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This article shows that one of the reasons for the deterioration of the condition of highways is largely the mismatch of the operational characteristics of road construction materials with increased traffic loads. The rapid increase in the number of heavy trucks on the roads, the increase in traffic intensity and, as a result, the increase in axial loads on the road surface, contributes to the development of deformations of asphalt concrete roads created on the basis of ordinary bitumen. All over the world, regulatory requirements for their physical and mechanical properties are constantly revised and work is being done to create new modern road materials and technologies. All this is aimed at increasing the durability of road surfaces in modern conditions of their operation. It has been established that the most effective measure for maintaining the transport and operational performance of road surfaces at a sufficient level is the use of geosynthetic materials as reinforcing layers. The reinforcing material, which is used in the construction, reconstruction and repair of roads, perceives and redistributes tensile forces and prevents excessive horizontal deformation of the elongation near the sole of the layer during its bending, which occurs during multiple short-term effects of wheel loads from motor vehicles. It must also perceive and redistribute tensile stresses and prevent excessive deformation that occurs in some cross-sections from prolonged temperature exposure. The article presents the results of research on the use of geosynthetic materials to increase the strength, shear resistance and crack resistance of asphalt concrete coatings in road construction. A broad classification and main functions of geogrids are presented. Different variants of their location in the construction of road clothing are considered. The relevance of the use of geosynthetic materials is outlined, given their effectiveness, diversity, multifunctionality and wide scope of application.

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