
Numerical Simulations for Viscous Reactive Micropolar Real Gas Flow

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Micropolar fluids represent a fluid model that, unlike the classic model, does not only describe behavior at the macro level but also deals with fluid behavior at the microlevel. Describing microphenomena in this case was achieved through the introduction of a new hydrodynamic variable called microrotation. This work describes the micropolar gas model with special emphasis on the reactive micropolar gas, focusing on the initial boundary value problem describing the behavior of the micropolar reactive real gas in tubes with solid and thermally insulated walls. In other words, homogeneous boundary conditions for velocity, microrotation, and heat flux are studied. For the mentioned initial boundary value problem, the construction of the Faedo-Galerkin approximations and the corresponding numerical method for obtaining a numerical solution are described. The given numerical method was additionally analyzed with respect to the complexity of the initial conditions in terms of the number of terms in their Fourier expansions.

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We consider the model for one‐dimensional micropolar, viscous, polytropic, and thermally conductive real gas flow with homogeneous boundary conditions, using the generalized equation of state for pressure. The generalization is shown by the fact that the pressure depends on the mass density as a power function. The governing system of partial differential equations is given in the Lagrangian description. Using the Faedo–Galerkin method and a priori estimates, we prove that the generalized solution exists locally in time.
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We consider the nonstationary 3-D flow of a compressible viscous heat-conducting micropolar fluid in the domain to be the subset of R 3 bounded with two concentric spheres that present the solid thermo-insulated walls. In the thermodynamical sense the fluid is perfect and polytropic. We assume that the initial density and temperature are bounded from below with a positive constant and that the initial data are sufficiently smooth spherically symmetric functions. The starting problem is transformed into the Lagrangian description on the spatial domain ]0, 1[. In this work we prove that our problem has a generalized solution for any time interval [0, T], T ∈ R +. The proof is based on the local existence theorem and the extension principle.
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We study a one‐dimensional model of viscous and heat‐conducting micropolar real gas flow through the channel with solid and thermally insulated walls, whereby the generalized equation of state for the pressure is considered. The governing system of partial differential equations for mass density, velocity, microrotational velocity, and absolute temperature is set up in Lagrangian coordinates. In this paper, we show that if there exists a generalized solution to our problem, then it is unique.
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Motivated by the pipe network problems, in this paper, we consider the Leray’s problem for the nonstationary flow of a micropolar fluid. We prove that in an unbounded domain with cylindrical outlets to infinity, there exists a unique solution to the nonlinear micropolar equations which exponentially tends to the generalized nonstationary micropolar Poiseuille solution in each cylindrical outlet.
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In this paper, we consider the nonstationary shear flow of a compressible, viscous, and heat‐conducting micropolar fluid. The mathematical model is set up in Lagrangian description in the form of initial‐boundary problem with inhomogeneous boundary conditions for velocity and standard homogeneous boundary conditions for microrotation and heat flux. Under the assumptions that this problem has a generalized solution and that the initial mass density, temperature, the velocity, and microrotation vectors are smooth enough functions, we prove that this solution is unique.
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In this work, the three-dimensional model for the compressible micropolar fluid flow is considered, whereby it is assumed that the fluid is viscous, perfect, and heat conducting. The flow between two coaxial thermoinsulated cylinders, which leads to a cylindrically symmetric model with homogeneous boundary data for velocity, microrotation, and heat flux, is analyzed. The corresponding PDE system is formulated in the Lagrangian setting, and it is proven that this system has a generalized solution locally in time.
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The lubrication theory is mostly concerned with the behaviour of a lubricant flowing through a narrow gap. Motivated by the experimental findings from the tribology literature, we take the lubricant to be a micropolar fluid and study its behaviour in a thin domain with rough boundary. Instead of considering (commonly used) simple zero boundary conditions, we impose physically relevant (nonzero) boundary conditions for the microrotation and perform the asymptotic analysis of the corresponding 3D boundary value problem. We formally derive a simplified mathematical model acknowledging the roughness-induced effects and the effects of the nonzero boundary conditions on the macroscopic flow. Using the obtained asymptotic model, we study numerically the influence of the roughness on the performance of a linear slider bearing. The numerical results clearly indicate that the use of the rough surfaces may contribute to enhance the mechanical performance of such device.
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Models for flows of a non-Newtonian liquid have been considered within the framework of the micropolar theory. Different forms of constitutive equations and boundary conditions have been compared. Available analytical solutions and possible applications of the micropolar theory have been reviewed. A mechanically substantiated formulation of the problem relevant to the flow of a micropolar liquid in a Brinkman porous medium has been considered. Formulations of the boundary problem have been proposed for a micropolar liquid flowing in a porous cell.
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We consider the compressible Navier-Stokes system with variable entropy. The pressure is a nonlinear function of the density and the entropy/potential temperature which, unlike in the Navier-Stokes-Fourier system, satisfies only the transport equation. We provide existence results within three alternative weak formulations of the corresponding classical problem. Our constructions hold for the optimal range of the adiabatic coefficients from the point of view of the nowadays existence theory.
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We study the initial and initial-boundary value problems for the p-th power Newtonian fluid in one space dimension with general large initial data. The existence and uniqueness of globally smooth non-vacuum solutions are established when the thermal conductivity is some non-negative power of the temperature. Our analysis is based on some detailed estimates on the bounds of both density and temperature.
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In this paper, we establish the global existence and exponential stability of spherically symmetric solutions in Hi×Hi×Hi×Hi(i=1,2,4){H^i\times H^i\times H^i\times H^i (i=\rm 1,2,4)} for a multi-dimensional compressible viscous radiative and reactive gas. Our global existence results improve those known results. Moreover, we establish the asymptotic behavior and exponential stability of global solutions on Hi×Hi×Hi×Hi(i=1,2,4){H^i\times H^i\times H^i\times H^i (i=\rm 1,2,4)}. This result is obtained for this problem in the literature for the first time.
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We consider the initial and initial-boundary value problems for a one-dimensional pth power Newtonian fluid in unbounded domains with general large initial data. We show that the specific volume and the temperature are bounded from below and above uniformly in time and space and that the global solution is asymptotically stable as the time tends to infinity. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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We analyze the Cauchy problem for non-stationary 1-D flow of a compressible viscous and heat-conducting fluid, assuming that it is in the thermodynamical sense perfect and polytropic. This problem has a unique generalized solution on ℝ×]0,T[ for each T>0. Supposing that the initial functions are small perturbations of the constants and using some a priori estimates for the solution independent of T, we prove a stabilization of the solution.
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Preface.- 1 Global Existence of Spherically Symmetric Solutions for Nonlinear Compressible Non-autonomous Navier-Stokes Equations.- 2 Global Existence and Exponential Stability for a Real Viscous Heat-conducting Flow with Shear Viscosity.- 3 Regularity and Exponential Stability of the p th Power Newtonian Fluid in One Space Dimension.- 4 Global Existence and Exponential Stability for the p th Power Viscous Reactive Gas.- 5 On the 1D Viscous Reactive and Radiative Gas with the One-order Arrhenius Kinetics.- Bibliography.- Index.
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We consider the nonstationary 3-D flow of a compressible viscous heat-conducting micropolar fluid in the domain to be the subset of R-3 bounded with two concentric spheres that present the solid thermo-insulated walls. In the thermodynamical sense the fluid is perfect and polytropic. We assume that the initial density and temperature are bounded from below with a positive constant and that the initial data are sufficiently smooth spherically symmetric functions. The starting problem is transformed into the Lagrangian description on the spatial domain] 0, 1[. In this work we prove that our problem has a generalized solution for any time interval [0, T], T epsilon R+. The proof is based on the local existence theorem and the extension principle.
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In this chapter, we are interested in the regularity and exponential stability of solutions in H i (i = 2,4) for a pth power Newtonian fluid undergoing one-dimensional longitudinal motions.
In this paper, we derive an initial-boundary value problem for a model describing the behavior of a micropolar reactive real gas in a tube with fixed and thermally insulated walls. In addition to the usual variables of the micropolar fluid model, a new variable describing the amount of unburned fuel and an equation describing the chemical reaction have been added in this model. A series of Faedo–Galerkin approximations for the solution of the governing system is constructed and used to solve the problem numerically. We describe the results of numerical tests on a couple of examples whereby we display the calculated solutions and test the convergence and stabilization. In order to investigate the influence of micropolarity and the generalized equation of state on the model, we compared the solutions of the reactive classical and micropolar real gas model, as well as the reactive micropolar ideal and real gas model.
In this paper, we prove that the one-dimensional model of reactive micropolar real gas flow and thermal explosion has a solution locally in time. We first define the notion of a generalized solution for the governing initial-boundary value problem. We prove the claim of local existence by deriving a sequence of approximate problems obtained by Faedo-Galerkin projections. A priori estimates allow us to choose small enough time interval of existence, and show that the sequence of approximations is bounded in certain functional spaces, and therefore has a convergent subsequence. In the end, we show that it is precisely this limit that is the solution to the observed problem.
In this paper, we analyze the micropolar, viscous, polytropic, and heat-conducting real gas, whereby we assume the generalized form of pressure function in the sense that pressure is the affine function of temperature and power function of mass density. Using the stated thermodynamical and constitutive assumptions, we derive a one-dimensional model based on balance laws, first in the Eulerian and then in the Lagrangian description. The main result of this paper is the implementation of the Faedo–Galerkin method to obtain a numerical solution to a corresponding problem with homogeneous boundary conditions, where we analyze the performance of different ODE solvers. We also validated the method using some selected examples. The numerical results are also compared with the already known models, which are a special case of the model analyzed here.
This paper is concerned with the global existence and large time behavior of strong solutions to the Cauchy problem of one-dimensional compressible isentropic micropolar fluid model with density-dependent viscosity and microviscosity coefficients, where the far-fields of the initial data are prescribed to be different. The pressure p(ρ)=ργ and the viscosity coefficient μ(ρ)=ρα for some parameters α,γ∈R are considered. For the case when the corresponding Riemann problem of the resulting Euler equations admits two rarefaction waves solutions, it is shown that if the parameters α and γ satisfy some conditions and the initial data is sufficiently regular, without vacuum and mass concentrations, then the Cauchy problem of the one-dimensional compressible micropolar fluid model has a unique global strong nonvacuum solution, which tends to a superposition of these two rarefaction waves as time goes to infinity. This result holds for arbitrarily large initial perturbation and large-amplitudes rarefaction waves. Moreover, the exponential time decay rate of the microrotation velocity ω(t,x) under large initial perturbation is also derived. The proof is given by an elaborate energy method and the key ingredient is to deduce the uniform-in-time lower and upper bounds on the specific volume.
In this paper, we consider a steady-state flow the thermomicropolar fluid through a thin straight channel. The flow is governed by the prescribed pressure drop between channel's ends. The heat exchange between the fluid inside the channel and the exterior medium is allowed through the upper wall, whereas the lower wall is insulated. Using the asymptotic analysis with respect to the thickness of the channel, we derive a first-order asymptotic solution acknowledging the effects of the fluid's microstructure. A rigorous justification of the proposed effective model is provided by proving the error estimates in suitable norms.
We study the global solvability of the initial-boundary value problem which describes a one-dimensional flow of viscous, heat-conducting, and thermodynamically polytropic micropolar real gas through the channel with solid and thermally insulated walls. We first obtain a series of time-independent a priori estimates for the generalized solution of the described problem. Using the extension principle and already obtained local existence theorem, we show that this problem has a solution globally in time, i.e., that for every , there exists a solution to the problem in the time domain .
Background and objective: In this work, the effect of the micropolar fluid parameters on the hydraulic permeability of fibrous biomaterials comprised of square arrays of undirectional fibrils is investigated. Methods: Simulations are carried out in three dimensional geometries consisting of 9 unidirectional fibers regularly placed in a square lattice within a unit cell. Fiber arrays with volume fraction from 0.1 to 0.6 are considered. The effect of each of the micropolar parameters, namely the vortex viscosity (m), spin gradient viscosity (N) and microinertia constant (J) on the hydraulic permeability is analysed and the differences from Newtonian fluid flow are presented. Results: Among the micropolar parameters, the vortex viscosity and the spin gradient viscosity affect the hydraulic permeability, while the effect of the micro inertia constant seems to be insignificant. A relationship that connects the difference in the hydraulic permeability between the micropolar and the Newtonian case (ΔK) and the vortex and spin gradient viscosity is presented, the main finding being that ΔK is proportional to the product m · N. Conclusions: The effects of the micropolar parameters are found to decrease as the volume fraction of the fiber arrays increases; this is due to the reduction in available flow area and the corresponding decrease in microrotation.
The double-layered porous journal bearings hold proactive application on the field that demanded comparatively high stability and stiffness. The performance characteristics of micropolar fluid lubricated double porous layered journal bearing is investigated theoretically by using Darcy's law of fluid flow through a porous medium. The dynamic and static performances of the said bearing are obtained numerically and presented with different design parameters. Due to the presence of very few published work related to micropolar fluid lubricated porous journal bearing, the results of the present analysis compared with those of traditional lubricants and found to be in perfect covenant. The results established that the micropolar fluid significantly improves the quality of lubrication and bearing performances as compared to the corresponding Newtonian lubricants.
This paper is concerned with three-dimensional compressible viscous and heat-conducting micropolar fluid in the domain to the subset of R ³ bounded with two coaxial cylinders that present the solid thermoinsulated walls, being in a perfect and polytropic thermodynamical sense. We prove that cylindrically symmetric solutions decay to a constant exponentially as time goes to infinity based on the assumptions that the initial total energy is sufficiently small and initial data are sufficiently smooth cylindrically symmetric functions.
In this paper we consider the nonstationary shear flow between two parallel solid and thermoinsulated horizontal plates with the upper one moving irrotationally. The fluid is compressible, micropolar, viscous and heat-conducting, as well as in the thermodynamical sense perfect and polytropic. We assume that, given a Cartesian coordinate system x, y and z, solutions of corresponding problem are x-dependent only. Mathematical model is derived in the Lagrangian description. By using the Faedo–Galerkin method, as well as homogenization of boundary conditions, we derive an approximate system, which we use to obtain a numerical solution to the given problem. © 2019 International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (IMACS)
This paper is concerned with the 3D nonhomogeneous incompressible magneto-micropolar equations with density-dependent viscosity and vacuum in smooth bounded domains. We prove that the system has a unique global smooth solution under the assumption that the initial energy is suitably small.
In this contribution we study elastic wave propagation via the introduction of the micropolar theory. As a generalization of a classical linear elastic medium, a micropolar medium allows each particle to have intrinsic rotational degrees of freedom (spin). We perform numerical experiments using the Pseudospectral method. We find analytical harmonic micropolar solutions for different problem configurations, which result in waveform differences between the classical linear elastic and micropolar media. In contrast to linear elastic media, wave propagation in micropolar media is dispersive. We study how the spin waveform depends on the micropolar elastic parameters and frequency content of the simulation. The micropolar effect on numerical seismograms has a direct implication on the phase, amplitude and arrival time. For frequencies lower than the cut-off frequency, the spin waveform has the same amplitude as the macro-rotation field. For frequencies higher than the cut-off frequency, the amplitude of the spin waveform decreases with increasing frequency, so that then it is no longer comparable to the amplitude of macroscopic rotations. When both frequencies are equal there is no wave propagation. This work attempts to clarify the theory of micropolar media for its applications in seismology. We argue that micropolar theory should be further investigated for its potential uses in seismology to e.g. describe energy dissipation, seismograms recorded with rotational seismometers and rupture processes.
In this paper we consider the nonstationary 3D flow of a compressible viscous and heat-conducting micropolar fluid, which is in the thermodynamical sense perfect and polytropic. The fluid domain is the subset of bounded with two coaxial cylinders that present solid thermoinsulated walls. We assume that the initial mass density, temperature, as well as the velocity and microrotation vectors are radially dependent only. The corresponding solution is also spatially radially dependent. We derive the mathematical model in the Lagrangian description and by using the Faedo-Galerkin method we introduce a system of approximate equations and construct its solutions. We also analyze two numerical examples.
We consider the nonstationary 3-D flow of a compressible viscous heat-conducting micropolar fluid in the domain to be the subset of R3 bounded with two coaxial cylinders that present the solid thermoinsulated walls. In the thermodynamical sense, the fluid is perfect and polytropic. We assume that the initial density and temperature are bounded from below with a positive constant, and that the initial data are sufficiently smooth cylindrically symmetric functions. The starting problem is transformed into the Lagrangian description on the spatial domain ]0,L[. In this work, we prove that our problem has a generalized solution for any time interval [0,T], T∈R+. The proof is based on the local existence theorem and the extension principle. Copyright
We consider the nonstationary 3D flow of a compressible viscous heat-conducting micropolar fluid in the domain to be a subset of R³, bounded with two concentric spheres. In the thermodynamical sense the fluid is perfect and polytropic. The homogeneous boundary conditions for velocity, microrotation, heat flux and spherical symmetry of the initial data are proposed. Due to the assumption of spherical symmetry, the problem can be considered as one-dimensional problem in Lagrangian description on the domain that is a segment. We define the approximate equations system by using the finite difference method and construct the sequence of approximate solutions for our problem. By analyzing the properties of these approximate solutions we prove their convergence to the generalized solution of our problem globally in time and establish the convergence of the defined numerical scheme, which is the main result of the paper. The practical application of the proposed numerical scheme is performed on the chosen test example.
In this paper, we consider a nonstationary 3-D flow of a compressible viscous and heat-conducting micropolar fluid, which is in the thermodynamical sense perfect and polytropic. The fluid domain is a subset of R3 bounded with two coaxial cylinders that present solid thermoinsulated walls. The mathematical model is set up in Lagrangian description. If we assume that the initial mass density, temperature, as well as the velocity and microrotation vectors are smooth enough cylindrically symmetric functions, then our problem has a generalized cylindrically symmetric solution for a sufficiently small time interval. Here, we prove the uniqueness of this solution. Copyright
Conference Paper
We are dealing with the nonstationary 3D flow of a compressible viscous heat-conducting micropolar fluid, which is in the thermodynamical sense perfect and polytropic. It is assumed that the domain is a subset of R 3 and that the fluid is bounded with two concentric spheres. The homogeneous boundary conditions for velocity, microrotation, heat flux, and spherical symmetry of the initial data are proposed. By using the assumption of the spherical symmetry, the problem reduces to the one-dimensional problem. The finite difference formulation of the considered problem is obtained by defining the finite difference approximate equation system. The corresponding approximate solutions converge to the generalized solution of our problem globally in time, which means that the defined numerical scheme is convergent. Numerical experiments are performed by applying the proposed finite difference formulation. We compare the numerical results obtained by using the finite difference and the Faedo–Galerkin approach and analyze the properties of the numerical solutions.
Metallic nanoparticles effect on magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) micropolar blood flow through a vertical artery with an overlapping stenosis is investigated. Conservation of mass, momentum, and energy governing partial differential equations are transformed into ordinary differential equations by means of mild stenosis assumptions. Solutions for velocity, microrotation, stream function, temperature, resistance impedance, and wall shear stress are calculated and expressed through graphs against various emerging physical parameters. It is observed that as the nanofluid volume fraction Φ increases, the velocity and wall shear stress increase, while resistance impedance has an inverse trend. It is also found that as the nanofluid volume fraction Φ increases, the temperature decreases. Moreover, the trapping phenomena in the stenosed region are introduced through graphs. These findings illustrate that nanoparticles' technique could be a promising therapeutic strategy against arterial diseases.
The intention of this work is to concern the numerical solutions to the model of the nonstationary 1d micropolar compressible viscous and heat conducting fluid flow that is in the thermodynamical sense perfect and polytropic. The mathematical model consists of four partial differential equations, transformed from the Eulerian to the Lagrangian description, and which are associated with different boundary conditions. By using the finite difference scheme and the Faedo–Galerkin method we make different numerical simulations to the results of our problems. The properties of both numerical schemes are analyzed and numerical results are compared on the chosen test examples. The comparison of the numerical results on problems that have the homogeneous or the non-homogeneous boundary conditions for velocity and microrotation show good agreement of both approaches. However, the advantage of the used finite difference method over the Faedo–Galerkin method lies in the simple implementation of the non-homogeneous boundary conditions and in the possibility of approximation of the free boundary problem on which the Faedo–Galerkin method is not applicable.
In this paper we consider the numerical approximations of the nonstationary 1D flow of a compressible micropolar fluid, which is in the thermodynamical sense perfect and polytropic. The flow equations are considered in the Eulerian formulation. It is proved that the inviscid micropolar flow equations are hyperbolic and the corresponding eigensystem is determined. The numerical approximations are based on the upwind Roe solver applied to the inviscid part of the flux, while the viscous part of the flux is approximated by using central differences. Numerical results for the inviscid flow show that the numerical schemes approximate the solutions very accurately. The numerical tests for the viscous and heat-conducting flow are also performed.
In this paper we consider the nonstationary 3-D flow of a compressible viscous and heat-conducting micropolar fluid, that is in the thermodynamical sense perfect and polytropic. The fluid domain is a subset of bounded with two concentric spheres that present the solid thermoinsulated walls. The corresponding mathematical model is set up in the Lagrangian description. We assume that the initial data are spherically symmetric functions, and that the initial density and temperature are strictly positive. This problem has a unique spherically symmetric generalized solution globally in time. Here we introduce the Hölder continuous initial functions and prove that, for any , the state function is also Hölder continuous.
In this paper we define a finite difference method for the nonstationary 1D flow of the compressible viscous and heat-conducting micropolar fluid, assuming that it is in the thermodynamical sense perfect and polytropic. The homogeneous boundary conditions for velocity, microrotation and heat flux are proposed. The sequence of approximate solutions for our problem is constructed by using the defined finite difference approximate equations system. We investigate the properties of these approximate solutions and establish their convergence to the strong solution of our problem globally in time, which is the main results of the paper. A numerical experiment is performed by solving the defined approximate ordinary differential equations system using strong-stability preserving (SSP) Runge-Kutta scheme for time discretization.
We consider the non-stationary 3-D flow of a compressible viscous heat-conducting micropolar fluid in the domain that is the subset of bounded with two concentric spheres that present solid thermo-insulated walls. Under the assumption that the fluid is perfect and polytropic in the thermodynamical sense as well as that the initial density and temperature are strictly positive and that the initial data are sufficiently smooth spherically symmetric functions, the corresponding problem with homogeneous boundary data has a unique generalized solution for any time interval , . In this work we analyze large time behavior of the solution and prove its stabilization.
In this chapter, we prove the global existence and exponential stability of solutions in H i (i= 2,4) for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations, which arise in the study of a thermal explosion and describe the dynamic combustion for a reactive Newtonian fluid, confined between two infinite parallel plates.
The Cauchy problem for one-dimensional flow of a compressible viscous heat- conducting micropolar fluid is considered. It is assumed that the fluid is ther- modynamically perfect and polytropic. This problem has a strong solution on R×)0,T (f or each T> 0. We prove that the solution of the Cauchy problem is unique.
We study the asymptotic behavior of the spherically symmetric solutions for a viscous polytropic gas in a bounded annulus domain. For any initial data, and suitably small external force generated by some scalar steady potential, the solution is proved to exponentially tend towards the corresponding stationary solution as time tends to infinity.
Synopsis A priori estimates on the solution to the complete system of equations governing a heat-conductive, viscous reactive perfect gas confined between two infinite parallel plates are derived. From these estimates, global existence of both weak and classical solutions is obtained.
We give a complete description of large time behaviour of admissible variational solutions to the Navier–Stokes–Fourier system describing flows of viscous compressible fluids under action of arbitrarily large potential and non-potential stationary forces. The pressure is supposed to be an affine function of temperature with coefficients depending on density and the system is thermally and mechanically isolated. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Compared with the classic flow on macroscale, flows in microchannels have some new phenomena such as the friction increase and the flow rate reduction. Papautsky and co-workers explained these phenomena by using a micropolar fluid model where the effects of micro-rotation of fluid molecules were taken into account. But both the curl of velocity vector and the curl of micro-rotation gyration vector were given incorrectly in the Cartesian coordinates and then the micro-rotation gyration vector had only one component in the z-direction. Besides, the gradient term of the divergence of micro-rotation gyration vector was missed improperly in the angular moment equation. In this paper, the governing equations for laminar flows of micropolar fluid in rectangular microchannels are reconstructed. The numerical results of velocity profiles and micro-rotation gyrations are obtained by a procedure based on the Chebyshev collocation method. The micropolar effects on velocity and micro-rotation gyration are discussed in detail.
An initial-boundary value problem for one-dimensional flow of a compressible viscous heat-conducting micropolar fluid is considered. It is assumed that the fluid is thermodynamically perfect and polytropic. This problem has a unique strong solution on ]0, 1[×]0, T[, for each T > 0 ([7]). We also have some estimations of the solution independent of T ([8]). Using these results we prove a stabilization of the solution.