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Co-production is a concept that is becoming increasingly popular across various fields including planning. This article reviews planning literature on co-production and reveals that the term has not been well defined. The existing definitions are inconsistent and ambiguous, requiring more conceptual clarity to avoid contention. Based on the systematic literature review, and aided by bibliometric analysis, the article identifies seven dimensions within the current definitions of co-production: (1) actor, (2) reason, (3) input, (4) output, (5) phase, (6) means, and (7) context. This article concludes by proposing a conceptual and analytical framework for defining co-production in planning theory and practice.
Dening Co-Production: A Review
of the Planning Literature
Dahae Lee
, Patricia Feiertag
, and Lena Unger
Co-production is a concept that is becoming increasingly popular across various elds including planning. This article reviews
planning literature on co-production and reveals that the term has not been well dened. The existing denitions are inconsistent
and ambiguous, requiring more conceptual clarity to avoid contention. Based on the systematic literature review, and aided by
bibliometric analysis, the article identies seven dimensions within the current denitions of co-production: (1) actor, (2) reason,
(3) input, (4) output, (5) phase, (6) means, and (7) context. This article concludes by proposing a conceptual and analytical frame-
work for dening co-production in planning theory and practice.
co-production, planning literature, bibliometric analysis, co-citation analysis, content analysis
Coined by Elinor Ostrom and her colleagues in 1970s, the term
co-productionwas used to explain and give a theoretical foun-
dation to practices that involved citizens in the production of
public services (Ostrom 1972, 1996). Although initially it
received little attention, the concept has gained in popularity
since the 2000s in the context of austerity and new governance
(Bingham, Nabatchi and OLeary 2005). As evidenced by the
increasing number of publications, programmes and activities
related to co-production, the concept is of great interest to
scholars and practitioners for several reasons (Nabatchi,
Sancino and Sicilia 2017) including the reduction of service
delivery costs, increased efciency and creating new types of
relationships among the involved parties (Galuszka 2019).
However, the rapid growth of the concept has resulted in ambi-
guity about its meaning. In fact, there are various denitions
across diverse disciplines and co-production is often used as a
buzzword without a clear denition. As will be illustrated
later, there are publications that use the term in the title,
keyword or abstract without dening it at all.
The concept has gained in popularity within planning theory
and practice as well. It has been introduced to address multi-
actor involvement different from established forms of collabora-
tive planning (Watson 2014). As will be demonstrated later,
there has been a rapid growth in planning literature on
co-production. Although the concept in relation to planning
has its origin in the Western world, it has spread to other parts
of the world in different ways (Albrechts, Barbanente and
Monno 2019) resulting in further ambiguity. Notwithstanding,
there is no systematic literature review on co-production in
this eld so far. Indeed, the result of a Web of Science (herein-
after WoS) search suggests that the majority of review papers on
co-production are from environment-related sciences, medicine/
healthcare, business and public administration/management.
There are ve review papers identied from the planning eld
(Falco und Kleinhans 2018; Raymond, Giusti and Barthel
2018; Rizzo, Habibipour and Stahlbrost 2021; Haraguchi et al.
2022; Bayuo, Chaminade and Goransson 2020), yet they are
written in relation to mobility, digital participation, cultural eco-
system services, urban living labs and the role of universities,
rather than dening the concept in the planning eld.
A permanent conceptual contention due to various under-
standings can result in the collapse of a concept (Kirchherr,
Reike and Hekkert 2017). To avoid this, it is important to estab-
lish transparency regarding current understandings of the
concept. Hence, the main research question in this article is:
What is the current understanding of the concept of
co-production in planning literature? To this end, this article
aims to: (1) identify the most inuential publications/authors
cited in the planning eld; (2) trace the theoretical origins of
the eld; (3) identify how the concept is dened in the eld;
and (4) illustrate the development of the concept in the eld.
The remainder of the article is structured as follows. The next
part describes the methodology used to conduct the bibliometric
analysis and systematic literature review. The third and fourth
sections present the ndings of the analysis. The last section
summarises the results.
Faculty of Spatial Planning, Technical University of Dortmund, Dortmund,
Corresponding Author:
Dahae Lee, Faculty of Spatial Planning, Technical University of Dortmund,
Dortmund 44227, Germany.
Original Article (literature review or lit review with annotated bibliography)
Journal of Planning Literature
© The Author(s) 2023
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/08854122231219919
Research Methods and Materials
The process of sample selection for this study involved six steps
(see Figure 1). First, the datasets for this study were retrieved
from the WoS citation database (the last search was on
August 16, 2022). The search term co-productionOR copro-
ductionyielded 13,113 results. In the second stage, the scope
of investigation was delimited by selecting English-language
publications only. In order to search for planning-related publi-
cations, the result was further ltered through a WoS category
regional (and) urban planning. Lastly, a number of document
types were selected, that is, article, review article, book chapter,
early access, proceeding paper and editorial material. We did
not lter the results based on publication year, as the rst pub-
lication dened in this search was relatively recent (i.e., 1981).
As a result, we found 302 publications, which we used for the
bibliometric analysis.
For the systematic literature review, 302
publications were manually screened to identify whether they
actually dened co-production. They were excluded if they did
not dene the term (n =157) or were not accessible (n =3).
This resulted in 142 publications.
In order to meet the four research aims mentioned in the
introduction, both a bibliometric analysis and a systematic liter-
ature review were conducted (see Figure 1). Bibliometric anal-
ysis is a method that involves the use of quantitative techniques
on bibliometric data. We used it for performance analysis,
co-citation analysis and citation analysis (Donthu et al. 2021).
Regarding the performance analysis, publication-related metrics
(e.g., total publications), citation-related metrics (e.g., total cita-
tions) as well as citation-and-publication-related metrics (e.g.,
citation per cited publication) were used based on the citation
report by WoS. This allowed us to identify times cited and pub-
lications over time as well as the most cited publications/authors
from the planning eld. Moreover, co-citation analysis helped us
identify the most inuential publications/authors in the
co-production literature and trace the theoretical origins of
co-production literature in the planning eld (Newell and
Cousins 2015; Noyons 2001). VOSviewer was used to visualise
and analyse the co-citation network. While the performance anal-
ysis and co-citation analysis involved the analysis of 302 publi-
cations and their references, citation analysis was used to analyse
the cited publications of 142 denitions. The result of the citation
analysis was then visualised through Gephi.
In addition to the bibliometric analysis, a systematic literature
review was conducted to study how the term co-productionhas
been dened in the planning eld. A systematic literature review
is used for different purposes (Xiao and Watson 2019); in our
case, the aim was to describe the state of the literature (i.e.,
denition of co-production) at the time of the review. Hence,
we conducted a content analysis of denitions found in the plan-
ning literature by using systematic procedures. The rst step
involved identifying denitions for the analysis. We acknowledge
that denitions written in publications can be rather narrow
Figure 1. Flow chart of literature search and analysis process (source: own diagram). Note: Last search was on August 16, 2022.
2Journal of Planning Literature
operationalisations of the understanding of a concept and may not
capture the full complexity elaborated in the original text
(Kirchherr, Reike and Hekkert 2017). However, we argue that
denitions still represent authorsunderstanding of the concept.
In order to address the issue, we considered not only the most rel-
evant sentence but also the neighbouring text. Among the publi-
cations, 142 publications actually dened the term. From each
publication, one denition was taken, mainly from the introduc-
tion and literature review. Where possible, the authorsowndef-
inition was taken.
The 142 denitions were analysed manually based on the
coding framework we developed in an iterative process. Based
on the initial knowledge of the concept as well as a preliminary
literature review, dimensions (hereinafter codes) and subdimen-
sions (hereinafter subcodes) were developed deductively.
These were then added and adapted inductively throughout the
coding process. A new subcode was created if there were at
least three matching codings. Seven codes were developed even-
tually (actor/reason/input/output/phase/means/context) with 51
subcodes. Each code with its subcodes is dened in the ndings
section. In order to address the problem of manual coding (i.e.,
low reliability), every denition was coded by two coders
based on an initial set of coding rules. In the case of diverging
coding results, the denition was reviewed by a third coder
and discussed by all. Lastly, we calculated the word frequency
for each code and compared the result with the result of the
content analysis to conrm the ndings. Thereby, words with
the same stems (e.g., involve, involvement and involving) were
considered as one. The result of the word frequency check and
the explanation of how it supports the results of the content anal-
ysis are presented in the ndings section.
Findings of the Bibliometric Analysis
This section presents the result of the performance analysis,
co-citation analysis and citation analysis, all of which are part
of the bibliometric analysis. First, citations were analysed
through performance analysis to identify times cited and publi-
cations over time as well as the most cited publications/authors
from the planning eld. As shown in Figure 2, the very rst
publication dened in the search was published in 1981;
however, it took 30 years before the annual productivity
would ourish at an exponential rate. The development stag-
nated until 2004 when it started to rise steadily and then from
2012, there has been a large quantity of planning literature on
co-production. This trend is also observed with regard to the
number of citations as there is an exponential growth starting
from 2004. Out of 302 publications, 239 have received more
than one citation. The sum of the times cited until August
2022 is 4,365. The ve most inuential publications/authors
based on the total number of citations are listed in Table 1.
They all have more than 100 total citations.
Co-citation analysis was also conducted to trace the theoret-
ical origins of co-production literature in the planning eld (see
Figure 3). Altogether, 13,845 references from 302 publications
were analysed. The threshold was set at nine, leading to 30 ref-
erences. Altogether, three clusters were identied. A cluster is a
set of closely related references (Van Eck and Waltman 2014).
For instance, the publications by Albrechts (2013) and Watson
(2014) were found in the same cluster, suggesting that they are
closely related. This may be because both are from the eld of
regional and urban planning. Interestingly, the publication by
Mitlin (2008) was found in this cluster as well and in close con-
nection with Albrechts (2013) and Watson (2014) although it
does not belong to the planning eld according to the WoS cat-
egory. This may be because it belongs to the category urban
studieswhich is close to the planning eld. Broadly speaking,
three elds can be identied from the ve most inuential pub-
lications/authors (see Table 1), that is, public administration,
environmental studies and regional and urban planning. As
shown in Figure 3, the publications are closely connected
with 261 links.
Lastly, cited publications/authors of denitions were ana-
lysed. Out of 142 denitions, 105 directly or indirectly referred
Figure 2. Times cited and publications over time in the planning eld (source: own diagram).
Lee et al. 3
to other publications/authors. Hence, they were subject to the
analysis. Fifty-eight denitions use at least one citation; 47
have more than two citations. Altogether, 105 denitions
cited 118 publications; 28 out of 118 publications were cited
more than twice. According to the WoS category, most of the
28 publications come from the eld of public administration
and environmental studies. We found two publications from
the regional and urban planning eld as well (i.e., Albrechts
2013; Watson 2014). The fact that the publications from the
eld of public administration and environmental studies inu-
enced the co-production literature in the planning eld is in
line with the result of the co-citation analysis. The ve most
cited publications/authors of analysed denitions are listed in
Table 1. What is remarkable is that three of them were also
identied in the co-citation network, that is, Ostrom (1996),
Bovaird (2007) and Mitlin (2008). As shown in Figure 4, the
top ve publications are connected in the large network.
To sum up, bibliometric analysis was conducted to identify
the most inuential publications/authors and to trace the theo-
retical origins of co-production literature in the planning eld.
The results of the performance analysis, co-citation analysis
and citation analysis show a similarity to some degree. For
instance, among the literature in the planning eld, the publica-
tions by Albrechts (2013) and Watson (2014) are regarded as
the two most inuential works. Interestingly, the three most
cited publications/authors from the planning eld other than
Albrechts and Watson (i.e., Polk 2015; Chilvers and
Longhurst 2016; Goldstein and Renault 2004) are not remark-
able in the results of the co-citation and citation analysis. The
co-citation analysis and citation analysis show a similar result
as well. The result of the citation analysis reveals that many def-
initions of co-production in planning literature cited publica-
tions in other elds mostly public administration and
environmental studies. This is also proved by the results of
Table 1. Most Inuential Publications/Authors According to the Bibliometric Analysis (Source: Own Diagram).
Title Author
year Citation WoS category
Performance analysis: Most cited publications/authors from the planning eld
Transdisciplinary co-production: Designing and testing a
transdisciplinary research framework for societal problem
Polk, Merritt 2015 193 Regional and Urban
Reframing strategic spatial planning by using a coproduction
Albrechts, Louis 2013 159 Regional and Urban
Participation in transition(s): Reconceiving public engagements
in energy transitions as co-produced, emergent and diverse
Chilvers, Jason and
Longhurst, Noel
2016 151 Regional and Urban
Co-production and collaboration in planning The difference Watson, Vanessa 2014 150 Regional and Urban
Contributions of universities to regional economic
development: A quasi-experimental approach
Goldstein, Harvey and
Renault, Catherine
2004 127 Regional and Urban
Co-citation analysis: Most inuential publications/authors in the co-production literature
Crossing the great divide: Co-production, synergy and
Ostrom, Elinor 1996 44 Development Studies;
With and beyond the state: Co-production as a route to
political inuence, power and transformation for grassroots
Mitlin, Diana 2008 40 Environmental Studies;
Urban Studies
Co-production and collaboration in planning: The difference Watson, Vanessa 2014 38 Urban Studies; Regional
and Urban Planning
Beyond engagement and participation: User and community
coproduction of public services
Bovaird, Tony 2007 35 Public Administration
Reframing strategic spatial planning by using a coproduction
Albrechts, Louis 2013 27 Regional and Urban
Citation analysis: Most cited publications/authors of analysed denitions
Crossing the great divide: Co-production, synergy and
Ostrom Elinor 1996 16 Development Studies;
Beyond engagement and participation: User and community
coproduction of public services
Bovaird, Tony 2007 10 Public Administration
With and beyond the state: Co-production as a route to
political inuence, power and transformation for grassroots
Mitlin, Diana 2008 9 Environmental Studies;
Urban Studies
Co-production and collaboration in planning: The difference Watson, Vanessa 2014 9 Urban Studies; Regional
and Urban Planning
The challenge of co-production: How equal partnerships
between professionals and the public are crucial to improving
public services
Boyle, David and
Harris, Michael
2009 6 NA
4Journal of Planning Literature
Figure 3. Result of co-citation analysis (source: own diagram; visualisation: VOSviewer). Note: The node represents specic references cited;
the edges signify that two references are cited together; nodal size reects the number of connections a reference has in the network (degree
centrality); and colour of nodes represents clusters.
Figure 4. Result of citation analysis (source: own diagram; visualisation: Gephi). Note: The node represents both citing and cited publications;
the edges signify that a publication (outward) cites another (inward); nodal size reects the number of connections a publication has in the
network (in-degree centrality). This gure shows the largest network only. Other networks that are small and not connected to this network
are not shown.
Lee et al. 5
the co-citation analysis as the publications from regional and
urban planning are closely linked with publications from
these two elds. Overall, publications by Ostrom (1996),
Bovaird (2007) and Mitlin (2008), Albrechts (2013) and
Watson (2014) serve as theoretical origins of co-production lit-
erature in the planning eld.
Findings of the Systematic Literature Review
Interestingly, not all publications dealing with the concept of
co-production dene co-production. Out of 299 publications,
157 do not dene the term co-productionat all, although 88
have the term in their title, keyword or abstract.
This section
presents the results of the systematic review of 142 denitions
based on seven codes and 51 subcodes. Several codes share two
subcodes, that is, unspecied and others.Unspecied is a
subcode for those that are not specic enough (e.g., in the
case of actor: different actors), whereas others is a subcode
that contains the remaining codings which do not belong to
any other subcodes and are not frequent enough to form a
new subcode. This section includes the denition of each
code and its subcodes and an explanation of how frequently
the subcodes appear in denitions in general and over time.
In order to study the development of denition over time, we
applied three time intervals: before 2015, 20152018 and
20192022. While the number of publications started to
increase from 2012, it was only after 2015 that stability was
achieved. Accordingly, three time intervals were differentiated
to better explore the trend.
This code describes the actors involved in co-production.
According to the result of the analysis, actoris the code with
the highest number of codings, which shows its central impor-
tance when it comes to the denition of co-production. Various
actors are involved in co-production; hence, we categorised
them into nine types (see Table 2). Individuals from the public
sector, the private sector, service providers and civil society
act as representatives of an organisation or group, whereas indi-
vidual citizens,professionals and service users/consumers/clients
act on their own behalf. Service providers can be public, semi-
public or private institutions. The subcode civil society includes
both organised citizen groups and NGOs. Professionals range
from scientists, practitioners, planners, policymakers to profes-
sionals in general without specication in the text. It is important
to mention that a person can have several attributions, but the
coding was done based on the role highlighted in the denitions.
As an example, service users are also citizens, but the denitions
that use terms such as service users, consumers or clients empha-
sise their role in the use of (public) services.
Out of 142 denitions, 128 include actor-elements (90%);
within those denitions, there are 244 codings. The most men-
tioned subcode is individual citizens, present in 45% of all def-
initions with the code actor, followed by unspecied (31%)
and the public sector (30%), civil society (24%) and different
types of professionals (21%). Private sector is mentioned as
well, but far less often (12%). What is interesting is that
about a third of denitions do not indicate specically who
the co-producers are, but mention the actors rather vaguely
like different actors(thus unspecied). As co-production
involves different types of actors, 60% of denitions contain
more than one subcode. Indeed, 29 denitions mention more
than two types of actors, the maximum being six different subc-
odes. The combinations of involved actors vary considerably.
The most common combination is individual citizens and the
public sector (21 times; six out of 21 with other subcodes
meaning other types of actors). Other frequent combinations
with citizens are professionals (nine times, always combined
with other subcodes), users (nine times; eight out of nine
with other subcodes) and service providers (nine times; six
out of nine with other subcodes). On the other hand, denitions
that only address actors in the public sector and private sector
without mentioning any other actors are rare. A more frequent
combination without citizens is the public sector with profes-
sionals (10 times; four out of 10 with other subcodes).
Looking at the development of actor-elements over time,
there are a number of interesting trends (see Figure 5). For
Table 2. Coding Result on Actor.
Subcode Example N%
Individual citizens citizens(e.g., Albrechts 2013); residents(e.g., Cheng et al. 2022) 57 45
Public sector government(e.g., Bragaglia 2021); state(e.g., Refstie and Millstein 2019) 39 30
Civil society communities(e.g., Refstie and Millstein 2019); a group of people(Czischke 2018) 31 24
Professionals practitioners and researchers(Polk 2015) 27 21
service users(e.g., Kelly and Lloyd-Williams 2013); consumers(e.g., Potluka and Medeiros 2021) 18 14
Service providers producers(Kelly and Lloyd-Williams 2013); established providers(Czischke 2018) 16 13
Private sector developers with sufcient nancial resources(Bwalya and Seethal 2013); market(e.g., Refstie and
Millstein 2019)
15 12
Unspecied different actors(Parker, Lynn and Wargent 2017); two or more stakeholders(Blackman, Nakanishi and
Benson 2017)
40 31
Others nature(Mellegard and Boonstra 2020) 1 1
Note: Full sample =244 codings in 128 denitions; % =in relation to the number of denitions with code actor.
6Journal of Planning Literature
instance, the distinction between different types of actors is less
remarkable in the denitions before 2015 than in the other two
phases. Indeed, individual citizens,thepublic sector,andprofes-
sionals shared the same frequency (32%) followed by users/con-
sumers/clients (27%), service providers (23%), the private sector
(23%) and civil society (18%). While the frequency for the public
sector is relatively stable throughout all phases (between 22%
and 32%), other types of actors show a uctuation either
upwards or downwards. Apart from individual citizens and
civil society, other types of actors have seen a decrease.
Interestingly, the subcode with the greatest uctuation (or
increase in this case) is unspecied (from 14% to 34%). This sug-
gests, on the one hand, more emphasis is put on the role of citi-
zens. On the other hand, other types of actors are increasingly
grouped together under different actorswithout distinction.
This code refers to the justications, aims or reasons for
co-production. Twelve different reasons were identied, sug-
gesting that there are various reasons why co-production
takes place. These range from rather general reasons, that is,
to address needs,to solve problems, and to create better out-
comes, to more specic reasons, such as to react to austerity,
to improve efciency and to improve quantity/quality mostly
in relation to services and goods. There are also normative
reasons with underlying criticism, such as to distribute power
between the state and citizen, to create social benets,to
promote engagement and to gain democratic legitimacy.
Linked to these reasons is to improve knowledge production
in reference to, for instance, diversication of the inclusion of
knowledge types and their trajectory into policymaking.
Out of 142 denitions, 55 have reason-elements (39%);
within those denitions, there are 82 codings. While the most
common subcode is to address needs (20%), the difference
among the top ve reasons is small (between 16% and 20%).
The remaining reasons are rather minor, ranging from 5% to
9% (see Table 3). The analysis reveals that there is not a single
dominant reason for co-production; about a third of denitions
mention from one to three reasons. What is also interesting is
the fact that the most popular reasons for co-production change
constantly over time (see Figure 5). Before 2015, the top two
reasons were to distribute power (18%) and to address needs
(14%), while in the second period the top reasons were others
(10%) and to create better outcome (8%). For the 2019 until
2022, the top reasons shifted again to improve efciency
(10%), to distribute power (7%) and to address needs (7%).
The constant change may be due to societal changes but this
needs further research.
This code describes the inputs different actors contribute
throughout the process of co-production. The inputs mentioned
are mostly immaterial, such as knowledge/expertise,experience
from different practices and perspective. These three subcodes
are fairly close to each other; the rst is about different kinds of
knowledge, the second about practical experience, and the third
includes interpretations and opinions.
Out of 142 denitions, 48 include input-elements (34%);
within those denitions, there are 56 codings. According to
the result of the analysis (see Table 4), knowledge/expertise
is by far the most common subcode, present in 50% of all def-
initions with the code input. Indeed, this code is most
Figure 5. Development of subcodes over time (source: own diagram). Note: The gure shows the percentage of subcodes in relation to the
number of denitions in each period, that is, before 2015 (n =22); 20152018 (n =59); 20192022 (n =61).
Lee et al. 7
important in denitions regarding knowledge co-production,
highlighting the input of various forms of knowledge, includ-
ing nonacademic types such as local knowledge. What is
noticeable is the high percentage of unspecied input
ranking second (29%). Interestingly, this type of inputs is
eshed out by mentioning actors, mainly citizens,service pro-
viders and users: for instance, citizens provide inputs to ser-
vices that are traditionally produced exclusively by public
agencies(Nance and Ortolano 2016: 2). Thus, the more rele-
vant question may be who provides an input rather than what
kind of input is provided. Among 48 denitions, eight have
two subcodes. The most frequent combination is between
the subcodes knowledge/expertise and experience from differ-
ent practices (ve times).
Although knowledge/expertise is revealed to be the prevail-
ing input, the development of input-elements shows a some-
what different picture (see Figure 5). Even though knowledge/
expertise ranks rst, its share has decreased from 20% to 16%
with time. A similar observation is made about the subcode
experience from different practices. This type of input has
seen the highest uctuation from 0% (before 2015) to 14%
(20152018) to 2% (20192022). Indeed, it dropped from
number two (20152018) to number ve (20192022). In con-
trast, the subcode unspecied has shown a steady increase and
Table 3. Coding Result on Reason.
Subcode Example N%
To address needs () address the local needs more precisely(Potluka and Medeiros 2021) 11 20
To improve efciency cost reduction(Farmer and Bradley 2012); improved efciency(e.g., Kleinhans, Falco and
Babelon 2022)
10 18
To distribute power () to shift the poser relations between communities, state, and market(Refstie and Millstein
To improve quality/quantity () directly control the quantity and quality (Potluka and Medeiros 2021) 9 16
To create better outcome () to achieve better outcomes(Falco and Kleinhans 2018) 9 16
To improve knowledge
() to disclose and create new knowledge(Reed and Abernethy 2018) 5 9
To promote engagement () to reinvigorate voluntary participation(Falco and Kleinhans 2018) 4 7
To create social benets () social cohesion in an increasingly fragmented and individualized society(Falco and Kleinhans
To solve problem () real life problem solving (Polk 2015) 4 7
To gain democratic legitimacy () supports democratic governance and public accountability(Cheng et al. 2022) 3 5
To react to austerity ()scal pressures and austerity regimes(Kleinhans, Falco and Babelon 2022) 3 5
Others () for social and political change(Durose and Richardson 2016) 11 20
Note: Full sample =82 codings in 55 denitions; % =in relation to the number of denitions with code reason.
Table 4. Coding Result on Inputand Output.
Subcode Example N%
Knowledge/expertise knowledge(e.g., Krueger 2015); different forms of expertise(Durose and Richardson 2016) 24 50
Experience from different
experience from real world practice(Polk 2015) 9 19
Perspective other types of relevant perspectives(Polk 2015) 3 6
Unspecied resources(Blume 2016); assets(Lindsay et al. 2021) 14 29
Others needs(Reimann et al. 2021); natural, human, nancial and manufactured capital(Raymond, Giusti
and Barthel 2018)
Public service public services(e.g., Kelly and Lloyd-Williams 2013); urban services(Bwalya and Seethal 2013) 48 52
Knowledge knowledge(e.g., Polk 2015); new knowledge(Korhonen-Kurki et al. 2022) 27 29
Public good public goods(e.g., Cheng et al. 2022); more than one commodity(Lakshmanan and Okumara 1995);
improvement in urban environments(Canelas and Baptista 2021)
14 15
Social order social order(e.g., Krueger 2015) 6 6
Policy new joint policies(Heeres, Tillema and Arts 2016) 5 5
Value value(Blackman, Nakanishi and Benson 2017) 4 4
Unspecied outcomes(Blume 2016); a mutually desired output(Parker, Lynn and Wargent 2017) 7 8
Others health interventions(Wardani et al. 2022) 7 8
Note: For inputfull sample =56 codings in 48 denitions; % =in relation to the number of denitions with code input; for outputfull sample =118 codings in 93
denitions; % =in relation to the number of denitions with code output.
8Journal of Planning Literature
ranks second in the latest phase. This suggests that authors tend
not to distinguish between different types of input.
This code describes what is co-produced and includes public
service, knowledge,public good,social order, policy, and
value as the output of co-production. As shown by the examples
(see Table 4), the coded elements for each subcode are quite
similar. Public good is an exception in this regard, as it includes
specic public goods such as the urban environment.
Out of 142 denitions, 93 include output-elements (65%);
within those denitions, there are 118 codings. According to
the result of the analysis, the most frequent subcode is public
service, present in 52% of all denitions with the code
output, followed by knowledge (29%) and public good
(15%). Overall, 27% of the denitions contain more than one
subcode of what output, none of them containing more than
two. Among others, public service and public good are coded
together in 10 documents, highlighting the close connection
between these subcodes. Another frequent combination of
subcodes is knowledge and social order; all of these denitions
refer to Sheila Jasanoff (see e.g., Jasanoff 2004). What is also
interesting is the relation between input and output of
co-production. For instance, knowledge is often mentioned
not only as an input but also as an output: indeed, out of 27 def-
initions that have knowledge as an output, 16 include knowl-
edge as an input as well. In contrast, other outputs such as
public services and public goods are mentioned in combination
with unspecied inputs, if any.
The development of outputover time (see Figure 5) generally
corresponds to the result presented in Table 4. So for instance,
public service remains outstanding although it has seen a drop.
In fact, the output of co-production goes beyond public services
and includes other types. So for instance, public good is increas-
ingly seen as an output. Although it was less notable until 2018
(sixth place among eight subcodes), it has moved up to second
place in the ranking in the latest phase. Knowledge is another
type of output though it saw a drop from 20152018 to 2019
2022. Other types of output remain less mentioned.
This code refers to the phase through which co-production takes
place. According to the result of the analysis, co-production takes
place from planning to delivery and management (see Table 5).
The rst phase, planning, is where related issues are discussed
and decisions made to prepare the actual implementation of a
plan, that is, delivery. After a plan is realised, it requires manage-
ment practices, including evaluation and control.
Out of 142 denitions, 67 have phase-elements (47%); within
those denitions, there are 93 codings. Among the three different
phases, delivery is the most common subcode, present in 84% of
all denitions with the code phase,followedbyplanning (39%)
and management (9%). A few denitions mention all phases
(see Table 5). Out of 67 denitions, 22 (33%) mention more
than one subcode. The most frequent combination is planning
and delivery (15 times). Delivery and management are found in
two denitions. Interestingly, four denitions cover the whole
spectrum by mentioning all three subcodes planning,delivery
and management. Looking at the development of phase-elements
over time (see Figure 5), denitions before 2015 saw planning
and delivery as phases of co-production only. Although the man-
agement phase has appeared since 2015, it is far less mentioned
compared to planning and delivery.
This code refers to the means through which co-production takes
place. According to the result of the analysis, co-production takes
Table 5. Coding Result on Phase.
Subcode Example N %
Planning decision-making(e.g., Amanatidou, Gritzas
and Kavoulakos 2015); design(e.g., Kelly
and Lloyd-Williams 2013)
26 39
Delivery production(Lakshmanan and Okumara
1995); provision(e.g., Bwalya and Seethal
56 84
Management review(Blume 2016); control(Potluka
and Medeiros 2021)
Unspecied entire process(Reimann et al. 2021) 5 7
Note: Full sample =93 codings in 67 denitions; % =in relation to the number of
denitions with code phase.
Table 6. Coding Result on Means.
Subcode Example N %
Participation () to involve multiple participants
(Korhonen-Kurki et al. 2022)
61 47
Collaboration () joint action of fragmented actors
that goes further than the mere piecing
together ofsectoral perspectives
(Heeres, Tillema and Arts 2016)
39 30
Combination () through the combination of
scientic perspectives with other types
of relevant perspectives and experience
from real world practice(Polk 2015)
23 18
Interaction ()byows and exchanges of
knowledge(Lakshmanan and Okumara
17 13
() empowered to contribute their
assets to, and act as equal partners
(Lindsay et al. 2021)
17 13
Change in role () citizens are not passive recipients of
public services but active participants
(Zhang and Hartley 2022)
16 12
() through new forms of governance
and management(Pill and Bailey 2012)
Others () deciding(Blume 2016) 10 8
Note: Full sample =189 codings in 129 denitions; % =in relation to the number
of denitions with code means.
Lee et al. 9
place in different ways (see Table 6). For instance, co-production
may emerge through various forms of action, such as participa-
tion (i.e., taking part), collaboration (i.e., working with
someone), combination (i.e., merging) and interaction (i.e., com-
municating). Moreover, the co-production literature suggests that
the change in role and equal relationship between different actors
allow co-production to happen. Finally, yet importantly, innova-
tive practice is also mentioned as an impetus for co-production.
Out of 142 denitions, 129 have means-elements (91%);
within those denitions, there are 189 codings. The most
common subcode is participation, present in 47% of all deni-
tions with the code means, followed by collaboration (30%)
and combination (18%). Interaction,change in role and equal
relationship are in fourth and fth places with a similar fre-
quency (1213%). A few denitions mention innovative prac-
tice (5%) as a way in which co-production takes place. The
development of the means-elements over time (see Figure 5)
generally corresponds to the results presented in Table 6. Yet
there are a few exceptions. For instance, equal relationship
was much emphasised before 2015; it was in fact the third
most common subcode after participation and collaboration.
However, since 2015 this subcode has been much less men-
tioned. What is also interesting is that no denition mentioned
combination before 2015. It became popular from 2015 though
and since then has taken third place. Lastly, innovative practice
is generally not popular; it did not appear at all between 2019
and 2022.
This code refers to the characteristics of the location that might
inuence the emergence of co-production. The subcode Global
South highlights specic conditions in southern cities such as
limited resources as well as the role of self-organisation and
informality. The denitions specically mentioning Global
South contexts suggest that co-production is a pragmatic way
to ensure access to basic services that communities would prob-
ably not receive otherwise(Calzada, Iranzo and Sanz 2017,
404). Indeed, much of the cited literature, such as Ostrom 1996
or Mitlin 2008, is based on cases from the Global South. In con-
trast to that, the Global North is not mentioned in any denitions.
The subcode place with the lack of capacity and resources points
in a similar direction, emphasising that co-production can be an
answer to the lack of state capacity. The subcode local more gen-
erally highlights the importance of local contexts for
co-production and the spatial scale in which it takes place. The
subcode globally on the other hand points out that the concept
has become popular all over the world.
With 11 out of 142 denitions, contextis the least common
code, reecting that most denitions do not distinguish between
Figure 6. Development of codes over time (source: own diagram). Note: The gure shows the percentage of codes in relation to the number
of denitions in each period.
Table 7. Coding Result on Context.
Subcode Example N %
Global South in certain Global South contexts
(Watson 2014)
Place with the lack of
capacity and
countries suffering from severe
austerity measures(Amanatidou,
Gritzas and Kavoulakos 2015)
Local at the local level(Bragaglia 2021) 2 18
Global globally(Wardani et al. 2022);
around the world(Kleinhans,
Falco and Babelon 2022)
Others rural areas(Farmer and Bradley
Note: Full sample =11 codings in 11 denitions; % =in relation to the number of
denitions with code context.
10 Journal of Planning Literature
different spatial and societal contexts. This suggests that
co-production can take different forms depending on the
context, but is not limited to specic locations. None of the def-
initions encompasses more than one subcode. Among the four
subcodes (see Table 7), Global South is the most frequent,
present in 36% of all denitions with the code context. The
rest are equally represented with only two codings (18%).
What is interesting regarding the development of
context-elements (see Figure 5) is that place with the lack of
capacity and resource was much emphasised between 2015
and 2018 only, while both local and global contexts gained
attention from 2019 onwards. Global South is the only
context that has received constant attention in co-production lit-
erature although there has been a decrease.
To sum up, we performed a content analysis of 142 deni-
tions of co-production in planning literature to nd out how
the concept has been dened in this eld. The result suggests
that there is no single denition; rather, various denitions
exist covering seven different codes, that is, actor, reason,
input, output, phase, means, and context. Among the codes,
actorand meansare most commonly used to dene the
concept as they appear in approximately 90% of denitions ana-
lysed (see Figure 6). In contrast, contextis the least common
code appearing in less than 10% of denitions. What is also
interesting is the difference between inputand output; the
latter is twice as frequently mentioned. Each code has subcodes
and there is generally a substantial difference between them as
certain subcodes are more prominent than others. Word fre-
quency was calculated to crosscheck this and the result con-
rmed the dominance of certain subcodes, that is, service
(108 times) and knowledge (63 times) as an input and/or
output of co-production as well as citizen (66 times) and the
public (83 times) sector as co-producers. Note that the word
publicis often part of a word combination.
Processes of urban planning and development typically involve
multiple stakeholders. While there are various terms that refer to
the multi-actor involvement, co-production as a concept gained
popularity from 2012 onwards. This suggests that scholars in
the planning eld see an advantage in using the term. Indeed,
as our ndings (especially for reason) suggest, co-production
is considered to play an important role in dealing with various
challenges and complex problems. As the concept of
co-production has become increasingly popular across disci-
plines, the ambiguity of the concept has increased as well.
The result of the bibliometric analysis partly explains this phe-
nomenon as denitions mentioned in planning literature often
come from various elds in addition to planning. The ndings
of the systematic literature review conrm the ambiguity as
co-production is dened in various ways, or in some cases,
not dened at all. In fact, 88 publications did not provide any
denition, even though co-production is used in the title,
abstract or keywords. We see the risk that the concept is used
as a buzzword. Hence, based on the result of the systematic lit-
erature review, this study provides clarity to the concept by
eshing out what the core dimensions of co-production are.
We propose the seven dimensions discussed in the ndings
section and related questions as a conceptual and analytical
framework (named Co-7D-framework) for dening
co-production in planning theory and practice (see Table 8).
The intention is not to insist that the denition has to cover
all dimensions. Rather, we argue that when using the term,
researchers and practitioners need to reect these dimensions
and ask themselves whom to engage with, why they should
engage, when to engage, how to engage, in which context to
engage, what input is needed and what output is expected.
This will help the involved stakeholders not only build consen-
sus on what they understand by co-production, but also to
achieve a desired outcome. In addition, the framework can be
useful to compare co-production to other related concepts
such as co-creation, co-design, participation and collaboration
by identifying which dimensions overlap and which differ.
How these concepts differ from co-production in planning liter-
ature is beyond the scope of this article, but certainly represents
an important avenue for future research.
During the analysis, a few things caught our attention. First,
there was an overlap between codes. For instance, austerity (or
more generally lack of capacity and resources) was mentioned
both as a reason and as a context where co-production occurs.
This suggests that there is no clear-cut distinction among the
codes. Second, we found that some combinations of subcodes
were more common than others. Even though this study
touches on these patterns, analysing them deserves further
research. Also, whether certain codes are especially popular
for a certain type of planning (e.g., strategic or collaborative
planning) or in a certain context can be researched. Lastly,
while the popularity of codes and subcodes constantly
changes over time, some of them appear more often in deni-
tions than others, regardless of time. Actorand meansare
the two most frequently used codes to dene co-production
throughout all three phases (see Figure 6). Why a certain
code or subcode is popular throughout all phases or in a
certain period only could be the subject of future research.
This study has limitations. First, we used WoS only and did
not involve other databases such as Scopus and Google Scholar.
We are aware that WoS has limitations in terms of geographical
and language coverage (i.e., priority for English). Yet we chose
publications in English only due to the manual coding for the
Table 8. Co-7D-Framework (Source: Own Diagram).
Dimension Question
Actor Who are the co-producers?
Reason Why does the co-production take place?
Input What kind of input does the co-production involve?
Output What kind of output does the co-production result in?
Phase When does the co-production take place?
Means How does the co-production take place?
Context Where does the co-production take place?
Lee et al. 11
systematic literature review. Although the majority of publica-
tions were in English (12,738 publications out of 13,111), so we
admit that Anglo-American bias may have occurred (Newell
and Cousins 2015). The reason Google Scholar was not
selected was the lack of bibliometric data as well as the
absence of quality control. Also, while Google Scholar is
more inclusive in terms of types of documents, the lack of a l-
tering function makes it difcult to exclude documents such as
presentations and grey literature. Scopus does not allow for
sharp ltering either in terms of the subject area, and thus
was excluded. Although the subject area social science
includes a wide range of subareas including urban studies,
the ltering function does not allow narrowing down to
Second, the WoS category regional (and) urban planningis
not clear enough. Indeed, during the manual screening, we real-
ised that some publications were less relevant to planning. This
is because the WoS category is journal-related rather than
Another possibility for categorical ltering
is called the WoS research area. Yet there is no category for
regional and urban planning. The most relevant research area
would be urban studies, but this is rather broad as well.
Furthermore, as content analysis involves a qualitative
approach, the analysis (both determining the coding framework
and manual coding of denitions) is subjective. Although the
bibliometric analysis itself is quantitative, the same goes for
the interpretation of its result. However, an attempt to overcome
this problem (at least partially) was made by involving three
coders and having them constantly exchange opinions.
Declaration of Conicting Interests
The authors declared no potential conicts of interest with respect to
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
The authors received no nancial support for the research, authorship,
and/or publication of this article.
Dahae Lee
Supplemental Material
Supplemental material for this article is available online.
1. This article provides Appendix A: List of publications as online
Supplemental Material.
2. This article provides Appendix B: List of denitions as online
Supplemental Material.
3. Note that 25 publications do not have an abstract and 40 publica-
tions do not have keywords at all.
4. There are currently 55 journals. The list can be found on the WoS
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Author Biographies
Dahae Lee is a postdoctoral researcher at the Technical University of
Dortmund. Her research areas include co-production in planning,
public space governance and management. More recently, she works
on the co-production of public space with youth and the role of trust.
Patricia Feiertag is a postdoctoral researcher at the Technical
University of Dortmund, European Planning Cultures. Her research
areas include comparative research on land use planning, city regional
governance, and co-production.
Lena Unger works as a research associate and PhD candidate at the
Technical University of Dortmund in the Faculty of Spatial
Planning. She is conducting research on conceptualizations of digital
sovereignty and their impact on urban planning and development.
Further research interests and engagements of hers are critical digital
urbanism, participation and co-production.
14 Journal of Planning Literature
... As interest in co-production grows, however, so does the sense of conceptual unclarity. Indeed, our recent study (Lee et al., 2023), which examined the existing definitions of co-production in the planning literature, reveals that the concept has not been well defined. The definitions are inconsistent and ambiguous, requiring more conceptual clarity to avoid contention. ...
... Following this argument, this thematic issue seeks to foreground methodologically comparative approaches as a way to sharpen understanding of differences and commonalities that might enhance the concept of co-production. To illustrate, distinguishing or discussing seven dimensions of co-production (i.e., actor, reason, input, output, phase, means, and context; see co-7-framework in Lee et al., 2023) can be points of entry for such comparative insights. Thus, in the following paragraphs, we present a summary of each contribution while referring to the seven dimensions. ...
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Co-production is a concept which is increasingly popular in the planning field to refer to multi-stakeholder collaboration and partnership with citizens. However, the existing literature suggests that the rapid growth of the concept has resulted in ambiguity about its meaning. Given that the concept has a potential in planning research and practice, the thematic issue aims to present studies that use comparative approaches as a way to sharpen the understanding of co-production. The issue includes one commentary and six articles with empirical evidence from various countries across the world. The editorial provides overarching context and introduces each contribution of the issue.
... 'Co-production' is a term that has its roots in the public administration field, but is widely used in various fields. There are several definitions of co-production in the literature within and across disciplines (e.g., for planning literature see Lee et al. 2023), but in essence they refer to the multi-actor engagement in public goods and service delivery (Nabatchi et al. 2017;Alfaro-d'Alençon and Torrent 2020). There are two sides to co-production: the 'co' side and the 'production' side. ...
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The term ‘co-production’ has been used in various fields, including planning, as collaborative forms of public goods and service delivery gain significance. Co-production has two sides—the ‘co’ side refers to actors and their motivations, while the ‘production’ side refers to phases and instruments. This paper examines privately owned public space/s (POPS) based on the two sides of co-production. Thereby, it addresses two research gaps. First, less has been written to date on the involvement of actors other than local authorities and developers. Second, little attention has been paid to the phase through which POPS are co-produced. The paper fills these research gaps by presenting the empirical work undertaken in HafenCity, Hamburg. It reveals a wide range of actors engaged in four different phases through various instruments. This paper also identifies challenges of co-production of POPS, and makes recommendations.
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Di era globalisasi yang pesat, perusahaan multinasional (MNC) di Asia menghadapi tantangan dan peluang unik yang memerlukan adaptasi dan inovasi terus-menerus. Kajian Systematic Literture Review (SLR) dan Bibliometric Analysis (BA) menjadi alat penting untuk mengidentifikasi, menilai, dan mensintesis penelitian yang relevan, memberikan wawasan tentang tren pasar, perilaku konsumen, inovasi teknologi, dan strategi manajemen efektif. Pendekatan ini membantu MNC menghindari duplikasi penelitian, mengidentifikasi celah pengetahuan, dan mengevaluasi praktik terbaik, sehingga memitigasi risiko terkait pengambilan keputusan strategis. Tren publikasi dalam 10 tahun terakhir menunjukkan peningkatan, dengan puncak publikasi pada tahun 2022. Topik utama yang banyak dibahas meliputi competition, automotive industry, dan emerging market, yang masih potensial untuk diteliti lebih lanjut. Penelitian ini juga mengungkap bahwa peneliti di bidang ini cenderung bekerja secara independen, dengan sedikit kolaborasi. Sebagian besar artikel menggunakan metode kuantitatif, diikuti oleh kualitatif dan metode campuran, dan penelitian ini berfokus pada berbagai negara di Asia. Teori-teori utama seperti Resource Constraints Perspective dan Attention-Based View menjadi landasan penelitian, dengan faktor-faktor kunci kesuksesan meliputi inovasi, manajemen pengetahuan, adaptasi budaya, strategi CSR, dukungan untuk karyawan internasional, serta pengelolaan teknologi dan perpajakan yang efektif. Integrasi SLR dan BA membantu perusahaan memahami lanskap penelitian lebih luas, mengidentifikasi kesenjangan penelitian, dan memberikan kontribusi bermakna bagi bidangnya, serta meningkatkan daya saing perusahaan di pasar global.
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Public space is increasingly provided and managed by a variety of actors. In order to describe this phenomenon, several concepts have been used, such as co-production, co-creation and co-design. This paper reviews the existing literature on public space and reveals that these concepts are defined similarly and used interchangeably. Based on a systematic literature review, and aided by bibliometric analysis, the paper attempts to establish transparency regarding current understanding and use of the concepts. By discussing the differences, the paper aims to reduce the ambiguity and increase the clarity of the concepts. The paper concludes by suggesting in which case it would be more appropriate to use which concept.
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The impacts of disasters are increasing due to climate change and unplanned urbanization. Big and open data offer considerable potential for analyzing and predicting human mobility during disaster events, including the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to better disaster risk reduction (DRR) planning. However, the value of human mobility data and analysis (HMDA) in urban resilience research is poorly understood. This review highlights key opportunities for and challenges hindering the use of HMDA in DRR in urban planning and risk science, as well as insights from practitioners. A gap in research on HMDA for data-driven DRR planning was identified. By examining human mobility studies and their respective analytical and planning tools, this paper offers deeper insights into the challenges that must be addressed to improve the development of effective data-driven DRR planning, from data collection to implementation. In future work on HMDA, (i) the human mobility of vulnerable populations should be targeted, (ii) research should focus on disaster mitigation and prevention, (iii) analytical methods for evidence-based disaster planning should be developed, (iv) different types of data should be integrated into analyses to overcome methodological challenges, and (v) a decision-making framework should be developed for evidence-based urban planning through transdisciplinary knowledge co-production.
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Merging scientific and stakeholder knowledge plays a critical part in knowledge co-production processes, yet it is far from straightforward. We describe knowledge co-production processes by drawing on experiences from four strategic research cases that all sought to integrate scientific and stakeholder knowledge, while demonstrating the different settings and methodological choices for knowledge co-production in environmental research. To facilitate systematic analysis, we utilized the knowledge-weaving framework by Tengö et al. (2017) to examine co-production through the phases of knowledge mobilizing, translating, negotiating, synthesizing and applying. We also considered the inclusiveness of the weaving processes, where our results show that all of the study cases were able to engage participants across the four phases. Our analysis indicates that the framework is useful for unpacking the different phases of the knowledge-weaving process as well as the variety of activities that are used throughout the process. However, the results also emphasize the long-term nature of these processes, as knowledge-weaving activities were used predominantly in the mobilize and translate/negotiate phases and less at later phases of the process. This indicates that the benefits may be foreseen in similar future actions through the initiated learning and change processes.
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Contemporary urban development is increasingly characterized by collaboration and co-production between ‘experts’ and the ‘public’ in urban planning processes. Recently, local planning actors have adopted digital participatory platforms (DPPs) which are specifically built for networked engagement and collaboration purposes. However, the knowledge on embedding DPPs in wider planning dialogues is still limited and scattered. The aim of this paper is to provide a better understanding of the organizational conditions for the successful adoption and implementation of such networked co-production. Through a set of semi-structured interviews with representatives from public agencies and platform companies, we have analysed how organizational conditions for networked co-production manifest themselves in seven cases of DPP implementation. The analysis shows that these conditions are co-constitutive and co-evolutive rather than concurrent or sequential, with strong links between the compatibility of public agencies, attitudes to co-production, organizational cultures and incentives for co-production. The results critically emphasize the need to adopt holistic approaches to networked co-production, allowing for extensive experimentation and ‘learning by doing’.
Drawing on twelve compelling international contributions, this important book argues that traditional technocratic ways of designing policy are now inadequate and instead suggests co-production as a more democratic alternative. The book will be a valuable resource for researchers and students.
In recent decades, transdisciplinary research has been increasingly recognised as necessary to produce solutions for sustainable development; however, implementation challenges remain. The emerging field of planetary health offers a unique lens to guide a new synthesis of perspectives, recognising interlinkages between environmental and human health, and interdependence across global development contexts, that is, at the environment‐health‐development nexus. This broad, practice‐based literature review consolidates learnings from previous transdisciplinary research across these diverse yet interrelated fields, and aims to deepen understanding of, and identify opportunities for, enabling collaborative practice. This review found structural, relational, and individual factors enabling and constraining collaboration. Local research contexts and academia's disciplinary traditions posed structural constraints that required relational efforts at the project, organisational and individual levels to address. This analysis revealed strategic opportunities for funding programs and researcher training that can be leveraged to increase capacity for relational work, further enabling collaboration in transdisciplinary research.
This paper illustrates the application of machine learning algorithms in predictive analytics for local governments using administrative data. The developed and tested machine learning predictive algorithm overcomes known limitations of the conventional ordinary least squares method. Such limitations include but not limited to imposed linearity, presumed causality with independent variables as presumed causes and dependent variables as presume result, likely high multicollinearity among features, and spatial autocorrelation. The study applies the algorithms to 311 non‐emergency service requests in the context of Miami‐Dade County. The algorithms are applied to predict the volume of 311 service requests and the community characteristics affecting the volume across Census tract neighborhoods. Four common families of algorithms and an ensemble of them are applied. They are random forest, support vector machines, lasso and elastic‐net regularized generalized linear models, and extreme gradient boosting. Two feature selection methods, namely Boruta and fscaret, are applied to identify the significant community characteristics. The results show that the machine learning algorithms capture spatial autocorrelation and clustering. The features generated by fscaret algorithms are parsimonious in predicting the 311 service request volume.
Administrative capacities are among the crucial factors influencing success in European Union (EU) Cohesion Policy absorption. The current research concentrates on the public sector, while administrative capacities in other stakeholders are omitted. Our research focuses on whether local stakeholders from civil society have sufficient capacities to contribute effectively and efficiently to EU Cohesion Policy implementation. We performed our research on 57 integrated urban development plans in Czechia and Portugal and conducted 33 interviews with local entities. The results indicate a different level of capacity not only between the public and civil society organizations but also within civil society. KEYWORDS administrative capacities; Cohesion Policy; integrated urban development plans; civil society organizations; co-production JEL D78, H11, O21, R58 HISTORY
Bibliometric analysis is a popular and rigorous method for exploring and analyzing large volumes of scientific data. It enables us to unpack the evolutionary nuances of a specific field, while shedding light on the emerging areas in that field. Yet, its application in business research is relatively new, and in many instances, underdeveloped. Accordingly, we endeavor to present an overview of the bibliometric methodology, with a particular focus on its different techniques, while offering step-by-step guidelines that can be relied upon to rigorously perform bibliometric analysis with confidence. To this end, we also shed light on when and how bibliometric analysis should be used vis-à-vis other similar techniques such as meta-analysis and systematic literature reviews. As a whole, this paper should be a useful resource for gaining insights on the available techniques and procedures for carrying out studies using bibliometric analysis. Keywords: Bibliometric analysis; Performance analysis; Science mapping; Citation analysis; Co-citation analysis; Bibliographic coupling; Co-word analysis; Network analysis; Guidelines.