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Journaling your challenges: mechanisms of resilience journals to support German first-semester business students during their transition to university


Abstract and Figures

Transition to university can be challenging, but writing interventions can be a helpful way of supporting first-semester students. Why these interventions are effective is still not fully understood, however. To explore the underlying mechanisms, two versions of a resilience journal were used in this study. They were designed to either broaden attention toward all challenges or to prime students’ attention to successfully mastered challenges. It was hypothesized that priming toward mastery is more effective but that both versions would increase students’ resilience and satisfaction. Hypotheses were tested in a pre-post design with 62 first-semester students randomly filling out one of the two versions for 6 weeks. The outcomes were compared to students without an intervention, and journal entries were analyzed for challenges and coping strategies. A content analysis of the journal entries revealed that most challenges were directly related to university. Problem-focused coping strategies were most often used to address challenges. Both intervention groups showed a decrease in life satisfaction during the first 6 weeks of university, but the intervention designed to broaden attention was more effective in mitigating this decrease. The same intervention was also more advantageous in promoting students’ resilience. The results highlight the vulnerability of students during their transition to university and the potential of writing interventions that include reflection on all challenges.
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Discover Psychology (2023) 3:44 |
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Discover Psychology
Journaling your challenges: mechanisms ofresilience journals
tosupport German first‑semester business students duringtheir
transition touniversity
MaxS.Lohner1 · CarmelaAprea1
Received: 30 September 2023 / Accepted: 11 December 2023
© The Author(s) 2023 OPEN
Transition to university can be challenging, but writing interventions can be a helpful way of supporting rst-semester
students. Why these interventions are eective is still not fully understood, however. To explore the underlying mecha-
nisms, two versions of a resilience journal were used in this study. They were designed to either broaden attention toward
all challenges or to prime students’ attention to successfully mastered challenges. It was hypothesized that priming
toward mastery is more eective but that both versions would increase students resilience and satisfaction. Hypotheses
were tested in a pre-post design with 62 rst-semester students randomly lling out one of the two versions for 6weeks.
The outcomes were compared to students without an intervention, and journal entries were analyzed for challenges
and coping strategies. A content analysis of the journal entries revealed that most challenges were directly related to
university. Problem-focused coping strategies were most often used to address challenges. Both intervention groups
showed a decrease in life satisfaction during the rst 6weeks of university, but the intervention designed to broaden
attention was more eective in mitigating this decrease. The same intervention was also more advantageous in promot-
ing students’ resilience. The results highlight the vulnerability of students during their transition to university and the
potential of writing interventions that include reection on all challenges.
Keywords Resilience· Journal intervention· First-semester students· Study satisfaction· Life satisfaction· Study
satisfaction· Challenges· Broaden-and-build theory
1 Introduction
For many students, the transition to university is a special time in their lives, and like most transition phases, this transi-
tion also presents a risk of increased vulnerability through multiple new challenges that might result in psychological
disturbances [16]. The results of earlier research studies show that university students report a high stress level [7] and
are at risk for mental health problems [8].
The latest results, gathered during the COVID-19 pandemic, reveal that students increasingly report a lack of
focus, attention problems, and difficulties in concentrating [9, 10], accompanied by a pronounced decrease in well-
being [11], and issues in making connections, satisfaction with education, and adjusting to challenges [12]. A high
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at https:// doi. org/ 10. 1007/ s44202- 023- 00106-1.
* Max S. Lohner, | 1Business School, University ofMannheim, L4, 1, 68161Mannheim, Germany.
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prevalence of depression and anxiety symptoms in this population was already identified before the pandemic and
continues to be widespread [8, 10, 1317]. In addition, self-harming and suicidal thoughts increased [10, 16, 17].
In particular, first-semester students at the beginning of their studies have a high risk for stress and mental health
problems [8, 18, 19], and during the pandemic, their mental health was especially affected [14, 16, 17].
Copeland etal. [9] claim that “[s]tudents, and particularly first-year students, may be in need of more institutional
support than ever” (p. 140). In line with this claim, the need for more psychological support has been formulated by
several authors studying the mental health of students [10, 1214, 2023].
To support students, the important role of resilience in preventing mental health problems and fostering well-
being has been repeatedly highlighted. Resilience protects students against loneliness, depressive symptoms, and
symptoms of generalized anxiety [20, 22]; shows positive effects on their coping and well-being [2426]; and is
linked to academic progress, better grades, and reduced drop-out numbers [2729]. Archana and Singh [30] even
label resilience as “one of the most important factors that contribute towards the well-being of students” (p. 228).
According to Luthar etal. [31], resilience can be defined as a “dynamic process encompassing positive adaptation
within the context of significant adversity” (p. 543). While other definitions exist, most of them include the core con-
cepts of adversity and positive adaptation [32]. The definition from Luthar etal. [31] was used in this study because
it best reflects the dynamic properties of resilience, an approach that is recommended in intervention research [33].
As the research literature describes it, resilience has dynamic properties, and resilience interventions can increase
resilience and well-being, especially in higher education students [3436], and can reduce their stress, anxiety, and
depression [3639]. A review of resilience interventions in higher education students by Brewer etal. [40] found that
most interventions were provided in face-to-face settings, predominantly at university, and often lacked a suitable
control group. Reviews in other areas also found that resilience interventions were effective but predominantly
delivered in a face-to-face setting [33, 4144]. Resilience interventions are seen as having high potential to support
students’ mental health [11, 45], but during the pandemic, new methods of delivery had to be explored and, in gen-
eral, more longitudinal research is necessary [14, 21].
To address these needs, we developed and evaluated resilience journals, following journal interventions in positive
psychology [46, 47]. In the rst implementation of these interventions, resilience increased in a general student sample,
but no signicant dierences between dierent journal versions were found [48]. The dierent versions were designed
following theoretical considerations used in other writing interventions and mainly diered in how they incorporated
the core concepts of resilience.
One theory used to design a resilience journal is the broaden-and-build theory [49]. According to this theory, broad-
ened attention and cognition lead to more cognitive exibility, creativity, and the incorporation of experiences from
one’s surroundings that otherwise would have been excluded [50]. These eects of broadened attention and cognition
provide resources for coping with adversity and transforming negative emotions. As a result of this process, well-being
and resilience increase and lead to more positive emotions, which again lead to broadened attention and cognition,
resulting in a positive upward spiral [49]. From a resilience perspective, this theory implies that it is less important whether
a challenge or adversity was mastered successfully and more important how a person perceives and thinks about the
challenge and its outcome.
Other theories, however, argue that it is more important whether the challenge or adversity was mastered successfully.
In their writing intervention, Risch and Wilz [51] theorized that any eectiveness arose from resource priming, and Wing
etal. [52] argued that their interventions led to a greater sense of mastery. Both explanations are based on mastery theory,
which implies that overcoming challenges leads to a sense of mastery, as well as a knowledge of reliable resources and
coping strategies, which can be of advantage when future challenges arise.
Despite writing interventions having empirically proven to be eective, there is still no denitive explanation for that
eectiveness [53]. The two dierent theoretical considerations present starting points for testing through resilience
journals. When developing a writing intervention to develop resilience, the two mechanisms imply dierences in the
inclusion of unsolved adversities and challenges. On the one hand, broadening attention in the context of resilience
should include a reection on adversities that have not been solved. This broadening of attention could help the user to
learn from failed attempts or think dierently about unsolved challenges. On the other hand, focusing only on mastered
adversities excludes adversities that have not been solved successfully. This could lead to a higher sense of mastery and
a stronger focus on successful coping strategies without the negative impact of failed attempts.
These different mechanisms were operationalized in two separate versions of a resilience journal [48]. While one
journal version was designed to encourage reflection on challenges and adversities of all kinds (the Attention Version;
AV), a second version was designed to encourage reflection on successfully mastered challenges and the related
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resources and coping strategies (the Mastery Version; MV). Descriptive results showed higher effects on resilience
for participants filling out the MV rather than the AV, but these differences did not surpass the significance level of
p < 0.05 [48]. This first intervention was already carried out during the pandemic and showed medium to small effect
sizes [48], just like similar interventions outside the pandemic context [33, 37, 54]. Therefore, the results are promis-
ing due to the tendency of positive psychology interventions to produce smaller effects during the pandemic [55]
Despite hinting at an advantage for the MV and therefore of mastery theory, these assumptions need to be further
verified. In particular, the implementation of the two journal versions over a longer period could give more insights
into the underlying mechanisms.
1.1 Aim andhypotheses
To gain further insights into the mechanisms behind resilience journals, the aim of this study was to evaluate the
effects of the two journal versions on first-semester student resilience and satisfaction over a longer period of time.
The evaluation was guided by the following hypotheses:
H1: First-semester students filling out a resilience journal will show higher resilience and satisfaction than students
without an intervention.
H2: Students filling out the MV will show a stronger increase in resilience and satisfaction compared to students
filling out the AV.
The journal entries and evaluation results could also be used to gain further insight into students’ challenges and
coping strategies during the transition phase.
2 Method
2.1 Participants andsampling procedure
To determine the adequate sample size, the software G*Power (version was used. Sample size was calculated
for a repeated measurement MANOVA with a medium effect size, an α-error of 5%, and a β-error of 20%. Results
revealed that a sample size of N = 66 would be suitable for the design of this study.
Participation in this study was promoted during the students’ orientation week prior to the first week of lectures.
First-semester students were asked to participate in the data collection via e-mail, social media posts, and online
events during this week. Participation was voluntary, but students who participated could take part in a raffle for 5
x €50 or receive course credits if their study program included course credits for participation in scientific studies. In
total, 87 students (66.7% female, age: Myears = 20.43, SDyears = 3.03) registered for the journal intervention and gave
informed consent for participation and data collection.
The participating students were randomly assigned to one of two journal versions (see Sect.2.2). Sixty-two
students completed their version of the journal intervention and participated in the post-test, while 25 (66.7%
female, age: Myears = 19.14, SDyears = 2.80, 56.0% MV) did not complete the post-test and were therefore excluded from
the statistical analyses. The remaining 62 students were between 18 and 35years of age (Myears = 20.9, SDyears = 3.0),
and 67.7% identified as female. All students were studying at the business school of the University of Mannheim
and started their bachelor’s program in fall 2020. Most students (75.8%) reported a major in economic and business
education, while the remaining students majored in business administration.
Measures were also included in a first-semester student poll for students majoring in economic and business
education. In addition, 103 first-semester students who did not participate in any intervention took part in the
student poll. These students represent the control group in the following analysis. Students in the control group
were between 17 and 40years of age (Myears = 21.2, SDyears = 3.1), and 68.0% identified as female.
2.2 Intervention
The intervention used in this study was a resilience journal [48] adapted to a weekly format. The following two versions
were completed by the students for 6weeks:
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MV: Every day, we master many challenges, both small and big, in private and academic contexts. Think back over the
past week and enter ve challenges that you mastered this week in the eld below. For each challenge, write down
how you mastered it.
AV: Every day, we face many challenges, both small and big, in private and academic contexts. Think back over the
past week and enter ve challenges that you encountered in the eld below. For each challenge, write down what
specically was challenging for you.
Randomization of participants resulted in 32 students completing the AV (62.5% female, age: Myears = 21.31,
SDyears = 3.71) and 30 students completing the MV (73.3% female, age: Myears = 20.43, SDyears = 2.00).
2.3 Measures
To evaluate the eects of the intervention, resilience was measured before and after the intervention. A separate resilience
scale designed for longitudinal measurement accompanied all journal entries. To evaluate the eects on students’
subjective well-being, a scale for general life satisfaction and a scale specically designed for university students were
2.3.1 Resilience
The Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) is a six-item scale measuring resilience as the “ability to bounce back” (p. 195) [56]. The
items, such as “I usually come through dicult times with little trouble, are rated on a 5-point Likert scale (“strongly
disagree” to “strongly agree”). The German version of the BRS [57] was used in this study and has been reported as having
good reliability (Cronbach’s α = .85) for a German sample. The use of the BRS in resilience research is recommended for
its good validity [33] and its sensitivity in depicting change [58].
2.3.2 Dynamic resilience
The Monitoring of Actual Resilience State (MARS) [48] is a measure for dynamic changes in resilience in longitudinal
data. It consists of eight items (e.g., “I could rely on myself to overcome challenges”) rated on a slider control scale from
“strongly disagree to “strongly agree. The MARS showed good multi-level reliability (α = .75) in a German student sample
[48] and was included in the journals of this study. To account for the weekly format, the original prex “Today [48]
was replaced by the prex “This week….
2.3.3 General life satisfaction
The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) [59] consists of ve items measuring global life satisfaction as an element of
subjective well-being. The items, such as “In most ways, my life is close to my ideal”, are rated on a 7-point Likert scale
(“strongly disagree” to “strongly agree”). Again, the German version [60], which has a very good internal consistency
(Cronbach’s α = .92), was used in this study.
2.3.4 Life andstudy satisfaction
The Life and Study Satisfaction Scale (LSS), developed by Holm-Hadulla and Hofmann [61], is a German instrument
specically designed to measure the satisfaction of university students. The 7-item scale consists of four items assessing
general life satisfaction (LS), such as “How satised are you currently with your life?” and three items assessing study
satisfaction (SS), such as “How satised are you currently with your academic performance?” Although these dierent
areas of satisfaction are proposed by the authors, all items load on only one factor and retain an internal consistency
(Cronbach’s α) of .84 [62]. Answers were given on a 5-point Likert scale (“not at all” to “very strongly”). This second scale
for satisfaction was included to account for students’ special perspective and their study satisfaction.
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2.3.5 Demographic variables
Students were asked for their gender (male, female, diverse), age, study program, and semester via self-report items.
2.4 Research design
The study was carried out between September 21 and November 16, 2020. At this time, COVID-19 cases in Germany were
rising, and lectures at the University of Mannheim were given in a digital format. On November 2, 2020, new contact
regulations and a partial lockdown came into eect in Germany, with the closure of restaurants, sport facilities, and
cultural institutions.
During the orientation week, before the rst lecture in the fall/winter semester of 2020, students lled out the pre-
test, consisting of their informed consent, the BRS, the SWLS, and the LS subscale. Due to the lack of participants’ study
experiences, the SS subscale could not be included in the pre-test. The students were then randomly assigned to one of
the two journal versions; they completed their journal and the MARS every weekend for the rst 6weeks of university.
Students were reminded weekly by e-mail to ll out their journals and the MARS. The weekly format was chosen to keep
the workload for the students manageable. After the 6weeks of the intervention, students lled out the post-test, consist-
ing of the BRS, SWLS, LSS (both subscales) and demographic measures, and received a debrieng. The same measures,
informed consent, and debrieng were included in a rst-semester student poll of the business school in the same week.
The full research design is depicted in Fig.1.
All measures and journals were delivered online using the software SoSci Survey. Participation was possible using any
device with internet access (e.g., smartphone, tablet, or PC).
2.5 Data analyses
Journal entries for challenges and coping strategies were coded following the qualitative content analysis of Mayring
[63] to gain further insights into students’ experiences during their transition to university. All journal entries were
included, even if the students did not complete the whole intervention.1 Categories for analyzing challenges were built
using an inductive approach, while coping strategies were coded following the taxonomy of Smith [64] in a deduc-
tive approach. This approach was chosen to allow for comparability to other studies. A quarter of all journal entries
Fig. 1 Research Design
1 The decision to include journal entries of students who did not complete the whole intervention was made, to simultaneously analyze if
specic challenges increase the risk of dropping out of the intervention. This was however not supported by the data, and no specic chal-
lenge related to drop out of the study could be identied. The exclusion of students who did not complete the whole intervention does
however not change something in the relation of the mentioned challenges and therefore results would remain largely unchanged when
excluding students who did not nish the intervention.
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were coded independently by a student assistant to include the perspective of an active student. Inter-rater reliability
(Cohen’s kappa) was computed from these ratings. Cases in which the raters disagreed were discussed until agreement
was reached.
The mean scores for BRS, SWLS, and LSS were used in two one-way MANOVAs to evaluate group dierences. To answer
Hypothesis 1, the rst MANOVA compared the post-test results of students with interventions with results from students
without intervention. The second MANOVA compared the pre-post results of the two intervention groups with each other
to answer Hypothesis 2. In this second MANOVA, only the mean score of the LS subscale of LSS was included, because no
SS subscale was included in the pre-test. Following these analyses, separate post hoc t-tests or ANOVAs were performed
for every variable separately to evaluate the eects on the individual variables. Hypothesis 2 was also analyzed with a two-
level time series analysis of MARS using an AR(1) model (random intercepts, random slopes) including the intervention
group as a between-person predictor.
Longitudinal analyses were performed using Mplus (Version 8.7). All remaining analyses were conducted in IBM SPSS
Statistics (Version
3 Results
3.1 Descriptive analysis
The requirements for statistical testing were evaluated and found adequate for further analysis (see supplementary
material). No pre-test group dierences in the dependent variables, gender, or age were found. Descriptive statistics for
all dependent variables are shown in Table1.
3.1.1 Analysis ofchallenges
Inductive analyses of the challenges reported in the journals resulted in ve broader categories of contexts in which these
challenges occurred. At 46.71%, nearly half of the challenges stemmed from the context of the university (e.g., learning
strategies, learning motivation, performance pressure, and keeping up with lectures). The second most common area of
challenges was ways of living (e.g., nding a job, moving to a new city, doing household chores on your own, getting enough
sleep, eating healthily, and distraction through phone use), which was referred to in 24.47% of all entries. The third category,
referred to in 12.78% of the entries, was social challenges (e.g., missing family and old friends, nding new friends, staying in
touch with friends, and challenges in relationships). In 11.23% of entries, students referred to the compatibility of dierent
areas in their life (e.g., combining work with university, combining family duties with university, getting enough free time to
relax, and managing time). The last category, referred to in 4.60% of entries, comprised challenges related to COVID-19 (e.g.,
Table 1 Descriptive statistics
of the dependent variables
N = 165. Mean values, standard deviations are in parentheses
Variable Time Intervention Control Total
AV MV Combined
BRS Pre 3.38 (0.76) 3.29 (0.61) 3.34 (0.69)
Post 3.59 (0.87) 3.21 (0.67) 3.40 (0.80) 3.30 (0.68) 3.34 (0.72)
SWLS Pre 5.38 (0.98) 5.59 (0.67) 5.48 (0.85)
Post 5.26 (1.05) 5.05 (0.82) 5.16 (0.95) 4.82 (1.00) 4.95 (0.99)
LSS Post 3.43 (0.77) 3.31 (0.52) 3.37 (0.66) 3.15 (0.60) 3.23 (0.63)
LS Pre 3.94 (0.53) 4.08 (0.47) 4.00 (0.50)
Post 3.79 (0.84) 3.59 (0.55) 3.69 (0.71) 3.40 (0.71) 3.51 (0.72)
MARS Week 1 67.92 (14.30) 60.85 (15.72) 64.64 (15.26)
Week 2 64.16 (21.42) 63.10 (15.35) 63.64 (18.59)
Week 3 65.22 (18.59) 56.65 (17.18) 61.00 (18.28)
Week 4 65.80 (18.58) 65.08 (18.23) 65.46 (18.26)
Week 5 61.63 (23.19) 60.17 (15.43) 60.94 (19.73)
Week 6 62.04 (19.32) 59.04 (14.29) 60.54 (16.90)
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worrying about the high number of infections, dealing with new lockdown regulations, getting infected, and feeling isolated).
To clearly dene this category, raters agreed on only including journal entries that mentioned COVID-19 or similar related
words (e.g., Corona, lockdown, social distancing, new regulations, and infection numbers), while challenges that might be
related to COVID-19, but not clearly mentioning it, were categorized under one of the remaining categories. Categorization
of challenges reached an inter-rater reliability of κ = .77.
3.1.2 Analysis ofcoping strategies
The formulation of the two journal tasks aected the reporting of coping strategies. Only students in the MV were asked
to report their coping strategies; consequently, insights into those strategies can only be drawn from this group. In total,
688 journal entries related to coping written by 43 students were identied and categorized following the classication of
coping strategies used by Smith [64]. The results revealed that a large majority of entries (75.87%) fell into the categories of
problem-focused coping (e.g., collecting information, facing challenges with eort and discipline, or planning ahead), while
only a very small proportion (7.12%) reported emotion-focused coping (e.g., acceptance, equanimity, or distraction). Social
coping was reported in 17.01% of entries (e.g., asking for help, organizing learning groups, or meeting with other students).
An inter-rater reliability of κ = .78 was reached for the coping categories.
3.2 Hypothesis 1
A one-way MANOVA comparing students with intervention to students without intervention revealed no signicant
dierences (F(3, 161) = 1.96, p = .122, η2p = .04).
Separate post hoc t-tests revealed that students with an intervention did not report more resilience than students without
an intervention (t(163) = − 0.84, p = .20, d = − 0.14). With regard to life satisfaction, however, students with intervention reported
signicantly higher SWLS scores in a post hoc t-test than did students without intervention (t(163) = − 2.12, p = .018, d = − 0.34).
Similarly, students lling out any journal reported signicantly more life and study satisfaction than did students without
any intervention (t(163) = − 2.23, p = .014, d = − 0.36).
3.3 Hypothesis 2
3.3.1 Pre‑post comparison ofjournal version
The repeated measurement one-way MANOVA comparing the pre-post results of the intervention groups identied a sig-
nicant eect of time (F(3, 58) = 8.04, p = .001, η2p = .29) and time × group interaction (F(3, 58) = 3.03, p = .036, η2p = .14). The results
of the separate post hoc one-way ANOVA analyses for the three variables are shown in Fig.2; there were signicant eects
of time on the SWLS and LS, and signicant time × group interactions for resilience and life satisfaction measured through
the SWLS. While life satisfaction decreased in both groups, students who used the AV of the resilience journal showed an
increase in resilience and less reduction in life satisfaction, as measured by the SWLS.
3.3.2 Longitudinal analysis ofdynamic resilience
The longitudinal analysis of dynamic resilience were performed using a two-level time series analysis with an AR(1) model,
random intercepts, random slopes, and a between-person predictor. It found a small but signicant positive autoregressive
coecient (0.643, p = .024). Between-level estimates of group eects indicated no signicant inuence of the journal version
on dynamic resilience. Even though students who participated in the AV reported constantly higher mean values in resilience,
the results for the inuence of the journal version on dynamic resilience (− 2.42, p = .275) and its autoregression (− 0.90,
p = .288) were not signicant.
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4 Discussion
4.1 Summary
Descriptive analysis of the journal entries indicated that nearly half of the reported challenges stemmed from chal-
lenges related to university, followed by ways of living, social challenges, compatibility, and, lastly, specific COVID-
19-related challenges. These challenges were mostly addressed with problem-focused coping strategies. Emotion-
focused coping and social coping together accounted for less than a quarter of the coping strategies mentioned.
The results revealed that students who filled out a resilience journal reported significantly more satisfaction
(SWLS and LSS) after the intervention, compared to students without any intervention. For resilience, no significant
difference was found between students participating in the intervention and those who did not. Hence, Hypothesis
1 can be supported for the effect of the resilience journal on satisfaction, but not for the effect of the intervention
on resilience.
When comparing the two versions of the resilience journal in a pre-post-test, a significant effect of the journal
version on resilience was found. Using the AV led to a stronger increase in resilience. A strong effect of time on life
satisfaction was observed in both journal versions. Life satisfaction decreased over the first 6weeks of university, but
students filling out the AV reported a milder decrease according to the SWLS than did students filling out the MV.
Therefore, Hypothesis 2 must be completely rejected, and the opposite of the expected outcome is the case. The AV
outperformed the MV in resilience as well as in life satisfaction and was more effective in this study. Further analysis
found that dynamic resilience was not significantly influenced by the journal version, but resilience had a positive
autoregressive coefficient, indicating that current resilience influences future resilience.
4.2 Interpretation
When looking at the results, the drop in life satisfaction in the two intervention groups highlights the effects of
the transition to university and vulnerability during this time [14]. The higher satisfaction in participants with an
intervention hints at a positive effect from the intervention (especially the AV), but must be treated with caution,
because no pre-test data of the control group was available. The longitudinal analysis, as well as the comparison to
Fig. 2 Change in resilience and life satisfaction of the intervention groups. t time, i interaction
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the control group, showed that resilience was rather stable over the course of the observed time, but an increase in
students filling out the AV was also observed.
This second empirical evaluation of resilience journals clearly favors the AV in fostering students’ satisfaction and
resilience. The theoretical mechanisms to design the AV were drawn from the broaden-and-build theory, and so
theoretical implications arise from this result. As predicted by the theory [49, 50], broadening attention led to increased
resilience and the smallest reduction in satisfaction. Solely broadening attention toward challenges, either solved or
unsolved, was most eective in supporting rst-semester students’ mental health in this study. By contrast, the MV,
designed to prime resources [51] and give students a sense of mastery [52], produced weaker eects. When comparing
the dierent theoretical considerations, this study implies that it is more important for students to reect on all their
challenges and broaden their attention rather than just learn from success. In the context of this study, the broaden-and-
build theory can be recommended as a foundation for resilience interventions. Like the mechanisms of the AV, Seligman
[65] proposes that pessimistic beliefs toward adversity can often be resolved if one takes a closer look at them and the
evidence for them.
To put this result into a broader context, it is important to look at the challenges and coping strategies students
reported in their journals. From the journals, it can be stated that most challenges reected everyday issues for rst-
semester students, with nearly half of the challenges stemming from the university context. Challenges resulting from
the pandemic represented the smallest number of entries. Thus, the results might have been inuenced to some extent
by this specic context, however, it seems quite reasonable that they apply to the transition to university in general.
The reported coping strategies show that the students used mainly problem-focused strategies and suggest a healthy
handling of the challenges. Accordingly, the AV was appropriate for a context in which the students mainly struggled
from everyday stressors and coped well. The mechanism of resource priming was proposed by Risch and Wilz [51] in
their evaluation of their writing intervention in a sample of patients after psychotherapy. From the current study, we
can state that broadening attention to challenges was more eective when dealing with everyday challenges, but when
dealing with severe adversity or traumatic experiences, the eectiveness of the two journal versions may be dierent.
Therefore, the two versions of the resilience journal should be further explored in an everyday context as well as in
relation to severe adversity.
4.3 Strengths andlimitations
This study especially addresses the limitations of the earlier implementation of resilience journals[48]. The 6-week
duration of the intervention, the data collection before the rst lecture, the recruitment of rst-semester students, who
are in special need of support [9], the inclusion of a control group without intervention, and the analysis of the journal
entries can therefore be seen as strengths of this study. In addition, the data on reduction of life satisfaction during
the transition to university and the implications for designing resilience journal interventions toward the broadening
of attention are valuable insights to better understand the mechanisms behind writing interventions and use them to
support students in the critical transition phase.
Despite these strengths, the study has a limitation regarding its sample. First, the sample was recruited only from
the business school of one German university and can thus not be broadened to applications in other contexts. Further
research in other universities, study programs, and countries is needed to generalize the ndings. Second, the control
group represents a convenience sample, and the study did not include a full randomized controlled trial design. The
inclusion of the post-test in a rst-semester student poll allowed for a larger number of participants in the control group.
However, this led to a limitation regarding comparability between students with and without intervention. Students in
the control group had no pre-test, and therefore changes in satisfaction and resilience that might have occurred in this
group could not be detected. Pre-post-test and randomization between all three groups should be implemented when
repeating this study. Third, a minor limitation is the small discrepancy between the calculated 66 participants and the
62 participants that completed the intervention. The discrepancy, however, was not so big that a negative inuence on
the quality of the results is expected.
Further limitations stem from using only self-report data, lack of generalizability through the special situation during
the COVID-19 pandemic, and analyzing qualitative journal entries only on a quantitative level, which does not allow for
interpretation of intensity of challenges, but rather the numbers of entries related to certain challenges. Longitudinal
analyses also found no dierences between the journal versions, which could result from the limited number of
measurement points. The eects of the intervention might also be limited by the weekly format of the reection task. A
daily reection, as used in the intervention by Seligman etal. [47], could possibly provide a higher intensity of reection
Research Discover Psychology (2023) 3:44 |
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and therefore lead to stronger eects. In addition, other variables such as socioeconomic background, sources for the
nancing of the study, and part-time student status, could have inuenced the transition to university. These variables
were not collected in this study, but further research could test the inuence of these variables on the eectiveness of
the intervention.
4.4 Implications forresearch andpractice
Despite of the aforementioned limitations, implications for research and practice can be drawn. The high eect sizes
for the reduction in life satisfaction during the transition to university highlight the importance of supporting students’
mental health during their transition. Especially, the high numbers of challenges stemming from the university context
highlight the need for support from the universities. Journal interventions can be an important rst step to support
students and are at the same time cost-ecient, can be delivered online and oine, and are easy to use. This study sheds
light on the mechanisms behind journaling interventions and highlights that it is important to include reection on
unsolved challenges to increase resilience. Further research should evaluate the eectiveness of a resilience journal in
a larger and more international student sample, and in combination with existing face-to-face resilience interventions.
In addition, it is important to further explore the mechanisms of writing interventions and the eects of reecting on
unsolved challenges on resilience to everyday challenges or traumatic adversities outside of the pandemic context.
5 Conclusion
In conclusion, this study found that students in both intervention groups experienced a decline in their life satisfaction
during their transition to university. The use of a journal which included a reection on solved and unsolved challenges
was able mitigate this decrease, and to increase resilience. The results show that the transition to higher education is a
challenging experience for students and that a resilience journal, designed following the broaden-and-build-theory, can
support students during this transition.
Acknowledgements We want to thank Corina Laser for supporting us with the coding of the journal entries.
Author contributions Both authors contributed to the study conception and design. MSL performed material preparation, data collection
and analysis, and he wrote the rst draft of the manuscript. Both authors commented on previous versions of the manuscript and read and
approved the nal version.
Funding Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL. This research was supported by the Julius Paul Stiegler Foundation.
Data availability The authors are not authorized to disclose the data of this study, to third parties. Accordingly, the data of this study cannot
be made publicly available. We assure that the data support the claims we make in this publication. In special cases, extracts of the data can
be acquired by contacting the corresponding author.
Ethics approval and consent to participate All participants gave informed consent to participate in this study. The protocol and questionnaires
of this study were approved by the Leadership board of the Area Economic and Business Education of University of Mannheim and was per-
formed in accordance with the ethical standards as laid down in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its later amendments.
Competing interests The authors have no competing interests to declare that are relevant to the content of this article.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation,
distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
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Full-text available
Understanding the drivers of student dropout from higher education has been a policy concern for several decades. However, the contributing role of certain factors—including student mental health—remains poorly understood. Furthermore, existing studies linking student mental health and university dropout are limited in both methodology and scope—for example, they often rely on small and/or non-representative samples or subjective measures, and focus almost exclusively on main effects. This paper overcomes many of these shortcomings by leveraging unique linked administrative data on the full population of domestic students commencing undergraduate studies at Australian universities between 2012 and 2015 (n = 652,139). Using these data, we document that approximately 15% of students drop out of university within their first academic year. Critically, students receiving treatment for mental health problems are 4.3 (adjusted) to 8.3 (unadjusted) percentage points more likely to drop out of higher education. This association remains in the presence of an encompassing set of potential confounds, and is remarkably uniform across segments of the student population determined by individual, family, and programme characteristics. Altogether, our findings call for increased policy efforts to improve student mental health and to buffer against its deleterious effects on retention.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted educational systems worldwide, and various alarming effects of this crisis on university students’ mental health have been reported. This study aimed to identify which factors, existing prior to the pandemic (summer term 2019), might be related to resilience when dealing with academic demands during the pandemic (summer term 2020). A sample of 443 university students took part in a longitudinal survey study at a large university in Germany. Resilience, defined as the level of adaptation to a stressor, was operationalized by modeling latent change scores of emotional exhaustion, depression, and somatization in the face of study stress. Multiple regression analyses were performed to analyze how potential facilitating and hindering factors were related to resilience demonstration while controlling for study stressors (workload, work complexity, and change in time spent studying). Academic self-efficacy was positively related to various forms of resilience demonstration, while competition was negatively related. Performance pressure was negatively related to only one form of resilience demonstration. No evidence was found for social support (from lecturers or fellow students) being positively related to the demonstration of resilience. This study confirms previous findings regarding relevant resilience factors such as self-efficacy. It also reveals unexpected aspects such as social support, and it indicates new constructs in resilience research in a university setting such as competition and performance pressure. Practical implications can be drawn from this research to benefit resilience promotion among students in preparation for challenging times.
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The first year of higher education (HE) marks one of the most significant transitions in a student’s life. Within the U.K., the subject area of Sport and Exercise Science (SES) has a problem with effectively supporting and retaining students as they transition into HE. If students’ capabilities to successfully transition are to be fully understood and resourced, it is necessary for research to foreground students’ lived realities. Utilising letter to self-methodology, 58 s- and third-year undergraduate SES students wrote to their younger self, providing guidance on how to successfully transition into HE. Data were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. Six themes and four sub-themes were identified. Following the development of a single composite version of an “Older, wiser self letter” to represent the identified themes, this resource was integrated into the institution’s pastoral care resources and sessions where personal tutors connected with their tutees. Student member reflections were completed to gather feedback regarding the resource’s effectiveness. The composite letter provides an authentic account of how to face obstacles encountered as students transition into HE. Students’ member reflections highlighted that the letter was a valuable resource as a prompt for discussion regarding their experiences of transitioning into HE. When in the student journey the letter was read was particularly important. The value of this composite letter lies in the implementation of tutor-tutee and student peer-peer conversations at key “moments” throughout their journey in HE, helping students understand the challenges and opportunities for success during transition.
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Higher education (HE) students experience rates of depression and anxiety substantially higher than those found in the general population. Many psychological approaches to improving wellbeing and developing student resilience have been adopted by HE administrators and educators, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. This article aims to review literature regarding integration of resilience and wellbeing in HE. A subsequent aim is to scope toward developing foundations for an emerging discipline specific concept-designer resilience. A literature scoping review is applied to chart various conceptual, theoretical and operational applications of resilience and wellbeing in HE. Twenty-seven (27) articles are identified and analysed. The scoping review finds that two general approaches to implementing resilience and wellbeing training exist in HE. First, articles reacting to a decline in student mental health and remedying this decline through general extra-curricular resilience or wellbeing programmes. Second, articles opting for a curricula and discipline-specific approach by establishing why resilience will be needed by future graduates before developing and testing new learning experiences. The presence of cognitive flexibility, storytelling, reframing and reflection lie at the core of the practice of resilience and design and therefore offer preliminary opportunities to develop 'designer resilience' training. Future research opportunities are identified throughout the article.
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Introduction The resilience interventions have the potential to enhance the protective factors to prevent mental health problems in young adolescents. The present study evaluated the feasibility of brief resilience interventions in a sample of college students. Methods The present randomized controlled study was conducted among 220 college students and the study protocol was registered in the Clinical Trials Registry of India (Ref. No. CTRI/2021/04/032716). The participants were randomly allocated to two groups: (i) A brief resilience intervention program group and (ii) a resilience self-help pamphlet group. The brief resilience intervention program is based on positive psychology and consists of two sessions, delivered on a 2-week interval period. The outcome measures were changes in the scores of the Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS), Perceived Stress Scale, and Patient Health Questionnaire-4. Results The mean age of the participants was 19.31 years (standard deviation – 1.17) and both the study groups were comparable during baseline ( P > 0.05). At the 1-month follow-up, there was a slight increase in the mean BRCS scores of the brief resilience intervention group (15.57 vs. 15.87) as compared to the resilience self-help pamphlet group (16.15 vs. 15.79). There was no evidence that brief resilience intervention was superior to the self-help booklet in any of the outcome measures ( P > 0.05). Conclusion Brief resilience interventions have the potential to promote resilience and coping skills among college-going students in this setting. The integration of brief resilience interventions among college-based cohorts would appear to be an appropriate strategy for building protective factors to bolster resilience.
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There is disagreement among researchers regarding the conceptualization of resilience as a dynamic state or stable trait. Aiming to shed light on the state‐versus‐trait debate, we explored the stability and construct validity of four of the most frequently utilized state or trait resilience scales in a longitudinal assessment. Additionally, we examined the predictive validity of these scales. Our study was conducted before and during the COVID‐19 pandemic, which served as collectively experienced adversity. Correlations among the resilience scales and among resilience scales and Big Five personality traits were strong. All except one scale showed high test–retest correlations. Experience of an additional critical life event during the pandemic led to an increase in resilience. Other than in cross‐sectional studies, associations between resilience and psychological distress were weak, because personality and baseline psychological distress were controlled for. Nevertheless, next to personality, resilience explained additional variance in distress change. Our results show relatively high stability of resilience overall. Yet, they also confirm dynamic resilience features, suggesting that resilience change occurs with significant adversity, leading to improved adaptation. To gauge the true association between resilience and mental health, baseline levels of these variables as well as personality traits should be considered.
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New first-year students are vulnerable to dropping out of university because the transition into higher education (HE) is difficult to navigate. Using thematic analysis, we analysed focus groups/interview, exit interviews and qualitative survey data with university students during their first year as criminology undergraduates to explore how they transitioned into HE. Findings show that the transition to a new identity of ‘university student’ was hampered by feelings of awkwardness, which prevented students from fully integrating into student life. However, the subject of criminology was a protective factor because interest in the topic and wanting a degree for betterment, including for future career plans, buffered students against dropping out. We argue that subject-specific interventions may be better in supporting the retention of students and that addressing physical, social and academic awkwardness is key.
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We explored the challenges with the unplanned change of abruptly shifting to online learning that the COVID-19 pandemic mitigation had on first-year students’ perceptions of learning, their connection to the university, and the general college experience. We used a cross-sectional method to gather quantitative and qualitative data using an online survey. More than 200 participating first-year college students indicated concerns with making connections, feeling challenged and unfulfilled with their educational experience, and struggling to adjust to the pandemic-mandated changes. Additionally, we found that students experienced challenges accepting ownership of their learning and navigating ambiguous situations.
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The importance of resilience for employees' well-being and performance at work has grown steadily in recent years. This development has become even more pronounced through the recent COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, including major changes in occupational settings. Although there is increasing interest in resilience in general and a growing number of publications focusing on the development of resilience in particular, many questions remain about resilience training, especially in organizational contexts. The purpose of this scoping review is to uncover what is known about resilience training in organizational contexts. A systematic search of four databases for articles published through 2021 was conducted. A total of 48 studies focusing on resilience training programs in organizational contexts were included in this review. The review provides relevant insights into resilience training programs by focusing on program characteristics, target group, study design, and outcomes. Based on the results, the main aspects that concern the development of resilience training programs for organizational settings and requirements for the study design for empirical investigation were summarized. The results of the review highlight possible directions for future research and offer useful insights for resilience-enhancing training programs in organizations.
Meta-analyses indicate that positive psychological interventions are effective at increasing positive affect, as well as reducing anxiety and depression; however, it is unclear how well these effects generalize during periods of high stress. Therefore, the current study tested whether a 2-week online positive psychological intervention delivered during the COVID-19 pandemic, a naturalistic stressor, (1) increased positive affect; (2) improved psychological well-being, optimism, life satisfaction, perceived social support, and loneliness; (3) and reduced negative affect in college students, a group known to have high pandemic distress. Participants (N = 250; 76.9% female) ages 18-45 were recruited from the University of Pittsburgh undergraduate subject pool between September and November of 2020. Participants were randomized to the online positive psychological intervention or active control condition and stratified by trait positive affect, sex, and year in college. Participants in both conditions completed one writing activity every other day for two consecutive weeks. Control participants documented their activities for that day (e.g., meals, going to gym). Intervention participants chose from six positive psychology activities. All outcome variables were assessed pre- and post-intervention by validated questionnaires. Across both conditions, positive and negative affect decreased from pre- to post-intervention. No other psychological factor differed by condition, time, or their interaction. The current null findings are in line with a more recent meta-analysis indicating that positive psychological interventions may have smaller effects on psychological well-being and depressive symptoms than was reported pre-pandemic. Study findings may suggest reduced efficacy of virtual positive psychological interventions under highly stressful circumstances. Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s42761-022-00148-z.