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Abstract and Figures

Covering approximately 40% of land surfaces, grasslands provide critical ecosystem services that rely on soil organisms. However, the global determinants of soil biodiversity and functioning remain underexplored. In this study, we investigate the drivers of soil microbial and detritivore activity in grasslands across a wide range of climatic conditions on five continents. We apply standardized treatments of nutrient addition and herbivore reduction, allowing us to disentangle the regional and local drivers of soil organism activity. We use structural equation modeling to assess the direct and indirect effects of local and regional drivers on soil biological activities. Microbial and detritivore activities are positively correlated across global grasslands. These correlations are shaped more by global climatic factors than by local treatments, with annual precipitation and soil water content explaining the majority of the variation. Nutrient addition tends to reduce microbial activity by enhancing plant growth, while herbivore reduction typically increases microbial and detritivore activity through increased soil moisture. Our findings emphasize soil moisture as a key driver of soil biological activity, highlighting the potential impacts of climate change, altered grazing pressure, and eutrophication on nutrient cycling and decomposition within grassland ecosystems.
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Drivers of soil microbial and detritivore activity
across global grasslands
Julia Siebert1,2,28, Marie Sünnemann 1,2,28, Yann Hautier 3, Anita C. Risch4, Jonathan D. Bakker5,
Lori Biederman6, Dana M. Blumenthal7, Elizabeth T. Borer8, Miguel N. Bugalho9, Arthur A. D. Broadbent 10,
Maria C. Caldeira 11, Elsa Cleland12, Kendi F. Davies13, Anu Eskelinen2,14,15, Nicole Hagenah16,
Johannes M. H. Knops17, Andrew S. MacDougall18, Rebecca L. McCulley 19, Joslin L. Moore20,21,
Sally A. Power 22, Jodi N. Price23, Eric W. Seabloom8, Rachel Standish 24,25, Carly J. Stevens 26,
Stephan Zimmermann27 & Nico Eisenhauer 1,2
Covering approximately 40% of land surfaces, grasslands provide critical ecosystem services
that rely on soil organisms. However, the global determinants of soil biodiversity and func-
tioning remain underexplored. In this study, we investigate the drivers of soil microbial and
detritivore activity in grasslands across a wide range of climatic conditions on ve continents.
We apply standardized treatments of nutrient addition and herbivore reduction, allowing us
to disentangle the regional and local drivers of soil organism activity. We use structural
equation modeling to assess the direct and indirect effects of local and regional drivers on soil
biological activities. Microbial and detritivore activities are positively correlated across global
grasslands. These correlations are shaped more by global climatic factors than by local
treatments, with annual precipitation and soil water content explaining the majority of the
variation. Nutrient addition tends to reduce microbial activity by enhancing plant growth,
while herbivore reduction typically increases microbial and detritivore activity through
increased soil moisture. Our ndings emphasize soil moisture as a key driver of soil biological
activity, highlighting the potential impacts of climate change, altered grazing pressure, and
eutrophication on nutrient cycling and decomposition within grassland ecosystems. OPEN
A full list of author afliations appears at the end of the paper.
COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY| (2023) 6:1220 | /s42003-023-05607-2 | 1
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Grassland systems covering approximately 40% of the
worlds terrestrial surface, encompass a wide variety of
habitats for soil organisms1,2, which play key roles in
delivering ecosystem functions such as nutrient cycling and
decomposition36. In this context, the key players are soil
microorganisms and detritivores such as earthworms, isopods,
millipedes, and enchytraeids, which primarily feed on litter and
organic materials. Their collective efforts break down organic
matter, thus supplying vital nutrients to plants7. Soil organism
activity is strongly driven by temperature, soil moisture811, and
global change factors, including increased nutrient inputs and
alterations in the range, abundance, and distribution of above-
ground herbivores. However, we lack a broad understanding of
how nutrient inputs and herbivory inuence soil communities
and ecosystem functions in grasslands. At the same time, such
soil organisms may be important mediators of ecosystem
responses to global change2,12,13. Further, a lack of spatially
replicated studies means that we cannot predict how plant pro-
ductivity, grazing, or local abiotic characteristics may mediate
nutrient and herbivory effects on soil organisms14.
Herbivores can play a crucial role in shaping grasslands by
facilitating diverse plant communities and maintaining ecosystem
functioning14. For example, wild herbivores may selectively
consume abundant plant species, altering species
composition1517 and can contribute to maintaining plant
diversity by reducing competition for light18. Moreover, herbi-
vores impact nutrient cycling in grasslands by consuming live
plant material and modifying the quantity and quality of organic
inputs to the soil, e.g. via excreta, and via changes in soil abiotic
conditions14,19,20. At the same time, large native herbivore den-
sities may be reduced via hunting or land conversion, and in
many cases, they are replaced by large numbers of domestic
livestock21,22. Soil communities, processes, and structure are
strongly affected by wild and domestic herbivores, with important
consequences for soil biological activity and ecosystem
multifunctionality14,2325. Herbivores may enhance soil biological
activity by depositing easily-degradable dung and urine or, par-
ticularly under fertile conditions, inducing compensatory
growth19,2628. In contrast, in relatively unproductive systems,
grazers may preferentially feed on the few available nutrient-rich
plants, on which many soil organisms also depend, resulting in
poorer quality of litter, which reduces biological activity15,19,29,30.
Additionally, aboveground herbivores may create harsh envir-
onmental conditions for soil organisms through soil compaction,
negatively affecting pore space and water inltration as well as
increasing the cover of bare soil, resulting in high temperature
uctuations compared to vegetated areas31,32. At the same time,
the interaction between herbivory and nutrients can be context-
specic, as it may vary based on the specic plant species and
local site conditions33.
Predictions suggest that the disruption of the nitrogen cycle
could cause nitrogen (N) deposition to double in the future34,35.
The same applies to phosphorus (P) inputs, which have globally
increased compared to preindustrial levels36,37. The growth and
biomass production of plants depend on nutrients such as
nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium, and most grasslands are
limited in productivity by nutrient inputs38,39. Nitrogen inputs
may increase the activity of soil organisms by increasing the
amount and quality of plant material that enters the soil
system10,20, but have also been shown to reduce detritivore
activity40. The same applies to soil microbes, as long-term
nitrogen inputs have been shown to have negative effects41. While
the effects of phosphorous inputs on microbial activity remain
less understood, it is known that phosphorous limitation can
impede decomposition4143. Globally, nitrogen to phosphorous
ratios are increasing, leading to a prevalence of phosphorous
limitation in soils36. This limitation can further inhibit microbial
activity, which in turn can impact biological decomposition
processes44. Additionally, although soil microbes are generally
less susceptible to potassium deciency than plants45, they still
benet from increased nutrient inputs, including potassium and
micronutrients from plants that have sufcient nutrient supply.
Given these context-dependent effects of nutrient addition and
herbivory on soil processes, we need standardized manipulations
of herbivores and nutrients across experimental and environ-
mental gradients.
To improve our understanding of how fertilization and her-
bivory may alter ecosystem functioning belowground, we inves-
tigated the effects of nutrient enrichment (NPK fertilization) and
herbivore reduction on soil microbial and detritivore activity
across grasslands worldwide. This globally-coordinated study of
soil biota was carried out within the Nutrient Network
experiment46, with sites in North and South America, Europe,
Asia, and Australia that represent a wide range of grassland
habitats and environmental conditions (Fig. 1a; Table S1). In
2015, we used standardized bait (bait lamina strips) at 18 sites to
assess soil detritivore feeding activity47, and analyzed soil samples
from 26 sites for soil microbial activity (microbial respiration)48.
Throughout the manuscript, we use the term biological activity
to encompass both activities. We used structural equation models
to test which biotic (plant community properties49) and abiotic
properties (soil water content11) determine soil biological activity
worldwide. We hypothesized that (1) reducing aboveground
herbivores would result in a decrease in belowground activity
rates. Furthermore, we expected (2) the impact of added nutrients
on soil biological activity would depend on carbon inputs, with
increased plant biomass due to nutrient additions being asso-
ciated with higher soil biological activity. With the two treatments
in combination (3), the positive effect of nutrients on soil activity
would be stronger than the negative effect of reduced herbivory,
leading to a net increase in soil biological activity. Here, we
expected that the positive effect of nutrients on soil activity would
be stronger than the negative effect of reduced herbivory.
Effects of nutrient addition and herbivore exclusion. Soil det-
ritivore feeding activity ranged from 0.94% to 77% of available bait
substrate removed (Fig. S1a). Soil microbial respiration ranged
from 0.27 μl O
h-1 g-1 soil dry weight to 8.93 μl O
h-1 g-1 soil dry
weight. (Fig. S1b). Nutrient addition had no signicant effect on
detritivore feeding activity (F=0.08; p=0.78) and soil microbial
activity (F=0.94; p=0.333). Despite high among-site variation
(Fig. S2), herbivore reduction had a positive effect on detritivore
feeding (Fig. 1b; F=3.60; p=0.06), resulting in higher activity
levels when herbivores were reduced (+16.7%). At the same time,
herbivore reduction did not affect soil microbial activity (Fig. 1c;
F=0.29; p=0.59) Similarly, there was no interactive effect of NPK
fertilization and herbivore reduction on detritivore (F=0.21;
p=0.65) and microbial (F=0.63; p=0.43) activity.
Structural equation model analyses. The site-specic environ-
mental conditions and treatments also had strong effects on the
soil environment and the associated plant community, which
became more apparent when the interdependence of variables
was considered. Mean annual precipitation (MAP) and soil water
content were positively correlated (Fig. S6) and structural equa-
tion modeling shows that MAP and soil water were positively
associated with soil detritivore and microbial activity (Figs. 2a and
3a). At the same time, soil biological activity rates increased with
higher amounts of MAP and soil water content, regardless of
other treatment conditions (Figs. S4a, b and S5). Reecting our
2COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY| (2023) 6:1220 | 03-023-05607-2 |
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results from linear mixed-effects models, nutrient addition had
no direct effect on soil biotic activity. However, our SEM model
revealed that herbivore reduction directly increased detritivore
activity and indirectly increased activity of all soil microbes and
detritivores via increasing soil water content (Table S3; Figs. 2a, c
and 3a, c). Plant biomass, which increased with site MAP and
both NPK and herbivore reduction treatments, was related with
lower soil microbial activity (see also Fig. S6). At the same time,
we found detritivore and microbial activities to be signicantly
positively correlated (Fig. 4;F=9.15; p=0.003).
We conducted a globally-distributed experiment assessing the
responses of soil biological activity to nutrient addition and
herbivory at 26 sites, spanning ve continents and multiple
grasslands. Soil microbial and detritivore activity were associated
with similar drivers at the global scale. Soil biological activity
increased with MAP and soil moisture, suggesting that future
climatic changes related to alterations in the amount and fre-
quency of precipitation as well as evapotranspiration50 may have
major consequences for grassland ecosystem functioning. To
Fig. 1 Global distribution and treatment effects. a Global map of all participating sites in the study. Red dot =data on soil microbial and detritivore activity
(n=18 sites); blue dot =data on soil microbial activity only (n=26 sites). b,cShow two gures where we tested the effect of NPK fertilization, herbivore
reduction, and the interactive effect of NPK fertilization and herbivore reduction on soil detritivore activity (log-scaled) and soil microbial activity (log-
scaled). Points are raw observations; error bars indicate 95% condence intervals. Signicance levels: (*) p-value =0.06, ns not signicant.
COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY| (2023) 6:1220 | /s42003-023-05607-2 | 3
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Fig. 2 Structural equation model of soil detritivore activity. a Soil detritivore activity as a best-t Structural Equation Model showing the effects of NPK
fertilization and herbivore reduction (FishersC=1.88; P=0.758; d.f. =4; 18 sites). Black arrows indicate signicant positive and red arrows indicate
signicant negative effects in the model (P< 0.05). Dashed gray arrows indicate non-signicant effects (P> 0.05) that remain in the model based on AIC.
Dark gray double-headed arrows indicate paths that were treated as correlated errors in the model. Arrow widths are proportional to their effect sizes.
Numbers along the arrows are standardized path coefcients. Marginal R2
: model variation explained by xed effects; conditional R2
: model variation
explained by both xed and random effects. Signicance levels: *p< 0.05; **p< 0.01; ***p< 0.001. bDirect, indirect, and net effect of MAP on soil
detritivore activity, and cdirect, indirect, and net effect herbivore reduction on soil detritivore activity.
Fig. 3 Structural equation model of soil microbial activity. a Soil microbial activity as a best-t Structural Equation Model showing the effects of NPK
fertilization, herbivore reduction (A/C=77.9, FishersC=1.932; P=0.381; d.f. =2; 26 sites). Black arrows indicate signicant positive and red arrows indicate
signicant negative effects in the model (P< 0.05). Dashed gray arrows indicate non-signicant effects (P> 0.05) that remain in the model based on AIC.
Dark gray double-headed arrows indicate paths that were treated as correlated errors in the model. Arrow widths are proportional to their effect sizes.
Numbers along the arrows are standardized path coefcients. Marginal R2
: model variation explained by xed effects; conditional R2
: model variation
explained by both xed and random effects. Signicance levels: *p< 0.05; **p< 0.01; ***p< 0.001. bDirect, indirect, and net effect of MAP on soil microbial
activity, and cdirect, indirect, and net effect herbivore reduction on soil microbial activity, and ddirect, indirect, and net effect of NPK fertilization on soil
microbial activity (scale of b) differs from cand d.
4COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY| (2023) 6:1220 | 03-023-05607-2 |
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determine whether this pattern is causal or due to covariation
with other variables such as geological and historical factors, it
will be necessary to conduct future experimental manipulations.
Both soil biological activity measures are tightly linked to
decomposition processes that determine carbon sequestration
and release11,51, and therefore play a key role in grassland carbon
cycles52. In addition, herbivore presence was associated with
lower soil moisture which may amplify effects of a drier climate.
Moreover, MAP, NPK addition, and herbivore reduction had
indirect negative effects on soil microbial activity by increasing
plant biomass. This indicates that plant community-mediated
changes in soil microbial communities and functions depend on
abiotic and biotic conditions. This study improves our mechan-
istic understanding of factors determining soil biological activity
globally, which is crucial to predict belowground ecosystem
functioning in a changing world and to adopt measures to pre-
serve grassland systems2,46,53,54.
In line with our hypothesis (1), we found a consistent overall
positive effect of herbivore reduction on soil detritivore activity
across all sites. In addition, through our SEM analysis, we
observed that herbivore reduction enhanced soil detritivore
activity directly and also indirectly via an increase in soil water
content. However, while herbivore reduction had no direct effect
on soil microbial activity, it also indirectly increased microbial
activity via increases in soil water content. It has long been
recognized that soil organisms strongly depend on soil moisture
(e.g., residing on water lms within the soil pore system)11,5558.
Conrming this, our results highlight the role of water availability
for both measures of soil biological activity, with higher activity
levels at sites with higher MAP and soil water content. Previous
studies have found herbivores to reduce soil water content59 and
to have negative effects on soil organisms, especially in unpro-
ductive ecosystems17,19,53,60,61. Our results suggest that a reduc-
tion in soil activity with herbivory is the dominant pattern in
grasslands. This nding is consistent with other studies reporting
decreased soil respiration in response to lower soil water
content6264. In our study, soil water content had a signicantly
larger effect on soil microbial activity compared to detritivore
activity. This might be attributed to the fact that the soil water
content data were better aligned with the measure of soil
microbial activity. However, it is also possible that detritivores are
less inuenced by water content than microorganisms due to
their ability to move to deeper soil layers65. This adaptability
allows them to sustain their activity even in drier conditions. In
support of this, Sagi et al.66 discovered that the primary litter
decomposition in the Negev desert during summer was driven by
a woodlice species, in contrast to microbes which lacked the
necessary water for growth.
Other possible mechanisms for direct negative impacts of
(especially larger) herbivores on soil detritivores and thus the
positive effect when they were excluded, entail physical dis-
turbances like trampling and soil compaction53,67,68. These result
in higher bulk density and reduced connectivity of soil pores69
that normally ensure water inltration and air permeability70,71.
Such a reduction in soil pore space has been shown to reduce the
abundance and diversity of soil arthropods and annelids69,72,73.
For example, Collembola and enchytraeids strongly depend on
macropores in their living environment, have hardly any ability to
move through compacted soil, and may thus experience reduced
access to food resources, consequently inhibiting their feeding
activity69. However, even soil animals with considerable bur-
rowing abilities, like earthworms, have been shown to be nega-
tively affected by soil compaction74. Indeed, we found some
evidence for a signicant positive relationship between soil
microbial and detritivore activity and soil porosity across a subset
of sites (Fig. S8). However, given that only a subset of the sites
could be considered for this analysis, this topic needs to be
addressed in future research.
At the same time, we observed increases in plant biomass that
were associated with herbivore reduction, nutrient addition, and
higher levels of precipitation75. It is well-established that vege-
tation cover helps to maintain high levels of soil biological
activity, as evidenced by previous studies7680, which is consistent
with our own ndings. However, higher plant biomass also led to
declines in soil microbial activity which is, in contrast to other
studies reporting positive effects of higher plant biomass on soil
biological activity via bottom up effects of increased
rhizodeposition19,8183. There are several possible explanations.
On one hand, enhanced plant growth could potentially result in
higher transpiration rates84,85, ultimately leading to a reduction
in soil water content over time. On the other hand, herbivore
reduction also led to a less diverse plant community, which could
also decrease microbial respiration. It is also possible that soil
microbial communities have to compete with plants for nutrients,
possibly leading to reduced respiration rates. Follow-up studies
are needed to relate environmental change-induced alterations in
soil microbial communities to ecosystem functions, using stan-
dardized, replicated methods to increase the generality and
robustness of such experiments86,87.
In contrast to our hypotheses (2 & 3), we did not observe an
either signicant effect of nutrient addition soil biological activity
or a signicant interaction between nutrient addition and her-
bivory. Although we applied NPK at high levels, we did not detect
any direct fertilization effect, suggesting that availability of
mineral nutrients is not the main determinant driving soil bio-
logical activity in grasslands. However, soil community responses
and functions can be diverse and context-dependent88. Previous
studies have shown that nutrient addition can alter the soil
community by changing pH, porosity, organic fractions, and
increasing decomposition, but responses of soil microbial
respiration and biomass to NPK addition are highly
variable25,40,41,8991. However, our ndings show a decline in soil
microbial activity due to nutrient addition in global grasslands,
alongside an increase in total plant biomass. Nutrient addition
altered plant communities through by increasing total plant
biomass and reducing plant species richness. Similar effects have
been reported by multiple studies46,9297. As nutrient addition
has been shown to decrease soil organic matter stabilization, we
Fig. 4 Correlation between soil microbial and detritivore activity.
Correlation of soil microbial activity and detritivore activity (both log-
scaled, data from 18 sites included; F=9.15, p=0.003). Color of data
points (blue) indicates soil moisture level of the sample.
COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY| (2023) 6:1220 | /s42003-023-05607-2 | 5
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speculate that our results may be connected to shifts in plant or
soil microbial communities that inuence the recalcitrance of
organic matter and its microbial processing98.
Assessing soil microbial activity for a global scale study entailed
some constraints that could have also inuenced our ndings.
Measuring soil microbial activity involved homogenizing, sieving,
and shipping soil samples to a central laboratory, which includes
disruption of soil aggregates, along with potential changes in
microbial activity due to shipping conditions. Additionally,
assessing microbial activity under controlled temperature condi-
tions, differing from the natural environment, might have inu-
enced the correlations observed with mean annual temperature
(MAT). Similarly, the bait lamina test, offering an on-site
approach to assess detritivore activity, has faced recent critique
regarding its use of standardized substrates as accurate indicators
of local plant litter-driven decomposition99 even though this
concern was not directly tested for bait lamina strips.
Overall, our results highlight that reductions in mean annual
precipitation or prolonged drought periods may reduce soil bio-
logical activity that is key for the provisioning of essential eco-
system functions like nutrient cycling and decomposition52,100.
These expected changes in climate could be further amplied by
alterations in the abundance and identity of herbivores as well as
nutrient inputs, with complex feedback mechanisms, including
shifts in local plant community composition and productivity, as
well as abiotic factors like soil compaction. Nutrient addition did
not directly affect soil biological activity across global grasslands,
emphasizing the importance of an indirect effect via plant bio-
mass that should be considered in future studies. These novel
insights into the global drivers of soil biological activity stress the
complex interplay between different components of anthro-
pogenic change that may alter above-belowground interactions
and thus the functioning of global grasslands.
Experimental design and included sites. Fieldwork was con-
ducted in 2015 within the Nutrient Network Global Experiment
( at 26 sites (see Fig. 1a and Table S1). The
sites are located in North and South America, Europe, Asia, and
Australia and are all dominated by herbaceous or low-statured
vegetation (hereafter referred to as grasslands). Moreover, sites
cover wide environmental gradients with elevations ranging from
6 m to 4.241 m a.s.l., mean annual temperatures from 3.3 °C to
22.4 °C, and mean annual precipitation from 324 mm to
1678 mm (Table S1). The experiments were set up at different
times in 20092014 (for details see Table S1).
For our study, we sampled plots at each site, which were
randomly assigned to one of four: Control, nutrient addition,
fenced, nutrient addition and fenced. Each treatment was replicated
three times at each site, leading to a total of 12 plots. Fences
excluded aboveground herbivores weighing more than 50 g. The
plots were 5 × 5 m in size and NPK plots received a fertilization
treatment of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K).
Nutrient addition rates and sources are: 10 g N m-2 *year-1 as
timed-release urea [(NH
CO], 10 g P m-2 *year-1 as triple-super
phosphate [Ca(H
)2], 10 g K m-2 *year-1 as potassium
sulphate [K
]. Additionally, 100 g of a micronutrient mix
of Fe (15%), S (14%), Mg (1.5%), Mn (2.5%), Cu (1%), Zn (1%), B
(0.2%), and Mo (0.05%) were applied once at the start of the
experiment. In contrast, control plots did not receive additional
nutrients and represent ambient soil conditions. The fences for
herbivore reduction were of 2.3 m height, with few sites having
physical constraints that required fence modication. They were set
up with a 1 cm woven wire mesh extending 090 cm aboveground
and a 30 cm outward-facing ange stapled to the ground to exclude
smaller digging animals. To reduce possible impacts of neighboring
plots, all plots are separated by walkways of at least 1 m width. All
sampling occurred in a single, randomly selected, 2.5 × 2.5 subplot
of each plot. Further details on the experimental set up,
standardized sampling protocols, and nutrient sources are
described in Borer et al.46.
Plant data. Following the standardized Nutrient Network pro-
tocol, total aboveground plant biomass was clipped at peak bio-
mass within two 0.1 × 1 m strips per plot, whose locations are
changed each year (see Borer et al., for details). Sorted plant
material was dried at 60 °C to a constant mass and weighed to the
nearest 0.01 g. For our analyses, we used data on total plant
biomass (i.e., the sum of dead and live plant biomass) from 2015
(i.e., the year of the study) as a proxy for plant-derived inputs to
the soil, such as rhizodeposits and plant litter. Plant species
richness was assessed on-site in a permanent 1 × 1 m quadrat
located in the focal subplot in each plot.
Climate variables. Data on mean annual precipitation (MAP in
mm) and mean annual temperature (MAT in °C) were derived
from the WorldClim database (version 1.4; Hijmans et al.).
Values were interpolated at high resolution from meteorological
stations with 10 to 30 years of data101.
Soil sampling. Soil invertebrate feeding activity was assessed at
16 sites using the bait lamina test (Terra Protecta GmbH, Berlin,
Germany), which is commonly used as a rapid ecosystem func-
tion assessment method11,47. The bait strips are made of PVC
(1 mm × 6 mm × 120 mm) and have 16 holes (1.5 mm in dia-
meter). Holes were lled with an articial organic bait substrate,
which was prepared according to the recommendations of Terra
Protecta, consisting of 70% cellulose powder, 27% wheat bran,
and 3% activated carbon. The bait substrate is primarily con-
sumed by soil collembolas, enchytraeids, and earthworms76,102;
microbial activity plays a minor role in bait loss103105. The bait
strip assessment was done by the principal investigator of each
site. The bait strips were inserted vertically into the soil with the
uppermost hole just beneath the soil surface. A steel knife was
used to create a slot in the soil, before the strips were inserted.
Five strips were spaced 15 cm apart within each plot to account
for within-plot spatial heterogeneity. After three to six weeks of
exposure, the bait strips were removed from the soil and directly
evaluated in the eld. Each hole was rated as 0 (no invertebrate
feeding activity), 0.5 (bait material partly consumed), or 1 (bait
material completely consumed), based on visual inspection. Thus,
soil invertebrate feeding activity could range from 0 (no feeding
activity) to 16 (maximum feeding activity) per strip. Mean bait
consumption of the ve strips was calculated per plot prior to
statistical analyses and expressed as a percentage. Timing varia-
tions resulted from the substantial environmental differences, as
in some cases, short exposure intervals did not yield discernible
changes (for detailed exposure time please see Table S1).
Soil for microbial data was collected from 26 sites six weeks
before peak plant biomass production (local site coordinators
chose specic dates, as seasonality varied across different
latitudes) by taking three subsamples per plot (using a soil corer
with 5 cm diameter and 12 cm depth), which were then
homogenized and sieved using a 2 mm mesh. All soil samples
to Anita Risch in Switzerland following a standardized protocol.
A subset of these samples was then shipped to a centralized lab at
the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research in
Leipzig, Germany. We ensured sample quality during transit by
using postal services with temperature control and fast shipping
methods. Here, we took approximately 6 g of fresh soil to measure
6COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY | (2023) 6:1220 | /10.1038/s42003-023-05607-2 |
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basal respiration (without the addition of substrate) at hourly
intervals for 24 h at 20 °C using an O
system48. We used four different O
-microcompensation devices
to measure all samples simultaneously. Basal respiration, as a
measure of soil microbial activity, was then calculated as the
mean O
consumption rate 1424 h after the start of the
measurements (μl O
h-1 per g soil dry weight), as the machine
needs some time to measure stable values over an extended
period77. In addition, soil water content [%] was calculated as the
difference between the weight of the fresh soil sample and the
weight of the soil sample per plot after they were dried for at least
48 h at 70 °C. Soil water content was signicantly positively
correlated with soil water holding capacity (R²=0.61, p< 0.001).
Soil porosity was determined as described in Risch et al.25, but
was only available for a subset of 15 sites.
Statistics and reproducibility. To assess the effects of fertiliza-
tion, reduced density of vertebrate herbivores, and their interac-
tion on soil detritivore feeding and microbial respiration across all
sites without accounting for abiotic factors and plant data, we
employed linear mixed-effects models using the lmer function
from the R-package lme4106. The models random intercepts
were organized based on two factors: (1) block nested within site,
and (2) the type of O
-microcompensation device (for soil
microbial data) or eld exposure duration (for detritivore data),
as some sites had a longer exposure time due to logistical con-
straints. We also tested a model with treatment duration years as
axed effect, but found that treatment duration had no sig-
nicant impact on soil microbial and detritivore activity, and
consequently excluded treatment durationfrom our explana-
tory parameters. To account for the non-normality of our
response variables, we log-transformed data prior to our analysis.
Figure 1b, c are based on mixed-effects model ts extracted using
the package ggeffects107.
We used structural equation modeling (SEM) to disentangle
direct and indirect pathway effects by which fertilization and
herbivore reduction affected the activity of soil organisms. In
determining the environmental variables for our SEM approach,
we considered factors that could offer meaningful insights into
the dynamics of soil microbial and detritivore activity. These
variables were selected a priori based on their established
inuence on soil microbial and detritivore activity, as well as
their potential to mediate treatment effects. Our choices were
guided by existing literature in the eld. Given that plant
community composition and biomass are strong predictors of soil
microbial and detritivore activity and are thus likely to mediate
the treatment effects, we included plant species richness and total
plant biomass in the SEM (Figs. 2and 3). As soil organisms are
highly dependent on soil moisture108, we included soil water
content as a key abiotic driver. We also chose to include mean
annual precipitation (MAP) as another exogenous variable, as it
was correlated with soil moisture (Fig. S7) with the two soil
activity variables (Figs. 2and S4a, b) and should have long-lasting
effects on soil conditions that are also relevant for our snapshot
assessments. We further selected mean annual temperature as
another exogenous variable. However, the relationship between
mean annual temperature (MAT) and microbial activity was not
statistically signicant (p=0.14), and a similar non-signicant
trend was observed with detritivore activity (p=0.93) (see also
Fig. S4c, d). Although MAT displayed a positive correlation with
plant species richness, this association did not extend to the other
variables in our SEM model (as illustrated in Figs. 2and 3).
Consequently, we decided to exclude MAT from the nal model.
The framework of the piecewiseSEMR package109 allowed us to
test for interactive treatment effects and to account for the
hierarchical study design by including random effects in the
models. We also investigated the effects of soil pH and individual
effects of living and dead plant biomass on soil microbial and
detritivore activity within the model. However, these data were
only available for a small subset of sites and as we found no
signicant direct or indirect effects on biological activity, we
excluded them in the nal model.
The single models that were incorporated in the SEM were
built using LMMs (Table S2). The assumptions of the LMMs were
checked by plotting frequency distributions of each variable and
the variance structure of all models using residual plots for
homogeneity and quantile-quantile plots for normality (i.e., no
correlation between the residuals and the tted parameters of the
model). To meet model assumptions, plant biomass, plant species
richness, soil water content, and detritivore activity were log-
transformed. The relationship between plant richness and total
plant biomass was included as a correlated error term due to
reciprocal effects110.
The number of variables was reduced from the conceptual
model using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) that is
implemented in the piecewiseSEMpackage. Standardized
coefcients are reported for each path of the nal model
(Tables S3 and S4, Figs. 2a and 3a). The overall t of the models
was evaluated by using Shipleys test of d-separation obtained
through Fishers C statistic. Correlations were performed between
soil microbial activity and soil detritivore activity. To examine the
impact of herbivore-induced changes in soil structure on
biological activity, we analyzed the correlation between soil
porosity (a measure of soil compaction inuenced by herbivores)
and the two soil activity measures. However, due to insufcient
sample size, we could not include soil porosity in the SEM. The
statistical analyses were performed using the R statistical software
(version 4.2.2.; R Core Team 2022). Data used for creating the
gures can be found in the supplementary data (Figs. 1a, 2and 4
were created with Data 1, Figs. 1b and 3with Data 2).
Reporting summary. Further information on research design is
available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to
this article.
Data availability
The source data that support the ndings of this study can be found in the
supplementary data (Figs. 1a, b, 2and 4were created with Data 1, Fig. 1c and Fig. 3with
Data 2). All other data are available from the corresponding author on reasonable
Code availability
The code is available from the corresponding author upon request.
Received: 31 March 2023; Accepted: 17 November 2023;
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This work was generated using data from the Nutrient Network (
experiment, funded at the site-scale by individual researchers. Coordination of soil
sampling was funded by a competitive WSL internal grant to A.C. Risch and S. Zim-
mermann. Coordination and data management for NutNet have been supported by
funding to E. Borer and E. Seabloom from the National Science Foundation Research
Coordination Network (NSF-DEB-1042132) and Long-Term Ecological Research (NSF-
DEB-1234162 to Cedar Creek LTER) programs, and the Institute on the Environment
(DG-0001-13). We also thank the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute for hosting project
data and the Institute on the Environment for hosting Network meetings. J. Siebert, M.
Sünnemann, and N. Eisenhauer acknowledge funding from the German Centre for
Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, funded by the DFG (FZT
118). M. N. Bugalho thanks the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology
(FCT) for funding through contract DL 57/2016/CP1382/CT0030 and projects UID/BIA/
50027/2013 and POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006821. M. N. Bugalho also thank Rui Alves for
granting access to the study site ( We acknowledge the Portuguese Science
Foundation (FCT) for funding the research unit CEF (UIDB/00239/2020). We thank
Felix Gottschall for support with Figs. 2and 3and especially the design of the icons.
Author contributions
N.E. conceived the study; A.C.R. and N.E. developed the idea of a joint add-on project
within the Nutrient Network. E.T.B. and E.W.S. coordinate the Nutrient Network.
A.C.R., S.Z., and J.S. coordinated the global sampling campaign; J.D.B., L.B., D.M.B.,
E.T.B., M.N.B.; A.A.B.B., M.C.C., E.C.; K.F.D.; A.E.; N.H., J.M.H.K., A.S.M., R.L.M.,
J.L.M., S.A.P., J.N.P., E.W.S., R.S. and C.J.S. contributed data; J.S. and Y.H. analyzed the
data; J.S., M.S., and N.E. wrote the manuscript with input from all authors. M.S. revised
the manuscript with input from all authors (Table S5).
Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
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Institute of Biology,
Leipzig University, Puschstrasse 4, 04103 Leipzig, Germany.
Ecology and Biodiversity Group, Department of Biology, Utrecht University,
Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Community Ecology,
Zuercherstrasse 111, 8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland.
School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
98195, USA.
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50010, USA.
USDA-ARS Rangeland
Resources & Systems Research Unit, Fort Collins, CO 80526, USA.
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior; University of Minnesota, St.
Paul, MN 55108, USA.
Centre for Applied Ecology Prof. Baeta Neves, School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon, Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-017
Lisbon, Portugal.
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PT, UK.
Forest Research Centre, School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.
Ecology, Behavior and Evolution Section, University of
California San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr. #0116, La Jolla, California 92093-0116, USA.
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University
of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, USA.
Ecology and Genetics Unit, University of Oulu, P.O. Box 8000, FI-90014 University of Oulu,
Oulu, Finland.
Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research UFZ, Department of Physiological Diversity, Permoserstrasse 15, 04318
Leipzig, Germany.
Mammal Research Institute, Department of Zoology & Entomology, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa.
Health &
Environmental Sciences Department, Xian Jiatong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China.
Department of Integrative Biology, University of Guelph,
Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1, Canada.
Department of Plant & Soil Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40546, USA.
Arthur Rylah
Institute for Environmental Research, 123 Brown Street, Heidelberg, VIC 3084, Australia.
School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, 25
Rainforest Walk, Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia.
Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney University, Locked Bag 1797,
Penrith, NSW 2751, Australia.
School of Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Albury, NSW 2640,
Harry Butler Institute, Murdoch University, 90 South Street, Murdoch, WA 6150, Australia.
Institute of Agriculture, The University
of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia.
Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YQ,
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Forest Soils and Biogeochemistry, Zuercherstrasse 111, 8903
Birmensdorf, Switzerland.
These authors contributed equally: Julia Siebert, Marie Sünnemann. email:
10 COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY | (2023) 6:1220 | /10.1038/s42003-023-05607-2 |
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All multicellular organisms host a diverse microbiome composed of microbial pathogens, mutualists, and commensals, and changes in microbiome diversity or composition can alter host fitness and function. Nonetheless, we lack a general understanding of the drivers of microbiome diversity, in part because it is regulated by concurrent processes spanning scales from global to local. Global-scale environmental gradients can determine variation in microbiome diversity among sites, however an individual host’s microbiome also may reflect its local micro-environment. We fill this knowledge gap by experimentally manipulating two potential mediators of plant microbiome diversity (soil nutrient supply and herbivore density) at 23 grassland sites spanning global-scale gradients in soil nutrients, climate, and plant biomass. Here we show that leaf-scale microbiome diversity in unmanipulated plots depended on the total microbiome diversity at each site, which was highest at sites with high soil nutrients and plant biomass. We also found that experimentally adding soil nutrients and excluding herbivores produced concordant results across sites, increasing microbiome diversity by increasing plant biomass, which created a shaded microclimate. This demonstration of consistent responses of microbiome diversity across a wide range of host species and environmental conditions suggests the possibility of a general, predictive understanding of microbiome diversity.
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With approximately 60 Pg of carbon (C) released as CO2 annually, the decomposition of dead organic matter feeds the major terrestrial global CO2 flux to the atmosphere. Macroclimate control over this critical C flux facilitates the parametrization of the C cycle in Earth system models and the understanding of climate change effects on the global C balance. Yet, the long-standing paradigm of climate control was recently challenged by the so far underestimated environmental heterogeneity at local scales, questioning the conceptual framework of thousands of decomposition studies and accuracy of current predictive models. Using three complementary decomposition experiments at a European scale, we showed that macroclimate and litter characteristics largely control plant litter decomposition, reaffirming the role of macroclimate as an integrative decomposition driver through direct environmental control and by influencing co-evolving local plant and decomposer communities. Neglecting this latter indirect effect, commonly used standard litter types overrated micro-environmental control and failed to predict local decomposition of plot-specific litter. Our data help clarify a key question on the regulation of the global C cycle by identifying the relative role of control factors over decomposition and the scales at which they matter and by highlighting sources of confusion in the literature.
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Global changes will modify future nutrient availability with implications for grassland biogeochemistry. Soil organic matter (SOM) is central to grasslands for both provision of nutrients and climate mitigation through carbon (C) storage. While we know that C and nitrogen (N) in SOM can be influenced by greater nutrient availability, we lack understanding of nutrient effects on C and N coupling and stability in soil. Different SOM fractions have different functional relevance and mean residence times, i.e., mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) has a higher mean residence time than particulate organic matter (POM). By separating effects of nutrient supply on the different SOM fractions, we can better evaluate changes in soil C and N coupling and stability and associated mechanisms. To this end, we studied responses of C and N ratios and distributions across POM and MAOM to 6–10 years of N, phosphorus (P), potassium and micronutrients (K+µ), and combined NPK+µ additions at 11 grassland sites spanning 3 continents and globally relevant environmental gradients in climate, plant growth, soil texture, and nutrient availability. We found addition of N and NPK+µ generally reduced C:N in MAOM and POM. However, at low fertility and at warm, sandy sites, nutrient addition promoted higher MAOM and POM C:N, respectively. Addition of NPK+µ also promoted C storage in POM relative to MAOM, and this was consistent across sites. Our results suggest that addition of macro- and micronutrients consistently decrease SOM stabilization, whereas responses of soil C:N stoichiometry were contingent on SOM fraction and environmental conditions.
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Aim Soil microorganisms are essential for the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. Although soil microbial communities and functions are linked to tree species composition and diversity, there has been no comprehensive study of the generality or context dependence of these relationships. Here, we examine tree diversity–soil microbial biomass and respiration relationships across environmental gradients using a global network of tree diversity experiments. Location Boreal, temperate, subtropical and tropical forests. Time period 2013. Major taxa studied Soil microorganisms. Methods Soil samples collected from 11 tree diversity experiments were used to measure microbial respiration, biomass and respiratory quotient using the substrate‐induced respiration method. All samples were measured using the same analytical device, method and procedure to reduce measurement bias. We used linear mixed‐effects models and principal components analysis (PCA) to examine the effects of tree diversity (taxonomic and phylogenetic), environmental conditions and interactions on soil microbial properties. Results Abiotic drivers, mainly soil water content, but also soil carbon and soil pH, significantly increased soil microbial biomass and respiration. High soil water content reduced the importance of other abiotic drivers. Tree diversity had no effect on the soil microbial properties, but interactions with phylogenetic diversity indicated that the effects of diversity were context dependent and stronger in drier soils. Similar results were found for soil carbon and soil pH. Main conclusions Our results indicate the importance of abiotic variables, especially soil water content, for maintaining high levels of soil microbial functions and modulating the effects of other environmental drivers. Planting tree species with diverse water‐use strategies and structurally complex canopies and high leaf area might be crucial for maintaining high soil microbial biomass and respiration. Given that greater phylogenetic distance alleviated unfavourable soil water conditions, reforestation efforts that account for traits improving soil water content or select more phylogenetically distant species might assist in increasing soil microbial functions.
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There is increasing evidence that spatial and temporal dynamics of biodiversity and ecosystem functions play an essential role in biodiversity–ecosystem‐functioning (BEF) relationships. Despite the known importance of soil processes for forest ecosystems, belowground functions in response to tree diversity and spatiotemporal dynamics of ecological processes and conditions remain poorly described. We propose a novel conceptual framework integrating spatiotemporal dynamics in BEF relationships and hypothesized a positive tree species richness effect on soil ecosystem functions through the spatial and temporal stability of biotic and abiotic soil properties based on species complementarity and asynchrony. We tested this framework within a long‐term tree diversity experiment in Central Germany by assessing soil ecosystem functions (soil microbial properties and litter decomposition) and abiotic variables (soil moisture and surface temperature) for two consecutive years in high spatial and temporal resolution. Tree species richness and identity had significant effects on soil properties (e.g., soil microbial biomass). Structural equation modeling revealed that overall soil microbial biomass was partly explained by (1) enhanced temporal stability of soil surface temperature and (2) decreased spatial stability of soil microbial biomass. Overall, spatial stability of soil microbial properties was positively correlated with their temporal stability. These results suggest that spatiotemporal dynamics are indeed crucial determinants in BEF relationships and highlight the importance of vegetation‐induced microclimatic conditions for stable provisioning of soil ecosystem functions and services.
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Grasslands are under severe threat from ongoing degradation, undermining their capacity to support biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being. Yet, grasslands are largely ignored in sustainable development agendas. In this Perspective, we examine the current state of global grasslands and explore the extent and dominant drivers of their degradation. Socio-ecological solutions are needed to combat degradation and promote restoration. Important strategies include: increasing recognition of grasslands in global policy; developing standardized indicators of degradation; using scientific innovation for effective restoration at regional and landscape scales; and enhancing knowledge transfer and data sharing on restoration experiences. Stakeholder needs can be balanced through standardized assessment and shared understanding of the potential ecosystem service trade-offs in degraded and restored grasslands. The integration of these actions into sustainability policy will aid in halting degradation and enhancing restoration success, and protect the socio-economic, cultural and ecological benefits that grasslands provide.
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Aim Quantify direct and indirect relationships between soil microbial community properties (potential basal respiration, microbial biomass) and abiotic factors (soil, climate) in three major land-cover types. Location Europe. Time period 2018. Major taxa studied Microbial community (fungi and bacteria). Methods We collected 881 soil samples from across Europe in the framework of the Land Use/Land Cover Area Frame Survey (LUCAS). We measured potential soil basal respiration at 20 ºC and microbial biomass (substrate-induced respiration) using an O2-microcompensation apparatus. Soil and climate data were obtained from the same LUCAS survey and online databases. Structural equation models (SEMs) were used to quantify relationships between variables, and equations extracted from SEMs were used to create predictive maps. Fatty acid methyl esters were measured in a subset of samples to distinguish fungal from bacterial biomass. Results Soil microbial properties in croplands were more heavily affected by climate variables than those in forests. Potential soil basal respiration and microbial biomass were correlated in forests but decoupled in grasslands and croplands, where microbial biomass depended on soil carbon. Forests had a higher ratio of fungi to bacteria than grasslands or croplands. Main conclusions Soil microbial communities in grasslands and croplands are likely carbon-limited in comparison with those in forests, and forests have a higher dominance of fungi indicating differences in microbial community composition. Notably, the often already-degraded soils of croplands could be more vulnerable to climate change than more natural soils. The provided maps show potentially vulnerable areas that should be explicitly accounted for in future management plans to protect soil carbon and slow the increasing vulnerability of European soils to climate change.
Beyond the better-studied carbohydrates and the macronutrients nitrogen and phosphorus, a remaining 20 or so elements are essential for life and have distinct geographical distributions, making them of keen interest to ecologists. Here, I provide a framework for understanding how shortfalls in micronutrients like iodine, copper, and zinc can regulate individual fitness, abundance, and ecosystem function. With a special focus on sodium, I show how simple experiments manipulating biogeochemistry can reveal why many of the variables that ecologists study vary so dramatically from place to place. I conclude with a discussion of how the Anthropocene's changing temperature, precipitation, and atmospheric CO 2 levels are contributing to nutrient dilution (decreases in the nutrient quality at the base of food webs). Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, Volume 52 is November 2021. Please see for revised estimates.
Land-use and climate change are two of the key forces driving soil organisms’ activity and thus the ecosystem functions they provide. However, potential interactive effects of climate change and different land-use types on soil biological activity still remain unclear. Here, we studied soil biological activity in a large-scale field experiment initiated in 2014 in central Germany with two levels of input intensity (conventional versus organic treatment) and two climate scenarios (ambient climate versus “projected climate”, i.e., increased temperature by +0.55 °C and altered rainfall patterns across seasons). We measured soil microbial activity and invertebrate decomposer feeding activity across two years (2rd and 3rd year after establishment) in three-week intervals. Both soil biological activity measures were used as proxies for decomposition processes. Interactive effects of climate change and land-use types were not significant in the present study. Our results show that the projected climate reduced soil invertebrate decomposer activity by −16%, while soil microbial activity was not impaired. This suggests that even a slight increase in temperature together with a shift in precipitation patterns, can induce a significant reduction in soil functions like organic matter decomposition and nutrient cycling. Soil microbial (−9.6%) and invertebrate decomposer activity (−22%) were significantly lower in organic treatment compared to conventional treatment, which might be due to higher soil organic carbon and nutrient concentrations in conventional treatment in the short term. These findings highlight the need to better understand the main drivers of short- and long-term effects on belowground functioning to develop sustainable management strategies for healthyAAsoils in a changing climate.