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International Journal of Advanced Technology and Social Sciences (IJATSS)
Vol.1, No.3, 2023: 151-158
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59890/ijatss.v1i3.811
Entrepreneurial Mindset and Adaptation Capability in Business"
Hasyim1*, Fitri Ayu Hardiana Rambe2, Gabriella Simanjuntak3, Icha Henrie
Novrianti Hutajulu4
Universitas Negeri Medan
Corresponding Author: Hasyim hasyimns65@gmail.com
Keywords: Entrepreneurship,
Adaptability, Business
Received : 3 October
Revised : 18 October
Accepted: 17 November
©2023 Hasyim, Rambe, Simanjuntak,
Hutajulu: This is an open-
access article
distributed under the terms
of the
Creative Commons Atribusi 4.0
The journal "Entrepreneurial Mindset and
Adaptability in Business" discusses how
entrepreneurship is crucial for Indonesia's economic
growth, especially for the younger generation. The
author emphasizes that the government is crucial in
creating jobs by developing young entrepreneurs.
The process of capitalizing on business opportunities
by using innovation and creativity is known as
entrepreneurship. To achieve this goal,
entrepreneurship education focuses on teaching
youth to build, own and manage their own
businesses. The purpose of this research is to produce
a business learning model that can last. Analysis of
various entrepreneurship-related documents, laws
and regulations, start-up guides, and previous
research was used as the research method. The
results show that improving entrepreneurial literacy
is essential to encourage Indonesian millennials to
build their own businesses. In addition, it was
mentioned that a company's ability to adapt is key to
dealing with change. Organizational leaders and
managers play an important role in this. Participation
is important in helping organizations change, and
fostering entrepreneurial understanding among
students is important to produce new entrepreneurs
who are ready to face future challenges.So,
entrepreneurship education is essential to shape the
millennial generation who will become competitive
entrepreneurs. This education prioritizes creativity,
innovation and practical entrepreneurial skills.
Students' ability and interest to build their own
business is influenced by entrepreneurial literacy. An
important step in developing new entrepreneurs who
will transform Indonesia's economy and society is
understanding the concept of entrepreneurship and a
honed entrepreneurial spirit
Hasyim, Rambe, Simanjuntak, Hutajulu
Indonesia is a large country in terms of population, area, cultural diversity
and natural resources. Indonesia's population of around 270 million people is an
important source of capital for economic development, both as producers and
consumers. With a high population, many of Indonesia's population is still
unemployed due to the limited employment opportunities in Indonesia.
Therefore, the government's role is very important in creating jobs in
Indonesia's economic development. One way to create jobs is by creating young
entrepreneurs in Indonesia. Which can provide opportunities for young people
to develop the economy through the businesses created. Entrepreneurship itself
is another word for entrepreneurship, which is a process carried out by an
entrepreneur in applying creativity and innovation to realize opportunities in
business. This process is basically the application of the characteristics that
underlie an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship includes the ability to create
something unique and different. Entrepreneurship includes scientific, artistic
and behavioral aspects that reflect the nature and characteristics of individuals
who are able to realize innovative ideas creatively in reality.
The government must also play an active role in supporting and
motivating young entrepreneurs in creating quality businesses. Which is by
creating training for prospective young entrepreneurs in developing their
businesses. With this entrepreneurship training, young people, including
students, students and others, are able to become young people. It can create
opportunities for them to develop businesses that will later become big
businesses for them. It is important to know that entrepreneurship education is
very important in creating a business.
The learning design provided is a learning design that is oriented or
directed at producing business entrepreneurs, especially those who become
owner entrepreneurs or prospective independent entrepreneurs who are able to
establish, own and manage businesses and enter the realm of business and
industry with full professionalism. Therefore, the basic learning model 109 is
systematic and contains aspects of theory, practice and implementation. Apart
from that, the implementation of learning must be accompanied by relatively
comprehensive pedagogical activities such as training, orientation, coaching,
consultation, etc. However, with an implementation time of 1 semester, the
expected results will be achieved, namely training new entrepreneurs.
For this reason, this research aims to provide insight into sustainable
business learning. By coordinating various parties to create a sustainable
business learning model.
International Journal of Advanced Technology and Social Sciences (IJATSS)
Vol.1, No.3, 2023: 151-158
This research method was carried out simply through "analysis" of various
documents as a reference source related to laws and regulations, related to
entrepreneurship education, discussion of entrepreneurship reviews, start-up
implementation guides, supporting theories, and research results on
entrepreneurship education in Indonesia. This research will focus on analyzing
and evaluating various relevant documents to provide a deeper understanding
of the topic of entrepreneurship for young entrepreneurs.
1. Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset According to Experts
According to Kautsar and Prabowo (2017), business preparation must
start with preparing monetary autonomy. They stated that the target of this
preparation was young millennial women because they needed the knowledge
and skills necessary to foster their entrepreneurial spirit. Business learning and
business plan creation seminars are two components of the approach used. Most
participants thought that this preparation could help them improve their
capabilities and achieve their business goals.
One of the objectives of the research conducted by Ahsin and Arumsari in
2018 was to develop entrepreneurship-based teaching materials in Indonesian.
The results show that the teaching materials are valid and suitable for use in class
IV elementary schools. This research reflects efforts to prepare the younger
generation with entrepreneurial knowledge from an early age.
Dark and Mischel (2020) also emphasized how important it is to help the
millennial generation with businesses that support them in cultivating an
entrepreneurial spirit. Their business program involves dedicated instructors
and provides a fun classroom experience. The aim is to help the younger
generation in the world of entrepreneurship.
Additionally, Rodriguez et al. (2019) found that understanding the world
of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial characteristics can influence a person's
success in the business world. They encourage the recruitment of innovative and
creative millennial generations to become profitable business actors in the long
It is very important to improve the board game skills of the younger
generation, according to Nová's (2015) support model. They believe that to help
young people become independent in life and business, a proper learning
approach focused on entrepreneurship is needed. Power et al. (2019) stated that
using appropriate learning methods is very important to produce a young
generation who is ready to face the business world.
Pfeifer et al. (2016) indicate that to face future challenges, business
students must have strong entrepreneurial skills and a passionate personality.
They emphasized that business students must have entrepreneurial abilities to
become pioneers and welcome the future with a healthy entrepreneurial mindset.
Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial preparation from an early age are very
important to help the younger generation—especially the millennial
generation—become independent, enthusiastic, and successful in the business
world in facing future challenges.
Hasyim, Rambe, Simanjuntak, Hutajulu
2. The Importance of an Entrepreneurial Mindset for the Indonesian
Millennial Generation
As a country with the fourth largest population in the world, Indonesia
has great potential to progress in the future. To achieve this, however, requires
support from the younger generation who have strong human resources and are
knowledgeable about entrepreneurship. Studies show that strengthening the
entrepreneurial mindset of the millennial generation in Indonesia is very
important so that they can compete in the global market.
Our study found that education and developing a business mindset are
critical for the millennial generation, who are growing up in an era of global
technology. Experts in this field recognize that preparing millennials for future
leadership roles is key to corporate success. This is also related to neoliberal
capitalism, which puts things in perspective
The concept of entrepreneurship has become increasingly important in the
world of higher education. Forming students into individuals who have the
ability to see and assess opportunities, manage the required resources, and take
appropriate action to achieve sustainable success is the main goal of
entrepreneurship education. More than just teaching how to start a business, this
education should provide a deep understanding of how entrepreneurship can be
a means of creating positive change in society and meeting societal needs.
The concept of entrepreneurship is at the core of everything in the world
of business and innovation. The ability to see opportunities, manage resources,
and take appropriate action is a foundation that all aspiring entrepreneurs must
understand. In higher education, this is more important than ever as students are
expected to enter a rapidly changing and challenging world of work. A deep
understanding of this concept helps students to gain a solid foundation to start
their own business or contribute to the existing world of work. One of the
important goals of entrepreneurship education is to form an entrepreneurial
spirit among students.
3. Adaptation Capability in Business
The adaptation process, which is characterized by efforts to adjust
systems, procedures and structures, is an important stage in facing change. In the
process of adaptation, each person begins to explore new situations and
themselves by trying new behaviors, operating to different standards, and trying
to cope with change. Learning and adapting are part of this process. It's
important to remember that the adaptation process affects the entire
organization—not just individuals—but also supervisors, managers, leaders, and
coworkers who will learn and use the new system.
The adaptation process is critical to discovering and resolving technical
and operational problems. The adaptation stage often takes a lot of energy, even
though it is a good step. This process often involves a lot of effort, failure, and
slow improvement, which can lead to frustration. At this point, you may
experience emotions such as anger, hopelessness, and a desire to return to the
way things were before. However, it is important to realize that this is not a
conflict stage; rather, it is a process of struggle necessary to make the new system
International Journal of Advanced Technology and Social Sciences (IJATSS)
Vol.1, No.3, 2023: 151-158
The adaptation process, which is characterized by efforts to adjust
systems, procedures and structures, is an important stage in facing change. In the
process of adaptation, each person begins to explore new situations and
themselves by trying new behaviors, operating to different standards, and trying
to cope with change. Learning and adapting are part of this process. It's
important to remember that the adaptation process affects the entire
organization—not just individuals—but also supervisors, managers, leaders, and
coworkers who will learn and use the new system.
Entrepreneurial spirit is the encouragement needed to start and run a
business. Students need to understand that entrepreneurship is not only about
seeking financial gain, but also about providing benefits to society and creating
change. This is the time when students begin to explore business opportunities,
identify problems in society, and develop innovative ideas to solve those
problems. Creativity and innovation are important elements in the world of
entrepreneurship. Students need to learn to think critically, find innovative
solutions, and face challenges in creative ways. In entrepreneurship education,
the focus on developing creative and innovative skills becomes very relevant.
Students are taught to think outside the box, look for solutions that have not been
thought of before, and face uncertainty with confidence. In an ever-changing
business environment, the emergence of new entrepreneurs is important to drive
innovation and economic growth. Data shows that students who have
entrepreneurial literacy are more likely to start their own businesses. This
indicates that entrepreneurship education provides a strong foundation for
starting a business, understanding opportunities and managing risks. In
entrepreneurship courses, students are taught how to apply these concepts in
practice. They develop a complete business plan with business analysis,
understand how to manage the required resources, and take appropriate actions
to achieve success. In addition, students learn how to collaborate in teams, think
critically in evaluating problems, and find innovative solutions. This is a practical
experience that prepares them for the real world, where they will be faced with
a variety of challenges and opportunities.
4. Organizational Adaptation:
A. The Key to Successful Dealing with Change
One of the important concepts in management is "organizational
adaptation". This concept emphasizes that an organization has the ability to
accept, interpret, and translate disturbances from the external environment into
internal standards that enable it to survive or succeed. Three main components
of adaptability were identified by Denison (1995). They are: perception and
response to the external environment, ability to respond to internal customers,
and quick reaction to internal and external customers. This ability to adapt is very
important in dealing with continuous changes in the business environment.
According to Schein (2010), the dimensions of organizational culture
include the external environment faced by the organization, no matter how large
or small the scale of the business. A company's ability to adapt to the external
environment depends on the extent to which it can process and create a strong
organizational culture in the long term.
Hasyim, Rambe, Simanjuntak, Hutajulu
In an ever-changing world, the emergence of new entrepreneurs is key in
driving innovation, economic growth and solving social problems. This article
will explain how evaluation values and entrepreneurial practices in higher
education can influence the emergence of new entrepreneurs. We will discuss the
extent to which students have internalized the entrepreneurial spirit, its impact
on the quality of emerging entrepreneurs, and how this can motivate students to
start their own businesses.
B. Motivation to Start Your Own Business
Internalizing an entrepreneurial spirit is not only about increasing
students' competence but also about sparking their interest in starting their own
business. Students who have internalized the concept of entrepreneurship tend
to have a higher level of self-confidence and strong leadership abilities. They see
entrepreneurship as an attractive option and the potential to create change in the
One thing that still needs to be honed is students' ability to see existing
problems and think critically and creatively to solve them. Entrepreneurship
education must encourage students to not only follow directions but also become
innovative problem solvers. This ability is key to creating new solutions and
taking advantage of opportunities that may not be visible to others.
In the context of entrepreneurship education, discipline is not only related to time
but also to discipline in recording finances, both for personal and business
purposes. Students who are able to manage their finances well have a strong
foundation for managing their business later. This reflects the importance of
education that is not only theoretical but also practical that is directly related to
Entrepreneurship education has an important role in shaping students
into competitive entrepreneurs. The concept of entrepreneurship,
entrepreneurial spirit, creativity, innovation, and practical abilities in
entrepreneurship are important components of this education. Students who
have undergone entrepreneurship education have a strong foundation for
starting their own businesses, contributing to the changing world of work, and
creating positive change in society. With an understanding of the concept of
entrepreneurship and a honed entrepreneurial spirit, students become better
prepared to face future challenges.
The relationship between entrepreneurial literacy and the emergence of
new entrepreneurs is complex and important in the context of higher education.
Through effective entrepreneurship education, students can internalize the
entrepreneurial spirit, develop discipline, critical, innovative and creative
thinking skills, and increase their motivation to start their own business. This is
an important step in creating new entrepreneurs who will bring positive change
in society, generate innovation, and contribute to economic growth.
Entrepreneurship education must continue to be improved to prepare students
to become competitive future entrepreneurs.
International Journal of Advanced Technology and Social Sciences (IJATSS)
Vol.1, No.3, 2023: 151-158
The conclusion from the results of this study is that the personality
dimensions in the Big Five framework have a significant impact on students'
entrepreneurial mindset. This indicates that individual personality traits can
influence their interest and orientation in entrepreneurship. Therefore, students
need to understand that the personality dimensions they have can help them
determine the most appropriate field of entrepreneurship that suits their
characteristics. Understanding how their personality contributes to an
entrepreneurial mindset is an important step in pursuing success as an
Further studies need to be conducted to understand how an
entrepreneurial mindset influences the decision-making process, creativity,
innovation, and adaptability in a business context. In-depth research into this
relationship can provide better insight into how an entrepreneurial mindset
influences an entrepreneur's success. Further research could explore the
influence of the educational environment, both formal and informal, on the
development of an entrepreneurial mindset. This includes the role of higher
education, entrepreneurship training, and entrepreneurial communities in
shaping entrepreneurial mindsets. Research that focuses on developing reliable
and valid measurement tools to measure entrepreneurial mindset can make a
significant contribution to this field. Good measuring tools will help researchers
and practitioners to understand and measure entrepreneurial mindset better.
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