This study aims to assess the statistical significance of training parameters in 240 dense UNets (DUNets) used for enhancing low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and undersampled MRI in various acquisition protocols. The objective is to determine the validity of differences between different DUNet configurations and their impact on image quality metrics.
To achieve this, we trained all DUNets using the same learning rate and number of epochs, with variations in 5 acquisition protocols, 24 loss function weightings, and 2 ground truths. We calculated evaluation metrics for two metric regions of interest (ROI). We employed both Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Mixed Effects Model (MEM) to assess the statistical significance of the independent parameters, aiming to compare their efficacy in revealing differences and interactions among fixed parameters.
ANOVA analysis showed that, except for the acquisition protocol, fixed variables were statistically insignificant. In contrast, MEM analysis revealed that all fixed parameters and their interactions held statistical significance. This emphasizes the need for advanced statistical analysis in comparative studies, where MEM can uncover finer distinctions often overlooked by ANOVA.
These findings highlight the importance of utilizing appropriate statistical analysis when comparing different deep learning models. Additionally, the surprising effectiveness of the UNet architecture in enhancing various acquisition protocols underscores the potential for developing improved methods for characterizing and training deep learning models. This study serves as a stepping stone toward enhancing the transparency and comparability of deep learning techniques for medical imaging applications.