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Volume VIII, No.3, Juli 2023 Hal 6115 - 6124
p-ISSN : 2528-3561
e-ISSN : 2541-1934
Effect of Leachate Concentration on the Eichhornia
Crassipes Plants
Irhamni1*, Edison Purba2, Wirsal Hasan3
1Department of Environmental Engineering, Universitas Serambi Mekkah, Banda Aceh Indonesia
2Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatra Utara, Medan, Indonesia
3Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatra Utara, Medan, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: irhamni@serambimekkah.ac.id
Received: April 8, 2023 Approved: May 9, 2023
Increase in science and technology development today has spurred environmental pollution in water, soil
and air. Water pollution caused by the impact of industrial development must be controlled as quickly as
possible. The study aimed to investigate the effect of Eichhornia crassipes plants at given metal
concentrations. The Eichhornia crassipes plant was used as an observation material with varying
concentrations of metal (Cr, Hg, and Pb). The method used in this study was Randomised Block Design
(RBD) and continued with Duncan's Multiple Range Test analysis, or better known as the DMRT test. The
study observations showed that the increase in Eichhornia crassipes seedlings was 3cm, 2cm and 2cm,
respectively with the recorded concentrations of 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%. Meanwhile, the leachate
concentrations of 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80% could also increase the roots of Eichhornia crassipes plants by
3.5cm, 1.5cm and 1cm, respectively. However, the leaf growth of Eichhornia crassipes plants at
concentrations of 20% and 40% recorded as much as three and two leaves only. Additionally, it can be
noted that at leachate concentrations of 20% and 40%, there was an increase in the number of Eichhornia
crassipes leaf petals during observation. Overall results showed that low concentrations could increase the
Eichhornia crassipes plants. This was evident in the statistical test analysis, where the leachate
concentration in the Eichhornia crassipes plant affected the overall test results.
Keywords: eichhornia crassipes, wetlands areas, liquid waste, heavy metals, landfill leachate
Peningkatan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dewasa ini telah memacu terjadinya
pencemaran lingkungan baik air, tanah maupun udara. Pencemaran air akibat dampak pembangunan
industri harus secepat mungkin dikendalikan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tanaman
Eichhornia crassipes pada konsentrasi logam tertentu. Tumbuhan Eichhornia crassipes digunakan sebagai
bahan pengamatan dengan variasi konsentrasi logam (Cr, Hg, dan Pb). Metode yang digunakan dalam
penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dan dilanjutkan dengan analisis Uji Jarak
Berganda Duncan atau lebih dikenal dengan uji DMRT. Pengamatan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
pertambahan bibit Eichhornia crassipes berturut-turut adalah 3cm, 2cm dan 2cm dengan konsentrasi tercatat
20%, 40%, 60%, dan 80%. Sementara itu, konsentrasi lindi 20%, 40%, 60%, dan 80% juga dapat
meningkatkan akar tanaman Eichhornia crassipes masing-masing sebesar 3,5cm, 1,5cm dan 1cm. Namun,
pertumbuhan daun tanaman Eichhornia crassipes pada konsentrasi 20% dan 40% tercatat sebanyak tiga dan
dua daun saja. Selain itu dapat diketahui bahwa pada konsentrasi lindi 20% dan 40% terjadi peningkatan
jumlah kelopak daun Eichhornia crassipes selama pengamatan. Hasil keseluruhan menunjukkan bahwa
konsentrasi rendah dapat meningkatkan tanaman Eichhornia crassipes. Hal ini terlihat pada analisis uji
statistik, dimana konsentrasi lindi pada tanaman Eichhornia crassipes mempengaruhi hasil pengujian secara
Kata Kunci: eichhornia crassipes, lahan basah, limbah cair, logam berat, lindi TPA
1. Introduction
Increase in science and technology development today has spurred the occurrence of environmental
pollution in water, soil, and air. The water pollution caused by the impact of industrial development must
be controlled as quickly as possible. Therefore, early actions are needed to overcome serious problems for
the survival of humans and the surrounding environment [1], [2]. Research on Eichhornia crassipes plants
for various purposes was carried out in recent years. Research on the relation between changes in land cover
Volume VIII, No.3, Juli 2023 Hal 6115 - 6124
p-ISSN : 2528-3561
e-ISSN : 2541-1934
around the city and the proliferation of Eichhornia crassipes was conducted by [3]. The study aimed to map
related changes over time by using discriminant analysis algorithms. Their results showed that agriculture
increased from 2% in 1973 to 5% in 1981, and increased to 30% in 2014. Sand was employed as a filter in
the study to analyze and remove ibuprofen and caffeine chemicals from artificial wetlands (CW) that were
planted with Heliconia rostrata. Additionally, the study utilized two different types of artificial wetlands
(CW). According to the findings of their investigation, the FFM-CW system was able to remove 94% of
the caffeine and 89% of the ibuprofen, respectively [4]. Meanwhile, a study conducted by [5] selected bio-
material Eichhornia crassipes from five plant materials to be compared and exchanged for copper and
carboxyl content, xanthogenate cellulose made with E. crassipes raw fibre.
These results indicated that the adsorption capacity of xanthogenate cellulose from Eichhornia
crassipes to copper was higher than other plant materials. High wastewater treatment is cost-effective,
environmentally friendly and sustainable [6]. Eichhornia crassipes plant was selected for the study because
it has a rapid growth rate, adapts to various environmental conditions and has higher nutrient absorption
capacity. Overall, with the help of Eichhornia crassipes, it can help phytoremediation technology and has
proven promising for removal, which can be a potential solution in the future. During the rainy season, the
Eichhornia crassipes growth is most significant in Neem water (75.41 g fresh weight (FW) m-2 days-1) than
in Shirish water (56.26 g FW m-2 days-1) for open areas (without cover). This maximal growth in the water
is consistent with a larger enrichment of the water in more critical nutrients like PO4-P and NO3-N.
However, this can also be influenced by other chemicals that can protect plants from pests and diseases [7].
Furthermore, the study investigated the interaction of Fe3O4 (NP) nanoparticles with Eichhornia
crassipes floating water plants. This investigation was carried out to determine the effect of Fe3O4 NP on
the physiology and root morphology of Eichhornia crassipes and the migration and transformation of Fe3O4
NP in observed plants [8]. The constructed design was evaluated by observing the changes in nutrient levels
(S, Cl, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, and Zn) at the root, stem, and leaves of the Eichhornia crassipes plant throughout the
course of time while it was crawling beneath Cr (VI) [9], [10]. The cultivation of plants was divided into
five groups with concentrations ranging from 0 mg/L to 100 mg/L: 10, 25, 50, and 100 mg/L respectively.
During the course of the experiment, each set of plants was grown in culture for a total of 15 days, and
samples were collected at regular intervals of every two days. According to the findings, there was a rise in
the percentage of enriched Cr, although the quantities of S, Cl, K, Ca, Fe, and Zn steadily dropped.
Meanwhile, a significant increase was recorded in the contents of S, K, Ca, Mn and Zn against the stem
and leaves. Simulation research for the expansion of invasive Eichhornia crassipes from aquatic habitats to
land through two clone integration modes was also carried out [11], [12]. Based on the conducted simulation
results, clone integration had significantly increased growth performance. The use of factory waste for
multi-pore activated carbon (MPAC) was investigated by [13].
Investigations conducted indicated that a complex pattern of cargo transfer could control the
adsorption. Research into the possibility of damage to this herbicide in aquatic organisms was also
conducted. The purpose of the research was to determine how sensitive the macrophytes of Pistia stratiotes
and Eichhornia crassipes are to hexazinone and how quickly pesticides break down. as exposed to
hexazinone, it was discovered that Pistia stratiotes produced a greater quantity of fresh components than
Eichhornia crassipes did as compared to the findings of the experiment [14], [15]. In order to analyze the
conversion kinetics between as (III) and as (V), as well as the impacts of arsenic concentration on species
development, the kinetic absorption of arsenic was studied in Eichhornia crassipes and Lemna valdiviana
[16], [17]. Processing of food waste in various sectors was done through an analysis of physical and
chemical parameters [18]. Each lead concentration was between 0.083 mg/L to 1.025 mg/L and 0.052 mg/L
to 0.158 mg/L, respectively. Their test results showed that maximum panicum and Eichhornia crassipes
could reduce the Fermencam pollutant load.
Natural processes and industrial activity both contribute to the production of heavy metals, which
then go on to contaminate the environment (air, water, and soil). The natural process may originate from
volcanic rocks, which are known to make important contributions to the ecosystems of the air, water, and
soil. Metal content in the environment can increase as a result of human activities such as mining, burning
fuels, and other domestic activities, all of which can contribute to an increase in environmental pollution.
Industrial operations, mining, and other domestic activities can also raise metal content [19]. Heavy metals
can be lethal to living species even at low concentrations, and the process of heavy metal buildup in the
bodies of biota is the first step in the death of these organisms. Over time, the collection of the targeted
organs of heavy metals will exceed the tolerance of the biota, and this is the cause of death in related biota
[20]. Besides being toxic to organisms, heavy metals will also accumulate in sediments and biota through
the process of gravity, bio concentration, bioaccumulation and biomagnification by aquatic organisms [21].
Volume VIII, No.3, Juli 2023 Hal 6115 - 6124
p-ISSN : 2528-3561
e-ISSN : 2541-1934
Specific issues of heavy metal in the environment are mainly because of its accumulation that reaches the
food chain and its presence in nature. An organism can be chronic if the product consumed contains heavy
metals [22].
The focus of this study was to investigate the effect of metal concentrations on Eichhornia crassipes
plants. Specific investigations were carried out on the number of tillers, roots, leaves and the number of
Eichhornia crassipes plant petals. To prove the influence of metal concentrations on plants, statistical
analysis t-test was carried out Eichhornia crassipes, Meanwhile, the methods used in this study were
Randomised Block Design (RBD) and followed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test analysis, or better known
as the DMRT test.
2. Material and Methods
This study used liquid/leachate media at the waste disposal site of Banda Aceh. Eichhornia crassipes
was the water plant used in this observation. Heavy metals like chromium, mercury, and lead were
employed in the process. The AAS, pH, bottles of 100 ml and 50 ml plastic samples, measuring cups of 2
L, and tanks (barrels) of water made of plastic materials with a volume of 150 L were all utilized as
instruments for the purpose of this investigation. All these tools were packaged and placed in a room with
a customized environment. The tools used in this study are as shown in Fig. 1. The area where this test was
taken is Banda Aceh city as shown on the map in Fig. 2.
Leachate water Eichhornia crassipes
Fig. 1. Materials and tools
Source: Researcher, 2021
Location of garbage disposal site
Fig. 2. A map of the Banda Aceh city area
Source: Researcher, 2021
Volume VIII, No.3, Juli 2023 Hal 6115 - 6124
p-ISSN : 2528-3561
e-ISSN : 2541-1934
Testing was conducted using a procedure known as Randomized Group Design (RBD), which was
then followed by the DMRT test. In the meantime, the factors evaluated for the degree of confidence known
as 95% were aquatic plants of the species Eichhornia crassipes. The heavy metals had three different levels,
while the leachate waste had two different levels with three different repetitions of each level. Eichhornia
crassipes plants were used for the research, and their heavy metal concentration was varied across three
different treatment levels. These levels were designated as Cr, Hg, and Pb. There were 27 containers that
acted as the trial container, and they were randomly distributed across all of the observed containers. Plant
type and metal concentrations were both included as independent variables during the course of the
3. Results and Discussion
Effect of leachate on test plants
The amount of leachate that was present had a significant impact on the development of the test
plants. The first step in this investigation was to cultivate the test plants in a reactor that was filled with
leachate from the Banda Aceh landfill (without diluting it first). According to the findings, each of the test
plants perished within the first week. The high amounts of BOD, COD, pH, and total dissolved solids (TDS)
that were discovered in the leachate ultimately led to the death of the test plant. In order to ensure that the
test plants were successful in growing, this research involved diluting the leachate in order to lower the
amounts of BOD, COD, pH, and TDS that were present in the leachate. In addition, one can utilize these
findings to determine the ideal leachate concentration for the development of the test plants, which took
place over the course of a period of four weeks of observation. Table 1, presents the results of an experiment
that examined how leachate concentration impacted test plants.
The findings demonstrated that the growth of the test plants was impacted by a decrease in the
concentration of the leachate. At a concentration of fifty percent leachate, plant growth was at its most
optimal, meaning that at this concentration, the plants are still alive and performing better than plants
growing in other leachate concentrations up until week four. It is believed that this will have a negative
impact on the BOD, COD, and pH values. Table 1, displays the TDS values for the leachate sample.
Table 1. Maximum leachate concentration and its influence on the
growth of test plants in terms of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD),
chemical oxygen demand (COD), pH, and total dissolved solids (TDS).
Test parameters
0 C
Source: Researcher, 2021
In order for the test plants to thrive, the leachate was diluted to lower its biological oxygen demand
(BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), pH, and total dissolved solids (TDS). The results of the four-
week-long experiment can also be utilized to determine the optimal leachate concentration for the
development of the test plants. The number of tillers, the depth of the roots, the size of the leaves, and the
number of leaf petals were all measured. Each week, test plants were measured on a centimeter scale to
determine their level of representation.
Eichhornia crassipes
Observation of leachate concentration on Eichhornia crassipes plants was carried out for four weeks
by using several different leachate concentrations of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%. This observation
was carried out on the number of tillers, root length, leaf length and several leaf petals (all were measured
in cm). This result was divided into four parts, as they will be explained in this section.
The Influence of the Concentration of Leachate on the Amount of Eichhornia crassipes
In this study, the influence that the concentration of leachate had on the number of Eichhornia crassipes
plant saplings was investigated. During the course of the study, weekly observations were taken. As can be
Volume VIII, No.3, Juli 2023 Hal 6115 - 6124
p-ISSN : 2528-3561
e-ISSN : 2541-1934
seen in Fig. 3, the findings of the observations made during the course of the treatment made use of a variety
of leachate concentrations.
Fig. 3. The number of tillers produced by Eichhornia crassipes plants after being exposed
to various amounts of leachate for four weeks
Source: Researcher, 2021
This observation focused on the number of Eichhornia crassipes tillers with different concentrations.
From the results of the analysis carried out, good growth occurred at low concentrations of 20%, 40% and
60%. This growth occurred in the first to second week at concentrations of 40% and 60%. At a concentration
of 20%, the growth started in the second week. Whereas, at high concentrations of 80% and 100%, the
growth did not show any increase in the number of tillers from the beginning of treatment to the end (Week
4). Observations made at Week 3 and Week 4 did not show changes. However, at a concentration of
20%, it had decreased slightly. This was due to nutrient uptake by plants that was reduced so that it affected
the growth. The relation to the effect of the number of tillers with leachate concentration could also be seen
based on statistical tests, namely variance analysis. The results of this test are as shown in Table 2. Similar
studies were investigated by [16], in the study, several amounts of arsenic were utilized, including 0 mgL-
1, 0.56 mgL-1, 0.89 mgL-1, and 1.38 mgL-1 for water hyacinth, and 0 mgL-1, 0.13 mgL-1, 0.48 mgL-1,
0.99 mgL-1, and 1.4 mgL-1 for Lemna.
Table 2. The correlation between leachate content and Eichhornia
crassipes tiller density is examined by a variance analysis.
Std. Error
According to Table 2, it was discovered that the correlation coefficient R was 0.866, and the direction
of the negative relation, which meant that the greater the concentration of leachate, the lower the number
of tillers in the Eichhornia crassipes plant. This information was gleaned from the study. However, the
significance test based on the t-test came up with a p-value of 0.058, which was still higher than 0.05,
meaning that it did not establish an association that is statistically significant given the amount of error that
was considered. The extent of the influence that leachate concentrations had on the growth of Eichhornia
crassipes tillers was represented by the amount of the coefficient, R.
The Impact of Leachate Concentration on Eichhornia crassipes Plant Root Length
Fig. 4, displays the findings of an inquiry into the influence of leachate concentration on the root
length of Eichhornia crassipes plants after a treatment period of four weeks. The results of the observations
Volume VIII, No.3, Juli 2023 Hal 6115 - 6124
p-ISSN : 2528-3561
e-ISSN : 2541-1934
showed changes for leachate concentrations of 20%, 40%, 60% and 80%. A very significant increase was
recorded at the concentration of 20% starting from the Week 2 to Week 4. The observed overall results
showed an increase. However, at the leachate concentration of 100% did not increase during observation.
Fig. 4. The influence of leachate concentration on the root length of Eichhornia crassipes
over the course of four weeks at a variety of concentrations
Source: Researcher, 2021
Based on the results of observations made on the test plants in Week 1 of death, so it must be repeated
several times (three times). Increased root water hyacinth occurred at leachate concentrations of 20%, 40%,
60% and 80% with each increase of 5.50cm, 2.50cm, 1.50cm and 1cm. Meanwhile, at a concentration of
100%, there was no increase. Leachate concentration of 20% was noted to increase Eichhornia crassipes
root extension better than the other concentrations. After observing the growth of the roots of Eichhornia
crassipes, the analysis was carried out on the relation of the effect of leachate concentrations with statistical
tests, namely analysis of variance. The results of this analysis were conducted to determine the relation
between leachate concentration and root growth in the test plants carried out. The performed statistical tests
are shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Variant analysis results of the relationship of leachate concentration
with the number of root lengths of Eichhornia crassipes
Based on the regression results, the obtained coefficient (R) was 0.962 with a negative relation, which
meant that with higher leachate concentrations, the extension of the Eichhornia crassipes plants root was
increased. Significantly the t-test was obtained for the p-value at 0.069. This meant that the values recorded
were still below 0.05. Therefore, the results did not have a significant relation with the error rate. The size
of the R coefficient that was observed, on the other hand, exemplified the influence of leachate
concentrations by demonstrating an increase in the Eichhornia crassipes root length growth.
Effect of Leachate Concentration on Eichhornia crassipes Plant Leaf Length
In the subsequent observations that were carried out as part of this research, an investigation into the
influence that the concentration of leachate has on the size of the leaves of Eichhornia crassipes plants was
carried out. In addition, these observations were carried out throughout the course of a period of four weeks.
The observations carried out every week and results were recorded in (cm), as shown in Fig. 5. During the
Volume VIII, No.3, Juli 2023 Hal 6115 - 6124
p-ISSN : 2528-3561
e-ISSN : 2541-1934
observations, it can be noted that leachate concentrations of 60%, 80% and 100% did not increase.
Meanwhile, the increase that occurred was recorded at concentrations of 20% and 40%. This increase was
not too significant, whereby the recorded increase was 1cm and 2cm for concentrations of 20% and 40%,
respectively. This lack of increased length of Eichhornia crassipes leaves can be influenced by several
factors, such as environment and weather.
Fig. 5. The impact of leachate concentration on the leaf length of Eichhornia crassipes plants
over the course of four weeks and over a range of concentrations was investigated
Source: Researcher, 2021
Based on the observation results, further analysis was carried out by using the t-test. The purpose of
this statistical analysis was to find out the relation between leaf length and different leachate concentrations.
The results of the study on the effect of leachate concentrations on Eichhornia crassipes leaf length are
shown in Table 4. The t-test showed that the result of linear regression coefficient (R) was 0.849 with a
negative relation. According to the findings of the study, it was discovered that the length of the leaves on
the Eichhornia crassipes plant decreased in proportion to the concentration of leachate that was present in
the soil. The significance level of the t-test indicated that the p-value was 0.069, which meant that the value
that was obtained was greater than 0.05. The fact that it did not establish a relation that was statistically
significant at the level of error was highlighted by this value. On the other hand, the size of the R coefficient
that was obtained provided an illustration of the extent of the effect that the concentration of leachate had
on the growth of the length of the Eichhornia crassipes leaves.
Table 4. Test results of variance analysis of the relationship of leachate
concentration to the length of Eichhornia crassipes leaves
The Influence of Leachate Concentration on the Amount of Leaf Petals Produced by the Eichhornia
crassipes Plant
The last test in this study was the observation of the impact of leachate concentrations on the addition
of the number of leaf petals of Eichhornia crassipes plants. This observation was carried out for four weeks,
with three repetitions. The results for all concentrations carried out in the test plants are shown in Fig. 6.
Based on the observation results, it was shown that at the leachate concentrations of 20% and 40%, the
Volume VIII, No.3, Juli 2023 Hal 6115 - 6124
p-ISSN : 2528-3561
e-ISSN : 2541-1934
number of Eichhornia crassipes leaf petals increased by two leaves and one leaf, respectively. This addition
of leaves was recorded in Week 2 and Week 4 at concentration of 20%. While at concentration of 40%, the
addition of leaves occurred in Week 2. Meanwhile, for concentrations of 60%, 80% and 100% there was
no addition of leaves. Weather and environmental factors had influenced on this. The results of the overall
observation did not experience an increase in the number of Eichhornia crassipes leaves.
Fig. 6. The influence of leachate concentration on the number of leaf petals produced by
Eichhornia crassipes plants over a period of four weeks and across a range of concentrations
Source: Researcher, 2021
Table 5. Test results of variance analysis of the relationship of leachate
concentration to the number of Eichhornia crassipes leaf petals
Std. Error
The R-value for the linear regression between the impacts of leachate concentration on the number
of petals of Eichhornia crassipes leaves was 0.770, and the relation direction was negative. These findings
were based on the findings of the linear regression. Based on the R-value, it was determined that the number
of leaf petals produced by Eichhornia crassipes plants decreased proportionally with the increasing leachate
concentration. Nevertheless, the outcomes of a statistically significant t-test showed a p-value of 0.128,
which was lower than 0.005. As a result, the findings did not demonstrate a statistically significant
connection to the amount of inaccuracy. However, the amount of the R coefficient that was obtained
exemplified the extent of the effect that leachate levels had on the development of the number of leaf petals
produced by Eichhornia crassipes.
4. Conclusion
This study aims to analyze the effect of leachate concentration on Eichhornia crassipes. Observations
were made for four weeks with different concentrations. Statistical analysis of the t-test was used to
determine the correlation between leachate concentration and the tested Eichhornia crassipes. The test
results showed that concentrations of 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% could increase the Eichhornia crassipes
plant seeds up to 2 cm -3 cm, but at 100% leachate concentration, there was no change. Improvement of
Eichhornia crassipes roots was obtained at leachate concentrations of 20%, 40%, 60% and 80%, which
reached 3.5cm. Leachate concentrations of 20% and 40% can grow 2 to 3 leaves of the Eichhornia crassipes
Volume VIII, No.3, Juli 2023 Hal 6115 - 6124
p-ISSN : 2528-3561
e-ISSN : 2541-1934
plant. The growth of Eichhornia crassipes petals was obtained when the leachate concentration was 20%
and 40%; there was an increase of about 1 to 2 leaves, but not significantly.
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