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Hans C. von Baeyer, Editor
Department of Physics, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia 23187;
Fermilab: Physics, the Frontier, and Megascience.Lillian
Hoddeson, Adrienne W. Kolb, and Catherine Westfall.
512 pp. The University of Chicago Press, IL, 2008.
Price: $45.00 共cloth兲ISBN 978-0-226-34623-6. 共Gabor
Domokos, Reviewer.兲
This is a serious scholarly work, complete with notes and
references. I am sure that it will be appreciated by historians
of science dealing with the modern history of physics in the
United States.
In addition, those of us who are not professionals in the
history of physics will enjoy the lively style of the book and
the authors’ description of the drama that culminated in the
construction and operation of the largest particle physics
laboratory in this country. Very sensibly, the authors paint a
detailed backdrop, starting in the late 1950s and leading up
to the planning and construction of the National Accelerator
Laboratory, now known as Fermilab. And drama there was.
Not only did physicists disagree on the scope of such a labo-
ratory 共regional? national?兲, but also, politics, as always, was
involved, since it was clear to everyone concerned that the
construction would require large sums of money. There was
a controversy then, as there is today, about the role of “big
science” in the nation’s life. In addition, there was a very
serious scientific debate about how best to construct a large
accelerator in order to satisfy the growing needs of particle
Edwin MacMillan of Berkeley, CA was the main propo-
nent of the new accelerator and he insisted that it should be
built in Berkeley. After all, that was the place where the
technology of modern accelerators was born in the form of
E.O. Lawrence’s cyclotron. 共Today the name of the labora-
tory celebrates that event—it is the Lawrence Berkeley
Laboratory.兲There were, however, competitors: Brookhaven
and the Midwestern Universities Research Association. It is
fascinating to follow the story of how the new accelerator
ended up in the Midwest—in a suburb of Chicago. Its first
director, Robert Wilson 共1914–2000兲, was a very interesting
person, full of new ideas regarding accelerators and almost
anything else—truly a renaissance man. Among other things,
he was actively interested in architecture: he designed the
original high-rise building at the laboratory in the shape of
the accelerator magnet he invented. It was at Wilson’s insis-
tence that the new laboratory was made accessible to all
qualified particle physicists and was named National Accel-
erator Laboratory 共NAL兲.共It was later renamed Fermi Na-
tional Accelerator Laboratory, or Fermilab for short, the
name it bears today.兲
I found it interesting to read about Wilson’s distrust of
computers. Apparently he believed that computations should
be carried out by physicists at their home institutions. I don’t
know whether this was a prophetic insight or a limitation. In
any case, the World Wide Web is based precisely on the idea
of spreading computing tasks to the home institutions of par-
ticle physicists, so Bob Wilson would be happy to see his
ideas realized.
Wilson was followed as director by Leon Lederman.
While Wilson was, in a sense, a builder, Lederman brought
with him the spirit of research. 共He shared the Nobel prize in
1988.兲Under his directorship, NAL continued along the di-
rection originally set by Wilson and became the laboratory
where the fundamental interactions have been explored at the
highest energies. It may be appropriate to interpret a quote
from Leon as his credo:
“The life of a physicist is filled with anxiety, pain,
hardship, tension, attacks of hopelessness, depres-
sion and discouragement.” However, “…the su-
preme pleasures of physics, especially experienc-
ing rare ‘epiphanies’, made the research worth all
the pain” 共p. 227兲.
An important aspect of Lederman’s directorship was his
insistence on communicating the excitement of physics to
the general public. Physics is an integral part of our culture.
Furthermore, particle physicists are, ultimately, on the pay-
roll of the taxpayers, who have a right to know what they get
for their money. The Fermilab outreach effort initiated by
Lederman has been highly successful and has served as a
model for many similar efforts elsewhere.
I am very firmly convinced that the seeds of the success of
Fermilab as described in the later chapters of the book were
sown by its first two directors. Its TEVATRON accelerator is
today the tool for the exploration of fundamental interactions
at the highest energies, at least until the new machine at the
European laboratory 共CERN兲starts taking data.
Overall, I am pleased to praise the authors for the accuracy
of their work. I have only a few complaints.
Evidence for neutral currents. In the early seventies, there
were some doubts about the existence of neutral weak cur-
rents. Carlo Rubbia’s group repeatedly claimed that there
was evidence for their existence and then had to retract the
claim. 共It must be remembered that physics progresses at the
margins of what is known, and that in any experiment a large
amount of data is needed before a result is definitely con-
firmed.兲It is, however, inaccurate to state that the discovery
of charm “explained the absence of neutral currents”共p.
167兲. What charm helped to explain was the absence of
flavor-changing neutral currents which would, for example,
enable a neutral gauge boson to decay into an electron and a
The magnetic moment of the muon. Contrary to the au-
thors’ claim 共p. 231兲, Lederman’s experiment on 共g-2兲at
CERN did not measure the spin of the muon. That was al-
ready known to be 1
2in units of the reduced Planck constant.
Rather, the measurement established that the electromagnetic
interactions of the muon are the same as those of the elec-
tron. 共Soon after the muon was discovered, I.I. Rabi suppos-
edly asked: “Who ordered that?” We still do not have a good
answer to Rabi’s tongue-in-cheek question.兲
Mangled Italian. The quote from Gilberto Bernardini on p.
228 is not really in Italian. As Lederman tells the story, early
in a joint experiment, when Gilberto succeeded in finding the
671 671Am. J. Phys. 77 共7兲, July 2009 © 2009 American Association of Physics Teachers
first hint of a positive signal, he went wild, yelling: “Mamma
mia! Regardo incredibilo. Primo secourso…” Actually Gil-
berto spoke a very beautiful Italian. I suspect that Leon man-
aged to misquote him in their very real enthusiasm over their
success. I cannot blame the authors for the misquote.
In the end, I find that there are not many inaccuracies in
this book. I am convinced that it will make a useful reference
not only for historians of physics, but also for practicing
particle physicists—we should learn from our past successes
and mistakes. And to the rest of the physics community it
tells a good tale.
Gabor Domokos is Professor Emeritus of Physics at Johns
Hopkins University. He is conducting research on the theory
of high energy elementary particle interactions and high en-
ergy cosmic rays.
Atmospheric Thermodynamics: Elementary Physics and Chemistry.
Gerald R. North and Tatiana L. Erukhimova. 278 pp. Cambridge U. P.,
New York, 2009. Price: $70.00 共hardcover兲ISBN 978-0-521-89963-5.
Carbon Nanotube Science: Synthesis, Properties and Applications. Peter
J. F. Harris. 312 pp. Cambridge U. P., New York, 2009. Price: $90.00
共hardcover兲ISBN 978-0-521-82895-6.
Digital Image Processing for Medical Applications. Geoff Dougherty. 459
pp. Cambridge U. P., New York, 2009. Price: $89.00 共hardcover兲ISBN
Discovering the Expanding Universe. Harry Nussbaumer and Lydia Bieri.
243 pp. Cambridge U. P., New York, 2009. Price: $59.00 共hardcover兲
ISBN 978-0-521-51484-2.
Dynamics of Self-Organized and Self-Assembled Structures. Rashmi C.
Desai and Raymond Capral. 342 pp. Cambridge U. P., New York, 2009.
Price: $80.00 共hardcover兲ISBN 978-0-521-88361-0.
Excitations in Organic Solids. Vladimir M. Agranovich. 512 pp. Oxford U.
P., New York, 2009. Price: $130.00 共hardcover兲ISBN 978-0-19-
Finding the Big Bang. P. James E. Peebles, Lyman A. Page, Jr. and R.
Bruce Partridge. 587 pp. Cambridge U. P., New York, 2009. Price:
$80.00 共hardcover兲ISBN 978-0-521-51982-3.
Mind and Nature: Selected Writings on Philosophy, Mathematics, and
Physics. Hermann Weyl. 272 pp. Princeton U. P. 2009. Price: $35.00
共cloth兲ISBN 978-0-691-13545-6.
The Monster Group and Majorana Involutions. A. A. Ivanov. 265 pp.
Cambridge U. P., New York, 2009. Price: $99.00 共hardcover兲ISBN 978-
Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy. David J. Brady. 528 pp. John Wiley &
Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2009. Price: $119.00 共cloth兲ISBN 978-0-470-
Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science. Hermann Weyl. 336 pp.
Princeton U. P. 2009. Price: $35.00 共paper兲ISBN 978-0-691-14120-6.
Quantum Gods: Creation, Chaos, and the Search for Cosmic Con-
sciousness. Victor J. Stenger. 292 pp. Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY,
2009. Price: $26.98 共hardcover兲ISBN 978-1-59102-713-3.
Quantum mechanics. Gennaro Auletta, Mauro Fortunato, and Giorgio Pa-
risi. 755 pp. Cambridge U. P., New York, 2009. Price: $90.00 共hard-
cover兲ISBN 978-0-521-86963-8.
Quantum Statistical Mechanics. William C. Schieve and Lawrence P. Hor-
witz. 428 pp. Cambridge U. P., New York, 2009. Price: $85.00 共hard-
cover兲ISBN 978-0-521-84146-7.
Sub-Riemannian Geometry: General Theory and Examples. Ovidio
Cailin and Der-Chen Chang. 383 pp. Cambridge U. P., New York, 2009.
Price: $99.00 共hardcover兲ISBN 978-0-521-89730-3.
Viscoelastic Materials. Roderic Lakes. 479 pp. Cambridge U. P., New
York, 2009. Price: $126.00 共hardcover兲ISBN 978-0-521-88568-3.
Waves in Metamaterials. L. Solymar and E. Shamonina. 401 pp. Oxford U.
P., New York, 2009. Price: $95.00 共hardcover兲ISBN 978-0-19-
Why Does E=mc2?: (And Why Should We Care?). Brian Cox and Jeff
Forshaw. 254 pp. Da Capo Press, Cambridge, MA, 2009. Price: $24.00
共hardcover兲ISBN 978-0-306-81758-8.
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672 672Am. J. Phys., Vol. 77, No. 7, July 2009 Book Reviews