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Optical anisotropy in self-assembled InP quantum dots

  • QDLaser, Inc.

Abstract and Figures

Strong optical anisotropy is observed in the photoluminescence (PL) bands of both the InP self-assembled quantum dots and the Ga0.5In0.5P matrix. From the linearly polarized PL spectra measured under weak excitation, we found that large size quantum dots show strong anisotropy. The luminescence from a single quantum dot observed by the micro-PL technique revealed a doublet fine structure of the exciton levels that obey the linear polarization selection rule. The observed fine structure is shown to arise from an interplay of the electron-hole exchange interaction and the asymmetric crystal structure of the InP/Ga0.5In0.5P system.
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Optical anisotropy in self-assembled InP quantum dots
Mitsuru Sugisaki,*Hong-Wen Ren, and Selvakumar V. Nair
Single Quantum Dot Project, ERATO, JST, Tsukuba Research Consortium, 5-9-9 Tokodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 300-2635, Japan
Kenichi Nishi
Optoelectronics and High Frequency Device Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation, 34 Miyukigaoka,
Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8501, Japan
Shigeo Sugou
Single Quantum Dot Project, ERATO, JST, Tsukuba Research Consortium, 5-9-9 Tokodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 300-2635, Japan
and Optoelectronics and High Frequency Device Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation, 34 Miyukigaoka,
Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8501, Japan
Tsuyoshi Okuno
Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8571, Japan
Yasuaki Masumoto
Single Quantum Dot Project, ERATO, JST, Tsukuba Research Consortium, 5-9-9 Tokodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 300-2635, Japan
and Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8571, Japan
~Received 22 October 1998!
Strong optical anisotropy is observed in the photoluminescence ~PL!bands of both the InP self-assembled
quantum dots and the Ga0.5In0.5P matrix. From the linearly polarized PL spectra measured under weak exci-
tation, we found that large size quantum dots show strong anisotropy. The luminescence from a single quantum
dot observed by the micro-PL technique revealed a doublet fine structure of the exciton levels that obey the
linear polarization selection rule. The observed fine structure is shown to arise from an interplay of the
electron-hole exchange interaction and the asymmetric crystal structure of the InP/Ga0.5In0.5P system.
Recently there has been strong interest in low-
dimensional semiconductor structures such as quantum
wells, wires, and boxes. From the basic physics viewpoint,
an exciton confined in a zero-dimensional system is an at-
tractive subject because of interesting physical properties re-
flecting dimensionality such as
-function-like density of
states, enhanced oscillator strength, and strong optical non-
linearity. In the past few years, the self-assembled quantum
dots ~SAD’s!have emerged as an attractive system for such
Theoretically, the electronic structures of the InP ~Ref. 4!
and ~Ga!InAs ~Refs. 5–7!SAD’s have been studied. A sym-
metric shape of the quantum dot is usually assumed to sim-
plify the calculations. However, since the quantum dots
grown under the Stranski-Krastanov mode are highly
strained due to the lattice mismatch between the matrix and
the SAD’s, the energy levels of the confined exciton are
influenced by the matrix in addition to the shape of the quan-
tum dots. In real systems, therefore, the electronic levels of
the confined excitons suffer perturbations due to strain and
possible structural anisotropies of the matrix, and the elec-
tron states eventually become asymmetric. The asymmetry
would manifest as energy splittings and optical anisotropy of
the confined exciton states. In this paper, we report the opti-
cal anisotropy in the InP SAD’s observed using conventional
and microphotoluminescence systems, hereafter referred to
as macro- and
-PL, respectively.
InP quantum dots embedded in Ga0.5In0.5P were grown
on a Si-doped ~001!oriented GaAs substrate by means of a
gas-source molecular beam epitaxy.8After an undoped
Ga0.5In0.5P~lattice matched to the GaAs substrate!buffer
layer 160 nm thick was grown on the substrate, the self-
assembled InP islands were formed at 480°C ~sample 1!or
520°C ~sample 2!by deposition of nominally 4 monolayers
InP. In order to investigate their optical properties, these is-
lands were buried by a Ga0.5In0.5P layer 160 nm thick. The
average size of the SAD’s are estimated by cross-sectional
transmission electron microscopy ~TEM!~see Table I!, and
from atomic force microscopy, the size dispersions of the
SAD’s are estimated to be less 30%. For photoluminescence
~PL!measurements, an Ar-ion laser was used as the excita-
tion light source. An edge of the sample was glued on the
cold finger of the sample holder and the sample was cooled
by cold helium gas in a flow-type cryostat. The PL was led to
a 50-cm single monochromator using an optical fiber, and
detected by a charge coupled device camera. The spectral
resolution of this system is better than 0.3 meV. In order to
measure the PL spectra from a single quantum dot, micro-
patterns with 10
m square were drawn on the
sample by means of photolithography. After wet etching by
HCl:H2O52:1 at 30°C, the mesa size was reduced to less
than 4
m. For the measurement of the polarization
dependence of
-PL, a microscope objective lens was used
to reduce the PL coming from outside of the mesa and a film
polarizer was set inside the microscope.9
PRB 59
0163-1829/99/59~8!/5300~4!/$15.00 R5300 ©1999 The American Physical Society
The solid and the dotted curves in Fig. 1~a!show the PL
spectra at4Kofsample 1 polarized along the @11
@110#directions of the GaAs substrate, respectively. The PL
bands observed at 1.52 eV and 1.94 eV arise from the GaAs
substrate and the Ga0.5In0.5P matrix, respectively. The PL
peak coming from the SAD’s was observed at 1.67 eV. Even
when the excitation power is decreased to 100 times weaker
than this, the peak energy, the bandwidth, and the shape of
this PL band are the same. Thus, the spectrum reflects the
size distribution of the SAD’s, and the luminescence arises
from the radiative decay of the confined excitons in the
ground state.
The PL peaks from the GaAs substrate do not show any
polarization dependence as expected for cubic symmetry.
The PL peaks from the Ga0.5In0.5P matrix and the InP
SAD’s, however, show clear polarization dependence, al-
though both bulk Ga0.5In0.5P and bulk InP have the same
symmetry as GaAs. The PL spectrum was not sensitive to the
polarization of excitation under band-to-band excitation, im-
plying that the memory of polarization is lost before the
carriers excited in Ga0.5In0.5P matrix relax into the quantum
dots. The peak intensity of the luminescence band observed
for @11
0#polarization, which is parallel to the long axis of
the SAD’s, is more than twice as strong as that observed for
The degree of linear polarization Pdefined by
0]1I[110] ~1!
is plotted in Fig. 1~b!, where I[11
0] and I[110] are the PL
intensities observed for the @11
0#and @110#polarizations,
respectively. It has a peak at 1.63 eV, which is at the lower
energy edge of the PL band from the InP SAD, and gradually
decreases with increasing the photon energy. This suggests
that large size quantum dots have stronger optical anisotropy
than small ones. The degrees of polarization at PL peaks of
the InP SAD’s and the Ga0.5In0.5P matrix are 44% and 83%,
The peak intensity of the PL bands of the InP SAD’s and
the Ga0.5In0.5P matrix are plotted in Fig. 1~c!as a function
of the polarization angle of observation
. Both bands exhibit
a twofold symmetry and have a maximum value for @11
polarization. They are fitted by
where Aand Bcorrespond to the peak intensities of the PL
bands observed for @11
0#and @110#polarizations, respec-
tively. This relation was found in the ordered Ga0.5In0.5Pby
Wei et al.10 As shown by the solid lines in Fig. 1~c!, not only
the PL from the Ga0.5In0.5P matrix but also that from the InP
SAD’s can be fitted by Eq. ~2!. This suggests that the InP
SAD’s have a twofold symmetric structure with symmetry
axes along @110#and @11
The inset of Fig. 1~a!shows the normalized PL spectra at
the peaks of each InP SAD band. The PL peak observed for
0#polarization is shifted to the lower energy side of that
observed for @110#polarization by about 5 meV.
The polarization dependence of the PL spectra in
~Ga!InAs SAD’s has been earlier reported as summarized in
Table I, and the anisotropy was attributed to the anisotropic
TABLE I. Growth temperature, size, and the optical properties of the InP SAD’s in the Ga0.5In0.5P
matrix. For comparison, those of ~Ga!InAs/GaAs are also summarized.
Growth Size of SAD’s Degree of polarization in
Sample No. temperature ~°C!~nm3!matrix ~%!SAD’s ~%!
InP ~Sample 1!480 353453683 44
InP ~Sample 2!520 403483540 13
In0.5Ga0.5Asa520 173333316
InAsb480 133153332
InAs on ~311!A GaAsc500 13
aSee Ref. 11.
bSee Ref. 12.
cSee Ref. 13.
FIG. 1. ~a!Polarization dependence of the PL spectra under
weak excitation at 4 K observed for @11
0#~solid line!and @110#
~dotted line!polarization. The polarization dependence appears in
the PL bands of the InP SAD’s and the Ga0.5In0.5P matrix. Inset:
The normalized PL spectra of the InP SAD’s bands. The energy
separation of the peaks is 5 meV. ~b!Degree of polarization of the
PL spectra shown in Fig. 1~a!. At the PL peaks of the InP SAD and
the Ga0.5In0.5P matrix, it is 44% and 83%, respectively. ~c!Polar
plots of the polarized PL peak intensities from Ga0.5In0.5P matrix
~open circles!and the InP SAD’s ~closed squares!. They show two-
fold symmetry, and can be fitted by Eq. ~2!.
shape of the SAD’s.11–13 The optical anisotropy of sample 2,
which was grown at a higher temperature than sample 1, was
very weak in comparison with sample 1, although the differ-
ence of the size and the shape of the SAD’s between these
samples is small ~see Table I!. Therefore, the observed
strong optical anisotropy in sample 1 is not mainly due to the
anisotropic shape of the SAD’s. TEM study suggests that the
optical anisotropy in the Ga0.5In0.5P matrix could be due to
the formation of composition modulation planes along the
0#and @001#directions.8We found that the degree of
modulation in Ga0.5In0.5P grown at lower temperature is
stronger, and then InP SAD’s show the stronger optical an-
isotropy. In this case, since Ga0.5In0.5P matrix has C2v or
lower symmetry, the optical anisotropy of the PL from
Ga0.5In0.5P is observed. SAD’s are thus embedded in an
anisotropic matrix that would be subjected to an anisotropic
strain.14 An anisotropic lattice structure of the SAD’s is the
most probable origin for their optical anisotropy. To clarify
this further, we studied the luminescence from individual
quantum dots by
Figure 2 shows the comparison of the typical PL spectra
of sample 1 at 8 K measured by means of the macro-PL
system ~the main spectrum of Fig. 2!and the
-PL system
@insets ~a!and ~b!#.Inthe
-PL spectra, many sharp PL lines
were observed at the higher energy side of the PL peak of the
SAD’s band, as shown in Fig. 2~a!. Each PL peak corre-
sponds to the radiative annihilation of the exciton confined in
a single quantum dot and reflects
-function-like density of
states. The envelopes of the PL spectra measured by means
of macro- and
-PL system are almost the same. Thus, most
of the sharp lines observed in
-PL are considered to arise
from the ground state of confined excitons.
-PL measurements were also made for the energy
range between the PL peak of the SAD’s and the PL band of
Ga0.5In0.5P matrix, as shown in Fig. 2~b!. Although the
macro-PL intensity is weak under weak excitation, the
lines coming from single quantum dots were clearly ob-
served. In the energy region shown in Fig. 2~b!, the number
of the PL lines is reduced because the areal density of the
small sized SAD’s is low. Thus the polarization dependence
of the PL from a single quantum dot was studied in this
The spectra ~a!and ~d!in Fig. 3 are observed without the
polarizer, while the spectra ~b!and ~e!are observed for the
0#polarization, and ~c!and ~f!for the @110#polarization.
The most important feature seen in the
-PL spectrum is the
doublet nature of each peak. Each constituent of the doublet
is fully polarized, i.e., one is along @110#and the other is
along @11
0#. For example, a doublet with an energy separa-
tion of DE.400
eV at 1.851 eV is clearly resolved in the
polarized spectrum @Figs. 3~b!and 3~c!#. Theoretical analysis
described below shows that the fine splitting arises from the
electron-hole exchange interaction in the presence of struc-
tural asymmetry.
When the symmetry is lowered from Tdto C2v , the single
particle levels will lose all degeneracies except that due to
spin. Thus, the hole levels would be twofold degenerate with
the Bloch part of the wave functions, written in terms of the
X,Y, and Zvalence-band orbitals of the original cubic ma-
terial, given by
and care constants. The electron levels are also
twofold degenerate but s-like, and may be written as
. Consequently, the electron-hole pair
states are fourfold degenerate unless the electron-hole ex-
change interaction is taken into account. The interband ex-
change splits each fourfold degenerate exciton state, in C2v
symmetry, into four states consisting of a dark state ~pure
triplet!, two states optically excited by x- and y-polarized
FIG. 2. Below: Macro-PL spectra at 8 K. Insets ~a!and ~b!:
-PL spectra of the mesa processed sample. Each
PL line arises from the radiative decay of the confined exciton.
FIG. 3. Normalized
-PL spectra at 8 K obtained without @spec-
tra ~a!and ~d!# and with polarizer along the @11
0#@~b!and ~e!# and
@110#@~c!and ~f!# directions. The solid lines are guides to the eyes.
The separation of the broken lines are 400
eV ~left!and 190
~right!. Each spectrum is normalized at the peak.
light, and one state excited only by z-polarized light. The
x-ypolarized states, observed in our setup, are given by
As may be easily verified, the states x1and x2are fully
polarized along the @110#and @11
0#directions, respectively.
It can be shown that
are separated in energy
by DE}sin2
. The constant of proportionality is of the or-
der of the exchange energy that in bulk InP is less than 100
eV, but would be enhanced in SAD’s because of the strong
confinement along the growth direction, as is seen in quan-
tum wells. The observed energy splitting suggests a reason-
able exchange energy of the order of 1 meV. A more accu-
rate quantitative analysis that takes into account the detailed
structure of the envelope wave functions is made difficult by
the complicated nature of the hole confinement potential in
InP/Ga0.5In0.5P systems.4The difference in oscillator
strength between the constituents of a doublet, Df, is also
proportional to sin2
and thus to DE. This is qualitatively
in agreement with the observed spectrum.15 It is important to
note that the energy splitting between the @110#and @11
polarized exciton emissions is caused by the combined effect
of the exchange interaction and the asymmetric strain; the
latter causes the symmetry reduction. This effect is similar
to the stress exchange interplay observed in bulk
We found that the observed splitting energy differs from
dot to dot. For example, even if the PL is observed at 1.870
eV as a single peak in Fig. 3~d!, it is composed of two con-
stituents and they are selected by using a polarizer @see Figs.
3~e!and 3~f!#. Such a fine splitting resolved by polarization
is also observed at the lower energy edge of the PL band
(;1.64eV). On the other hand, the polarization-dependent
energy shifts of some PL peaks marked by open and closed
triangles were not observed within our resolution limit. As
mentioned before, the actual magnitude of the splitting
would depend on the electron-hole envelope functions and
hence on the size and strain distribution of each SAD. The
observed dispersion in the energy splitting, therefore, implies
that the structure of the SAD’s is affected by the long range
inhomogeneities in the composition modulated Ga0.5In0.5P
matrix. It may be noted that a fine splitting of the exciton
level is also observed in the PL and the PL excitation spectra
of excitons trapped by potential minimum induced by the
fluctuation of the width of a quantum well.17
In summary, we observed optical anisotropy in the PL
spectra of the InP SAD grown in Ga0.5In0.5P. The optical
anisotropy is observed in the PL bands of both the InP
SAD’s and the Ga0.5In0.5P matrix. By comparing the PL
spectra of the samples grown at different temperatures, we
found that the optical anisotropy is not related to the shape of
the SAD’s, but results from the anisotropy in the micro-
scopic structure of the SAD’s. This is consistent with the
expected symmetry reduction of a cubic unit cell under lat-
eral stress. In the
-PL spectra we observed a fine splitting
~doublet structure!of the exciton states in single quantum
dots. This fine structure arises from the electron-hole ex-
change interaction in the presence of structural asymmetry. It
is demonstrated that each peak in the doublet can be selected
by a polarizer set inside the microscope. The energy separa-
tions of the doublet lines differ from dot to dot. This suggests
that the anisotropy of the confined exciton states is influ-
enced by the structure of the matrix.
*Electronic address:
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... Structure fine de l'exciton et anisotropie optique Plusieursétudes expérimentales ont suggéré que les boîtesépitaxiéesétaient fréquemment allongées selon l'axe cristallographique [110] [11,90,91,92]. Dans le cas d'une telle boîte allongée, l'interaction d'échangeélectron-trou confèrè a la transition fondamentale de la boîte une structure fine qui aété mise eń evidence pour la première fois par Gammon sur des boîtes uniques formées aux défauts d'interface dans un puits quantique mince GaAs/AlAs [11]. ...
... Dans le cas d'une telle boîte allongée, l'interaction d'échangeélectron-trou confèrè a la transition fondamentale de la boîte une structure fine qui aété mise eń evidence pour la première fois par Gammon sur des boîtes uniques formées aux défauts d'interface dans un puits quantique mince GaAs/AlAs [11]. Cette structure fine comprend deux transitions polarisées linéairement selon les axes cristallographiques X = [110] [95]. Toutes lesétudes sur les boîtes InAs/GaAs rapportent des forces d'oscillateur très similaires pour les deux transitions polarisées linéairement et proposent sur le plan théorique une description de la structure fine en considérant desétats de valence de type trou lourd et des forces d'oscillateur des deux transitions polarisées linéairement strictementégales. ...
... Seules lesétudes réalisées par Besombes [84] dans CdTe/ZnTe font mention d'un rôle joué par lesétats de trous légers. Or la symétrie deś etats de valence impliqués dans la transition fondamentale ainsi que l'anisotropie optique pouvant résulter d'une différence entre les deux forces d'oscillateur selon [110] et [110] sont d'une importance primordiale tant pour la problématique de la manipulation du spin dans les boîtes quantiques que pour les applications nécessitant un contrôle fin des propriétés de polarisation des boîtes. ...
We investigate, by means of optical spectroscopy of a single InAs/GaAs quantum dot, the neutral exciton decoherence inside the dot, its fine structure and its spin relaxation. We show that the coherence is intrinsically limited by a non-perturbative coupling to acoustic phonons, and extrinsically limited by the presence of a fluctuating electrostatic environment around the dots. We observe that the fine structure depends on the dots local density, which influences their geometry as their strain profile, and analyse, in low density regions, original dots emitting a strongly polarized light. We study the exciton spin relaxation by measuring the polarisation ratio of the emission. On an ensemble of dots, we measure a relaxation time of 10 ns at 10 K and show that the relaxation dynamics is extremely sensitive to the dots environment. On a single dot, we show that the spin can relax very quickly (in 100 ps), even at 10 K.
... As a result, excitonic emission involving the pure heavy-hole state, e.g. in a compressively strained QD with symmetric in-plane strain field, generates un-polarized photons. The polarization control from self-assembled QDs is generally difficult due to the complex interaction of the substrate, growth conditions, and growth mechanisms although a limited degree of control has been shown utilizing the underlying crystal symmetry of the substrate[107,108,109]. To generate a deterministic polarization state, one can break the symmetry by modifying the photon local density of states (LDOS) ...
The InGaN/GaN material system is critical for optoelectronic applications because it has direct band gap and large oscillator strength. The bandgap can be tuned by the alloy composition, and the emission wavelength covers the entire visible spectrum and extends into ultraviolet and near infrared regions. Due to the large lattice mismatch between InGaN and GaN, a large built-in strain exists in the InGaN quantum wells and induces a piezoelectric field across the wells. The piezoelectric field leads to the quantum-confined Stark effect which red-shifts the emission wavelength and degrades the recombination efficiency. It is known that nanostructures have large surface-to-volume ratio and can help relax strain via free surfaces. In this work, we present top-down InGaN/GaN nanostructures to manipulate the strain and serve as a building block to engineer the strain effect for novel optoelectronic functionalities. First, we demonstrate the emission colors from top-down nanopillars can be tuned from blue to red by changing the nanopillar diameter. The wavelength shift is well-described by an analytical model. We also demonstrate electrical nanoLED devices based on the nanopillars. It provides a simple solution to monolithic integration of multiple color pixels on a single chip. Second, we discuss the benefits of strain engineering for quantum light source applications. We focus on the intrinsic control of photon polarization states via asymmetric strain. Experimental data is provided to show that pre-defined polarization states of single photons with high degree of linear polarization can be achieved by engineering quantum dot geometry and strain. It suggests the potential of top-down InGaN quantum dots for quantum information applications. Finally, the non-ideal factors in our top-down quantum dots, including random alloy fluctuation and well-width fluctuation, are discussed. These effects modify the potential landscape and impose a fundamental limit to the quantum dot inhomogeneity, especially for ternary alloys. A methodology to model random alloy distribution and random well-width fluctuation is developed. The modeling results suggest that the strain-relaxation-induced potential is the dominant effect of lateral confinement even with the presence of random indium fluctuation and well-width fluctuation. The results are also compared to experimental data and show very good agreement.
... The two lines of QD3 are located at 668.39 nm and 668.52 nm with linewidths of 44 pm and 46 pm, respectively. The particular single lines display an energy splitting of ≈ 400 µeV and arise most probably either from different charge configurations in the QDs[30]or from a distinct fine-structure splitting of the QD exciton state[31].Fig. 4b) displays the logarithmically plotted µ-PL map of the same disk pair, only in this instance the excitation has been scanned across the disk while the detection remained fixed to the spatial position of QD2, as schematically depicted inFig. ...
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We report on the radiative interaction of two single quantum dots (QDs) each in a separate InP/GaInP-based microdisk cavity via resonant whispering gallery modes. The investigations are based on ab initio coupled disk modes. We apply optical spectroscopy involving a $4f$-setup, as well as mode-selective real space imaging and photoluminescence mapping to discern single QDs coupled to a resonant microdisk mode. Excitation of one disk of the double cavity structure and detecting photoluminescene from the other yields proof of single photon emission of a QD excited by incoherent energy transfer from one disk to the other via a mode in the weak coupling regime. Finally, we present evidence of photons emitted by a QD in one disk that are transferred to the other disk by a resonant mode and are subsequently resonantly scattered by another QD.
... Consequently, the two degenerate circularly polarized bright exciton states jþ1i and jÀ1i will mix and form nondegenerate linearly polarized states 1 ffiffi 2 p jþ1i6jÀ1i ð Þ , the emissions from which are polarized along the [110] and [1 10] crystal directions, respectively, 12,13 forming a so-called doublet fine structure. 13,14 Such linearly polarized emissions have been observed and studied in InAs/GaAs, 7,[13][14][15] InGaAs/ GaAs, 16,17 InAs/InP, 11 InP/InGaP, 18,19 CdTe/ZnTe, 20 and CdSe/ZnSe 21 Stranski-Krastanov (SK) QDs, but rarely reported for submonolayer QDs. 22 Polarizations along [110] 19,21 and [1 10] 18,23 directions are both reported. ...
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Linearly polarized photoluminescence is observed for type-II ZnTe/ZnSe submonolayer quantum dots (QDs). The comparison of spectral dependence of the degree of linear polarization (DLP) among four samples indicates that the optical anisotropy is mostly related to the elongation of ZnTe QDs. Numerical calculations based on the occupation probabilities of holes in px and py orbitals are performed to estimate the lateral aspect ratio of the QDs, and it is shown that it varies between 1.1 and 1.4. The value of anisotropic exchange splitting for bright excitonic states is found to be ∼200 μeV from the measurement of the degree of circular polarization as a function of the magnetic field. The results also show that heavy-light hole mixing ratio is about 0.16.
We have already addressed in the first volume of this textbook that the exciton can form complexes like charged excitons (trions) or excitonic molecules—also called biexcitons. They actually are prominent species in many semiconductors at intermediate excitation conditions in particular in structures of reduced dimensions. We start with the discussion of the particle properties of biexcitons, their non-linear optical spectroscopy and their recombination processes in bulk materials. Since trions due not play much of a role in bulk we proceed to trions and biexctions in two-dimensional structures. We close with some basic properties of excitonic complexes in various types of quantum-dot potentials.
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The impact of charge noise on the linewidth of the optical emission from semiconductor quantum dots (QD) is studied using simulations. Several basic dot shapes with varied size are addressed: sphere, cone, disk, and ring, for two exemplaric dot classes: epitaxial GaAs/AlGaAs QDs and colloidal core-shell CdSe/CdS QDs. A trap with fluctuating population by a point charge and a, thus, fluctuating electric field causes a time-dependent Stark-shift of the emission energy and finally the line broadening. The trap is located either in a crystal defect for epitaxial dots or on the surface of colloidal core-shell dots. The simulations allow a quantitative estimation of the optical linewidth, which varies from a few µeV up to more than 10 meV as function of trap density and position, and QD shape and size. A comparison with the Stark-shift and radiative lifetime prolongation in a uniform electric field, both caused by a wave-function displacement, indicates that line broadening is rather related to a wave-function deformation and cannot be evaluated from experiments in a uniform field. With respect to a small linewidth, for epitaxial QDs a sphere represents the optimum shape, whereas colloidal dots depend on the respective surface plane populated with the trap. A smaller size yields a smaller linewidth for epitaxial dots, whereas colloidal dots become broader. Rings in a vertical uniform field establish a significant charge carrier separation which causes a very strong Stark-shift and a lifetime prolongation up to nearly three orders of magnitude. Accordingly, a vertical point charge induces for rings the largest linewidths up to 100 meV. Furthermore, multiple point charges may cause extremely long radiative lifetimes which represents a further mechanism for the blinking of core-shell QDs.
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The self-organized formation of In0.40Ga0.60As quantum dot chains was investigated using x-ray scattering. Two samples were compared grown on GaAs(100) by molecular beam epitaxy. The first sample with a single layer of In0.40Ga0.60As dots shows weak quantum dot alignment and a corresponding elongated shape along [0¯11], while the top layer of a multilayered In0.40Ga0.60As/GaAs sample exhibits extended and highly regular quantum dot chains oriented along [0¯11]. Numerical calculations of the three-dimensional strain fields are used to explain the initial stages of chain formation by anisotropic strain relaxation induced by the elongated dot shape.
This document is part of Subvolume A 'Growth and Structuring' of Volume 34 'Semiconductor Quantum Structures' of Landolt-Börnstein - Group III 'Condensed Matter'. It contains preparation and growth of quantum dots and nanocrystals on GaAs substrates like In(Al,Ga)As, InGaNAs, In(Ga)As, (In, Ga)As, and (In,Al,Ga)P. Parent documents: SpringerMaterial s Volume III/ 34A Introduction to semiconductor quantum structures
The last decade has witnessed considerable progress in the fabrication of low-dimensional semiconductor systems. In these systems, the carriers are confined in small regions formed by potential barriers. The spatial sizes of the confinement are comparable to the carrier de Broglie wavelengths or the exciton Bohr radii so that the quantization of their energy levels results. Experimentally, many novel features of the electronic and optical properties have been discovered in these systems [1,2]. Recent developments in crystal growth techniques have made semiconductors even more versatile. Following the success of semiconductor quantum wells, which permitted the study of two-dimensional (2D) optical and electronic effects of carriers due to lateral confinement, many investigations have been carried out in quasi-one-dimensional quantum wires and zero-dimensional (OD) quantum dots (QDs). Especially, in semiconductor QDs, since excitons are confined in all spatial directions on a length scale comparable to the exciton Bohr radius, many interesting phenomena are expected, such as a large blueshift of the band gap energy, discrete energy structure, σ-function-like density of states, and high optical nonlinearity [2–4]. These characteristic properties of semiconductor QDs have attracted an enormous amount of interest for opto-electronic device applications. From the viewpoint of fundamental physics, understanding the nature of excitons in terms of the dimensionality is an important subject.
The spatial confinement of electrons and holes along all three dimensions leads to a discrete energy level structure with sharp optical absorption lines. In this sense a semiconductor quantum dot (QD) can be regarded as an artificial solid-state atom. The concentration of the oscillator strength to sharp exciton transitions makes QDs very attractive for electro-optic and nonlinear optical applications. To be more specific, QDs are considered as promising elements for implementing the coherent control of the quantum state, which is an essential function to achieve quantum information processing and quantum computation [1]. Recently, very fine structures were observed in exciton photoluminescence (PL) from GaAs quantum wells (QWs) [2–4]. These sharp lines are interpreted as luminescence from localized excitons at island structures in the QW. These island structures can be regarded as zero-dimensional QDs. The excitonic wave function has been manipulated by controlling the optical phase of the pulse sequence through timing and polarization [5]. In this wave function manipulation, important features are the sharp spectral lines, which indicate a long coherence time, and well-defined polarization characteristics. In view of this recent progress, in this section we discuss the fundamental physics of QDs, focusing on their excitonic optical properties.
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We calculate the electronic structure of nm scale InP islands embedded in Ga0.51In0.49P. The calculations are done in the envelope approximation and include the effects of strain, piezoelectric polarization, and mixing among 6 valence bands. The electrons are confined within the entire island, while the holes are confined to strain induced pockets. One pocket forms a ring at the bottom of the island near the substrate interface, while the other is above the island in the GaInP. The two sets of hole states are decoupled. Polarization dependent dipole matrix elements are calculated for both types of hole states.
Results of a systematic study of the band structure and optical properties of laterally-composition-modulated semiconductor alloys AlxIn1-xAs, GaxIn1-xP, and GaxIn1-xAs are reported. [110] composition modulation occurs spontaneously during growth of (001) short-period superlattices or bulk epilayers of these alloys. The effect of this long-range lateral modulation is modeled using k⋅p theory and the envelope-function approximation, while the vertical short-period superlattice is emulated by a uniaxial perturbation. We have studied the dependence of the electronic and optical properties of such structures on the modulation amplitude, profile, and negative feedback due to the coherency strain field. We find that (i) among the three-alloy systems, for a given modulation amplitude, the largest band-gap reduction can be achieved in AlxIn1-xAs, and the smallest in GaxIn1-xAs, (ii) a step-function modulation gives a larger band-gap reduction than a sinusoidal modulation; (iii) when the coherency strain is tetragonal in the modulated direction, a strong in-plane optical anisotropy is expected and when it is tetragonal in the growth direction, a weak in-plane optical anisotropy is anticipated; (iv) the vertical short-period superlattice enhances the band-gap reduction, but reduces the in-plane optical anisotropy; and (v) the lateral composition modulation is inherently associated with a diminishing of the vertical short-period superlattice. The possibility and conditions of type-II band alignment in these modulated structures are discussed.
Polarization control is achieved in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) by using structurally anisotropic self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) as active layers. The dot shape is long in the [01¯1] direction on the (100) surface. The photoluminescence from the dots has a polarization dependence whose intensity along the [01¯1] direction is 1.37 times stronger than that along the orthogonal [011] direction. The QD VCSEL operates at the wavelength of the QD ground state transition. Lasing emission shows polarization along the [01¯1] direction and an orthogonal polarization suppression ratio of 18 dB.
We have observed a direct correlation between nonspherical shape and polarization anisotropy of optical transitions in quantum dots. The dots, grown by self-assembling during epitaxial deposition of InAs on GaAs(311)A, exhibit a nonconventional, faceted, arrowheadlike shape aligned in the [2¯33] direction. The dot photoluminescence emission is partially (~13%) polarized along the same [2¯33] direction. The presence and the sign of the emission polarization is in agreement with the predictions of a theoretical model. Full morphological and optical characterization is reported.
Optical techniques play a significant role in studies of nano-structures. The electronic structures of quantum dots, for example, vary with the geometric sizes in an ensemble, resulting in broadened spectral lines. Recently, different forms of local spectroscopic techniques have been applied to investigate such inhomogeneously broadened emission lines. In this paper are report on three methods for local spectroscopy: cathodo-luminescence, luminescence induced by a scanning tunnel microscope and microphotoluminescence. Each of these techniques is shown to have the capacity to investigate single quantum dots, with linewidths in the range 40-1000 mu eV. Besides demonstrating the possibility of imaging and spectroscopically studing individual dots, we also demonstrate the possibility of investigating single impurify atoms, in imaging as well as in emission spectroscopy modes.
We have used transmission electron microscopy to determine the morphology of InP Stranski–Krastanow islands in GaInP, grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition at 580 °C. We investigated both capped and uncapped islands. It was found that the fully developed islands have the principal shape of truncated pyramids with a hexagonal base both before and after overgrowth. The planes defining the islands are of {001}, {110}, and {111} types. The base dimensions are 40–50 nm and 55–65 nm in the [110] and [110] directions, respectively, and the height is 12–18 nm. © 1995 American Institute of Physics.
We describe the results of a photoluminescence study of quantum dots which are formed by interface fluctuations in narrow GaAs/AlAs single quantum wells. The photoluminescence measurements were made with lateral spatial resolution ranging from the macroscopic down to the optical near‐field regime. For spatial resolution below a few square microns the photoluminescence from individual quantum dots is resolved. Photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy is used to study the excited state spectrum of an exciton bound in a single quantum dot. © 1995 American Institute of Physics.
Optical properties of InP self-assembled quantum dots (SADs) were investigated in the presence of a magnetic field up to 10 T. By using a μm–sized InP/GaInP mesa, we succeeded in observing sharp photoluminescence (PL) lines from a single InP quantum dot. With the increase of the magnetic field, the diamagnetic shift and the Zeeman splitting were clearly observed in the Faraday configuration. The diamagnetic coefficient and the effective g-value of the confined excitons show fluctuations reflecting dispersion in the size and the shape of the quantum dots. The estimated g-value of the InP quantum dot is about half of that of the bulk InP because of the heavy-hole light-hole band mixing.
A few mololayers of InAs is heteroepitaxially grown on GaAs substrate by molecular‐beam epitaxy. Structure and optical properties are investigated. Reflection high‐energy electron‐diffraction observation reveals that an InAs layer forms a three‐dimensional structure with specific facets after two‐dimensional growth. The transmission electron microscope observation shows that these structures have structural anisotropy in the growth plane. Photoluminescense spectroscopy shows that the luminescence from the InAs structures exhibits the polarization property caused by the quantum dot effect of the structural anisotropy.
In this paper, we review our latest developments on the growth and properties of self-assembling quantum dot structures. The self-assembling growth technique which was initially developed using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), has now been extended to metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The paper first presents structural results based on atomic force and transmission electron microscopy studies of the quantum dot arrays which were obtained by MBE and MOCVD growth. From the detailed structural analysis we have observed that the formation of coherently strained dots of InAs, InAlAs, and InP dots on various cladding layer surfaces. MBE growth of InAs self-assembled dots has achieved the smallest size distribution, with dots as small as 12nm in diameter. For the MOCVD growth of InP dots we have found that the surface morphology and growth temperature of lower cladding layer growth has a profound influence on island size and density. Recent results on the optical and transport properties of the MBE grown self-assembling dot (SAD) arrays are also presented.