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Risk-oriented strategic management accounting in Ukraine


Abstract and Figures

In order to survive, Ukrainian enterprises in the conditions of war must look for new ways of effective management, a higher degree of integration of risk management and strategic management. Management accounting helps make risk-based decisions to achieve strategic goals. The expert survey method made it possible to identify the most significant risks for enterprises in Ukraine in war conditions: the risk of increased costs, reduced income, the risk of inability to repay obligations, loss of customers, non-payment of receivables, loss of asset value, risk of unprofitability, reduction of business and bankruptcy. The strategic management accounting risk matrix shows the probability and potential impact of each risk on accounting data. A strategic plan and measurement of the effectiveness of risk-oriented strategic management accounting was developed. It shows the relationship of accounting objects, the financial statements of the enterprise, with analytical indicators for assessing the financial condition and the impact of risks under pessimistic, optimistic and optimal scenarios. In practice, it helps to identify risks, determine their impact on enterprise performance indicators, model indicators, assess their compliance with strategic goals, adapt in a timely manner, and make effective management decisions.
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Business: Theory and Practice
ISSN 1648-0627 / eISSN 1822-4202
2023 Volume 24 Issue 2: 533–543
management accounting is future-oriented and uses anal-
ysis to develop a business strategy, ensure the growth of
the market value of the business, is based on the study
of end-to-end business processes to identify and manage
risks. However, the methodological tools of management
accounting for assessing and displaying risks, especially in
the context of the russian occupation war against Ukraine,
are practically not developed.
e existing strategic management accounting has a
number of problems that limit its practical use in solv-
ing strategic tasks of an enterprise in today’s changing
environment. Strategic management accounting focuses
mainly on nancial and intangible indicators, without
assessing the impact of risks as a key aspect of strategic
management. Risk management tools are not suciently
integrated into the system of internal control, strategic
management, accounting and reporting processes. ere is
insucient emphasis on going concern, which is the main
accounting principle, and on long-term sustainability and
Olena FOMINA 1, Svitlana SEMENOVA 2*, Olena MOSHKOVSKA 3,
1, 2, 3Department of Accounting and Taxation, State University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine
4, 5Department of Finance, Accounting and Taxation, Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics
of State University of Trade and Economics, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Received 11 April 2023; accepted 16 October 2023
Abstract. In order to survive, Ukrainian enterprises in the conditions of war must look for new ways of eective manage-
ment, a higher degree of integration of risk management and strategic management. Management accounting helps make
risk-based decisions to achieve strategic goals. e expert survey method made it possible to identify the most signicant
risks for enterprises in Ukraine in war conditions: the risk of increased costs, reduced income, the risk of inability to repay
obligations, loss of customers, non-payment of receivables, loss of asset value, risk of unprotability, reduction of business
and bankruptcy. e strategic management accounting risk matrix shows the probability and potential impact of each risk
on accounting data. A strategic plan and measurement of the eectiveness of risk-oriented strategic management account-
ing was developed. It shows the relationship of accounting objects, the nancial statements of the enterprise, with analytical
indicators for assessing the nancial condition and the impact of risks under pessimistic, optimistic and optimal scenarios.
In practice, it helps to identify risks, determine their impact on enterprise performance indicators, model indicators, assess
their compliance with strategic goals, adapt in a timely manner, and make eective management decisions.
Keywords: accounting, management, risk, management accounting, risk-management, strategy, strategic management ac-
counting, risk-oriented strategic management accounting, prognostication.
JEL Classication: D61, D81, M41, M49.
Globally, challenges and threats are becoming more tangi-
ble than ever before, forcing business entities to constantly
assess risks and opportunities for their activities, identify
and display them in management accounting to provide
information for decision-making. Ukraine found itself in
an extremely dicult situation due to the unnecessarily
aggressive occupation war of the russian federation. Huge
risks of loss of business, loss of assets, personnel, nancial
and material resources, sales markets, business connec-
tions, investment attractiveness, the ability to function
normally and develop indicate the need for rapid adapta-
tion of management approaches and the relevance of risk-
oriented strategic management accounting.
e Chartered Institute of Management Account-
ants (CIMA) emphasizes that a successful business re-
quires a combination of advanced methods of manage-
ment, accounting and nance (CIMA, 2022). Strategic
534 O. Fomina et al. Risk-oriented strategic management accounting in Ukraine
competitiveness, which are important for management.
Another problem with strategic management accounting
is the insucient involvement of specialists in the process
of identifying, monitoring risks and developing a manage-
ment strategy, lack of integration with reporting, limited
attention to change, lack of exibility, and ineective re-
sponse to crises. ese limitations emphasize the need for
further development of strategic management accounting,
in particular in the direction of a risk-based approach.
Risk is an important object of accounting, control, au-
dit, and management. In general, it is considered as the
possibility of occurrence of events and their impact on the
achievement of strategy and business goals (COSO ERM,
2018). Risk also means uncertainty regarding the achieve-
ment of goals, one of the aspects of which is accounting
(ISO Guide 73:2009), however, there are currently no ap-
proaches to displaying potential events and their conse-
quences in the system of strategic management account-
ing, taking into account various scenarios of the develop-
ment of events. Enterprise risk management should not be
seen as a function or a separate department, as is common
in practice, but as part of the corporate culture, capabilities
and practices that are integrated with strategy and used to
create, preserve and realize value (ISO 31000:2018). Cor-
porate culture is an important component of success for
any enterprise, as it determines the values, attitudes, be-
liefs and behavior of employees and management, which
in turn inuence the creation of a working environment
that helps reduce risks. Corporate culture, which is based
on high standards of ethics, compliance with legislation,
standards, ethics, mutual respect in relations with custom-
ers, partners, and employees. A risk-based approach re-
quires awareness and involvement of employees at all lev-
els of the enterprise to reduce, avoid, identify and analyze
risks. erefore, modern accounting professionals must
have a good understanding of risk management. From an
accounting point of view, risk management is the process
of assessing the risks associated with a company’s business
practices in order to minimize or eliminate them. How-
ever, there is a question of identifying the most signicant
risks for Ukrainian enterprises under martial law, creating
an eective risk assessment system as an object of risk-
oriented strategic management accounting, in particular,
using a risk matrix, taking into account the risk assess-
ments obtained for budgeting under dierent scenarios
and generating internal reporting.
e diculties faced by the business directly in the
conditions of russian’s war against Ukraine and around
the world require an urgent search for new approaches
to the construction of strategic accounting, more eective
methods and concepts. e development of risk-oriented
strategic management accounting will help to identify
and predict potential risks, which will help to make ef-
fective decisions, avoid negative consequences and pre-
pare for them in a timely manner. Risk-oriented strategic
management accounting will ensure that strategic goals,
budgets, and plans are aligned with risk management
measures, which will help to increase the sustainability
and competitiveness of the enterprise. e ability to as-
sess risks on the scale of cost and probability, to forecast
the performance and nancial statements of an enterprise
under various scenarios when developing a strategy in of
the current martial law environment are extremely di-
cult and urgent tasks. From now on, strategic management
accounting must be risk-oriented. is means deepening
scientic research developing theoretical and practical as-
pects of implementing risk-oriented strategic management
1. Literature review
Management accounting, risk and strategic management
are widely studied objects in the scientic literature,
which, although closely related, are mostly considered
separately. Historically, the impetus for the development of
management accounting was the accounting and control
of stocks of business entities (Nzuza Wiseman, 2016). e
term “management accounting” was used in the meaning
of cost accounting, to dene processes, cost calculation
and nancial control. In the future, the meaning of this
concept became more and more multifaceted. Manage-
ment accounting is a system of measuring and collecting
nancial and operational information for the implemen-
tation of motivational behavior, creation or maintenance
of cultural values necessary to achieve the strategic goals
of the organization (Abbasi & Mohammadi, 2016). But
today, strategic management accounting is gaining much
more importance than the control of stocks or costs of the
enterprise for the long term. In today’s changing business
conditions, the so-called market turbulence, it is necessary
to take into account a signicant range of factors and the
inherent risks, which is important for strategic manage-
ment accounting.
Strategic management accounting is mainly associated
with improving the process of making strategic manage-
ment decisions and increasing the company’s eciency.
Modern accounting should have a market-oriented ap-
proach and a strategic orientation, focus on calculation,
planning, monitoring, customer and competitor account-
ing, and performance measurement (Ojra et al., 2021).
However, this is not enough, the competencies of a mod-
ern management accounting specialist should be expand-
ed with risk management and internal control skills (Kose
& Agdeniz, 2019). Authors Hadid and Al-Sayed developed
a strategic management accounting (SMA) research model
using three variables: management accounting profession-
als, quality of information systems, and organizational cul-
ture. A close connection was established between the net-
work interaction of management accounting accountants
and the implementation of the practice of strategic man-
agement accounting. Among these variables, the quality
of information systems and an organizational culture fo-
cused more on results than on innovation had the greatest
inuence (Hadid & Al-Sayed, 2021). However, this model
does not take into account the risk factor that aects each
of these variables.
Business: eory and Practice, 2023, 24(2): 533–543 535
Accounting is an integral element of the risk manage-
ment mechanism at any enterprise (Tarashevsky, 2020).
e authors agree with the view that risk management in
accounting should be regulated by an appropriate policy
and occupy a separate section in the general accounting
policy at the enterprise level, in particular, regarding is-
sues of identication, assessment and limitations (Vyhi-
vska, 2018). e application of professional judgment in
the preparation of nancial and integrated reporting and
the disclosure of information about the company’s risks
in it is becoming especially relevant (Fomina etal., 2022),
approximation of international and national accounting
standards and reporting on this (Kuzub etal., 2022).
e authors are convinced that strategic management
accounting methods help to allocate limited resources
more eciently, rationally integrate business processes
and exchange information to achieve strategic decisions
and objectives. However, strategic management account-
ing is currently not widespread in the practice of small
businesses. And the main problem is not so much the in-
sucient level of corporate culture development in small
businesses for the implementation and use of strategic
management accounting (Ma etal., 2022), but rather the
limited resources to attract or train employees in the ba-
sics of management accounting, understanding of busi-
ness processes, strategic thinking and analytical methods.
Small business in practice is mainly focused on solving
current issues and strategic accounting mostly covers cost
control and management reporting on them (Kovova &
Semenova, 2015). However, risk-oriented strategic man-
agement accounting can become an important tool not
only for business preservation, but also for achieving long-
term success and growth.
e available research results are fragmentary and fo-
cus only on some problematic aspects. For example, in
enterprise risk management, scientists pay attention to the
accounting and control of provisions for future costs and
payments (Kurak, 2019), improvement of accounting for
sustainable development and evaluation of the eective-
ness of the chosen strategy (Kostyuchenko etal., 2021).
Risks are identied within project management, risk man-
agement and changes in management decision-making
processes (Danchenko & Zanora, 2019), during modeling
of internal business processes (Rogovyi etal., 2020).
For Ukrainian companies, it is important to take into
account the key trends in risk management of leading Eu-
ropean companies, which focus on strengthening the role
of cyber security and data protection, with signicant at-
tention paid to the risks of the nancial sphere, human re-
sources and macroeconomic changes (Semenova, 2020a).
e problem of ensuring cyber security for the protec-
tion of the vital interests of a person, society and the state
during the use of cyberspace is especially acute now all
over the world (e Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2017).
Risk management in conditions of high uncertainty was
quite actively considered under the inuence of the nega-
tive consequences of the covid-19 pandemic, according to
which approaches to risk management of the company’s
continuous activity at the stages of preparation, response
and recovery were highlighted (Deloitte & Touche, 2020).
In particular, personnel, communication, infrastructure,
business continuity and cyber risks were identied. How-
ever, in the conditions of the terrorist war started by rus-
sia, new threats and risks are being imposed, the list of
which can be supplemented and detailed, both inherent in
Ukraine and in most countries and regions of the world
that have faced the consequences of military aggression,
the crisis in the energy and food markets, environmental
changes, disruption of logistics, and sanctions restrictions.
When considering risks in strategic management ac-
counting, scientists attach considerable importance to
determining or changing the future fair market value of
accounting objects, forecasting cash ows and calculating
costs (Semenova etal., 2021). e authors believe that ef-
fective strategic management must necessarily take into
account the risk factor (Karpenko etal., 2018), and ele-
ments of anti-crisis management (Hnatenko etal., 2021).
Strategic management accounting should also include
forecasting tax payments, expected parameters of tax
accounting (Kovova etal., 2018), the impact of risks on
transfer pricing (Korol etal., 2022), risks by responsibil-
ity centers (Drobyazko etal., 2019). e role of strategic
management accounting for achieving sustainable devel-
opment goals at the enterprise level is widely explored
(Ambika & Krishnamoorthy, 2019). Rating modeling for
developing of development strategies based on manage-
ment accounting information (Mazaraki etal., 2022) is
worthy of attention, models of sustainable development
in strategic management (Semenova et al., 2020).e
consistency of information for third parties is ensured by
accountants and auditors (Preve & Frias, 2013), however,
condential information related to risks can create condi-
tions of asymmetry in meeting the information needs of
users, which can be eliminated, in particular, using inte-
grated reporting.
Dimitris N. Chorafas highlights the issues of nancial
planning of cash ows, nancial condition, strategic ac-
counting principles in the context of IFRS, in particular,
determination of fair value, application of IAS 39, corre-
sponding US standards, hedging and hedge accounting, a
model approach to asset and liabilities management, virtu-
al consolidated nancial statements, use of the algorithm
for credit equivalence, in part 3 of his book (Chorafas,
2007). However, the author focuses the stady on strate-
gic planning, while strategic management accounting and
its peculiarities in the context of risk are covered rather
briey and, in our opinion, require further research.
In the scientic literature, considerable attention is
paid to managerial accounting, strategic management and
risks, but their combination into one whole has not been
studied enough. e rapid dynamics of changes, as shown
today, requires the search for new approaches and tools
for the implementation of risk-oriented strategic manage-
ment accounting.
e objective of the article is to dene the essence and
develop methodological tools for risk-oriented strategic
536 O. Fomina et al. Risk-oriented strategic management accounting in Ukraine
management accounting, which takes into account the
specics and is of practical importance for enterprises
that are in crisis due to the rf’s war of aggression against
2. Research method
To achieve the goal of the research, the following main
methodological tools were used: analysis of limitations to
identify and understand existing risks, factors inuenc-
ing business activity, which should be reected in strategic
management accounting; an expert survey of practicing
accountants who have experience and perform manage-
ment accounting functions at large, medium and small
business, various sectors of the Ukrainian economy to se-
lect and rank the most signicant risks and objects of risk-
oriented strategic management accounting under martial
law; a matrix method of visualization, parameter estima-
tion and risk forecasting using a risk matrix in strategic
management accounting, built on the example of practical
data on the activities of the enterprise “Вoldness”; retro-
spective and systematic analysis to deepen the categorical
and conceptual apparatus and determine the essence of
risk-oriented strategic management accounting; a survey
for collecting, processing and evaluating information pro-
vided by business entities regarding the practice of stra-
tegic management accounting and determining require-
ments for management reporting on risk assessment.
e conducted studies of the developments available in
the scientic literature make it possible to distinguish six-
teen methods of strategic management accounting, which
can be classied according to ve directions: 1) strategic
costing (ve main methods: costing by attributes, tar-
get or target, costing of the life cycle, quality and chain
added value); 2) strategic planning, control and perfor-
mance measurement (in particular, using the tools of in-
tegrated performance management (Balanced Scorecard)
and benchmarking); 3) making strategic decisions (based
on strategic costing, strategic pricing and brand evalua-
tion to determine and achieve the company’s competitive
advantages); 4) accounting of competitors to determine
the position on the market (using the assessment of com-
petitors’ costs, monitoring the position of competitors and
evaluating their eectiveness); 5) customer accounting
(estimation of prots, sales volumes and costs related to
customers and their groups) (Ojra etal., 2021).
Risk-oriented methods of strategic management account-
ing can be classied according to the following criteria:
1) by methods of risk identication: scenario analysis
(consideration of risk scenarios and their conse-
quences to identify potential threats), involvement
of experts to identify risks, classify and assess them;
2) by risk analysis methods: SWOT-analysis (de-
scription of strengths and weaknesses of the en-
terprise, opportunities and threats of the external
environment), PESTEL analysis (assessment of the
impact of political, economic, socio-cultural, tech-
nological, environmental and legal factors on the
strategy), risk matrix, portfolio risk analysis (risk
assessment of various strategies and selection of
the best alternatives);
3) depending on the object: methods focused on busi-
ness processes (methods that allow analyzing risks
in supply chains, customer relations, etc.), infor-
mation security (methods for identifying cyber-
security, condentiality, and information storage
risks), risks related to nancial condition (methods
for assessing risks that aect nancial statements,
nancial results, indicators of the nancial condi-
tion of the enterprise, analysis of nancial ratios,
cash ows, etc;)
4) by types of reactions to risks: acceptance, avoid-
ance, distribution, reduction;
5) by methods of monitoring and controlling risks:
implementation of key risk indicators (metrics for
tracking risks and their impact on the strategy),
audit (Tarashevsky, 2020).
e latter should be supplemented by internal control
and business continuity management methods. is clas-
sication helps to determine which specic methods and
tools can be used to implement risk-based strategic man-
agement accounting, depending on the conditions, needs
and specics of the enterprise.
A more detailed review of the management account-
ing methodological tools used to assess and display risks
allowed us to identify the most eective ones:
e risk matrix is a graphical tool that visualizes the
relationship between the probability of risks and their
impact on the business. e matrix consists of two
axes: the probability of risk occurrence and its conse-
quences (cost impact). Each risk is assigned a certain
level of probability and consequences, which helps to
determine its signicance for the business and select
appropriate response measures.
Scenario analysis– this method involves considera-
tion of possible options for the development of events
under dierent scenarios and helps to assess what
risks may arise in dierent conditions and how they
will aect the company.
SWOT-analysis is a tool that allows you to identify
the company’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as
opportunities and threats from the external environ-
ment. is analysis helps to identify risks and build
a strategy to manage them.
Sensitivity analysis is a tool that allows you to assess
the impact of changes in certain factors, parameters
(price, demand, costs, etc.) on the risks and nancial
results of a project or business process.
Probable consequences analysis is a method that de-
termines the possible consequences for the enterprise
for each identied risk and helps to better understand
potential losses and benets.
Portfolio analysis, which is used to assess risks in the
context of the entire portfolio of projects or activities of
the enterprise. It helps determine which risks are com-
mon to several projects and how best to manage them.
Business: eory and Practice, 2023, 24(2): 533–543 537
Figure 1. Key objects of risk-oriented strategic management accounting according to the estimates of practicing accountants and
specialists in Ukraine in 2022 (source: compiled by the authors based on the results of an expert survey іn 2022, Ukraine)
Cost growth
cost item and
Reduction (lack of
receipt) of income
Inability to repay
Loss of customers
Non-repayment of
Loss of asset value
Reduction of business
3% Bankruptcy
In addition to these methods, it is important to es-
tablish a risk monitoring system and regularly report on
their changes and impact on the company’s operations to
ensure eective risk management. e use of information
systems and specialized soware tools allows you to au-
tomate the processes of risk assessment, monitoring and
e search for universal concepts and systems is a
dicult task, since universality implies a somewhat gen-
eralized approach, and higher accuracy of estimates and
calculations require more individual methods. at is why
risk-oriented strategic management accounting should be
based on objects that are common and relevant for all
companies, as well as on objects that can be detailed and
specied in accordance with the specics of an individual
enterprise, taking into account the risks and threats.
e expert survey conducted by the authors of the
study allowed to take into account the opinion of practic-
ing accountants who have experience and perform man-
agement accounting functions at large, medium and small
businesses belonging to dierent sectors of the economy
and located in dierent regions of Ukraine. As a result,
a number of key indicators were identied– the most
important objects of risk-based strategic management ac-
counting (Figure 1).
us, according to the results of the ranking, it was es-
tablished that in the rst place was recognized the risk of
an increase in costs by articles and elements (29% of the
specic weight according to the estimates of the interviewed
accountants), in the second place– a decrease or lack of in-
come (19%), in the third place– the risk of not being able
to repay ones own obligations (13%), followed by the risk of
losing customers (9%), non-repayment of receivables (7%),
loss of value of assets (7%), unprotability (5%), reduction of
business, sectors, and volumes of activity (3%), risk of bank-
ruptcy (2%). e expert survey questionnaires developed
by the authors contained a detailed list of objects, and an
open question was added to allow everyone to add their own
risks that were not on the proposed list but which, in the ex-
pert’s opinion, were relevant. us, among other objects, the
following are recognized as the most common risks: devalu-
ation of nancial instruments, loss of suppliers, destruction
of supply chains, increase in the operating cycle, increase in
the cost or unavailability of credit resources, loss of qualied
personnel, changes in tax and regulatory rules. Despite the
close correlation of experts’ responses, there is a variation in
the importance of certain risks in experts’ assessments de-
pending on geographic regions, in particular, the loss of as-
set value directly due to military operations, occupation, and
looting. Not all business entities in Ukraine have managed to
relocate their business from the occupied territories and the
contact line. In addition, acts of war in business, banking and
insurance contracts were previously classied as force ma-
jeure, which also makes it dicult to expect compensation or
indemnication and to continue normal business practices.
Signicant risks in the conditions of war, occupation
and their complex economic consequences are associated
with the destruction of transport infrastructure, higher
prices or fuel and lubricants, possible temporary seizure of
vehicles for the period of martial law, downtime due to air
raids and blackouts, caused by russian shelling and attacks
on critical infrastructure, damage from missiles, drones,
falling debris, all of which signicantly aect the ability to
do business, business continuity, time and money spent,
reduced protability, and limited supply and sales oppor-
tunities. Also, income estimates should take into account
uctuations in demand during the war and its changes
during the reconstruction phase. e detailing of objects
of risk-oriented strategic management accounting largely
depends on the sector of the economy in which the busi-
ness operates: transport services (Tarashevsky, 2020), agro-
industrial complex (Fomina etal., 2020), construction,
manufacturing, retail, tourism, medicine, nancial system
(Shulha etal., 2022)– each of them has its own character-
istics. erefore, the further description of risks as objects
of strategic management accounting for individual sectors
of the economy and types of activities can be a direction of
prospective research. is will allow not only to more com-
prehensively assess the current negative consequences of
military actions, but also to identify opportunities, threats,
538 O. Fomina et al. Risk-oriented strategic management accounting in Ukraine
factors inuencing future indicators of nancial reporting,
and the nancial condition of enterprises.
3. Results
Management accounting is a source of generating, pre-
senting and using nancial and non-nancial information
to support decision-making and counter their eective-
ness. If earlier accountants focused mainly on reecting
retrospective events and preparing reports, today account-
ing specialists are increasingly involved in strategic man-
agement, risk management, internal control and auditing
(e Institute of Internal Auditors Ukraine, 2017). at
is, the focus is complemented by the analysis of the exter-
nal environment, non-nancial information and risk as-
sessment when choosing the best response measures and
modeling key indicators.
Risks in the accounting and reporting system are
considered from three positions: 1) accounting can be a
source of risk formation (for example, due to incorrect
judgments and estimates); 2) accounting is one of the
functions of risk management (through the creation of
reserves and provisions, revaluation, hedging, etc.); 3)ac-
counting provides the necessary information (manage-
ment reporting for internal users, nancial and integrated
reporting for external users) (Semenova etal., 2021). Risk-
oriented strategic management accounting combines these
aspects and allows considering the accounting of objects
related to future risks and reporting on them, using not
only generally accepted International Financial Reporting
Standards and the Conceptual Framework for Financial
Reporting, as well as internally developed policies and
methods (Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, 2023).
In strategic performance measurement, brand evalua-
tion, the amount of projected prot calculated according
to accounting rules is taken into account. At this stage,
it is absolutely necessary to highlight the components of
prot formation and risks that can change the expected
values under dierent scenarios. It has been proven that
the productivity of the company can increase signicantly
if the strategic management accounting in the enterprise
is used along with the quality management system, which
are complementary and allow to increase the overall ef-
ciency (Sedevich-Fons, 2018).
Formulation of the objects of risk-oriented strategic
management accounting allows to highlight the most sig-
nicant parameters that have a signicant impact on the
indicators of assets, equity, liabilities, nancial results and
cash ows, which are reected in nancial statements using
accounting accounts and which are the basis to analyze its
nancial condition, stability, protability, business activity
for making further decisions. Analysis and assessment of
risks, their interrelationship and interdependence, will allow
to systematically consider the parameters of the enterprises
functioning in the future, to timely identify risk-creating
factors that can aect the enterprises ability to achieve its
strategic goals. Accordingly, a comprehensive risks assess-
ment of the possibility of their impact on the enterprise is
realized by combining the risk matrix with the strategy and
parameters of the strategic plan of nancial performance
and measuring the eectiveness of risk-based strategic
management accounting. is should help to choose the
right and timely eective response measures of prepare for
the worst-case scenarios.
Each object of risk-oriented strategic management ac-
counting can be considered as a whole or detailed by ele-
ments. For example, it is advisable to analyze the risk of
cost growth by components and elements, in particular,
what will be the consequences of an increase in the cost
of fuel, purchasing raw materials and materials (especially
for imports), components, changes in taris, etc. e re-
duction and lack of income also requires a more detailed
Risks of cost growth (by cost item and elements): R1– cost growth for transportation; R2 – increase in the cost of taris; R3– in-
crease in costs for the purchase of raw materials; R4– losses due to simple equipment; R5– deterioration of values; R6– increase in
the cost of rent; R7– increase in labor costs.
Figure 2. Risk matrix for objects of risk-oriented strategic management accounting (sources: compiled by the authors based on data
from the enterprise “Вoldness” and ISO 31000:2018; Tarashevsky, 2020)
Business: eory and Practice, 2023, 24(2): 533–543 539
consideration of the types of products, goods, works, ser-
vices, and sales markets. It can be seen that these objects
are associated with the risk of losing customers, business
reduction, unprotability, inability to repay obligations,
For a weighted assessment of the impact of each object,
the technique of building a risk matrix is eective, which al-
lows you to visualize the value expression of the risk or the
scale of its impact and the probability of occurrence. At the
same time, those risks that have potentially high damage and
a high probability of their occurrence require the greatest at-
tention (Figure 2). For the scale of the cost measurement of
risk in relation to the object of strategic management ac-
counting, it is necessary to take into account the level of ma-
teriality. For assets, liabilities, and equity, its recommended
limit is up to 3% of the relevant category, for income and
expenses– 0.2% of the total amount of income and expenses
or 2% of the amount of net prot (loss) (Ministry of Finance
of Ukraine, 2003). For basic indicators, it is advisable to use
data from the latest reporting. As a rule, the risk matrix is
built for assessment for one year (12 months), however, if the
planning horizon is 3 or 5 years, the discounting mechanism
can be used.
With the help of the risk matrix, each object can be ana-
lyzed aggregated, as well as in more detail to the required lev-
el of materiality. According to the list of risks dened by the
company, a systematized catalog of risks is drawn up, where
the risk code, description, indicators, accounting accounts,
reporting forms aected by the risk, response measures and
responsible persons should be determined.
It is important to build risk matrices for each object of
risk-oriented strategic management accounting in relation
Table 1. Strategic plan and performance measurement of risk-oriented strategic management accounting
(source: сompiled by the authors on the example of the enterprise “Вoldness”)
No Indicators
scenarios e potential
impact of risks
pessimistic optimal optimistic
ІA Statement of Financial position
1Assets, including: 3049 3098 3123 254 3120 3148
2Non-current assets, thousand UAH 2004 2013 2024 94 2026 2044
3Current assets, UAH thousand, including: 1027 1085 1096 160 1094 1102
4cash and their equivalents, thousand UAH 49 54 62 6 60 69
5stocks, thousand UAH 652 674 688 65 691 702
6accounts receivable, thousand UAH 344 357 349 89 343 333
7Liabilities, including: 3049 3098 3123 254 3120 3148
8Equity (share capital), thousand UAH 1644 1678 1732 72 1695 1701
9Current liabilities, thousand UAH 1405 1420 1391 182 1425 1447
ІІ A Statement of Prot or Loss
10 Net income from sales, thousand UAH 612 625 638 215 642 650
11 Cost of sold goods, products, works, services,
thousand UAH 422 428 437 134 440 447
12 Gross prot, thousand UAH 190 197 201 81 202 203
13 Other incomes, thousand UAH 28 36 39 10 40 44
14 Other expenses, thousand UAH 49 54 47 16 51 53
15 Financial result before taxation, thousand UAH 169 179 193 75 191 194
16 Net prot (loss), thousand UAH 139 147 158 61 157 159
ІІІ A Statement of Cash Flows
17 Incoming cash ow, thousand UAH 915 936 1008 225 1010 1018
18 Outgoing cash ow, thousand UAH 904 902 947 198 956 963
19 Net cash ow, thousand UAH 11 34 61 27 54 55
ІV Assessment of nancial condition, protability, business activity
20 Absolute liquidity ratio 0.03 0.04 0.05 –0.01 0.04 0.05
21 Total liquidity ratio 0.73 0.77 0.80 –0.11 0.77 0.76
22 Coecient of autonomy 0.54 0.54 0.55 –0.26 0.54 0.54
23 Net protability, % 22.7 23.5 24.8 –4.9 24.5 24.5
24 Return on assets, % 4.6 4.7 5.1 –0.4 5.0 5.1
25 Business activity (asset turnover ratio) 0.201 0.202 0.204 –0.046 0.206 0.206
540 O. Fomina et al. Risk-oriented strategic management accounting in Ukraine
to the impact on budgets and plans that are developed in
accordance with the chosen strategy and the policy of its
achievement. is will form a risk map of the company
and determine the choice of further response measures.
Risks that are in the red zone should be considered as a
priority, especially with regard to their impact on other
important indicators of the nancial condition and re-
sults of the enterprise. In accordance with this, the form
of internal management reporting “Strategic plan and
performance measurement of risk-oriented strategic man-
agement accounting” is proposed, which was developed
for the years 2023–2025 on the example of the enterprise
“Boldness”, presented in Table 1.
e practical testing of the proposed approach was
conducted on the basis of data from the enterprise “Bold-
ness”, the name of which was changed for reasons of us-
ing condential internal information. is enterprise
is located in the city of Kyiv, belongs to the category of
medium-sized enterprises, and its main activity is trad-
ing. e enterprise “Boldness” is interested in implement-
ing risk-oriented strategic management accounting. e
application of the proposed methodology for matrix as-
sessment of key risks of the enterprise “Boldness” allowed
to identify and practically demonstrate their impact on
the strategic plan and measure the eectiveness of risk-
based strategic management accounting. By analogy, the
proposed methodology will be of practical importance for
other enterprises that also implement risk-based strategic
management accounting.
Since risks can move from dierent zones: from lighter
to darker (or presented in color– green, yellow, red), it is
advisable to build a budget for three scenarios: optimal,
pessimistic and optimistic. e potential impact of risks
is separately highlighted on the basis of an additive as-
sessment of their possible impact on accounting objects,
reporting items, and indicators of the company’s nancial
condition relative to the expected optimal level. e use
of a risk matrix can be a tool for modeling the parameters
of a strategic plan or budget for each scenario.
e proposed form of the strategic plan can be sup-
plemented with indicators in accordance with the infor-
mation needs of users, including approved strategic pa-
rameters. However, the main idea of building such a table
is to reect the relationship between accounting objects
that are presented in the articles of the company’s nan-
cial statements, with analytical indicators characterizing
the nancial condition, and quantitative measurement of
the expected impact of risks under pessimistic, optimis-
tic and optimal scenarios. In practice, such a table can be
implemented using the Excel oce program, which will
allow you to immediately observe the change in strate-
gic parameters under the inuence of risk factors, model
planned parameters, their compliance with strategic tasks,
and select the most eective response measures.
For Ukrainian enterprises in wartime, the implemen-
tation of risk-oriented strategic management accounting
will have a signicant practical signicance, since now it
is important not only to identify risks, but also to be able
to determine their impact on the performance of the en-
terprise, to adapt in a timely manner and to make eective
management decisions.
4. Discussion
e study of strategic management accounting as a whole
is based on three aspects: 1) methods of strategic manage-
ment accounting to increase the productivity of the organ-
ization; 2) factors for choosing the specied methods and
methods of evaluating their eectiveness; 3) the shortcom-
ings of existing research in this area and the possibilities of
overcoming them (Ojra etal., 2021). However, the existing
list is obviously missing a key component that needs to be
singled out from among the others. is is the focus of
strategic management accounting on taking into account
possible risks and choosing measures to respond to them.
e latest techniques can help change the direction,
accelerate or slow down the growth of companies, pro-
vided they are ready and able to cope with future threats
and the ability to use potential advantages (Abbasi & Mo-
hammadi, 2016). e implementation of more complex
management accounting systems allows reducing risks for
the enterprise and makes risk management more eective
(Afa & Saleh, 2021).
It is relevant to assess the eectiveness of responsibility
centers in the management accounting system (Drobyaz-
ko etal., 2019), cyber risks and information technologies
(Shulha etal., 2022). Foresight technologies, based on a
combination of strategic analysis and forecasting of key
indicators, provide a high probability of achieving certain
results and contribute to the formation of conditions for
this (Fomina etal., 2020).
To systematize and analyze cause-and-eect relation-
ships in the formation of nancial security, enterprises
use the “bow tie” diagram, with the help of which risk
management is aimed at identifying events that aect the
formation of the nancial state of the enterprise (Fedulova
& Piatnytska, 2020).
e assessment of the eectiveness of management ac-
counting, that is, its impact on the company’s productivity,
is debatable. It is believed that company performance is
determined by the t between structure and environment
(Ojra etal., 2021). erefore, strategic management ac-
counting must take into account the risks of changes in
the external (intensity of competition and market turbu-
lence) and internal environment (organizational structure
or formalization, decentralization and strategy), in order
to be ready, timely and eective in choosing methods of
responding to them and understanding the consequences
of decisions made, their impact on reporting indicators
and the nancial position of the enterprise. Approaches
to determine the greater eectiveness of formalization or,
conversely, decentralization of the company’s organiza-
tional structure for a better impact on the practice of stra-
tegic management accounting remain debatable. However,
it has been proven that there is a higher need for the sup-
port of strategic management accounting in enterprises
Business: eory and Practice, 2023, 24(2): 533–543 541
that had a decentralized organizational structure, which
is explained by a lower level of communication between
employees and information exchange (Ojra etal., 2021).
e authors agree with the opinion on the need for
interaction between management accounting and risk
management (Kose & Agdeniz, 2019), the development
of the competencies of a modern accountant (Fomina
& Goncharenko, 2015), management accounting tools
(Mazaraki & Fomina, 2016) and internal audit (Marti-
nis & Houghton, 2019), expansion of risk classication
(American Academy of Actuaries Risk Classication Work
Group, 2011), including for the needs of management ac-
counting (Semenova, 2020b) and internal audit (Auditores
Internos, 2021).
e existing risk assessment methodology has a num-
ber of limitations that may aect its eectiveness. e
most important are the following: uncertainty and in-
terconnectedness of risks, their multicollinearity, limited
forecasting accuracy, lack of reliable information, limited
resources, subjectivity of assessment and human factor in
relation to the impact of risks and selection of measures
to respond to them, dynamism of the external environ-
ment, in particular, rapid changes in technologies, mar-
kets, geopolitical, environmental and military factors that
generate new risks that are dicult to predict according to
preliminary estimates. erefore, the methodological tools
of risk-oriented strategic management accounting should
combine the advantages and capabilities of dierent ap-
proaches, use various sources of information, be exible
and adapt to changes in the environment, possible threats
and challenges.
Strategic management accounting and risk manage-
ment are considered through the function of providing
information about external risks associated with external
factors for the enterprise, such as: competitors, custom-
ers and suppliers (Roupska, 2022). However, internal risks
aecting the ability to achieve strategic goals are no less
important, especially in wartime, so it is necessary to de-
velop a balanced approach. at is why a methodical ap-
proach to the selection of the range of risks– objects of
risk-oriented strategic management accounting, for which
the optimal level of detail is chosen when building a ma-
trix of risks, determining their impact on the formation
of key planned indicators, is proposed. Depending on the
type of rms strategy (aggressive or moderate), the set of
strategic management accounting tools and their prior-
ity may change. Deepening the risk-orientation of strate-
gic management accounting in the context of the type of
strategy and style of management, organizational and legal
form, size and type of activity of the enterprise, region
and territory of placement can act as directions for further
research. e limitations of the proposed risk assessment
methodology are the need to analyze each object of risk-
oriented strategic management accounting separately ac-
cording to their impact on the nancial statements and
nancial condition of the enterprise, which increases the
labor intensity of the process. e risk matrix does not
allow immediate assessment of the multicollinear impact
of risks and their interaction, but the identied objects,
within the limits of materiality and the required detail, can
consistently trace the impact of risks on the enterprises
strategy and nancial reporting indicators under dierent
scenarios (optimal, optimistic or pessimistic). is distin-
guishes the proposed methodology from the existing one
and helps to assess not only key risks, but also to control
their impact on important nancial parameters and the
continuity of the company’s operations, select the most
benecial risk response measures and analyze their eec-
e results of existing studies indicate the relevance of
expanding the functions of accounting and implementing
the practice of risk-oriented strategic accounting. With a
view to deepening the categorical apparatus, the authors
formulate own denition of the concept of “risk-orient-
ed strategic management accounting”, which means the
process of selecting and modeling strategic management
decisions, identifying and assessing risks, taking into ac-
count their impact on accounting objects, nancial report-
ing indicators, tax accruals, nancial condition, liquidity,
solvency, protability, business activity, cash ows of the
enterprise, and the ability to achieve strategic goals. To
develop of risk-oriented strategic management account-
ing, its methodological toolkit have been deepened. On
the basis of an expert survey, the most important objects
of risk-oriented strategic management accounting for en-
terprises in the conditions of the rfs war against Ukraine
were identied– the risk of increased costs (by items and
elements), decreased income, the risk of inability to repay
obligations, loss of customers, non-payment of receivables,
loss of asset value, risk of unprotability, business decline
and bankruptcy. e tools of risk-oriented management
accounting are expanded and an integrated approach is
proposed that combines an eective methodology for
identifying and analyzing risks with an assessment of their
impact on key indicators of nancial and economic activ-
ity of enterprises under various scenarios. It is proposed
to evaluate the objects of risk-oriented strategic manage-
ment accounting using a risk matrix, which reects the
value expression of the risk or the scale of its impact and
the probability of occurrence. Each object can be analyzed
aggregated or in more detail by elements. With the help of
the risk matrix, it is possible to assess the impact of each
risk on other indicators of strategic management account-
ing, in particular, on budgets and plans that are developed
according to the chosen strategy. A form of management
reporting has been developed in the form of a strategic
plan and monitoring of key indicators of the enterprise’s
activity under the inuence of risks under various sce-
narios and management policies.
e added value of the developed methodological
tools of risk-oriented strategic management accounting
is the ability to directly measure and evaluate the impact
of risks on accounting objects and nancial indicators, to
542 O. Fomina et al. Risk-oriented strategic management accounting in Ukraine
integrate strategic management with nancial reporting,
which will allow developing more sound and balanced
strategies. e proposed risk-based approach is more ex-
ible and involves constant monitoring of the external en-
vironment and internal processes, which helps to respond
quickly to changes, objectively adjust strategic plans and
take the necessary measures to maintain business con-
tinuity in a timely manner. In general, the development
of risk-based strategic management accounting can help
organizations become more adaptive, competitive and ef-
cient in the face of uncertainty and change.
For Ukrainian enterprises, the introduction of risk-
based strategic management accounting, its integration
with risk management, internal control, audit, and busi-
ness continuity management is of great practical impor-
tance to provide the necessary information in the forma-
tion of exible strategies and ensure business eciency in
the face of high risks caused by the war and overcoming
its consequences.
us, management accounting not only provides in-
formation for decision-making at the enterprise, risk-ori-
ented strategic management accounting provides informa-
tion that reduces uncertainty through the identication
and analysis of risks, increases the manageability and pre-
dictability of key indicators of the enterprise, which ulti-
mately contributes to the achievement of strategic goals.
Directions for further research are to expand the meth-
odology of risk-based strategic management accounting
and its integration into the management system based on
the use of modern information technologies, in particular,
articial intelligence, data analytics, modeling, which will
allow to fully take into account and adapt to the type of
strategy and management style, organizational and legal
form, size and type of activity of the enterprise, country
and region of location.
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... Financial forecasting relies on data from strategic management accounting, partly explained in the work of Shmatkovska T., Dziamulych M. [9]. According to Fomina O. [10][11], Moshkovska O., Yevdoshchak V., Manachynska Y. [10], and Lositska T. [11], in modern conditions, strategic management accounting must be riskoriented to achieve strategic management objectives. The impact of contemporary transformational processes on financial resource management is described by Marchenko V., Petrivskyi Y., Vlasenko A. [12]. ...
... Financial forecasting relies on data from strategic management accounting, partly explained in the work of Shmatkovska T., Dziamulych M. [9]. According to Fomina O. [10][11], Moshkovska O., Yevdoshchak V., Manachynska Y. [10], and Lositska T. [11], in modern conditions, strategic management accounting must be riskoriented to achieve strategic management objectives. The impact of contemporary transformational processes on financial resource management is described by Marchenko V., Petrivskyi Y., Vlasenko A. [12]. ...
... If strategic planning answers the question "what to do?" and strategic management answers "how and who will do it?" [10], then financial forecasting should answer the question "what are the financial targets?" In a strategic management system, financial forecasting helps to determine the resources needed to achieve the strategic goals of the enterprise, evaluate the financial implications of various strategies and decisions, and identify potential risks and opportunities. ...
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The article is dedicated to studying the essence of financial forecasting, defining its role, place, and significance in the strategic management system of an enterprise. It has been established that financial forecasting is not identical to, but rather integrated with, strategic planning, budgeting, strategic analysis, and control, providing the necessary data for the development, implementation, and adjustment of strategies. Financial forecasting helps maintain a focus on long-term goals and ensures flexibility in responding to financial and economic changes, thereby enhancing the overall effectiveness of strategic management. It has been proven that financial forecasting is a key element in the strategic management system of an enterprise, providing a foundation for making informed decisions and planning long-term development. This process includes predicting future financial indicators such as revenues, expenses, profits, and cash flows, allowing the enterprise to assess potential risks and opportunities, plan, and determine optimal strategies to achieve its goals. Financial forecasting promotes the effective allocation of resources, supports the stability and competitiveness of the enterprise, and increases its adaptability to changes in the external environment. Thanks to accurate forecasts, management can timely respond to market changes, adjust strategies, and ensure the financial security of the enterprise. In the strategic management system, financial forecasting plays an important role in combining the stages of planning and strategy implementation. During the strategy development process, it provides the necessary data for analyzing and selecting optimal development directions. During the implementation of the strategy, financial forecasts help monitor the execution of plans, evaluate the effectiveness of measures, and make timely adjustments. The results of strategic control provide important feedback for refining and improving future financial forecasts. Therefore, financial forecasting is an integral part of strategic management, contributing to its sustainable development and timely adaptation to a dynamic market environment. This enables enterprises to maintain competitiveness, ensure financial stability, and achieve set goals in the long term.
... The principles of accounting identification and management of financial risks were covered by M. Bodnar, N. Yershova [8], O. Fomina, S. Semenova, O. Moshkovska et al [9], O.Goncharenko [10], I. Vyhivska [19,32], P. Atamas, O. Atamas, G. Kramarenko [11], H. Umantsіv, V. Novikov, O. Nikolayets [16], S. Holovatska, A. Kurak [12], Drobyazko S., Shapovalova A.,оt. [45] and many others. ...
... Golovatska S. I. and Kurak A. I. draw attention to the importance of the formation and accounting of provisions for future expenses and payments in enterprise risk management [12]. Fomina, O., Semenova, S., Moshkovska, O., Yevdoshchak, V., & Manachynska, Y. provide methodological tools for management accounting for assessing and reflecting risks, in particular, using a risk matrix based on risk assessments for budgeting under different scenarios and generating internal reporting [9]. ...
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The aim of the study is to highlight approaches to the identification and assessment of financial risks in the accounting information system in the context of forecasting the company's development.The author substantiates the position that forecasting the financial stability of an enterprise in the context of global challenges and martial law is quite difficult since these unfavourable factors form the circumstances that cause not only a reduction in the volume of active activity of an enterprise but also a potential complete shutdown and irreversible loss of property or resources. Force majeure circumstances are characterized by unpredictability and impossibility of forecasting, which complicates the process of analytical forecasting.The article concludes that in order to assess the impact on financial risk forecasting, it is necessary to carry out a number of procedures, including identification of certain types of risks, assessment of the range and reliability of information required to determine their level, and study of the impact of objective and subjective factors, influencing the level of enterprise risks, selection and use of methods for assessing the probability of occurrence of a risk event by certain types of risks, determination of the number of possible losses in the event of a risk event, establishing the maximum permissible level of risks for certain types of activities, taking into account the availability of risk management measures at the enterprise.The study concluded that after the start of the full-scale invasion, Ukrainian companies began to prepare financial forecasts more often. In the context of martial law, when the situation can change radically and within short periods of time, companies seek to adjust their expectations as often as possible in accordance with updated information.
... Igualmente, autores como Alshaiti (2023), Tavares et al. (2023), Soler et al. (2018 y Palacio y Núñez (2020) afirmaron que las organizaciones se enfrentan a riesgos de tipo financiero, de cumplimiento y operativos, que en su materialización influyen en sus capacidades de desarrollo, dificultan la creación de valor y limitan el logro de los objetivos estratégicos. En este punto, es imperativo precisar que si bien la evidencia empírica confirma el uso de matrices de probabilidad e impacto como recursos habituales para establecer una medida del riesgo (Hariharan & Balamurugan, 2024;Maharram et al., 2024;Silva & Tobal, 2024;Fomina et al., 2023), existe una amplia gama de propuestas para estimar este tipo de mediciones, entre estas, la de Acebes et al. (2024), en la cual exceden la matriz de probabilidad-impacto y desarrollan una metodología cuantitativa para la priorización de riesgos. ...
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El objeto de estudio del control es el riesgo, tesis que nace tras la separación entre la propiedad y el control (agente y principal). Aunque esto último no es visible con frecuencia en micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas (mipymes), la gestión del riesgo se identifica como una herramienta asociada a su permanencia, las cuales, por su naturaleza y recursos, presentan limitaciones para ser sostenibles. Objetivo: diseñar el hexágono de control organizacional como una propuesta metodológica para la gestión del riesgo en mipymes del sector manufacturero en Colombia. Metodología: el alcance es descriptivo, su método es mixto y el enfoque es cualitativo. Se capturó información de fuentes primarias (instrumento de medición) y secundarias.Resultados principales: se establecieron los propósitos, la estructura, los instrumentos del modelo y se testeó en estudios de caso. Conclusiones: se identificaron oportunidades de mejora en los controles estratégicos y los riesgos ambientales, sociales y tecnológicos, categorías relevantes para la sostenibilidad organizacional.
... A review of scientific publications indicates that there is significant interest in cash flow forecasting in the valuation of financial instruments due to the complexity of economic conditions, rapid changes in market trends and the need for risk management. The main theoretical studies focus on building forecasting models that take into account the time value of money [10], the uncertainty of future income [16] and the risks associated with market fluctuations [3] and crisis phenomena [9]. In particular, models such as discounted cash flow are used to estimate the value of financial instruments [24] and allow taking into account future revenues taking into account the appropriate level of risk and discount rates [23]. ...
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The research focuses on forecasting cash flows in the valuation of financial instruments, a critical task given the increasing complexity of financial markets, the need for effective risk management, and the requirement for well-informed investment decisions. This issue is particularly relevant in the context of contemporary macroeconomic instability, heightened regulatory scrutiny, and rapid advancements in analytical technologies. Cash flow forecasting enhances the accuracy of financial instrument valuation, facilitates adaptation to market changes, and optimizes capital management, making it a key success factor for businesses and investors. The article examines the specifics of forecasting cash flows in the valuation of financial instruments under the requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The primary focus is on analyzing IFRS 9 and IFRS 7, which govern the classification, measurement, and disclosure of financial instruments. It reviews valuation methods, including fair value, amortized cost, and the expected credit loss model. Challenges related to forecast accuracy, macroeconomic risks, and information asymmetry are highlighted. The study proposes improvements to financial forecasting for cash flows by leveraging modern analytical tools and algorithms that account for market volatility. Suggested approaches include using artificial intelligence and machine learning to improve forecast accuracy, dynamic scenarios to assess risks, blockchain for data transparency, and incorporating ESG factors for more comprehensive analysis. These approaches aim to enhance the efficiency and transparency of financial valuation in today's market, contributing to a deeper understanding of financial reporting and risk management under current regulatory demands. The theoretical significance lies in expanding the scientific foundation for cash flow forecasting in financial instrument valuation. Practically, the results can be applied by financial analysts, enterprises, banking institutions, and other financial market participants. The findings provide a basis for improving cash flow forecasting models. Future research perspectives include developing machine learning algorithms to enhance the precision of financial forecasts.
... Risk-oriented strategic management accounting should reflect the components of enterprise value formation and consider goodwill among its intangible components -O. Fomina, V. Yevdoshchak, Y. Manachynska [26]. ...
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The intangible component of business value is increasing, yet remains inadequately disclosed in financial reporting. Current accounting standards have not fully developed the tools and methodologies for its comprehensive recognition, measurement, assessment , and full disclosure in reports. Discussions on the essence of goodwill have long been ongoing, and it's evident that this category extends beyond accounting and financial reporting. Digital transformation enhances the interest of researchers, scholars, and practitioners in the essence of goodwill, emphasizing the necessity to consider it as a means of disclosing the intangible value of business in modern conditions. The methodological basis of the conducted research includes methods of analysis, synthesis , historical conceptual review, comparison, logical generalization, grouping, abstraction , and a systematic approach. Studying the history of the development of the goodwill concept allowed identifying the main stages of its formation as an object of accounting, reporting, and management. An in-depth critical analysis of definitions supplemented economic, legal, and accounting approaches to understanding the essence of goodwill with new ones, such as marketing, branding, value, emotional, quantitative, and systemic. The developed classification allows considering all aspects of goodwill manifestation and the views of various assessment subjects on its essence and role in disclosing the intangible value of the business. It is proposed to define goodwill as the intangible value of a business reflecting its reputation, brand, customer loyalty, intellectual property, innovative and technological capabilities, digital user experience, online presence, and a set of other unique intangible assets, which together contribute to the sustainable growth of the company's market value and create competitive advantages, enabling adaptation to changes in the era of digital transformation. Goodwill is a category that exists not only in consolidated reporting, as it characterizes the intangible components of business value and requires appropriate recognition and management.
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Cel: Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja spowodowanych rosyjską inwazją wojskową zagrożeń dla kontynuacji działalności spółek prowadzących działalność w Ukrainie oraz ocena sposobu raportowania tych zagrożeń w sprawozdaniach finansowych. Metodyka: W badaniu wykorzystano metodę analizy dostępnych sprawozdań finansowych notowanych na GPW w Warszawie spółek prowadzących działalność w Ukrainie. Dokumenty analizowano pod kątem sposobu oceny zdolności do kontynuacji działalności oraz sposobu raportowania istniejących zagrożeń i niepewności. Wyniki: Badanie wskazuje na szeroki zakres ujawnianych informacji dotyczących negatywnych skutków działań wojennych oraz sposobów zapobiegania im. Jednostki oceniają zdolność do kontynuacji działalności przy założeniu braku dalszych postępów wojsk rosyjskich, informując jednocześnie o istniejących niepewnościach i ryzykach. Implikacje i rekomendacje: Przeprowadzone badanie wskazuje na występowanie licznych zagrożeń dla funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstw związanych bezpośrednio i pośrednio z toczącą się wojną, które należy uwzględniać przy ocenie zdolności do kontynuacji działalności. Oryginalność/wartość: Artykuł dotyczy jednej z podstawowych zasad rachunkowości w warunkach pełnoskalowego konfliktu zbrojnego i pozwala na identyfikację najważniejszych zagrożeń dla działalności gospodarczej związanych z wojną i stosowanych w praktyce sposobów oceny zdolności do kontynuacji działalności w warunkach wojny.
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Digitalization constantly changes the processes of formation, processing, interpretation, exchange and use of information in the field of accounting and financial forecasting. The advantages of digitalization are accompanied by challenges, which is why the experience of European countries is extremely valuable for Ukraine on the way to restoring and implementing European integration aspirations and reforms. The article considers the features and advantages of digitalization of accounting processes and financial forecasting of economic entities in the EU, the current state in this area, provides an overview of obstacles, problems and possible ways to overcome them. The review of scientific sources indicates significant achievements in the implementation of modern technologies, such as ERP systems, cloud services, big data analytics, artificial intelligence and blockchain. Research shows that these technologies significantly improve the efficiency of accounting processes and the accuracy of financial forecasts, contributing to automation, increasing accountability according to user needs, improving transparency and optimizing costs. In addition, digitalization allows more integrated use of accounting data for management and financial forecasting needs. It is determined that digitalization in the EU faces problems of cybersecurity, high costs for the introduction of new technologies, different levels of digital maturity among member countries, as well as unification of standards and regulatory requirements. The integration of advanced technologies requires significant investment and training, which is a barrier for small and medium-sized enterprises. The diversity of national laws makes it difficult to harmonize digital solutions at the European level, reducing the effectiveness of interstate financial cooperation and data exchange. These challenges can be overcome through harmonisation of regulatory requirements at EU level, increased investment in cybersecurity and digital technologies, and through the delivery of training programmes to improve digital literacy of workers. In addition, the creation of common standards and platforms for data exchange will contribute to more efficient integration of digital solutions into the financial sector. Using the experience of the EU member states in digitalization of accounting and financial forecasting will allow Ukraine to increase the accuracy and efficiency of financial processes, optimize accounting operations, reduce risks and improve data transparency. This will contribute to making sound strategic decisions, ensuring cybersecurity and attracting investments for the sustainable development of the financial sector in the context of digital transformation. Діджиталізація невпинно змінює процеси формування, опрацювання, інтерпретації, обміну та викорис-тання інформації у сфері обліку і фінансового прогнозування. Переваги діджиталізації супроводжуються викликами, саме тому досвід європейських країн є надзвичайно цінним для України на шляху реалізації євроінтеграційних прагнень та реформ. У статті розглянуто особливості та переваги діджиталізації обліко-вих процесів та фінансового прогнозування в ЄС, наведено огляд наявних проблем та можливих шляхів їх подолання. Наукові джерела свідчать про вагомі досягнення у впровадженні сучасних технологій, таких як ERP-системи, аналітика великих даних, штучний інтелект та блокчейн. Дослідження показують, що ці тех-нології значно підвищують ефективність облікових процесів і точність фінансових прогнозів, сприяючи авто-матизації, збільшенню підзвітності згідно з потребами користувачів, покращенню прозорості та оптимізації витрат, дозволяють більш інтегровано використовувати дані обліку для потреб управління і фінансового про
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Intensification of trade relations, growth of their dynamics, expansion of geographical direction are the objective consequences of the globalization processes in the modern world. International scientific community pays a lot of attention to the problem of ensuring the sustainable development of economic systems, especially in the Western world. Implementation of sustainable development concept by enterprises is an important condition for belonging to the most progressive market participants. Ukrainian trade enterprises, which are focusing on integration with the European Union (EU), should implement the most advanced practices of this concept. There are two main points in transition to sustainable development: to build system of essential indicators and to choose an effective mechanism for quantitative and qualitative assessment of this very complex and multifaceted process. The measurement system must convey clearly and fully information on the state of the components of sustainable development. Usually, indicators that were developed and proposed by international organizations require a large amount of information, which is sometimes hard to obtain. Thus, there is a need to improve accounting support of sustainable development that would allow management and society to assess the effectiveness of the chosen strategy in this context. Of particular importance in these conditions is controlling, as a functionally separate area of economic work in a commercial enterprise. Modern company management needs to make decisions based on a large amount of information, which is often simply impossible to fully cover and properly evaluate in a short time. Controlling helps to solve this issue as it provides managers with already analysed, generalized information that is directly related to the problem that needs to be solved. Nowadays, it's very important that controlling's accounting support at the trade enterprise reorients the vector of its activity considering the goals of sustainable development.
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The development and implementation of regional tourism development programs in Ukraine require the formation of the information environment for ranking the tourist systems of Ukraine’s regions according to the attractiveness of their investment potential, which determines the purpose of this study. The methods of economic analysis and rating modeling were used to rank regional tourism systems according to their investment potential by determining the integral indicator of the economic and tourist resources of each region. Accordingly, economic indicators are chosen to provide the regions with financial, labor, and production resources; tourism indicators include supply and demand for tourism services, availability of tourism resources, tourism efficiency, as well as tourism accommodation. According to the results of rating and grouping, three groups of regions were formed: the first (the priority in terms of investment potential of the tourist system has the value of the integrated indicator from 72.0 to 94.8); the second (values from 40.2 to 71.0, reflecting the average level of investment potential); and the third (values from 25.0 to 40.1 for regions with low investment potential). The rating of regional tourist systems reflects the development level of their potential; it is an indicator of the effectiveness of its management and information base necessary for management decisions of potential investors. The asymmetry of investment potential of regional tourism systems causes an imbalance in their competitiveness, so implementing regional and national programs will help intensifying their use and equalizing regions’ development. AcknowledgmentThe paper reflects the research results within the study carried out in 2021–2024 at the State University of Trade and Economics at the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Digital Transformation of Trade, Economic and Tourist Systems of Ukraine,” state registration number 0117U000503, and “Forecasting the impact of the tourist system on the country’s economy,” state registration number 0122U001559.
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The relevance of the study is substantiated by the need to study the peculiarities of the implementation of accounting standards in Ukraine. This research is focused on the comparison of Ukrainian, American and European accounting standards in a number of key elements. The research aims to study problems, perspectives and factors that influence the implementation of international financial accounting standards, conduct analysis and make recommendations. The comparison method is the main method for investigating this problem, which allowed comparing National Accounting Standards, International Accounting Standards and the American system of accounting United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The design of this research is observational and theoretical in structure, which is a prerequisite for detailed study of the theoretical grounds of international and Ukrainian accounting standards, their analysis and comparison. For the processing of information obtained through the method of comparison, the following methods of scientific knowledge were used: the method of analysis, method of synthesis, deduction and induction, the method of classification, as well as the method of analysis of scientific sources, studies, regulations and laws. The article presents the results of comparative analysis of Ukrainian, American and European accounting standards in a number of key elements with the aim of studying the problems, perspectives and factors that influence the implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards. The study includes recommendations for the direction of development and expansion of the National Accounting Standards. Materials of the article are of practical value for accountants, lecturers and students of the specialty “Accounting and Audit”, public servants Keywords: stocks evaluation, regulation of agricultural business transformation accounting, regulations, international accounting standards, accounting standards comparison
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Strategic risks may be defined as risks arising out of corporate strategy. Some of them are related to the external enterprise environment. If an enterprise is not able to manage external strategic risks, it faces the possibility of non-achievement of its strategic objectives. And they represent the biggest threat to strategy realization. Their successful management requires that the management bodies avail with reliable information that characterizes them and analyses that present their essence. Such information and analyses may be provided by strategic management accounting. РЕЗЮМЕ Стратегические риски можно определить как риски, вытекающие из стратегии компании. Некоторые из них относятся к внешней среде предприятия. Если компания не в состоянии управлять стратегическими рисками внешней среды, она может не достичь своих стратегических целей. Они представляют наибольшую угрозу невозможности достижения стратегии. Для того чтобы менеджмент мог успешно управлять ими, ему необходима достоверная информация, характеризующая их, и анализы, представляющие их сущность. Эта информация и анализ могут быть предоставлены с помощью стратегического управленческого учета. Ключевые слова: стратегический риск-менеджмент, стратегический управленческий учет.
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Citation: Shulha, O.; Yanenkova, I.; Kuzub, M.; Muda, I.; Nazarenko, V. Banking Information Resource Cybersecurity System Modeling. J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 80. https://doi. Abstract: The rapid development of the process of informatization of modern society has necessitated cybersecurity in all spheres of human activity, as the implementation of deliberate or unintentional influences on the information sphere by both external and internal sources can damage security and lead to moral, material, financial, reputational and other forms of damage. The purpose of the paper is to create functional cognitive models to assess the level of their protection. The method of building a fuzzy cognitive map of the state of cybersecurity of banks is used. There have been developed cognitive models to determine the level of protection of the computer network, information security system and critical infrastructure (banks). Scenarios have been developed that reflect the response of the system at the complex maximum attenuation of the impact of the most important cyber threats. In conclusion, the practical implementation of the method provides an opportunity to predict the state of cybersecurity of banks, and contributes to the implementation of the necessary mechanisms to prevent, protect and control access at the appropriate levels of network infrastructure.
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Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play an increasingly important role in global economic development, and they have encountered many unique problems (such as resources and strategic choice). Strategic management accounting (SMA) techniques can help SMEs allocate limited resources rationally and integrate internal and external information to help managers make strategic decisions. However, how and what is the SMA applied in the reality of SMEs, especially in developing countries today. This paper aims to explore the extent to which SMEs of developing countries use SMA. This article used the qualitative research method and the data were collected by interviewing five managers and two employees in M company. The findings indicated that: (1) The senior managers of SMEs do not have an understanding of accounting nor pay enough attention to it, and the role of SMA is even worse; (2) Although the chief financial officers obtain the knowledge of SMA, they cannot fully involve it in their strategic decision making. (3) SMEs have realized that enterprise culture is very important for a company to achieve strategic goals, but it is far from enough to attach importance to and create it. (4) The general managers of SMEs believe that the operating department is the core of the company and all resources should be prioritized to meet their needs.
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The article considers the theoretical prerequisites and regulatory requirements that determine the practical approaches to the application of professional judgment in defining the best way to present reporting information. In the course of the research, the authors took as a basis the regulatory documents on the preparation of financial and integrated reporting, which take a principles-based approach and provide for the use of professional judgment. The authors assumed that the objects of a professional accountant are the facts of economic activity in order to identify, evaluate, recognize and reflect in the accounting and reporting of the company objects of accounting that are significant and of interest to users. The author investigated theoretical bases and practical aspects of application of professional judgment with the purpose of recognition of object and definition of its cost in the course of data collection, their analysis, and formation on their basis of professional judgment. The author has proved the need to adhere to the principle of additionality in finding the maximum complete description of the object and formulating a professional judgement about it. The author proposed a matrix model, which established the correspondence of risk levels and principles of application of professional judgment in accounting valuation and conducted an analysis of the conditions for the use of professional judgment in defining the fair value of financial instruments and inventories. The author considered the influence of uncertainties and corresponding risks in the application of professional judgment on the value of financial instruments and its adjustment in the conditions of unstable markets of countries with economies in transition. The author noted peculiarities of implementation of professional judgment in the process of preparation of financial and integrated reporting and the factors that determine them.
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The article is concerned with studying the risks that are formed in the accounting and financial reporting system, their grouping and characterization for effective management and improvement of enterprise performance. Risk management standards clearly indicate the responsibility of management in assessing risks, managing and reporting them. The transformation of user approaches and needs to complete and reliable information about the risks of enterprises, in particular to the preparation of integrated reporting, indicates that the process of improving both the management and the reporting systems is underway. Accounting simultaneously acts as a function of risk management through the creation of reserves and provisions, a means of displaying risks and decisions about them through disclosure of information in the reporting, and is also a source of risk formation. The literature highlights the latter aspect the least. On the basis of the carried out research, the following groups of risks arising in the accounting and reporting system are determined: risks in the field of application of international (or national) accounting and reporting standards; absence (inefficiency) of management accounting, tax planning, internal control, independent audit; risks of errors and fraud; risks of adverse changes in legislation. For each group, the enterprise will be able to choose the most effective response measures through distribution (by creating reserves, insurance, diversification, outsourcing, developing accounting policies and job descriptions) and reducing risks (through investing in staff education: trainings, seminars, courses and motivation, updating accounting software, compiling and reporting, substantiating professional judgment, improving the internal control system, regulating management accounting, integrated reporting, system solutions). Thus, in order to increase the efficiency of risk management, of practical value should be taking into account the risks of accounting and reporting systems, if we consider them as a source of risks, and not only as an instrument for administration or information disclosure.
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The important role that management accounting plays in driving organisational performance has been reiterated in the literature. In line with that importance, the call for more effort to enhance knowledge on strategic management accounting has increased over the years. Responding to that call, this study utilised a qualitative approach that involved a systematic review to synthesise existing literature towards understanding the strategic management accounting foundation, contingency factors, and organisational performance impact. Based on the evidence in reviewed literature, we flag key directions for advancing this theoretical premise towards providing further insights that would enable practitioners strategically align their strategic management accounting practices for optimal organisational performance. The limitations of this study have been acknowledged.