thinking skills influenced by the four learning strategies. It is expected that the teachers and the lecturers always strive to improve the quality of the learning process through the implementation of active and constructive learning strategies.</p
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Several previous researches reported that there was a positive correlation between metacognitive skills and cognitive learning results. However, some others reported otherwise. This is believed to be related to the learning model used. This research aimed at revealing the correlation between metacognitive skills and cognitive learning results of pre-service teachers taught by using QASEE and RQA learning models, as well as by using conventional learning, and comparing the regression equations of the three learnings. 107 biology pre-service teachers at Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang, Indonesia, were involved in this correlational study. Data were obtained by the essay test and were analyzed by simple linear regression analysis. The research result indicates that there is a significant correlation between metacognitive skills and cognitive learning results of the pre-service teachers taught by using the three learnings. It was also found that the regression equations uncovered at the three learnings was parallel and coincide. The contribution of metacognitive skills toward cognitive learning results uncovered in RQA learning model is the highest one among the three learnings preceded by that uncovered in QASEE learning model. This information is beneficial for lecturers in order to use the right learning model to empower pre-service teachers’ metacognitive skills and cognitive learning results.
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Based on the results of interviews with teachers and observations of mathematics students of class VIII at the school where the research is, the difficulty of students in learning material related to high-level thinking problems (HOTS) when receiving or understanding concepts given by the teacher. This study aims to find out how the influence of metacognition skills to the ability of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) MTs N 1 Kudus students and bias can be used as a trigger to increase Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) skills. Hypothesis testing uses simple linear regresi. The results of this study indicate that: 1) there is a positive and significant correlation to the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) skills of 60.8%: 2) there is a positive and significant correlation to the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) skills based on indicators of metacognition skills (awareness = 43.8%, regulation = 65.5%, and evaluation = 57.8%).
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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan kesulitan-kesulitan yang dialami mahasiswa dalam menumbuhkan kemampuan berpikir kritis matematika melalui pembelajaran problem solving. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa PGSD yang berjumlah 64 mahasiswa. Data diperoleh dengan cara menyebarkan instrument yang berupa kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 64,06% mahasiswa kesulitan dalam menyelesaikan masalah; 53,13% mahasiswa kesulitan mencari alternatif penyelesaian dari permasalahan yang diberikan. Kemamuan berpikir kritis mahasiswa tampak dari 67,19% mahasiswa mampu memahami permasalahan matematika, 85,94% mahasiswa mampu memeriksa dan menarik kesimpulan dari permasalahan yang diberikan
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Descriptive analysis methode of research describes about increasing subject in the level of critical thinking skills of students in solving mathematics based on 21st-century skills. The subjects research were 28 students of Mathematics Education Study Program at Ibrahimy University of Situbondo. Data collection is done by providing pre-test and study documentation to students. The test is given to collect data related to students' critical thinking skills. Then learning is done based on 21st-century skills. Furthermore, students are given a post-test solving mathematical problem. Data were collected through observations, test results and interview data tested for their validity by triangulation. The data analysis technique used is qualitative descriptive data analysis. The results of this study indicate that: (1) the results of the achievement of indicators of critical thinking of students based on critical thinking stages formulated by Facione, overall the subject of an increase of 7.53%; (2) there was the same highest increase in the achievement of the indicator thinking Facione stage, namely at the Analyze stage (A) for high, medium, and low category subjects respectively, 77.78%, 80%, and 44.44%. However, there are still two stages of critical thinking that still need attention for further research, namely at the List (L) and Self-Correct (S) stages classified as still needing special attention in implementing 21st-century skills in learning activities; (3) the level of critical thinking skills of students based on the critical thinking stages formulated by Facione was in the category of "not critical" for the pre-test results and was in the category of "sufficient critical" for the post-test results.
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This study aimed to describe the development of students’ critical thinking through their participation in the National Sciences and Mathematic Competition in Indonesia, known as Olimpiade Nasional Matematika dan IPA (ONMIPA). Furthermore, this study investigated the response of the participants towards the administration of ONMIPA in various aspects and also examined support given by the institution to their students related to ONMIPA administration. A qualitative approach implemented to answer the research questions. The instruments used to collect the data were observations list, questionnaire, and interview. The respondents of this study were 54 ONMIPA participants and ten ONMIPA 2019. The study revealed that The National Mathematics and Natural Sciences Olympiad or ONMIPA had excellent potential to develop students’ critical thinking skills. The data showed that participants’ responses to the administration of ONMIPA were very positive. Besides, the result revealed that Higher education institutions provided support to participants and the administration of ONMIPA. The support was generally excellent and provided in various forms.
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi mahasiswa dalam memecahkan pola generalisasi deret aritmatika dua dimensi berdasarkan taksonomi bloom revisi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Jember. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara memberikan tugas pemecahan masalah terbuka dan studi dokumentasi kepada mahasiswa untuk menyusun pola generalisasi deret aritmatika satu deminsi. Kemudian mahasiswa diberikan tugas pemecahan masalah berikutnya untuk menyusun sendiri pola generalisasi deret aritmatika dua deminsi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase pada aspek keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi yang mencakup menganalisis (C4) mencapai 88,89%, mengevaluasi (C5) mencapai 83,33%, dan mencipta (C6) mencapai 66,67%. Hasil capaian ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, diantanya adalah kecermatan dalam menyusun angka dan mengekspand data yang ada, penguasaan konsep-konsep permutasi deret aritmatika serta penerapannya, kecenderungan mahasiswa pascasarjana mengandalkan hafalan dan tiruan dari contoh yang ada.
Conference Paper
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Metacognition has been accepted as one desirable attribute for learners in the 21 st century. There are a number of researech studies related to how to promote metacognition in school students. This study aimed to explore students’ metacognitive expereince in one physics classroom in the equilibrium of moments topic. The research participants were 35 Grade 9 students from one secondary school located at Nakhon Ratchasima province in the northeastern region of Thailand. After learning physics, the participating students were asked to respond to the Metacognitive Experience Questionnaire (MEQ). The studnets’ metacognitive experience was analyzed for mean and standard deviation. The finding revealed that the students derived the neutral to frequently levels of expereience in metacotnition in the physics classroom. This finding suggests to add more metacognitive expereience for Grade 9 students.
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The purposes of this research are to investigate the level of senior high school student’s metacognitive awareness, the relationship between knowledge about cognition and regulation of cognition, and the relation among all indicators of metacognitive awareness which examined through project-based learning in Environtmental Polution concept. The subject of this study is first grade-students in one of public high school in Bandung. To reveal metacognitive awareness, we used Metacognitive Awareness Inventory modified from Schraw and Dennison (1994). The results of this research revealed that majority of students have good metacognitive awareness level, and the rest are very good and adequate. Then, majority of students have good level of knowledge about cognition and regulation of cognition aspect. The results also revealed that there are very high correlation between knowledge about cognition and regulation of cognition. Metacognitive awareness indicators have also high correlation among them, except declarative and procedural knowledge, which have a low correlation. Through this research, we found that project-based learning are able to facilitated the students to use their metacognitive awareness in Environtmental Polution concepts with the learning process.