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Citation: Suhadolnik, Nicolas, Jo
Ueyama, and Sergio Da Silva. 2023.
Machine Learning for Enhanced
Credit Risk Assessment: An
Empirical Approach. Journal of Risk
and Financial Management 16: 496.
Academic Editors: Daniel
Oliveira Cajueiro and Regis A. Ely
Received: 23 October 2023
Revised: 21 November 2023
Accepted: 25 November 2023
Published: 27 November 2023
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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Journal of
Risk and Financial
Machine Learning for Enhanced Credit Risk Assessment:
An Empirical Approach
Nicolas Suhadolnik 1,2, Jo Ueyama 1and Sergio Da Silva 3, *
1Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Carlos 13566-590, Brazil;
npsuhadolnik@gmail.com (N.S.); joueyama@icmc.usp.br (J.U.)
2Regional Bank for Development of the South Region, Curitiba 80030-900, Brazil
3Graduate Program in Economics, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis 88049-970, Brazil
*Correspondence: professorsergiodasilva@gmail.com
Financial institutions and regulators increasingly rely on large-scale data analysis, partic-
ularly machine learning, for credit decisions. This paper assesses ten machine learning algorithms
using a dataset of over 2.5 million observations from a financial institution. We also summarize key
statistical and machine learning models in credit scoring and review current research findings. Our
results indicate that ensemble models, particularly XGBoost, outperform traditional algorithms such
as logistic regression in credit classification. Researchers and experts in the subject of credit risk can
use this work as a practical reference as it covers crucial phases of data processing, exploratory data
analysis, modeling, and evaluation metrics.
Keywords: credit risk; computer methods; machine learning
1. Introduction
Recent technological advancements and regulatory changes have led to new financial
intermediation models, increasing competition, and reducing loan costs. Central banks
are promoting programs for financial system modernization and efficiency, including the
deployment of central bank digital currencies and open banking for data and service
exchange (Araujo 2022). This environment fosters the use of credit financial technologies,
balancing transformation and value creation with stability and transparency.
The surge in computer methods and data volumes has transformed credit judgments,
placing machine learning techniques at the forefront of credit risk assessments (Louzada
et al. 2016). The application of appropriate credit risk analysis tools is essential for the
functioning of financial institutions. However, the opacity and “black box” nature of
machine learning algorithms have raised concerns regarding their implications for financial
stability (Chakraborty and Joseph 2017).
This study delves into the significant role of machine learning in credit risk assessment.
It provides a comprehensive overview of current methodologies and introduces a novel
application of these methods using extensive real data from a financial institution. Our
analysis, covering a longer timeframe and a larger dataset than recent credit scoring
research, reveals that ensemble techniques, particularly XGBoost, consistently outperform
other methods in both imbalanced and balanced datasets. We emphasize the importance of
exploratory data analysis in understanding complex, imbalanced data.
Our contributions to the field are twofold. First, we demonstrate the effectiveness of
ensemble methods in credit risk classification, supported by comprehensive data analysis.
Second, we contextualize our findings within the broader credit scoring literature, com-
paring our results with significant recent studies (Teply and Polena 2020;Xia et al. 2020;
Malekipirbazari and Aksakalli 2015). This paper follows a structured approach: Section 2
discusses the key aspects of credit risk analysis and differentiates between traditional and
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023,16, 496. https://doi.org/10.3390/jrfm16120496 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jrfm
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023,16, 496 2 of 21
machine learning methodologies. Section 3outlines the methods used, while Section 4de-
tails data collection and pre-processing. Section 5presents the experiments, major findings,
and a literature comparison. Finally, Section 6concludes with our final thoughts.
2. Literature Review
This review has three sections. First, it covers basic ideas and aspects of credit risk
analysis. Then, it contrasts machine learning with conventional statistical methods. Lastly,
it provides a summary of current machine learning uses in evaluating credit risk.
2.1. Credit Risk Analysis Dimensions
Credit decisions are typically made using judgments based on the prior knowledge of
human analysts. This method is very susceptible to subjectivity, consistency issues, and the
influence of certain analyst preferences (Abdou and Pointon 2011). Complex statistical and
computational approaches started to take up more and more space as the credit market
expanded and financial institutions’ competitiveness increased due to new technologies
being applied in the financial services industry. As a result, these techniques started to
supplement or, in some situations, replace human judgment.
Financial institutions making credit decisions usually assess applicant risk using
the “5 Cs of credit” method. This involves five key areas: “Character” examines past
defaults, legal issues, and trustworthiness indicators; “Capacity” evaluates financial health,
focusing on debt-to-income ratios and management skills; “Conditions” assesses external
macroeconomic factors outside the borrower’s control; “Capital” looks at equity to gauge
commitment and reduce lender risk; and “Collateral” considers guarantees, requiring
detailed valuations due to diverse asset properties.
Credit risk assessment involves creating a synthetic indicator from information avail-
able at the time of the credit request. This process evaluates key factors affecting borrower
behavior to decide on loan approval (Hand and Henley 1997). The data for credit risk comes
from various sources, and there is no fixed number of attributes for scoring models; this
varies based on data type and specific economic and social contexts (Abdou and Pointon
2011). Despite abundant data, limited access to financial information has led to initiatives
like open banking, which seeks to standardize data sharing and give clients control over
their data, thereby reducing information asymmetry (Vicente 2020).
2.2. Traditional Algorithms vs. Machine Learning
Traditional models like linear and logistic regression work well for economic issues,
but they may fall short with large datasets where relationships are more complex than linear
ones. Overreliance on these old methods can lead to irrelevant hypotheses, questionable
results, and poor handling of current problems. Therefore, using a broader range of
tools is recommended for data-driven problem solving (Breiman 2001). In this context,
machine learning algorithms could be more effective for modeling complex interactions
(Varian 2014).
Econometric and statistical methods differ from machine learning in their primary
goals. Econometrics, assuming data come from a known stochastic model, focuses on the
significance of estimated parameters, confidence intervals, and causal inference (Athey
and Imbens 2019). In contrast, machine learning prioritizes developing algorithms for
making predictions or identifying key units with minimal information. Consequently, in
machine learning, the key measure of success is often out-of-sample predictive performance
(Bazarbash 2019).
Many machine learning models produce parameters that are hard to interpret, making
it challenging to understand their results. This lack of clarity affects financial institutions’
strategies, often resulting in fully automated credit assessment processes (Bazarbash 2019).
Supervised learning models are methodologically effective in classifying individuals as
reliable or unreliable payers. Recent studies show a broad range of machine learning
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023,16, 496 3 of 21
applications in credit risk assessment, and this paper presents an overview of the main
methodologies and their key findings.
2.3. Credit Scoring: An Overview
Machine learning has become a key tool in credit decision making in recent years. Nu-
merous studies evaluate its predictive power or develop new classification and regression
methods for specific scenarios. Its influence extends to various finance areas, including
cross-sectional return prediction for stocks and other assets, as shown by Gu et al. (2020)
and Bali et al. (2023); market timing (Cakici et al. 2023;Zhou et al. 2023); and risk prediction
(Drobetz et al. 2021). These applications highlight machine learning’s transformative role
in finance, offering insights beyond traditional models.
Louzada et al. (2016) conducted a thorough evaluation of the literature on the theory
and use of credit risk rating models. They observe that the most prevalent purpose among
authors was to propose a new credit rating algorithm, based on a thorough review of
187 articles published between 1992 and 2015. Another goal was to compare various credit
risk assessment methodologies, which has become less important in recent publications.
The most common credit risk classification methods discovered in these studies are neural
networks, support vector machines, fuzzy logic, linear regression, decision trees, logistic
regression, and ensemble methods. Louzada et al. (2016) also compare the prediction
performance of the various approaches on three different sets of data, with a focus on
support vector machines and fuzzy logic.
In their study, Dastile et al. (2020) conducted a comprehensive literature review on
statistical and machine learning models used in credit scoring. They also introduce a
guiding machine learning framework for credit scoring. The review covers 74 primary
studies published between 2010 and 2018, revealing that ensemble classifiers generally
outperform individual ones. Notably, while deep learning models are not widely adopted
in the credit scoring literature, they show promise in their results.
In a systematic review, Markov et al. (2022) analyzed 150 articles from 2016 to 2021 to
discern trends in credit scoring methodologies. The article contributes to the understanding
of how various statistical and machine learning techniques are applied in credit scoring
at different stages. Their study reveals a growing preference for advanced methods like
ensembles and neural networks over traditional techniques like decision trees and logistic
regression, often leading to better predictive results.
Zhang and Yu (2024) offer an in-depth review of consumer credit risk assessment.
They pinpoint a notable gap in research about data traits and stress the importance of multi-
scenario modeling in machine learning. The study underscores the significance of grasping
data traits’ impacts on a model’s predictive capacity. It also emphasizes the necessity of
developing adept data processing techniques to decide the best learning method. The
paper concludes by presenting a structured framework for consumer credit scoring, noting
the consistent development of hybrid and ensemble classifiers as primary algorithms.
The selection of a data set is an important part of empirical investigation. Given
the difficulty in obtaining information on organizations and people’s credit histories,
many researchers rely on data that are readily available in public archives (Louzada et al.
2016). We might specifically mention the usage of the Australian credit (AC) and German
credit (GC) datasets, both of which are available in the UCI Machine Learning Repository
(Dua and Graff 2017). The AC dataset has 690 observations with 14 features, whereas
the GC dataset contains 1000 observations with 20 features. Despite the fact that these
datasets are frequently used in credit risk assessment applications, the small number of
observations might be a significant drawback in research comparing the predictive power
of different classifiers.
With the rise of FinTechs, such as peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms, other data
sources, such as “digital footprints,” have been incorporated into credit risk assessment
(Berg et al. 2020). Due to their impact on the inclusion and stability of the financial system,
these institutions have garnered the interest of researchers and regulators (
Bazarbash 2019
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023,16, 496 4 of 21
Chakraborty and Joseph 2017). Some companies, such as Lending Club, one of the pioneer-
ing platforms in P2P lending, make transaction data available to the public; however, the
models used are largely undisclosed.
3. Materials and Methods
Machine learning algorithms are increasingly being used in credit decision making.
There is ongoing interest in the development of new tools for classifying credit risk. As
a result, current research contains a wide range of algorithms and applications (Louzada
et al. 2016). With this in mind, our methodology is based on a review of studies with
similar goals and data sets to ours. Following that, we seek to identify the algorithms that
perform the best in each of the many methods. We gathered traditionally used predictive
performance indicators in order to compare our findings to those of similar applications.
Table 1summarizes the main credit scoring methodologies using data from Lending Club.
Table 1. Compilation of related works.
Paper Sample n Features Algorithm Performance Metric
Serrano-Cinca et al.
2015 2008–2011 3788 5 Logistic regression
Hosmer–Lemeshow test
Nagelkerke’s R2
and Aksakalli 2015 2012–2014 68,000 15
Logistic regression
K-nearest neighbors
Random forests
Support vector machines
Area under the curve
Root mean square error
Xia et al. 2020 2011–2013 64,139 15
Logistic regression
Decision tree
Random forests
Artificial neural networks
Gradient boosting decision tree
False positive rate
False negative rate
Area under the curve
Hirsch index
This work 2007–2018 1,305,402 18
Logistic regression
Decision tree
K-nearest neighbors
Support vector machines
Artificial neural networks
Random forests
Extra trees
Gradient boosting decision tree
Area under the curve
3.1. Credit Risk Rating: Selected Algorithms
The major aspects of the supervised learning algorithms we chose for credit risk
classification are summarized here. Although the focus of this study does not provide a
comprehensive description of the methodology used, several of the listed sources do.
Logistic regression is a technique that financial institutions still employ to make
credit judgments. Table 1shows that logistic regression appeared in all of the studies
examined. Despite being a relatively simple technique, it is adequate for dealing with
binary classification problems, providing greater prediction accuracy in some circumstances
than more complex techniques (Teply and Polena 2020). The logistic regression model
considers a set of independent variables
X={X1, . . . , Xn}
and a categorical dependent
. It is specifically designed for binary classification tasks, where
the dependent variable represents two possible outcomes or classes. The model applies
the logistic function to transform the linear combination of independent variables into
probabilities. Thus, if we consider
as the category of interest (for instance, charged-off
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023,16, 496 5 of 21
loans), the model can be expressed as
log π
, where
is the
vector containing the model’s coefficients. Therefore, the model can be represented by
is the probability of the
th individual to belong to category
. The logistic
regression coefficients can be estimated using the maximum likelihood method.
Decision trees are generally simple to implement and produce findings with a higher
degree of interpretability, which is an important quality for credit risk classification models.
They are made up of decision rules that are structured in the form of a tree architecture.
In general, the goal is to create a series of if-then-else conditions that cover all possible
combinations in a hierarchical structure similar to a flowchart, where subsequent decisions
are dependent on previous ones and the final result is obtained from the sequence of all
decisions from the root node to the terminal or leaf node. At each node, a partitioning
decision is taken in order to optimize the purity measure. In general, this metric is computed
using the Gini index or entropy. As a result, partitions are created in each node to ensure
that a group of individuals or businesses with comparable charged-off loans remain in the
same region. To avoid overfitting, a size constraint for the tree must be set. When compared
to other algorithms, one advantage of decision trees is the higher interpretability of the
results obtained (Bazarbash 2019).
Random forests can be thought of as a strategy that combines several decisions trees
that differ in two ways. To begin, each tree is built from a subsample (called bagging) of
the main sample. Second, the partitions at each node are optimized over a random subset
of the characteristics rather than all available features. These two changes provide enough
variance in the generated trees and smooth the outcomes, which are derived by averaging
the results of each tree. A majority rule can be used to determine the ultimate result in
classification problems. As a result, random forest algorithms outperform isolated tree
algorithms in terms of predictive capacity (Athey and Imbens 2019).
K-nearest neighbors (KNN), regarded as one of the simplest and most popular classifi-
cation algorithms, can be defined as follows:
h(x) = majorityi∈ℵxyi
is the set of the kobservations closest to x. Thus, it seeks the most frequent class,
, observed among the k-nearest neighbors of x, considering a specific distance measure,
such as the Euclidean distance, applied to the set of relevant attributes.
The purpose of a support vector machine (SVM) algorithm in a binary classification
problem is to identify the best classification function to separate the members of each
class. Geometrically, the measure for determining the best classification function can be
obtained. A linear classification function corresponds to a separating hyperplane for a
linearly separable dataset. Given the large number of alternative linear hyperplanes, the
SVM finds the best separation function by maximizing the margin between the two classes.
The margin is intuitively described as the space or separation between the two classes as
specified by the hyperplane. As shown in Figure 1, the margin corresponds to the shortest
distance between the hyperplane and the nearest point of each class, also known as support
vectors (Wu et al. 2008). When the functional form that determines the line of separation is
linear, the SVM is said to be based on a linear kernel. Through the use of nonlinear kernels,
notably the radial and polynomial basis functions, several SVM extensions enable us to
cope with datasets that are not linearly separable. Among the key benefits of SVM is its
capacity to handle high-dimensional datasets, as well as being less prone to overfitting
(Bazarbash 2019).
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023,16, 496 6 of 21
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 23
port vectors (Wu et al. 2008). When the functional form that determines the line of sepa-
ration is linear, the SVM is sai d to be based on a linear ke rnel. Through the use of nonlinear
kernels, notably the radial and polynomial basis functions, several SVM extensions enable
us to cope with datasets that are not linearly separable. Among the key benefits of SVM is
its capacity to handle high-dimensional datasets, as well as being less prone to overfiing
(Bazarbash 2019).
An artificial neural network is made up of numerous processing nodes or neurons
and is inspired by the brain structures of sentient species that learn through experience.
As shown in Figure 2, the architecture of neural networks is arranged into layers that are
linked by a hierarchy of relative weights. The characteristics are utilized in the first layer,
or input layer, to calculate the values of the nodes, which are subsequently used as inputs
in the calculation of the nodes in the second layer. Each node processes information by
applying a linear or non-linear activation function. In addition to an output layer where
the final results are obtained, a neural network might comprise one or more intermediate
layers (hidden layers). Artificial neural networks differ in general based on the number of
intermediate layers and the activation function utilized (Louzada et al. 2016). In practice,
models of artificial neural networks with dozens of layers might be utilized, meaning
thousands or millions of parameters that can necessitate significant computer resources.
The fundamental advantage of neural networks is their ability to deal with complex inter-
actions in vast datasets. However, because deciphering how the results are acquired is
challenging, artificial neural networks are regarded as “black boxes.” Deep learning, an
extension of neural network algorithms, is one of the subfields of machine learning that
has garnered considerable interest in recent years due to the impressive results gained in
a wide range of applications (Bazarbash 2019).
Figure 1. Hypothetical example of a separation hyperplane defined by a SVM algorithm.
Figure 1. Hypothetical example of a separation hyperplane defined by a SVM algorithm.
An artificial neural network is made up of numerous processing nodes or neurons
and is inspired by the brain structures of sentient species that learn through experience.
As shown in Figure 2, the architecture of neural networks is arranged into layers that are
linked by a hierarchy of relative weights. The characteristics are utilized in the first layer,
or input layer, to calculate the values of the nodes, which are subsequently used as inputs
in the calculation of the nodes in the second layer. Each node processes information by
applying a linear or non-linear activation function. In addition to an output layer where
the final results are obtained, a neural network might comprise one or more intermediate
layers (hidden layers). Artificial neural networks differ in general based on the number of
intermediate layers and the activation function utilized (Louzada et al. 2016). In practice,
models of artificial neural networks with dozens of layers might be utilized, meaning
thousands or millions of parameters that can necessitate significant computer resources. The
fundamental advantage of neural networks is their ability to deal with complex interactions
in vast datasets. However, because deciphering how the results are acquired is challenging,
artificial neural networks are regarded as “black boxes.” Deep learning, an extension of
neural network algorithms, is one of the subfields of machine learning that has garnered
considerable interest in recent years due to the impressive results gained in a wide range of
applications (Bazarbash 2019).
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 23
Figure 2. Artificial neural network with four aributes, two intermediate layers, and binary output.
There are numerous ways to combine algorithms and generate ensemble models.
Boosting methods can be used to sequentially combine a group of lesser performing clas-
sifiers in order to generate a classifier with higher predictive power. In general, the boost-
ing approach involves training numerous models sequentially, and the error function
used to train a specific algorithm is determined by the performance of prior algorithms.
AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting, Extra Trees, and XGBoost are some of the most used ap-
proaches (Bishop 2006; Xia et al. 2020). Another method for combining models that is sim-
pler is to average the predictions of a set of independent models, like in the case of bagging
random forest algorithms.
3.2. Performance Indicators
Considering the performance measures commonly employed in credit risk classifica-
tion studies (Table 1), measurements generated from the confusion matrix and area under
the curve are used in this work. The confusion matrix compares the outcome of the algo-
rithm’s classification with the actual classes observed in the data set. A misclassification
happens in the context of binary credit risk scoring when the algorithm assigns a class
(charged-off or fully paid loan) to individual or company i that differs from the true class
observed in the data set. Table 2 depicts the confusion matrix, where TP is the number of
true positives, TN is the number of true negatives, FP is the number of false positives, and
FN is the number of false negatives, and TP + TN + FP + FN = N, where N is the total
number of observations in the data set.
Table 2. Confusion matrix.
Fully paid
Fully paid
We can get the following measurements from the confusion matrix: accuracy, recall,
specificity, precision, and F1-score. Accuracy is a global predictive performance metric
that correlates to the algorithm’s share of correct classifications, denoted as
Accuracy TP TN
Figure 2.
Artificial neural network with four attributes, two intermediate layers, and binary output.
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023,16, 496 7 of 21
There are numerous ways to combine algorithms and generate ensemble models.
Boosting methods can be used to sequentially combine a group of lesser performing classi-
fiers in order to generate a classifier with higher predictive power. In general, the boosting
approach involves training numerous models sequentially, and the error function used
to train a specific algorithm is determined by the performance of prior algorithms. Ad-
aBoost, Gradient Boosting, Extra Trees, and XGBoost are some of the most used approaches
(Bishop 2006;Xia et al. 2020). Another method for combining models that is simpler is to
average the predictions of a set of independent models, like in the case of bagging random
forest algorithms.
3.2. Performance Indicators
Considering the performance measures commonly employed in credit risk classifica-
tion studies (Table 1), measurements generated from the confusion matrix and area under
the curve are used in this work. The confusion matrix compares the outcome of the algo-
rithm’s classification with the actual classes observed in the data set. A misclassification
happens in the context of binary credit risk scoring when the algorithm assigns a class
(charged-off or fully paid loan) to individual or company ithat differs from the true class
observed in the data set. Table 2depicts the confusion matrix, where TP is the number
of true positives, TN is the number of true negatives, FP is the number of false positives,
and FN is the number of false negatives, and TP +TN +FP +FN =N, where Nis the total
number of observations in the data set.
Table 2. Confusion matrix.
Observed Charged-off Fully paid
Charged-off TP FN
Fully paid FP TN
We can get the following measurements from the confusion matrix: accuracy, recall,
specificity, precision, and F1-score. Accuracy is a global predictive performance metric that
correlates to the algorithm’s share of correct classifications, denoted as
Accuracy =TP +T N
Despite its widespread use, accuracy may be insufficient to deal with uneven data sets
that benefit a majority class. The true positive rate, also known as recall, is the proportion
of positive cases (charged-off loans) properly classified by the algorithm in relation to the
total number of true positives:
Recall =TP
The proportion of negative cases (fully paid loans) correctly classified by the algorithm
in respect to the total number of genuine negatives is referred to as specificity, also known
as the true negative rate:
Specificity =TN
Precision is the fraction of positive cases (charged-off loans) accurately identified by
the algorithm in respect to the total number of positives:
Precision =TP
The F1-score is
F1 =2·Precision ·Recall
Precision +Recall
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023,16, 496 8 of 21
Through its harmonic mean, the F1-score provides a synthetic measure of precision
and sensitivity. This measure outperforms accuracy in the situation of unbalanced datasets.
The area under the curve (AUC) is utilized in addition to the performance measures
mentioned above. The curve in question is the receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
curve, which is obtained by plotting the true positive rate (sensitivity) on the yaxis and the
false positive rate (1—specificity) on the xaxis, and taking this relationship into account
for different cutoff points on the probability estimated by the classification algorithm. In
Figure 3, the wine dataset (toy dataset from scikit-learn) was utilized to train a random
forest classifier and generate a visual plot for comparison with the support vector machines
for classification (SVC), using the ROC curve and AUC.
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 23
Figure 3. The higher the AUC value, or the closer the ROC curve is to the upper left corner, the beer
the classifier’s performance. Source: hps://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/miscellane-
visualization-api-py (accessed on 15 November 2023).
4. Data Analysis
The selection of features is a vital step in applying machine learning algorithms to
credit risk classification. In this section, we first provide an overview of the original da-
taset. Following that, we detail the pre-processing treatment and transformations, as well
as the reasons for picking the variables that comprise the data set used in the simulations.
Finally, we provide a description of each of the selected features.
4.1. Overview
When selecting the dataset, we first aempted to broaden the time of analysis and
the number of observations in comparison to credit scoring research reported in the liter-
ature (Teply and Polena 2020; Malekipirbazari and Aksakalli 2015). We used the Lending
Club loan dataset from the Kaggle repository (George 2018) for this, which originally gath-
ered loans made by the Lending Club from 2007 to 2018, with 2260,701 observations
(loans) and 151 variables totaling 1.55 GB.
The original data set contains loan requests from individuals that were accepted by
the Lending Club platform in the P2P lending model. Requests that were rejected, that is,
those that did not satisfy the parameters of the platform’s credit policy, were not taken
into account in this study. Although this posed a risk of introducing survivorship bias,
this procedure was necessary due to the nature of the classification problem and the data
available. Collective loans, or loans with more than one borrower, were also eliminated.
The target variable loan status was modified to indicate a binary result in order to
deal with the proposed supervised classification challenge. Only loans that were fully paid
or charged-off were considered in this change. As a result, the variable assumed the value
0 for fully paid and 1 for charged-off. Other scenarios, such as loans with status current,
Figure 3.
The higher the AUC value, or the closer the ROC curve is to the upper left corner, the better
the classifier’s performance. Source: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/miscellaneous/
plot_roc_curve_visualization_api.html#sphx-glr-auto- examples-miscellaneous-plot-roc-curve-
visualization-api-py (accessed on 15 November 2023).
4. Data Analysis
The selection of features is a vital step in applying machine learning algorithms to
credit risk classification. In this section, we first provide an overview of the original dataset.
Following that, we detail the pre-processing treatment and transformations, as well as the
reasons for picking the variables that comprise the data set used in the simulations. Finally,
we provide a description of each of the selected features.
4.1. Overview
When selecting the dataset, we first attempted to broaden the time of analysis and the
number of observations in comparison to credit scoring research reported in the literature
(Teply and Polena 2020;Malekipirbazari and Aksakalli 2015). We used the Lending Club
loan dataset from the Kaggle repository (George 2018) for this, which originally gathered
loans made by the Lending Club from 2007 to 2018, with 2,260,701 observations (loans) and
151 variables totaling 1.55 GB.
The original data set contains loan requests from individuals that were accepted by
the Lending Club platform in the P2P lending model. Requests that were rejected, that
is, those that did not satisfy the parameters of the platform’s credit policy, were not taken
into account in this study. Although this posed a risk of introducing survivorship bias,
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023,16, 496 9 of 21
this procedure was necessary due to the nature of the classification problem and the data
available. Collective loans, or loans with more than one borrower, were also eliminated.
The target variable loan status was modified to indicate a binary result in order to deal
with the proposed supervised classification challenge. Only loans that were fully paid or
charged-off were considered in this change. As a result, the variable assumed the value
0 for fully paid and 1 for charged-off. Other scenarios, such as loans with status current,
grace period, and in arrears of up to 120 days, were eliminated. Only loans that had already
reached their full term and had been resolved, or those that had been charged-off with a
delay of more than 120 days, were considered.
This initial treatment yielded a data set with 1,076,751 fully paid loans and 268,559
charged-off loans (Figure 4). Figure 5also depicts the number of loans in each class over
the investigated period. The decrease in the total number of loans observed in 2016 is due
to the removal of operations in progress, as indicated above for the target variable loan
status. The disparity between the fully paid and charged-off classes will be addressed later.
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 23
grace period, and in arrears of up to 120 days, were eliminated. Only loans that had al-
ready reached their full term and had been resolved, or those that had been charged-off
with a delay of more than 120 days, were considered.
This initial treatment yielded a data set with 1076,751 fully paid loans and 268,559
charged-off loans (Figure 4). Figure 5 also depicts the number of loans in each class over
the investigated period. The decrease in the total number of loans observed in 2016 is due
to the removal of operations in progress, as indicated above for the target variable loan
status. The disparity between the fully paid and charged-off classes will be addressed
Figure 4. Loan status.
Figure 5. Loans made each year.
4.2. Data Pre-Processing
In general, a significant number of features had to be disregarded due to the amount
of missing data that made any aempt to use them unfeasible. Figure 6 presents the miss-
ing values matrix for the original data set, with 44 features having 50% or more missing
data. After a detailed analysis of each variable, it was found that some features had redun-
dancy or a lack of informational value for the credit risk classification. This occurs, for
example, with variables that represent transaction or borrower identification numbers. In
addition, considering that the objective of this work is to evaluate the predictive capacity
of credit risk classification algorithms, only variables available at the time borrowers re-
quested the loans were included. Thus, variables such as those identifying the borrower’s
payment history and schedule or their current credit score were not considered.
In addition to the target variable loan status, seven quantitative and eleven qualita-
tive features were selected from a total of 151 accessible variables in the original data set.
Figure 4. Loan status.
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 23
grace period, and in arrears of up to 120 days, were eliminated. Only loans that had al-
ready reached their full term and had been resolved, or those that had been charged-off
with a delay of more than 120 days, were considered.
This initial treatment yielded a data set with 1076,751 fully paid loans and 268,559
charged-off loans (Figure 4). Figure 5 also depicts the number of loans in each class over
the investigated period. The decrease in the total number of loans observed in 2016 is due
to the removal of operations in progress, as indicated above for the target variable loan
status. The disparity between the fully paid and charged-off classes will be addressed
Figure 4. Loan status.
Figure 5. Loans made each year.
4.2. Data Pre-Processing
In general, a significant number of features had to be disregarded due to the amount
of missing data that made any aempt to use them unfeasible. Figure 6 presents the miss-
ing values matrix for the original data set, with 44 features having 50% or more missing
data. After a detailed analysis of each variable, it was found that some features had redun-
dancy or a lack of informational value for the credit risk classification. This occurs, for
example, with variables that represent transaction or borrower identification numbers. In
addition, considering that the objective of this work is to evaluate the predictive capacity
of credit risk classification algorithms, only variables available at the time borrowers re-
quested the loans were included. Thus, variables such as those identifying the borrower’s
payment history and schedule or their current credit score were not considered.
In addition to the target variable loan status, seven quantitative and eleven qualita-
tive features were selected from a total of 151 accessible variables in the original data set.
Figure 5. Loans made each year.
4.2. Data Pre-Processing
In general, a significant number of features had to be disregarded due to the amount of
missing data that made any attempt to use them unfeasible. Figure 6presents the missing
values matrix for the original data set, with 44 features having 50% or more missing data.
After a detailed analysis of each variable, it was found that some features had redundancy
or a lack of informational value for the credit risk classification. This occurs, for example,
with variables that represent transaction or borrower identification numbers. In addition,
considering that the objective of this work is to evaluate the predictive capacity of credit
risk classification algorithms, only variables available at the time borrowers requested the
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023,16, 496 10 of 21
loans were included. Thus, variables such as those identifying the borrower’s payment
history and schedule or their current credit score were not considered.
In addition to the target variable loan status, seven quantitative and eleven qualitative
features were selected from a total of 151 accessible variables in the original data set. In
the selection of features, we attempted to capture aspects related to the credit risk analysis
dimensions outlined in Section 2.1. Thus, certain features are contingent upon the capacity,
character, and circumstances of the borrower at the time of loan application. In addition,
several features capture the loan’s general features. Each of the 18 selected features is
described in Table 3.
Table 3. Selected features.
Feature Description Type
Annual income Self-reported by the loan applicant in US dollars at
the time of registration Numeric
Debt-to-income ratio Monthly debt payments (excluding mortgages and
the sought loan) as a percentage of monthly income Numeric
Limit surpassed
Ratio between the amount of credit the borrower is
using and all available revolving credit (e.g.,
credit cards)
Credit availability Total number of open credit lines reflected in the
borrower’s credit file Numeric
Banking partnership Total number of credit lines currently in the
borrower’s credit file Numeric
Financial past Time, in years, after the borrower opened his or her
first credit line until the time of the request
Categorical (possible values: up to 5 years, 6–10 years,
11–15 years, 16–20 years, and over 20 years)
Credit score The value of the lower limit of the borrower’s score
range (FICO®Score) at the time of the request Numeric
Delayed payments
Indicator of the existence of payment commitments
that are more than 30 days past due in the recent
two years
Categorical (possible values: yes or no)
Credit applications Number of credit inquiries in the last six months,
excluding autos and mortgages Categorical (possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3 or 3+)
Pending registration
Indicator of the presence of derogatory public records
Categorical (possible values: yes or no)
Tax liens
Indicator of the existence of outstanding tax issues in
the borrower’s history Categorical (possible values: yes or no)
Employment length Employment length in years Categorical (possible values: up to 1 year, 2–3 years,
4–5 years, 6–10 years, 10+ years)
Housing type Housing situation of the borrower at the time
of application
Categorical (possible values: own, mortgaged, rented,
Income verification Validation indicator of the borrower’s informed
worth or source of income at the time of the request
Categorical (possible values: verified, not verified,
verified source)
Loan amount The loan application in US dollars Numeric
Loan interest rate The loan’s annual interest rate Numeric
Loan term Total loan term expressed in months Categorical (possible values: 36 or 60 months)
Loan purpose The borrower’s chosen purpose or objective for the
loan at the time of application
Categorical (possible values: debt restructuring, credit
card, remodeling, purchases, health, small business,
vehicle, moving, vacation, property, marriage,
renewable energy, education, other)
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023,16, 496 11 of 21
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 23
health, small business, vehicle, moving, vaca-
tion, property, marriage, renewable energy,
education, other)
Figure 6. Missing matrix. Each column in the matrix represents a variable found in the original da-
taset, and any empty spaces denote missing values.
Transformations were performed in some of the selected features based on the iden-
tification of erroneous, missing, or conflicting values. Outliers higher than 2.5 standard
deviations from the mean were detected and deleted for the annual income categorical
variable (13,288 (1.01%)). A negative value for the debt-to-income ratio was found and
eliminated, due to the fact that only positive or zero values are expected for this aribute.
Two outlier values, both more than 200, were detected and deleted from the limit sur-
passed variable, which had a mean value of 52 and a third quartile value of 71 as a refer-
ence. The maximum value for the credit availability variable was set at 40 in order to de-
crease the number of possible values without sacrificing information. As a result, 1199
(0.09%) values greater than the maximum set for this characteristic were found and de-
leted. Similarly, the maximum value for the banking partnership variable was set at 80,
hence 1281 (0.09%) values greater than the predefined maximum were found and deleted.
The financial past variable was created by calculating the number of years elapsed be-
tween the borrower’s initial line of credit and the time of the credit request. The aributes
delayed payments, pending registration, and tax liens were converted into binary varia-
bles with possible values yes or no. Because of the huge number of categories in the orig-
inal data set, the variables credit applications and employment length were discretized to
reduce the number of possible values while keeping them informative.
4.3. Exploratory Data Analysis
The data set resulting from the previous step’s pre-processing contains 1,305,402 ob-
servations (loans), of which 1,045,072 (80.06%) are fully paid and 260,330 (19.94%) are
charged-off. Seven of the eighteen selected criteria are quantitative, five are continuous
(annual income, debt-to-income ratio, limit surpassed, loan amount, loan interest rate),
and two are discrete (credit availability, banking partnership). Table 4 provides a statisti-
cal summary of the most important summary metrics for each of the chosen quantitative
Table 4. Statistical summary of quantitative aributes.
Ratio, %
Surpassed, %
Loan Interest
Rate, %
Figure 6.
Missing matrix. Each column in the matrix represents a variable found in the original
dataset, and any empty spaces denote missing values.
Transformations were performed in some of the selected features based on the iden-
tification of erroneous, missing, or conflicting values. Outliers higher than 2.5 standard
deviations from the mean were detected and deleted for the annual income categorical
variable (13,288 (1.01%)). A negative value for the debt-to-income ratio was found and
eliminated, due to the fact that only positive or zero values are expected for this attribute.
Two outlier values, both more than 200, were detected and deleted from the limit surpassed
variable, which had a mean value of 52 and a third quartile value of 71 as a reference. The
maximum value for the credit availability variable was set at 40 in order to decrease the
number of possible values without sacrificing information. As a result, 1199 (0.09%) values
greater than the maximum set for this characteristic were found and deleted. Similarly,
the maximum value for the banking partnership variable was set at 80, hence 1281 (0.09%)
values greater than the predefined maximum were found and deleted. The financial past
variable was created by calculating the number of years elapsed between the borrower’s
initial line of credit and the time of the credit request. The attributes delayed payments,
pending registration, and tax liens were converted into binary variables with possible
values yes or no. Because of the huge number of categories in the original data set, the
variables credit applications and employment length were discretized to reduce the number
of possible values while keeping them informative.
4.3. Exploratory Data Analysis
The data set resulting from the previous step’s pre-processing contains 1,305,402 ob-
servations (loans), of which 1,045,072 (80.06%) are fully paid and 260,330 (19.94%) are
charged-off. Seven of the eighteen selected criteria are quantitative, five are continuous
(annual income, debt-to-income ratio, limit surpassed, loan amount, loan interest rate), and
two are discrete (credit availability, banking partnership). Table 4provides a statistical sum-
mary of the most important summary metrics for each of the chosen quantitative attributes.
Figure 7depicts a preliminary examination of the existing correlations between the
quantitative features and the dependent variable loan status. In general, the exploratory
analysis employs boxplots to discover changes in the summary measures of a quantitative
feature within each category of the loan status target attribute as an indicative of the degree
of correlation between the variables. Figure 7shows that only the top two quantitative
features appear to be related to loan status. The preliminary visual examination reveals
a positive relationship between the debt-to-income ratio and charged-off loans; that is,
a higher debt-to-income ratio appears to enhance the likelihood of charged-off loans.
Similarly, visual inspection of the loan interest rate variable reveals that higher interest
rates appear to be related to an increased likelihood of charged-off loans. However, a visual
examination of the quantitative variables annual income, limit surpassed, credit availability,
banking partnership, and loan amount does not reveal a significant relationship with the
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023,16, 496 12 of 21
loan status variable. This is because it is not possible to show a significant difference
between the position and dispersion measures within the fully paid and charged-off loan
classes by visually evaluating each attribute.
Table 4. Statistical summary of quantitative attributes.
Ratio, %
Surpassed, %
Loan Interest
Rate, %
Mean 73.13 18.1 51.85 11.57 24.93 14.21 13.23
S.D. 38.55 8.35 24.44 5.42 11.91 8.57 4.75
2 0 0 0 2 0.5 5.31
25% 46 11.85 33.5 8 16 7.75 9.75
50% 65 17.61 52.2 11 23 12 12.74
75% 90 23.97 70.7 14 32 20 15.99
252.4 49.96 193 40 80 40 30.99
Note: Annual income and loan amount are in thousands.
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 23
Note: Annual income and loan amount are in thousands.
Figure 7 depicts a preliminary examination of the existing correlations between the
quantitative features and the dependent variable loan status. In general, the exploratory
analysis employs boxplots to discover changes in the summary measures of a quantitative
feature within each category of the loan status target aribute as an indicative of the de-
gree of correlation between the variables. Figure 7 shows that only the top two quantita-
tive features appear to be related to loan status. The preliminary visual examination re-
veals a positive relationship between the debt-to-income ratio and charged-off loans; that
is, a higher debt-to-income ratio appears to enhance the likelihood of charged-off loans.
Similarly, visual inspection of the loan interest rate variable reveals that higher interest
rates appear to be related to an increased likelihood of charged-off loans. However, a vis-
ual examination of the quantitative variables annual income, limit surpassed, credit avail-
ability, banking partnership, and loan amount does not reveal a significant relationship
with the loan status variable. This is because it is not possible to show a significant differ-
ence between the position and dispersion measures within the fully paid and charged-off
loan classes by visually evaluating each aribute.
Figure 7. Only the top two quantitative features appear to be related to loan status.
Some indicators of linkage can be found by visually inspecting the joint distribution
of the variables, taking into account each class of the loan status target characteristic (Fig-
ure 8). As a result, because the variables are independent, the same proportions should be
Figure 7. Only the top two quantitative features appear to be related to loan status.
Some indicators of linkage can be found by visually inspecting the joint distribution of
the variables, taking into account each class of the loan status target characteristic (Figure 8).
As a result, because the variables are independent, the same proportions should be expected
for the fully paid and charged-off loan groups. First, comparing the proportions of fully
paid and charged-off loans according to loan term reveals a considerable disparity within
each class. As a result, a longer loan term (60 months) appears to be connected with a
higher risk of charged-off loans. Borrowers with delayed payment, pending registration, or
tax liens are also at a higher risk of having their loans charged-off. Second, there are a lot of
categories in the credit score and loan purpose attributes, which makes visual examination
in Figure 8tough. However, based on the proportion of fully paid and charged-off loans
found in each category, it is possible to see that a lower credit score appears to be related to a
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023,16, 496 13 of 21
higher risk of charged-off loans. In terms of loan purpose, loans aimed at small enterprises
appear to have a higher likelihood of being charged-off. Third, it can be shown that the
income verification provided by the borrower at the time of application does not appear to
contribute to lowering the likelihood of charged-off loans. Borrowers with unconfirmed
income, in contrast, appear to be less likely to have their loans charged-off.
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 23
expected for the fully paid and charged-off loan groups. First, comparing the proportions
of fully paid and charged-off loans according to loan term reveals a considerable disparity
within each class. As a result, a longer loan term (60 months) appears to be connected with
a higher risk of charged-off loans. Borrowers with delayed payment, pending registration,
or tax liens are also at a higher risk of having their loans charged-off. Second, there are a
lot of categories in the credit score and loan purpose aributes, which makes visual exam-
ination in Figure 8 tough. However, based on the proportion of fully paid and charged-
off loans found in each category, it is possible to see that a lower credit score appears to
be related to a higher risk of charged-off loans. In terms of loan purpose, loans aimed at
small enterprises appear to have a higher likelihood of being charged-off. Third, it can be
shown that the income verification provided by the borrower at the time of application
does not appear to contribute to lowering the likelihood of charged-off loans. Borrowers
with unconfirmed income, in contrast, appear to be less likely to have their loans charged-
Figure 8. Selected features and loan status.
The study of the joint distributions, taking into account each class of the target arib-
ute, does not enable establishing a link between the variables for the features credit appli-
cations, financial past, employment length, and housing type. Finally, the correlation ma-
trix produced for the selected quantitative variables reveals only one value greater than
0.5 in absolute terms. The greatest association, with a value of 0.7, is discovered