ThesisPDF Available

The Memory Labyrinth


Abstract and Figures

The memory labyrinth is a pavilion that explores the unique intersection of architecture, computational design, and Alzheimer’s disease from its very conception. The pavilion serves as a tangible narrator - acting both visually and spatially - to illustrate the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Its architectural language draws inspiration from the cognitive deterioration caused by Alzheimer’s, translating the gaps and holes in human memory into physical spaces. Alarming on the isolated and depressive experiences often associated with Alzheimer’s, the pavilion emerges as a collaborative space, encouraging collective interaction and memory-making. In this regard, the pavilion’s overall form arises from a computational approach driven by Alzheimer’s patients’ data. Using an algorithmic process a unique perforation is provoked on its originally continuous shell based on a degree of brain deterioration (Atrophy Scaling Factor), thus creating the possibility for interactive areas. These discrete spaces, positioned via a Wave Function Collapse (WFC), offer visitors a memorable experience as the pavilion becomes a legacy of a data-oriented approach in design, that shapes digital data into physical artifacts. Finally, by fostering interaction, the Pavilion of the Memory Labyrinth aims to counteract the societal isolation often experienced by individuals with Alzheimer’s. Through its architectural configuration, the pavilion lastingly communicates the narrative of Alzheimer’s disease to visitors, enabling a deeper understanding of the condition towards not only awareness but also inclusivity and acceptance.
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Keywords data-driven design, discrete architecture, stac-oriented design, experimental architecture
Fig. 01. Exterior Perspecve View
The Memory Labyrinth
The memory labyrinth is a pavilion that explores the unique intersecon of architecture, computaonal de-
sign, and Alzheimer’s disease from its very concepon. The pavilion serves as a tangible narrator - acng both
visually and spaally - to illustrate the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Its architectural language draws
inspiraon from the cognive deterioraon caused by Alzheimer’s, translang the gaps and holes in human
memory into physical spaces. Alarming on the isolated and depressive experiences oen associated with Alz-
heimer’s, the pavilion emerges as a collaborave space, encouraging collecve interacon and memory-mak-
ing. In this regard, the pavilion’s overall form arises from a computaonal approach driven by Alzheimer’s pa-
ents’ data. Using an algorithmic process a unique perforaon is provoked on its originally connuous shell
based on a degree of brain deterioraon (Atrophy Scaling Factor), thus creang the possibility for interacve
areas. These discrete spaces, posioned via a Wave Funcon Collapse (WFC), oer visitors a memorable ex-
perience as the pavilion becomes a legacy of a data-oriented approach in design, that shapes digital data into
physical arfacts. Finally, by fostering interacon, the Pavilion of the Memory Labyrinth aims to counteract
the societal isolaon oen experienced by individuals with Alzheimer’s. Through its architectural congura-
on, the pavilion lasngly communicates the narrave of Alzheimer’s disease to visitors, enabling a deeper
understanding of the condion towards not only awareness but also inclusivity and acceptance.
Sarvenaz Rezaei
Ecole Naonale des Ponts et Chaussées ParisTech Mastère Spécialisé,
Digital Building Design 2022 - 2023
Academic Tutor: Iacopo Neri, Faculty at IAAC and scienc collaborator at DVS-UZH
Pavilion of Alzheimer’s Paents
1 Introducon
Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most complex diseases known so far, and a specic cause has not yet been
found. Given its manifold nature, this pavilion funcons as an aempt to inform the public about the complex
geometry of its shell. Dierent layers of the pavilion mimic the decay of the Alzheimer’s mind in its brain’s
inner layers, while the inner shell wraps spaces on its inside. By standing and walking in the space of the pa-
vilion, each point of the shell (1 x 1 m space) indicates the state of mental deterioraon of a paent. Various
factors are measured to diagnose the degree of severity of Alzheimer’s disease and the Atrophy Scaling Fac-
tor (ASF) - or the brain’s volume scaling factor - is among them. If the paent’s ASF is higher than the average
ASF of other paents, mul-cavity spaal envelopes ll its place, via a computaonally discrete approach,
further discussed in secon 1.1 of this arcle. Finally, directly using the data of Alzheimer’s paents in the
volume and form of the pavilion aims to provoke a tangible and durable experience in the eyes of the viewer.
In the context of this research, a data-driven approach is key for the design of the pavilion to ensure any
experience of its interior spaces as narrators of incoherent memories like the ones any paent has to face
endlessly. In this regard, the visitor is placed among the formless, layered, and smooth shell/plate and loses
a sense of orientaon along the various spaal curves in the plan. The pavilion becomes the daily expression
of an Alzheimer’s paent. With the help of the Wave Funcon Collapse algorithm which is a constraint-based
algorithm that takes a small part and procedurally generates a larger piece in the same style, it works like a
solver and leaves the missing pieces in an unknown place. This project has an informave aspect and is com-
pleted with the help of data-driven design and discrete architecture.
“Data-driven design is an approach to design that relies on the analysis and ulizaon of data to inform the
design process. In data-driven design, decisions are guided by empirical data and insights rather than relying
solely on intuion or assumpons. This approach leverages informaon collected from various sources to
opmize design choices and outcomes.”(Flowndeveloper, 2023)
2 Context
2.1 Data-Driven Design
In this light, one reference project for this study is by the master’s students of UCL. which
is based on food data focusing on designing food centers from producon to consumpon in the Co-
rona era is the main idea of using data in this project turns this project into a rich study. This research
points to unsustainable ecosystems led by consumerism, and to solving climate problems, it points out
that cies must become an integral part of the soluon, and establish a balance between the city con-
sumer and the producer village. This research has been considered and designed by examining the
data on the food in demand and suitable places for culvaon and distribuon in the shortest distance
from the consumpon centers. Such a project is not possible without data review and analysis, and the
existence of such projects is important because of their analysis-oriented and forward-looking sight.
Discrete architecture is a method for building complex architectures from simple elements as it produces
highly variable spaces through the computaonally supported combinaon of its parts. In other words “With
a discrete approach, the dichotomy between the virtual—the way things are designed—and the physical—
the way things are realized—becomes much smaller.
2.2 Discrete Architecture
Pavilion of Alzheimer’s Paents
Today, it is very important how an architectural project is dened and implemented, even more so in light of
the global lack of resources, the increase in polluon, and the diversity of human needs. Discrete architec-
ture works towards forms and processes of digital and automated producon that can facilitate and promote
pracces of equity, heterogeneity, and inclusivity. Oen, the Dom-ino House is taken as an example of mass
standardizaon in the modern era as it simplies the building, dening it only with three elements: column,
slab, and stairs. Through discrete architecture, on the other hand, the same space is achieved through only
one element which can be seen as columns, slabs, and stairs. (Fig. 2.)
KarlsPlatz in Vienna by Gilles Retsin Architecture (Fig. 3.) is a building that is built with only a few cells, and
it seems that it is not made of slabs or columns. Assembly takes advantage of the specic characteriscs of
objects and makes them as a whole. As the parts themselves gain more importance, the role of the architect
is discussed because the form no longer holds its meaning. The primary element or elements in discrete
architecture, which are the core of the project, dene all the architecture and spaal quality. The size and
shape of the elements are the basis of the construcon of discrete architecture, for example, the use of
agent-based components in Prototype for a 3D printed house by Gilles Retsin architecture (Fig. 5.), which
produces a coherent and free form, or mega element in Helsinki Naonal Museum by Gilles Retsin architec-
ture (Fig. 4.) which, in addion to creang the form of a building, also becomes a part of the habitable space
in the project due to its giant and human-friendly scale. Overall, discrete architecture embraces two visions
of architecture. In project KarlsPlatz, it is the top-down approach, as if the components together create the
form of a building, or the boom-up approach in project ProtoHouse (Prototype for a 3D printed house),
where the integrity of its components and the way they are placed lead to the producon of free-form. Also,
in the Yure Pavilion by Kengo Kuma & Associates (Fig. 6.), the type of placement and locking of components
has brought such a form in this approach.
So, the ulizaon of visual programming becomes imperave in data-oriented architectural frameworks and
space design plaorms featuring repeve elements. This approach transforms informaon into a funda-
mental architectural element, rendering abstract concepts tangible, parcularly through visualizaon using
Rhino soware. Grasshopper, a visual programming plugin integrated into Rhino, plays a central role in this
research, facilitang the implementaon of these concepts.
With the advent of visual scripng, various plugins are of support to discrete architectural projects, like
WASP1 by Andrea Rossi, Monoceros by Subdigital Studio, and Assembler by Alessio Erioli.
Fig. 02. Discrete parts as reassembly of Maison Dom-ino. Image: Ivo Tedbury, Semblr, Unit 19/DCL, 2017.
1 See hps://
Methods and processes of design, fabricaon, and assembly become more streamlined. The role of the ar-
chitect becomes less concerned with the nal form a building may take, and instead engages more with the
overarching economic, social, material, and technical framework in which it is produced.” (Claypool, 2019).
Pavilion of Alzheimer’s Paents
This plugin implements in Grasshopper the Wave Funcon Collapse algorithm (WFC). WFC is an algorithm
that lls a space by pung modules or puzzle pieces together in a meaningful way so that each piece can
connect with its neighbor and ll an input space like puzzle pieces. Open to both approaches, top-down
and boom-up, it begins with the denion of envelopes, known as Slot in Monoceros2. In the case of a
top-down approach, the nal volume can be pixelated, and the Slots are ready to accept the module in-
side them. Oppositely, with the boom-up approach, the nal volume is obtained as a result of the rules
that are dened a priori for placing the modules. Technically, the way to connect modules is dened in
such a way that the connecon of the face of one slot with another using a point, line, or a combinaon
of these rules is a set of rules that gives the designer the authority to place the modules (Fig. 7.). By in-
pung the dened slots, modules, and rules to the Monoceros solver that works with the WFC algo-
rithm, it is possible to obtain a nal volume, regardless of its architectural or design purposes (Figure 8).
2.2.1 Monoceros
Fig. 03. KarlsPlats in Vienna by Gilles
Retsin Architecture
Fig. 05. Prototype for a 3D printed
house by Gilles Retsin Architecture
Fig. 04. Helsinki Naonal Museum
by Gilles Retsin Architecture
Fig. 06. Yure Pavilion by Kengo
Kuma & Associates
Fig. 07. Monoceros Introducon
2 See hps://
Pavilion of Alzheimer’s Paents
4.1 Data Extracon
The pavilion of Memory Labyrinth is rooted in a form obtained from the factors of a collecon of Alzhei-
mer’s paents. Each square meter of its shell comes from the informaon of an Alzheimer’s paent who is
responsible for a panel-by-panel modicaon. In this regard, if ASF values are higher than average, panels
are removed and replaced by the inially dened cell (which should be mesh) that contains the interacon
piece. The replacement pieces on the original shell, which have sharp-edged forms, contrast with the so
and curved form of the pavilion shell. In the connuaon of the research, other forms of these parts and
studies in the eld of discrete architecture will be discussed.
“Data extracon is the process of retrieving specic informaon from a dataset or database, oen for analysis,
reporng, or further processing. This can involve pulling out structured data from a database, unstructured
data from documents or websites, or even extracng specic features from images or other types of media.
(Astera Analycs Team, 2023) Data extracon is a process used in Web Scraping, Database Querying (using
Structured Query Language or other query languages), Text Mining and Natural Language Processing (NLP),
Image Processing Data Cleaning and Preprocessing, Site Analysis, Material Specicaons, Building Codes and
Regulaons, Energy Eciency and Sustainability Data, Structural Data, Cost Esmaon and Budgeng, User
Requirements and Programming Data, Building Performance Data, BIM (Building Informaon Modeling)
4 Methodology
The aim of this arcle is the construcon of a pavilion as a result of a computaonal exploraon that func-
ons as an informaonal piece on the struggles of Alzheimer’s paents How data about Alzheimer’s paents
can be used in building a pavilion and how it turns demena into an architectural process, are the key ques-
ons for this research. Two approaches, data-driven design and discrete architecture are used and studied
in the pavilion design process. The form of the pavilion shell is obtained from the data of Alzheimer paents
and the destroyed parts of the shell are lled by specic parts with the help of discrete architecture.
3 Objecve
Fig. 08. Generated chairs in top-down approach with Monoceros
Pavilion of Alzheimer’s Paents
For this study, the type of data extracon is structured data. This involves programmacally accessing and re-
trieving specic data from a structured source, such as a spreadsheet, database, or any other organized data
format. In this case, the structured source is the Excel le, and using C# (a programming language) to access
and extract specic pieces of informaon from it. This could involve reading specic cells, rows, and columns.
The main characteriscs of Alzheimer’s disease are eTIV, nWBV, ASF, CDR, MMSE, and SES. eTIV stands for
esmated Total Intracranial Volume, which is a proxy for the volume of the skull, while nWBV is Normalized
Whole Brain Volume. Parts of the brain in Alzheimer’s paents degenerate, and nWBV is the remaining vol-
ume of the brain. As above menoned ASF is the Atrophy Scaling Factor and shows the amount of destroyed
brain volume (Fig. 9.). CDR stands for “the Clinical Demena Rang (CDR) Demena Staging Instrument in
one aspect is a 5-point scale used to characterize six domains of cognive and funconal performance ap-
plicable to Alzheimer disease and related demenas: Memory, Orientaon, Judgment & Problem Solving,
Community Aairs, Home & Hobbies, etc.” (Knight Alzheimer Disease Research Center, 2023). MMSE stands
for The Mini-Mental State Examinaon (Folstein 1975) “is a simple pen-and-paper test of cognive funcon
based on a total possible score of 30 points; it includes tests of orientaon, concentraon, aenon, verbal
memory, naming and visuospaal skills.” (Naon Library of Medicine, 2023). SES or Socioeconomic status
“reecng both social and economic measures of a person’s work experience, and of an individual’s or fam-
ily’s economic access to resources and social posion — has been linked to both physical and psychological
health and well-being.” (AAIC, 2022).
MRI image from the research arcle: Quan-
tave assessment of eld strength, total
intracranial volume, sex, and age eects
on the goodness of harmonizaon for volu-
metric analysis on the ADNI database
eTIV: Esmated Total In-
tracranial Volume
nWBV: Normalized
Whole Brain Volume
ASF: Atrophy Scaling
Alzheimer’s disease progression - MRI im-
age from the reseach:Brain imaging use
in Alzheimer ’s demena diagnosis Alzhei-
mer’s disease and demena
MRI image from the research paper: Brain
Atrophy and Clinical Characterizaon of
Adults With Mild Cognive Impairment
and Dierent Cerebrospinal Fluid Bio-
marker Proles According to the AT(N) Re-
search Framework of Alzheimer’s Disease
Fig. 09. eTIV, nWBV, ASF of Alzheimer’s paents
The sum of all these indicators is evaluated to determine a person subject to Alzheimer’s and track the diag-
nosis and progression of the disease. There are 354 Alzheimer’s paent informaon in the studied Excel le
that was obtained from the data science compeon plaorm The form-nding process, which
is discussed in detail in the next secon, is the result of converng the three main indicators of Alzheimer’s
disease, eTIV, nWBV, and ASF, into a geometrical enty: a point. For this, a specic data preprocessing phase
is required. Extracng data from an Excel le falls under the category of structured data extracon which
refers to informaon that is organized in a consistent format.
Pavilion of Alzheimer’s Paents
4.2 Generang Forms
Fig. 10. Data Extracon
“The box is a theorecal device that I developed inspired by some of Slavoj Zizek’s statements that “Some-
mes you need to oversimplify things to nd the core. We think too much in shades of gray and we should
be more black and white.” Metabox consists of mass, lines, points, surfaces.” (Retsin, 2018) The basic ele-
ments of architecture became the rst step to generang form. Point, line, and surface. These points are the
rst step to the beginning of various forms that we will connue to study, the producon of the surface and
how this surface becomes a shell with dierent borders will be discussed later. Therefore, to start the form
generaon, the informaon of Alzheimer’s paents was converted to points. From Fig. 11 to Fig. 18 are the
exploring process for generang forms. To produce a surface from these points, the three main indicators
of Alzheimer’s disease, eTIV, nWBV, and ASF were applied to X, Y, and Z. The surface that was obtained from
these characteriscs was very long and inappropriate for architectural space. (Fig. 11.)
In an Excel le, data is typically organized in rows and columns, which provides a clear structure for storing
and retrieving informaon. Extracng structured data from an Excel le oen involves using programming
languages that can read and manipulate spreadsheet les. For this exploraon, the converng process is
achieved with the help of the C# component in Grasshopper. C# performs the reading of the Excel le in such
a way that a list of points is generated, having as coordinates (X, Y, and Z) values coming from three specic
rows of the Excel le. More precisely, the twelh row of the Excel sheet, corresponding to the 354 paents’
eTIV value, is applied to the X coordinate The thirteenth row of the Excel sheet (nWBV) applies to the Y index
of the points and the fourteenth row applies to the Z index of the points. (Fig. 10.)
Pavilion of Alzheimer’s Paents
Fig. 12. Alzheimer’s paents’ characteriscs were converted to points. (edion 2)
Therefore, to have more control over the generated surface, the points were given X and Y coordinates as
the number of paents which provided a square border that means each point on the surface represented a
paent of Alzheimer’s disease. (Fig. 12.)
Fig. 11. Alzheimer’s paents’ characteriscs were converted to points.
Pavilion of Alzheimer’s Paents
In the next step, it was considered that if there is no limitaon to the shape of the border of the surface,
then any form can be generated by the exisng points, and if the border points of the surface are known as
the supports, a volume can be obtained that has a high disncon between its interior and exterior space.
This became a law for the producon of pavilion form.
4.3 Discrezaon
At this stage and aer producing the form of the volume, the ASF level of each Alzheimer’s paent is checked.
Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerave condion, which means that it causes progressive damage to
the brain over me. Here’s what happens to an Alzheimer’s paent’s mind:
Neurobrillary Tangles: Inside brain cells, there are twisted tangles of protein bers known as neuro-
brillary tangles. These tangles disrupt communicaon within the cells, eventually leading to cell death.
Amyloid Plaques: Abnormal clumps of a protein called amyloid plaques accumulate between nerve cells.
These plaques disrupt cell funcon and communicaon.
Shrinkage of Brain Tissue: Over me, the brain of an Alzheimer’s paent typically shrinks in size. This aects
various regions of the brain, including those responsible for memory, thinking, and other cognive funcons.
Impaired Synapc Funcon: The connecons (synapses) between brain cells are crical for communicaon.
In Alzheimer’s, these synapses become damaged, leading to a breakdown in signaling.” (Naonal Instute of
Aging, 2023)
Fig. 13. Two types of anchors (linear and curved) were studied for generang dierent surfaces
However, the generated surface remains unsuitable for living and hardly standing. Walls and foundaons
are needed. The wall can be a part of the surface, which makes the whole form integrated. Any point on the
surface that projects onto the ground can be dened as the support of the surface. In Figure 13, the surfaces
were generated with linear and curved anchors.
The Excel le reports that there are 354 people with a high probability of Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis,
which are arranged in the order of their IDs. The characteriscs of each paent according to the size of the
disease factors become Cartesian coordinates in space and points are created. In the design process, the
waves can be changed only by changing the rao of the spaal dierence of the points to each other in
height, and therefore their control is in the hands of the designer.
Pavilion of Alzheimer’s Paents
Strategy 1: Destroyed parts with perforated texture or linear elements that let outside light pass through
their hollow texture and are a symbol of forgoen memories. (Fig. 14.)
Strategy 2:to replace the damaged parts with solar cells that provide some of the electricity consumed by
the pavilion. (Fig. 15.)
Strategy 3: Instead of the destroyed parts, interacve spaces should be formed, which is the place of in-
ter-acon and the formaon of new memories with reusable material. (Fig. 16.)
At this stage and aer producing the form of the volume (shell), the ASF level of each Alzheimer’s paent is
checked. Now, each point of the surface/shell is a paent, by comparing the ASF of that person with the average,
if the ASF is smaller than the average, the surface/shell will not be destroyed, but if it is greater than the average,
that area will not be made and remains destroyed. Technically, the shell is made of 354 points when it is said
that the point of the shell means the area of the shell divided by 354. For the destroyed parts like the minds of
Alzheimer’s paents, dierent strategies were considered, all of them using the WFC algorithm that puts the
pieces together like a puzzle. Its meaning is that in the parts where the memories are forgoen and lose their
coherence, they are replaced by connected pieces with various funcons according to the dened strategy.
Fig. 14. Strategy 1 - Destroyed parts are lled with linear elements and straight and curvy surfaces.
“Memory and Cognive Decline: Due to the widespread damage to brain cells, especially in areas crucial for
memory and cognive funcon (such as the hippocampus and cerebral cortex), individuals with Alzheimer’s
experience progressive memory loss and a decline in thinking and problem-solving abilies.” (Corey-Bloom,
Pavilion of Alzheimer’s Paents
Fig. 15. Strategy 2 - Destroyed parts are lled with solar cells.
Fig. 16. Strategy 3 - Destroyed parts are lled with interacve spaces.
The designed modules must be converted into Monoceros modules and slots must be made for placing
modules into them. The slots are placed in the destroyed parts. Also, these modules need rules to be con-
nected. Finally, the WFC solver creates the nal arrangement with modules, slots, and connecon rules.
Slots must be materialized to visualize the nal layout. (Fig. 17.)
Fig. 17. Monoceros
Pavilion of Alzheimer’s Paents
Fig. 18. Pavilion of Alzheimer’s Paents
The shell produced from the ASF amount of Alzheimer’s paents is wavy. The form of the shell is obtained
from the determined points and boundaries. (Fig. 18.)
5 Result
This shell has a second shell inside itself, which has the role of containing visual art display rooms. The sec-
ond skin is produced from the same data by changing the ASF rao of paents and with the same boundary,
which has steeper valleys to display visual arts on their skin. (Fig. 19.) The pavilion includes galleries, visual
arts display rooms, service, and a cafe. Those shell points whose ASF is higher than the average are not cre-
ated to give place to interacve spaces that are computaonally placed via WFC and organized like a puzzle.
In this regard, architecture becomes a medium for new interacon and memories in those places where the
most mental deterioraon has occurred. The shell of the pavilion is xed in place with the help of a wooden
lamella structure, the material of the rst (exterior) semi-transparent shell is polycarbonate panels, the sec-
ond one (interior) is prefabricated plywood, and the interacve space is made of reusable wood.
Fig. 19. The second shell of Pavilion of Alzheimer’s Paents
Pavilion of Alzheimer’s Paents
The pavilion of the memory labyrinth with its formaon and construcon process is a narrator of Alzhei-
mer’s disease. Its architectural language takes formal inspiraon from Alzheimer’s disease progress where
demena produces holes in the human mind, gaps in its volume. Instead of distorted thought and memory,
the pavilion becomes a place for people to interact and make memories collecvely, deeply contrasng the
Alzheimer-induced feeling of isolaon and depression. Moreover, a computaonal approach drives its over-
all shape, which is mostly represented by the perforated shell. Result of transforming the characteriscs of
Alzheimer’s disease paents into points within a given boundary, the shell is analyzed so that, where the
deterioraon is higher than the average (ASF), shell pieces get removed and give way to interacve areas:
discrete spaces algorithmically placed and oriented via WFC funcon. The pavilion is the result of a data-ori-
ented approach, and with its conguraon, it narrates Alzheimer’s disease to the visitors, and by inving
interacon, it tries to prevent the isolaon of Alzheimer’s paents in society.
I would like to express my deep gratude to Iacopo Neri for his guidance, construcve suggesons, and valu-
able support throughout the development of this research. My thanks are extended to Romain Duballet for
his advice through all progression levels. I would also like to thank Selma Abbas, Camille Chevrier, Kateryna
Kuzmenko, Romain Mesnil, Vincent Méthot, Mahan Motamedi, Quenn Mouly, Hoodad Zoroufchian, and my
supporve family.
6 Conclusion
List of Figures
Fig. 01. Exterior Perspecve View
Fig. 02. Discrete parts as a reassembly of Maison Dom-ino. Image: Ivo Tedbury, Semblr, Unit 19/DCL, 2017.
Fig. 03. KarlsPlats in Vienna by Gilles Retsin Architecture
Fig. 04. Helsinki Naonal Museum by Gilles Retsin architecture
Fig. 05. Prototype for a 3D printed house by Gilles Retsin architecture
Fig. 06. Yure Pavilion by Kengo Kuma & Associates
Fig. 07. Monoceros Introducon
Fig. 08. Generated chairs in top-down approach with Monoceros
Fig. 09. eTIV, nWBV, ASF of Alzheimer’s paents
Fig. 10. Data Extracon
Fig. 11. Alzheimer’s paents’ characteriscs were converted to points.
Fig. 12. Alzheimer’s paents’ characteriscs were converted to points. (edion 2)
Fig. 13. Two types of anchors (linear and curved) were studied for generang dierent surfaces
Fig. 14. Strategy 1 - Destroyed parts are lled with linear elements and straight and curvy surfaces.
Fig. 15. Strategy 2 - Destroyed parts are lled with solar cells.
Fig. 16. Strategy 3 - Destroyed parts are lled with interacve spaces.
Fig. 17. Monoceros
Fig. 18. Pavilion of Alzheimer’s Paents
Fig. 19. The second shell of Pavilion of Alzheimer’s Paents
Pavilion of Alzheimer’s Paents
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Regulated cell death (RCD) is an ordered and tightly orchestrated set of changes/signaling events in both gene expression and protein activity and is responsible for normal development as well as maintenance of tissue homeostasis. Aberrant activation of this pathway results in cell death by various mechanisms including apoptosis, necroptosis, pyroptosis, ferroptosis, and autophagy-dependent cell death. Such pathological changes in neurons alone or in combination have been observed in the pathogenesis of various neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Pathological hallmarks of AD focus primarily on the accumulation of two main protein markers: amyloid β peptides and abnormally phosphorylated tau proteins. These protein aggregates result in the formation of A-β plaques and neuro-fibrillary tangles (NFTs) and induce neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration over years to decades leading to a multitude of cognitive and behavioral deficits. Autopsy findings of AD reveal massive neuronal death manifested in the form of cortical volume shrinkage, reduction in sizes of gyri to up to 50% and an increase in the sizes of sulci. Multiple forms of cell death have been recorded in neurons from different studies conducted so far. However, understanding the mechanism/s of neuronal cell death in AD patients remains a mystery as the trigger that results in aberrant activation of RCD is unknown and because of the limited availability of dying neurons. This review attempts to elucidate the process of Regulated cell death, how it gets unregulated in response to different intra and extracellular stressors, various forms of unregulated cell death, their interplay and their role in pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease in both human and experimental models of AD. Further we plan to explore the correlation of both amyloid-beta and Tau with neuronal loss as seen in AD.
Conference Paper
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A persistent challenge to the more widespread use of shape grammars in architectural research is the creation of rules and rule sets for application in design contexts, while leaving space for design creativity despite the limitations of a rule-based system. A hybrid of associative and rule-based approaches may alleviate this. We present one such development, a Grasshopper shape grammar plug-in that embeds a rule-based approach within a parametric modelling environment. It supports shape emergence, visual enumeration of rule application results, and the parametric definition of shapes and shape rules even when selecting a non-parametric rule matching mechanism. Grasshopper's ability to handle geometries and text together allows for external descriptions and labels as attributes to points, enabling definition and application of compound, geometric and description rules. Well-known examples from shape grammar literature are implemented using the plug-in, with a focus on rule definition and application in the context of interaction between the parametric modelling environment and the rule-based interpreter, and simultaneous use of geometry, descriptions, and descriptions as attributes in rules.
Could automation turn architecture into a more accessible, mass‐produceable cultural project? Guest‐Editor Gilles Retsin recounts some experiments in this direction from the B‐Pro Research Cluster 4 that he co‐directs at the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, as well as from his private practice. Customisation here occurs in the assembly rather than in the building blocks themselves, with building syntax reduced to a small number of distinct elements, and resolution varying widely between projects. Design, rather than robotics, remains key.
What if the Discrete took a playful turn? A series of investigations by Los Angeles landscape, film and architecture collaborative Quirkd33 has been exploring the idea of building blocks made not of abstract forms, but stuffed toys. Along with work by artists Tristan Lowe and Mike Kelley, Quirkd33's designer and owner Ryan Vincent Manning discusses how they test the boundary between familiarity and fuzziness.
Cognitive decline, commonly first recognized as memory impairment, is a typical feature of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Neuropathological changes in the cerebral cortex and limbic system lead to deficits in learning, memory, language, and visuospatial skills. The precise nature of cognitive dysfunction reflects the distribution of pathological changes in AD. These will vary along the disease severity continuum and may also depend on where the disease sits in the spectrum of dementia. For example, AD-related disorders such as Lewy body dementia (LBD) and Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD) also show symptoms of cognitive decline and share several pathological features, including degeneration of cortical cholinergic and striatal dopaminergic neurons. In vascular dementia (VaD), there is often an unequal distribution of cognitive deficit, with severe impairment in some functions and relative sparing of others. Cholinesterase (ChE) inhibitors, which help restore acetylcholine levels in the brain, are licensed for the symptomatic treatment of AD and have shown additional benefit in related dementias. Physiological correlates of cholinergic function/dysfunction in the brain include regional cerebral blood flow, glucose metabolism, and cerebrospinal fluid levels of ChE enzymes. These variables represent valuable markers of the clinical efficacy of ChE inhibitors. However, direct assessment of cognitive improvement, stabilization or decline is usually considered the key efficacy parameter in clinical studies of ChE inhibitors in AD and related dementias. Large-scale, placebo-controlled clinical studies of ChE inhibitors have demonstrated efficacy in treating the cognitive impairments associated with AD. Randomized comparative studies of ChE inhibitors are now under way to directly compare symptomatic efficacy and effects on disease progression. Clinical trial data of the cognitive effects of ChE inhibitors in AD, LBD, PDD, and VaD are discussed in detail in this article. The benefits of long-term treatment on symptomatic improvement in cognition and further potential disease-modifying effects are highlighted.
Evidence exists for both cholinergic and glutamatergic involvement in the etiology of Alzheimer's disease. Acetylcholine (ACh), a neurotransmitter essential for processing memory and learning, is decreased in both concentration and function in patients with Alzheimer's disease. This deficit and other presynaptic cholinergic deficits, including loss of cholinergic neurons and decreased acetylcholinesterase activity, underscore the cholinergic hypothesis of Alzheimer's disease. The glutamatergic hypothesis links cognitive decline in patients with Alzheimer's to neuronal damage resulting from overactivation of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors by glutamate. The sustained low-level activation of NMDA receptors, which are pivotal in learning and memory, may result from deficiencies in glutamate reuptake by astroglial cells in the synaptic cleft. This article reviews the roles of ACh and glutamate in Alzheimer's disease, with particular attention given to the overlap between cholinergic and glutamatergic pathways. In addition, the potential synergy between cholinesterase inhibitors and the NMDA receptor antagonist memantine in correcting neurologic abnormalities associated with Alzheimer's disease is addressed. The Bartlett school of architecture UCL, Urban design, B-pro, RC 14
  • A Amarnath
  • I Bousios
  • M Chaskopoulou
  • J Li
Amarnath, A. Bousios, I. Chaskopoulou, M. Li, J. (2022). The Bartlett school of architecture UCL, Urban design, B-pro, RC 14.
Discrete and Digital: A Discrete Paradigm for Design and Production, Lecturer, USL the Bartlett School of Architecture
  • G Retsin
Retsin, G. Discrete and Digital: A Discrete Paradigm for Design and Production, Lecturer, USL the Bartlett School of Architecture
Heretical Machinism and Living Architectures of, Edilstampa srl
  • A Di Raimo
  • Roche
Di Raimo, A. François Roche, Heretical Machinism and Living Architectures of, Edilstampa srl, Roma, May 2014
Toward Discrete Architecture: Automation takes Command, UCL the Bartlett School of Architecture Retsin, G. Discrete and Digital | TxA 2016, A Discrete paradigm for Design and Production
  • G Retsin
Retsin, G. Toward Discrete Architecture: Automation takes Command, UCL the Bartlett School of Architecture Retsin, G. Discrete and Digital | TxA 2016, A Discrete paradigm for Design and Production, non-copyedited