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Formulation of vegan nutritional gummy supplements and their textural-organoleptic analysis

  • PTVA's Sathaye College

Abstract and Figures

Gummy supplements are an exceptional medium for delivering pharmaceuticals and nutritional bioactives, especially for children. Interestingly, they are increasingly finding favor among adults as effective bioactive delivery systems. This study aimed to identify and select natural vegan components for creating and developing gummy prototypes. The gelling agent was agar-agar, sourced from red algae, and combined with carrageenan to enhance compressibility. Phycocyanin from Spirulina and anthocyanin from purple cabbage were used as colorants to provide a range of natural hues. The study resulted in five distinct formulations: Blueberry Anthocyanin Vitamin D (BAD), Blueberry Anthocyanin Vitamin C (BAC), Mango Antacid Anthocyanin (MAA), Mango Flavored Phycocyanin (MFP), and Kiwi Flavored Spirulina (KFS) gummies. Notably, the MAA gummy exhibited suboptimal texture quality during preliminary assessments and was consequently excluded from further analysis.Across the formulations, no visible color changes were noted upon room temperature storage for a week. The BAD gummy displayed heightened adhesiveness and springiness in texture, while the KFS gummy demonstrated superior cohesiveness, chewiness, and gumminess in its fresh state.Interestingly, the BAD gummy exhibited the highest adhesion even in the one-week-old samples.The outcome of the 9-point hedonic sensory evaluation unveiled that the cyan shade, derived from the phycocyanin pigment of Spirulina, was the most preferred color among the gummies. Regarding overall likability, the MFP and BAC formulations garnered the highest responses for being 'liked extremely'. The uniqueness of the present work lies in its meticulous exploration and selection of natural vegan ingredients to craft gummy formulations with diverse bioactive and sensory attributes.
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Formulation of vegan nutritional gummy supplements and their
textural-organoleptic analysis
Pandey Rashmi
R.D. and S.H. National College and S.W.A. Science College, Bandra West,
Mumbai 400050 (Maharashtra), India
Kejariwal Mona*
R.D. and S.H. National College and S.W.A. Science College, Bandra West,
Mumbai 400050 (Maharashtra), India
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
Article Info
Received: June 23, 2023
Revised: November 22, 2023
Accepted: November 30, 2023
This work is licensed under Attribution-Non Commerc ial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). © : Author (s). Publishing rights @ ANSF.
1467 - 1474
ISSN : 0974-9411 (Print), 2231-5209 (Online)
Research Article
Gummy bears have been a great way of delivering the
active constituents for consumption by children. Their
use for adults has gained acceptance as well. They
offer a great variety and a sense of palatable exhilara-
tion among those who take it as compared to the usual
method of tablets or syrups. The gummy bear industry
is expected to reach 4.17 million US dollars by 2025
(Davydova, 2018). Gelatin has been the favored gelling
agent for these kinds of preparation. Due to its being
derived from an animal source, other vegetarian op-
tions are considered its substitute. Algae could prove to
be a good vegan alternative for it. In our biodiversity
study of Bhuigaon coast we have reported the pres-
ence of such important macroalgae like Gracilaria, Ge-
lidium and Agardhiella (Pandey and Kejariwal, 2021a).
Seaweeds possess a great diversity of components for
many industries including pharmaceutical and
nutraceutical and are being used for the commercial
production of agar-agar in many countries (Pandey and
Kejariwal, 2021b). Agar-agar is used as vegan substi-
tute for gummies. Attempts have been made to deploy
gummies in medicine delivery systems (Dille et al.,
Nutritional-Gummies with specific bioactive and nutri-
tional doses have been reportedly made keeping kids
in mind. Vitamins, Antioxidants, Iron, Calcium, and oth-
er nutritional supplements have been synthesized
(Grétarsdóttir, 2019). Many natural food colorants have
been tried to give the desired color but the need for
more such colorants is still there and needs to be re-
Gummy supplements are an exceptional medium for delivering pharmaceuticals and nutritional bioactives, especially for chil-
dren. Interestingly, they are increasingly finding favor among adults as effective bioactive delivery systems. This study aimed to
identify and select natural vegan components for creating and developing gummy prototypes. The gelling agent was agar-agar,
sourced from red algae, and combined with carrageenan to enhance compressibility. Phycocyanin from Spirulina and anthocya-
nin from purple cabbage were used as colorants to provide a range of natural hues. The study resulted in five distinct formula-
tions: Blueberry Anthocyanin Vitamin D (BAD), Blueberry Anthocyanin Vitamin C (BAC), Mango Antacid Anthocyanin (MAA),
Mango Flavored Phycocyanin (MFP), and Kiwi Flavored Spirulina (KFS) gummies. Notably, the MAA gummy exhibited subopti-
mal texture quality during preliminary assessments and was consequently excluded from further analysis.Across the formula-
tions, no visible color changes were noted upon room temperature storage for a week. The BAD gummy displayed heightened
adhesiveness and springiness in texture, while the KFS gummy demonstrated superior cohesiveness, chewiness, and gummi-
ness in its fresh state.Interestingly, the BAD gummy exhibited the highest adhesion even in the one-week-old samples.The out-
come of the 9-point hedonic sensory evaluation unveiled that the cyan shade, derived from the phycocyanin pigment of Spiruli-
na, was the most preferred color among the gummies. Regarding overall likability, the MFP and BAC formulations garnered the
highest responses for being 'liked extremely'. The uniqueness of the present work lies in its meticulous exploration and selec-
tion of natural vegan ingredients to craft gummy formulations with diverse bioactive and sensory attributes.
Keywords: Nutritional supplement, Vegan gummy, Spirulina gummy phycocyanin, Anthocyanin, Textural analysis, Sensory
How to Cite
Pandey, R. and Kejriwal, M. (2023). Formulation of vegan nutritional gummy supplements and their textural-organoleptic
analysis. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 15(4), 1467 - 1474.
Pandey, R. and Kejriwal, M. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 15(4), 1467 - 1474 (2023)
searched. Plant-based food colorants are usually pre-
ferred as natural colors (Zaki and Jai,2020). Fruit seed,
skin extracts, and floral pigment colors are used to give
gummies various colours (Čižauskaitėet al., 2019).
Phycocyanin of algal origin is a natural pigment that is
accepted as a food colorant. It is major phytopigment
of blue-green algae. In the microalgae biodiversity of
Vasai lakes Arthrospira(Spirulina)has been reported
which is a very important source of Phycocyanin
(Pandey andKejariwal, 2019) can be used for prepara-
tion of ice-creams and yogurt (Mohammadi-Gourajiet
al., 2019). In a stability testing of heat and light com-
pared to two other plant-based dyes (Indigo and Gar-
denia Blue), phycocyanin was found to be a more ver-
satile food colorant (Jespersen et al., 2005). In another
heat stability testing, adding phycocyanin in an aque-
ous sucrose solution of 40-70 % increases the stability
of the colorant (Faieta et al., 2020). Therefore, the
present investigation preferred phycocyanin as a natu-
ral colorant source for gummies.
Anthocyanin changes its color in different pH solutions
due to its ionic structure (Roy and Rhim,2020), (Khoo
et al., 2017). This study explores this phenomenon to
produce different color variations in the gummy can-
dies prepared using the vegan gelling agent agar-agar
and carrageenan.The study focuses on replacing the
animal product gelatin witha suitable gelling substance
of natural vegan origin. Agar-agar, combined with other
plant-origin substances like pectin, xanthan gum and
carrageenan, are screened to give a desired gummy
texture. The study's main objectivewas to design differ-
ent formulations for the gummies and to be studied to
get thedesired gummy texture for our product. In addi-
tion, it was also intended to achieve a natural color us-
ing anthocyanins and phycocyanin to provide different
shades to the product.
The experimentation was designed in two stages:the
preliminary screening and the main formulation and
product analysis research. The gummies were prepared
using agar-agar as gelling agent derived from red sea-
weed (Gracilariacorticata, Gelidium and Kappaphy-
cussps.) to be acceptable to vegetarians also. The se-
lection of the best ingredients for gummies followed
subsequent testing and elimination processes. The pro-
cess protocol flow is shown in Fig. 1.
The final gummies were prepared in two phases. First
the antioxidant with colorant and second, the sugar
based gelling solution. At the end, the bioactive compo-
nent was added. Table 1 enlists the ingredients and
their role in the gummy formation.
Phase I- Flavored colorant with bioactive
Different color solutions were prepared using phycocya-
nin and anthocyanin as an aqueous extract from Spiruli-
na (microalgae) and purple cabbage. The flavor and
citric acid to be used was weighed and dissolved in 2 ml
deionized water. This phase was kept ready to be add-
ed later in Phase II. Just before adding to phase II, the
bioactive ingredients were added in Phase I and dis-
Fig. 1. Flow chart for the process of selection and product formulation of base ingredients for nutritional gummy preparation
Pandey, R. and Kejriwal, M. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 15(4), 1467 - 1474 (2023)
Phase II – Sugar gelling solution
Gelling solution was prepared by food grade agar-agar
of 1200gs, table sugar sucrose and carrageenan. The
deionized water as per the formulation was weighed
and kept ready before weighing and mixing these ingre-
dients, as agar-agar and carrageenan are very hygro-
scopic and may form lumps if kept open for a longer
time. All the ingredients were weighed according to the
formulation and mixed in dry form (Achumiand Peter,
2018). All other required ingredients were weighed and
kept ready before starting the Phase II solution prepara-
tion. Deionized water was added to the pan and induc-
tion was on at low temperature. The Phase II powder
mix was added and the mixture was continuously
stirred to avoid lumping. The heating was put on medi-
um while continuously mixing the solution. The initial
hazy solution begins to turn transparent, and within 5-8
minutes of heating, it thickens.
Preparation of gummies
Phase II solution turned transparent and started thick-
ening at the end of Phase II. The induction was put off
while continuing the stirring. Each Phase I Flavored
bioactive colorant prepared as per formulation was indi-
vidually added to the Phase II solution when it cools to
approximately 600C while mixing all the ingredients.
After thorough mixing, the gummies were poured onto
the silicon mold for setting. After cooling for 30 minutes,
the gummies were removed from the mold, air-dried for
8 10 hours and stored at 15-25 0C at Room Tempera-
ture. Five different formulations viz. Blueberry Anthocy-
anin Vitamin D (BAD), Blueberry Anthocyanin Vitamin C
(BAC), Mango Antacid Anthocyanin (MAA), Mango Fla-
vored Phycocyanin (MFP), Kiwi Flavored Spirulina
(KFS) gummies were prepared using unique constitu-
ents and bioactive.
Texture profile analysis (TPA)
TPA of all four gummy samples wascarried out on fresh
samples and after one week's storage at room tempera-
ture in an airtight glass jar. The Texture Pro CT V1.8
Build 31 from Brookfield Engineering Labs. Inc. was
used for analysis. The gummy samples were 15 mm in
length, 7 mm in breadth and 8 mm in depth. The mean
average weight of each gummy sample was 1.3 g.
9-pointer Hedonic sensory evaluation
The assessment of textural profile analysis and 9-point
hedonic sensory evaluation aregood evaluators for ana-
lyzing the final texture properties and their acceptance
by the probable consumer (Romo-Zamarrónet al.,
2019). The sensory evaluation of the prepared gum-
mies was done using randomly selected 48 panel-
listsbetween 07-70 years of age. Panelists were given
the gummies to assessfor the sensory evaluation. The
panelists were untrained or probable general consum-
ers. The exact composition of the gummies was not
disclosed to them so as not to influence their respons-
es to liking or aversion to certain ingredients.
The extensive screening and elimination of gelling
components and ingredients for compressibility were
selected based on the desired outcome. Xanthan gum,
and pectin were rejected on preliminary examinations.
The concentration of agar and carrageenan were eval-
uated using the organoleptic test of 1 cm isosceles of
agar strip. The process was established, and formula-
tions were prepared as described in Table 2. The
unique combination of agar and carrageenan reduced
the actual agar concentration required for the gummies'
hardening. The use of carrageenan gave a good lustre
to the product. The gummy products showed no visible
discoloration or changes in the structure or texture in a
week of storage time in glass airtight jars. Fig. 2 shows
the final product formed with the formulations.
Texture profile analysis (TPA)
Adhesiveness is the measure of the negative force
area for the first bite, representing the work required to
separate the holder away from the gummies (Rao et
al., 2018). It is seen maximum in Blueberry Anthocya-
nin Vitamin D gummy (BAD). All the tested gummies
showed an adhesiveness value in the 0.00-0.20 Ns-1
range (Fig. 3). The commercial gelatin shows this val-
ue at 0.2 Ns-1(Yusof et al., 2019). Cohesiveness is a
measure of the internal strength of the product. Kiwi
flavored Spirulina (KFS) gummies showed the maxi-
mum cohesiveness (1.94). The least cohesiveness is
seen in Mango Flavored Phycocyanin (MFP) Gummies
(0.00). It is reported that jelly candies show cohesive-
ness in the range of 0.54 to0.82 (Mutlu et al., 2018).
The elasticity is an important parameter in appreciation
by the consumer (Guinéet al., 2020). Different ingredi-
ent concentrations also playan important role in deter-
mining its springiness (Banjongsinsiri et al., 2020). The
gummies prepared in the present study showed spring-
iness in the range of 3.17 to 8.86. KFS gummy showed
the maximum gumminess value of 980.00. The least
was observed with MFP. Gumminess is a combined
attribute of hardness and cohesiveness(Wang and
Hartel, 2022). It is observed that the gumminess in-
creases with increases in hardness. The literature re-
ports gelatin to give gumminess 12.20 N (Yusof et al.,
The textural attributes did not change considerably
during the one-week gummies storage at room temper-
Pandey, R. and Kejriwal, M. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 15(4), 1467 - 1474 (2023)
ature in airtight glass jars (Fig. 4). The adhesiveness
attribute of BAD gummy increased and with maximum
adhesiveness. In other characteristics except chewi-
ness BAD gummy showed maximum value. The KFS
gummy had shown the maximum chewiness attributes.
There was a difference in textural properties of gum-
mies upon storage, which may be due to their different
pH and bioactive constituent. Carboxymethyl cellulose
was found to improve flexibility and to some extent
decrease carrageenan gummy candies' fragility, with
decreased water seepage during storage. The re-
search provided evidence for utilizing hydrocolloids to
adjust texture and control water migration in gummy
candies (Song et al., 2022). Utilizing different additives
for the texture and hardness of gummies contributes to
their texture and stability (Tirekiet al., 2023). Cassava
starch thinned with acid wasused in an experiment to
replace corn starch; 16% cassava starch showed bet-
ter hardness of gummy candies, indicating different
additives can influence the textural properties of gum-
my (Pereira et al., 2022).
9-pointer Hedonic sensory evaluation
Color can be regarded as one of those sensory attrib-
utes that can modulate the consumer's psychology in
liking or disliking any product. It has been demonstrat-
ed that changing the color intensity or hue may have a
very pronounced effect on consumer behavior (Spence,
2015). In the attempt to utilize many algal products, it
was also seen that color variationswereobserved in the
product. The four different shades of colors were cho-
sen and expected to give some interesting sensory
facts. It was observed that color indeed greatly impact-
ed the behavior of the panellists. The sensory report
showed that the most favored color for the gummies
was cyan color derived from Spirulina pigment phycocy-
anin with 16 panelists saying that they extremely liked it
(Fig. 5). The next color appreciated after phycocyanin
was the natural purple color from anthocyanin pigment,
with 14 panelists voting for like extremely. The least
accepted color was the bright pink anthocyanin in acidic
pH; only 7 participants liked it extremely.
The texture properties of any food material can be as-
sessed by sensory evaluation and instrumental analy-
sis. Though they should be correlated to each other,
experimentation finds otherwise. Hence the, texture
analysis in sensory evaluation has more importance
(Meullenet et al., 1998). Maximum panelists likedblue-
berry-flavoured (BAD) gummy. (Fig. 6). The Spirulina
gummy, which received 10 votes for "extremely liked"
from the panelists, ranked as the second most favored
gummy.The higher solid content in the Spirulina gummy
could have improved its texture.
Odor is a result of a mixture of light and small mole-
Fig. 2. A) Blueberry Anthocyanin Vitamin D Gummy
(BAD); B) Blueberry Anthocyanin Vitamin C Gummy
(BAC); C) Mango Antacid Anthocyanin Gummy (MAA);
D) Mango Flavored Phycocyanin Gummy (MFP); E) Kiwi
Flavored Spirulina Gummy (KFS)
Fig. 3. Texture rofile analysis of gummies BAD, BAC,
MFP and KFS in fresh samples
Fig. 4. Texture profile analysis of gummies BAD, BAC,
MFP and KFS in one week stored samples.
Pandey, R. and Kejriwal, M. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 15(4), 1467 - 1474 (2023)
cules of the compound that come in contact with vari-
ous human sensory systems and, when inhaled, have
an impact on the stimulation of anatomical response to
it, which is perceived as the odor. The sensory assess-
ment of food productsis very importantinthe perception
of odor. In consumer preference, it plays a vital role
along with the attribute of color (Brattoliet al., 2011). In
this study, it was seen that Blueberry flavor was liked
extremely by panelists of BAD Gummy (Fig. 7). It was
also interestingly that though two gummies had Blue-
berry flavoring agent, one was preferred and the other
one had the least number of participants liking it ex-
tremely. Research involved presenting participants with
compatible and contrasting colors and odors for identifi-
cation. It was reported that the greater the discordance
between colors and odors, the more challenging it be-
came for participants to make identifications, conse-
quently impacting their preferences (Ahmed et al.,
Springiness and Chewiness are two important factors
ingummies' material structure and composition. It was
observed that different pH and extracts of natural prod-
ucts have an impact on these two attributes together
(Charoen et al., 2015). It was also demonstrated that a
good correlation exists between the textural profile
analysis data for Hardness and Springiness andthe
sensory evaluated data (Meullenetet al., 1998). For
springiness attributes, both the BAD gummy and MFP
gummies were equally liked, with 9 panelists each vot-
ing for Like extremely (Fig. 8). Chewiness was most
liked in MFP gummy, with 11 panelists voting for Like
extremely and 10 panelists voting for Like highly (Fig.
9). Sensory evaluation in food products isimportant as
their nutritional aspects and biological functioning are-
given. In case studies, it was observed that the senso-
ry profile may alter the acceptance or denial by the
consumers. Especially when botanical subjects are
chosen as a component in food product, they need to
be tailor-made concerning the senses and likeliness
of the consumer (Civille and Oftedal., 2012). With re-
Table 1. Phase I and Phase II ingredient and their function.
Phase Ingredient Function
Phase I Flavored
colorant with bioactive Phycocyanin or Anthocyanin Colorant and natural
Fruit flavor (Mango, Blueberry, Mixed Berry, Kiwi), Citric Acid Flavoring agent
Bioactive (Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Spirulina powder,
Phycocyanin) Nutrient Value
Phase II
Sugar gelling solution Agar-agar Gelling Agent
Carrageenan Glistening and
compressibility agent
Table Sugar Sweetener
Deionized water Solvent
Table 2. Formulation for Blueberry Anthocyanin Vitamin D (BAD), Blueberry Anthocyanin Vitamin C (BAC), Mango
Antacid Anthocyanin (MAA), Mango Flavored Phycocyanin (MFP), Kiwi Flavored Spirulina (KFS)
Ingredient (g) BAD BAC MAA MFP KFS
g % g % G % g % g %
Water 176 66.67 176 66.92 176 66.92 166 63.12 176 68.22
Sucrose 72 27.27 72 27.38 72 27.38 72 27.38 72 27.90
Agar-agar 02 0.76 02 0.76 02 0.76 02 0.76 02 0.78
Carrageenan 01 0.38 01 0.38 01 0.38 01 0.38 01 0.39
Anthocyanin Extract 10 3.79 10 3.80 10 3.80 - - - -
Phycocyanin Extract - - - - - - 20 7.60 - -
Blueberry Dry mix 01 0.38 01 0.38 - - - - - -
Spirulinapowder - - - - - - - - 04 1.55
Mango Drymix - - - - 01 0.38 01 0.38 - -
Kiwi Drymix - - - - - - - - 02 0.77
Cholecalciferol 02 0.75 - - - - - - - -
L-Ascorbic Acid - - 01 0.38 - - - - - -
Sodium Bicarbonate - - - - 01 0.38 - - - -
Citric Acid - - - - - - 01 0.38 01 0.39
Total 264 100 263 100 263 100 263 100 258 100
Pandey, R. and Kejriwal, M. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 15(4), 1467 - 1474 (2023)
spect to the taste of gummies the MFP gummy was the
one which was voted maximum by 13 panelists as Like
extremely (Fig. 10). A close second was BAD Gummy
with 11 panelist vote for Like extremely. The BAC
Gummy was the least liked, where only four panelists
Liked extremely. As shown in Fig. 11, overall likeliness
BAD and MFP were topmost liked, with 10 panelists
each voting for Like extremely’. A close second was
KFS with 6 panelists voting for Like extremely’.
In conclusion, this study sheds light on the innovative
potential of gummies as a novel vehicle for delivering
nutraceuticals to adults and the younger generation.
Incorporating beneficial compounds such as phycocya-
nin and anthocyanin, along with essential vitamins like
Vitamin D and Vitamin C, offer a convenient and whole-
some source of antioxidants and nutrients through Spir-
ulina-infused gummies. Moreover, these gummies pre-
sent a value-added utilization of raw materials by utilis-
ing agar-agar and carrageenan.With the growing em-
phasis on vegan dietary choices, these innovative and
Fig. 5. Results of the 9-point hedonic sensory evaluation
of gummies BAD, BAC, MFP and KFS for Color.
Fig. 6. Results of the 9-point hedonic sensory evaluation
of gummies BAD, BAC, MFP and KFS for textur.
Fig. 7. Results of the 9-point hedonic sensory evaluation
of gummies BAD, BAC, MFP and KFS for odor
Fig. 8. Results of the 9-point hedonic sensory evaluation
of BAD, BAC, MFP and KFS for springines.
Fig. 9. Results of the 9-point hedonic sensory evaluation of
gummies BAD, BAC, MFP and KFS for chewiness
Fig. 10. Results of the 9-point hedonic sensory evaluation
of gummies BAD, BAC, MFP and KFS for taste
Fig. 11. Results of the 9-point hedonic sensory evaluation
for of gummies BAD, BAC, MFP and KFS Overall Likeliness.
Pandey, R. and Kejriwal, M. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 15(4), 1467 - 1474 (2023)
vegan-friendly options hold promising market opportuni-
ties within the nutraceutical and health supplement sec-
tor. The study's textured analysis revealed that consum-
ers displayed positive receptiveness toward the texture
profile of the agar-carrageenan gummy as demonstrat-
ed by the sensory evaluation.In light of the present
work, it is evident that these gummies provide a tangi-
ble and practical means of incorporating vital nutrients
into everyday lives. The findings underscore the novel
approach of merging nutrition with convenience, ulti-
mately contributing to the broader landscape of
nutraceutical offerings. As further research continues,
exploring various formulations and optimizing sensory
attributes could potentially refine these gummies' ap-
peal and efficacy.
The authors thank the Department of Biotechnology,
Government of India, STAR Scheme and Central Instru-
mentation facility under the Department of Science and
Technology (DST) FIST Scheme at R.D.National Col-
lege for providing the instrumentation for the work. Au-
thors also thank Principal K.M.Kundnani Pharmacy Col-
lege,Mumbai,for providing us with technical and instru-
mentation help for the Texture Profile Analysis of our
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflict of
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... Nutraceutical jelly candies offer a convenient and appealing delivery method for bioactive compounds. While they are susceptible to melting at room temperature, their attractive sensory properties, including color, smell, taste, and texture, make them suitable for all ages 14 . Previous studies have demonstrated the successful formulation of nutraceutical jelly candies using C. moschata as the active ingredient, with products meeting Indonesian National Standards (SNI 3547. ...
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Nutraceutical candy jellies are gaining popularity as a potential approach to deliver antioxidants in a palatable form. This study investigated the antioxidant activity of Cucurbita moschata puree combined with Averrhoa carambola juice, formulated into jelly candies. Design-Expert software V.13 was used to optimize the jelly candy base formula. The combined C. moschata puree and A. carambola juice exhibited strong antioxidant activity (IC50 = 29.580 ppm) at variation V1. The optimal base formula B3 consisted of 12% gelatin and 4% carrageenan. The formulated jelly candy possessed very strong antioxidant activity (IC50 = 44.771 ppm). These findings suggest the potential of C. moschata puree and A. carambola juice as ingredients in functional jelly candies.
... A previous study also found that gummy supplements enriched with blueberry anthocyanin vitamin D and mango-flavored phycocyanin were overall preferred because of their aroma and taste. 45 Therefore, this finding will help further studies and/ or market-oriented practical applications to develop a chewy candy with a fruity flavor rather than an aromatic herb flavor. ...
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Lemongrass (Lg) and lemon (Lm) essential oils (EOs) mainly contain citral and limonene, respectively, which are not limited to flavor for food but can also provide antibacterial activity. The information on the enrichment of these combined EOs in chewy candy products has never been documented yet. This study aimed to evaluate the physical-chemical properties and volatile compound of nanoemulsion formulations of Lg/Lm blend EOs as well as the physical-chemical properties, total plate count (TPC), and sensory acceptability of chewy candy formulated with nanoemulsions. Antibacterial evaluations against Streptococcus mutans and Porphyromonas gingivalis were performed for both nanoemulsion and chewy candy. Blending Lg and Lm EOs at ratios of Lg1.85 : Lm2.25 and Lg3.65 : Lm0.45 showed a broadly different constituent of the volatile compound than the ratio with the least amount of Lg (Lg0.05 : Lm4.05) but all the formulations possessed eugenol, β-Bisabolene, and caryophyllene oxide. The combination of Lg1.85 : Lm2.25 produced the nanoemulsion with the lowest particle size but lower zeta potential and emulsion stability. At this ratio, the significant inhibitory activity of the nanoemulsion was found to be 92.40% and 84.14% for S. mutans and P. gingivalis, respectively (p < 0.05). Its application in chewy candy formulation also resulted in the highest inhibitory activity against S. mutans (85%) and P. gingivalis (77.20%). Chewy candy formulated with Lg1.85 : Lm2.25 nanoemulsion was also found to have the lowest TPC of 3.72 log CFU/g. The overall acceptability of the chewy candy was around neutral (3.77) by panelists for its higher color score (4.73) and aroma (4.37) in average to the other samples. This study discovered the potential of Lg/Lm blend EOs nanoemulsion for enhancing the antibacterial effect and improving the texture and color of chewy candy.
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Vitamin D deficiency distresses nearly 50% of the population globally and multiple studies have highlighted the association of Vitamin D with a number of clinical manifestations, including musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and neurological disorders. In the current study, vitamin D oil-in-water (O/W) nanoemulsions were developed and incorporated in edible gummies to enhance bioavailability, stability, and patient compliance. The spontaneous emulsification method was employed to produce a nano-emulsion using corn oil with tween 20 and lecithin as emulsifiers. Optimization was carried out using pseudo-ternary phase diagrams and the average particle size and polydispersity index (PDI) of the optimized nanoemulsion were found to be 118.6 ± 4.3 nm and 0.11 ± 0.30, respectively. HPLC stability analysis demonstrated that the nano-emulsion prevented the degradation and it retained more than 97% of active vitamin D over 15 days compared to 94.5% in oil solution. Similar results were obtained over further storage analysis. Vitamin D gummies based on emulsion-based gelled matrices were then developed using gelatin as hydrocolloid and varying quantities of corn oil. Texture analysis revealed that gummies formulated with 10% corn oil had the optimum hardness of 3095.6 ± 201.7 g on the first day which remained consistent on day 45 with similar values of 3594.4 ± 210.6 g. Sensory evaluation by 19 judges using the nine-point hedonic scale highlighted that the taste and overall acceptance of formulated gummies did not change significantly (p > 0.05) over 45 days storage. This study suggested that nanoemulsions consistently prevent the environmental degradation of vitamin D, already known to offer protection in GI by providing sustained intestinal release and enhancing overall bioavailability. Soft chewable matrices were easy to chew and swallow, and they provided greater patient compliance.
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BACKGROUND As plant‐based foods have become more mainstream in recent years, carrageenan has been used to replace animal‐derived gelatin in confectionery products. However, texture defects and water seepage during storage limit the development of kappa carrageenan (KC) gummy candies. RESULTS This study evaluated the effects of hydrocolloids on the texture properties and storage stability of KC gummy candies. The results showed that 4 g kg⁻¹ carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) composited with 20 g kg⁻¹ KC formed a flexible gummy candy with low fragility and limited water seepage during storage. Further investigation revealed that 4 g kg⁻¹ CMC promoted side‐by‐side intermolecular aggregation of KC helices through hydrogen bonding, which stabilized a denser network structure compared to the pure KC hydrogel. However, high CMC proportions (8–12 g kg⁻¹) led to electrostatic repulsion that dominated in the system, inhibiting the gel‐forming process and thus resulting in a weak gel structure with accelerated syneresis. CONCLUSION This study found that 4 g kg⁻¹ CMC was able to improve the flexibility and decrease unacceptable fragility of KC gummy candies, with water seepage decreased during storage significantly. It provided preliminary evidence for utilizing hydrocolloids to adjust texture and control water migration in KC gels, and has potential to promote wide development of vegan gummy candies. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry.
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Many synthetic food colourants have been developed to improve food products quality due to increasing demands. However, synthetic additives have been associated with numerous side effects and toxicity, allergic reactions, behavioural, and neurocognitive effects. Hence, consumer demands and their preferences for food colourants from natural origins have increased tremendously over the decades. With the growing interests for naturally derived and plant-based food ingredients to replace synthetic additives, many studies were done to provide safer and more effective food colourants. Among the highly explored plant-based pigments are anthocyanins, betacyanins, and carotenoids. Recently, there is also discovery on the newly found auronidins as potential pigment for future food application. This paper highlights on the features of plant-based pigments and its challenges, opportunities, and the way forward in food industry. Continuous research in this area is important for the development of more stable and intense pigments. Recent findings could be one of the ways to increase the stability of plant-based pigments to be applied in food industry.
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In the confectionery market, jelly gums are one of the most relevant sectors, being frequently consumed by many people, from children to adults. The present work intended to evaluate the textural properties in newly developed jelly gums made with berry fruits and herbs, given the critical role of texture in products with a gel-like structure. Four types of gums were developed (Strawberry & Anise, Strawberry & Mint, Raspberry & Mint, Blueberry & Mint) and their texture was evaluated through two types of tests (compression with a 75 mm probe and puncture with a 2 mm probe) allowing to calculate several textural properties. The results showed some differences between the two faces of the jelly gums analysed, i.e. on the top and on the bottom. As for the compression test, the Strawberry & Anise gums were among the softer (25.6 N) and with lower resilience (36.3%) and chewiness (16.9 N), despite being more adhesive (−0.5 N s). As for the puncture test, the sample Strawberry & Mint had the highest adhesiveness (−2.0 N s) but the lowest stickiness (−0.38 N). Additionally, very strong correlations were encountered between some of the properties studied (r = 0.861 or r = 0.822), and the factor analysis allowed defining three factors, the first clearly associated with the puncture properties while the other two were related to the compression properties. This work allowed concluding that the jelly gums presented different textural properties , particularly when assessed through different types of measurements. Hence, the use of different types of tests for texture analysis is recommended, since the results are complementary. This is relevant when developing food products intended for industrial production and commercialization.
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Recently, interest in smart packaging, which can show the color change of the packaging film according to the state of the food and evaluate the quality or freshness of the packaged food in real-time, is increasing. As a color indicator, a natural colorant, anthocyanin, drew a lot of attention due to their various colors as well as useful functions properties such as antioxidant activity and anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory effects, prevention of cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diabetes. In particular, the pH-responsive color-changing function of anthocyanins is useful for making color indicator smart packaging films. This review addressed the latest information on the use of natural pigment anthocyanins for intelligent and active food packaging applications. Recent studies on eco-friendly biodegradable polymer-based color indicator films incorporated with anthocyanins have been addressed. Also, studies on the use of smart packaging films to monitor the freshness of foods such as milk, meat, and fish were reviewed. This review highlights the potential and challenges for the use of anthocyanins as pH-responsive color-changing films for intelligent food packaging applications, which may be beneficial for further development of smart color indicator films for practical use.
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High Pressure Processing (HPP) is a novel extraction method. This technique increases the yield of gelatin and enhances its properties. In this study, the performance of the gelatin extracted from red tilapia fish skin treated with HPP was evaluated using the Texture Profile Analysis (TPA) method, in comparison with the commercial fish gelatin. Based on the Total Soluble Solid (TSS) results, the jelly prepared with HPP-treated gelatin has a longer shelf life. The sensory textures of the lychee jelly were described based on the force-time plot. The results showed that the hardness, adhesiveness, gumminess and chewiness of the jelly prepared using HPP-treated gelatin are higher compared with the commercial gelatin while the cohesiveness and the springiness are similar for both jellies. In conclusion, the jelly prepared using gelatin treated with HPP is preferable compared to the commercial gelatin because it is more rigid, firm and adhesive.
Texture is linked to food structure at micro- and macro-levels. The most effective way to manipulate gel texture is to change the number of crosslinks per unit volume. Polymer concentration and type can be changed or the amount of evaporated water can be adjusted to achieve this. Gummy candy is a good food model to investigate texture due to the presence of versatile polymer gelling agents. The estimation of average cross-link distance is a good approach to monitor candy texture. Physicochemical properties are useful indicators showing storage stability. In this study, gummy candies were prepared with different glucose sirup:sucrose ratios (1.1 and 1.5), starch (0% and 1.5%), and gelatin (3% and 6%) concentrations. Texture (hardness), moisture content, water activity (aw), total soluble solids (TSS), and pH were measured. Candies were stored at 10, 20, and 30 °C for 12 weeks and at ambient temperatures of 15–22 °C for 52 weeks. Gelatin concentration, moisture content, storage time, and temperature affected hardness. At 1.5 glucose sirup:sucrose ratio, average cross-link distance decreased after 10 °C storage for 3% gelatin level and it increased after 20 and 30 °C storage for 6% gelatin and 0% starch level; however, it did not change for 15–22 °C storage. Moisture content, aw, TSS, and pH were affected by glucose sirup:sucrose ratio. A Weibullian model was used to express quality changes, and physicochemical indicators did not have an integer kinetic order. Tracking of physicochemical properties and texture with average cross-link distance calculation and modeling is useful for storage stability studies showing the quality of food gel products.
Gummies are gelatin-based confectionery gel products where the sweeteners play vital roles in the product texture. This study focused on the impacts of sweeteners, which make up ∼ 70-80% of the total solids, on the sol properties, gelling, and melting behaviors of gelatin (4-6%) gels. Gelling and melting properties of gelatin solutions with and without sweeteners (sucrose and glucose syrup) were characterized with rheology and differential scanning calorimetry, while the final gel texture and surface properties were analyzed with texture analyzer and tensiometer. In contrast to the plain systems without sweeteners, which gelled at around 22 °C and melted at 35 °C, the high-sweetener systems exhibited coil-to-helix transition at a higher temperature level, and the subsequent sol-gel transition depended greatly on the bulk viscosity. Below the sucrose-syrup level of 75.9%, the transition was observed at 34-43 °C; higher levels of saccharides postponed or inhibited the transition. The internal interactions of high-sugar gels were considerably weaker than the plain gels, suggesting smaller and more dispersed junction zones. The quantities of melting enthalpy and internal interactions increased with gelatin concentration but decreased with sucrose-syrup level, due to the high viscosity. Gel surfaces were generally hydrophobic (non-polar) except for the 4% gelatin gels, whose surface polarity increased with sugar level. Gel hardness and tackiness increased with gelatin concentration but did not change significantly with moisture/sugar content at 5-6% gelatin.
This study investigated some chemical, physical and sensorial properties of honey jelly candies made by two different mixing techniques (cold and hot), three gelatine doses (15, 20 and 25% of honey weight) and three fruit juices (orange, strawberry and black mulberry). The mean water content and activity of samples were 23.38% and 0.73, respectively. The acidity and diastase number of samples ranged between 40.12 and 46.09 meq/kg and 15.43–0.00, respectively. While diastase activity of honey was preserved more than 95% by cold mixing technique in candy form, it was completely lost in the hot mixing technique. Increasing of gelatine dose, increased the hardness, adhesiveness, chewiness and gumminess values of candies. Additionally, the glucose, fructose and sucrose contents of cold mixed honey jelly candies were determined as 403.23 ± 5.24, 491.10 ± 7.61 and 1.38 ± 0.12 g/kg, respectively. Addition of fruit juices increased the acidity value and sugar and proline contents of samples. The sensorial acceptability score for honey jelly candies obtained more than 3.5 on a 5-point hedonic scale. In conclusion, a new jelly candy as a healthier alternative to the existing ones was produced by minimal processing with honey and fruit juices instead of sugar syrup and artificial additives without inactivation of bioactive compounds of honey.