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Online Processing Shows Advantages of Bimodal Listening‐While‐Reading for Vocabulary Learning: An Eye‐Tracking Study


Abstract and Figures

Children can learn words incidentally from stories. This kind of learning is enhanced when stories are presented both aurally and in written format, compared to just a written presentation. However, we do not know why this bimodal presentation is beneficial. This study explores two possible explanations: whether the bimodal advantage manifests online during story exposure, or later, at word retrieval. We collected eye‐movement data from 34 8‐to 9‐year‐old children exposed to two stories, one presented in written format (reading condition), and the second presented aurally and written at the same time (bimodal condition). Each story included six unfamiliar words (non‐words) that were repeated three times, as well as definitions and clues to their meaning. Following exposure, the learning of the new words' meanings was assessed. Results showed that, during story presentation, children spent less time fixating the new words in the bimodal condition, compared to the reading condition, indicating that the bimodal advantage occurs online. Learning was greater in the bimodal condition than the reading condition, which may reflect either an online bimodal advantage during story presentation or an advantage at retrieval. The results also suggest that the bimodal condition was more conducive to learning than the reading condition when children looked at the new words for a shorter amount of time. This is in line with an online advantage of the bimodal condition, as it suggests that less effort is required to learn words in this condition. These results support educational strategies that routinely present new vocabulary in two modalities simultaneously.
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Reading Research Quarterly, 0(0)
pp. 1–23 | doi:10.1002/rrq.522
© 2023 The Authors. Reading Research Quarterly published
by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International
Literacy Association. This is an open access article under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Children can learn words incidentally from stories. This kind of learning is
enhanced when stories are presented both aurally and in written format,
compared to just a written presentation. However, we do not know why this
bimodal presentation is beneficial. This study explores two possible explana-
tions: whether the bimodal advantage manifests online during story expo-
sure, or later, at word retrieval. We collected eye-movement data from 34
8-to 9-year-old children exposed to two stories, one presented in written
format (reading condition), and the second presented aurally and written at
the same time (bimodal condition). Each story included six unfamiliar words
(non-words) that were repeated three times, as well as definitions and clues
to their meaning. Following exposure, the learning of the new words’ mean-
ings was assessed. Results showed that, during story presentation, children
spent less time fixating the new words in the bimodal condition, compared to
the reading condition, indicating that the bimodal advantage occurs online.
Learning was greater in the bimodal condition than the reading condition,
which may reflect either an online bimodal advantage during story presenta-
tion or an advantage at retrieval. The results also suggest that the bimodal
condition was more conducive to learning than the reading condition when
children looked at the new words for a shorter amount of time. This is in line
with an online advantage of the bimodal condition, as it suggests that less
effort is required to learn words in this condition. These results support edu-
cational strategies that routinely present new vocabulary in two modalities
Vocabulary knowledge is essential for language comprehension; it
supports listening and reading comprehension (Ouellette,2006;
Suggate etal.,2018) and is fundamental for academic achieve-
ment (Biemiller,2003; Schuth etal.,2017). This study explores how chil-
dren process and learn new vocabulary when reading and listening to
stories at the same time, and how this bimodal presentation affects online
processing and offline learning differently from written-only presenta-
tions of new words.
Theoretical Approaches to Word Learning in
Bimodal and Unimodal Presentations
Children and adults acquire much of their vocabulary knowledge inciden-
tally when they are exposed to language while listening (Elley, 1989;
Wilkinson & Houston-Price, 2013) or reading (Nagy etal., 1987; Ricketts
et al., 2011). However, encountering words in the oral and written modality
simultaneously (bimodal presentation) appears to be particularly beneficial
Alessandra Valentini
School of Psychology and Clinical
Language Sciences, University of
Reading, Reading, UK
School of Human Sciences, University of
Greenwich, London, UK
Centre for Thinking and
Learning, Institute for Lifecourse
Development, University of Greenwich,
London, UK
Institute for Inclusive Communities and
Environment, University of Greenwich,
London, UK
Rachel E. Pye
Carmel Houston-Price
School of Psychology and Clinical
Language Sciences, University of
Reading, Reading, UK
Jessie Ricketts
Department of Psychology, Royal Holloway,
Univeristy of London, London, UK
Julie A. Kirkby
Department of Psychology, Bournemouth
University, Poole, UK
Online Processing Shows Advantages
of Bimodal Listening-While-Reading
for Vocabulary Learning:
An Eye-Tracking Study
2 | Reading Research Quarterly, 0(0)
for vocabulary acquisition. For example, studies exploring
the “orthographic facilitation effect” (see Colenbrander
etal., 2019 for a review) showed that new words are learned
better when both written and oral forms are provided, com-
pared to when the word is presented only orally, both in chil-
dren (Ricketts etal., 2009) and adults (Miles et al.,2016).
Similarly, studies that explore a “phonological facilitation”
effect (i.e., the superiority of bimodal presentation to writ-
ten presentation) show that children asked to read new
words aloud while reading stories learned these words
better than those who read silently (Rosenthal & Ehri,
2011). Research that has investigated learning from stories
has shown that combined presentation of oral and written
texts benefits comprehension (Montali & Lewandowski,
1996) and learning of words’ meanings (semantic learn-
ing; Valentini etal.,2018) compared to written or oral pre-
sentation alone. For example, Valentini et al. created a
story containing low-frequency words and asked 8- to
9-year-old children to read (a written presentation), listen
to (an oral presentation), or read and listen to the story at
the same time (a bimodal presentation). They found that
children in the bimodal presentation condition were bet-
ter at identifying the semantic categories of the new words
than children exposed to the story in either single-modal-
ity presentation conditions.
Two accounts might be proposed to explain the
facilitative effect of bimodal presentation on semantic
learning. The first account is linked to the Lexical Qual-
ity Hypothesis (LQH: Perfetti & Hart,2002), which sug-
gests that words with higher quality representations are
retrieved more easily from memory. According to the
LQH, lexical representations are of higher quality if
they include better specified and well-integrated infor-
mation about their forms (phonology, orthography)
and meaning (semantics). Bimodal presentation pro-
vides information about both phonological and ortho-
graphic forms, whereas unimodal presentation only
provides information about one form, depending on
whether the word is heard (phonology) or seen (orthog-
raphy). Compared to unimodal presentation, bimodal
presentation enables higher-quality representations
because children can readily incorporate well-specified
information about both forms in the new lexical
An alternative account of the facilitative effect of
bimodal presentation derives from Cognitive Load The-
ory in multimedia learning (CLT: Mayer, 2014; Mayer
etal.,1999; Paas etal.,2003). This account (CLT) postulates
that situations that reduce cognitive load are more
conducive to learning. For bimodal presentation, the
provision of the same information in two different
modalities (oral and written) can reduce the cognitive load
involved in forming a word’s representation the first time it
is encountered by removing the need for orthography to
phonology conversion during reading (as the oral form is
directly provided). These freed resources would allow chil-
dren to devote more attention to the meaning of the word
and surrounding text while they read and listen to it. This
account would therefore explain orthographic facilitation
effects in terms of the processes that occur during the very
first encounter with the new word. Interestingly, this
account predicts different patterns depending on reading
skills; age can be used as a proxy of skill, especially when
comparing adults and children. Specifically, based on the
“redundancy principle” (the idea that redundant informa-
tion impairs learning), the account would posit that, for
expert readers, the conversion of orthography to phonol-
ogy happens automatically. For expert readers, therefore,
the additional oral information in dual–modality situa-
tions (bimodal conditions) is redundant, and it could
impair learning by increasing (rather than reducing) cog-
nitive load. Learning could also be impaired for expert
readers in the bimodal condition if the provided phono-
logical form differs from the one created through phono-
logical recoding.
While the two accounts both predict benefits in
learning new words in bimodal presentation conditions
for children, they differ in the locus of the beneficial effects.
According to the LQH, we could expect that bimodal
presentations will lead to higher-quality representations
being formed during the first encounter with a new word.
When the word is encountered a second or third time,
fewer resources are then required to process its form,
freeing resources for the encoding of other lexical
information (e.g., meaning, context). Therefore, we can
hypothesize that any facilitation due to bimodal
presentation should be seen only after the first presentation
of a new word, as a “delayed” facilitation effect. Indeed,
some evidence suggests this is the case, for example.
Ricketts et al. (2009) found better performance in
vocabulary training sessions for new words presented in
bimodal conditions compared to words presented orally,
but only after the first training session. To our knowledge,
this has not been tested when comparing reading and
bimodal conditions. In contrast, the CLT is in line with a
reduction in cognitive demands during the bimodal
presentation of a new word, suggesting facilitation from
the very first presentation, as freed resources allow greater
immediate online semantic processing. It is important to
note that the two proposed mechanisms (high-quality
representations and reduction in cognitive load) are not
mutually exclusive and could both facilitate vocabulary
acquisition in bimodal conditions. Thus, facilitation might
be both immediate, as predicted by the CLT, and delayed,
as predicted by the LQH. The current study uses eye
tracking during online word learning in a sample of
school-aged children to identify the locus of the bimodal
facilitation effect.
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Online Processing Shows Advantages of Bimodal Listening-While-Reading for Vocabulary Learning: An Eye-Tracking Study | 3
Online text Processing While Reading
or Reading and Listening to Stories
There is a rich literature on how readers explore a written
text (Rayner etal.,2012). Eye-movement research assumes
that the time spent fixating a word is indicative of its status
in the lexicon and whether it has been successfully
encoded. Researchers use different measures to explore the
time spent on text, particularly first fixation duration,
which is the duration of the fixation on a word the first
time the eye lands on it; gaze duration, defined as the time
spent on a word before moving to another part of the text
(i.e., the sum of first fixation duration and all subsequent
fixations on the word before the eye moves to another
area); the same measure is called first-pass reading time
when referring to multi-word clusters; re-reading time, the
time spent on a word or part of the text after the eye has
left the area for the first time; and total reading time, the
sum of gaze duration and re-reading time. Movements
between different areas of text are called saccades, and
leftward movements while reading are called regressions
and indicate the reader is re-examining a part of text
previously read. On average, readers move their eyes
forward by 8–9 characters with each saccade, and an
average fixation is 218 ms. However, reader and text
differences influence how the text is explored, with more
difficult texts prompting longer fixations, smaller saccades,
and more regressions (Rayner etal.,2012).
Compared to the literature on eye movements while
reading, research on reading behaviors in bimodal
conditions is scarce. Attention to the text varies as a
function of reading ability, of which age is often used as a
proxy. Therefore, by comparing studies with adults and
studies with children, we can identify the effect of reading
ability, given the differences in reading abilities between
the two age groups, at least at the group level. Studies have
shown that adults pay careful attention to text in video or
image captions (d’Ydewalle etal.,1991; Rayner etal.,2001),
even when the text is redundant to the oral information or
not useful (Ross & Kowler, 2013). In contrast, in shared
picture-book reading contexts, children do not always
attend to the text while listening to stories; unsurprisingly,
pre-readers spend very little time looking at the print
(Evans & Saint-Aubin,2005), while older and more able
readers spend more time on the text. However, even older
children do not spend all the given time attending to the
written text when adults read them books with pictures
(66% time on text at 9–10 years of age); the same is true of
young second language learners (Pellicer-Sánchez
etal., 2020; Serrano & Pellicer-Sánchez,2019). However,
younger children will read along more often if the text is
appropriate for their reading level (Roy-Charland
etal.,2007). In sum, readers tend to pay more attention to
the text as they get older and their reading skills develop,
and their attention to the text is a product of both reading
skill and text difficulty. A recent study exploring adults’
attention to the text while reading and listening (Conklin
et al., 2020) found a tendency to read ahead of the oral
presentation, but this tendency was dependent on
vocabulary knowledge in both first and second language
learners; the eye movements of participants with lower
vocabulary skills lagged behind the oral presentation.
Adults also made more and longer fixations in the reading-
while-listening condition than in the reading condition.
The current study used eye tracking to examine how
children explore the text differently in unimodal and
bimodal conditions. We expected different patterns of text
exploration in the two modalities, possibly with more and
longer fixations in the dual modality, as seen in adults
(Conklin etal.,2020).
Online Lexical Processing While
Reading or Reading and Listening to
Previous studies have explored readers’ attention to written
text to investigate how adults attend to new words and
extract their meaning while reading (Blythe etal., 2012;
Brusnighan etal.,2014; Brusnighan & Folk,2012; Chaffin
etal.,2001; Godfroid etal.,2013; Williams & Morris,2004).
Studies have shown that new words are fixated longer than
known words, indicating they require more processing
(Brusnighan & Folk,2012; Chaffin et al., 2001; Godfroid
etal.,2013). With further exposures, new words become
easier to process, with reading time decreasing at each
encounter for both adults and children (Joseph etal.,2014;
Joseph & Nation, 2018). Word repetition in bimodal
conditions seems to have a similar effect to that found in
reading: reading time decreases at each presentation of the
new word, particularly first fixation durations (Gerbier
Recent studies have found that 10- to 12-year-old
attend to the text longer in reading than in reading-while-
listening conditions when pictures are presented alongside
the text (Pellicer-Sánchez etal.,2020; Serrano & Pellicer-
Sánchez, 2019). Surprisingly, spending more time on the
text did not improve comprehension in either condition;
indeed, longer time on the text was indicative of processing
difficulties in these studies and negatively associated with
comprehension in both conditions. However, it is possible
that this negative relationship might be specific to studies
that present pictures alongside the text and that greater
attention to the text might support comprehension when
pictures are not presented. In fact, Lowell and Morris(2017)
showed that fixation time on novel words and their
preceding context in a reading-only condition positively
predicted word learning in adults.
The current study used eye tracking to explore how
children attend to new words differently in unimodal and
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4 | Reading Research Quarterly, 0(0)
bimodal conditions. This comparison allowed us to
distinguish between an encoding facilitation effect of the
bimodal condition, indicated by shorter looking times at
the first repetition of a word, shorter gaze durations, or
retrieval facilitation effects that would manifest as shorter
reading of the second or third presentation or shorter
re-reading times.
Vocabulary Learning While Reading or
Reading and Listening to Stories
Eye-tracking studies of word learning while reading have
explored how adults attend to the words and surrounding
context in which new words are embedded, showing that
readers spend more time reading the context when
presented with new words compared to when known
words are presented (Brusnighan & Folk, 2012; Chaffin
etal.,2001), especially if the context is informative (Chaffin
etal.,2001). They also make more regressions out of the
surrounding context for new words than for known words
(Williams & Morris, 2004). These findings suggest that
readers are trying to link their representation of the new
word to contextual information.
To explore whether reading patterns are connected to
learning, it is necessary to measure both eye movements
while reading and offline vocabulary learning, yet very
few studies have included both types of measures (see
review by Pellicer-Sánchez & Siyanova-Chanturia,2018).
The few studies that have done so find an association
between time spent reading sentences and the learning of
new words within them (e.g., Brusnighan & Folk,2012).
Total reading times are also typically longer for learned
words compared to unlearned words (Godfroid
etal.,2013, 2018; Mohamed, 2018; Pellicer-Sánchez,2016).
The measure of reading time used and the measure of
learning adopted by different studies may influence the
nature of the associations found. One study found shorter
gaze duration but longer re-reading time for learned
words compared to unlearned new words when learning
was assessed using a synonym test (Williams & Mor-
ris,2004), while Mohamed (2018) reported positive asso-
ciations between gaze duration and the ability to produce
the meaning of the new word, and between total reading
time and both meaning recognition and meaning produc-
tion, and Pellicer-Sánchez(2016) found a positive associa-
tion between total reading time and meaning production
but no association between any reading time measure and
meaning recognition. Lowell and Morris (2017) found
positive effects of longer first-pass time and longer re-
reading time on a meaning recognition task, although the
positive effect of re-reading was particularly noticeable
when words were presented in a less constraining context.
Interestingly, they also found that higher re-reading time
in the informative context preceding the new words had a
positive effect on learning. Despite the discrepancies in
these findings, overall, these studies suggest that readers
who spend more time attending to new words learn them
better and that later fixation time measures (especially
total reading time) might be more reliable predictors of
learning than gaze duration. As these studies were con-
ducted with adult readers, some of whom were second
language learners (Godfroid etal., 2013, 2018; Mohamed,
2018; Pellicer-Sánchez, 2016), it remains to be seen whether
children who are learning to read in their first language
show similar patterns.
It is presently unknown whether and how reading time
is related to learning in multimodal conditions, given the
lack of research in this area. Studies from the field of multi-
media research show that participants who attend to sub-
titles efficiently and spend more time reading them
perform better in comprehension tasks about the subtitles
than participants who do not (Kruger & Steyn,2014) . Ve ry
few studies have examined how looking times relate to
vocabulary learning in multimodal conditions, however.
Montero Perez etal.(2015) assessed adult second language
learners’ ability to acquire new words from videos with
captions when participants were made aware (intentional
group) or not aware (incidental group) of a subsequent
vocabulary test. In this study, longer gaze duration was pos-
itively associated with word recognition, while longer re-
reading times were negatively related to learning in the
incidental group but positively related to learning in the
intentional group. The authors proposed that longer
re-reading reflects processing difficulties in multimodal
presentations in incidental conditions. However, this inter-
pretation contrasts with the results of studies from the
reading literature that find positive effects on word learn-
ing of longer later reading measures, particularly total
reading times (Godfroid etal.,2013, 2018; c.f. Williams &
Morris,2004). This might suggest opposite effects of longer
re-reading or total reading times in the two conditions: a
positive effect in the reading condition and a negative effect
in the bimodal condition. Interestingly, the difference
between effects for the incidental and intentional groups
might suggest that looking times have different effects
depending on the approach participants take to the task.
Some hypotheses regarding the relationship between
looking patterns and vocabulary learning in multimodal
conditions can be drawn from research into shared story-
book reading in pre-school children (Evans & Saint-
Aubin,2013) and younger readers (Duckett,2003), which
supports the idea that providing information in more than
one modality facilitates comprehension. For example, chil-
dren who looked at the relevant parts of pictures (i.e., those
parts that provided information about the meaning of
words) while a word was being spoken, or soon after, were
more likely to learn it (Evans & Saint-Aubin,2013). This
indicates that children can use the link between oral and
visual presentation modalities to learn new words. Other
studies show that synchronization of the oral and written
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Online Processing Shows Advantages of Bimodal Listening-While-Reading for Vocabulary Learning: An Eye-Tracking Study | 5
presentations in bimodal conditions can enhance seman-
tic learning, though results are not always consistent (Ger-
bier etal.,2015, 2018). Gerbier and colleagues presented
short paragraphs containing pseudo-words repeated four
times to 10- to 12-year-old (2015) and 8- to 11-year-old
(2018). Paragraphs were presented either in a conventional
bimodal presentation (non-synchronous presentation),
where children read and listened to the text at the same
time, or in a synchronous presentation, where they were
instructed to follow the reading closely and the spoken
word was highlighted, karaoke-style, in the text. The differ-
ence between these two presentation modalities could be
likened to the difference between children paying atten-
tion to the text while the text is read (synchronous presen-
tation) or not doing so (non-synchronous presentation).
The older children showed enhanced category learning of
the pseudo-words in the synchronous condition, while the
younger children showed a disadvantage in this condition.
The authors attributed the difference to the slower reading
pace of the younger children. This suggests that synchro-
nous presentation, or paying close attention to words while
they are spoken, might be a positive strategy for older chil-
dren, while younger ones might benefit from bimodal pre-
sentations that allow them to attend to the written text
more sporadically. This could also suggest that reading
along closely might be a good strategy for learning when
the text is at the right difficulty level for the participant,
while it might not be a good strategy for slower or younger
readers, in line with the results of research on reading pic-
ture books (Roy-Charland etal., 2007). Given the use of
age-appropriate texts in the present study, we expected
children to learn words better when they followed the oral
presentation more closely, in line with the results for
synchronous presentations in older readers.
The Present Study
The current study uses an eye-tracking paradigm to
investigate how children allocate their attention when
encountering new words while reading versus reading and
listening to stories at the same time. The study bridges the
gap between two research areas: the literature on childrens
vocabulary acquisition in different presentation modalities,
which highlights a positive effect of bimodal presentation
(Valentini etal.,2018), and the literature on eye movements,
mostly with adult participants, which shows that the time
spent on new vocabulary items is related to word learning
in both reading-only (Godfroid et al., 2013) and
multimodal conditions (Montero Perez etal., 2015) . We
investigate both the online processes children use to
acquire new words when exposed to stories in two different
modalities and the products of this process in terms of
how well children learn the link between novel word forms
and their meanings. The study is novel in its exploration of
childrens allocation of attention to new vocabulary items
in bimodal and unimodal conditions and in its attempt to
distinguish between two theoretical approaches that might
explain the bimodal advantage (i.e., the LQH (Perfetti &
Hart,2002) and the CLT (Mayer,2014; Mayer etal.,1999;
Paas etal.,2003)).
Thirty-four children in Year 4 of UK primary school
(8- to 9-year-old) were expose d to word-like pronounceable
non-words within two stories in two conditions: a reading-
only condition, where they were presented with stories in
the written modality, and a bimodal condition, where they
listened to and read stories simultaneously. Stories were
divided into passages presented on a computer screen,
each containing one new word repeated three times. A
brief definition was included in the text at the first mention
of each new word, while in-text clues accompanied the
second and third mentions of the word. Eye-movement
data were collected while the children were exposed to the
stories, and an offline category recognition task and a
definition production task were used to assess their
learning of the words’ meanings following story exposure.
The study addressed the following primary research
1. Do children explore the text differently in the two
presentation modalities? To answer this question,
we examined eye movements in the text during
bimodal (oral and written) versus unimodal (writ-
ten-only) presentations. Based on previous litera-
ture, we expected children of this age to spend most
of the time reading along with the story when pre-
sented with text at their reading level (Roy-
Charland etal.,2007).
In terms of specific predictions, we expected chil-
dren to spend more time fixating the text in the
reading condition than in the bimodal condition
(Pellicer-Sánchez et al., 2020; Serrano & Pellicer-
Sánchez,2019). Previous studies have found more
and longer fixations in bimodal conditions in
adults (Conklin etal.,2020), but fewer and shorter
fixations during comparable conditions (synchro-
nous presentations) in children (Gerbier
etal.,2018). Given the age of our participants, we
expected to find fewer fixations in the bimodal
condition compared to the reading condition, as
suggested by the results of Gerbier et al. (2018);
however, these fixations might be longer in the
bimodal condition, in line with the idea that
bimodal presentation facilitates reading by increas-
ing children’s reading span.
2. Do children pay attention to the new written words
and in-text definitions or clues differently in the two
conditions? For this second question, we compared
the two conditions similarly to Research Question 1,
but restricted our focus to the specific areas of
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6 | Reading Research Quarterly, 0(0)
interest within the passages (i.e., new words, defini-
tions, and clues). Specifically, we compared eye-
movement measures to the target words between
the two conditions, distinguishing between the first,
second, and third times they appeared in the text.
We also compared eye-movement measures to the
definitions and clues in the two conditions.
In the analysis for target non-words, we explored the
effect of presentation of the target on eye-movement
measures, comparing reading times at the first, sec-
ond, and third presentation of the new words,
expecting a reduction in reading time across presen-
tations (Joseph & Nation,2018). A steeper decrease
across presentations in the bimodal condition than
in the reading condition (that could be highlighted
by a significant interaction between presentation of
the target and condition) would suggest faster inte-
gration into the lexicon, which would be in line with
the delayed facilitation account predicted on the
basis of the LQH (Perfetti & Hart,2002).
In this analysis, we also explored the effect of condi-
tion, comparing reading times in the two conditions
and their interaction with the presentation of the tar-
get (first, second, and third presentations). In this
analysis, shorter reading times in the bimodal condi-
tion compared to the reading condition at the first
presentation of the word would support the online
facilitation account (as per the CLT, Mayer, 2014;
Mayer etal.,1999; Paas etal.,2003). Shorter first-pass
reading times (gaze duration) in the bimodal condi-
tion for all presentations of the word would also sup-
port the idea of online facilitation. In both instances,
a difference between conditions at the first presenta-
tion of a word would be due to encoding facilitation
(online effects) rather than retrieval, as no informa-
tion can be retrieved before the word has been pre-
sented the first time. However, if the results show
shorter reading times in the bimodal condition only
at the second or third presentation of the items and
on second pass reading measures (i.e., re-reading
and total reading times rather than gaze duration),
this might suggest facilitation occurring at a later
stage, namely retrieval (as predicted by the LQH).
Differences between exploration of the definition
and clues in the two conditions were similarly
examined to establish whether definitions or clues
were encoded faster in the combined condition.
3. Do children learn new words better in the bimodal
condition? We predicted that we would find enhanced
semantic learning following bimodal presentation in
comparison to reading-only presentation, in line with
previous findings (Valentini etal., 2018).
4. Do eye movements to the new words and their def-
initions predict word learning? And does this
relationship differ between presentation condi-
tions? To answer these questions, we explored the
data as described for Question 2, but in relation to
the vocabulary learning task. We aimed to elucidate
whether eye movements in the areas of interest
(new words and their definitions) predict vocabu-
lary learning in the two conditions. (Given that
contextual clues were varied in terms of length and
frequency and not as well matched between stories
as definitions, the interpretation of any relation-
ships between looking at clues and word learning
was more difficult. Therefore, we do not include
attention to clues among our main analyses; the
relevant analyses are reported in AppendixC).
To explore these effects, we included condition and
reading time measures, as well as their interaction,
as predictors of word learning. In terms of specific
effects, we expected that longer reading times,
especially total reading time and re-reading time,
would be associated with better word learning in
the reading condition, as found in previous
research (Godfroid et al., 2013, 2018; Mohamed,
2018; Williams & Morris,2004). In contrast, based
on findings from multimedia learning studies
(Montero Perez et al., 2015), we expected longer
gaze duration and shorter re-reading time to pre-
dict word learning in the bimodal condition.
5. Finally, we explored a secondary research question
in the bimodal condition: Does looking at the
words or their definitions while the word or
definition is spoken improve word learning? It was
hypothesized that looking at the specific areas of
interest in the text at the same time the oral text
was heard would predict word learning in the
bimodal condition. Specifically, we hypothesized
that children might learn the meaning of the target
non-words more easily if they looked at the word
while hearing either the word itself (coincident
time) or its definition or clues (cross-coincident
time). Similarly, children were expected to learn
word meanings better if they were reading the
definition or clues while hearing the word (cross-
coincident time). This hypothesis was based on the
idea that hearing and reading a word or its
definition or clues at the same time might result in
a higher-quality representation of the word in
Thirty-four children aged 8 or 9 years participated in the
study (Mage = 8.93 years; SD = .29 years; 15 boys). The
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sample size was in line with previous research using eye
tracking with children (Gerbier etal.,2015, 2018; Pellicer-
Sánchez et al., 2020). Participants were recruited from
three primary schools in the South of England. Informed
parental consent was received for all participants. All
children had normal or corrected-to-normal vision, and
teachers confirmed the absence of special educational
needs and neurological disabilities. All children were
monolingual native English speakers, and their
performance in standardized tasks of non-verbal abilities
(Colored Progressive Matrices: CPM; Rust, 2008),
vocabulary knowledge (British Picture Vocabulary Scale:
BPVS—3; Dunn et al., 2009) and word and non-word
reading (Set A of the Test of Word Reading Efficiency:
TOWRE—Second edition; Torgesen et al., 1999) were
within the normal range (see AppendixA).
Materials and Procedure
Non-word Presentation
Two stories were used, each including six word-like,
pronounceable non-words. Story presentation modality
was manipulated within subjects so that all children were
presented one story in the reading condition and the other
in the bimodal condition. The order of condition (reading
first vs. bimodal first), story (“The Pirate Story” first vs.
The Knight Story” first), and list of target non-words
included (List A vs. List B) were counterbalanced.
Twelve non-words were chosen from existing datasets of
non-words that specify a correct pronunciation: sets B, C,
and D of the TOWRE—Second edition (Torgesen
etal.,1999), the Diagnostic Test of Word Reading Processes
(DTWRP—Forum for Research in Literacy and Lan-
guage,2012), the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test—
Second UK Edition (WIAT-II—Wechsler, 2005), and
Chaffin(1997). Words were split into two lists, matched on
length, bigram frequency (Medler & Binder, 2005), and
phonotactic probability (Vitevitch & Luce,2004; all ps > .10).
Lists were also matched for pronunciation accuracy, word-
likeness ratings, and ease of pronunciation by a pilot sample
of 13 adults (all ps > .40). Items in the two lists were paired,
with each pair associated with a category (animal, building,
clothing, foo d, job, and object).
Two stories and eight passages were written for this study.
Each story began with two introductory passages (each
approximately 50 words in length), followed by six passages
that each introduced one target non-word, repeated three
times, accompanied by clues to its meaning (101–133
words in length). The order in which new word categories
were presented was the same across the stories. The stories
were similar in length (821 & 848, words respectively) and
had a Flesch reading ease and Flesch–Kinkaid Grade Level
appropriate for the age of the children (Flesch reading
ease: MKnight = 84.14; MPirate = 82.93; Flesch–Kinkaid Grade
Level: MKnight = 4.61; MPirate = 4.29). Passages in the two
stories did not differ on any of these measures (all ps > .30).
Stories can be found at: https:// osf. io/ mqsgr/ ? view_ only=
1d6d4 bce38 2a473 b9bf8 f0fce eb11fb6.
The meanings of the non-words were provided by a
definition the first time the word was mentioned and by
clues to the word’s meaning on its second and third
presentations. Definitions were four words in length and
provided the word’s sub-category and further specified
information. For example, for the category animal in the
knight story, the definition “dragon that eats sheep”
comprises both the sub-category “dragon,” and the specific
characteristic “that eats sheep”. Predictability and
plausibility of the definitions were assessed by asking 24
adult English speakers to supply the last word of each
definition given the first three (predictability) and ratings
of internal plausibility on a 5-point Likert scale obtained
from 15 further adults. Definitions were matched across
stories for length, plausibility, and predictability, as well as
for word frequency and the number of orthographic and
phonological neighbors for each word in the definition
(Masterson etal.,2003; all ps > .10). Clues accompanied the
second and third mentions of each word and gave
information regarding part of the definition; for example,
for “dragon that eats sheep,” the first clue was gigantic
creature, and the second was “meat-eating. Definitions
and clue positions were at similar distances and positions
relative to the non-words in each passage. The first time
non-words were presented in a passage, they were always
preceded by an adjective to minimize the probability of
skipping the previous word and control for preview benefit
(see AppendixB).
Recordings of the stories for the bimodal condition
were read by a female native English speaker. Pilot data
were used to calculate a reading speed that would match
children’s silent reading speed in the reading condition to
ensure exposure time would be matched across conditions
and reduce the likelihood of reading speed affecting
childrens performance (see Gerbier et al., 2018). When
comparing exposure time in the bimodal condition and
reading time in the reading condition for the participants
in the study, we found no significant difference in exposure
time between the two conditions (Mean narration = 46 s,
SD = .62 s, mean reading = 49 s, SD = 11.56 s, T = 231.00,
p = .256).
Eye-Tracking Set Up
Children’s right eye movements were recorded during
story reading by an Eyelink 1000+ eye-tracker with a
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8 | Reading Research Quarterly, 0(0)
refresh rate of 1000 Hz. The viewing was binocular, but
only the right eye was recorded. The eye-tracker was
interfaced with a computer that controlled stimulus display
and data storage and a second computer screen where the
passages were presented (screen resolution: 1920 by 1080,
refresh rate: 59 Hz, length: 33.8 cm, height: 26.6 cm).
Participants viewed the screen with their heads positioned
on a deep chin rest and a forehead rest to minimize
movements, positioned 60 cm from the screen. A 9-point
calibration procedure was used, which was accepted when
the average calibration error was less than 0.3° of visual
angle; recalibration was performed when necessary.
For the listening condition, HP 530 headset head-
phones were used (frequency range: 20 Hz–20,000 Hz; sen-
sitivity: 105 dB S.P.L at 1 KHz; rated power: 100 mW).
Tasks were administered in two sessions on different days.
During one session, participants completed the standard-
ized tasks described in the participants section. In the other
session, participants were exposed to the two stories, one in
the reading condition and the other in the combined condi-
tion. The first story was presented, followed by a task to
assess learning of the link between phonology and orthog-
raphy of the presented items (in this phono-orthographic
task, children heard each non-word from the story twice
while the word was presented on screen, and they were
asked to judge whether the given pronunciation was cor-
rect. The results of this task are reported in Valentini(2018),
as they are not pertinent to the hypotheses of interest in this
paper), and then two tasks to assess learning of the words’
meanings. Tasks were presented in a fixed order to mini-
mize the impact of earlier tasks on later tasks. The second
story and tasks related to this were then presented. The ses-
sions were completed in a quiet room within the child’s
school and lasted around 1 hour.
Story Presentation Procedure
Stories were presented on a computer screen while
participants’ eye movements were recorded. Children were
told that they would see a story on the screen and were
asked to either read the story at their own pace (reading
condition) or to listen to the story via headphones and
read along at the same time (bimodal condition). Children
wore headphones in both conditions, making presentation
modalities as similar as possible. Children were told that
the stories contained some new words to reduce possible
head movements due to surprise. Children were also told
that there would be questions at the end of each passage
and at the end of the story, and to try their best to
understand the story so that they could answer them.
Once calibration was successful, participants were
instructed to look at a gray square at the top left of the
screen before each trial to ensure standardization of the
initial gaze location. When a stable fixation was detected,
the square was replaced with the start of the paragraph.
In the bimodal condition, the presentation of each
passage on screen ended automatically 500 ms after the
end of the oral presentation to ensure children could not
re-read the passage. In the reading condition, children
were asked to read the passage once and to press a button
to indicate that they had finished reading it; their eye
movements were monitored closely to ensure that, once
children reached the end of a paragraph, they did not start
to read it a second time.
At the end of each passage, the computer displayed a
comprehension question that required participants to
answer either YES or NO by pressing buttons on a response
device. These questions served to assess basic comprehen-
sion of the passages and maintain children’s attention to the
story. Performance in this task was used to confirm basic
story comprehension in both conditions (see Results).
After the presentation of the first story, children’s
learning about the new words in the story was assessed.
Vocabulary learning tasks
In the category recognition task, the experimenter pre-
sented each target non-word in turn, in random order;
words were simultaneously spoken and presented in writ-
ten form on a card. A bimodal presentation at testing
ensured comparability with the results of Valentini
etal.(2018). Children then heard and saw a list of eight
possible categories on paper and were asked to choose the
one associated with the target non-word. The list of
categories included the six categories associated with the
target non-words in the story plus two additional categories
(plant and vehicle). Each item was given a score of 0 or 1,
and the number of correct categories was summed for
each participant (maximum score of 6 for each condition).
Next children completed a definition production task
designed to elicit the production of all the information
children remembered regarding each non-word. Children
were asked whether they remembered the meaning of
each word in turn and were invited to say “everything they
remembered”. If children were unable to produce a full
definition, they were given up to two prompts. The first
prompt was the correct category of the word; for example,
for “dragon that eats sheep,” children were told “X was an
animal in the story. Do you remember something more
about it? What animal was X in the story?” If the child still
failed to produce the entire definition for the item, the first
part of the definition was provided; for example, for
dragon that eats sheep,” children were told that the item
was a dragon and asked if they remembered anything
further regarding the dragon. This task was scored on a
0–4 scale, with children scoring a 4 when able to produce a
complete definition without prompt, 3 if able to produce
part of the definition without prompt, 2 if able to produce
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the entire definition after the category prompt, 1 if they
produced only part of the definition after the category
prompt or produced the second part of the definition after
the second prompt, or 0 if they failed to produce any part
of the definition, even after prompts. We computed three
different scores for this task rather than relying on an
overall score in order to fully explore the complexity of the
tasks. As well as a mean overall score for each child, which
captures general performance, we also included the total
number of full definitions produced per child per
condition (i.e., the number of non-words for which a score
of 4 was obtained) to explore the production/recall of
items as a potentially purer measure of learning than
recognition measures. We also measured the total number
of non-words for which at least partial information was
produced (i.e., where a score of at least 1 out of 4 was
obtained) to explore whether items in the process of being
learned, but not yet fully available, were impacted by the
bimodal and unimodal conditions differently.
Eye-movement Measures
Fixations shorter than 80 ms were excluded (1.9% of the
data), since such short fixations are unlikely to reflect
meaningful processing (see Inhoff & Radach, 1998). No
cut-off was applied to long fixations (fixations longer than
1200 ms formed 0.08% of fixations in the reading condition
and 0.27% in the bimodal condition). Eye-movement data
were analyzed in two ways. First, reading behavior was
compared between the two conditions across all passages
(except the first introductory passage, which we used as a
practice trial). Second, specific comparisons were made
between eye movements and areas of interest surrounding
target words and definitions. The measures used in each
set of analyses are shown in Tab l e 1.
We identified six areas of interest in each passage,
corresponding to the three repetitions of the target
non-word, the area including the definition and clues
(see Figure1). As described in Tab l e 1, we measured
gaze duration (or first-pass reading time), re-reading
time, and total reading time for each area of interest.
Gaze duration (or first-pass reading time when consid-
ering multi-word clusters) refers to the sum of initial
fixations within an interest area prior to the eyes mov-
ing outside the area, while re-reading time is the sum of
all the subsequent fixations in the interest area. Total
reading time is the total time spent on the area of inter-
est (the sum of gaze duration, or first-pass reading time,
and re-reading time).
The first set of analyses explored differences in the pat-
tern of eye movements in passages presented in bimodal
versus unimodal conditions (Research Question 1). Sub-
sequent analyses explored differences between condi-
tions in looking times on the specific areas of interest
(the three repetitions of the target non-words, defini-
tions, and clues; Research Question 2). We used mixed-
effects models to explore whether looking times on
words, definitions, and clues were predicted by condi-
tions. Next, we use paired-sample t-tests (or appropriate
non-parametric tests) to explore the effect of condition
on childrens word learning (Research Question 3).
Finally, we used mixed-effects models to identify read-
ing strategies more likely to be associated with word
learning in the two conditions. Using category recogni-
tion scores as the dependent variable, we looked at the
predictive value of eye-movement measures, condition,
and the interaction between these (Research Question
4). To explore Research Question 5, we analyzed eye
movements during specific interest periods and com-
puted the total time participants spent on the relevant
non-words, definitions, and clues while hearing them
(coincident time), along with the time participants spent
on the non-words while their definitions or clues were
spoken or vice versa (cross-coincident time). Mixed-
effects models were used to explore whether either coin-
cident or cross-coincident time predicted learning in the
bimodal condition.
Analyses for research questions 1 and 3 were con-
ducted on IBM SPSS Statistics (Version 25). Analyses for
research questions 2, 4, and 5 were conducted in R version
4.1.1 (R Core Team, 2021), and scripts are available at:
https:// osf. io/ mqsgr/ ? view_ only= 1d6d4 bce38 2a473 b9bf8
f0fce eb11fb6.
Comparison between Conditions:
Overall Reading Times (Research
Question 1)
Table2 reports the mean number of fixations, mean fixa-
tion duration (ms), and mean saccade amplitude (degrees
of visual angle) per condition. Paired-sample t-tests were
used to compare the two conditions, or, wherever normal-
ity assumptions were not met, Wilcoxon signed-rank tests
were used. Children made significantly fewer fixations in
the bimodal compared to the reading condition, but their
fixations were significantly longer (see Tabl e 2). The mean
distance between two fixations (saccade amplitude) was
also significantly longer in the bimodal condition than in
the reading condition. Furthermore, children made sig-
nificantly more downward and upward movements but
fewer leftward and rightward movements on the text in
the bimodal condition than in the reading condition.
Overall, childrens approach to the written text was quali-
tatively different when the text was read versus both spo-
ken and read.
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10 | Reading Research Quarterly, 0(0)
Comparisons between Conditions:
Fixations on Target Items and
Definitions (Research Question 2)
Figure2 presents eye-movement measures for the six areas
of interest: the three presentations of the target non-word,
the definition, and clues. Children spent more time looking
at the target non-words in the reading condition than in
the bimodal condition, as shown by gaze duration and total
reading time measures. This difference was particularly
noticeable in the first presentation of the non-word. Fur-
thermore, time spent on the non-words seemed to dimin-
ish with exposure, with the first presentation of the target
being fixated significantly longer than the second and third
presentations across all three measures. There was no dif-
ference between conditions in terms of time spent reading
definitions.Three linear mixed-effects models were carried
out with gaze duration, re-reading time, and total reading
time on non-words (all centered around the mean) as the
dependent variables, respectively, and condition (reading
vs. bimodal) and presentation of the target (first vs. second
vs. third) as the independent factors, as well as the interac-
tion between these. Items and Participants were entered as
random factors. Analyses were conducted using
Measures Used in Anal yses of Eye-Moveme nt Data and How They Were Computed
Analyses and passages used Measure name Main measure Computation
Comparison between
conditions: Overall reading
times (passages 2
8; Research
Question 1)
Mean number of fixations Number of fixations of each
Averaged for each child by
Total number of fixations
with directionality
Number of fixations moving
in a particular direction with
respect to the previous one
(i.e., rightward, leftward,
upward, or downward)
Count of total number of
fixations in each direction for
each child by condition
Mean fixation duration Duration of each fixation Averaged for each child, by
passage, by condition
Mean saccade amplitudes Spatial distance between two
fixation points
Averaged for each child, by
passage, by condition
Comparison between
conditions: Fixation on areas
of interest
(passages 3
Questions 2, 4, and 5
Gaze duration/first-pass
reading time
For each area of interest (word
& definition): sum of initial
fixations prior to the eyes
moving outside the area
Averaged for each child by
Re-reading time For each area of interest (word
& definition): sum of all the
subsequent fixations after the
eyes have moved outside the
area for the first time
Averaged for each child by
Total reading time For each area of interest (word
& definition): sum of gaze
duration (or first-pass reading
time) and re-reading time
Averaged for each child by
Example o f a Story Passage introduc ing the new word
“Cynthor” (Chaffin,1997), highlighting the Areas of
Interest within the Passage. Example comprehension
question asked following the Passage: “Were people
happy and saf e when Fred reached th e city? “
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generalized linear mixed models for binomial data (Jae-
ger, 2008), using the function glmer” from the package
“lme4” (Bates etal.,2014), computed with the software R
(R Core Team,2021). The analysis for gaze duration high-
lighted a main effect of condition (χ2 (1) = 8.23, p = .004);
specifically, gaze durations on target words were shorter in
the bimodal than the reading condition. There was also a
main effect of presentation of the target (χ2 (2) = 31.44,
p < .001), with a decrease in gaze duration from first to sec-
ond (preading < .001; pbimodal = .036) and first to third (pread-
ing < .001; pbimod al = .024) presentations of the word but no
difference between second and third presentations (pread-
ing = .769; pbimodal = .988), in both conditions. The interaction
between condition and word presentation was also signifi-
cant (χ2 (2) = 7.01, p < .001). There was a reduction in gaze
duration from first to subsequent presentations and no dif-
ference between second and third presentations in both
conditions; however, the difference between the two condi-
tions was significant at the first presentation of the target
word but not at subsequent presentations (ptarget 1 < .001;
ptarget 2 = .681; ptarget 3 = .897). This suggests that the benefit of
the bimodal condition was evident primarily in the first
presentation of new words.
The analysis for re-reading time highlighted a main
effect of presentation of the target (χ2 (2) = 22.84, p = .004),
with re-reading time decreasing from first to second to
third presentations (target 1 vs. target 2: p < .001; target 1 vs.
target 3: p < .001; target 2 vs. target 3: p = .006), but no effect
of condition (χ2 (1) = .05, p = .816), and no interaction
between condition and presentation of the target (χ2 (2) =
1.59, p = .205).
The analysis of total reading time also highlighted a
significant main effect of presentation of the target (χ2 (2) =
76.58, p < .001) and a main effect of condition (χ2 (1) =
7.44, p = .006). The analysis also found an interaction
between the presentation of the target and the condition
(χ2 (1) = 6.99, p < .001). In line with the results for gaze
duration, the interaction reflected a significant difference
between conditions in total reading time at the first pre-
sentation of the target (p < .001), that still reached signifi-
cance at the second presentation of the target (p = .049) but
not at the third presentation (p = .213). The interaction also
highlighted a marked decrease in total reading time across
presentations in the reading condition (all ps < .002), while
in the bimodal condition, total reading time reduced from
the first presentation to subsequent presentations (both
ps < .001), but there was no decrease in total reading time
between the second and third presentations (p = .718).
Three sets of analyses (for definitions, clue 1, and clue
2) were carried out using linear mixed-effects models with
gaze duration, re-reading time, and total reading time (all
centered around the mean) as the dependent variables,
respectively, and condition (reading vs. bimodal) as the
independent factors. Items and Participants were entered
as random factors. There were no differences between
conditions in the time spent looking at definitions on any
measure (Estimatefirst-pass = −.03, p = .719; Estimatere-reading time
= −.01, p = .880; Estimatetotal reading time = −.02, p = .815). Gaze
duration on the first in-text clue was longer in the reading
condition than in the bimodal condition, (Estimate =
−.19, p = .038). No other differences were highlighted
in eye-movement measures for either clue 1 or clue 2 (clue
1: Estimatere-reading time = .13, p = .200; Estimatetotal reading time =
−.08, p = .405; clue 2: Estimatefi rst-pass = −.05, p = .630; Esti-
matere-reading time = .06, p = .523; Estimatetotal reading time = −.02,
p = .833).
Eye Movements to Passage s in the Two Conditions
Reading condition Bimodal condition
Comparison between
Mean (SD) Range Mean (SD) Range T p
Number of fixations
Total (per passage) 183 (39.05) 110
259 162 (12.15) 138
186 131.00 .004*
Rightward (per story)a 769 (142.34) 468
1099 668 (74.60) 531
816 3.90 <.001*
Leftward (per story) 359 (103.51) 217
590 323 (55.96) 225
435 177.00 .039*
Upward (per story) 13 (10.24) 4
52 18 (9.66) 6
46 90.00 <.001*
Downward (per story) 12 (9.09) 2
43 20 (8.65) 6
35 75.00 <.001*
Fixation durationa 240 (23.44) 196
298 256 (20.72) 222
300 −6.14 <.001*
Saccade amplitudea 3.30 (.48) 2.35
4.37 3.46 (.35) 2.88
4.27 −2.63 .013*
at-test was computed since the differences between measures were normally distributed. Wilcoxon signed-rank tests were used in all other cases.
*Significant at p < .05.
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12 | Reading Research Quarterly, 0(0)
Performance on Story Comprehension
and Vocabulary Learning Tasks
(Research Question 3)
After each paragraph of each story, children were asked to
answer a yes/no comprehension question. Accuracy was
significantly better than chance (4 out of 8) in both
conditions (bimodal condition: Median = 6.00; W = 508.50,
p < .001; reading condition: Median = 6.00; W = 373.00,
p < .001), with no difference between conditions (T = 146.50,
p = .455).
In the category recognition task, children recognized
the correct category for an average of 1 word in the reading
condition (M = 1.32, SD = 1.41) and 2 words in the bimodal
condition (M = 2.09, SD = 1.31) out of a maximum of six.
Chance performance was set at .75 (the probability of
selecting the correct answer from eight alternatives on six
trials). Performance was significantly better than chance in
the bimodal condition (W = 559.00, p < .001), but only
approached significance in the reading condition
(W = 409.00, p = .054). Children performed significantly
better at category recognition in the bimodal condition
(T = 78.50, p = .022); the same result was obtained in a by
item analysis (T = 58.50, p = .022). To check that order of
story presentation did not affect performance, we
compared performance in the first story presented
(M = 1.53, SD = 1.28) compared to the second (M = 1.91,
SD = 1.50) and found no significant order effect (T = 181.50,
p = .361). When entered into a repeated measures ANOVA
alongside condition, order of presentation did not interact
with condition (F(1,32) = 3.50, p = .071) in determining
performance in the category recognition task. The order of
story presentation was therefore not considered in any fur-
ther analyses.
Table3 reports the results of the definition production
task for the two conditions, in terms of the total number of
full definitions produced, the total number of words for
which children produced at least one correct feature when
given prompts (n. partial definitions), and the mean overall
score for each condition. The same analyses were
conducted by item, with the same results (all ps > .200).
This task was very difficult for the children, and means for
all the measures were very low, with half or more of the
words receiving a score of 0 for every child. Scores were
higher for the number of partial definitions (children were
able to produce some information for 2 or 3 words out of
6), showing that extensive help was needed for children to
produce any definitions. Given the very low scores
observed in this task and the lack of differences between
conditions, this measure was not used further in analyses.
Relationship between Looking Times
to Target Words and Definitions and
Word Learning (Indexed by Category
Recognition) (Research Question 4)
Mixed-effects models were used to explore the relationship
between eye-movement patterns and vocabulary learning.
Analyses were conducted using generalized linear mixed
models for binomial data (Jaeger,2008), using the function
glmer” from the package “lme4” (Bates et al., 2014),
computed with the software R (R Core Team, 2021).
Category recognition scores were used as the dependent
variable; these were coded dichotomously (1 or 0) for each
Means of Ga ze Duration (or First-Pass) and Re- Reading Times (in ms) with SE, on t he three present ations of the
Target Non-words, the Def initions, and the C lues, by condition . Total Reading Time is rep resented by the sum of
Gaze Dur ation and Re-Readi ng measures in each case
Target 1
Target 2 Target 3 DefinitionClue 1Clue 2
RE-READING reading
RE-READING bimodal
Reading time (ms) with SE
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Online Processing Shows Advantages of Bimodal Listening-While-Reading for Vocabulary Learning: An Eye-Tracking Study | 13
item. Eye-movement measures, condition (bimodal vs.
reading), and the interaction between these were included
as predictors of learning. The eye-movements measures
included were gaze duration, re-reading time, and total
reading time for each repetition of the target non-words
(Tab l e 4) or definitions (Table5). Eye-tracking measures
were centered around the mean for ease of comparison.
All models included random intercept terms for both
participants and items. For the models that considered the
words’ interest areas (Ta b l e 4), we computed maximum
models that included the hypothesized effects: condition
(bimodal vs. reading), a single eye-movement measure,
and word repetition (Targets 1, 2, and 3). A three-way
interaction between word repetition, condition, and the
eye-movement measure was also included, as were all the
two-way interactions. The models were simplified by elim-
inating non-significant interactions. Final models were
compared to an empty” model that only included the
random intercept terms (using pairwise Likelihood Ratio
Test comparisons; Barr etal.,2013). For the models that
considered the interest area of the definition, the full
model included the hypothesized effects: condition
(bimodal vs. reading), a single eye-movement measure,
and the interaction between condition and the eye-move-
ment measure. In the models of time spent looking at the
target non-words, each child provided three data points,
one for each repetition of the word (Target 1, 2, and 3), for
each of the six target non-words in each condition. For the
models that considered time spent on the definition, each
child provided six data points per condition, one for each
All three models that considered looking times at the
target non-words (Table4) confirmed the significant effect
of condition: children learned more words in the bimodal
than the reading condition. Gaze duration for the non-
words predicted category learning, while re-reading time
Scores for the Definition Production Task
Reading condition Bimodal condition
Difference between
M (SD) Range M (SD) Range T p
n. correct full definitions (max = 6) .53 (.96) 0
3 .82 (1.17) 0
4 58.00 .123
n. partial definitions (max = 6) 2.12 (1.75) 0
6 2.59 (1.88) 0
6 132.00 .161
Mean overall scorea
(max = 4)
.78 (.84) 0
2.67 .98 (.91) 0
3.33 1.53 .136
aPaired-sample t-test is reported in place of Wilcoxon signed-rank test
the distribution of the differences is normal.
General ized Linear Mixed Models o f Accuracy in the Categor y Recognition Task as predicted by Gaze Duration ,
Re-Rea ding Time, and Total Reading Time on the three repetitions of the Target Non -words
Model 1: Gaze duration Model 2: re-reading time Model 3: Total reading time
Fixed effects Estimate p-value Estimate p-value Estimate p-value
(intercept) −1.66 <.001* −1.55 <.001* −1.58 <.001*
Condition .80 <.001* .77 <.001* .78 <.001*
Word repetition .05 .885 .01 .903 .05 .555
Gaze duration .23 .009*
Re-reading time
−.01 .981
Total reading time
.10 .181
Gaze duration*
−.34 .026*
Random effects Var SD Var SD Var SD
Subject .74 .86 .74 .86 .73 .85
Item .46 .68 .45 .67 .45 .67
Final model vs.
Empty model
χ2(4) = 35.92,
p < .001*
χ2(3) = 28.07,
p < .001*
χ2(3) = 29.80,
p < .001*
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14 | Reading Research Quarterly, 0(0)
and total reading time did not. However, the interaction
between condition and gaze duration was also significant,
suggesting that first-pass reading time predicted learning
differently in the two conditions. Figure3 suggests that
word learning was better at longer gaze durations in the
reading condition, while word learning was better at
shorter gaze durations in the bimodal condition. At shorter
gaze durations, learning was better in the bimodal condi-
tion, while at longer gaze durations, learning was similar in
the two conditions. The likelihood of learning a word
increased with longer gaze duration in the reading condi-
tion but decreased with gaze duration in the bimodal con-
dition. To explore the interaction, we first computed
separate models for each condition and then computed
separate models by splitting data at the mean for gaze
duration. Separate models for each condition highlighted
no effect of gaze duration in either condition (reading:
Estimate = .16, p = .083; bimodal: Estimate = −.05, p = .743).
When the gaze duration data were split at the mean to cre-
ate two datasets, one including all data at or below the
General ized Linear Mixed Models o f Accuracy in the Categor y Recognition Task with pr edictors of Gaze D uration,
Re-Reading Time, and Total Reading Time to Definitions
Fac to rs
Model 1: Gaze duration Model 2: re-reading time Model 3: Total reading time
Estimate p-value Estimate p-value Estimate p-value
(intercept) −1.42 <.001* −1.42 <.001* −1.42 <.001*
Condition .71 .003* .70 .003* .71 .003*
First-pass reading time .08 .515
Re-reading time .02 .814
Total reading time .06 .605
Random effects Var SD Var SD Var SD
Subject .40 .63 .39 .62 .41 .64
Item .25 .50 .25 .50 .25 .50
Fixed factor model vs.
Empty model
χ2(2) = 9.32,
p = .009*
χ2(2) = 8.92,
p = .012*
χ2(2) = 9.47,
p = .009*
Predicte d Probability of Cate gory Learning by Ga ze Duration and Condition. Note t hat the Figure prese nts Gaze
Duration in its original metric (ms) for cla rity
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Online Processing Shows Advantages of Bimodal Listening-While-Reading for Vocabulary Learning: An Eye-Tracking Study | 15
mean, and one including all data above the mean, the dif-
ference in accuracy on the category recognition task
between conditions was significant in the analysis includ-
ing the shorter gaze duration data (Estimate = 1.09,
p < .001), but not in the analysis with the longer gaze dura-
tion data (Estimate = .26, p = .264). This suggests that the
advantage for the bimodal condition was particularly evi-
dent when children looked more briefly at the new words.
All three models that considered looking at definitions
(Tab l e 5) highlighted a significant effect of condition: chil-
dren performed better in the bimodal than the reading
condition. However, no measure of looking predicted cat-
egory learning. The same was true for looking times at
both in-text clues (Tables in AppendixC).
Looking Times During Specific Interest
Periods in the Bimodal Condition
(Research Question 5)
In the bimodal condition, children heard the words and
definitions spoken while reading them. It was hypothe-
sized that looking times toward the specific areas of inter-
est in the text at the same time that the relevant oral text
was heard would predict word learning. Table6 reports
generalized linear mixed-effects models that explore
whether accuracy in the category recognition task in the
bimodal condition was predicted by the time spent read-
ing the corresponding areas of text (non-words, defini-
tions, or clues) while these were heard (coincident time) or
by the time spent reading non-words while the relevant
definitions or clues were spoken, or vice versa (cross-coin-
cident time). Results showed that neither coincident nor
cross-coincident time predicted word learning.
In this study, children were exposed to new word forms
(non-words) in stories presented in two conditions: when
children were reading the story on their own (reading con-
dition), and when children listened to the story while read-
ing it (bimodal condition). Children were exposed to each
story once, and each story contained six target non-words
repeated three times. Children’s eye movements while
reading the stories were analyzed in terms of overall read-
ing times plus gaze duration (or first-pass reading time),
re-reading, and total reading times for specific areas of
interest (the words, their definitions, and clues). The learn-
ing of words’ categories and the ability to produce the
words’ definitions were assessed as indices of their seman-
tic learning.
Comparison between Conditions:
Overall Reading Times (Research
Question 1)
As expected, participants explored the text differently in
the presence and absence of oral narration. Children
made fewer but longer fixations and made longer sac-
cades in the bimodal condition than in the reading condi-
tion. The difference in the pattern of children’s eye
movements between the bimodal and reading conditions
in our study resembles Gerbier et al.(2018) findings for
synchronous and non-synchronous presentations of
audio and written stories: in the synchronous condition,
children showed longer fixations and longer saccades, in
line with the bimodal condition of the current study. Our
findings differ, however, from those reported for adults:
like adult readers in Conklin etal.(2020) study, children
made longer fixations in the bimodal condition. However,
adults also made more fixations in this condition, while
children in the present study made fewer fixations in the
bimodal condition. Adults also tended to read ahead of
the oral text rather than reading along. This difference
might reflect the different utility of the oral presentation
for adults and children; children might find the oral nar-
ration a helpful support for the task of reading, which
allows them to move their eyes further in the text, while
adults might find it redundant, and thus unhelpful, if it
engages cognitive resources without benefit. Adults’
shorter saccade amplitude in this condition might reflect
an attempt to avoid moving too far ahead in the text com-
pared to the narration. While we do not have data on
whether children read ahead of the text in the bimodal
condition, we have explored whether looking at words,
definitions, and clues while these were spoken had an
impact on learning in this condition, and this seems not
to be the case; thus, whether or not children attended the
words while these were spoken did not have an effect on
their learning.
General ized Linear Mixed Models f or Accuracy in the
Category Recognition Task in the Bimodal Condition
considering Total Coincident and Cross-Coincident
Time spent on the three repetitions of the Target Non-
words, Definitions, and Clues
Fac to rs
Model 1:
Coincident time
Model 2: Cross-
coincident time
Estimate pEstimate p
(intercept) −1.00 .012* −.90 .007*
Total coincident time −.02 .785
Total cross-coincident
.13 .305
Random effects Var SD Var SD
Subject 1.78 1.33 1.14 1.07
Item 1.14 1.07 .75 .87
Fixed factor model vs.
Empty model
χ2(1) = .07,
p = .788
χ2(1) = 1.02,
p = .312
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16 | Reading Research Quarterly, 0(0)
With respect to the direction of the eye movements on
the text, the majority of children’s fixations in both condi-
tions were horizontal movements (mostly left to right), a
pattern similar to typical adult reading of English text.
However, children moved their eyes upwards and down-
wards significantly more often in the bimodal than in the
reading condition. Similar patterns have been reported
previously. In a study of shared story-book reading, for
example, Roy-Charland etal.(2007) found that children in
grades 3 and 4 made more than 70% horizontal or “read-
ing-like” saccades and 20–30% “non-reading-like” ones.
Several explanations of these differences in eye-move-
ment patterns in the two conditions suggest themselves.
One possibility is that, in bimodal conditions, attentional
resources are freed to explore the text. Hearing the oral
narration may make the written text redundant, allowing
participants to choose where to place their attention and to
skim through the text, leading to more vertical eye move-
ments. This idea is supported by the results of studies
exploring looking during multimodal presentations of text
and pictures: participants attended to the text more closely
in the reading condition while using their freed resources
to look more often at the pictures in the multimodal condi-
tion (Pellicer-Sánchez etal.,2020; Serrano & Pellicer-Sán-
chez, 2019). Children might also choose to attend more
closely to the oral presentation than the written text if they
find listening less taxing than reading, especially while
reading skills are still developing. This hypothesis is sup-
ported by previous findings that younger children read
along more closely in shared story reading situations if sto-
ries are at the child’s reading level than if texts are more dif-
ficult (Roy-Charland et al., 2007). Both accounts would
suggest that the presence of the oral narration frees chil-
dren from the task of reading to some extent, either because
the text is redundant to the information presented orally or
because children find it easier to follow the oral narration
than reading the text.
An alternative explanation for children’s non-reading-
like eye movements in the bimodal condition is that this
condition poses a particular challenge for children. Chil-
dren may find linking two streams of redundant informa-
tion difficult due to their still developing executive
functions (Altemeier et al., 2008), making it more
challenging to follow the text closely in this condition and
causing their eyes to wander away from the written
passages. According to this account, the narration inter-
feres with childrens ability to follow the written text.
Yet another account, particularly to explain the longer
saccades and fixations in the bimodal condition compared
to the reading condition, is that the presence of the oral nar-
ration has a facilitative effect on the reading process by wid-
ening children’s perceptual span. Specifically, as phonological
information is provided orally in the bimodal condition, this
frees up cognitive resources and potentially allows children
to make greater use of parafoveal preview and predictability
of upcoming words in the bimodal condition. A similar
facilitation effect is seen in the widening of the visual span
with experience when the eye movements of experts are
compared to those of novices when reading musical scores
or interpreting specialized images like x-rays (Gegenfurtner
etal.,2011; Truitt etal.,1997). In these studies, experts show
longer saccades but shorter fixation times on relevant infor-
mation, which is thought to result from the reduced cogni-
tive load associated with their specialist expertise. A
widening of attention distribution in the current task might
therefore indicate that children experience a reduced cogni-
tive load in bimodal conditions.
In summary, children move their eyes differently dur-
ing bimodal presentation, making fewer but longer fixa-
tions and longer saccades, and more vertical movements,
which might be interpreted as an indication of either
greater challenge or greater facilitation associated with lis-
tening while reading. Given that vertical eye movements
provide opportunities to seek out information in support
of text comprehension and word learning, and in light of
children’s superior word learning in the bimodal condi-
tion, a facilitation account seems more likely. We return to
consideration of this issue later in our Discussion when we
consider childrens differential learning of the new words
across conditions and how this relates to attention to the
different areas of interest in the text.
Comparisons between Conditions:
Target Items, Definitions, and Clues
(Research Question 2)
Our second set of hypotheses concerned the difference
between conditions in how children attend to the new
vocabulary items. Gaze duration (i.e., time spent on a word
before moving to another one) and total reading times (total
time spent on a word, including re-reading) on target non-
words were longer in the reading than in the bimodal condi-
tion. This difference was particularly significant the first
time words were presented, suggesting that participants
experienced a processing facilitation in the bimodal condi-
tion at their very first encounter with the new items.
We also explored whether reading times decreased
with repeated presentation of the item, as would be
expected if the non-words became more familiar and
therefore easier to process. Similar to previous studies of
adults reading new words in context (Joseph etal.,2014),
there was a reduction in reading time from the first to
subsequent presentations. Gaze duration decreased only
from first to second presentation in both conditions, and
more markedly so in the reading condition. Re-reading
time decreased from first to second to third presentations
in both conditions, while total reading times decreased
steadily in the reading condition, but only from first to
second presentation in the bimodal condition. This pattern
suggests that the target non-words were processed more
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easily at each encounter in the reading condition, in line
with previous findings with adults (Joseph et al., 2014).
The lack of difference between second and third
presentations in the bimodal condition in gaze duration
and total reading times, on the other hand, might be
interpreted as evidence of faster integration of the word
into the lexicon in this condition.
These results, taken together, suggest that bimodal
presentation facilitates both online encoding and increases
the quality of the new item’s lexical representation for
easier later retrieval. Specifically, the shorter gaze durations
seen at the very first encounter with new items in the
bimodal condition suggest that facilitation happens online,
pointing toward a reduction in cognitive load due to the
simultaneous oral presentation. This finding is consistent
with the predictions of Cognitive Load Theory (CLT;
Ma yer, 2014; Mayer etal.,1999; Paas etal.,2003). At the
same time, the reduction in total reading time at each
presentation of the new items in the reading condition
versus the plateau after the second presentation in the
bimodal condition suggests that the latter condition
supports faster integration into the lexicon and facilitation
at the retrieval stage, in line with the Lexical Quality
Hypothesis (LQH; Perfetti & Hart,2002).
No difference between conditions was found in
reading times for definitions, suggesting similar processing
of the information these provided or, perhaps, that eye-
movement measures are less sensitive indices when
applied to groups of words rather than individual items.
Similarly, there were no differences in reading times on
clues, except for a longer gaze duration on the first clue in
the reading condition. This difference might be interpreted
as a faster integration of relevant information into the
lexicon for the bimodal condition. It is interesting to note
that both the definition and the first clue followed the
relevant non-word, and it is possible that the similar
syntactic structure might have prompted a deeper analysis
of the first clue and therefore prompted a condition effect.
A similar effect might have been masked by a novelty
effect for definitions, as definitions were the first semantic
information provided and thus more likely to be deeply
analyzed in both conditions. The positioning of the second
clue before the relevant non-word might have masked any
such effect. However, it must be noted that clues were not
as controlled in terms of length or frequency as definition,
so any insight arising from an analysis of clues should be
taken with caution.
Word Learning and how this is related
to Looking Times to Target Words and
Definitions (Research Questions 3, 4,
and 5)
In line with previous studies (Valentini et al., 2018),
presenting stories both orally and in writing facilitated
vocabulary acquisition in terms of learning new words’
categories. Children performed similarly in their
comprehension of the passages across conditions, in line
with previous findings (Pellicer-Sánchez et al., 2020;
Serrano & Pellicer-Sánchez,2019), but learned new words
better in the bimodal condition, at least in terms of
category learning. Children failed to show a difference
between conditions in the definition of the production
task, but this lack of effect might have been driven by their
low overall performance on the task.
Performance on the category recognition task
confirms that presenting words both orally and in writing
has a facilitative effect on word learning. The nature of this
facilitation effect was the focus of the final set of analyses.
It was hypothesized that, if the bimodal presentation of
oral and written text facilitates vocabulary acquisition by
freeing attentional resources online, as proposed by the
CLT (Mayer,2014), children would need to spend less time
on words to learn them in this condition. To address this
hypothesis, our analyses explored whether reading times
predicted word learning and whether this effect differed
between conditions. Only gaze duration on target items
predicted category learning, but this effect interacted with
the effect of condition. Specifically, children were facilitated
by the presence of the oral narration (i.e., learned more
words in the bimodal than the reading condition) at
shorter gaze durations but not at longer gaze durations.
Also, when reading only, children were somewhat more
likely to learn the new words if they looked longer at them
before looking away (gaze duration), which was not the
case in the bimodal condition. However, this effect did not
reach significance in the reading condition, tempering this
The models therefore suggest that category learning is
a function of the interaction between presentation
modality and gaze duration on the target word. We
interpret this interaction as follows: If longer gaze duration
is assumed to reflect processing effort, then it makes sense
that learning was greater when children’s gaze durations
were longer in the reading condition—and worth noting
that, at longer gaze durations, learning became comparable
to that seen in the bimodal condition. When children were
not assisted by the presence of the oral narration, spending
more time on the target words had a positive effect on
learning. At very short gaze durations, in contrast, children
were significantly advantaged in the bimodal condition
relative to the unimodal condition, suggesting that less
effort is required to acquire semantic information when it
is presented in more than one modality simultaneously.
However, longer gaze duration was not associated with
further learning in the bimodal condition. On the basis
that children show longer gaze durations in the reading
condition, where learning was poorer, we interpret cases of
longer gaze duration in the bimodal condition as reflecting
processing difficulties and likely to be associated with
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18 | Reading Research Quarterly, 0(0)
lower levels of learning as a result, which is in line with the
pattern of results found in this study.
The idea that bimodal presentation supports vocabu-
lary acquisition by freeing attentional resources from the
task of reading (CLT) appears to be supported by the data:
children learned both more words and spent less initial
time on the new items in the bimodal condition. The
bimodal condition was also more conducive to learning at
shorter gaze durations; this, accompanied by overall shorter
gaze durations in this condition, suggests that less effort is
required to learn words in this condition. This modality
effect might be partially compensated in the reading condi-
tion by looking longer at the items. This provided only par-
tial compensation, however, as, overall, children learned
more words in the bimodal condition.
In summary, participants spent less time looking at
new items in the bimodal condition but showed greater
learning in this condition compared to when reading alone.
In our study, unlike previous similar studies (Pellicer-Sán-
chez et al., 2020; Serrano & Pellicer-Sánchez, 2019), we
directly measured total exposure time in both conditions
and ensured matched exposure time between conditions.
The comparable total exposure time, paired with shorter
looking time at the new items in the bimodal condition,
suggests that children had spare resources and time to allo-
cate to other parts of the text in this condition. We hypoth-
esized that they would use their freed resources (and time)
to explore the definitions of the non-words or the in-text
clues, but we found no difference between conditions in
time spent on definitions and only an effect in the opposite
direction for gaze duration on the first clue (i.e., longer gaze
duration in the reading condition). The models also failed
to find any relationship between time spent on definitions
and clues and vocabulary learning. It therefore remains
unclear how children used their freed resources in the
bimodal condition and how this supported vocabulary
acquisition. It is possible that participants used their freed
cognitive resources to connect the new words to the text
more generally, supporting their understanding of the
story as a whole, but we found no evidence of better story
comprehension in the bimodal condition to support this
claim. The positive effect of looking at definitions for word
learning might also be too subtle to be detected with the
present design (i.e., comparison across conditions of differ-
ent passages). In fact, previous research comparing more
controlled sentences found that readers spend more time
reading the context for new words than known words
(Brusnighan & Folk, 2012; Chaffin et al., 2001). Future
research might compare the time course of word learning
by comparing the time spent on the same definition for the
same item over multiple presentations.
To analyze how children explored the text in the
bimodal condition, we explored whether the time spent
looking at the word, definitions, or clues while hearing
them (coincident time) or the time spent on words while
hearing definitions or clues or vice versa (cross-coincident
time) affected learning. We hypothesized that the bimodal
condition might improve learning by allowing children to
connect a word with its semantic features in ways impossi-
ble to achieve during a single-modality presentation. Our
results, however, did not highlight any significant cross-
modality effect on learning the new words’ meanings, so we
can conclude that children did not seem to use this specific
strategy to maximize learning in the bimodal condition.
The results of coincident time lend support to the CLT
account over the LQH account: hearing and looking at a
word at the same time should produce stronger lexical rep-
resentation in memory, according to the LQH; however,
this did not affect learning. Children did not need to attend
to the words while they were spoken to learn them better in
the bimodal condition, suggesting that this condition freed
resources from the task of reading itself rather than improv-
ing performance by strengthening word representations.
Our results show that, in the reading condition, chil-
dren learn words’ meanings better if they look at the words
for longer. Contrary to studies of adults’ learning of new
words in their second language, which found effects of
both gaze duration and total reading time (Godfroid
et al., 2013, 2018; Mohamed, 2018), only gaze duration
predicted learning in our study. This suggests that it was
initial effort when attending to new items that assisted
children’s semantic encoding, especially in the reading
condition. This result is striking when one considers that it
is the time spent on a word at first-pass, even before
moving to parts of the text that provide information about
the word’s meaning, that determines whether words are
learned. This is in line with the results of Lowell and
Morris(2014), who found first-pass time to be greater for
new words than known words. The authors suggested that
the longer time spent on new words might allow the
encoding of the new orthographic form in memory,
supporting the next step in word learning, the linking of
the new form with its meaning. Initial attention to new
word forms appears to be primary, suggesting that a crucial
aspect of word learning is noticing that a word form is
unfamiliar in the first place. The aforementioned
differences in findings between children and adults might
then be due to differences in how these two groups explore
new texts. Compared to adults, children are more likely to
encounter words they have never seen or heard before
while reading, and this might prompt them to pay more
attention to the form of a new word at first-pass rather
than its meaning. This reasoning is in line with the delayed
effects of implausibility (a word-meaning effect) found in
the eye movements of children compared to adults (Joseph
etal.,2008). In the current study, new words were fixated
multiple times and for long periods. Children may have
been attempting to encode the new forms in memory, and
this may have taken precedence over determining the
word’s meaning. Heightened initial processing time on
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Online Processing Shows Advantages of Bimodal Listening-While-Reading for Vocabulary Learning: An Eye-Tracking Study | 19
learned words might therefore reflect the child’s efforts to
encode the word’s form. Adults, in contrast, might adopt a
different strategy, building a more general representation
of the text by exploring words’ meanings and returning to
previously read words if they find them to be important
for understanding the text, leading to stronger effects of
total reading time and re-reading time on adult word
learning. If children focused to a greater extent on the
process of decoding, it would make sense that they would
spend more initial time on the words and that their
learning would be driven more strongly by gaze duration.
On the other hand, if adults focus more on text
comprehension, they might spend more re-reading and
total time on words they consider important, and these
times might predict their learning more strongly.
In conclusion, bimodal presentation seems to sup-
port vocabulary acquisition online by freeing attentional
resources, as predicted by the CLT: children spent less
initial time on new items in the bimodal condition,
especially at first presentation of the item, but still
learned these better. The online facilitation provided by
bimodal presentation also seems to lead to higher qual-
ity representations: total reading time plateaued after the
second presentation in the bimodal, but not in the read-
ing condition, suggesting faster integration in the lexi-
con in the bimodal condition. This higher-quality
representation also supports subsequent retrieval; the
offline results, in fact, support the LQH. The process to
create this better representation seems supported by a
facilitation in online processing; thus, both the CLT and
the LQH have a role in explaining our results.
This study contributes to the existing literature by elucidat-
ing the process of bimodal facilitation for vocabulary acqui-
sition. However, we acknowledge some limitations. First,
with regards to methodology, we used passages that together
made full stories to engage children’s attention and repro-
duce a realistic situation in which words were presented in
context. Although we controlled for a large number of
potentially confounding differences between the stimuli
used in each condition, it was not possible to control for all
the variables that might impact eye movements in the areas
of interest. For example, target non-words were preceded by
words that were different in length and frequency, the posi-
tions of words within the text differed between stories, and
sentence structures were not controlled. We counterbal-
anced item lists and stories between conditions to avoid a
confounding effect of story variability on the difference
between conditions, but we acknowledge that this variabil-
ity might have had a more general effect on the time chil-
dren spent on each item, independent of condition. Second,
in relation to eye-movement methodology in general, we
must also acknowledge that eye movements in the text were
recorded rather than manipulated. Thus, while our data
suggest a relationship between time spent on new words
and the subsequent ability to recognize their category, this
relationship might not be causal. Future studies might use
different methodologies, such as word-by-word presenta-
tions, to determine the causal link between looking time
and learning, although these would, of course, be less gener-
alizable to real-life reading conditions. Third, we must
acknowledge a potential effect of presentation modality at
testing, where children were presented with words both
orally and written, regardless of condition. This testing pro-
cedure could have provided an advantage for items pre-
sented in bimodal condition, as it aligns more closely in a
bimodal presentation than a reading-only presentation.
Nevertheless, we consider this presentation modality at test-
ing the best choice, ensuring comparability with previous
studies (Valentini etal.,2018). Previous results also suggest
that children create phonological representations of new
words while reading (Valentini etal., 2018), and analyses
carried out on the present sample on the phono-ortho-
graphic task showed equal performance in the two condi-
tions, suggesting that children learned the phonological
form of the new words even in the reading condition (Val-
entini, 2018). This would suggest that a bimodal testing
modality would not present a big disadvantage for items
presented in the reading-only condition. A further consid-
eration is that, while performance in the category recogni-
tion task was higher than chance in the bimodal condition
and not at the floor in either condition, childrens learning
was nonetheless quite low. Presenting material multiple
times, as in Valentini etal.(2018), would allow us to explore
effects in vocabulary production tasks, as well as avoid pos-
sible floor effects in all tasks due to lack of learning, and it
would allow exploration of differences between conditions
over a longer exposure period. Similarly, while the sample
size is in line with previous studies (Gerbier et al., 2015,
2018), increasing the number of participants would improve
the reliability and generalizability of the results.
In conclusion, the results of this study support the
hypothesis that the process of encoding new words is less
effortful in bimodal presentation conditions. Children
spent less time fixating words overall in this condition and
did not need to spend as much time on words that they
learned in this condition as they did in the reading
condition. The final product of word learning was better in
the bimodal condition, supporting the idea that, in bimodal
conditions, children create lexical representations of better
quality (Perfetti & Hart, 2002). This study is the first to
show that this facilitation happens online, from the very
first encounter with a new word, suggesting that bimodal
presentation frees attentional resources online during text
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20 | Reading Research Quarterly, 0(0)
processing, even before a representation of the new word
has been formed (Mayer etal.,1999). Further research is
needed to understand how these freed resources are used
to facilitate semantic learning, as this was not related to the
processing of words’ definitions or clues in the current
study, and to develop educational approaches that embed
multimodal learning techniques in the classroom to better
support children’s learning of vocabulary.
Funding Information
The study was conducted as part of Alessandra Valentini’s
PhD, funded by a Research Studentship in Social Sciences
from the University of Reading. Jessie Ricketts was
supported by the Economic and Social Research Council
(Grant ES/K008064/1) while the research was conducted.
Conflict Of Interest Statement
The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
Data Availability Statement
Participants’ data cannot be widely shared in Open Access
format due to specific features of the consent originally
requested. Data is available upon request from the leading
author. The script used for data analysis in R can be found
at: https:// osf. io/ mqsgr/ ? view_ only= 1d6d4 bce38 2a473
b9bf8 f0fce eb11fb6.
Ethics Approval Statement
The study was given a favorable ethical opinion for
conduct by the School Research Ethics Committee of the
University of Reading. Permission to reproduce material
from other sources: all materials used were written
specifically for the present research. All references to non-
words extracted from other sources are acknowledged in
the paper. Non-words derived from published tests are not
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Submitted January 11, 2023
Final revision received August 24, 2023
Accepted September 25, 2023
ALESSANDRA VALENTINI, Lecturer, School of Human
Sciences, University of Greenwich, Greenwich, London, UK;
RACHEL E . PYE, Associate Professor, School of Psychology
and Clinical Language Sciences, University of Reading,
Reading, UK; email:
CARMEL HOUSTON-PRICE, Professor and Head of School,
School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences,
University of Reading, Reading, UK; email: carmel.houston-
JESSIE RICKETTS, Professor, Department of Psychology,
Royal Holloway, Univeristy of London, London, UK; email:
JULIE A. KIRKBY, Principal Academic in Psychology,
Department of Psychology, Bournemouth University, Poole,
UK; email:
Standa rdized Scores on th e Background Measures Bas ed on Published Norm s (M = 100, SD = 15)
Mean (SD) Range
TOWRE sight word efficiency 104.94 (10.98) 85
TOWRE phonemic decoding efficiency 108.47 (13.70) 77
3 95.06 (14.09) 72
CPM 99.26 (16.43) 70
Colored Progressive M atrices: BPVS
3, British Picture Vocabulary Scale; CPM, Colored Progressive Matrices; TOWR E, Test of Word Reading Efficiency.
Definitions Used in the Stories and their Features
Category Story Definition Plausibility Predictability proportion Length
Animal Knight Dragon that eats sheep 2.73 0.08 22
Animal Pirate Elephant that pulls carriages 2.87 0.13 29
Building Knight Tower with no windows 1.67 0.25 21
Building Pirate Grave for many people 1.67 0.08 21
Clothing Knight Shirt made of chains 2.87 0.00 20
Clothing Pirate Dress worn by men 2.27 0.00 17
Food Knight Soup eaten by farmers 1.40 0.00 21
Food Pirate Potato wrapped in ham 1.53 0.04 21
19362722, 0, Downloaded from by Test, Wiley Online Library on [05/12/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Online Processing Shows Advantages of Bimodal Listening-While-Reading for Vocabulary Learning: An Eye-Tracking Study | 23
Category Story Definition Plausibility Predictability proportion Length
Job Knight Someone who colors leather 2.47 0.00 27
Job Pirate Someone who sells furs 1.13 0.00 22
Object Knight Spear made of gold 1.67 0.00 18
Object Pirate Sofa used during meals 2.20 0.00 22
Plausibility = Mean plausibility computed from the adult sample (each judging plausibility on a scale from 1
very implausible to 5
very plausible);
Predictability propor tion = propor tion of adults correcting predicting the final word of the definition from the previous ones; Length = length of the
definition in characters.
Models fo r Looking Time at Clue 1 an d Clue 2
Generalized linear mixed models of accuracy in the category recognition task with predictors of gaze duration, re-reading
time, and total reading time to clue 1.
Fac to rs
Model 1: Gaze duration Model 2: re-reading time Model 3: Total reading time
Estimate p-value Estimate p-value Estimate p-value
(intercept) −1.40 <.001* −1.41 <.001* −1.42 <.001*
Condition .69 .004* .70 .004* .72 .003*
Gaze duration −.09 .502
Re-reading time
.13 .257
Total reading time
.08 .513
Random effects Var SD Var SD Var SD
Subject .37 .60 .38 .62 .40 .63
Item .25 .50 .26 .51 .26 .51
Fixed factor model vs.
Empty model
χ2(2) = 9.43,
p = .009
χ2(2) = 10.23,
p = .006
χ2(2) = 9.25,
p = .010
Generalized linear mixed models of accuracy in the category recognition task with predictors of gaze duration, re-
reading time, and total reading time to clue 2
Fac to rs
Model 1: Gaze duration Model 2: re-reading time Model 3: Total reading time
Estimate p-value Estimate p-value Estimate p-value
(intercept) −1.38 <.001* −1.38 <.001* −1.38 <.001*
Condition .71 .004* .71 .004* .71 .004*
Gaze duration .03 .807
Re-reading time
−.04 .723
Total reading time
−.01 .964
Random effects Var SD Var SD Var SD
Subject .36 .60 .36 .60 .36 .60
Item .19 .43 .19 .44 .19 .43
Fixed factor model vs.
Empty model
χ2(2) = 8.56,
p = .013*
χ2(2) = 8.63,
p = .013*
χ2(2) = 8.51,
p = .014*
* Significant at p < .05.
APPENDIX B (Continued)
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Background Although most prevalent in childhood, the acquisition of new words in oral vocabulary takes place right across the lifespan. Of the many factors that influence oral vocabulary learning, one extrinsic factor is the listening environment. The current study aimed to examine whether the presence of noise impacts oral vocabulary learning in adult native speakers of English and, if so, whether this can be alleviated by the incidental presence of orthography when introducing new words. Methods Sixty 18–35‐year‐old native speakers of English were divided into two groups: orthography present and orthography absent and were taught novel picture–word pairs either in quiet or in noise. Word learning was assessed using picture naming and picture–word‐matching tasks. Results The results revealed that the presence of orthography during training reduced the negative impact of noise and supported word learning and retention in adults. Conclusion These results are promising for vocabulary instruction practices in less‐than‐ideal listening environments where structural modifications are not a feasible option.
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Recent research on return-sweep saccades has improved our understanding of eye movements when reading paragraphs. However, these saccades, which take our gaze from the end of one line to the start of the next line, have been studied only within the context of silent reading. Articulatory demands and the coordination of the eye–voice span (EVS) at line boundaries suggest that the execution of this saccade may be different in oral reading. We compared launch and landing positions of return-sweeps, corrective saccade probability and fixations adjacent to return-sweeps in skilled adult readers while reading paragraphs aloud and silently. Compared to silent reading, return-sweeps were launched from closer to the end of the line and landed closer to the start of the next line when reading aloud. The probability of making a corrective saccade was higher for oral reading than silent reading. These indicate that oral reading may compel readers to rely more on foveal processing at the expense of parafoveal processing. We found an interaction between reading modality and fixation type on fixation durations. The reading modality effect (i.e., increased fixation durations in oral compared to silent reading) was greater for accurate line-initial fixations and marginally greater for line-final fixations compared to intra-line fixations. This suggests that readers may use the fixations adjacent to return-sweeps as natural pause locations to modulate the EVS.
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Students viewed an animation depicting either the process of lightning formation or how car brakes work and listened to a corresponding narration describing the steps. The entire animation and narration were presented at the same time (concurrent), the entire narration was presented before or after the entire animation (successive large bites), or short portions of the narration were presented before or after corresponding short portions of the animation for each successive portion of the presentation (successive small bites). Overall, the concurrent and successive small bites groups performed significantly better than the successive large bites groups on remembering the explanation in words (retention), generating solutions to transfer problems (transfer), and selecting verbal labels for elements in a line drawing (matching), but they did not differ significantly from each other. Results are consistent with a dual-process model of working memory in which learners are more likely to construct connections between words and corresponding pictures when they are held in working memory at the same time.
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Reading-while-listening has been shown to be advantageous in second language learning. However, research to date has not addressed how the addition of auditory input changes reading itself. Identifying how reading differs in reading-while-listening and reading-only might help explain the advantages associated with the former. The aim of the present study was to provide a detailed description of reading patterns with and without audio. To address this, we asked first language (L1) and second language (L2) speakers to read two passages (one in a reading-only mode and another in a reading-while-listening mode) while their eye movements were monitored. In reading-only, L2 readers had more and longer fixations (i.e. slower reading) than L1 readers. In reading-while-listening, eye-movement patterns were very similar in the L1 and L2. In general, neither group of participants fixated the word that they were hearing, although the L2 readers’ eye movements were more aligned to the auditory input. When reading and listening were not aligned, both groups’ eye movements generally preceded the audio. However, L2 readers had more cases where their fixations lagged behind the audio. We consider why reading slightly ahead of the audio could explain some of the benefits attributed to reading-while-listening contexts.
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Theories of multimedia learning suggest that learners can form better referential connections when verbal and visual materials are presented simultaneously. Furthermore, the addition of auditory input in reading-while-listening conditions benefits performance on a variety of linguistic tasks. However, little research has been conducted on the processing of multimedia input (written text and images) with and without accompanying audio. Eye movements were recorded during young L2 learners’ ( N = 30) processing of a multimedia story text in reading-only and reading-while-listening conditions to investigate looking patterns and their relationship with comprehension using a multiple-choice comprehension test. Analysis of the eye-movement data showed that the presence of audio in reading-while-listening conditions allowed learners to look at the image more often. Processing time on text was related to lower levels of comprehension, whereas processing time on images was positively related to comprehension.
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Purpose The aim of this study was to determine when, why, and how the presence of a word's written form during instruction aids vocabulary learning (a process known as orthographic facilitation). Method A systematic review of the research on orthographic facilitation was carried out. PsycInfo, Web of Science, ProQuest, and OpenGrey databases were searched. The search returned 3,529 results, and 23 of these met inclusion criteria. Studies were included in the review if they were written in English, published in a peer-reviewed journal, and compared vocabulary learning outcomes when words were taught with and without their written forms. Conclusions There is strong evidence that the presence of a word's written form leads to improved learning of its spelling and spoken form. There is also some evidence that it may lead to better learning of a word's meaning. A small number of studies have also shown that the presence of a word's written form benefits vocabulary learning in children with developmental language disorder, autism, Down syndrome, and reading difficulties. However, further research into the effects of orthographic facilitation in special populations is needed. In particular, ecologically valid experiments in clinical and educational settings are required in order to better understand how exposure to a word's written form can aid naturalistic vocabulary learning.
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Combining reading with auditory input has been shown to be an effective way of supporting reading fluency and reading comprehension in a second language. Previous research has also shown that reading comprehension can be further supported by pictorial information. However, the studies conducted so far have mainly included adults or adolescents and have been based on post-reading tests that, although informative, do not contribute to our understanding of how learners’ processing of the several sources of input in multimodal texts changes with the presence of auditory input and the effect that potential differences could have on comprehension. The present study used eye-tracking to examine how young learners process the pictorial and textual information in a graded reader under reading only and reading-while-listening conditions. Results showed that readers spent more time processing the text in the reading only condition, while more time was spent processing the images in the reading-while-listening mode. Nevertheless, comprehension scores were similar for the readers in the two conditions. Additionally, our results suggested a significant (negative) relationship between the amount of time learners spent processing the text and comprehension scores in both modes.
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Reading and listening to stories fosters vocabulary development. Studies of single word learning suggest that new words are more likely to be learned when both their oral and written forms are provided, compared with when only one form is given. This study explored children's learning of phonological, orthographic, and semantic information about words encountered in a story context. A total of 71 children (8- and 9-year-olds) were exposed to a story containing novel words in one of three conditions: (a) listening, (b) reading, or (c) simultaneous listening and reading ("combined" condition). Half of the novel words were presented with a definition, and half were presented without a definition. Both phonological and orthographic learning were assessed through recognition tasks. Semantic learning was measured using three tasks assessing recognition of each word's category, subcategory, and definition. Phonological learning was observed in all conditions, showing that phonological recoding supported the acquisition of phonological forms when children were not exposed to phonology (the reading condition). In contrast, children showed orthographic learning of the novel words only when they were exposed to orthographic forms, indicating that exposure to phonological forms alone did not prompt the establishment of orthographic representations. Semantic learning was greater in the combined condition than in the listening and reading conditions. The presence of the definition was associated with better performance on the semantic subcategory and definition posttests but not on the phonological, orthographic, or category posttests. Findings are discussed in relation to the lexical quality hypothesis and the availability of attentional resources.
This booklet contains important normative (reference) data for the Coloured Progressive Matrices in the UK.
Previous research suggests that (a) individual differences in reading and language development are stable across childhood, (b) reading and vocabulary are intertwined, and (c) children's oral narrative skill contributes to later reading comprehension. Each of these three phenomena is assessed using a longitudinal design spanning 15 years, from when children were 19 months old until they were 16 years old. Alongside measures for maternal vocabulary, a host of language and (early) reading measures, including vocabulary, early literacy development, oral narrative skill, and reading comprehension, were administered across eight time points to a sample of 58 children. Specific early language and reading skills were generally strongly correlated over time. Reading comprehension at age 12 was predicted by vocabulary at 19 months and emergent literacy at school entry. Vocabulary at 19 months of age predicted early literacy skills prior to school entry and reading comprehension at age 12 years, as did school entry literacy skills. Controlling for maternal and infant vocabulary, children's oral narrative skill around school entry related uniquely to reading comprehension 10 years later. Findings provide new evidence for the long-term interplay between early language, literacy, and later reading and vocabulary development .
The field of vocabulary research is witnessing a growing interest in the use of eye-tracking to investigate topics that have traditionally been examined using offline measures, providing new insights into the processing and learning of vocabulary. During an eye-tracking experiment, participants’ eye movements are recorded while they attend to written or auditory input, resulting in a rich record of online processing behaviour. Because of its many benefits, eye-tracking is becoming a major research technique in vocabulary research. However, before this emerging trend of eye-tracking based vocabulary research continues to proliferate, it is important to step back and reflect on what current studies have shown about the processing and learning of vocabulary, and the ways in which we can use the technique in future research. To this aim, the present paper provides a comprehensive overview of current eye-tracking research findings, both in terms of the processing and learning of single words and formulaic sequences. Current research gaps and potential avenues for future research are also discussed.