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Abstract and Figures

Taking stock of global progress towards achieving the Paris Agreement requires consistently measuring aggregate national actions and pledges against modelled mitigation pathways¹. However, national greenhouse gas inventories (NGHGIs) and scientific assessments of anthropogenic emissions follow different accounting conventions for land-based carbon fluxes resulting in a large difference in the present emission estimates2,3, a gap that will evolve over time. Using state-of-the-art methodologies⁴ and a land carbon-cycle emulator⁵, we align the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)-assessed mitigation pathways with the NGHGIs to make a comparison. We find that the key global mitigation benchmarks become harder to achieve when calculated using the NGHGI conventions, requiring both earlier net-zero CO2 timing and lower cumulative emissions. Furthermore, weakening natural carbon removal processes such as carbon fertilization can mask anthropogenic land-based removal efforts, with the result that land-based carbon fluxes in NGHGIs may ultimately become sources of emissions by 2100. Our results are important for the Global Stocktake⁶, suggesting that nations will need to increase the collective ambition of their climate targets to remain consistent with the global temperature goals.
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102 | Nature | Vol 624 | 7 December 2023
Aligning climate scenarios to emissions
inventories shifts global benchmarks
Matthew J. Gidden1,2,10 ✉, Thomas Gasser1,1 0, Giacomo Grassi3, Nicklas Forsell1, Iris Janssens1,4,
William F. Lamb5,6, Jan Minx5,6, Zebedee Nicholls1, 7,8 , Jan Steinhauser1,9 & Keywan Riahi1
Taking stock of global progress towards achieving the Paris Agreement requires
consistently measuring aggregate national actions and pledges against modelled
mitigation pathways1. However, national greenhouse gas inventories (NGHGIs) and
scientic assessments of anthropogenic emissions follow dierent accounting
conventions for land-based carbon uxes resulting in a large dierence in the present
emission estimates2,3, a gap that will evolve over time. Using state-of-the-art
methodologies4 and a land carbon-cycle emulator5, we align the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)-assessed mitigation pathways with the NGHGIs to
make a comparison. We nd that the key global mitigation benchmarks become harder
to achieve when calculated using the NGHGI conventions, requiring both earlier
net-zero CO2 timing and lower cumulative emissions. Furthermore, weakening natural
carbon removal processes such as carbon fertilization can mask anthropogenic
land-based removal eorts, with the result that land-based carbon uxes in NGHGIs
may ultimately become sources of emissions by 2100. Our results are important for the
Global Stocktake6, suggesting that nations will need to increase the collective ambition
of their climate targets to remain consistent with the global temperature goals.
The 2021 UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) marked a shift in
the focus of climate policy from pledge-making to implementation
towards the long-term temperature goal of the Paris Agreement, the
collective progress towards which is assessed through periodic Global
Stocktakes (GSTs). In spring 2022, the first GST was launched
and con-
tinues through the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference
(COP28) to establish evaluation mechanisms among parties. Compar-
ing present emission trends from the NGHGIs and future targets in a
collective benchmarking effort rooted in the best available science
will be key for a rigorous, precedent-setting first GST and the overall
success of the Paris Agreement6.
Countries have gradually increased the ambition of their national
targets in response to the latest IPCC report findings
. Notably, sev-
eral nations made long-term net-zero emission commitments in the
run-up to COP26 (ref. 9), which brought the long-term temperature
goal of the Paris Agreement within striking distance, although much
of the assessed temperature reductions arose from long-term and
non-binding promises rather than immediate climate action1012. Global
climate scenarios show that bothdeep reductions of near-term emis-
sions as well as enhancement of anthropogenic land-based carbon sinks
are needed to achieve net-zero emissions and limit global warming to
achieve the temperature goal of the Paris Agreement13,14.
A key discrepancy exists, however, in how model-based scientific
studies and NGHGIs account for the role of anthropogenic land-based
carbon fluxes
, with national inventories incorporating a broader
scope of removals2, resulting in lower emission estimates in NGHGIs.
Previous studies
have quantified the magnitude of this difference
to be approximately 5.5–6.7 Gt CO
. This conceptual difference
hinders the comparability of the aggregate targets set by countries
and future mitigation benchmarks. Although this problem has been
acknowledged in the most recent IPCC assessment
and raised by par-
ties during the GST18, the impact of this discrepancy on national and
global mitigation benchmarks is still not well understood. Aligning
mitigation pathways assessed by the IPCC with NGHGI conventions
is therefore needed to support the science-based formulation of
nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and to measure collec-
tive global action against emission levels necessary to achieve the Paris
Agreement goal.
Aligning climate pathways and inventories
The IPCC-assessed mitigation pathways are typically generated by inte-
grated assessment models (IAMs) that capture transitions in anthropo-
genic energy and land-use systems consistent with stated global climate
policy objectives. The reporting conventions for land-use, land-use
change and forestry (LULUCF) carbon fluxes of these models follow
that of detailed global carbon-cycle models (that is, ‘bookkeeping’
models). These models simulate and account for direct anthropogenic
fluxes (due to human-induced land-use changes, forest harvest and
regrowth) separately from indirect fluxes that are the natural response
Received: 13 February 2023
Accepted: 6 October 2023
Published online: 22 November 2023
Open access
Check for updates
1International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria. 2Climate Analytics, Berlin, Germany. 3Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Ispra, Italy. 4Department of
Computer Science, imec, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium. 5Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change, Berlin, Germany. 6Priestley International Centre of
Climate, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK. 7Melbourne Climate Future’s Doctoral Academy, School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University
of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia. 8Climate Resource, Northcote, Victoria, Australia. 9Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany. 10These authors contributed
equally: Matthew J. Gidden, Thomas Gasser. e-mail:
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
Nature | Vol 624 | 7 December 2023 | 103
of land to environmental changes (for example, CO
fertilization or
response to climate change)
and define anthropogenic emissions
as those owing to the direct effect. Because it is practically not possible
to separate direct and indirect fluxes through observations, the NGHGIs
submitted by parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) follow reporting conventions
that define
anthropogenic fluxes using an area-based approach
in which all fluxes
occurring on managed land are considered anthropogenic, with few
exceptions to isolate natural disturbences
. The NGHGIs include
a wider definition of managed land compared with models, which
includes any forested area that ‘perform[s] production, ecological,
or social functions’
(Fig.1). As a result, present-day LULUCF fluxes
estimated with scientific modelling conventions indicate that the land
sector is a net source of emissions3, whereas the NGHGIs collectively
report it as a net sink
, resulting in fundamentally different present
and future perspectives of the role of land-based fluxes.
To estimate the direct and indirect components of land-based carbon
fluxes necessary to align mitigation pathways with conventions used
in the NGHGIs, we use a reduced-complexity model with an explicit
treatment of the land-use sector, OSCAR5, one of the models used for
the annual Global Carbon Budget
, applied in a probabilistic setup
and at a resolution of five global regions used in the IPCC assessments
(Methods). We calculate a difference of 4.4 ± 1.0 Gt CO
emissions globally averaged over 2000–2020 between model-based
(higher) and NGHGI-based (lower) accounting conventions, which is
in line with the existing estimates
. We then assess the pathways with
OSCAR to quantify how the difference between conventions evolves
over time. A total of 914 of the 1,202 IPCC-assessed pathways provided
sufficient land-use change data to enable this alignment (Extended
Data Table1; data are available at
Across both the 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C scenarios (Fig.2a,b; see defini-
tions in the Methods), LULUCF emissions estimated using the NGHGI
conventions show a strong increase in the total land sink until around
mid-century. However, the NGHGI alignment factor (that is, the dif-
ference between the two accounting conventions; Fig.2c) decreases
over this period, nearing zero in the 2050s to 2060s for the 1.5 °C
scenarios and the 2070s to 2080s for 2.0 °C scenarios. This convergence
is primarily a result of the simulated stabilization and then decrease
of the CO2-fertilization effect as well as background climate warming
reducing the overall effectiveness of the land sink
, which in turn
reduces the indirect removals included in NGHGIs. These dynamics
lead to land-based emissions reversing their downward trend in most
NGHGI-aligned scenarios by mid-century and result in the LULUCF
sector becoming a net source of emissions by 2100 in about 25% of
both the 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C scenarios.
Global and regional ambition implications
More ambitious mitigation action is required to meet the global
emission benchmarks derived from scenarios when assessed using
the NGHGI conventions compared with model-based conventions
(Extended Data Table2 and Extended Data Fig.1). The NGHGI-aligned
pathways result in earlier net-zero CO2 emissions by 1–5 years for
the 1.5 °C and −1 to 7 years for the 2.0 °C scenarios (Fig.3a). Emission
Enabling like-for-like comparison between the two conventions
Scientic models (red) do not currently match NGHGIs (green) resulting in different emissions estimates.
To align them, indirect uxes (blue) that occur on all land considered managed in NGHGIs, simulated with vegetation models,
need to be added to direct uxes (red) calculated with bookkeeping models.
Alignment factor
Misalignment between NGHGIs and scientific models
Differences stem from denitions of managed land and the carbon uxes that are included
Land with extensive
human activity
Land with limited or
no human activity
Other land serving production,
ecological and social functions
Direct uxes Indirect uxes
Bookkeeping models
Track carbon uxes
caused directly by
human activities
Vegetation models
Simulate uxes caused by
environmental changes
(for example, carbon fertilization)
modelling convention
Based on models
of the carbon cycle
Based on
Not included
IAM Not included in
alignment factor
Fig. 1 | Dif ference in pr esent est imates of LULUC F carbon f luxes under
NGHGI and model-based accounting conventions. Schematic showin g the
difference in accounting conventions between NGHGIs (green) and scientific
models (b ookkeeping m odels in red and ve getation mod els in blue). Models
such as IA Ms are based on b ookkeeping a pproaches and co nsider direc t fluxes
due to land use (for exam ple, wood harve st) and land-cover cha nges. Additio nal
indirect f luxes due to evolv ing environme ntal conditi ons can be est imated by
process ed-based vege tation model s. NGHGIs co nsider a wider m anaged land
area and are gen erally based on p hysical obser vations, and th us include both
direct and i ndirect f luxes. We use the te rm ‘unmanaged ’ to describe l and not
considered managed by NGHGIs to be consistent with previous literature, but
recogni ze that this includ es land that has b een managed by ind igenous and
traditional communities for centuries to millienia38,39. In this stud y, we estimate
the alignm ent factor to tra nslate betwe en both conventi ons (the indirect f lux
considere d in NGHGIs but no t in models, blue). This f actor will chan ge over
time base d on future land-us e decisions an d overall mitigatio n efforts be cause
of, for example, changing atmospheric CO2 levels.
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104 | Nature | Vol 624 | 7 December 2023
reductions in 2030 relative to 2020 are between 3 and 6 percentage
points greater for both pathway categories (Fig.3b). The assessed
cumulative net CO
emissions to global net-zero CO
also decreases
by 15–18% for both the 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C scenarios (Fig.3c) because of
extra land-based carbon removal when using the NGHGI conventions.
Although the NGHGI-aligned benchmarks strengthen, they are still
consistent with the climate assessment of the IPCC. All land-use fluxes
(direct and indirect) are included in the physical climate models used
by the IPCC—that is, the temperature outcomes of each pathway are
the same even if flux components are accounted for differently by
models and inventories. When considering the additional land sink
following the conventions of the NGHGIs, however, multiple dynamics
interact that contribute to the revisions of the benchmarks, including
the change in historical emission baseline, the enhanced anthropogenic
land sink compared with what was reported by IAMs and declining
sequestration from that additional sink in the future.
Parties to the UNFCCC use the net land CO2 flux reported in the
NGHGIs as a basis to assess compliance with their NDCs and track
the progress of their long-term emission reduction strategies under
the Paris Agreement
as with previous climate pacts
. Historically,
NDCs have been compared with scenario-based estimates of needed
emission reductions by either aligning the IPCC-assessed pathways to
NGHGIs with constant offsetting methods
or excluding LULUCF emis-
sions entirely
. Comparing our results with one of the most recent
aggregate NDC estimates1 (Methods and Extended Data Fig.2), we
find that the gap between unconditional NDCs and a median 2.0 °C
outcome is approximately 18% larger, whereas our assessment of the
gap between unconditional NDCs and a median 1.5 °C outcome is
around 4% smaller (Extended Data Fig.3). It is therefore important to
incorporate a dynamic estimation of indirect fluxes when assessing
national climate targets because their changing role in achieving these
targets depends on domestic land-management decisions as well as
the overall strength of global mitigation (Fig.4).
Aligning pathways to inventory-based LULUCF accounting con-
ventions can additionally affect how equitable mitigation action is
understood, as around 60% of the historical NGHGI adjustment falls
in Non-Annex I countries
. Assessed regionally, 1.5 °C-consistent emis
sion reductions are higher for developed countries, whereas they are
slightly lower in most developing regions when assessing scenario
outcomes using the NGHGI-based conventions (Extended Data Fig.4).
In the 2.0 °C pathways, the NGHGI alignment results in more stringent
2020–2030 emission reductions globally compared with the unad-
justed pathways, as the strength of the indirect flux continues to grow
with increasing atmospheric carbon concentrations. This strength-
ening most directly affects regions with large forested areas such as
Latin America and Russia, whereas others such as the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countriesand Asia,
on average, see a decrease in emission reductions. Our results span
both positive and negative values across many regions, showcasing
the diversity of future responses to land-sink changes and complexities
when setting both equitable and ambitious climate targets based on
national inventories. They also highlight the risk of over-dependence
on land sinks to measure mitigation progress using national inventory
conventions against ambitious climate targets.
Considering carbon removal
In most 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C pathways, hundreds of gigatonnes of CO
removed from the atmosphere over the course of this century, with
ultimate levels dependent on the strength of near-term mitigation
. Because our assessment relies on a bookkeeping model
that explicitly tracks land carbon reservoirs, we are able to isolate
LULUCF emissions—model reporting conventions
LULUCF emissions—NGHGI reporting conventions
Ref. 3 model 2002–2011
Ref. 3 model 2012–2021
Ref. 3 NGHGI 2002–2011
Ref. 3 NGHGI 2012–2021
Ref. 2 NGHGI 2000–2020
2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100
2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100
Gt CO2 yr–1
Model convention
estimates higher
LULUCF uxes
NGHGI conventio
estimates higher
LULUCF uxes
Gt CO2 yr–1
2025 2050 2075 2100
1.5 ºC
Ref. 2
OSCAR (this study)
Ref. 3
2.0 ºC
Gt CO2 yr–1
Fig. 2 | Land -use emiss ions in re-an alysed IPCC pa thways with model-
based and NGHGI-based accounting conventions. a,b, Land-use emissions
pathways before a nd after alignm ent to match NGH GIs for 1.5 °C (a) and 2 ,0 °C
(b) pathways. Hist orical esti mates2,3 a re shown with car bon-cycle unce rtainty
(1σ), and the medi an of scenario pat hways are shown with th e scenario
interquar tile range in shade d plumes. Pathways c onsistent wi th model-
based convention are shown in red, whereas the NGHGI convention is shown
in green. c, C omparing the t wo conventions resu lts in a differenc e between
re-analysed and NGHGI-adjusted pathways—that is, an alignment factor,
which evolves as a f unction of the s trength of land -based climate m itigation.
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Nature | Vol 624 | 7 December 2023 | 105
those LULUCF fluxes that effectively constitute carbon removals from
carbon emissions (for example, deforestation), thereby quantifying
total land-based carbon dioxide removal (CDR) consistently across
scenarios and filling a gap in the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report
(see footnote 53 in ref. 17) as well as underlying scenario database that
constitutes a widely used resource in the climate change community
Scenarios see a marked increase by 2030 in CDR from the LULUCF
sector, resulting in around 60% higher removals of CO2 by 2030
compared with the 2020 levels in the 1.5 °C pathways and 10%
higher removals in the 2.0 °C pathways (Fig.5a). Taken together
with engineered (non-LULUCF) CDR options, models deploy 2.6
[1.4–3.2] Gt CO2 yr−1 (interquartile range) and 0.7 [0.3–2.5] Gt CO2 yr−1
additional CDR between 2020 and 2030 in the 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C path-
ways, respectively. Land-based sinks account for nearly 100% of
current CDR. By 2030, in the 1.5 °C pathways, 95% [88–98%] of total CDR
is delivered by land-based sinks (Fig.5b). By 2100, CDR from LULUCF
accounts for about 30% [21–42%] of the annual total.
Although deep mitigation scenarios assessed by the IPCC show a
notable and continued dependence on land-based removals over the
whole century, LULUCF removals of the same pathways aligned to
NGHGIs would peak by mid-century and decline thereafter. Over time,
the reduced effectiveness of indirect removals counterbalances the
gains from direct removals35 (Extended Data Fig.5), maintaining
the overall direct and indirect removals at around 6–7 Gt CO2 yr−1 by
mid-century. The 1.5 °C pathways cumulatively sequester around 20%
more carbon from direct removals but 20% less carbon from indi-
rect removals compared with the 2.0 °C pathways over that period
(Extended Data Fig.6). Considering the changing dynamics of indi-
rect carbon removals included in NGHGIs can dramatically change
the estimated carbon removals on land over time. Although the 1.5 °C
scenarios show growth in total assessed net land removal by 2030
(Fig.5c), thescenariosaligned with current policies approximately
double removals compared with the 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C scenarios by
mid-century, because of the increasing strength of indirect removals
(notably through strong CO2 fertilization) (Fig.5d).
Thus, although the addition of a larger ‘managed land’ sink in NGHGIs
may reduce the reported levels of present-day national emissions in
some cases, maintaining the strength of this carbon sink on these land
areas may pose a fundamental challenge in the long term. Not only do
estimates of needed progress in anthropogenic emission reductions
risk being masked by natural sink enhancement in the near term, but
even the maintenance of existing natural sinks requires additional
efforts to remove carbon, for example, through the expansion of forest
areas, from the NGHGI accounting perspective. In other words, the
future effort needed to achieve or maintain net-zero economy-wide
emissions would be underestimated using NGHGI accounting conven-
tions as the indirect contribution to land sinks loses efficacy and may
eventually become a net source of emissions in low-warming scenarios.
Balancing practicality and policy advice
We provide here an estimation of the LULUCF emissions consistent
with NGHGIaccounting conventions for all IPCC-assessed scenarios
that provide sufficient land-use cover information using probabilistic
and constrained estimates from a single established model, OSCAR.
Repeating this work with additional models would increase robustness
by averaging model biases and structural uncertainties, although this
would require land-use scenario information at a much finer resolution
than the five regions.
Because the pathways are aligned with the NGHGI conventions by
re-allocating indirect carbon fluxes caused by environmental changes
to anthropogenic fluxes, our results do not change any climate out-
come or mitigation benchmark produced by the IPCC, but provide
a translational lens to view those outcomes from the perspective of
national emissions reporting frameworks as deployed by the UNFCCC
parties. For example, the fact that we find net-zero timings for the 1.5 °C
pathways advance by up to 5 years compared with the IPCC-assessed
benchmarks does not imply that 5 years have been lost in the race to
net-zero, but that following the reporting conventions for natural sinks
used by parties to the UNFCCC results in net-zero needing to be reached
5 years earlier to match the modelled benchmarks. Our results reinforce
the importance of a rapid decline in fossil fuel and industry emissions
in this decade while limiting reliance on nature-based solutions that
can weaken over time to keep global temperature rise within the limit
prescribed in the Paris Agreement.
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
Density (a.u.)
1.5 ºC
1.5 ºC-OS
2.0 ºC
0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Density (a.u.)
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008
Density (a.u.)
Fig. 3 | Chan ges in global m itigation b enchmark s across as sessed s cenarios .
ac, Scenari o-wise distr ibutions of th e estimated ch ange in the net-zero CO2
year (a), 2020–2030 CO2 emission reductions (b) and cumulative emissi ons
until net-zero CO2 (c) betwee n the re-analysed m odel-based an d the NGHGI
LULUCF accou nting conventio ns are shown for 1. 5 °C (blue, IPC C category C1),
1.5 °C- OS (green, I PCC category C 2) and 2.0 °C (purp le, IPCC categor y C3)
scenari os. A positive valu e indicates that t he benchmark co mes later (for
net-zero years) or is higher (for cumul ative emission s) in the model-base d
framework co mpared with the N GHGI-base d framework, wh ereas a negati ve
value indica tes that the ben chmark is highe r in the NGHGI-ba sed framework
(for emission red uctions). Across all b enchmarks, N GHGI-base d accounting
tends to res ult in more stringe nt outcomes (earli er net-zero years, higher
emission re ductions a nd lower cumulative em issions to net-zero CO2 emission).
A comparis on with the ori ginal AR6 bench marks is shown in E xtended Dat a
Fig.1. a.u., ar bitrary unit s.
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106 | Nature | Vol 624 | 7 December 2023
Importantly, this ‘new’ net-zero year is conceptually consistent with
the meaning of balancing of sources and sinks of greenhouse gases
(GHGs) as stipulated in Article 4 of the Agreement (although in the
context of CO2). Yet it occurs before the climatological milestone
that results in halting further warming, as is the case of the net-zero
year under the scientific modelling convention. Understanding and
addressing how these different frameworks can be mutually interpreted
is a fundamental challenge for evaluating progress towards the Paris
Agreement, given the reality that carbon removals from anthropogenic
and natural land-based processes cannot be estimated separately by the
NGHGIs, which are typically based on direct observations. The outcomes
presented here highlight that the conventions by which land-based
carbon removals are considered have important implications for
NDC assessment and transparency, operationalization of removals
under carbon markets as laid out in Article 6.4 of the Paris Agreement
and monitoring, reporting and verification of these removals.
The policy and scientific communities can take steps to meet this
challenge by reconciling terms, definitions and estimates of land-based
fluxes in four concrete ways. First, climate targets can be formu-
lated explicitly for areas of critical mitigation action, including gross
emission reductions without LULUCF, net land-based removals,
engineered carbon removals and non-CO2 GHG emissionreductions,
allowing for parties to define their expected contributions and to meas-
ure progress in each domain separately. Second, parties can clarify
the nature of their deforestation pledges, because direct and indirect
carbon fluxes vary greatly in different forest types
. Third, scientific
and practitioner communities can convene discussions on how to
enhance monitoring, reporting and verification of LULUCF fluxes to
better align estimates from both groups. Fourth, IAM teams can provide
their individual assumptions and estimates for direct LULUCF emis-
sions and removals, including the indirect flux component consistent
with the NGHGIs
and their assumptions about the land-use contribu-
tion of NDCs and long-term strategies. Future IPCC assessments could
either use such scenario data if available or use an approach such as
that presented here to provide a holistic scenario assessment aligned
with the NGHGIs and better inform necessary collective action to meet
global climate goals.
Although science and policy processes continue to co-evolve, inform-
ing one another, a full reconciliation of the conceptual discrepancies
outlined here will take time. However, the first iteration of the GST will
be completed by the end of 2023 and new NDCs will be formulated soon
thereafter, necessitating earlier compatibility between national targets
and benchmarks estimated by global models. Our results provide esti-
mates and a line of evidence that can be directly used by parties and
Carbon sinks
CO2 removals
Carbon source
CO2 emissions
Carbon sinks
CO2 removals
Carbon source
CO2 emissions
Impact of indirect fluxes on ability to achieve national climate targets
Future national land carbon balance under NGHGI convention shift with global CO2 levels
Low global mitigation
2 levels in line with
current climate policies
National land sector
Global emissions
Paris Agreement
National land sector
Global emissions
Paris Agreement
National land sector
Global emissions
Paris Agreement
National land sector
Global emissions
Paris Agreement
IndirectDirect IndirectDirect
NGHGIIndirectDirect ++=
Increased land-based mitigation
Strong mitigation effort pursued in
the land sector of a country
Unchanged land-based mitigation
No additional mitigation effort in
the land sector of a country
Stylized uxes
Care is needed when national climate targets rely on indirect fluxes
Direct uxes are consistent with the degree of mitigation in the land sector. Indirect uxes depend on how environmental
conditions (for example, CO2, climate) change over time, which is in turn dependent on global mitigation efforts. Under the NGHGI convention,
a Paris-consistent world could lead to weaker indirect removals, masking increased direct ones.
High global mitigation
2 levels in line with the
Paris Agreement
Fig. 4 | The f uture role of ind irect f luxes in nation al climate tar gets. In a
future wit h strong mitiga tion action i n line with the goal s of the Paris Agr eement
(bottom r ow), stabilizing or even de creasing atm ospheric CO2 wil l result in a
weakening of th e indirect sink ( blue arrows), whereas a futu re with weak
mitigati on action will s ee the indirec t sink increas e(as long as CO2 fertilization
dominate s over climate feedba cks, top row). The direc t component o f LULUCF
fluxe s (red arrows) is dueentirely to lan d-use manageme nt decisions (colu mns).
Future estima tes of net LULUCF e missions (g reen arrows) will dif fer between
conventions depending on how much overall mitigation occurs and how much
land-base d mitigation o ccurs, which ca n have unexpecte d consequen ces on
national climate target achievement.
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Nature | Vol 624 | 7 December 2023 | 107
the UNFCCC to meaningfully compare aggregated national targets and
mitigation benchmarks. No matter what the reporting conventions
are, the near-term action that is needed to meet the Paris Agreement
is clear: emissions must peak as soon as possible and reduce markedly
this decade. This message must not be lost in the translation between
different concepts of anthropogenic land carbon fluxes.
Online content
Any methods, additional references, Nature Portfolio reporting summa-
ries, source data, extended data, supplementary information, acknowl-
edgements, peer review information; details of author contributions
and competing interests; and statements of data and code availability
are available at
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2020 2030
1.5 ºC
2.0 ºC
1.5 ºC
2.0 ºC
1.5 ºC
2.0 ºC
Gt CO2 yr–1
Total CDR
Land CDR
Non-land CDR
2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 2100
Fraction of total CDR
1.5 ºC
2.0 ºC
1.5 ºC 2.0 ºC Current policies
Gt CO2 yr–1
1.5 ºC 2.0 ºC Current policies
Indirect removals
Land CDR (direct)
Total land removals
Scenario uncertainty
Carbon-cycle uncertainty
Gt CO2 yr–1
a b
Fig. 5 | CDR characteristics in mitigation and current-policy pathways.
a, Net land-us e carbon removal le vels from direct f luxes (g reen bars) are
compared w ith non-land CDR ( brown bars) and total leve ls (summing land-us e
and CDR, grey b ars) with whiskers de noting the inte rquartile range o f each
estimate a cross 1.5 ° C and 2.0 °C sc enarios. Her e, non-land CDR com prises
technolo gies include d in the IAM pathw ays assesse d in AR6other than thos e
due solely to la nd-use change, su ch as bio-ene rgy with car bon capture and
storage, dire ct air capture of CO2 w ith storage and enhanced mineral
weathering. b, The share of land- based CDR redu ces over time acros s both
1.5 °C a nd 2.0 °C pathways w ith the median (so lid line) and interquar tile range
(shaded area) show n for the populatio n of scenarios a ssessed . The direct
component of land-based removal flux, which constitutes land-based CDR, and
the indirec t component o f the removal flu x evolve differently a cross pathways.
c, In the near te rm, until 2030, th e 1.5 °C pathw ays see a strong enh ancement
of addition al removals (pink bar), wherea s the 2.0 °C pathway s see a similar
addition of t otal removals as cur rent-policy pathways. d, By mid-century,
additiona l removals in current-polic y pathways out-pace both th e 1.5 °C and
2.0 °C pat hways, because o f the continued e nhancement o f indirect remova ls
compared w ith an overall weakeni ng of this flu x in mitigati on pathways. Sc enario
uncert ainty in c,d is est imated by the interq uartile range of s cenario-bas ed
estimate s, whereas t he carbon-c ycle uncert ainty is est imated by the inte rquartile
range of the me dian ensembl e of climate runs (Me thods).
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
108 | Nature | Vol 624 | 7 December 2023
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Selection of AR6 scenarios
As part of its Sixth Assessment Report, IPCC Working Group III authors
analysed more than 2,200 scenarios for potential inclusion in its miti-
gation pathway assessment40. Of those, 1,202 were eventually vetted:
deemed to have provided enough detail to allow a climate analysis using
the climate assessment architecture of the IPCC
. Those scenarios were
then divided into different scenario categories based on their peak and
end-of-century temperature probabilities34.
In this study, we focus on three scenarios: C1, C2 and C3 as defined
in AR6 of the IPCC (ref. 40). C1 scenarios are as likely as not to limit
warming to 1.5 °C and have been interpreted as consistent with the
1.5 °C long-term temperature goal of the Paris Agreement as outlined
in Article 2 (ref. 42), although arguments have been made that fur-
ther delineation should be made into scenarios that do and do not
achieve net-zero CO
emissions to better reflect its Article 4 (ref. 43). We
assess outcomes from the 2.0 °C C3 scenarios given their historic policy
relevance, their capability to show progress towards 1.5 °C and their
use in examining climate impacts beyond what is envisioned by
the Paris Agreement. We also highlight mitigation outcomes of C2
scenarios, also called high overshoot scenarios, which are as likely
as not to limit warming to 1.5 °C in 2100 but are likely to exceed
1.5 °C in the interim period. Such pathways are nominally similar in
mitigation and impact assessment with C3 scenarios until at least
For this analysis, we require that scenarios have been vetted by
the IPCC climate analysis framework and provide a minimum set of
land-cover variables such as Land Cover|Cropland, Land Cover|Forestry
and Land Cover|Pasture. We analyse the presence of each of these vari-
ables and their combination in Extended Data Table3 at the global, IPCC
5-region (R5) and IPCC 10-region (R10) levels. Balancing concerns of
greater regional detail and greater scenario coverage, we perform our
analysis based on the R5 regions (Extended Data Table4) given that
nearly all models with full global variable coverage also provide detail
at the R5 regional level for the C1–C3 scenarios.
To understand how well our scenario subset containing R5 land-cover
variables corresponds statistically to the full database sample of the
C1–C3 scenarios, we perform a Kolmogorov–Smirnov test over key
mitigation variables of interest including GHG and CO
2030 emis-
sion reductions, median peak warming, median warming in 2100, year
of median warming, cumulative net CO
emissions throughout the
century, cumulative net CO2 until net-zero and cumulative net nega-
tive CO2 after net-zero (Extended Data Fig.7). For all variables, the
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test is not able to determine whether the R5
subset comes from a different distribution than the full database sam-
ple, whereas it is able to determine the non-R5 subset is different for
peak warming and cumulative net CO
emissions, both of which are
shown in Extended Data Fig.8. These results indicate that the sub-
set of about 75–80% of all the C1–C3 scenarios we chose to perform
our analysis will result in sufficiently similar macro-mitigation out-
comes to represent such outcomes from the original distribution
of scenarios.
Reanalysis with OSCAR
We use OSCAR v.3.2: a version structurally similar to the one used for
the 2021 Global Carbon Budget (GCB)
, albeit used here with a regional
aggregation that matches the R5 IPCC regions. We first run a historical
simulation (starting in 1750 and ending in 2020) using the same experi-
mental setup as for the 2021 GCB
, with the updated input data used in
ref. 36. This historical simulation is used not only to initialize the model
in 2014 for the scenario simulations but also to constrain the Monte
Carlo ensemble (n = 1,200) using two values (instead of one in the GCB):
the cumulative land carbon sink in the absence of land-cover change
over 1960–2020 and the NGHGI-compatible emissions averaged over
2000–2020. The former is a constraint of 135 ± 25 Gt CO
(ref. 44).
The latter is a constraint of −0.45 ± 0.77 Gt CO
, using ref. 2 as a
central estimate and combining uncertainties in ELUC and SLAND from
the GCB. All physical uncertainties in this section are 1 standard devia-
tion (1σ). All values reported in the main text and figures are obtained
using the weighted average and standard deviation of the Monte Carlo
ensemble, using these two constraints for the weighting5.
To run the final scenario simulations over 2014–2100, OSCAR needs
two types of input data: (1) CO2 and local climate projections and (2) land
use and land-cover change projections. The former mostly affects the
land carbon sink (that is, the indirect effect), whereas the latter mostly
affects the bookkeeping emissions (that is, the direct effect). OSCAR
follows a theoretical framework
that enables a clear separation of both
direct and indirect effects. Only the direct effect is reported annually in
the GCB. Note that we do not re-evaluate the land-cover change albedo
effect because this was already included in the original AR6 database
climate projections.
Atmospheric CO2 time series is taken directly from the database, as
the median outcome estimated by the Model for the Assessment of
Greenhouse Gas Induced Climate Change(MAGICC). However, local
climate temperature and precipitation changes are not directly avail-
able. These are, therefore, computed using the internal equations
of OSCAR46, and the time series of global temperature change and
species-based effective radiative forcing (ERF) from the database (same
source). The missing components of the global ERF were treated as fol-
lows. Black carbon on snow and stratospheric H2O start at a historical
level in 2014 (ref. 47) and follow the same relative annual change as the
ERF of the scenario from black carbon and CH
, respectively. Contrails
are assumed constant after 2014. Solar forcing is assumed to follow the
same pathway common to all Shared Socioeconomic Pathways(SSPs).
Volcanic aerosols are assumed to be constant and equal to the average
of the historical period (that is, to have a zero ERF). Finally, we apply a
linear transition over 2014–2020 between the observed and projected
and climate, so that these variables are 100% observed in 2014
and 100% projected in 2020. We note that the observed and projected
CO2 are virtually indistinguishable over that period but the observed
and projected regional climate changes do differ by up to a few tenths
of a degree. We further note that, because only median atmospheric
CO2, ERF and global temperature are used as input, we do not sample
and report the full physical uncertainty of the Earth system, but only
the biogeochemical uncertainty from the terrestrial carbon cycle in
response to these median outcomes.
Land use and land-cover change input data for OSCAR have three
variables: the land cover change perse, wood harvest data (expressed
in carbon amount taken from woody areas without changing the land
cover) and shifting cultivation (a traditional activity consisting of cycles
of cutting forest for agriculture, abandoning to recover soil fertility
and then returning). Wood harvest and shifting cultivation informa-
tion are not provided in the database; so we use proxy variables to
extrapolate the historical 2014 values. Wood harvest is scaled using
the Forestry Production|Roundwood variable, and shifting cultiva-
tion is scaled using Primary Energy|Biomass|Traditional as a proxy
of the development level of a region. When scenarios did not report
these proxy variables, we assumed a constant wood harvest or shifting
cultivation in the future, because these are second-order effects on the
global bookkeeping emissions.
Land-cover change is split between gains and losses that are deduced
directly as the year-to-year difference (gain if positive, loss if nega-
tive) using the following land-cover variables of the database: Land
Cover|Forest, Land Cover|Cropland, Land Cover|Pasture and Land
Cover|Built-up Area (built-up area is assumed to be constant if not
available). Land-cover change in the remaining biome of OSCAR
(non-forested natural land) is deduced afterwards to maintain a con-
stant land area. To build the transitions matrix required as input by
OSCAR, it is then assumed that the area increase of a given biome
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
occurs at the expense of all the biomes that see an area decrease
(within the same region and at the same time step), in proportion
to the share of total area decrease of the biomes. By construction,
this approach provides only net land-cover transitions because it is
impossible to have gain and loss in the same year, in a given region.
Therefore, and because our historical data account for gross tran-
sitions but scenarios do not, we add to this net transitions matrix a
constant amount of reciprocal transitions equal to their average
historical value over 2008–2020 to obtain a gross transitions matrix.
Finally, the three land use and land-cover change input variables
follow the same linear transition over 2014–2020 as the CO2 and
climate forcings.
We extract two key variables (and their subcomponents) from these
scenario simulations: the bookkeeping emissions (ELUC in the GCB) and
the land carbon sink (SLAND in the GCB). Following the approach in ref. 4,
the adjustment flux (that is, the indirect flux included in the NGHGIs
but not included by the IAMs, also called the factor in the main text)
required to move from bookkeeping emissions to NGHGI-compatible
emissions is calculated as the part of the land carbon sink that occurs in
forests that are managed. Therefore, we obtain the adjustment flux by
multiplying the value of SLAND simulated for forests by the fraction of
(officially) managed forests. We set this fraction to the one estimated by
ref. 4 for 2015, which also allows us to deduce the area of managed and
unmanaged (that is, intact) forest in our base year. We then estimate
how the area of intact forest evolves in each scenario, assuming that
forest gains are always managed forest (that is, they do not change
intact forest area) and that half of the forest losses are losses of intact
forest with the other half being losses of the managed forest. This
fraction is deduced from ref. 48 that estimated that around 92 Mha of
intact forest disappeared between 2000 and 2013, whereas the FAO
Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020 reports about 170 Mha of
gross deforestation over the same period. We acknowledge, however,
that applying a global and constant value for this fraction is a coarse
approximation that should be refined in future work, possibly using
information from the scenario database itself. This assumption also
implies that, as long as there is a background gross deforestation
(as is the case here, given the added reciprocal transitions), countries
will report more and more managed forest area. This is not neces-
sarily inconsistent with the Glasgow Declaration on Forest made at
COP26, as its implications in terms of pristine forest conservation
are unclear36. The subcomponents of the bookkeeping emissions are
extracted following the land categories defined in ref. 2, and we con-
sider that the net flux happening in the forest land category, excluding
shifting cultivation, is the direct contribution to land CDR. The indi-
rect contribution to land CDR would be exactly the adjustment flux
described above.
The re-analysed bookkeeping net emissions (that is, direct effect)
show an average deviation of −87 Gt CO
for C1 scenarios and −63 Gt
CO2 for C3 scenarios from the reported emissions in the database,
accumulated over the course of the century. Using the best-guess
transient-climate response to cumulative emissions estimated by the
IPCC (ref. 49), this implies that the global temperature outcomes of
these scenarios would differ by about −0.04 °C and −0.03 °C, respec-
tively, from what was reported in the IPCC report, if our estimates of
bookkeeping emissions were used instead of those reported by the
IAM teams.
Furthermore, after re-allocating the indirect effect in managed
forest (to align with the NGHGIs), we observe a 4.4 ± 1.0 Gt CO2 yr−1
difference between the aligned and unaligned historical LULUCF emis-
sions over 2000–2020. This number is at the lower end of the latest
6.4 ± 1.2 Gt CO2 yr−1 provided in the 2022 GCB3. Compared with the
6.7 ± 2.5 Gt CO
difference reported in ref. 2, and correcting for
the absence of organic soils emissions in our simulations with OSCAR
(about 0.8 Gt CO2 yr−1), OSCAR can explain about 75% of the observed
difference. Although OSCAR typically produces fairly central estimates
of the direct effect
, its estimates of the indirect effect show a biased
high CO2 fertilization50.
Comparing adjusted pathways with current policy and NDC
We use the latest available estimate of aggregate NDCs from ref. 1 to
compare with the NGHGI-adjusted global pathways. The 1.5 °C and
2.0 °C pathways we use are the same as previously discussed: the IPCC
C1 and C3 pathways with sufficient land cover detail at the R5 region.
We additionally re-analyse the current-policy pathways from the IPCC
AR6 database. These correspond to pathways consistent with the
current policies as assessed by the IPCC, or the P1b pathways as per the
AR6 database metadata indicator Policy_category_name.
We incorporate an endogenous estimation of the indirect effect with
OSCAR, which varies over time based on land-cover pattern changes
and changes to carbon-cycle dynamics and carbon fertilization. As
such, we compare our central estimate of global GHG emissions in 2015,
approximately 49.4 Gt CO
-equiv to that in ref. 1, 51.2 Gt CO
resulting in a difference of 1.8 Gt CO2-equiv. We then apply this offset
value (1.8 Gt) to all estimations of 2030 emission levels in ref. 1 to pro-
vide comparable levels with our pathways. This ensures that the NDC
targets calculated based on national inventories become comparable
with the NGHGI-adjusted modelled pathways.
Data availability
All data generated and analysed here are available at GENIE Scenario
Explorer (
Code availability
OSCAR is an open-source model available at GitHub (https://github.
com/tgasser/OSCAR). Source code for all analysis files is available at
GitHub (
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Acknowledgements We thank M. Sanz and C.-F. Schleussner for the comments on an initial
draft of the paper, M. Beer and F. Spagopoulou from the Designers for Climate for expert
support on visualizations, and the reviewers whose comments improved the quality of the
paper. We acknowledge the funds received from the Horizon Europe research of the European
Union and the innovation programme RESCUE, grant agreement no. 101056939 (M.J.G. and T.G.);
the Horizon 2020 research of the European Union and the innovation programme ESM2025—
Earth System Models for the Future, grant no. 101003536 (T.G. and Z.N.); and the ERC-2020-SyG
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GENIE grant of the European Union, grant no. 951542 (M.J.G., W.F.L., J.M. and K.R.). The views
expressed are those of the writers and may not under any circumstances be regarded as
stating an oficial position of the European Commission.
Author contributions M.J.G., T.G. and K.R. contributed to the conceptualization; M.J.G.,
T.G., G.G., I.J. and Z.N. devised the methodology; M.J.G. and T.G. helped in the investigation;
T.G. provided the software support; M.J.G. helped with visualization; M.J.G. wrote the
original draft; and M.J.G., T.G., G.G., N.F., I.J., W.F.L., J.M., Z.N., J.S. and K.R. reviewed and
edited the paper.
Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Supplementary information The online version contains supplementary material available at
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Matthew J. Gidden.
Peer review information Nature thanks Jennifer Burney, H. Damon Matthews and Chris Jones
for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Peer reviewer reports are available.
Reprints and permissions information is available at
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Extende d Data Fig. 1 | Sce nario-wi se mitigatio n benchmark s hift. Th e
change bet ween estimat es of mitigati on benchmarks for 1 .5 C (blue, IP CC
categor y C1), 1.5C-OS ( green, IPCC ca tegory C2), and 2 C (purp le, IPCC
category C3) scenar ios. Origin al values from the A R6 database (which foll ows
IAM repo rting conventi ons) are shown as circle s whereas values d erived from
reanalyze d scenarios i n this study (in line w ith NGHGI rep orting convent ions)
are shown as tr iangles. T he estimate s of the year of globa l net-zero CO2 (pane l a),
emission s reductions b etween 2020 a nd 2030 (panel b), and cumula tive
CO2 emission s (panel c) are shown. E ach pair of dots and t riangles rep resents
results f rom a single scena rio, with scen arios ordered alo ng the y-axis base d
on the values i n the original A R6 dataset.
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Extende d Data Fig. 2 | NGH GI-adjuste d global GHG pat hways compared with N DCs and curr ent policie s. The interqu artile range show n and median
highlight ed is plotted to gether with cu rrent estima tes of 2030 ag gregated nat ional climate t arget levels and curr ent policy est imates from de n Elzen etal. (2022).
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Extende d Data Fig. 3 | The 2 030 emissi ons gap betwe en current
policie s and pledge s. 1.5 C an d 2 C as assess ed in this study an d by den Elzen
(2022) is compared against levels of current policies, conditional NDCs, and
uncondit ional NDCs as rep orted in den El zen (2022). Median e stimates of all
values are us ed to compute the re spective e mission gaps .
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Extende d Data Fig. 4 | Th e change in the e stimated 2 030 emissi on gap
betwee n due to alignm ent to NGHGI co nventions. T he total magn itude, left,
relative value , right. Each b ar represent s the median value w ith the interqu artile
range of the es timate across s cenarios. T hese change s occur differe ntly across
different re gions bet ween pathways follow ing model-bas ed conventions an d
adjusted p athways following NGH GI-based conve ntions. A posi tive value
means tha t the gap is larger wh en consider ing both (i.e. wh en aligned to N GHGIs),
and a negat ive value means the g ap is smaller. Regions l abels conform to I PCC
5-region la bels for Asia, La tin America , Middle East and A frica, the O ECD and
EU, and the Reform ed Economies , respective ly (Extended D ata Table4).
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Extende d Data Fig. 5 | Gro ss carbon re moval levels. Gros s carbon removal leve ls from LULUCF (reanaly zed with OSC AR) by direct ef fects (g reen) and indirec t
effect s (purple) across 1 .5 C and 2 C pathways . Interquart ile ranges of eac h estimate are show n by error bars.
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Extende d Data Fig. 6 | Cum ulative carbo n sequeste red on land st arting
from 2020. Gross cumulative c arbon removal levels s tarting fr om 2020 from
LULUCF (reanaly zed with OSCA R) by direct ef fects (gr een) and indirect e ffects
(purple) acros s 1.5 C and 2 C pat hways. Removals in bot h categorie s increase by
midcentur y, but at different level s. Both pathway ca tegories se e similar total
cumulative re moval levels by the end of th e century wi th varying st rength of
indirect removals.
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Extende d Data Fig. 7 | K-S test of s cenario di stributi ons. Kolmogorov-
Smirnov (K-S) test result s for key mitigation i ndicators for the f ull set of C1-C3
scenari os, those scen arios having all l and-cover variabl es define d at the R5
region level, a nd those not havi ng all land-cover vari ables defi ned at the R5
region level . The null hypoth esis of the K-S test is that t wo dataset va lues are
from the sam e distributi on. For all indicato rs derived from s cenarios incl uding
land-cover var iables data at th e R5 region level, we c an not reject th e null
hypothe sis (p > 0.05). Some indic ators of the sce nario set wit hout land-cover
data (not use d in this analysis) do reje ct the null hyp othesis.
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Extende d Data Fig. 8 | Mit igation met rics from sce nario subs ets. Key
mitigation metrics where scenarios without R5 region coverage (in red)
cannot repl icate the full dat abase outcom e. The blue bar pre sents the
outcome for th e full database , scenarios w ith global values of l and-cover
variables a nd R5 values are sh own in yellow, and scenar ios with land-cover
variables a t the R5 regio n are shown in green . The red bar shows how t he
distribution changes when considering the population of scenarios without
full variabl e coverage (‘No R5 all ’).
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Extended Data Table 1 | Indirect LULUCF lux estimates aligned with NGHGIs
Median values and interquartile ranges of the indirect lux in Gt CO2yr−1 estimated by OSCAR per R5 IPCC region (see Extended Data Table4 for region deinitions). This value is computed for
every scenario with suficient land-use data (seeMethods) in each model region for every point in time. This value constitutes the ‘NGHGI Adjustment Factor’ and is computed and added to
each scenarios’ estimated direct LULUCF lux values to quantify emissions pathways from global models aligned with NGHGI LULUCF reporting conventions.
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Extended Data Table 2 | Updated mitigation benchmarks
Net mitigation outcomes from scenarios: (a) as assessed by the IPCC in AR6, (b) with direct effects of LULUCF reanalyzed by OSCAR, and (c) including both direct and indirect effects of LULUCF
(i.e. aligned to NGHGIs). All values provided as medians with 5th−95th percentile ranges in parentheses.
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Extended Data Table 3 | Variable coverage of scenarios
Fraction of AR6 database scenarios with land-use variables of interest, per scenario category.
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Extended Data Table 4 | Regional deinitions
Deinitions of IPCC 5-region macro regions as listed in the IPCC AR6 database.
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... To consider these issues, we have implemented OSCAR-China, a refined 0.5°× 0.5°gridded version of the reduced-complexity model OSCAR, specifically tailored for China (Methods). Of the three bookkeeping models used in the GCB annual exercise, OSCAR distinguishes itself by incorporating biogeochemical processes that enable simulating all aspects of the land carbon cycle under environmental and land-use changes 11,12 and bridge the gap in definitions 13 . OSCAR-China inherits this feature and incorporates spatially explicit, observationbased historical land-use change data 9 . ...
... Furthermore, by adding the indirect effects in managed forest (−0.07 ± 0.03 Gt C yr −1 ) to the direct ones, the offset percentage increases to 43 ± 4%. However, we must insist that this inclusion of the indirect effects in the definition of carbon neutrality is incompatible with the notion of remaining carbon budgets, and precautions must be taken when doing so 13 . ...
... First, the efficacy of expanding forest areas for enhancing direct carbon sequestration is limited in time: once the available area suitable for forestation is fully utilized, the carbon sink will inexorably diminish (Fig. 2). Second, the effectiveness of indirect carbon removal will likely weaken over time as global mitigation efforts progress, due to its dependence on atmospheric CO 2 levels, as well as deleterious climate impacts and increasing nutrients limitations 4,13,38,39 . Therefore, the carbon removal potential of the LULUCF sector is inherently limited but non-negligible. ...
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China’s commitment to carbon neutrality by 2060 relies on the Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry (LULUCF) sector, with forestation targets designed to enhance carbon removal. However, the exact sequestration potential of these initiatives remains uncertain due to differing accounting conventions between national inventories and scientific assessments. Here, we reconcile both estimates and reassess LULUCF carbon fluxes up to 2100, using a spatially explicit bookkeeping model, state-of-the-art historical data, and national forestation targets. We simulate a carbon sink of −0.24 ± 0.03 Gt C yr⁻¹ over 1994–2018 from past forestation efforts, aligned well with the national inventory. Should the official forestation targets be followed and extended, this could reach −0.35 ± 0.04 Gt C yr⁻¹ in 2060, offsetting 43 ± 4% of anticipated residual fossil CO2 emissions. Our findings confirm the key role of LULUCF in carbon sequestration, but its potential will decline if forestation efforts cease, highlighting the necessity for emission reductions in other sectors to achieve carbon neutrality.
... In the Global Carbon Budget (Friedlingstein et al., 2022b), for example, best estimates of land use emissions are derived from bookkeeping models (Hansis et al., 2015;Houghton and Nassikas, 2017;Quilcaille et al., 2023), which use empirical growth curves to estimate the transient carbon stock response to land use changes. Meanwhile, national inventories use different accounting conventions to those used in IAMS, ESMs and bookkeeping models -including not just transitions in land use but also land sinks in some regions whose usage remains static but are designated as managed (Gidden et al., 2023;Grassi et al., 2021). The 2028 global stocktake will be the next major global assessment of progress towards Paris Agreement goals. ...
... Beyond this, many high-ambition scenarios contain significant requirements for explicit representation of carbon dioxide removal (Fuss et al., 2014;Anderson and Peters, 2016) whose plausibility can potentially be assessed when represented in an Earth system model . Increasing understanding of how to map between national accounting systems and ESM/IAM output (Gidden et al., 2023;Grassi et al., 2021) can be strengthened with hybrid emissions-driven simulations (combined with well-chosen counterfactual experiments in LUMIP), where ensembles can provide ranges of modeled direct and indirect anthropogenic fluxes from land use change. ...
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Previous phases of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) have primarily focused on simulations driven by atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs), for both idealized model experiments and climate projections of different emissions scenarios. We argue that although this approach was practical to allow parallel development of Earth system model simulations and detailed socioeconomic futures, carbon cycle uncertainty as represented by diverse, process-resolving Earth system models (ESMs) is not manifested in the scenario outcomes, thus omitting a dominant source of uncertainty in meeting the Paris Agreement. Mitigation policy is defined in terms of human activity (including emissions), with strategies varying in their timing of net-zero emissions, the balance of mitigation effort between short-lived and long-lived climate forcers, their reliance on land use strategy, and the extent and timing of carbon removals. To explore the response to these drivers, ESMs need to explicitly represent complete cycles of major GHGs, including natural processes and anthropogenic influences. Carbon removal and sequestration strategies, which rely on proposed human management of natural systems, are currently calculated in integrated assessment models (IAMs) during scenario development with only the net carbon emissions passed to the ESM. However, proper accounting of the coupled system impacts of and feedback on such interventions requires explicit process representation in ESMs to build self-consistent physical representations of their potential effectiveness and risks under climate change. We propose that CMIP7 efforts prioritize simulations driven by CO2 emissions from fossil fuel use and projected deployment of carbon dioxide removal technologies, as well as land use and management, using the process resolution allowed by state-of-the-art ESMs to resolve carbon–climate feedbacks. Post-CMIP7 ambitions should aim to incorporate modeling of non-CO2 GHGs (in particular, sources and sinks of methane and nitrous oxide) and process-based representation of carbon removal options. These developments will allow three primary benefits: (1) resources to be allocated to policy-relevant climate projections and better real-time information related to the detectability and verification of emissions reductions and their relationship to expected near-term climate impacts, (2) scenario modeling of the range of possible future climate states including Earth system processes and feedbacks that are increasingly well-represented in ESMs, and (3) optimal utilization of the strengths of ESMs in the wider context of climate modeling infrastructure (which includes simple climate models, machine learning approaches and kilometer-scale climate models).
... Substantially increasing CDR employment would correspond to scaling up novel CDR methods, as maintaining or even slightly increasing conventional CDR on land by 2030, as planned by many countries and economic regions like the European Union, is a huge challenge on its own requiring dedicated policies and management (Doelman et al., 2020;Cobo et al., 2023;Gidden et al., 2023;Smith et al., 2023;Ganti et al., 2024;Koponen et al., 2024;Zhao et al., 2024). Further, there are major uncertainties regarding incomplete GHG emission measurements and accounting related to such nature-based climate change mitigation and CDR methods (Buma et al., 2024). ...
Technical Report
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The main goal of the LCA performed here is the quantification of “net carbon removal efficiencies” of a range of CDR methods applying LCA methodology. Designing the LCA models in a parameterized way allows us to represent a broad range of boundary conditions in terms of for example geographical scope, energy supply options, transport modes and distances, etc., and to investigate the impact of different parameter settings on the LCA outcomes and thus the carbon removal effectiveness. The scope of the LCA here is limited to Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS) – low-temperature solid sorbent and high-temperature solvent based –, Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) – using wood and municipal waste as fuels –, biochar applied as soil amendment, enhanced rock weathering, and ocean liming. Qualitative discussion, including an outline for a consistent framework for accounting for biogenic CO2 fluxes, is performed for temporal storage of biogenic carbon by using wood as construction material. We perform attributional LCA of single, hypothetical CDR units, as if implemented and operated today, based on the currently available knowledge.
... What these results indicate is that we need to continue to deepen our understanding and more finely resolve our estimates and associated uncertainties of the components of the GCB, in particular the highly uncertain land terms (direct and indirect anthropogenic fluxes). A more refined understanding of these two fluxes is essential for improving model predictions of the future land sink, which is in turn critical to estimate the remaining carbon budget as well as Nationally Determined Contribution to meet internationally agreed upon global temperature targets (Gidden et al., 2023). A more refined understanding and ability to model anthropogenic disturbance regimes in anthromes will lead to a greater ability to diagnose sources and sinks in the GCB and predict the carbon cycle under future scenarios. ...
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Societal Impact Statement The global carbon budget provides annual updates to society on the main cause of climate change—CO2 emissions—and quantifies carbon‐uptake ecosystem services provisioned by the biosphere. We show that more consistent assumptions in the estimates of land‐atmosphere carbon exchange results in a global carbon budget that is imbalanced (gains do not equal losses). This imbalance implies that key processes causing land carbon fluxes, especially processes associated with human land management and recovery following abandonment in anthropogenic biomes (anthromes), have been misquantified. This impacts policy for land carbon management across scales and calls for better understanding of carbon cycling in anthromes. Summary Inconsistencies in the calculation of the two anthropogenic land flux terms of the global carbon cycle are investigated. The two terms—the direct anthropogenic flux (caused by direct human disturbance in anthromes, currently a carbon source to the atmosphere) and the indirect anthropogenic flux (caused indirectly by human activities that lead to global change and affecting all biomes, currently an atmospheric carbon sink)—are typically calculated independently, resulting in inconsistent underlying assumptions. We harmonize the estimation of the two anthropogenic land flux terms by incorporating previous estimates of these inconsistencies. We recalculate the global carbon budget (GCB) and apply change‐point analysis to the cumulative budget imbalance. Cumulative over 1850–2018 (1959–2018), harmonization results in a 13% lesser (4% greater) land use source from anthromes and a 20% (23%) lesser land sink. This recalculation yields a greater non‐closure of the GCB, indicating a missing carbon sink averaging 0.65 Pg C year⁻¹ since the early 20th century. The imbalance likely results from a combination of method discontinuity and structural errors in the assessment of the direct anthropogenic land use flux, greater ocean carbon uptake, structural errors in land models, and in how these land terms are quantified for the budget. We caution against overconfidence in considering the GCB a solved problem and recommend further study of methodological discontinuities in budget terms. We strongly recommend studies that quantify the direct and indirect anthropogenic land fluxes simultaneously to ensure consistency, with a deeper understanding of human disturbance and legacy effects in anthromes.
... Global climate change poses a significant threat to human survival and advancement (Gidden et al 2023, Sharma et al 2023 and has become a major environmental issue of worldwide significance (Iyer et al 2022, Lincoln et al 2022. According to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Earth's average temperature has increased approximately 1.1°C since the post-Industrial Revolution (Beck and Oomen 2021), with excessive carbon dioxide emissions considered as the main bases for this global warming. ...
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With the inevitability of global climate change, it has become increasingly important to understand the relationship between Agro-industrial Development (AID) and Agricultural Carbon Emissions (ACE) to promote the development of low carbon production in agriculture. Using a panel of datasets, as based on the ‘element-structure-function’ framework of 30 Chinese provinces over the period from 2011–2021, the entropy weight method was used to calculate the level of AID in each province. With this approach, it was possible to assess correlations and mechanisms between AID and ACE. Here, with use of fixed-effect, regulatory and threshold models, we determined some of the critical factors contributing to the effects of AID and ACE. Our findings revealed: (1) AID displays an inverse U-shape relationship with ACE, as verified through endogeneity and robustness assessment, (2) A review of the mechanisms suggests that the crossing of the turning point of the inverted u-curve can be accelerated by the moderating effect of agricultural finance. and (3) As based on the threshold effect analysis, a two-tier effect of the digital economy, rural human capital and farmers’ net income on AID, with facilitating effects on carbon emission reductions was obtained after the threshold crossing. The significance of this effect increases as a function of the post-threshold interval. Taken together, these findings demonstrate the long-standing interplay between AID and ACE. Thus, additional insights and empirical evidence that can inform the ongoing development of sustainable agricultural practices can be realized.
... These significant uncertainties in estimating forest carbon stock and sink could severely undermine their role in climate mitigation. Therefore, reducing uncertainties in global forest carbon flux estimates is critical to meeting climate targets for carbon storage and emission reductions [4]. ...
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China’s forests act as a large carbon sink and play a vital role in achieving the carbon neutrality goal by the 2060s. To achieve this goal, the magnitude and spatial patterns of forest carbon sinks must be accurately quantified. In this study, we aim to provide the longest estimate of forest biomass carbon storage and sinks in China at a 1 km spatial resolution from 1990 to 2021 by merging long-term observations from optical and microwave remote sensing datasets with a field-validated benchmark map. We explored the spatial characteristics of aboveground biomass (AGB) and belowground biomass (BGB) carbon in China’s forests, as well as variations in AGB carbon sinks. The average AGB and BGB carbon storage from 1990 to 2021 in China’s forests were 8.42 ± 0.96 Pg C and 1.9 ± 0.21 Pg C, respectively. The average annual AGB carbon sink during this period was approximately 0.083 ± 0.023 Pg C yr⁻¹. Forests in the southwest region contributed 31.15% of the forest AGB carbon sink in China and contributed 41.01% of the forest AGB carbon storage. Our study presents an effective tool for assessing changes in forest biomass carbon by leveraging comprehensive multi-source remote sensing data and highlights the importance of obtaining large-scale, high-quality, consistent, and accessible plot survey data to validate the earth observation of biomass.
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Carbon fluxes from land use are key to the Paris Agreement. However, data comparability issues persist between countries’ inventories and targets (Nationally Determined Contributions, NDCs), which generally include direct and indirect anthropogenic net emissions, and what models provide as Paris-aligned benchmarks (direct net emissions only). As a result, the first Global Stocktake, aiming to track collective mitigation progress, did not explicitly consider country targets for land. This blind spot leaves countries uninformed of the 2030 gap between their ambitions for mitigation on land and models’ benchmarks, affecting net-zero trajectories. We provide an analysis of land-related targets under NDC 2020, splitting reduced emissions and additional sinks. Land use holds a quarter of global mitigation pledges in 2030, mostly through conditional support (-1.5ǂ1.1 GtCO 2 e/yr, of which − 0.6 GtCO 2 e/yr are additional sinks). To provide more policy-relevant information to decision makers, it is crucial that future Global Stocktakes also include appropriate comparisons of modelled scenarios and country land-use data.
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Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) involves capturing CO2 from the atmosphere and storing it for decades to millennia. Alongside deep emissions reductions, CDR is required for meeting the temperature goal of the Paris Agreement (IPCC 2022). However, parties to the agreement do not currently distinguish CDR from emissions reductions in their climate pledges. In this perspective, we argue that this lowers transparency and hinders the assessment of how credible and ambitious mitigation plans are.
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Reduced-complexity models, also called simple climate models or compact models, provide an alternative to Earth system models (ESMs) with lower computational costs, although at the expense of spatial and temporal information. It remains important to evaluate and validate these reduced-complexity models. Here, we evaluate a recent version (v3.1) of the OSCAR model using observations and results from ESMs from the current Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6 (CMIP6). The results follow the same post-processing used for the contribution of OSCAR to the Reduced Complexity Model Intercomparison Project (RCMIP) Phase 2 regarding the identification of stable configurations and the use of observational constraints. These constraints succeed in decreasing the overestimation of global surface air temperature over 2000–2019 with reference to 1961–1900 from 0.60±0.11 to 0.55±0.04 K (the constraint being 0.54±0.05 K). The equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) of the unconstrained OSCAR is 3.17±0.63 K, while CMIP5 and CMIP6 models have ECSs of 3.2±0.7 and 3.7±1.1 K, respectively. Applying observational constraints to OSCAR reduces the ECS to 2.78±0.47 K. Overall, the model qualitatively reproduces the responses of complex ESMs, although some differences remain due to the impact of observational constraints on the weighting of parametrizations. Specific features of OSCAR also contribute to these differences, such as its fully interactive atmospheric chemistry and endogenous calculations of biomass burning, wetlands CH4 and permafrost CH4 and CO2 emissions. Identified main points of needed improvements of the OSCAR model include a low sensitivity of the land carbon cycle to climate change, an instability of the ocean carbon cycle, the climate module that is seemingly too simple, and the climate feedback involving short-lived species that is too strong. Beyond providing a key diagnosis of the OSCAR model in the context of the reduced-complexity models, this work is also meant to help with the upcoming calibration of OSCAR on CMIP6 results and to provide a large group of CMIP6 simulations run consistently within a probabilistic framework.
Technical Report
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The IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report is based on the three Working Group contributions to the AR6 as well as on the three Special Reports prepared in this assessment cycle.
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Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) features prominently in the 1.5 °C compatible and high overshoot pathways in the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report (AR6, WGIII). However, the amount of CDR varies considerably among scenarios. We analyze the range in CDR volumes in AR6 WGIII pathways by exploring relationships between variables as potential driving forces, focusing on CDR in 2050 and scenario properties linked to reaching net-zero CO2. It is also shown how the relative and absolute contribution of CDR to total mitigation up until reaching net-zero CO2 substantially differs across scenarios. The volumes of CDR in 2050 and 2100 and the cumulative amount throughout the 21st century were most strongly correlated to the degree to which CO2 emissions are reduced as a means of reaching net-zero CO2. CDR in 2050 is also substantially correlated to the timing of net-zero CO2. The robustness of the analyzed relationships was evaluated by comparing different scenario filtering and data-cleaning approaches. Beyond filtering and cleaning, additional factors that influence CDR deployment in scenarios, such as discount rates, carbon price trajectories, and scenario design choices, were discussed.
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As the focus of climate policy shifts from pledges to implementation, there is a growing need to track progress on climate change mitigation at the country level, particularly for the land-use sector. Despite new tools and models providing unprecedented monitoring opportunities, striking differences remain in estimations of anthropogenic land-use CO2 fluxes between, on the one hand, the national greenhouse gas inventories (NGHGIs) used to assess compliance with national climate targets under the Paris Agreement and, on the other hand, the Global Carbon Budget and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment reports, both based on global bookkeeping models (BMs). Recent studies have shown that these differences are mainly due to inconsistent definitions of anthropogenic CO2 fluxes in managed forests. Countries assume larger areas of forest to be managed than BMs do, due to a broader definition of managed land in NGHGIs. Additionally, the fraction of the land sink caused by indirect effects of human-induced environmental change (e.g. fertilisation effect on vegetation growth due to increased atmospheric CO2 concentration) on managed lands is treated as non-anthropogenic by BMs but as anthropogenic in most NGHGIs. We implement an approach that adds the CO2 sink caused by environmental change in countries' managed forests (estimated by 16 dynamic global vegetation models, DGVMs) to the land-use fluxes from three BMs. This sum is conceptually more comparable to NGHGIs and is thus expected to be quantitatively more similar. Our analysis uses updated and more comprehensive data from NGHGIs than previous studies and provides model results at a greater level of disaggregation in terms of regions, countries and land categories (i.e. forest land, deforestation, organic soils, other land uses). Our results confirm a large difference (6.7 GtCO2 yr-1) in global land-use CO2 fluxes between the ensemble mean of the BMs, which estimate a source of 4.8 GtCO2 yr-1 for the period 2000–2020, and NGHGIs, which estimate a sink of -1.9 GtCO2 yr-1 in the same period. Most of the gap is found on forest land (3.5 GtCO2 yr-1), with differences also for deforestation (2.4 GtCO2 yr-1), for fluxes from other land uses (1.0 GtCO2 yr-1) and to a lesser extent for fluxes from organic soils (0.2 GtCO2 yr-1). By adding the DGVM ensemble mean sink arising from environmental change in managed forests (-6.4 GtCO2 yr-1) to BM estimates, the gap between BMs and NGHGIs becomes substantially smaller both globally (residual gap: 0.3 GtCO2 yr-1) and in most regions and countries. However, some discrepancies remain and deserve further investigation. For example, the BMs generally provide higher emissions from deforestation than NGHGIs and, when adjusted with the sink in managed forests estimated by DGVMs, yield a sink that is often greater than NGHGIs. In summary, this study provides a blueprint for harmonising the estimations of anthropogenic land-use fluxes, allowing for detailed comparisons between global models and national inventories at global, regional and country levels. This is crucial to increase confidence in land-use emissions estimates, support investments in land-based mitigation strategies and assess the countries' collective progress under the Global Stocktake of the Paris Agreement. Data from this study are openly available online via the Zenodo portal (Grassi et al., 2023) at 10.5281/zenodo.7650360.
Conference Paper
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Current criteria to define managed forest are inconsistent among countries’ reports of 6 GHG emissions to UNFCCC. Integrated Assessment Models used for assessing the countries’ miti-7 gation pathways employ a proxy for managed forests that differ from the countries’ criteria. It is 8 one of the reasons for a gap of 5.5 GtCO2 yr−1 between the modelled and reported global land-use 9 GHG emissions. Using multiple data, we developed a map of managed forests (0.5x0.5 deg), con-10 sistent with official GHG inventories. We applied the map in the G4M model for masking the man-11 aged forest area and estimating the GHG emissions from that area.
Technical Report
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A global, independent scientific assessment of Carbon Dioxide Removal
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While the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) physical science reports usually assess a handful of future scenarios, the Working Group III contribution on climate mitigation to the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report (AR6 WGIII) assesses hundreds to thousands of future emissions scenarios. A key task in WGIII is to assess the global mean temperature outcomes of these scenarios in a consistent manner, given the challenge that the emissions scenarios from different integrated assessment models (IAMs) come with different sectoral and gas-to-gas coverage and cannot all be assessed consistently by complex Earth system models. In this work, we describe the “climate-assessment” workflow and its methods, including infilling of missing emissions and emissions harmonisation as applied to 1202 mitigation scenarios in AR6 WGIII. We evaluate the global mean temperature projections and effective radiative forcing (ERF) characteristics of climate emulators FaIRv1.6.2 and MAGICCv7.5.3 and use the CICERO simple climate model (CICERO-SCM) for sensitivity analysis. We discuss the implied overshoot severity of the mitigation pathways using overshoot degree years and look at emissions and temperature characteristics of scenarios compatible with one possible interpretation of the Paris Agreement. We find that the lowest class of emissions scenarios that limit global warming to “1.5 ∘C (with a probability of greater than 50 %) with no or limited overshoot” includes 97 scenarios for MAGICCv7.5.3 and 203 for FaIRv1.6.2. For the MAGICCv7.5.3 results, “limited overshoot” typically implies exceedance of median temperature projections of up to about 0.1 ∘C for up to a few decades before returning to below 1.5 ∘C by or before the year 2100. For more than half of the scenarios in this category that comply with three criteria for being “Paris-compatible”, including net-zero or net-negative greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, median temperatures decline by about 0.3–0.4 ∘C after peaking at 1.5–1.6 ∘C in 2035–2055. We compare the methods applied in AR6 with the methods used for SR1.5 and discuss their implications. This article also introduces a “climate-assessment” Python package which allows for fully reproducing the IPCC AR6 WGIII temperature assessment. This work provides a community tool for assessing the temperature outcomes of emissions pathways and provides a basis for further work such as extending the workflow to include downscaling of climate characteristics to a regional level and calculating impacts.
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Accurate assessment of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and their redistribution among the atmosphere, ocean, and terrestrial biosphere in a changing climate is critical to better understand the global carbon cycle, support the development of climate policies, and project future climate change. Here we describe and synthesize data sets and methodologies to quantify the five major components of the global carbon budget and their uncertainties. Fossil CO2 emissions (EFOS) are based on energy statistics and cement production data, while emissions from land-use change (ELUC), mainly deforestation, are based on land use and land-use change data and bookkeeping models. Atmospheric CO2 concentration is measured directly, and its growth rate (GATM) is computed from the annual changes in concentration. The ocean CO2 sink (SOCEAN) is estimated with global ocean biogeochemistry models and observation-based data products. The terrestrial CO2 sink (SLAND) is estimated with dynamic global vegetation models. The resulting carbon budget imbalance (BIM), the difference between the estimated total emissions and the estimated changes in the atmosphere, ocean, and terrestrial biosphere, is a measure of imperfect data and understanding of the contemporary carbon cycle. All uncertainties are reported as ±1σ. For the year 2021, EFOS increased by 5.1 % relative to 2020, with fossil emissions at 10.1 ± 0.5 GtC yr-1 (9.9 ± 0.5 GtC yr-1 when the cement carbonation sink is included), and ELUC was 1.1 ± 0.7 GtC yr-1, for a total anthropogenic CO2 emission (including the cement carbonation sink) of 10.9 ± 0.8 GtC yr-1 (40.0 ± 2.9 GtCO2). Also, for 2021, GATM was 5.2 ± 0.2 GtC yr-1 (2.5 ± 0.1 ppm yr-1), SOCEAN was 2.9 ± 0.4 GtC yr-1, and SLAND was 3.5 ± 0.9 GtC yr-1, with a BIM of -0.6 GtC yr-1 (i.e. the total estimated sources were too low or sinks were too high). The global atmospheric CO2 concentration averaged over 2021 reached 414.71 ± 0.1 ppm. Preliminary data for 2022 suggest an increase in EFOS relative to 2021 of +1.0 % (0.1 % to 1.9 %) globally and atmospheric CO2 concentration reaching 417.2 ppm, more than 50 % above pre-industrial levels (around 278 ppm). Overall, the mean and trend in the components of the global carbon budget are consistently estimated over the period 1959–2021, but discrepancies of up to 1 GtC yr-1 persist for the representation of annual to semi-decadal variability in CO2 fluxes. Comparison of estimates from multiple approaches and observations shows (1) a persistent large uncertainty in the estimate of land-use change emissions, (2) a low agreement between the different methods on the magnitude of the land CO2 flux in the northern extratropics, and (3) a discrepancy between the different methods on the strength of the ocean sink over the last decade. This living data update documents changes in the methods and data sets used in this new global carbon budget and the progress in understanding of the global carbon cycle compared with previous publications of this data set. The data presented in this work are available at 10.18160/GCP-2022 (Friedlingstein et al., 2022b).
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Despite an increasing attention on the role of land in meeting countries' climate pledges under the Paris Agreement, the range of estimates of carbon fluxes from land use, land-use change, and forestry (LULUCF) in available databases is very large. A good understanding of the LULUCF data reported by countries under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) – and of the differences with other datasets based on country-reported data – is crucial to increase confidence in land-based climate change mitigation efforts. Here we present a new data compilation of LULUCF fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2) on managed land, aiming at providing a consolidated view on the subject. Our database builds on a detailed analysis of data from national greenhouse gas inventories (NGHGIs) communicated via a range of country reports to the UNFCCC, which report anthropogenic emissions and removals based on the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) methodology. Specifically, for Annex I countries, data are sourced from annual GHG inventories. For non-Annex I countries, we compiled the most recent and complete information from different sources, including national communications, biennial update reports, submissions to the REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) framework, and nationally determined contributions. The data are disaggregated into fluxes from forest land, deforestation, organic soils, and other sources (including non-forest land uses). The CO2 flux database is complemented by information on managed and unmanaged forest area as available in NGHGIs. To ensure completeness of time series, we filled the gaps without altering the levels and trends of the country reported data. Expert judgement was applied in a few cases when data inconsistencies existed. Results indicate a mean net global sink of -1.6 Gt CO2 yr-1 over the period 2000–2020, largely determined by a sink on forest land (-6.4 Gt CO2 yr-1), followed by source from deforestation (+4.4 Gt CO2 yr-1), with smaller fluxes from organic soils (+0.9 Gt CO2 yr-1) and other land uses (-0.6 Gt CO2 yr-1). Furthermore, we compare our NGHGI database with two other sets of country-based data: those included in the UNFCCC GHG data interface, and those based on forest resources data reported by countries to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and used as inputs into estimates of GHG emissions in FAOSTAT. The first dataset, once gap filled as in our study, results in a net global LULUCF sink of -5.4 Gt CO2 yr-1. The difference with the NGHGI database is in this case mostly explained by more updated and comprehensive data in our compilation for non-Annex I countries. The FAOSTAT GHG dataset instead estimates a net global LULUCF source of +1.1 Gt CO2 yr-1. In this case, most of the difference to our results is due to a much greater forest sink for non-Annex I countries in the NGHGI database than in FAOSTAT. The difference between these datasets can be mostly explained by a more complete coverage in the NGHGI database, including for non-biomass carbon pools and non-forest land uses, and by different underlying data on forest land. The latter reflects the different scopes of the country reporting to FAO, which focuses on area and biomass, and to UNFCCC, which explicitly focuses on carbon fluxes. Bearing in mind the respective strengths and weaknesses, both our NGHGI database and FAO offer a fundamental, yet incomplete, source of information on carbon-related variables for the scientific and policy communities, including under the Global stocktake. Overall, while the quality and quantity of the LULUCF data submitted by countries to the UNFCCC significantly improved in recent years, important gaps still remain. Most developing countries still do not explicitly separate managed vs. unmanaged forest land, a few report implausibly high forest sinks, and several report incomplete estimates. With these limits in mind, the NGHGI database presented here represents the most up-to-date and complete compilation of LULUCF data based on country submissions to UNFCCC. Data from this study are openly available via the Zenodo portal (Grassi et al., 2022), at 10.5281/zenodo.7190601.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the leading international body for assessing the science related to climate change. It provides policymakers with regular assessments of the scientific basis of human-induced climate change, its impacts and future risks, and options for adaptation and mitigation. This IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land (SRCCL) is the most comprehensive and up-to-date scientific assessment of the multiple interactions between climate change and land, assessing climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems. It assesses the options for governance and decision-making across multiple scales. It serves policymakers, decision makers, stakeholders, and all interested parties with unbiased, up-to-date, policy-relevant information. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.