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The Leadership Planning and Education Quality of Salafi Islamic Boarding Schools

  • UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Indonesia, Serang


Salafiyah Islamic boarding schools aim to teach and practice the Al-Qur'an and Al-Hadith based on understanding the best generation. The issue of leadership regeneration and education quality is the weakness of Salafi Islamic boarding schools (IBS) because it is carried out suddenly and seems to lack attention. Integrating these educational goals requires leadership and quality based on planning so they can compete equally with other educational institutions. The research aims to analyse leadership planning in achieving Salafi IBS. The research method uses qualitative with a grounded theory approach at the Salafiyah At-Thahiriiyah IBS in Serang City and data collection by interviews and literature study. The research results show leadership planning and quality of education in Salafiyah IBS through increased leadership training, scientific capacity and education quality standards in Salafiyah IBS. There is a strengthening in the leadership planning of Salafiyah IBS through gradual leadership regeneration. The implications of research by strengthening leadership planning on the quality of education can use a design thinking approach that will help solve internal problems through leadership training, scientific capacity, gradual regeneration and education quality standards in Salafiyah IBS.
Tadbir : Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Vol. 7, No. 2, November 2023
IAIN Curup Bengkulu |p-ISSN 2580-3581;e-ISSN 2580-5037
The Leadership Planning and Education Quality of
Boarding Schools
Tubagus Syihabudin
Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanudin Banten
B. Syafuri
Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanudin Banten
Anis Fauzi
Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanudin Banten
Abstract: Salafiyah Islamic boarding schools aim to teach and practice the Al-Qur'an and Al-
Hadith based on understanding the best generation. The issue of leadership regeneration and
education quality is the weakness of Salafi Islamic boarding schools (IBS) because it is carried out
suddenly and seems to lack attention. Integrating these educational goals requires leadership and
quality based on planning so they can compete equally with other educational institutions. The
research aims to analyse leadership planning in achieving Salafi IBS. The research method uses
qualitative with a grounded theory approach at the Salafiyah At-Thahiriiyah IBS in Serang City
and data collection by interviews and literature study. The research results show leadership planning
and quality of education in Salafiyah IBS through increased leadership training, scientific capacity
and education quality standards in Salafiyah IBS. There is a strengthening in the leadership
planning of Salafiyah IBS through gradual leadership regeneration. The implications of research by
strengthening leadership planning on the quality of education can use a design thinking approach
that will help solve internal problems through leadership training, scientific capacity, gradual
regeneration and education quality standards in Salafiyah IBS.
Keywords: Planning; Leadership; Education Quality; Salafiyah; Grounded Theory
Indonesia is a Muslim-majority country globally; the Badan Pusat
Statistik (2020) revealed that 87% of the 275 million population is Muslim and
requires quality education services and various alternatives. One important part
of the history of the nation's civilisation is the Islamic boarding school, which
currently has 26,975 schools with the uniqueness of providing learning methods
and scientific categories (Kemenag, 2022). Before formal educational
institutions were widely spread in Indonesia, Islamic boarding schools had
cultural, religious and identity roots. Hence, they had a role and influence in the
progress of this nation, including preventing the growth and development of
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religious radicalism in Islamic boarding schools in particular and in society in
general (Marzuki et al., 2020; Setiawan et al., 2023).
Salafiyah Islamic boarding schools are distinctive and focus on religious
learning by studying classics (yellow books) with traditional methods.
Understanding salafiyah pesantren as a non-formal educational institution that
emphasises simplicity in aspects of life in the local community and prioritises
pesantren traditions is important for producing cadres of fiqh experts (fuqaha)
and religious leaders. However, they currently receive less attention, compete
with educational institutions, and have finances in the future (Maktumah &
Mighfar, 2022). However, salafiyah pesantren have the advantage of having a
strong respantri towards pesantren leaders (kiayi) and producing Islamic cadres
with good moand with religious studies. The weaknesses include closing oneself
to changing times (modernisation), emphasising classical religion, and decreasing
salaf pesantren's quality and quantity (Suharya et al., 2018). That revealed the
weakness of the Salaf boarding schools: a lack of understanding by parents of
the subjects given, a lack of socialisation to the community and a lack of trust
from parents to allow their children to attend Salafi boarding schools.
The problem of survival and degradation of Salafi pesantren is caused
by, among others, Rahman and Zubaidah (2019) and Badrudin (2022) explaining
that religious studies in the form of classical Arabic books are not directly
proportional to the mastery of modern Arabic, so they are left behind. In
adjusting to the development of the times, Salafi’s pesantren need the education
system, the pesantren environment, institutions and leadership patterns
(Solahudin et al., 2020). The virtue of regeneration and leadership regeneration
is one of the weaknesses of Islamic boarding schools (Azro’i & Fuaidi, 2020).
The longer the existence of Salafi Islamic boarding schools has been eroded,
many have been abandoned by the community. Hence, it needs attention and
support from all parties, which has implications for learning and the quality of
education (Arifin, 2018). The phenomenon of Salafi pesantren adapts to current
developments by incorporating general education due to modernisation in
Islamic education. Some Salafi pesantren cannot survive, and the number of
students decreases along with public interest. However, some persist with
saSalafiesantren with concerns about the culture of pesantren which has existed.
In dealing with the problems that are developing, one of the most
important approaches is to make changes to leadership, where the role of
pesantren leadership is as a caregiver, motivator, educator, manager, decision
maker, setting organisational goals and setting an example, while the role for the
quality of education is by formulating a vision and mission. Moreover, the
objectives of the pesantren are designing quality improvement programs,
Tubagus Syihabudin, B. Syafuri, & Anis Fauzi: The Leadership Planning and Education | 479
bringing in teachers from outside the pesantren, comparative studies, improving
education management and quality and using technology (Saugi et al., 2022).
The existence of planning for the leadership of Salafi pesantren will have
an impact on openness to accept change, the development of institutional
models of Islamic boarding schools, modernisation of physical buildings,
development of human resources, mastery of science and technology, use of
Islamic boarding school management and being able to compete and serve the
community (Sidiq, 2020). An educational institution's success is the institution's
ability to make leadership plans in organising it as a value of worship,
scholarship and sincerity (Jannah et al., 2021).
Salafi Islamic boarding schools as social institutions need social planning
to make social changes as a value of development towards the stage of progress.
Likewise, there is a cadre of leadership in Salafi Islamic boarding schools, a
social plan that exists in every organisation due to age, physical ability and death.
Some leadership regenerations were carried out suddenly and seemed to lack
attention; the next generation lacked the courage to take policies from the
previously existing stable conditions (Sidiq, 2020). Why Is leadership focused on
organisational and social issues? This is due to the interaction between those
who lead and those who are led to achieving common goals in good ways by
influencing, persuading, motivating and coordinating (Remiswal et al., 2020).
Creating a quality pesantren education system requires improvements to
leadership planning carried out in stages and simultaneously to accommodate
educational challenges and community needs (Muhibah, 2023). In addition,
Faruq et al. (2023) revealed that pesantren leadership has contributed to the
existence of pesantren but not to the quality of education itself. Leadership
needs to implement management sustainably and consistently, which is absolute.
For this reason, planning is needed to organise the various organisations in the
pesantren to be neater and support each other (Wajdi et al., 2022). The same
thing is related to the quality of education, where breakthroughs have not been
maximised. Then Fadilah (2021) says that leadership is dynamic, so planning is
needed concerning actions or behaviour displayed through management and
direction to achieve quality, not just quantity.
Several studies on salafiyah Islamic boarding schools in Banten show
that traditional Islamic boarding schools need attention and guidance to
compete in globalisation. This is due to the lack of clarity in educational
philosophy, educational level, curriculum and system. Traditions will experience
extinction (Nazmudin, 2021). There are internal obstacles, namely the kyai and
their leadership as founders, owners and managers of Salafi pesantren to make
transformation or change efforts, including incorporating the general
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curriculum, eliminating opportunities to get assistance from the government and
sacralising traditional values so that it is detrimental to the development of the
pesantren, students and their parents (Hanafi, 2018). Applied leadership does
not influence the student’s learning activities; the type of leadership is
hereditary, and there is no planning of educational leadership and the
ineffectiveness of leadership, reducing the development of Islamic boarding
For this reason, leadership planning is seen as important, both in writing
and not as a stage of becoming the next successor or regeneration through
management principles so that a mindset and action are formed that will
support organisational goals and avoid disruption to the conditions being led
and grow to achieve the quality achieved (Gondowidjojo, 2020). In the
organisation of educational institutions, including Islamic boarding schools,
planning is needed as an internalisation step, namely doing what is needed as a
defensive step, and externalisation, namely contributing to the public, as a step
in giving a positive role. In addition, leadership provides a role so that the
organisation can be by the expected goals, not only short term but long term
and sustainable.
In educational planning, the leadership factor becomes the focus in
carrying out their duties in the activities and management of the education
system to implement the learning process effectively and efficiently in
educational institutions that are supported by leadership and implementation,
educational facilities and tools, as well as educational programs with a good
management system (Akhmad, 2020).
The success and effectiveness of leadership lie not only in a leader’s
ability but also in the participation and commitment of being led and a
conducive organisational climate. Without good leadership patterns and
planning, organisational goals will not be optimal (Hakim, 2021). There is a
perception of spiritual factors in educational leadership that will differ from
personal experience, culture, group factors, politics and philosophy, giving the
value that leadership based on spirituality will encourage positive results for
educational goals (Göçen & Şen, 2021).
Planning for prospective leaders is very important because one of the
responsibilities for making educational policies requires educational leadership
with current and future concepts and practices in improving educational
achievement and quality (Webster & Litchka, 2020). Meanwhile, ethical, moral,
caring and motivational behaviour tends toward educational leadership rather
than leadership itself. In addition, educational leaders can inspire others with
their hopes and beliefs to empower and project educational services based on
Tubagus Syihabudin, B. Syafuri, & Anis Fauzi: The Leadership Planning and Education | 481
community needs (Smith et al., 2018). Ultimately, the leader will follow the
leader's orders based on motivation, dedication and relationships with self and
others (Sholikhah et al., 2019).
Thus planning for educational leadership is a stage in managing
educational institutions that prioritise competence, knowledge, morals, gradual,
proportional and professional regeneration to achieve effectiveness, efficiency
and quality of education based on shidik, amanah, tabligh and fathonah.
One type of Islamic boarding school in Indonesia is the Salafi or
salafiyah Islamic boarding school, which in simple terms, maintains a teaching
system originating from classical Islamic books which are characterised by plain
Arabic language without any lines, an individual teaching system (sorogan) is its
main advantage. However, it does not teach public science (Aziz et al., 2022).
Until now, there are still many types of these pesantren, which incidentally were
founded by individuals or families with the initial intention of teaching religious
subjects, especially reciting our books referring to the Al-Qur'an and Al-Hadith.
Meanwhile, Mustajab (2019) characterises the peculiarities of Salafi
pesantren, including the use of yellow books as the main subject of the
pesantren curriculum, not teaching general science subjects and not getting an
official certificate from the government, not knowing the time limit for learning,
students can go home if they get permission from the leadership of the
pesantren; the orientation of the subject matter is oriented towards the afterlife
and upholds religious and moral values.
The differences between salafiyah pesantren and other types of
pesantren are in the history of emergence, literature, system, methodology,
management and process; on the other hand, they still maintain traditions in
classic study books, family management approaches and vision and mission,
which have not been formally accommodated in general in formal institutions
within the budget. boarding schools and households. However, the tone of
excellence possessed by Salafi pesantren is that the learning method is very open
and allows for two-way dialogue between students and clerics; there is direct
control over the dynamics of learning that takes place and quickly makes
improvements to the weaknesses of the students (Hanafie Das & Halik, 2019).
Learning carried out in the context of education should have educational
quality standards so that it can be known in general. The quality of Islamic
boarding school education is a target that must be achieved to attract people's
interest in sending their children to Islamic boarding schools so that the quality
or quality of education is by educational standards oriented to quality education
consisting of input, process and output can be fulfilled properly (Meliani et al.,
2023). In examining how effective and good the performance of educational
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institutions is on the quality of education, Fadillah et al. (2021) assess education
quality standards based on performance and effectiveness as indicated by
leadership, superior student grades, curriculum, learning resources, educational
staff, and student service facilities, financial resources, learning atmosphere,
communication with stakeholders, teacher involvement and open cooperation
In this case, the government has issued provisions for a graduation
standard for salafiyah Islamic boarding schools, which relates to the core
competencies of the Islamic religion, including attitudes, knowledge and skills.
In contrast, the basic Islamic religious competencies are based on knowledge
clusters, including the Al-Qur'an, Hadith and Hadith Sciences, monotheism and
kalam science, dates, fiqh, fiqh proposal, morals and tasawuf and language
science (Kemenag, 2018). Education quality standards can be measured through
input, process and input involving skills, performance, punctuality, ability,
resilience, beauty, interpersonal relationships, ease of use, uniqueness, clear
standards, consistency, uniformity and good service (Priyanto, 2019). In general,
quality education aims to fulfil quality standards in academic units that are
applied holistically and sustainably (Istikomah et al., 2021).
Previous research has mostly discussed the style or type of pesantren
leadership; the quality of education is studied in terms of learning aspects, and
research methods use quantitative or qualitative descriptive. While this research
is on pesantren leadership planning, the quality of education is seen from core
competencies and Islamic religious skills and uses qualitative methods with
grounded theory and design thinking. There are obstacles faced by the salafiyah
At-Thahiriyah Islamic boarding school in the city of Serang, namely limited
resources. The ability to lead Islamic boarding schools and the quality of
education is still weak, as evidenced by the formal institution of Aliyah
behaviour, which has received C accreditation, so efforts are needed to improve
the quality of education.
With increasing competition in education today, Salafi Islamic boarding
schools prioritise the importance of preparing better leadership and focusing on
the quality of education. This provides a level of public trust in Salafi Islamic
boarding schools as one of the Islamic educational institutions still running
The formulation of the background of the problem above is whether the
planning of educational leadership in Salafi pesantren can be prepared and
carried out in stages to achieve educational quality. How is the quality of
education implemented in Salafi pesantren according to the standards set by the
government? Based on the background and formulation described, this study
Tubagus Syihabudin, B. Syafuri, & Anis Fauzi: The Leadership Planning and Education | 483
aims to analyse the leadership planning and quality of education in Salafi Islamic
boarding schools.
This study uses grounded theory, a qualitative analysis, to gain a deep
understanding based on a holistic view. In this research to generate or develop
theory from problems in the field, Yin (2016) interprets grounded theory as a
method with a systematic design and qualitative procedures used to generate
theory at a broad conceptual level, process, action or interactions about
substantive topics. The author's argument uses this approach because the quality
standards for salafiyah Islamic boarding schools are a new policy issued in 2018,
so they need to be explored so that the public knows more about problems with
the quality of salafiyah Islamic boarding schools and leadership.
The object of research at the Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School At-
Thahiriyah Jl. Amin Jasuta No. 5 Kaloran of Serang City, Banten Province, the
primary data source comes from in-depth interviews with pesantren caretakers,
heads of foundations, and pesantren administrators. At the same time,
secondary data was obtained from the literature study. Data analysis uses
triangulation, namely data collection, selecting data, presenting data and drawing
conclusions (Creswell & Creswell, 2018).
This research uses a design thinking approach related to social problems
as a form of planned change with the stages of awareness, capacity and
empowerment (Pressman, 2019). The design thinking model used is social
innovation expressed by Syed et al. (2021) regarding social innovation in
answering social problems. Moreira et al. (2021) developed the social evolution
model 6 (SE6), which emerged as a process of social innovation that combines
the six spiral models of the stages of social innovation into social evolution,
which are applied in various multidisciplinary fields. As shown in the following
figure, there are six stages: empathy, exploration, elaboration, exposure,
execution and expansion.
Strengthening of Leadership Planning
The establishment of the At-Thahiriyah Salafiyah Islamic boarding
school in March 1978 on 80 M2 of land was used for study and student
dormitories, totalling 453 students. The founder and caretaker of Islamic
boarding school KH. Tb. Ahmad Hasuri bin Thahir or called Abuya Hasuri
Thahir, once studied at the Pelamunan Serang Islamic boarding school and then
went to Makkah for seven years to study knowledge; when he returned to his
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homeland, he founded a pesantren using his father's name, H. Thahir. The death
of Abuya Hasuri Thahir on May 29 2018, was due to illness, then he was
appointed as a caretaker for the Islamic boarding school, KH. Endang Bukhori
who is the son-in-law of Abuya Hasuri Thahir.
The change of leadership, according to KH. Endang Bukhori as
caretaker of the pesantren and KH. Tb. Anis Fuadi, Lc, chairman of the
foundation, said, "Apart from filling the vacancy in leadership at the pesantren,
previously the deceased had conveyed that KH. Endang Bukhori must be
prepared to replace him if the deceased cannot carry out his mandate as a
caretaker of the pesantren. Considering this readiness, apart from having helped
a lot with activities in Islamic boarding schools, mastering much religious
knowledge, and still being part of the family. Carpenter et al. (2012) state that
leadership planning involves four keys: personal competence, self-management,
social sensitivity and management cooperation. Then, it is necessary to have
quality requirements for the depth of Islamic religious knowledge and obedience
to Allah, morals, integrity, wisdom, fairness and charisma (Jannah et al., 2021).
The opinion of KH. Endang Bukhari, about his readiness to become a
caretaker for a boarding school to replace abah (Abuya), "was asked in 2010,
and at that time, he only said Insha Allah, abah". Along with this statement,
there is planning or regeneration in leadership even though the mechanism is
through the direct appointment of someone who is seen as having sufficient
religious knowledge, experience in caring for Islamic boarding schools, charisma
as a pesantren leader and part of the family. Meanwhile, the priority of KH.
Endang Bukhari said, "I am only continuing the leadership relay of the deceased
and developing it according to the community's needs and the pesantren's vision
and mission". This is the opinion of Anwar (2021) that 85% of leadership relays
or regeneration only continue or follow the program or policy of the previous
leader. In order to maintain the existence of Islamic boarding schools, steps
have been taken that pesantren leaders always provide the latest and practical
steps in making policies and adapting to developments of the times (Andy,
On the other hand, the opinion of KH. Tb Anis Fuadi, Lc, said that "all
pesantren administrators and foundations are aware of the plan for changing the
leadership of the pesantren if something happens, and all of them accept and
agree even though the appointments and replacements are made after Abuya
Hasuri Thahir's death". In addition, Pahmi Zakiyudin, S.Ag as the chairman of
the pesantren board said that "as an assistant to theSabahh at the pesantren, the
management structure of the foundation has been compiled and periodised, this
is a regeneration or regeneration step in this pesantren." These two opinions
emphasise that the founders and caretakers highly expect the existence of the
Tubagus Syihabudin, B. Syafuri, & Anis Fauzi: The Leadership Planning and Education | 485
pesantren, this is evidenced by the form of informal communication about their
future successors accompanied by improvements to the organisational structure
of the pesantren so that there is a good division of tasks.
Thus, the activities and activities at the At-Thairiyah Islamic boarding
school already have management whose function is to assist the duties of the
pesantren leadership in achieving educational goals and to make it easier for
students to get what is expected while at the pesantren which is arranged in
detail and writing. The results of this study are related to leadership planning
carried out at the At-Thahiriyah Islamic boarding school, which still prioritises
figures among the family as future replacements and has been planned from an
early age with consideration of scientific competence, personality competence
and experience; this is supported by opinions (Falah, 2019; Al Mubarok &
Imron, 2021; Hafidh et al., 2022).
Analysing the respondents' statements shows that obedience or
reverence to the deceased as the founder and caretaker of the Salafi At-
Thahiriyah Islamic boarding school for almost 40 years until his death indicates
that the full form of trust lies with the pesantren leader (kiayi) as the highest
decision maker but through an organisational structural approach by listening
response from his subordinates. The criteria for planning pesantren leadership
are developed and fully accepted by the founders and caretakers of the
pesantren as a form of morality in accepting and carrying out the mandate.
For this reason, leadership planning efforts that occur in Salafiyah
Islamic Boarding School of At-Thahiriyah need written requirements from
pesantren leaders with criteria so that future leaders forge themselves with
various leadership training so that they can form future leadership styles to
answer the needs and challenges of pesantren, this is in line with the opinion of
Hendri and Suriani (2020) that prospective leaders who are given training
Leadership will have a positive influence on the organisation they lead, meaning
that more and more leadership training will increase the capacity and ability to
lead institutions and are expected to be able to respond to challenges and adapt
in the future.
Efforts to increase scientific capacity through informal learning through
kiayi or clerics regarding Islamic religion to increase their competence as
candidates for pesantren leaders include increasing the formal education they
have taken and the integration of the knowledge they have obtained; this is
according to the opinion of Kamalia, (2021) and Rusmini et al., (2023) that
future educational leadership is full of challenges so that prospective leaders are
required to upgrade knowledge, integrate knowledge and educational levels as an
effort to increase the capacity of the educational institution itself. Islamic
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education, especially Islamic boarding schools, has many opportunities to
increase its capacity and scientific integration so that students are given
knowledge by the times but do not abandon the traditional characteristics of
Salafi Islamic boarding schools.
Efforts for gradual regeneration by increasing the role of future
pesantren leaders are involved in various internal and external activities to gain
various experiences, networks, etc. Even though the pattern of leadership is
based on heredity from family elements, which has the advantage of prioritising
deliberation, the principle of regeneration is very important to be carried out
gradually and systematically based on their potential and competence so that in
time, they have more abilities than the previous leader. This aligns with the
opinion of Komaruddin and Majdi (2021) that today's leaders should prepare
the next generation or regeneration to face the times according to future
Strengthening of Education Quality
In carrying out the educational process, the Salafiyah At-Thahiriyah
Islamic boarding school has carried out a learning process for almost 44 years
with the existence of muzakarah and sorogan with the ability to read the yellow
book which begins with planning and implementing learning, then the teacher
or ustadz supervises and evaluates students with three types, namely
memorisation, polar tafsyitul and musabaqah. Then, so that the activities at the
pesantren run well, the pesantren administrators coordinate with other fields,
starting from planning, implementing and evaluating activities (Hayatinufus et
al., 2022).
According to a letter from the Ministry of Religion regarding curriculum
standards for graduates of Salafiyah Islamic boarding schools. KH. Endang
Bukhori: "We have adapted it to a combination or mixture of learning at the At-
Thahiriyah Islamic boarding school with the local and traditional curriculum
taught to students periodically". This is indicated by the existence of guidance
from the chairman of the foundation regarding curriculum adjustments that
have been carried out previously by adding an emphasis on aspects of core
competencies and Islamic religious competencies. In order to support alumni
from the pesantren, a formal education level was opened in the form of
Madrasah Aliyah At-Thahiriyah in 2017 and currently has received 'C'
accreditation; this aims to provide knowledge and diplomas for graduates of
Salafi Islamic boarding school At-Thahiriyah so they can develop ability and
skills either to work or continue to college.
In order to improve the quality of education in Islamic boarding schools,
Pahmi Zakiyudin, S, Ag said that "the learning process in Salafi Islamic boarding
Tubagus Syihabudin, B. Syafuri, & Anis Fauzi: The Leadership Planning and Education | 487
schools is carried out by teaching and learning or mutha; ah which is carried out
after the maghrib prayer until before evening, after evening recitation at 21.30-
22.00 WIB and 13.30-14.30 WIB which aims to improve the quality of students
in understanding and deepening Islamic religious knowledge.
Learning management is carried out using student attendance, which
aims to implement discipline, assessment, evaluation and supervision, while
evaluation time every day is in the form of memorisation, the first six months
and the second six months. The factors that support the quality of education in
Islamic boarding schools are the performance of administrators and
coordination with other fields. The inhibiting factor for the quality of education
comes from students in the absence of students, which results in learning
objectives not reaching their competence.
In general, the Islamic religious competence of the students who
obtained from the six-monthly evaluation found that as many as 50.7% of the
students were able to pass or pass the yellow books, and the activities reading
the yellow book with the slogan method will increase the competence of
students (Mu’izzudin, 2019). In another study, it was stated that the leadership
of the pesantren, which is getting better will improve the quality of education
with indicators of teacher professionalism and infrastructure development
(Subaidi, 2020).
Based on the opinion of Arifin (2022), the quality of education can be
demonstrated by a good and systematic learning process. For this reason, the
quality of education at At-Thahiriyah Islamic Boarding School is indicated by
the existence of input-process-output so that effective and efficient learning can
be achieved. Judging from the output of skilled pesantren graduates in Islamic
religious competence and general or madrasa studies and sports. The system for
admitting new students to graduation is carried out periodically so that all
learning targets accompanied by an established evaluation system are running
(Ma’ruf & Jasminto, 2019). This indicates that the graduation competency
standards have formed the quality of education at the At Thahiriyah Islamic
boarding school, as the quality standards of education at Salafi Islamic boarding
schools consist of core and Islamic religious competencies.
Efforts to improve the quality of education at the At Thahiriyah Islamic
boarding school are related to core competencies, namely attitudes with stricter
enforcement of rules and discipline accompanied by educational sanctions;
knowledge by increasing literacy or reading more references, not just on classic
books and memorising them; and skills through increased competition or
competitions aimed at providing experience and honing students' skills.
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Efforts to improve Islamic religious competence require collaboration
with higher education institutions so that the board of teachers improves their
language skills and teaching skills according to the needs of the students and
evaluates learning weekly, not just daily or monthly, which aims to make
students accustomed to self-evaluating targets set by Islamic boarding schools.
The model of strengthening leadership planning for the quality of
salafiyah Islamic boarding schools with a social evolution approach with
indicators of empathy, exploration, elaboration, exposure, execution and
expansion was developed to help Islamic boarding schools prepare for future
leadership in stages as shown in the following figure:
of salafiyah
the level of
Active in
In the
Follow the
level of
Be a
Led a large
in the
books or
as a resource
n of family
Here is an
and award
There is a
product in
the form
of a public
netting of
of leaders
who are
by the
Quality of
targets for
excellence of
Tubagus Syihabudin, B. Syafuri, & Anis Fauzi: The Leadership Planning and Education | 489
in salafiyah
literacy and
ation with
pesantren as
a benchmark
teachers and
students as
well as
t in learning
ent of a
creation of
a learning
climate by
the needs
of Islamic
Figure 1. Analysis of Strengthening Leadership Planning with Social Evolution
Thus, the design thinking approach using six models of social evolution
can explain that Salafi Islamic boarding schools are strengthening their
preparation of directed and developed leadership plans to achieve a more
empowering quality of Salafi Islamic boarding school education.
The efforts to strengthen leadership planning at the At Thahiriyah
Islamic boarding school need written requirements from the pesantren leader
with criteria. Meanwhile, efforts to improve the quality of education at the At
Thahiriyah Islamic boarding school are related to core competencies. The
leadership planning and quality of education through increased leadership
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... The urgency of leadership management in these institutions underscores the need for competent leaders who can steer the institutions towards excellence and adaptability (Qurnia and Rindaningsih 2024), Furthermore, the implementation of transformational leadership can lead to quality development and progress in Islamic educational institutions (Syamsuddin and Maunah 2020). Effective leadership planning, as a form of worship, scholarship, and sincerity, is crucial for the success of educational institutions (Syihabudin et al. 2023). ...
... The urgency of leadership planning in Islamic boarding schools underscores the significance of organizing institutions based on values of worship, scholarship, and sincerity (Syihabudin et al. 2023). Democratic leadership models have proven effective in countering religious radicalism movements in student boarding schools, emphasizing the importance of leadership in shaping institutional culture and values (Zaman et al. 2024). ...
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The challenge of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Indonesia plays a crucial role and requires enhancement. The pivotal role of HEIs in Indonesia is multifaceted. These institutions play a crucial part in shaping the country's cultural and religious identity, while also providing education that aligns with contemporary demands. This study explored the performance and soft skills among lecturers and administration staff in Islamic HEIs. The study emphasizes performance and soft skills based on managerial effectiveness in Islamic HEIs in Indonesia. The performance and soft skills explored from critical analyses of global literature. The study was conducted in Lombok, Indonesia, among 3 Islamic HEIs. Methods used were literature review, observation, and in-depth interviews. The software used was NVIVO 14 with the relative thematic analysis of the study. Findings on the HEIs model soft skills proposed to address enhancing administration staff performance and lecturer performance. By nurturing these soft skills, organizations thrive when they cultivate alignment, creativity, adaptability, and effective management and avoid mushroom management. Mushroom management in the context of organizational management and leadership styles represents a management style that is characterized by secrecy, lack of transparency, and limited employee involvement in decision-making processes. The results proposed the model to address enhancing administration staff performance through alignment value, change management, and Islamic leadership. The model addresses enhancing lecturer performance through alignment value, change management, Islamic leadership, and divergent thinking. By nurturing these soft skills, organizations thrive when they cultivate alignment, creativity, adaptability, and effective performance management. Administration staff performance impacts the lecturer’s performance besides the lecturer’s performance itself. Research suggests that organizations can benefit greatly from nurturing soft skills and adopting more transparent and inclusive leadership practices to avoid mushroom management. The practical implication of this research proposed model for enhancing administration staff and lecturer performance in Islamic higher education institutions (HEIs) includes administration staff performance enhancement through aligning individual roles with organizational objectives, implementing change management strategies, monitoring performance through key indicators, and applying Islamic leadership principles. Lecturer Performance enhancement through aligning course objectives with institutional goals encouraging research alignment, promoting pedagogical innovations, and fostering visionary leadership.
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Pesantren is an original Indonesian education based on Islamic values and a moral fortress. Pesantren is a base to protect people from various kinds of moral damage that impact the quality of the nation's future. This study aims to describe the role and responsibility of Pesantren in facing moral degradation in Pesantren Al-Hadi Ciruas Serang Banten. This qualitative case study research was conducted over two months using data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis used triangulation techniques. Data analysis collects, reduces, presents, and verifies data. This study found that the Al-Hadi Islamic Boarding School implements character education by practicing the values that form the character of a modern Islamic boarding school and then implementing it in the learning process, forming Islamic boarding school culture, co-curricular activities, and extracurricular activities. Integrally the whole process of education and learning in Islamic boarding schools forms a distinctive culture of Islamic boarding schools that distinguishes it from the education system outside Islamic boarding schools. The values developed are (1) sincerity; (2) simplicity; (3) independence; (4) brotherhood based on religious spirit and care for the environment. The values that shape the character of modern Islamic boarding schools are then implemented in the learning process, the formation of Islamic boarding schools culture, and co-curricular and extracurricular activities. The values developed are (1) sincerity; (2) simplicity; (3) independence; (4) brotherhood based on religious spirit and care for the environment.
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This article explains the development of Islamic education in Indonesia. The focus of the discussion was the Salafist boarding school. This article aims to find a form of Islamic education that develops in Islamic boarding schools with Salafi ideology (manhaj Salafi). This study uses the literature method. This article concludes that Salafist Islamic boarding schools are a new model of Islamic education in Indonesia today. This pesantren model is different from pesantren in general which has long been developed in Indonesia. The triggering factor for its development is the influence of global Islamic currents, and provides variations in Islamic education patterns, especially at Pesantren institution in Indonesia. The curriculum used at the Assunah Islamic Boarding School both in formal and non-formal education is indicated by radicalism as it is known by the public regarding the Salafist community, but it is more directed towards Salafus Saleh, namely following religious behavior based on the Qur'an, Sunah Rasul and the practice of the life of the previous pious (generation of Friends). The materials taught at the Assunah Islamic Boarding School, it has an impact on the Aqidah and Morals of students, where students or the community who diligently follow an education at the Assunnah Islamic Boarding School have strong aqidah, have polite behavior, tawad'u, have a high social spirit and are sincere.
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Pondok Pesantren is one of the Islamic religious education institutions in Indonesia. The number of criticisms regarding the pattern of pondok pesantren leadership that cannot keep up with the times is the reason for this study being conducted. This study examines the leadership model of pondok pesantren in Banten Province. The approach used is a qualitative approach with a descriptive-analytical method. The stages of data collection, processing, and analysis are then described narratively. The research was carried out in four pondok pesantren representing Banten Province regions. The study results show that the leadership model of pondok pesantren leaders in Banten Province is still charismatic-authoritative. This model is hereditary. The effectiveness of the leadership of Pondok Pesantren varies. Some are effective, and some are not.
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Pesantren modern Shabilla Batam, Indonesia combines two different models of educational institutions, Pesantren combines Junior High School under the Ministry of Education with pesantren which is under the Ministry of Religious Affairs. This approach is supported by strong pesantren leadership. This study aims to examine the impact of personal conception in the formation of strong leadership to lead modern pesantren. The research method used is qualitative with a case study model. The research was conducted at Pesantren Modern Shabilla Batam with the subjects of the study being foundation leaders, pesantren caregivers, junior high school principals and teacher councils with a total number of participants of ten. The selection of participants was carried out by purposive method with the help of a key person. The data collection techniques used are interviews, observations and studies. The data obtained were analyzed using the Creswell (2015) approach model. The results showed a relationship between personal concepts and strong leadership. For this reason, it is recommended that research be carried out on many similar subjects to get a more complete picture.
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This article aims to describe the pattern of the leadership of Kiai and activities Pondok Pesantren Buntet Cirebon West Java. The method used is qualitative descriptive. In conclusion: (1) the Leadership of Kiai in organizing and managing pesantren Buntet shows responsibility, attention, full of appeal and a big influence for the students. Attitudes, behavior, and actions Kiai observed and interpreted by the students in the life sehani-day in pesantren Buntet. (2) Pesantren Buntet manages the learning shalaf with the system sorogan, wetonan, halaqah, and Bahtsul Masa ‘il and Khalaf with the learning system of the modern and innovative. (3) the supporting Factors in managing learning in Pesantren Buntet: (a) lack of awareness, willingness, competence, and expertise of the Kiai sepuh and manager better. (b) maintaining the attitude and behavior of noble character. (c) the relationship of Kiai and santri, dan Kiai with the community very well. The inhibiting factor is: (a) minimal supporting infrastructure and facilities. (b) the limited education budget. (c) the limited local learning and infrastructure of learning. (d) the management of the boarding school of the weak and the Period of study for quite a long time. (4) the Efforts of the improvement and development of pesantren Buntet of endeavoring to overcome the obstacles faced Pesantren Buntet.
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The goal of this paper is to look at the Future of Islamic Boarding Schools and their Implications. This study employs a qualitative descriptive approach in conjunction with library research, by collecting books and other sources related to research objects. The findings discussed in this paper, along with their implications for Islamic boarding school and renewal. The Islamic boarding school education system comes first. Second, consider the Islamic boarding school’s reaction to reforms. Third, there was a fight in the Islamic boarding school. Fourth, consider the scope and implications of Islamic boarding school renewal.
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The difficulty of non-Javanese students learning Arabic and Islam using the Pegon method is a research topic that has yet to receive much attention from academics. This article aims to analyze the difficulties of non-Javanese students in the Pegon Method. Data were obtained through interviews, observation, and document analysis. The results of this study indicate that the difficulties of non-Javanese students are caused by the Javanese language used in the Pegon method. Furthermore, the Arabic or Hijaiyah letters used to write Pegon Javanese are slightly different from the original Arabic, and the scientific foundation of Arabic for students needs to be improved. Preparatory class programs, peer tutoring, and literature translation using the Pegon script into Indonesian are some strategies for anticipating student difficulties.
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This study aims to determine and describe the concept of learning management at Pondok Pesantren At-Thahiriyah regarding muzakarah and sorogan activities, knowing the role of ustadz and daily administrators in providing supervision to students in muzakarah and sorogan activities, knowing the evaluation of muzakarah and sorogan activities in improving reading ability of the yellow book. students at the At-Thahiriyah Islamic Boarding School, and to find out the various obstacles encountered by the At-Thahiriyah Islamic Boarding School in managing muzakarah and sorogan activities in improving the students' reading ability of the yellow book. The benefit is that good management of Islamic boarding school learning is very helpful in improving the ability to read the yellow book of students, especially at the At-Tahiriyah Islamic Boarding School. This research method uses descriptive qualitative. The selection of this method will make it easier to understand the data exposure that has been explained because it is arranged accurately and systematically. This data collection uses: observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study are: 1) the concept of learning management of muzakarah and sorogan activities in improving the ability to read the yellow book which includes lesson planning and learning implementation. 2) the role of the ustadz in muzakarah and sorogan activities in the form of controlling and supervising the learning process. 3) the evaluations given by Islamic boarding schools to students are divided into three, memorizing deposits, polar taftisyul, and musabaqah milad cottages. 4) supporting factors for the running of muzakarah and sorogan activities, among others, the performance of daily management and the education sector that coordinate with each other starting from planning, implementing and evaluating activities. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors for muzakarah and sorogan activities emerged from the santri as the perpetrators of these two activities. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan konsep manajemen pembelajaran Pondok Pesantren At-Thahiriyah tentang kegiatan muzakarah dan sorogan, mengetahui peranan ustadz dan pengurus harian dalam memberikan pengawasan kepada santri dalam kegiatan muzakarah dan sorogan, mengetahui evaluasi kegiatan muzakarah dan sorogan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan baca kitab kuning santri di Pondok Pesantren At-Thahiriyah, dan untuk mengetahui berbagai kendala yang ditemui Pondok Pesantren At-Thahiriyah dalam melakukan pengelolaan kegiatan muzakarah dan sorogan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan baca kitab kuning santri. Manfaatnya adalah bahwa manajemen pembelajaran pondok pesantren yang baik sangat membantu dalam meningkatkan kemampuan baca kitab kuning santri khususnya di Pondok Pesantren At-Thahiriyah. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif. Pemilihan metode ini akan mempermudah dalam memahami paparan data yang telah dijelaskan karena tersusun secara akurat dan sistematis. Pengumpulan data ini menggunakan: observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu: 1) konsep manajemen pembelajaran kegiatan muzakarah dan sorogan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan baca kitab kuning yaitu meliputi perencanaan pembelajaran dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran. 2) peranan ustadz dalam kegiatan muzakarah dan sorogan berupa mengontrol dan mengawasi proses pembelajaran. 3) evaluasi yang diberikan pondok pesantren kepada santri terbagi menjadi tiga, setoran hafalan, taftisyul kutub, dan musabaqah milad pondok. 4) faktor pendukung berjalannya kegiatan muzakarah dan sorogan antara lain, adanya kinerja pengurus harian dan bidang pendidikan yang saling berkoordinasi satu sama lain mulai dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pengevaluasian kegiatan. Sedangkan, faktor-faktor penghambat kegiatan muzakarah dan sorogan muncul dari santri sebagai pelaku dari kedua kegiatan tersebut.
In a system, education cannot be separated from the various life systems that surround it. The education system must always metamorphose towards a more ideal level. In the modern era, it is assumed that traditional Islamic boarding schools will experience changes, but the problem is when carrying out changes (modernization) do salafiyyah Islamic boarding schools leave their traditions? This study aims to find out how the policy of the Islamic boarding school will be carried out when there is a need to maintain its traditions and the desire for modernization? This is because the connotations between tradition and modernization are two camps that are difficult to unite. Answering these questions, the Assya`roniyyah Islamic Boarding School is used as a material for discussion, using qualitative descriptive methods and historical sociological and phenomenological approaches the author tries to analyze the education system that is run. The results of the research show that the education system of the Assya`roniyyah Islamic Boarding School is a combination of elements of traditionalism and modernization. The renewal of the salafiyyah Islamic boarding school education system on the one hand is a linear process, meaning that the elements of the education system have been updated in response to modernity, but on the other hand, there is a necessity to stick to the traditional paradigm. So, in essence, the changes that occur in the boarding school system are a process of changing the creation of integral education.