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Agriculture has been identified as a main cause for more than 90% of Germany´s rivers still not meeting good ecological status in 2021. While many large-scale studies observed a negative effect of catchment agricultural land use on river biota, they rarely considered differences in cultivation intensities, although small-scale studies highlight clear differences between the effects of agricultural crops. Here we used Germany-wide and spatially explicit information on crop types to calculate agricultural intensity indices for nutrients and pesticides, weighting different crop types based on average pesticide treatment and nutrient application rates. These indices were then used as explanatory variables for the ecological status of n = 7677 biological sampling sites. Pesticides were more important than nutrient pollution for macroinvertebrates and macrophytes, while diatoms were more sensitive to nutrients. Considering the most relevant intensity index (pesticide or nutrient) slightly increased the correlative strength with ecological status, as compared to the correlation with agricultural land or cropland cover by up to R² = 0.14 for diatoms. Correlative strength of agricultural intensity indices was substantially larger in small mountain and (pre)-alpine streams compared to lowland streams, with an R² up to 0.43 for macroinvertebrates. These results not only confirm previous large-scale studies by demonstrating the detrimental effects of present-day agriculture on river biota, but also shed light on the main pathways involved, particularly highlighting the adverse impacts of agrochemicals. Consequently, to protect river biota, a shift to more sustainable agricultural practices, like reducing pesticide application, is urgently required.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 361 (2024) 108818
Available online 22 November 2023
0167-8809/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Assessment of cultivation intensity can improve the correlative strength
between agriculture and the ecological status in rivers across Germany
Christian Schürings
, Daniel Hering
, Willem Kaijser
, Jochem Kail
Department of Aquatic Ecology, Faculty of Biology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Universit¨
atsstrasse 5, Essen D-45141, Germany
Centre for Water and Environmental Research, University of Duisburg-Essen, Universit¨
atsstrasse 5, Essen D-45141, Germany
Benthic Invertebrates
Agriculture has been identied as a main cause for more than 90% of Germany´s rivers still not meeting good
ecological status in 2021. While many large-scale studies observed a negative effect of catchment agricultural
land use on river biota, they rarely considered differences in cultivation intensities, although small-scale studies
highlight clear differences between the effects of agricultural crops. Here we used Germany-wide and spatially
explicit information on crop types to calculate agricultural intensity indices for nutrients and pesticides,
weighting different crop types based on average pesticide treatment and nutrient application rates. These indices
were then used as explanatory variables for the ecological status of n =7677 biological sampling sites. Pesticides
were more important than nutrient pollution for macroinvertebrates and macrophytes, while diatoms were more
sensitive to nutrients. Considering the most relevant intensity index (pesticide or nutrient) slightly increased the
correlative strength with ecological status, as compared to the correlation with agricultural land or cropland
cover by up to R
=0.14 for diatoms. Correlative strength of agricultural intensity indices was substantially
larger in small mountain and (pre)-alpine streams compared to lowland streams, with an R
up to 0.43 for
macroinvertebrates. These results not only conrm previous large-scale studies by demonstrating the detrimental
effects of present-day agriculture on river biota, but also shed light on the main pathways involved, particularly
highlighting the adverse impacts of agrochemicals. Consequently, to protect river biota, a shift to more sus-
tainable agricultural practices, like reducing pesticide application, is urgently required.
1. Introduction
Agricultural transition as targeted by the Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD, 2022) is urgently required to protect biodiversity,
because current agricultural practices strongly impair both terrestrial
organisms such as mammals (Janova and Heroldova, 2016), birds (Rigal
et al., 2023) and ying insects (B¨
orschig et al., 2013) as well as river
biota (V¨
osmarty et al., 2010). There is strong empirical evidence for
the negative effect of agricultural land use on various riverine organisms
(Schürings et al., 2022), including macroinvertebrates, diatoms, mac-
rophytes and sh, notwithstanding large between-study heterogeneity.
Although positive effects of agricultural land use are observed in
exceptional cases (e.g. Townsend, et al., 2004; Niyogi et al., 2007), most
large-scale studies found negative impacts on biota with increasing
shares of agriculture adjacent to rivers (e.g. Turunen et al., 2016; Feld,
2013). Agriculture has even been identied as the key factor for fresh-
water deterioration (Wolfram et al., 2021) and consequently is one of
the main reasons for more than 90% of German rivers failing good
ecological status in 2021 (UBA, 2022).
These studies indicate that the share of agricultural land use in the
upstream catchment is already a good proxy for the agricultural stress
exerted on river biota. However, it does not reect differences in agri-
cultural cultivation intensities between crop types, referred to as agri-
cultural intensity in the following. Depending on agricultural intensity,
the effects on aquatic communities can strongly differ, as shown in many
small-scale studies (Weijters et al., 2009). In Germany, average maize
elds are fertilized with approximately twice the amount of nitrogen
and phosphorus compared to cereal elds, three times more than veg-
etables, and at least ten times more than permanent crops such as or-
chards and vineyards (Britz and Witzke, 2014). In contrast, permanent
crops such as orchards receive the highest pesticide treatment, which is
on average three times higher compared to vegetables, more than ve
times higher compared to cereals, and even 15-fold higher compared to
maize (Andert et al., 2015; Dachbrodt-Saaydeh et al., 2021).
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. Schürings).
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Received 9 June 2023; Received in revised form 10 November 2023; Accepted 13 November 2023
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 361 (2024) 108818
These differences in agricultural intensity are reected in the stress
exerted on rivers. Permanent crops such as orchards and vineyards have
been linked with high pesticide concentrations in rivers and river sedi-
ments (Schulz, 2001; Bermúdez-Couso et al., 2007). Corn farming
adjacent to rivers can cause massive ne sediment inux combined with
strong phosphorus loads (Secchi et al., 2011), while intensive livestock
farming in the river catchment is prone to nutrient inux following
heavy rainfall events (Mouri and Aisaki, 2015). These stressors are
known to impact river biota through many pathways:
Macroinvertebrates have been found to be strongly sensitive to ag-
rochemicals (Berger et al., 2016) and ne sediments eroded from agri-
cultural land, clogging interstitial spaces on the stream´s bottom and
covering lentic zones (Gieswein et al., 2019; Davis et al., 2022). For
sensitive macroinvertebrates, pesticides were even identied as the most
important stressor (Liess et al., 2021). While for both macrophytes and
diatoms negative effects of pesticides have also been observed (Debenest
et al., 2010; Ribeiro et al., 2019), macrophytes have been found mainly
depending on river morphology (Kaijser et al., 2022) and to some extent
also on nutrients (van Zuidam and Peeters, 2013, OHare et al., 2018),
whereas diatoms most strongly responded to eutrophication (Giorgio
et al., 2016; OHare et al., 2018). Therefore, organism groups should be
distinguished when investigating the effect of agricultural intensity
resulting from different crop types on river biota.
Furthermore, the relationships between agricultural intensity and
river biota are likely to differ between ecoregions because stronger ef-
fects in mountain compared to lowland streams were already observed
in studies using the sheer share of agriculture to quantify agricultural
stress (Feld, 2013, Li et al., 2018). Possible reasons may be truncated
gradients in lowlands yielding smaller effect sizes (Mack et al., 2022),
but also differences in land-use legacies. Since the mid-19th century,
European lowland rivers have been strongly degraded by adjacent
agriculture, in particular pesticides, nutrients, and morphological al-
terations (Feld, 2013), which likely still mirrored by the degree of
hydromorphological alterations (Greenwood et al., 2012). Moreover,
Leps et al. (2015) found that the effect of agricultural stress on river
biota depends on river size, with smaller associated effects for large
rivers compared to small streams. Hence, analysing stream types sepa-
rately is advisable.
These differences in agricultural intensity and biological effects
resulting from different crop types are likely responsible for a substantial
part of the between-study heterogeneity of large-scale studies, which
used the sheer share of catchment agricultural land use to quantify
agricultural stress (e.g. Turunen et al., 2016; Davis et al., 2022). Such
crop-specic differences have not yet been considered in large-scale
empirical studies, because respective data on crop types to assess agri-
cultural intensity are usually not available at large spatial scales. Only
recently, spatially explicit high-resolution maps on crop types were
published, such as the German-wide maps of Blickensd¨
orfer et al.
(2022). These maps allow for large-scale crop-specic analyses of agri-
cultural effects on river biota, to complement and upscale the existing
small-scale case studies on the effects of nutrients and agrochemicals,
which found differences in the organism groupsresponses to agricul-
tural stress.
Against this background, this large-scale study aimed at analysing
the impact of agricultural land use on river biota, considering agricul-
tural intensity by calculating pesticide and nutrient intensity indices
based on typical application rates for different crop-types and recently
published crop-type maps for Germany. More specically, we hypoth-
esized that: (1) Organism groups differ in their sensitivity to agricultural
stress, with macroinvertebrates being more sensitive to pesticides, while
macrophytes and diatoms are more sensitive to nutrients. (2) Consid-
ering agricultural intensity increases the correlative strength of the re-
lationships between freshwater biota and agriculture compared to the
sheer share of agriculture or cropland cover. (3) The effect of agricul-
tural intensity clearly differs between ecoregions, with the strongest
effects in mountain and (pre)-alpine streams.
2. Methods
2.1. Biological data
Biological data on n=7677 sampling sites were acquired from all
German federal states, except the Saarland, which are partly autono-
mous regions within the federal republic of Germany, with samples
taken between 2010 and 2019. The sampling sites were grouped into the
following ve groups of river types (Pottgiesser and Sommerh¨
2008) that were investigated separately (from here on referred to as
stream type groups). This was done to reect the main differences in
river size (streams vs. rivers) and between the three main ecoregions,
resulting in differences in environmental factors such as soil types, ow
velocity, or stream morphology, potentially inuencing the effect of
agricultural intensity on river biota. The following groups were
considered: Small (n=3065) and large (n=924) mountain streams,
small (n=2648) and large (n =630) lowland streams and (pre-)alpine
streams (n=410) (grouping of stream types see Table S1).
The biological samples were taken by the German federal agencies
using standardized methods for ecological status assessment according
to the EU Water Framework Directive in Germany. Macroinvertebrates
were sampled according to a multi-habitat sampling method (Haase
et al., 2004) and the species-level taxa lists were then processed by the
online tool PERLODES (https://www.gewaesser-bewertung-ber- to calculate a river-type
specic multimetric macroinvertebrate index (n=7677). In a similar
way, macrophytes and diatoms were sampled according to a
multi-habitat method (Schaumburg et al., 2012) and the species-level
taxa lists were then processed by the online tool PHYLIB
b-online.html) to calculate both, a multimetric macrophyte index
(n=2792 sampling sites) and diatom index (n=3307). The three bio-
logical metrics (macroinvertebrate index, macrophyte index, and
diatom index) assess the ecological status and reect the response of the
three organism groups to various stressors, i.e. pollution or hydro-
morphological alterations (B¨
ohmer et al., 2004). For sampling sites that
had been sampled multiple times, the sample closest to 2018 was chosen
to describe the biological conditions the year after 2017 from which the
land use data originate.
2.2. Catchment delineation
For each sampling site, terrestrial land use in the entire upstream
catchment was quantied. First, the drainage basins upstream of the
sampling sites were derived from a digital elevation model (DEM) with
10 m resolution using ArcView 3.3 and subsequently visually checked.
Second, the percentage cover of 23 different crop types was quantied
using ESRI ArcGIS Pro 2.9.0 and Spyder (Phyton 3.7). This was based on
land use data for 2017 derived through random forest classication of
Sentinel-2, Landsat 8 and Sentinel-1 data with a 10 m resolution by
orfer et al. (2022).
2.3. Agricultural land use
To quantify agricultural land use in the catchments, the 23 different
crop types distinguished by Blickensd¨
orfer et al. (2022) were grouped in
three different ways. First, all crop types were merged to calculate the
area in the catchments covered by any type of agricultural land use,
referred to as agriculture in the following, with an average catchment
coverage of 44.46% (SD =22.38). Second, the area covered by all crop
types except for grassland was calculated (referred to as cropland in the
following), given that grassland is the by far least intensive agricultural
land use type, and this distinction has already been made by other
large-scale studies with an average catchment coverage of 31.92% (SD =
23.36). Third, the area in the catchments covered by the different crop
types (including grassland) was weighted based on pesticide treatment
C. Schürings et al.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 361 (2024) 108818
(Dachbrodt-Saaydeh et al., 2021) and nutrient application rates, in
particular nitrogen and phosphorus (Britz and Witzke, 2014), referred to
as the pesticide-, nitrogen-, and phosphorus indices in the following. The
weights for the pesticide intensity index were derived by allocating the
23 crop types of Blickensd¨
orfer et al. (2022) to the 15 crop types
distinguished by Dachbrodt-Saaydeh et al. (2021), who assessed pesti-
cide treatment based on data from 90 farms distributed across Germany
for the year 2017, supplemented with the information on pesticide
treatment for legumes reported in Andert et al. (2015). For grassland, no
pesticide treatment was assumed. Subsequently, the percentage area
covered by the 23 crop types in the catchments was weighted based on
the average pesticide treatment (Table S2), ranging between 0 and 1,
resulting in values for the pesticide index. Similarly, the 23 crop types of
orfer et al. (2022) were allocated to the 16 crop types
(including grassland), for which the mean nutrient application rates
were derived from the CAPRI model (Britz and Witzke, 2014) for the
years 20112013, separately for nitrogen and phosphorous (used as
baseline for the CAPRI model). The crop-specic nutrient applications
used in the CAPRI model draw from European statistics, including the
Land Use / Cover Area Frame Statistical Survey (LUCAS), EUROSTAT,
and FAOSTAT. They are estimated based on the overall nutrient input
per region and area, crop-specic nutrient and phosphorous consump-
tion and nutrient loss from harvest, biological xation, and nutrient
transformation processes. Again, the percentage area covered by the 23
crop types in the catchments (including grassland) was weighted
accordingly (Table S2), resulting in values for the nitrogen index and the
phosphorus index. Forest land use was disregarded for all grouping, as
pesticide and nutrient application rates are generally not available
(Halbach et al., 2021) and observed concentrations are low, wherefore
forests are often regarded as refuges (Schneeweiss et al., 2022).
2.4. Statistical analysis
To test hypothesis 1, that organism groups differ in their sensitivity
to agricultural stressors (pesticides, nitrogen, and phosphorus), we used
random forest models as implemented in the R-package randomForest
(v4.71.1). This method was chosen because no prior decision on dis-
tribution is required and potential non-linear relations can be assessed.
We ran the models with ntree =1000 and default settings separately for
each combination of the three organism groups and ve stream groups,
resulting in a total of 15 models. The ecological status of the respective
organism group was used as response and the following variables were
used as predictors: the three agricultural intensity indices, river type
(Pottgiesser and Sommerh¨
auser, 2008) to account for i.a. altitude and
size of rivers, year of biological sampling to account for differences in
agricultural land use between years, federal states to account for dif-
ferences in environmental conditions and possible differences in sam-
pling, and the water body category, i.e. whether a sampling site was
identied as natural or heavily modied according to Article 4 of the EU
Water Framework Directive. Then we calculated the relative variable
importance of the three intensity indices to identify the intensity index
capturing the most variance relative to the other two indices for each of
the 15 models. Relative variable importance is a measure of how well
the intensity indices are predicting changes in the response and can
therefore be considered a proxy for the strength of the correlation. For
each of the 15 combinations of organism groups and stream groups (15
models), the relative importance of the three intensity indices sums up to
100% and the index with the highest relative variable importance was
selected for further analyses.
To investigate hypothesis 2 of higher correlative strength between
agriculture and freshwater biota, when agricultural intensity is consid-
ered, we tted Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMMs) with the
gamlss package in r (v5.20). A logit link was used in the GLMMs as well
as a beta distribution (BEINF) given that the ecological status used as
response can take values from zero to one. More precisely, zero-one
inated beta models were used to allow the ecological status to take
the exact value of zero and one. We built separate models for each
combination of the three organism groups as response and three
different ways to group the 23 crop types as predictors (percentage cover
of agriculture, cropland, and the intensity index with the highest relative
variable importance), called xed effects in GLMMs, resulting in nine
different models. Only one xed effect was used in each model to
adequately compare the different ways to group the crop types and
avoid co-correlation issues between the different ways of grouping the
crop types, wherefore we refrained from also using the intensity indices
with lower relative importance.
These nine models were further subdivided into models for each of
the ve groups of sampling sites (small and large mountain and lowland
streams, as well as (pre-)alpine streams), resulting in a total of 9 ×5 =45
models. In addition to the single xed effect per model, the following
random effects were included to account for general differences in the
ecological status resulting from these random variables: river types, year
of biological sampling, federal state, category (natural vs. heavily
modied water body). The xed variables (percentage cover of agri-
culture and cropland and the intensity indices) were square root trans-
formed to improve the models. For each of the 45 models, 70% of the
data were bootstrapped, and cross-validation was applied to the
remaining 30% for 1000 iterations, each to calculate a mean-pseudo-R
(from here on referred to as R
) for the xed effect, including condence
intervals. The R
of the xed effect was calculated as the squared cor-
relation between the tted response and the predicted response solely
based on the xed effects (the R
of the full models are shown in
Table S3. The models were checked visually for residual distribution
against predicted values and each variable, yielding centered averages
and symmetrical distributions.
To investigate hypothesis 3 of clear differences in agricultural effects
among ecoregions, the same models already built for testing hypothesis
2 were used, focusing on the difference between the stream type groups.
3. Results
3.1. Relative importance of agricultural intensity indices (pesticide,
nitrogen and phosphorus) differed between organism groups
Our rst hypothesis on differences in the sensitivity of the three or-
ganism groups to the three agricultural stressors (pesticides, nitrogen,
and phosphorus) was largely supported by the results of the random
forest models. Macroinvertebrates were indeed most sensitive to pesti-
cides (Table 1). In the ve random forest models for macroinvertebrates
in the different stream groups, the relative importance of the pesticide
index ranged between 39% and 49% and was always larger compared to
the relative importance of the nitrogen (2934%) and phosphorus index
(2230%). For both macrophytes and diatoms, the differences in relative
importance of the three agricultural intensity indices in each of the ve
models were smaller compared to the models for macroinvertebrates.
Other than expected, macrophytes were generally not most sensitive to
nutrients but to pesticides (Table 1). In four out of the ve models,
relative importance values for the pesticide index were larger (3541%)
compared to the other two intensity indices, and the phosphorus index
was only largest in the model on the (pre)-alpine stream group (37%).
For diatoms, the relative importance of the phosphorus index (3439%)
exceeded the importance of the nitrogen index (3034%) and pesticide
index (3033%) in all ve random forest models for the different stream
groups, in accordance with our expectations (Table 1). For the subse-
quent analyses to test hypotheses 2 and 3, the pesticide index was used
as a proxy for agricultural intensity for macroinvertebrates and macro-
phytes, except for macrophytes in the (pre)-alpine stream group, while
the phosphorus index was used for macropyhtes in the (pre-)alpine
stream group and for diatoms in all ve stream groups.
C. Schürings et al.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 361 (2024) 108818
3.2. Considering agricultural intensity slightly increased correlative
As expected in hypothesis 2, the correlative strength of the re-
lationships between the ecological status and agriculture tended to be
higher when considering agricultural intensity compared to using the
sheer share of cropland or agricultural land, but differences were small
in most of the 45 models. In general, the agricultural intensity indices
and the percentage cover of cropland and agriculture were strongly
correlated (Table S4). This was especially true for the agricultural in-
tensity indices and the percentage cover of cropland, with Spearman
ranging between 0.77 and 0.98. Hence, the correlative strength only
slightly differed between the models, with the intensity indices and
percentage of cropland cover as xed effects, and most condence in-
tervals overlapped (Figs. 13).
The highest overall correlative strength and differences between the
agricultural intensity index and percentage cover of cropland and agri-
culture was found for macroinvertebrates ecological status. The
correlative strength R
of the pesticide intensity index as xed effect was
up to R
=0.43, capturing 0.06 more than cropland cover (R
and 0.17 more compared to the percentage cover of agriculture (R
0.26) as xed effect (Fig. 1). While the correlative strength of percentage
agricultural cover (including grassland) was clearly lower in some of the
ve stream groups, condence intervals of the percentage cover of
cropland and pesticide intensity index overlapped in all ve stream
For macrophytes, the correlative strength of the relationships be-
tween the ecological status and agriculture was generally lower, and R
was only up to 0.20 (Fig. 2). Again, the correlative strength tended to be
higher for the models with the pesticide or phosphorus intensity index as
xed effect (up to R
=0.20) compared to the models´percentage cover
of cropland (up to R
=0.16) or agriculture (up to R
=0.12) as pre-
dictor, but condence intervals strongly overlapped in all ve stream
For diatoms, the correlative strength was similarly low compared to
the macrophytesmodels, except for the (pre)-alpine stream group with
up to 0.40 (Fig. 3). However, in all models, the correlative strength of
the models with the phosphorus intensity index as xed effect tended to
be higher compared to the models with the sheer share of cropland and
agriculture as predictors, even though most condence intervals over-
lapped. At the same time, the correlative strength of the phosphorus
index of R
=0.14 was more than four times higher compared to the
models with percentage cover of cropland (R
=0.03) and agriculture
=0.03) in one model. Other than for macroinvertebrates and mac-
rophytes, the correlative strength of the diatom models did not tend to
be higher for the percentage cropland compared to the percentage
Table 1
For each of the three organism groups, relative importance of the three different
agricultural intensity indices (pesticide, nitrogen, phosphorus) are given, sepa-
rately for each stream group. The largest relative importance value for each
model is given in bold. Relative importance was calculated based on random
forest models with the three intensity indices as xed effects and four additional
random factors (river type, year of biological sampling, federal state, category).
49% 41% 39% 37% 41%
29% 31% 33% 33% 29%
22% 28% 28% 30% 30%
41% 38% 36% 35% 33%
32% 31% 34% 35% 30%
27% 31% 30% 30% 37%
32% 32% 33% 33% 30%
29% 30% 33% 33% 34%
39% 38% 34% 34% 36%
Fig. 1. Zero one inated GLMMs with the macroinvertebrates multimetric index (ecological status) as response. For each stream group (MS =Mountain Small,
n=3065; ML =Mountain Large, n=924; LS =Lowland Small, n=2648; LL =Lowland Large, n=630; AL =(Pre-)alpine, n=410) the correlative strength (R
) of the
three ways of grouping crop types in the catchment as xed effect (percentage cover of agriculture and cropland, pesticide intensity index) is shown with 95%
condence intervals (based on bootstrapping with 1000 replications).
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Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 361 (2024) 108818
3.3. The effect of agricultural intensity clearly differed between ecoregions
and stream types
As expected in hypothesis 3, the effect of agricultural intensity on the
ecological status clearly differed between ecoregions and stream types,
as reected in the ve stream type groups. For all three organism groups,
agricultural intensity had the strongest effects in (pre-)alpine and small
mountain streams. The variation in correlative strength among stream
type groups was most pronounced for macroinvertebrates, with a
correlative strength that was more than three times higher in small
mountain streams (R
=0.43) and (pre-)alpine streams (R
compared to large mountain streams with R
=0.12 (Fig. 1). In small-
and large lowland streams (R
=0.06 and 0.01), the correlative strength
was almost negligible. Regarding macrophytes, the correlative strength
was smaller in general, and the differences were less distinct between
small mountain streams (R
=0.20) and (pre)-alpine streams (R
0.18), compared to large mountain streams with R
=0.14 (Fig. 2).
Similar to macroinvertebrates, small- and large lowland streams showed
only minimal correlative strength (R
=0.02 and 0.03). For diatoms,
unlike macroinvertebrates and macrophytes, the correlative strength in
the lowlands was not negligible and much higher for the intensity index
compared to percentage cover of cropland and agriculture (Fig. 3). The
differences between mountain and lowland streams were relatively
small, ranging between R
=0.11 in small lowland streams and R
0.17 in small mountain streams. However, large differences were
observed when compared to (pre)-alpine streams (R
4. Discussion
This large-scale study aimed at analysing the effect of agricultural
Fig. 2. Zero one inated GLMMs with the macrophyte´s multimetric index (ecological status) as response. For each stream group (MS =Mountain Small, n=449; ML
=Mountain Large, n=924; LS =Lowland Small, n=677; LL =Lowland Large, n=186; AL =(Pre-)alpine, n=232) the correlative strength (R
) of the three ways of
grouping crop types in the catchment as xed effect (percentage cover of agriculture and cropland, pesticide Index for mountain- and lowland streams and Phosphor
Index for (pre)-alpine streams) is shown with 95% condence intervals (based on bootstrapping with 1000 replications).
Fig. 3. Zero one inated GLMMs with the diatoms multimetric index (ecological status) as response. For each stream group (MS =Mountain Small, n=1556; ML =
Mountain Large, n=506; LS =Lowland Small, n=747; LL =Lowland Large, n=171; AL =(Pre-)alpine, n=327) the correlative strength (R
) of the three ways of
grouping crop types in the catchment as xed effect (percentage cover of agriculture and cropland, phosphorus intensity index) is shown with 95% condence
intervals (based on bootstrapping with 1000 replications).
C. Schürings et al.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 361 (2024) 108818
intensity (as reected by pesticides, nitrogen, and phosphorus) on three
riverine organism groups (macroinvertebrates, macrophytes, diatoms)
in ve different types of streams (stream type groups). In contrast to
many previous large-scale studies using the sheer share of cropland or
agriculture (including grassland), agricultural intensity was assessed by
calculating pesticide and nutrient intensity indices. The area of the up-
stream catchment of biological sampling sites covered by different crop
types in maps recently published for Germany (Blickensd¨
orfer et al.,
2022) was weighted based on typical pesticide and nutrient application
rates (Table S2) for the crop types (Britz and Witzke, 2014;
Dachbrodt-Saaydeh et al., 2021). Even though the application data are
affected by uncertainties caused by needed assumptions and upscaling,
yielding the large spatial coverage of this study, they still offer crucial
insight into crop-specic differences in farming practices.
The results might potentially be affected by a temporal mismatch
between the crop data for 2017 and the year of the biological sampling
(20102019) as well as years of fertilizer (20112013) and pesticide
inputs (2017). However, crop-specic fertilizer and pesticides inputs
only slightly varied in the last decade (Britz and Witzke, 2014;
Dachbrodt-Saaydeh et al., 2021). Although the biological sample closest
to 2018 was chosen to describe the biological conditions the year after
2017, the mean deviation of the sampling year from 2018 was nearly
three years. However, even though the crops grown on specic elds
change between years, the overall share of the individual crops at larger
spatial scales, i.e. within the catchments, tended to change only slightly
in the years 2017, 2018, and 2019 (Blickensd¨
orfer et al., 2022), and
analysis with data from 2018 gave similar results (Table S5). Still, the
year of biological sampling was used as a random factor in the GLMMs to
account for differences in the crops grown between years.
4.1. Relative importance of agricultural intensity indices on pesticide,
nitrogen and phosphorus differed between organism groups
Our analysis highlights clear differences in the responses of the
different organism groups to the agricultural stressors: nutrients and
pesticides (Hypothesis 1). The expectation of higher pesticide sensitivity
of macroinvertebrates was largely supported. The higher relative
importance of pesticides for macroinvertebrates compared to the two
nutrient intensity indices is consistent with recent ndings in literature.
While nutrients affect macroinvertebrates rather indirectly by
increasing primary production and temporarily reducing oxygen con-
centrations (Dodds, 2006), which favors competitive species and elim-
inates sensitive species (Weijters et al., 2009), direct pesticide effects on
macroinvertebrates have been shown in detail in many mesocosm
studies (Roessink et al., 2013; Morrissey et al., 2015). Also in the eld,
effects of pesticide groups such as pyrethroid (Wurzel et al., 2020) have
been observed with negative effects, particularly on sensitive aquatic
insect larvae (e.g. Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera), which are particu-
larly relevant for the assessment of the ecological status. Findings of
Wernecke et al. (2019) indicate that pesticide mixtures, as present in
real-life situations such as assessed in this study, are likely to have even
larger effects. On that note, Liess et al. (2021) identied pesticides as the
most relevant stressors for sensitive macroinvertebrates. Similarly,
Wolfram et al. (2021) reasoned that agriculture is the most important
stressor for macroinvertebrates, mainly based on pesticide pressure.
While we expected macrophytes to be most sensitive to nutrients
following van Zuidam and Peeters (2013) and OHare et al., (2018), this
was only true for the (pre-)alpine streams. The relative importance of the
pesticide intensity index was higher in the other stream groups, sug-
gesting higher pesticide sensitivity, likely caused by herbicides (e.g.
Mohr et al., 2007). However, macrophytes seem to recover rather
quickly after typical short-term pesticide peaks (King et al., 2016;
Wieczorek et al., 2017), and the differences in relative importance be-
tween the intensity indices in the models on macrophytes were small.
Several recent studies rather suggest that hydrological and morpholog-
ical factors as well as river management may be more important for
macrophyte occurrence than pesticides and nutrients (Baczyk et al.,
2018; Kaijser et al., 2022), which also explains the relatively low
explanatory power of our macrophyte models.
The results for diatoms, on the other hand, met our expectation of a
stronger response to nutrients compared to pesticides, as suggested by
the highest relative importance for the phosphorus index in all stream
types. This is in line with the observations of Hilton et al., (2006) and
OHare et al., (2018). Similar to macrophytes, diatoms also quickly
recover after eld typical pesticide peaks (Bighiu et al., 2020). However,
they appear to strongly react to nutrients, and tolerant taxa may benet,
while sensitive taxa are eliminated (Kelly et al., 2009; Giorgio et al.,
2016). The higher relative importance of the phosphorus index
compared to the nitrogen index could be associated with the phosphorus
limitation of diatoms (Bothwell and Kilroy, 2011). The relative impor-
tance particularly differs in the mountain streams, which could be
related to different pathways of entry. Other than nitrogen, phosphorus
mainly enters rivers bound to particles (Dorioz et al., 2006) and the
steeper slopes in mountainous streams may result in fewer particles
settling before reaching the rivers (Parkyn, 2004). Consequently, the
phosphorus index may also indicate the impact of ne sediment on di-
atoms (Jones et al., 2017).
4.2. Considering agricultural intensity slightly increased correlative
Our expectation of an increase in the correlative strength of agri-
culture for the ecological status when cultivation intensity is considered
(Hypothesis 2) could be only partly supported by the results, as the
differences were relatively small, particularly between percentage
cropland and the intensity indices. Only for macroinvertebrates and, to
some extent, for macrophytes, the correlative strength strongly differed
between percentage share of cropland and agriculture, which is likely
because no pesticides are applied on grasslands (Riedo et al., 2022). As
diatoms appear more sensitive to nutrients compared to pesticides (see
above), the observed similar correlative strength between percentage
share of cropland and agriculture for diatoms is likely caused by nutrient
runoff into rivers caused by both fertilization of grasslands and nutrients
from livestock farming (Mouri and Aisaki, 2015). Our observation that
the correlative strength of the intensity indices were only slightly higher
in comparison to percentage share of cropland can be explained by
strong correlations between both indices (Table S4). This can be
explained by the differences in area cover between the individual crops.
Wheat, maize, rape seed, and barley account for more than 70% of the
cropland area in Germany (Blickensd¨
orfer et al., 2022), which are all
known for relatively high nutrient (Britz and Witzke, 2014) but only
medium pesticide application rates (Andert et al., 2015). Pesticide
intensive crops such as vineyards, orchards, hops, and vegetables, on the
other hand (Dachbrodt-Saaydeh et al., 2021), only cover less than ten
percent of the cropland. Consequently, those crop types less frequently
sum up to a percentage resulting in more severe stress than the ubiq-
uitous crop types already impose. Aside from the strong correlation with
cropland, the relatively low performance of the intensity indices may
also be linked to the underlying data, particularly the underlying crop
maps of Blickensd¨
orfer et al. (2022), which do not allow discrimination
between regional differences of agricultural practices such as organic
farming. While nutrient application rates do not tend to differ strongly
between conventional- and organic farming (Oelofse et al., 2010), no
pesticides are applied in the latter resulting in lower pesticide residues in
soils from organic farming (Geissen et al., 2021). Additionally, the soil
conditions (Dobbie and Smith, 2003), slope (Ekholm et al., 2000;
Cambien et al., 2020) and riparian vegetation (Palt et al., 2023) have
been shown to strongly inuence agricultural effects on river biota.
C. Schürings et al.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 361 (2024) 108818
4.3. The effect of agricultural intensity clearly differed between ecoregions
and stream types
As expected in hypothesis 3, the correlative strength between agri-
cultural land use and the biota response differed between ecoregions and
was higher in the small mountain streams and the (pre-)alpine region
than in large streams, particularly in the lowlands. This coincides with
the ndings of Li et al. (2018), who showed that catchment land use is
less important for large streams compared to low-order streams. This can
be partly explained by the river continuum concept (Vannote et al.,
1980), suggesting that species composition changes downstream from
the sources and becomes more homogeneous. Moreover, small streams
generally have smaller catchments, which are more likely to be domi-
nantly covered by individual crop types, resulting in larger land use
gradients, while in large catchments, differences in land use are more
likely to average out. The difference in gradients may partly explain the
difference in correlative strength between small and large streams
(Mack et al., 2022), showing strong relations between gradients and
effect sizes. While the correlative strength in the (pre)-alpine streams
increased for diatoms using the phosphorus index, no increase (even a
small decrease) was observed for the (pre-)alpine streams for the
pesticide index compared to cropland for macroinvertebrates. A poten-
tial explanation for this may be that agricultural crop types with similar
pesticide application rates are grown in the (pre)-alpine regions, so no
differences are found. In addition, there is a strong correlation between
the pesticide index and cropland of Spearman
=0.97 in the (pre)--
alpine region. Another explanation may be that (pre-)alpine regions are
home to very pesticide sensitive species, which strongly react to small
amounts of pesticides, so that the crop compositions do not matter too
much. This is also supported by preliminary analysis (results not shown)
using the SPEAR Index as a response measure, which was developed to
identify species at risk of being affected by pesticides (Liess et al., 2008).
The SPEAR Index showed the highest correlative strength of agriculture
for macroinvertebrates in (pre-)alpine streams, compared to other
ecoregions, where the ecological status was stronger correlated to the
land use intensity indices. The overall small correlative strength of
agriculture with the macroinvertebrates´and macrophytes´ecological
status in the lowlands and, to some extend, also in large mountain
streams is likely resulting from truncated gradients with fewer sampling
sites in good ecological status, compared to (pre-)alpine and small
mountain streams (Figures S1-S3) and can be explained by ndings on
the relation between gradient and effect size of Mack et al. (2022).
Hence, subsequent analysis by dividing the agricultural gradient using
recursive partitioning (Zeileis et al., 2008), a method recently used by
Palt et al. (2023) to successfully disentangle the effects of riparian
vegetation in agricultural catchments, showed much larger effects in the
rst part of the gradient with low agricultural intensity (Figures S4-S6).
Reasons for the truncated gradients in the lowland rivers may be the
land use past in the European lowlands, which degraded the rivers now
lacking sensitive species (Feld, 2013). Those river ecosystems may
already be stressed to such a degree that agricultural land use cannot
deteriorate the ecological state much further.
5. Conclusion
The present study clearly shows that the effect of agriculture on river
biota differs with agricultural intensity, environmental conditions, and
organisms. Its results advise against oversimplied conclusions drawn
based on single organism groups. On the contrary, the different organ-
ism groups strongly differ in their sensitivity to agricultural stressors.
While macroinvertebrates respond most strongly to pesticides, diatoms
appear to be more sensitive to nutrients. Macrophyte response is less
clear and likely depends on hydromorphology. Weighting agricultural
land use based on typical pesticide and nutrient application rates can
slightly improve the correlative strength, even though information on
regional practices such as organic farming is lacking on a large scale. The
correlative strength of agriculture is highest in the mountainous eco-
systems and (pre-)alpine regions and the effects are best captured at the
catchment scale, explaining up to 43% of the ecological status. Conse-
quently, the overall clear effect of agriculture on the ecological status
and the strong relation to pesticides for macroinvertebrates and to nu-
trients for diatoms shows that a transition to more sustainable agricul-
tural practices is urgently required to protect river biodiversity.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
Data availability
Data will be made available on request.
This work was nancially supported by a scholarship funding from
the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU) to Christian
Schürings, which is gratefully acknowledged. Willem Kaijser and Daniel
Hering were supported by the Collaborative Research Centre 1439
RESIST (Multilevel Response to Stressor Increase and Decrease in
Stream Ecosystems; funded by the Deutsche For-
schungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation; CRC 1439/1,
project number: 426547801). We are grateful to the German federal
environmental departments, who provided the biological data and to
Lukas Blickensd¨
orfer et al. for the availability of the land use maps.
Appendix A. Supporting information
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the
online version at doi:10.1016/j.agee.2023.108818.
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C. Schürings et al.
... These issues converge in freshwaters: many shortfalls are most pronounced there [31] and they are arguably the most threatened by human actions [2,27,95]. Agricultural land use contributes to many physical and chemical stressors that negatively affect freshwater ecosystems [104], such as nutrient enrichment [49,113], increased sediment load [49,125], and exposure to pesticides [115]. While the role of pesticides in broad-scale biodiversity trends remains poorly studied [114], studies indicate that they impact ecological communities at environmentally relevant concentrations [21,64,104,110]. ...
... Agricultural land use contributes to many physical and chemical stressors that negatively affect freshwater ecosystems [104], such as nutrient enrichment [49,113], increased sediment load [49,125], and exposure to pesticides [115]. While the role of pesticides in broad-scale biodiversity trends remains poorly studied [114], studies indicate that they impact ecological communities at environmentally relevant concentrations [21,64,104,110]. ...
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Exposure to synthetic chemicals, such as pesticides and pharmaceuticals, affects freshwater communities at broad spatial scales. This risk is commonly managed in a prospective environmental risk assessment (ERA). Relying on generic methods, a few standard test organisms, and safety factors to account for uncertainty, ERA determines concentrations that are assumed to pose low risks to ecosystems. Currently, this procedure neglects potential variation in assemblage sensitivity among ecosystem types and recommends a single low-risk concentration for each compound. Whether systematic differences in assemblage sensitivity among ecosystem types exist or their size, are currently unknown. Elucidating spatial patterns in sensitivity to chemicals could therefore enhance ERA precision and narrow a fundamental knowledge gap in ecology, the Hutchinsonian shortfall. We analyzed whether taxonomic turnover between field-sampled macroinvertebrate assemblages of different broad river types across Europe results in systematic differences in assemblage sensitivity to copper and imidacloprid. We used an extensive database of macroinvertebrate assemblage compositions throughout Europe and employed a hierarchical species sensitivity distribution model to predict the concentration that would be harmful to 5% of taxa (HC5) in each assemblage. Predicted HC5HC5H{C}_{5} values varied over several orders of magnitude. However, variation within the 95% highest density intervals remained within one order of magnitude. Differences between the river types were minor for imidacloprid and only slightly higher for copper. The largest difference between river-type-specific median HC5HC5H{C}_{5} values was a factor of 3.1. This level of variation is below the assessment factors recommended by the European Food Safety Authority and therefore would be captured in the current ERA for plant protection products. We conclude that the differences in taxonomic composition between broad river types translate into relatively small differences in macroinvertebrate assemblage sensitivity toward the evaluated chemicals at the European scale. However, systematic differences in bioavailability and multi-stressor context were not evaluated and might exacerbate the differences in the ecological effects of chemicals among broad river types in real-world ecosystems.
... For example, different species interact in complex food webs, macrophytes alter river hydraulic habitat, and decreased flow rates interact with primary production and respiration to exacerbate dissolved oxygen deficits. The figure indicates the direction of responses, but in reality the direction (and strength) of responses can vary depending on the environmental setting, the specific land use, intensity of land use (Schürings et al. 2024a) and the biotic indicator used in an assessment (Schürings et al. 2022). For example, the effect of land use on stream biota in Europe depended on crop type, amount of pesticide used, and the class of biota (Schürings et al. 2024a;Schürings et al. 2024b). ...
... The figure indicates the direction of responses, but in reality the direction (and strength) of responses can vary depending on the environmental setting, the specific land use, intensity of land use (Schürings et al. 2024a) and the biotic indicator used in an assessment (Schürings et al. 2022). For example, the effect of land use on stream biota in Europe depended on crop type, amount of pesticide used, and the class of biota (Schürings et al. 2024a;Schürings et al. 2024b). Figure 3. Pathways for assessing land use effects on biota, differentiated by extent, complexity of physico-chemical state assessment, and biotic impact assessment. ...
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Predicting land-use and land-management effects on stream and river biota is an important aspect of land-water management, yet there are no collations of what methods are available to carry out those assessments nor guidance on which methods to use. This paper summarises a range of methods with examples of their applications, comments on their strengths and weaknesses, evaluates them against a set of criteria, and provides guidance on method selection. Assessment methods include empirical statistical and mechanistic models, Bayesian networks, likelihood–consequence risk assessments, scoring methods, and hybrid methods, some of which can be informed by expert elicitation. An evaluation matrix for methods indicated that no single method is ideal, and selection of methods needs to carefully consider factors such as the physico-chemical stressor or biotic impact of interest, the intended stakeholders, and the scales of assessment. One emergent principle is the separation of relationships between land use and stressors from assessments of stressors and biota, for which alternative methods could be used. A tiered approach is recommended, whereby simple methods with low resource and time requirements are applied first, followed by more sophisticated methods for selected aspects if needed. There is a need for more ready-made methods at the screening level, as well as development of new methods to address remaining gaps such as multiple stressors.
... Hence, a reduction of chemical pollution is essential to remain within the planetary boundaries, which describe the natural limits for human impact to prevent unacceptable environmental change (Diamond et al., 2015;Persson et al., 2022;Rockström et al., 2009). Aquatic ecosystems in particular are strongly impaired by a multitude of micropollutants including pharmaceuticals (Fekadu et al., 2019), pesticides (Liess et al., 2021;Schäfer et al., 2011) and industrial chemicals (Koumaki et al., 2018), which have previously been associated with ecological degradation (Lemm et al., 2021;Posthuma et al., 2020;Schürings et al., 2024a). ...
... Notably, the individual pesticides that were found to be strongly associated with individual crop types largely reflected their approved area of application in Germany (BVL, 2023). Thus, in the absence of site-specific data on pesticide concentrations, proportion of individual crop types cultivated in the catchment (or at finer scales) may provide a good proxy to inform the assessment of potential toxicity risks (Schürings et al., 2024a). The same areal data could also support the identification of specific pollution sources and the assessment of (mixture) risks of micropollutants in the environment. ...
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River monitoring programs worldwide consistently unveil micropollutant concentrations (pesticide, pharmaceuticals, and industrial chemicals) exceeding regulatory quality targets with deteriorating effects on aquatic communities. However, both the composition and individual concentrations of micropollutants are likely to vary with the catchment land use, in particular regarding urban and agricultural area as the primary sources of micropollutants. In this study, we used a dataset of 109 governmental monitoring sites with micropollutants monitored across the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, to investigate the relationship between high-resolution catchment land use (distinguishing urban, forested and grassland area as well as 22 different agricultural crop types) and 39 micropollutants using Linear Mixed Models (LMMs). Ecotoxicological risks were indicated for mixtures of pharmaceutical and industrial chemicals for 100 % and for pesticides for 55 % of the sites. The proportion of urban area in the catchment was positively related with concentrations of most pharmaceuticals and industrial chemicals (R2 up to 0.54), whereas the proportions of grassland and forested areas generally showed negative relations. Cropland overall showed weak positive relationships with micropollutant concentrations (R2 up to 0.29). Individual crop types, particularly vegetables and permanent crops, showed higher relations (R2 up to 0.46). The findings suggest that crop type-specific pesticide applications are mirrored in the detected micropollutant concentrations. This highlights the need for high-resolution spatial land use to investigate the magnitude and dynamics of micropollutant exposure and relevant pollution sources, which would remain undetected with highly aggregated land use classifications. Moreover, the findings imply the need for tailored management measures to reduce micropollutant concentrations from different sources and their related ecological effects. Urban point sources, could be managed by advanced wastewater treatment. The reduction of diffuse pollution from agricultural land uses requires additional measures, to prevent pesticides from entering the environment and exceeding regulatory quality targets.
... The correlations and results from the GLMMs jointly show the high potential of accounting for the agricultural intensity when assessing agricultural effects at the continental scale, upscaling findings at smaller scales (e.g. Schürings et al., 2024b). Regarding the different river types, the strongest correlative strength was observed for the mountain rivers and the Mediterranean intermittent rivers with Spearman ρ = 0.39 and 0.41, respectively, while it was small for very large rivers and large rivers in the lowlands. ...
... However, the higher correlations of some smaller-scale analyses (e.g. Schürings et al., 2024b), with relations between agricultural intensity and the ecological status of up to R 2 = 0.43 at the German scale, seem to indicate a shortcoming in our coarse-scale data, with an average river catchment size of 60 km 2 . ...
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Agriculture impacts the ecological status of freshwaters through multiple pressures such as diffuse pollution, water abstraction, and hydromorphological alteration, strongly impairing riverine biodiversity. The agricultural effects, however, likely differ between agricultural types and practices. In Europe, agricultural types show distinct spatial patterns related to intensity, biophysical conditions, and socioeconomic history, which have been operationalised by various landscape typologies. Our study aimed at analysing whether incorporating agricultural intensity enhances the correlation between agricultural land use and the ecological status. For this, we aggregated the continent's agricultural activities into 20 Areas of Farming-induced Freshwater Pressures (AFFP), specifying individual pressure profiles regarding nutrient enrichment, pesticides, water abstraction, and agricultural land use in the riparian zone to establish an agricultural intensity index and related this intensity index to the river ecological status. Using the agricultural intensity index, nearly doubled the correlative strength between agriculture and the ecological status of rivers as compared to the share of agriculture in the sub-catchment (based on the analysis of more than 50,000 sub-catchment units). Strongest agricultural pressures were found for high intensity cropland in the Mediterranean and Temperate regions, while extensive grassland, fallow farmland and livestock farming in the Northern and Highland regions, as well as low intensity mosaic farming, featured lowest pressures. The results provide advice for pan-European management of freshwater ecosystems and highlight the urgent need for more sustainable agriculture. Consequently, they can also be used as a basis for European Union-wide and global policies to halt biodiversity decline, such as the post-2027 renewal of the Common Agricultural Policy.
... Surface water is a crucial and indispensable component for sustaining life in every biotic environment (Assie et al., 2024;Campbell et al., 2024;Schürings et al., 2024). Surface water, in particular, represents a highly productive and dynamic ecosystem that has been significantly influenced by social and economic development over an extended period of time (Gavrilescu, 2021;Shivashankar et al., 2022;Pandey et al., 2020). ...
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The survival of the flora and fauna in rivers depends on maintaining environmental flow (e-flow). In the present work, e-flow has been calculated for two gauging sites of the Musi River, Hyderabad, India. The study applies hydrological methods such as the Tenant method, Tessman method, flow duration curve, median flow method, mean annual flow method and dynamic method for the assessment of e-flow in the Musi River. The Tessman method provides the e-flow estimate, ensuring good to excellent habitat conditions throughout the year. The flow duration curves yielded relatively low estimates of e-flow, indicating poor e-flow conditions. The results obtained from the hydrological methods can be used as preliminary estimates for comparing e-flow obtained from hydraulic or habitat methods. The flushing flow as recommended by the central water commission was calculated as 121.6 m³/s and 809.6 m³/s for the Damaecherla and Wadapally gauging sites of the Musi River. Due to the alteration in flow caused by the operation of the Osmansagar and Himayathsagar reservoirs, the flushing flows have a return interval of greater than 8 years in the Musi River. This denotes an exorbitant threat to river health and poor stream load-carrying capacity. Releasing discharge equivalent to flushing flow from reservoirs at least once a year is indeed a highly recommended practice in river management, especially for maintaining e-flow.
... Similar to previous studies (Liess et al., 2021;Szöcs et al., 2017), our results show that pesticide pressure (here quantified by the SPEAR pesticides bioindicator) increased with the share of arable land use in the catchments of the stream monitoring sites (Fig. 4). The weak relationship found could possibly be explained by differences in cultivation intensity, for example in the use of pesticides (Schürings et al., 2024). ...
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In response to the global freshwater biodiversity crisis this study examines the drivers, influencing recovery and degradation in riverine benthic macroinvertebrate communities across Germany. Utilizing the Asymmetric Response Concept (ARC), which posits that species tolerances to stressors, dispersal capacity, and biotic interactions are critical drivers in aquatic ecosystem recovery, we analyzed a comprehensive dataset from 1568 sites, sampled between 2004 and 2022. Our findings indicate that abiotic stress consistently influences ecological status in both recovery and degradation phases. Interspecific competition shows a stronger positive relationship with ecological status improvements during recovery phases than during degradation, underscoring its importance in the recovery process. Additionally, land use intensity has a nuanced impact: catchments with higher proportions of cropland and urban areas are more likely to recover, while forested catchments are more prone to degradation. This study supports the ARC and highlights the complex interplay of biotic and abiotic variables in shaping ecological outcomes, underscoring the importance of integrated management approaches in freshwater conservation and restoration efforts.
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Declines in European bird populations are reported for decades but the direct effect of major anthropogenic pressures on such declines remains unquantified. Causal relationships between pressures and bird population responses are difficult to identify as pressures interact at different spatial scales and responses vary among species. Here, we uncover direct relationships between population time-series of 170 common bird species, monitored at more than 20,000 sites in 28 European countries, over 37 y, and four widespread anthropogenic pressures: agricultural intensification, change in forest cover, urbanisation and temperature change over the last decades. We quantify the influence of each pressure on population time-series and its importance relative to other pressures, and we identify traits of most affected species. We find that agricultural intensification, in particular pesticides and fertiliser use, is the main pressure for most bird population declines, especially for invertebrate feeders. Responses to changes in forest cover, urbanisation and temperature are more species-specific. Specifically, forest cover is associated with a positive effect and growing urbanisation with a negative effect on population dynamics, while temperature change has an effect on the dynamics of a large number of bird populations, the magnitude and direction of which depend on species' thermal preferences. Our results not only confirm the pervasive and strong effects of anthropogenic pressures on common breeding birds, but quantify the relative strength of these effects stressing the urgent need for transformative changes in the way of inhabiting the world in European countries, if bird populations shall have a chance of recovering.
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Woody riparian vegetation (WRV) benefits benthic macroinvertebrates in running waters. However, while some functions are provided by WRV irrespective of surrounding and catchment land use, others are context‐specific. In recent large‐scale studies, effects of WRV on macroinvertebrates were therefore small compared to catchment land use, raising the question about the relevance of WRV for restoration. Model‐based recursive partitioning was used to identify context‐dependent effects of WRV on the macroinvertebrates' ecological status in small (catchment area 10–100 km²) lowland (n = 361) and mountain (n = 748) streams. WRV cover was quantified from orthophotos along the near (500 m) and far (5000 m) upstream river network and used to predict the site's ecological status. Agricultural, urban and woodland cover at the local and catchment scales along with hydromorphology were considered as partitioning variables. In rural agricultural landscapes, the effect of WRV on the ecological status was large, indicating that establishing near‐upstream WRV can improve the ecological status by as much as two of the five classes according to the EU Water Framework Directive. Even in urban landscapes, effects of far‐upstream WRV were large if catchments had a moderate share of agricultural land use in addition. The beneficial effects of WRV were only limited in purely urban catchments or in a multiple stressor context. Synthesis and applications. While woody riparian vegetation (WRV) can even improve the ecological status in urban settings, it is especially relevant for river management in rural agricultural catchments, where developing WRV potentially are effective measures to achieve good ecological status.
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Agriculture, the world’s most dominant land use type, burdens freshwater biodiversity with a multitude of stressors such as diffuse pollution and hydromorphological alteration. However, it is difficult to directly link agricultural land use with biota response as agricultural stressors can also originate from other causes. Also, there is evidence for positive and negative effects of agriculture on organisms, agricultural impact differs strongly with the biological metric and study region considered and agricultural impact differs among practice and type, which in turn affects different organism groups with varying severity. Against this background, our study aimed at assessing, if agricultural land use has a consistent effect on river biota. We conducted a systematic review of the literature, which yielded 43 studies and 76 relationships between agriculture and aquatic organism groups. The relationships were subjected to a meta-analysis using Hedge’s g to calculate the standardized mean difference of effects. Overall, we detected a medium to strong effect g = − 0.74 of agricultural land use on freshwater biota, only marginally influenced by study design, river type and region. Strong differences in biota response could be observed depending on the biological metric assessed, with ecological quality indices of agricultural impairment performing best. Sensitive taxa declined with agricultural impact, while tolerant taxa tended to benefit. In addition, the biota response differed among agricultural types and practices and organism group, with macroinvertebrates showing the strongest effect. Our results quantify the effects of agriculture on riverine biota and suggest biological metric types for assessing agricultural impact. Further research is needed to discriminate between agricultural types and account for intensity. Keywords: Benthic invertebrates, Diatoms, Farming, Fish, Macrophytes, Metrics, Review, Streams
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The intensive use of pesticides and their subsequent distribution to the environment and non-target organisms is of increasing concern. So far, little is known about the occurrence of pesticides in soils of untreated areas─such as ecological refuges─as well as the processes contributing to this unwanted pesticide contamination. In this study, we analyzed the presence and abundance of 46 different pesticides in soils from extensively managed grassland sites, as well as organically and conventionally managed vegetable fields (60 fields in total). Pesticides were found in all soils, including the extensive grassland sites, demonstrating a widespread background contamination of soils with pesticides. The results suggest that after conversion from conventional to organic farming, the organic fields reach pesticide levels as low as those of grassland sites not until 20 years later. Furthermore, the different pesticide composition patterns in grassland sites and organically managed fields facilitated differentiation between long-term persistence of residues and diffuse contamination processes, that is, short-scale redistribution (spray drift) and long-scale dispersion (atmospheric deposition), to offsite contamination.
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Management measures targeting riverine macrophyte species often address dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. With recent reductions of nutrient pollution, effects of other variables have become more apparent. This study aims to shed light on the hierarchy of variables determining riverine macrophyte distribution, covering both surface water nutrients and a range of other variables, in a Central European landscape. We used a dataset of 1,371 monitoring samples to predict the presence and absence of 30 common macrophyte species with multiple random forest models. Besides surface water chemical variables (P-PO4, TN and pH), five reach hydromorphological variables (substrate, flow velocity, shading, width and depth) and a variable related to river size (distance from the river source) were use as predictors. The most important variables for the prediction of the species’ presence and absence were substrate, distance from the river source and flow velocity. Additionally, P-PO4 and shade were also important, whilst TN, pH, width and depth played only a minor role. River hydromorphology was more important than surface water chemistry for the occurrences of individual riverine macrophyte species, in particular under less extreme eutrophic conditions. Species occurrences were related to multiple interacting variables, amongst which hydromorphology often prevailed. Presence/absence of species and composition of assemblages cannot be attributed to surface water nutrients alone, even when considering river typologies. Therefore, the results support the conjecture that a broader approach considering a range of stressors is necessary to design restoration measures for management and enhancement of macrophyte diversity.
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Monitoring agricultural systems becomes increasingly important in the context of global challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, population growth, and the rising demand for agricultural products. High-resolution, national-scale maps of agricultural land are needed to develop strategies for future sustainable agriculture. However, the characterization of agricultural land cover over large areas and for multiple years remains challenging due to the locally diverse and temporally variable characteristics of cultivated land. We here propose a workflow for generating national agricultural land cover maps on a yearly basis that accounts for varying environmental conditions. We tested the approach by mapping 24 agricultural land cover classes in Germany for the three years 2017, 2018, and 2019, in which the meteorological conditions strongly differed. We used a random forest classifier and dense time series data from Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 in combination with monthly Sentinel-1 composites and environmental data and evaluated the relative importance of optical, radar, and environmental data. Our results show high overall accuracy and plausible class accuracies for the most dominant crop types across different years despite the strong inter-annual meteorological variability and the presence of drought and non-drought years. The maps show high spatial consistency and good delineation of field parcels. Combining optical, SAR, and environmental data increased overall accuracies by 6% to 10% compared to single sensor approaches, in which optical data outperformed SAR. Overall accuracy ranged between 78% and 80%, and the mapped areas aligned well with agricultural statistics at the regional and national level. Based on the multi-year dataset we mapped major crop sequences of cereals and leaf crops. Most crop sequences were dominated by winter cereals followed by summer cereals. Monocultures of summer cereals were mainly revealed in the Northwest of Germany. We showcased that high spatial and thematic detail in combination with annual mapping will stimulate research on crop cycles and studies to assess the impact of environmental policies on management decisions. Our results demonstrate the capabilities of integrated optical time series and SAR data in combination with variables describing local and seasonal environmental conditions for annual large-area crop type mapping.
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Few studies have examined the exposure of small streams (< 30 km2 catchment size) to agriculturally used pesticides, compared to large rivers. A total of 105 sites in 103 small agricultural streams were investigated for 76 pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, fungicides) and 32 pesticide metabolites in spring and summer over two years (2018 and 2019) during dry weather and rainfall using event-driven sampling. The median total concentration of the 76 pesticides was 0.18 µg/L, with 9 pesticides per sample on average (n = 815). This is significantly higher than monitoring data for larger streams, reflecting the close proximity to agricultural fields and the limited dilution by non-agricultural waters. The frequency of detection of all pesticides correlated with sales quantity and half-lives in water. Terbuthylazine, MCPA, boscalid, and tebuconazole showed the highest median concentrations. The median of the total concentration of the 32 metabolites exceeded the pesticide concentration by more than an order of magnitude. During dry weather, the median total concentration of the 76 pesticides was 0.07 µg/L, with 5 pesticides per sample on average. Rainfall events increased the median total pesticide concentration by a factor of 10 (to 0.7 µg/L), and the average number of pesticides per sample to 14 (with up to 41 in single samples). This increase was particularly strong for 2,4-D, MCPA, terbuthylazine, and nicosulfuron (75 percentile). Metabolite concentrations were generally less responsive to rainfall, except for those of terbuthylazine, flufenacet, metamitron, and prothioconazole. The frequent and widespread exceedance of the regulatory acceptable concentrations (RAC) of the 76 pesticides during both, dry weather and rainfall, suggests that current plant protection product authorization and risk mitigation methods are not sufficient to protect small streams.
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Despite elaborate regulation of agricultural pesticides, their occurrence in non-target areas has been linked to adverse ecological effects on insects in several field investigations. Their quantitative role in contributing to the biodiversity crisis is, however, still not known. In a large-scale study across 101 sites of small lowland streams in Central Europe, Germany we revealed that 83% of agricultural streams did not meet the pesticide-related ecological targets. For the first time we identified that agricultural nonpoint- source pesticide pollution was the major driver in reducing vulnerable insect populations in aquatic in- vertebrate communities, exceeding the relevance of other anthropogenic stressors such as poor hydro- morphological structure and nutrients. We identified that the current authorisation of pesticides, which aims to prevent unacceptable adverse effects, underestimates the actual ecological risk as (i) measured pesticide concentrations exceeded current regulatory acceptable concentrations in 81% of the agricultural streams investigated, (ii) for several pesticides the inertia of the authorisation process impedes the incor- poration of new scientific knowledge and (iii) existing thresholds of invertebrate toxicity drivers are not protective by a factor of 5.3 to 40. To provide adequate environmental quality objectives, the authorisa- tion process needs to include monitoring-derived information on pesticide effects at the ecosystem level. Here, we derive such thresholds that ensure a protection of the invertebrate stream community. PDF:
Multiple stressors are continuously deteriorating surface waters worldwide, posing many challenges for their conservation and restoration. Combined effect types of multiple stressors range from single-stressor dominance to complex interactions. Identifying prevalent combined effect types is critical for environmental management, as it helps to prioritise key stressors for mitigation. However, it remains unclear whether observed single and combined stressor effects reflect true ecological processes unbiased by sample size and length of stressor gradients. Therefore, we examined the role of sample size and stressor gradient lengths in 158 paired-stressor response cases with over 120,000 samples from rivers, lakes, transitional and marine ecosystems around the world. For each case, we split the overall stressor gradient into two partial gradients (lower and upper) and investigated associated changes in single and combined stressor effects. Sample size influenced the identified combined effect types, and stressor interactions were less likely for cases with fewer samples. After splitting gradients, 40 % of cases showed a change in combined effect type, 30 % no change, and 31 % showed a loss in stressor effects. These findings suggest that identified combined effect types may often be statistical artefacts rather than representing ecological processes. In 58 % of cases, we observed changes in stressor effect directions after the gradient split, suggesting unimodal stressor effects. In general, such non-linear responses were more pronounced for organisms at higher trophic levels. We conclude that observed multiple stressor effects are not solely determined by ecological processes, but also strongly depend on sampling design. Observed effects are likely to change when sample size and/or gradient length are modified. Our study highlights the need for improved monitoring programmes with sufficient sample size and stressor gradient coverage. Our findings emphasize the importance of adaptive management, as stress reduction measures or further ecosystem degradation may change multiple stressor-effect relationships, which will then require associated changes in management strategies.
In the last decades, several studies have shown that pesticides frequently occur above water quality thresholds in small streams draining arable land and are associated with changes in invertebrate communities. However, we know little about the potential propagation of pesticide effects from agricultural stream sections to least impacted stream sections that can serve as refuge areas. We sampled invertebrates and pesticides along six small streams in south-west Germany. In each stream, the sampling was conducted at an agricultural site, at an upstream forest site (later considered as “refuge”), and at a transition zone between forest and agriculture (later considered as “edge”). Pesticide exposure was higher and the proportion of pesticide-sensitive species (SPEARpesticides) was lower in agricultural sites compared to edge and refuge sites. Notwithstanding, at some edge and refuge sites, which were considered as being least impacted, we estimated unexpected pesticide toxicity (sum toxic units) exceeding thresholds where field studies suggested adverse effects on freshwater invertebrates. We conclude that organisms in forest sections within a few kilometres upstream of agricultural areas can be exposed to ecologically relevant pesticide levels. In addition, although not statistically significant, the abundance of pesticide-sensitive taxa was slightly lower in edge compared to refuge sites, indicating a potential influence of adjacent agriculture. Future studies should further investigate the influence of spatial relationships, such as the distance between refuge and agriculture, for the propagation of pesticide effects and focus on the underlying mechanisms.