
The Invention of Heterosexuality

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“Heterosexuality,” assumed to denote a universal sexual and cultural norm, has been largely exempt from critical scrutiny. In this boldly original work, Jonathan Ned Katz challenges the common notion that the distinction between heterosexuality and homosexuality has been a timeless one. Building on the history of medical terminology, he reveals that as late as 1923, the term “heterosexuality” referred to a "morbid sexual passion," and that its current usage emerged to legitimate men and women having sex for pleasure. Drawing on the works of Sigmund Freud, James Baldwin, Betty Friedan, and Michel Foucault, The Invention of Heterosexuality considers the effects of heterosexuality’s recently forged primacy on both scientific literature and popular culture. “Lively and provocative.”—Carol Tavris, New York Times Book Review “A valuable primer . . . misses no significant twists in sexual politics.”—Gary Indiana, Village Voice Literary Supplement “One of the most important—if not outright subversive—works to emerge from gay and lesbian studies in years.”—Mark Thompson, The Advocate

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... Grundsätzlich ging es Katz darum, die Mythen der naturgegebenen Heterosexualität des Menschen zu destabilisieren, die Heterosexualität mit den Imperativen der Fortplanzung, der Geschlechtertrennung und mannweiblicher Anziehung verbanden: Heterosexualität sei eine bestimmte historische Ausgestaltung der Geschlechter und ihrer Lüste; die heterosexuelle Ethik und der Glaube an eine ewige Heterosexualität gebe es erst seit den 1920er Jahren (Katz 1995: 14). Historiograisch müsse danach zwischen einer präheterosexuellen und einer heterosexuellen Zeit, zusammengefügt durch eine Übergangsphase im spätviktorianischen Zeitalter, unterschieden werden (Katz 1990). ...
... Allerdings habe die Erindung des Konzeptes «Heterosexualität» dafür gesorgt, dass Männer und Frauen mit einem «profound, sure sense of normalcy» Lust empfunden hätten. In seiner Monograie sollte er dann jedoch einen deutlich diskurshistoristischen Standpunkt einnehmen: eine Geschichte der Heterosexualität könne nicht vor das Jahr 1869 zurückreichen (Katz 1990;Katz 1995: 10). Diese Ausrichtung auf eine Diskursgeschichte der Sexualitätskonzepte und der politischen Auseinandersetzung in den transatlantischen Gesellschaften, vor allem in Nordamerika, Deutschland und Großbritannien, hat aber sicherlich den Fokus zu sehr verengt. ...
... Gracias a la crítica feminista y a los estudios LGTBQ sabemos que la heterosexualidad es, más que una práctica sexual, una posición de poder (Wittig, 2006(Wittig, [1992; Ned Katz, 2007Katz, [1995; Guasch, 2007). Por tanto, la sexualidad no se puede pensar únicamente en términos biológicos, sino que se trata también de un elemento cargado de connotaciones sociales y culturales que han cambiado a lo largo de la historia (Plummer, 1991). ...
... Gracias a la crítica feminista y a los estudios LGTBQ sabemos que la heterosexualidad es, más que una práctica sexual, una posición de poder (Wittig, 2006(Wittig, [1992; Ned Katz, 2007Katz, [1995; Guasch, 2007). Por tanto, la sexualidad no se puede pensar únicamente en términos biológicos, sino que se trata también de un elemento cargado de connotaciones sociales y culturales que han cambiado a lo largo de la historia (Plummer, 1991). ...
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En este artículo se presentan algunas reflexiones sobre las implicaciones y retos de la diversidad sexual y de género para el Trabajo Social. Para ello el autor analiza la feminización de la profesión desde una perspec-tiva crítica que reivindica las oportunidades y fortalezas de la ausencia del carácter varonil en la disciplina. El texto se organiza a través de tres ejes fundamentales relacionados entre ellos: (a) la subalternidad como lugar de seguridad para las personas LGTB, lo que confronta las lógicas heterosexuales dominantes que a menudo se asumen como obvias dentro del ejercicio profesional. (b) La posición como punto clave, en tanto que la neutralidad no es posible, se interpela e invita a la disciplina y a los profesionales a tomar una posición respecto a la diversidad sexual y al género, y (c) el Trabajo Social como acción política feminista, transfeminista y queer en el cual se proponen alianzas con otras disciplinas y activistas por la liberación sexual y de géner que puedan contribuir a mejorar el bienestar de las personas LGTB. Finalmente, se presentan una conclusiones que a modo de reflexión proporcionan algunas ideas y apuestas políticas para repensar el Trabajo Social.
... As such, the implied biological ontology often discourages critical deconstruction. Nevertheless, though same-sex and same-gender sexual behaviors are recorded throughout human history, the social construction of sexuality is evidenced by its modernist invention: until the late 1800s, homosexual and heterosexual identities did not exist in Westernized societies (Katz 2007). However, as the institution of medicine, particularly sexology and psychiatry, became increasingly intrigued with dichotomizing human characteristics, it normalized heterosexuality and pathologized homosexuality. ...
... mesmos movimentos assim como o seu papel fundamental no âmbito das teorias feministas emergentes, como é o caso, por exemplo, de Adrienne Rich(RICH, 1980) -em espaços de destaque tanto nacionais quanto internacionais, o tema central do patriarcado e da heteronormatividade(KATZ, 1990(KATZ, , 1995TIN, 2009) permanece ainda vinculado a questões maiores como classe e "raça". do ressurgimento de um feminismo radical5 , do qual várias pensadoras como Christine Delphy e Monique Wittig são, na França, as herdeiras diretas, as questões sexuais e identitárias se tornam também elementos essenciais de 3 Ver Louise Michel e a revolta Canaca (1878). ...
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O objetivo deste artigo é (re)pensar a(s) história(s) do tempo presente à luz das teorias feministas que, através dos conceitos de interseccionalidade, subalternidade e decolonialidade, oferecem uma visão ao mesmo tempo fecunda e renovada. No cerne da abordagem, a ideia de contornar/submergir as visões hegemônicas, totalizantes e / ou dominantes, para aclarar a contrário a pluralidade de existência(s)/experiência(s) e modalidades práticas, teóricas e simbólicas de sua(s) múltiplas expressão(ões) por meio de pluri-interpretação(ões)/reflexão(ões) pensadas de maneira horizontal (ao nível do solo, pode-se dizer) e não hierárquica(s). Aqui um multifocal de segmentos polimórficos, traços difusos e narrativas fragmentárias emergiria, formando corpo-unidade não por categorização-hierarquização fixista, mas por justaposição-coabitação lábil, propondo uma visão verdadeiramente humana e universal. Palavras-chave: teorias feministas; interseccionalidade; subalternidade; decolonialidade; feminicídio/ecocídio.
... A key first step, critical reflection on privilege and on how the individual actions of the nondisabled contribute to larger social barriers, is missing from most discussions, policy, and research on disability (Hirsh and Olson 1995;Johnson 2006). If researchers only study oppressed social groups, they perpetuate the view that the privileged group is natural, normal, and perfect (Katz 1995). Sociologists will better understand the social construction of disability if they more deeply examine nondisabled privilege and problematize nondisabled beliefs and practices. ...
... However, the term heterosexual is the product of the twentieth century. Katz (1995) in his book "The Invention of Heterosexuality" discusses the evolution of the term heterosexuality. According to him, the term entered the English language a little more than a hundred years ago. ...
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ABSTRACT Sexuality is a central aspect of humanity and encompasses sex, gender identities and roles, sexual orientation, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy and reproduction. Sexuality is experienced and expressed in thoughts, fantasies, desires, beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviours, practices, roles and relationships. Whilst sexuality can include all of these dimensions, not all of them are always experienced or expressed. Sexuality is influenced by the interaction of biological, psychological, social, economic, political, cultural, ethical, legal, historical, religious and spiritual factors . Up until now, the human rights reporting and media coverage of the LBGT community from Iran has mainly been compiled and documented from those who left Iran and are living in exile. There have been very few, if any, research studies undertaken on the LGB community in contemporary Iranian society and how the LGB community is viewed from the individual’s own perspective. In essence, there is scarcely any information about the experiences of LGB individuals in Iran. More specifically, there has been little or no research about their lives and how LGB people in Iran feel that their experiences are affected by their sexual identity. This study attempts to fill this gap on this important subject. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first study conducted inside Iran exploring LGB in Iran. The present research study contributes a unique dimension to the literature on LGB by focusing specifically on Iran. This study examines this unvisited field of sexuality in Iran by looking into the multiple complex dimensions of sexual identity and nuances within the LGB community against a rising recognition of one’s sexual orientation. This study challenges misunderstandings of LGB and sexuality in Iran by scrutinising the myths and narratives that have so often misinformed gender, development policy and practice, in order to inspire a more inclusive approach. This study is incredibly complex as it gives more than just a simple overview of sexual orientation and thoughts about gender within the spheres of the individuals’ private and public lives. For the first time, this intense research centred on in-depth interviews with over 300 individuals (60% male and 40% female) in 3 major Iranian cities: Tehran, Mashhad and Isfahan. This study addresses the challenges arising from contemporary changes in gender relationships and how this is played out in Iran whilst providing readers, LGB communities, universities and research centres, public and social advocates and students with the theoretical and methodological frameworks in which LGB is explored and researched. The purposes and key aims of this research project are to understand the perceptions, beliefs and of LGB in Iran through critical analysis from the individuals themselves and the challenges they face living in a religious, class based traditional and patriarchal bound society that has rejected LGB as an identity. It is here where this study begins to seek why. The necessity of focusing on the LGB society and the vulnerability of its oppressed and silenced members was the motivation to shed light on the state of affairs of LGB individuals who have been intentionally neglected and socially marginalised. This study weaves together phenomenological, hermeneutic, post-modern, and depth-psychological approaches to create a methodology of subjectivity suitable for researching the LGB experience that encompasses the examiner's own intuitions and feelings in the research study’s verification criteria for safeguarding “objectivity”. This approach places the individual as the final arbiter of any psychological discovery and, thus, provides unique solutions for the understanding of sacred phenomena that are firmly grounded in the felt-experience of embodied subjectivity. Methodology (organization of the study, sampling, structures, measures) The data for this research study was collected over the course of one year between 2016 and 2017. Most projects of this nature lack sound methodology and often suffer under the almost inevitable weakness of convenience sampling. LGB individuals in Iran belong to a silenced minority who often are compelled to hide their sexual orientation from their families and friends out of a well-founded fear of reprisals and social rejection. Although this study that the 300 individuals may not be representative of the general population of LGB individuals in Iran but by far 300 interviews are more than enough to achieve a high standard and credible research method. This research study undoubtedly offers a window into the lives of LGB individuals in Iran who live covert lives. It is the hope that the findings and conclusions in this study will lead to new policies and interventions. Hopefully future research studies should replicate this research with a larger, possibly nationally representative population, and outline the extent to which results vary by individual who identified as LGB. The study is retrospective; adults provided information about experiences that took place during their adolescent years. This plausibly lends itself to bias recall when describing specific family reactions to their LGB identity. To minimize this concern, this study created measures that queried as objectively as possible whether or not a specific family behaviour or response related to their LGB identity actually occurred. Additionally there was concern that respondents either will not answer sensitive questions regarding sexual orientation or will answer inaccurately. In particular, the study took extra precautions to enhance the privacy of the survey environment to encourage respondents to respond to sensitive questions sufficiently without feeling shy or self-conscious. A unique feature of the scope of this research study is that it focuses only on LGB and not Transgender and or Transsexual individuals (who possess two different sides of sexuality that operate simultaneously). Transgender is normally part of the LGBT acronym. Transsexuals have been intentionally excluded from this study as their status in Iran is somewhat legally approved. Whilst they are recognized and legitimized in Iran, their situation is still dependent on one Fatwa line that allows them to undergo sex-change operations. In the mid-1980s a Fatwa by Iran's Supreme Cleric Imam Khomeini allowed transgender individuals officially recognized by the government to undergo sex reassignment surgery. As of 2008, Iran carries out more sex change operations than any other nation in the world except for Thailand. The government typically pays up to half the cost (and in some case in full) for those needing financial assistance, and the sex change is duly noted and recognised on the birth certificate. As promising as this legal permission seems to be it is still not immune from sudden changes. For example, at any time a supreme cleric can issue a superseding fatwa revoking this right and thus deny Transgender basic civil and social rights. This important fact has been one of the reasons to exclude Transsexuals from this research in addition to the fact that transsexuals in Iran have already been studied and widely written about. Although Transsexuals as an identifiable group suffer from the same problems as homosexuals, such as labelling, violations and bullying the crucial difference is that the government does not deny their existence. Transsexuals in comparison to LGB individuals face less stigmatization and ostracisation in Iran. (For further discussion see Chapter LGBT Rights in Iran). There was also a very genuine pressing concern amongst the researchers about sensitization and drawing attention to Transsexuals’ relatively fragile position in Iranian society. This concern equally underlined the decision to concentrate the research study on LGB individuals and exclude trans genders. Thus, taking into consideration time constraints, it was decided to focus the research study on LGB attitudes, feelings, beliefs, experiences and reactions in Iran in order to gain a larger amount of information over a shorter period of time. The necessity of focusing on LGB society and the vulnerability of its very oppressed and silenced members is of paramount importance. Nevertheless, in addressing LGB in Iranian society this is not to dismiss the various threats the transgender community faces, including being stigmatised, excluded, social or marital rejection, alienation and economic reprisals. To read related articles and to download click here:
... However, the term heterosexual is the product of the twentieth century. Katz (1995) in his book "The Invention of Heterosexuality" discusses the evolution of the term heterosexuality. According to him, the term entered the English language a little more than a hundred years ago. ...
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چکیده جنسیت یکی از مهم¬ترین ابعاد زندگی انسان است که شامل هویت‌ها و نقش‌های جنسی و جنسیتی، گرایش‌های جنسی، شهوت، لذت، صمیمیت و تولیدمثل می‌شود. جنسیت در افکار، رؤیاپردازی‌ها، امیال، باورها، دیدگاه‌ها، ارزش‌ها، رفتارها، رویه‌ها، نقش‌ها و روابط افراد خود را نشان می‌دهد. در حالی که جنسیت می‌تواند این ابعاد را دربربگیرد، همة آنها همواره تجربه یا ابراز نمی‌شوند. جنسیت تحت تأثیر تعاملات زیستی، روانی، اجتماعی، اقتصادی، فرهنگی، اخلاقی، حقوقی، تاریخی، مذهبی و عوامل معنوی نیز قرار دارد. تا امروز، گزارش‌ها و پوشش‌هایی رسانه‌ای دربارة اجتماع دگرباشان ایرانی تهیه شده است؛ اما بیشتر این گزارش‌ها مجموعه‌های جمع‌آوری و مستندشده از کسانی¬اند که ایران را ترک کرده¬اند و در سرزمین دیگری زندگی می‌کنند. دربارۀ دگرباشان جامعة معاصر ایران و اینکه به این اجتماع از زاویۀ دید خودشان چطور نگاه می‌شود، مطالعات پژوهشی محدودی صورت گرفته است. تقریباً هیچ اطلاعاتی دربارة تجربیات افراد دگرباش ساکن ایران وجود ندارد. به طور خاص، هیچ پژوهشی دربارة زندگی و احساسات آنها در ایران و چگونگی تأثیرپذیری تجربیاتشان از هویت جنسی در دست نیست یا اگر هست، بسیار محدود است. این پژوهش بر آن است تا این شکاف علمی را دربارۀ موضوعی تا این حد مهم پر کند. براساس اطلاعات من، این اولین پژوهشی است که در داخل ایران دربارة دگرباشان صورت گرفته است. این پژوهش به متون موجود دربارة دگرباشان با تمرکز بر جغرافیای ایران بعدی ویژه اضافه می‌کند. این مطالعة مردم‌شناسانه، حوزة نادیدة جنسیت در ایران را با نگاه به جنبه‌های متعدد و پیچیدة هویت جنسی و ظرافت‌های آن در اجتماع دگرباشان، در بستر شناخت روبه¬فزونی از گرایش‌های جنسی بررسی می‌کند. در عین حال، کج‌فهمی‌های رایج دربارة دگرباشان و جنسیت در ایران را به چالش می‌کشد و افسانه‌ها و روایت‌هایی را که اغلب سبب شناخت نادرست از جنسیت و تدوین سیاست‌ها و رویه‌های اشتباه شده‌اند، نقد می‌کند تا زمینه‌ساز رویکردی جامع‌تر شود. این مطالعه بسیار پیچیده است؛ چراکه فراتر از نگاهی کلی و ساده به گرایش جنسی و افکار مربوط به جنسیت در حوزة زندگی خصوصی و عمومی فرد است. برای اولین بار، این تحقیق بر مصاحبه‌های عمیق با 300 نفر (60 درصد مرد و 40 درصد زن) در سه شهر بزرگ ایران (تهران، مشهد و اصفهان) متمرکز شد. در این کار، چالش‌های برخاسته از تغییرات عصر حاضر در روابط جنسیتی و چگونگی این تعاملات در ایران بررسی شد و در عین حال، چهارچوب‌های نظری و روشمندی‌ به خوانندگان، دگرباشان، دانشگاه‌ها و مراکز پژوهشی، فعالان عرصة عمومی و اجتماعی و دانشجویان ارائه ‌شد تا دگرباشان براساس آنها مطالعه و بررسی شوند. اهداف اصلی این پروژة تحقیقی، درک احساسات و باورها حول دگرباشان در ایران از طریق تحلیل انتقادی از نگاه خود این افراد و بررسی چالش‌هایی است که آنها بر اثر زندگی در جامعه‌ای مذهبی، طبقه‌محور، سنتی و پدرسالار، که دگرباشی را به¬مثابه هویت رد می‌کند، تجربه می‌کنند. پرسش این پژوهش از همین¬جا شروع می‌شود. ضرورت تمرکز بر اجتماع دگرباشان و آسیب‌پذیری این افراد سرکوب‌شده و به سکوت واداشته¬شده انگیزه‌ای شد برای روشنگری دربارۀ وضعیت این افراد که عامدانه نادیده گرفته شده و از سوی اجتماع به حاشیه رانده شده‌اند. این پژوهش از تلفیقی از رویکردهای پدیدارشناسانه، هرمنوتیکی، پسامدرن و روان‌شناختی بهره می‌برد تا روشی نظری را به وجود آورد که برای پژوهش دربارة تجربة دگرباشی مناسب باشد و در عین حال، شهود و احساسات خود پژوهشگر را هم در معیار تأیید مطالعه برای حفظ «عینیت» دربربگیرد. این روش فرد را داور نهایی هر کشف روان‌شناسانه می‌داند و بنابراین راه¬حل‌های خاص برای درک پدیده‌های مقدسی به دست می‌دهد که به شدت در تجربیات ذهنی ریشه دارند. برای دسترسی به نسخه کامل مقاله و دیکر مطالب مرتبط به این لینک مراجعه کنید:
... A resposta moderada, por sua vez, pode redundar em um paradoxo: como sustentar a igualdade entre as orientações sexuais (e, por conseguinte, suprimir a homofobia), se, como sustenta Katz (1995), a heterossexualidade se define precisamente pela negação e desvalorização da homossexualidade? Dito de outro modo: cuida-se de tentar conciliar o inconciliável. ...
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Apontar as relações e as diferenças entre os conceitos de homofobia, heterossexualidade compulsória e heteronormatividade.
... Kimmel (1993) discussed the work that the invisibility of men's gender does in terms of preserving it. Katz (1995) discussed the invisibility of heterosexuality as a named sexual identity and how that worked to help reiterate heteronormativity. Invisibility, in each of these subfields, was framed as more than a fact or observation of social privilege and structured advantage-invisibility was one of the principle mechanisms of social reproduction. ...
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Feminist scholarship on masculinities ossified into a recognizable “subfield” of gender studies, in part, through systematically centering the work of a very small group of white men. This process of collective centering works as an effective “exclusionary practice” that I argue hinders both the scholarly and political potential of this field. This article examines the transformation of the status of the subfield alongside an examination of women’s contributions to feminist scholarship on masculinities, and an emergent politics of citation that works to reproduce inequality within this subfield. In addition to identifying the processes by which a small group of white men have accumulated a disproportionate amount of power and status within “masculinities studies” as problematic, I also question the lack of critical dialogue and debate between various subfields examining systems of power and structured advantage. Here, I put masculinities studies into conversation with whiteness studies, critical heterosexualities studies, research on elites, and more to argue that there should be more dialogue between scholars doing research in these areas. Disrupting exclusionary practices in masculinities studies with both political and practical intent will better situate feminist scholars of masculinities to adapt their scholarship to transformations in the character and form of durable systems of inequality as well as identifying emergent processes and mechanisms of social reproduction.
... Einen weiteren Bezugspunkt stellen "queer"-historische Analysen über Sexualitäts-und Homosexualitätskonzepte dar (Sandilands/ Erickson 2010: 6ff., auch z.B. Vicinus 1993Katz 1990;Greenberg 1988). Danach gab es einen Wandel im Verständnis homosexuellen Verhaltens als "sündiger Exzess" und moralische Transgression "normaler" Menschen, hin zu seiner Interpretation im 17. ...
... Michael Kimmel (1993) discussed the work that the invisibility of men's gender does in terms of preserving it. Jonathan Ned Katz (1995) discussed the invisibility of heterosexuality as a named sexual identity and how that worked to help reiterate heteronormativity. Invisibility, in each of these subfields, was framed as more than a fact or observation of social privilege and structured advantageinvisibility was one of the principle mechanisms of social reproduction. ...
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Feminist scholarship on masculinities ossified into a recognizable “subfield” of gender studies, in part, through systematically centering the work of a very small group of white men. This process of collective centering works as an effective “exclusionary practice” that I argue hinders both the scholarly and political potential of this field. This article examines the transformation of the status of the subfield alongside an examination of women’s contributions to feminist scholarship on masculinities, and an emergent politics of citation that works to reproduce inequality within this subfield. In addition to identifying the processes by which a small group of white men have accumulated a disproportionate amount of power and status within “masculinities studies” as problematic, I also question the lack of critical dialogue and debate between various subfields examining systems of power and structured advantage. Here, I put masculinities studies into conversation with whiteness studies, critical heterosexualities studies, research on elites, and more to argue that there should be more dialogue between scholars doing research in these areas. Disrupting exclusionary practices in masculinities studies with both political and practical intent will better situate feminist scholars of masculinities to adapt their scholarship to transformations in the character and form of durable systems of inequality as well as identifying emergent processes and mechanisms of social reproduction.
... debate, I suggest, repeat some of the main tropes in the history of homophobia and transphobia that defend against the loss of a fantasized "naturalness of gender" (Halberstam 2005;Katz 1995). The discourse, I argue, is stalled in the stall. ...
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O artigo situa as tensões teóricas e metodológicas das perspectivas queer e marxista no contexto do desenvolvimento recente do capitalismo dos EUA. O desenvolvimento material e ideológico das formas taylorista e fordista (desenvolvimento de tecnologias de produção e estímulo ao consumo de massa) tem relação direta com a reificação do erótico, pois a indução ao consumo teria levadoa uma autonomização sem precedentes do desejo sexual. A base material de produção capitalista é responsável por dissociar sexualidade e gênero e abre caminho para a reificação do erótico pela classe, sobredeterminando políticas anti-heterossexistas. No entanto, há uma dialética histórica mutuamente produtiva e constitutiva da mercadorização do desejo e de sua politização. A reificação é, também, uma inflexão produtiva, que deve ser pensada de maneira mais dialética e menos funcionalista. Nesse sentido, o artigo propõe que a cultura do consumo pode ser lida como um ponto necessário e contínuo da história moderna e da luta anti-heterossexista.
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Two of the terms most frequently used by scholars and music journalists alike to describe former The Smiths singer Morrissey's persona are ambiguous and ambivalent-an evaluation that applies among other things to his attitude towards gender and sexuality. While Morrissey refuses to classify himself in any predefined categories of gender and sexuality, his own and his band's musical canon is rife with narratives of queer desire and instances of sexual intimacy, which often allow for both a gay and a straight viewpoint. It is precisely this ambiguity that offers the possibility of an interpretation offside a compulsory heterosexuality and-normativity, therefore opening it to a queer audience. It is furthermore among the reasons why lyrics by Morrissey and The Smiths, as I will argue, qualify as queer texts. In order to establish and defend such a view, this paper will draw on Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick's approach of a queer reading and her work on homosocial desire in literature, Harold Beaver's examination of homosexual signs, and Teresa de Lauretis definition of queer texts. One of the pillars of de Lauretis's classification is that of non-closure of a narrative and is thus closely linked to queer negativity and non-futurity. Morrissey and The Smiths' oeuvre offers a significant set of songs that embrace these ideas. Deriving from Jack Halberstam's concept of the queer art of failure, Lee Edelman's critique of reproductive futurism, Judith Butler's reflections on the term queer, and José Esteban Muñoz's conceptualisation of a queer utopia I will show how Morrissey uses different formulas of negativity and longing to generate power from, thus transforming them into critique of regimes of the normal. It is in this diverse and subversive expression of queer negativity and desire that Morrissey disrupts normativity and its underlying stigmatising and discriminating potential.
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چکیده بیشتر گزارش‌هایی که تاکنون دربارۀ اجتماع دگرباشان تهیه شده است، از افرادی است که در حال حاضر، ایران را ترک کرده‌اند و در سرزمین دیگری زندگی می‌کنند و هنوز اطلاعات چندانی دربارۀ تجارب و تجربیات افراد دگرباش ساکن ایران وجود ندارد. به‌طور خاص، پژوهشی دربارۀ زندگی و احساسات آنها در ایران و چگونگی تأثیرپذیری تجربیاتشان از هویت جنسی‌شان در دست نیست یا اگر هست، این اطلاعات بسیار محدود است. پژوهش حاضر بر آن است تا این شکاف علمی دربارۀ موضوعی تااین‌حد مهم را پر کند. این مطالعه بسیار پیچیده است، چراکه فراتر از نگاهی کلی و ساده به گرایش جنسی و افکار مربوط به جنسیت در حوزۀ زندگی خصوصی و عمومی فرد است. در این پژوهش به بررسی تاریخچۀ قوانین کشورهای مختلف با مذاهب متفاوت دربارۀ محدودیت‌های اعمال‌شده علیه حقوق دگرباشان پرداخته می‌شود. همچنین به بررسی جنبش‌های مختلف دگرباشان در نقاط مختلف جهان که جهت مقابله با این قوانین صورت گرفته است، می‌پردازد و نقش سازمان‌های بین‌المللی و حقوق بشر در تدوین قوانین حامی حقوق دگرباشان مورد مطالعه قرار خواهد گرفت و بالاخره قوانین داخلی ایران دربارۀ دگرباشان مورد واکاوی قرار می‌گیرد. اهداف اصلی این پروژۀ تحقیقی درک احساسات و باورها درمورد دگرباشان در ایران ازطریق تحلیل انتقادی از نگاه خود این افراد و بررسی چالش‌هایی است که آنها براثرِ زندگی در جامعه‌ای مذهبی، طبقه‌محور، سنتی و پدرسالار ــ که دگرباشی را به‌عنوان هویت رد می‌کند ــ تجربه می‌کنند. درواقع، پرسش این پژوهش از همین‌جا شروع می‌شود، اینکه ضرورت تمرکز بر اجتماع دگرباشان و آسیب‌پذیری این افراد سرکوب‌شده و به ‌سکوت ‌واداشته ‌شده انگیزه‌ای شد برای روشنگری دربارۀ وضعیت این افراد که عامدانه نادیده گرفته شده‌اند و ازسوی اجتماع به حاشیه رانده شده‌اند. این تحقیق بر مصاحبه‌های عمیق با بیش از 400 نفر ــ که60 درصد آنان مرد و 40 درصد زن بودند ــ در سه کلان‌شهر تهران، مشهد، و اصفهان متمرکز شد و این پژوهش درطول سال‌های 1395 و 1396 شمسی انجام شد. در این پژوهش، برای انتخاب جامعۀ هدف از روش نمونه‌گیری گلوله برفی استفاده شده است. یکی از ویژگی‌های خاص دامنۀ این مطالعه آن است که تنها بر دگرباشان گرایش جنسی تمرکز کرده است و به افراد تراجنسیتی ــ که دارای دو جنبۀ زنانه و مردانۀ جنسیت‌اند و هردوی این جنبه‌ها در وجود آنان به‌طور هم‌زمان فعال است ــ نپرداخته است. افراد تراجنسیتی به‌عمد در این مطالعه وارد نشده‌اند، چراکه در ایران، جایگاه آنها از منظر حقوقی تا حدودی تأیید شده است. بی‌شک، این مطالعۀ پژوهشی دریچه‌ای است به زندگی دگرباشان ایران که معمولاً زندگی در خفا را برگزیده‌اند و امید است یافته‌ها و نتیجه‌گیری‌های این مطالعه به سیاست‌ها و مداخلاتی نو بینجامند. کلیدواژه: دگرباش، هویت جنسی، حقوق دگرباشان، نمونه‌گیری گلوله برفی. برای دسترسی به نسخه کامل مقاله و دیکر مطالب مرتبط به این لینک مراجعه کنید:
Outsider status, especially multiple social marginalities, usually constitutes a burden. Certain combinations can be advantageous for cultural producers, however, especially when geographic marginality is part of the mix. The Local Color movement demonstrates the outsider’s edge. In mid‐nineteenth century in America, print technology, reduced postal rates, and mass literacy led to the golden age of magazines. Their readers sought stories about the regional cultures that were disappearing in an industrializing nation. Local Color—fiction about places outside the northeast cultural heartland—met this demand. Local Color authors shared outsider identities – geography, gender, and sexuality—that characterized and shaped the movement. Comparison with authors in the adjacent genres of Bestselling, Sentimental, and The Atlantic Monthly fiction reveals that multiple outsiderness (1) was not typical for authors of the period, and (2) advantaged women from the geographic periphery, especially those with unconventional sexual careers.
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This, particular study explores how the Middle Ages gave birth to sadomasochistic erotica; how a burgeoning literary tradition influenced patterns of sexuality and media across medieval Europe. The bulk of the following analysis is centered around Chrétien de Troyes’ Knight of the Cart, and it is aimed at the following questions: Can the origins of sadomasochistic erotica be traced to the courtly romance of Chrétien de Troyes? What were the social ramifications of courtly romance literature? To what extent does Chrétien’s writing depict sadomasochistic relations? How did it affect patterns of sexual behavior in medieval Europe? How did it impact women’s agency? How did the world of sadomasochistic erotica change after the Middle Ages? And likewise, how did its effect on society evolve over time?
Drawing on an intersectional perspective, this chapter documents the many ways in which sexuality and migration inform each other. At the macrostructural level, the chapter illustrates that societies have a vested interest in regulating sexuality and migration as both are embryonic to the maintenance of boundaries, belonging, and citizenship. At the interpersonal level, the chapter shows that sexuality impels migration, and migration, in turn, influences changes in sexual identity, behavior, and practices. The chapter uses a historical framework that extends from the colonial era to the contemporary processes of globalization to scaffold the contentious connections between the Global North and the Global South today, and in the process, demonstrates the continuities and shifts between the two eras. The chapter shows that in both epochs, at the global level, the straight white male elite enjoy the most privileges at the expense of “others” – primarily other men of color, women, and LGBTQ communities.
This chapter describes the ways that science and technology have impacted knowledge, behavior, and perceptions about sexuality and the ways that diversity in human expressions of sexuality has shaped science and technology. It examines scholarship in three of the areas in which these two‐way impacts have occurred: the academic study of human sexuality (often called sexology or sexual science); research and development regarding contraception or fertility techniques, along with their availability; and how the history of technology intersects with the history of erotic desire and expression. It outlines the ideas of key sexual science scholars, and how their ideas influenced the thoughts and work of their peers and successors. It addresses the ways that science and technology, particularly sexological knowledge, still and moving image technologies, and erotic objects can affect how individuals perceive their sexuality as a whole: their desires, behaviors, identities, partnerships, fantasies, and dreams. Access to contraception, information about fertility and infertility, and fertility technologies all impact the ability to reproduce or not. Access to scientifically created sexual knowledge, whether through texts, photographs, films, the internet, and one‐on‐one conversations, plays a role in how individuals understand and express themselves as sexual beings – and form new knowledges to share with others.
From our most fundamental understandings of the science of sex differences, to seemingly far‐off fantastical possibilities of artificial intelligence, science, technology and gender are deeply intertwined social phenomena. Gender studies scholars, particularly those in the field of Feminist Science and Technology Studies (FSTS), study the complex entanglements between science, technology, gender, and a host of other salient socially defined identities such as race, class, sexuality, and disability. At stake in scholarship about the connections between science, technology and gender are questions of what and who counts as human; the nature of knowledge, truth, and reality; and the relationships between science, technology and social justice. In this chapter, I briefly survey insights from the diverse, interdisciplinary and intersectional field of gender studies about the relationship between science, technology, and gender, with special emphasis on FSTS. I discuss several inter‐related strands of scholarship: history and critiques of the science of sex/gender, gendered patterns of participation in science and technology fields, and the history of gendered social injustices in relation to technoscience. I conclude with an examination of the ways in which technoscience might contribute to increasing justice.
This chapter introduces readers to A Genealogy of Appetite in the Sexual Sciences, which examines key “moments” in the pathologisation of sexuality, and demonstrates how medical techniques assumed critical roles in shaping modern understandings of the problem of appetite. It examines how techniques of the patient case history, elixirs and devices, measurement, diagnostic manuals and pharmaceuticals were central to the medicalisation of sexual appetite. Histories of sexuality have predominantly focused on the emergence of sexual identities and categories of desire. They have marginalised questions of excess and lack, the appearance of a libido that dwindles or intensifies, which became a pathological object in Europe by the nineteenth century. Through a genealogical method that draws on the writings of Michel Foucault, the chapter highlights the pronounced focus on questions of object choice in histories of sexuality while delineating an approach to the history of sexual appetite in psychiatric discourse.
Sexual appetite assumed a significant role in the pathologisation of perversions in the nineteenth century. Ideas of balance, frequency and amount functioned to govern sexual normality. Who is “normal” was as much a question of appetite as it was of object choice. This chapter examines how the medicalisation of sexual appetite in nineteenth-century sexology emerged through the technique of the patient case history. It considers two aspects of this technique: first, how the case history presented sexual appetite as a structuring device in the expansion of taxonomies of sexual perversions, and second, how this was accomplished by inextricably tying the imagination and narrative to the notion of sexual excess. The imagination formed the bedrock of sexuality itself and was treated as both essential and suspicious. The patient case history was a discursive device linking pathology, excess and the imagination. It constituted a technique for the ordering of knowledge on sexual appetite and its dissemination.
This chapter examines the works of Alfred Charles Kinsey, and William H. Masters and Virginia E. Johnson in the development of sexual science in the twentieth century. It analyses the way in which Kinsey utilised statistics and the concept of averages in his research on human sexuality. It argues that sexual appetite conditioned how statistical data was used in the Kinsey studies. The Kinsey team mobilised questions of “how much?” and “how often?” to produce graphs on which sexual appetite could be counted and mapped. Turning to the work of Masters and Johnson and the use of techniques of observation and measurement in the creation of norms of sexual behaviour, the chapter explores how the researchers further opened sexual activity to scientific investigation. Their work cemented norms of sexual appetite, presenting both the necessity of perfecting techniques to achieve pleasure and the norm to which individuals should aspire. This chapter thus contends that the works of Kinsey, and Masters and Johnson were important for reifying concepts of averages and norms, and for developing techniques for the measurement of sexual appetite.
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Queer studies is pivoting toward questions of research design, data, and analysis. However, efforts among scholars to bring into dialogue the notions of “queer” with “methods” has unearthed a paradox: the former celebrates fluidity, ephemerality, and unstable classificatory systems while the latter is defined by order and disciplinary techniques. What productive avenues of inquiry exist between these seemingly orthogonal elements? And what inferential and interpretive possibilities arise at its nexus? This chapter offers four provocations for the emerging field of queer methods: how to identify new types of data (“queer methods”); how to modify existing protocols to better resonate with queer theoretical frameworks (“queering methods”); how to challenge methodological norms of coherence, generalizability, and reliability (“queering methodology”); and how to outline the pedagogical implications of queer methods (“queer pedagogy”). These provocations satisfy the dual mandates for queer methods: to outline the conditions of queer world-making and to clarify, but not over-determine, the conditions that make those lives more livable.
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O estudo da homossexualidade e de outras sexualidades não-normativas tem uma longa e distinguível linhagem nas ciências sociais. Este ensaio é uma tentativa de escavar uma parte dessa história, especificamente em termos do estudo etnográfico de gays, lésbicas e de outras populações sexuais minoritárias em áreas metropolitanas da América do Norte, e sugerir algumas das maneiras pelas quais esse conjunto de investigações contribuiu para a articulação de novas teorias e paradigmas da sexualidade do início a meados da década de 1970.
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This study aims to analyze the relationship between the military and homosexuality by analyzing the experiences of sexual minority soldiers in the Korean military beyond the claim that homosexuality in the Korean military is a social and national "problem". In recent years, the anti-homosexual discourses have been spreading that homosexuality in the military is causing the serious national crisis. However, substantive researches or sociological interests are insufficient. Meanwhile, homosexuality in the military has been defined as a perverse existence to be managed and punishment in the change of the 'Sexual Harassment in Military Criminal Act' or 'the Military Discipline Instructions' since the mid - the 2000s. However, unlike anti-homosexual discourse or legal discourse that calls homosexuality in the military as a "problem," non-normative sexual identity in the military actually exists as a process rather than a fixed, essential attribute or category. In the military that is male-centered and heterosexual -oriented, sexual minorities are coping strategies for surviving by "passing" into heterosexuals and practicing being joined into the male bond, or by separately performing military service successfully. Some sexual minorities have been criticizing the military from the point of view of a man who is not a 'heterosexual soldier', that is, an 'inside outsider', by first being aware of and accepting his sexual identity in the military. These experiences reveal that self-representation carried out by sexual minority soldiers in the institutional and cultural conditions of the military is in the dilemma of self-contradiction and invisibility of homosexuality. However, this dilemma comes not from the strategic gender practice itself of the sexual minorities but from the institution itself, which reproduces homophobia and recognizes only heterosexuals as 'men'. 최근 한국에서는 군대 내 동성애를 국가적 위기와 연결하는 반동성애 담론이 거세지고 있다. ‘군형법상 추행죄’나 ‘부대관리훈령’이 2000년대 중반 이후 정비되 는 과정에서 군대 내 동성애(자)는 관리되어야 할 변태적 존재이자 처벌받아야 할 대상으로 규정되어 왔다. 본 연구는 그러한 배경 아래에서 군대 내 남성 동성애자 의 경험을 중심으로 군대와 동성애(자) 간 관계를 분석하는 것을 목표로 한다. 군대 내 동성애(자)를 ‘문제’로 호명하는 반동성애 담론 내지는 법 담론과는 달리 실제 군대 내 비규범적 성 정체성은 고정적이고 본질적인 속성이나 범주이 기보다는 과정으로서 존재한다. 동성애(자)는 군대 내에서 존재하지 않는 것으로 간주되거나 존재를 드러내지 않도록 강요당하며, 이들에 대한 차별대우는 공적/ 사적 영역 그리고 행위와 존재라는 허구적 구분을 통해 정당화된다. 폐쇄적이고 위계적 공간 속에서 성소수자는 이성애자로 ‘패싱’하여 남성 연대 속으로 편입되기를 시도하거나, 군인됨을 성공적으로 수행함으로써 살아남는 전략을 택하기도 한다. 반면 어떤 이들은 군대에서 자신의 성 정체성을 비로소 자각하고 받아들 임으로써, 남성이지만 ‘이성애자 군인’이 아닌 ‘내부의 외부인’의 관점으로 남성 중심적인 군대 문화를 비판하기도 한다. 이는 군대라는 제도적이고 문화적인 조건 속에서 성소수자 군인들이 수행하는 자기재현이 동성애의 비가시화와 커밍아웃에 따른 제도적 폭력 간 딜레마에 빠져있음을 역설적으로 보여준다. 본 연구는 이러한 딜레마가 성소수자의 전략 적 젠더실천 때문이 아니라, 성차별적이고 동성애혐오적인 군대라는 제도, 이성애-남성중심적 한국사회 자체에서 비롯한 것임을 밝히고자 한다.
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Examina-se de modo crítico a teoria da lei natural, de John Finnis, e sua defesa contra a possibilidade jurídica de reconhecimento do direito ao casamento entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, a partir de dois pontos de vista: a consistência interna da do referencial finnisiano e sua adequação diante do debate sobre direitos humanos. Examinam-se também as alegações associadas à defesa finnisiana, desde a proeminência de uma dita moral majoritária e da ofensa aos sentimentos públicos, até preocupações com a “promoção da homossexualidade”, suas consequências pretensamente prejudiciais aos menores e a fragilização da instituição do casamento. Apontam-se seus limites e sua incompatibilidade em face dos ideais democráticos que suplantaram os projetos nazi-fascistas no século XX, tomando como caso emblemático a decisão da Suprema Corte dos Estados Unidos no caso “Obergefell vs. Hodges”.
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This chapter explores heterosexual ageing, utilising Nancy Fraser’s (1997, 2000) social justice framework to consider inequalities of resources, recognition and representation. As the editor of this collection, I attempted to commission a variety of potential authors to write this chapter. I was disappointed to find that no one was willing to do so. Academics interested in heterosexuality were not, on the whole, comfortable addressing ageing issues; while those who were interested in ageing sexualities were less comfortable considering heterosexuality beyond sexual practices. Lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) ageing scholars felt it had all been said already, in terms of the well-documented comparative disadvantages experienced by older LGB people compared with older heterosexual people (e.g. Cronin and King, 2010; Fredriksen-Goldsen and Muraco, 2010; Westwood, 2016a). Having failed to recruit anyone to write the chapter, I was left with two options: either leave it out, or write it myself. I was keen for the section on ageing sexualities to be not only about lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people, serving to reinforce their ‘Othering’, while heterosexual ageing remained lurking in the shadows. So, in the absence of anyone else to do it, I decided to write the chapter myself. My aim is threefold: to raise critical questions about heterosexual ageing, to outline knowledge gaps and to propose a potential future research agenda.
This article argues that race and class are central aspects of sexual citizenship in a Australia. It does so by investigating representations of heterosexuality that were produced and circulated during the 2017 same-sex marriage postal survey. Engaging with feminist and critical race theorists, we position same-sex marriage as not exceptional but part of a wider distribution of sexual citizenship within Australia's ongoing settler colonial history. We do so by introducing a number of illustrative examples of representations of heterosexuality produced during the survey. These representations reveal how same-sex marriage perpetuated heterosexual authority by asserting claims to authenticity and the occupation of space. We observe how heterosexuality in the survey material reproduced fantasies linking these three themes, for example, in an authentic white heterosexual family who speaks from their suburban backyard. It reveals that ceding to a bifurcated view of either progressive or conservative voices forestalls rather than advances other visions which may exceed the limited imaginings of sexual citizenship offered by the white liberal settler colonial state.
We examine the relationship between straight identification and nonsexual social factors among men who are attracted to men and/or have had two or more male sexual partners. All data come from the 2011–2013 National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG), a nationally representative sample of Americans aged 15 to 44. We estimate that 7.4 percent of men, aged 15 to 44, are in this population, and that 52.4 percent identify as straight, demonstrating sexual diversity within heterosexuality and identity diversity among men with same-sex practices and/or attractions. Weighted logistic regression indicates that conservative attitudes about child rearing and gays/lesbians are associated with increased likelihood of straight identification. Latino and black men are not significantly more likely to identify as straight than white men. While impossible to determine causality, when put in dialogue with related qualitative studies, the results suggest that for men with same-sex sexuality, attitudes about sexuality and child rearing may affect the meaning-making processes that influence heterosexual identification.
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Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan transgresi seksual yang terdapat dalam novel Para Penebus Dosa karya Motinggo Busye. Metode yang digunakan dalam artikel ini adalah metode deskriptif analitis. Data dari novel dideskripsikan untuk memperoleh gambaran transgresi seksual. Dalam novel tersebut pelanggaran terhadap kebiasaan seksual, norma, dan kelas digambarkan melalui peristiwa seksual yang dialami oleh para tokoh, terutama tokoh perempuan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa tokoh perempuan digambarkan banyak melakukan tindak transgresi dibandingkan dengan tokoh laki-laki. Analisis juga menunjukkan bahwa narator dalam novel memiliki sikap bias gender dan mendukung nilai-nilai patriarki dengan lebih banyak memberikan hukuman terhadap tokoh perempuan yang melakukan tindak transgresi seksual dibandingkan kepada tokoh laki-laki.Abstract:The paper aims at describing sexual transgression in Motinggo Busye’s “Para Penebus Dosa”. The research applies descriptive method. The sexual transgressions elaborated in the novel are presented through the deviance of sexual affairs, social norms, and class experienced by the characters, especially female character. The result of the research shows that female characters described in the story committed a lot of sexual transgressions compared to male characters. The study also reveals that the narrator in the novel has a gender bias act. Moreover, he supports values of patriarchy by giving more punishment to the female committing sexual transgression act than to the male.
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