Conference PaperPDF Available


  • Donetsk botanical garden


The process of plant introduction into new regions sometimes accompanies by co-introduction of alien phytopathogens (including plant pathogenic fungi), often naturalizing in artificial and natural phytocenoses (Gorlenko, 1987). The environmental and economic consequences of such introductions are usually unpredictable, because of that a constant monitoring of alien species is strongly needed. As a part of the implementation of the research topic «Biological invasions as a new factor of historical changes in biodiversity of steppe in the Eastern Black Sea region», a regular monitoring of plant pathogenic fungi in the collections of trees and shrubs, many herbal ornamental plant outdoor and subtropical plants indoor in the Donetsk Botanical Garden (abbr. as DBG) has been carried out during the period 2017–2021. As a result of these researches, we found and identified more than 50 species of alien plant pathogenic fungi causing various plant diseases. Specialized plant parasites associated with certain species, genera, or families of host plants have been predominant (by the number of species) among all recorded alien fungi. During five years of research in the Arboretum of DBG, 18 alien powdery mildew fungi (Erysiphaceae)were recorded on introduced trees and shrubs. Additional six alien fungal species were found on the aboriginal woody plants (Bondarenko-Borisova, Bulgakov, 2019). Beside the Erysiphaceae species, we recorded other alien plant pathogenic fungi growing on trees and shrubs: Apiognomonia erythrostoma on Prunus armeniaca, A. veneta on Platanus acerifolia and P. occidentalis, Kabatina juniperi on Juniperus sabina and J. squamata, Ophiostoma novo-ulmi on Ulmus pumila, Pseudonectria buxi on Buxus sempervirens, Phyllosticta sphaeropsoidea on Aesculus hippocastanum, Acervuloseptoria fraxini on Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Ophiognomonia leptostyla on Juglans regia, Taphrina coerulescens on Quercus rubra, Cumminsiella mirabilissima on Mahonia aquifolium, and some others. We found 14 alien microfungi causing various diseases of herbal ornamental introduced plants in the collections of DBG, mostly causative agents of blights and leaf spots: Alternaria florigena on Callistephus chinensis, A. zinnia on Zinnia spp., Cercospora calendulae on Calendula officinalis, Phyllosticta chrysanthemi and Septoria chrysanthemella on varieties and cultivars of Chrysanthemum × morifolium. Also several poor-known powdery mildew fungi were found as parasites of herbal ornamental plants: Erysiphe macleayae on Maclea cordata and M. microcarpa, E. paeoniae on Paeonia tenuifolia, Golovinomyces asterum on Bellis perennis, Solidago canadensis, Symphyotrichum dumosum, and S. novae-angliae, and G. ambrosiae on Coreopsis spp.,Dahlia × cultorum, Rudbeckia laciniata L., and Zinnia spp. Also new rust diseases caused by the following alien rusts fungi (previously unknown for Donetsk region) were revealed: Coleosporium asterum on Callistephus chinensis and Symphyotrichum spp., Phragmidium mexicanum on Potentilla indica, and Puccinia balsamitae on Tanacetum balsamita. The leaf spot caused by smut fungus Entyloma gaillardianum was recorded on Gaillardia aristata and G. hybrida. In greenhouses we identified 6 aliens highly specialized microfungi growing on tropical and subtropical plants, which cause anthracnoses (Diaporthe aucubae on Aucuba japonica, Gloeosporidiella nobilis on Laurus nobilis), leaf spots (Coniothyrium palmarum on palm species), scabs (Fusicladium eriobotryae on Eriobotrya japonica) and powdery mildews (Erysiphe euonymicola on Euonymus fortunei and E. polygoni on Muehlenbeckia platyclada).
Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
Division of Biological Sciences (DBS RAS)
Scientific Council of Hydrobiology and Ichthyology RAS
Hydrobiological Society at RAS (HBO at RAS)
RAS Scientific Council of Research, Preservation and Rational Use of Animal World
RAS Commission of Preservation of Biological Diversity
International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS)
International Society of Zoological Sciences (ISZS)
US Fish and Wildlife Service (US FWS)
US Geological Survey (USGS)
A. N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, RAS (SIEE RAS)
I. D. Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters, RAS (IBIW RAS)
Sixth International Symposium
Invasion of Alien Species in Holarctic. Borok-VI
Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
Division of Biological Sciences (DBS RAS)
Scientific Council of Hydrobiology and Ichthyology RAS
Hydrobiological Society at RAS (HBO at RAS)
RAS Scientific Council of Research, Preservation and Rational Use of Animal World
RAS Commission of Preservation of Biological Diversity
International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS)
International Society of Zoological Sciences (ISZS)
US Fish and Wildlife Service (US FWS)
US Geological Survey (USGS)
A. N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, RAS (SIEE RAS)
I. D. Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters, RAS (IBIW RAS)
Sixth International Symposium.
Book of abstracts
Borok Uglich, 1115 October 2021
ISBN 978-5-00118-788-2 © Layout by authors, 2021
UDC 574(063)
Yury Yu. Dgebuadze, Dr.Sci. (Biol.), Prof., Academician of RAS
Alexander V. Krylov, Dr.Sci. (Biol.), Prof.
Varos G. Perosyan, Dr.Sci. (Biol.)
Dmitry P. Karabanov, Ph.D. (Biol.)
The symposium is held with the financial support of International Union of Biological Sciences
Invasion of Alien Species in Holarctic. Borok-VI : sixth International Symposium.
Book of abstracts / Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) [et al.] ; Ed. Yu. Yu. Dgebuadze,
A.V. Krylov, V. G. Perosyan, D. P. Karabanov. — Kazan : Buk, 2021. — 250 p. — Text :
ISBN 978-5-00118-788-2.
The book represents proceedings of Sixth International Symposium “Invasion of Alien Spe-
cies in Holarctic. Borok -VI” (11 Oct. 15 Oct. 2021, Borok Uglich, Russia). The wide spectrum of
problems related to appearance and spread of invasive plants and animals is discussed. The book may
be interested for specialists in many fields, such as limnologists, hydrobiologists, ecologists, botanists,
zoologists, geographers, managers of dealing with nature preservation and fisheries.
UDC 574(063)
Российская академия наук (РАН)
Отделение биологических наук (ОБН РАН)
Ученый совет гидробиологии и ихтиологии РАН
Гидробиологическое общество РАН (ГБО РАН)
Научный совет РАН по исследованию,
сохранению и рациональному использованию животного мира
Комиссия РАН по сохранению биологического разнообразия
Международный союз биологических наук (IUBS)
Международное общество зоологических наук (ISZS)
Служба рыболовства и дикой природы США (US FWS)
Геологическая служба США (USGS)
Институт проблем экологии и эволюции им. А. Н. Северцова РАН (ИЭЭ РАН)
Институт биологии внутренних вод им. И. Д. Папанина РАН (ИБВВ РАН)
Тезисы докладов VI Международного симпозиума
ISBN 978-5-00118-788-2 © Макет авторов, 2021
УДК 574(063)
Редакционная коллегия:
Дгебуадзе Юрий Юлианович, доктор биологических наук, профессор
Крылов Александр Витальевич, доктор биологических наук, профессор
Петросян Варос Гарегинович, доктор биологических наук
Карабанов Дмитрий Павлович, кандидат биологических наук
Симпозиум проводится при финансовой поддержке Международного союза
биологических наук (
Чужеродные виды в Голарктике. Борок-VI: Тезисы докладов VI Междуна-
родного симпозиума / Российская академия наук др.] ; под ред. Ю. Ю. Дгебуадзе,
А.В. Крылова, В. Г. Петросяна, Д. П. Карабанова . Казань : Бук, 2021. 250 с.
Текст : электронный.
ISBN 978-5-00118-788-2.
В сборнике представлены тезисы докладов Шестого международного Симпозиума по
изучению чужеродных видов Invasion of Alien Species in Holarctic. Borok-VI”, 11–15 октября
2021 г., Борок Углич, Россия. Обсуждается обширный спектр проблем, связанных с появлени-
ем и распространением инвазийных растений и животных. Книга рассчитана на широкий круг
специалистов: лимнологов, гидробиологов, экологов, ихтиологов, ботаников, зоологов, геогра-
фов и специалистов по охране природы.
УДК 574(063)
International Symposium “Invasion of alien species in Holarctic. Borok-VI” October 1115, 2021
I.V. Bondarenko-Borisova
Donetsk Botanical Garden, Ukraine,
The process of plant introduction into new regions sometimes accompanies by co-introduction of alien
phytopathogens (including plant pathogenic fungi), often naturalizing in artificial and natural phytocenoses
(Gorlenko, 1987). The environmental and economic consequences of such introductions are usually unpredicta-
ble, because of that a constant monitoring of alien species is strongly needed.
As a part of the implementation of the research topic «Biological invasions as a new factor of historical
changes in biodiversity of steppe in the Eastern Black Sea region», a regular monitoring of plant pathogenic
fungi in the collections of trees and shrubs, many herbal ornamental plant outdoor and subtropical plants indoor
in the Donetsk Botanical Garden (abbr. as DBG) has been carried out during the period 2017–2021. As a result
of these researches, we found and identified more than 50 species of alien plant pathogenic fungi causing vari-
ous plant diseases. Specialized plant parasites associated with certain species, genera, or families of host plants
have been predominant (by the number of species) among all recorded alien fungi.
During five years of research in the Arboretum of DBG, 18 alien powdery mildew fungi (Erysiphaceae)
were recorded on introduced trees and shrubs. Additional six alien fungal species were found on the aboriginal
woody plants (Bondarenko-Borisova, Bulgakov, 2019). Beside the Erysiphaceae species, we recorded other al-
ien plant pathogenic fungi growing on trees and shrubs: Apiognomonia erythrostoma on Prunus armeniaca, A.
veneta on Platanus acerifolia and P. occidentalis, Kabatina juniperi on Juniperus sabina and J. squamata,
Ophiostoma novo-ulmi on Ulmus pumila, Pseudonectria buxi on Buxus sempervirens, Phyllosticta sphaeropsoi-
dea on Aesculus hippocastanum, Acervuloseptoria fraxini on Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Ophiognomonia leptosty-
la on Juglans regia, Taphrina coerulescens on Quercus rubra, Cumminsiella mirabilissima on Mahonia aquifo-
lium, and some others.
We found 14 alien microfungi causing various diseases of herbal ornamental introduced plants in the col-
lections of DBG, mostly causative agents of blights and leaf spots: Alternaria florigena on Callistephus chinen-
sis, A. zinnia on Zinnia spp., Cercospora calendulae on Calendula officinalis, Phyllosticta chrysanthemi and
Septoria chrysanthemella on varieties and cultivars of Chrysanthemum × morifolium. Also several poor-known
powdery mildew fungi were found as parasites of herbal ornamental plants: Erysiphe macleayae on Maclea
cordata and M. microcarpa, E. paeoniae on Paeonia tenuifolia, Golovinomyces asterum on Bellis perennis, Sol-
idago canadensis, Symphyotrichum dumosum, and S. novae-angliae, and G. ambrosiae on Coreopsis spp.,
Dahlia × cultorum, Rudbeckia laciniata L., and Zinnia spp. Also new rust diseases caused by the following al-
ien rusts fungi (previously unknown for Donetsk region) were revealed: Coleosporium asterum on Callistephus
chinensis and Symphyotrichum spp., Phragmidium mexicanum on Potentilla indica, and Puccinia balsamitae on
Tanacetum balsamita. The leaf spot caused by smut fungus Entyloma gaillardianum was recorded on Gaillardia
aristata and G. hybrida.
In greenhouses we identified 6 aliens highly specialized microfungi growing on tropical and subtropical
plants, which cause anthracnoses (Diaporthe aucubae on Aucuba japonica, Gloeosporidiella nobilis on Laurus
nobilis), leaf spots (Coniothyrium palmarum on palm species), scabs (Fusicladium eriobotryae on Eriobotrya
japonica) and powdery mildews (Erysiphe euonymicola on Euonymus fortunei and E. polygoni on Muehlen-
beckia platyclada).
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