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Disclosure Standards for Social Media and Generative Artificial Intelligence Research: Toward Transparency and Replicability



Social media dominate today’s information ecosystem and provide valuable information for social research. Market researchers, social scientists, policymakers, government entities, public health researchers, and practitioners recognize the potential for social data to inspire innovation, support products and services, characterize public opinion, and guide decisions. The appeal of mining these rich datasets is clear. However, there is potential risk of data misuse, underscoring an equally huge and fundamental flaw in the research: there are no procedural standards and little transparency. Transparency across the processes of collecting and analyzing social media data is often limited due to proprietary algorithms. Spurious findings and biases introduced by artificial intelligence (AI) demonstrate the challenges this lack of transparency poses for research. Social media research remains a virtual “wild west,” with no clear standards for reporting regarding data retrieval, preprocessing steps, analytic methods, or interpretation. Use of emerging generative AI technologies to augment social media analytics can undermine validity and replicability of findings, potentially turning this research into a “black box” enterprise. Clear guidance for social media analyses and reporting is needed to assure the quality of the resulting research. In this article, we propose criteria for evaluating the quality of studies using social media data, grounded in established scientific practice. We offer clear documentation guidelines to ensure that social data are used properly and transparently in research and applications. A checklist of disclosure elements to meet minimal reporting standards is proposed. These criteria will make it possible for scholars and practitioners to assess the quality, credibility, and comparability of research findings using digital data.
Disclosure Standards for Social Media and Generative Artificial
Intelligence Research: Toward Transparency and Replicability
Ganna Kostygina,
Yoonsang Kim,
Zachary Seeskin,
Felicia LeClere,
Sherry Emery
NORC at the University of Chicago, USA
Social media dominate today’s information ecosystem and provide valuable information for social
research. Market researchers, social scientists, policymakers, government entities, public health
researchers, and practitioners recognize the potential for social data to inspire innovation, support
products and services, characterize public opinion, and guide decisions. The appeal of mining
these rich datasets is clear. However, there is potential risk of data misuse, underscoring an
equally huge and fundamental flaw in the research: there are no procedural standards and little
transparency. Transparency across the processes of collecting and analyzing social media data is
often limited due to proprietary algorithms. Spurious findings and biases introduced by artificial
intelligence (AI) demonstrate the challenges this lack of transparency poses for research. Social
media research remains a virtual “wild west,” with no clear standards for reporting regarding
data retrieval, preprocessing steps, analytic methods, or interpretation. Use of emerging generative
AI technologies to augment social media analytics can undermine validity and replicability of
findings, potentially turning this research into a “black box” enterprise. Clear guidance for social
media analyses and reporting is needed to assure the quality of the resulting research. In this
article, we propose criteria for evaluating the quality of studies using social media data, grounded
in established scientific practice. We offer clear documentation guidelines to ensure that social
data are used properly and transparently in research and applications. A checklist of disclosure
elements to meet minimal reporting standards is proposed. These criteria will make it possible for
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Corresponding Author: Ganna Kostygina, Social Data Collaboratory, NORC at the University of Chicago, 55 East Monroe Street,
3165, Chicago, IL 60603, USA.
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Published in final edited form as:
Soc Media Soc
. 2023 ; 9(4): . doi:10.1177/20563051231216947.
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scholars and practitioners to assess the quality, credibility, and comparability of research findings
using digital data.
social data quality; reproducibility; reporting standards; scientific transparency; disclosure
Social media are ubiquitous in today’s communications environment. Once considered as
recreational networks mainly used by youth and younger adults, social media now are
used by corporations, news media, advocacy groups, and individuals of various ages and
socioeconomic backgrounds. Since each post or upload leaves a digital footprint, social
media generate an enormous quantity of data, creating unique opportunities for analyzing
important questions about society, policy, and health (Schillinger et al., 2020). Corporations,
academic researchers, government, and nonprofit organizations have begun to rely on these
data to gauge people’s attitudes toward products, marketing, and proposed policies; and to
characterize public opinion and individual behavior (Bruns, 2013; Bruns & Stieglitz, 2014;
Cohen & Ruths, 2013; Diakopoulos, 2016; Y. Kim et al., 2016; Kostygina et al., 2016;
Tufekci, 2014; Yom-Tov, 2016).
The recent emergence of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools (e.g., ChatGPT)
represents similar opportunities and challenges (Salah et al., 2023). Leveraging the
advanced capabilities of these technologies to analyze multiple streams and extensive
volumes of data generated daily on social media with greater efficiency and speed can
lead to an unprecedented depth and breadth of understanding of social phenomena by
identifying patterns of information flow on previously unattainable scale, and model social
dynamics and social contagion across platforms (Elmas & Gül, 2023; Haluza & Jungwirth,
2023). This can inform and enable significant advancements in social science and public
opinion research at every step from problem definition, to data collection, analysis, and
interpretation. However, there are no clear guidelines for conducting research with the
help of generative AI tools or standards for assessing the quality of this research. It
remains unclear whether such analyses can be reproducible or replicable due to the
lack of transparency of generative AI models and potential innate undetected algorithm
biases that can compromise the impartiality and validity of research findings, leading
to skewed interpretations and inaccurate conclusions (Dwivedi et al., 2023; Mehrabi &
Pashaei, 2021). Social media and generative AI are revolutionizing social science and public
opinion research, which highlights the need to translate the social science transparency and
replicability standards for this new media and technological landscape and update the social
science data quality assessment guidelines, as well as disclosure standards and requirements.
The rush to take advantage of the bounty the rich social data offer occurs at a time of
substantial public distrust of science and technology in general (Desmond, 2022; Kabat,
2017; Winter et al., 2022). This trend follows waves of controversy over suspect or failed
experiments using digital data to gauge public opinion formation (Albergotti, 2014; Booth,
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2014) and assess health trends (Lazer & Kennedy, 2015), and the harvest of Facebook
profile data without user permission during the 2016 US presidential campaign (Rosenberg
et al., 2018). According to the 2022 Pew Research Center, public trust in science also
decreased following the COVID-19 pandemic, with only 29% of US adults reporting a
great deal of confidence in scientists to act in the public’s best interests in December 2021
(Kennedy et al., 2022). Cynicism or disbelief in science has increased to an extent that
the research, government, and business communities interested in promoting scientific and
technological progress cannot ignore (Kabat, 2017).
The emergence of new generative AI technologies introduces new problems for social data
research. For instance, competition between such social media platforms and generative
AI systems resulted in growing restrictions of social media data access and use (e.g., for
X—formerly Twitter— and Reddit) for academic, organic, and commercial users due to
unlicensed or unauthorized use of copyrighted proprietary digital data by these systems
to train their generative AI models or build algorithms (Vincent, 2023). The capacity of
ChatGPT and other generative AI to produce simulated social media posts and images can
further undermine trust in what constitutes valid social data.
To help regain public confidence, prominent communication scholars have called for
efforts to build transparency by establishing a climate of critique and self-correction;
fully acknowledging the limitations in data, tools, and methods; accounting for seemingly
anomalous data; and clearly, precisely specifying key terms (Hall Jamieson 2015).
Researchers have to consider privacy and data provenance when using emerging AI
technologies for social data analysis and processing.
We believe that the broad principles of transparency articulated previously to enhance
credibility of science (Aczel et al., 2020; Hall Jamieson, 2015) can be applied to establish
common disclosure requirements for social media and generative AI research. If we set
clear reporting guidelines for social data acquisition, management, quality assessment, and
analysis, public trust in the scientific findings and integrity of such research may increase, or
at the minimum, research findings can be replicated or refuted, increasing scientific integrity.
Even as the number of research studies using digital data rapidly grows, relatively few have
transparently outlined their data collection and analysis methods. Gradually, researchers
have begun to critically examine the assumptions behind social media data findings,
reproducibility, generalizability, and representativeness and call for higher transparency in
documenting methods for such studies (Assenmacher et al., 2022; boyd & Crawford, 2012;
Bruns, 2013; Center for Democracy & Technology n.d.; Cockburn et al., 2020; Council for
Big Data, Ethics, and Society, n.d.; Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in Machine
Learning, n.d.; Fineberg et al., 2020; González-Bailón et al., 2014; Goroff, 2015; Graham et
al., 2013; Jurgens et al., 2015; Y. Kim et al., 2016; Reed & boyd, 2016; Tufekci, 2014).
Challenges and Limitations of Social Data Research
As with any data source, the way in which social data are collected for research influences
the conclusions that can be drawn (Japec et al., 2015). Although each social media platform
has different technical constraints and poses unique methodological and programming
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challenges, there are common decisions that any project must address. Biases and other data
quality issues arise from decisions researchers make about the platform selected and how the
data are accessed, retrieved, processed, or filtered (or cleaned). In turn, each decision affects
data quality and the validity of inferences based on the data analytics.
A number of specific limitations and challenges to conducting social data research have
been described in the literature over 15 years since social media gained popularity. The
challenges and limitations may be categorized as related to data collection, processing,
analysis, and interpretation stages of inquiry. At the data collection stage, data-gathering
approaches may be opportunistic; for example, studies based on retrieving information using
specific hashtags often abstract conversations from a much more complex communications
universe; such analyses risk omitting context and creating and describing new realities
which may not reflect lived experience (Bruns, 2013). Furthermore, infrastructure may be
unreliable, subject to outages and losses during data collection; and the choice of methods
to combine multiple data sources may result in potential bias and errors. In addition,
platform terms of service restrict data sharing, preventing replication of research using the
same dataset. Therefore, data-gathering efforts are often duplicated and uncertainty exists
regarding dataset comparability (Bruns, 2013).
During the data preprocessing and analysis stages of inquiry, design decisions for cleaning
and interpreting social data—that is, selecting which attributes and variables to count
and which to ignore—are inherently subjective (boyd & Crawford, 2012), and there
is no known best practice or standard. Tools and methodologies for processing digital
data are continuously evolving, and sometimes pieced together from various platforms
and technologies, making documentation and replication problematic. Some researchers
alternatively turn to commercial analytics services or standardized tools which may operate
as black box enterprises, or contain processing steps that lie outside the researcher’s
expertise to clarify (Bruns, 2013). Cross-platform analyses pose challenges because the data
often appear in different formats that are difficult to combine, for example, text, images, and
hyperlinks (Voytek, 2017).
Decision-making during the data collection and analyses stages impacts validity of research
findings, interpretations, and conclusions as managing and interpreting the context in which
conversations occur as well as implementing rigorous evaluation of the generated outputs to
prevent the inadvertent propagation of biases or inaccuracies represent ongoing challenges
for social data analysis.
Although these challenges and limitations are widely recognized as important, they are
often neglected or dismissed in practice (e.g., Bruns & Stieglitz, 2014; Y. Kim et al.,
2016). Disclosure of the decisions made during the conduct of social data research, and
the reasons behind them, could dramatically enhance transparency and replicability. Without
such reporting, evaluating the validity of findings and comparing methods and results across
studies become impossible.
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Validity Threats in the Social Media and AI Research Pipeline
Like traditional public opinion research, social data research methods—such as choice of
platform, sampling strategy, and search filters for data collection—may affect the results
and conclusions and have implications for a study’s external, internal, and construct
(Cook & Campbell, 1979).
Construct validity
is the degree to which a study measures what it purports to measure.
Reporting procedures for search filter construction and search filter assessment are critical
for ensuring construct validity and reliability of social data measurement. Face validity
(i.e., the extent to which a study or test appears to measure what it claims to measure
based on face value) is often subjective and insufficient to support construct validity; we
need objective criteria to assess search filter quality (Bagby et al., 2006). For example,
poor construct validity for surveillance tools using social media data will lead to false
discovery or false non-discovery. Objective measures that provide insight toward inferring
false positive rates and false negative rates will help toward a proper interpretation.
Internal validity
can be defined as a way to gauge whether the correct analyses are used to
answer the research questions. Disclosure of analytic procedures (e.g., classifier type and
training, performance measures, and quality assessment) is imperative to maintain internal
validity in social data research.
External validity
represents the validity of generalized inferences in scientific research.
It is a criterion for assessing the level of generalizability of study findings in relation
to the outside world or the larger population outside the study context. For social data
research, platform selection is a critical step to ensure generalizability of findings to
the larger population of interest as demographics of main users differ across platforms
and platforms have different functions. Therefore, disclosure of the rationale for platform
selection, including explaining whether the platform offers appropriate depth, format, mode
of content, amount, timing, and representativeness of the target population, is essential to
safeguard external validity. When these different types of validity are questionable, is it still
worth using the social data? It would depend on the study purpose; therefore, it is important
to evaluate the data in regard to these aspects and consider the implications.
Hsieh and Murphy (2017) proposed the Total Twitter Error (TTE) framework for social
media data quality assessment, which recognizes that population coverage—or generalizing
to the population as a whole—may not always be the goal of social media analysis and that
topic coverage, that is, representing topics within a corpus of written material, may often be
a more appropriate goal (Schober et al., 2016). The TTE approach identifies
coverage error
(pertaining to over- and under-coverage of topics),
query error
(resulting from inaccurate
search queries used for data extraction), and
interpretation error
(variation between true
value and interpretation) as potential threats to validity for inference from social media
Recognizing the value of the TTE framework, we identify connections between the
proposed disclosure standards and insight provided for understanding coverage, query, and
interpretation error. However, we also note that social media may be used to analyze
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research questions that are not related to representing individuals within a population
(population coverage) or topics within a corpus (topic coverage) and further social media
may be used to support or supplement results from other traditional data sources. For
example, online marketing efforts for emerging products like e-cigarettes and alternative
tobacco products are difficult to fully monitor using traditional data sources because these
products are not typically advertised widely at the point of sale or in print or broadcast
media. They are typically first promoted on social media, which can provide critically
important information to fully measure online marketing efforts (e.g., Huang et al., 2014).
The research standards for a given topic will depend upon the specific research question,
and the three error components of the TTE framework may or may not be relevant. Thus,
we emphasize that a flexible approach is needed to judge whether the standards of a specific
social media analysis achieve the rigor needed for the research question, while noting that
the proposed standards here encompass the needs for a broad array of research questions.
To guide rigorous analysis of social data and report findings using social science
epistemology, we reviewed the literature related to data quality and methodological
disclosure from biostatistics, computer science, and communications. We attempted to
identify common constructs for qualitative and quantitative research methods and map these
constructs to social data workflows and to the existing disclosure standards in the fields of
opinion research and social sciences.
We drew upon the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
(PRISMA) tool for the reporting of systematic review data, as a conceptual template as
the data sources for reviews can be heterogeneous, very similar to the data obtained from
social media, mapping the domains determining data quality in PRISMA to those needed
for extraction and analysis from social media sources (Liberati et al., 2009; Page et al.,
2021). We synthesized this approach with the American Association for Public Opinion
Research (AAPOR) Transparency Initiative guidelines and the American Psychological
Association Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) guidelines as a framework for
social media data collection and quality assessment. Thus, the AAPOR Transparency
Initiative Disclosure elements refer to the disclosure of information on data collection
strategy; funding source/sponsor; measurement tools/instruments (e.g., questionnaires or
coding schemes); population under study; method used to generate and recruit the
sample; method(s) and mode(s) of data collection; dates of data collection; sample sizes;
data weighting approach; data processing and validity checks; and acknowledgment of
limitations of the design and data collection. The PRISMA reposting guidelines detail
reporting recommendations pertaining to the study support sources, availability of data,
code, and other materials, data collection process, and data items, among others. The
TOP Guidelines cover eight general domains of research planning and reporting, including
citation standards (citation for data and materials disclosures); data transparency (data
sharing disclosures, such as posting to a repository); analytics methods transparency (e.g.,
disclosure of programming code); research materials transparency (materials sharing);
design and analysis transparency (e.g., data preprocessing methods; reliability analyses);
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study design preregistration; analysis plan preregistration; and replication (disclosure of the
publication of replication studies) (American Psychological Association, 2023). Thus, there
is consensus regarding recommended transparency standards across social science domains
which have to do with disclosures of research funding/sponsorship sources, data collection,
processing and validation procedures, as well as analytic methods. These key concepts are
also consistent with other literature detailing guidelines for evaluation of compliance with
the scientific method, for example, Armstrong and Green (2022).
We synthesized and translated these practices and recommendations that are the standard
for social science research to research using social media data and generative AI. While
some disclosure elements were directly relevant across domains, including the social media
data analyses (e.g., disclosure of the funding source), some items require translation or
adaptation (e.g., description of the sample frame) or development of an analogous principle
(e.g., data access point), or a novel disclosure element (e.g., amount of data decay in social
media). Based on our findings, we propose a list of disclosure items as a reporting standard
for social media research. We incorporate disclosure consideration regarding use of AI
technologies (e.g., generative AI) and natural language processing tools. Our goal is not to
direct researchers in their design choices, but to provide a framework and propose measures
for evaluating the completeness of reporting and quality of data used in social media studies.
Using data quality metrics, we show how selection of sampling and search filters affects
the results and conclusions. We do not undertake to prescribe a short list of methods and
tools to be used for social and digital media research, but rather to propose standards for
how methodologies, procedures, and limitations are documented to increase transparency
and replicability and allow consumers to evaluate research rigor.
Proposed Disclosure Items
Our proposed metrics for social data quality assessment and a list of minimal (or immediate)
and optional (or preferred) disclosure items are detailed below and summarized in Table 1.
Minimal Disclosure
We propose that the following items should be included as minimal disclosure requirements
in any and every report of research results, or made available immediately upon release of
such a report.
Data Collection
Scope of the Study: The report should include the rationale for platform selection,
description of the target population or topic, point of data access, sample frame coverage,
data verification procedures, total participants, or data points (such as number of posts
retrieved or number of social media accounts) on which data were collected, as outlined
below. Method and dates of data collection (duration of the study, including when data were
collected and for what time period) should also be disclosed. Description of the metadata
used in the study, if applicable, is also critical to ensure replicability of the analyses. We
propose reporting the following sub-items:
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Target population/topic
: Research subject or topic should be defined with
relevant specifics such as selected location, language, and user types (e.g.,
tobacco-related tweets posted in the English language in the United States,
abortion-related X/Twitter content in Nevada)
: Platform selection is directly related to coverage error, that is, coverage
of target population or topic (Table 1). The reasons for selection (justification
for platform choice, given the context of the research questions; explanation for
whether the platform offers appropriate depth, format, mode of content, amount,
timing; and degree to which it matches the target population or topic.) should be
Rationale: Populations of different demographics are drawn to different platforms; thus
users of one platform may be more or less representative of the population at large than
another platform. Furthermore, communicative activities on a given platform may not
represent the full breadth of the overall public debate because of different functionalities of
platforms. In addition, social desirability and self-censorship may be more characteristic of
some platforms (e.g., platforms offering less anonymity such as Facebook), compared with
others (e.g., X/Twitter or Reddit). All of the above factors are related to coverage of target
population or topic and thus may affect the results of the study and interpretation of findings.
If social media accounts are analyzed, information on types of social media accounts (e.g.,
real people, verified accounts, bots, influencers) and whether certain categories are selected
or removed should be described. Subgroups of platform users may behave differently on a
given platform.
Data access
: Description of the methods of access and collection of the selected
platform data should be provided, including the mode of data access and data
providers (e.g. access to specific application programming interfaces [APIs],
crawling [or scraping] strategy) as decisions made in choosing the approach to
data access may result in coverage errors and query errors (Table 1).
Rationale: Different access points of data may produce data with different records. Data
access also changes over time. Until early 2023, X/Twitter’s streaming API provided access
to 1% sample of all tweets, while PowerTrack API provided access to all public tweets,
affecting coverage of target population and topic (Y. Kim, Nordgren, & Emery et al., 2020;
Morstatter et al., 2013). Subsequent changes to X/Twitter restricted data access to third-party
social listening service providers and scraping. Facebook data were fully available before
access was restricted in 2016. Currently, CrowdTangle is the best source of Facebook and
Instagram data from publicly available accounts. These different access points may produce
data with different metadata, which may enhance or limit the scale of search queries (Y.
Kim, Nordgren, & Emery, 2020), which applies to other platforms as well if multiple ways
to access and pull data are available.
Sample frame
: A description of the sample frame and its coverage of the target
population or topic for sample-based research (thus directly related to coverage
error; see Table 1) should be included unless the census of social media posts/
accounts matching a query is retrieved. The nature of any oversampling (e.g.,
of social media posts referencing top selling brands by product category) and
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definition of strata (e.g., stratification based on time increments or by geographic
location) should be described.
Rationale: A sampling frame is carefully designed to represent a target population and
derive representative estimates in survey research. While the universe/census of the target
a priori
is not always known in social media research, researchers can describe
parameters available to them that define a universe of interest and test these parameters. In
other words, even if the universe of social media posts or accounts of interest is unknown,
the available important parameters can be identified and used to set the sample frame. Such
sampling frame should be carefully designed and executed to extract a representative data
set for the target topic and/or make valid inference.
Number of units/data points
: The unit of analysis such as post, video/image, or
account and number of units of The human coding approach should.
Rationale: The unit of analysis is closely tied to the target subject or topic, and replicability.
Reporting number of analysis units enables comparability. It is worth noting that the total
amount of posts, videos, or accounts related to a topic of interest may be relative (e.g.,
search volume on Google Trends).
Protocol and Analytic Tools.: The software, programming language/scripts, any other
analytic tools, and workflow for executing these tools should be described.
Rationale: There are a variety of tools available to analyze social media data, both open
sources and commercial software, including emerging generative AI tools such as ChatGPT.
Disclosure of computing tools is key to replicability of findings. For instance, social data
are often analyzed or processed using Python, R, or other software geared to analyzing
large corpuses of data among others. Same machine or statistical learning models are
supported by more than one tools, and default settings for parameters and optimization may
differ, resulting in different estimates. Certain software providers do not disclose module
language and process of module validation. Use of generative AI tools for social media
data analysis may augment the efficiency and speed of processing and analysis of large
corpuses of social data, but may not be compliant with platform or provider terms of service
and can have ethical implications (Elmas & Gül, 2023; Salah et al., 2023). Depending on
the amount of contribution of AI systems to the analysis, description, and interpretation of
findings, generative AI has been included as a co-author in the published literature, with
some systems (e.g., ChatGPT) providing consent to be listed as a co-author (e.g., Haluza &
Jungwirth, 2023).
Search Query Construction.: The keywords selected to develop the search filter and the
search rules for a more focused search should be provided. Outline your rationale for
initial keyword selection (e.g., expert knowledge, resources/tools/skills used for systematic
search, etc.) as well as for selecting or removing certain keywords. For example, report
the relevance (precision) and frequency (number of posts retrieved) of the keywords, or
the signal-to-noise (relevant to irrelevant data) ratio or the proper thresholds (by search
term). Search filter construction is often an iterative process, alternating between keyword
addition and removal based on relevance and frequency (Y. Kim et al., 2016). Generative
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AI technologies can also be used to identify terms relevant to a topic of interest, to generate
search rules and convert them to regular expressions for search query construction. These
tools can also translate or adapt search filters to other languages and cultural contexts to
conduct multilingual analyses. Search filter is directly related to query error; a precise
yet narrow search filter is likely to miss relevant content (i.e., false negative), while a
comprehensive search filter is likely to contain false positive content; the balance between
precision and completeness is important.
Rationale: Expressiveness of query languages and choice of keywords in combination with
Boolean rules in queries define the resulting datasets. Thus, search term selection can affect
the study conclusions. For instance, using “smoking” as a search term for tobacco-related
social media data collection could result in retrieval of non-relevant posts containing words
like “smoking ribs,” “smoking hot” (Emery et al., 2014).
Data Processing
Data Handling.: Preprocessing and cleaning procedures, including de-duplication,
aggregation, de-identification (if applicable), metadata (e.g., user profile, geographic
location, time posted, etc.), and feature extraction, should be outlined. Use of software or
tools, such as generative AI, for data preprocessing and text mining should also be disclosed.
Rationale: Converting data from a raw format to more manageable format, for instance,
unpacking semi-structured data (e.g., JSON) to structured document-term matrix should
be briefly described. Text mining techniques are often used in preprocessing of social
media data (e.g., stop words removal, stemming, segmenting the language—factorization,
speech-tagging), which can affect the subsequent procedures and analyses. In fact, data
preprocessing and cleaning often influence the success of machine learning training and
results, affecting interpretation error (as noted in Table 1).
Data Quality Assessment.: The quality of retrieved data should be objectively assessed
and quantified by inspecting a sample of data classified by search filter, for example, via
cross-validation of automated coding based on a sample of data labeled by multiple human
trained coders knowledgeable about the topic of interest to minimize potential error or bias,
that is, the “gold standard” of filter quality assessment (Y. Kim et al., 2016). Reporting
quality measures of the retrieved data, including retrieval recall (completeness of search
filter; how much of the relevant data is retrieved by search filter) and retrieval precision (how
much of retrieved data by search filter is relevant) helps comparability and transparency.
The procedure to assess search filter quality—the selection of data sample (e.g., a subset
of data based on random sampling stratified by keyword and account type may serve as a
representative sample) and the evaluation strategy (e.g., agreement between coding based on
human judgment vs. automated search filter selection, inspection of data that do not match
search filter) must be disclosed. For example, several existing studies on the amount and
content of tobacco-related tweets have included filter retrieval precision and retrieval recall
assessments (e.g., Y. Kim, Nordgren, & Emery, 2020; Kostygina et al., 2016).
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Thus, calculation of quality measures typically involves human judgment on a sample of
data as a gold standard (Y. Kim et al., 2016). The human coding approach should be
described as follows:
Sampling strategy
: If the quality assessment involves human coding of a sample
dataset, a description of the sampling frame, sample size, and calculation of
intercoder reliability should be reported. Results based on a sample that is
too small may be less reliable, and coding a sample that is too large may be
burdensome. Statistical consideration to obtain reliable results is required.
Human coding approach
and definition of each class should be described
(Stryker et al., 2006). Whether human coding is assumed as the gold standard (no
or negligible error and bias) is related to interpretation error. If human judgment
is not considered as the gold standard for a study, the researchers should
discuss how imperfect human coding may affect the search filter assessment. For
example, could the filter lead to biased inferences? If biased, in which direction,
and what are the consequences? Intercoder reliability and use of crowdsourcing
for coding tasks should be reported as well.
Data Analysis
Analysis Methods and Measures.: Detail the deductive or inductive methods used for
data analysis, including statistical techniques, machine learning algorithms, or qualitative
analysis (e.g., topic modeling). Explain how the data were categorized, classified, or
clustered to answer to the study research questions. Specify the metrics and measures
used in the analysis, such as engagement metrics, sentiment analysis scores, or content
classification criteria.
Classifier training and performance quality assessment (deductive methods).
machine learning is used for any part of data analysis, the process of building
predictive models and their accuracy assessment should be described, including
the process for training the classification model and its performance measures
(e.g., Li et al., 2014). The classifier accuracy, precision, and recall (or
-score as
a measure combining precision and recall; area under the curve (AUC) if logistic
regression is used) should be reported. Numerous extant social media studies
provide information on classifier training procedures, accuracy, precision, and
recall measures (Czaplicki et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2019; K. Kim, Gibson, et al.,
Qualitative analyses (inductive methods).
If topic modeling methods are used,
clearly state the type of topic modeling algorithm used, whether it is latent
Dirichlet allocation (LDA), non-negative matrix factorization (NMF), or another
method or a generative AI tool (Chen et al., 2019). Include the hyperparameters
and settings chosen for the model; provide details on the training process, such as
the number of topics selected and the number of iterations. If relevant, describe
how the model’s performance was evaluated, such as using coherence scores or
other metrics and report the results of this evaluation. If topics were labeled, the
methodology and criteria used for assigning labels to topics should be explained,
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and examples of topic labels should be provided. If visualizations were created,
the tools or libraries used and/or parameters for creating the visualizations should
be disclosed.
Researchers should disclose if generative AI tools are used for inductive or deductive
analyses, for example, to create features for the classification model or to categorize social
media data based on learned/ingested training data sample previously labeled by humans
or a machine (e.g., to analyze social media posts to extract sentiment toward a particular
topic). Since the predictive models built by generative AI are a “black box,” additional
methods for validation and accuracy/performance quality assessment should be described
(see Supplemental Appendix 1 for an illustration of additional disclosure items that may
need to be considered for studies using generative AI; the list was generated via ChatGPT
3.5 query).
Rationale: Data retrieved by comprehensive search filters are likely to include non-relevant
content. To reduce the degree of the query error, we may train supervised learning classifier
to further remove non-relevant data. However, since all predictive models make false
positive and false negative errors, interpretation error is also likely. Reporting classifier
training procedure and its performance metrics helps comparability and transparency of
Funding Source.—Disclose who sponsored the research study, who conducted it, and
who funded it, including (to the extent known) all original funding sources.
Rationale: Disclosure of sponsor or sources of funding is the standard practice with any
scientific research study (e.g., American Association for Public Opinion Research, 2021).
This is a fundamental requirement as funder involvement in research question, study design,
data analysis, and interpretation of results may bias study findings.
Optional (Preferred) Disclosure Items
Depending on the design and objective of the research study, additional information that
can be disclosed to enhance transparency and reproducibility of social media research and
minimize error includes as follows:
Source code or scripts used
. Providing source code or scripts used to analyze
social data enables reproducibility of the study findings.
Coding or labeling instructions manual
(beyond simple definition) can help avoid
potential interpretation error.
Strategies to address ethical concerns
(if any). Researchers can outline measures
taken to ensure the responsible use of social media data (e.g., Hunter et al., 2018;
Taylor & Pagliari, 2018).
Data decay assessment
(proportion of data that are unavailable, deleted by the
platform or user, or made private at the time of analysis) can be provided to
minimize coverage error.
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Spam index.
Researchers can describe their approach for defining or detecting
spam content and report the proportion of robotic or “bot” accounts or messages
Additional items discussed in the literature that are not shown in the above list of
recommended disclosure elements—due to technical and possible contractual constraints—
include disclosure of the raw data; procedure for acquiring consent to participate in the
research study from social network users (e.g., whether consent was secured by the user
checking a checkbox at the time of creating a social media profile vs. consent being obtained
specifically for the research project); as well as procedures for participant debriefing upon
study completion.
Our approach aims to consolidate and map the concerns about lack of transparency,
reporting, and documentation standards raised in the literature on social data analysis
quality and replicability and take the process a step further to propose a list of specific
disclosure elements grounded in social science epistemology. In fact, striking parallels
exist between the current state of social data research and early public opinion research.
For example, election polling in the early 1900s often relied on information provided by
bookies (i.e., betting markets) or “man-on-the-street” interviews (Rhode & Strumpf, 2004).
A classic example of poor results in early public opinion polling can be found in the 1936
prediction by
The Literary Digest
that Alfred Landon would be the next US president.
Despite the
correctly predicting several previous elections, Landon’s landslide
defeat in 1936 went against its prediction. This event is often cited as inspiring the onset of
methodological reflection and development of a rigorous science of public opinion polling,
which has yielded a widely accepted system of survey research reporting standards that
ensure transparency of methods and replicability of findings. In the context of the current
communication and research ecosystem, which includes vast amounts of data from digital
sources, including social media, and the near-real time ability to analyze these data, the
underlying need for disclosure and transparency is just as urgent as it was in the early years
of public opinion research.
Thus, we proposed that the minimal disclosure standards should include description of
funding source, platform, target population, point of data access, sampling strategy (if
sampling is used), data verification procedures, protocol and workflow for executing
software and analytic tools, data handling, search filter construction and assessment
procedures, classifier training, and performance quality assessment, as detailed above.
We believe this proposed framework presents a viable and effective method for quality
evaluation of social data research. These criteria go beyond the identification of potential
limitations and biases related to the use of social data and generative AI in research, to offer
documentation guidelines for auditing and mitigating these issues to ensure the maximum
validity and replicability of findings.
While there are overlapping threats to validity and similarities in reporting requirements
for empirical or survey research and social media data research, important distinctions
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exist, which warrants discussion and motivates the framework we proposed. For example,
surveys are grounded in a statistical framework that accounts for inferential error (i.e.,
sampling error, coverage error, etc.), measurement error, assumptions that there are objective
measures of the population itself, and that the survey items are knowable and measurable.
With social media data, however, such assumptions do not hold because the tools used to
measure the population and the “items” are generated by the group that is creating the
population and messages; that is, the posts themselves comprise the population and items
being measured, so there is no objective “ground truth” to compare with. In such a scenario,
rather than throw up our hands in defeat, we are recommending an approach that entails
extreme methodological transparency. While others have proposed quality standards for
social media data (Hsieh & Murphy, 2017), we contend that these are an important first step,
but insufficient because this approach does not address many of the decisions made in the
data collection, preprocessing, and analysis, all of which can affect the study conclusions.
Thus, disclosure standards for social media data research must be expansive and adaptive to
change, as the platforms themselves change access policies rapidly and the public shifts their
loyalty and attention as new social media platforms emerge.
Other scholars have cautioned against “too much transparency” in today’s machine learning
and statistical research due to intellectual property concerns, the fact that algorithmic logic
may not be fully reflected in the source code, as well as the potential risk of backfiring
and increasing distrust among members of the public whose research outcome expectations
are violated (Hosanagar & Jair, 2018). These scholars have called for “explainable artificial
intelligence (AI)” as a more palatable solution. Explainable AI approach does not open
the “black box” of decision-making algorithms or machine learning-based analytics, but
provides an explanation of the inputs that result in the greatest impact on the final decisions
or outcomes of algorithm-based analyses. However, emerging AI tool transparency issues
call this argument into question (Dwivedi et al., 2023). Explainable AI may lack efficiency
as an approach of science communication if the goal is to establish replicability of social
data research in the field of opinion research.
Our goal is not to direct researchers in their design choices, but to provide a framework
and propose measures for evaluating the completeness of reporting and quality of data
used in social media studies. We aim to translate and synthesize practices that are the
standard for both computational research and conventional social science research, in an
attempt to breach existing “silos” and make each domain more salient to the other. This
translation can serve as a resource for manuscript and grant reviewers, journal editors, and
funding organizations that enlist technical or subject matter experts to review studies that use
social media data and/or AI to address social science or public health research questions.
The proposed standards could be relevant to a range of studies that rely on data mining,
natural language processing, and machine learning techniques to extract insights from the
vast amount of textual and visual information available on social media, for example, from
public opinion and sentiment analysis (analyzing the discourse and sentiment of social
media posts to understand trends in public opinion and social norms); to social network
analysis (examining the structure and dynamics of social networks to identify influencers,
communities, and connections); and to language and linguistics research (studying language
evolution, slang, and dialects through social media conversation) among others (e.g.,
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Gallagher et al., 2021; Kozinets, 2020; Yadav & Vishwakarma, 2020). Detailed disclosure
of parameters enables study quality evaluation, replication, and advancement across various
domains of inquiry and methodologies. Our proposed standards apply whether the study
aims to be generalizable to a broad population or focuses on a narrower community or topic,
like a case study or netnographic research.
We do not presume that our proposed framework is the final word. Rather we propose
the framework as a starting point, and urge the community of researchers and institutions
that are involved in decisions about funding, conducting and disseminating social media
research to open a larger dialogue. The goal of such a dialogue would be broad consensus
and ongoing maintenance of a disclosure framework for social data research as a “moving
target” in the evolving environment of rapidly changing media and technology use and
access by organic, commercial, and academic users. Such a framework would enable
funders, journal editors, research consumers, and those making decisions based upon social
media research studies to evaluate the validity of a study, compare studies with conflicting
results, and make decisions based on known parameters.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication
of this article: Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Cancer Institute of the National
Institutes of Health under Awards Nos. R01CA248871 and R01CA234082 and the National Institute on Drug
Abuse of the National Institutes of Health under Award No. R01DA051000.
Ganna Kostygina, PhD, is a Principal Research Scientist at the Social Data Collaboratory,
NORC at the University of Chicago. Her research agenda centers on advancing
communication science and technology for tobacco control and health promotion.
Specifically, she has conducted research on topics related to tobacco and substance use
prevention, as well as tobacco and alcohol product marketing and counter-marketing on
traditional and digital media channels.
Yoonsang Kim, PhD, is a Principal Data Scientist with NORC at the University of Chicago.
She oversees study design, statistical analysis, machine learning, data harmonization, and
other data science practices. At NORC’s Social Data Collaboratory, she serves as a lead
biostatistician for social media research to examine the effects of exposure to social media
on health behaviors, focusing on data quality assessment and the development of social
media. Her primary research interests are substance use, social environment, and marketing
of health-related products.
Zachary Seeskin, PhD, is a Senior Statistician with NORC at the University of Chicago,
where he works on sample design, estimation, and data analysis for government and public
interest surveys. Seeskin contributes to weighting, total survey error analysis, small area
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estimation, imputation, and adaptive design for such surveys as the National Immunization
Survey and the General Social Survey. In addition, his expertise includes analyzing
administrative data quality and combining data sources for evidence-building. He further
serves as an adjunct faculty member with Northwestern University’s School of Professional
Studies, teaching in the Public Policy and Administration program.
Felicia LeClere, PhD, is a Distinguished Senior Fellow in NORC’s Health Sciences
Department. She is currently Project Director for the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey
and the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project sponsored by the Center for Medicare and
Medicaid Services and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, respectively. Her
primary interests are in data dissemination and the support of scientific research through the
development of infrastructure. She has also conducted research on the health of minorities
and immigrants as well as health disparities. Her work has been sponsored by the National
Institute of Child Health & Human Development and the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Sherry Emery, PhD, is a Senior Fellow at the Social Data Collaboratory, NORC at the
University of Chicago. Her interdisciplinary research applies the approaches of health
communication, economics, and public policy to understand how both traditional and new
media influence health behavior. For over two decades, she focused primarily on the roles
that tobacco control and other tobacco-related advertising play in shaping attitudes, beliefs,
and tobacco use behaviors among youth and adults.
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Table 1.
Overview of Disclosure Items for Social Data Quality Reporting and Target Error or Bias Prevention.
Minimal/immediate disclosure elements Target error/bias*Optional/preferred disclosure elements Target error/
Funding source T Source code T, R
Scope of study Coding/labeling instructions manual T, R
Platform C, I Ethical concerns/need for Institutional Review T
Target population C, I Review Board (IRB) review (methods of protecting
personally identifiable information of social media account
Point of data access (e.g., mode of data access and data providers) C, Q, R, I, T
Sampling approach (a description of the sample frame and its coverage of the target
population or topic) C, R Data decay assessment (e.g., proportion of unavailable or
deleted data at the time of analysis) T, R, I, C
Number of units/data points C, R Spam index (e.g., method of detection, proportion of
robotic or “bot” accounts or messages) T, R, I
Protocol and analytic tools (e.g., software used, programming language/scripts) R, T
Data handling (preprocessing and cleaning procedures) I
Search query/filter construction (rationale for keyword or search rule selection) I, Q, R, T
Data quality assessment Q, R, T
Data Analysis I, R, T
: Classifier training and performance quality assessment
: Qualitative interpretation (e.g., topic modeling)
Biases and errors: T = transparency; R = replicability; C = coverage error; Q = query error; I = interpretation error.
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... Such disclosure is important in collaborative research because different contributors may have various degrees of engagement with AI-generated information [51]. Furthermore, just as referencing references or acknowledging collaborators for their work, disclosing AI usage must become a habit [52]. Transparency increases confidence in the research process through a commitment to ethics and accountability [49]. ...
... The next suggestions need to be adhered to in order to avoid the possible dangers attached to use of AI in research [73]:  Transparency and Disclosure: Researchers must be straightforward and clear about what kinds of AI they are applying and how extensively in their research [52]. This includes specifications on the exact AI tools used, how they have been used, and how they have influenced the study outcomes [52]. ...
... The next suggestions need to be adhered to in order to avoid the possible dangers attached to use of AI in research [73]:  Transparency and Disclosure: Researchers must be straightforward and clear about what kinds of AI they are applying and how extensively in their research [52]. This includes specifications on the exact AI tools used, how they have been used, and how they have influenced the study outcomes [52]. Transparency ensures that AI has a defined role in research, making it possible to assess its effect on research appropriately [74]. ...
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field that utilizes computer technology to imitate, improve, and expand human intelligence. The concept of AI was originally proposed in the mid-twentieth century, and it has evolved into a technology that serves different purposes, ranging from simple automation to complex decision-making processes. AI encompasses Artificial Narrow Intelligence, General Intelligence, and Super Intelligence. AI is transforming data analysis, language checks, and literature reviews in research. In many fields of AI applications, ethical considerations, including plagiarism, bias, privacy, responsibility, and transparency, need precise norms and human oversight. By promoting understanding and adherence to ethical principles, the research community may successfully utilize the advantages of AI while upholding academic accountability and integrity. It takes teamwork from all stakeholders to improve human knowledge and creativity, and ethical AI use in research is essential.
... 8. Data Analysis: The performance of statistical or mathematical analysis, regressions, text analysis, and more using AI tools. 9. Privacy and Security: The ways in which data privacy and security were upheld in alignment with the expectations of ethical conduct of research, disciplinary guidelines, and institutional policies. ...
... The 'ethics of data use' constitutes an umbrella concept for a range of practices that should be considered and incorporated into research on big data and AI. When addressing the issue of ethical data use, it is necessary to consider not only what is done with the data, but also where it comes from, who has obtained it, how, and by what methods (D'Ignazio and Klein 2020; Kostygina et al. 2023;Loukissas 2019). Using data is not merely about how researchers utilize the fact that they have access to certain data, but also about whether they have maintained certain standards and adhered to specific values in their acquisition (Johnson 2017;Zimmer 2018). ...
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The article discusses challenges in harmonizing biodiversity data by considering situational ethics in the valuation of data practices. Data harmonization involves technical processes for managing and governing data by linking, aligning, and binding datasets. Our study views data harmonization as a socio-technical practice encompassing both technical management and cultural contexts of data production and valuation. Using qualitative interviews, we aim to understand data harmonization through Reflexive Thematic Analysis, identifying patterns within empirical data. Our research shows data harmonization as aligning datasets and settings involving human and non-human agents within EU biodiversity data politics. Through qualitative inquiry, we explore EU biodiversity data politics as a model of biodiversity datafication, highlighting challenges and values such as learning processes for all actors, simplicity in data management, broad adoption of observation schemes, and promotion of the Western model of engaged citizenship as a good observer.
Purpose Using the cognitive-affective-normative (CAN) model, this study highlights the role of self-regulated learning (SRL) and organisational culture and delves into the link between technophobia and a manager’s intention to adopt generative artificial intelligence (AI) in management practices. Design/methodology/approach An empirical study was conducted through a survey of 528 business managers from China. Findings The study reveals that technophobia is negatively related to a manager’s intention to adopt generative AI, while SRL is positively related to the intention to adopt generative AI. Moreover, SRL reduces the negative impact of technophobia on AI adoption. Open organisational cultures reduce the need for SRL. Originality/value This study goes beyond a purely technical perspective towards a “human-side” view on understanding managers’ adoption of generative AI. This study is an early attempt to apply the CAN model to analysing the connection between technophobia, SRL, organisational culture and the intention to adopt generative AI.
This research investigates the potential of social media for disseminating environmental information generated by AI-driven geospatial technologies. It explores how these technologies can be leveraged to communicate environmental issues to a broader audience and examines the factors influencing the effectiveness of social media-based communication. Case studies analyze successful implementations of social media for environmental communication, highlighting best practices and lessons learned. The research identifies emerging trends in AI and social media integration, exploring the potential for a more democratized approach to environmental information generation and dissemination. The conclusion emphasizes the critical role of social media in raising public awareness of environmental challenges and fostering informed decision-making.
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This paper explores the relationship between diversity, inclusion, and artificial intelligence (AI) in multicultural workplaces and markets. Growing recognition of the value of diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives is changing organizational practices globally. Despite progress, challenges such as unconscious bias, resistance to change, and difficulty in measuring progress still exist.This study is based on a comprehensive literature review that adheres to academic ethical standards. These findings highlight the potential of AI to improve recruitment processes, personalize marketing strategies, and develop inclusive technologies. However, challenges such as bias in AI algorithms and limited data diversity need to be addressed.The paper emphasizes the need for ethical AI frameworks, diverse representation in AI development, and transparency in the use of AI to promote justice. AI has the potential to foster a more equitable society by encouraging diversity and inclusion. Further research is needed to explore the long-term impact of AI on diversity and inclusion and to develop ethical AI frameworks tailored to different industries and cultural contexts.The study also explores how AI can support D&I initiatives by providing data-driven insights, automating processes, and offering personalized interventions to reduce bias and increase inclusivity. By reviewing recent research and case studies, this paper offers practical recommendations for leveraging AI in D&I efforts, aiming to build a more inclusive and equitable workplace culture
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Recent advancements in artificial intelligence and natural language processing, particularly in developing powerful Generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, have piqued the interest of social psychology researchers. The potential of ChatGPT to revolutionize the field by analyzing vast amounts of textual data, modeling social interactions, and providing valuable insights into human behavior and social dynamics is undeniable. However, the application of Generative AI in social psychology research also presents ethical, theoretical, and methodological challenges that must be addressed. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the use of ChatGPT in social psychology research, examining its benefits and limitations and discussing recommendations for its practical and responsible use. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of developing a clear theoretical framework that links the application of Generative AI to existing social psychology theories, ensuring that the technology contributes meaningfully to advancing knowledge in the field. Researchers can harness its potential while safeguarding their work’s ethical and scientific integrity by navigating these challenges and adopting a critical and reflective stance towards using Generative AI.
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Transformative artificially intelligent tools, such as ChatGPT, designed to generate sophisticated text indistin- guishable from that produced by a human, are applicable across a wide range of contexts. The technology presents opportunities as well as, often ethical and legal, challenges, and has the potential for both positive and negative impacts for organisations, society, and individuals. Offering multi-disciplinary insight into some of these, this article brings together 43 contributions from experts in fields such as computer science, marketing, information systems, education, policy, hospitality and tourism, management, publishing, and nursing. The contributors acknowledge ChatGPT’s capabilities to enhance productivity and suggest that it is likely to offersignificant gains in the banking, hospitality and tourism, and information technology industries, and enhance business activities, such as management and marketing. Nevertheless, they also consider its limitations, dis- ruptions to practices, threats to privacy and security, and consequences of biases, misuse, and misinformation. However, opinion is split on whether ChatGPT’s use should be restricted or legislated. Drawing on these con- tributions, the article identifies questions requiring further research across three thematic areas: knowledge, transparency, and ethics; digital transformation of organisations and societies; and teaching, learning, and scholarly research. The avenues for further research include: identifying skills, resources, and capabilities needed to handle generative AI; examining biases of generative AI attributable to training datasets and processes; exploring business and societal contexts best suited for generative AI implementation; determining optimal combinations of human and generative AI for various tasks; identifying ways to assess accuracy of text produced by generative AI; and uncovering the ethical and legal issues in using generative AI across different contexts.
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Transformative artificially intelligent tools, such as ChatGPT, designed to generate sophisticated text indistinguishable from that produced by a human, are applicable across a wide range of contexts. The technology presents opportunities as well as, often ethical and legal, challenges, and has the potential for both positive and negative impacts for organisations, society, and individuals. Offering multi-disciplinary insight into some of these, this article brings together 43 contributions from experts in fields such as computer science, marketing, information systems, education, policy, hospitality and tourism, management, publishing, and nursing. The contributors acknowledge ChatGPT’s capabilities to enhance productivity and suggest that it is likely to offer significant gains in the banking, hospitality and tourism, and information technology industries, and enhance business activities, such as management and marketing. Nevertheless, they also consider its limitations, disruptions to practices, threats to privacy and security, and consequences of biases, misuse, and misinformation. However, opinion is split on whether ChatGPT’s use should be restricted or legislated. Drawing on these contributions, the article identifies questions requiring further research across three thematic areas: knowledge, transparency, and ethics; digital transformation of organisations and societies; and teaching, learning, and scholarly research. The avenues for further research include: identifying skills, resources, and capabilities needed to handle generative AI; examining biases of generative AI attributable to training datasets and processes; exploring business and societal contexts best suited for generative AI implementation; determining optimal combinations of human and generative AI for various tasks; identifying ways to assess accuracy of text produced by generative AI; and uncovering the ethical and legal issues in using generative AI across different contexts.
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This paper examines the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to address societal megatrends, with a specific focus on OpenAI’s Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3). To do this, we conducted an analysis using GPT-3 in order to explore the benefits of AI for digitalization, urbanization, globalization, climate change, automation and mobility, global health issues, and the aging population. We also looked at emerging markets as well as sustainability in this study. Interaction with GPT-3 was conducted solely through prompt questions, and generated responses were analyzed. Our results indicate that AI can significantly improve our understanding of these megatrends by providing insights into how they develop over time and which solutions could be implemented. Further research is needed to determine how effective AI will be in addressing them successfully, but initial findings are encouraging. Our discussion focuses on the implications of our findings for society going forward and suggests that further investigation should be conducted into how best to utilize new technologies such as GPT-3 when tackling these challenges. Lastly, we conclude that, while there is still much work left to do before any tangible effects can be seen from utilizing AI tools such as GPT-3 on societal megatrends, early indications suggest it may have a positive impact if used correctly.
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Distrust in scientific experts can be surprisingly stubborn, persisting despite evidence supporting the experts' views, demonstrations of their competence, or displays of good will. This stubborn distrust is often viewed as a manifestation of irrationality. By contrast, this article proposes a logic of "status distrust": low-status individuals are objectively vulnerable to collective decision-making, and can justifiably distrust high-status scientific experts if they are not confident that the experts do not have their best interests at heart. In phenomena of status distrust, social status is thus an indicator of distrust, and this has wider implications for the literatures on trust in science and on expert communication.
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A vast impact concerning cancer research has been made by researchers analyzing the expression of thousands of genes at the same time and relating them to clinical phenotypes by DNA microarray technology. The large dimensions of gene expression microarray datasets, combined with a lack of samples and irrelevant or noisy genes, make classification tasks more difficult. The purpose of gene selection is to identify the most informative genes in order to enhance prediction results. The Horse Herd Optimization Algorithm (HOA) is a novel swarm intelligence algorithm for solving continuous optimization problems, which simulate the behavior of a herd of horses. This study introduces a binary version of the Horse Herd Optimization Algorithm (BHOA) for solving discrete problems in biological data. Moreover, this paper introduces a novel hybrid gene selection framework that combines BHOA and a minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance (mRMR) method. mRMR is applied as a filter approach to reduce noisy and irrelevant genes as well as to reduce the high computational cost that swarm intelligence algorithms generally suffer. The proposed approach's performance was examined using four well-known datasets: DLBCL, Colon, SRBCT, and Leukemia. According to the experimental results, the hybrid approach performed better than all the other methods regarding both accuracy and the number of selected genes.
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In the absence of clear, consistent guidelines about the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, many people use social media to learn about the virus, public health directives, vaccine distribution, and other health information. As people individually sift through a flood of information online, they collectively curate a small set of accounts, known as crowdsourced elites, that receive disproportionate attention for their COVID-19 content. However, these elites are not all created equal: not all accounts have received the same attention during the pandemic, and various demographic and ideological groups have crowdsourced their own elites. Using a mixed-methods approach with a panel of Twitter users in the United States over the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, we identify COVID-19 crowdsourced elites. We distinguish sustained amplification from episodic amplification and demonstrate that crowdsourced elites vary across demographics with respect to race, geography, and political alignment. Specifically, we show that different subpopulations preferentially amplify elites that are demographically similar to them, and that they crowdsource different types of elite accounts, such as journalists, elected officials, and medical professionals, in different proportions. In light of this variation, we discuss the potential for using the disproportionate online voice of crowdsourced COVID-19 elites to equitably promote public health information and mitigate misinformation across networked publics.
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Computational social science uses computational and statistical methods in order to evaluate social interaction. The public availability of data sets is thus a necessary precondition for reliable and replicable research. These data allow researchers to benchmark the computational methods they develop, test the generalizability of their findings, and build confidence in their results. When social media data are concerned, data sharing is often restricted for legal or privacy reasons, which makes the comparison of methods and the replicability of research results infeasible. Social media analytics research, consequently, faces an integrity crisis. How is it possible to create trust in computational or statistical analyses, when they cannot be validated by third parties? In this work, we explore this well-known, yet little discussed, problem for social media analytics. We investigate how this problem can be solved by looking at related computational research areas. Moreover, we propose and implement a prototype to address the problem in the form of a new evaluation framework that enables the comparison of algorithms without the need to exchange data directly, while maintaining flexibility for the algorithm design.
The scientific method delivers prosperity, yet scientific practice has become subject to corrupting influences from within and without the scientific community. This essential reference is intended to help remedy those threats. The authors identify eight essential criteria for the practice of science and provide checklists to help avoid costly failures in scientific practice. Not only for scientists, this book is for all stakeholders of the broad enterprise of science. Science administrators, research funders, journal editors, and policymakers alike will find practical guidance on how they can encourage scientific research that produces useful discoveries. Journalists, commentators, and lawyers can turn to this text for help with assessing the validity and usefulness of scientific claims. The book provides practical guidance and makes important recommendations for reforms in science policy and science administration. The message of the book is complemented by Nobel Laureate Vernon L. Smith's foreword, and an afterword by Terence Kealey. <<<< The CUP page for the book is at >>>>
It is not uncommon for conspiracy theories to have a political agenda, some conspiracies are more endorsed by the political left-wing than the political right-wing and vice-versa. Conspiracy theories quickly flourished as the COVID-19 pandemic emerged and this may have been an underlying factor in a reluctance by some in following public health policies such as the wearing of face masks. In the present study, we surveyed a community sample of 1358 adults just prior to the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Aotearoa New Zealand. Our first aim was to determine whether one’s political orientation, whether they are politically left- or right-wing, would be predictive of an individual’s belief in conspiracy theories and determine whether this relationship can be exacerbated by a distrust in science. The second aim was to determine how such a relationship could explain an individual’s vaccine hesitancy. Our results supported that indeed those that identify as right-wing tended to have higher hesitancy associated with taking the COVID-19 vaccine. However, we demonstrated that this association, in part, can be explained by a corresponding belief in COVID-19 related conspiracies. Interestingly, such a relationship only emerged in the presence of a general distrust in science. In other words, if a right-wing individual has at least a moderate trust in science, they demonstrated similarly low endorsement of COVID-19 conspiracies as their left-wing counterparts. Mitigating the right-wing endorsement of COVID-19 conspiracies then aligned with a reduction in vaccine hesitancy. Our findings indicated that public interventions seeking to increase trust in science may mitigate right-wing endorsement of conspiracy theories and thus lead to a more unified and positive response to public health behaviours such as vaccination.