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Abstract and Figures

Laser skin resurfacing has changed the approach of facial skin rejuvenation over the past decade. This article evaluates the laser effects on skin rejuvenation by the assessment of laser characteristics and histological and molecular changes, accompanied by the expression of proteins during and after laser-assisted rejuvenation of skin. It is important to note that different layers of skin with different cells are normally exposed to the sun’s UV radiation which is the most likely factor in aging and damaging healthy skin. To identify the expression of proteins, using validated databases and reviewing existing data could reveal altered proteins which could be analyzed and mapped to investigate their expression and their different effects on cell biological responses. In this regard, proteomics data can be used for better investigation of the changes in the proteomic profile of the treated skin. Different assessments have revealed the survival and activation of fibroblasts and new keratinocytes with an increase of collagen and elastin fibers in the dermis and the reduction of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and heat shock proteins (HSPs) as a result of different low-power laser therapies of skin. There are a wide range of biological effects associated with laser application in skin rejuvenation; therefore, more safety considerations should be regarded in the application of lasers in skin rejuvenation.
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Please cite this article as follows: Heidari Beigvand H, Razzaghi M, Rostami-Nejad M, Rezaei-Tavirani M, Safari S, Rezaei-Tavirani M.
Assessment of laser effects on skin rejuvenation. J Lasers Med Sci. 2020;11(2):212-219. doi:10.34172/jlms.2020.35.
Review Article
doi 10.34172/jlms.2020.35
Assessment of Laser Effects on Skin Rejuvenation
Hazhir Heidari Beigvand1, Mohammadreza Razzaghi2, Mohammad Rostami-Nejad3, Majid Rezaei-Tavirani1,
Saeed Safari4, Mostafa Rezaei-Tavirani5*, Vahid Mansouri5, Mohammad Hossein Heidari5
1Firoozabadi Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2Laser Application in Medical Sciences Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases Research Center, Research Institute for Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases, Shahid
Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
4Proteomics Research Center, Department of Emergency Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran,
5Proteomics Research Center, Faculty of Paramedical Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Laser skin resurfacing has changed the approach of facial skin rejuvenation over the past decade.
This article evaluates the laser effects on skin rejuvenation by the assessment of laser characteristics
and histological and molecular changes, accompanied by the expression of proteins during and
after laser-assisted rejuvenation of skin. It is important to note that different layers of skin with
different cells are normally exposed to the sun’s UV radiation which is the most likely factor in
aging and damaging healthy skin. To identify the expression of proteins, using validated databases
and reviewing existing data could reveal altered proteins which could be analyzed and mapped to
investigate their expression and their different effects on cell biological responses. In this regard,
proteomics data can be used for better investigation of the changes in the proteomic profile of
the treated skin. Different assessments have revealed the survival and activation of fibroblasts and
new keratinocytes with an increase of collagen and elastin fibers in the dermis and the reduction
of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and heat shock proteins (HSPs) as a result of different low-
power laser therapies of skin. There are a wide range of biological effects associated with laser
application in skin rejuvenation; therefore, more safety considerations should be regarded in the
application of lasers in skin rejuvenation.
Keywords: Rejuvenation; Scars; Laser; Skin aging; Laser therapy.
*Correspondence to
Mostafa Rezaei-Tavirani,
Proteomics Research Center
(PRC), Darband St., Qods Sq.,
Tehran, Iran.
Tel: +982122714248;
Published online March 15,
Journal of
in Medical Sciences
J Lasers Med Sci 2020 Spring;11(2):212-219
Laser applications in medicine have been promoted
in different fields such as dermatology, dentistry,
ophthalmology, and surgery.1-4 There are many
documents about the widespread use of lasers in skin
treatment, especially in skin rejuvenation.5-7 Skin aging
is a natural process that occurs as people age. However,
it could be accelerated by such factors as sunlight, stress,
and chemicals. Skin aging is affected by numerous
genetic and environmental factors that can appear as
wrinkles, abnormal pigmentation, skin weakness, and
telangiectasia.8 Researchers are increasingly looking for
different ways to rejuvenate skin. Recently, the use of laser
radiation for skin rejuvenation has become commonplace
and has apparently been effective. The expansion and
application of lasers and light for medical procedures
based on the selective principle of photothermolysis have
increased exponentially over the past two decades. The
fundamental principle of this procedure is that selective
heating is attained by preferential laser light absorption
and heat manufacture in the target chromophore, with
heat being localized to the target by pulse duration shorter
than the thermal relaxation time of tissue.9 This study
examines the effect of the laser beam on skin rejuvenation
in different aspects and reviews the published articles in
this field to present a new perspective of laser application
in skin rejuvenation. The study includes the research
method, skin aging phenomena, skin photoaging
histology, skin aging treatment, laser features and skin
aging treatment, ablative lasers, nonablative lasers,
fractional lasers, Photobiomodulation (PBM) lasers, laser
effects on tissues, photothermolysis, molecular aspects of
laser effects in cell biology, and conclusion parts.
The search engines of Scopus, Google Scholar, and
PubMed were applied to search such keywords as
“Skin, Laser therapy”, “Rejuvenation, “Skin Aged”,
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences Volume 11, Number 2, Spring 2020 213
Laser Effects on Skin Rejuvenation
and “Proteomics. The titles in English were identified
and studied in such a way that the relevant articles
were selected for more evaluation and assessment. The
abstracts of 155 documents were investigated and the full
texts of 134 articles were selected. After the review of 134
articles, 84 documents were chosen to be included in this
st udy.
Skin Aging Phenomena
The clinical signs of skin aging include thinning skin,
cigarette paper-like wrinkles, elasticity loss, and benign
overgrowth or vascular formations such as keratosis or
angioma.10 These clinical signs appear by genetic factors
of aging. UV irradiation induces photoaging and gravity,
leading to ECM matrix changing to appear wrinkles.
Therefore, these aging processes are accompanied by
the phenotypic exchange in cutaneous cells as well as
structural and functional changes in extracellular matrix
components such as collagen, elastin, and proteoglycans,
which are necessary to provide tensile strength, elasticity,
and hydration to skin respectively.11 Also, they cause laxity
and fragility of skin with reduced collagen syntheses and
enzymatic degradation.12 The degree of skin photoaging
could be classified by Fitzpatrick skin types I to IV
according to its severity from few wrinkles to deep
wrinkles. We should also mention the vascular pattern
changes as telangiectasia.13
Skin Photoaging Histology
The chronology of histological change in skin aging
indicates that events such as epidermal atrophy and
reduced collagen amount and fibroblasts of dermis along
with the epidermal atrophy, mainly with regards to the
spinosum layer of epidermis according to prolonged
cell cycles are happened.14 The number of melanocytes
and Langerhans cells decreases per decade after the
age of thirty.15 Subsequently, the amount of collagen
and elastic fibers and also fibroblasts decreases in
chronologically aged skin compared to younger skin.16,17
In postmenopausal subjects, collagen synthesis is reduced
by 30%.18 However, the heterogeneity and thickness
alteration of epidermis in photoaging are reported.19 An
increase in melanocytes and different keratinocytes and
the regulation of the expression of free radicals are other
consequences of photoaging histology.20 It can be generally
stated that changes in the aged skin occur in the dermis
and between the epidermis and the dermis. It leads to the
accumulation of glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans
in the area. However, it may be due to the accumulation
of metalloproteinases in hypertrophic fibroblasts and it is
in contrast to the photoaged skin in which the number
of inflammatory cells such as eosinophils, mast cells,
and other mononuclear cells increases.21,22 Wrinkle
formation may cause a reduction in collagen fibers.
Mostly prominent histological feature of skin photoaging
is the accumulation of elastic amorphous fibers and also
thicked fibers in dermis named Solar Elastosis.23
Several biological pathways and risk factors
related to skin aging are determined as; telomerase
shortening,24,25 Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), signal
transduction,26,27 oxidative stress,28,29 vascular alterations,30
cytokines alterations31 and UV radiation.32
Skin Aging Treatments
Skin aging is affected by various factors including
genetics, environmental exposure (UV, xenobiotics and
mechanical stress), hormonal changes, and metabolic
processes (production of reactive chemicals such as
reactive oxygen species, sugars, and aldehydes). All
factors work together to transform the skin, its function
and appearance. However, solar UV is undoubtedly a
major factor responsible for skin aging. Skin aging may
cause psychological side effects, leading patients to seek
a suitable solution.33 Public desire to look good and
young is inevitable and more than 8 million cosmetic
treatments were performed in the United States in 2017.34
The treatment of photoaged skin may be classified into
two categories: one is the removal of pigmentation,
erythema, irregular vessels, and sebaceous changes and
the other one is the improvement of skin senescence.35
The process of skin rejuvenation has been associated
with aggressive elements such as peeling in the past, but
in recent years the demand for non-invasive treatment
of skin rejuvenation has increased dramatically. Public
demand for faster healing treatments with better natural
state maintenance has increased, leading to a shift in skin
rejuvenation techniques at public requests.
Laser Features and Skin Aging Treatment
One of the techniques for rejuvenating the skin is to use
lasers and other light beams. Lasers have been used for skin
rejuvenation since 1980.36 Different wavelengths of lasers
have been used to treat skin aging (see Table 1). The use
of high-power lasers and skin peeling by heat generation
is one of the methods for skin rejuvenation. Since this
process is accompanied with side effect; the adjacent
damaged tissues recover with the same mechanism of
wound healing, but recently the use of low-power lasers
has become commercial. Different types of lasers for skin
rejuvenation are ablative lasers, non-ablative lasers, and
fractional lasers (Figure 1).
Ablative Lasers
These kinds of lasers have been used to treat scars,
pigmentations, and rhytides by removing the epidermis
and heating dermis (Table 2). Ablative lasers are generally
used for skin resurfacing and rejuvenation.39 Ablative
lasers evaporate tissue and hence are more aggressive,
in contrast with the mild non-ablative lasers that leave
the skin intact. However, ablative lasers reduce time of
treatment and cause a more difficult recovery process,
they stay the lasers that create the most dramatic
Heidari Beigvand et al
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences Volume 11, Number 2, Spring 2020214
impressive. For severe facial wrinkles, pigmentation, and
skin challenges, ablative lasers are often the preferred
treatment.33 Non-ablative lasers penetrate into the dermis
and heat the dermis without heating epidermis. These
types of lasers denature dermis proteins such as collagen,
and stimulate collagen synthesis and finally tighten the
skin bed (Figure 2).39 The most common ablative lasers
used for skin rejuvenation are CO2, erbium-doped
yttrium aluminium garnet (Er:YAG), and erbium doped
yttrium scandium gallium garnet.
Non-ablative Lasers
Non-ablative laser resurfacing demonstrates one of the
main developments in procedural dermatology over the
past decade and has become the treatment of selection
for a broad range of aesthetic indications. However,
Table 1. Two Types of Lasers With Different Wavelengths Used for Skin
Type 1(Vascular or
Pigment Treatment)
Type 2 (Skin
532 nm * General
585 nm * General
595 nm * General
755 nm * General
800 nm * General
1064 nm * General
Intense pulsed
light lasers * General
1320 nm * Target water
1450 nm * Target water
1540 nm * Target water
Pulse dye lasers * Target
Skin rejuvenation
Ablative lasers
Fractional lasers
Figure 1. Different Types of Lasers Involved in Skin Rejuvenation.
Table 2. The Characteristics of 3 Types of Lasers Used for Skin Rejuvenation: Er:YAG, Er:DYSGG, PPTP and Nd:YAG51,52
Type of Laser Source of Laser Wavelength Action
Ablative lasers
10600 nm
2940 nm
2790 nm
Thermally ablate and vaporize epidermis & upper region of dermis
High dose PDL
Low dose PDL
Diode Lasers
Erbium glass lasers
Alexandrite lasers
500-1299 nm
585-595 nm
589-598 nm
532 nm
1032 & 1064 nm
1450 nm
1540 nm
Tighten the skin by collagen synthesis stimulating by the wound
healing process. Less destructive than ablative lasers. Heat dermis.
Fractional lasers
Erbium glass
2940 nm
10600 nm
1540,1550 nm
1440,1540,1550,1556 nm
1440-1540-1550-1556 nm
Create columns of beam at the depth of skin without injuries to
spaces between columns. Ablative fractional heat epidermis & upper
dermis. Columns of Non-ablative fractional lasers heat deep dermis
PBM LEDs, lasers, broad
lights waves Red & Near infra-red wavelengths Treat with no thermal reactions as photophysical or photochemical
Abbreviations: Er:YAG,erbium: yttrium aluminum-garnet; Er:DYSGG, erbium-doped yttrium scandium gallium garnet; PPTP, pulsed potassium titanyl phosphate;
Nd:YAG, neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet; PBM, photobiomodulation; ILP, intense pulsed light; PDL, pulsed dye laser.
safety concerns related to their use in darker skin types
have remained.40 These lasers are less destructive than
ablative lasers and stiffen the skin by stimulating collagen
production in the dermis; the epidermis is protected
through skin cooling. This type of laser is less aggressive
than the optical laser and due to the stimulation of
collagen in the dermis, it makes the skin firm (Table 2).
The epidermis remains cool when using this laser because
the waves penetrate the dermis layer. The heat generated
in the dermis coagulates the collagen and then begins the
wound healing process. As a result, new collagen synthesis
is performed on the substrate of the skin and extracellular
matrix.41 The side effects of these lasers, such as scars and
infections, have decreased42; however, the efficiency of
non-ablative lasers is less than ablative ones and they have
been used for patients with moderate photoaging.43
Fractional Lasers
Fractional lasers including non-ablative and ablative
fractional lasers generally provide columns at the depth
of 1 and 2.5 mm into the skin, respectively.34 Non-ablative
lasers influence dermis and leave epidermis with no
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences Volume 11, Number 2, Spring 2020 215
Laser Effects on Skin Rejuvenation
effects (Table 2). A comparison between the action of
fractional ablative lasers and that of non-ablative ones
on facial skin revealed clinical improvements in both
techniques; however, collagen and elastin formation and
edema in skin treated by the ablative fractional erbium
laser were more than non-ablative one.44
Lasers resurfacing of skin as peeling could remove fine
wrinkles of skin although, however potentially have the
advantages to treat deep wrinkles by collagen making
stimulation.45 Skin healing in deep peeling and laser
resurfacing is known as like wound healing mechanism
and depends on the depth of the lesion.46
Photobiomodulation Lasers
PBMs lasers mainly utilize red and near-red light spectra
to activate biological processes used in a wide range of
medical applications (Table 2). Low-power sources as
LEDs, broadband lights and lasers are the sources of
the photochemical and photophysical phenomenon
without thermal reactions.47 Photon energy is converted
to stimulate biological reactions as collagen synthesis.48
Near-infrared irradiation assists fibroblasts in making
collagen to increase the consistency of skin.49 The PBM
technique without thermal reactions has been able to
dramatically increase patients’ satisfaction with skin
Laser Effects on Tissues
Laser–skin interaction can be categorized as:
photochemical, photothermal and photoplasmal
pheromones. Photochemical reactions happen when the
energy of photons made by the laser in the molecules
of the cells causes chemical reactions in the molecules
without changes in temperature.53 In photothermal
reaction, photon energy absorbed in a cell and converted
to heat causes an increase in the temperature of the cell,
associated with denaturation and necrosis.53 Photoplasmal
reaction occurs when irradiance energy is high enough
(108 or 109 w/cm) to form plasma accompanied by high
electric fields, dielectric reactions, shock waves, and tissue
Figure 2. Penetration of Different Lasers Into the Skin for Rejuvenation (A)
Ablative; (B) Non-ablative; (C) Fractional lasers.39
This is a technique that targets tissue in a specific area
without damaging other neighbor tissues. Different
chromophores such as oxyhemoglobin, melanin,
water, tattoos absorb different wavelengths.34 Longer
wavelengths can penetrate in deeper parts of skin.
Chromophores absorb photon energy to heat and
destroy targets; however, surrounding tissues need to be
cool (Thermal relaxation time). For example, the target
tissue cooling time is 3 to 10 ms for the epidermis and
1 µs for melanosomes.39 Thus the properties of radiation
and relaxation time between the periods of radiation are
important for skin rejuvenation.55
Molecular Aspects of Laser Effects in Cell Biology
Several factors are proposed to illustrate the molecular
basis for skin aging, including the theory of cellular
senescence, decrease in cellular DNA repair capacity
and loss of telomeres, point mutations of extranuclear
mitochondrial DNA, oxidative stress, increased frequency
of chromosomal abnormalities, single-gene mutations,
reduced sugar, chronic inflammation, and so on.56 Some
scientists have argued that most influences are caused by
extrinsic factors and that only 3% of aging factors have
an intrinsic background.57 Researches have demonstrated
that low-power laser therapy can deliver lower energy
to the tissues.58 The energy of low-power laser therapy
could be absorbed by mitochondria and cytochrome C.59
The energy of the red-NIR (Near-infrared) laser could
primarily be absorbed by mammalian cells cytochrome
C oxidase.60 Excited electrons in cytochrome C oxidase
lead to more electron transfer and subsequently more
ATP production.61 Investigations have revealed that NO
can inhibit cytochrome C oxidase activation;62 on the
other hand, low-power lasers can inhibit NO activity,
resulting in more oxidative activities of the cells.62,63
More activation of the cells causes more production of
ROS.62,64 It is considered that ROS displays a necessary
role in dermal extracellular matrix alterations of both
intrinsic aging and photoaging. ROS can be made from
various sources including the mitochondrial electron
transport chain, peroxisomal and endoplasmic reticulum
localized proteins, the Fenton reaction, and such enzymes
as cyclooxygenases, lipoxygenases, xanthine oxidases,
and nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate
oxidases. Low-power lasers are useful for the treatment
of skin disorders like wrinkles, scars, and burns because
low-power lasers could positively affect cell proliferation
and remodeling, DNA repairing, ion channels, and
membrane potentials.65-67 Low-power lasers could change
the expression of different genes as the Er:YAG laser
upregulates the expression of IL1B, IL8, keratin16, MMP3,
and MMP1.68 In this regard collagen synthesis increases.
Picosecond infrared laser application leads to a reduction
in neighbor’s tissue damage, a decrease in beta-catenin
Heidari Beigvand et al
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences Volume 11, Number 2, Spring 2020216
and TGF b signaling, and more cell viability to accelerate
the wound healing process.69 Ablative CO2 resurfacing
skin revealed the upregulation of different MMPs.70 In
a large-scale study of skin aging and skin rejuvenation
proteins, proteomics is efficient. Proteomics has less
technical limitations on protein identification and a large
number of proteins could be identified by this technique.71
Proteomic analysis of foot skin compared to breast skin
demonstrated the presence of 50 ECM common proteins
in both skins, but there was a difference between the
expressions of tenascin-x in breast skin and serum amyloid
p component in foot skin.72 By examining the proteomic
profile of elderly epidermis, it was found that interferon-
stimulating polypeptides expression increased, causing
the stimulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and
manganese superoxide dismutase.73 The skin irritation
proteomics approach demonstrated the upregulation of
HSP27 and suggested it as the skin irritation marker.74
Laser skin proteomics evaluation suggested a balance
between skin cancer and laser irradiation.75 Aging leads to
a reduction in skin collagen and elastic fibers with MMPs
upregulation; however, UV causes skin aging effectively.76,77
A study on mouse skin exposure to the Er:YAG laser
revealed skin water epidermal loss and the upregulation
of p21 & p53 to repair DNA and skin survival.78 Low-
power laser therapy could downregulate the expression
of cytokeratin and antigens related to proliferation.79,80
Proteomics assay revealed the downregulation of Rho
GDI 1 expression following by low-power laser therapy
and the adjustment of Rho protein activities could disrupt
actin cytoskeleton and kill keratinocytes following by
new keratinocytes migration to replace the old ones.81
Laser therapy could reduce HSP26 protein and cause
surface cell death of skin after 24 hours of treatment.81 In
one study, low-level Er:YAG laser irradiation to gingival
fibroblast cells caused galectin 7 wound healing protein
upregulation and suggested reduced cell proliferation
after laser therapy in gingival fibroblast cells.82 Lee et al
reported the long-pulsed 1064-nm neodymium-doped
(Nd): YAG laser treatment of mouse skin. The results
of their study indicated an increase in collagen and
TGF-B and decreased expression of MMPs.83 Findings
from a study by De Filippis et al revealed an interaction
between keratinocytes and fibroblast and overexpression
of filaggrin, aquaporin, TGase, HSP70 with a reduction in
MMP-1 and an increase in elastin and procollagen type1
with the use of the 1064 nm Nd:YAG non-ablative laser.84
It can be generally assumed that non-invasive lasers are
effective in enhancing the activity of fibroblasts and
keratinocytes with the synthesis of collagen, elastin, and
decreased expression of some metalloproteinases.
As the assessment of skin rejuvenation and laser therapy
demonstrated, many proteins related to collagen
synthesis, fibroblasts and keratinocytes proliferation,
and apoptosis activities were introduced. However, more
investigations into the proteomic and genomic analysis
are required to interpret laser effects on the molecular
biology of skin rejuvenation. It is recommended to
provide a comprehensive genetic and protein map which
will be suitable to find out different biological pathways
of laser traded skins to improve better ways to rejuvenate
aged skin because many proteins and genes are still
unknown. On the other hand, the improvement of lasers
for the treatment of different skins and sooner cooling
of skin layers is suggested. The wide range of biological
events which are accompanied by laser application in skin
rejuvenation implies that more safety points should be
considered in the therapeutic guidelines.
Ethical Considerations
Not applicable.
Conflict of Interests
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences supports
this research.
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... For example, the activation of fibroblasts and keratinocytes leads to changes in the expression of key genes involved in collagen synthesis and extracellular matrix remodeling, closely tied to epigenetic processes such as DNA methylation and histone modifications. The reduction in matrix metalloproteinases and heat shock proteins after laser treatment indicates a shift in the cellular stress response, potentially through epigenetic pathways that regulate protein expression during skin repair [20]. This highlights how lasers can "reprogram" the skin's cellular environment for longterm regenerative outcomes, offering new insights into how medical lasers can enhance skin health through both physical and epigenetic changes. ...
... Notably, FLR resulted in a sustained reduction in the number of actinic keratosis and a dramatic decrease in non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSCs) on the treated arm (2 NMSCs) compared to the untreated arm (24 NMSCs) after 36 months [23]. This evidence suggests that laser therapies would act through epigenetic pathways, enhancing fibroblast function and keratinocyte repair while influencing collagen production and reducing matrix metalloproteinase activity [20]. The study by Pedersen et al. found that combining ablative fractional laser with the topical treatment vismodegib led to distinctive transcriptomic changes in early-stage basal cell carcinomas in murine models. ...
... Through this careful analysis and examination, we aim to showcase how the thoughtful application of these cutting-edge technologies can lead to innovative solutions in enhancing patient care while rigorously adhering to protocols that ensure the highest standards of safety, predictability, and effectiveness in all laser applications. Ultimately, the intersection of technological advancement and clinical practice continues to offer profound and transformative opportunities for innovation within the medical field, advancing treatment modalities, improving overall patient experiences, and enhancing outcomes for those seeking such critical health and wellness solutions [53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61] . ...
... The multi-faceted applications of lasers have extended beyond the boundaries of medical treatment and into the realm of medical research and development. Lasers are being used in laboratories to conduct experiments, analyze samples, manipulate cells and tissues, and even create precise 3D structures through laser-assisted printing techniques [15,16,17] . Additionally, lasers have found their way into the realm of diagnostics, with techniques such as laser spectroscopy and laser-induced fluorescence being utilized for early disease detection, monitoring of treatment response, and precise mapping of tissue characteristics. ...
... Laser treatments are often used for aesthetic enhancement [4] and skin care is important for improving the quality of the skin [13]. By combining two modalities, there is amplification of ideal synergy for healing and cosmetic outcomes. ...
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Background Laser procedures are often used for global improvement in skin quality. The state of the skin is under stress after laser treatment, and it is beneficial to utilize topical agents to assist with optimal healing and cosmetic outcomes. Currently, such post‐laser‐cosmeceutical synergies are being investigated. Skin adaptogens are bioactive ingredients that enhance the skin's resistance and adaptation to stress. Aim Investigate the use of an adaptogenic moisturizing serum (AMS) in synergy with post‐laser treatment recovery. Patient/Methods Eight patients underwent long‐pulsed 755‐nm alexandrite or 1064‐nm picosecond laser treatments on the face, targeting photoaging and pigmentation. After the laser treatment, during their healing process, they utilized a novel AMS twice daily to assist with the post‐laser recovery. A blinded expert grader evaluated before and after facial images of each patient using a modified Griffiths photodamage photonumeric scale. Results The findings revealed that the AMS was well‐tolerated with no reported adverse events, and elicited aesthetically pleasing results. There was a significant decrease in photodamage scores following the treatment (p = 0.0078) with a median reduction of 3.5. Patients had improvement in skin photodamage, pigmentation, and skin radiance in clinic and photography after a combination of laser and AMS serum treatments. Conclusion Utilizing the adaptogen moisturizing serum skin care regimen after the laser treatments likely assisted in the skin's healing process. As a result, we propose that there is a potential benefit of combining certain laser treatments and an adaptogen‐based skin care regimen for better aesthetic outcomes and skin recuperation post‐procedure.
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Skin aging and human body aging are natural processes that occur in every organism. The observed changes include loss of hydration and elasticity, as well as thinning of the skin, resulting in visible wrinkles, the lowering of the tip of the nose, loss of fat tissue in the temples and cheeks, sagging of the lateral parts of the cheeks, and muscle and bone atrophy. Preventing aging, slowing down the natural degenerative processes of soft tissues, and addressing their initial signs are the focus of aesthetic medicine. It is a branch of medicine that offers non-surgical procedures, yet they are still invasive. The article discusses the molecular basis of skin aging. It also describes the most popular anti-aging procedures, such as mesotherapy, laser therapy, botulinum toxin, hyaluronic acid, platelet-rich plasma, as well as fat tissue and stem cell transplants. The article also touches upon the use of senolytics and peptides in the care of aging skin.
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Background/Objectives: The skin is the largest organ of the human body and is exposed to the aging process (not only chronological aging, but also photoaging). One of the methods used to correct visible skin changes due to photoaging is lasers. The aim of this study was to objectively evaluate the effect of Q-switched laser treatments on visible changes in the photoaging process among women using specialized measuring devices—ultrasound and Courage & Khazaka. Methods: The study included 36 women with visible signs of photoaged skin. The women were given a series of three treatments with a Fotona QX MAX fractional head laser. Both before and after the treatment, the women were examined for selected skin parameters with the help of specialized measuring devices such as Courage & Khazaka and skin ultrasound. Skin firmness and elasticity, the degree of hydration, TEWL and HL TOTAL levels, and MEP and HEP skin echogenicity were taken into account. The obtained results were tabulated and statistically analyzed. Results: Statistically significant differences were noted for parameters representing skin elasticity R2 [p = 0.0210] and R7 [p = 0.0302], TEWL [p = 0.0152] and HL TOTAL [p = 0.0367] on the forehead, and HL TOTAL [p = 0.0450] on the cheek. In addition, statistically significant differences were observed in the MEP/TP parameter on the forehead and cheek [p = 0.0236, 0.0475, respectively] and HEP/TP in the forehead area [p = 0.0367]. Conclusions: Q-switched laser treatments have a positive effect on the condition of women’s skin. Therapy with this laser reduces the visible changes in the photoaging process in the face.
Conference Paper
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The treatment of wrinkles with tretinoin has proven to be effective, but higher concentrations are associated with increased side effects such as dry skin, redness, and peeling. The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy of facial wrinkle treatment using 1% Bakuchiol combined with 0.025% Tretinoin versus 0.025% Tretinoin alone. The study involved 24 male and female volunteers aged between 25-45 years. One side of the face was randomly treated with 1% Bakuchiol combined with 0.025% Tretinoin, while the other side was treated with 0.025% Tretinoin alone for 12 weeks. Wrinkle assessment was performed using the Rao Goldman 5-point visual scoring scale, wrinkle depth, and skin elasticity measurements at weeks 4, 8, and 12. A repeated measures ANOVA test was used to compare the two groups, and participant satisfaction and side effects were evaluated using McNemar’s test. A p-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. The study found that wrinkle reduction achieved by using 1% Bakuchiol combined with 0.025% Tretinoin was comparable to using 0.025% Tretinoin alone. Keywords : Wrinkles, Bakuchiol, Tretinoin
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Introduction: Erosion is an important cause of tooth mineral loss. The combined use of lasers and fluoride has been introduced as a novel modality for the prevention of enamel demineralization. This study aimed to assess the effect of Er:YAG laser combined with fluoride application on primary and permanent enamel resistance to erosion. Methods: Eighty enamel specimens of permanent (n=40) and primary (n=40) molars were prepared and randomly assigned to four groups: C —control (no pretreatment), F—acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF) gel, ­­­­­FL—APF gel application followed by Er:YAG laser irradiation, and LF—Er:YAG laser irradiation followed by the application of APF gel . The specimens were then submitted to pH cycling using Coca-Cola (pH=2.4). Enamel micro-hardness was measured using the Vickers micro-hardness tester before pretreatment and after the erosive process. The collected data were analyzed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, two-way ANOVA and repeated measures ANOVA. Results: The micro-hardness of both permanent and primary enamel significantly decreased after the erosive process (P<0.05). In the permanent enamel specimens, the greatest reduction in micro-hardness was noted in groups C and F, while the least reduction was noted in group FL. However, these differences were not statistically significant (P>0.05). In the primary enamel specimens, the greatest reduction in micro-hardness was noted in groups C and LF, while the least reduction was noted in group F. These differences were not statistically significant (P>0.05). Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, Er:YAG laser irradiation combined with fluoride application could not prevent erosion in permanent and primary enamel during the erosive process.
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Introduction: Laser therapy is known as an efficient approach in dermatology surgery. CO2 laser therapy is a gold standard treatment in skin surgery. This study aimed to evaluate the interferons change after CO2 laser surgery Methods: Significant differentially-expressed genes (DEGs) of arm skin after 7 days of treatment by the CO2 laser relative to the controls are downloaded from Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) and are included in the protein-protein interaction network via a STRING database (an application of Cytoscape software). The central DEGs were identified and enriched via gene ontology by using Clue GO software. Results: A network including 78 DEGs and 100 neighbors was constructed and STAT1, MX1, ISG15, OAS1, IFIT1, IRF8, OASL, OAS2, and RSAD2 as hubs and STAT1, PTPRC, MX1, IRF8, ISG15, IL6, RORC, SAMSN1, and IFIT1 as bottlenecks were introduced. The cytokine-mediated signaling pathway, interferon gamma signaling, hepatitis C, interferon alpha/beta signaling, and the type I interferon signaling pathway were identified as five clusters of biological terms which are related to the central nodes. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the cytokine-mediated signaling pathway is the major pathway that is dysregulated after laser application in the treated skin.
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Introduction: Application of laser in medicine and cosmetic purposes has raised grossly in recent years. There are contradictory finding about its side effects. In this research critical differentially expressed proteins after irradiation erbium:yttrium–aluminum–garnet (Er:YAG) laser on skin are investigated. Methods: Proteome data including 31 proteins were obtained from a proteomics investigation of laser irradiation, Er:YAG on female mouse skin that are published by Pan et al. The query proteins and 100 related ones were included in the protein-protein interaction (PPI) network. The central nodes were determined and all of nodes were included in action maps. Expression, activation, inhibition, binding, and reaction were considered in action plan. Results: Numbers of 16 proteins were recognized by STRING database and were included in the network. Except PHRF1, the other 15 query proteins were included in the main connected component of the constructed network. Ten central nodes of the network and ten numbers of top query proteins based on degree value were identified as central proteins of the network. All nodes of the network analyzed via action maps and the important acted nodes were determined as RPSA, GAPDH, TPT1, DCTN2, HSPB1, and PDIA3. Conclusion: Two balanced processes including cancer promotion and cancer prevention were after irradiation were identified.
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Objective: Acetaminophen is an analgesic that shows efficacy in postoperative pain relief in children. Many drugs such as opioids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and/or acetaminophen have been used in paediatric skin laser irradiation surgery for postoperative pain relief. However, acetaminophen has some advantages over opioids, and opioids are being used less often. We aimed to demonstrate the effectiveness of intravenous (IV) acetaminophen during surgery for postoperative pain in paediatric skin laser irradiation. Methods: The present study is a small, prospective, double-blinded, randomized controlled trial. Paediatric patients (1-12 years old with an American Society of Anesthesiologists physical Status I and II), scheduled for skin laser irradiation for a nevus or haemangioma between October 2014 and April 2016 were randomized into the acetaminophen (n=9) and placebo (saline, n=8) groups. The observational face scale (FS) and the Behavioural Observational Pain Scale (BOPS) scores were recorded on emergence from anaesthesia, and 1, 2, and 4 hr post-surgery. Results: Patient characteristics were not significantly different except with regard to the irradiation area and surgery time. The observational FS and BOPS scores of the acetaminophen group were lower than those of the placebo group; median (minimum-maximum) at each recording time: 1 (0-2) - 0 (0-2) - 0 (0-1) - 0 (0-2) vs. 2 (0-4) - 0 (0-2) - 0 (0-2) - 0 (0-1) and 1 (0-3) - 1 (0-3) - 1 (0-2) - 0 (0-1) vs. 2 (0-4) - 3 (0-5) - 1 (0-4) - 0 (0-3), p=0.07 and p=0.003, respectively. No differences in post-surgical analgesic use or adverse events were observed. Conclusion: In this study, we showed that the IV acetaminophen group had lower observational FS and BOPS scores in the early postoperative period; however, further studies including a large number of patients are required to confirm our findings.
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Introduction: The efficacy of many therapeutics techniques for treatment of branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) has been the subject of many investigations. The aim of the present work is to evaluate the transluminal Nd: YAG laser thrombolysis as a new therapeutic approach used for treatment of BRVO in rabbits as an experimental model. Methods: Four rabbits were considered as a control (n=8 eyes); occlusion of the branch retinal veins was performed by using a dye enhancing thrombus formation in right eyes of 10 rabbits (n=10 eyes). Thrombi in the retinal veins were induced by intravenous injection of rose bengal solution as a photosensitizer immediately before the argon laser application with a power of 1200 mW, a spot size of 100 µm, and a duration of 20 ms. One week later, transluminal Nd: YAG laser thrombolysis (30 mJ, 3 pulses/4 ns) was employed to the site of occluded veins, until the thrombi were partially or completely shattered. The rabbits were followed up after 4 days, 1 week and 2 weeks for slit lamp fundus examination and the treated retinas were isolated for histopathological examination. Results: Argon laser photothrombosis induced complete BRVO with some vitreous hemorrhage, destruction, and necrosis in the surrounding retinal layers. Moreover, one week later, Nd: YAG laser thrombolysis showed complete venous flow, minimal vitreous hemorrhage, reperfused retina, complete veins improvement. Follow up after 2 weeks revealed more improvement of all retinal layers. Conclusion: Treatment with transluminal Nd: YAG laser thrombolysis represented a novel therapeutic modality in BRVO.
There are several types of surgeries which use lasers in the operating room. Surgeons use lasers in general surgery or surgical specialties to cut, coagulate, and remove tissue. In modern medicine, the application of laser therapy is an attractive subject due to its minimal invasive effect. Today lasers are widely used in the treatment and diagnosis of many diseases such as various cancers, lithotripsy, ophthalmology, as well as dermatology and beauty procedures. Depending on the type of lasers, the wavelength and the delivery system, most lasers have replaced conventional surgical instruments for better wound healing results. Over time, by using many different tools and devices, new lasers have been created; as a result, they are used in a wide range of medical special cases. In this review, laser applications in surgery and its beneficial effects compared to previous surgeries with the aim of providing appropriate therapeutic and non-invasive solutions with minimal side effects after surgery are investigated.
Introduction: Different molecular approaches have contributed to find various response of skin to external and internal tensions such as laser irradiation and many important mediators of skin disease have been identified through these approaches. However different essential signals of skin biomarker pathways and proteins partially detected or completely unknown. In the present study impact of proteomics in the evaluation of laser therapy of skin is investigated. Methods: Keywords of “Proteomics”, Laser therapy”, “Skin”, and “Skin disease” searched in Google Scholar, Scopus and PubMed search engines. After screening, 53 documents were included in the study. Results: Global assessments revealed that different proteins in different signaling pathways of skin metabolism in terms of health or illness after laser therapy are expressed differentially. Results indicated that application of proteomics is a useful method to promote the results of laser interventions. Conclusion: This kind of researches deals with practical proteomics of skin and could supply an essential skip to understand skin diseases to develop more suitable therapeutic achievements in laser application.
Objective: The objective of our study was to present the results and safety profile of fractional 1064 Q-switched Nd: YAG laser treatment in skin rejuvenation in Indian patients with Fitzpatrick skin type III-VI. Materials and methods: We studied our clinical data of 252 patients who underwent treatment for facial skin rejuvenation with the Q switched Nd:YAG laser 1064 wavelength, using the fractional mode of 5mm spot size with fluences from 1.2 J ~ 2 J/cm2 and the energy ranging from 300-500 mJ, a repetition rate of 7Hz and pulse duration of 8 ns for 6 sessions at two weekly intervals. We evaluated results with the aid of clinical photography taken before start of treatment, on 3rd and 5th sessions along with patient satisfaction and dermatologist assessment scores. Any adverse events were also recorded. Results: At the end of 6 sessions, both patients and dermatologists reported visible improvement in skin texture and tone. The laser sessions resulted in an immediate improvement in skin texture and tone in the first session itself that increased over 3 sessions and then stabilized. Transient erythema was reported in a few cases. No hypo- or hyperpigmentation were noted. Conclusions: The 1064 QSNYL is popularly used for skin rejuvenation especially in the Asian countries. But there is lack of substantial clinical data to validate the clinical results. We present the first study that shows the fractional 1064 Qswitched ND:YAG laser is a safe and effective option for skin rejuvenation in skin types III-VI.
Abstract Smooth, wrinkle-free skin is associated with supposed attractiveness, youthfulness, and health, while rhytids have a negative impact on one’s perceived appearance, image, and self-esteem. Noninvasive esthetic procedures such as laser or light therapy have been used to achieve and attain a more youthful appearance. Currently, there is a wide range of lasers and devices available for the regeneration and healing of skin. Lasers and light sources for skin rejuvenation involve the removal of aged skin tissue via thermal heat from high-powered lasers, stimulating the surrounding tissues to recover through natural wound-healing processes. In contrast, photobiomodulation, which makes use of low energy lasers or light emitting diodes, uses no heat and has shown positive effects in the reduction of wrinkles and improving skin laxity.
Fractional CO 2 laser treatment has been used in some clinical trials to promote topical drug delivery. Currently, there is no standard for laser settings to achieve a feasible therapy. The cutaneous recovery following laser treatment and its influence on drug absorption have not been well explored. This study evaluated the kinetics of laser-treated skin-barrier restoration and drug permeation in nude mice. The skin recovery and observation of the process were characterized by transdermal water loss (TEWL), erythema measurement, gross appearance, optical microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The skin absorption of a lipophilic small permeant (tretinoin), a hydrophilic small permeant (acyclovir), and a large molecule (fluorescein isothiocyanate dextran 4 kDa, FD4) was examined in vitro using Franz cell. TEWL suggested that the laser-treated skin restored its barrier function at 16 h after irradiation. The fractional laser produced microchannels of about 150 μm in diameter and 25 μm in depth that were surrounded with thermal coagulation. The bright-field imaging indicated that the micropores were progressively closed during the recovery period but had not completely closed even after a 16-h recovery. The laser treatment led to a rapid tretinoin penetration across the skin immediately after irradiation, with a 5-fold enhancement compared to intact skin. This enhancement was gradually reduced following the increase of recovery time. Conversely, the acyclovir and FD4 permeation peaked at 1–2 h post-irradiation. The FD4 flux was even elevated as the recovery time increased. The reasons for this could have been the subsequent inflammation after laser exposure and the deficient tight junction (TJ) barrier. The confocal imaging demonstrated the perpendicular diffusion of rhodamine B and FD4 through microchannels immediately after laser exposure. The lateral diffusion from the microchannels was observed at 2 h post-irradiation. Our results revealed a time-dependent recovery of skin permeation. The time frame for applying the drugs after laser irradiation was dependent upon the permeants and their various physicochemical properties.