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Efficacy and Safety of Topical 5% Azelaic Acid Solution Versus 2% Minoxidil Solution in the Treatment of Female Pattern Hair Loss


Abstract and Figures

Objective: To determine the efficacy and safety of 5% azelaic acid solution in comparison with 2% minoxidil solution in the treatment of FPHL. Materials and Methods: Twenty-six FPHL patients with Ludwig grade I or II were randomly treated with 5% azelaic acid solution or 2% minoxidil solution twice daily for 6 months. At baseline, 2, 4, and 6 months, hair density and hair shaft diameter were assessed at the targeted fixed area. At 6 months, patient and investigator assessments of hair growth were performed using a 7-point scale. Results: Hair density and hair shaft diameter in the patients treated with 5% azelaic acid and 2% minoxidil solution were significantly increased compared to the baseline in all cases and visits (P < 0.05). There were no statistically significant differences in hair density and hair shaft diameter changes between both groups (P > 0.05). Both the investigator and patient assessments were comparable between both groups at 6 months. Pruritus was the major adverse effect reported in both groups, but only mild and all could be tolerated. Conclusion: 5% Azelaic acid solution might be an effective treatment for FPHL, comparable with 2% minoxidil, and could be an alternative treatment for FPHL in minoxidil-allergic patients and pregnant women.
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Volume 75, No.12: 2023 Siriraj Medical Journal 887
Original Article SMJ
Kanchalit Thanomkitti, M.D., ChutiponPruksaeakanan, M.D., Chanika Subchookul, M.D., Norramon
Charoenpipatsin, M.D., Daranporn Triwongwaranat, M.D., Supenya Varothai, M.D., Rattapon uangtong,
M.D., Tanyalak Chumnumrat, B.Sc.
Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, ailand.
Efcacy and Safety of Topical 5% Azelaic Acid
Solution Versus 2% Minoxidil Solution in the
Treatment of Female Pattern Hair Loss
Objective: To determine the ecacy and safety of 5% azelaic acid solution in comparison with 2% minoxidil solution
in the treatment of FPHL.
Materials and Methods: Twenty-six FPHL patients with Ludwig grade I or II were randomly treated with 5% azelaic
acid solution or 2% minoxidil solution twice daily for 6 months. At baseline, 2, 4, and 6 months, hair density and
hair sha diameter were assessed at the targeted xed area. At 6 months, patient and investigator assessments of
hair growth were performed using a 7-point scale.
Results: Hair density and hair sha diameter in the patients treated with 5% azelaic acid and 2% minoxidil solution
were signicantly increased compared to the baseline in all cases and visits (P < 0.05). ere were no statistically
signicant dierences in hair density and hair sha diameter changes between both groups (P > 0.05). Both the
investigator and patient assessments were comparable between both groups at 6 months. Pruritus was the major
adverse eect reported in both groups, but only mild and all could be tolerated.
Conclusion: 5% Azelaic acid solution might be an eective treatment for FPHL, comparable with 2% minoxidil,
and could be an alternative treatment for FPHL in minoxidil-allergic patients and pregnant women.
Keywords: Androgenetic alopecia; azelaic acid; female pattern hair loss; minoxidil allergy; pregnancy (Siriraj Med
J 2023; 75: 887-893)
Corresponding author: Chutipon Pruksaeakanan
Received 24 October 2023 Revised 16 November 2023 Accepted 16 November 2023
All material is licensed under terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International (CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0)
license unless otherwise stated.
Androgenetic alopecia (AGA), also known as pattern
hair loss, is the most common form of nonscarring alopecia,
aecting up to 80% of men and 50% of women throughout
their lifetime.1 It is characterized by progressive hair loss
due to miniaturization of the hair follicles, resulting in
vellus transformation of the terminal hairs.2 Androgens
and genetic predisposition appear to play important roles
in etiopathogenesis.2,3 Current treatments of AGA that
are approved by the US Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) consist of oral nasteride (5α-reductase inhibitor)
in men, and topical minoxidil and low-level light therapy
(LLLT) in both men and women.4,5
Concerning female pattern hair loss (FPHL), the
treatment options are limited. Although the roles of
androgens and genetic susceptibility are less apparent than in
male AGA, oral nasteride and other antiandrogens appear
to be helpful in FPHL. However, these medications are
Volume 75, No.12: 2023 Siriraj Medical Journal
o-label and restricted, especially in women of childbearing
age due to their teratogenicity and the increase in risk
of breast cancer.4 erefore, topical minoxidil is the
only FDA-approved rst-line medication for FPHL
prescribed in general practice. However, concern has
been raised in FPHL patients with pregnancy, and so
minoxidil should be avoided for pregnant women.4,6
ere have been reports of neonatal hypertrichosisand
fetal malformations (heart, brain, and vascular)related
to topical minoxidil use during pregnancy.7,8 Although
topical minoxidil usage by mothers offers no harm
to breastfed children according to expert consensus,
minoxidil-induced hypertrichosis in a breastfed infant
was recently reported.9 erefore, minoxidil should be
prescribed under supervision, especially when a substantial
maternal dosage is part of the therapy and while nursing
a premature baby.9
Elevated estrogen levels during pregnancy slow
down the hair follicles’ normal cycle of shedding. As a
result, most pregnant women with FPHL can actually
have less hair loss.10 However, some of them might also
suer from ongoing hair loss during the gestational
period, which may happen as a result of iron deciency
anemia, stopping the oral contraceptive pill, stress, or an
imbalance of essential vitamins.11,12 Further hair thinning
usually has a negative impact on quality of life and self-
Azelaic acid is an eective topical treatment for
various dermatologic conditions, such as rosacea, acne,
and hyperpigmentation, owing to its anti-inammatory,
antioxidant, and antibacterial properties.13 In addition,
azelaic acid is also an inhibitor of 5α-reductase, which
is a key enzyme in the pathogenesis of AGA.14 A recent
study also showed that azelaic acid could protect hair
bulge cells from ultraviolet B damage via an increase in
catalase activity, and upregulate Gli1 and Gli2 expression,
which could enhance telogen to anagen transition and
promote hair growth.15 erefore, azelaic acid is believed
to be benecial in the treatment of AGA, and there
are many commercial topical preparations containing
minoxidil solutions in combination with 5% azelaic acid.
Moreover, topical azelaic acid is considered to be safe
to apply during pregnancy (pregnancy category B) and
breastfeeding.16 However to the best of our knowledge,
there has been no previous study on the ecacy of azelaic
acid topical solution monotherapy or a controlled study
comparing the ecacy of azelaic acid topical solution and
the standard treatment of AGA. us, the objective of
this study was to determine the ecacy and safety of 5%
azelaic acid solution in comparison with 2% minoxidil
solution in the treatment of FPHL.
Study design
This prospective, randomized, double-blinded
comparative study was conducted at the Department
of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital,
Mahidol University. e study was approved by the
Siriraj Institutional Review Board and informed consent
was obtained from all participants. Overall, 26 FPHL
women were enrolled and randomized to receive 5%
azelaic acid topical solution or 2% minoxidil topical
solution by block randomization (1:1 allocation ratio).
e patients were instructed to apply the solution all
over their thinning scalp twice daily. e patients were
evaluated at months 0 (baseline), 2, 4, and 6.
FPHL patients aged ≥ 18 years, with a Ludwig
classication grade I or II, were recruited in the study.
ey must not have received any topical or systemic
hair loss treatment for at least 6 months prior to the
enrollment. e exclusion criteria included patients who
had other scalp, systemic, or psychiatric conditions that
could be the cause of alopecia. Pregnant or breastfeeding
women were also excluded.
Azelaic acid and minoxidil solution
Both 5% azelaic acid and 2% minoxidil solution
were formulated by the Pharmacy Department, Faculty
of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University. Both
solutions used the same vehicles, consisting of 50% ethyl
alcohol, 25% propylene glycol, and 25% puried water.
Outcome assessment
Hair density and diameter
On the day of enrollment, each patient was tattooed
with 4 dots forming a 1x1 cm square on the vertex area
of the scalp, using a brown cosmetic tattoo ink (Micro
Pigments, Biotouch Inc., Los Angeles, CA, USA) that
would gradually disappear aer 6 months. At each visit,
hairs in the target area were cut to approximately 1
mm in length and collected. Macrophotographs of the
target area on the scalp were taken using a dermoscopic
device (Dino-Lite DermaScope®, Dino-Lite, Naarden, the
Netherlands) and DinoCapture soware. All hairs in the
target area were manually counted and reported as the
total hair and terminal hair counts. e hair diameter at
each visit was calculated by the mean hair diameter of
ten representative hairs from the target area. Each hair
was measured using an electronic external micrometer
(RS PRO External Micrometer, RS Components Ltd.,
Corby, UK). Both the hair density and hair diameter at
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Original Article SMJ
each visit of all the participants were evaluated by the
same author (C.P.), who was blinded to the treatment.
Global photographic review (GPR)
Standardized photographs were taken using a digital
camera (Digital Canon PowerShot G15, Canon Inc., Tokyo,
Japan) at baseline and 6 months. All the photographs at
baseline and 6 months were evaluated by two blinded
expert dermatologists (K.T. and D.T.) for assessing the
improvement in the patient’s global hair volume using a
7-point scale (-3 = signicant worsening; -2 = moderate
worsening; -1 = slight worsening; 0 = no change; +1 =
mild improvement; +2 = moderate improvement; +3 =
signicant improvement).
Patient’s own evaluation
Aer 6 months, patients evaluated their improvement
of FPHL compared with the baseline using a 7-point
scale, as in the GPR assessment.
Safety assessments
At every patient visit, safety evaluations of 5%
azelaic acid solution and 2% minoxidil solution were
conducted utilizing the combined information from the
history taking, physical examination, and photoimaging.
e majority of recorded adverse events were related
to scalp irritation, including erythema, itching, scaling,
and pruritus. Subjects rated the severity as none, mild,
moderate, or severe. Inspection of the returned container
of the designated preparation allowed for the assessment
of patient drug compliance.
Statistical analysis
All the data were analyzed using PASW Statistics,
version 18.0 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA). Descriptive
statistics were demonstrated as the frequency, percentage,
mean ± standard deviation (SD), median, and range. All
the continuous data were evaluated for normality by
the Shapiro–Wilk test. e paired t-test and repeated
measured ANOVA were used to compare the mean hair
density and hair diameter of each visit. e independent
t-test was used to compare the means of the two groups.
Nonparametric data were compared using the Mann–
Whitney U test. Pearson chi-square test and Fisher’s exact
test were used to compare the categorical data between
the two groups. A P-value of <0.05 was considered to
be statistically signicant.
Demographic data of the patients
This trial enrolled a total of 26 FPHL patients
with a mean age of 38.7 years. At baseline, the patients’
demographics and hair loss characteristics were similar
between both treatment groups (Table 1). Most of them
had grade I hair loss severity on the basis of the Ludwig
TABLE 1. Demographic data of patients with female pattern hair loss treated with 5% azelaic acid and 2% minoxidil
topical solution.
5% Azelaic acid solution 2% Minoxidil solution P-value
(n = 13) (n = 13)
Age, y, mean (SD) 40.1 (6.6) 37.3 (4.2) 0.216
Family history of AGA, n (%) 8 (61.5) 5 (38.5) 0.239
Age of onset, y, mean (SD) 33.5 (7.9) 31.5 (6.0) 0.473
Duration of hair loss, months, median (range) 84 (5 to156) 60 (24 to 156) 0.638
Ludwig classication, n (%) 1.000
Grade I 11 (84.6) 10 (76.9)
Grade II 2 (15.4) 3 (23.1)
Baseline hair density, per cm2, mean (SD)
Total hair 139.1 (34.3) 158.1 (36.9) 0.419
Terminal hair 109.2 (31.6) 127.7 (34.2) 0.644
Baseline hair diameter, μm, mean (SD) 66.0 (7.7) 65.5 (9.3) 0.548
Volume 75, No.12: 2023 Siriraj Medical Journal
Hair density and hair diameter
e hair density and hair diameter of the participants
treated with 5% azelaic acid and 2% minoxidil solution
at each follow-up visit are shown in Table 2. Compared
to the baseline, the hair density and hair diameter of
both groups signicantly increased aer two months of
treatment. ere were no signicant dierences in the
mean percentage of improvement in hair density and
diameter between both groups during six months. At
the end of the study, the hair density of the 5% azelaic
acid solution group and 2% minoxidil solution group
increased by 20.4% and 21.1%, respectively. e diameter
of the hair improved by 5.3% in the group receiving 5%
azelaic acid solution and 7.6% in the group receiving 2%
minoxidil solution.
Global photographic review
e investigators assessment of both groups at six
months were comparable. Five patients (38.5%) treated
with 5% azelaic acid solution showed a mild to moderate
improvement in their FPHL (4 mild improvement, 1
moderate improvement), compared with four patients
(30.8%) treated with 2% minoxidil solution (1 mild
improvement, 3 moderate improvement). Clinical
photographs demonstrating the treatment responses
aer a 6-month period of using 5% azelaic acid solution
and 2% minoxidil solution are shown in Fig 1 and Fig 2,
Patient’s own assessment
Regarding the patient’s own assessment, 12 patients
(92.3%) treated with 5% azelaic acid solution reported
an improvement in their hair loss (5 mild improvement,
7 moderate improvement), while 11 patients (84.6%) treated
with 2% minoxidil solution reported an improvement (3
mild improvement, 4 moderate improvement, 4 signicant
improvement) at the end of the study.
Adverse eects
e major reported adverse eect of both 5% azelaic
acid and 2% minoxidil topical solution was pruritus,
comprising 46.2% of patients in the azelaic acid group and
23.1% in the minoxidil group (Table 3). Most patients in
both groups rated only a mild degree of pruritus, which
tended to improve over time. One patient treated with
2% minoxidil solution complained of dryness, while one
patient treated with 5% azelaic acid solution reported
scaling. No patients reported erythema, or a burning or
stinging sensation.
TABLE 2. Comparison of hair density and hair diameter at each follow-up visit aer treatment with 5% azelaic
acid and 2% minoxidil topical solution
5% Azelaic acid solution 2% Minoxidil solution
Azelaic acid
Difference in percentage
(n = 13) (n = 13) vs. of improvement
Minoxidil between both groups
P-value P-value Mean
Mean (SD)
Mean (SD)
P-value difference P-value
to baseline) to baseline)
Total hair density, per cm
Baseline 139.1 (34.3) 158.1 (36.9) 0.186
2 months 154.7 (37.1) 0.001 180.5 (45.9) 0.001 0.129 -2.4 0.592
4 months 161.2 (35.5) <0.001 187.0 (45.0) <0.001 0.118 -2.1 0.718
6 months 167.5 (35.0) <0.001 191.5 (39.6) <0.001 0.115 -0.4 0.947
Hair diameter, μm
Baseline 66.0 (7.7) 65.5 (9.3)
2 months 68.0 (9.3) 0.017 68.1 (8.4) 0.043 0.968 -1.5 0.475
4 months 69.4 (7.9) 0.001 69.1 (8.0) 0.010 0.939 -0.8 0.735
6 months 69.5 (7.9) <0.001 70.5 (9.3) 0.004 0.760 -2.6 0.282
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TABLE 3. Reported adverse eects from 5% azelaic acid and 2% minoxidil topical solution.
5% Azelaic acid solution 2% Minoxidil solution
(n = 13) (n = 13)
Dryness, n (%) 0 (0) 1 (7.7)
Pruritus, n (%) 6 (46.2) 3 (23.1)
Scaling, n (%) 1 (7.7) 0 (0)
Fig 1. Female pattern hair loss patients (Ludwig
grade I) who received 5% azelaic acid solution twice
daily for 6 months. Patient No. 1 (A baseline, B 6
months) and patient No. 2 (C baseline, D 6months).
Fig 2. Female pattern hair loss patients (Ludwig
grade I) who received 2% minoxidil solution twice
daily for 6 months. Patient No. 3 (A baseline, B 6
months) and patient No. 4 (C baseline, D 6 months).
Volume 75, No.12: 2023 Siriraj Medical Journal
According to Stamatiadis et al.’s study, azelaic acid
was proved to be a potent inhibitor of 5α-reductase.14
Moreover, a recent study also demonstrated that azelaic
acid could improve telogen to anagen transition and
promote hair growth by upregulating Gli1 and Gli2
expression and protecting hair bulge cells from ultraviolet
B damage.15 erefore, azelaic acid might be an eective
treatment for AGA. ere are many commercial topical
preparations containing various concentrations of minoxidil
in combination with 5% azelaic acid. A previous randomized
controlled study on the ecacy of 5% minoxidil topical
solution monotherapy and a combination of 12.5%
minoxidil, 5% azelaic acid, and 0.025% betamethasone-
17-valerate showed a similar outcome in increasing hair
growth between both treatments, but the combination
solution signicantly decreased hair shedding compared
to 5% minoxidil monotherapy.17 However, evidence of the
ecacy of azelaic acid topical solution as a monotherapy
for AGA is lacking. Our study was the rst randomized
clinical study of the ecacy and safety of 5% azelaic
acid topical solution in comparison with 2% minoxidil
solution in the treatment of FPHL.
Both 5% azelaic acid and 2% minoxidil topical
solution signicantly increased both hair density and
hair diameter at 2, 4, and 6 months of treatment. ere
were no statistically signicant dierences between both
solutions in every follow-up visit (Table 2). Nonetheless,
the increases in hair density and the hair diameter of FPHL
patients treated with 5% azelaic acid solution were slightly
lower than those with 2% minoxidil solution, which is one
of the standard treatments for FPHL. e investigators
and patient’s own assessments also correlated with both
clinical parameters. Regarding GPR, slightly more FPHL
patients treated with 5% azelaic acid solution than 2%
minoxidil solution were considered to demonstrate mild
to moderate improvement at the end of the study. More
than half of the patients in both groups rated themselves
at least showing a moderate improvement from the
baseline condition.
e azelaic acid concentration in commercially
available hair formulations, combined with minoxidil
solution, varies between 1.5% to 5%. However, the 5%
azelaic acid used in our study was lower than typical
concentrations used for other dermatologic conditions,
such as rosacea, acne, and melasma, which range from
10% to 20%.13 A higher concentration of azelaic acid
might be more eective in improving hair thinning
but may also incur an increased risk of adverse events,
like pruritus, dryness, stinging, and burning sensation.
Further investigations are needed to establish the optimal
concentration of azelaic acid for the treatment of FPHL.
As mentioned above, the possible mechanisms of azelaic
acid in the improvement of FPHL could be that azelaic
acid may inhibit 5α-reductase14 and promote telogen
to anagen transition.15 Its anti-inammatory property
might also be another explanation. In a recent study,
it was reported that the pathophysiology of both male
pattern hair loss (MPHL) and FPHL may be inuenced
by the presence of perifollicular inammation.18 Azelaic
acid could reduce the synthesis of pro-inammatory
cytokines and reactive oxygen species, thus it might be
capable of improving PHL.13
e US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has
classied azelaic acid as pregnancy category B and can
be used in pregnant and breastfeeding women, whereas
minoxidil is not recommended due to several reports
of fetal abnormalities.16 According to our study, azelaic
acid could be a treatment option for pregnant women
with pre-existing FPHL, particularly in patients who
have previously received anti-hair loss treatments, in
particular, because discontinuation of those treatments in
patients who were trying to conceive could further result
in a deterioration of hair thinning and nally lead to a
negative impact on their quality of life and self-esteem.
us, 5% azelaic acid topical solution might be a valuable
alternative to 2% minoxidil solution for the treatment
of FPHL in pregnancy, as not only would it improve
FPHL, but it would also relieve stress and be benecial
to the quality of life of patients during pregnancy, as
minoxidil is restricted in these patients.
Topical minoxidil could cause transient telogen
hair shedding in some patients in the rst 8 weeks of
treatment.2 In this study, we expected to nd no change
or perhaps a slightly worsening in hair density in patients
treated with 2% minoxidil at 2 months aer treatment.
However, our study showed that the hair density in
patients treated with 2% minoxidil increased at 2 months
and continued increasing throughout the study, similar
to a previous study.19 is suggested that hair shedding
following minoxidil therapy might actually resolve before
8 weeks, or the quantity of hair growth might outnumber
hair shedding.
In our study, the most common adverse eect was
pruritus in both groups of patients. e explanation for
this might be due to the inclusion of propylene glycol in
both solutions or the active ingredient itself. Propylene
glycol is a well-known allergen and irritant that can cause
contact dermatitis.20 Other vehicles or solvents may be
used instead of propylene glycol to avoid skin irritation.
A previous study showed that the rates of pruritus and
dandru were signicantly lower in patients treated
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with 5% minoxidil topical foam (propylene glycol-free
preparation) than in those treated with 2% minoxidil
topical solution.21 Further investigations are needed to
assess the ecacy and safety of dierent vehicles used
in azelaic acid topical preparations in the treatment
of FPHL. In our study, pruritus was more commonly
observed in patients treated with 5% azelaic acid solution
than in those treated with 2% minoxidil solution. is
might be because azelaic acid is also a skin irritant and
probably causes additional pruritus.
Even though this study was a randomized, double-
blind, comparative study, our sample size of 26 patients
can be regarded as being relatively small. To accurately
determine the eectiveness and long-term safety of
topical azelaic acid for the treatment of both MPHL and
FPHL patients, a larger sample size with longer research
periods is needed in the future.
In conclusion, 5% azelaic acid topical solution
might be an eective treatment for FPHL, comparable
to 2% minoxidil solution. Furthermore, it could be
an alternative treatment for FPHL in pregnant and
breastfeeding women. More research on azelaic acid
solution is needed to determine the optimal concentration
of azelaic acid and the proper vehicles to use in FPHL
is research project was supported by the Siriraj
Research Fund, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital,
Mahidol University, Grant number (IO) R016132032.
All authors received no personal nancial interest from
the research fund. e authors also gratefully thank
Mr. Suthipol Udompunthurak of the Research Group
and Research Network Division, Research Department,
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University
for assistance with the statistical analysis.
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AZA is a non-phenolic, saturated dicarboxylic acid with nine carbon atoms, naturally produced by the yeast Malassezia. It has diverse physiological activities, including antibacterial, anti-keratinizing, antimelanogenic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. AZA is widely used in dermatology and is FDA-approved for treating papulopustular rosacea. It also shows significant efficacy in acne vulgaris and melasma. This review summarizes the mechanisms of action and clinical applications of AZA, aiming to provide theoretical support for its clinical and cosmetic use and to facilitate further research.
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Androgenetic alopecia (AGA), also known as male pattern hair loss (MPHL) or female pattern hair loss (FPHL), is the most common form of alopecia worldwide, and arises from an excessive response to androgens. AGA presents itself in a characteristic distribution unique to both sexes. Despite its prevalence, AGA can be quite challenging to treat. The condition is chronic in nature and stems from an interplay of genetic and environmental factors. There are only two US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drugs for the condition: topical minoxidil and oral finasteride. However, numerous non-FDA-approved treatments have been shown to be effective in treating AGA in various studies. Some of these treatments are relatively new and still to be explored, thus emphasizing the need for an updated review of the literature. In this comprehensive review, we discuss the evaluation of AGA and the mechanisms of action, costs, efficacies, and safety profiles of existing, alternative, and upcoming therapeutics for this widespread condition.
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Background: There is no clear-cut evidence in the existing medical literature of an association between iron deficiency and nonscarring alopecia. Objective: The objective of the study was to conduct a systematic review of the medical literature on the prevalence of iron deficiency in women with nonscarring alopecia and compare their ferritin levels with those of women without this condition. Methods: The electronic databases PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science were searched between June 15, 2019, and July 24, 2019. Studies that evaluated the prevalence of iron deficiency in women with nonscarring alopecia and/or compared ferritin levels in women with and without this condition were entered into the meta-analysis. Thirty-six of 928 identified studies entered the systematic meta-analysis. The meta-analysis was performed using the random-effects method. Results: The overall number of participants was 10,029. The prevalence of ferritin levels from 10 to 15 ng/dL and below was 21% (12; 29). Women with nonscarring alopecia had lower ferritin values at MD = -18.51 ng/dL (-25.85; -11.16, p < 0.01). Conclusion: Women with hair loss can benefit from higher ferritin levels.
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Male and female pattern hair loss (MPHL and FPHL, respectively), is the most common cause of hair loss affecting nearly 80 million people in the US, yet treatment options remain limited and lacking. As the need for more effective therapeutics remains unmet, this perspective offers a unique angle by directing attention to the inflammatory aspect of MPHL and FPHL. Evidence and implications of inflammation as a characteristic feature of MPHL and FPHL are highlighted through evaluation of clinical and quantitative data. Comparable results suggest the presence of significant perifollicular inflammatory infiltrates, such as lymphocytes and histiocytes, as well as the involvement of inflammatory genes, such as CASP7 and TNF, in the presentation of MPHL and FPHL. Resurfacing of the inflammatory aspect in MPHL and FPHL pathogenesis will advance future developments in MPHL and FPHL therapeutic options.
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Objective: Although azelaic acid is effective for treatment of acne and rosacea, the biological activity of azelaic acid and the effect of its combination therapy with minoxidil were not elucidated with regard to hair growth. Materials and methods: In this study, mouse vibrissae follicles were dissected on day 10 after depilation. Then, the bulb and bulge cells of the hair follicle were treated with minoxidil and azelaic acid for 10 days to evaluate Sonic hedgehog (Shh) protein expression. Moreover, bulge and bulb cells of the hair follicles were cultivated and the expression of Gli1, Gli2, and Axin2 mRNA levels was evaluated using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. We further investigated the protective effects of azelaic acid against ultraviolet B (UVB) irradiation in cultured bulb and bulge cells by determining catalase activity. An irradiation dose of 20 mJ/cm2 UVB for 4 sec was chosen. Results: The results showed that catalase activity significantly (p<0.05) increased in the bulge cells after exposure to 2.5 mM and 25 mM azelaic acid. Meanwhile, treatment of the bulb cells with azelaic acid (2.5 and 25 mM) did not cause significant changes in catalase activity. We also found that azelaic acid (25 mM) alone upregulated Gli1 and Gli2 expression in the bulge cells and 100 µ minoxidil caused Gli1 and Axin2 overexpression in the bulb region of the hair follicle. Moreover, minoxidil (100 µM) alone and in combination with azelaic acid (25 mM) led to Shh protein overexpression in the hair follicles in vitro and in organ culture. Conclusion: Our results indicated a potential role for azelaic acid in the protection of bulge cells from UVB damage and its combination with minoxidil may activate hair growth through overexpression of Shh protein.
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The hair cycle and hair follicle structure are highly affected by various hormones. Androgens—such as testosterone (T); dihydrotestosterone (DHT); and their prohormones, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and androstendione (A)—are the key factors in terminal hair growth. They act on sex-specific areas of the body, converting small, straight, fair vellus hairs into larger darker terminal hairs. They bind to intracellular androgen receptors in the dermal papilla cells of the hair follicle. The majority of hair follicles also require the intracellular enzyme 5-alpha reductase to convert testosterone into DHT. Apart from androgens, the role of other hormones is also currently being researched—e.g., estradiol can significantly alter the hair follicle growth and cycle by binding to estrogen receptors and influencing aromatase activity, which is responsible for converting androgen into estrogen (E2). Progesterone, at the level of the hair follicle, decreases the conversion of testosterone into DHT. The influence of prolactin (PRL) on hair growth has also been intensively investigated, and PRL and PRL receptors were detected in human scalp skin. Our review includes results from many analyses and provides a comprehensive up-to-date understanding of the subject of the effects of hormonal changes on the hair follicle.
Objective: We sought to know the efficacy and safety profile of topical products for use during pregnancy. Methods: We used PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Library to review literature on topical products and pregnancy. Results: A majority of pregnant women develop skin changes, including physiological or hormonal changes, worsening of preexisting skin conditions, or the appearance of new dermatoses during pregnancy. Most pregnant women are concerned about the availability of treatments options with good safety profiles, especially for skin and hair treatments, to maintain their appearance and health. Although most of the treatments are recommended to be used after delivery, there are some alternatives to prevent and treat skin lesions during pregnancy. Conclusion: The most current and comprehensive information about the efficacy and safety profile of topical products in pregnancy are necessary.
Topical minoxidil solution is used to promote hair growth for treatment of pattern hair loss (PHL). The mechanism of action has been a matter of speculation. Minoxidil is a potassium‐channel opener, with evidence that this effect is mediated by adenosine and sulfonylurea receptors, which are well‐known target receptors for adenosine‐triphosphate‐sensitive potassium channel openers. An interesting analogy exists to hypertrichotic osteochondrodysplasia or Cantu syndrome, a genetic disorder characterized by thick scalp hair extending onto the forehead, a general increase in body hair, and heart defects. It is caused by a mutation in the ABCC9 gene that codes for sulfonylurea receptor 2, involved in ATP‐sensitive potassium channels.1
Topical minoxidil (5% foam, 5% solution, 2% solution) is FDA-approved for androgenetic alopecia (AGA) in men and women. Mechanism of action: Minoxidil acts through multiple pathways (vasodilator, anti-inflammatory agent, inducer of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, an antiandrogen), and may also affect the length of the anagen and telogen phases. Pharmacokinetics: Approximately 1.4% of topical minoxidil is absorbed through the skin. Minoxidil is a prodrug which is metabolized by follicular sulfotransferase to minoxidil sulfate (active form). Those with higher sulfotransferase activity may respond better than patients with lower sulfotransferase activity. Clinical efficacy (topical minoxidil): In a five-year study, 2% minoxidil exhibited peak hair growth in males at year one with a decline in subsequent years. Topical minoxidil causes hair regrowth in both frontotemporal and vertex areas. The 5% solution and foam were not significantly different in efficacy from the 2% solution. Oral and Sublingual minoxidil (not FDA approved; off-label): After 6 months administration, minoxidil 5mg/day was significantly more effective than topical 5% and 2% in male AGA. Low-dose 0.5 to 5 mg/day may also be safe and effective for female pattern hair loss and chronic telogen effluvium. Sublingual minoxidil may be safe and effective in male and female pattern hair loss.
Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the most common form of alopecia, affecting up to 80% of men and 50% of women in the course of their life. AGA is caused by a progressive reduction in the diameter, length and pigmentation of the hair, resulting from the effects of the testosterone metabolite dihydrotestosterone (DHT) on androgen-sensitive hair follicles. Clinical presentation is different in men and women. Trichoscopy is used routinely in patients with androgenetic alopecia, for diagnosis and differential diagnosis with other diseases, allowing staging of severity and monitoring the progress of the disease and the response to treatment. Medical treatment of AGA includes topical minoxidil, antiandrogen agents, 5-alpha reductase inhibitors and many other options. This guideline for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia has been developed by an Italian group of experts taking into account the Italian pharmacological governance. The article is adapted from the original of the European Dermatology Forum (EDF) in collaboration with the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV). It summarizes evidence-based and expert-based recommendations (S3 level).
Azelaic acid has numerous pharmacological uses in dermatology. Its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties are thought to correlate with its efficacy in papulopustular rosacea and acne vulgaris, amongst other cutaneous conditions. We conducted a review of the literature on the use of azelaic acid in dermatology using key terms “acne,” “azelaic acid,” “dermatology,” “melasma,” “rosacea,” searching databases such as MEDLINE, EMBASE and PubMed. Only articles in English were chosen. The level of evidence was evaluated and selected accordingly listing the studies with the highest level of evidence first using the Oxford Centre of Evidence-Based Medicine 2011 guidance. This review found the strongest evidence supporting the use of azelaic acid in rosacea, followed by its use off-label in melasma followed by acne vulgaris. Weaker evidence is currently available to support the use of azelaic acid in several other conditions such as hidradenitis suppurativa, keratosis pilaris and male androgenic alopecia. Azelaic acid, as a monotherapy or in combination, could be an effective first-line or alternative treatment, which is well-tolerated and safe for a range of dermatological conditions.